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Philippine Savings Bank, Petitio Gregorio T. LANTIN, Presiding Judge, Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch Vii, and Candido RAMOS, Respondents

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RULE 73- SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OF DECEASED the full application of Articles 2242 and 2249

PERSONS demands that there must first be some proceeding

where the class of all the preferred creditors may be
1. PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK V. LANTIN, bindingly adjudicated, such as insolvency, the
124 SCRA 483 settlement of a decedent's estate under Rule 87 of
the Rules of Court, or other liquidation proceedings
[G.R. No. L-33929. September 2, 1983.] of similar import.
of First Instance of Manila, Branch LIQUIDATION OF SIMILAR NATURE. — Insolvency
VII, and CANDIDO proceedings end settlement of a decedent's estate
RAMOS, respondents. are both proceedings in rem which are binding the
whole world. All persons having interest in the
subject matter involved, whether they were notified
Jose Diokno for petitioner. or not, are equally bound. Consequently, a
liquidation of similar import or other equivalent
Romeo C . Carlos for private respondent. general liquidation must also necessarily be a
proceeding in rem so that all interested persons
whether known to the parties or not may be bound
SYLLABUS by such proceeding.
CREDITS; INSUFFICIENT ASSETS OF DEBTOR below do not partake of the insure of insolvency
RAISES QUESTION OF PREFERENCE AS WELL proceedings or settlement of a decedent's estate.
AS QUESTION OF CONSEQUENCE IN The action filed by Ramos was only to collect the
CONCURRENCE OF CREDITS. — Concurrence of unpaid cost of the construction of the duplex
credits occurs when the same specific property of apartment. It is far from being a general liquidation of
the debtor or all of his property is subjected to the the estate of the Tabligan spouses.
claims of several creditors. The concurrence of
credits raises no questions of consequence were the 6. CIVIL LAW; CREDIT TRANSACTION;
value of the property or the value of all assets of the ANNOTATION OF CLAIMS AND CREDITS AS
debtor is sufficient to pay in fall all the creditors. STATUTORY LIENS; RELEVANCE TO THE
However, it becomes material when said assets are STABILITY OF THE TORRENS SYSTEM. — In the
insufficient for then some creditors of necessity will case at bar, although the lower court found that
not be paid or some creditors will not obtain the full "there were no known creditors other than the
satisfaction of their claims. In this situation, the plaintiff and the defendant herein," this cannot be
question of preference will then arise, that is to say conclusive. It will not bar other creditors in the event
who of the creditors will be paid the all of the others they show up and present their claims State
(Caguioa, Comments and Cases on Civil Law, 1970 petitioner bank, claiming that they also have
ed., Vol. VI, p. 472). preferred liens against the property involved.
Consequently, Transfer Certificate of Title No.
2. ID.; ID.; PREFERENCE OF CREDITS; 101864 issued in favor of the bank which is
ARTICLES 2249 AND 2242 OF THE NEW CIVIL supposed to be indefeasible would remain
CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES; CONSTRUED. — constantly unstable and questionable. Such could
Under the system established by Article 2249 of the not have been the intention of Article 2243 of the
civil Code of the Philippines, only taxes and Civil Code although it considers claims and credits
assessments upon immovable property enjoy under Article 2242 as statutory liens. Neither does
absolute preference. All the remaining specified the De Barreto case sanction such instability. In fact,
classes of preferred creditors under Article 2242 an annotation, as suggested above, would insure to
enjoy no priority among themselves. Their credits the benefit of the public, particularly those who may
shall be satisfied pro-rata, i.e., in proportion to the subsequently wish to buy the property in question or
amount of the respective credits. who have a business transaction in connection
therewith. It would facilitate the enforcement of a
3. ID.; ID.; ARTICLE 2249 AND 2242 OF
legal statutory right which cannot be barred by
laches (See Manila Railroad Co. v. Luzon
Stevedoring Co., 100 Phil. 135).
BARRETO CASE. — Under the De Barreto decision,
7. ID.; SALE; BUYER IN GOOD FAITH OF Involved in this case is a duplex-apartment
REALTY; TAKES IT FEE FROM LIENS AND house on a lot covered by TCT No. 86195 situated
ENCUMBRANCES OTHER THAN STATUTORY at San Diego Street, Sampaloc, Manila, and owned
LIENS AND THOSE ANNOTATED IN THE TITLE; by the spouses Filomeno and Socorro Tabligan.
CASE AT BAR. — Since the action filed by the
The duplex-apartment house was built for
private respondent is not one which can be
the spouses by private respondent Candido Ramos,
considered as "equivalent general liquidation" having
a duly licensed architect and building contractor, at a
the same import as an insolvency or settlement of
total cost of P32,927.00. The spouses paid private
the decedent's estate proceeding, the well
respondent the sum of P7,139.00 only. Hence, the
established principle must be applied that a
latter used his own money, P25,788.50 in all, to
purchaser in good faith and for value takes register
finish the construction of the duplex-
land free from liens and encumbrances other than
apartment. LibLex
statutory liens and those recorded in the Certificate
of Title. It Is an limited fact that at the time the deeds Meanwhile, on December 16, 1966,
of real estate mortgage in favor of the February 1, 1967, and February 28, 1967, the
petitioner bank were constituted, the transfer spouses Tabligan obtained from
certificate of title of the spouses Tabligan was free petitioner Philippine Savings Bank three (3) loans in
from any recorded lien and encumbrances, so that the total amount of P35,000.00, the purpose of
the only registered liens in the title were deeds in which was to complete the construction of the
favor of the petitioner. duplex-apartment. To secure payment of the loans,
the spouses executed in favor of the petitioner three
(3) promissory notes and three (3) deeds of real
estate mortgages over the property subject matter of
DECISION this litigation.
On December 19, 1966, the petitioner
registered the December 16, 1966 deed of real
GUTIERREZ, JR., J p: estate mortgage with the Register of Deeds of
Manila. The subsequent mortgages of February 1,
This is a petition for review of the decision of 1967, and February 28, 1967, were registered with
the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch VII, the Register of Deeds of Manila on February 2, 1967
presided over by respondent Judge Gregorio and March 1, 1967, respectively. At the time of the
T. Lantin, in Civil Case No. 79914 entitled Candido registration of these mortgages, Transfer Certificate
Ramos v. Philippine Savings Bank and of the order of Title No. 86195 was free from all liens and
denying a motion for its reconsideration. The encumbrances.
dispositive portion of the decision reads:
The spouses failed to pay their monthly
"WHEREFORE, judgment is amortizations. As a result thereof, the
hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff petitioner bank foreclosed the mortgages, and at the
and against the defendant ordering public auction held on July 23, 1969, was the highest
the defendant to pay the plaintiff the bidder.
sum of P15,000.00 as his pro-rata
On August 5, 1969, the
share in the value of the duplex-
petitioner bank registered the certificate of sale
apartment house which was built by
issued in its favor. On August 9, 1970,
the plaintiff for the spouses likewise
the bank consolidated its ownership over the
Filomeno Tabligan and Socorro
property in question, and Transfer Certificate of Title
Espiritu, which is now registered in the
No. 101864 was issued by the Register of Deeds of
name of the defendant under Transfer
Manila in the name of the petitioner bank.
Certificate of Title No. 101864 issued
by the Register of Deeds of the City of Upon the other hand, the private respondent
Manila, on August 6, 1970, with legal filed an action against the spouses to collect the
interest from the date of the filing of unpaid cost of the construction of the duplex-
the complaint until fully paid; to pay apartment before the Court of First Instance of
the sum of P500.00 as attorney's fees; Manila, Branch I, which case was docketed therein
and to pay the costs. as Civil Case No. 69228. During its pendency, the
private respondent succeeded in obtaining the
"The counterclaim interposed issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment, and
by the defendant is hereby pursuant thereto, had the property in question
dismissed." attached. Consequently, a notice of adverse claim
was annotated at the back of Transfer Certificate of
Title No. 86195.
On August 26, 1968, a decision was "(7) Credits annotated in the
rendered in Civil Case No. 69228 in favor of the Registry of Property, in virtue of a
private respondent and against the spouses. A writ judicial order, by attachments or
of execution was accordingly issued but was executions, upon the property
returned unsatisfied. affected, and only as to later credits;
As the spouses did not have any properties "(8) Claims of co-heirs for
to satisfy the judgment in Civil Case No. 69228, the warranty in the partition of an
private respondent addressed a letter to the immovable among them, upon the real
petitioner for the delivery to him (private respondent) property thus divided;
of his pro-rata share in the value of the duplex-
apartment in accordance with Article 2242 of the "(9) Claims of donors of real
Civil Code. The petitioner refused to pay the pro-rata property for pecuniary charges or
value prompting the private respondent to file the other conditions imposed upon the
instant action. As earlier stated, a decision was donee, upon the immovable donated;
rendered in favor of the private respondent. cdphil "(10) Credits of insurers upon
The parties are agreed that the only issue is the property insured, for the insurance
whether or not the private respondent is entitled to premium for two years."
claim a pro-rata share in the value of the property in
Both the petitioner bank and private
question. The applicable provision, Article 2242 of
respondent Ramos rely on the case of De
the Civil Code, reads as follows:
Barreto v. Villanueva (6 SCRA 928).
"ART. 2242. With reference to
The petitioner bank would impress upon this
specific immovable property and real
Court that the proceedings had before the court
rights of the debtor, the following
below is not one of the proceedings contemplated in
claims, mortgages and liens shall be
the De Barreto case that will sustain the authority of
preferred, and shall constitute an
the respondent court to adjudicate the claims of all
encumbrance on the immovable or
preferred creditors under Article 2242 of the Civil
real right:
Code. Petitioner argues that for Article 2242 of the
"(1) Taxes due upon the land Civil Code to apply, there must have been an
or building; insolvency proceeding or other liquidation
proceedings of similar import. And under the facts
"(2) For the unpaid price of then obtaining, there could have been no insolvency
real property sold, upon the proceeding as there were only two known
immovable sold; creditors. ** Consequently, it is argued that private
"(3) Claims of laborers, respondent's unpaid contractor's claim did not
masons, mechanics and other acquire the character of a statutory lien equal to the
workmen, as well as of architects, petitioner's registered mortgage.
engineers and contractors, engaged in Upon the other hand, private respondent
the construction, reconstruction or Ramos maintains that the proceedings had before
repair of buildings, canals or other the court below can qualify as a general liquidation
works, upon said buildings, canals or of the estate of the spouses Tabligan because the
other works; only existing property of said spouses is the property
subject matter of this litigation. LLjur
"(4) Claims of furnishers of
materials used in the construction Concurrence of credits occurs when the
reconstruction, or repair of buildings, same specific property of the debtor or all of his
canals or other works upon said property is subjected to the claims of several
buildings, canals or other works; creditors. The concurrence of credits raises no
questions of consequence where the value of the
"(5) Mortgage credits recorded property or the value of all assets of the debtor is
in the Registry of Property, upon the sufficient to pay in full all the creditors. However, it
real estate mortgaged; becomes material when said assets are insufficient
"(6) Expenses for the for then some creditors of necessity will not be paid
preservation or improvement of real or some creditors will not obtain the full satisfaction
property when the law authorizes of their claims. In this situation, the question of
reimbursement, upon the immovable preference will then arise, that is to say who of the
preserved or improved; creditors will be paid ahead of the others.
(Caguioa, Comments and Cases on Civil Law, 1970
ed., Vol. VI, p. 472.)
Under the system established by Article mortgagee's recorded encumbrance,
2249 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, only taxes and must remain subordinate to the
and assessments upon immovable property enjoy latter."
absolute preference. All the remaining specified
classes of preferred creditors under Article 2242 The resolution of this petition,
enjoy no priority among themselves. Their credits therefore, hinges on the determination
shall be satisfied pro-rata, i.e., in proportion to the of whether an insolvency proceeding
amount of the respective credits. or other liquidation proceeding of
similar import may be considered to
Under the De Barretodecision, the full have been conducted in the court
application of Articles 2242 and 2249 demands that below.
there must first be some proceeding where the
claims of all the preferred creditors may be bindingly The respondent court ruled in
adjudicated, such as insolvency, the settlement of a the affirmative holding that:
decedent's estate under Rule 87 of the Rules of "There were no known
Court, or other liquidation proceedings of similar creditors, other than the plaintiff and
import. defendant herein, and the proceedings
The pertinent ruling reads: in the present case may ascertain and
bindingly adjudicate the respective
"Thus, it becomes evident that claims of the plaintiff and the
one preferred creditor's third-party defendant, serving as a substantial
claim to the proceeds of a foreclosure compliance with what the Supreme
sale (as in the case now before us) is Court stated:
not the proceeding contemplated by
law for the enforcement of preferences "'. . . it is thus apparent that
under Article 2242, unless the the full application of Articles 2242 and
claimant were enforcing a credit for 2249 demands that there must be first
taxes that enjoy absolute priority. If some proceeding where the claims of
none of the claims is for taxes, a all the preferred creditors may be
dispute between two creditors will not bindingly adjudicated, such as
enable the Court to ascertain the pro insolvency, the settlement of a
rata dividend corresponding to each decedent's estate under Rule 87 of
because the rights of the other the Rules of Court, or other liquidation
creditors likewise enjoying preference proceedings of similar import. (de
under Article 2242 can not be Barretto v. Villanueva, et al., G.R. No.
ascertained. Wherefore, the order of L-14938, December 29, 1962).'"
the Court of First Instance of Manila
now appealed from, decreeing that the A careful considering of this petition leads us
proceeds of the foreclosure sale be to agree with the petitioner. The conclusions of the
apportioned only between appellant lower court are not supported by the law and the
and appellee, is incorrect and must be facts.
reversed. The proceedings in the court below do not
partake of the nature of the insolvency proceedings
"In the absence of insolvency
or settlement of a decedent's estate. The action filed
proceedings (or other equivalent
by Ramos was only to collect the unpaid cost of the
general liquidation of the debtor's
construction of the duplex apartment. It is far from
estate), the conflict between the
being a general liquidation of the estate of the
parties now before us must be
Tabligan spouses.
decided pursuant to the well
established principle concerning Insolvency proceedings and settlement of a
registered lands; that a purchaser in decedent's estate are both proceedings in rem which
good faith and for value (as the are binding against the whole world. All persons
appellant concededly is) takes having interest in the subject matter involved,
registered property free from liens and whether they were notified or not, are equally bound.
encumbrances other then statutory Consequently, a liquidation of similar import or "other
liens and those recorded in the equivalent general liquidation' must also necessarily
certificate of title. There being no be a proceeding in rem so that all interested persons
insolvency or liquidation, the claim of whether known to the parties or not may be bound
the appellee, as unpaid vendor, did by such proceeding.
not acquire the character and rank of
a statutory lien co-equal to the
In the case at bar, although the lower court property in question or who have a business
found that "there were no known creditors other than transaction in connection therewith. It would facilitate
the plaintiff and the defendant herein", this can not the enforcement of a legal statutory right which
be conclusive. It will not bar other creditors in the cannot be barred by laches. (See Manila Railroad
event they show up and present their claims against Co. v. Luzon Stevedoring Co., 100 Phil. 135). LLphil
the petitioner bank, claiming that they also have
Respondent Ramos admitted in the partial
preferred liens against the property involved.
stipulation of facts submitted by both parties that at
Consequently, Transfer Certificate of Title No.
the time of the loans to the spouses, the
101864 issued in favor of the bank which is
petitioner's bank had no actual or constructive
supposed to be indefeasible would remain
knowledge of any lien against the property in
constantly unstable and questionable. Such could
question. The duplex apartment house was built for
not have been the intention of Article 2243 of the
P32,927.00. The spouses Tabligan borrowed
Civil Code although it considers claims and credits
P35,000.00 for the construction of the apartment
under Article 2242 as statutory liens. Neither does
house. The bank could not have known of any
the De Barretto case sanction such instability. It
contractor's lien because, as far as it was
emphasized the following:
concerned, it financed the entire construction even if
"We are understandably loath the stated purpose of the loans was only to
(absent a clear precept of law so "complete" the construction.
commanding) to adopt a rule that
Since the action filed by the private
would undermine the faith and credit
respondent is not one which can be considered as
to be accorded to registered Torrens
"equivalent general liquidation" having the same
titles and nullify the beneficient
import as an insolvency or settlement of the
objectives sought to be obtained by
decedent's estate proceeding, the well established
the Land Registration Act. No
principle must be applied that a purchaser in good
argument is needed to stress that if a
faith and for value takes registered land free from
person dealing with registered land
liens and encumbrances other than statutory liens
were to be held to take it in every
and those recorded in the Certificate of Title. It is an
instance subject to all the fourteen
admitted fact that at the time the deeds of real estate
preferred claims enumerated in Article
mortgage in favor of the petitioner bank were
2242 of the new Civil Code, even if the
constituted, the transfer certificate of title of the
existence and import thereof can not
spouses Tabligan was free from any recorded lien
be ascertained from the records, all
and encumbrances, so that the only registered liens
confidence in Torrens titles would be
in the title were deeds in favor of the petitioner.
destroyed, and credit transactions on
the faith of such titles would be Prescinding from the foregoing, the private
hampered, if not prevented, with respondent's claim must remain subordinate to the
incalculable results. Loans on real petitioner bank's title over the property evidenced by
estate security would become aleatory TCT No. 101864.
and risky transactions, for no
WHEREFORE, the petition is granted. The
prospective lender could accurately
decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila,
estimate the hidden liens on the
Branch VII is, hereby, reversed and set aside. The
property offered as security, unless he
complaint and the counterclaim are dismissed.
indulged in complicated, tedious
investigations. The logical result might SO ORDERED.
well be a contraction of credit to
unforeseable proportions that could ||| (Philippine Savings Bank v. Lantin, G.R. No. L-33929,
lead to economic disaster. [September 2, 1983], 209 PHIL 382-392)

"Upon the other hand, it does

not appear excessively burdensome to
require the privileged creditors to
cause their claims to be recorded in
the books of the Register of Deeds
should they desire to protect their
rights even outside of insolvency or
liquidation proceedings.
In fact, an annotation, as suggested above,
would inure to the benefit of the public, particularly
those who may subsequently wish to buy the
2. HRS. OF THE LATE SPS. MAGLASANG, ET. Municipality of Kananga, Province of Leyte. 8 They
AL. V. MANILA BANKING CORPORATION, GR 171206, availed of their credit line by securing loans in the
9/23/2013 amounts of P209,790.50 and P139,805.83 on
October 24, 1975 and March 15, 1976,
[G.R. No. 171206. September 23, 2013.] respectively, 9 both of which becoming due and
demandable within a period of one year. Further, the
parties agreed that the said loans would earn
HEIRS OF THE LATE SPOUSES interest at 12% per annum (p.a.) and an additional
FLAVIANO MAGLASANG and 4% penalty would be charged upon
EDGAR A. MAGLASANG, After Flaviano Maglasang (Flaviano) died
CONCEPCION CHONA A. intestate on February 14, 1977, his widow Salud
MAGLASANG, GLENDA A. Maglasang (Salud) and their surviving children,
MAGLASANG-ARNAIZ, LERMA A. herein petitioners Oscar (Oscar), Concepcion
MAGLASANG, FELMA A. Chona, Lerma, Felma, Fe Doris, Leolino, Margie
MAGLASANG, FE DORIS A. Leila, Ma. Milalie, Salud and Ma. Flasalie, all
MAGLASANG, LEOLINO A. surnamed Maglasang, and Glenda Maglasang-
MAGLASANG, MARGIE LEILA A. Arnaiz, appointed 11 their brother petitioner Edgar
MAGLASANG, MA. MILALIE A. Maglasang (Edgar) as their attorney-in-
MAGLASANG, SALUD A. fact. 12 Thus, on March 30, 1977, Edgar filed a
MAGLASANG, and MA. FLASALIE verified petition for letters of administration of the
A. MAGLASANG, REPRESENTING intestate estate of Flaviano before the then Court of
THE ESTATES OF THEIR AFORE- First Instance of Leyte, Ormoc City, Branch 5
NAMED DECEASED (probate court), docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 1604-
PARENTS, petitioners, vs. MANILA 0. 13 On August 9, 1977, the probate court issued
BANKING CORPORATION, now an Order 14 granting the petition, thereby appointing
substituted by FIRST SOVEREIGN Edgar as the administrator 15 of Flaviano's
INC. [FSAMI], respondent. In view of the issuance of letters of
administration, the probate court, on August 30,
1977, issued a Notice to Creditors 16 for the filing of
money claims against Flaviano's estate. Accordingly,
DECISION as one of the creditors of Flaviano, respondent
notified 17 the probate court of its claim in the
amount of P382,753.19 as of October 11, 1978,
PERLAS-BERNABE, J p: exclusive of interests and charges.

