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Vishnu Mini Project

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(Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, TVM)


Department of Computer Applications

Mini Project Report


Done by

Vishnu V
Reg No: MAC20MCA-2025

Under the guidance of

Prof. Liji Jose P

(Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, TVM)



Certified that this is the bonafied record of project work done by
Vishnu V
Reg No: MAC20MCA-2025

During the academic year 2020-2022, in partial fulfilment of requirements for

award of the degree,
Master of Computer Applications
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

Faculty Guide Head of the Department

Prof. Liji Jose P Prof. Biju Skaria

Project Coordinator Internal Examiner

Prof. Beena Jacob


First and foremost, I thank God Almighty for his divine grace and blessings in
making all this possible. May he continue to lead me in the years to come.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to Mini project guide Prof. Liji
Jose P, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications for her guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the Mini
project & also for her support.

I am highly indebted to our project coordinator Prof. Beena Jacob, Assistant

Professor, Department of Computer Application for her guidance and support.

I profusely thank other Professors in the department and all other staffs of MACE, for
their guidance and inspirations throughout my course of study. No words can express my
humble gratitude to my beloved parents who have been guiding me in all walks of my
journey. My thanks and appreciations also go to my friends and people who have willingly
helped me out with their abilities

1 Introduction 6

2 System Analysis 9
2.1 Module Description…............................................................................................ 9
2.2 Feasibility Analysis...............................................................................................10
2.2.1 Technical Feasibility ................................................................................10
2.2.2 Economical Feasibility ..............................................................................11
2.2.3 Operational Feasibility...............................................................................11
2.3 System Environment ........................................................................................... 12
2.5.1 Software Environment ............................................................................ 12
2.5.2 Hardware Environment. ............................................................................14
2.4 Actors and roles ....................................................................................................15

2.7 Use case model ......................................................................................................16

2.5.1 Business Rules.......................................................................................16
2.5.2 Use Cases..... .........................................................................................16
2.5.1 Use Case Diagram..................................................................................17

2.6 Activity Diagram ...................................................................................................19

2.7 Sequence Diagram ................................................................................................20
2.8 Class Diagram .......................................................................................................23

3 System Design 24
3.1 Database design .....................................................................................................24
3.2 UI Design ..............................................................................................................29
3.2.1 Home Page ......................................................................................29
3.2.2 Registration Page..................................................................................29
3.2.3 Otp Page.............................................................................................. 30
3.2.4 Login Page .............................................................................30
3.2.5 Home Page Manager.............................................................................31
3.2.6 Team and Player Registration ..............................................................31
3.2.7 Team Page..................................... ……….. ........................................32
3.2.8 Player Page ..................................................................................32
3.2.9 Fixture Page ...............................................................................33
3.2.10 Scoreboard Page..................................................................................33
3.2.11 User Home Page. ...............................................................................34
3.2.12 User Scoreboard Page........................................................................34
3.2.13 Prediction Page ................................................................................33
3.2.14 Add Prediction Page..........................................................................34

4 Testing and Implementation 36

4.1 Testing ………………………………………………………………………….36
4.2 Implementation………………………………………………………………… 40
4.3 Git History ………………………………………...............................................41

5 Conclusion 42
6 Scope and future enhancements 44
7 Appendix 45
7.1 Minimum Software Requirements……………………………………………...45
7.2 Minimum Software Requirements ……………………………………………..45

8 References…………………………………………………………………………...46
Crick Time Web Application


The project entitled "CRICKTIME" is a web-based application which aims at

providing an international level standard to local cricket tournaments that take
place in villages and other places where there is a lack of such a software which
can help in managing and controlling tournaments with the help of technology.
Managing and controlling of cricket tournaments is a time consuming and heavy
book-keeping process. Since information regarding matches are recorded in
booklets and papers, the information becomes intermittent. The application
provides a complete set of features that helps the tournament coordinators to keep
track of the tournament from start to end. Users can login to the application to
check out scores and results related to a particular tournament.

