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Design and Modeling of Fluid Power Systems: ME 597/ABE 591 Lecture 4

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Design and Modeling of Fluid Power Systems

ME 597/ABE 591 Lecture 4

Dr. Monika Ivantysynova

MAHA Professor Fluid Power Systems

MAHA Fluid Power Research Center

Purdue University

Displacement machines – design principles & scaling laws

Power density comparison between hydrostatic and electric machines

Volumetric losses, effective flow, flow ripple, flow pulsation

Steady state characteristics of an ideal and real displacement machine

Torque losses, torque efficiency

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 2
2 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Historical Background
Hydrostatic transmissiom

Vane pump

Gear pump Axial Piston

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika IvantysynovaPump 3
15 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Displacement machine
p2, Qe
due to compressibility of a real fluid

Pumping Te , n

Adiabatic expansion

Adiabatic compression


Vmin=VT with VT .. dead volume KA.. adiabatic bulk modulus

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 4
2 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Displacement machine

due to viscosity & compressibility of a real fluid

Pressure drop between displacement chamber and port

Port pressure Port pressure

Pressure in Pressure in
displacement displacement
chamber chamber

Pump Motor
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 5
3 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Power Density

Electric Motor
Hydraulic Motor

b r

I=J b h
J… current density [A/m2]
Fh = p ⋅ L ⋅ h
Fe = I ⋅ B ⋅ L ⋅ sinα with I current [A]
B … magnetic flux density [ T ] or [Vs/m2]

Torque: T = I ⋅ B ⋅ L ⋅ r ⋅ sin α T = p⋅L⋅h⋅r

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 6
33 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591

Power: P = T ω = T 2π n
For electric motor follows: P = I B L r 2π n assuming α=90°

For hydraulic motor follows: P = p ⋅ L ⋅ h ⋅ r ⋅ 2π ⋅ n

Force density: Electric Motor Hydraulic Motor

up to 5 107 Pa

with a cross section area of conductor: 9 10-6 m2

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 7
34 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Mass / Power Ratio

Electric Machine Positive displacement machine

= 1 …. 15 kg/kW 0.1 … 1 kg/kW

Positive displacement machines (pumps & motors) are:

10 times lighter

min. 10 times smaller

much smaller mass moment of inertia (approx. 70 times)

much better dynamic behavior of displacement machines

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 8
35 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Displacement Machines
Swash Plate Machines
Axial Piston Machines

Piston Machines
Bent Axis machines
In-line Piston Machines
with external piston support

Radial Piston Machines

with internal piston support

F External Gear
Gear Machines
Internal Gear
Annual Gear
Vane Machines Screw Machines others
Fixed displacement machines Variable displacement machines
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 9
6 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Axial Piston Pumps

Cylinder block Pitch radius R



Cylinder block p2, Qe

Swash plate Piston Valve plate
Piston stroke = f (ß,R) Te , n
Variable displacement pump
Requires continous change of ß p1
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 10
17 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Bent Axis & Swash Plate Machines
Torque generation on cylinder block Torque generation on „swash plate“

Swash plate design FR


FR Driving flange must
FN cover radial force


Radial force FR FR
exerted on piston! Fp
Fp Bent axis machines
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 11
18 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Axial Piston Pumps

Openings in cylinder bottom

In case of plane valve plate

In case of spherical valve plate

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 12
19 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Axial Piston Pumps

Plane valve plate

Inlet opening Outlet opening

Plane valve plate

Inlet Outlet

Connection of displacement chambers with suction and pressure port

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 13
20 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Axial Piston Pumps
Kinematic reversal: pump with rotating swash plate Check valves fulfill
distributor function
Suction valve

valve for

Outlet Inlet can only work as pump

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 14
21 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Comparison of axial piston

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 15
22 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Steady state characteristics
ideal displacement machine

Displacement volume of a variable displacement machine: V = α Vmax


0 n 0 0 n

0 0 n 0
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 16
8 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Scaling laws

The pump size is determined by the displacement volume V p2, Qe

[cm3/rev]. Usually a proportional scaling law, conserving
geometric similarity, is applied, resulting in stresses remaining
constant for all sizes of units. Te , n

Q=V n

… linear scaling factor

λ λ λ

λ λ λ

Assuming same maximal operating pressures for all unit sizes and a
constant maximal sliding velocity !
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 17
9 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591

The maximal shaft speed of a given pump is 5000 rpm. The

displacement volume of this pump is V= 40cm3/rev. The maximal working
pressure is given with 40 MPa. Using first order scaling laws, determine:
- the maximal shaft speed of a pump with 90 cm3/rev
- the torque of this larger pump
- the maximal volume flow rate of this larger pump
- the power of this larger pump

For the linear scaling factor follows:

Maximal shaft speed of the larger pump:

