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Unit Ii

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• Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks
• Enabling Technologies for Wireless Sensor Networks
• WSN application examples
• Single-Node Architecture - Hardware Components
• Energy Consumption of Sensor Nodes
• Network Architecture - Sensor Network Scenarios
• Transceiver Design Considerations
• Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit
Sensor And Sensor Node
• A sensor is a electronic device that measures a physical quantity
and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or
by an instrument.
• Sensor Node : Basic unit in Sensor Network

Sensor Node components

Wireless Sensor Network
“A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network
consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using
sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental
conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure,
motion or pollutants, at different locations.”
- Wikipedia
• Formed by hundreds or thousands of motes that communicate
with each other and pass data along from one to another
Links to Other networks or
Similar Super Nodes

Super Node

A general work process of WSN
Goal of the sensor node
• The goal from the sensor node is to collect the data at regular
intervals, then transform the data into an electrical signal and
finally send the signal to the sink or the base node.

Wireless Sensor Networks Applications

• Forest fire detection
• Air pollution monitoring
• Water quality monitoring
• Land slide detection
• Automotive application
• Military application
Alternative concept:
• Instead of focusing interaction on humans, focus on interacting with
– Network is embedded in environment
– Nodes in the network are equipped with sensing and actuation to
measure/influence environment
– Nodes process information and communicate it wirelessly!
• Wireless sensor networks (WSN) (Or) Wireless sensor & actuator
networks (WSAN)

• Disaster relief operations

– Sensor nodes are equipped with thermometers and can determine
their own location
– Drop sensor nodes from an aircraft over a wildfire
– Each node measures temperature
– Derive a “temperature map” of the area
• Biodiversity mapping
– Use sensor nodes to observe wildlife

• Intelligent buildings (or bridges)

– Reduce energy wastage by proper humidity, ventilation, air
conditioning (HVAC) control
– Needs measurements about room occupancy,
temperature, air flow, …
– Monitor mechanical stress after earthquakes
• Facility management
– Intrusion detection into industrial sites
– Control of leakages in chemical plants, …
• Machine surveillance and preventive maintenance
– Embed sensing/control functions into places no cable has gone
– E.g., tire pressure monitoring
• Precision agriculture
– Bring out fertilizer/pesticides/irrigation only where needed
• Medicine and health care
– Post-operative or intensive care
– Long-term surveillance of chronically ill patients or the elderly
• Logistics
– Equip goods (parcels, containers) with a sensor node
– Track their whereabouts –total asset management
– Note: passive readout might sufficient –compare RF IDs
• Telematics
– Provide better traffic control by obtaining finer-grained information
about traffic conditions
– Intelligent roadside
– Cars as the sensor nodes
Structuring WSN application types
• Interaction patterns between sources and sinks classify application
– Event detection: Nodes locally detect events (maybe jointly with
nearby neighbors), report these events to interested sinks
– Event classification additional option
– Periodic measurement
– Function approximation: Use sensor network to approximate a
function of space and/or time (e.g., temperature map)
– Edge detection: Find edges (or other structures) in such a function
(e.g., where is the zero degree border line?)
– Tracking: Report (or at least, know) position of an observed
intruder (“pink elephant”)
Deployment options for WSN
How are sensor nodes deployed in their environment?
• Dropped from aircraft ! Random deployment
– Usually uniform random distribution for nodes over finite area
is assumed
– Is that a likely proposition?
• Well planned, fixed ! Regular deployment
– E.g., in preventive maintenance or similar
– Not necessarily geometric structure, but that is often a
convenient assumption
• Mobile sensor nodes
– Can move to compensate for deployment shortcomings
– Can be passively moved around by some external force (wind,
– Can actively seek out “interesting” areas
Maintenance options
• Feasible and/or practical to maintain sensor nodes?
– E.g., to replace batteries?
– Or: unattended operation?
– Impossible but not relevant? Mission lifetime might be very small

• Energy supply?
– Limited from point of deployment?
– Some form of recharging, energy scavenging from environment?
– E.g., solar cells
• Explain any one application ofWSN (Agriculture,
Medical, Military, Under water, Animal Habitat,
IOT, IIOT etc..) in Detail
– What isWSN?
– Type of Sensor Used
– Application in Detail
– Working
– References

Design Challenges
• Heterogeneity
– The devices deployed maybe of various types and need to
collaborate with each other.
• Distributed Processing
– The algorithms need to be centralized as the processing is carried
out on different nodes.
• Low Bandwidth Communication
– The data should be transferred efficiently between sensors
• Large Scale Coordination
– The sensors need to coordinate with each other to produce required
• Utilization of Sensors
– The sensors should be utilized in a ways that produce the maximum
performance and use less energy.
• Real Time Computation
– The computation should be done quickly as new data is always
being generated.
Challenges for WSNs
• Type of service of WSN
– Not simply moving bits like another network
– Rather: provide answers(not just numbers)
– Issues like geographic scoping are natural requirements, absent from other
• Quality of service
– Traditional QoS metrics do not apply
– Still, service of WSN must be “good”: Right answers at the right time
• Fault tolerance
– Be robust against node failure (running out of energy, physical destruction,
• Lifetime
– The network should fulfill its task as long as possible –definition depends
on application
– Lifetime of individual nodes relatively unimportant
– But often treated equivalently
• Scalability
– Support large number of nodes

• Wide range of densities

– Vast or small number of nodes per unit area, very application-

• Programmability
– Re-programming of nodes in the field might be necessary, improve

• Maintainability
– WSN has to adapt to changes, self-monitoring, adapt operation
– Incorporate possible additional resources, e.g., newly deployed
Operational Challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks

• Energy Efficiency
• Limited storage and computation
• Low bandwidth and high error rates
• Errors are common
– Wireless communication
– Noisy measurements
– Node failure are expected
• Scalability to a large number of sensor nodes
• Survivability in harsh environments
• Experiments are time- and space-intensive
Required mechanisms to meet requirements
• Multi-hop wireless communication
• Energy-efficient operation
– Both for communication and computation, sensing, actuating
• Auto-configuration
– Manual configuration just not an option
• Collaboration & in-network processing
– Nodes in the network collaborate towards a joint goal
– Pre-processing data in network (as opposed to at the edge) can
greatly improve efficiency
• Data centric networking
– Focusing network design on data, not on node identifies(id-centric
– To improve efficiency
• Locality
– Do things locally (on node or among nearby neighbors) as far as
• Exploit tradeoffs
– E.g., between invested energy and accuracy
Enabling technologies for WSN
• Cost reduction
– For wireless communication, simple microcontroller, sensing,
• Miniaturization
– Some applications demand small size
– “Smart dust” as the most extreme vision
• Energy scavenging
– Recharge batteries from ambient energy (light, vibration, …)
Single-node Architecture
• Survey the main components of the composition of a node for a
wireless sensor network
– Controller, radio modem, sensors, batteries