In order to manage a tournament, the coordinators have the job of listing

of teams, fixture planning, score recording during a match and Results
publication. With the help of "CRICKTIME" a single person can easily manage
all these jobs. The application does not ask for any policy confirmations and is
free to use for anyone who love cricket. The tournaments are a way of bringing
people together who have common interest in the sport. Since tournaments tend to
happen very quickly one after the other, an application that emulates all the
functions related to a tournament can be very helpful. In a situation where one
such application is not present the task of conducting tournaments can be much
time consuming. The inability to determine a common standard to follow while
conducting a tournament becomes an issue here.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 6

Crick Time Web Application

An Online crick assistant provide a common standard which makes it

more user-friendly and thereby reducing time taken by the coordinator of the
tournament in selecting a particular standard for a tournament. The user can
register with the application either as a manger or user. Once the registration is
complete the user can login to the application. The manger can create and manage
tournaments. The manger can create a tournament and add teams and set up
fixtures for that tournament. Users can login to the application and view
tournaments created by managers. The user can view teams and matches related to
a tournament. The manager manages scoreboard related to a match and after
completion of the match he can verify the computer generated match report and
publish it. The User can view scores or results of matches happening and
happened. The User can view the match report associated with each match once
the manager publishes the report. Users can predict the winner of each match and
can know whether their prediction is right after successful completion of the

The tools used for the development of the project include Html, Css, Bootstrap
and Javascript at the Front End. Node JS is used to connect to the backend.
MySQL is used as the database. Microsoft Visual Studio Code was used to write
the code. The Editor provides all the settings to write your Html, Css, Javascript
and Node JS code. Xampp distribution which offers the MySQL database server is
used. XAMPP only offers MySQL (Database Server) & Apache (Webserver) in
one setup and you can manage them with the xampp starter. The MySQL database
server allows to connect to the phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin is a free software
tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the
Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 7

Crick Time Web Application

The proposed system offers latest features that are not found in the existing
systems. The system is free to use and can be deployed on any environment. Since
the system follows a commonly accepted standard users take less time to get
familiarize with the application. The proposed system aims at making cricket
lovers realize that even local tournaments can be given an international feel with
the help of technology.
Advantages of proposed system
• The system allows users to have their own say on the match. Users can
check out their prediction skills.
• The system does not push you through long and complicated onboarding
flow. The system tries to provide maximum output with minimum input.
• The system does not ask you for your sensitive data.
• The system does not share your information with other systems.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 8

Crick Time Web Application


2.1. Module Description

1. Registration:

• Users can register with the application either as a user who can view scores and
predict match results or as a manager. The manager is provided with all the
requirements needed to manage a tournament. The user can search for tournaments
and can view scores and results updated by the manager. Certain fields have to be
filled while registering.

2. Tournament Creation:

• The module deals with creation of tournaments. This is carried out by the crick
manager. The crick manager can select the type of tournament he wants. This
module also deals with team registration, setting up of fixtures.

3. Scoreboard:

• Managing of scores related to matches in a tournament. The manager updates the

scoreboard during a match. The user can view scoreboards of ongoing and ended

4. Prediction:

• User can predict the winner of a match. Once the match is over the user can get to
know whether their prediction is right or not.

5. Match Report

• The application provides match report of each team after the end of the match. The
report contains fall of wickets for each team plotted in a graph. User can view this
report once it is published by manager.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 9

Crick Time Web Application

2.2. Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility analysis begins once the goal has defined. It starts by generating broad
possible solutions, which are possible to give an indication of what the new
system should look like. This is where imagination and creativity are used.
Feasibility of a new system means ensuring that the new system which we are
going to implement is efficient and affordable. The various types of feasibilities
that are to be determined are:

• Technical Feasibility

• Economic Feasibility

• Operational Feasibility

2.2.1. Technical Feasibility

The assessment of technical feasibility must be based on an outline design of

system requirements in terms of input, output, programs and procedures. This can
be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, cycles of
activities etc. in order to give an introduction of technical system. It was found
that the "CRICKTIME" web application can be implemented using the available
technology. The system is not developed to run in a particular environment.
Proposed system will overcome all the limitations of existing system. This system
can support the later versions of Windows operating system. So, the proposed
system is technically feasible.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 10

Crick Time Web Application

2.2.2. Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility study presents tangible and intangible benefits from the
project by comparing the development and operational cost. The technique of cost
benefit analysis is used as a basis of attaining economic feasibility. Since
applications are free of charge for the standard functions they offer, many other
applications require payment from the user for extra features they offer. A single
system that can provide all the features free of cost has many advantages.
Implementing the proposed system can eliminate these drawbacks which save
time, money and manpower. Thus, the proposed system is economically feasible.

