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MMW Activity 8 Eduria-BSSW 1B

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Name: Eduria, Crystal Joy E. Program /Section: BSSW 1B
Instruction: Please write your realization, reflection and experiences in your Mathematics in the Modern World
(MMW) journey so far. You can be honest in expressing your thoughts. Are your expectations met? Are there
frustrations felt? You can be candid! After all, it’s all about you taking this journey. This is worth 100 points
recorded in your Performance Innovative Task (PIT)- a major component (20%) of your grade. You may use
English, Tagalog or our own dialect to express your thoughts. The deadline is on Wednesday, November 25, 2020.
Please submit on time. Attached also is a rubric for you to follow as basis of your grade.

My MMW Journey so far

Mathematics relies on both logic and creativity, and it seeks both for different
mathematics that relies on beauty and intellectual challenge. Mathematics is the one of those we
use in our daily lives and daily activities. According to Berner 2018, Mathematics enriches our
lives and prevents chaos. Some of the characteristics that retain mathematics are the power of
reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem solving skills and
even effective communication skills.
First of all, I learn something that I’ve never expected in my life. Since I was a kid back
then, I really don’t like mathematics. The reason why I don’t like math it is because I don't find it
entertaining and confusing. I am sometimes a slow learner when it comes to math and I get a lot
of problems that cannot solve and sometimes solutions are confusing. But that’s all from the past
now. Every year passes until I reach college, I slowly understand math. It is because of the great
teachers that teach me and help me to understand and like math more. Till now, I didn’t give up
in understanding and learning math.
I learn about that mathematics is the study of measurement, properties, equation and
patterns using number and symbols. When my teacher once said that mathematics can be seen in
nature and when he gave an example it amazed me and make me think that mathematics is
everywhere. Everywhere we go and whatever we do. One of my favorite that we tackled is about
the patterns and its types which is the regular, repeated, or recurring forms or design that can be
find mostly in nature. Another topic that I learn is about the Fibonacci Sequence. It is a series of
number in which each number Fibonacci number is the sum of the two preceding numbers,
example 0,1,1,2,3,5.8,13, etc. Fibonacci sequence is also enjoyable and it is also an infinite
group of numbers. Our teacher said that the word Fibonacci is came from Mr. Leonardo of Pisa
who has known by his nickname Fibonacci. It is very satisfying that all the names that comes
from mathematics has a deep meaning and it has a history where the name taken.
Just like the golden ratio that is connected to the Fibonacci sequence. In golden ratio we
can see a pattern and for me it is also satisfying. I learned that the golden ratio’s symbol is “Phi”
and its different terms are the Golden Section, Golden Mean and Divine Proportion. One thing is
I learned that photographers, artist, surgeon and etc. are using Golden Ratio to have a catchy and
perfect image. Next lesson that we discussed and amaze me is that mathematics can be used as a
universal language. First that comes to my mind when my teacher tells about it is “how can a
math be a universal language?”. But when the lecture goes on even though it is online class, I
still understand why, it is because according to Galileo Galilei, “The laws of nature are written in
the language of Mathematics”. Another is “Mathematics is a human language because it allows
to communicate people” said Dr. Randy Palisoc. Who would’ve thought that people uses math to
communicate? Well, scientist, mathematicians, artist, and other professionals that uses math as a
language. Even us we use math in everything we do without realizing.
In conclusion, all the lessons that I’ve learned and will learn is very important. I do
realize that math is the big help in our lives. Although math is sometimes hard to understand, I
knew I had to get it done, whether it was by asking for help or trying to get it done. I know that
our teachers are ready to help us to understand it. I now know that I am somebody who always
tries and won’t give up. I am not afraid to ask for help if I need it. Math might not be my best
subject, but I have proved that I can get through it.

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