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Round 8: The Final Battle The Final Battle

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Scenarios that do not call for an Investigation • The Oni successfully makes

end as detailed in the Scenario Book. their escape. To do so, the Oni
However, scenarios that call upon the Heroes must spend 1 Action once they or
to uncover an Oni only reach their conclusion their agents have eliminated any
after a climactic showdown between the forces one of the Heroes during the Final
of good and evil. In these instances, the game Battle. In this case, the red "The
only ends when all Mission Objectives have Oni Escaped" Recollection is added
been resolved by one side or the other AND this to Tikku’s Memoirs.
Final Battle has been resolved.
While the Final Battle rages:
THE FINAL BATTLE • If the Heroes successfully identified the
Oni’s nature, the Oni will be subject to
the penalty described on their revealed
Once the Oni has been unmasked or its scheme Oni Clue card.
is complete and it reveals itself, the Final
Battle begins. • Mission Tile Objectives, if not already
The Oni player consults the 2 Clue cards they resolved, continue to function normally.
secretly removed from the Clue deck at the
beginning of the game.
• The Oni retains the ability to discard
Event cards to summon Mortal Thralls
The demon’s mortal disguise is immediately and Supernatural Creatures, as described
discarded and the Courtier token matching on the Enhancement Trees of the
the Oni player’s Courtier Clue card is replaced Corruption Track.
by the miniature that corresponds to their Oni
Clue card. • Any Enhancements the Oni’s agents
have accumulated from their progression
Once the Final Battle begins, there are only through their respective Enhancement
two possible outcomes: Trees remain active. However, the Oni can
no longer add any Enhancement tokens to
• The Heroes succeed in the Corruption Track.
destroying the Oni; in which
case, the blue "The Oni was
Defeated!" Recollection is added
to Tikku’s Memoirs.

Round 8
If, at the begining of Round 8 End of round phase, the Oni has not been discovered:

• The Oni reveals itself and its miniature is placed on the board instead of the Courtier Clue
token behind which it was hiding.
• Final Battle starts.
• Recollections or can’t be added to Tikkus memoirs.

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At the end of the game, the players are catapulted
• If a Hero is eliminated, the Recollection of their
through the years to take on the role of Tikku. Now a
failure is faithfully recounted in
wise and venerable monk, Tikku is in the process of
Tikku’s Memoirs red side face up.
transcribing his many adventures in the company of
If a Hero has completed their Personal
Okko and his companions.
Mission without being eliminated, the
Writing Tikku’s Memoirs always begins by selecting Recollection of their heroism is entered
a new scroll of parchment to record them on. in Tikku’s Memoirs blue side face up.
Depending on the outcome of the scenario, Tikku will
either fondly recall the saga of the Heroes’ triumphant
success on a Blue scroll; or recount the doleful tale • If there are any gaps in the
of the Oni’s victory on a Red scroll. Recollections at the end of the game,
insert a print to fill out the tale.

• When a Mission Tile Objective is completed by the • Once all the Recollections have been added
Heroes, the corresponding Recollection is added to to Tikku’s Memoirs, the winner of the game is
Tikku’s Memoirs with its blue determined. The Heroes gain points collectively for
side face up. each of blue Recollection, while the Oni scores
If a Mission Tile points for each red Recollection.
Objective is The winner of the game is the side to achieve the
completed by the Oni, highest score.
the corresponding
Recollection is added
to Tikku’s Memoirs with
its red side face up.
• If the Oni was defeated during the
Final Battle, the Recollection
of its defeat is added to Tikku’s
Memoirs with its blue side face
up or if the Oni fled during the
Final Battle, the Recollection of
its escape is recorded in Tikku’s Tikku’s Recollections are scored as follows:
Memoirs with its red side face up.

1 Large Recollection (4 Points) 1 point

1 Medium Recollection (2 Points)
1 Small Recollection (1 Point)
Total = 7 Points 4 points 2 points 1 point
1 Medium Recollection (2 Points)
1 Small Recollection (1 Point)
Total = 3 Points

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CHARACTER CARDS A Hero’s GUILE can be used to
bypass traps, solve Objectives or
complete Special Actions. Unless
Character cards detail a Hero’s various otherwise stated, a Hero’s GUILE is
Attributes and Special Talents.
Talents. used to make Attribute Tests.
On every Character card,
card, you will find the Note: Only Heroes have a GUILE
following Attributes
Attributes:: Attribute.

A Hero’s SPEED determines the number of Areas
they can travel when using a single Action to An agent’s ACTIONS indicates the
move. number of Actions they may take
once activated.
A Hero’s MIGHT indicates the number of Combat Note: Only the Oni’s agents have an
dice to roll when they make an Attack
Attack.. ACTIONS Attribute. Heroes always take
DEFENSE 3 Actions when activated.

A Hero’s DEFENSE indicates the number of STAMINA

that must be equaled or exceeded by an Attack
to injure the character. A Hero’s STAMINA indicates their
resilience and determines how
In order for an attack to be considered many Damage tokens they can
successful, an attacker’s Attack must equal or have on their Character card
exceed the Hero’s DEFENSE
DEFENSE.. Unless otherwise before they must draw a Wound
stated, a successful attack deals 1 Damage card..
token to a Hero.

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