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Module 1 - What Is It?: - Music Forms Analysis

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MUSIC 6 – Quarter 3 – Week 1 In the previous lesson, the different music forms were discussed.

Name:_________________________________________Score:_____________ forms will be used in this lesson. Let us review the different forms and their
Section : VI- Topaz definitions below:
Module 1 - What is It? A. Unitary Form (A)
- it contains only one section which remains the same all throughout the whole
The songs above are examples of different musical forms. They are represented song or composition.
by letters in order to show their parts and sections. Read the descriptions and - in the song below, it has the same notes and same pitch all throughout the
definitions below. entire song.
A. Unitary Form (example song: Pentik Manok) B. Binary Form (AB)
- it contains only one section which remains the same all throughout the -made up of two musical parts or has two different melodic ideas.
whole song or composition. C. Ternary Form (ABC or ABA)
- in the song below, it has the same notes and same pitch all throughout the -made up of three parts or three different melodic idea. Sometimes, the third part
entire song. is a repetition of the 1st part, thus represented by the letters A,B and A. (ABA)
B. Binary Form (example song: Paru-Parong Bukid) D. Rondo Form (ABACA)
-made up of two musical parts or has two different melodic ideas. It is -made up of five or more musical parts with some repetions.
represented by letters A and B (AB). - it is represented by letters ABACA. The 1 st , 3rd and 5th parts are repeated or has
C. Ternary Form (example song: Lupang HInirang) the same melody.
-made up of three parts or three different melodic idea. Sometimes, the A. Leron, Leron Sinta
third part is a repetition of the 1st part, thus represented by the letters A,B and A.  The song is in Binary Form. Thus, it has the letters A and B in the music
(ABA) sheet having two sections.
-it is also represented by the letters A,B,C (ABC) like the song Lupang B. Happy Birthday
Hinirang below.  This song is commonly heard during birthday parties. It is in Unitary Form
D. Rondo Form (example song: Maligayang Araw) because it has only one section. The notes are just repeated as well as the pitch
-made up of five or more musical parts with some repetitions. and melody.
- it is represented by letters ABACA. The 1 st , 3rd and 5th parts are repeated or has the C. Lupang HInirang
same melody.  This is the anthem of our country. Thus, before we start with our daily
A. Find the answers on the box given below classes at school, we sing it during flag ceremonies. It is in Ternary Form having
_____1. The way a musical composition is arranged. sections ABC. Three sections having the same rhythm but different lyrics and
_____2. It has a three-part form represented by ABC or ABA. pitch.
_____3. Made up of 5 or more musical parts with some repetitions. D. Rehiyon Dyes
_____4. Made up of two musical parts and has two different melodic idea.  This song is sung during regional activities, seminars and trainings; the
_____5. It can be represented by this shape . anthem of our region. Thus, considering it as one of our local songs. It is in
Ternary Form with sections A, B and C.
A. True or False
Ternary Form Binary
________1. All songs have the same music form.
Unitary Rondo AB
________ 2. Songs have different parts or sections.
________ 3. Ternary Form has 3 sections. It has 3 different melodies, rhythm and
Module 2 - Music Forms Analysis sometimes pitch.
________ 4. In Binary Form, any song can be used having 2 sections.
________ 5. Happy birthday song is in Unitary Form because the melody is just
________ 5. Repeat marks are important in a song because they give repetitions
Module 3 - Different Repeat Marks
to the songs that are very long for the performers.

Below are the different repeat marks and their meaning:

