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Operating Instructions

METRISO PRIME 3-349-820-37

High-Voltage Insulation Tester With Battery or Crank Generator Operating Mode 3/3.21

Option Z580A
Crank Generator
11 8 3

! Attention!
Connect accessory 5 m extension
cable Leadex 5000 (Z580D) only
1 with positive measurement cable!


7 6 5 4


1 Selector switch for test voltage, battery test and power supply inter- 7 Selector switch for voltage or insulation resistance
ruption measurements
2 RANGE key for measuring range selection 8 Analog display
3  indicator LED – green: measurement OK 9 Test prod for – measurement cable with safety cap
– off: invalid measurement, 10 Test prod for + measurement cable with safety cap
battery too weak
11 Guard cable connector jack (accessory Guard 5000A (Z580C))
4 LED lit: measuring range or scale up to 1 T is selected 12 Battery or crank generator module
5 LED lit: measuring range or scale up to 100 M is selected
6 Adjustor screw for mechanical zero adjustment

2 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

Contents Page
1 Safety Precautions .......................................................................... 3 1 Safety Precautions
This instrument fulfills the requirements of the applicable EU guidelines
2 Applications .................................................................................... 5 and national regulations. We confirm this with the CE marking. The rele-
3 Initial Start-Up ................................................................................ 5 vant declaration of conformity can be obtained from Gossen Metrawatt
3.1 Battery Installation ...........................................................................................5 GmbH.
3.2 Testing the Batteries .......................................................................................5 The METRISO PRIME insulation tester is manufactured and tested in
3.3 Switching the Tester On and Off .......................................................................5 accordance with the following standards:
3.4 Analog Display ................................................................................................6 IEC 61010-1:2010, EN 61010-1:2011, VDE 0411-1:2011
IEC 61557-1, -2, DIN EN 61557-1:2007, -2:2008
4 Direct and Alternating Voltage Measurements ............................... 6 VDE 413-1:2007, -2:2008
5 Insulation Resistance Measurement .............................................. 6 Hand-held probe assemblies: IEC61010-031:2015,
5.1 Measurement Procedure .................................................................................6 DIN EN 61010-031:2016, VDE 0411-031:2016
5.2 Evaluation of Measurement Values ...................................................................7 For testing and measuring circuits: IEC61010-2-030:2010,
5.3 Measurements with the Guard Cable (with Accessory Guard 5000A) ..................8 DIN EN 61010-2-030:2011, VDE 0411-2-030:2011
In order to maintain flawless technical safety conditions and to assure safe
6 Characteristic Values ...................................................................... 8 use, it is imperative that you read the operating instructions carefully and
7 Maintenance ................................................................................. 10 thoroughly before placing your instrument into service, and that you follow
all points contained therein.
7.1 Batteries .......................................................................................................10
7.2 Housing ........................................................................................................10 Opening of Equipment / Repair
7.3 Measurement Cables ....................................................................................10 The equipment may be opened only by authorized service personnel to
7.4 Recalibration, Repair, Parts Replacement, and Device Balancing ......................11 ensure the safe and correct operation of the equipment and to keep the
8 Z580A Crank Generator Operating Mode ...................................... 11 warranty valid.
Even original spare parts may be installed only by authorized service per-
8.1 Installing the Crank Generator ........................................................................11
8.2 Operating the Crank Generator ......................................................................11
In case the equipment was opened by unauthorized personnel, no war-
8.3 Measuring Insulation Resistance in the Crank Generator Operating Mode .........11
ranty regarding personal safety, measurement accuracy, conformity with
8.4 Discharging the Device Under Test .................................................................12 applicable safety measures or any consequential damage is granted by
8.5 Measuring Voltage in the Crank Generator Operating Mode .............................12 the manufacturer.
8.6 Characteristic Values .....................................................................................12
Repair and Parts Replacement by Authorized Service Personnel
9 Accessories (optional) ................................................................. 12 Voltage conducting parts may be exposed when the instrument is
10 Repair and Replacement Parts Service opened. The instrument must be disconnected from all sources of voltage
Calibration Center and Rental Instrument Service ........................ 13 before repair or replacement of parts. If the repair of an open, live instru-
ment cannot be avoided, this may only be performed by trained personnel
11 Product Support ............................................................................ 13 who are familiar with the dangers involved.

