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Geophysical Research Letters - 2003 - Naudet - Relationship Between Self Potential SP Signals and Redox Conditions in

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1029/2003GL018096, 2003

Relationship between self-potential (SP) signals and redox conditions in

contaminated groundwater
V. Naudet, A. Revil, and J.-Y. Bottero
CNRS-CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France

P. Bégassat
ADEME, Angers, France
Received 3 July 2003; revised 14 August 2003; accepted 20 August 2003; published 5 November 2003.

[1] In situ measurements of redox potential are rather potential at the ground surface, offers such a possibility.
difficult to perform and provide only sparse information on Several field studies carried out over waste dumps show
its spatial distribution. To delineate redox fronts in a negative SP values in comparison with a reference electrode
contaminant plume, the self-potential (SP) method can be a located in an undisturbed area (Weigel [1989], Hämmann et
helpful complement to geochemical measurements. Here, al. [1997], Vichabian et al. [1999], Nyquist and Corry
we apply the SP method to the Entressen municipal waste [2002]). These electrical anomalies could be the signature
landfill (south-eastern France) over a 20 km2 area. The of oxido-reduction phenomena occuring at depth in the
results show a large negative SP-anomaly of 400 mV contaminated groundwater. Here, we present the results of
with respect to a reference station taken outside the a SP survey downstream of the Entressen landfill (south-
contaminant plume. Once removed the electrokinetic eastern France). A large negative SP-anomaly is detected
component associated with groundwater flow, the residual near the redox front. The minimum value (400 mV) is
self-potential signals are linearly correlated with in situ located near the settling basins. A comparison with the
measurements of redox potential. We propose a quantitative available geochemical data suggests that this SP anomaly
relationship between self-potential and redox potential, can be attributed to high redox potential gradients in this
which would be used to invert self-potential measurements area.
in terms of in situ redox potential values in contaminant
plumes. INDEX TERMS: 5109 Physical Properties of Rocks:
Magnetic and electrical properties; 5139 Physical Properties of 2. The SP Method
Rocks: Transport properties; 1832 Hydrology: Groundwater [4] The self-potential signals are naturally occurring
transport; 4851 Oceanography: Biological and Chemical: electric field measured at the ground surface with non-
Oxidation/reduction reactions; 1831 Hydrology: Groundwater polarisable electrodes. The origin of SP has two main
quality. Citation: Naudet, V., A. Revil, J.-Y. Bottero, and components: (1) the electrokinetic contribution associated
P. Bégassat, Relationship between self-potential (SP) signals with groundwater flow through the permeable soil and
and redox conditions in contaminated groundwater, Geophys. Res. (2) oxido-reduction phenomena. The underlying physics
Lett., 30(21), 2091, doi:10.1029/2003GL018096, 2003. of electrokinetic phenomena is fairly well established.
SP-signals and hydraulic head gradients are correlated
1. Introduction through an electrokinetic coupling coefficient, which ranges
from 10 mV/m to 1 mV/m of hydraulic head (e.g., Revil
[2] The knowledge of redox potential is crucial in under- et al. [2003]). However, no theoretical model has been
standing the evolution of contaminant plumes. However, established to tie the strength of SP-signals to redox potential
direct measurements of this parameter in the field are gradients, except for ore deposits sites (e.g., Bigalke and
difficult. To get accurate redox values, many constraining Grabner [1997]). Timm and Möller [2001] show that redox
precautions must be taken, like avoiding the entrance of O2 potential gradients are the source of negative SP-anomalies
into the sampling cell. These measurements are time-con- with respect to a reference electrode taken in an undisturbed
suming because quasi-equilibrium conditions must be area.
reached in order to obtain truly representative values
(Christensen et al. [2001]). In addition, the determination
of the spatial distribution of the leachate properties requires 3. Presentation of the Site and Field Survey
a large number of sampling wells. Consequently, it is not
surprising that very few representative maps of the redox [5] The Entressen landfill (Figure 1a) is the biggest open-
potential distribution have been established to date. air landfill in Europe with about 600,000 tons per year of
[3] It follows that a geophysical method sensitive to the municipal and domestic wastes stored since 1912. The land-
redox potential distribution into the contaminated aquifer fill extends over 0.5 km2 and reaches a height of 30 meters.
would be particularly welcome. The self-potential method, Landfill leachates percolate to a shallow unconfined
based on passive measurement of the natural electrical aquifer (1 – 8 meters depth) formed by the old alluvial plain
of the Durance river. The portion of the aquifer impacted
by the landfill is composed of quaternary alluviums, includ-
Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union. ing calcareous, metamorphic, and endogenous stones. The
0094-8276/03/2003GL018096 hydraulic conductivity is high (K = 8.5 103 m/s), except for

