Writ Appeal
Writ Appeal
Writ Appeal
with a liberty to the applicant to seek re-consideration of the O.A after Principal Employer format download.
the disposal of the Writ Petition (C) No. ___ of 20__ by this Hon'ble Work outsource Agreement.
Bank Guarantee
Consumer Court
17 format
possession letter
1. That the present Writ Petition under Article 226 read with 227 of
the Constitution of India is against the order dated _____________ Power of Attorney
basis of an interim order passed by this Hon'ble Court on ____ in Writ General power of attorney format
Petition (C) No. ___ of ___ titled _____ & Ors _____ & Ors. A copy of download __ (GPA) General Power of
the order dated 03.10.20__ passed by the Hon'ble Central Attorney format for property
RTI Application
(ii) That pursuant to the Advertisement No. ___ of 20__ of DSSSB the
Petitioner had applied for the Post of Primary Teacher in ____, Post RTI Application format download. How to
Code ___ and participated in the selection process, Roll No. ____. She fill Application under Right to
got ___ Marks. Despite the applicant having secured more marks than Information Act application
the cut-off marks (__) for OBC category, she has not been considered
Income Tax Appeal
for appointment on the ground of being 'overage'. In the rejection
order No. __ dated 05.12.20__, the applicants name figures at Sr. No. Format of Form No. 35 to file appeal with
(iii) The Petitioner had challenged the impugned rejection order No. __ Format of Form No. 36 to file appeal with
(iv) Pursuant to the notices issued, the respondents entered Suits under Code of Civil Procedure
appearance and filed replies, to which the Petitioner has filed separate
Format of Suit for Specific Performance
with alternate prayer for refund of
(v) That after hearing these submission of the Respondents, the money download in MS Word Format
qualification was already settled; the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the Format of Form No. E to file appeal with
Judgment used the word "__" just to represent the educational Commissioner of Wealth Tax against the
(viii) That the Respondents have wrongly twisted the facts in such a Format of Form No. F to file Wealth Tax
way that Mr. _________ had done ____ course not Diploma in appeal with ITAT against the order of CIT
Will format download. How to prepare a
___________ v. ___________, held that a candidate who had Supreme Court formats
completed ETE course from Delhi is to be given age relaxation as per
Special Leave Petition in Supreme
the decision in __________, the same age relaxation should be Court of India
provided to the persons who are identically placed in terms of
SLP format under Article 136 of the
educational qualifications.
Constitution to be filed in Supreme Court
B. Because the Hon'ble Tribunal failed to appreciate that the of India against Judgment of High Court
Petitioners in Writ Petition (C) No. ____ of 20__ have concealed the
Special Leave Petition (Criminal) format
under Article 136 of the Constitution to
be filed in Supreme Court of India
C. Because the Hon'ble Tribunal did not consider all these facts while against Judgment of High Court
disposing of O.A No. ____ of 20__ which resulted violation of rights
Application for exemption from filing
guaranteed to the Petitioners under Article 14 and 16 of the
officially translated documents with
Constitution of India.
Supreme Court of India
4. That the petitioners submit that no other petition against the
Format of affidavit to be filed with SLP
impugned order has been filed by the petitioner.
(Special Leave Petition) in Supreme
Shares Court
Format of AOR Certificate to be filed with
5. That the petitioners do not have no other efficacious alternative SLP. Advocate on Record certificate for
In view of the facts & circumstances stated above, it is most Article 136 of the Constitution of India.
respectfully prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to:- Counter affidavit from Respondents
a) Issue an appropriate Writ quashing the impugned order dated Format of Rejoinder Affidavit against
03.10.20__ passed by the Hon'ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Counter Affidavit in Supreme Court of
Principal Bench, New Delhi, in Original Application No. ___ of 20__. India
b) Any other relief, order or direction this court may deem fit and Civil Appeal to Supreme Court of
proper under the facts and circumstances of this case.
Judgment of NGT
Judgment of NCDRC
Format of Writ Petition for High Court under Article 226 and 227 Writ Petition Under Article 32 of the
of the Constitution of India to challenge order passed by Central Constitution in Supreme Court
Administrative Tribunal against OA.
PIL format for Supreme Court under
Article 32 of the Constitution of India.
Supreme Court