• Understand energy consumption aspects for these components

– Putting into perspective different operational modes and what
different energy/power consumption means for protocol
Sensor Node Architecture
Main components of a WSN node
• Controller - A controller to process all the relevant data, capable of
executing arbitrary code.
• Communication device(s) - Turning nodes into a network requires a
device for sending and receiving information over a wireless channel
• Sensors/actuators - The actual interface to the physical world: devices
that can observe or control physical parameters of the environment
• Memory - Some memory to store programs and intermediate data;
usually, different types of memory are used for programs and data.
• Power supply - As usually no tethered power supply is available, some
form of batteries are necessary to provide energy. Sometimes, some
form of recharging by obtaining energy from the environment is
available as well (e.g. solar cells).
• Each of these components has to operate balancing the trade-off
between as small an energy consumption as possible on the one hand
and the need to fulfill their tasks on the other hand.
• The controller is the core of a wireless sensor node.
• It collects data from the sensors, processes this data, decides when and
where to send it, receives data from other sensor nodes, and decides on
the actuator’s behavior.
• It has to execute various programs, ranging from time-critical signal
processing and communication protocols to application programs; it is
the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the node.
• Such a variety of processing tasks can be performed on various
controller architectures, representing trade-offs between flexibility,
performance, energy efficiency, and costs

• use general-purpose processors
• These processors are highly overpowered, and their energy consumption
is excessive.
key characteristics why these microcontrollers
• particularly suited to embedded systems
• flexibility in connecting with other devices (like sensors),
• instruction set amenable to time-critical signal processing,
• typically low power consumption;
• have memory built in.
• freely programmable and very flexible.

Microcontrollers are also suitable for WSNs

• It have the possibility to reduce their power consumption by going into
sleep states where only parts of the controller are active; details vary
considerably between different controllers

• DSPs–optimized for signal processing tasks, not suitable for WSN

• FPGAs–may be good for testing
• ASICs–only when peak performance is needed, no flexibility
Example microcontrollers
• Microcontrollers that are used in several wireless sensor node
prototypes include the Atmel processor or Texas Instrument’s MSP 430
• Texas Instruments MSP430
– It is explicitly intended for embedded applications.
– It runs 16-bit RISC core, lower clock frequencies up to 4 MHz,
versions with 2-10 kbytes RAM, several ADCs, Real Time clock,
prices start at 0.49 US$
• AtmelATMega
– 8-bit controller, larger memory than MSP430, slower
• Random Access Memory (RAM) to store intermediate sensor readings,
packets from other nodes, and so on.
•RAM is fast
Disadvantage of RAM
• It loses its content if power supply is interrupted.

• Program code can be stored in Read-Only Memory (ROM) or, more

typically, in Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
(EEPROM) or flash memory (the later being similar to EEPROM but
allowing data to be erased or written in blocks instead of only a byte at
a time).
• Flash memory can also serve as intermediate storage of data in case
RAM is insufficient or when the power supply of RAM should be shut
down for some time.
• The long read and write access delays of flash memory should be taken
into account, as well as the high required energy.
Communication device
Choice of transmission medium
The communication device is used to exchange data between individual
• Which transmission medium?
– Electromagnetic at radio frequencies?
– Electromagnetic, light?
– Ultrasound?
• Radio transceivers transmit a bit-or byte stream as radio wave
– Receive it, convert it back into bit-/byte stream
• Radio Frequency (RF)-based communication is by far the most relevant
one as it best fits the requirements of most WSN applications:
• It provides relatively long range and high data rates, acceptable error
rates at reasonable energy expenditure, and does not require line of
sight between sender and receiver.
• wireless sensor networks typically use communication frequencies
between about 433 MHz and 2.4 GHz.
• For actual communication, both a transmitter and a receiver are
required in a sensor node.
• The essential task is to convert a bit stream coming from a
microcontroller (or a sequence of bytes or frames) and convert them to
and from radio waves.
• For practical purposes, it is usually convenient to use a device that
combines these two tasks in a single entity. Such combined devices are
called transceivers.
• Usually, half-duplex operation is realized since transmitting and
receiving at the same time on a wireless medium is impractical in most
cases (the receiver would only hear the own transmitter anyway).
• A range of low-cost transceivers is commercially available that
incorporate all the circuitry required for transmitting and receiving –
modulation, demodulation, amplifiers, filters, mixers, and so on.
Transceiver tasks and characteristics
• To select appropriate transceivers, a number of characteristics should
be taken into account. The most important ones are:
Service to upper layer
• most notably to the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer.
• This service is packet oriented;
• a transceiver only provides a byte interface or even only a bit
interface to the microcontroller.
• In any case, the transceiver must provide an interface that somehow
allows the MAC layer to initiate frame transmissions and to hand over
the packet from the main memory of the sensor node into the
• In the other direction, incoming packets must be streamed into buffers
accessible by the MAC protocol.
Power consumption and energy efficiency
• The simplest interpretation of energy efficiency is the energy required
to transmit and receive a single bit.
• Also, to be suitable for use in WSNs, transceivers should be switchable
between different states, for example, active and sleeping.

Carrier frequency and multiple channels

• Transceivers are available for different carrier frequencies;
• evidently, it must match application requirements and regulatory
• It is often useful if the transceiver provides several carrier frequencies
(“channels”) to choose from, helping to alleviate some congestion
problems in dense networks.
• Such channels or “subbands” are relevant, for example, for certain
MAC protocols (FDMA or multichannel CSMA/ALOHA techniques)
State change times and energy
A transceiver can operate in different modes:
• sending or receiving, use different channels, or be in different power-
safe states.
• In any case, the time and the energy required to change between two
such states are important figures of merit.
• The turnaround time between sending and receiving, for example, is
important for various medium access protocols
Data rates
• Carrier frequency and used bandwidth together with modulation and
coding determine the gross data rate.
• Typical values are a few tens of kilobits per second – considerably less
than in broadband wireless communication, but usually sufficient for
• Different data rates can be achieved, for example, by using different
modulations or changing the symbol rate.
• The transceivers typically support one or several of on/off-keying,
ASK, FSK, or similar modulations.
• If several modulations are available, it is convenient for experiments if
they are selectable at runtime even though, for real deployment,
dynamic switching between modulations is not one of the most
discussed options.

• Some transceivers allow various coding schemes to be selected.

Transmission power control

• Some transceivers can directly provide control over the transmission
power to be used; some require some external circuitry for that purpose
Noise figure
• The noise figure NF of an element is defined as the ratio of the Signal-
to-Noise Ratio (SNR) ratio SNRI at the input of the element to the SNR
ratio SNRO at the element’s output:

• It describes the degradation of SNR due to the element’s operation and

is typically given in dB:

• The gain is the ratio of the output signal power to the input signal
power and is typically given in dB.
• Amplifiers with high gain are desirable to achieve good energy
Power efficiency
• The efficiency of the radio front end is given as the ratio of the radiated
power to the overall power consumed by the front end;
• for a power amplifier, the efficiency describes the ratio of the output
signal’s power to the power consumed by the overall power amplifier.