HLS 2 - 1

Figure 1. (a). Self-potential map obtained from a linear interpolation of over 2800 SP measurements (black dots). The
electrode spacing is 10 m in the first two kilometers from the landfill and 20 m elsewhere. Numbered open-circles
correspond to the piezometers where geochemical analyses are available. Arrows indicate the groundwater flow directions
determined from about thirty piezometric head data. (b). Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) with a Wenner-a
configuration (profile CD, 1a). The unit electrode spacing is 3 meters. Note the presence of paleochannels of the Durance

the East side of the landfill where K  106 m/s because the results of the geochemical sampling and measurements
presence of a clay-rich lens, which reaches the ground- performed between 1998 and 2000 were discussed in
surface. The thickness of the impermeable substratum is Vilomet et al. [2001]. Their study shows that the contami-
>20 m and composed of marls of Pliocene age (Colomb and nant plume extends to a maximum of 4.6 km away from the
Roux [1978]). As a preliminary step, we performed an landfill (down to well #73) with an anaerobic zone located
electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) using the ABEM in the two first kilometers (down to well #6). Chemical
multi-electrode equipment. The profile shown in Figure 1b, analyses and redox potential are there available for compar-
constrained by data from 3 boreholes, reveals the shallow ison with the SP measurements.
aquifer underlying the marly substratum. The overall [6] From September 2001 to March 2002, we carried out
groundwater flow direction is NE-SW but a few high a SP survey using a high-impedance voltmeter (100 M
transmissivity paleochannels locally modify the flow direc- insulated single-conductor wire (500 m) and 2 non-polar-
tion (Figure 1b). The hydraulic gradient is 3% and the water isable Pb/PbCl2 Petiau electrodes. We used a combination
level change over the year is around one meter (Vilomet et of the fixed-base and the gradient configuration techniques
al. [2001]). Few piezometers are available for groundwater to reduce the influence of electro-telluric variations and
quality information (Figure 1a). The methodology and cumulative errors (see Perrier and Morat [2000]). One

Reduced zone Transition zone Oxidized zone South
a correlation results from the electrokinetic contribution
Landfill to self-potential. Based on the first-order linear relation-
#23 #5
100 EH: 68 mV
σf : 760 µS/cm
EH: -246 mV
sf : 1500 µS/cm #21 #73
ship determined by Revil et al. [2003], the analyse of the

EH: -233 mV
#10 EH: 114 mV
s f : 850 µS/cm
EH: 121 mV
s f : 870 µS/cm
data located in the South part of the studied site yields
100 sf : 1350 µS/cm j = 10.60(h  h0) + 56.10. This equation is used to

June 2001 remove the electrokinetic contribution to the SP-signals
September 2001
measured on the site.
SP (mV)