2.2.3. Operational Feasibility

Since the software is designed in a user-friendly manner, it is easy to

understand the working process for a person who loves cricket. The users of the
system require no previous training if they have basic knowledge in cricket. The
user-friendly design help people to get familiarize with the application quickly. It
seems that the system can be used if it is developed and implemented. So, the
system is operationally feasible.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 11

Crick Time Web Application

2.3. System Environment

System environment specifies the hardware and software configuration of the new
system. Regardless of how the requirement phase proceeds, it ultimately ends with the
software requirement specification. A good SRS contains all the system requirements to a
level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design a system that satisfies those
requirements. The system specified in the SRS will assist the potential users to determine if
the system meets their needs or how the system must be modified to meet their needs.

2.3.1. Software Environment

Tool: As a Text editor we use Visual Studio Code. It is an integrated development

environment made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. As we are developing the
project using Html, Css, Javascript and Node JS, the Visual Studio provide rich library
support for these.

Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 or latest

Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

• HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML provides a
means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such
as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. HTML elements are
delineated by tags, written using angle brackets.HTML can embed programs
written in a scripting language such as JavaScript, which affects the behaviour and
content of web pages.

• CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages. CSS is
designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout,
colours, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility; provide more

Department of Computer Application, MACE 12

Crick Time Web Application

flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics; enable

multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate.

• JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your websites.

JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the
ECMAScript standard. It has dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation,
and first-class functions. It is multi-paradigm, supporting event-driven, functional,
and imperative programming styles.

Back end: NODE JS and MySQL

• Node. js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript environment that

runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Node.js
lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side
scripting running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the
page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a
"JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, unifying web-application development around a
single programming language, rather than different languages for server-side and
client-side scripts.

• MySQL is an open-source relational database management system. MySQL is free

and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, and is
also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. MySQL was owned and
sponsored by the Swedish company MySQL AB, which was bought by Sun
Microsystems. In 2010, when Oracle acquired Sun, Widenius forked the open-source
MySQL project to create MariaDB.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 13

Crick Time Web Application

Environment Tools: XAMPP Server

XAMPP Server is a Web development platform on Windows that allows you to create
dynamic Web applications with Apache2, PHP, MySQL and MariaDB.

2.3.2. Hardware Environment

Processor: Intel Core i3 processor or More
Main memory: 2 GB ram 128 MB graphics card
Hard disk: 10 GB

Department of Computer Application, MACE 14

Crick Time Web Application

2.4. Actors and Roles

The main actors involved are:

• Manager

• User

⚫ Manager

The manager has the role of creating tournaments. Manager can decide when to end a
tournament. Once the tournament is created, manager adds teams to the tournament and
sets up the fixtures. Managing of scoreboard and publishing of reports is also one of his

⚫ User

The user can view teams and fixtures related to a tournament. User mainly has the role
of viewing whatever information is updated by the manager regarding a tournament.
They can view scorecards and match reports related to a particular match. User can also
predict the winner of a match until the start of a match. Once the match is over they get to
know the results.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 15

Crick Time Web Application

2.5. Use case Model

A UML diagram is a diagram based on the UML (Unified Modeling Language) with
the purpose of visually representing a system along with its main actors, roles, actions,
artefacts or classes, in order to better understand, alter, maintain, or document information
about the system.

2.5.1. Business Rules

The business rules of the application easy and simple to understand. Actors, either
manager or user has top provide their email id along with their username and password
while registering with the application. On the time of registering, actor have to select the
type of role they want, that is whether to register as a manager or a user. Only the manager
can create tournaments. Once the tournament is created, it can be viewed by the user. User
can only view whatever information is updated by the manager. User can view the scorecard
of a particular match once the manager opens up the match scorecard. After the end of every
match a match report is generated for both teams participating in a match. This report has to
be published by the manager. Only published reports can be viewed by the user. The user
can get to know the result of a particular match after the match ends. User can predict the
winner of a match until the start of the match and can get to know if their prediction is right
if and only if they have added their prediction against a match.

2.5.2. Use Cases

1. Registration

o Actors can register with the application either as a common user or manager.
Actors need to provide their mail d and also choose the user type, username
and password while registering with the application.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 16

Crick Time Web Application

2. Tournament Creation

o Managers can create tournaments by providing required information such as

tournament name, location and other details. Manager adds the teams into the
tournament and sets up the fixtures. Once a tournament is created user can
view the tournament.