Receiver sensitivity
• The receiver sensitivity (given in dBm) specifies the minimum signal
power at the receiver needed to achieve a prescribed Eb/N0 or a
prescribed bit/packet error rate.
• Better sensitivity levels extend the possible range of a system.
• The range is considered in
– absence of interference;
– the maximum transmission power,
– the antenna characteristics,
– the attenuation caused by the environment,
– the used carrier frequency, the modulation/coding scheme,
– the bit error rate
– the quality of the receiver, essentially captured by its sensitivity.
Blocking performance
• The blocking performance of a receiver is its achieved bit error rate in
the presence of an interferer.
• An interferer at higher frequency offsets can be tolerated at large power
• blocking performance can be improved by interposing a filter between
antenna and transceiver.
• An important special case is an adjacent channel interferer that
transmits on neighboring frequencies.
• The adjacent channel suppression describes a transceiver’s capability to
filter out signals from adjacent frequency bands (and thus to reduce
adjacent channel interference) has a direct impact on the observed
Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR).
Out of band emission
• The inverse to adjacent channel suppression is the out of band emission
of a transmitter.
• To limit disturbance of other systems, or of the WSN itself in a
multichannel setup, the transmitter should produce as little as possible of
transmission power outside of its prescribed bandwidth, centered around
the carrier frequency.

Carrier sense and RSSI ( Received Signal Strength Indicator)

• In many medium access control protocols, sensing whether the wireless
channel, the carrier, is busy (another node is transmitting) is a critical
• The receiver has to be able to provide that information. The precise
semantics of this carrier sense signal depends on the implementation.
• For example, the IEEE 802.15.4 standard distinguishes the following
– The received energy is above threshold; however, the underlying
signal does not need to comply with the modulation and spectral
– A carrier has been detected, that is, some signal which complies
with the modulation.
– Carrier detected and energy is present.

• Also, the signal strength at which an incoming data packet has been
received can provide useful information (e.g. a rough estimate about
the distance from the transmitter assuming the transmission power is
known); a receiver has to provide this information in the Received
Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
Frequency stability
• The frequency stability denotes the degree of variation from nominal
center frequencies when environmental conditions of oscillators like
temperature or pressure change.
• In extreme cases, poor frequency stability can break down
communication links, for example, when one node is placed in sunlight
whereas its neighbor is currently in the shade.

Voltage range
• Transceivers should operate reliably over a range of supply voltages.
Otherwise, inefficient voltage stabilization circuitry is required.

Transceiver structure
A fairly common structure of transceivers is into the Radio Frequency
(RF) front end and the baseband part:
• the radio frequency front end performs analog signal processing in
the actual radio frequency band, whereas
• the baseband processor performs all signal processing in the digital
domain and communicates with a sensor node’s processor or other
digital circuitry.
• Between these two parts, a frequency conversion takes place, either
directly or via one or several Intermediate Frequency's (IFs).
• The boundary between the analog and the digital domain is constituted
by Digital/Analog Converters (DACs) and Analog/Digital Converters

Transceiver operational states

• Many transceivers can distinguish four operational states
• Transmit
– In the transmit state, the transmit part of the transceiver is active
and the antenna radiates energy.
• Receive
– In the receive state the receive part is active.
• Idle
– A transceiver that is ready to receive but is not currently receiving
anything is said to be in an idle state.
– In this idle state, many parts of the receive circuitry are active, and
others can be switched off.
– For example, in the synchronization circuitry, some elements
concerned with acquisition are active, while those concerned with
tracking can be switched off and activated only when the
acquisition has found something.
– A major source of power dissipation is leakage.
• Sleep
– In the sleep state, significant parts of the transceiver are switched
– These sleep states differ in the amount of circuitry switched off and
in the associated recovery times and startup energy
– For example, in a complete power down of the transceiver, the
startup costs include a complete initialization as well as
configuration of the radio, whereas in “lighter” sleep modes, the
clock driving certain transceiver parts is throttled down while
configuration and operational state is remembered.
Example radio transceivers
• Almost boundless variety available
• Some examples
– RFM TR1000 family of radio transceivers
– 916 or 868 MHz frequency range
– 400 kHz bandwidth
– Up to 115.2 kbps short range radio communication
– On/off keying or ASK
– Dynamically tuneable output power
– Maximum power about 1.4 mW
– Low power consumption

• ChipconCC1000
– Range 300 to 1000 MHz, programmable in 250 Hz steps
– FSK modulation
– Provides RSSI
• ChipconCC 2400
– Implements 802.15.4
– 2.4 GHz, DSSS modem
– 250 kbps
– low power consumption than above transceivers

• Infineon TDA 525x family

– provides flexible, single-chip, energy-efficient transceivers
– E.g., TDA5250: 868 -870 MHz transceiver
– ASK or FSK modulation
– RSSI, highly efficient power amplifier
– Intelligent power down, “self-polling” mechanism(define data rate)
– Excellent blocking performance (quite resistant to interference)
Example radio transceivers for ad hoc networks
• Ad hoc networks: Usually, higher data rates are required
• Typical: IEEE 802.11 b/g/a is considered
– Up to 54 MBit/s
– Relatively long distance (100s of meters possible, typical 10s of
meters at higher data rates)
– Works reasonably well (but certainly not perfect) in mobile
– Problem: expensive equipment, quite power hungry
Wakeup receivers
• Major energy problem: RECEIVING
– Idling and being ready to receive consumes considerable amounts
of power

• When to switch on a receiver is not clear

– Contention-based MAC protocols: Receiver is always on
– TDMA-based MAC protocols: Synchronization overhead,

• Desirable: Receiver that can (only) check for incoming messages

– When signal detected, wake up main receiver for actual reception
– Ideally: Wakeup receiver can already process simple addresses
– Not clear whether they can be actually built, however
Ultra-wideband communication
• Standard radio transceivers: Modulate a signal onto a carrier wave
– Requires relatively small amount of bandwidth

• Alternative approach: Use a large bandwidth, do not modulate, simply

emit a “burst” of power
– Forms almost rectangular pulses
– Pulses are very short
– Information is encoded in the presence/absence of pulses
– Requires tight time synchronization of receiver
– Relatively short range (typically)