March 2003

[8] The first two kilometers downstream the landfill are
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Distance (m)
2500 3000 3500 4000 strongly anaerobic. The concentration of dissolved electron
acceptors (O2, SO24 ) and the redox potential are reduced in
Figure 2. North-South SP-profile located on Figure 1a. this area (wells #2, #10, #11, #15, #17, #92, Table 1). In this
Electric conductivity of the ground water (sf) and redox region, the SP signal displays a strong negative anomaly of
potential (EH) measured into wells #23, #10, #5, #21 and 400 mV close to the settling basins. This prominent SP
#73 correlate with the SP anomaly. Also note the good anomaly can be attributed to a basin leak and/or the presence
stability of the SP signals over time. of a redox front. Figure 2 shows a North-South profile across
the zone where geochemical changes are observed. The SP-
signal decreases progressively in the anaerobic zone, then
electrode was the stationary base electrode while the other
drastically increases through the redox front, and finally
was moved to each measurement station in order to scan the
reaches normal background values in the more oxidized
electrical potential at the ground surface. The base station is
zone. Along this profile, the negative SP anomaly is there-
changed all the 500 m. To improve electrical contact
fore well correlated with the redox potential in the contam-
between the ground and the electrode at each station,
inant plume. On Figure 3b, we plot the redox potential
including the base station, small holes were dug and filled
versus self-potential residuals obtained by removing the
with a salty bentonite mud. Additional diffusion potentials
electrokinetic contribution to the SP. The data from wells
can occur at electrodes set up in this way, but their influence
#7, #26, and #92 were rejected because they did not have
vanishes when measurements are made between two elec-
corresponding SP measurement but interpolated SP value.
trodes in contact with the ground in the same way. To
Since well #15 is above the clay lens and shows unusual
reduce cumulative errors, survey lines were designed to
variations during the year, this point is not considered
form a web with numerous tie-in points. Tie-in loop closure
for calculating the correlation. We obtain a reasonable
errors were distributed among all the readings around each
correlation (R2 = 0.85) between the residual self-potential
loop. The data reproducibility was better than 10 mV and
the signal was very stable during the year as shown by
repeating the survey along the same profile (Figure 2).

4. Results and Discussion

[7] Note a general increase of the SP signals along the
groundwater flow direction in Figure 1a, corresponding to
the electrokinetic conversion of the hydraulic head. In the
South part of this field, geochemical analyses and redox
values indicate an aerobic area with no contamination
(wells #21 and #73, Table 1). In this area, we find an
excellent correlation between the self-potential j (in mV)
and the piezometric head difference (h  h0) (in m) with
h0 the piezometric head level at the SP base station. Such

Table 1. Chemical Analyses Realized by the City of Marseille

(11/2001) and by Vilomet et al. [2001] for the Piezometer #6 and
the Dissolved O2 Concentration % of Saturation (01/2000)
EH sf SO2
4 Cl NH4+ O2
Wells (mV) (mS/cm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (%)
2 126 7400 280 765 960 1.63
5 246 1500 160 110 1.3 –
6 – 1520 200 110 – 4.5
7 138 670 100 24 0.1 63.8
10 233 1350 120 105 46 4.9
11 244 3700 180 425 185 1.96
15 237 5500 140 920 250 1.35 Figure 3. (a). Self-potential signals (in mV) versus
17 52 910 140 61 3 – hydraulic head variations in the South part of the studied
21 114 850 120 48 0.3 9.76
23 68 760 110 25 0.2 – zone and with h0 taken at the SP base station. (b). Redox
26 70 2300 270 235 55 – potential measured with an error of ±50 mV (Table 1)
73 121 870 130 51 0.1 50 versus the residual self-potential estimated with an error of
92 63 1150 160 100 63 – ±20 mV.

(i.e., corrected from the electrokinetic effect) and redox [12] Acknowledgments. We thank the city of Marseille for access to
the site and for the chemical analyses. Financial support by ADEME,
potential measurements with a slope of 0.51 ± 0.09. Without CNRS, and the Ministère de la Recherche et de l’Education Nationale
removing the electrokinetic component to the SP-values the (ACI-Jeune #0693 to A. Revil, and ACI ‘‘Eau et Environnement’’) is
correlation was R2 = 0.61. acknowledged. We thank B. Hamelin for his support, D. Hermitte, E. Rizzo,
[9] The thermodynamic source of the SP signals corre- and M. Pessel for their help in the field, G. Bourrié and F. Trolard for
fruitful discussions. We thank the two referees and the A.E. J. Famiglietti
sponds to a gradient of redox potential. The transfer for their constructive reviews.
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Additional research works need to be carried out to under- 
stand the role of the biofilms and the physics of this V. Naudet and A. Revil, CNRS-CEREGE, Hydrogeophysic and Porous
phenomenon. Then, with a model of such geobattery, Media, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France. (; revil@
inverse problem algorithms will be used to constrain the
J.-Y. Bottero, CNRS-CEREGE, Physico-Chemistry of Interfaces, 13545
redox potential distribution of the contaminant plume from Aix-en-Provence, France.
SP measurements performed at the ground surface. P. Bégassat, ADEME, BP 406, 49004 Angers, France.

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