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 3

Errors and Extraordinary Strains Using the test probes (Electrical Safety)
If it may be assumed that the instrument can no longer be operated safely, it must Maximum rated voltage 300 V 600 V 1000 V 5000 V
be removed from serviced and secured against unintentional use. Send the instru-
Measuring category CAT IV CAT III CAT II —
ment to the Repair and Replacement Parts Service Department; see Chapter 10,
page 13. Safe operation can no longer be relied upon, With safety cap attached   — —
• if measurement cables are damages, Without safety cap — —  
• if the instrument demonstrates visible damage,
• if the needle gauge no longer responds, Attention!
• if one of the LEDs is defective,
! Measurements per DIN EN 61010-031 may only be per-
formed in environments in accordance with measuring cate-
• if the instrument no longer functions, gories III and IV with the safety cap attached to the test probe
• after lengthy periods of storage under unfavorable conditions. at the end of the measurement cable.
Observe the following safety precautions: In order to establish contact inside 4 mm jacks, the safety caps have to be
• The instrument may only be operated with batteries or storage batter- removed by prying open the snap fastener with a pointed object (e.g. the
ies. Mains driven power packs are not permissible, because the use other test probe).
of such is life endangering.
• Be prepared for the occurrence of unexpected voltages at devices
under test. (For example, capacitors can be dangerously charged.) Meaning of symbols on the instrument
• Make certain that measurement cables are in flawless condition, e.g. Warning concerning a point of danger
no damage to insulation, no creases, no interruptions etc. ! (Attention: observe documentation)
Attention! Caution: high-voltage!
Do not touch the test prods or the device under test during A life endangering high-voltage of up to 5 kV
voltage testing! High-voltage of up to 5 kV is present! is present at the test prods.
CAT II/III/IV Measurement category II/III/IV device
Attention! Accumulation of Moisture: An accumulation of moisture on
! the tester, on the measurement cables or on the DUT must be Continuous double, or reinforced insulation
avoided, because leakage currents may be caused by high-voltages
at exposed surfaces. Even isolated components may carry high-
voltages. This device and the inserted (rechargeable) batteries may not be
disposed of with the trash. For information regarding the WEEE
mark can be accessed on the Internet at www.gossenme-
Note by entering the search term ’WEEE’.
Overvoltage Influence: If the reversible fuse (PTC thermistor)
responds to an overvoltage or an extraneous voltage, measure- Indicates EU conformity
ment may not be resumed immediately. A cool-down period of
approximately 2 minutes must be observed.

4 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

2 Applications ➭ Push the battery clip back over the contacts making certain that cor-
The METRISO PRIME insulation tester complies with regulation rect poling is assured.
IEC 61557/EN 61557/VDE 0413 “Measuring and Monitoring Equipment ➭ Return the battery compartment to the housing in the correct direc-
for the Testing of Electrical Safety in Systems with Nominal Voltages of up tion (labeling must be legible) and fasten with screws.
to AC 1000 V and DC 1500 V” Part 2, insulation resistance testers.
It is suited for the measurement of insulation resistance for devices and 3.2 Testing the Batteries
systems in a voltage-free condition with nominal voltages of up to 1000 V. After the batteries have been installed, or if the  indicator LED fails to
It is also suited for the measurement of insulation resistance of up to 1 T light up during insulation resistance measurement, the batteries should be
with open-circuit voltages of up to 5000 V. tested. For battery testing the range selector switch must briefly be set to
Additionally, the tester is equipped with a 2000 V measuring range for the position. Deflection of the needle gauge within the scale for the
direct and alternating voltages. This is especially advantageous for the battery test indicates the condition of the batteries or storage batteries at
testing of DUTs for the absence of voltage, and for the discharging of an average load of 1000 V test voltage. The position of the function selec-
capacitive DUTs. tor switch need not be taken into consideration. The left end of the scale
represents minimum required supply voltage, and the right end represents
3 Initial Start-Up maximum available supply voltage.
For initial start-up of the METRISO PRIME with crank generator or of the
METRISO PRIME with accessory crank generator module see Chapter 8 Note
and Chapter 3.4. For initial start-up of the METRISO PRIME with battery If the needle only moves into the minimal supply voltage range,
operation mode see Chapter 3.1 to Chapter 3.4. several measurements can still be performed for test voltages of
less than 1000 V, because the battery test is conducted with the
3.1 Battery Installation same load as is used for a test voltage of 1000 V.