Assailed in this petition for review During the pendency of the intestate
on certiorari 1 are the Decision 2 dated July 20, proceedings, Edgar and Oscar were able to obtain
2005 and Resolution 3 dated January 4, 2006 of the several loans from respondent, secured by
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 50410 promissory notes 18 which they signed.
which dismissed petitioners' appeal and affirmed the In an Order 19 dated December 14, 1978
Decision 4 dated April 6, 1987 of the Regional Trial (December 14, 1978 Order), the probate court
Court of Ormoc City, Branch 12 (RTC) directing terminated the proceedings with the surviving heirs
petitioners to jointly and severally pay respondent executing an extra-judicial partition of the properties
Manila Banking Corporation the amount of of Flaviano's estate. The loan obligations owed by
P434,742.36, with applicable interests, representing the estate to respondent, however, remained
the deficiency of the former's total loan obligation to unsatisfied due to respondent's certification that
the latter after the extra-judicial foreclosure of the Flaviano's account was undergoing a restructuring.
real estate mortgage subject of this case, including Nonetheless, the probate court expressly recognized
attorney's fees and costs of suit. the rights of respondent under the mortgage and
The Facts promissory notes executed by the Sps. Maglasang,
specifically, its "right to foreclose the same within the
On June 16, 1975, spouses Flaviano and statutory period." 20
Salud Maglasang (Sps. Maglasang) obtained a
credit line from respondent 5 in the amount of In this light, respondent proceeded to extra-
P350,000.00 which was secured by a real estate judicially foreclose the mortgage covering the Sps.
mortgage 6 executed over seven of their Maglasang's properties and emerged as the highest
properties 7 located in Ormoc City and the bidder at the public auction for the amount of

P350,000.00. 21 There, however, remained a apply is Act No. 3135 33 which entitles respondent
deficiency on Sps. Maglasang's obligation to to claim the deficiency amount after the extra-judicial
respondent. Thus, on June 24, 1981, respondent foreclosure of the real estate mortgage of Sps.
filed a suit to recover the deficiency amount of Maglasang's properties. 34
P250,601.05 as of May 31, 1981 against the estate
Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was
of Flaviano, his widow Salud and petitioners,
subsequently denied in a Resolution 35 dated
docketed as Civil Case No. 1998-0. 22 AHSEaD
January 4, 2006. Hence, the present recourse.
The RTC Ruling and Subsequent Proceedings
The Issue Before the Court
After trial on the merits, the RTC (formerly,
The essential issue in this case is whether
the probate court) 23 rendered a Decision 24 on
or not the CA erred in affirming the RTC's award of
April 6, 1987 directing the petitioners to pay
the deficiency amount in favor of respondent.
respondent, jointly and severally, the amount of
P434,742.36 with interest at the rate of 12% p.a., Petitioners assert 36 that it is not Act No.
plus a 4% penalty charge, reckoned from September 3135 but Section 7, Rule 86 of the Rules which
5, 1984 until fully paid. 25 The RTC found that it was applies in this case. The latter provision provides
shown, by a preponderance of evidence, that alternative and exclusive remedies for the
petitioners, after the extra-judicial foreclosure of all satisfaction of respondent's claim against the estate
the properties mortgaged, still have an outstanding of Flaviano. 37 Corollarily, having filed its claim
obligation in the amount and as of the date as against the estate during the intestate proceedings,
above-stated. The RTC also found in order the petitioners argue that respondent had effectively
payment of interests and penalty charges as above- waived the remedy of foreclosure and, even
mentioned as well as attorney's fees equivalent to assuming that it still had the right to do so, it was
10% of the outstanding obligation. 26 precluded from filing a suit for the recovery of the
deficiency obligation. 38 AEIHaS
Dissatisfied, petitioners elevated the case to
the CA on appeal, contending, 27 inter alia, that the Likewise, petitioners maintain that the extra-
remedies available to respondent under Section 7, judicial foreclosure of the subject properties was null
Rule 86 of the Rules of Court (Rules) are alternative and void, not having been conducted in the capital of
and exclusive, such that the election of one operates the Province of Leyte in violation of the stipulations
as a waiver or abandonment of the others. Thus, in the real estate mortgage contract. 39 They
when respondent filed its claim against the estate of likewise deny any personal liability for the loans
Flaviano in the proceedings before the probate taken by their deceased parents. 40
court, it effectively abandoned its right to foreclose
The Court's Ruling
on the mortgage. Moreover, even on the assumption
that it has not so waived its right to foreclose, it is The petition is partly meritorious.
nonetheless barred from filing any claim for any
deficiency amount. Claims against deceased persons should be
filed during the settlement proceedings of their
During the pendency of the appeal, estate. 41 Such proceedings are primarily governed
Flaviano's widow, Salud, passed away on July 25, by special rules found under Rules 73 to 90 of the
1997. 28 DISHEA Rules, although rules governing ordinary actions
may, as far as practicable, apply
The CA Ruling
suppletorily. 42 Among these special rules, Section
In a Decision 29 dated July 20, 2005, the CA 7, Rule 86 of the Rules (Section 7, Rule 86) provides
denied the petitioners' appeal and affirmed the the rule in dealing with secured claims against the
RTC's Decision. At the outset, it pointed out that the estate:
probate court erred when it, through the December
SEC. 7. Mortgage debt due
14, 1978 Order, closed and terminated the
from estate. — A creditor holding a
proceedings in Sp. Proc. No. 1604-0 without first
claim against the deceased secured
satisfying the claims of the creditors of the estate —
by a mortgage or other collateral
in particular, respondent — in violation of Section 1,
security, may abandon the security
Rule 90 of the Rules. 30 As a consequence,
and prosecute his claim in the manner
respondent was not able to collect from the
provided in this rule, and share in the
petitioners and thereby was left with the option of
general distribution of the assets of
foreclosing the real estate mortgage. 31 Further, the
the estate; or he may foreclose his
CA held that Section 7, Rule 86 of the Rules does
mortgage or realize upon his security,
not apply to the present case since the same does
by action in court, making the executor
not involve a mortgage made by the administrator
or administrator a party defendant,
over any property belonging to the estate of the
and if there is a judgment for a
decedent. 32 According to the CA, what should
deficiency, after the sale of the Jurisprudence breaks down the rule under
mortgaged premises, or the property Section 7, Rule 86 and explains that the secured
pledged, in the foreclosure or other creditor has three remedies/options that he may
proceeding to realize upon the alternatively adopt for the satisfaction of his
security, he may claim his deficiency indebtedness. In particular, he may choose
judgment in the manner provided in to: (a) waive the mortgage and claim the entire debt
the preceding section; or he may rely from the estate of the mortgagor as an ordinary
upon his mortgage or other security claim; (b) foreclose the mortgage judicially and prove
alone, and foreclose the same at any the deficiency as an ordinary claim; and (c) rely on
time within the period of the statute of the mortgage exclusively, or other security and
limitations, and in that event he shall foreclose the same before it is barred by
not be admitted as a creditor, and prescription, without the right to file a claim for any
shall receive no share in the deficiency. 45 It must, however, be emphasized that
distribution of the other assets of the these remedies are distinct, independent and
estate; but nothing herein contained mutually exclusive from each other; thus, the
shall prohibit the executor or election of one effectively bars the exercise of the
administrator from redeeming the others. With respect to real properties, the Court
property mortgaged or pledged, by in Bank of America v. American Realty
paying the debt for which it is held as Corporation 46 pronounced: cDTACE
security, under the direction of the
In our jurisdiction, the
court, if the court shall adjudged it to
remedies available to the mortgage
be for the best interest of the estate
creditor are deemed alternative and
that such redemption shall be made.
not cumulative. Notably, an election
(Emphasis and underscoring
of one remedy operates as a waiver
supplied) DTEAHI
of the other. For this purpose, a
As the foregoing generally speaks of "[a] remedy is deemed chosen upon the
creditor holding a claim against the deceased filing of the suit for collection or upon
secured by a mortgage or other collateral security" the filing of the complaint in an action
as above-highlighted, it may be reasonably for foreclosure of mortgage, pursuant
concluded that the aforementioned section covers all to the provision of Rule 68 of the 1997
secured claims, whether by mortgage or any other Rules of Civil Procedure. As to
form of collateral, which a creditor may enforce extrajudicial foreclosure, such remedy
against the estate of the deceased debtor. On the is deemed elected by the mortgage
contrary, nowhere from its language can it be fairly creditor upon filing of the petition not
deducible that the said section would — as the CA with any court of justice but with the
interpreted — narrowly apply only to mortgages Office of the Sheriff of the province
made by the administrator over any property where the sale is to be made, in
belonging to the estate of the decedent. To note, accordance with the provisions of Act
mortgages of estate property executed by the No. 3135, as amended by Act No.
administrator, are also governed by Rule 89 of the 4118. 47 (Emphasis
Rules, captioned as "Sales, Mortgages, and Other supplied) CTHDcE
Encumbrances of Property of Decedent."
Anent the third remedy, it must be
In this accord, it bears to stress that the CA's mentioned that the same includes the option of
reliance on Philippine National Bank v. extra-judicially foreclosing the mortgage under Act
CA 43 (PNB) was misplaced as the said case did No. 3135, as availed of by respondent in this case.
not, in any manner, limit the scope of Section 7, Rule However, the plain result of adopting the last mode
86. It only stated that the aforesaid section equally of foreclosure is that the creditor waives his right to
applies to cases where the administrator mortgages recover any deficiency from the estate. 48 These
the property of the estate to secure the loan he precepts were discussed in the PNB case,
obtained. 44 Clearly, the pronouncement was a citing Perez v. Philippine National Bank 49 which
ruling of inclusion and not one which created a overturned the earlier Pasno v. Ravina ruling: 50
distinction. It cannot, therefore, be doubted that it is
Case law now holds that this
Section 7, Rule 86 which remains applicable in
rule grants to the mortgagee three
dealing with a creditor's claim against the mortgaged
distinct, independent and mutually
property of the deceased debtor, as in this case, as
exclusive remedies that can be
well as mortgages made by the administrator, as
alternatively pursued by the mortgage
that in the PNB case.
creditor for the satisfaction of his credit

in case the mortgagor dies, among would precisely include
them: extra-judicial
foreclosures by contrast with
(1) to waive the
the second alternative.
mortgage and claim
the entire debt from The plain result of adopting
the estate of the the last mode of foreclosure is that
mortgagor as an the creditor waives his right to
ordinary claim; recover any deficiency from the
estate. Following the Perez ruling
(2) to foreclose the
that the third mode includes
mortgage judicially
extrajudicial foreclosure sales, the
and prove any
result of extrajudicial foreclosure is
deficiency as an
that the creditor waives any further
ordinary claim; and
deficiency claim. . . . . 51 (Emphases
(3) to rely on the and underscoring supplied; italics in
mortgage the original) THIECD
To obviate any confusion, the Court
foreclosing the
observes that the operation of Act No. 3135 does not
same at any time
entirely discount the application of Section 7, Rule
before it is barred
86, or vice-versa. Rather, the two complement each
other within their respective spheres of operation.
prescription without
On the one hand, Section 7, Rule 86 lays down the
right to file a claim
options for the secured creditor to claim against the
for any deficiency.
estate and, according to jurisprudence, the
In Perez v. Philippine National availment of the third option bars him from claiming
Bank, reversing Pasno vs. Ravina, we any deficiency amount. On the other hand, after the
held: ACSaHc third option is chosen, the procedure governing the
manner in which the extra-judicial foreclosure should
The ruling in Pasno v. proceed would still be governed by the provisions of
Ravina not having been Act No. 3135. Simply put, Section 7, Rule 86
reiterated in any other case, governs the parameters and the extent to which a
we have carefully reexamined claim may be advanced against the estate, whereas
the same, and after mature Act No. 3135 sets out the specific procedure to be
deliberation have reached the followed when the creditor subsequently chooses
conclusion that the dissenting the third option — specifically, that of extra-judicially
opinion is more in conformity foreclosing real property belonging to the estate. The
with reason and law. Of the application of the procedure under Act No. 3135
three alternative courses that must be concordant with Section 7, Rule 86 as the
section 7, Rule 87 (now Rule latter is a special rule applicable to claims against
86), offers the mortgage the estate, and at the same time, since Section 7,
creditor, to wit, (1) to waive Rule 86 does not detail the procedure for extra-
the mortgage and claim the judicial foreclosures, the formalities governing the
entire debt from the estate of manner of availing of the third option — such as the
the mortgagor as an ordinary place where the application for extra-judicial
claim; (2) foreclose the foreclosure is filed, the requirements of publication
mortgage judicially and prove and posting and the place of sale — must be
any deficiency as an ordinary governed by Act No. 3135.
claim; and (3) to rely on the
mortgage exclusively, In this case, respondent sought to extra-
foreclosing the same at any judicially foreclose the mortgage of the properties
time before it is barred by previously belonging to Sps. Maglasang (and now,
prescription, without right to their estates) and, therefore, availed of the third
file a claim for any deficiency, option. Lest it be misunderstood, it did not exercise
the majority opinion in Pasno the first option of directly filing a claim against the
v. Ravina, in requiring a estate, as petitioners assert, since it merely
judicial foreclosure, virtually notified 52 the probate court of the outstanding
wipes out the third alternative amount of its claim against the estate of Flaviano
conceded by the Rules to the and that it was currently restructuring the
mortgage creditor, and which account. 53 Thus, having unequivocally opted to

exercise the third option of extra-judicial foreclosure All told, finding that the extra-judicial
under Section 7, Rule 86, respondent is now foreclosure subject of this case was properly
precluded from filing a suit to recover any deficiency conducted in accordance with the formalities of Act
amount as earlier discussed. cIADaC No. 3135, the Court upholds the same as a valid
exercise of respondent's third option under Section
As a final point, petitioners maintain that the
7, Rule 86. To reiterate, respondent cannot,
extra-judicial foreclosure of the subject properties
however, file any suit to recover any deficiency
was null and void since the same was conducted in
amount since it effectively waived its right thereto
violation of the stipulation in the real estate mortgage
when it chose to avail of extra-judicial foreclosure as
contract stating that the auction sale should be held
jurisprudence instructs. ADCTac
in the capital of the province where the properties
are located, i.e., the Province of Leyte. WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY
GRANTED. The complaint for the recovery of the
The Court disagrees.
deficiency amount after extra-judicial foreclosure
As may be gleaned from the records, the filed by respondent Manila Banking Corporation is
stipulation under the real estate hereby DISMISSED. The extra-judicial foreclosure of
mortgage 54 executed by Sps. Maglasang which the mortgaged properties, however, stands.
fixed the place of the foreclosure sale at Tacloban
City lacks words of exclusivity which would bar any
other acceptable fora wherein the said sale may be ||| (Heirs of the Late Sps. Magsalang v. Manila Banking
conducted, to wit: Corp., G.R. No. 171206, [September 23, 2013], 718
It is hereby agreed that in PHIL 256-273)
case of foreclosure of this mortgage
under Act 3135, the auction sale shall
be held at the capital of the province if
the property is within the territorial
jurisdiction of the province concerned,
or shall be held in the city if the
property is within the territorial
jurisdiction of the city
concerned; . . . . 55
Case law states that absent such qualifying
or restrictive words to indicate the exclusivity of the
agreed forum, the stipulated place should only be as
an additional, not a limiting venue. 56 As a
consequence, the stipulated venue and that
provided under Act No. 3135 can be applied
In particular, Section 2 of Act No. 3135
allows the foreclosure sale to be done within the
province where the property to be sold is
situated, viz.:
SEC. 2. Said sale cannot be
made legally outside of the
province which the property sold is
situated; and in case the place within
said province in which the sale is to be
made is subject to stipulation, such
sale shall be made in said place or in
the municipal building of the
municipality in which the property or
part thereof is situated. (Italics
supplied) DAEcIS
In this regard, since the auction sale was
conducted in Ormoc City, which is within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Province of Leyte, then
the Court finds sufficient compliance with the above-
cited requirement.
3. GARCIA FULE V. CA, 74 SCRA 189 A motion for reconsideration was filed by
Preciosa B. Garcia on May 8, 1973, contending that
[G.R. No. L-40502. November 29, 1976.] the order appointing Virginia G. Fule as special
administratrix was issued without jurisdiction, since
no notice of the petition for letters of administration
VIRGINIA GARCIA FULE and has been served upon all persons interested in the
HONORABLE SEVERO A. MALVAR, estate; there has been no delay or cause for delay in
Presiding Judge, Court of First the proceedings for the appointment of a regular
Instance of Laguna, Branch administrator as the surviving spouse of Amado
VI, petitioners, vs. THE G. Garcia, she should be preferred in the
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS  appointment of a special administratrix; and, Virginia
* , PRECIOSA B. GARCIA and G. Fule is a debtor of the estate of Amado G. Garcia.
AGUSTINA B. GARCIA, respondents. Preciosa B. Garcia, therefore, prayed that she be
appointed special administratrix of the estate, in
lieu of Virginia G. Fule, and as regular administratrix
[G.R. No. L-42670.] after due hearing. prcd
While this reconsideration motion was
VIRGINIA GARCIA FULE, petitioner,  pending resolution before the Court, Preciosa
vs. HONORABLE ERNANI C. PAÑO, B. Garcia filed on May 29, 1973 a motion to remove
Presiding Judge of Court of First Virginia G. Fule as special administratrix alleging,
Instance of Rizal, Quezon City, besides the jurisdictional ground raised in the motion
Branch XVIII, and PRECIOSA for reconsideration of May 8, 1973 that her
B. GARCIA, respondents. appointment was obtained through erroneous,
misleading and/or incomplete misrepresentations;
that Virginia G. Fule has adverse interest against the
Francisco Carreon for petitioners. estate; and that she has shown herself unsuitable as
Augusto G. Gatmaytan for private administratrix and as officer of the court.
respondents. In the meantime, the notice of hearing of the
petition for letters of administration filed by Virginia
G. Fule with the Court of First Instance of Calamba,
Laguna, was published on May 17, 24, and 31,
1973, in the Bayanihan, a weekly
publication of general circulation in Southern Luzon.
On June 6, 1973, Preciosa
MARTIN, J p: B. Garcia received a "Supplemental Petition for the
Appointment of Regular Administrator" filed by
These two interrelated cases bring to Us the Virginia G. Fule. This supplemental petition modified
question of what the word "resides" in Section 1, the original petition in four aspects: (1) the allegation
Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court, referring to that during the lifetime of the deceased Amado
the situs of the settlement of the estate of deceased G. Garcia, he was elected as Constitutional
persons, means. Additionally, the rule in the Delegate for the First District of Laguna and his last
appointment of a special administrator is sought to place of residence was at Calamba, Laguna; (2) the
be reviewed. deletion of the names of Preciosa B. Garcia and
On May 2, 1973, Virginia G. Fule filed with Agustina Garcia as legal heirs of Amado G. Garcia;
the Court of First Instance of Laguna, at Calamba, (3) the allegation that Carolina Carpio, who was
presided over by Judge Severo A. Malvar, a petition simply listed as heir in the original petition, is the
for letters of administration, docketed as Sp. Proc. surviving spouse of Amado G. Garcia and that she
No. 27-C, alleging, inter alia, "that on April 26, 1973, has expressly renounced her preferential right to the
Amado G. Garcia, a property owner of Calamba, administration of the estate in favor of Virginia
Laguna, died intestate in the City of Manila, leaving G. Fule; and (4) that Virginia G. Fule be appointed
real estate and personal properties in Calamba, as the regular administratrix. The admission of this
Laguna, and in other places, within the supplemental petition was opposed by Preciosa
jurisdiction of the Honorable Court." At the same B. Garcia for the reason, among others, that it
time, she moved ex parte for her appointment as attempts to confer jurisdiction on the Court of First
special administratrix over the estate. On even date, Instance of Laguna, of which the court was not
May 2, 1973, Judge Malvar granted the motion. possessed at the beginning because the original
petition was deficient.

