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Thesis Chapters 1-3 Group 5

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I. Introduction

Aquaponics starts all the way back to the Aztec Indians who, circa 1000 AD, cultivated
plants on rafts on the surface of a lake, but it is still in its infancy as a contemporary
agricultural method. Aquaculture and hydroponics are newer sectors that have just recently
gained traction. The concept of mixing the two is much newer, and it has only become
practical as hydroponic farming and aquaculture technology have advanced.

Aquaponics systems have received a lot of attention in recent years since they serve to
decrease resource demand in both first and third world countries. Aquaponics is a mix of
hydroponics and aquaculture that simulates a natural environment to successfully utilize and
increase understanding of natural cycles in an indoor process. Using this understanding of
natural cycles, it is possible to create a system with capabilities comparable to those of a
natural environment, using electronics to improve the overall efficiency of the system.

I. Overview of Current Technologies

An integrated system that develops both fish (aquaculture) and plants (aquaponics) in
a soilless environment is referred to as aquaponics (hydroponics). For an aquaculture system
to function appropriately, large fish tanks are essential. Although fish create organic waste
that contains nutrients such as ammonia, they do not pollute the environment. Aquaponics is
growing plants by cycling water enriched with organic fish waste through plant beds, where
nitrifying bacteria can convert ammonia into nitrates for the plants to use. Plants then use the
nitrates to grow, eliminating the nitrates from the water and repurifying it so that the fish may
once again dwell in it.

II. Objectives

The major purpose of this project is to use artificial intelligence to construct a plant
that grows 100% organic and nutritious foods that can provide for us. Aquaponics with Crop
Health Detection Using AI is the greatest approach to sustain both plants and fish. We utilize
AI to detect the health of the plants and determine whether or not they are healthy enough to
sell in markets. Crop disease is one of the issues that decrease the quality of food produced.
Farmers spend a lot of money on disease management. With the use of Crop Health Detection
to monitor plant health and manage disease infections, this project may offer us with healthy
and organic plants.

III. Scope And Limitations

IV. Significance of the Study

Agriculture and fish farming currently occupy large areas of the Earth's surface and
have a significant negative impact on the environment by causing soil erosion, polluting the
soil and groundwater with pesticides, fertilizers, and animal waste, producing greenhouse
gases, and a variety of other adverse effects on the environment. In closed aquaponic
systems, the combination of plant production and fish farming results in a considerable
decrease in the environmental effect. Aquaponic systems may be run nearly completely
waste-free, and as a result, they have no discernible impact on the soil, provided no additional
land is required for the installation of aquaponic systems. Even in minor quantities, Sludge
may be readily composted and turned into valuable goods, even though the quantity of waste
generated is relatively modest.


The Agricultural industry in the Philippines, Aquaponics in the Philippines, and the
types of modern agriculture such as Hydroponics and Aquaculture it synthesized and led to
the rise of the study of Aquaponics, as well as discussions of the tools and equipment used in
these processes will be covered in this chapter. Participants such as providers of current
advanced agricultural methods and existing systems that participate in the area of Aquaponics
and their users are also mentioned.
2.1 The Industry Background of Agriculture in the Philippines
The Philippines being an agricultural
country with a substantial percentage of the
population living in rural regions and relying on
agricultural operations to sustain themselves.
According to recent data, the agriculture industry,
which includes four sub-sectors: farming, fisheries,
livestock, and forestry, employs nearly a quarter of
all Filipinos. The industry is expected to create 1.78
trillion Philippine pesos in gross value added (GVA)
in 2020, accounting for 10.2 percent of the country's
GDP (GDP). However, the sector's gross production
dropped by 1.2 percent in that year due to the
protracted lockdown imposed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and natural
catastrophes that struck the country.

Performance of Philippine Agriculture (Philippine

Bureau of National Statistics,2021)

In the third quarter of 2021, agricultural and fisheries production value fell by -2.6
percent at constant 2018 prices. This was due to a decrease in the output of cereals, animals,
and fisheries. In the meanwhile, poultry output increased.
Crop output decreased by -0.2%, accounting for 54.0 percent of overall agricultural
and fisheries production. The output of palay climbed by 6.7 percent, but corn production fell
by -18.6%.

