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The Wastes of Time

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The Wastes of Time 1

The Wastes of Time
Introduction: The Wastes of time is a desert area that, until recently, was of no interest to most.
Then, a landslide struck, revealing vast quantities of dragonstone – ancient coprolite fossils,
which still possessed the magical power of the dragons. Ever since, the Wastes have been a
hotbed of opportunity and conflict, with miners, archeologists, native tribes and cultists vying
for power. Who will profit in the end?

Written by Davis Lodzins

Illustrated by Davis Lodzins
Edited by Katrina Latve and Richard Thompson

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the
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material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
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©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA,
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Introduction 4
The Dung in Dungeons & Dragons 5
The Powers of Dragonstone 6-7
Factions of the Wastes 8-9
Locations and Characters of the Wastes 10-15
Encounters in the Wastes of Time 16
Conflicts and Opportunities 17-18
The Worldspire Caverns 19-20
Challengers in the Worldspire Caverns 21-23
Map of the Wastes of Time 24

Green Bird RPGs

Hello, this is a chance to say a little about Green Bird RPGs and introduce ourselves to
the world. We are two people with a great love for games and in particular RPGs. With
thirty years of RPG experience between us, we felt it was time to give something back to
the community and have some fun doing so.

We are writing supplements for DnD Fifth Edition, which will be published through
Dungeon Masters Guild, plus other OGL / OSR material when we feel the urge.

The material is designed to be dropped into your pre-existing campaign setting with
but a few tweaks, adding color, character and adventure to the world you are playing in.

We aim to provide high quality content in settings and play-tested adventures, with
brand new monsters and magic items. These will come with hand-drawn illustrations
and maps. In this, we hope to assist you in offering your players the experience they

Richard, Davis and Katrina

Follow the Green Bird here:

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Recent Events
Until a couple of years ago, the Wastes of Time was the most appropriate name for the
Wastelands of Kerekk. It was the frontier of a frontier, with scarcely more than a few
nomadic tribes in the area, and no civilization to speak of. However, the region was said
to be rich in history, which attracted a group of archaeologists. They began to excavate
the nearby ruins of Ar’natha, presumed to be an outpost of long-gone magocracy. Still,
aside from a few bits of strange, magical stone and a couple of spell-bearing trinkets,
their findings were of little note.
All this changed after a massive earthquake, which shook the nearby mountains and
tore rifts throughout the desert. It revealed yet more of the mystical stone, and soon
enough the archaeologists discovered a previously inaccessible cave filled with it. Beams
and stalagmites of the strange rock lay bare, and soon enough another discovery was
made - it was no simple rock - it came from a dragon. The backside of the dragon.
Untold millennia ago, some gigantic, unfortunate dragon, had a massive case of
indigestion, the results of which were now fossilized into rocks and coprolites. The
ignobility of this revelation did not matter – the dragon rocks had preserved,
throughout the ages, the enormous magical power of the beast. They could be used,
they could be refined, and they could be turned into profit.
Carni, an archaeologist mercenary with checkered past, started to correspond with the
civilized lands and call in old favors and acquaintances. Soon, caravans would come and
after a few months, the Wasteland Mining Corporation (WMC) was founded. The
archaeologists split into several factions, arguing over the discovery, their ownership of
dragon remains and the future pursuit of their goals. Carni’s group formed a new
encampment, one that would eventually turn into a mining village, attracting people to
the middle of nowhere, in pursuit of ancient lizard gold. The few tents, brazenly called
the Carni’s Gambit, formed into a shantytown, and eventually into the largest
settlement of the Wastes.
The initial work was hard, and the Corporation lost a number of people to desertion,
tribal attacks and other accidents. Yet when the first bits of “dragonstone” were refined
and sold, the profit margin was exceptional. The entire region wanted in on the new
operation, and Carni’s Gambit became a boomtown. Still, dangers lurk in the Wastes of
Time. The ancient tribes have not been happy about these recent incursions. Worse yet,
a new cult has formed, based on the worship of the ancient dragon. They have cut off
the main supply of dragonstone by taking over a precious cave.
Whether through hopes of profit, adventure or exploration, new souls are bound to
arrive in the Wastes of Time. And when they do, there will be plenty of conflicts to
settle, and lots of gold to be made.

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The Dung in Dungeons & of colonialism – and the substance of
guano was not even magical.
Dragons – A Historical Guano is not the only valuable

Aside excretion - other animal secretions and

organs have been commercially
important throughout the ages. The
Dragon poop! Let us not be too coy – glandular pods of deer, known to
the thought of magic dragon crap contain musk, were used to create
excited us enough to write a whole aroma highly prized in historical
setting around it. Still, you might be perfume. Similarly, the highly-sought
surprised to discover just how ambergris, the beached secretions of
profitable animal excretions have been whales, has been used for fragrance
throughout human history. And of since ancient history. And, of course, we
course, this is not just a lengthy chapter should not forget urine, the ammonia
of gross-out notes. These are weird, of which has been historically used to
unusual things that happened, ready to bleach clothes and tan hides. Many
be incorporated into any adventure! European cities collected urine in
barrels, and the ancient Romans even
Coprolites, being fossilized excrements, imposed a tax on its collection. If
have been of great value to the fields of anything, history argues that humans
paleontology and history. They have will trade in anything, so long as there
been used to research the diets of is potential for profit. This is but the tip
ancient beasts and men, and provide of the decadent iceberg that is the
proof for cases of migration, disease commerce of unseemly substances -
and even cannibalism. Still, in terms of without even mentioning the lucrative
monetary value, the humble coprolite is areas of traditional medicine, rituals
of little interest to most, aside from and various regional beliefs, cooking,
collectors. experimentation and procurement of
The same has not been true for guano – aphrodisiacs.
the heaped excrement of bats and birds. Dungeons & Dragons is rich in magical
Guano is exceptionally rich in creatures of various powers, their body
phosphates, potassium, nitrogen and parts and secretions can be used for all
other nutrients, which, for a time, made manner of reagents, spells and
it the premium fertilizer during the experiments. Whenever it seems that
industrial revolution. This value an idea is too wild – well, there just
provided enough impetus for guano to might be a real life precedent.
be actively mined and transported from
the New World to Europe. The United
States passed a “Guano Islands Act” DM Note: If you find the dragonstone
allowing its citizens to claim exclusive origins unseemly, or do not wish to
rights to unclaimed islands rich in the impose them on your players, you can
coveted substance. Indentured servants change it into a magical ore. In practical
were imported, and control over guano terms, all further rules and lore would
was paramount in several documented stay the same.
wars. This embodied all of the tragedies