• Advantages
– Pretty resilient to multi-path propagation
– Very good ranging capabilities
– Good wall penetration
Sensors and actuators
• Sensors
– Sensors can be roughly categorized into three categories
• Passive, omnidirectional sensors
– These sensors can measure a physical quantity at the point of the
sensor node without actually manipulating the environment by
active probing – in this sense, they are passive.
– Moreover, some of these sensors actually are self-powered in the
sense that they obtain the energy they need from the environment –
energy is only needed to amplify their analog signal. There is no
notion of “direction” involved in these measurements.
– Typical examples for such sensors include thermometer, light
sensors, vibration, microphones, humidity, mechanical stress or
tension in materials, chemical sensors sensitive for given
substances, smoke detectors, air pressure, and so on.
• Passive, narrow-beam sensors
– These sensors are passive as well, but have a well-defined notion of
direction of measurement.
– A typical example is a camera, which can “take measurements” in a
given direction, but has to be rotated if need be.
• Active sensors
– This last group of sensors actively probes the environment, for
example, a sonar or radar sensor or some types of seismic sensors,
which generate shock waves by small explosions.
• Obvious trade-offs include accuracy, dependability, energy
consumption, cost, size, and so on – all this would make a detailed
discussion of individual sensors quite ineffective.
• Overall, most of the theoretical work on WSNs considers passive,
omnidirectional sensors.
• Narrow-beam-type sensors like cameras are used in some practical
testbeds, but there is no real systematic investigation on how to control
and schedule the movement of such sensors.
• each sensor node has a certain area of coverage for which it can
reliably and accurately report the particular quantity that it is observing.
• In principle, all that a sensor node can do is to open or close a switch or
a relay or to set a value in some way.
• Whether this controls a motor, a light bulb, or some other physical
object is not really of concern to the way communication protocols are
• In a real network, however, care has to be taken to properly account for
the idiosyncrasies of different actuators.
• Also, it is good design practice in most embedded system applications
to pair any actuator with a controlling sensor – following the principle
to “never trust an actuator”
Power supply of sensor nodes
• Goal: provide as much energy as possible at smallest cost/ volume/
weight/ recharge time/longevity
– In WSN, recharging may or may not be an option
• Options
– Primary batteries –not rechargeable
– Secondary batteries –rechargeable, only makes sense in combination
with some form of energy harvesting
• Requirements include
– Low self-discharge
– Long shelf live
– Capacity under load
– Efficient recharging at low current
– Good relaxation properties (seeming self-recharging)
– Voltage stability (to avoid DC-DC conversion)
• Storing power is conventionally done using batteries.
• As a rough orientation, a normal AA battery stores about 2.2–2.5 Ah at
1.5 V.
• Battery design is a science and industry in itself, and energy scavenging
has attracted a lot of attention in research.

Storing energy: Batteries

• Traditional batteries
– The power source of a sensor node is a battery, either
nonrechargeable (“primary batteries”) or, if an energy scavenging
device is present on the node, also rechargeable (“secondary
– In some form or other, batteries are electro-chemical stores for
energy – the chemicals being the main determining factor of battery
Battery examples
• Energy per volume (Joule per cubic centimeter):

Upon these batteries, very tough requirements are imposed:

• They should have high capacity at a small weight, small volume, and
low price.
• The main metric is energy per volume, J/cm3. Above table shows some
typical values of energy densities, using traditional, macroscale battery
Capacity under load
• They should withstand various usage patterns as a sensor node can
consume quite different levels of power over time and actually draw
high current in certain operation modes.
• In most technologies, the larger the battery, the more power can be
delivered instantaneously.
• In addition, the rated battery capacity specified by a manufacturer is only
valid as long as maximum discharge currents are not exceeded, lest
capacity drops or even premature battery failure occurs

• Their self-discharge should be low; they might also have to last for a
long time (using certain technologies, batteries are operational only for a
few months, irrespective of whether power is drawn from them or not).
• Zinc-air batteries, for example, have only a very short lifetime (on the
order of weeks), which offsets their attractively high energy density.
Efficient recharging
• Recharging should be efficient even at low and intermittently available
recharge power; consequently, the battery should also not exhibit any
“memory effect”.
• Some of the energy-scavenging techniques are only able to produce
current in the μA region (but possibly sustained) at only a few volts at
• Current battery technology would basically not recharge at such values.
• Their relaxation effect – the seeming self-recharging of an empty or
almost empty battery when no current is drawn from it, based on
chemical diffusion processes within the cell – should be clearly
• Battery lifetime and usable capacity is considerably extended if this
effect is leveraged.
• example, it is possible to use multiple batteries in parallel and “schedule”
the discharge from one battery to another, depending on relaxation
properties and power requirements of the operations to be supported
Energy scavenging
• Some of the unconventional energy stores– fuel cells, micro heat
engines, radioactivity – convert energy from some stored, secondary
form into electricity in a less direct and easy to use way than a normal
battery would do.
• The entire energy supply is stored on the node itself – once the fuel
supply is exhausted, the node fails.
• To ensure truly long-lasting nodes and wireless sensor networks, such a
limited energy store is unacceptable.
• Rather, energy from a node’s environment must be tapped into and
made available to the node – energy scavenging should take place.
Several approaches exist
• The well-known solar cells can be used to power sensor nodes.
• The available power depends on whether nodes are used outdoors or
indoors, and on time of day and whether for outdoor usage.
• Different technologies are best suited for either outdoor or indoor
• The resulting power is somewhere between 10 μW/cm2 indoors and 15
mW/cm2 outdoors.
• Single cells achieve a fairly stable output voltage of about 0.6 V (and
have therefore to be used in series) as long as the drawn current does
not exceed a critical threshold, which depends, among other factors, on
the light intensity.
• Hence, solar cells are usually used to recharge secondary batteries.
Temperature gradients
• Differences in temperature can be directly converted to electrical
• Theoretically, even small difference of, for example, 5K can produce
considerable power, but practical devices fall very short of theoretical
upper limits (given by the Carnot efficiency).
• Seebeck effect-based thermoelectric generators are commonly
considered; one example is a generator, which will be commercially
available soon, that achieves about 80 μW/cm2 at about 1V from a 5
Kelvin temperature difference
• One almost pervasive form of mechanical energy is vibrations:
• walls or windows in buildings are resonating with cars or trucks
passing in the streets, machinery often has low frequency vibrations,
ventilations also cause it, and so on.
• The available energy depends on both amplitude and frequency of the
vibration and ranges from about 0.1 μW/cm3 up to 10, 000 μW/cm3 for
some extreme cases (typical upper limits are lower).
• Converting vibrations to electrical energy can be undertaken by various
means, based on electromagnetic, electrostatic, or piezoelectric
Pressure variations
• Somewhat similar to vibrations, a variation of pressure can also be used
as a power source. Such piezoelectric generators are in fact used
• One well-known example is the inclusion of a piezoelectric generator
in the heel of a shoe, to generate power as a human walks about.
• This device can produce, on average, 330 μW/cm2. It is, however, not
clear how such technologies can be applied to WSNs.
Flow of air/liquid
• Another often-used power source is the flow of air or liquid in wind
mills or turbines.
• The challenge here is again the miniaturization, but some of the work
on millimeter scale MEMS gas turbines might be reusable.
• However, this has so far not produced any notable results.
Comparison of energy sources
• As these examples show, energy scavenging usually has to be
combined with secondary batteries as the actual power sources are not
able to provide power consistently, uninterruptedly, at a required level;
rather, they tend to fluctuate over time.
• This requires additional circuitry for recharging of batteries, possibly
converting to higher power levels, and a battery technology that can be
recharged at low currents
Energy consumption of sensor nodes
Operation states with different power consumption
• Energy supply for a sensor node is at a premium:
– batteries have small capacity, and
– recharging by energy scavenging is complicated and volatile.
• Hence, the energy consumption of a sensor node must be tightly
• The main consumers of energy are
– the controller,
– the radio front ends,
– to some degree the memory, and,
– depending on the type,the sensors.
• A “back of the envelope” estimation
• Number of instructions (the energy consumed by a microcontroller per
– Energy per instruction: 1 nJ
– Small battery (“smart dust”): 1 J = 1 Ws
– Corresponds: 109instructions!