Fisheries production, which accounts for 16.2 percent of overall agriculture and fisheries
production, fell by -0.4 percent. Bigeye tuna (tambakol/bariles) production fell by 41.1
percent, blue crab (alimasag) by 22.1 percent, frigate tuna (tulingan) by 21.1 percent,
yellowfin tuna (tambakol/bariles) by -19.9 percent, threadfin bream (bisugo) by -19.1
percent, slipmouth (sapsap) by -12.4 percent, and skipjack (gulyasan)
The value of agricultural and fisheries production, which totaled PHP 446.46 billion at
current prices, was 5.2 percent higher than the previous year's level.
2.1.1 The Aquaponics Industry in the Philippines

According to the Global Harvesting Initiative, traditional agricultural practices

include significant tillage requirements, land reformations, and a high-water waste rate.
Modern agriculture is a response to the challenges listed above. Modern farming, often
known as "modern agriculture," is defined as "the use of production procedures, technologies
and instruments generated from scientific discoveries, and outcomes of the research and
development process" (Petit, 2010).

2.1.2 Review of Related Literature (Local)

2.1.3 Clark Farm: Urban Vertical Aquaponics Farm and Leisure Park
Rod Kevin's architectural thesis was the Clark Farm Park. Gonzales was in his senior
year of college, working on his thesis. This project is perhaps the most similar to the present
research. His study was home to the identical aquaponics growing system employed in this
project. Gonzales' suggested structure in his research is located in the Clark Freeport Zone
and is intended to serve the surrounding suburban and heavily urbanized regions. The food
generator and distributor include a vertical farm, a food processing zone, and a market. A
research facility and instructional zones are also included. Recreational areas such as a leisure
park, pond, amphitheater, and restaurant were also incorporated to give an experience that
would bring agriculture closer to people for it to be called a park. Gonzales' analysis
concentrated primarily on the production of food for consumption by the people around the
facility, which led to assigning a substantial amount of the land to this purpose. Mainly to
produce food
On the other hand, the emphasis of this research will be on the manufacturing and
distribution of goods. Promotion of sustainable food as a means of informing visitors and
tourists about the many health benefits. This will be accomplished by providing learning
spaces, training facilities, a little market, and a small restaurant that will showcase the
company's products. Although some of the harvests may be sold to local public markets to
gain financial independence, the bulk of the commodities will be used at the facility's
restaurant and mini market. An aquaponics farm might be a good answer for some of the
most significant issues. Food shortage and quick and severe climate change are all issues our
nation is dealing with.
Urbanization out of control, food security, and climate change are all issues that need to be
addressed. If the situation requires it, when an aquaponics farm system is combined with
tourism, it becomes more active and responsive to the surrounding community. The space
program employed in Gonzales' research might be used as a model for this study's space
programming, particularly on the list of possible spaces. Be considered Despite the fact that
space allocation may vary depending on the situation. Despite the disparity in focus on both
projects, its programming would still provide a suitable foundation for determining likely
space allocations throughout the design process.

2.1.4 Multi-Level Aquaponics Center

The Multi-level Aquaponics Center, by Erin Maryse Aralar, is an excellent thesis. A
food production area for both crops and fish species, a research and training area for future
urban farmers and trainees, a market for crop and fish trading, and a restaurant offering the
facility's freshly produced food are all included in this architectural thesis. The proposal is a
high-rise building that considers the relatively little lot space selected, construction height
and rules, and other critical issues. In addition, this thesis has provided a detailed description
of the aquaponics system she employed and the limits she faced, and how she overcame them
throughout the design process. Our suggested complex, like this thesis, would have almost
identical amenities but will cater to various consumers.
Because the project is an agritourism complex, tourists will be primary users. As a result,
instead of focusing just on food production, as Aralar's thesis suggests, the architectural
design of the facilities should try to delight the guests.

