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Background of The Study

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Background of the study

Financial analysis is the structural and logical way to present overall financial
performance of financial institution. It also helps to evaluate and decision making for
business operation. It is used to determine the firm's financial position in order to
identify its current strength and weakness and suggestion actions that might enable the
firm to take advantages of its strengths and correct its weakness.
Financial statement analysis applies analytical tools and techniques to general
purpose financial statements and related data to derive to estimates and interferences
useful in business decisions. It is a screening tool in selecting investment or merger
candidates and is a forecasting tool of future financial conditions and consequences. It
is a diagnostic tool in assessing financing, investing and operating activities and is an
evaluation tool for managerial and other business decision.
Financial statements of a firm mainly include income statement and the
balance sheet. They are important source of financial information regarding the firm's
operations and its financial position. To analyze the financial performance, strength,
and weakness of the firm, many types of tools and techniques are used. Ratio analysis
is one of the very popular and widely used tools of financial analysis. It is the primary
tool for examining the firm's financial position and performance. Ratios are used as
yardstick for evaluating the financial condition and performance of the firm.
Commercial banks play an important role in the affair of the economy in
various ways. The operations of commercial banks record the economic pulse of the
economy. The size and composition of their transaction mirror the economic
happening in the country. They are essential instruments to accelerated growth in a
developing economy, by mobilizing community savings and diverting them into
productive channels commercial banks expand and appreciate the value of aggregate
economic activity in the economy.
The financial system in Nepal has from a narrow, repressed regime till the
eighties to a dynamic expanding sector in the nineties. Indicators of the last decade
shown that the sector has growth both quantitatively and qualitatively. It could be
observed that, at the same time, the financial market has become more competitive,
dynamic and also compels. This constitutionals network and the volume of operations
of financial system have expanded and diversified with the number of increased in
commercial banks.
The adoption of the market economy has given birth to many private
commercial banks in the country as said earlier. So far, all these banks are doing very
well in the slowdown in the economy, interest rates are falling down. All the banks
are with funds and looking for safe and profitable avenues to invest in it.
The researcher has attempted to analysis the financial performance of HBL
and its individual strength on the basis of their internal reports and published annual
reports. For the purpose, different tools and techniques have been applied to judge the
performance of this organization, drawn out the strength and weakness of the firm and
try to prescribe measures to improve the performance of this bank.
Concept of banking
Bank is an organization, the major functions of which are to deal in money
and credit. The main business of a bank is to pool the scattered idle deposits in the
public and channel it for productive use. It collects deposits and invests or lends to
those who stand in need of money. Bank, in other words, is a custodian of money
received from the depositors. Hence, its responsibility towards the general public is
pretty different than those who are involved in other types of trades and service.
Modern day banks exhibit the trait more of a department store with a wide range of
financial products to offer.
Banks can be person, a company or a firm, with a place of business, and must
be involved in credit creation. The business of modern day bank is not confined in
borrowing deposits and lending advances only. It performs a host of other financial
activities which has immensely contributed to achieve industrial and commercial
progress of every country.
As per R.S sayers, "A bank is an institution whose whole debts are widely
accepted in settlement of other people’s debts"

As per kent, "A bank is an organization whose principal operations are

concerned with the accumulation of the temporarily idle money of the general
public for the purpose of advancing to others for expenditure."

As per Crowther, "The banker’s business is to take the debts of other people to
offer his own in exchange and thereby create money."

The banking sector is an important part of the national economy. Banks take
deposits, support the payment system and provide the largest source of funds on the
market. Safe and sound banking system is of crucial importance for the financial
stability and sustainable development. Nepal has a special characteristic of bank
dominated financial sector. As the domestic capital and stock markets arein the initial
stage of development, the banking sector largely dominates the entire financial sector.

Financial institutions play very important role in the process of economic

growth of the developing country. Among the financial institutions, commercial banks
are important enterprises that serve as primary means of intermediations for financial
resource mobilization. A developing country must maintain high and sustained rate of
economic development. It must invest the available resource for requisite high level
of investment.

Mobilization of the resource in developing countries should focus on two main parts.
First of all, developing countries should exert massive effort to increase the rate of domestic
savings especially in the face of difficult access and harder term of commercial borrowing as
well as the bleak prospects for confessional assistance. The institutionalization of
household savings is crucial to the rapid growth of saving. Secondly, developing countries
should improve the allocate efficiency of the investment to maximize the return on capital
and yield highest possible economic benefit.