• Or: Require a single day operational lifetime = 24*60*60 =86400 s
• 1 Ws / 86400s =11.5 μW as max. sustained power consumption!

• Not feasible!
• One important contribution to reduce power consumption of these
components comes from chip-level and lower technologies:
• Designing low-power chips is the best starting point for an energy-
efficient sensor node.
• But this is only one half of the picture, as any advantages gained by
such designs can easily be squandered when the components are
improperly operated.
• Introducing and using multiple states of operation with reduced energy
consumption in return for reduced functionality is the core technique
for energy-efficient wireless sensor node
• Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) introduces one
state representing the fully operational machine and four sleep states of
graded functionality/power consumption/wakeup time (time necessary
to return to fully operational state)
• Different models usually support different numbers of such sleep states with
different characteristics;
• For a controller, typical states are “active”, “idle”, and “sleep”;
• a radio modem could turn transmitter, receiver, or both on or off;
• sensors and memory could also be turned on or off.
• The usual terminology is to speak of a “deeper” sleep state if less power is
consumed. Multiple modes possible, “deeper” sleep modes
– Strongly depends on hardware
– TI MSP 430, e.g.: four different sleep modes
– Atmel ATMega: six different modes

• TI MSP 430 (@ 1 MHz, 3V):
– Fully operation 1.2 mW
– Deepest sleep mode 0.3 μW –only woken up by external interrupts
(not even timer is running any more)
• Atmel ATMega
– Operational mode: 15 mWactive, 6 mWidle
– Sleep mode: 75 μW
• At time t1, the decision whether or not a component (say, the
microcontroller) is to be put into sleep mode should be taken to reduce
power consumption from Pactive to Psleep.
• If it remains active and the next event occurs at time tevent, then a total
energy of Eactive = Pactive(tevent − t1) has be spent uselessly idling.
• Putting the component into sleep mode, on the other hand, requires a
time τdown until sleep mode has been reached; as a simplification,
assume that the average power consumption during this phase is (Pactive
+ Psleep)/2. Then, Psleep is consumed until tevent.

Energy savings and overheads for sleep modes

• In total, τdown(Pactive + Psleep)/2 + (tevent − t1 − τdown)Psleep
energy is required in sleep mode as opposed to (tevent − t1)Pactive when
remaining active.

• The energy saving is thus

Esaved =(tevent − t1)Pactive − (τdown(Pactive + Psleep)/2 +(tevent − t1 −

• Once the event to be processed occurs, however, an additional

overhead of Eoverhead = τup(Pactive + Psleep)/2

is incurred to come back to operational state before the event can be

processed, again making a simplifying assumption about average power
consumption during makeup.
• This energy is indeed an overhead since no useful activity can be
undertaken during this time.
• Clearly, switching to a sleep mode is only beneficial if Eoverhead < Esaved
or, equivalently, if the time to the next event is
• sufficiently large:
(tevent − t1) >(1/2) (τdown + (Pactive + Psleep)/(Pactive − Psleep)*τup)
Microcontroller energy consumption
Basic power consumption in discrete operation states
• Embedded controllers commonly implement the concept of multiple
operational states .
• It is also fairly easy to control.
Intel StrongARM
• The Intel StrongARM provides three sleep modes:
– In normal mode, all parts of the processor are fully powered. Power
consumption is up to 400 mW.
– In idle mode, clocks to the CPU are stopped; clocks that pertain to
peripherals are active. Any interrupt will cause return to normal
mode. Power consumption is up to 100 mW.
– In sleep mode, only the real-time clock remains active. Wakeup
occurs after a timer interrupt and takes up to 160 ms. Power
consumption is up to 50 μW.
Texas Instruments MSP 430
• The MSP430 family features a wider range of operation modes:
• One fully operational mode, which consumes about 1.2 mW (all power
values given at 1 MHz and 3 V).
There are four sleep modes in total.
• The deepest sleep mode, LPM4, only consumes 0.3 μW, but the
controller is only woken up by external interrupts in this mode.
• In the next higher mode, LPM3, a clock is also still running, which can
be used for scheduled wake ups, and still consumes only about 6 μW.

