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Lecture (Chapter 1) :: Ernesto F. L. Amaral

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Lecture (chapter 1):


Ernesto F. L. Amaral

January 17, 2018

Advanced Methods of Social Research (SOCI 420)

Source: Healey, Joseph F. 2015. ”Statistics: A Tool for Social Research.” Stamford: Cengage
Learning. 10th edition. Chapter 1 (pp. 1–22).
Main objectives of this course
• Statistics are tools used to analyze data and
answer research questions
• Our focus is on how these techniques are
applied in the social sciences
• Be familiar with advantages and limitations of
the more commonly used statistical techniques
• Know which techniques are appropriate for a
given purpose
• Develop statistical and computational skills to
carry out elementary forms of data analysis

Chapter learning objectives
• Describe the limited but crucial role of statistics
in social research
• Distinguish among three applications of statistics
– Univariate descriptive, bivariate/multivariate
descriptive, inferential
• Distinguish between discrete and continuous
• Identify/describe three levels of measurement
– Nominal, ordinal, interval-ratio

Why study statistics?
• Scientists conduct research to answer
questions, examine ideas, and test theories

• Statistics are relevant for quantitative research

projects: numbers and data used as information

• Statistics are mathematical techniques used by

social scientists to analyze data in order to
answer questions and test theories

Importance of data manipulation
• Studies without statistics
– Some of the most important works in the social
sciences do not utilize statistics
– There is nothing magical about data and statistics
– Presence of numbers guarantees nothing about the
quality of a scientific inquiry
• Studies with statistics
– Data can be the most trustworthy information
available to the researcher
– Researchers must organize, evaluate, analyze data
– Without understanding of statistical analysis,
researcher will be unable to make sense of data
Statistics role in scientific inquiry
• Research is a disciplined inquiry to answer
questions, examine ideas, and test theories
• Statistics are mathematical tools used to
organize, summarize, and manipulate data
• Quantitative research collects and uses
information in the form of numbers
• Data refers to information that is collected in the
form of numbers

The wheel of science
• Scientific theory and research continually shape
each other


Source: Healey, 2015, p.2.
• Theory is an explanation of the relationships
among social phenomena

• Scientific theory is subject to a rigorous testing


• Social theories are complex and abstract

explanations about problems in society
– They develop explanations about these issues

• Since theories are often complex and abstract,
we need to be specific to conduct a valid test

• Hypothesis is a specific and exact statement

about the relationship between variables...

Variables and cases
• Variables
– Characteristics that can change values from case to
– E.g. gender, age, income, political party affiliation...

• Cases
– Refer to the entity from which data are collected
– Also known as ”unit of analysis”
– E.g. individuals, households, states, countries...

• Theories and hypotheses are often stated in
terms of the relationships between variables
– Causes: independent variables
– Effects or results: dependent variables
y x Use
Dependent variable Independent variable Econometrics
Explained variable Explanatory variable
Response variable Control variable Experimental science
Predicted variable Predictor variable
Outcome variable Covariate
Regressand Regressor

• Observations are collected information used to
test hypotheses

• Decide how variables will be measured and how

cases will be selected and tested

• Measure social reality: collect numerical data

• Information can be organized in databases

– Variables as columns
– Cases as rows
Example of a database
Years of
Salary Years of experience
Observation Female status
per hour schooling in the labor
1 3.10 11 2 1 0
2 3.24 12 22 1 1
3 3.00 11 2 0 0
4 6.00 8 44 0 1
5 5.30 12 7 0 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
525 11.56 16 5 0 1
526 3.50 14 5 1 0
Source: Wooldridge, 2008.
Empirical generalizations
• Empirical generalizations are conclusions
based on the analysis of collected observations
that evaluate hypotheses and assess theory