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The Powers of Medium Consumption:
Dragonstone Typically obtained by drinking a potion
of refined dragonstone flakes,
manufactured and sold by WMC, or
The reasons behind dragonstone’s value through being in a place of high
lie within its power to boost magical dragonstone concentration – the mines,
aptitude. Even a low amount of or by wearing a potent imbued item (as
substance will help anyone able to cast even items from mundane materials
the most basic of spells, though more could gain magical powers if
powerful, refined versions exist. dragonstone is applied during the
Interacting with dragonstone creates a crafting process). If the medium
rush, a temporary influx of energy and consumption comes from a permanent
awareness, though larger quantities can item or location, its effects take place
lead to addiction. Frequent users are once every four hours.
characterized by their dilated pupils,
• Regain a spell slot of your choosing.
and the toughened, scabby, scale-like
skin. • Gain access to sorcerer metamagic
feat of your choice, useable for free,
For reference, here is a list of possible
for your next spell (even if you are
effects of using dragonstone, you may
not a sorcerer). Regain sorcery
use and change them as you wish.
points equal to half your level,
Low Consumption: rounded up, if you are a sorcerer.

The imbibing of limited amounts of • Gain advantage on your attack rolls

with magic.
dragonstone, such as a few flakes, or the
use of its ground dust and salts. Since • Gain +2 to your mental statistics –
the landslide, the whole of Wastes are intelligence, wisdom and charisma.
affected by a high background level of
dragonstone dust, to the point where Excessive Consumption:
merely staying in the area results in its Prolonged use of dragonstone is
benefits (pick one or several): potentially dangerous, though it may be
• Whenever you cast a damaging or worth it for the temporary power it
healing spell, you can roll one provides. You can gain these effects by
additional die. bathing in dragonstone liquids or
injecting them, by having a particular
• You gain an additional spell slot for
affinity towards the substance (such as
spells of level 4 and lower.
Gersh, the leader of the dragonstone
• You gain +3 to your attack rolls with cult), or by wearing an item of great
magic. power, created through the use of the
• Recover 1d4 hit points whenever material. This level of consumption
you are targeted by a spell. must be actively maintained; else the
effects will be lowered each day. Most
• You gain advantage on all mortals would find this level of
perception checks. intoxication extremely straining, taking
a level of exhaustion and 3d12 damage

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each day the excessive consumption If the player rolls one, their character
persists. becomes addicted for 2d4 days, gaining
whichever disadvantages you wish to
• If your class can cast spells, you can
now cast spells of other classes, with
the same spell level limitations. • Gain disadvantage on all saving
• Classes unable to cast spells gain
access to cantrips, level 1 and level 2 • Take a -2 penalty to intelligence,
spells, as if they were a wizard of wisdom and charisma.
the same level.
• You can no longer cast your highest
• When rolling damage or healing level spells.
dice, you can reroll a number of
• You are forced to roll your magical
dice of your choosing, equal to your
effects with one less
highest ability score modifier.
damage/healing die.
Dragonstone addiction • For 1d4 days, you are unable to gain
and withdrawal: the benefits of a long rest. Long
rests give you the effects of only a
Though not particularly addicting short rest.
physiologically, the psychological
• Permanently lose 1d4 hit points.
temptations and power gained from
Addictive substances can have
dragonstone use often results in
serious consequences!
addiction. You may wish to consider
these withdrawal effects to balance the
If you are using the low-excessive
consumption mechanics, you can roll a
die each time a character gains medium
or excessive consumption. Roll a d12
for medium, or d6 for excessive
Factions of the Wastes Wastes since ancient times, their village
cut into the very mountainside. It takes
much to thrive in the badlands, and the
Archaeologists Redstones have done so through a
symbiosis of masonry, craftsmanship,
Informally known as the “Sisterhood of
ingenuity and skill in hunting. They are
the Pickaxe”, around two dozen people
ruled by twin chiefs, one of each kind,
remain encamped on the archeological
and they spend their days foraging and
dig, a fall from the original fifty. Most
hunting in the region. They are slow to
of them departed to join the WMC and
trust but usually polite and civil, though
earn worldly profit, or moved on to
the Redstones are also ready to defend
other regions. Though their workforce
their land – everyone in tribe is trained
is now diminished, the archeologists
in spear-fighting from a young age. The
continue their excavation of Ar’natha
Redstone Folk are worried about the
digsite, as well as mounting occasional
scale of newcomers in the land, and
expeditions to a rare unclaimed spire of
only get along well with the
dragonstone. The Sisterhood is skilled
in basic magic, divination and history,
and they may have some simple magic The Wasteland Mining Corporation
items to trade for supplies or gold. (WMC)
Bloodfeathers The largest faction of the Wastes, WMC
exists as a legitimate company of semi-
The Bloodfeathers are a recently
legitimate practices. Founded by Carni
migrated tribe from the Western lands.
Cerille around a year ago, their
They are a group of elves, two-hundred
successful mining operation has
strong, who live from land to mouth.
resulted in the blossoming of Carni’s
The Bloodfeathers are isolationist and
Gambit, which is now a boomtown of
will rarely approach anyone with less
some five hundred people. The WMC
than hostile intent. They hunt and raid
has attracted miners and tradesmen
in packs, their bodies covered with red-
from around the region and the town is
mud paint and hair decorated with
now run chiefly by Carni and Ginni,
feathers of felled birds. The tribe
her trusted advisor. They have a strong
communicates in an ancient elven
hold on this frontier outpost, but few
dialect, and they are aggressive towards
mind their iron grip, as the duo has
everyone else in the desert. Still, they
proved itself in business, mining,
respect strength and survival, and a
drinking and gambling alike.
powerful enough display of both could
lead to a chance for diplomacy. It is said Some members have fared badly with
that the tribe formed countless their newfound wealth, and concern has
centuries ago, after escaping from some been raised over the levels of fights,
unknown calamity, and has been gambling and mischief in town.
wandering ever since. Furthermore, the older inhabitants of
the Wastes, such as its tribes, have not
The Redstone Folk
taken lightly to the settlement and
A mixed tribe of humans and dwarves, exploitation of their land.
who have lived in the mountains of the

