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AyeAkamara Society For The Study of Ifá OSA OTURA - This Is The 2015 Year of ORUNMILA Revealing Many Secrets To All Disciplined

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AyeAkamara Society for

the Study of Ifá

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Thursday, 1 January 2015

OSA OTURA - This is the 2015 year

of ORUNMILA revealing many
secrets to all disciplined devotees of
IFA and disciples of OLODUMARE.
The energy or odu will guild you throughout the year
“OSA OTURA”. The vibration will illuminate those who
want to achieve a great deal of success, prosperity,
sound health, divine protection and divine love.
OSA OTURA is the energy that covers the whole
existence of man in creation. It speaks of truth,
honesty and dignity. Those who speaks truth shall
be favored by OLODUMARE and his numerous
Divinities. This year , all children of ERINWO must plan
to have a change of character and start to say the
truth, so that their conscience will be freed from rancor
and other negative vibration in creation. Truth
according to IFA is the language of GOD, the strength
of life and the power of divinities.

Ifa says truth is the foundation upon which miracles,

mystery and wonders of life are established.
TRUTH ensures protection from divinities
and the support of cosmic power.
The TRUTH of the universe is that most un-
manifested energies and the manifested
forces, that move around the cosmos to
give everyone the secret desire of his heart
and his unseen(secret) steps in the world of
Truth is your prayer, your sacrifice, your
ritual and sound spiritual step you take to
revert all misfortune into fortune. Truth is
the step to seek the face of OLODUMARE
and His divinities .
Truth is the wisdom you acquired from Ifa
transformed into good character that aid
and support others in the cosmos.
Truth is the boldness and the power that
moves you and guild you in the face of
challenges .
Truth is the power and the understanding
that you are not only human in the physical
body, but a complete essence of abundant
energy of GOD with spirit, soul and cosmic
power vulnerable only to the light of
GOODNESS but insurmountable to the
OF AJOGUN ORUN (the punitive knight of
heavenly doom).
Truth is the power that discharges justice to
those who are ignorant of divine laws and
spiritual rules and regulation working in the
Truth is the meaning of the existence of the
universe revolving around the power of
OLODUMARE, nothing is beyond and
nothing is outside this mysterious and
divine cycle. All that are created, seen or
unseen entities manifest within the
perimeter, gathering and the community of
divine consciousness.
Truth is your understanding that you are a
little or small cosmos within yourself,
manifesting the power of sun, moon, stars
and other illuminating object within the
cosmic environment.
Truth is the boldness and the spiritual
precision that all things will work to your
Truth is the feeling of power and abundant
energy that all that is created, both seen
and unseen will act well toward you and
turn round all misfortune into your glory,
success and happiness.
Truth is that we need to constantly pay the
price of ignorance and foolishness.
Whenever we feel the pain or suffering, the
divine step, spiritual wisdom and human
understanding of power of IFA and
OLODMARE will give us the peace to
remain calm in the face of challenge and
the ocean waves of problem.
Truth is the wisdom that the presence of
deities direct our lives when they are not
physically seen with our naked eyes, since
we have the wisdom that the most
profound and the strongest vibrations are
invisible energies operating in the universal
order of things.
Truth is waiting patiently to receive the
blessing of OLODUMARE, and truth
teaches us that the most profound events
or happenings of our lives often turn out to
be the most inconsequential or petty
Truth is that the entire universe is formed on
miracle, wonder and mystery based on the
foundation of OLODUMARE.
Truth is morality, good character and
spirituality leading to spiritual, physical,,
divine and emotional discipline, that turn us
to become a real disciples of OLODUMARE
and his messengers most especially
Truth is our conscience as an individual, the
real extension of the universal whole,
perfect and complete , and infinite being
called OLODUMARE .
According to odu ‘’Osa Otura’’, truth is the
conscience that establish the presence
Truth Is the bitter liquid we drink in the
morning of life that gives and smoothen our
life in the latter years of our life.
Whoever says the truth always receive the
support of deities. Saying truth to yourself,
in form of correcting your evil habit or
character through the wisdom of
OLODUMARE is the foundation of greater
glory , and manifestation of what IFA called
OMO ERINWO ( the children of truth) .
Hence truth is your life .
Truth is your good character within you to
the universe and the response from the
universe will be the same truth that will
improve your life in the universal order of
things, that is truth planted, truth harvested
, whatever you plant shall be the same to
Truth is whatever you plant become your
rewarded fruit in the future, the truth is that
all that planted well, reap well at the end.
Truth is that, the life comes from the
unknown and go into the unseen, the
abode of OLODUMARE and his numerous
divinities in the cosmos.
Truth is everything revolves round your
being, and nothing outside your being can
cause your trouble or misfortune if you do
not deserve or merit it .
Truth is your being, your character and your
habit. Shape your habit and character to
shape your destiny and the destiny of what
is to come unto generation yet unborn.
Truth is the guarding mechanism and the
wisdom, power and energy of
OLODUMARE manifesting in the word, lives
and the souls and the spirit of all that is
manifested and un-manifested.

