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Employee Grievance Settlement Procedure: A Case Study of Two Corporation S

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A Case
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Henarath H D N P Opatha
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
University of Sri Jayawardenepura

Introduction thing connected with the company that an em-

ployee, thinks, believes or even feels, is un-
Grievance handling / settlement is one of fair, unjust or inequitable". The International
the important functions leading to management Labour Organization defines that a grievance
of human resources. This paper is an attempt is a complaint of one or more workers in re-
to achieve the following objectives :
spect of wages, allowances, conditions of work
and interpretation of service stipulations, cov-
i. To present theoretical formulations on ering such areas as overtime, leave, transfer,
grievance and Grievance Settlement promotion, seniority, job assignment and ter-
Procedure(GSP) mination of service.

ii To explore and describe the current Having done an anallysis of various defi-
practice of Grievance settlement pro nitions, Mamoria (1991,p.828) notes that :
cedure in two corporations.
(i.) Grievance is a word which covers dis-
iii. To comment on the practice in the satisfaction and which has one or more
light of theoretical formulations. of the folowing characteristics :

This paper focuses on two corparations (a)It may be unvoiced or expressly Aated
which are manufacturing organiza- by an employee;
tions. The two corporations are (b) It may be written or verbal;
identified as corporations A and B
without revealing their real names. (c)It may be valid and legitimate, untrue
or completely false or ridiculous and
(d)It may arise out of something con-
Defining a grievance is rather difficult. nected with the organization or work.
Different authorites have defined the word
grievance variously. For example, Davis (ii) An employee feels that an injustice
(1971 p.34 ) defines it as " any real or imag- has been done to him
ined feeling of personal injustice which an em-
ployee has concerning his employment rela- The term " grievance" means any discon-
tionship". On the other hand, yoder defines it tent or dissatisfaction arising from a feeling
as " a written complaint filed by an employee or a belief of injustice felt by an employee or
and claiming unfair treatment". According a group of employees in connection with the
to Jucius ( as in Tripathi 1992 p.422), the work environment. It refers to any complaint
term " Grievance" means " any discontent or discontent of an employee relating to his/
or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not her employment in the organization. The
and whether valid or not, arising out of any-
grievance must arise out of something related strength, in the management philosophy, in the
to the organization where the grievant is work- company traditions, in industrial practices and
ing. An employee can be dissatisfied due to in the cost factor. The procedure may have as
outside reasons such as illness in the family, few as two steps or as many as ten, depending
dislike for the spouse, quarrel with a neighbour on the size of an organization. In small plants,
etc. These outside reasons creating discontent it may involve no more than three steps. In
within an employee are beyond the control of medium and large organizations there may be
five or six steps, with minor variations."
the organization and, therefore, discontents
arising out of such outside sources are not re- In an organization where there is a union
garded as grievances. GSP has to be included in labour / manage-
ment contract. The GSP depends on what the
In practice, grievances can arise owing to employer and the union have agreed upon and
variety of causes such as causes relating to what is written into the labour contract (Mathis
job, (eg. Improper matching of the employee and Jackson, 1985,p.596).
with the job, inability of the employee to do
job duties etc.), causes relating to working con- A grievance, whether expressed or unex-
ditions (eg: inadequacy of toilet facilities, pressed,real or imaginary, may be a serious
lunch rooms and others, noise, fumes, and potential source of conflict. Two authors
namely Mathis and Jackson note that hidden
other unpleasant or unsafe physical conditions
dissatisfaction grows and soon arouse an emo-
etc), causes relating to personnel management tional state that may be completely out of pro-
decisions (eg complaints about wages, incen- portion to the original complain. Discontent
tives, transfers, promotions, leaves, etc.) and in one employee may convert into a discon-
causes relating to alleged violations of collec- tent of many employees. This may lead to
tive agreement, organization rules and proce- impairment of employee productivity and con-
dures, past practice etc. tributes to development of anti-attitudes fer-
menting of opposition leading even to con-
frontation. In order to prevent these unfa-
Grievance Settlement Procedure and its
vorable situations handling grievances for-
Importance mally and properly is essential. The adoption
of formal GSP is indispensable for many rea-
Generally speaking, GSP is a method used sons which follow :
for handling employee grievances. It is also
