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How To Be Rich in Bad Economy

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Though this book is free and small, it could change your life forever (I mean… forever)

Don’t stop reading it until you read the last word! 1
Welcome dear friend, to the Africa Business Classroom (ABC)

Few weeks ago, when I checked, Nigeria is having over 40 MILLION of people who are

This is not to talk about the several other millions who are underemployed.

However, even till today, our youths are still being trained how to be employees while the older generation
keep on looking for a better job.

I can’t stop being ANGRY and everything we do in the ABC is about our anger.

I mean, is it not crazy to keep on teaching people how to be slaves, even when they could be free?

If anyone tells you that you cannot be a successful entrepreneur, tell them they are stupid (and they are, really!)

I am just a man like you, even born far disadvantaged than you.

I was born a sickly boy and spent my first decade in a quack village.

I spent most of my first 15 years on the sick bed, in pains or worrying about my bad health condition.

Today I own my company and living my dreamed life.

I am not a billionaire, non-a totally successful man but wait, I have no master and love my life.

This small book would continue from where the 13 secrets stopped.

And you see, if you’re actually serious about being a successful entrepreneur, you’ll do all you can to join our
ongoing 9 Day Intensive Business Training.

One of those who have attended the training has this to say; 2
I just read an email from a woman this morning.

These are her words;

“Thank you very much, Mr. Stephen.

The training has been an Eye-opener and it has spurred me into action to take the bull by the horn, it
has woken up the dead cells in me.... very wonderful and inspiring training”.

Mrs. Adeseye Adeolu

A Nigerian medical doctor based in the US attended the training and this is what he has to say; 3
A lawyer from Akwa Ibom has this to say;

If you read 13 Secrets and think it is wonderful, well, I’m glad to let you know; That was just a
foundation. The 9-day business training would blow away your mind and transport you to another realm.

Join other smart Africans on the ongoing 9-day Intensive Business Training HERE 4
Now let’s get started with How to Be Rich in This Bad Economy 5
7 Secrets of Riches in This Bad Economy:

Secret No 1

Stop Expecting National Prosperity!

At a time in the history of the animal kingdom, the entire animal gathered to discuss about the famine in the
animal kingdom.

Some of these animals were critics who pointed accusing fingers at lion, elephant and other leaders of the
animal kingdom for their woe while some of the animals were skeptics who believed God was not good to the animal
kingdom and that’s the reason why the famine persisted.

Dog in his own wisdom decided not to belong to any of the two above mentioned groups. Instead, he believed
he was not an animal, so he could not be affected for long.

That was unbelievable, right?

But his faith worked for him.

Few months after his “unreasonable faith”, dog met a woman who desired to take him home. This is how dog
escaped the famine in the animal kingdom to become a beloved companion in many homes today.

Though dog remains an animal, he lives at home, in a better condition than most animals.

At this terrible time of the economic woe, you have to stop thinking that your country’s economy affects you,
because it doesn’t.

You can be rich, even if the economy of your country is the worst in the world. 6
However, if you think you can never be rich until the economy of your country is good, you might have to wait
for a long time or forever.

So, stop expecting your nation’s prosperity!

Stop thinking that you can never be rich until your country is rich.

Do you think I’m unpatriotic?

That’s not true. Listen.

I see most people concentrating on the prosperity of their nation.

These people usually think, “The reason why I am poor is because Nigeria economy is bad so if Nigeria
economy better, I will be rich”.

That’s ignorance!

You have to understand this truth.

There is a great difference between national prosperity and individual prosperity.

You could be in the richest country of the world and be poor and you could be in the poorest country and be

According to, in 2014, over 17 million households in the United States are food insecure.
Yes, they had problem of hunger.

This is very hard to believe, considering the fact that most Africans think that United States is so rich that
money walks on her street.

The truth is, there are people who are poorer than you in the United States. There are people who will call you
“rich” in Canada, Switzerland or The United Kingdom.

What am I saying here?

Your riches or success is not strictly attached to your country’s economy.

If you believe it does, you will have financial problem.

I’m not saying that Ghana’s economy is better than that of Australia’s, nor am I saying there are more
millionaires in Nigeria than in Holland, but I am saying that your country’s poverty doesn’t mean you must be poor.

Why is it important for you to stop expecting the prosperity of your country?

Because it may never come.

Yes, it may never really come.

Let me reveal this truth to you…

Today, you can hear people comparing the present economy of their country to what it was used to be in the
70s and 80s. They would say, “In the 70s we bought a bag of rice for #5. Things were better”

They are lying. 7
You see, things were NOT really better (even in the 70s).

Do you remember there were rich people and there were extremely poor people who could not feed
themselves, even in the 70s?

You know there were thousands of people who were complaining, bitterly, about the economy, even the 80s?

They complained about their political leaders, economy and every other thing, just as we are doing today, so
why do we now believe that things were better then?

Listen to this!