3. Scoreboard

o Manager updates the scoreboard once the match takes place. Manager updates
the runs and other details regarding a scoreboard. User can view the scores
updated by the manager.

4. Prediction

o User can predict the winner of a match before the match takes place. User can
see whether their prediction is right or wrong.

5. Match Report

o System generates match report at the end of a match. This report is published
by the manager before it is viewed by the user

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2.5.3. Use Case Diagram

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2.6. Activity Diagram

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2.7. Sequence Diagram

1. Registration

2. Scoreboard

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Crick Time Web Application

3. Tournament

4. Fixtures

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5. Prediction

6. Match Report

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2.8. Class Diagram

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3.1. Database Design

1) Table name: Registration

Description: To store login details of Users


regid int(3) Primary Key, AI Registration ID

username varchar(30) Unique, Not Null Username

email varchar(30) Unique, Not Null Email of User

password varchar(100) Not Null Password

type varchar(20) Not Null Type of User

img varchar(50) Not Null Image of User

2) Table name : Team

Description : To store details of Team.


tmid int(3) Primary Key, AI Team ID

name varchar(30) Not Null Team Name

tid int(3) Foreign Key Tournament ID

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3) Table name : Tournament

Description : To store details of Tournament


tid Int(3) Primary Key, AI Tournament ID

name varchar(50) Unique,Not Null Name of Tournament

format varchar(20) Not Null Tournament Format

type int(3) Not Null Tournament Type

no_of_teams int(3) Not Null Number of Teams

st_date date Not Null Start Date

end_date date Not Null End Date

Location of
location varchar(50) Not Null
count int(3) Not Null Tournament Views
Tournament Created
crt_by varchar(30) Not Null
status int(3) Not Null Tournament Status

4) Table name : Tournament_view

Description : To store details of Tournament Views


viewid int(11) Primary Key, AI View ID

username varchar(30) Not Null Username of User

List of Tournament
viewlist varchar(70) Not Null

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5) Table name: Fixtures

Description : To store details of Fixtures


maid int(3) Primary key, AI Match ID

ma_date date Not Null Match Date

ma_time time Not Null Match Time

team_one varchar(30) Not Null Team One

team_two varchar(30) Not Null Team Two

type varchar(25) Not Null Type of Match

ground varchar(25) Not Null Match Ground

report_stat int(3) Not Null Match Report Status

result varchar(50) Not Null Match Result

tid int(3) Foreign Key Tournament ID

6) Table name: Match_report

Description : To store details of Match report


mrid int(3) Primary Key, AI Match Report ID

team varchar(30) Not Null Team Name

fow int(4) Not Null Fall of Wicket

fwo decimal(10,1) Not Null Fall Wicket Over

maid int(3) Foreign Key Match ID

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7) Table name: Player_scoreboard

Description : To store score details of Player.


psid int(3) Primary Key, AI Player Score ID

p_name text Not Null Player Name

team varchar(30) Not Null Team Name

runs int(4) Not Null Player Runs

balls int(4) Not Null Player Balls

wickets int(4) Not Null Player Wickets

runs_giv int(4) Not Null Runs given by Player
overs_b varchar(4) Not Null Overs Bowled
maid int(3) Not Null Foreign Key

8) Table name: Player

Description : To store details of Player.


pid int(3) Primary Key, AI Player ID

name varchar(30) Not Null Player Name

proof blob Not Null Proof of Age

runs int(4) Not Null Player runs

wickets int(3) Not Null Player wickets

tmid int(3) Foreign Key Team ID

tid int(3) Foreign Key Tournament ID
aadharId varchar(16) Not Null, Unique Aadhar ID

Department of Computer Application, MACE 27

Crick Time Web Application

9) Table name: Scoreboard

Description : To store score details of Team.


sid int(3) Primary Key, AI Scoreboard ID

team varchar(30) Not Null Team Name

runs int(3) Not Null Team Runs

wickets int(3) Not Null Team Wickets lost

runrate decimal(10,2) Not Null Run Rate

movers int(4) Not Null Main Overs

sovers int(4) Not Null Sub Overs
maid int(3) Foreign Key Match ID
rep_status int(2) Not Null Match Report Status