Review of Related Literature (INTERNATIONAL)

1. According to Boutwelluc and Rogosa, aquaponics itself has an ancient root. Aztec tries to
cultivate agricultural islands known as chinampas in a system considered to be the first
aquaponic system for agricultural use. This system aims to help the farmers where plants
were raised on stationary (and sometime movable) islands in a shallow lake and the waste
materials from the chinampa canals and surrounding cities. They showed that aquaponics
systems, known for being environmentally friendly, have become the topic of growing
interest. South China, Thailand, and Indonesia, which farmed rice in paddy fields in
combination with fish, are cited as examples of early aquaponics systems (FAO, 2001).
2. Aquaculture production can potentially cause environmental pollution due to the nutrients
contained in the water discharged to the soil, underground water, and other water sources
(Edwards, 2015). So, by adding the components of the plants, the nutrients will concentrate in
the water wherein it will be taken up through the plant roots, then it will enhance the plant
growth, reducing the need for fertilizer on the plants. Moreover, the recirculation of the water
through interconnected devices maintains and delivers resources, especially nutrients and
water, to all components of the system. Finally, the fact that aquaponics systems do not need
soils makes them suitable to be built in small household areas in developing countries or
within the cities as urban farming (De Bon, 2010). They applied nutrients such as nitrogen in
particular in the flow wherein it will start from feed intake by the fish and discharge the body
waste of the fish into the water.
3. Sachin Khirade and A. B. Patil discussed the main steps of image processing for detecting
diseases in plants and then classifying them. The main steps involve image acquisition, image
preprocessing, image segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. Then for
segmentation, methods like otsu’s method, converting RGB image into HIS model, and K-
means clustering are involved. The K-means clustering method is needed here because it
gives accurate results. After that, feature extraction is also needed because it carries out the
color, texture, morphology, edges, etc. Like the k-means clustering method, morphology
feature extraction gives a better result. Finally, after the feature extraction, classification is
done wherein they used classification methods like Artificial Neural Network and Back
Propagation Neural Network.

4. Akhtar et al. have used the support vector machine to classify and detect rose-leaf diseases
like black spots and anthracnose. The authors used the threshold method for segmentation,
and Ostu’s algorithm was also used to define the threshold values. In this approach, DWT,
DCT, and texture features are also extracted, which are usually used with the SVM approach
and show efficient accuracy value.
5. Usama Mokhtar et al. described Tomato leaves diseases detection technique, and the
diseases are: Powdery mildew and Early blight. Image preprocessing involves various
techniques such as smoothness, noise removal, image resizing, image isolation, and
background removal to enhance images. Gabor wavelet transformation is also applied in
feature extraction for feature vectors in classifying the diseases. Cauchy Kernel, Laplacian
Kernel, and Invmult Kernel are applied in SVM for the output decision and training for
identifying tomato diseases by detecting the leaves.
6. Obtaining healthy and high-quality meals is the most challenging component of being a
human. Global warming, often known as climate change, impacts the creation of products.
According to Bajelj et al. (2014), Despite the development of high-yielding crop types and
improved food production technologies, the world's population will continue to grow by
2050. Furthermore, existing food production patterns will not fulfill global food demand,
given that a billion people are chronically hungry. These obstacles to food production need
new food production systems, methods, and practices (Godfray et al., 2010). Whenever we
are faced with situations like these, it is essential to remember that food quality is one of the
most significant aspects of our lives.

Petit, M. (2010). The Benefits of Modern Agriculture. Global Harvest Initiative.
Gonzales, R. C. (2015). Clark Farm Park: an urban vertical aquaponics farm and leisure
park (Master's thesis, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines).
Aralar, E. C. (2012). The Multi-level Aquaponics Center (Master's thesis, University of the
The Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines).
Boutwelluc, Juanita. (2007). “Aztecs’ aquaponics revamped.” Napa Valley Register.
Graber & Junge. (2009). Aquaponic Systems: Nutrient recycling from fish wastewater by
vegetable production. Desalination, Volume 246, Issue 1:147-156.
Akhtar, Asma, AasiaKhanum, Shoab Ahmed Khan, and ArslanShaukat. (2013) "Automated
Plant Disease Analysis (APDA): Performance Comparison of Machine Learning
Techniques." IEEE International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT),
pp. 60-65.
Sachin D. Khirade, A. B. Patil. (2015) “Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing,”
IEEE, International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation,
Pune, pp768-771.
Usama Mokhtar, Mona A. S. Alit, Aboul Ella Hassenian, Hesham Hefny. (2015) “Tomato
leaves diseases detection approach based on support vector machines” IEEE pp. 978-1-5090-

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