In the nearest future, you won’t be surprised to hear someone saying, “Oh, things were better in the year 2017
than it is now”

It is not really that things were better in the past or in certain countries. It’s all about individual.

A millionaire in Kenya may not really love to live in the United States while a poor man in the United
Kingdom would admire his Nigerian rich friends.

Would you ever complain that the economy of Libya is bad (as a Libyan) if you were making a million dollars
every month?

How would you love to think of living in the year 1980, if you’re rich now?

Would a poor man who could not feed himself in the 60s tell you that the economy was better in 60s than

Let me tell you the truth…

From the beginning of the world, till now and forever, there has always been rich people (either in good or bad
economy) and poor people (either in bad or best economy)

So, stop expecting that your country’s economy must be better before you could be rich, because even when
the economy becomes better, even when the expected miracle happens, so many people will still be very, very poor (so
to such poor people, it will still be the same old story as it is now)

Why am I telling you all this?

You actually don’t have to complain or cry because things are not going well in the economy of your country
(except if you’re a prayer warrior who loves to pray for “the good of Jerusalem”, which is good)

You can be rich, if you want to be, even in the worst economy.

If you understand what I have just shared with you, the next chapter will help you.


Serious Africans like you are already in for the ongoing 9-day Intensive Business Training.

You don’t want to miss, would you?

Click HERE to join the ongoing training. 8
Secret No.2

Stop Blaming Governments.

If you want to be rich in this bad economy, you actually have to stop blaming or criticizing the government.

I know someone will think I am stupid after reading my above statement.

“But Stephen” such person will say “Don’t you know that our leaders cause this evil?”

I know the government causes this evil but read below quotation carefully;

One day I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere by blaming other people for my circumstances" Mary
J. Blige.

Almost every day when I get to Facebook, I see through the updates of some news websites and my “friends”
posts, how bitter my dear fellow Africans are against their leaders.

Many people rain abusive words and curses against their presidents and other political leaders.

They accuse them of causing unemployment, poverty, insecurity, etc.

Is it true that African leaders cause poverty in Africa?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

But is it right that we all should be criticizing and blaming them?

Yes, but I won't be part of such time-wasting engagement.

The reason is simple.

Complaining that someone causes your problem doesn't provide solution to your problem, does is it?

"I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming somebody else, and that our hope is
not in who governs us as a nation" Kirk Cameron.

So many people think that their hope, their success, their chance of becoming rich etc. depends on who
governs them, so they continue raining blames on them.

Blaming political leaders won't solve your financial problem. 9
It only gives you a sense of irresponsibility which would lead you into deeper poverty.

This is what I mean.

If you think that government causes your problem, you tend to think, "It's not my fault. Government caused my
unemployment (or poverty)"

Believe me, millions of Africans have the above stated mentality and it’s making them poor and poorer.

The reason is simple; why it could be right to say that government causes your poverty, the problem with such
thinking is that you're (somehow) expecting and WAITING for the government to come and solve your problem of
poverty for you.

Isn’t this the expectation of most Africans?

That is why many people keep on shouting every day that government should provide jobs for them, even
when government cannot do so.

Every business knowledgeable person knows that it's IMPOSSIBLE for any government to provide jobs for
more than 10% of its citizen. But instead of us to face the real problem and give the real solution, we keep on
criticizing and blaming governments.

Get me right my friend.

I'm not a politician, nor do I write this chapter to support any African political leader.

Truly, most of them are bad, fraudulent and evil.

But what I’m telling you is this; you won't wait for a thief who raped your 17 years old daughter to come and
take her to the hospital, would you?

Would you?

Would you wait for an armed robber who stole your money and as well raped your daughter, to come back and
take her to the hospital?

He has done the evil he wanted to do and gone.

Though he caused your problem, do you think he has the solution to your problem?

Though the politicians cause your financial problem, do you think they have solution to it?

Think again.

Most of the politicians you see out there are as confused as you are. They may be the ones that cause our
problem but they don’t actually know how to solve them.

The political leaders of your country may be the ones that make the economy of your country bad but do you
think they know how to make it better?

So why will you waste your time thinking or complaining about such “thieves” and “rapists”?

Stop wasting your time blaming them. Instead, focus on how to create your own good economy.

You can, believe me, even in the worst country of the world, you could be rich. 10
"There comes a certain point in life when you have to STOP BLAMING other people for how you feel
or the misfortunes in your life." Hugh Jackman.

TODAY is the day you have to stop blaming governments and pursue your financial dream.

When I left school, my mates were crying for the government to give them job. I told myself, "I don’t need job
from the government. I’m going to create jobs, for myself and others".

I rejected the attempt to work for Sky Bank of Nigeria. Instead, I faced my business.

Though it was not very easy for me, I’m happy I didn't depend on government.

Stop blaming government. Stop blaming your parents. Stop blaming anyone. Instead, see yourself as a snake.