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The Worldspire Cult The Worldspire Cult is named after the
main vein of dragonstone coprolites in
This cult is the newest and strangest
the mine, which Gersh considers to be
faction of the Wastes. It was formed
the centre of the world. The members,
three months ago, when Gersh Kvezzak,
convinced of his divinity, have begun
a dragonborn of the WMC, staged a
wearing crimson robes, which they
coup and took over their most precious
thread in a scale-like pattern. They
mine. A powerful warrior, intoxicated
believe that the world is theirs to claim,
by dragonstone fumes and his own
and that they shall do so once their
sense of greatness, Gersh convinced
transformation into dragons is
enough people of his divine destiny to
be hailed as a prophet. He claims to be
an incarnation of the ancient dragon of
the Wastes and considers all the desert
dragonstone to be his property. He is
worshipped out of fear and his
distribution of dragonstone to his
followers. Gersh now bides his time in
the conquered mine, meditating and
communicating with the Worldspire
pillar. Meanwhile, Solange, his advisor,
manages cult business and missionary
work. Needless to say, they are seen as a
threat and a nuisance by all other

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Locations and some wild basilisks, carrion birds,
ravenous gryphons and wyverns have
Characters of the Wastes been spotted.

The Wastes of Time are inhospitable to Archaeological Site

all but the most adapted – without the A couple of surprisingly pristine
recent surge of prospectors it would not sandstone adobes, along with a
house more than a few hundred collection of navy-blue tents mark the
humanoid souls. The desert itself is archaeological site of the “Sisterhood of
rather uniform – a flat, scorching plane the Pickaxe”. These surround a hole in
with only a few dunes and meager the ground – a cavernous passage that
greenery. Several species of edible cacti leads to the ancient city of Ar’natha.
afford water and nourishment, and The ruins of this city are presently
small patches of agave and thornberries inaccessible, as the landslide that
will feed the fortunate few. Life is more revealed the dragonstone also covered
plentiful on the southern and northern the secrets of this ancient civilization.
borders, areas of shrublands that hold Thus, the atmosphere within the
many drought-resistant plants, Sisterhood’s camp is one of frustration
cypresses, wild vines, tubers and herbs. and disappointment. Idle hands with
To the east, a great mountain range busy minds. The camp hosts quarter of
blocks the desert, it is said that a hint of its former population, as most have
snow can be seen on its peaks. long departed the Wastes or joined the
Protrusions of Dragonstone, the much rising fortunes of Carni.
desired dragon coprolite, have been Siggi Herrada
spotted all around the desert. Various Half-elf Wizard, level 6, neutral good
concentrations of the precious
substance lie among the sands, some A patient, methodical scientist, Siggi is
are but specks of dust, whereas other the leader of the Sisterhood and their
areas hold spires and veins of the archaeological expedition. She remains
material. It has strong, magical energy, optimistic and unafraid of challenges,
capable of bending laws of nature, and which sometimes frustrates her more
oftentimes the rocks are found realistic followers. The history of
levitating slightly above the desert sand. Ar’natha and its magical artifacts are
In most cases, Dragonstone is quickly Siggi’s life calling, and she cares little if
harvested by WMC or any other uncovering their mysteries takes five,
passerby, as a handful of the material is ten, or a hundred years.
enough to pay for a decent life for at Nelli Semander
least a month. Human Cleric, level 5, neutral
Wild beasts roam the Wastes, from A tall, noble looking woman in her
small groups of termites and scorpions, mid-thirties, Nelli is visibly frustrated.
armadillos, desert rats and foxes, to She seeks knowledge in many forms,
large southern herds of antelopes, and the slow progress of the dig
jackals, mountain lions and horned troubles her. This industrious human
beasts. Danger is rare but present, and has found a creative solution to the