On July 19, 1973, Preciosa B. Garcia filed Malvar ruled that the powers of the special
an opposition to the original and supplemental administratrix are those provided for in Section 2,
petitions for letters of administration, raising the Rule 80 of the Rules of Court, 1 subject only to the
issues of jurisdiction, venue, previous qualification made by the court that the
lack of interest of Virginia G. Fule in the administration of the properties subject of the
estate of Amado G. Garcia, and marketing agreement with the Canlubang Sugar
disqualification of Virginia G. Fule as special Planters Cooperative Marketing Association should
administratrix. remain with the latter; and that the special
administratrix had already been authorized in a
An omnibus motion was filed by Virginia
previous order of August 20, 1973 to take custody
G. Fule on August 20, 1973, praying for authority to
and possession of all papers and certificates of title
take possession of properties of the decedent
and personal effects of the decedent with the
allegedly in the hands of third persons as well as to
Canlubang Sugar Planters Cooperative Marketing
secure cash advances from the Calamba Sugar
Association, Inc. Ramon Mercado, of the Canlubang
Planters Cooperative Marketing Association, Inc.
Sugar Planters Cooperative Marketing Association,
Preciosa B. Garcia opposed the motion, calling
Inc., was ordered to deliver to Preciosa B. Garcia all
attention to the limitation made by Judge Malvar on
certificates of title in her name without any qualifying
the power of the special administratrix, viz., "to
words like "married to Amado Garcia" does not
making an inventory of the personal and real
appear. Regarding the motion to dismiss, Judge
properties making up the estate of the deceased."
Malvar ruled that the issue of jurisdiction had already
However, by July 2, 1973, Judge Malvar and been resolved in the order of July 2, 1973, denying
already issued an order, received by Preciosa Preciosa B. Garcia's motion to reconsider the
B. Garcia only on July 31, 1973, denying the appointment of Virginia G. Fule and admitting the
motion of Preciosa B. Garcia to reconsider the supplemental petition, the failure of Virginia
order of May 2, 1973, appointing Virginia G. Fule as G. Fule to allege in her original petition for
special administratrix, and admitting the letters of administration in the
supplementation petition of May 18, 1973. LLphil place of residence of the decedent at the time of his
death was cured. Judge Malvar further held that
On August 31, 1973, Preciosa Preciosa B. Garcia had submitted to the
B. Garcia moved to dismiss the petition, because (1) jurisdiction of the court and had waived her
jurisdiction over the petition or over the parties in objections thereto by praying to be appointed as
interest has not been acquired by the court; (2) special and regular administratrix of the estate.
venue was improperly laid; and (3) Virginia
G. Fule is not a party in interest as she is not entitled An omnibus motion was filed by Preciosa
to inherit from the deceased Amado G. Garcia. B. Garcia on December 27, 1973 to clarify or
reconsider the foregoing order of Judge Malvar, in
On September 28, 1973, Preciosa view of previous court order limiting the
B. Garcia filed a supplemental motion to substitute authority of the special administratrix to the
Virginia G. Fule as special administratrix, reasoning making of an inventory. Preciosa B. Garcia also
that the said Virginia G. Fule admitted before asked for the resolution of her motion to dismiss the
the court that she is a full-blooded sister of Pablo G. petitions for lack of cause of action, and also that
Alcaide, an illegitimate son of Andrea Alcaide, with filed in behalf of Agustina B. Garcia.
whom the deceased Amado G. Garcia has no Resolution of her motions to substitute and remove
relation. the special administratrix was likewise prayed for.
Three motions were filed by Preciosa On December 19, 1973, Judge Malvar
B. Garcia on November 14, 1973, one, to enjoin the issued two separate orders, the first, denying
special administratrix from taking Preciosa B. Garcia's motions to substitute and
possession of properties in the hands of third remove the special administratrix, and the second,
persons which have not been determined as holding that the power allowed the special
belonging to Amado G. Garcia; another, to remove administratrix enables her to conduct and submit an
the special administratrix for acting outside her inventory of the assets of the estate.
authority and against the interest of the estate; and
still another, filed in behalf of the minor Agustina On January 7, 1974, Preciosa
B. Garcia, to dismiss the petition for B. Garcia moved for reconsideration of the foregoing
want of cause of action, jurisdiction, and improper orders of November 28, 1973 and December 19,
venue. 1973, insofar as they sustained or failed to rule on
the issues raised by her: (a) legal standing
On November 28, 1973, Judge Malvar (cause of action) of Virginia G. Fule; (b) venue; (c)
resolved the pending omnibus motion of Virgina jurisdiction; (d) appointment, qualification and
G. Fule and the motion to dismiss filed by Preciosa removal of special administratrix; and (e) delivery to
B. Garcia. Resolving the motion to dismiss, Judge
the special administratrix of checks and papers and the matter to Us on appeal by certiorari. The case
effects in the office of the Calamba Sugar Planters was docketed as G.R. No. L-40502.
Cooperative Marketing Association, Inc.
However, even before Virginia G. Fule could
On March 27, 1973, Judge Malvar issued receive the decision of the Court of Appeals,
the first questioned order denying Preciosa Preciosa B. Garcia had already filed on February 1,
B. Garcia's motion for reconsideration of January 7, 1975 a petition for letters of administration before
1974. On July 19, 1974, Judge Malvar issued the the Court of First Instance of Rizal, Quezon City
other three questioned orders one, directing Ramon Branch, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. Q-19738, over
Mercado, of the Calamba Sugar Planters the same intestate estate of Amado G. Garcia. On
Cooperative Marketing Association, Inc., to furnish February 10, 1975, Preciosa B. Garcia urgently
Virginia G. Fule, as special administratrix, moved for her appointment as special
copy of the statement of accounts and final administratrix of the estate. Judge Vicente G. Ericta
liquidation of sugar pool, as well as to deliver to her granted the motion and appointed Preciosa
the corresponding amount due the estate; another, B. Garcia as special administratrix upon a
directing Preciosa B. Garcia to deliver to Virginia bond of P30,000.00. Preciosa B. Garcia qualified
G. Fule two motor vehicles presumably belonging to and assumed the office.
the estate; and another, directing Ramon Mercado to
For the first time, on February 14, 1975,
deliver to the court all certificates of title in his
Preciosa B. Garcia informed Judge Ericta of the
possession in the name of Preciosa B. Garcia,
pendency of Sp. Proc. No. 27-C before Judge
whether qualified with the word "single" or "married
Malvar of the Court of First Instance of Laguna, and
to Amado Garcia." prLL
the annulment of the proceedings therein by
During the hearing of the various the Court of Appeals on January 30, 1975. She
incidents of this case (Sp. Proc. 27-C) before Judge manifested, however, her willingness to withdraw
Malvar, 2 Virginia G. Fule presented the death Sp. Proc. Q-19738 should the
certificate of Amado G. Garcia showing that his decision of the Court of Appeals annulling the
residence at the time of his death was Quezon City. proceedings before the Court of First
On her part, Preciosa B. Garcia presented the Instance of Laguna in Sp. Proc. No. 27-C have not
residence certificate of the decedent for 1973 yet become final, it being the subject of a motion for
showing that three months before his death his reconsideration.
residence was in Quezon City. Virginia G. Fule also On March 10, 1973, Judge Ericta ordered
testified that Amado G. Garcia was residing in the suspension of the proceedings before
Calamba, Laguna at the time of his death, and that his court until Preciosa B. Garcia inform
he was a delegate to the 1971 Constitutional the court of the final outcome of the case pending
Convention for the first district of Laguna. before the Court of Appeals. This notwithstanding,
On July 26, 1974, Preciosa B. Garcia and Preciosa B. Garcia filed on December 11, 1975, an
Agustina B. Garcia commenced a special action for "Urgent Petition for Authority to Pay Estate
certiorari and/or prohibition and preliminary Obligations."
injunction before the Court of Appeals, docketed On December 13, 1975, Virginia
as CA-G.R. No. 03221-SP. primarily to annul the G. Fule filed a "Special Appearance to Question
proceedings before Judge Malvar in Sp. Proc. No. Venue and Jurisdiction" reiterating the grounds
27-C of the Court of First Instance of Laguna, or, in stated in the previous special appearance of March
the alternative, to vacate the questioned four 3, 1975, and calling attention that the
orders of that court, viz., one dated March 27, 1974, decision of the Court of Appeals and its resolution
denying their motion for reconsideration of the order denying the motion for reconsideration had been
denying their motion to dismiss the criminal and appealed to this Court; that the parties had already
supplemental petitions on the issue, among filed their respective briefs; and that the case is still
others, of jurisdiction, and the three others, all dated pending before the Court.
July 19, 1974, directing the delivery of certain
properties to the special administratrix, Virginia On December 17, 1975, Judge Ernani Cruz
G. Fule, and to the court. Paño, who succeeded Judge Ericta, issued an order
granting Preciosa B. Garcia's "Urgent Petition for
On January 30, 1975, Authority to Pay Estate Obligations" in that the
the Court of Appeals rendered judgment annulling payments were for the benefit of the estate and that
the proceedings before Judge Severo A. Malvar in there hangs a cloud of doubt on the validity of the
Sp. Proc. 27-C of the Court of First proceedings in Sp. Proc. No. 27-
Instance of Calamba, Laguna, for lack of jurisdiction. C of the Court of First Instance of Laguna.
Denied of their motion for reconsideration on A compliance of this Order was filed by
March 31, 1975, Virginia G. Fule forthwith elevated Preciosa B. Garcia on January 12, 1976.
On February 4, 1974, VIRGINIA procedural matters. Procedure is one thing;
G. FULE instituted G.R. No. L-42670, a petition for jurisdiction over the subject matter is another. The
certiorari with temporary restraining order, to annul power or authority of the court over the subject
the proceedings in Sp. Proc. No. Q-19738 and to matter "existed and was fixed before procedure in a
restrain Judge Ernani Cruz Paño from further acting given cause began." That power or authority is not
in the case. A restraining order was issued on altered or changed by procedure, which simply
February 9, 1976. LLpr directs the manner in which the power or authority
shall be fully and justly exercised. There are cases
We dismiss the appeal in G.R. No. L-
though that if the power is not exercised conformably
40502 and the petition for certiorari in G.R. No. L-
with the provisions of the procedural law, purely,
42670 for the reasons and considerations
the court attempting to exercise it loses the power to
hereinafter stated.
exercise it legally. However, this does not amount to
1. Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised a loss of jurisdiction over the subject matter. Rather,
Rules of Court provides: "If the decedent is an it means that the court may thereby lose jurisdiction
inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his over the person or that the judgment may thereby be
death, whether a citizen or an alien, his will shall be rendered defective for lack of something essential to
proved, or letters of administration granted, and his sustain it. The appearance of this provision in the
estate settled, in the Court of First Instance in the procedural law at once raises a strong presumption
province in which he resides at the time of his death, that it has nothing to do with the
and if he is an inhabitant of a foreign country, jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter. In
the Court of First Instance of any province in which plain words, it is just a
he had estate. The court first taking matter of method, of convenience to the parties. 5
cognizance of the settlement of the estate of a
The Judiciary Act of 1948, as amended,
decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the
confers upon Courts of First Instance jurisdiction
exclusion of all other courts. The jurisdiction
over all probate cases independently of the
assumed by a court, so far as it depends on the
place of residence of the deceased. Because of the
place of residence of the decedent, or of the
existence of numerous Courts of First Instance in the
location of his estate, shall not be contested in a suit
country, the Rules of Court, however purposedly
or proceeding, except in an appeal from that court, in
fixes the venue or the place where each case shall
the original case, or when the want of jurisdiction
be brought. A fortiori, the place of residence of the
appears on the record." With particular regard to
deceased in settlement of estates, probate of will,
letters of administration, Section 2, Rule 79 of the
and issuance of letters of administration does not
Revised Rules of Court demands that the petition
constitute an element of jurisdiction over the subject
therefor should affirmatively show the
matter. It is merely constitutive of venue. And it is
existence of jurisdiction to make the appointment
upon this reason that the Revised
sought, and should allege all the necessary facts,
Rules of Court properly considers the province
such as death, the name and last residence of the
where the estate of a deceased person shall be
decedent, the existence, and situs if need
settled as "venue." 6
be, of assets, intestacy, where this is relied upon,
and the right of the person who seeks 2. But, the far-ranging question is this: What
administration, as next of kin, creditor, or otherwise, does the term "resides" mean? Does it refer to the
to be appointed. The fact of death of the intestate actual residence or domicile of the decedent at the
and his last residence within the country are time of his death? We lay down the doctrinal rule
foundation facts upon which all subsequent that the term "resides" connotes ex vi termini "actual
proceedings in the administration of the estate rest, residence" as distinguished from "legal residence or
and that if the intestate was not an inhabitant of the domicile." This term "resides," like the terms
state at the time of his death, and left no assets in "residing" and "residence," is elastic and should be
the state, no jurisdiction is conferred on the court to interpreted in the light of the object or purpose of the
grant letters of administration. 3 statute or rule in which it is employed. 7 In the
application of venue statutes and rules — Section 1,
The aforequoted Section 1, Rule 73
Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court is of such
(formerly Rule 75, Section 1), specifically the clause
nature — residence rather than domicile is the
"so far as it depends on the place of residence of the
significant factor. Even where the statute uses the
decedent, or of the location of the estate," is in
word "domicile" still it is construed as meaning
reality a matter of venue, as the caption of the Rule
residence and not domicile in the technical sense.
indicates: "Settlement of Estate of Deceased
Some cases make a distinction between the terms
Persons. Venue and Processes." 4 It could not have
"residence" and "domicile" but as generally used in
been intended to define the jurisdiction over the
statutes fixing venue, the terms are synonymous,
subject matter, because such legal provision is
and convey the same meaning as the term
contained in a law of procedure dealing merely with
"inhabitant." 8 In other words, "resides" should be
viewed or understood in its popular sense, meaning, Marketing Association, Inc.; the Deed of Donation
the personal, actual or physical habitation of a dated January 8, 1973, transferring part of his
person, actual residence or place of abode. It interest in certain parcels of land in Calamba,
signifies physical presence in a place and actual Laguna to Agustina B. Garcia; and
stay thereat. In this popular sense, the term means certificates of titles covering parcels of land in
merely residence, that is, personal residence, not Calamba, Laguna, show in bold documents that
legal residence or domicile. 9 Residence simply Amado G. Garcia's last place of residence was at
requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given Quezon City. Withal, the conclusion becomes
place, while domicile requires bodily presence in that imperative that the venue for Virginia
place and also an intention to make it one's C. Fule's petition for letters of administration was
domicile. 10 No particular length of time of residence improperly laid in the Court of First
is required though; however, the residence must be Instance of Calamba, Laguna. Nevertheless, the
more than temporary. 11 long-settled rule is that objection to improper venue
is subject to waiver. Section 4, Rule 4 of the Revised
3. Divergent claims are maintained by Rules of Court states: "When improper venue is not
Virginia G. Fule and Preciosa B. Garcia on the objected to in a motion to dismiss, it is deemed
residence of the deceased Amado G. Garcia at the waived." In the case before Us
time of his death. In her original petition for the Court of Appeals had reason to hold that in
letters of administration before the Court of First asking to substitute Virginia G. Fule as special
Instance of Calamba, Laguna, Virginia administratrix, Preciosa B. Garcia did not necessarily
G. Fule measely stated "(t)hat on April 26, 1973, waive her objection to the jurisdiction or venue
Amado G. Garcia, a property owner of Calamba, assumed by the Court of First Instance of Calamba,
Laguna, died intestate in the City of Manila, leaving Laguna, but availed of a mere practical resort to
real estate and personal properties in Calamba, alternative remedy to assert her rights as surviving
Laguna, and in other places within the spouse, while insisting on the enforcement of the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court." Preciosa Rule fixing the proper venue of the proceedings at
B. Garcia assailed the petition for failure to satisfy the last residence of the decedent.
the jurisdictional requirement and improper
laying of venue. For her, the quoted statement avers 4. Preciosa B. Garcia's challenge to Virginia
no domicile or residence of the deceased Amado G. Fule's appointment as special administratrix is
G. Garcia. To say that as "property another issue of perplexity. Preciosa
owner of Calamba, Laguna," he also resides in B. Garcia claims preference to the appointment as
Calamba, Laguna, is, according to her, non sequitur. surviving spouse. Section 1 of Rule 80 provides that
On the contrary, Preciosa B. Garcia claims that, as "(w)hen there is delay in granting letters
appearing in his death certificate presented by testamentary or of administration by any cause
Virginia G. Fule herself before the including an appeal from the allowance or
Calamba court and in other papers, the last disallowance of a will, the court may appoint
residence of Amado G. Garcia was at 11 Carmel a special administrator to take possession and
Avenue, Carmel Subdivision, Quezon City. charge of the estate of the deceased until the
Parenthetically, in her amended petition, Virginia questions causing the delay are decided and
G. Fule categorically alleged that Amado executors or administrators appointed. 13 Formerly,
G. Garcia's "last place of residence was at Calamba, the appointment of a special administrator was only
Laguna." LibLex proper when the allowance or disallowance of a will
is under appeal. The new Rules, however,
On this issue, We rule that the last broadened the basis for appointment and such
place of residence of the deceased Amado appointment is now allowed when there is delay in
G. Garcia was at 11 Carmel Avenue, Carmel granting letters testamentary or administration by
Subdivision, Quezon City, and not at Calamba, any cause, e.g., parties cannot agree among
Laguna. A death certificate is admissible to prove themselves. 14 Nevertheless, the discretion to
the residence of the decedent at the time of his appoint a special administrator or not lies in the
death. 12 As it is, the death certificate of Amado probate court. 15 That, however, is no authority for
G. Garcia, which was presented in evidence by the judge to become partial, or to make his personal
Virginia G. Fule herself and also by Preciosa likes and dislikes prevail over, or his passions to
B. Garcia, shows that his last place of residence was rule, his judgment. Exercise of that discretion must
at 11 Carmel Avenue, Carmel Subdivision, Quezon be based on reason, equity, justice and legal
City. Aside from this, the deceased's residence principle. There is no reason why the same
certificate for 1973 obtained three months before his fundamental and legal principles governing the
death; the Marketing Agreement and choice of a regular administrator should not y be
Power of Attorney dated November 12, 1971 turning taken into account in the appointment of a special
over the administration of his two parcels of sugar administrator. 16 Nothing is wrong for the judge to
land to the Calamba Sugar Planters Cooperative
consider the order of preference in the settlement of the estate of the deceased Amado
appointment of a regular administrator in appointing G. Garcia and the appointment of special
a special administrator. After all, the consideration administratrix over the latter's estate be approved
that overrides all others in this respect is and authorized and the Court of First
the beneficial interest of the appointee in the Instance of Laguna be disauthorized from continuing
estate of the decedent. 17 Under the law, the widow with the case and instead be required to transfer all
would have the right of succession over a the records thereof to the Court of First
portion of the exclusive property of the decedent, Instance of Quezon City for the continuation of the
besides her share in the conjugal partnership. For proceedings. LLjur
such reason, she would have as such, if not more,
6. Accordingly, the Order of Judge Ernani
interest in administering the entire estate correctly
Cruz Paño of December 17, 1975, granting the
than any other next of kin. The good or bad
"Urgent Petition for Authority to Pay Estate
administration of a property may affect rather the
Obligations" filed by Preciosa B. Garcia in Sp. Proc.
fruits than the naked ownership of a property. 18
No. Q-19738, subject matter of G.R. No. L-42670,
Virginia G. Fule, however, disputes the and ordering the Canlubang Sugar Estate to deliver
status of Preciosa B. Garcia as the widow of the late to her as special administratrix the
Amado G. Garcia. With equal force, Preciosa sum of P48,874.70 for payment of the sum of estate
B. Garcia maintains that Virginia G. Fule has no obligations is hereby upheld.
relation whatsoever with Amado G. Garcia, or that,
she is a mere illegitimate sister of the latter,
petitions of petitioner Virginia Garcia Fule in G.R.
incapable of any successional rights. 19 On this
No. L-40502 and in G.R. No. L-42670 are hereby
point, We rule that Preciosa B. Garcia is prima
denied, with costs against petitioner.
facie entitled to the appointment of special
administratrix. It needs be emphasized that in the SO ORDERED.
issuance of such appointment, which is but
||| (Fule v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-40502,
temporary and subsists only until a regular
administrator is appointed, 20 the [November 29, 1976], 165 PHIL 785-802)
appointing court does not determine who are entitled
to share in the estate of the decedent but who is
entitled to the administration. The issue of heirship is
one to be determined in the decree of distribution,
and the findings of the court on the
relationship of the parties in the administration as to
be the basis of distribution. 21 The
preference of Preciosa B. Garcia is with sufficient
reason. In a Donation Inter Vivos executed by the
deceased Amado G. Garcia on January 8, 1973 in
favor of Agustina B. Garcia, he indicated therein that
he is married to Preciosa B. Garcia. 22 In his
certificate of candidacy for the office of Delegate to
the Constitutional Convention for the First
District of Laguna filed on September 1, 1970, he
wrote therein the name of Preciosa B. Banaticla as
his spouse. 23 Faced with these documents and the
presumption that a man and a woman deporting
themselves as husband and wife have entered into a
lawful contract of marriage, Preciosa B. Garcia can
be reasonably believed to be the surviving
spouse of the late. Amado G. Garcia. Semper
praesumitur pro matrimonio. 24
5. Under these circumstances and the
doctrine laid down
in Cuenco vs. Court of Appeals, 25 this Court under
its supervisory authority over all inferior courts may
properly decree that venue in the instant case was
properly assumed by and transferred to Quezon City
and that it is in the interest of justice and
avoidance of needless delay that the Quezon
City court's exercise of jurisdiction over the
4. QUIAZON V. BELEN, GR 189121, JULY to the decedent, Elise, among others, attached to the
31,2013 Petition for Letters of Administration her Certificate of
Live Birth 4 signed by Eliseo as her father. In the same
[G.R. No. 189121. July 31, 2013.] petition, it was alleged that Eliseo left real properties
worth P2,040,000.00 and personal properties worth
P2,100,000.00. In order to preserve the estate of Eliseo
AMELIA GARCIA-QUIAZON, and to prevent the dissipation of its value, Elise sought
JENNETH QUIAZON and MARIA her appointment as administratrix of her late father's
JENNIFER QUIAZON, petitioners, vs. estate.
MA. LOURDES BELEN, for and in
behalf of MARIA LOURDES ELISE Claiming that the venue of the petition was
QUIAZON, respondent. improperly laid, Amelia, together with her children,
Jenneth and Jennifer, opposed the issuance of the
letters of administration by filing an Opposition/Motion to
Dismiss. 5 The petitioners asserted that as shown by his
DECISION Death Certificate, 6 Eliseo was a resident of Capas,
Tarlac and not of Las Piñas City, at the time of his death.
Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of
Court, 7 the petition for settlement of decedent's estate
PEREZ, J p: should have been filed in Capas, Tarlac and not in Las
Piñas City. In addition to their claim of improper venue,
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari filed the petitioners averred that there are no factual and legal
pursuant to Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court, bases for Elise to be appointed administratix of Eliseo's
primarily assailing the 28 November 2008 Decision estate.
rendered by the Ninth Division of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. CV No. 88589, 1 the decretal portion of which In a Decision 8 dated 11 March 2005, the RTC
states: directed the issuance of Letters of Administration to Elise
upon posting the necessary bond. The lower court ruled
WHEREFORE, premises that the venue of the petition was properly laid in Las
considered, the appeal in Piñas City, thereby discrediting the position taken by the
hereby DENIED. The assailed petitioners that Eliseo's last residence was in Capas,
Decision dated March 11, 2005, and Tarlac, as hearsay. The dispositive of the RTC decision
the Order dated March 24, 2006 of the reads:
Regional Trial Court, Branch 275, Las
Piñas City are AFFIRMED in toto. 2 Having attained legal age at
this time and there being no showing
The Facts of any disqualification or
This case started as a Petition for Letters of incompetence to serve as
Administration of the Estate of Eliseo Quiazon (Eliseo), administrator, let letters of
filed by herein respondents who are Eliseo's common- administration over the estate of the
law wife and daughter. The petition was opposed by decedent Eliseo Quiazon, therefore,
herein petitioners Amelia Garcia-Quiazon (Amelia) to be issued to petitioner, Ma. Lourdes
whom Eliseo was married. Amelia was joined by her Elise Quiazon, after the approval by
children, Jenneth Quiazon (Jenneth) and Maria Jennifer this Court of a bond in the amount of
Quiazon (Jennifer). P100,000.00 to be posted by her. 9