Animals don't even have government yet they live and survive.

You think about that?

If animals could live independently and create their lives, why can’t you?

You actually can, if you continue reading… 11
7 Secrets of Riches in This Bad Economy:

Secret No.3

Understand Why You Are Here

In the earlier chapter I advocated that you should stop wasting your time in bitterness, argument or criticism
about how bad the economy of your country is and who caused the woe.

It doesn’t help you in anyway aside from filling your heart with negativism and distracting you from focusing
on your personal life.

I also claim that in every country of the world, either rich or very poor, there are always rich people (in bad
economy) and poor people (even in rich economy).

So, why is it that some people are millionaires and others are very poor, even in the same country and the same

I will reveal that to you in this chapter.

Selling Time vs. Selling Value

In any economy, either bad or good, there are two categories of people.

First is a group of people who are selling their time for money and the second is the group of people who are
selling values.

People who are selling their time can rarely be rich, even in the best economy, while people who create and
sell values will rarely be poor, even in the worst economy.

The reason why most people in Africa are poor is not scientific. 12
It’s very simple and easy to understand; most of us were trained by the school and society to sell our time in
exchange for money.

We were trained by school to be employees and just when some people discovered that “good jobs” are no
more, they decide to be self-employed.

Either as an employee or a self-employed person, you’re selling your time for money.

Since you’re having a very limited time (only 24hrs each day out of which you can be very productive for just
about 8-10 hours) there is hardly a way you could be rich (truly rich) as an employee or a self-employed person.

I said “truly rich” above because even when some people think they are having much money, they are still very

Ask most bankers and they will tell you what I mean here.

Making #500,000 every month will not make you rich if your life is all about work and work or if you hate
what you’re doing and doing what you hate for 10 hours every working day.

Forget good job, forget self-employment, your goal is to be a business owner.

Some people confuse self-employment with being a business owner so let me explain.

A self-employed person is that man/woman who employed himself by being a trader (i.e. buying and selling or
rendering a service)

While this is in no way bad, it’s as good as giving yourself a job. It is still much more about selling your time.

That’s the reason why you’ll see many self-employed individuals working as much as 1416hrs or more each
day, not because they love every aspect of their business, but because they must do them.

This is not to speak against being “self-employed” but to open your mind to something better… building
business around value creation.

You have to matter the art of building business from scratch and engaging people to work with and for you.

Your single brain and two hands cannot make you rich.

Write the above statement down and never forget it;

Your single brain and two hands cannot make you rich.

I earlier said that the reason why most Africans are poor is not scientific (it’s easy to know) and you see, the
reason why the rich are rich (and getting richer) too is not scientific.

It’s very simple (though not easy)

People who become rich learn how to divide themselves into 10, 50, 100, 1,000 and more. They learn how to
build businesses, employ people in hundreds and thousands, serve more people and make more money.

In this way, they could have 5,000 brains and several thousand bones working for them, even when they are

Are you making money while you’re sleeping? How many brains do you have, working for you? 13
If you are the only one working for yourself, it shows that you’re selling your time for money so tell me, how
do you plan to be rich that way?

From the creation of the world till now, the secrets of riches have always been the same.

Let me prove this to you.

Who were the richest men in the bible?

We have Abraham who was a cattle rearer (adding values by selling cattle) and has over 300 servants (Check
Genesis 14; 14 in the Bible).

You think about that. Over 300 brains and 600 hands were working for Abraham, which is the secret of his

We also read about Esau who was very rich. What was his secret?

He had business and over 400 “employees” who were working for him. Read Genesis 33;1.

When bible wanted to talk about Mr. Job, one of the richest men in the Bible, Bible says, “His substance
(business) also was 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, and 500 yoke of oxen and 500 she asses, etc”

What was the secret of Job’s riches?

The same secrets!

He had businesses and he had hundreds of employees.

The above are the biblical examples of how people make much money. I will soon give you some real-life
examples and you’ll see that the secret is always the same;

Add Values + Create Business around such value, and then make money, no matter how bad the economy is.

Dear friend, you’re not poor because economy is bad. You’re poor because you have not learned and mastered
how to add values to the world around you and create business around such value.

All of your life you have been taught how to sell your time. You have been thought how to be an employee;
you have also learned how to be a self-employed person.

None of these two roads leads to riches because it’s all about selling your time, it’s all about using just your
one brain, it’s all about using only your two hands.

What is the way out?

Your goal should be to master how to add and sell values to humanity and how to create a business around
such values.

Note this very important point;

While some self-employed individuals are actually adding, and selling values, they don’t know how to create
business around such values.

Business creation is an art and like every other art, it has to be learned and mastered. 14
If you don’t learn the art of creating business, you will end up starting a “business” which in the real sense is
not business but a job for yourself (called self-employment)

Some people may not understand what I mean here so let me give some examples.

