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Flow Sensing Flo-Cross Sensor: Upstream and Downstream Concentric Ring Sensing Port Configuration

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Sealed Sensing Tubes

Four Sensing Arms

Barbed Fittings
Streamlined Center

Three Specifically Sized

Sensing Ports per Arm

Signal Amplification

Patent No. 4,453,419

Upstream and ■ Accurate to +/- 5% throughout the catalog operating range.
Downstream ■ Sensing arms sample the inlet cross section mitigating turbulent flow effects.
Concentric Ring
■ Barbed fittings positively lock plastic tubing.
Sensing Port
Configuration ■ 24 total sensing ports provide a differential pressure (∆P) output proportional to
the average duct velocity.
■ Amplification baffles strengthen ∆P signals to levels three times higher than
standard Pitot tube readings.
■ Center manifolds average velocity profiles and reduce pulsations from dynamic
∆P signals.
■ Sensing tube construction eliminates signal loss due to leakage.
■ Concentric ring sensing port configuration imitates major flow testing standards
by locating them at the center of equal areas.
■ Corrosion resistant construction.
Size Area (FT2 ) Cv K† • Flow (CFM) = Cv x √ ∆P
04 .0819 209 2.8
05 .1296 315 3.0 • ∆P (inches W.G.) = K x ( FPM 2
06 .1883 462 2.9 4005 )
07 .2578 612 3.0
08 .3382 817 2.9 • FPM = Area CFM
(sq. ft.)
10 .5319 1250 3.0
12 .7691 1792 3.0 • 500 to 3000 FPM Nominal Velocity
14 1.0500 2474 3.0
16 1.3745 3235 3.0
24 2.6321 6522 3.0

†(K) is the amplification factor


General Installation Precautions

Tuttle & Bailey terminal units are available in a no Check that construction debris does not enter unit
control configuration or with pressure indepen- or ductwork. Do not operate the central-station
dent volume control. The volume controller main- air-handling fan without final or construction filters
tains a pre-set volume and responds to thermo- in place. Accumulated dust and construction
stat control between maximum and minimum set debris distributed through the ductwork can
points. Factory installed electric heat and hot adversely affect unit operation.
water coils provide reheat.
Service Access
Controls Provide service clearance for unit access.
The controller monitors a differential pressure sig-
nal from the sensor as air flows in the duct sec- Codes
tion of the terminal. This differential signal is used Install units in compliance with all applicable code
to control the volume of air, which passes through requirements.
the terminal. As room temperature changes, a
signal is sent to a reset actuator on the controller Warranty
to change the volume set point to satisfy the zone All Tuttle & Bailey furnished items carry the
demand. standard Tuttle & Bailey warranty. Control
components and items furnished by others,
Packaging whether or not installed at Tuttle & Bailey's
Terminal units are packaged in cartons and/or are factory, are not warranted by Tuttle & Bailey.
crated prior to shipment.

Units should not be stored outdoors. Units should
be covered to protect against dirt, moisture, etc.
Cartons may be stacked, but not over 5 cartons FLOW
high. Crates must not be stacked.

Do not handle terminal units by damper rod
extension, tubing connections, Flo-Cross® sen-
sor, or other external attachments. Be careful not
to damage controls when removing units from MODEL NO: SIZE: UP
shipping containers. TOTAL CFM: MIN. CFM:


Initial Inspection ITEM:

Once items have been removed from the ship- MOTOR:

ping container, check carefully for damage to duct
connections, coils or controls. File damage claim
immediately with transportation agency and notify
Tuttle & Bailey.


Unit Identification
Terminal units are assembled as indicated on unit MIN. CFM: VP:

label. Each unit is supplied with an identification FACTORY NO: ITEM: FACTORY NO: ITEM:

label, as shown.


thermostat rises until the first stage on a N.O. P/E
HANGER switch closes, activating the first stage or reheat.
If the room temperature continues to fall, the rise
in branch pressure will activate the second and third
When used with a D.A. thermostat, normally
BRACKET closed P/E switches maintain full electric reheat
HANGER WIRE when the room temperature (and pressure) is low.
As the temperature rises, the P/E switches open,
de-energizing stages of electric heat.