Atmel ATmega
• The Atmel ATmega 128L has six different modes of power
consumption, which are in principle similar to the MSP 430.
• Its power consumption varies between 6 mW and 15 mW in idle and
active modes and is about 75 μW in power-down modes.
Dynamic voltage scaling
• A more sophisticated possibility than discrete operational states is to
use a continuous notion of functionality/power adaptation by adapting
the speed with which a controller operates.
• The idea is to choose the best possible speed with which to compute a
task that has to be completed by a given deadline.
• One obvious solution is to switch the controller in full operation mode,
compute the task at highest speed, and go back to a sleep mode as
quickly as possible.
• The alternative approach is to compute the task only at the speed that is
required to finish it before the deadline.
• The rationale is the fact that a controller running at lower speed, that is,
lower clock rates, consumes less power than at full speed.
• This is due to the fact that the supply voltage can be reduced at lower
clock rates while still guaranteeing correct operation. This technique is
called Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS)
• From an energy perspective, the most relevant kinds of memory are on-
chip memory of a microcontroller and FLASH memory – off-chip
RAM is rarely if ever used.
• In fact, the power needed to drive on-chip memory is usually included
in the power consumption numbers given for the controllers.
• Hence, the most relevant part is FLASH memory – in fact, the
construction and usage of FLASH memory can heavily influence node
• The relevant metrics are the read and write times and energy
• All this information is readily available from manufacturers’ data sheets
and do vary depending on several factors.
• Read times and read energy consumption tend to be quite similar
between different types of FLASH memory
• Writing is somewhat more complicated, as it depends on the granularity
with which data can be accessed
• To give a concrete example, consider the energy consumption
necessary for reading and writing to the Flash memory used on
the Mica nodes.
• Reading data takes 1.111 nAh, writing requires 83.333 nAh.
Radio transceivers
• A radio transceiver has essentially two tasks: transmitting and receiving
data between a pair of nodes.
• Similar to microcontrollers, radio transceivers can operate in different
modes, the simplest ones are being turned on or turned off.
• To accommodate the necessary low total energy consumption, the
transceivers should be turned off most of the time and only be activated
when necessary – they work at a low duty cycle.
• But this incurs additional complexity, time and power overhead that has
to be taken into account.
• To understand the energy consumption behavior of radio transceivers
and their impact on the protocol design, models for the energy
consumption per bit for both sending and receiving are required.
Relationship between computation and communication
• Looking at the energy consumption numbers for both microcontrollers and
radio transceivers, an evident question to ask is which is the best way to invest
the precious energy resources of a sensor node: Is it better to send data or to
compute? What is the relation in energy consumption between sending data and
• This relationship heavily depend on the particular hardware in use.
• Typically, computing a single instruction on a microcontroller requires about
1nJ. Also, 1nJ about suffices to take a single sample in a radio transceiver;
• Bluetooth transceivers could be expected to require roughly 100nJ to transmit a
single bit (disregarding issues like startup cost and packet lengths).
• For other hardware, the ratio of the energy consumption to send one bit
compared to computing a single instruction is between 1500 to 2700 for
Rockwell WINS nodes, between 220 to 2900 for MEDUSA II nodes, and about
1400 for WINS NG 2.0 nodes
• For the RFM TR1000 radio transceiver, 1μJ to transmit a single bit
and 0.5 μJ to receive one; their processor takes about 8nJ per
• This results in a (actually quite good) ratio of about 190 for
communication to computation costs.
• In a slightly different perspective, communicating 1kB of data over
100m consumes roughly the same amount of energy as computing three
million instructions
• Disregarding the details, it is clear that communication is a considerably
more expensive undertaking than computation.
• Still, energy required for computation cannot be simply ignored;
depending on the computational task, it is usually still smaller than the
energy for communication, but still noticeable.
• The core idea is to invest into computation within the network whenever
possible to safe on communication costs, leading to the notion of in-
network processing and aggregation.
Power consumption of sensor and actuators
• Providing any guidelines about the power consumption of the actual
sensors and actuators is next to impossible because of the wide diversity
of these devices.
• for example, passive light or temperature sensors – the power
consumption can perhaps be ignored in comparison to other devices on
a wireless node (a power consumption of 0.6 to 1 mA for a temperature
• For others, in particular, active devices like sonar, power consumption
can be quite considerable and must even be considered in the
dimensioning of power sources on the sensor node, not to overstress
• To derive any meaningful numbers, requires a look at the intended
application scenarios and the intended sensors to be used..
• In addition, the sampling rate evidently is quite important. Not only
does more frequent sampling require more energy for the sensors as
such but also the data has to processed and, possibly, communicated
Network Architecture
• Having looked at the individual nodes in the previous topics, we
look at general principles and architectures how to put these
nodes together to form a meaningful network
• We will look at design approaches to both the more
conventional ad hoc networks and the non-standard WSNs
Basic scenarios: Ad hoc networks
• (Mobile) ad hoc scenarios
• Nodes talking to each other
• Nodes talking to “some” node in another network (Web server on the
Internet, e.g.)
– Typically requires some connection to the fixed network
• Applications: Traditional data (http, ftp, collaborative apps, …) &
multimedia (voice, video) !humans in the loop
Basic scenarios: sensor networks
• Sensor network scenarios
• Sources: Any entity that provides data/measurements
• Sinks: Nodes where information is required
– Belongs to the sensor network as such
– Is an external entity, e.g., a PDA, but directly connected to the WSN
• Main difference: comes and goes, often moves around, …
– Is part of an external network (e.g., internet), somehow connected
to the WSN
•Applications: Usually,
machine to machine,
often limited amounts
of data, different notions
of importance
Network Architecture - Sensor Network Scenarios
Single-hop versus multihop networks
• One common problem: limited range of wireless communication
– Essentially due to limited transmission power, path loss, obstacles
• Option: multi-hop networks
– Send packets to an intermediate node
– Intermediate node forwards packet to its destination
– Store-and-forward multi-hop network
• Basic technique applies to both WSN and MANET
– Note: Store & forward multi-hopping NOT the only possible
– E.g., collaborative networking,
network coding
– Do not operate on a per-packet
• To overcome such limited distances, an obvious way out is to use relay
stations, with the data packets taking multi hops from the source to the
• This concept of multihop networks is particularly attractive for WSNs
as the sensor nodes themselves can act as such relay nodes, foregoing
the need for additional equipment.
• Depending on the particular application, the likelihood of having an
intermediate sensor node at the right place can actually be quite high –
• While multihopping is an evident and working solution to overcome
problems with large distances or obstacles, it has also been claimed to
improve the energy efficiency of communication.
• The intuition behind this claim is that, as attenuation of radio signals is
at least quadratic in most environments (and usually larger), it consumes
less energy to use relays instead of direct communication:
• When targeting for a constant SNR at all receivers (assuming for
simplicity negligible error rates at this SNR), the radiated energy
required for direct communication over a distance d is cdα (c some
constant, α ≥ 2 the path loss coefficient); using a relay at distance d/2
reduces this energy to 2c(d/2)α
• But this calculation considers only the radiated energy, not the actually
consumed energy – in particular, the energy consumed in the
intermediate relay node.
• It is an easy exercise to show that energy is actually wasted if
intermediate relays are used for short distances d.
• Only for large d does the radiated energy dominate the fixed energy
costs consumed in transmitter and receiver electronics – the concrete
distance where direct and multihop communication are in balance
depends on a lot of device-specific and environment-specific
• Nonetheless, this relationship is often not considered.
• only multihop networks operating in a store and forward fashion
• In such a network, a node has to correctly receive a packet before it can
forward it somewhere.
• Alternative, innovative approaches attempt to exploit even erroneous
reception of packets.
• for example, when multiple nodes send the same packet and each
individual transmission could not be received, but collectively, a node
can reconstruct the full packet.
Energy efficiency of multi-hopping?
• Obvious idea: Multi-hopping is more energy-efficient than direct
– Because of path loss α>2, energy for distance d is reduced from
cdαto 2c(d/2)α
– c some constant
• However: This is usually wrong, or at least very over-simplified
– Need to take constant offsets for powering transmitter, receiver into
Multiple sinks and sources
• In the most challenging case, multiple sources should send information
to multiple sinks, where either all or some of the information has to
reach all or some of the sinks.
Multiple sources and/or multiple sinks. Note how in the scenario in the lower half,
both sinks and active sources are used to forward data to the sinks at the left and
right end of the network
Three types of mobility
• one of the main virtues of wireless communication is its ability to
support mobile participants.
• In wireless sensor networks, mobility can appear in three main forms:
Node mobility
• The wireless sensor nodes themselves can be mobile.
• The meaning of such mobility is highly application dependent.
• In examples like environmental control, node mobility should not
happen; in livestock surveillance (sensor nodes attached to cattle, for
example), it is the common rule.
• In the face of node mobility, the network has to reorganize itself
frequently enough to be able to function correctly.
• It is clear that there are trade-offs between the frequency and speed of
node movement on the one hand and the energy required to maintain a
desired level of functionality in the network on the other hand.
Different sources of mobility
• Node mobility
– A node participating as source/sink (or destination) or a relay node
might move around
– Deliberately, self-propelled or by external force; targeted or at
– Happens in both WSN and MANET
• Sink mobility
– In WSN, a sink that is not part of the WSN might move
– Mobile requester
• Event mobility
– In WSN, event that is to be observed moves around (or extends,
– Different WSN nodes become “responsible”for surveillance of such
an event
WSN sink mobility