Sam Walton is one of the richest men ever in the world. He is the founder of the famous American company
call Walmart.

How did he start?

Just like most other businesses, very small like what you will call a “supermarket” in most Africa countries

The truth is, for most of us, when we just start a business it’s not in any way better than having a job (in fact, it
could be worse)

But because Sam Walton knew and continued learning the art of creating a business, he was able to turn that
small business into an international company that later employed more than 2.5 million people all over the world.

Yes, that company became the world’s largest employer of labour because the founder was not just a self-
employed person, but an entrepreneur.

Kenturkey Chicken is now in several countries of the world, but the owner (Colonel Sanders ) started it in a
shop (as a self-employed person of course) but with the brain of a business owner. 15
Today, Kenturkey is one of the most successful businesses ever in the world history because the founder did
learn the art of building business around a service.

Let me give you some African examples.

Orji Uzor Kalu is one of the richest men in Africa. He was a former governor in Nigeria (of Abia state)

Before becoming a governor, Kalu has become a billionaire business man, but here is how he started…

There was a riot in his school (when he was in the university) and that led to him being suspended (who knows
maybe he was one of the protest leaders?)

Instead of him to continue pitying himself, he borrowed $35 from his mother and started selling palm oil and
other “ugly” stuffs.

You would have called that man a self-employed person but you are wrong!

He was an entrepreneur. He has learned and continues learning the art of building businesses. 16
(Please look at the background of his above photograph and I will tell you something important about it soon)

From being a palm oil seller, he transported his businesses to other sectors and become a millionaire (not by
magic but it’s possible)

Are you getting my point here?

You must stop selling your time in exchange of money. You must learn the art of creating business around a
value creation.

If you do this, your business (and not you) will be the one working hard for all of the money you ever need in
your entire life.

Let me give you one more example before I move to the next chapter.

You sure know Mike Adenuga. He is (as at the time of writing this book) the 5th richest African.

He started as rough as anyone could, but there is a difference; he knows how to create business around values

He was once a security guard and a driver (that’s a job but not his end). He later started selling Coca-Cola and
clothes (self-employment, but not where he was actually going). He then turned self-employment to business.

What exactly are you saying here Stephen? Isn’t a person that is selling clothes having business?

No. He has a “job” that he created for himself, that’s why it’s called “self-employment”.

What is a business? 17
A business is an organization of human beings and resources that is adding values to people and making
money in return.

If you note some of my words in the above definition, you’ll see that in the above picture the owner of that
business can actually afford to work less and earn more… because he’s not the Alpha and Omega of his business.

A perfect example of this is in the year 2003 thereabout when then choleric and domineering leader of Nigeria,
president Obasanjo was having problem with Mike Adenuga.

The battle between them was so tough that Mr. Mike had to run away from Nigeria soil and hide himself in
France (or somewhere).

Guess something?

When the dust is settled and Mike Adenuga was to return to Nigeria, he was still as rich as or even richer than
he was before he flew away from the country.

How is this possible?

This is possible because he was not an employee or a self-employed person. He was a business owner.

It is his business that is actually working for him. He is not selling his time for money.

I am sure you now understand what I am teaching here?

You see, no matter how bad the economy is certain group of people can never be poor.

These people are people who have learned how to add values to other people and how to build business around
such value.

And should I tell you the truth?

No matter how good the economy is, some people cannot just be rich.

These people are (you guess right) people who are selling their time for money, people who only make money
when they work, people who use only one brain and two hands to earn money.

Stop selling your time for money. Learn how to make money while sleeping.

Stop using one brain. Learn How to use your 500 brains.

Stop using two hands. Learn how to use 1000 hands.

You can only do this as an entrepreneur.

The next chapter would help you further.


If you need to be trained how to build a successful business, you’ll rush to join the ongoing 9-Day Intensive
Business Training.

Join Here Now to join others. 18
7 Secrets of Riches in This Bad Economy:

Secret No.4

Stop Listening to News!

I was talking with a journalist-on-training few days ago when I suggested that he should go to a certain place
to represent the interest of some people (including myself). This gentle man told me, “But what we want to discuss
there is not news-worthy!”

He defended himself further, “You see, even the petrol tanker that got burnt in xxx place some days back is not

He even revealed the mind of an average journalist further by saying, “If as that petrol tanker got burnt, like 10
people died with it, then, you can call it news-worthy”

News worthiness in the above expression means something that should be called news.

By this, my gentle man journalist-in-training friend was telling me that, “sad news is the real news”.

The reason is very simple; sad news sells.

Because the journalists know that people will love to buy a paper with the headline, “Boko Haram kill 500
people” than “A 21 years old boy accepts Jesus”, they concentrate all their attention on bad news.

Because they do this, if care is not taking, you will believe that no good thing is happening again in this world
because most things you hear in the news are bad news.

Did I write above that you should stop listening to the news?

It must be a typographical error because I myself read news virtually every day.

