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What Is Management Information System

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1. What is Management Information System?

A management information system (MIS) is the study of technology, people, organization,

and a series or group of processes that process, analyze, and display data to be used in
decision making. This system is a planning system that is part of the company’s internal
control and consists of documents, human resources, technology, and management
accounting processes. All data that has been gathered, summarize are communicated to aid in
management decision making. For example, sales managers may use their resource
computers network to receive sales data from their products and reports, analysis that
evaluate sales are facilitated for decisions.

The primary goal of this system is to collect and organise all data from various levels of business,
summarise and then facilitate decision making, and improve quality to increase the company’s
productivity and profitability.

Management information systems (MIS) provide information in the form of reports and displays to
managers and many business professionals. For example, sales managers may use their networked
computers and Web browsers to receive instantaneous displays about the sales results of their
products and access their corporate intranet for daily sales analysis reports that evaluate sales made
by each salesperson. Decision support systems (DSS) give direct computer support to managers
during the decision-making process. For example, an advertising manager may use a DSS to perform
a what-if analysis as part of the decision to determine how to spend advertising dollars. A production
manager may use a DSS to decide how much product to manufacture, based on the expected sales
associated with a future promotion and the location and availability of the raw materials necessary to
manufacture the product. Executive information systems (EIS) provide critical information from a
wide variety of internal and external sources in easy-to-use displays to executives and managers. For
example, top executives may use touch-screen terminals to view instantly text and graphics displays
that highlight key areas of organizational and competitive performance.

A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware and software
that serves as the backbone of an organization's operations. An MIS gathers data from multiple
online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data to aid in management decision-making

Information Systems play an integral role in organizations. They enable business transactions, from
Customer Relationship Management to Supply Chain Management, they provide crucial decision-
making information for managers, and enable new types of business models and organization
structures. Today’s information-intensive, complex business environment demands professionals
who have both applied IT experience and management insight. Hope this helps.

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the study of people, technology, and organizations. It
focuses on the management of information systems to provide efficiency and effectiveness of
strategic decision making.

An MIS track takes concepts from computer science, programming, and system analysis & design
and applies them to business needs.
2. What are the components of MIS?

A Management Information System is made up of Five Components namely, Hardware (Actor),

Software (Instructions), Data (Bridge), Procedures (Instructions), People (Actor).

Here are some of the advantages or benefits of using a MIS for management and a company as a

1. Improving data accuracy 

Accurate data is needed in a company because it is related to strategic decisions. A management
information system is a tool that provides accurate data needed by the company. 

The system automatically processes incoming data to make administrative tasks more effective and
efficient. And with the support of internet technology, you can also retrieve the required data in the
system in real-time. 

2. Facilitate coordination 
This system also provides information services that you can use for planning, monitoring and
administrative control. From the resulting information, data can be used by other departments or
departments in need. 

Information systems also help management to delegate tasks to other parties easily. Coordination
between departments can also take place quickly without having to meet in person.

3. Improving the quality of human resources 

What is a management information system for executives? 

Of course, when information data is available accurately and quickly, this will affect the performance
of the company’s human resources. 

Like it or not, HR who use this system must adapt their work system to technological advances.
Quality resources will undoubtedly affect the progress of your business development in the future. 
4. Reduce operational costs 
If MIS has worked for your company, this system will help minimise human error. With a minimal
number of errors, the productivity of existing human resources will also increase. Then at the same
time, conditions like this certainly reduce the company’s operational costs.

An MIS provides the following advantages.

1. It Facilitates planning : MIS improves the quality of plants by providing relevant information for sound
decision – making . Due to increase in the size and complexity of organizations, managers have lost
personal contact with the scene of operations.
It increases plant quality by giving important information for better decision-making. As businesses grow
in size and complexity, managers have lost personal contact with the operational environment.
2. In Minimizes information overload : MIS change the larger amount of data in to summarized form and
there by avoids the confusion which may arise when managers are flooded with detailed facts.
Minimizes information overload: MIS converts vast amounts of data into summary form, avoiding the
confusion that can occur when managers are bombarded with specific information.
3. MIS Encourages Decentralization : Decentralization of authority is possibly when there is a system for
monitoring operations at lower levels. MIS is successfully used for measuring performance and making
necessary change in the organizational plans and procedures.
Decentralization of authority is possible when there is a system for monitoring operations at lower levels,
which is encouraged by MIS. MIS has shown to be an effective tool for assessing performance and
making necessary changes to organizational goals and processes.
4. It brings Co ordination : MIS facilities integration of specialized activities by keeping each department
aware of the problem and requirements of other departments. It connects all decision centers in the
organization .
It facilitates integration of specialized activity by ensuring that each department is aware of the problem
and requirements of other departments. It connects the organization's decision-making centers.
- It facilitates integration of specialized activity by keeping each department informed about the problem
and requirements of other departments. It links the company's many decision-making areas.
5. It makes control easier : MIS serves as a link between managerial planning and control. It improves the
ability of management to evaluate and improve performance . The used computers has increased the
data processing and storage capabilities and reduced the cost .
It facilitates control: Management information systems (MIS) act as a link between managerial planning
and control. It boosts management's ability to assess and improve performance. The number of
computers in use has enhanced data processing and storage capacity while lowering costs.
6. MIS assembles, process , stores , Retrieves , evaluates and Disseminates the information .
MIS collects, process , stores , Retrieves , assesses and Disseminates the data

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