3.3 Switching the Tester On and Off

! Attention! As long as the function selector switch is set to , and the range selector
Before opening the battery compartment (green side panel) be switch is not in the OFF/V position, the tester remains activated. For pur-
absolutely certain that the function selector switch is set to the poses of transport and maintenance we recommend that the function
“V” position, and that the range selector switch is set to the “OFF/ selector switch be set to the V position, and the range selector switch to
V” position, and that the device is completely disconnected from the OFF/V position, in order to prevent unintentional activation of the tes-
all external power circuits. ter.
➭ Unscrew and remove the battery compartment.
➭ Remove the battery clip. Be certain that the grip on the function selector switch points
➭ Pull the battery holder out of the battery compartment. exactly to “V” or “”. No intermediate selector switch positions
➭ Insert 6 commercially available 1.5 V type IEC R20 or IEC LR20 bat- have been defined, and inaccurate switch positioning leads to
teries or storage batteries (single cell) into the battery holder with cor- meaningless measurement results. This is especially important
rect poling as indicated by the symbols. during discharging of capacitive devices under test, because volt-
➭ Push the battery holder back into the battery compartment. ages are not displayed in intermediate selector switch positions.

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 5

3.4 Analog Display
Logarithmic representation of the upper resistance scale allows for quick Note
recognition of the magnitude involved. Voltages of greater than 2000 V may not be applied. Input resis-
In order to achieve the required accuracy for testing of protective mea- tance for the voltage measuring range is equal to 5 M
sures, the RANGE key allows for switching to the expanded lower limit
measuring range of 100 k ... 100 M.
The orange colored LEDs, (4) and (5), at the right end of the scale indicate 5 Insulation Resistance Measurement
which of the two resistance measuring ranges is currently active. Be certain that the device under test is voltage-free before performing
measurements; see Chapter 4.
The  indicator LED lights up green to confirm correct insulation mea-
For measurements within a range of 100 G (10 G) ... 1 T the guard
surement. If this LED does not light up, test voltage has not been
cable should be used; see Chapter 5.3, page 8.
achieved. In this event a battery test is advisable.
The two lower scales are for voltage measurement and battery testing; 5.1 Measurement Procedure
see Chapter 3.2. ➭ Set the function selector switch to the  position, in order to activate
test voltage.
4 Direct and Alternating Voltage Measurements ➭ A range of either 10 k ... 1 T or 100 k ... 100 Mcan be pre-se-
Direct voltages and sinusoidal alternating voltages with frequencies rang- lected with the RANGE key.
ing from 15 to 500 Hz can be measured with the tester. Deflection of the
needle at the instrument is always positive for direct voltage measure- ➭ Select the required nominal voltage of 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V,
ments, regardless of polarity at the connections. Alternating voltage is 1500 V, 2000 V, 2500 V or 5000 V with the range selector switch de-
indicated as an effective value. pending upon the nominal voltage of the DUT.
When lit, the LED (4) indicates that the upper limit measuring range of
Voltage measurements are used to test for the absence of voltage prior to
10 k ... 1 T has been activated.
insulation resistance measurements, as well as for the automatic dis-
charge of capacitive devices under test. The voltage drop can be ➭ Contact the measuring point with both test prods and wait until the
observed at the display. needle has come to rest. Depending upon the DUT this might take
only a few, or up to 30 seconds, if, for example, large capacities (long
Note cables) must be charged.
Voltage measurement can always be performed with the function ➭ Read the measurement value from the upper scale.
selector switch in the “V” position, regardless of the position of the If the  indicator LED (3) lights up green, the insulation measurement
range selector switch (even without batteries). is valid. If this LED does not light up, test voltage has not been
achieved. In this event a battery test is advisable; see Chapter 3.2,
➭ Set the function selector switch to the “V” position. page 5.
➭ Check to see that the needle points to “0” in the V scale when the test ➭ In order to achieve the required accuracy for testing of protective
prods are not connected. Reset the needle as required with the ad- measures, select the high resolution range, 100 k ... 100 M, with
justor screw for mechanical zero adjustment. the help of the RANGE key. The LED (5) lights up.
➭ The position of the range selector switch has no influence on voltage mea- ➭ Contact the measuring point with both test prods once again.
surements, although we recommend setting it to the OFF/V position. ➭ Read the measurement value from the lower scale.
➭ Contact the measuring points with both test prods.
➭ Read the measurement value at the V scale.