But what exactly do I mean to say?

I mean to say; stop believing the woes and poverty news that is everywhere these days.

Stop believing it when people say “money is scarce” because money is not scarce.

Stop believing it when people say, “Africa continent is poor” because Africa is filled with so many
opportunities. 19
Stop believing it or join people in professing evil and poverty because if care is not taken, you can believe it to
be true and accept it as reality.

If you believe all the negativism going on around you, if you believe that you’re poor, if you believe that
Nigeria or Africa is a bad place and no good thing can come out of it, what will happen is that, you will start living
without hope.

Faith is the mother of hope. Hope is the horse of achievement.

Show me a man/woman who has lost hope in himself or his country and that is just the man/woman who has
stopped trying and that’s just the man/woman who will eventually experience everything he/she believes.

Nigeria or Africa is not a poor or bad place.

So many people have learned how to create values, start profitable businesses and make a whole lot of money
in this same country you think is poor.

That reminds me of an incidence that just happened the last Saturday.

A woman visited us and my wife was making hair for her (my wife knows how to make hair, very well). Then,
because this woman is our family friend, we were talking as she was enduring the pains of making hair (you know
women are actually trying?)

As we were discussing, I was excusing her to receive calls (because I’m a business coach, I do receive calls,
from different places in this planet)

I later remembered that One Indian man by the name Nanik called me a day before and needed me to help his
organization in certain ways (of course he will pay me) so I started making some calls to achieve what he needed me to
do for his company.

This is where I am going.

At a point I called one man, a business partner of mine and was discussing with him what Nanik, my Indian
client needs us to do for him.

This whole thing would last about 7 days and might cost him 30 hours, of which he could delegate many of the
duties to his employees. Asking what my partner would charge for this service he said, “#50,000 per day”.

Multiply #50,000 per day by seven and you will get 350,000 for a week service, which he may not even
personally do or just get involve for about 5hrs in all.

After a lot of pleading, because of me, my partner agreed to charge #250,000 for this service.

I don’t mean to say that #250,000 for 7 days’ work is a lot of money but I want to show you something here.

When I finished talking with my business partner, my family friend wondered why I spoke too much on phone
and I told her about what we were discussing and because she was earning about #35,000/month working almost 10hrs
Monday to Friday she was shocked.

She wondered why someone would want to charge #250,000 for simple 7 days consultation/training work (not
even a hard work?) while she has to work very hard for more than 7 months to earn such amount.

Now you get where I’m going.

Money is NOT scarce. You just don’t know how to make it yet. 20


Stop believing the lie that money is scarce.

Instead, learn the art of making enough of it!

I think this book has being opening your mind to some “secrets” that will help you to know how to make more
money than what you need.

Let’s continue to the next chapter… 21
7 Secrets of Riches in This Bad Economy:

Secret No.5

Stop Looking for an Easy Way Out!

At a time in the history of the world, monkey and tortoise were good friends. By nature, monkey was a risk
taker who is not afraid of jumping from one banana tree to another, looking for what to eat.

Tortoise in his own way is ever conscious, gentle-moving creature who never tries hard things.

One day when monkey went out on his dangerous adventure, jumping from one tree to another, tortoise too
slowly moved out to look for what to eat.

Not knowing that his enemies have set a trap by digging a well on his path, tortoise landed inside the dried
well with all his back seriously wounded.

From the deep well he called his friend (monkey) and said, “Dear friend, have mercy on me and come and take
me out of this well”.

Though tortoise was helped out of the well, the wounds of that terrible accident remain till today.

This described what most people are going through today.

Most people started life, taking it easy, doing easy things, pursuing “good jobs” and job security, etc. but just
at a point in their life’s journey (when it’s almost too late), they discovered that avoiding risk is nowhere better than
taking risk.

Most people (like the tortoise) later found out that the worst that could have happened to them (if they had
taken risks) has eventually happened, even when they “play it safe”

There is no easy way out of poverty.

Listen to this!

You will rather be a warrior or a victim of the war. 22
If you don’t join the army and go to the battle, you will be a victim of the war.

If you don’t take the risk to become a boss, you must work for a boss.

I happen to be someone who receives many calls from so many places in Nigeria and other countries of the

It pains my heart to know that some people who are now dreaming of being entrepreneurs have spent over 30
years of their productive lives, enduring jobs.

These people have great strength to endure job (because job is rarely easy for anyone, don’t you know?) but
they lacked the courage to be entrepreneurs.

I cry!

What am I driving at here?

Of course, I am not discouraging people who want to start their own business at age 50 or 60. It’s not too late

But I am going somewhere…

You will remember that I advocated in the last chapter that you should learn how to create values, add values
to humanity and create a business (not self-employment) around such values.

Here in this chapter, I am making it very clear to you that there is no easy way out of what I am advocating.

I don’t preach making money with magic or without work, I am sorry.