10) Table name: Prediction

Description : To store details of Prediction.


peid int(3) Primary Key, AI Prediction ID

response varchar(30) Not Null User Response

result varchar(30) Not Null Result of Prediction

user_name varchar(30) Not Null Username of User

maid int(3) Foreign Key Match ID

tid int(3) Foreign Key Tournament ID

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3.2. UI Design

3.2.1 Home page

3.2.2 Registration page

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3.2.3 Otp page

3.2.4 Login page

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3.2.5 Home Page Manager

3.2.6 Team and Player Registration

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3.2.7 Team Page

3.2.8 Player Page

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3.2.9 Fixture Page

3.2.10 Scoreboard Page

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3.2.11 User Home Page

3.2.12 User Scoreboard Page

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3.2.13 Prediction Page

3.2.14 Add Prediction Page

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4.1. Testing
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and
represents ultimate review of specification, design and code generation. Once the
source code has been generated the program should be executed before the
customer gets it with the specific intend of finding and removing all errors, test
must be conducted systematically and test must be designed using disciplined

Test Cases

Testing is based on test cases. It describes which feature or service test

attempts to cover. In test cases specify what you are testing and which particular
feature it tests.
⚫ Test the normal use of system
⚫ Test the abnormal, but reasonable use of system
⚫ Test the abnormal and reasonable use of system
⚫ Test the boundary Conditions

Unit Testing

Unit testing is a level of software testing where individual units/

components of the software are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of
the software performs as designed. In the system the unit testing perform
separately and each module passes the test cases successfully. In each unit, its
working is monitored so that it works safely and accurately. In each modules the
unit testing is performed for smooth working of each modules.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 36

Crick Time Web Application

Integration Testing

Integration Testing is a level of software testing where individual units are

combined and tested as a group. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose
faults in the interaction between integrated units. During the Integration testing
phase of my project its clear that the combined components/units don’t affect the
expected processes and other modules. Here we mixed up the units that have
passed the test cases during unit test. And check-out the workflow of the modules.

Unit test cases

Sl Procedure Expected result Actual result Status

User Registration User details saved and
1. Pass
Registration successful registered successfully
Manager Registration Manager details saved and
2. Pass
Registration successful registered successfully
3. Manager Login Login successful Manager logged in Pass
Tournament details is
Add Tournament added
4. saved and added Pass
Tournament successfully
Team added Team details is saved and
5. Add Team Pass
successfully added successfully
Player added Player details is saved and
6. Add player Pass
successfully added successfully
Scoreboard details
Update Team Updated details saved and
7. updated Pass
Scoreboard scoreboard is updated
Scoreboard details
Update Player Updated details saved and
8. updated Pass
Scoreboard scoreboard is updated
Match Report Details such as fall of
Generate Match
9. generated wickets, runs, runrate Pass
successfully saved successfully

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Match Report
Publish Match Report status is saved and
10. published Pass
Report updated successfully
Tournament Tournament status is
11. Ended saved and updated Pass
successfully successfully
User Login Login successfull User Logged in Pass

13. Serach Tournament Tournament details is

Tournaments Search successfull fetched and displayed
14. Details such as response,
Prediction added
Add Prediction username saved Pass

Integration test cases

Sl Procedure Test case Expected Actual result Status

no description result
User or manager
give their details
in registration Registration Successful
module. After and Login working of
Registration Pass
successful must work registration and
and login
registration user properly. Login.
or manager can

2. Integrating The fixtures Setting up of Setting up of Pass

Tournament, regarding a fixtures fixtures works
team, player tournament are should work properly.
and fixture . based on the properly
teams that belong according to
to the tournament the

Department of Computer Application, MACE 38

Crick Time Web Application

3. Integrating Scoreboards are Updating Successful Pass

fixture ,team allocated to Team scores working of
and player fixtures and and players updating team
with scoreboard should scores must scores and player
Scoreboard contain teams and work properly scores
players related to
a match

4. Integrating Match report for Generation of Successful Pass

scoreboard each team in a Match report generation of
and match match is must work match report
report generated from properly

5. Integrating Predicting a Prediction for Successful Pass

fixture and fixture result or a fixture is working of
prediction match result is allowed or not Prediction based
done only after allowed based on fixture status.
successful set up on fixture
of fixture status