1. Da Capo (D.C.)
Module 4 - Different Repeat Marks
- indicates that the musical piece is to be repeated from the beginning of
the song. There are two types of pictures given above. Picture A shows a group of
2. Dal Segno (D.S.) people singing while Picture B shows a group of people playing an instrument.
- indicates that the musical piece is to be repeated from the sign This shows the classification of instruments and voices. it has different
3. Da Capo and Dal Segno definition and sections depending on the range of each instruments and voices.
- have the same purpose in repeating the particular sections except in the below are the definition of the classification of instrument and voices.
exact places where to begin. CLASSIFICATION OF VOICES
- they also end with the word “Fine”. FOR FEMALE VOICE:
4. Al Fine Soprano – it is the highest singing voice.
- means up to the end Mezzo Soprano – it is in middle or medium singing voice
5. D.C al Fine Alto - it is the lowest singing voice.
- the sections are to be repeated from the beginning up to the word FOR MALE VOICE:
“Fine” or up to the end. Tenor - it is the highest singing voice.
6. - begin repeat Baritone - it is in middle or medium singing voice
Bass - it is the lowest singing voice.
A. String Instruments - instruments that are plucked or bowed.
8. - ending 1  Violin Harp Cello Viola Double Bass
B. Woodwind Instruments – produce music when musicians or performers blow
the mouthpiece called the Reed.
9. -ending 2  Flute Clarinet Saxophone Piccolo Oboe Bassoon
C. Brass Instruments – used to produce sound when musicians or performers blow
Repeat marks are used and are important because composers will not be the mouthpiece either cupped or coned shaped.
writing the notes all over again in their composition. They will be saving a lot of  Trumpet Cornet Trombone Tuba French Horn
space in writing their music. In this way, the performers will be the one to find and D. Percussion Instruments – played by striking the instruments with stick or
play the repeated notes on their music sheet. hammer.
Use a repeat mark instead of writing the notes all over again.  Snare Drum Timpani Triangle Bass Drum Cymbals
A. True or False A. True or False. Write the word True if the statement is True and False if it is
________1. Dal Segno indicates that the musical piece is to be repeated from the False.
sign D.S. _______1. Brass Instruments are played by plucking ang bowing.
________ 2. Ending 1 and 2 means that the passages between the marks are to be _______2. Human Voices vary according to their range and pitch.
repeated. _______3. Orchestra composes of people singing together harmoniously.
________ 3. Al Fine means repeated in the beginning. _______4. Percussion instruments are the last section of the orchestra and played
________ 4. When you see the symbol , it means that the by hammering or striking.
passage in a song is to be repeated. _______5. Without the Reed, Woodwind instruments will not produce a sound.
MUSIC 6 – Quarter 3 – Week 2 Activity 1 - Arrange the following musical instruments according its
Module 5 – Study the Various Musical Ensembles
The following are musical ensembles which are known in the Philippines:
laud bajo de unas gitara dabakan banuria
1. Rondalla is also known as Filipino String Band. This was influenced by snare drum bass drum tenor drum oktabina bell lyre
the Spaniards in 18 century. Rondalla in Philippines is composed of six angklung kulintang gangsa agong cymbals
string instruments.
Rondalla Drum and Lyre Corps Indigenous Musical

2. Drum and Lyre Corps Module 6 – Study the Dynamics Level in Music
The concept of Drum and Lyre Corps in the Philippines is based on the Dynamics is one of the elements in music. It is the degree or levels of the softness
Drum and Bugle. Drum and Lyre Corps is most popular in the and loudness of sound or voice in the song. Like the other elements in music,
Philippines because it is more easy to organize. dynamics can be represented by the different musical symbols. The degree or
levels of the softness and loudness of the sound or voice in the song can be
expressed in these symbols.
Below is the illustration of the different dynamic names and their corresponding
dynamic symbols and meanings or dynamic levels.

Dynamics In Music
Dynamic Names Dynamic Symbols Meaning/Dynamic Levels
1 piano p soft
2 pianissimo pp very soft
3. Indigenous Musical Ensembles 3 pianissisimo ppp very very soft
A. Gangsa Ensembles
4 mezzo-piano mp moderately soft
This can be found in the North part of the Philippines. Composed of
5 mezzo-forte mf moderately loud
five to 6 players
B. Kulintang Ensembles 6 forte f loud
It is composed of musicians for Kulintang Gandingan, agong, babandil 7 fortissimo ff very loud
and dabakan. Kulintang Ensembles is known in some parts of 8 fortissisimo fff very very loud
Mindanao. 9 crescendo gradually increase in volume
10 decrescendo gradually decrease in volume
Activity 1- Match the dynamic names in column B by identifying their symbols in
column A. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the box. Write your answer
in your notebook.
D. Angklung
This group of musicians is also in the South-East Asia. Angklung is made
up of bamboo tube. Each angklung is made for its own tone or pitch
therefore Angklung Ensembles is composed of not less than three players.

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