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sisterhood's problems – the rocks that Chief Kreyke
block Ar’natha can be cleared away with Elf Barbarian, level 5, chaotic neutral
the use of undead labor. In practical
Kreyke is a fierce, savage fighter, like
terms, this solution is currently being
many of his tribe. He wears a crown
explored by one reanimated
made out of a lizard-creature's jaw to
Bloodfeather warrior. Nelli is looking
mark his authority and enforces strict
for more help, or, as it may be, recently
discipline within the tribe. In an
deceased “employees”.
attempt to dodge the armies of
Tobbe civilization, Kreyke decided to turn the
Halfling Bard, level 2, neutral tribe eastwards and this is how they
arrived in the Wastes of Time. In this
Quartermaster Tobbe looks over a
harsh land they have found plenty of
treasure trove of ancient artifacts
bounty in the hunting of wandering
already excavated from Ar’natha. This
beasts and ill-prepared miners. Kreyke
bright young halfling is all too aware of
revels in this newfound conflict, as their
her ironic situation – she guards a vast
opponents are less fit for war. It would
number of ancient, magical jewelry,
be almost impossible to change his
weapons, armor and miscellaneous
mind, and those that try will have to
items, all the while her camp needs
reckon with the will of his dozen wives
water, medicine and rations. For any
and children.
interested adventurers, Tobbe will trade
her share of magical items of various Yani
types (of decent, +2 quality). Her prices Elf Ranger, level 5, chaotic evil
are generous and barter for food
Yani is a Bloodfeather hunter. Usually
supplies can be negotiated.
they hunt alone or in small packs,
making it likely that adventurers would
The Bloodfeather’s Camp encounter her on a hunt. A terrifying
The Bloodfeather’s Camp is a collection sight with a maniacal grin and face
of tents, made out of hides from coated in symbols in blood and mud,
whatever region the nomadic tribe has Yani delights in causing harm, an
recently ventured through. The tribe impulse that often impedes her ruthless
contains about two hundred elves, who ambition.
share little commonality with their Paradoxically to her violent nature,
other kin. Their campsites reflect their Yani is the most convenient way of
lifestyle and are short on decoration changing the Bloodfeathers ways. She
and frivolity. Ornamentations and has kept a long-held grudge against
weaponry are made out of fallen animal Kreyke, and for the small price of
bones, and grim pottery is found backing her violent ascension to the
around the campfires. These are tribe’s leader, she will agree to move the
Bloodfeather bowls, fashioned from tribe to other lands.
magic-burnt clay. These strange bowls
contain their signature mix of dry mud
and animal blood, a mixture they use to
decorate their faces for rituals, hunting,
and intimidation.

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Carni’s Gambit
Originally consisting of half a dozen Only one constant remains – in her
tents, Carni’s Gambit is now the largest own town, Carni is always on top.
settlement in the Wastes, a boomtown Most of the buildings in Carni’s Gambit
of some five hundred souls. It is are naught more than crude shacks of
sheltered under a formidable cliff, wood, rock and metal, marking it as a
which provides welcome shade for shantytown. The Lizard’s Innards is an
most of the day. A single central road exception, a luxury for the desert – a
connects the head offices of the three story wooden manor filled with
Wasteland Mining Corporation, The drinks, gambling, addictive substances
Sheriff’s office, General’s Store, the and clientele of ill repute. An eerie
Lizard’s Innards tavern and many dance of golden lights fills the taproom,
bunkhouses of the workers lining its illuminating the hazy faces of the
sides. gamblers, most of whom are workers of
Life is chaotic and risky in Carni’s the WMC, eager to spend their earnings
Gambit – the promise of quick profit on the only entertainment available.
often attracts the unsavory and even Rooms are available for rent and
calm, law-abiding people might be private entertainment, however one is
tempted to rash action under the unlikely to find rest in this loud, tireless
influence of dragonstone. A WMC manor. The centre of the Lizard’s
worker can easily make a year’s worth Innards is always well lit and busy, an
of pay in one day, yet they are still open space with stairs on each side and
hundreds of miles away from true a bar on the northern end. Ginni Dirke,
civilization, and the prices of Carni’s the proprietor, is the silent presence
Gambit are ruthlessly inflated. Fortunes that oversees her domain from the top
rise and fall, and many an enemy is floor. It is said that she has made a
made in the drunken brawls and clever deal with Carni, and that the two
gambling dens of the new frontier. make more profit from the Lizard’s
Innards than they do from the

