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DCC Api Features: Feature Rich & Easy To Integrate

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Feature Rich & Easy To Integrate

Digital Check’s reputation for making average programmer to add support for
DCC API FEATURES great check scanners is a function of our scanners into an application verses
both our scanners and our a traditional API which can take days to
• DCCScan - Single comprehensive API. Our API supports all complete and weeks to optimize. If the
Scanner Command of our USB scanners including our solution requires unique document
current TellerScan® models TS230, handling where you want complete
• Best Read™ IMAGE TS240, TS4120, the SB Family and our control, Digital Check’s API is the right
CheXpress® small business scanner. choice as well. Either way you get
• Best Read™ MICR Digital Check has served the needs of access to our extensive API technology.
the worldwide financial markets for
• Item-by-Item Processing over 15 years with an integrated BEST READ IMAGE
scanner and API software solution. Best Read™ IMAGE maximizes image
• Special Document Digital Check’s unique API leverages quality and minimizes user intervention
Processing the strengths of the scanner with and processing delays resulting from
software that creates the clearest poor image quality. Our adaptive image
• Double Feed No Stop image possible for the highest CAR/LAR thresholding technology automatically
and OCR recognition rates possible. evaluates each image and dynamically
• Scanner Specific Feature Most other products offer minimal selects an optimum threshold to create
Support added value functions beyond simple the best image possible. This analysis
scanner control. Another benefit of our exceeds standards set forth in the FSTC
• Image Quality Analysis API is that many of the features do not camera calibration project.
require additional application
• Remote Monitoring programming in order to for them to be BEST READ MICR
Support used. Digital Check’s API reduces the time
and effort associated with MICR data
• Supports Multiple DCCSCAN entry by using three different MICR
Operating Systems We recognize that the scanner is only a algorithms and a highly efficient and
small piece of the final solution and mature voting technology to ensure
• Easy to Implement with that software development and testing extremely accurate magnetic MICR
Software Applications can be very time consuming and results. We then validate those results
expensive. Building upon our extensive by comparing each character to the
experience and feedback from our results of an OCR engine specifically
partners, we developed a unique “one designed to read MICR characters. The
call” scanner interface API function. final MICR read is close to perfect,
This dramatically simplifies the (99.5+%). Digital Check was the first
software and its implementation, and tabletop scanner manufacturer to offer
returns the best image and MICR data OCR MICR verification. Many
from our scanners. Built into DCCScan competitors do not use this technology.
are all the features and functions that
we have developed over the years to
help banks process their checks faster
and at a lower cost. All of the default
settings of the various features have
been optimized through feedback from
our worldwide customer base. With
DCCScan it takes about 1 hour for an
Feature Rich & Easy To Integrate


The images and code line data from a FEATURE SUPPORT Digital Check is committed to our
check are passed item by item to the Digital Check’s API and DCCScan are partner’s success and assists
applications as a complete record. This designed to optimize the features of our application software developers by
eliminates the problem of mismatched scanners including those that are providing a complete development
images and data and simplifies the use unique to a specific model. Such as, environment and support. Our goal is to
of real-time processing such as CAR, CheXpress CX30’s Bi Directional Image minimize your development time, while
LAR, ICR, IQA and custom applications. Capture and MICR Adaptive Technology. getting the maximum value out of our
PROCESSING Our API provides a variety of functions Digital Check provides:
Money orders, checks with busy to help determine if the image quality
backgrounds or security pantographs meets FSTC requirements. Analysis − DCCScan for fast and easy
which are typically very difficult to includes front and rear image size, integration
process can now be scanned with image skew, bent corners, MICR − Active X controls
customized thresholding settings for quality, image density and much more. − Sample code (in VB, .net, C & C+)
each check based upon the routing that optimizes our API
and/or check number. In addition, REMOTE MONITORING feature set so that customers
images of documents inadvertently Being able to quickly determine where will get the most value from their
loaded into the scanner upside down equipment is located and how it is Digital Check scanners
are automatically rotated and read performing saves time and money. The − Software support from a API
using OCR to capture the MICR and DCC API supports remote monitoring of specialist to help quickly answer
CAR/LAR fields. the scanner’s performance and creates your API questions
real time user defined log files for − Dedicated Web Site for developers
DOUBLE FEED NO STOP transmission to server or database. with a variety of software tools and
Scanner stoppages reduce productivity Additionally the serial number the latest API
and are always opportunities for information can be used to simplify − A newsletter just for developers to
operator errors. Digital Check’s API can asset tracking. help keep you informed
use information from the scanner to
detect true double-feed situations while OPERATING SYSTEM Our API is also integrated into Silver
allowing thicker documents to process SUPPORT Bullet’s Ranger product, Unisys OSA
normally without user intervention. Flexibility is the way companies today product and NCR’s Wise IP. When all is
remain competitive. Our API supports said and done, the customer wants one
both Windows® and Linux which gives thing, a great image that produces
you a choice of great CAR/LAR and MICR read rates
operating systems to offer your from a dependable and reliable
customers. scanner. Digital Check’s years of
experience and proven API has made
us the secure choice around the world.

466 Central Ave., Suite 31 • Northfield, IL 60093 • Tel: 847.446.2285 • Fax: 847.441.5507 •

TellerScan, CheXpress, Best Read, Best MICR and The Secure Choice are trademarks of Digital Check Corp. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Rev 082909

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