A mobile sink moves through a sensor network as information is being

retrieved on its behalf
WSN event mobility: Track the pink elephant

Area of sensor nodes detecting an event – an elephant– that moves through the
network along with the event source (dashed line indicate the elephant’s trajectory;
shaded ellipse the activity area following or even preceding the elephant)
Quality of service
• WSNs differ from other conventional communication networks mainly
in the type of service they offer. These networks essentially only move
bits from one place to another.
• Possibly, additional requirements about the offered Quality of Service
(QoS) are made, especially in the context of multimedia applications.
• Such QoS can be regarded as a low-level, networking-device-observable
attribute – bandwidth, delay, jitter, packet loss rate – or
• as a high-level, user-observable, so-called subjective attribute like the
perceived quality of a voice communication or a video transmission.
• While the first kind of attributes is applicable to a certain degree to
WSNs as well (bandwidth, for example, is quite unimportant), the
second one clearly is not, but is really the more important one to
• Hence, high-level QoS attributes corresponding to the subjective QoS
attributes in conventional networks are required.
• But just like in traditional networks, high-level QoS attributes in WSN
highly depend on the application.
Event detection/reporting probability
• What is the probability that an event that actually occurred is not
detected or, more precisely, not reported to an information sink that is
interested in such an event? For example, not reporting a fire alarm to a
surveillance station would be a severe shortcoming.
• Clearly, this probability can depend on/be traded off against the
overhead spent in setting up structures in the network that support the
reporting of such an event (e.g. routing tables) or against the run-time
overhead (e.g. sampling frequencies).

Event classification error

• If events are not only to be detected but also to be classified, the error in
classification must be small.
Event detection delay
• What is the delay between detecting an event and reporting it to any/all
interested sinks?
Missing reports
• In applications that require periodic reporting, the probability of
undelivered reports should be small.
Approximation accuracy
• For function approximation applications (e.g. approximating the
temperature as a function of location for a given area), what is the
average/maximum absolute or relative error with respect to the actual
function? Similarly, for edge detection applications, what is the
accuracy of edge descriptions; are some missed at all?
Tracking accuracy
• Tracking applications must not miss an object to be tracked, the
reported position should be as close to the real position as possible, and
the error should be small.
• Other aspects of tracking accuracy are, for example, the sensitivity to
sensing gaps
Energy efficiency
• The term “energy efficiency” is, in fact, rather an umbrella term for
many different aspects of a system, which should be carefully
distinguished to form actual, measurable figures of merit.
The most commonly considered aspects are
Energy per correctly received bit
• How much energy, counting all sources of energy consumption at all
possible intermediate hops, is spent on average to transport one bit of
information (payload) from the source to the destination? This is often a
useful metric for periodic monitoring applications.
Energy per reported (unique) event
• Similarly, what is the average energy spent to report one event? Since
the same event is sometimes reported from various sources, it is usual to
normalize this metric to only the unique events (redundant information
about an already known event does not provide additional information)
Delay/energy trade-offs
• Some applications have a notion of “urgent” events, which can justify
an increased energy investment for a speedy reporting of such events.
Here, the trade-off between delay and energy overhead is interesting.
Network lifetime
• The time for which the network is operational or, put another way, the
time during which it is able to fulfill its tasks (starting from a given
amount of stored energy).
It is not quite clear, however, when this time ends. Possible definitions are:
Time to first node death
• When does the first node in the network run out of energy or fail and
stop operating?
Network half-life
• When have 50% of the nodes run out of energy and stopped operating?
Any other fixed percentile is applicable as well.
Time to partition
• When does the first partition of the network in two (or more)
disconnected parts occur? This can be as early as the death of the first
node (if that was in a pivotal position) or occur very late if the network
topology is robust.