System Testing
The process of testing an integrated system to verify that it meets specified requirements in
my project. it satisfied all the requirements such as adding tournament, adding teams,
adding players, setting up of fixtures etc…

Department of Computer Application, MACE 39

Crick Time Web Application

4.2. Implementation

Implementation simply means carrying out the activities described in requirement. After
testing, the system “Crick Time Cricket Assistant ” is ready for the implementation.
Implementation is the stage of the project when the theoretical design is turned in to a
working system. Implementation is the process of bringing a newly developed system or
revised into operational one. The new system and its components are to be tested in a
structured and planned manner. There are some challenges faced by me while implementing
the software. Some of them

• Code-reuse: There are huge issues faced by me for compatibility checks

and deciding how much code to re-use.

• Version Management : Every time a new releases is developed, I have to

maintain version and configuration related documentation. in the Git hub
helps me to solve such version control issues.

• Simultaneous updation : During a cricket match, some updations

regarding the scoreboard should take place simultaneously. It was difficult
to implement such scenarios

The implementation stage of a project is often very complex and time consuming. This
involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and constraints of
implementation, training the operating users in the changeover procedures before the system
is setup and running. So, “Crick Time Cricket Assistant” is easy to use. It would be very easy
to run also.

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4.3. Git History

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Crick Time Web Application


The project is mainly done to help people who conduct cricket tournaments
in a fast and efficient manner. The project mainly focuses on tournaments that
allow on time registration of teams. The project is developed in such a way that it
offers the user of the application faster results. The project aims at bringing an
international feel to local tournaments. Real time scoring is one of the
functionality that we get to see during the International matches. The project aims
at bringing the above kind of functionality into local tournament. The project
allows easy on time registration for teams . The project allows player registration
without having to store player details in the local system. Proof can be directly
uploaded to the database. The project work include setting up of a local server to
run and test your application, installing all the necessary packages, Writing the
code and version control using Git.

The results provided by system are truly close to what was expected of the
system. Since the system aims at providing maximum output from minimum
input, the system is coded in such a way that it tries to provide results in most of
the cases. The system always has the required requirements to produce the
expected results. It is set up in such a way that the controller of the system has to
give his minimum effort. The system has a certain flow.

The main advantage of the system is its user-friendly interface and the
ability to produce maximum output from minimum input. The system is capable
of updating information in more than one database without affecting the integrity
constraints. In many of the applications users have to give most of the information
in one or more scenarios, The "Crick time Cricket Assistant" tries to ensure that
user does not feel that kind of boredom. The system provides new features like the

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ones which are most commonly seen in International matches. Live scoring and
match report are two of the main features of the system

The system certainly possess certain disadvantages. The system's inability to

handle certain situations happening during a match is one of the main
disadvantages. The Scoreboard module tries to give best results in most of the
cases. In a situation where there are byes, overthrows and some other scenarios the
system becomes vulnerable. The system posses a certain flow and deviation from
this flow may affect the system. The main disadvantages of the system can
completely be eradicated in future releases.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 43

Crick Time Web Application


Changes in software engineering technology are indeed rapid. By the time a decision
is made to adopt a new method, conduct the training necessary to understand its application
and introduced technology into the software development culture. Something new has come
along and the process begins.

The application has been developed in such a way that any user can access at any time. It is
sure that the application cannot withstand the future with the same features. The "Crick
Time Cricket Assistant" has a bright future if it can be made compatible with the future
technologies. The application should be able to counter any type of crashes and also to
restart itself without lose of data. The mentioned disadvantages of the above system can be
eradicated and new features can be include into the system.

The application has great scope of being used by majority of the people in India. Since
Indian people love cricket so much. In the future the application may offer more features
and also allow to create a global connection between cricket tournaments happening around
the world.

Department of Computer Application, MACE 44

Crick Time Web Application


7.1. Minimum Software Requirement

Software : Xampp Server, Visual Studio Code,
Operating System : Windows, MacOS, Linux

7.2. Minimum Hardware Requirement

Hardware capacity : 100 GB (minimum)
RAM : 2 GB
Processor : Intel Core i3 preferred
Display : 1366 * 768

Department of Computer Application, MACE 45

Crick Time Web Application


• jQuery and AJAX -

• Node.js -

• HTML and CSS -

• Query String -

• Graphs -

• sessionStorage -

• Webcam -

Department of Computer Application, MACE 46

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