The P/E switches can also be set in the field,

Installation using gages to accurately locate the required
INSTALL UNIT pressure. Care must be taken to provide sufficient
1. Move unit to installation area. Remove unit from differential pressure between separate switch
shipping package. Do not handle by controls, Flo- settings.
Cross® sensor, or damper extension rod. P/E SWITCH SETTINGS (psig)
2. Install the field-supplied angle iron or accessory
hanger to the terminal unit. Avoid interference with NORMALLY CLOSED P/E NORMALLY OPEN P/E
internal parts or access panel. Optional hanger STAGES (Open on Rise) (Close on Rise)
brackets also available. 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 7 9
3. Suspend units from building structure with straps
2 7 6 9 10
or hanger wires. Secure the unit and level it in 3 7 6 5 9 10 11
each direction. Note that reheat coil is in heavy end of
unit. Wire Electronic Analog Controls
1. Wire controls using the control package diagram.
MAKE DUCT CONNECTIONS The control diagrams may be obtained from the
1. Install supply ductwork on unit inlet collar. Check local Tuttle & Bailey representative.
that air supply duct connections are airtight and 2. Remove the controller wiring access door by
follow all accepted duct installation procedures. pulling back on the access door's tab and lifting
2. Install the discharge duct. Seal and insulate duct upward. The access door will now lift off and
as required. provide access to the wiring terminations.
3. Wire, or cable, access is via two 5/8" diameter
Pipe Pneumatic Controls snap-in shutter bushings located on the rear of the
1. Pipe control as shown on the control package controller's cover.
diagram for the specific installation. These dia- 4. Connect the controller to the thermostat as follows:
grams may be obtained from the local Tuttle & • Terminal "16VDC" to thermostat terminal "+".
Bailey representative. • Terminal "IN" to thermostat terminal "T1" for
cooling or "T2" for heating air flow. NOTE: If
Using 1/4 in. OD FR plastic tubing (or other piping minimum and maximum velocity limits will be set
as required by local codes), connect main, thermo- at the controller, then use "T3" for cooling and
stat and optional hot water valves or Pressure- "T4" for heating.
Electric (P/E) switches to the volume controller/ • Terminal "OUT" to thermostat terminal "V1" for
actuator at interface connections A and B. velocity readout at thermostat.
2. Care must be exercised to select the proper spring • Terminal "—" to thermostat terminal "—". Con-
rate for hot water valves in order to sequence the nect the CSP to a 24VAC, -15/+20%, 50/60 Hz,
valve with the damper. Recommended spring rates power source.
are shown on the control package piping diagrams. • Terminal "~" to the phase side of the 24VAC
3. The P/E switches for sequencing stages of electric transformer.
heat are set at the factory according to the table • Terminal "—" to the neutral or ground side of the
below. See specific control package application transformer.
sheet for P/E switch requirements. 5. Replace the wiring access door by inserting the
The P/E switches activate reheat stages in this door's two hinge-tabs into the matching slots on
way: with a reverse acting thermostat, as the room the controller's cover, press down until the tab
temperature falls, the damper closes to minimum clicks in-place.
flow. As the room temperature continues to fall,
the branch line pressure from the pneumatic


Tuttle & Bailey offers a wide variety of factory-installed Electronic Analog Controller
controls. The controls provide pressure-independent
control as well as various applications for minimum

and maximum flow, hot water, electric heat, warm-up
and sequencing control. 45

Volume controllers are used to provide a variety of L

control functions and applications. Each control
combination is identified on the unit nameplate.