• As we developed tentative explanations, we

would begin to revise or elaborate the theory
that guides the research project
– If we changed our theory because of our empirical
generalizations, a new research project would be
needed to test the revised theory
– The wheel of science would begin to turn again
Statistical analysis
• Statistical analysis of data should be applied
after successfully completing earlier phases
– Rigorous conceptualization and use of theory
– Well-defined research design and methods
– Well-conceived research questions

• Review research literature to learn how to

– Develop and clarify definitions
– Understand social concepts
– Develop questions and indicators to measure
Theory and research
• In the normal course of science, we rarely are in
a position to declare a theory true or false
– Evidence will gradually accumulate over time
– Ultimate judgments of truth will be the result of many
years of research and debate
• Theory stimulates research and research
shapes theory
– This is the key to enhance our understanding of the
social world
• As we discussed, statistics is one of the most
important links between theory and research
General classes of statistics
• Two main types of statistical techniques are
available to analyze data and answer questions

• Descriptive statistics

• Inferential statistics

Descriptive statistics
• Univariate descriptive statistics
– Summarize or describe the distribution of a single

• Bivariate descriptive statistics

– Describe the relationship between two variables

• Multivariate descriptive statistics

– Describe the relationship among three or more

Univariate descriptive statistics
• Univariate descriptive statistics
– Include percentages, averages, and graphs
– Data reduction: few numbers summarize many
• U.S. population by age groups, 2010
Age group Percent
– The median age was
Under 18 years 24.0
37.2 years in 2010
18 to 44 years 36.6

45 to 64 years 26.4

65+ years 13.0

Total (N) 308,745,538

Source: Census Bureau (

Bivariate descriptive statistics
• Bivariate descriptive statistics
– Describe the strength and direction of the relationship
between two variables
– Measures of association: quantify the strength and
direction of a relationship
– Allow us to investigate causation and prediction
• E.g. relationship between study time and grade
– Strength: closely related
– Direction: as one increases, the other also increases
– Prediction: the longer the study time, the higher the
Multivariate descriptive statistics
• Multivariate descriptive statistics
– Describe the relationships between three or more
– Measures of association: quantify the strength and
direction of a multivariate relationship
• E.g. grade, age, gender
– Strength: relationship between age and grade is
strong for women, but weak for men
– Direction: grades increase with age only for females
– Prediction: older females will experience higher
grades than younger females. Older males will have
similar grades to younger males.
Inferential statistics
• Social scientists need inferential statistics
– They almost never have the resources or time to
collect data from every case in a population
• Inferential statistics uses data from samples to
make generalizations about populations
– Population is the total collection of all cases in which
the researcher is interested
– Samples are carefully chosen subsets of the
• With proper techniques, generalizations based
on samples can represent populations
Public-opinion polls
• Public-opinion polls and election projections
are a familiar application of inferential statistics
– Several thousand carefully selected voters are
interviewed about their voting intentions
– This information is used to estimate the intentions of
all voters (millions of people)
• E.g. public-opinion poll reports that 42% of
voters plans to vote for a certain candidate
– 2,000 respondents are used to generalize to the
American electorate population (130 million people)

Types of variables
• Variables may be classified in different forms

• Causal relationships
– Independent or dependent (as in previous slides)

• Unit of measurement
– Discrete or continuous

• Level of measurement
– Nominal, ordinal, or interval-ratio

Discrete or continuous
• Discrete variables
– Have a basic unit of measurement that cannot be
subdivided (whole numbers)
– Count number of units (e.g. people, cars, siblings) for
each case (e.g. household, person)
• Continuous variables
– Have scores that can be subdivided infinitely
(fractional numbers)
– Report values as if continuous variables were discrete
• Statistics and graphs vary depending on
whether variable is discrete or continuous
Level of measurement
• Level of measurement
– Mathematical nature of the scores of a variable
– It is crucial because statistical analysis must match
the mathematical characteristics of variables
• Three levels of measurement
– Nominal: scores are labels only, not numbers
– Ordinal: scores have some numerical quality and can
be ranked
– Interval-ratio: scores are numbers