6 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

5.2 Evaluation of Measurement Values
In order to assure that insulation resistance values do not fall below those
! Attention! required by DIN VDE regulations, insulation tester inherent deviation and
Contact Hazard influence errors must be taken into consideration. Required minimum dis-
Do not touch the conductive ends of the test prods when the in- play values for insulation resistance which take maximum operational
strument has been activated for the measurement of insulation measurement deviation of the METRISO PRIME into consideration (under
resistance. nominal conditions of use) can be determined with the following table.
This may cause current to flow over your body, which, although it These are the minimum values which must be displayed, in order to
does not reach life endangering levels, causes a clearly discern- assure that actual values do not fall below the required limit values. Inter-
ible shock. mediate values can be interpolated.
When measurements are made at capacitive devices under test,
e.g. cables, the DUT may be charged with voltages of up to ap-
proximately 5000 V, depending upon selected nominal voltage. The table is valid for test voltages ranging from 100 V ... 1000 V.
Contact with the device under test after measurement is, in this Scale, 100 k ... 100 M
event, life endangering! Limit Value Display Value
Safe Discharge [k] [k]
For this reason the DUT must be discharged in a controlled fash- 100 130
ion by switching to V and contacting the DUT with the test prods 200 260
until the measurement display indicates 0 V. Do not reverse the
poles of the DUT during discharging, because internal overvolt- 300 400
age protection would otherwise be triggered. If the capacity to be 400 550
discharged is greater than 3 F, the poles may absolutely not be 500 700
reversed, because the device might otherwise be damaged. Limit Value Display Value
[M] [M]
1 1.3

Note 2 2.6
Overvoltage Influence 3 4
If the reversible fuse (PTC thermistor) responds to an overvoltage 4 5.5
or an extraneous voltage, measurement may not be resumed 5 7
immediately. A cool-down period of approximately 2 minutes must
10 13
be observed.

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 7

5.3 Measurements with the Guard Cable (with Accessory Guard 5000A) 6 Characteristic Values
The measurement of very high impedance resistances presupposes
extremely small measurement currents, and can be rendered problematic Insulation Resistance
by influences such as electromagnetic fields, moisture or surface currents. Measuring Nominal Nominal/Test Nom./Test Intrinsic Un- Measuring Un-
For this reason, the measurement set-up must be implemented in an Range Range of Use Voltage Current certainty 1) certainty
accurate fashion.
For measurements within a range of 100 G (10 G) ... 1 T a guard 100 V
 30%
cable must be used in order to prevent the distortion of measurement
100 k...
100 M
100 k...
10 M
250 V
500 V
1 mA  2.5% of measured
results caused by surface currents. The guard rings prevent current at the 1000 V
surface of the insulation material from flowing from the +measurement 100/1500 V 1 mA/0.7 mA
cable to the –measurement cable, instead of through the insulation mate- 10 k... 1 T
100 k...
100 G
250/2000 V
500/2500 V
1 mA/0.5 mA
1 mA/0.4 mA
 5%
rial itself.
1000/5000 V 1 mA/0.1 mA
Guard Cable ShortCircuit Current IK 1.3 mA
– Meas. Cable Direct and Alternating Voltage
+Measurement Cable Measuring Range Frequency Internal Max. Allowable Intrinsic
Resistance Voltage Uncertainty 1)

Contact Ring 0 ... 2000 V DC/AC 15 ... 500 Hz 5 M 2200 V DC/AC

max. 10 s  5%

Protective Devices
Conductor Terminal Internal Max. Allowable Protective Device
Resistance Voltage
to +meas. cable/
Material –Measurement to guard cable: via grounded