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Carni Cerille that came to Carni’s Gambit. A large,
Human rogue, level 9, chaotic neutral polite man of uncharacteristically
brutish features, he was quickly noticed
Carni had always been an adventurer, a
by Carni for his work ethic and pleasant
gun for hire. That is how she came to
demeanor. When the surrounding
know the archaeologists of the Wastes,
dragonstone affected Dag in
eventually using her guile and charm to
unexpected ways, awakening his
tempt them towards the mining of
sorcerous powers, it was only natural
for Carni to make use of this new
She is a tall, sinewy woman in her late blossoming talent. Appealing to his
thirties, a human of dark skin, short, compassion, she made Dag the sheriff
close-cropped hair and irreverent of her quickly growing town, a title he
attitude. A natural capitalist, Carni has wears with pride and commitment.
her town in a tough, though mostly fair
James “General” Dumont
grip, and hundreds of her miners vouch
Dwarven rogue, level 3, neutral
for her leadership, business sense and
drinking ability. A rough looking dwarf of uncertain age,
James is always found with a pipe in his
Other folks might have their own plans
mouth. A mercenary and a vagabond
as to why they work in the WMC, or
since his early days, James earned the
where they would spend their profits.
nickname “General” for his
For Carni, it is simple - she gets to have
participation in many a failed rebellion.
her own town, where she can live by
He goes back a long way with Carni,
her own rules.
who quickly put him in a place of trust
Ginni Dirke and importance by asking him to
Gnome Wizard/Illusionist, level 5, lawful manage the only store in town. Now
neutral working in the General’s Store, James
Carni’s second in command is a plump, spends his days sitting around, smoking
curious looking gnome, with short and reading old adventure novels. He is
blonde hair, pale blue eyes and a face a proficient and able trader, though he
covered in many freckles. Ginni is a will quickly lose his temper if someone
mysterious presence, particularly in her tries to haggle with him or point out the
line of work, which is the management unfortunate wordplay of his store.
of the Lizard’s Innards tavern. She is
dispassionate and treats any challenges The Last Hearth
in a practical, rational manner, which More of a bunkhouse than an inn, The
sometimes causes others to dislike her. Last Hearth is an establishment that
Still, the Lizard’s Innards remains has, for ages, served as the last mark of
effectively run and puts many a coin in civilization before the vastness of the
her pockets. Wastes. It is run by Durna Deepstone, a
Dag Grelkin - Sheriff of Carni’s former member of the Redstone folk.
Gambit The Last Hearth is a small, red-bricked
Half-orc sorcerer, level 4, neutral good abode, with one room for Durna and
two other rooms for guests, with six
Dag was originally a low-ranking
guest beds in total.
worker, one of the first new recruits

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As an inn, the Last Hearth is lacking – mercenary of the WMC, staged a
Durna does not drink alcohol, and is rebellion that took the mine by force.
confused as to why anyone would. Only He killed or expelled the other miners
water and tea is served. The meals are and established his own cult. Bolstered
nourishing and thick, warm bread is by the magical powers of dragonstone,
baked daily, though little spice is used. Gersh convinced or intimidated people
For the exhausted traveler, the Last into acknowledging his supposed
Hearth is a safe place. The dry stone divinity. Free dragonstone is given out
walls of the abode are secure and to his worshipers, and many
cooling, the meager bedding is suitable, dragonstone addicts have come to
and the well is deep enough to never support the cult.
run out of water. The inn values
The Worldspire cult is now two dozen
practicality over comfort, and Durna
members strong, almost entirely
sells a small selection of camping
comprised of malcontents and rebels
supplies, dried meats, nuts and berries,
from the WMC. Their doctrine is
leather goods, ropes, candles and other
simple – Worldspire – a giant rock of
such equipment.
draconic coprolite in the middle of the
Durna Deepstone mine – is the centre of the world, the
Dwarven fighter, level 4, lawful good most important force in the multiverse.
They believe that Gersh has a special
Durna originally comes from the
bond to it and is the only one able to
Redstone Folk, yet her wanderlust has
interpret its divine will. For some, this
taken her far outside her homelands.
faith is strong enough to compel them
She is tall for a dwarven woman, with a
to spread their beliefs beyond the
muscular, trained body covered in
Wastes. For others, this is all a play,
many tattoos of angular patterns. Durna
though one they will happily act in, for
moved back into the region some
the reward of endless dragonstone
twenty years ago, to look after her
ailing mother. With her duties done,
she felt that her travels had made her With such uncertain circumstances, it is
an outsider to the insular tribe, so only a matter of time before the cult
Durna decided to move out and open explodes in a wave of conflict. If you
her new home up to the potential wish to involve your adventurers in this
travelers of the wastes. Durna is open, explosion, check the further chapter on
knowledgeable, and her guidance has the cult’s own dungeon.
saved the lives of many in the past.
Gersh Kvezzak
Dragonborn barbarian, level 5 / sorcerer
Mines of the Worldspire Cult level 5, chaotic evil
Located in the Western mountain An impulsive and violent person, Gersh
region of the Wastes, these cavernous has always thought himself above
mines are the largest source of others. In the Wasteland mines, he
dragonstone in the Wastes, a gem in the found his validation. Nobody knows if
crown of WMC. That all changed three the Worldspire rock truly speaks to him
months ago when, overcome by visions or it is simply his draconic heritage
of greatness and rage, Gersh Kvezzak, a reacting with it in unique ways, but few

