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Proposed Damansara Shah Alam Elevated Expressway (Dash)

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Construction Package: CA4-Section B Conducted by (Name & Designation): Mohamad Akmal Bin Shamsuddin (SHO)

Work Activity: Micropile Work Mohamad Shoffy (Site Agent)

Approved by (Name & Designation): Suhaimi Bin Abdul Wahab (PM) Mohd Mufti Mat Zuki (Project Engineer)
Approval Date: 16-Jul-21 Conducted Date: 16-Jul-21 Job No: 017


Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
1. Survey Work. 1. Exposed to live traffic 1. Struck by moving vehicle. 1. a) Daily Safety Briefing 1. All workers/staff must attend 1. PM/PE
b) Flagman to provide proper tapering and site safety induction. 2. SHO/SSS
to control traffic flow. 2. To conduct pre task talk and 3. TMO/TMS
c) Implement approved stress on survey work. 4. SS
TMS (Traffic Management Scheme) TMS 3. TMO/TMS to monitor tapering
shall be used IF survey team need to work closely.
2 3 6 (M)
within live traffic area. Survey team NOT
allowed to expose themselves to live
traffic. TMS shall be implemented prior to
work performed on public roads.

2. Inadequate visibility. 2. Ensure that the surveyor and chainman

to using brightly colored reflective vest. 2 3 6 (M)

3. Exposure to ergonomics 3. Ensure all workers use proper lifting

hazards due to incorrect technics. Lift or pull with legs not with
2 3 6 (M)
way of carrying of back.
2. Scaterred materials. 1. Trip and fall can cause 1. a) To ensure construction and waste 1. Ensure standing supervision
minor/major injury. material are well organized and trash throughout the activity.
waste is discarded on a daily basis
b) To ensure no obstruction on walking 2 3 6 (M)

2. Mobilization of plant and 1.Plant/Machinery and Lorry 1. Struck by live traffic. 1. a) Daily Safety Briefing 1. Close supervision by 1. PM/PE
equipment/ Material. movement. b) TMO/TMS to provide proper tapering TMO/TMS in charged. 2. TMO/TMS
and to control traffic flow. 2. To conduct Site safety 3. SS
c) Implement approved TMS (Traffic induction to all driver lorry and 4. SHO/SSS
Management Scheme) TMS shall be used 2 3 6 (M) operator.
IF mobilization stage need to do within live 3. All plant and machinery must
traffic area. TMS shall be implemented be inspect before entering site.
prior to work performed on public roads.

2. Major injuries cause by 2. Ensure all Machinery/Lorries reversing

stuck by/caught between or have a banksman present to control 2 3 6 (M)
run over hit by lorry. movement.
3. Equipment/Material 3. To secure all materials at the lorry
sticking out pass the sides properly. 2 3 6 (M)
of the trailer/lorry.
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
4. Inadequate visibility. 4. Ensure that the all workers to using
brightly colored reflective vest. 2 3 6 (M)

3. Unloading material & transferring 1. Scattered materials. 1. Slip, Trip and Fall. 1. To ensure construction and waste 1. Identify and barricade any 1. PM/PE
material to work location (manual material well organized and housekeeping obstruction or material stockpile 2. TMO/TMS
handling). need to be done by daily basis. 2 2 4 (L) area. 3. SS
2. To do daily Housekeeping. 4. SHO/SSS
2. Improper handling of 2. Cause muscle 2. a) Work in pairs (buddy system).
material. strain/injury. b) To lift the load with the knees not with 2 2 4 (L)
the back.
4. Unloading material & transferring 1. Uneven ground. 1. a) Excavator or backhoe 1. a) i. Operator to do daily checklist prior 1. Supervisor to conduct daily 1. PM/PE
material to work location using loader overturn. start of work pre task talk. 2. TMO/TMS
Excavator or Crane or Lorry Crane. a) ii. Operator and supervisor in charge to 2. To stress on procedures and 3. SS
ensure work ground condition. hazards on lifting, public safety, 4. SHO/SSS
a) iii. Supervisor in charge to confirm ergonomics, live traffic. 5. OPERATOR
material total load with machinery load 3. Daily inspection of machinery
chart before do any lifting work using by operator
excavator or backhoe loader. 4. Daily Inspection of lifting gear
by rigger/banksman.
1. b) i. Ensure Crane outrigger is 2meter 5. Cordon the working area with
1. b) Crane overturn. away from edge of excavation. signage
b) ii. To do daily crane checklist prior start 6. To prepare Lifting Plan
of work. include before during and after
b) iii. Ensure PMA is valid and available. work sequence.
b) iv. To ensure crane operator is register 7. To use steel plate below
with dosh and have a valid JPJ license. crane outrigger.
b) v. Ensure ground is reasonable level.
b) vi. Operator to ensure crane/excavator 2 4 8 (M)
position is safe and stable at all time.
b) vii. Supervisor in charge to confirm
material total load with machinery load
chart before do any lifting work.