called by alternative terms such as grievance i.Most grievances seriously disturb the
redressal a procedure and grievance handling employees. This may affect their marole, pro-
procedure. The GSP is a device by which ductivity and their willingness to cooperate
grievances are settled, generally to the satis- with the organization. If an explosive situa-
faction of the trade union or employees by the tion develops, this can be promptly attended
management ( Mamoria, 1991, p. 832) Mathis to if a grievance handling procedure is already
and Jackson (1985, p. 596) define GSP as a in existence (Mamoria, 1991, p.832).
formal channel of communication used to re-
solve formal complaints (grievances). GSP is ii.It helps in preventing larger problems
a guideline to action setting forth a list of chro- (like strikes) from occurring in future by solv-
nological steps to be followed in handling ing smaller problems early.
grievances. It contains a number of steps ar-
ranged in a hierarchy. iii.It requires managers to become more
careful in making decisions because manager's
The number of steps involved in the GSP decisions / actions are subject to challenge and
varies according to the size and nature of the review in the grievance procedure.
organization. Mamoria (1991,p.833) notes: iv.It enables the management to detect
any flaws in the working conditions or in la-
" The details of the grievance procedure bour relations and undertake appropriate re-
vary from industry to industry and from trade medial actions.
union to trade union because of the variations
in the size of organizations, in trade union
v. It gives a reassurance to a grievant by (2)It must be made clear to the em-
the mere fact that there is a mechanism avail- ployee what line of appeal is, so that, if he
able to him/her which will consider the griev- cannot get satisfaction from his immediate
ance inpartially. Putting forward grievances superior, he may know the next higher author-
and discussing them, even if they are not ulti- ity to whom he can go.
mately settled in the employees'favour, gives
a worker the satisfaction of having communi- (3)Since delay causes frustration and
cated with, and been heard by, the manage- tempers may rise and romours spread around
ment (Monappa and Saiyadain, 1991,p.240). the work, it is essential that grievances should
be dealt with speedily.
According to Armstrong a well designed
and a proper grievance procedure provides : (4)It must be clearly understood in es
tablishing a grievance procedure that if the
(i)A channel or avenue by which any grievance is against an instruction given by a
aggrieved employee may present his superior it is in the interest of discipline that
grievance; instruction must be carried out. Only then can
the employee register his protest and set in mo-
(ii)A procedure which ensures that there tion the procedure.
will be a systematic handling of ev-
ery grievance; (5)The grievance procedure should be set
up with the participation of the employees and
(iii)A method by which an aggrieved it should be applicable to all in the orga-
employee can relieve his feelings of nization. It should be agreed that there will
dissatisfaction with his job, working be no recourse to the official machinery of
conditions, or with the management; conciliation unless the procedure has been car-
and ried out and there is still dissatisfaction. More-
over, there must be no direct action on either
(iv)A means of ensuring that there is side which might prejudice the case or raise
some measure of promptness in the tempers while the grievance is being investi-
handling of the grievance (As in gated.
Mamoria, 1991,p.833)
Tripathi (1992, p.426) has noted that the
Desirable Features of a GSP
grievance procedure must be acceptable by
everybody. In order to be generally accepted
It is wise to establish an effective GSP in it must ensure (a) sense of fair-play and jus-
the organization. According to the Indian tice to the worker, (b) reasonable exercise of
Institute of Personnel Management (As in authority to the manager and (c) adequate par-
Singh, 1990,p.355-56) the following prin- ticipation of the union. Also Tripathi notes tha'
ciples should be observed while laying down time limit should be placed at each step and it
a grievance procedure; should be rigidly followed at each level for
speedy settlement of a grievance. A good
(i) A grievance should be dealt with in the grievance procedure should be simple so that
first instance at the lowest level, that is, the an average employee is able to understand it
employee should raise his grievance with his (Singh et. al. 1990, p. 356). Momoria
immediate superior. It may be simple to settle (1991.p.845) stresses that if it is necessary for
it on the spot and that will be the end of it . any worker to leave the department during
Even if it cannot be settled at that level, the working hours on call from the labour / per-
superior will know what is happening. This is sonnel officer or any other officer of the es-
necessary not only to maintain his authority tablished grievance machinery, the prior
but also to prevent him from being aggrieved, premission of his superior should necessarily
as he will certainly be, if he is by-passed and be obtained. Subjcet to this condition the
later hears of the complaint from his own worker should not suffer any loss in wages for
superior. the work-time lost in this manner.