Nominal-level variables
• Have non-numerical scores or categories
– Scores are different from each other, but cannot be
treated as numbers (they are just labels)
– Statistical analysis is limited to comparing relative
sizes of categories
Political party Religious
Variables Gender
preference preference
Categories 1 Male 1 Democrat 1 Protestant
2 Female 2 Republican 2 Catholic
3 Other 3 Jew
4 Independent 4 None
5 Other
Criteria to measure variables
• Be mutually exclusive
– Each case must fit into one and only one category

• Be exhaustive
– There must be a category for every case

• Include elements that are homogenous

– The cases in each category must be similar to each

Measuring religious affiliation
• Scale A (not mutually exclusive)
– Protestant and Episcopalian overlap
• Scale B (not exhaustive)
– Lacks no religion and other
• Scale C (not homogeneous)
– Non-Protestant seems too broad
Scale A Scale B Scale C Scale D
Protestant Protestant Protestant Protestant
Episcopalian Catholic Non-Protestant Catholic
Catholic Jew Jew
Jew None
None Other
Ordinal-level variables
• Categories can be ranked from high to low
– We can say that one case is higher or lower, more or
less than another

• Scores have no absolute or objective meaning

– Only represent position with respect to other scores
– We can distinguish between high and low scores
– But distance between scores cannot be described
– Average is not permitted with ordinal-level variables

Examples: ordinal-level variables
• Attitude and opinion scales
– Prejudice, alienation, political conservatism...
• Likert scale:
– (1) strongly disagree; (2) disagree; (3) neither agree
nor disagree; (4) agree; (5) strongly agree
• Into which of the following classes would you
say you belong?
Score Class
1 Lower class
2 Working class
3 Middle class
4 Upper class
Interval-ratio-level variables
• Scores are actual numbers that can be analyzed
with all possible statistical techniques
• Have equal intervals between scores
• Have true zero points
– Score of zero is not arbitrary
– It indicates absence of whatever is being measured
• Examples:
– Age (in years)
– Income (in dollars)
– Year of education
– Number of children

Source: Babbie 2001, p.137. 33

Three levels of measurement
Levels Examples Measurement Mathematical
procedures operations

Nominal Gender Classification into Counting number in each

Race categories category, comparing sizes of
Religion categories
Marital status

Ordinal Social class Classification into All of the above plus

Attitude scales categories plus ranking judgments of ”greater than”
Opinion scales of categories with and ”less than”
respect to each other

Interval- Age All of the above plus All of the above plus all other
ratio Number of children description of scores in mathematical operations
Income terms of equal units (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division,
square roots...)

• Level of measurement of a variable is crucial
– It tells us which statistics are appropriate and useful

• Different statistics require different mathematical

– Ranking, addition, square root...

• The first step in dealing with a variable and

selecting appropriate statistics is to determine its
level of measurement

Determine level of measurement
• Change the order of the scores. Do they still
make sense?
– If yes: the variable is nominal
– If no: proceed to the next step

• Is the distance between the scores unequal?

– If yes: the variable is ordinal
– If no: the variable is interval-ratio

Nominal- and ordinal-level
• Nominal-level (e.g. marital status) and
ordinal-level (e.g. capital punishment support)
variables are almost always discrete
What is your marital status? Do you support the death penalty
Are you presently: for persons convicted of homicide?

Score Category Score Category

1 Married 1 Strongly support

2 Divorced 2 Somewhat support

3 Separated 3 Neither support nor oppose

4 Widowed 4 Somewhat oppose

5 Single 5 Strongly oppose

Income at the ordinal level
• Always examine the way in which the scores of
the variable are actually stated
– Be careful to look at the way in which the variable is
measured before defining its level of measurement
• This is a problem with interval-ratio variables
that have been measured at the ordinal level
Score Income range

1 Less than $24,999

2 $25,000 to $49,999

3 $50,000 to $99,999

4 $100,000 or more


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