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doubt the dragonborn’s growing power most of the goats, cattle, and other
and influence. For Gersh, the choice tamed beasts, sustained by the sparse
was simple – once he realized that his bounty of nearby savanna.
brawny, massive body was now able to
Aznak Thorge
cast fireballs and lightning bolts, he
Dwarven barbarian, level 4, neutral
wasted no time in seizing power from
his masters. Sustained by dragonstone The chieftain of the dwarven clan of
magic and the worship of his cult, Redstone, Aznak is venerable and wise,
Gersh now waits in the Worldspire having reached almost four hundred
mine, biding his time until he has years of age. Despite becoming blind at
enough followers to lash out at the an old age and exchanging his spear for
larger world. He spends most of his a walking stick, Aznak is the most
time in trance-like meditation, sharing respected member of his tribe. When
the room with the stone that gave him the white-bearded dwarf speaks,
so much power. everyone in the village listens in silence.
He is unimpressed by the recent
Head Cultist Solange
visitors to the Wastes and claims that
Half-elf sorcerer, level 4, lawful evil
the drought and the heat will eventually
As Gersh is disinterested in day-to-day drive them out.
interests of the cult, the smaller picture
Saska Rin
is managed by his second in command,
Human ranger, level 2, neutral
Solange. She is a frail, pale looking elf
with short blonde hair and gaunt, The young chieftain of the human
scarred face. A life of poverty has taken faction of Redstone, Saska has only
its toll on her character, and Solange been a leader for three years, taking on
has long looked for power and security. the role after the untimely death of her
Until recently, words and wit were her sister, who perished in a battle with a
only weapons, but, after a short tenure wyvern. Saska is passionate and eager,
at the WMC, she has discovered some though she thinks herself a better
magical ability, and the will to use it to warrior than a leader. This chieftain is
further her ambition. more curious about the outsiders and
argues for beginning to barter and
The Redstone Folk Village parlay with them, an approach shared
by many of the younger tribespeople.
The village of the Redstone Folk is
simple – it is a long, winding line, She is a lean, broad-faced woman, with
located on the edge of the thick red hair, 29 years old. Wherever
mountainside. On the left side, sturdy, she goes, Saska is usually accompanied
stoic homes are carved into the red by Chitti, her surprisingly tame giant
rock, ornamented with century’s old scorpion.
tribal carvings. On the right, working
areas and makeshift gardens abound,
kept alive by old druidic magic. The
dwarves have built a formidable gate
and a watchtower on the southern side,
whereas the north of the village houses

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Encounters in the Wastes reveal a worldspire cultist nearby,
hiding behind a rock formation.
of Time (D20) 12. You arrive before a modest dune.
Hidden behind it is a pack of 3-6
1. A pack of vultures circles above you, a Bloodfeathers, who will seek to ambush
the party. Survival/Perception (DC14)
grim reminder of the fate that the
Wastes bestow upon the unprepared. will allow the party to detect them and
2. A refreshing gust of wind brings
13. A strange statue of a dwarven body
some welcome cold.
without a head lies ahead. Two basilisks
3. A howling can be heard in the lurk nearby, looking to ambush an
distance. It sounds like the desert unaware party.
wolves, half a mile away.
14. A caravan of miners moves in the
4. A wyvern approaches from the flank distance, returning from a decently
and tries to snatch one of the successful mining expedition in the
adventurers away. direction of Carni’s Gambit.
5. A most wonderful sight can be seen 15. You see a decrepit skeleton in the
in the distance – only a mile away wastes, lying beside a lonesome rock.
stands a city of waterways and splendor. Only tatters remain of its once-blue
(Will save / Perception check at DC12 outfit, and a lone waterskin serves as its
confirms it is a mirage). only companion.
6. A grazing herd of antelopes can be 16. A puddle of thick black liquid
seen in the distance. appears to ooze from a crevice in the
7. You stumble upon a large number of desert. It smells faintly of sulfur.
cacti. Their bulbous, ripe bodies suggest 17. A patch of agave seems to be
a generous reservoir of water. blossoming nearby. A lucky, edible
8. A delirious, sun-struck miner find.
stumbles into your path. He begs for 18. A lone traveler crosses your path,
water and safety of numbers. well-armed and supplied. He seeks
9. The discomforting stench of sulfur directions to Carni’s gambit, claiming
permeates the area, confirming that the that he’s come for adventure and profit.
scorching, inhospitable desert could 19. You encounter a mound of termites.
indeed feel worse. They seem blissfully unaware of your
10. A couple of Redstone folk, two earthly concerns.
dwarves and a human, can be seen 20. You spot a glint of luminous rock
walking in the distance, with large among a cluster of mundane sandstone.
baskets filled with berries and game. It levitates slightly, and appears to
11. The strange smell of dragonstone contain unusual swirling patterns.
surrounds this area. Investigation You’ve found your own dragonstone, a
/Perception/Survival check at DC14 will most lucrative discovery. (This can be
traded in Carni’s Gambit, for ~2000 GP.
Alternatively, roll 200 d20).

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Conflicts and • Carni is looking to attract more
specific talents to the Wastes, and
Opportunities she will pay well if adventurers can
recommend or recruit some. She is
currently hiring divine spellcasters
The Wastes of Time have the potential (especially those able to resurrect),
to be a hotbed of conflict, or a wealth of druids and other casters who can
opportunity for those smart to seize it: influence nature and make the
• The Worldspire Cult is a danger to desert bloom, and engineers and
most of the Wasteland. Ridding the smiths who work with magic and
Wastes of Gersh Kvezzak will please enchantments.
all of the other factions, and many • The “General” in Carni’s Gambit
are willing to pay for this. has a long list of debtors, and would
• Carni is always willing to buy some like to hire some muscle to reduce
dragonstone, or have security escort it.
her miners and caravans to places • The Twin Chiefs of Redstone tribe
within and beyond the Wastes. are divided on how the tribe should
• Ginni Dirke runs The Lizzard’s treat the newcomers to their desert.
Innards and she is always looking They are willing to listen to outsider
for new talents, or someone tough perspectives, and will reward
enough to ensure safety in her politeness and candor.
establishment. • Avni Gier Nide, an older dwarf of
• Sheriff Dag would like some Redstone, has developed magical
professional help in dealing with a powers. She wonders if her place is
band of rough-minded miners who still with the tribe, and might want
seem to have developed magical to be recruited by other factions in
powers. the wastes.