Time to loss of coverage

• Usually, with redundant network deployment and sensors that can
observe a region instead of just the very spot where the node is located,
each point in the deployment region is observed by multiple sensor
• A possible figure of merit is thus the time when for the first time any
spot in the deployment region is no longer covered by any node’s
• If k redundant observations are necessary (for tracking applications, for
example), the corresponding definition of loss of coverage would be the
first time any spot in the deployment region is no longer covered by at
least k different sensor nodes.
Time to failure of first event notification
• A network partition can be seen as irrelevant if the unreachable part of
the network does not want to report any events in the first place.
• Hence, a possibly more application-specific interpretation of partition is
the inability to deliver an event.
• This can be due to an event not being noticed because the responsible
sensor is dead or because a partition between source and sink has
• The ability to maintain performance characteristics irrespective of the
size of the network is referred to as scalability.
• With WSN potentially consisting of thousands of nodes, scalability is an
evidently indispensable requirement.
• Scalability is ill served by any construct that requires globally consistent
state, such as addresses or routing table entries that have to be
• Hence, the need to restrict such information is enforced by and goes
hand in hand with the resource limitations of sensor nodes, especially
with respect to memory.
• The need for extreme scalability has direct consequences for the
protocol design.
• Architectures and protocols should implement appropriate scalability
support rather than trying to be as scalable as possible.
• Applications with a few dozen nodes might admit more efficient
solutions than applications with thousands of nodes;
• Related to QoS and somewhat also to scalability requirements, wireless
sensor networks should also exhibit an appropriate robustness.
• They should not fail just because a limited number of nodes run out of
energy, or because their environment changes and severs existing radio
links between two nodes – if possible, these failures have to be
compensated for, for example, by finding other routes.
• A precise evaluation of robustness is difficult in practice and depends
mostly on failure models for both nodes and communication links.
Transceiver design considerations in WSNs
• Some of the most crucial points influencing PHY design in wireless
sensor networks are:
– Low power consumption.
– As one consequence: small transmit power and thus a small
transmission range.
– As a further consequence: low duty cycle. Most hardware should be
switched off or operated in a low-power standby mode most of the
– Comparably low data rates, on the order of tens to hundreds kilobits
per second, required.
– Low implementation complexity and costs.
– Low degree of mobility.
– A small form factor for the overall node.
• In general, in sensor networks, the challenge is to find modulation
schemes and transceiver architectures that are simple, low-cost but still
robust enough to provide the desired service.
Energy usage profile
• The choice of a small transmit power leads to an energy consumption
profile different from other wireless devices like cell phones.
• First, the radiated energy is small, typically on the order of 0dBm
(corresponding to 1mW).
• On the other hand, the overall transceiver (RF front end and baseband
part) consumes much more energy than is actually radiated
• a transceiver working at frequencies beyond 1 GHz takes 10 to 100mW
of power to radiate 1 mW
• Similar numbers are given for 2.4-GHz CMOS transceivers: For a
radiated power of 0 dBm, the transmitter uses actually 32 mW, whereas
the receiver uses even more, 38 mW.
• For the Mica motes, 21 mW are consumed in transmit mode and 15 mW
in receive mode.
• These numbers coincide well with the observation that many practical
transmitter designs have efficiencies below 10% at low radiated power
• A second key observation is that for small transmit powers the transmit
and receive modes consume more or less the same power; it is even
possible that reception requires more power than transmission;
depending on the transceiver architecture, the idle mode’s power
consumption can be less or in the same range as the receive power.
• To reduce average power consumption in a low-traffic wireless sensor
network, keeping the transceiver in idle mode all the time would
consume significant amounts of energy.
• Therefore, it is important to put the transceiver into sleep state instead
of just idling.
• It is also important to explicitly include the received power into energy
dissipation models, since the traditional assumption that receive energy
is negligible is no longer true
• A third key observation is the relative costs of communications versus
computation in a sensor node.
• Clearly, a comparison of these costs depends for the communication
part on the BER requirements, range, transceiver type, and so forth, and
for the computation part on the processor type, the instruction mix, and
so on.
Choice of modulation scheme
A crucial point is the choice of modulation scheme. Several factors have to be
balanced here:
• The required and desirable data rate and symbol rate, the implementation
complexity, the relationship between radiated power and target BER, and
the expected channel characteristics.
• To maximize the time a transceiver can spend in sleep mode, the transmit
times should be minimized.
• The higher the data rate offered by a transceiver/modulation, the smaller
the time needed to transmit a given amount of data and, consequently, the
smaller the energy consumption.
• A second important observation is that the power consumption of a
modulation scheme depends much more on the symbol rate than on the
data rate.
• For example, power consumption measurements of an IEEE 802.11b
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) card showed that the power
consumption depends on the modulation scheme, with the faster
Complementary Code Keying (CCK) modes consuming more energy than
• however, the relative differences are below 10% and all these schemes have
the same symbol rate.
• the desire for “high” data rates at “low” symbol rates calls for m-ary
modulation schemes.
However, there are trade-offs:
• m-ary modulation requires more complex digital and analog circuitry
than 2-ary modulation, for example, to parallelize user bits into m-ary
• Many m-ary modulation schemes require for increasing m an increased
Eb/N0 ratio and consequently an increased radiated power to achieve the
same target BER; others become less and less bandwidth efficient.
• This is exemplarily shown for coherently detected m-ary FSK and PSK
in Table 4.3
• However, in wireless sensor network applications with only low to
moderate bandwidth requirements, a loss in bandwidth efficiency can be
more tolerable than an increased radiated power to compensate Eb/N0
• It is expected that in many wireless sensor network applications most
packets will be short, on the order of tens to hundreds of bits.
• For such packets, the startup time easily dominates overall energy
consumption, rendering any efforts in reducing the transmission time by
choosing m-ary modulation schemes irrelevant.

• the choice of modulation scheme depends on several interacting aspects,

– technological factors (in the example: α, β),
– packet size,
– target error rate, and
– channel error model
• The optimal decision would have to properly balance the modulation
scheme and other measures to increase, transmission robustness, since
these also have energy costs:
– With retransmissions, entire packets have to be transmitted again.
– With FEC coding, more bits have to be sent and there is additional
energy consumption for coding and decoding. While coding energy
can be neglected, and the receiver needs significant energy for the
decoding process. This is especially cumbersome if the receiver is a
power-constrained node.
– The cost of increasing the radiated power depends on the efficiency
of the power amplifier, but the radiated power is often small
compared to the overall power dissipated by the transceiver, and
additionally this drives the PA into a more efficient regime.
Dynamic modulation scaling
• Even if it is possible to determine the optimal scheme for a given
combination of BER target, range, packet sizes and so forth, such an
optimum is only valid for short time; as soon as one of the constraints
changes, the optimum can change, too.
• In addition, other constraints like delay or the desire to achieve high
throughput can dictate to choose higher modulation schemes.
• Therefore, it is interesting to consider methods to adapt the modulation
scheme to the current situation. Such an approach, called dynamic
modulation scaling.
• In particular, for the case of m-ary QAM and a target BER of 10−5, a
model has been developed that uses the symbol rate B and the number
of levels per symbol m as parameters.
• This model expresses the energy required per bit and also the achieved
delay per bit (the inverse of the data rate), taking into account that
higher modulation levels need higher radiated energy. Extra startup
costs are not considered.
• Clearly, the bit delay decreases for increasing B and m. The energy per
bit depends much more on m than on B.
• In fact, for the particular parameters chosen, it is shown that both energy
per bit and delay per bit are minimized for the maximum symbol rate.
• With modulation scaling, a packet is equipped with a delay constraint,
from which directly a minimal required data rate can be derived.
• Since the symbol rate is kept fixed, the approach is to choose the
smallest m that satisfies the required data rate and which thus minimizes
the required energy per bit.
• Such delay constraints can be assigned either explicitly or implicitly
• When there are no packets present, a small value for m can be used,
having low energy consumption.
• As backlog increases, m is increased as well to reduce the backlog
quickly and switch back to lower values of m
Antenna considerations
• The desired small form factor of the overall sensor nodes restricts the
size and the number of antennas.
• if the antenna is much smaller than the carrier’s wavelength, it is hard to
achieve good antenna efficiency, that is, with ill-sized antennas one
must spend more transmit energy to obtain the same radiated energy.
• Secondly, with small sensor node cases, it will be hard to place two
antennas with suitable distance to achieve receive diversity.
• the antennas should be spaced apart at least 40–50% of the wavelength
used to achieve good effects from diversity.
• For 2.4 GHz, this corresponds to a spacing of between 5 and 6cm
between the antennas, which is hard to achieve with smaller cases.
• In addition, radio waves emitted from an antenna close to the ground –
typical in some applications – are faced with higher path-loss
coefficients than the common value α= 2 for free-space communication.
• Typical attenuation values in such environments, which are also
normally characterized by obstacles (buildings, walls, and so forth), are
about α = 4.
• Moreover, depending on the application, antennas must not overhang
from the casing of a node, to avoid possible damage to it.
• These restrictions, in general, limit the achievable quality and
characteristics of an antenna for wireless sensor nodes.
• Nodes randomly scattered on the ground, for example, deployed from
an aircraft, will land in random orientations, with the antennas facing
the ground or being otherwise obstructed.
• This can lead to nonisotropic propagation of the radio wave, with
considerable differences in the strength of the emitted signal in different
• This effect can also be caused by the design of an antenna, which often
results in considerable differences in the spatial propagation

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