2. Problem Statement and Research Questions

The main target of a commercial bank is to maximize the profit. There are so
many financial institutions in Nepal. They are competing each other. Nepal Rastra
Bank has mandated the commercial banks to open one branch in rural area while
opening branches in urban areas. However this policy is not found implemented
effectively. The commercial bank, Which are concentrated in major cities of the
country, are able to focus their activities around big industries, but small
entrepreneurs have not been able to enjoy benefits from these commercial banks.

The Challenges of the country is to direct these commercial banks to

provide services to small and middle class entrepreneurs. Although, the rural branches
of commercial banks are not able in resource mobilization and loan disbursement
because most of the people are in poverty line in rural areas. They have no more
income sources and savings. So they cannot deposit in the bank. On the other hand,
when nobody can deposit money in the bank, the bank can not able to mobilize
money/resources. Also there are no industries in the rural areas. In this way the rural
branches of the commercial banks can not earn profit easily.

Therefore, the competition is the burning issue of time in the country due to
emergence of financial institutions. It has threatened all the banking institutions. It has
warned to Himalayan Bank Ltd. and to improve and manages its activities and

The research study seeks to find out financial soundness and weakness of
Himalayan Bank Ltd. with analysis of this bank’s financial statements. The attempts
will be made to sort out the answers for the following questions.

a) How far have HBL been able to accumulate deposit and utilized deposit so
b) How far have this bank been managing their positions in relation to liquidity efficiency,
leverage and profitability?
c) Is the bank really adopting the directives of the Nepal Rasta bank in cash reserve ratio
and capital adequacy ratio?
d) How generous is the bank in distributing dividend?

3. Purpose of the Study

The proposed study highlights the important activities and progress of

Himalayan Bank Ltd. with justification. But the researcher wants to be more specific
in his study to reflect what objectives have guided to undertake the study. The
commercial banks can run easily and efficiently if they are able to mobilize the
deposits in right sector and realize these amounts in time. Otherwise it would be
difficult to run their banking business in the competitive market. Therefore, the main
objectives of this study are focusing how far Himalayan Bank Nepal Ltd. is able to
fulfill their objectives. The study tries to collect various opinion from various sectors
such as how to run the bank effectively? What should the management do to run the
bank in the present competitive market? The study also try to look the resource
mobilization trends of these banks for five years and collect the opinions of financial
experts and present suggestions by analyzing the financial statement.

The specific objectives of the study are as follows.

a) To analyze the performance of HBL in term of liquidity leverage, efficiency and

b) To measure the capital adequacy and cash reserve ratios maintain by the HBL.
c) To evaluate mobilization of deposit in loan and advances and credit risk of the HBL.

4. Significant of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to compare the financial performance of the
commercial bank by the means of various ratio analysis ,more precisely the analytical
tools used in this study would be instrumental in accessing the strength and weakness
and opportunities and threats-in relations with financing aspect-for the newly
established as well as historically operating organizations in the country .

The present study is expected to provide with necessary operating measure to

HBL ,so as to improve their financial strategies more successfully .Beside theses ,the
present work would contribute significantly to the upcoming generation in better
understanding of theoretical and practical implications of various financial tools and
techniques to make effective financial decision .

Hence, the present study is destined to provide financial information to

different sector of business that is directly influenced by financial performance of
HBL .especially ,this study serve the management shareholders ,long term and short
term money lender ,creditors and employee/ staff member of the bank in
implementing future project or initiating corrective action .In addition to this, the
study also help these potential investor financial institution and other people in raising
interest In financial institution and similar business. The study opens many doors to
future research in the area of investment and assets management for business.

5. Very brief review of the latest available literature

It has found that there are no more studies performed in this topic. However there are
some which is related to this conducted for the partial fulfillment of masters degree in
Tribhuvan University.