• Dag also holds captive Shimek, a • At any point in the Wastes, travelers
half-orc cultist who tried to cause might encounter a skirmish
trouble in the shantytown. He will between factions. Bloodfeathers and
allow Shimek to be interrogated for the Worldspire Cult will fight
Worldspire cult intelligence, anyone in their way, if they see a
provided the interrogation is civil chance of winning, and other
enough. factions are eager to defend their
• A number of miners have started to
exhibit magical ability. Carni might • Yani, a Bloodfeather, will fight until
hire someone who can teach them captured or beaten. She will then
to control and use these abilities. try to convince players to replace
the current Bloodfeather ruler with
• Long-term oriented players can be her, in a bloody coup.
offered investment opportunities
by Carni, resulting in potential • Bloodfeathers respect force above
regular income. all. Impressing them in combat, and
arming them with dragonstone

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• could result in adventurers • Similar to Carni, Siggi will accept
obtaining a loyal army that can help and financing of her
conquer the Wastes. archaeological expedition, and
generous investments might very
• Siggi and other archeologists are
well reward some powerful magic
looking to continue their
items in the future.
excavations, though they are
blocked by rubble and debris. • A group of rowdy miners have
Certain magic could help, as would insulted some Redstone folk. Little
several pairs of powerful hands. blood has been shed, but
intervention by adventurers might
• Nelli, a passable archaeologist and
be needed to avoid loss of life.
aspiring necromancer has
alternative solutions to clearing the • Negotiations of trade and
debris. If she trusts adventurers, she cooperation can be organized, and
will give them a scepter that allows mediated by adventurers, to further
the raising of undead, and ask them cooperation between Redstone
to find her some minions for tribe, WMC and the Sisterhood of
manual labor. the Pickaxe.

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The Worldspire Caverns

The Worldspire Cult is a growing after his rebellion. Powerful spells, or

nuisance in the area. It grows slowly by long, exhausting manual labour can
adopting more malcontents, outcasts clear this entrance, yet doing so will
who find themselves ill-fit for Wastes, alert the cult members.
or criminal minds too dangerous to the
2. Side Entrance
more civilized areas. Bolstered by
dragonstone powers, it is small wonder Side entrance can be revealed by
that some of them believe the mad successful perception/investigation
dreams of Gersh Kvezzak, their checks (DC14). Situated 90 feet above
dragonborn leader. Other factions are ground level, it is the entrance
thus far observing their actions from a currently used by cultists. Climbing
distance, believing that a frontal assault these sharp rocks is not for the weak
might be too costly. Still, a small group and can result in injury (Athletics DC15
of expendable adventurers might be to avoid, DC10 if rope is used). If
able to infiltrate the dragonstone mine adventurers use the side entrance
and topple the cult. without entering combat with oozes or
making a lot of noise, consider giving
1. Main Entrance
them advantages in the first round of
The mine is still blocked by rock and combat (bonus initiative or advantage
debris, as Gersh blocked the entrance on rolls at start). After ascending the

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cliffs, in a taunting moment, the tunnel provide information of the Tunnel (4)
entrance reveals a rope (100 Ft.) used by or Loose Rocks (5), as well as Gersh.
the cultists.
4. Tunnel of Oozes
3. Cultist Quarters
This area contains 2-4 Coprolite Oozes.
This cave acts as the sleeping, cooking They react peacefully towards anyone
and training area for the cult, here they intoxicated by dragonstone, and thus
spend their days in dragonstone- are not aggressive towards cultists.
imbued dreams, spirited discussions They will attack anyone who enters the
and practice of weapons and magic. A tunnel without consuming dragonstone
crowd of elite members are seated in the last 24 hours.
around the fireplace, while other
5. Loose Rocks
members are busy with their daily
labours and practice. In the leftmost These can be dropped by a simple spell
corner, a bitter looking man (Reke) or bludgeoning attack. Doing so will
stands in a locked cell. Any non-cultist allow adventurers to engage Gersh
who enters will be forced to confront without bothering with the rest of the
Head Cultist Solange and her loyal cult, provided they entered from side
retinue. entrance.
6. Weakened Wall
“So, the masters of the wasteland have hired This can be knocked down with a
you to thwart us? I spit on them. In here, we magical spell or manual labor (Athletics
serve no one but our future Lord. When the DC13 for 10 minutes of bashing work).
mighty Dragon devours this world, only the Doing so will allow adventurers to
blessed will remain unburnt. Tell me then, avoid the Tunnel of Oozes (4).
have you come here to join, or to burn?
7. Worldspire Court
Here Gersh Kvezzak meditates in a
Head Cultist Solange is gifted in trance, believing he communicates with
manipulation and control, but she is not the Centre of the World. He dreams
a true believer and can thus be mad visions of world-consuming
convinced to disband the cult and leave power, and must be put down for the
the cave peacefully (Persuasion/ safety of the Wastes. Negotiating is not
Deception DC18 or Intimidation DC14). an option in this case.
If the intrusion ends in combat, she will
The chamber also contains the titular
fight the adventurers with the help of 3-
Worldspire, a massive pillar of
6 cultist guards, while a dozen of other
dragonstone at least 20 feet tall. Should
cultists remain terrified, or flee the
someone acquire it and mine it, it
would be worth a tremendous fortune
Once Solange is confronted, (100 000 GP).
adventurers can approach Reke, a
cultist who has been imprisoned on the
left side of the room (He can be let out
by obtaining a key from Solange or
picking the cell lock at DC12). Reke can