IFA says, be truthful and recognize that the truth is the

character you display at the start of the year that yield
to maximum reward in the middle and the end of the
year .

Now, take iyereosun ,mark odu osa-otura on ifa tray,

add it to the water, and drink. If you do not have
iyereosun, that is, the spiritual yellowish powder, get a
clean water and speak out the word of truth on it
before drinking, and you shall see and witness
miracle, mystery and wonder of OLODUMARE in your
life, this year, this month, this day, this hour, this minute
and the second and micro second and your life will not
remain the same, but attracting the blessing of
OLODUMARE through his word ODU and IFA.

If IFA is an attraction, you are attracting your success,

progress, love, victory, sound health, wealth,
prosperity, blessing of greater dimension, harmony,
peace, serenity, long life and dignity as long as there is
an appearance of the sun. Ase

According to the odu (Source of the ifa verse is fromn

“Ifa , a complete divination by Ayo Salami ,pp 556
published 2002)

Eni o b aba wonu omi

Nii mo ibi ti omi muni de
Eni o ba ke ibosi
Nii feju yanyanyan soke
A difa fun Orunmila
Niijo ti nlo ree ridii OLODUMARE
Oun le ridii gbogbo nkan bayi
Won ni ki orunmila o rubo
Won ni sugbon ni ese okun ni ko gbe ebo e lo
Orunmila ba ru ebo
A gbebo e o desse okun
Bi o ti moo gbebo kale nibe
OLODUMARE si boraa le
O wa ni gbalaja
Buburu idi OLODUMARE si Lokun
Bi OLODUMARE ba mi fiin
Okun o si da wa
Bo ba tun pada okun a tun moo lo
Bi OLODUMARE ti n mi
Lokun se nkun ti nfa
Ki orunmila o gbebo kale
O ni iwo Orunmila
Orunmila ba dahun , o ni Hiin
Olodumare ni nje o ridi oun bayii
Orunmila ni Buburu id ire naa loun n wo
OLODUMARE ni ko si ntoo ni ridii mo laye
Orunmila b anjo , ni o ba nyo
Ni wa nyin awon babalawo
Awon babalawo re nyin ifa
Oni bee lawon babalawo nse fenu ki ifa
Eni o ba koonu omi
Nii mo ibi ti omi muni de
Eni o ba ke iboosi
Ni feju yanyanyan soke
A difa fun orunmila
Nijo tin lo ree ridii OLODUMARE
Awa a re ni , awaa ree ni
EDUMARE maje je ki omo Erinwo o te lodu yi ooo
ELA OPITAN ki o je ki gbogbo awo o se aseyori, ki won
o se otito si ara won bayi ifa

He that steps into the river
Would know the depth of the water
He that shouts aloud for help
Would widen his eyes up the sky
Cast ifa divination for Orunmila
On the day he was inquiring of the secrets of
Would I discover the secret of everything on earth ?He
They told him to perform sacrifice
But he should go and place his sacrifice at the feet of
the ocean which is the beach of the ocean
Orunmila performed the sacrifice
He carried his sacrifice and made for the beach (of the
As he was about to place his sacrifice
OLODUMARE had removed his cloth
He was stark naked
But the robust part of OLODUMARE’s buttock is the
As OLODUMARE inhales
The ocean’s current would breeze on shore
The breathes in and out by OLODUMARE
Is the reason for the ocean’s current and movement
As Orunmila was about to place the sacrifice
OLODUMARE became suspicious
You, Orunmila
Hiin, Orunmila answered
Did you not see my secret? OLODUMARE asked
I only saw the robust part of your buttocks, answered
There is nothing you will not know henceforth, said
Orunmila then started to dance and rejoice
He was praising his babalawo
his babalawos were praising IFA
he said, it was exactly as his IFA priest had said
he that steps into the river
would knows the depth of the water
he that shouts a cry of help
would widen his eyes up the sky
cast IFA divination for Orunmila
on the day he was inquiring of the secrets of
it is you and we
it is really you and we
IFA ORUNMILA let me know all secret of life through
your wisdom and have the courage to live according to
your rules
GOD, never allow your disciple and your devotee be
put to shame this year
Elas, the mysterious and the ancient of days, let all the
devotees of IFA attract enormous blessing and victory
this year

Then, drink the water, you can repeat this spiritual step
two times a month and twenty four times in a year,
with the support of OLODUMARE and his numerous
divinities, you shall be victorious.


Unknown às 14:28


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