Operation of units with pneumatic or electronic analog

controls are dynamically verified using statistical
process control.
• Flo-Cross® Sensor—integral to the volume control
system for the most accurate flow sensing available.
Pneumatic Controller • Field connections—easily done to clearly marked
• Volume adjustments—can be made at the wall
thermostat or controller.
• Gear disengagement—button to simplify calibration
and troubleshooting.
LO STAT P • Tri-color LED—indicates actuator action,


N C N C • Control options—include: proportional control, hot


M water or electric reheat, dual minimum, building
automation interface.
Direct Digital Controls
Tuttle & Bailey factory mounts the Direct Digital
• Flo-Cross® Sensor—integral to the volume control Controls (DDC) of major manufacturers which simpli-
system for the most accurate flow sensing available. fies the integration of Tuttle & Bailey terminal units
• Field adjustment—of maximum and minimum air into Building Automation Systems. All the benefits of
flows easily made with screwdriver and integral flow DDC are available to each individual zone. Tuttle &
• Reset span—adjustable from 0 to 10 psig (factory Bailey will factory mount, pipe and wire specified
set at 5 psig), when set, remains constant regard- control components on the Tuttle & Bailey terminal
less of maximum/minimum air flow adjustments. unit. When required, an optional enclosure is avail-
• Low air consumption—0.017 SCFM at 20 psig. able to protect control components.
• Direct or reverse acting—thermostat action is field
adjustable. The exclusive, patented Flo-Cross® Sensor is compat-
• Adjustable start point—from 0 to 10 psig to se- ible with most DDC controls on the market today and
quence with auxiliaries such as reheat coils. is recommended for applications requiring factory
• Damper action—field adjustable for normally open mounting of DDC controls. The Flo-Cross® Sensor's
or normally closed. high level of accuracy, regardless of inlet conditions,
• Controller mounted—with adjustments and tubing
makes it an excellent match to the superior perfor-
facing down for easy access from below.
• 15-25 psig—clean dry air source required for mance of DDC systems.
• Actuator attaches to damper shaft with positive lock Control package drawings are available outlining the
crankarm, eliminating improperly adjusted linkage. control manufacturer equipment and, factory provided
equipment. All are shown on a complete piping and
wiring diagram.

Tuttle & Bailey also offers terminal units without

controls, with or without the Flo-Cross® Sensor for
field mounting of DDC equipment.


General 3. Check electrical system and connections of any

Air volume delivery to the conditioned space is optional electric reheat coil. If hot water reheat is
controlled by the modulated opening and closing of a used, check piping and valves per job drawings.
damper within the terminal unit. The damper is 4. Check pneumatic control system for proper control
positioned by the actuator and volume controller. air pressure at terminal unit.
5. Check that all air duct connections are tight.
System Check 6. See that all balancing dampers at terminal outlets
1. Check that all controls, control box, and ductwork are in full-open position.
have been properly installed and set per installa-
tion instructions and job requirements.
2. Check that final filters have been installed in the
air-handling apparatus. Dust and debris can
adversely affect system operation.


To thermostat Branch Field adaptable auxiliary

Signal (Reset Signal) switch non-rotation slot

To Static Pressure Reset Start Point

To Total Pressure Adjustment

(Factory Set @
8.0 PSI)

H L Differential 45
Pressure (Flow)
B Limit adjustment
To Damper Actuator when t'stat Adjustable
pressure is high End Stops

HI STAT P ∆ P Ports

To Main Air Supply N C N C (HI Stat)


NO "3/16" (5) Dia. (2) 0

Gauge Tap. Leave L
Gear Disengage-
cap on unless ment button
connecting gauge for G Differential H
Reset Start or Reset Pressure (Flow)
Span adjustment. Limit adjustment
when t'stat N

pressure is low
Damper Action Selection (LO Stat) METER M
NOTE: Screw must be tight and 16
— —
— + X
arrows in perfect alignment for Reset Span Adjustment RED-CLS
device to function properly. (Factory Set @ 5.0 PSI) N C


(SEE CONTROL PACKAGE DIAGRAM FOR 0-10V velocity output Common (16VDC, input, output)
0-10V input signal
SPECIFIC INFORMATION) 16VDC output { Power Supply