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Challengers in the join Solange if she is fought in the
Caverns, though they might also be
Worldspire Caverns spotted in other parts of the Wastelands
and abroad.
AC: 14
Head Cultist Solange HP: 29
Half-elf Sorcerer, level 4, lawful evil Speed: 30ft
Head Cultist Solange enjoys great Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 12 (+1) Int: 8
prestige as the day-to-day leader of the (-1) Wis: 8 (-1) Chr: 9 (-1)
cult, yet her frustration with Gersh’s
visions and trance makes her malleable Senses: passive Perception 9
to desertion. She will fight if she senses Languages: Common
any advantage, and use her newfound Spells Known: Cantrips: 3, 1st Level: 2
magic to unleash years of frustration.
Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mending, Message
AC: 14
HP: 25 1st Level: Chromatic Orb, Burning
Speed: 30ft Hands

Str: 9 (-1) Dex: 17 (+3) Con: 12 (+1) Int: 11 Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to
(+1) Wis: 7 (-2) Chr: 19 (+4) hit, reach 5 ft. hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Inventory: Cultist Robes, Studded
Perception 8 Leather Armor, 4d20 GP, a chance of
Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves common gems, papers filled with cultist
Cant scribbles, rations for two days, a simple
Spell Attack Modifier: +6 weapon.
Spell Save DC: 14
Spells Known: Cantrips: 5, 1st Level: 3, Gersh Kvezzak
2nd Level: 2 Dragonborn barbarian level 5, sorcerer level
5, chaotic evil
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt,
Friends, Light, Poison Spray His mind consumed by dragonstone
visions and addiction, Gersh is now a
1st Level: Chaos Bolt, Shield, terrifying force of untamed magic.
Thunderwave Gersh has also started to undergo a
2nd Level: Blur, Crown of Madness transformation – as his sanity weakens,
his red dragon scales harden. Bursts of
Inventory: Robe of the Head Cultist (+1 raw magic allow him to act at unnatural
AC), Dragonstone worth 500-1000 GP, speed. He will lash out at any intruder,
two Potions of Greater Healing seeking to destroy them.
AC: 16 (Natural Armor)
Worldspire Cultist HP: 90 (5d6+5d12+40)
Worldspire Cultist. Coming from all Speed: 50ft
walks of life, Worldspire Cultists will

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Str: 20 (+5) Dex: 13 (+1) Con: 18 (+4) Int: must make a Dex saving throw (DC13),
12 (+1) Wis: 7 (-2) Chr: 19 (+4) taking 4d6 fire damage, half on a
successful save. This attack can only be
Damage Resistances: fire, piercing and
used once in a fight.
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Inventory: Glaive +3, a ruby amulet
Frightened worth 1000 GP.

Senses: Darkvision 60ft, passive Coprolite Ooze

Perception 8 Medium, unaligned
Languages: Common, Draconic
A strange formation of slow moving
Spell Attack Modifier: +7 mud and rocks, resembling ochre jelly,
Spell Save DC: 15 a Coprolite Ooze is a combination of
sediments that has been awakened by
Spells Known: Cantrips: 5, 1st Level: 2, the dragonstone fragments it contains.
2nd Level: 2, 3rd Level: 2 It is largely inactive and seems to
Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Gust, Light, Mage seldom “eat” by merging with more
Hand, Mending pieces of rock and dragonstone. The
Ooze is difficult to spot, and can be
1st Level: Burning Hands, Thunderwave mistaken for a simple patch of rocks
2nd Level: Blindness/Deafness, Shatter and dirt. The structural integrity of the
Coprolite Ooze will collapse when it is
3rd Level: Fireball, Haste
“slain”, rendering it able to be mined
Raw Magic: Intoxicated with for dragonstone (one ooze contains
dragonstone, Gersh is able to cast magic 40d20 GP worth of dragonstone).
without consuming any spell slots.
AC: 15 (Natural Armor)
Overwhelming Power: Gersh gains two HP: 56 (8d10+12)
actions each turn, however, he cannot Speed: 20 ft.
cast more than one spell in a single
Str: 12 (+2) Dex: 8 (-1) Con: 18 (+4) Int: 1
(-5) Wis: 6 (-2) Chr: 3 (-4)
Damage Resistances: piercing and
Glaive Strike. Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to
hit, reach 10 Ft., On Hit: 17 (1d10+11)
Condition Immunities: Blinded,
slashing damage.
Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion,
Draconic Magic. Gersh casts one of his Frightened, Prone
spells Senses: Blindsight 60 ft., Passive
Drain the Worldspire. Gersh channels Perception 8.
Challenge: 3 (650 XP)
the magical energy of the dragonstone
pillar, mending his wounds. He regains Amorphous. The ooze can move
9 (1d8+4) hit points. through a space as narrow as 5 inches
wide without squeezing.
Ascendant Flame. Gersh unleashes a
breath of fire in a 15 ft. cone. Enemies

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False Appearance. While the ooze Spellcasting. As an action, Coprolite
remains motionless, it is difficult to Ooze can cast any of the following
distinguish from a pile of mud and spells: Chromatic Orb, Color Spray,
rocks. Investigation, survival or Shield, Scorching Ray, Cure Wounds
perception checks will confirm the (when cast by this creature, Cure
presence of the Coprolite Ooze (DC16). Wounds only affects other Coprolite
Innate Magic. The dragonstone within
the ooze allows it to cast simple spells, DM Note: If you are fine with a bit
without involving typical gestures or more randomness in your games,
ingredients. It gains +6 to its spellcasting consider a variant of this Ooze – roll
modifiers and has a spell save DC of 14. twice on a wild magic table, at any point
when the Coprolite Ooze casts a spell.
Pick one of the wild magic results.
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon attack: +6 to
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13
(2d6+6) bludgeoning damage.

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