Torque of the larger pump:

Maximal volume flow rate:

Power of the larger pump:

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 18
31 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Real Displacement Machine

p2, Qe
Te , n QSi

QSe… external volumetric losses

QSi… internal volumetric losses

Effective Flow rate: Qe= αVmax n - Qs QS … volumetric losses

Effective torque: Te = TS …torque losses

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 19
Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Volumetric Losses

losses due to
Incomplete p2, Qe

Te , n QSi
external internal losses due to
volumetric losses compressibility QSe

QSL external and internal volumetric losses = flow through laminar


Assuming const. gap height

Dynamic viscosity
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 20
11 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Volumetric Losses
Effective volume flow rate is reduced due to compressibility of the fluid



QSK = n ΔVB with n … pump speed

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 21
12 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Steady state characteristics

of a real displacement machine Qi = V n = α Vmax n

Effective volumetric flow rate


Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 22
13 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Steady state characteristics

Effective mass flow at pump outlet Qme Loss component due to

compressibility does not

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 23
14 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Instantaneous Pump Flow
Instantaneous volumetric flow Qa

Volumetric flow displaced by

a displacement chamber

The instantaneous volumetric flow is given by the sum of instantaneous flows

Qai of each displacement element:

k … number of displacement chambers, decreasing

their volume, i.e. being in the delivery stroke

z is an even number z … number of displacement elements

z is an odd number

Flow pulsation of pumps Pressure pulsation

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 24
15 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Flow pulsation

Non-uniformity grade of volumetric flow is defined:

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 25
16 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Torque Losses

constant value

Torque loss due to viscous friction in gaps (laminar flow)

h…gap height

Torque loss to overcome pressure drop caused in turbulent resistances

TSρ = CTρ ρ n2
Torque loss linear dependent on pressure v

… drag coefficient
TSp = CTp Δp
… flow resistance coefficient

effective torque required at pump shaft

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 26
Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Steady state characteristics
Torque losses
of a real displacement machine


n TSµ 0 n
0 0


0 n
0 0

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 27
30 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Steady state characteristics
Effective Torque

Effective torque Te Effective torque Te



Ti Ti

0 0

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 28
31 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Axial Piston Machine

Piston displacement: HP
s p = -R ⋅ tanβ ⋅ (1-cosϕ ) Outer dead point AT


Piston stroke:

H P = 2 ⋅ R ⋅ tanβ
Inner dead point IT
z = b tanβ
R … pitch radius y = R ⋅ cos ϕ

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 29
23 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Kinematic Parameters

Piston velocity in z-direction:

Piston acceleration in z-direction:

vP aP

Circumferential speed vu
vu = R ω
Centrifugal acceleration:

au = R ω2 Coriolis acceleration ac is just zero, as the vector of

angular velocity ω and the piston velocity vP run parallel

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 30
24 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Instantaneous Volumetric Flow
Geometric displacement volume:
Vg = z Ap HP z … number of pistons For an ideal pump
without losses
In case of pistons arranged parallel to shaft axis:

Geometric flow rate: Mean value over time

Instantaneous volumetric flow: k …number of pistons, which

are in the delivery stroke

with instantaneous volumetric flow of individual piston

vP = ω ⋅ R ⋅ tanβ ⋅ sinϕ
Q ai = vp ⋅ A p = ω ⋅ A p ⋅ R ⋅ tanβ ⋅ sinϕ i
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 31
25 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Instantaneous Volumetric Flow
In case of even number of pistons: k = 0.5 ⋅ z
In case of odd number of pistons:

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 32
26 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Flow & Torque Pulsation

kinematic flow and torque pulsation due to

a finite number of piston
Flow Pulsation: Non-uniformity grade:

Even number of pistons: Odd number of pistons:

tan tan
z z z z

Torque Pulsation

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 33
Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Torque Pulsation

kinematic flow and torque pulsation due to

a finite number of piston z… number of pistons
Non-uniformity Even number of pistons: Odd number of pistons:

mean mean



Flow and torque pulsation frequency f:

Even number of pistons: f=z·n

Odd number of pistons: f=2·z·n
Design and Modeling of Fluid Power
© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 34
Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Flow Pulsation
Non-uniformity grade:

Kinematic non-uniformity grade for piston machines:

Number of 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
pistons z

Non-uniformity 0.140 0.325 0.049 0.140 0.025 0.078 0.015 0.049 0.010
grade δ

Volumetric losses Qs=f(φ) and

Flow pulsation of a real displacement machine is much larger than the

flow pulsation given by the kinematics

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 35
27 Systems, ME 597/ABE 591
Flow Pulsation

Flow pulsation leads to pressure pulsation at pump outlet

Design and Modeling of Fluid Power

© Dr. Monika Ivantysynova 36
Systems, ME 597/ABE 591

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