Cable 2000 V DC/AC damping diodes
Guard Rings max. 10 s
➭ Insert the guard cable plug into the appropriate jack at the tester. +Measurement to –meas. cable/
diodes in high-voltage
➭ Cable to guard cable:
Plug the crocodile clip onto the guard cable test prod. — cascade, PTC thermistor 2)
Insulation 2000 V DC/AC
and series resistors
➭ Clip the crocodile clip onto the guard ring located between the two Measurement max. 10 s
measuring points of the insulation material to be measured. to meas. cable PTC thermistor 2)
between guard and
➭ See Chapter 5.1, page 6 for measurement procedures. Guard Cable
meas. cables 90 k
2000 V DC/AC and
max. 10 s series resistors
pole protection
Note Battery — 10 V with diodes voltage limiting
The following materials can be used as guard rings: in battery charger (optional)
aluminum foil, copper foil or metal tubing clamps. 1) with reference to scale length 97.5 mm (100 M range) or 109.8 mm (1 T range)
2) PTC thermistor cool-down period until start of new measurement:
at least 2 minutes must be observed!

8 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

Display Electrical Safety
Movement core-magnet moving-coil mechanism Protection Class II
Scale Length 111.5 mm (longest scale) Test Voltage 8.5 kV~
Measurement Category 1000 V CAT II, 600 V CAT III, 300 V CAT IV
Reference Conditions
Nominal Voltage UN 1000 V
Ambient Temp. +23 C 2 K
Open-Circuit Voltage U0 5000 V
Relative Humidity 40 ... 60% Pullution Degree 2
Meas. Quantity
Frequency 50 Hz 10 Hz (for voltage measurement) Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC
Mains Voltage Product Standard DIN EN 61326-1: 2013
Waveform sine, deviation between effective and
rectified value < 1% Interference emission Class
Battery Voltage 8 V1%
EN 55022 B
Operational Position horizontal
Interference immunity Test value Performance feature

Power Supply EN 61000-4-2 Contact/atmosphere - 4 kV/8 kV B

EN 61000-4-3 10 V/m B
Battery or Storage
Battery 6 ea. 1.5 V single cell per IEC R20 (6 · D-Size) Mechanical Design
Working Range 6 V ... 10 V Dimensions W x D x H: 290 mm x 250 mm x 140 mm
Battery Service Life 7500 measurements at 1000 V test voltage Weight 3.4 kg with batteries
with 1 M measuring shunt,
Protection IP 52
15,000 measurements at 500 V test voltage
Extract from table on the meaning of IP codes
with 500 kmeasuring shunt,
with 5 s measurement and 25 s pause IP XY Protection against IP XY Protection against the
(1st digit X) foreign object entry (2nd digit Y) penetration of water
Ambient Conditions 0 not protected 0 not protected
Operating Temp. 0 C ... + 40 C 1  50.0 mm dia. 1 vertically falling drops
Storage Temp. 20 C ... + 60 C (without batteries) 2  12.5 mm dia. 2
vertically falling drops
with enclosure tilted 15
Relative Humidity max. 75%, no accumulation of moisture
3  2.5 mm dia. 3 spraying water
Elevation to 2000 m
4  1.0 mm dia. 4 splashing water
5 dust protected 5 water jets

Making Capacity for Insulation Resistance Measurement

Response Time < 100 G < 3 s;
> 100 G < 8 s also valid
for test voltage or measuring range changes