16 I O — —
V N U 24V




All volume controllers are factory set for maximum and decrease of the reset span will directly and propor-
minimum airflow according to sales order require- tionally effect the differential pressure range.
ments. The requisite aiflow settings are found on the
unit identification label. Other airflow settings may be LO STAT DP adjustment will affect the HI STAT DP,
obtained by field adjustment. LO STAT DP must be adjusted first or the HI STAT
DP will require readjustment.
Pneumatic Controls 4. Replace cap on G port.
To change the settings, refer to pages 30 and 31, and
proceed as follows: Electronic Analog Controls
1. Connect pressure gage or inclined manometer to (Thermostat Checkout/Calibration Procedures)
high and low taps. The thermostat (CTE-5100 Series) operates on a
2. Refer to flow curves located on terminal side to 16vDC power supply from the CSP controller and
determine differential pressure for specified outputs a 0-10vDC signal on the T (?) terminals; T1 in
maximum and minimum airflow. the cooling mode (DA) and T2 in the heating mode (RA). In
3. Direct acting cooling or reverse acting heating. general, T1 and T3 are used for the cooling mode, T2 and T4
a. Adjust LO STAT DP to the desired minimum air for heating. T1 and T2 are adjustable to limit min. and
flow limit with 0 PSI (or a pressure less than the max. flow. T3 and T4 have a fixed 0-10vDC output
reset start point) at port T. signal.
b. Adjust HI STAT DP to the desired maximum air 1. Required Tools
flow limit with 20 psi (or a pressure greater than A. 1/16" hex/key wrench.
the reset start point plus reset span) at port T. B. Small flat blade (1/8") screwdriver.
4. Reverse acting cooling or direct acting heating. C. Digital volumeter capable of displaying a 0-10vDC
a. Adjust LO STAT DP to the desired maximum range which will display in hundredths of vDC.
air flow limit with 0 PSI (or a pressure less than D. HSO-5001 Test Leads (optional for meter taps).
the reset start point) at port T. 2. Remove Thermostat Cover: Thermostat cover is
b. Adjust HI STAT DP to the desired minimum air removed by loosening the setscrews on each side of
flow limit with 20 PSI (or a pressure greater the thermostat. Using a 1/16" hex/key wrench turn
than the reset start point plus reset span) at port T. the setscrews clockwise until cover is loose.
3. Check Voltages
Direct Acting Reverse Acting Reverse Acting Directing Acting
Cooling Heating Cooling Heating
A. Verify 16vDC between (+) and (-) terminals.
B. Measure "T (?)" to "-" for output voltage. Use
LO Stat DP Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum
Adjustment Limit Limit Limit Limit
calibration procedures below to adjust limits if
desired. Adjust set point above and below current
HI Stat DP Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum room temperature and observe changes in appro-
Adjustment Limit Limit Limit Limit
priate 'T' voltage. Remove set point slider stops
Disconnect pressure gage and recap flow taps. Reset (HFO-0027) if necessary.
Start is factory set at 8 PSI. To field adjust proceed 4. Always Adjust Minimum flow limits first
as follows: 5. Maximum limits must always be greater than mini-
1. Connect an accurate gauge to the G port. mum limits. If in doube, turn Max. limit fully clockwise
2. Regulate thermostat pressure, to port T, to the (increase) before proceeding. NOTE: Dials rotate
desired startpoint pressure. approximately 200° (8:00 to 4:00). DO NOT force dial
3. Adjust Reset Start to indicate 0 PSI on G port beyond stop.
gauge and then adjust Reset Start to indicate a 6. Connect voltmeter to the meter caps (Using HSO-5001).
pressure slightly higher than 0 PSI, i.e. 0.1 PSI. A. The two holes on the right are for the min.
4. Replace cap on G port. and max. reading.
B. Move to the left to measure actual flow VelocityGround Min/Max
Reset Span is factory set at 5 PSI. To field adjust (must be wired to controller for this option).
proceed as follows: 7. Adjust set point to request Min. flow**
1. Connect an accurate gauge to the G port. A. D/A cooling stat; Set point <Room-temp. Min. Max.
2. Regulate thermostat pressure, to port T, to 20 PSI. B. R/A cooling stat; Set point >Room-temp. INCR. INCR.