Eliseo died intestate on 12 December 1992. On appeal, the decision of the trial court was
affirmed in toto in the 28 November 2008
On 12 September 1994, Maria Lourdes Elise Decision 10 rendered by the Court of Appeals in CA-
Quiazon (Elise), represented by her mother, Ma. G.R. CV No. 88589. In validating the findings of the
Lourdes Belen (Lourdes), filed a Petition for Letters of RTC, the Court of Appeals held that Elise was able to
Administration before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of prove that Eliseo and Lourdes lived together as husband
Las Piñas City. 3 In her Petition docketed as SP Proc. and wife by establishing a common residence at No. 26
No. M-3957, Elise claims that she is the natural child of Everlasting Road, Phase 5, Pilar Village, Las Piñas City,
Eliseo having been conceived and born at the time when from 1975 up to the time of Eliseo's death in 1992. For
her parents were both capacitated to marry each other. purposes of fixing the venue of the settlement of Eliseo's
Insisting on the legal capacity of Eliseo and Lourdes to estate, the Court of Appeals upheld the conclusion
marry, Elise impugned the validity of Eliseo's marriage to reached by the RTC that the decedent was a resident of
Amelia by claiming that it was bigamous for having been Las Piñas City. The petitioners' Motion for
contracted during the subsistence of the latter's marriage Reconsideration was denied by the Court of Appeals in
with one Filipito Sandico (Filipito). To prove her filiation its Resolution 11 dated 7 August 2009.

The Issues place of residence of the decedent, or
of the location of his estate, shall not
The petitioners now urge Us to reverse the
be contested in a suit or proceeding,
assailed Court of Appeals Decision and Resolution on
except in an appeal from that court, in
the following grounds:
the original case, or when the want of
I. THE COURT OF APPEALS jurisdiction appears on the record.
GRAVELY ERRED IN (Emphasis supplied).
The term "resides" connotes ex vi termini "actual
residence" as distinguished from "legal residence or
domicile." This term "resides," like the terms "residing"
and "residence," is elastic and should be interpreted in
the light of the object or purpose of the statute or rule in
which it is employed. In the application of venue statutes
and rules — Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of
Court is of such nature — residence rather than domicile
II. THE COURT OF APPEALS is the significant factor. 13 Even where the statute uses
GRAVELY ERRED IN the word "domicile" still it is construed as meaning
DECLARING THAT AMELIA residence and not domicile in the technical
GARCIA-QUIAZON WAS sense. 14 Some cases make a distinction between
NOT LEGALLY MARRIED TO the terms "residence" and "domicile" but as
ELISEO QUIAZON DUE TO generally used in statutes fixing venue, the terms are
PRE-EXISTING MARRIAGE[;] synonymous, and convey the same meaning as the
[AND] term "inhabitant." 15 In other words, "resides"
should be viewed or understood in its popular
III. THE COURT OF APPEALS sense, meaning, the personal, actual or physical
OVERLOOKED THE FACT habitation of a person, actual residence or place of
THAT ELISE QUIAZON HAS abode. 16 It signifies physical presence in a place and
NOT SHOWN ANY actual stay thereat. 17 Venue for ordinary civil actions
INTEREST IN THE PETITION and that for special proceedings have one and the same
FOR LETTERS OF meaning. 18 As thus defined, "residence," in the
ADMINISTRATION[.]12 context of venue provisions, means nothing more
The Court's Ruling than a person's actual residence or place of abode,
provided he resides therein with continuity and
We find the petition bereft of merit. consistency. 19
Under Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules of Court, Viewed in light of the foregoing principles, the
the petition for letters of administration of the estate of a Court of Appeals cannot be faulted for affirming the
decedent should be filed in the RTC of the province ruling of the RTC that the venue for the settlement of the
where the decedent resides at the time of his death: estate of Eliseo was properly laid in Las Piñas City. It is
evident from the records that during his lifetime, Eliseo
Sec. 1.  Where estate of
resided at No. 26 Everlasting Road, Phase 5, Pilar
deceased persons settled. — If the
Village, Las Piñas City. For this reason, the venue for the
decedent is an inhabitant of the
settlement of his estate may be laid in the said city.
Philippines at the time of his death,
whether a citizen or an alien, his will In opposing the issuance of letters of
shall be proved, or letters of administration, the petitioners harp on the entry in
administration granted, and his estate Eliseo's Death Certificate that he is a resident of Capas,
settled, in the Court of First Tarlac where they insist his estate should be settled.
Instance [now Regional Trial Court] While the recitals in death certificates can be considered
in the province in which he resides proofs of a decedent's residence at the time of his death,
at the time of his death, and if he is the contents thereof, however, is not binding on the
an inhabitant of a foreign country, the courts. Both the RTC and the Court of Appeals found
Court of First Instance [now Regional that Eliseo had been living with Lourdes, deporting
Trial Court] of any province in which themselves as husband and wife, from 1972 up to the
he had estate. The court first taking time of his death in 1995. This finding is consistent with
cognizance of the settlement of the the fact that in 1985, Eliseo filed an action for judicial
estate of a decedent, shall exercise partition of properties against Amelia before the RTC of
jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other Quezon City, Branch 106, on the ground that their
courts. The jurisdiction assumed by a marriage is void for being bigamous. 20 That Eliseo went
court, so far as it depends on the to the extent of taking his marital feud with Amelia before
the courts of law renders untenable petitioners' position declaration of the absolute nullity of the void marriage of
that Eliseo spent the final days of his life in Tarlac with Eliseo and Amelia, and the death of either party to the
Amelia and her children. It disproves rather than said marriage does not extinguish such cause of action.
supports petitioners' submission that the lower courts'
findings arose from an erroneous appreciation of the Having established the right of Elise to impugn
evidence on record. Factual findings of the trial court, Eliseo's marriage to Amelia, we now proceed to
when affirmed by the appellate court, must be held to be determine whether or not the decedent's marriage to
conclusive and binding upon this Court. 21 Amelia is void for being bigamous.

Likewise unmeritorious is petitioners' contention Contrary to the position taken by the petitioners,
that the Court of Appeals erred in declaring Amelia's the existence of a previous marriage between Amelia
marriage to Eliseo as void ab initio. In a void marriage, it and Filipito was sufficiently established by no less than
was though no marriage has taken place, thus, it cannot the Certificate of Marriage issued by the Diocese of
be the source of rights. Any interested party may attack Tarlac and signed by the officiating priest of the Parish of
the marriage directly or collaterally. A void marriage can San Nicolas de Tolentino in Capas, Tarlac. The said
be questioned even beyond the lifetime of the parties to marriage certificate is a competent evidence of marriage
the marriage. 22 It must be pointed out that at the time of and the certification from the National Archive that no
the celebration of the marriage of Eliseo and Amelia, the information relative to the said marriage exists does not
law in effect was the Civil Code, and not the Family diminish the probative value of the entries therein. We
Code, making the ruling in Niñal v. take judicial notice of the fact that the first marriage was
Bayadog 23 applicable four-square to the case at hand. celebrated more than 50 years ago, thus, the possibility
In Niñal, the Court, in no uncertain terms, allowed that a record of marriage can no longer be found in the
therein petitioners to file a petition for the declaration of National Archive, given the interval of time, is not
nullity of their father's marriage to therein respondent completely remote. Consequently, in the absence of any
after the death of their father, by contradistinguishing showing that such marriage had been dissolved at the
void from voidable marriages, to wit: time Amelia and Eliseo's marriage was solemnized, the
inescapable conclusion is that the latter marriage is
[C]onsequently, void marriages can bigamous and, therefore, void ab initio. 27
be questioned even after the death
of either party but voidable Neither are we inclined to lend credence to the
marriages can be assailed only petitioners' contention that Elise has not shown any
during the lifetime of the parties and interest in the Petition for Letters of Administration.
not after death of either, in which Section 6, Rule 78 of the Revised Rules of
case the parties and their offspring Court lays down the preferred persons who are entitled
will be left as if the marriage had to the issuance of letters of administration, thus:
been perfectly valid. That is why the
action or defense for nullity is Sec. 6. When and to whom
imprescriptible, unlike voidable letters of administration granted.
marriages where the action — If no executor is named in the will,
prescribes. Only the parties to a or the executor or executors are
voidable marriage can assail it but incompetent, refuse the trust, or fail to
any proper interested party may give bond, or a person dies intestate,
attack a void marriage. 24 administration shall be granted:
It was emphasized in Niñal that in a void (a) To the surviving husband
marriage, no marriage has taken place and it cannot or wife, as the case may be, or next of
be the source of rights, such that any interested kin, or both, in the discretion of the
party may attack the marriage directly or collaterally court, or to such person as such
without prescription, which may be filed even surviving husband or wife, or next of
beyond the lifetime of the parties to the marriage. 25 kin, requests to have appointed, if
competent and willing to serve;
Relevant to the foregoing, there is no doubt that
Elise, whose successional rights would be prejudiced by (b) If such surviving husband
her father's marriage to Amelia, may impugn the or wife, as the case may be, or next of
existence of such marriage even after the death of her kin, or the person selected by them,
father. The said marriage may be questioned directly by be incompetent or unwilling, or if the
filing an action attacking the validity thereof, or husband or widow, or next of kin,
collaterally by raising it as an issue in a proceeding for neglects for thirty (30) days after the
the settlement of the estate of the deceased spouse, death of the person to apply for
such as in the case at bar. Ineluctably, Elise, as a administration or to request that
compulsory heir, 26 has a cause of action for the administration be granted to some

other person, it may be granted to one right in the distribution of Eliseo's estate as one of his
or more of the principal creditors, if natural children, Elise can rightfully be considered as an
competent and willing to serve; interested party within the purview of the law.
(c) If there is no such creditor WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
competent and willing to serve, it may petition is DENIED for lack of merit. Accordingly, the
be granted to such other person as Court of Appeals assailed 28 November 2008 Decision
the court may select. and 7 August 2009 Resolution, are AFFIRMED in toto.
Upon the other hand, Section 2 of Rule 79 SO ORDERED.
provides that a petition for Letters of Administration must
be filed by an interested person, thus: ||| (Garcia-Quiazon v. Belen, G.R. No. 189121, [July 31,
2013], 715 PHIL 678-691)
Sec. 2. Contents of petition
for letters of administration. — A
petition for letters of administration
must be filed by an interested person
and must show, so far as known to the
(a) The jurisdictional facts;
(b) The names, ages, and
residences of the
heirs, and the names
and residences of the
creditors, of the
(c) The probable value and
character of the
property of the estate;
(d) The name of the person
for whom letters of
administration are
But no defect in the petition
shall render void the issuance of
letters of administration.
An "interested party," in estate proceedings, is
one who would be benefited in the estate, such as an
heir, or one who has a claim against the estate, such as
a creditor. Also, in estate proceedings, the phrase "next
of kin" refers to those whose relationship with the
decedent is such that they are entitled to share in the
estate as distributees. 28
In the instant case, Elise, as a compulsory heir
who stands to be benefited by the distribution of Eliseo's
estate, is deemed to be an interested party. With the
overwhelming evidence on record produced by Elise to
prove her filiation to Eliseo, the petitioners' pounding on
her lack of interest in the administration of the
decedent's estate, is just a desperate attempt to sway
this Court to reverse the findings of the Court of Appeals.
Certainly, the right of Elise to be
appointed administratix of the estate of Eliseo is on good
grounds. It is founded on her right as a compulsory heir,
who, under the law, is entitled to her legitime after the
debts of the estate are satisfied. 29 Having a vested

5. REYNOSO V. SANTIAGO, 85 PHIL 268 rejection and the appointment of someone else.
Mandamus lies where the duty is specific and
[G.R. No. L-3039. December 29, 1949.] ministerial. It does not lie where judgment or
discretion is exercised in the performance of the act.
Applying the rule to this case, it is proper to
VICTORIO REYNOSO and command the court below to appoint a regular
JUAN REYNOSO, petitioners, vs. administrator, but it is not proper to tell it whom to
VICENTE SANTIAGO, Judge of the appoint.
Court of First Instance of Quezon,
AL., respondents.

Laurel, Sabido, Almario, & Laurel for TUASON, J p:

Victorio Reynoso and Juan Reynoso apply
Ed. Espinosa Antona for respondents. for a writ of mandamus to compel Judge
Vicente Santiago of the Court of First Instance of
Quezon to order the opening of a testate estate of
SYLLABUS the deceased Salvadora Obispo in the place of
special intestate proceeding No. 2914, and to
1. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS; appoint Victorio Reynoso as executor of the
INTESTATE PROCEEDING MAY BE CONVERTED decedent's last will and testament.
INTO TESTATE PROCEEDING ONLY AS A Briefly, the facts are as follows: On April 29,
MATTER OF FORM. — Whether the intestate 1947, Leoncio Cadiz and other heirs of Salvadora
proceeding already commenced should be Obispo presented an application in the Court of First
discontinued a new proceeding under a separate Instance of Quezon for the administration of the
number and title should be constituted is entirely a property of the deceased, application which was
matter of form and lies within the sound discretion of docketed as intestate proceeding No. 2914.
the court. In no manner does it prejudice the Victorio Reynoso and Juan Reynoso, Salvadora
substantial rights of any of the heirs or Obispo's surviving spouse and eldest son,
creditors. Amor propio is perhaps the only thing that respectively, opposed the application and filed a
is at stake on this phase of the controversy. document, which purported to be the last will and
2. ID.; APPOINTMENT OF REGULAR testament of Salvadora Obispo, with a
ADMINISTRATOR IN LIEU OF SPECIAL ONE IS IN counterpetition for its probate. Upon trial the court
ORDER AFTER COURT HAS DECREED rejected that instrument as a forgery, but on appeal
PROBATE OF WILL. — The appointment of a the Court of Appeals reversed the finding of the
special administrator is justified only when there is court below, found the will authentic and drawn with
delay in granting letters testamentary or of all the formalities of law. The dispository part of the
administration occasioned by an appeal from the decision of the Appellate Court, promulgated
allowance or disallowance of a will or some other November 27, 1948, reads as follows:
cause. The Court of Appeals having decreed the "Se revoca la sentencia de
probate of the will and the appointment of que se apela, y reuniendo el exhíbito
an albacea, there is no valid reason for the further A los requisitos exigidos por la ley, se
retention of the special administrator. The ordena, (a) la legalizacion de dicho
appointment of a regular administrator is necessary documento como testamento y ultima
for the prompt settlement and distribution of the voluntad de la finada Salvadora
estate. There are important duties devolving on a Obispo, para que surta todos sus
regular administrator which a special administrator efectos legales; (b) la apertura de la
can not performs, and there are many actions to be testamentaria de dicha finada; y (c) el
taken by the court which could not be accomplished nombramiento de un albacea de la
before a regular administrator is appointed. misma testamentaría de conformidad
3. ID.; APPOINTMENT OF REGULAR con el precepto del artículo 6, de la
ADMINISTRATOR; SURVIVING SPOUSE; Regla 70 de los Reglamentos de los
MANDAMUS DOES NOT LIE. — While the surviving Tribunales."
spouse is entitled to preference in the appointment Thereafter Victorio Reynoso and
(section 6, rule 79), circumstances might warrant his Juan Reynoso filed two petitions, one in special
proceeding No. 2914 and another under a separate writing, to the court, and the court shall appoint a
and new docket number (3107) and with a different special administrator who shall, in the adjustment of
title (Testate Estate of the deceased Salvadora such claim, have the same power and be subject to
Obispo). The first prayed that the special the same liability as the general administrator or
administrator, Meliton Palabrica, who had executor in the settlement of other claims." The
theretofore been appointed in special proceeding situation in which Victorio Reynoso is found with
No. 2914, be ordered to turn over the properties of reference to the land in litigation between him and
the deceased and the proceeds of coprax, nuts and the estate, comes within the spirit if not exactly
other agricultural products to Victorio Reynoso, and within the letter of this provision.
to render an accounting within a reasonable time. It Subject to this observation, an administrator
also asked for the closing of the intestate should be appointed without delay in accordance
proceeding. The other petition prayed that the estate with the final decision of the Court of Appeals. The
be administered and settled in special proceeding appointment of a special administrator is justified
No. 3107 and that Victorio Reynoso be appointed only when there is delay in granting letters
executor of Salvadora Obispo's last will and testamentary or of administration occasioned by an
testament. It also contained a prayer for an appeal from the allowance or disallowance of a will
accounting by Palabrica and delivery by him to the or some other cause. The Court of Appeals having
new executor of the properties that came to his decreed the probate of the will and the appointment
possession including the proceeds from the sales of of an albacea, there is no valid reason for the further
coprax, nuts, etc. retention of the special administrator. The
The two petitions were decided separately appointment of a regular administrator is necessary
by Judge Santiago on April 20, 1949. With respect to for the prompt settlement and distribution of the
the opening of another expediente, His Honor estate. There are important duties devolving on a
believed that the proposed change or substitution regular administrator which a special administrator
was "not only unnecessary but inconvenient and can not perform, and there are many actions to be
expensive." An intestate proceeding like special taken by the court which could not be accomplished
proceeding No. 2914, he said, could and should be before a regular administrator is appointed.
converted into a testate proceeding in the same But whether or not Victorio Reynoso should
original expediente without the necessity of changing be appointed as administrator we do not and can not
its number, name or title. of course decide in a petition for mandamus. While
This petition has no merit. Whether the the surviving spouse is entitled to preference in the
intestate proceeding already commenced should be appointment (section 6, Rule 79), circumstances
discontinued and a new proceeding under a might warrant his rejection and the appointment of
separate number and title should be constituted is someone else. Mandamus lies where the duty is
entirely a matter of form and lies within the sound specific and ministerial. It does not lie where
discretion of the court. In no manner does it judgment or discretion is exercised in the
prejudice the substantial rights of any of the heirs or performance of the act. Applying the rule to this
creditors. Amor propio is perhaps the only thing that case, it is proper to command the court below to
is at stake on this phase of the controversy. appoint a regular administrator, but it is not proper to
tell it whom to appoint.
As to the appointment of the deceased's
husband as executor or administrator, the court said The petition for the constitution of a separate
that action on the petition should be withheld for the proceeding for the administration of the estate under
time being, because of the pendency on appeal of a the will is denied. The petition for the appointment of
case in which the special administrator in special a regular administrator is granted subject to the
proceeding No. 2914 is plaintiff and appellee and provision of section 6 of Rule 79 in the selection of
Victorio Reynoso defendant and appellant. It the person to be appointed. Without costs.
involves the question whether an extensive parcel of ||| (Reynoso v. Santiago, G.R. No. L-3039, [December
coconut land is conjugal property or the exclusive
property of the husband. 29, 1949], 85 PHIL 268-272)