I know this will disappoint some people but I don’t care.

I am very much aware of the human desire for quick-solution to whatever problem we have. This human
weakness is what many dubious people take advantage of and then use to promote their fraudulent schemes, especially
on the internet.

Because those thieves understand that human mind is in love of “quick-fix” and fast solution, they are
everywhere telling you that they can teach you how to be making one-million-naira next month, if you will give them

As for me, I am not asking you to give me money (after all, the ABC gave you this book for free).

I need money but I don’t have to lie to make money.

There is no easy-fix in life. There is no short cut. There is no legitimate way to create values and build
businesses without paying some prices.

I am one of the “craziest” people in the world and by that, I mean, I am one of those people who could take
deadly business risks, as long as it’s not sinful.

At age 13, I started getting angry with the concept of “good job”.

It just didn’t seem to make sense to me that I must work for somebody else.

I asked myself, “If I can actually work for myself and make other people to work for me, why must I
work for another person?” 23
Yes, I was so proud (if that’s what you would call it)

At age 15, though I was still in high school, I started my first business. I became one of the richest boys among
my poor friends.

I would have some cash when they would have to beg for it. I would have money to eat what they couldn’t eat.

It appeared so good to me. I felt great.

I later sold that business and started another one. It seemed I love the whole concept of entrepreneurship.

I would be going to school (secondary school) and still be making money from my business. Though the
money I was making then was not huge but to 16/17 years old boy in a small town, amidst poor boys, I was doing

At 21, after I have become the best student of my class and a political leader in a Nigerian polytechnic, I
cursed the school and its slavery system of job.

Though I was one of the best students, I left my certificate in school and promised never to collect it (and I
never looked back to think of it).

I declared to my parents and family members who thought I would end up being a professor that they were

I told them that I would rather become a successful entrepreneur or die….. And I meant it.

I was ready to die than to be an employee for 30 years. To me, death is far better than slavery.

On Thursday, 24th of July, 2008 I went fully into the business world.

I tell you, it’s a rough road.

Business is not for the fainthearted.

That’s why I told you that there is no easy way out of poverty.

You’re either a rugged soul or a victimized man, no third option.

You will rather be a strong-hearted businessman/woman (in a positive way, please) or you’ll be an unhappy
employee/self-employed person.

I have passed through many fires in the business world. I have tried many things and failed many times. I have
been mocked by pessimists and been verbally attacked by people who thought I was wasting my life.

I have lost businesses and went back to zero, but I would never give up.

My philosophy was, “fight on until you become a successful entrepreneur or die” and I was willing to
experience either of the two (death or business success)

When you hear me talking this way you might be tempted to think that I am desperate.

Yes I am. But I am not devilish, fraudulent or dishonest, by the grace of the Lord Jesus. 24
Though I am a determined and rugged soul, I have in the past turned down some “opportunities” that could
make me a lot of money but which are dirty, because my Christian faith doesn’t allow me to lie, cheat or deceive, even
though I could do any legitimate thing to achieve my business goal.

But why am I telling you all this?

I am using my life’s story to tell you that business world is not a joke. No easy way out. No such short cut as
you might want.

You must be willing to take action, I mean massive actions.

You must also be willing to persist, persevere and press on at the tough time (because you’re not likely to
escape through this times in life or business.)

My message to you is; be strong and determined!

Be willing to pay the price. Be courageous and have faith in yourself and in your country.

Let those who can continue saying Nigeria is bad continue. Let those who can continue saying Africa is poor

Don’t join them!

Instead, be determined, be strong and be willing to endure a period of discomfort before the Sun will shine on

Don’t look for short cut because it really doesn’t exist.

The only “short-cut” that really exists is… 25
Secret No.6

Get Education, Get Financial Education

The short cut to financial success is financial education… Brian Sher

There are so many reasons why I hate school but the number one of those reasons is because school isn’t
giving children financial education.

Actually, if you know the history of the present school system, you would surely know that the present
“educational” system is more dangerous to the world than the Boko Haram, the ISIS, the Taliban or the Al-Qaeda or
any dangerous terrorist group.

Don’t let my assertion disturb you. Listen to my argument instead.

School is “killing” millions of people every year by teaching them how to live in the yesterday’s world (the
world of good job)

You take time and think about it.

How would it sound if you were taking to a training camp and be taught how to live in the moon and just after
your training is over you were told that you would actually live in the Sun?

That’s crazy, isn’t it?

How do you want to manage to live in the terrible Sun when you have spent 25 years learning how to live in
the gentle moon?

That’s what is happening with our school system today.

We deliver our children to the hand of school, to train them how to be employees, enjoy job security, live easy
life etc. and just after they graduated from the university they discovered that they have been deceived. 26
They discovered that the bad jobs are even scarce, not to talk of good ones. They discovered that there is
nothing again in the industrial world to be called “job security”

They then become frustrated, tired and hopeless.