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 9

7 Maintenance Device Return and Environmentally Compatible Disposal
The instrument is a category 9 product (monitoring and control instrument)
in accordance with ElektroG (German Electrical and Electronic Device
! Attention! Law). This device is subject to the WEEE directive. Furthermore, we make
Before replacing batteries completely disconnect the device from reference to the fact that the current status in this regard can be accessed
all external power circuits. on the Internet at by entering the search term
For purposes of transport and maintenance we recommend that WEEE.
the range selector switch be set to the OFF/V position, in order to We identify our electrical and electronic devices in accordance
prevent unintentional activation of the tester. with WEEE 2012/19/EU and ElektroG with the symbol shown to
the right per DIN EN 50419.
These devices may not be disposed of with the trash. Please contact our
7.1 Batteries
service department regarding the return of old devices.
The condition of the batteries should be checked from time to time. Dis-
charged or corroded batteries must be removed from the battery com-
partment. If leakage occurs at the batteries, battery electrolyte must be If you use batteries or rechargeable batteries in your instrument or accesso-
completed removed and the batteries replaced. The batteries must be ries which no longer function properly, they must be duly disposed of in
replaced when: compliance with the applicable national regulations.
• the needle gauge no longer climbs into the scale which contains the Batteries or rechargeable batteries may contain harmful substances or
battery symbol when the range selector switch is set to the battery heavy metal such as lead (PB), cadmium (CD) or mercury (Hg).
test position. They symbol shown to the right indicates that batteries or
• the indicator LED for the selected test voltage does not light up green. rechargeable batteries may not be disposed of with the trash, but
must be delivered to collection points specially provided for this
Batteries are to be replaced as described in Chapter 3.1, page 5. Always
purpose. Pb Cd Hg
replace batteries as a complete set!

Note 7.3 Measurement Cables

Prior to lengthy periods of rest (e. g. holiday), we recommend
Damaged or buckled measurement cables may not be used under any
removing the (rechargeable) batteries. This helps to prevent
circumstances, because this may cause a reduction in insulation perfor-
excessive depletion or leakage of batteries, which, under unfa-
mance. The permanently connected test cables are double insulated.
vourable circumstances, may cause damage to the instrument.
Inspect the measurement cables on a regular basis. We recommend that
a thorough inspection be carried out every 6 to 12 months.

7.2 Housing
No special maintenance is required for the housing. Keep outer surfaces ! Attention!
clean and dry. Use a slightly dampened cloth for cleaning. Avoid the use Even if only very slight damage is apparent at the measuring ca-
of cleansers, abrasives or solvents. bles, we recommend that you send the tester, together with the
cables, to the Gossen Metrawatt GmbH Repair and Replacement
Parts Service Department.

10 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

7.4 Recalibration, Repair, Parts Replacement, and Device Balancing 8 Z580A Crank Generator Operating Mode
Voltage conducting parts may be exposed when the instrument is
opened. The instrument must be disconnected from the measuring circuit 8.1 Installing the Crank Generator
before repair, replacement of parts or balancing. If the repair of an open, ➭ Set the range selector switch at the METRISO PRIME to the OFF/V posi-
live instrument cannot be avoided, this may only be performed by trained tion and the function selector switch to V.
personnel who are familiar with the dangers involved. ➭ Disconnect the measurement cables from the device under test!
Recalibration ➭ Unscrew and remove the battery module.
➭ Pull the battery clip out, and save the battery module for possible later
The respective measuring task and the stress to which your measuring
instrument is subjected affect the ageing of the components and may
result in deviations from the guaranteed accuracy. ➭ Plug the battery clip onto the crank generator module.
➭ Insert the crank module into the instrument with the crank handle on
If high measuring accuracy is required and the instrument is frequently top. Be certain that the rubber ring is not separated from the crank
used in field applications, combined with transport stress and great tem- generator.
perature fluctuations, we recommend a relatively short calibration interval ➭ Secure the crank module with the 4 screws.
of 1 year. If your measuring instrument is mainly used in the laboratory and
indoors without being exposed to any major climatic or mechanical stress, 8.2 Operating the Crank Generator
a calibration interval of 2-3 years is usually sufficient. ➭ Fold the crank handle out until it snaps into place.

During recalibration* in an accredited calibration laboratory

(DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) the deviations of your instrument in relation to ! Attention!
traceable standards are measured and documented. The deviations Turn the crank only in the direction indicated by the arrow.
determined in the process are used for correction of the readings during The crank generator is difficult to turn in the other direction, and
subsequent application. the protective devices at the generator and in the instrument may
be destroyed after several rotations! Brief, inadvertent rotation in
We are pleased to perform DAkkS or factory calibrations for you in our cal- the wrong direction causes no damage.
ibration laboratory. Please visit our website at ( Company  DAkkS Calibration Center or
 FAQs  Calibration questions and answers). Fold the crank handle to its closed position before transporting the instru-
By having your measuring instrument calibrated regularly, you fulfill the 8.3 Measuring Insulation Resistance in the Crank Generator Operating Mode
requirements of a quality management system per DIN EN ISO 9001. ➭ Establish contact with the DUT first, preferably with the included alli-
gator clips. If this is not possible, and if contact must be established
with the test probes, you will need a second person for assistance.
➭ Select the test voltage with the range
selector switch.
Verification of specifications or adjustment services are not part of the calibration. For products
from our factory, however, any necessary adjustment is frequently performed and the obser- ➭ Set the function selector switch to .
vance of the relevant specification is confirmed.