On this feature of the second petition we

disagree with the respondent judge. If one other than
the surviving spouse is appointed, which is possible,
the feared conflict will not materialize. If
Victorio Reynoso is chosen, a special administrator
may be named to represent the estate in the suit
against him. Section 8 of Rule 87 provides that "If
the executor or administrator has a claim against the
estate he represents, he shall give notice thereof, in
6. ROBERTS V. LEONIDAS, GR 129 SCRA 33 Medical Center on November 27, 1977. He was
survived by his second wife, Maxine Tate Grimm,
[G.R. No. 55509. April 27, 1984.] and their two children, named Edward Miller Grimm
II (Pete) and Linda Grimm, and by Juanita Grimm
Morris and Ethel Grimm Roberts (McFadden), his
ETHEL two children by a first marriage which ended in
GRIMM ROBERTS, petitioner, vs. JU divorce (Sub-Annexes A and B, pp. 36-47, Rollo).
38, Court of First Instance of He executed on January 23, 1959 two
Manila; MAXINE TATE-GRIMM, wills in San Francisco, California. One will disposed
EDWARD MILLER GRIMM II and of his Philippine estate which he described as
LINDA GRIMM, respondents. conjugal property of himself and his second wife.
The second will disposed of his estate outside the
N .J . Quisumbing and Associates for petitioner.
In both wills, the second wife and two
Angara, Abello, Concepcion, Regala, and children were favored. The two children of the first
Cruz for private respondents. marriage were given their legitimes in the will
disposing of the estate situated in this country. In the
will dealing with his property outside this country, the
SYLLABUS testator said:
"I purposely have made no
1. CIVIL LAW; SUCCESSION; WILLS; provision in this will for my daughter,
PROBATE THEREOF, MANDATORY; INTESTATE Juanita Grimm Morris, or my daughter,
WITH LATTER. — We hold that respondent Judge provided for each of them in a
did not commit any grave abuse of discretion, separate will disposing of my
amounting to lack of jurisdiction, in denying Ethel's Philippine property." (First clause, pp.
motion to dismiss the petition for probate of Grimm's 43-47, Rollo).
two wills. A testate proceeding is proper in this case The two wills and a codicil were presented
because Grimm died with two wills and "no will shall for probate by Maxine Tate Grimm and E. La Var
pass either real or personal property unless it is Tate on March 7, 1978 in Probate No. 3720 of the
proved add allowed" (Art. 838, Civil Code, Sec. 1, Third Judicial District Court of Tooele County, Utah.
Rule 75, Rules of Court). The probate of the will is Juanita Grimm Morris of Cupertino, California and
mandatory (Guevara vs. Guevara, 74 Phil. 479 and Mrs. Roberts of 15 C. Benitez Street, Horseshoe
98 Phil. 249; Baluyot vs. Paño, L-42088, May 7, Village, Quezon City were notified of the probate
1976, 71 SCRA 86). It is anomalous that the estate proceeding (Sub-Annex C, pp. 48-55, Rollo).
of a person who died testate should be settled in an
intestate proceeding. Therefore, the intestate case Maxine admitted that she received notice of
should be consolidated with the testate proceeding the intestate petition filed in Manila by Ethel in
and the judge assigned to the testate proceeding January, 1978 (p. 53, Rollo). In its order dated April
should continue hearing the two cases. 10, 1978, the Third Judicial District Court admitted to
probate the two wills and the codicil. It was issued
upon consideration of the stipulation dated April 4,
1978 "by and between the attorneys for Maxine Tate
DECISION Grimm, Linda Grimm, Edward Miller Grimm II, E. La
Var Tate, Juanita Kegley Grimm (first wife), Juanita
Grimm Morris and Ethel Grimm Roberts" (Annex C,
pp. 48-51, Rollo).
Two weeks later, or on April 25, 1978,
The question in this case is whether a Maxine and her two children Linda and Pete, as the
petition for allowance of wills and to annul a partition, first parties, and Ethel, Juanita Grimm Morris and
approved in an intestate proceeding by Branch 20 of their mother Juanita Kegley Grimm, as the second
the Manila Court of First Instance, can be parties, with knowledge of the intestate proceeding
entertained by its Branch 38 (after a probate in the in Manila, entered into a compromise agreement in
Utah district court). Cdpr Utah regarding the estate. It was signed by David E.
Salisbury and Donald B. Holbrook, as lawyers of the
Antecedents. — Edward M. Grimm, an parties, by Pete and Linda and the attorney-in-fact of
American resident of Manila, died at 78 in the Makati
Maxine and by the attorney-in-fact of Ethel, Juanita Rex Roberts, and by lawyer Limqueco (Annex L, p.
Grimm Morris and Juanita Kegley Grimm. LLphil 90, testate case). prLL
In that agreement, it was stipulated that Also with the court's approval and the
Maxine, Pete and Ethel would be designated as consent of Linda and Juanita, they sold for
personal representatives (administrators) of Grimm's P1,546,136 to Joseph Server and others 193,267
Philippine estate (par. 2). It was also stipulated that shares of RFM Corporation (p. 135, Record).
Maxine's one-half conjugal share in the estate
Acting on the declaration of heirs and project
should be reserved for her and that would not be
of partition signed and filed by lawyers Limqueco
less than $1,500,000 plus the homes in Utah and
and Macaraeg (not signed by Maxine and her two
Santa Mesa, Manila (par. 4). The agreement
children), Judge Conrado M. Molina in his order of
indicated the computation of the "net distributable
July 27, 1979 adjudicated to Maxine one-half (4/8) of
estate". It recognized that the estate was liable to
the decedent's Philippine estate and one-eighth (1/8)
pay the fees of the Angara law firm (par. 5).
each to his four children or 12-1/2% (pp. 140-142,
It was stipulated in paragraph 6 that the Record). No mention at all was made of the will in
decedent's four children "shall share equally in the that order. prcd
Net Distributable Estate" and that Ethel and Juanita
Six days later, or on August 2, Maxine and
Morris should each receive at least 12-1/2% of the
her two children replaced Limqueco with Octavio del
total of the net distributable estate and marital share.
Callar as their lawyer, who on August 9, moved to
A supplemental memorandum also dated April 25,
defer approval of the project of partition. The court
1978 was executed by the parties (Sub-Annex F, pp.
considered the motion moot considering that it had
49-61, Annex, F-1, pp. 75-76, Testate case).
already approved the declaration of heirs and project
Intestate proceeding No. 113024. — At this of partition (p. 149, Record).
juncture, it should be stated that forty-three days
Lawyer Limqueco in a letter to Maxine dated
after Grimm's death, or January 9, 1978, his
August 2, 1979 alleged that he was no longer
daughter of the first marriage, Ethel, 49, through
connected with Makiling Management Co., Inc. when
lawyers Deogracias T. Reyes and Gerardo B.
the Palawan Pearl Project was sold: that it was
Macaraeg, filed with Branch 20 of the Manila Court
Maxine's son Pete who negotiated the sale with
of First Instance intestate proceeding No. 113024 for
Rex Roberts and that he (Limqueco) was going to
the settlement of his estate. She was named special
sue Maxine for the lies she imputed to him (Annex
H, p. 78, testate case).
On March 11, the second wife, Maxine,
Ethel submitted to the court a certification of
through the Angara law office, filed an opposition
the Assistant Commissioner of Internal Revenue
and motion to dismiss the intestate proceeding on
dated October 2, 1979. It was stated therein that
the ground of the pendency of Utah of a proceeding
Maxine paid P1,992,233.69 as estate tax and
for the probate of Grimm's will. She also moved that
penalties and that he interposed no objection to the
she be appointed special administratrix. She
transfer of the estate to Grimm's heirs (p. 153,
submitted to the court a copy of Grimm's will
Record). The court noted the certification as in
disposing of his Philippine estate. It is found in
conformity with its order of July 27, 1979.
pages 58 to 64 of the record.
After November, 1979 or for a period of
The intestate court in its orders of May 23
more than five months, there was no movement or
and June 2 noted that Maxine, through a new
activity in the intestate case. On April 18, 1980
lawyer, William C. Limqueco (partner of Gerardo B.
Juanita Grimm Morris, through Ethel's lawyers, filed
Macaraeg, p. 78, testate case), withdrew that
a motion for accounting "so that the Estate
opposition and motion to dismiss and, at the behest
properties can be partitioned among the heirs and
of Maxine, Ethel and Pete, appointed them joint
the present intestate estate be closed." Del Callar,
administrators. Apparently, this was done pursuant
Maxine's lawyer was notified of that motion.
to the aforementioned Utah compromise
agreement. The court ignored the will already found Before that motion could be heard, or on
in the record. June 10, 1980, the Angara law firm filed again its
appearance in collaboration with Del Callar as
The three administrators submitted an
counsel for Maxine and her two children, Linda and
inventory. With the authority and approval of the
Pete. It should be recalled that the firm had
court, they sold for P75,000 on March 21, 1979 the
previously appeared in the case as Maxine's counsel
so-called Palawan Pearl Project, a business owned
on March 11, 1978, when it filed a motion to dismiss
by the deceased. Linda and Juanita allegedly
the intestate proceeding and furnished the court with
conformed with the sale (pp. 120-129, Record). It
a copy of Grimm's will. As already noted, the firm
turned out that the buyer, Makiling Management Co.,
was then superseded by lawyer Limqueco.
Inc., was incorporated by Ethel and her husband,
Petition to annul partition and testate WHEREFORE, the petition is dismissed.
proceeding No. 134559. — On September 8, 1980, The temporary restraining order is dissolved. No
Rogelio A. Vinluan of the Angara law firm, in behalf costs.
of Maxine, Pete and Linda, filed in Branch 38 of the
lower court a petition praying for the probate of
Grimm's two wills (already probated in Utah), that ||| (Roberts v. Leonidas, G.R. No. 55509, [April 27,
the 1979 partition approved by the intestate court be 1984], 214 PHIL 30-36)
set aside and the letters of administration revoked,
that Maxine be appointed executrix and that Ethel
and Juanita Morris be ordered to account for the
properties received by them and to return the same
to Maxine (pp. 25-35, Rollo).
Grimm's second wife and two children
alleged that they were defraud due to the
machinations of the Roberts spouses, that the 1978
Utah compromise agreement was illegal, that the
intestate proceeding is void because Grimm died
testate and that the partition was contrary to the
decedent's wills.
Ethel filed a motion to dismiss the petition.
Judge Leonidas denied it for lack of merit in his
order of October 27, 1980. Ethel then filed a petition
for certiorari and prohibition in this Court, praying
that the testate proceeding be dismissed, or,
alternatively that the two proceedings be
consolidated and heard in Branch 20 and that the
matter of the annulment of the Utah compromise
agreement be heard prior to the petition for probate
(pp. 22-23, Rollo). LLphil
Ruling. — We hold that respondent judge
did not commit any grave abuse of discretion,
amounting to lack of jurisdiction, in denying Ethel's
motion to dismiss.
A testate proceeding is proper in this case
because Grimm died with two wills and "no will shall
pass either real or personal property unless it is
proved and allowed" (Art. 838, Civil Code; sec. 1,
Rule 75, Rules of Court).
The probate of the will is mandatory
(Guevara vs. Guevara, 74 Phil. 479 and 98 Phil.
249; Baluyot vs. Paño, L-42088, May 7, 1976, 71
SCRA 86). It is anomalous that the estate of a
person who died testate should be settled in
an intestate proceeding. Therefore, the intestate
case should be consolidated with the testate
proceeding and the judge assigned to the testate
proceeding should continue hearing the two cases.
Ethel may file within twenty days from notice
of the finality of this judgment an opposition and
answer to the petition unless she considers her
motion to dismiss and other pleadings sufficient for
the purpose. Juanita G. Morris, who appeared in the
intestate case, should be served with copies of
orders, notices and other papers in the testate case.

[G.R. Nos. L-21938-39. May 29, 1970.] PROCEEDINGS. — Testate proceedings for the
settlement of the estate of a deceased person take
precedence over intestate proceedings for the same
VICENTE URIARTE, petitioner, vs. T purpose. Thus, if in the course of intestate
HE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF  proceedings pending before
NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (12th a court of first instance it is found that the decedent
Judicial District) had left a last will, proceedings for the probate of the
THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE O latter should replace the intestate proceedings even
F MANILA, BRANCH IV, if at that stage an administrator had already been
JUAN URIARTE ZAMACONA and appointed, the latter being required to render final
HIGINIO URIARTE, respondents. account and turn over the estate in his possession to
the executor subsequently appointed. This, however,
is understood to be without prejudice that should the
Norberto J . Quisumbing for petitioner. alleged last will be rejected or is disapproved, the
Tañada, Teehankee & Carreon for proceeding shall continue as an intestacy. This is a
respondents. clear indication that proceedings for the probate of a
will enjoy priority over intestate proceedings.
1. REMEDIAL LAW; Where intestate proceedings had already been
COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE; ORIGINAL AND commenced before a court of first instance, as in the
EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OVER "ALL case at bar, the probate of the will of the decedent
MATTERS OF PROBATE." — Under the Judiciary should be submitted to the same court, either in a
Act of 1948 (Section 44, paragraph (e), separate proceeding or in an appropriate motion for
Courts of First Instance have original exclusive said purpose in the intestate proceedings. It is not in
jurisdiction over "all matters of probate," that is, over accord with public policy and the orderly and
special proceedings for the settlement of the inexpensive administration of justice to
estate of deceased persons — whether they died unnecessarily multiply litigation, especially if several
testate or intestate. courts would be involved. Furthermore, the party
seeking the probate of the will in the instant case
2. ID.; knew before filing the petition for probate with
SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OF DECEASED another court of first instance of the pendency of the
PERSONS; intestate proceedings .
TIME OF HIS DEATH OR WHERE CASE. — It is well settled in this jurisdiction that
INHABITANT OF FOREIGN COUNTRY HAD wrong venue is merely a waivable procedural defect.
ESTATE. — The matter of venue, or the Petitioner, in the instant case, has waived the right to
particular Court of First Instance where the special raise such objection or is precluded from doing so by
proceeding should be commenced, is regulated by laches.
Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court, 6. ID.; ID.; ID.; COURT NOT INCLINED TO
which provides that the estate of a decedent ANNUL PROCEEDINGS REGULARLY HAD IN
inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death, LOWER COURT ON THE
whether a citizen or an alien, shall be in GROUND OF IMPROPER VENUE. — This Court is
the court of first instance in the province of which he not inclined to annul proceedings regularly had in a
resided at the time of his death, and if he is an lower Court even if the latter was not the proper
inhabitant of a foreign country, venue therefor, if the net result would be to have the
the court of first instance of any province in which he same proceedings repeated in some
had estate. Accordingly, when the estate to be other court of the same jurisdiction; more so in a
settled is that of a non-resident alien — like the case like the present where the objection against
decedent in the instant case — the said proceedings is raised too late.
Courts of First Instance in provinces where the
deceased left any property have concurrent 7. CIVIL LAW; PATERNITY AND
jurisdiction to take cognizance of the proper special FILIATION; NATURAL CHILD:
proceeding for the settlement of his estate. QUESTION OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT MAY BE
COMPULSORY ACKNOWLEDGMENT OR IN July 1963 (Annex 'K') of respondent
PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. — A party claiming to Manila court denying
be an acknowledged natural child of testator is petitioner's omnibus motion to
entitled to submit for determination the intervene and to dismiss the later-
question of his acknowledgment as a natural instituted Special Proceeding No.
child of said deceased testator in the proceeding 51396, supra, both special
instituted precisely for his compulsory proceedings pertaining to the
acknowledgment as such natural child, or intervene settlement of the same estate of the
in proceedings for the probate of will of testator if it is same deceased, and consequently
still open, or to ask for its re-opening, if it has already annulling all proceedings had in
been closed, the probate having jurisdiction to Special Proceeding No.
declare who are the heirs of the deceased testator 51396; supra of the respondent
and whether or not a particular party is or should be Manila court as all taken without
declared his acknowledged natural child. jurisdiction.
8. ID.; PETITION FOR MANDAMUS; "For the preservation of the
DISMISSAL AS MOOT AND ACADEMIC; INSTANT rights of the parties pending these
CASE. — The supplemental petition for mandamus, proceedings, petitioner prays for the
in the case at bar, has become moot and academic issuance of a writ of preliminary
for if the said petition is successful it will only result injunction enjoining respondents
in compelling the Negros Court to give due course to Manila court, Juan Uriarte Zamacona
the appeal that petitioner was taking from the and Higinio Uriarte from proceeding
orders of said court dated December 7, 1963 and with Special Proceeding No.
February 26, 1964, the first being the order of the 51396, supra, until further
said court dismissing Special Proceeding No. 6344, orders of this Court."
and the second being an order denying petitioner's
motion for the reconsideration of said Reasons in support of said petition are
order of dismissal. Said order being, as a stated therein as follows:
result of what has been said heretofore, beyond "6. Respondent
petitioner's power to contest, the conclusion can not Negros court erred in dismissing its
be other than that the intended appeal would serve Special Proceeding No. 6344, supra,
no useful purpose, or worse still, would enable and failing to declare itself
petitioner to circumvent our ruling that he can no 'the court first taking cognizance of the
longer question the validity of said orders. settlement of the estate of' the
deceased Don Juan Uriarte y Goite as
prescribed in Rule 75 section 1 of the
Rules of Court. Respondent
Manila court erred in failing to dismiss
its Special Proceeding No.
51396, supra, notwithstanding
DIZON, J p: proof of prior filing of Special
Proceeding No. 6344, supra, in the
On October 3, 1963 petitioner Negros court."
Vicente Uriarte filed an original petition The writ of preliminary injunction prayed for
for certiorari — docketed as G.R. L-21938 — against was granted and issued by this Court on October 24,
the respondents Juan Uriarte Zamacona, 1963.
Higinio Uriarte, and the
Courts of First Instance of Negros Occidental On April 22, 1964 petitioner filed against the
and of Manila, Branch IV, who will be referred to same respondents a pleading entitled
hereinafter as the Negros Court and the SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION FOR MANDAMUS —
Manila Court, respectively — praying: docketed in this Court as G.R. No. L-21939 —
praying, for the reasons therein stated, that
" . . . that after due judgment be rendered annulling the orders issued by
proceedings judgment be rendered the Negros Court on December 7, 1963 and
annulling the orders of 19 April 1963 February 26, 1964, the first disapproving his record
(Annex 'H') and 11 July 1963 (Annex on appeal and the second denying his motion for
'I') of respondent reconsideration, and further commanding
Negros court dismissing said court to approve his record on appeal and to
the first instituted Special Proceeding give due course to his appeal. On July 15, 1964 We
No. 6344, supra, and the order of 1 issued a resolution deferring action on this
Supplemental Petition until the original action Juan Uriarte y Goite, it had acquired exclusive
for certiorari (G.R. L-21938) is taken up on the jurisdiction over the same pursuant to Rule 75,
merits. Section 1 of the Rules of Court.
On October 21, 1963 the respondents in On April 19, 1963, the
G.R. L-21938 filed their answer traversing Negros Court sustained Juan Uriarte Zamacona's
petitioner's contention that the respondent courts motion to dismiss and dismissed the Special
had committed grave abuse of discretion in relation Proceeding No. 6344 pending before it. His motion
to the matters alleged in the petition for certiorari. for reconsideration of said order having been denied
on July 27, 1963, petitioner proceeded to file his
It appears that on November 6, 1961
notice of appeal, appeal bond and record on appeal
petitioner filed with the Negros Court a petition for
for the purpose of appealing from said orders to
the settlement of the estate of the late Don
this court on questions of law. The administrator with
Juan Uriarte y Goite (Special Proceeding No. 6344)
the will annexed appointed by the Manila Court in
alleging therein, inter alia, that, as a natural
Special Proceeding No. 51396 objected to the
son of the latter, he was his sole heir, and that,
approval of the record on appeal, and under
during the lifetime of said decedent, petitioner had
date of December 7, 1963 the Negros Court issued
instituted Civil Case No. 6142 in the same Court for
the following order:
his compulsory acknowledgment as such natural
son. Upon petitioner's motion the "Oppositor prays that the
Negros Court appointed the Philippine National Bank record on appeal filed by the petitioner
as special administrator on November 13, 1961 and on July 27, 1963, be dismissed for
two days later it set the date for the hearing of the having been filed out of time and for
petition and ordered that the requisite notices be being incomplete. In the meantime,
published in accordance with law. The record before the said record on appeal was
discloses, however, that, for one reason or another, approved by this Court, the petitioner
the Philippine National Bank never actually qualified filed a petition for certiorari before the
as special administrator. prcd Supreme Court entitled
Vicente Uriarte,
On December 19, 1961, Higinio Uriarte,
Petitioner, vs. Court of First Instance o
one of the two private respondents herein, filed an
f Negros Occidental, et al., G.R. No. L-
opposition to the above-mentioned petition alleging
21938, bringing this case squarely
that he was a nephew of the deceased
before the Supreme Court on
Juan Uriarte y Goite who had "executed a Last Will
questions of law which is tantamount
and Testament in Spain, a duly authenticated copy
to petitioner's abandoning his appeal
whereof has been requested and which shall be
from this Court. LexLib
submitted to this Honorable Court upon receipt
thereof," and further questioning petitioner's capacity "WHEREFORE, in order to
and interest to commence the intestate proceeding. give way to the certiorari, the record
On August 28, 1962, on appeal filed by the petitioner is
Juan Uriarte Zamacona, the other private hereby disapproved."
respondent, commenced Special Proceeding No. In view of the above-quoted order, petitioner
51396 in the Manila Court for the probate of a filed the supplemental petition
document alleged to be the last will of the deceased for mandamus mentioned heretofore.
Juan Uriarte y Goite, and on the same date he filed
in Special Proceeding No. 6344 of the On April 15, 1963 Vicente Uriarte filed an
Negros Court a motion to dismiss the same on the Omnibus Motion in Special Proceeding No. 51396
following grounds: (1) that, as the deceased pending in the Manila Court, asking for leave to
Juan Uriarte y Goite had left a last will, there was no intervene therein; for the dismissal of the petition
legal basis to proceed with said intestate and the annulment of the proceedings had in said
proceedings, and (2) that petitioner special proceeding. This motion was denied by
Vicente Uriarte had no legal personality and interest said court in its order of July 1 of the same year.
to initiate said intestate proceedings, he not being an It is admitted that, as alleged in the basic
acknowledged natural son of the decedent. A petition filed in Special Proceeding No. 6344 of the
copy of the Petition for Probate and of the alleged Negros Court, Vicente Uriarte filed in the
Will were attached to the Motion to Dismiss. same court, during the lifetime of Juan Uriarte y
Petitioner opposed the aforesaid motion to Goite, Civil Case No. 6142 to obtain judgment for his
dismiss contending that, as the compulsory acknowledgment as his natural child.
Negros Court was first to take cognizance of the Clearly inferrable from this is that at the time he filed
settlement of the estate of the deceased the action, as well as when he commenced the