1. c) i. Ensure Lorry crane outrigger is

2meter away from edge of excavation.
c) ii. To do daily Lorry crane checklist prior
start of work.
c) iii. Ensure PMA is valid and available.
1. c) Lorry crane overturn. c) iv. To ensure Lorry crane operator have
a valid JPJ license.
c) v. Ensure ground is reasonable level.
c) vi. Operator to ensure Lorry crane
position is safe and stable at all time.
c) vii. Supervisor in charge to confirm
material total load with machinery load
2. Elevated utilities. 2. Hit elevated services. chart before
2. a) Daily do any
safety lifting (to
briefing work.
stress on
elevated utilities hazard)
b) To ensure that the communication is
well organized between the 2 3 6 (M)
supervisors/operator/ general workers.
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
3. Poor logistic plan 3. Public Accident. 3. a) To ensure that the communication is
well organized between the
Supervisors/operator and general worker
for public safety priority.
b) To have the machinery or transporter 2 3 6 (M)
waiting area and to have the proper traffic

4. Improper material 4. a) Falling object. 4. a) NO one allowed to stand under or

handling. b) Workers hit by lifting near the load radius.
object. b) Supervisor to ensure all general worker
who control machinery to blow their whistle
before and during transferring or
unloading load. 2 3 6 (M)
c) To ensure all workers knowledgeable to
do proper lifting technique.

5. Scaffolding erection and 1. Sharp object. 1. Sharp edge on materials 1. Use suitable glove during erection of 1. To conduct Pre Task Talk 1. PM/PE
dismantling work. (for mud/water can cause cutting. (minor scaffolding.(Cotton Glove) (PTT) and stress on scaffolding 2. TMO/TMS
splash protection if necessary) injury) 2 2 4 (L) erection hazard and WAH. 3. SS

2. Improper material 2. Tools, materials or 2. a) Only trained worker is allowed to 2. Full supervision by 4. SHO/SSS
handling. component drop down and erect the scaffold. competence scaffolder during 5. Competence
hit others person. b) Cordon the work area from scaffold erection. scaffolder
unauthorized person. 3. To full body harness and
c) Only green tag scaffold can be used. scaffolding material or
d) Supervisor shall check and ensure 2 3 6 (M) component is inspect by safety
scaffolding has been properly inspected personnel or competent
and tagged ON A DAILY BASIS. scaffolder.

3. Working at height. 3. Fall from height/trip and 3. a) ALL workers should exposed to 10
fall from the same level. feet or more must be trained WaH before
commencement of work.
b) Daily safety briefing.
c) To ensure no obstruction on walking
2 4 8 (M)
d) To ensure body harness lanyard is hook
at guardrail at all time.

4. Ergonomics 4. Improper handling of 4. a. Work in pairs (buddy system) and to

material can cause muscle lift load with the knees not with the back 2 2 4 (L)
5. Uneven ground 5. Scaffolding topple. 5. To ensure ground level is reasonable
and steel plate will be used at the 2 3 6 (M)
necessary place.
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
6. Drilling work using micropile 1. Uneven ground. 1. Micropile machine topple. 1. i. Ensure micropile outrigger is 2meter 1. Supervisor to conduct daily 1. PM/PE
machine. away from edge of excavation. pre task talk. 2. TMO/TMS
ii. To do daily micropile checklist prior start 2. To stress on procedures and 3. SS
of work. hazards on drilling work, 4. SHO/SSS
iii. To ensure micropile operator have a elevated and underground 5. OPERATOR
valid JPJ license. utilities, public safety,
iv. Supervisor to ensure ground is 2 4 8 (M) ergonomics, live traffic and
reasonable level. public safety.
v. Operator to ensure Micropile machine 3. Daily inspection of machinery
position is safe and stable at all time. by operator.
4. Cordon the working area with
5. To use steel plate below
micropile machine to ensure
2. Scaterred materials. 1. Trip and fall from same 1. a) To ensure construction and waste
machine stability.
level can cause minor/major material are well organized and trash
injury. waste is discarded on a daily basis
b) To ensure no obstruction on walking 2 3 6 (M)

3. Elevated utilities. 1. Hit elevated services. 1. a) Daily safety briefing (to stress on
elevated utilities hazard)
b) To ensure that the communication is
well organized between the 2 3 6 (M)
supervisors/operator/ general workers.