Practice of Corporation A Manager in the case of employees working at
the Head Office. Discussion should be held
Whenever an employee wishes to make after having fixed a date and time which are
re-presentations to the management with re- convenient to both parties and having provided
spect to an individual grievance he/she should agenda to the Management in time so that all
in the first instance discuss the matter with his/ the relevant documents are available at the
her sectional head. In case that the Sectional discussion. If the grievance still remains un-
Head is unable to resolve the matter the em- settled at this discussion, a request for a dis-
ployee concerned can discuss the matter with cussion with the Managing Director or Gen-
his/ her Departmental Head. If the Depart- eral Manager may be made by the Branch
mental Head is unable to settle the matter the Union Committee. Arrangements can be made
grievant along with his/ her Trade Union rep- by the trade Union Branch so that its parent
resentative can discuss the grievance further union representative can participate in such
with the Head of the department concerned. discussion. If the grievance is not resolved
If the grievance is still not satisfactorily dealt even at this step, the Trade Union Branch can
with, the grievant, if he/ she so desires, can opt to meet the chairman and if necessary the
togather with his/ her trade Union representa- Board of Directors.
tive discuss the grievance with the personnel
officer. In the event of the grievance not be- Meeting with the Mills Manger, Manag-
ing satisfactorily settle at this step, the matter ing Director or General Manager or board of
can be discussed by the Trade Union repre- Directors should be organized by prior ar-
sentative with the Assistant Mill Manager or rangement. It is permitted for any employee
Personnel Manager in the case of those work- or two officials from each Branch Trade Union
ing at the Head Office. If the matter is still to meet the Personnel Officer between 2.00
not satisfactorily resolved at this step the p.m to 3.00 p.m. on every working day if griev-
Branch Union Committee can discuss the ance does not require immediate attention of
matter with the Mills Manager together with the management. The GSP in this corpora-
the Assistant Mills Manager or the Personnel tion is shown in the folowing figure.
Figure - 1 Grievance Settlement Procedure of Corporation A

Trade Union Branch and Parent Union Chairman and (if necessary)
Representative Board of Directors
t t
Branch Union Committee/ Parent Union Managing Director
Representative or General Manager
t t
Mills Manager together with Ass. Mills
Branch Union Committee
Manager or PM at the Head Office
Trade Union Representative Asst. Mills Manage/ Asst. Personnel
Manager or PM at the Head Office

Grievant together with Trade Union

Representative Personnel Officer

Grievant along with Trade Union

Representative Departmental Head

Departmental head
t 1
Sectional Head

Practice of Corporation B superiors and his/her comments on each griev-
ance. A copy of this schedule is sent to every
member of the Grievance Settlement Commit-
In the corporation's manual of personnel tee. Copies are to be distributed among com-
procedures definition of a Grievane has been mittee members at least a week before next
given. It defines a grievance as any discon- sitting of the committee which constitutes of:
tent or dissatisfaction, justifiable or not,arising
out of anything connected with the corpora- (i) General Manager or in his/ her ab
tion that an employee thinks or believes is sence the Additional General Manager or
unfair, unjust or inequitable. the Deputy General Manager ;

A separate personnel officer and a com- (ii) The Personnel Manager;