aforesaid special proceeding, he had not yet been the court of first instance of any province in which he
acknowledged as natural son of Juan Uriarte y had estate. Accordingly, when the estate to be
Goite. Up to this time, no final judgment to that effect settled is that of a non-resident alien — like the
appears to have been rendered. deceased Juan Uriarte y Goite — the
Courts of First Instance in provinces where the
The record further discloses that the special
deceased left any property have concurrent
proceeding before the Negros Court has not gone
jurisdiction to take cognizance of the proper special
farther than the appointment of a special
proceeding for the settlement of his estate. In the
administrator in the person of the Philippine National
case before Us, these Courts of First Instance are
Bank who, as stated heretofore, failed to qualify.
the Negros and the Manila Courts — province and
On the other hand, it is not disputed that, city where the deceased Juan Uriarte y Goite left
after proper proceedings were had in Special considerable properties. From this premise petitioner
Proceeding No. 51396, the Manila Court admitted to argues that, as the Negros Court had first taken
probate the document submitted to it as the last cognizance of the special proceeding for the
will of Juan Uriarte y Goite, the petition for probate settlement of the estate of said decedent (Special
appearing not to have been contested. It appears Proceeding No. 6344), the Manila Court no longer
further that, as stated heretofore, the order issued by had jurisdiction to take cognizance of Special
the Manila Court on July 1, 1963 denied petitioner Proceeding No. 51396 intended to settle the
Vicente Uriarte's Omnibus Motion for Intervention, estate of the same decedent in accordance with his
Dismissal of Petition and Annulment of said alleged will, and that consequently,
proceedings. prLL the first court erred in dismissing Special Proceeding
No. 6344, while the second court similarly erred in
Likewise, it is not denied that to the motion not dismissing Special Proceeding No. 51396. cdtai
to dismiss the special proceeding pending before the
Negros Court filed by Higinio Uriarte were attached a It can not be denied that a special
copy of the alleged last will of Juan Uriarte y Goite proceeding intended to effect the distribution of the
and of the petition filed with the Manila Court for its estate of a deceased person, whether in accordance
probate. It is clear, therefore, that almost from the with the law on intestate succession or in
start of Special Proceeding No. 6344, the accordance with his will, is a "probate matter" or a
Negros Court and petitioner proceeding for the settlement of his estate. It is
Vicente Uriarte knew of the existence of the equally true, however, that in accordance with
aforesaid last will and of the proceedings for its settled jurisprudence in this jurisdiction, testate
probate. proceedings for the settlement of the estate of a
deceased person take precedence over intestate
The principal legal questions raised in the proceedings for the same purpose. Thus it has been
petition for certiorari are (a) whether or not the held repeatedly that, if in the course of intestate
Negros Court erred in dismissing Special proceedings pending before
Proceeding No. 6644, on the one hand, and on the a court of first instance it is found that the decedent
other, (b) whether the Manila Court similarly erred in had left a last will, proceedings for the probate of the
not dismissing Special Proceeding No. 51396 latter should replace the intestate proceedings even
notwithstanding proof of the prior filing of Special if at that stage an administrator had already been
Proceeding No. 6344 in the Negros Court. appointed, the latter being required to render final
Under the Judiciary Act of 1948 [Section 44, account and turn over the estate in his possession to
paragraph (e)], Courts of First Instance have original the executor subsequently appointed. This, however,
exclusive jurisdiction over "all matters of probate," is understood to be without prejudice that should the
that is, over special proceedings for the alleged last will be rejected or is disapproved, the
settlement of the estate of deceased persons — proceeding shall continue as an intestacy. As
whether they died testate or intestate. While their already adverted to, this is a clear indication that
jurisdiction over such subject matter is beyond proceedings for the probate of a will enjoy priority
question, the matter of venue, or the over intestate proceedings.
particular Court of First Instance where the special Upon the facts before Us the question arises
proceeding should be commenced, is regulated by as to whether Juan Uriarte Zamacona should have
former Rule 75, Section 1 of the Rules of Court, now filed the petition for the probate of the last
Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court, will of Juan Uriarte y Goite with the Negros Court —
which provides that the estate of a decedent particularly in Special Proceeding No. 6344 — or
inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death, was entitled to commence the corresponding
whether a citizen or an alien, shall be in separate proceedings, as he did, in the
the court of first instance in the province in which he Manila Court.
resided at the time of his death, and if he is an
inhabitant of a foreign country,

The following considerations and the filed with the Manila Court in Special Proceeding No.
facts of record would seem to support the view that 51396 an Omnibus motion asking for leave to
he should have submitted said will for probate to the intervene and for the dismissal and annulment of all
Negros Court, either in a separate special the proceedings had therein up to that date; thus
proceeding or in an appropriate motion for said enabling the Manila Court not only to appoint an
purpose filed in the already pending Special administrator with the will annexed but also to admit
Proceeding No. 6344. In the first place, it is not in said will to probate more than five months earlier, or
accord with public policy and the orderly and more specifically, on October 31, 1962. To allow him
inexpensive administration of justice to now to assail the exercise of jurisdiction over the
unnecessarily multiply litigation, especially if several probate of the will by the Manila Court and the
courts would be involved. This, in effect, was the validity of all the proceedings had in Special
result of the submission of the will aforesaid to the Proceeding No. 51396 would put a premium on his
Manila Court. In the second place, when respondent negligence. Moreover, it must be remembered that
Higinio Uriarte filed an opposition to this Court is not inclined to annul proceedings
Vicente Uriarte's petition for the regularly had in a lower court even if the latter was
issuance of letters of administration, he had already not the proper venue therefor, if the net result would
informed the Negros Court that the deceased be to have the same proceedings repeated in some
Juan Uriarte y Goite had left a will in Spain, of which other court of similar jurisdiction; more so in a case
a copy had been requested for submission to like the present where the objection against said
said court; and when the other respondent, proceedings is raised too late.
Juan Uriarte Zamacona, filed his motion to dismiss
In his order of April 19, 1963 dismissing
Special Proceeding No. 6344, he had submitted to
Special Proceeding No. 6344, Judge
the Negros Court a copy of the alleged will of the
Fernandez of the Negros Court said that he was "not
decedent, from which fact it may be inferred that, like
inclined to sustain the contention of the petitioner
Higinio Uriarte, he knew before filing the petition for
that inasmuch as the herein petitioner has instituted
probate with the Manila Court that there was already
Civil Case No. 6142 for compulsory
a special proceeding pending in the Negros Court for
acknowledgment by the decedent such action
the settlement of the estate of the same deceased
justifies the institution by him of this proceedings. If
person. As far as Higinio Uriarte is concerned, it
the petitioner is to be consistent with the authorities
seems quite clear that in his opposition to petitioner's
cited by him in support of his contention, the proper
petition in Special Proceeding No. 6344, he had
thing for him to do would be to intervene in the
expressly promised to submit said will for probate to
testate estate proceedings entitled Special
the Negros Court.
Proceedings No. 51396 in
But the fact is that instead of the aforesaid the Court of First Instance of Manila
will being presented for probate to the Negros Court, instead of maintaining an independent action, for
Juan Uriarte Zamacona filed the petition for the indeed his supposed interest in the estate of the
purpose with the Manila Court. We can not accept decedent is of his doubtful character pending the
petitioner's contention in this regard that the final decision of the action for compulsory
latter court had no jurisdiction to consider said acknowledgment."
petition, albeit we say that it was not the proper
We believe in connection with the above
venue therefor. LLphil
matter that petitioner is entitled to prosecute Civil
It is well settled in this jurisdiction that wrong Case No. 6142 until it is finally determined, or
venue is merely a waiveable procedural defect, and, intervene in Special Proceeding No. 51396 of the
in the light of the circumstances obtaining in the Manila Court, if it is still open, or to ask for its
instant case, we are of the opinion, and so hold, that reopening if it has already been closed, so as to be
petitioner has waived the right to raise such able to submit for determination the question of his
objection or is precluded from doing so by laches. It acknowledgment as natural child of the deceased
is enough to consider in this connection that testator, said court having, in its capacity as a
petitioner knew of the existence of a will executed by probate court, jurisdiction to declare who are the
Juan Uriarte y Goite since December 19, 1961 when heirs of the deceased testator and whether or not a
Higinio Uriarte filed his opposition to the initial particular party is or should be declared his
petition filed in Special Proceeding No. 6344; that acknowledged natural child (II Moran on
petitioner likewise was served with notice of the Rules of Court, 1957 Ed., p. 476; Conde vs. Abaya,
existence (presence) of the alleged last will in the 13 Phil. 249; Severino vs. Severino, 44 Phil. 343;
Philippines and of the filing of the petition for its Lopez vs. Lopez, 68 Phil. 227, and Jimoga-on vs.
probate with the Manila Court since August 28, 1962 Belmonte, 47 O.G. 1119).
when Juan Uriarte Zamacona filed a motion for the
Coming now to the supplemental petition
dismissal of Special Proceeding No. 6344. All these
for mandamus (G.R. No. L-21939), We are of the
notwithstanding, it was only on April 15, 1963 that he
opinion, and so hold, that in view of the conclusions
heretofore stated, the same has become moot and
academic. If the said supplemental petition is
successful, it will only result in compelling the
Negros Court to give due course to the appeal that
petitioner was taking from the
orders of said court dated December 7, 1963 and
February 26, 1964, the first being the
order of said court dismissing Special Proceeding
No. 6344, and the second being an order denying
petitioner's motion for the reconsideration of said
order of dismissal. Said orders being, as a
result of what has been said heretofore, beyond
petitioner's power to contest, the conclusion can not
be other than that the intended appeal would serve
no useful purpose, or, worse still, would enable
petitioner to circumvent our ruling that he can no
longer question the validity of said orders. cdrep
CONSIDERATIONS, judgment is hereby rendered
denying the writs prayed for and, as a result, the
petition for certiorari filed in G.R. No. L-21938, as
well as the supplemental petition
for mandamus docketed as G.R. No. L-21939, are
hereby dismissed. The writ of preliminary injunction
heretofore issued is set aside. With costs against
Concepcion, C.J ., Makalintal, Zaldivar,
Barredo and Villamor, JJ ., concur.
||| (Uriarte v. Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental, G.R. Nos. L-21938-39, [May 29, 1970], 144
PHIL 205-216)

8. ADVINCULA V. TEODORO, GR L-9282, all property subject to the authority of the
5/31/56, 99 PHIL 413 administrator of said estate, apart from his share of
the other half thereof, as heir of the deceased, for
[G.R. No. L-9282. May 31, 1956.] "all property of the marriage is presumed to belong
to the conjugal partnership" — of which he is its
administrator (Article 165, Civil Code of the
EMILIO ADVINCULA, petitioner, vs. Philippines) — "unless it be proved that it pertains
HONORABLE JUDGE JOSE exclusively to the husband or to the wife" (See Arts.
TEODORO, SR., Judge of the Court 160 and 185, Civil Code of the Philippines.)
of First Instance of Negros
Occidental, and ENRIQUE A.
LACSON, respondents.

Jose Y. Torres for petitioner.

G. D. Demaisip and C. A. Dabalus for CONCEPCION, J p:
Petitioner Emilio Advincula seeks a writ of
certiorari, to annul certain orders of the Court of First
SYLLABUS Instance of Negros Occidental.

1. EXECUTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR; Said petitioner was, on November 22, 1954,

EXECUTOR NAMED IN THE WILL WHEN MAY HE appointed, special administrator of the estate of his
BE APPOINTED ADMINISTRATOR. — The deceased wife, Josefa Lacson Advincula, in special
provision of section 4 of Rule 70 of the Rules of proceeding No. 3245 of said court. In due course, he
Court which provides that "when a will has been was, on February 12, 1955, appointed regular
proved and allowed, the Court shall issue letters administrator of said estate. After Advincula had
testamentary thereon to the person named as qualified as such, the brothers of the deceased, who
executor therein, if he is competent, accepts the left no issue, submitted to the court, for allowance, a
trusts, and gives bond as required by these rules, document purporting to be her last will and
cannot be enforced, until after said document has testament. Petitioner opposed the probate thereof
been allowed to probate. upon the ground that it did not bear the signature of
the deceased; that the signature thereon, if hers,
2. ID.; DISCOVERY OF WILL AFTER was secured through fraud and duress; and that, the
APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR EFFECT instrument had not been executed with the requisite
OF. — The discovery of a document purporting to be formalities. On May 4, 1955, respondent Enrique
the last will and testament of a deceased, after the Lacson, one of the brothers of the deceased, filed a
appointment of an administrator of the estate of the motion praying that he be appointed administrator of
latter upon the assumption that he or she had died said estate, in lieu of petitioner herein, for the reason
intestate, does not ipso facto nullify the letters of that said respondent is the executor named in the
administration already issued or even authorize the aforementioned alleged will. On or about May 16,
revocation thereof until the alleged will has been 1955, Attys. Jose Y. Torres and Antonio Lozada, as
proved and allowed by the court." (Rule 83, section 1 counsel for Advincula, filed an opposition to said
of the Rules of Court.) motion. When the latter was called for hearing on
3. ID.; APPOINTMENT OF May 18, 1955, Atty. Lozada was served, in open
ADMINISTRATOR; SURVIVING SPOUSE NOT court, copy of an amended motion, of respondent
STRANGER TO THE ESTATE OF THE Lacson, for change of administrator, dated May 14,
DECEASED. — It is untenable from the viewpoint of 1955. It was alleged therein, in addition to the
logic and experience, because a stranger to ground set forth in the first motion:
deceased may be competent, capable, and fit to "5. That the present
administer his estate in much the same as a administrator is incompetent,
member of her immediate family could be incapable and unsuitable to the
incompetent, incapable and unfit to do so. At any discharge of the trust, he being foreign
rate A is not a stranger either to her or to her estate, to the estate, and without changing or
he being her surviving spouse and as such, one of removing him as such would be
her forced heirs, (Arts. 887, 888, 892, 893, 894, 897 disastrous to the estate and to the
to 900 and 995 to 1001, Civil Code of the heirs named in the will of the
Philippines), whether she died testate or intestate. decedent."
What is more he is prima facie entitled to one-half of
Atty. Lozada asked a postponement of the The writ of certiorari prayed for is in order.
hearing upon the ground that Advincula's main Lacson's appointment, in lieu of Advincula, as
counsel, Atty. Torres, was in Manila, but his request administrator of the estate of Josefa Lacson
was denied. Then, after hearing the argument of Advincula, is predicated upon the fact that the former
opposing counsel, the court, presided over by is named executor in the alleged will of said
respondent, Honorable Jose Teodoro, Sr., Judge, deceased. The provision therein to this effect cannot
issued, on the same date (May 18, 1955), an order be enforced, however, until after said document has
the pertinent parts of which read: been allowed to probate, for section 4 of Rule 79 of
the Rules of Court provides:
"The Court, after hearing the
oral arguments of both parties, finds "When a will has been proved
the motion for postponement not well- and allowed, the court shall issue
taken and hereby denies the same; letters testamentary thereon to the
and finding the motion dated May 4, person named as executor therein, if
1955 as amended by the amended he is competent, accepts the trusts,
motion dated May 14, 1955, well- and gives bond as required by these
founded and the opposition thereto rules." (Italics supplied.)
dated May 16, 1955 not well-founded, Besides, the discovery of a document
said motion is hereby granted. purporting to be the last will and testament of a
"WHEREFORE, in the interest deceased, after the appointment of an administrator
of justice and for the preservation of of the estate of the latter, upon the assumption that
the property for the heirs, the he or she had died intestate, does not ipso
appointment of Emilio Advincula as facto nullify the letters of administration already
administrator is hereby revoked and in issued or even authorize the revocation thereof, until
his stead, the oppositor, Enrique A. the alleged will has been "proved and allowed by the
Lacson, is hereby appointed court." Rule 83, section 1, of the Rules of Court, is
administrator of this intestate estate, plain and explicit on this point.
and same may qualify by filing a bond "If after letters of
in the sum of P5,000 and taking and administration have been granted on
subscribing the corresponding oath of the estate of a decedent as if he had
Office. Once said Enrique A. Lacson died intestate, his will is proved and
has qualified, let letters of allowed by the court, the letters of
administration issue in his favor. administration shall be revoked and all
"The former administrator, powers thereunder cease, and the
Emilio Advincula, is hereby ordered to administrator shall forthwith surrender
submit within ten (10) days from the letters to the court, end render his
receipt hereof, his final account account within such time as the court
covering the entire period of his directs. Proceedings for the issuance
administration and should it appear of letters testamentary or of
that any deficiency has been incurred administration under the will shall be
by him during his incumbency, his as hereinbefore provided." (Italics
bond shall answer for said deficiency." supplied.)
Thereupon, Lacson gave the requisite bond, The amended motion for change of
letters of administration was issued to him, and he administrator endeavored to justify the removal of
tried to take possession of the estate of the Advincula by alleging that he is "incompetent,
deceased. A reconsideration of said order of May incapable and unsuitable to the discharge of the
18, 1955, having been denied by another order, trust, he being foreign to the estate" of the
dated May 30, 1955, petitioner instituted the present deceased. By holding, in its order of May 18, 1955,
action for certiorari, against Lacson and Judge that said motion is "well-founded" — with nothing,
Teodoro, to annul his aforesaid orders of May 18 absolutely nothing else, to indicate the basis of this
and 30, 1955, upon the ground that the same were conclusion — respondent Judge has impliedly
issued with grave abuse of discretion. Upon the filing adopted the line of argument followed in the above
of a bond by Advincula, we issued, as prayed for in quoted allegation of the amended motion to change
his petition, a writ of preliminary injunction administrator. Said argument is, however, devoid of
restraining respondent Lacson and his agents from merit.
interfering, molesting and harassing the petitioner in It is untenable from the viewpoint of logic
the administration of the estate of the deceased, and experience, because a stranger to deceased
during the pendency of this case. may be competent, capable and fit to administer her
estate, in much the same as a member of her
immediate family could be incompetent, incapable
and unfit to do so. At any rate, Advincula is not a
stranger, either to her or to her estate, he bring her
surviving spouse and, as such, one of her forced
heirs (Arts. 887, 888, 892, 893, 894, 897 to 900, and
995 to 1001, Civil Code of the Philippines), whether
she died testate or intestate. What is more, he
is prima facie entitled to one-half of all property
subject to the authority of the administrator of said
estate, apart from his share of the other half thereof,
as heir of the deceased, for "all property of the
marriage is presumed to belong to the conjugal
partnership" — of which he is its administrator
(Article 165, Civil Code of the Philippines) — "unless
it be proved that it pertains exclusively to the
husband or to the wife" (See Articles 160 and 185,
Civil Code of the Philippines). Lastly, Advincula has
not been found guilty of any specific act or omission
constituting one of the legal grounds, enumerated in
Rule 83, section 2, of the Rules of Court, for the
removal of an executor or administrator. Hence, it is
clear that respondent Judge exceeded his
jurisdiction in removing Advincula and appointing
Lacson as administrator of the estate of the
deceased Josefa Lacson Advincula.
Wherefore, the aforementioned orders of
respondent Judge, dated May 8 and 30, 1955, are
reversed, and the writ of preliminary injunction
issued in this case hereby made permanent, with
costs against respondent Enrique A. Lacson. It is so
||| (Advincula v. Teodoro, Sr., G.R. No. L-9282, [May 31,
1956], 99 PHIL 413-418)

9. LUCILA DAVID, ET. AL, V. CHERRY (Sunset Valley Estate), as well as for the support
CALILUNG, GR 241036, 1/26/21 and delivery of presumptive legitimes of their
common children. However, the 2005 Nullity
[G.R. No. 241036. January 26, 2021.] Decision, as well as its certificate of finality was not
registered with the Office of the Registry of Deeds of
Angeles City, thus, no annotation of the said
LUCILA DAVID and THE HEIRS OF Decision on TCT No. 90811 was ever made. Also,
RENE F. AGUAS, namely: actual partition of the Sunset Valley Estate had not
PRINCESS LUREN D. AGUAS, been undertaken and the presumptive legitimes of
DANICA LANE D. AGUAS, SEAN the Aguas heirs were not delivered.
MICHAEL D. AGUAS and On October 7, 2006, Rene contracted a
SAMANTHA * D. second marriage with Cherry. 8
AGUAS, petitioners, vs. CHERRY S. On November 17, 2015, Rene died
CALILUNG, respondent. intestate.
On May 24, 2017, Cherry filed a petition for
the settlement of the intestate estate of Rene
DECISION docketed as Special Proceeding Case No. R-ANG-
17-01449-SP entitled, "In the Matter of the Petition
for Letters of Administration and Settlement of
Intestate Estate of Rene F. Aguas, Cherry Calilung-
DELOS SANTOS, J p: Aguas, Petitioner" (Settlement Proceeding). The
This is a direct recourse to the Court, via a Settlement Proceeding was raffled to RTC-Angeles
Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 under Rule 45 of City, Branch 56 (Branch 56). 9 On the other hand,
the Rules of Court, from the Orders dated November the Aguas heirs filed a
24, 2017 2 and June 13, 2018 3 of the Regional Trial Comment/Opposition 10 dated October 2, 2017 in
Court (RTC) of Angeles City, Branch 60, in Civil the Settlement Proceeding, alleging, among others,
Case No. R-ANG-17-03316-CV, dismissing for lack that they are the legitimate children of the late Rene
of jurisdiction the Petition for Declaration of Nullity of with Lucila; that the marriage of Rene and Lucila
Marriage of Rene F. Aguas (Rene) and Cherry S. was dissolved, but there was no liquidation or
Calilung (Cherry) filed by petitioners Lucila David separation of the properties acquired during their
(Lucila) and her children, namely: Princess Luren D. marriage in accordance with Article 102 of
Aguas, Danica Lane D. Aguas, Sean Patrick D. the Family Code; that Article 52 of the Family
Aguas, Sean Michael D. Aguas, and Samantha D. Code requires that the judgment of absolute nullity of
Aguas (collectively, the Aguas heirs). marriage, the partition and distribution of the
properties of the spouses and the delivery of the
The Facts children's presumptive legitimes shall be recorded in
Lucila married Rene on November 24, 1981 the appropriate civil registry and registries of
in Mabalacat, Pampanga. They begot five children, properties; that the failure to comply with the
the Aguas heirs. requirements of Article 52 of the Family Code would
have the effect of nullifying the subsequent marriage
On December 10, 2003, Rene filed a petition between Rene and Cherry pursuant to Article 53 of
to declare his marriage with Lucila null and void on the same Code; and that when Rene married
the ground of the latter's psychological Cherry, the properties of Rene acquired during the
incapacity. 4 In the said petition, Rene declared as previous marriage should not have been included in
conjugal properties a parcel of land located in their property regime pursuant to Article 92 of
Sunset Valley Estate, Angeles City, consisting of the Family Code. 11
500 square meters (sq. m.) and covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 90811 in the names of On November 3, 2017, Lucila and the Aguas
Rene and Lucila, 5 and the merchandise inventory in heirs (petitioners) filed with the RTC of Angeles City
Rene's pawnshop and ready-to-wear sales a petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage 12 of
business. 6 Rene and Cherry (RTC petition) on the ground that
the said subsequent marriage was entered into
In a Decision 7 dated December 22, 2005 in without complying the provisions in Articles 52 and
Civil Case No. 11284, Rene and Lucila's marriage 53 of the Family Code on the partition and
was judicially declared null and void on the ground of distribution of the properties of the previous marriage
psychological incapacity (2005 Nullity Decision). The and the delivery of the presumptive legitimes.
same Decision also ordered for the division of the
conjugal properties consisting of the lot covered by
TCT No. 90811 and the house standing thereon
The RTC petition was raffled to RTC- raffled RTC petition on the ground of lack of
Angeles City, Branch 59 (Branch 59), the designated jurisdiction.
Family Court.
Branch 60 held that the RTC petition is
On November 10, 2017, Branch 59 issued hinged upon the issue of validity of marriage
an Order 13 (Transmittal Order) directing the emanating from Articles 52 and 53 of the Family
transmittal of the case record to the Office of the Code. Pursuant to Section 5 of Republic Act (R.A.)
Clerk of Court for re-raffle among courts of general No. 8369, otherwise known as the Family Courts Act
jurisdiction. Branch 59 held that the RTC petition of 1997, it is the Family Court which has jurisdiction
involves a collateral attack on the validity of marriage over the case and not Branch 60 which is no longer
of Rene and Cherry which does not fall within the a Family Court. In addition, citing A.M. No. 02-11-10-
jurisdiction of a Family Court, to wit: SC 15 and the ruling in Enrico v. Heirs of Spouses
Medinaceli, 16 Branch 60 ruled that the petitioners
Considering that the instant
have no cause of action to file the petition for
Petition involves a collateral attack
declaration of nullity of marriage since it is the sole
on the validity of marriage of
right of the husband or the wife to file the said
[Cherry] and [Rene], it does not fall
petition involving marriages under the Family Code
within the jurisdiction of a [F]amily
of the Philippines. Nonetheless, the compulsory or
intestate heirs can still question the validity of the
As per deliberations of the marriage of the spouses, not in a proceeding for
Supreme Court Committee on declaration of nullity, but upon the death of a spouse
Revision of Rules: in a proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the
deceased spouse filed in the regular courts. In the
Only an aggrieved or injured end, Branch 60 decreed as follows:
spouse may file a petition for
annulment of voidable marriages or In view of the foregoing, the
declaration of nullity of void petition filed by the petitioners Lucila
marriages. Such petition cannot be David and the Heirs of Rene Aguas
filed by compulsory heirs of the namely: Princess Luren D. Aguas,
spouse or the State. The Committee Danica Lane D. Aguas, Sean Patrick
is of the belief that they do not have D. Aguas, Sean Michael D. Aguas
a legal right to file the and Samantha Mari S. Aguas
petition. Compulsory or intestate against Cherry Calilung, is hereby
heirs have only inchoate rights dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
prior to the death of their
predecessor, and hence can only
question the validity of the On December 5, 2017, petitioners received
marriage of the spouses upon the both the Transmittal Order of Branch 59 and the first
death of the deceased assailed Order of Branch 60.
spouse filed in the regular
Thereafter, petitioners filed a motion for
courts. On the other hand, the
reconsideration of the first assailed Order of Branch
concern of the State is to preserve
60, praying, in the main, that the case be referred
marriage and not to seek
back to the Family Court instead of dismissing the
On June 13, 2018, Branch 60 issued the
FOREGOING, the Branch Clerk of
second assailed Order 18 denying the petitioners'
Court is hereby directed to transmit
motion for reconsideration. It explained that the
the record of this case to the Office
Transmittal Order of Branch 59 has already become
of the Clerk of Court, Regional Trial
final after the petitioners failed to file a motion for
Court of Angeles City for re-raffle
reconsideration thereto and that to refer back the
among courts of general
case to the said Family Court would effectively
jurisdiction. 14 (Citations omitted;
disregard the aforesaid Order of a co-equal branch
italics, emphasis and underscoring
which is already final and executory. Branch 60 also
in the original)
maintained its position that, according to the rules,
In view of the Transmittal Order of Branch only an aggrieved or injured spouse may file
59, the RTC petition was re-raffled to RTC-Angeles petitions for annulment of voidable marriages and
City, Branch 60 (Branch 60). declaration of absolute nullity of void marriage.
On November 24, 2017, Branch 60 issued Aggrieved, petitioners seek direct recourse
the first assailed Order which dismissed the re- with the Court through the present Petition for

Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of The issues involved in the instant petition,
Court on pure questions of law. being interrelated, are discussed jointly.
The petitioners raised the following grounds The petition for declaration of nullity
to support their petition: of marriage is under the jurisdiction
of the RTC branch designated as
Family Court pursuant to R.A. No.
8369 when there is one in the area.
PETITION FOR It is a well-entrenched doctrine that the
DECLARATION OF NULLITY jurisdiction of a tribunal over the subject matter of an
[OF MARRIAGE] WITHOUT action is conferred by law 20 and that the same is
WAITING FOR THE determined by the statute in force at the time of the
PETITIONERS TO commencement of the action. 21
Pertinent to the instant case is R.A. No.
8369, otherwise known as the Family Courts Act of
1997, 22 which took effect on November 23,
1997. 23 The said law, particularly Sections 3 and 5
thereof, created Family Courts and grant unto them
exclusive jurisdiction over complaints for declaration
of nullity of marriage, among others, to wit:
II. RTC BRANCH 60 ERRED IN SEC. 3. Establishment of
HOLDING THAT THE Family Courts. — There shall be
REFERRAL OF THE CASE established a Family Court in every
BACK TO THE FAMILY province and city in the country. In
COURT IS AN IMPOSITION case where the city is the capital of
UPON A CO-EQUAL the province, the Family Court shall
BRANCH. be established in the municipality
which has the highest population.
ERROR OF LAW AND SEC. 5. Jurisdiction of
ACTED IN A MANNER Family Courts. — The Family Courts
CONTRARY TO LAW AND shall have exclusive original
ESTABLISHED jurisdiction to hear and decide the
JURISPRUDENCE IN following cases:
FOR NULLITY ON THE a) Criminal cases where
GROUND OF LACK OF one or more of the accused is below
JURISDICTION. 19 eighteen (18) years of age but not
less than nine (9) years of age or
The Issues where one or more of the victims is
The issues which confront the Court in the a minor at the time of the
instant case may be summarized as follows: commission of the
offense: Provided, That if the minor
1. Whether it is Branch 59 or Branch 60 is found guilty, the court shall
which has jurisdiction over the RTC promulgate sentence and ascertain
petition for declaration of nullity of any civil liability which the accused
marriage; may have incurred;
2. Whether or not Branch 60 erred in The sentence, however,
dismissing the RTC petition for shall be suspended without need of
nullity of marriage; and application pursuant to Presidential
3. Whether or not the petitioners are the real Decree No. 603, otherwise known
parties-in-interest to file the subject as the "Child and Youth Welfare
RTC petition for nullity of marriage. Code";

The Court's Ruling b) Petitions for

guardianship, custody of children,
The Court denies the petition. [habeas corpus] in relation to the

c) Petitions for adoption of violate a woman's
children and the revocation thereof; personhood, integrity
and freedom
d) Complaints for
movement; and
annulment of marriage,
declaration of nullity of marriage 2) Children — which include
and those relating to marital the commission of all
status and property relations of forms of abuse,
husband and wife or those living neglect, cruelty,
together under different status exploitation, violence,
and agreements, and petitions for and discrimination
dissolution of conjugal and all other
partnership of gains; conditions prejudicial
to their development.
e) Petitions for support
and/or acknowledgment; If an act constitutes a
criminal offense, the accused or
f) Summary judicial batterer shall be subject to criminal
proceedings brought under the proceedings and the corresponding
provisions of Executive Order No. penalties.
209, otherwise known as the
"Family Code of the Philippines"; If any question involving any
of the above matters should arise as
g) Petitions for declaration an incident in any case pending in
of status of children as abandoned, the regular courts, said incident shall
dependent or neglected children, be determined in that court.
petitions for voluntary or involuntary (Emphasis supplied)
commitment of children; the
suspension, termination, or Equally important to note is Section 17
restoration of parental authority and (Transitory Provisions) of R.A. No. 8369, which
other cases cognizable under provides:
Presidential Decree No. 603, SEC. 17. Transitory
Executive Order No. 56, (Series of Provisions. — Pending the
1986), and other related laws; establishment of such Family
h) Petitions for the Courts, the Supreme Court shall
constitution of the family home; designate from among the
branches of the Regional Trial
i) Cases against minors Court at least one Family Court in
cognizable under the Dangerous each of the cities of Manila, Quezon,
Drugs Act, as amended; Pasay, Caloocan, Makati, Pasig,
j) Violations of Republic Act Mandaluyong, Muntinlupa, Laoag,
No. 7610, otherwise known as the Baguio, Santiago, Dagupan,
"Special Protection of Children Olongapo, Cabanatuan, San Jose,
Against Child Abuse, Exploitation Angeles, Cavite, Batangas, Lucena,
and Discrimination Act," as Naga, Iriga, Legazpi, Roxas, Iloilo,
amended by Republic Act No. 7658; Bacolod, Dumaguete, Tacloban,
and Cebu, Mandaue, Tagbilaran,
Surigao, Butuan, Cagayan de Oro,
k) Cases of domestic Davao, General Santos, Oroquieta,
violence against: Ozamis, Dipolog, Zamboanga,
1) Women — which are acts Pagadian, Iligan, and in such other
of [gender-based] places as the Supreme Court may
violence that results, deem necessary.
or are likely to result Additional cases other than
in physical, sexual or those provided in Sec. 5 may be
psychological harm or assigned to the Family Courts when
suffering to women; their dockets permit: Provided, That
and other forms of such additional cases shall not be
physical abuse such heard on the same day family cases
as battering or threats are heard.
and coercion which