4. Machinery movement. 1. Major injuries cause by 1. a) Ensure all Machinery reversing have
struck by/caught between or a reverse alarm.
run over hit by micropile b) NO workers allowed to stand near 2 3 6 (M)
machine. machinery radisus.
5. Underground utilities. 1. Hit underground utilities. 1. a) To use cable detector before
b) Obtain a plan that shows the 3 2 6 (M)
underground utilities depth and location.
c) Mark the actual location of the identified
6. Water/Mud splash. 1. Public underground utilities.
1. To ensure all area that water or mud
accident/complaint. splash exposed to public or live traffic
need to protect with debris netting or 2 2 4 (L)
7. Work time exposure: 1. a) Long term effect - loss 1. a) To use earplug
a) Noise hearing. b) To use facemask at all time.
b) Dust b) Long term effect - c) To ensure to enough drinking plenty of
c) Heat Respirotary damage and water. 2 2 4 (L)
lung cancer.
c) Heat stress/stroke.
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
7. Install steel casing using 1. Uneven ground. 1. Micropile machine topple. 1. i. Ensure micropile outrigger is 2meter 1. Supervisor to conduct daily 1. PM/PE
micropile machine. away from edge of excavation. pre task talk. 2. TMO/TMS
ii. To do daily micropile checklist prior start 2. To stress on procedures and 3. SS
of work. hazards on lifting work, elevated 4. SHO/SSS
iii. To ensure micropile operator have a utilities, public safety, 5. OPERATOR
valid JPJ license. ergonomics, live traffic, hot
iv. Supervisor to ensure ground is 2 4 8 (M) work, material stacking and
reasonable level. public safety.
v. Operator to ensure Micropile machine 3. Daily inspection of machinery
position is safe and stable at all time. by operator.
4. Cordon the working area with
5. To use steel plate below
2. Working at Height. 3. Fall from height. 3. a) Daily safety briefing. micropile machine to ensure
b) To wear full body harness and to machine stability.
ensure body harness lanyard is hook at all 2 4 8 (M)

3. Elevated utilities. 1. Hit elevated services. 1. a) Daily safety briefing (to stress on
elevated utilities hazard)
b) To ensure that the communication is
well organized between the 2 3 6 (M)
supervisors/operator/ general workers.

4. Improper material 1. a) Falling object. 1. a) NO one allowed to stand under or

handling. b) Workers hit by lifting near the load radius.
object. b) Supervisor to ensure all general worker
who control machinery to blow their whistle
before and during transferring or 2 3 6 (M)
unloading load.
c) To ensure all workers knowledgeable to
do proper lifting technique.

5. Machinery movement. 1. Major injuries cause by 2. a) Ensure all Machinery reversing have
struck by/caught between or a reverse alarm.
run over hit by micropile b) NO workers allowed to stand near 2 3 6 (M)
machine. machinery radisus.
6. Arc welding to extend 1. a) Fire and explosion. 1. a) Only trained person are allowed to do
casing. b) Electric shock. this task.
c) Inhalation Fume. a) To ensure no flammable materials or
d) Exposure to U.V light and chemicals exposed to this activity.
Arc Rays. a) To ensure fire extinguisher and fire
blanket is available during this task.
1. b) Proper ground and earth connection
in good condition 2 3 6 (M)
b) Welding machine part need to inspect
before use.
1. c) Adequate ventilation and illumination
during this task
1. d) Wear suitable PPE: Welding shield,
Leather glove.
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
6. Stacking casing too high 1. Collapse of casing at 1. To ensure all material need to stacking
at storage area. storage area. well and put stopper if neccesary. 2 2 4 (L)