This, I say is more harmful to our world than the terrorists.

The purpose of this book is not to reveal to you how school has made you poor or what to do.

We have a separate book for that called, 13 Secrets School Did Not Teach You about
How to Be Rich

(If you are yet to read it, click here )

The message I want to pass across to you here is that, school, unfortunately was designed to meet the need of
the boom at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Then, we had so many industries and not much people to do the job so we had to train our children how to be

Now the world has changed (actually more than three decades ago). Now we have several technologies doing
humans jobs, plus the fact that we now have over 7 billion people in the world.

Now the good jobs are gone and there is only one way out; that you train yourself to be an entrepreneur.

Though no school is available to teach you that, you can engage yourself in financial education, if you’re

I have touched and read from about 200 books (mostly business-related books) before I started fully in the
business world on 24th of July, 2008.

You talk about marketing, branding, negotiation, leadership, business and human relationship, cash flow
management etc. I have read from hundreds of business books in my little life time. 27
I visited a bookshop in Lagos Last month and I had to buy 8 books. I told that book seller, “I’m coming back
about two months from now. I will come and pack many of your books here”

But why?

Because there is no short cut to financial success. The only short cut that exists is business and financial

What is financial or business education?

This question is as the same as asking, what is medical education?

If anyone is called a medical doctor, he/she is known as an expert in the field of medicine. He could diagnose
and discover what is wrong with your health and offer a medical solution.

The same with those who have business/financial education.

Anyone with business and financial education has been trained how to discovered opportunities and how to
maximize such opportunities and turn them to businesses, even in the worst economy.

Since there is no meaningful school where you can learn real entrepreneurship (I don’t trust the so call
“business school”) the best way is to lay your hands on as many good business and financial books as you can.

If you’re financially educated, no matter how bad the economy is, you will know how to add values to
humanity, build businesses and make money.

As a young guy, when my mates were buying expensive phones, books were my choice. When they were busy
making ignorant noise about football and movies, I was busy reading good books.

When my mates were borrowing money to buy clothes, I could remember borrowing money from a friend
because I wanted to buy a business book.

It was the knowledge I gathered from these business books that gave me courage to go into the business world,
even when I had near to nothing to start with.

And today, I have (by the grace of the Highest) become a business authority that many people want to listen to.

Take for instance, a man of over 60 years called me from the United States about 4 months ago and for a
period of about three weeks he kept on calling me. Though he’s much older than me, he doesn’t know anything much
about business, so he needed me to guild/teach him.

While speaking with a man who called me few hours ago from Ireland (a country in Europe) I heard him
saying, “I am going to call you back. I should need you to be my consultant”

This is not to mention so many calls I do receive from Nigeria, from several people who need me to consult for
them and help them either in starting or growing their businesses.

But what is my secret? How did I get to know so much about business?

No secret. Not one.

The only “secret” is that I was determined years ago to sit down and read many business/financial books. From
there I learned so many things about business and money that most people don’t know. 28
I went to the business world to practicalize what I have learned. Though it was not very easy, I discover that
those principles I learned actually work.

It is unfortunate; most Africans don't know the value and power of knowledge. They don't buy or read good

Some of them are ignorant who don’t know the transformational power of a book while some are excuse
makers who claim not to have enough time to read. That's why some people said, "If you want to hide anything from
an African, keep it in a book".

Most Africans are dumb. I mean not to be rude. They will rather waste their time watching useless TV shows,
movies or football than to read good books.

How will they grow? How will they become smart? How will they know what other people don’t know that
will make them to succeed in life and business?

You ask yourself, is your life the same after reading this book you are reading? Don’t you get new inspiration
and new insight? Are you not closer now to success (even if it’s just an inch) than before you started reading this book?

Can you compare yourself to others who have never read anything like this in their life?

If no, then something should tell you that if a simple book like this could inspire you and change something in
your life, what will happen if you actually sit down to read more and many other good business books?

It’s a general rule of life, known to every successful men and women. If you want to achieve something, you
have to learn how to achieve it from people who have already gone ahead of you.

The easiest way to do that is to go for training or read a book that could help you.

If you care about good marriage, you must read good books about marriage. If you care about your health, you
should read some good stuff about how to be healthy.

"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of
spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins" Jim Rohn.

How can a man tell me he wants to be rich and he has never read at least 20 good books about money and

I am angry!

I am angry!

I am seriously angry!

Most people won't believe it, but it is the truth. Most millionaires read one book every week while most poor
people don't even read about money at all.

If you think I am a liar, kindly search Google for How often do millionaires read?

Please, I beg you; don’t take any of my words lightly. Stop this book now and go to Google.

Search for How often do millionaires read? and read at least three articles Google lists.

This simple exercise could change your life so I want to help you to do it. If your phone or laptop is connected
to the internet right now, you can click … right from here and you’ll get to Google. 29
Search for How often do millionaires read? And after reading 3 articles, you can continue this book.