mittee for grievance handling are being used
by the corporation. A separate personnel of- (iii) 2 Works Managers
ficer is appointed to be responsible for han-
dling employee grievances. When an em- (iv)Head of Division of Grievant
ployee has a grievance, in the first instance
he/she should notify his/her immediate supe- The committee sits during the 3rd week
rior to seek solution. Immediate superior may of every month in order to consider and de-
be a Supervising Officer/ Sectional Head or a cide upon the grievances received by the
Work Manager/ Divisional Head. If the griev- GHPO during the preceding month. Having
ance can not be settled satisfactorily with the decided upon the grievance the committee
immediate superior, the grievant should set out conveys its decisions in writing to the griev-
his/ her grievance clearly and briefly in a form ant through his/ her works Manger/ Divisional
called the Grievance Settlement Form which Head and Sectional Head/ Supervising Officer
can be obtained from the factory personnel within 5 working days of the date of the meet-
officer at sites or personnel officer appointed ing. The decision of the committee will be
for grievance handling ( hereafter the abbre- treated final. There is an exception that the
viation GHPO, which stands for Grievence committee submits its observations/ recom-
Handling Personnel Officer, is used). mendations on grievance (for which the
committee has no authority to make a deci-
sion) to the chairman within 5 working days
After setting out the grievance in the form of the date of the meeting. In this case, the
chairman's decision will be considered final.
it should be handed over to his/ her immedi-
ate superior. The immediate superior should
forward the grievance along with his/her ob- In case where the grievant does not re-
servations to the works manager/ divisional ceive an acknowledgment for the grievance
head within 3 working days since the date of within 21 working days of submission to the
receiving the grievance. Thereafter, the griev- immediate superior it is possible for him/her
ance should in turn be forwarded by the works to submit the grievance again in the prescribed
Manager/Division Head along with his/her from through the immediate superior and send
observations to the GHPO within 7 working a copy directly to the GHPO. If the grievant
receives no intimation of a decision within 3
days of receipt thereof. GHPO acknowledges
months of submission for the second time, he/
the receiving of the grievance withing 2 work-
she is permitted to make a further fresh sub-
ing days of the date of receipt through the mission to the GHPO (with due reference to
immediate superior of the grievant. GHPO the two earlier submissions) through the im-.
studies carefully grievances received by him/ mediate superior and to send copies directly
her during a particular month and prepares a to the GHPO and members of the committee.
schedule which gives name, designation, pay Figure -2 indicates the GSP in this corpora-
code number of grievant, the division and site tion.
to which grievant is attached, a brief descrip
tion of each grievance, observations of relevant
Figure 2 Grievance Settlement Procedure of Corporation B

Grievance Settlement Committee (To convery its decision

in writing within 5 working days of the date of the meeting)

Grievance Handling Personnel Officer
(To forward at least a week before next sitting of the committee with comments)

Works Manager/ Divisional Head

(To forward within 7 working days with observations)

Supervising Officer / Sectional Head

(To forward within 3 working days with observations )

Grievant presents the grievance in writing

If not settled, go to
Grievant notifies immediate superior verbally


Before assessing the practice in the light of theoretical formulations it is interesting to compare
grievance settlement procedures of the two corporations. There is much difference between corpo -
ration A's and corporation B's procedures. The following table shows comparing corporation A's
and corporation B's grievance settlement procedures.

Table : Comparison of procedures of the two Corporations : Differences.

Procedure of Corporation A Procedure of Corporation B

1. Step-ladder type 1. Committee and quasi types

2. Many steps 2. Relatively a few steps

3. Involves Union participation 3. Does not involve union participation
4. Time limits between different steps were 4. Time limits were specified .
not given or ignored
5. No separate personnel executive ap 5. Separate personnel executive for griev
pointed for grievance handling ante handling
6. No special form to be used to present 6. There is a special form for presenting
grievance in writing grievance in writing.
7. No step where grievance is attempted to 7. First step is that employee presents the
settle at the lowest level (between grievance to the immediate superior for a
grievant and immediate superior) solution.