8. Rebar fabrication and rebar 1. Uneven ground. 1. Micropile machine topple. 1. i. Ensure micropile outrigger is 2meter 1. Supervisor to conduct daily 1. PM/PE
installation using micropile away from edge of excavation. pre task talk. 2. TMO/TMS
machine. ii. To do daily micropile checklist prior start 2. To stress on procedures and 3. SS
of work. hazards on lifting work, elevated 4. SHO/SSS
iii. To ensure micropile operator have a utilities, public safety, 5. OPERATOR
valid JPJ license. ergonomics, live traffic, material
iv. Supervisor to ensure ground is 2 4 8 (M) stacking, sharp object and public
reasonable level. safety.
v. Operator to ensure Micropile machine 3. Daily inspection of machinery
position is safe and stable at all time. by operator.
4. Cordon the working area with
5. To use steel plate below
2. Elevated utilities. 1. Hit elevated services. 1. a) Daily safety briefing (to stress on micropile machine to ensure
elevated utilities hazard) machine stability.
b) To ensure that the communication is
well organized between the 2 3 6 (M)
supervisors/operator/ general workers.

3. Improper material 1. a) Falling object. 1. a) NO one allowed to stand under or

handling. b) Workers hit by lifting near the load radius.
object. b) Supervisor to ensure all general worker
who control machinery to blow their whistle
before and during transferring or 2 3 6 (M)
unloading load.
c) To ensure all workers knowledgeable to
do proper lifting technique.

4. Machinery movement. 1. Major injuries cause by 1. a) Ensure all Machinery reversing have
struck by/caught between or a reverse alarm.
2 3 6 (M)
run over hit by micropile b) NO workers allowed to stand near
machine. machinery radius.
5. Trip and fall from different 1. Access into the 1. To provide safe access and egress.
level. excavation/Trench not
2 2 4 (L)
installed or improperly
6. Improper handling of 1. Cause muscle 1. a) Work in pairs (buddy system).
material. strain/injury. b) To lift the load with the knees not with 2 2 4 (L)
the back.
7. Sharp object. 1. Body cutting 1. a) Workers to wear long sleeves shirt.
b) To wear cotton glove at all time during
2 2 4 (L)
rebar handling.

9. Pour concrete slurry. 1. Concrete slurry handling. 1. a) Concrete splashing 1. a) Ensure workers are wearing goggles. 1. To conduct pre task talk and 1. PM/PE
into worker’s eyes. stress on concrete hazard. 2. TMO/TMS
2 3 6 (M) 3. SS
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)
1. b) Concrete burns 1. b) Ensure bucket man/hose man is
wearing long sleeves shirt with cotton 3 2 6 (M)
10. Clean up. Failure of 1. Trip and fall. 1. To have well organized supervision and To focus on manual handling 1. PM/PE
Supervision/communication. 2. Improper material communication. and material arrangement. 2. TMO/TMS
arrangement. 2. The supervisor to monitor work 2. SS
condition. 3. SHO/SSS
3. To use appropriate PPE.
4. Obstructing materials to be removed. 2 2 4 (L)
5. Storage materials in proper way.
6. To have Bin for rubbish collection daily.

11. Working in an adverse weather 1. Heat. 1. Heat stress. 1. To advice workers to take rest in 1. Site team shall have a 1. PM/PE
conditions: between and drink a lot of water. lightning detector present. 2. TMO/TMS
a) Heat. Detector shall be used and work 2. SS
b) Extreme lighting. 2. Expose to lightning. 2. Electrocuted, Fatality. 2. To advice all party with regards the stopped when lightning 3. SHO/SSS
c) Strong winds. thunder & lightning. detected. Visual detection is an
d) Flash flood. option as well.
e) Haze. 2. To use N95 when Govt. Haze
3. Strong wind/storm. 3. Flying loose material. 3. All activities shall stop immediately alert is implemented.
during thunder storm and lightning and 3. On the flood situation is
strong wind. Avoid positioning at metal serious, evacuate immediately
fencing or hill top. Whenever thunder is and to identify higher ground in
heard, stay at a safe place and stay more 2 3 6 (M) case of emergency.
30 mins after last lightning strike.

4. Strong/High winds/Flash 4. a) Drowning 4. Be alert on flash flood, to clear all

Flood. b) Health effect obstructed material at the drains.

5. Haze 5. Difficulty breathing 5. Workers shall wear 3ply surgical mask

when Goverment Haze alert is

1. High risk – Implement operational control(s) prior to commencement of work.

2. Basic PPE – Safety helmet, safety boots and high visibility safety vest
Likelihood Severity Risk(L X S) (H/M/L)

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