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 11

➭ Turn the crank in the direction indicated by the arrow at a speed 8.6 Characteristic Values
which causes the  signal LED at the upper right hand portion of the Nominal Voltage 7.5 V (at approx. 2.5 r.p.sec.)
display to light up and burn continuously. Nominal Power 4 W (at approx. 2.5 r.p.sec.)

Note Ambient Conditions

If the  signal LED is not lit, or if it flickers, test voltage is too low, i.e. too Same as METRISO PRIME (M550T)
little power is being delivered by the crank generator.
Measurement values are only valid if the signal LED is continuously lit. Electrical Safety (installed)
see Chapter 6 "Characteristic Values"
For high capacitance DUTs (cables, large machines and transformers),
continue cranking until the needle gauge has stabilized. The signal LED 9 Accessories (optional)
must be continuously lit during testing. This may take as long as several
minutes, depending upon the capacitance of the DUT. Battery operation Type Designation Article Number
is recommended in such cases. Generator 5000 A Hand crank generator Z580A
F2000 Universal carrying bag Z700D
8.4 Discharging the Device Under Test
KY 5000 A 2 crocodile clips 1000 V CAT III / 5000 V CAT I 16 A Z580B
The function selector must be switched from  back to V, in order to dis-
charge test voltage from the DUT. Contact with the DUT must be main- Guard 5000 A 1 guard cable and 1 crocodile clip Z580C
tained until the discharge process has been completed. The range selec- Leadex 5000 5 m extension cable Z580D
tor switch can be left at its original setting. The crank need not be oper- For additional information on accessories, please refer to
ated in order to discharge the device under test.
• the relevant datasheet or our „Measuring Instruments and Testers“
8.5 Measuring Voltage in the Crank Generator Operating Mode catalog
The crank need not be operated for the measurement of voltage. Voltage • our website
applied to the DUT is always displayed when the V/function switch is
set to V.

12 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

10 Repair and Replacement Parts Service Competent Partner
Calibration Center* Gossen Metrawatt GmbH is certified in accordance with
and Rental Instrument Service DIN EN ISO 9001.
When you need service, please contact: Our DAkkS calibration laboratory is accredited by the Deutsche Akkredi-
tierungsstelle GmbH (National accreditation body for the Federal Republic
GMC-I Service GmbH of Germany) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 under registration
Service-Center number D-K-15080-01-01.
Beuthener Straße 41 We offer a complete range of expertise in the field of metrology: from test
90471 Nürnberg, Germany reports and proprietary calibration certificates right on up to DAkkS calibration
Phone +49 911 811718-0 certificates.
Fax +49 911 811718-253 Our spectrum of offerings is rounded out with free test equipment manage-
E-mail ment. An on-site DAkkS calibration station is an integral part of our service depart-
ment. If errors are discovered during calibration, our specialized personnel
are capable of completing repairs using original replacement parts.
This address is for Germany only. Abroad, our representatives As a full service calibration laboratory, we can calibrate instruments from
or establishments are at your disposal. other manufacturers as well.

* DAkkS Calibration Laboratory 11 Product Support

for Electrical Quantities D-K-15080-01-01 accredited per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 When you need support, please contact:
Accredited measured quantities: direct voltage, direct current values, DC
resistance, alternating voltage, alternating current values, AC active power, AC Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
apparent power, DC power, capacitance and frequency and temperature Product Support Hotline
Phone +49 911 8602-0
Fax +49 911 8602-709

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 13

© Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
Prepared in Germany • Subject to change without notice / Errors excepted • A pdf version is available on the Internet

All trademarks, registered trademarks, logos, product names and company names are the property of their respective owners.

Phone +49 911 8602-111

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH Fax +49 911 8602-777
Südwestpark 15 E-mail
90449 Nürnberg • Germany

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