Please stop this book and do what I ask you to do.

Your entire life could change because of what you will discover in the above exercise.

Thank you very much for cooperating with me to help you.

Now that you have done that simple exercise, what did you read?

Were you not surprised to know that the number one secret of the millionaires is book?

The truth is, most of them don’t have time or reason to tell you this truth, but I will tell you.

Did you know Zig Ziglar? He was a millionaire American. He read 4hrs every day when he was alive.

Do you know Donald Trump? He is one of the richest people in the world and contesting for America
president as at the time of writing this book.

He sleeps around 3hrs (according to him), wakes up early and starts reading.

When Bill Gates built his mansion, he specially built his library upstairs.

Jimoh Ibrahim is one of the richest men in Africa. Whenever he enters his library (I was told) not even his wife
is permitted to knock his library door.

This is how rich people gather business and financial knowledge.

That is why it's possible for them to make millions of dollars a year.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places
you'll go" Dr. Seuss.

Spend less money buying Smartphone. Spend some money to buy good books. It is NOT a must you buy the
ABC books (if you don't trust us).

We don't have problem about that. But PLEASE, visit a nearby book shop and buy some good financial books.

Dear Friend, Visit bookshops. Buy and read good financial books. You will be wiser. You will be smarter. You
will know what most people don't know about money and business. It will become easier for you to make money than
others and you will never have reason to complain about bad economy.

You will not complain about bad economy because no matter how bad the economy is, you will know how to
create values, add values, build business and make money.

Sometimes (by the grace of Jesus) I make more money in a single day, than the salary many people are earning
in their whole month of hard work, so whenever I meet with such people and I hear them saying, “economy is bad”,
most times I simply keep silence.


Because I know they are telling the truth. I know truly, economy is very bad for them, but not for me.

Because I love you, I am telling you the truth; go and equip your mind with financial education. Create time.
Switch off that TV. Log out of Facebook. Don’t go to WhatsApp for some time. 30
Visit a bookshop near you and check some good business and financial books.

As you read these books, your mind will be opening. You will start seeing many opportunities around you.

You will start seeing that Nigeria or Africa is NOT actually poor.

You will learn how to create values, add values and make much money, even in this bad economy. 31
Secret No.7

ABC Can Help You!

Yes, ABC can be of help in your entrepreneurial journey.

Though you met us online, we are your brothers, your friends and your partners. Though we don’t give people
money (because we are not charity organization) we can be of help to you in so many ways.

Take for instance; as I am writing these words three men are on their way to one of our training centers in
Lagos. One of these men traveled all the way from Dubia (United Arab Emirates) today and one of the reasons for his
trip is to pass through one of the ABC training (he’s the Indian man I talked about somewhere inside this book)

That is one of the ways we are helping Africans and even non-Africans, by teaching them what will make their
entrepreneurial vision achievable.

A man from Malta (a country in Europe) by name Joseph Pace has been on my neck for about a week now. He
wants to register for our 9-day business training but he couldn’t pay with his card and this is taking much of his emotion.

Even though the business training was designed for Africans, after he read some of our free books, he couldn’t
have peace without being part of the training.

As you might have known, the Africa Business Classroom (ABC) has been in existence since September,

Our mission is to train one million Africans to be successful business owners.

Our office is at No 9, Hakeem Ogbara Street, Oke-Oriya, Ikorodu, Lagos

We are a group of people with years of business experience and great business knowledge.

With our more than 200 business associates/partners and several years of business experience if combined,
we’re working hard every day to reach and help more Africans by teaching them how to start, run and own successful
businesses, in Africa. 32
With our wide and ever growing partnership and business connections, you can tap into our resources and have
an easier (though not magical) entrepreneurial journey with some of our business training.

What we love to tell people is this…

We are NOT billionaires. We don’t have all the money in the world and we don’t even know everything about
money or business.

But we have gone ahead of so many people and that’s the reason why we’re helping them to come up and let’s
move together.

So far (from 2007 till now) we have been able to train and inspire so many people, more than we can count.

I showed you some testimonials at the beginning of this book.

Let me show you more of what other people like you are saying about us; 33 34
The truth is, the ABC has been a great trained thousands of people how to start successful business, since 2007.

We have liberated so many minds and have trained so many people how to start business, grow business and live a rich
life, even at this time of economic crisis.

We do this through our various business training.

If you ever wish to be a successful entrepreneur, then our 9-day business training was designed for you.

It’s nothing but a secret-packed training.

If you attend the training and your life remains the same, then, we are fraudsters.

But wait. Do I have to tell you any sweet words, even after you have read our two free books?

You think about it, if our free books could touch your heart this way, what would be in a 9-day training?

Join other smart people on this ongoing 9-day intensive business training. Click HERE

We love you!

ABC… Training Africans to Be Successful Entrepreneurs! 35 36

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