3. Adjust Reset Span to indicate the desired span on C. Set maximum flow as desired using
G port gauge. Reset Span adjustments will affect the max. dial. Clockwise to increase
Counterclockwise to decrease
the HI STAT DP. Reset Span must be adjusted 8. Adjust set point to request Max. flow**
first or HI STAT DP will require readjustment. A. D/A cooling stat; Set point <Room-temp. NOTE: Do not use
Deviation from the factory set 5.0 PSI reset span B. R/A cooling stat; Set point >Room-temp. excessive force on
dials. They should
will effect the differential pressure range of 1.0" C. Set maximum flow as desired using turn freely and
W.C. of the pneumatic controller. An increase or —6— the max. dial. effortlessly.

**NOTE: Limits may be set at the CSP or the CTE thermostat. If setting the min/max limits at the CTE thermostat the CSP's min. dial
must be fully CCW to "0" and the max. dial set fully CW to "100". This will ensure that the CSP will not have any affect on the limits.


Check for kinked or disconnected tubing, broken taps
GENERAL or components, incorrect piping and plugged orifice
NOTE: See the logic board diagram on page 31 for
terminal locations. CHECK THERMOSTAT
1. Consult manufacturer's recommendations.
PRE-CHECK PROCEDURE 2. Check maximum pressure output. If pressure is
1. Determine if a 24V AC power supply, -15%, +20%, below 13 to 20 psi:
is wired to the power supply terminals.
2. Determine if the controller has been installed a. Ensure sufficient main pressure.
properly on the terminal box. b. Ensure thermostat is mounted flush to vertical
3. Determine if the minimum and maximum flow limits surface.
have been properly set (see page 32). c. Replace thermostat.
4. Determine if the thermostat is wired correctly.
5. Space temperature must be between 70° to 80°F. CHECK RESET CONTROLLER
Insert gage (0-30 psi) in line to reset actuator from
FLOW CONTROLLER thermostat. As thermostat branch pressure changes
To test the actuator's motor operation: from 3 to 13 psig, reset actuator shaft should retract
1. Temporarily disconnect the thermostat reset and extend in accordance.
connection from terminal "IN".
2. Jumper "IN" terminal to the "16VDC" terminal. DA will extend on space temperature increase.
3. The CLS/OPN bi-color LED should be "green", and DA will retract on space temperature decrease.
the CSP's shaft drive hub should be rotating the RA will retract on space temperature increase.
damper open. RA will extend on space temperature decrease.
4. The damper should go to the full open position. If
the maximum limit was set at the CSP, then the If reset controller does not respond, replace.
damper will only go the maximum setting. If the
damper is rotating closed, the "CLOSE" jumpers CHECK POWER STROKE DAMPER ACTUATOR
must be changed. (Refer to ROTATION below) Connect restricted main pressure directly to damper
5. Jumper "IN" terminal to the "—" terminal. actuator. Damper should extend and retract as air is
6. The CLS/OPN bi-color LED should be "red", and applied and removed. If not, replace actuator.
the CSP's shaft drive hub should be rotating the
damper closed.
7. The damper should go to the full closed position. If
the minimum limit was set at the CSP, then the
damper will only go to the minimum setting. If the
damper is rotating open, the "CLOSE" jumpers
must be changed. (Refer to ROTATION below)

The Damper Rotation is factory set for a counter-

clockwise (CCW) to close rotation. For clockwise
(CW) to close rotation, move the two "CLOSE"
jumpers from CCW to CW.

Pneumatic Controls

If the unit does not respond to the thermostat changes

when the air handling system is in normal operation,
proceed as follows:


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