Shrestha (2009), has made a study on, “A Comparative Study on

Financial Performance Between the Commercial Banks.” The main objective of the
study is to examine the financial performance of SBI bank and NBBL bank. The other
objective are;
 To study the liquidity position of both the banks.
 To analyze the lending position of both the banks.
 To examine marketability position and the efficiency ratio of SBI and NBBL

The major findings of the study are;

 The analysis of liquidity position of these commercial banks shows different position.
The current ratio measures only total rupees worth of current assets and total
rupees worth of current liabilities, i.e. it indicates the availability of current assets in
rupees for every one rupee of current assets than current liabilities.
 The average current ratio of SBI (1.05) is greater than that of NBBL (0.98). Therefore,
the liquidity position of SBI bank is in normal standard and NBBL is also trying to gain
that position.
 From the analysis of turnover of these two banks, NBBL has better different. The
overall calculation seems to be better for NBBL. Though certain ratio like dividend
per share, dividend payout ratio etc better for SBI Bank. The writer has also
conducted that earning per share of NBBL is better than that of SBI bank.
Thapaliya (2010), has made a study on, “Financial Performance of
Commercial Banks: A comparative Case Study of Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd.
Himalayan Bank Ltd. and Everest Bank Ltd.” The main objective of study is to reveal
the comparative financial performance of NBBL, KBL and EBL. The other specific
objectives are;
 To analysis and compare the liquidity, portability, stability and market value
positions among three commercial banks.
 To analyze and compare solvency ratio such as total capital fund.
 To analyze the financial strength and weakness of these banks.
 The major findings of the study are;
 The saving deposit to total deposit ratio of NBBL has been recorded the lowest of all.
It indicates the better liquidity position of the bank to meet short-term obligation.
 Analysis of activities ratio reveals that all the banks have been able to utilize the
resources satisfactorily.
 Total debt to equity ratio of all banks reveals that the claims of the outsiders exceed
far more than those of the owners over the bank's assets.
 Comparatively Himalayan Bank has more levered capital structure. Profitability ratio
indicates the degree of success in achieving desired profit level.
 All the banks need lot of exercise in more credit creation and reducing the interest
rate for loan and advance. This helps them to remain more competitive.
6. Methodology
Research methodologies help us to find out accuracy, validity and
suitability of any particular study .The research methodology use in the present
study is briefly mentioned below.
Research approach
The research approach followed is basically an evaluation of
financial performance of Himalayan bank limited on the basis of ratio
analysis .Analytical as well as descriptive approaches are used to evaluate the
financial performance of the sample bank.
Respondents and Sampling Procedure
This study is mainly based on secondary data. Secondary data are
collected from profit and loss account, balance sheet and other publications made
by the banks. Also some data have been gathered from Nepal stock exchange
website .similarly ,articles ,journals related to the financial performance of the
study .previous research reports etc .have also been taken into account while
collecting information. Here as a sample bank, Himalayan bank limited has been
taken for the study.

Research Instrument

Analytical methods and instruments have been applied as simply as possible to make
research simple and easily understandable tables and figures have also been
used .Every result is tabulated and clear interpretation is made simultaneously.
Range of financial instrument are used to analyze the collected data and to achieve
the objective of the study .The analysis of the data are done according to the pattern of
data available .because of the limited time and resources ,simple analytical statistical
tools such as graphs techniques of least square are adopted in this study .In the same
way ,some strong financial tools ,ratio analysis and trend analysis are used in the
study .the data extracted from annual report financial statement and other available
information are processed and tabulated in various tables and charts under different
heading according to the nature.
Collection of Data.
In simple words collection of data is the process of collecting raw facts at source. The
data source can be a data base, a data set. a spread sheet or even hard –coded
data .basically there are two sources of collecting data .They are primary and
secondary source and here for writing the thesis report ,secondary sources are
used .some of them are :
-Journal of HBL, national newspaper, journals and magazines
-Nepal Rasta bank samachar 60th annual anniversary, Bisheshank 2072
-Economic survey report (2015-2017) ,Ministry of finance
-Website: Http://HBL
- Website: Http://
-NRB directives 2073 (revised)
-Monetary policy 2074

Method of analysis /Financial tools

Financial Tools
1) Current Ratio
2) Cash Reserve Ratio
3) Cash and Bank Balance to Current Assets Ratio
4) Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio
5) Debt to Equity Ratio
6) Capital Adequacy Ratio
7) Loan and Advance to Total Deposit Ratio
8) Loan and Advance to Fixed Deposit Ratio

9) Total Investment to Total Deposit Ratio

10) Credit Risk Ratio
11) Loan Loss Provision to Total Loans and Advances
12) Return on Common Equity (ROE)
13) Return on Total Deposit Ratio

14) Return on Total Assets (ROA)

15) Price Earnings Ratio
Statistical Tools
a) Arithmetic Mean
b) Standard Deviation
c) Coefficient of Correlation

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Financial Performance Analysis of Himalayan Bank Limited - Leena Pradhan

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