The procedure of corporation A has sev- to settle the grievances is significantly, help-
eral weaknesses. The weaknesses which can ful for maintaining cordial and sound em-
be revealed by examining the procedure are p lo y e e an d i nd u s t r i a l r e l a t io n s. T h is
as follows: corporation's procedure allows the union to
participate in handling grievances.
1.Grievance is not settled at the lowest
level. It is appropriate that the grievance is In corporation B following pitfalls/ de-
dealt with in the first instance at the lowest fects can hP found in the GSP.
level of management, that is, the aggrieved
employee should discuss the matter with his/ 1.There is no possibility for the ag-
her immediate superior. The immediate su- grieved employee to take a union official along
perior is in the best position to solve the griev- with him/her to facilitate discussion with the
ance due to some reasons some of which have management. This corporation is a unioized
been mentioned earlier. In addition immedi- one where union participation in handling em-
ate superior is in the best position to judge ployee grievances is necessary for promotion
the validity of a grievance, he can take imme- and development of healthy labour-manage-
diate action provided the solution is within his ment relations.
authority and it makes for better relations be-
tween the employee and the supervisor if the 2.There is no union representative on the
latter takes care of the employee's complaint grievance settlement committee.
without making it necessary for the employee
t o c a l l o n a hi gh e r au t ho r i t y ( D a v a r , 3.The grievant is allowed to appeal for
1988,p.314). two times. Thus the corporation has accepted
the right of the grievant to appeal to the man-
2.There are no time limits specified be- agement for a revision if the decision of the
tween different steps of the procedure. Con- management is not communicated to him/ her
sequently it is not possible to deal with the within the stipulated period. This is an appro-
grievance speedily. Grievances should be re- priate feature in the GSP. However in making
dressed as expeditiously as possible in order these appeals the procedure does not give a
to achieve objectives of the procedure. Time provision that the worker will have the right
limits required for settling grievance at each of taking a union official along with him/her
step should be decided by the employer in con- to facilitate discussion with the management.
sultation with workers or union. This may discourage proper industrial relations
between workers and management.
3.The procedure does not seem to be
simple and prompt. But it seems to be com- The GSP of corporation B has the follow-
plex. There are many steps (8steps) in the pro- ing desirable features:
cedure and there may be a possibility of oc-
curring delay or complexity or vagueness i.Grievances are attempted to settle at
which may lead to aggravate the discontent of the lowest level.
the grievant.
ii.The procedure is simple, definite and
Apart from defects some desirable fea- prompt.
tures can also be seen in the GSP of corpora-
tion A. A sound channel through which a iii.Steps in handling grievances have been
grievance may pass for settlement if the pre- clearly defined.
vious state of channel has not been found to
be adequate, acceptable or satisfactorily ex- iv.There are time limits at each step for
ists. The procedure consists of 8 steps. In a solving the grievance.
unionized organization., union's involvement

The procedures of both corporations does attempted. The second part of this paper has
not give a clear indication in terms of a provi- described the current practice of grievance
sion that the union and the management can settlement procedure in the two corporations
refer the grievance to voluntary arbitration if concerned. A comment of the current prac-
no agreement is possible in the final step of tice of procedures of the both corporations has
the procedure. Mamoria (1991,p.847) notes been given in the third part. Effectiveness of
that it may be useful to classify grievances as grievance settlement procedures of the both
those arising from personal relationships and corporations is not satisfactory. The implica-
others arising out of conditions of employ- tion of this finding is that the two corporations
ment. In the former case, grievance should be should take necessary actions to revise and
taken up in the first instance with the author- improve the existing grievance settlement pro-
ity in the line management immediately above cedures for more effective grievance handling
the officer against whom the complaint is and cordial industrial relations.
made. This is also missing from the proce-
dures of both corporations. Also the proce- References
dures of both corporations lack the following
provisions which are essentials in an effective Davar R.S. (1988) Personnel Manage-
GSP; ment and Industrial Relations, Vikas Publish-
ing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
a.If it is necessary for the grievant to
leave the work place on a call from any au- Davis K. (1971) Human Relations At
thority under GSP, prior permission of his im- work : Dynamics of Organization Behaviour,
mediate superior should be obtained. West Publishing Company, New York.
Mamoria C.B. (1991) Personnel Manage-
b.If a grievance is against an order given
by a superior, the order should be complied ment , Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
with for the interest of discipline before the
grievant concerned invokes the procedure laid
Mathis R. L. and Jackson J. H. (1985)
down for settlement of grievances.
Personnel: Human Resource Management,
West Publishing Company, Ne\w York.
Thus, there are weaknesses and strengths
(In fact, many weaknesses) associated with the
grievance settlement procedures of the two Monappa A and Saiyadain M.S. (1979)
corporations. As a whole, it can be mentioned Personnel Management, Tata McGraw- Hill
that effectiveness of the procedures is unsat- Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi.
isfactory and they need to be improved.
Singh B. P. Chhabra T. N. and Taneja P.
Conclusion L. (1990) Personnel Management and Indus-
trial Relations, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
In the first part of this paper a presenta-
tion of theoretical formulations on grievance
and grievance settlement procedure has been

opidnist would sap "cwt is ha-ffull"

A pessimist would saT " cwt is ha-femptp"

Tripathi P. C. (1978) Personnel Manage-
ment and Industrial Relations, Sultal Chand
and Sons, New Delhi.

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