In areas where there are no Regional Trial Court as Family
Family Courts, the cases referred to Courts, to wit:
in Section 5 of this Act shall be
adjudicated by the Regional Trial
Court. (Emphasis supplied)
As can be observed in the Transitory FAMILY COURTS
Provisions, the law mandated the Court to designate
To implement the provisions
from among the branches of the RTC, in the cities
of Section 17 of Republic Act No.
mentioned therein, at least one Family Court
8369, otherwise known as the
"pending the establishment of Family Courts." It may
"Family Courts Act of 1997," and in
also be underscored that under the second
the interest of the expeditious,
paragraph of the Transitory Provisions, the RTC
effective and efficient administration
branches to be designated by the Court are referred
of justice, and subject to the
to as Family Courts, and by that, it means that they
guidelines herein set forth, the
exercise exclusive jurisdiction over family cases
following branches of the Regional
enumerated in Section 5 of R.A. No. 8369 (family
Trial Courts are hereby designated
cases). Accordingly, though temporary in nature,
as Family Courts which shall
these specific branches exercise exclusive
exclusively try and decide the cases
jurisdiction over complaints for declaration of nullity
subject of Section 5 of said Act:
of marriage, among other family cases, to the
exclusion of other RTC branches and courts. xxx xxx xxx
It might not be amiss to stress that the THIRD JUDICIAL REGION
Congress was unquestionably authorized to confer
xxx xxx xxx
jurisdiction ovr family cases to RTC branches to be
designated by the Court as Family Courts pending Angeles City
the establishment of the regular Family Courts,
independent and distinct from the RTCs. This is (31) Br. 60,
pursuant to the Congress' constitutionally- Judge Ofelia T.
established power "to define, prescribe, and Pinto
apportion the jurisdiction of various courts" under On September 10, 2008, however, the Court
Article VIII, Section 2 24 of the 1987 issued a Resolution in A.M. No. 08-8-460-RTC
Constitution subject only to the limitations that: first, revoking the designation of Branch 60 as special
the Congress cannot diminish the jurisdiction of the court for family court cases and designated Branch
Court enumerated in Section 5, Article VIII of 59 as special court to try and decide family court
the 1987 Constitution; 25 and second, the Congress cases in lieu of Branch 60, to wit:
cannot increase the appellate jurisdiction of the
Court without its advice and concurrence. 26 A.M. No. 08-8-460-
RTC (Re: Partial Report on the
A distinction must be made, though, Judicial Audit of Pending Cases and
between areas with designated Family Courts and Special Audit of Family Court Cases
those where there are none. As provided in the third in the Regional Trial Court, Branch
paragraph of Transitory Provisions, R.A. No. 60, Angeles City). — The Court
8369 grants exclusive jurisdiction over family cases resolves:
to the RTC in general in areas where there are no
Family Courts. (1) To NOTE the aforesaid partial
Branch 59 was designated as Family
Court to exercise exclusive (2) To REVOKE the designation of
jurisdiction over family cases. the Regional Trial Court, Branch 60,
Angeles City, Pampanga presided
In an En Banc Resolution in A.M. No. 99-11- over by Judge Ofelia Tuazon Pinto
07-SC dated February 1, 2000 (Re: Designation of as special court for family court
Certain Branches of the RTC as Family Courts), the cases, effective immediately from
Court designated specific RTC branches as Family receipt of notice;
Courts to try and hear family cases to the exclusion
of other courts or tribunals. Among these RTC xxx xxx xxx
branches is Branch 60 of RTC-Angeles City. Thus: (4) To PREVENTIVELY SUSPEND
The Court Resolved to Judge Ofelia Tuazon Pinto,
APPROVE the draft resolution Regional Trial Court, Branch 60,
designating certain branches of the Angeles City, and Officer-In-Charge
Raquel L.D. Clarin, the same court,  That the parties have amassed
from office effective immediately between them a parcel of land
from receipt of notice; located at Sunset [Valley]
Estate, Angeles City
(5) To DESIGNATE the Regional
consisting of five hundred
Trial Court, Branch 59, Angeles City,
square meters, more or less.
presided over by Executive Judge
This is aside from the assets
Angelita T. Paras-Quiambao, as
in business consisting mainly
special court to try and decide family
of merchandise inventory in
court cases in lieu of Branch 60,
[Rene's] pawnshop and RTW
same court[.]
sales business.
Accordingly, when the
xxx xxx xxx
Court designated Branch 59 in lieu of Branch 60 as
special Family Court, no other meaning can be had, 7. The subject property is covered by
but that Branch 59 replaces Branch 60 as a [TCT] No. 045-90811 x x x
designated Family Court in implementation of the and was indeed registered in
Transitory Provisions of R.A. No. 8369, which shall the names of Spouses Rene
exercise exclusive jurisdiction over family cases. F. Aguas and Lucila Aguas.
Branch 59 has jurisdiction over the 8. Without receiving any notice from
subject matter of the RTC petition. the Court regarding the
Petition for Nullity, Lucila
Jurisdiction is defined as the power and learned sometime in the year
authority of the courts to hear, try, and decide cases. 2007 that a Decision dated
What determines the jurisdiction of the court is the [December 22, 2005] has
nature of the action pleaded as appearing from the already been rendered by the
allegations in the complaint. The averments and the RTC granting the said
character of the relief sought are the ones to be [Petition for Nullity] filed by
consulted. 27 Once vested by the allegations in the Rene. x x x
complaint, jurisdiction also remains vested,
irrespective of whether or not the plaintiff is entitled xxx xxx xxx
to recover upon all or some of the claims asserted 9. The Decision above-mentioned, as
therein. 28 well as its Certificate of
In the instant case, the RTC petition was Finality, was not registered
captioned as Petition for Declaration of Nullity of with the Office of Registry of
Marriage under Article 53 in relation to Article 52 of Deeds of Angeles City where
the Family Code of the Philippines. More the subject property is
importantly, in their allegations, the petitioners located. Thus, no annotation
mainly and directly sought for the declaration of of said Decision on the title
nullity of marriage of Rene and Cherry, to wit: covering the subject property
has ever been made.
4. Lucila and [Rene] entered into a
marital union on November xxx xxx xxx
24, 1981 in Mabalacat, 10. On [October 7, 2006], Rene and
Pampanga. Cherry entered into a marital
xxx xxx xxx union without the partition and
liquidation of the subject
5. Out of their marital union, Lucila property, and proper delivery
and Rene begotten five of the prospective legitimes of
children — Princess, Danica, Princess, Danica, Michael,
Patrick, Michael and Patrick and Samantha, who
Samantha x x x. are children of the first
6. On [December 10, 2003], Rene filed marriage.
a Petition for Nullity of
xxx xxx xxx
Marriage against Lucila before
the [RTC], Branch 60 of 11. On [November 17, 2015], Rene
Angeles City x x x. In the said died intestate.
Petition for Nullity, therein
xxx xxx xxx
Petitioner Rene declared
conjugal properties as follows:

12. Due to the failure of Rene and made impugning the validity of marriage to obtain a
Cherry to comply with the different affirmative relief or by way of defense, even
express provision of the law, though there is no final judgment yet in a direct
the subsequent marriage proceeding declaring the marriage annulled or
contracted by the deceased nullified. That is not the case here. Petitioners did
Rene with Cherry is null and not assail the validity of marriage of Rene and
void pursuant to Article 53 in Cherry as an incident to an action to obtain a relief
relation to Article 52 of other than the declaration of nullity of marriage. The
the Family Code[.] 29 RTC petition was precisely filed by the petitioners to
nullify the marriage of Rene and Cherry, hence, a
As can be observed from the allegations in
direct action impugning the validity of marriage.
the RTC petition, the same was precisely filed to
annul or nullify the marriage of Rene and Cherry. The foregoing considered, it was improper
Otherwise stated, the petition is filed in a direct for Branch 59 to order for the re-raffle of the RTC
proceeding impugning the validity of a marriage of petition to the other branches of Angeles RTC.
the aforesaid spouses. Obviously, the subject Nonetheless, the erroneous Transmittal Order of
petition is a complaint for declaration of nullity of Branch 59 is binding upon the petitioners as the
marriage referred to in Section 5 (d) 30 of R.A. No. same has long attained finality, there being no
8369, which, pursuant to Section 17 of R.A. No. motion for reconsideration, appeal,
8369 in relation to A.M. No. 99-11-07-SC and A.M. or certiorari petition filed.
No. 08-08-460-RTC, falls under the jurisdiction of
Branch 60 properly dismissed the
Branch 59.
RTC petition on the ground of lack
Branch 59 improperly ordered for of jurisdiction.
the re-raffle of the RTC petition to
As explained in the preceding discussions,
the regular courts.
jurisdiction over complaints for declaration of nullity
Branch 59 ruled in its Transmittal Order that of marriage and other family cases fall under the
it has no jurisdiction over the RTC petition because exclusive jurisdiction of Family Courts when there is
the same was not filed by an aggrieved or injured one in the area. Considering that Branch 59, a
spouse, who are the only parties who can file a designated Family Court, exists in Angeles City,
petition for declaration of nullity of void marriages Branch 60, therefore, does not have jurisdiction over
pursuant to A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. It added that the the subject RTC petition. Accordingly, without
petition was filed by the heirs of Rene which jurisdiction over the subject matter, Branch 60 has
constitutes a collateral attack on the validity of his no other recourse, but to dismiss the RTC petition. It
marriage with Cherry. is worthy to note that when a court has no
jurisdiction over the subject matter, the only
The above reasoning is misplaced.
power it has is to dismiss the action, as any act
If, on its face, the RTC petition was not filed it performs without jurisdiction is null and void,
by real party-in-interest, as Branch 59 wanted to and without any binding legal
point out, the proper ground for dismissal should be effects. 35 Consequently, Branch 60 cannot order
failure to state a cause of action and not lack of the transfer of the RTC petition to Branch 59 as it
jurisdiction. One having no material interest to lacks authority to act on the re-raffled RTC petition
protect cannot invoke the jurisdiction of the court as nor on the motion for reconsideration filed by
plaintiff in an action. When the plaintiff is not the real petitioners subsequent to the dismissal thereof. On
party-in-interest, the case is dismissible on the this score, the Court affirms the dismissal order of
ground of lack of cause of action 31 or of failure to Branch 60.
state a cause of action, as the case may
The petitioners are allowed to file
be. 32 Otherwise stated, Branch 59 certainly has
anew a petition for declaration of
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action filed
nullity of marriage without violating
by the petitioners, but it could dismiss the same for
rules on res judicata. The same,
failure to state a cause of action, though only upon
however, is not warranted in the
proper motion by the party. 33
present case.
Moreover, there is no collateral attack on the
In the ordinary course of law and procedure,
validity of marriage of Rene and Cherry to speak of
the petitioners' sensible action to pursue their case is
in this case. A collateral attack is defined as an
to file anew a complaint for declaration of nullity of
attack, made as an incident in another action, whose
marriage before a designated Family Court, without
purpose is to obtain a different relief. 34 Accordingly,
violating the rules on res judicata.
there is a collateral attack on the validity of marriage
when, as an incident in a pending action not There is res judicata where the following
precisely brought to nullify the marriage, an attack is four essential conditions concur, viz.: (1) there must
be a final judgment or order; (2) the court rendering resolve cases either when the parties deserve
it must have jurisdiction over the subject matter and speedy, but legally warranted relief, or when
the parties; (3) it must be a judgment or order on the remanding the cases would be counterproductive to
merits; and (4) there must be, between the two the cause of justice. 40 Likewise, it is an accepted
cases, identity of parties, subject matter and causes precept of procedural law that the Court may resolve
of action. 36 the dispute in a single proceeding, instead of
remanding the case to the lower court for further
Anent the third element, a judgment may
proceedings if, based on the records, pleadings, and
be considered as one rendered on the merits
other evidence, the matter can readily be ruled
when it determines the rights and liabilities of
upon. 41
the parties based on the disclosed
facts, irrespective of formal, technical or dilatory Hence, the Court will now rule on the issue
objections; or when the judgment is rendered after of whether or not the petitioners are the real parties-
a determination of which party is right, as in-interest to file subject petition for nullity of
distinguished from a judgment rendered marriage.
upon some preliminary or formal or merely
The petitioners are not the real party-
technical point. It is not required that a trial, actual
in-interest to file the RTC petition.
hearing, or argument on the facts of the case
ensued, for as long as the parties had the full legal The Court issued A.M. No. 02-11-10-
opportunity to be heard on their respective claims SC which took effect on March 15, 2003, in order to
and contentions. 37 govern direct actions for declaration of nullity or
annulment of marriage. As ruled in Enrico, Section 2
In this case, the Orders of Branch 59 and
(a) of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC makes it the sole right
Branch 60 do not constitute res judicata as the same
of the husband or the wife to file a petition for
are not rendered on the merits of the RTC petition. It
declaration of absolute nullity of void marriage,
did not contain legal declaration of the parties' rights
to wit:
and liabilities nor was there a determination on
whether or not the petitioners were right in asking for SEC. 2. Petition for
the nullity of Rene and Cherry's marriage. In other declaration of absolute nullity of void
words, the final order did not resolve substantial marriages. —
issues. Moreover, in certain cases, the Court has
(a) Who may file. — A petition for
disregarded res judicata in the broader interest of
declaration of absolute nullity
justice, as well as when the circumstances of the
of void marriage may be filed
case justify the relaxation of the said rule and
solely by the husband or the
declared that a party is not barred from filing a
wife. 42 (Underscoring in the
subsequent case of similar nature. 38
The foregoing notwithstanding, the Court is
In explaining why A.M. No. 02-11-10-
of the opinion that to simply uphold the dismissal
SC only allows the spouses to file the petition to the
orders of Branch 60 and let the petitioners to file
exclusion of compulsory or intestate heirs, the Court
anew a complaint for nullity of marriage before the
designated Family Court would not serve any
compelling purpose, is impractical, and The Rationale of the Rules
counterproductive to the cause of justice. With both on Annulment of Voidable Marriages
parties having extensively discussed in their and Declaration of Absolute Nullity
pleadings filed before the trial court and before the of Void Marriages, Legal Separation
Court their respective positions on the issue on and Provisional Orders explicates
whether the petitioners have legal standing to file the on Section 2 (a) in the following
RTC petition, the Court finds it imperative to properly manner, viz.:
evaluate the arguments of the parties and decide on
that particular issue. To rule otherwise would only 1. Only an aggrieved or injured
invite redundancy of bringing the same purely legal spouse may file petitions for
issue to the Court as the parties would just file the annulment of voidable marriages
needed pleadings and raise the aforesaid issue in and declaration of absolute nullity of
the trial court, and then elevate the same to the void marriages. Such petitions
Court via a Rule 45 petition. This would not be cannot be filed by the compulsory or
conducive to the speedy administration of justice, intestate heirs of the spouses or by
and it becomes unnecessary where the Court is in a the State. [Section 2; Section 3,
position to resolve the issue based on the records paragraph a]
before it. 39 Apropos thereto, it is well-settled that Only an aggrieved or injured
the Court can take cognizance of and immediately spouse may file a petition for

annulment of voidable marriages or The subsequent spouse
declaration of absolute nullity of void may only be expected to take action
marriages. Such petition cannot if he or she had only discovered
be filed by compulsory or during the connubial period that the
intestate heirs of the spouses or marriage was bigamous, and
by the State. The Committee is of especially if the conjugal bliss had
the belief that they do not have a already vanished. Should parties in
legal right to file the petition. a subsequent marriage benefit from
Compulsory or intestate heirs have the bigamous marriage, it would not
only inchoate rights prior to the be expected that they would file an
death of their predecessor, and action to declare the marriage void
hence can only question the validity and thus, in such circumstance, the
of the marriage of the spouses upon "injured spouse" who should be
the death of a spouse in a given a legal remedy is the one in a
proceeding for the settlement of the subsisting previous marriage. The
estate of the deceased spouse filed latter is clearly the aggrieved party
in the regular courts. On the other as the bigamous marriage not only
hand, the concern of the State is to threatens the financial and the
preserve marriage and not to seek property ownership aspect of the
its dissolution. 43 (Emphasis and prior marriage but most of all, it
underscoring in the original) causes an emotional burden to the
prior spouse. The subsequent
Like in Enrico, the Aguas heirs are the
marriage will always be a reminder
children of the deceased spouse whose marriage is
of the infidelity of the spouse and
sought to be annulled. And as ruled in the aforecited
the disregard of the prior marriage
case, they have no legal personality to file the
which sanctity is protected by
petition for declaration of nullity of marriage of their
the Constitution. 46
father with Cherry. They can only question the
validity of the marriage of the said spouses in a In this case, however, the RTC petition
proceeding for the settlement of the estate of their was not anchored on the ground of bigamy, but
deceased father filed in the regular courts. on non-compliance with the provisions in Articles 52
and 53 of the Family Code on the partition and
Lucila, on the other hand, is not the wife in
distribution of the properties of the previous marriage
the marriage that she and her children sought to
and delivery of the presumptive legitimes. It is also
annul. Be it noted that she is not a spouse of Rene,
noteworthy that Rene and Cherry's marriage is not
their marriage having been declared null and void
bigamous. Rene and Lucila's marriage was already
from the very beginning on the ground of
declared null and void, hence, there is no existing
psychological incapacity in the 2005 Nullity
marriage to speak of so as to constitute Rene and
Decision. 44 Accordingly, Lucila, could not be the
Cherry's marriage to be bigamous. As such, Lucila
aggrieved or injured spouse referred to by A.M. No.
could not be considered as an injured spouse in a
02-11-10-SC who has the legal standing to file the
bigamous marriage that entitles her to file a petition
complaint for nullity of marriage of the spouses Rene
for nullity of the subsequent marriage.
and Cherry.
Niñal v. Bayadog is not applicable in
The Court is aware that in Juliano-Llave v.
this case.
Republic, 45 it was held that A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC,
which limits to only the husband or the wife the filing The petitioners insist on the application
of a petition for nullity, does not shut out the prior of Niñal v. Bayadog 47 where the Court allowed the
spouse from filing a suit if the ground is a bigamous children by a previous marriage to file a direct action
subsequent marriage, thus: to declare a subsequent marriage void after the
death of their father. The Court cannot agree with
Note that the Rationale
the petitioners. The ruling in Niñal is not applicable in
makes it clear that Section 2(a)
the instant case as it involves a marriage under
of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC refers to
the Civil Code while the instant case, like in Enrico,
the "aggrieved or injured spouse." If
concerns a marriage celebrated during the effectivity
Estrellita's interpretation is
of the Family Code and of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC.
employed, the prior spouse is
Thus, as held in Enrico:
unjustly precluded from filing an
action. Surely, this is not what While it is true that Niñal in
the Rule contemplated. no uncertain terms allowed therein
petitioners to file a petition for the
declaration of nullity of their father's
marriage to therein respondent after parties could have been had, as well as the delivery
the death of their father, we cannot, of the presumptive legitimes of the Aguas heirs.
however, apply its ruling for the
As it happened, however, neither Rene nor
reason that the impugned marriage
petitioners herein moved for the execution of the
therein was solemnized prior to the
2005 Nullity Decision. Also, neither Rene nor
effectivity of the Family Code. The
petitioners attempted to execute the 2005 Nullity
Court in Niñal recognized that the
Decision by instituting an independent action for its
applicable law to determine the
revival. Hence, the subject property remained under
validity of the two marriages
the state of co-ownership among Rene, Lucila and
involved therein is the Civil Code,
the Aguas heirs. Moreover, Rene's death
which was the law in effect at the
supervened the enforcement of the 2005 Nullity
time of their celebration. What we
Decision and the partition of the Sunset Valley
have before us belongs to a different
Estate. Thus, succession set in and triggered the
milieu, i.e., the marriage sought to
application of the Civil Code provisions governing
be declared void was entered into
succession and the procedural rules governing the
during the effectivity of the Family
settlement of deceased persons. Consequently, the
Code. As can be gleaned from the
Aguas heirs' right to the delivery of their presumptive
facts, petitioner's marriage to
legitimes had been superseded by their statutory
Eulogio was celebrated in
right to succeed Rene as compulsory heirs. 53
2004. 48 (Citation omitted)
Now, the Aguas heirs filed the RTC petition
As it stands now, Section 2, paragraph (a)
under the assumption that the validity or invalidity of
of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC explicitly provides the
Rene and Cherry's marriage would affect their
limitation that a petition for declaration of absolute
successional rights and share in Rene's estate,
nullity of void marriage may be filed solely by the
which allegedly included the entire subject property.
husband or wife. Such limitation demarcates a line to
As earlier explained, however, they do not have the
distinguish between marriages covered by
legal standing to file the RTC petition.
the Family Code and those solemnized under the
regime of the Civil Code.Specifically, A.M. No. 02- Nevertheless, all is not lost for them.
11-10-SC extends only to marriages covered by
As explained in Enrico, while A.M. No. 02-
the Family Code, which took effect on August 3,
11-10-SC declares that a petition for declaration of
1988, but, being a procedural rule that is prospective
absolute nullity of void marriage may be filed solely
in application, it is confined only to proceedings
by the husband or the wife, it does not mean that
commenced after March 15, 2003. 49 Considering
the compulsory or intestate heirs are already
that the marriage between Rene and Cherry was
without any recourse under the law. They can still
contracted on October 7, 2006 and that the RTC
protect their successional right, for, as stated in
petition was filed on November 3, 2017, A.M. No.
the Rationale of the Rules on Annulment of Voidable
02-11-10-SC is absolutely applicable to the
Marriages and Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void
Marriages, Legal Separation and Provisional Orders
Aguas heirs can collaterally attack (Rationale of the Rules), compulsory or intestate
the validity of Rene and Cherry's heirs can still question the validity of the marriage of
marriage in the proceedings for the the spouses, not in a proceeding for declaration of
settlement of the estate of Rene. nullity, but upon the death of a spouse in a
proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the
Lucila can file a separate civil action
deceased spouse filed in the regular courts.
for partition against the administrator
of Rene's estate. The Court notes that there is a pending
intestate proceedings of the estate of Rene, SP
It is necessary to stress, as insightfully
Case No. R-ANG-17-01449-SP entitled, "In the
pointed out and discussed by Justice Caguioa in his
Matter of the Petition for Letters of Administration
Concurring Opinion, that upon the finality of the 2005
and Settlement of Intestate Estate of Rene F. Aguas,
Nullity Decision, Rene, Lucila, or the Aguas heirs
Cherry Calilung-Aguas, Petitioner." The Aguas heirs
could have already moved for its execution by
can certainly amply protect their successional rights
motion within five years from the entry of the 2005
by collaterally raising the issue on the validity of
Nullity Decision in accordance with Section
Rene and Cherry's marriage in the aforesaid
6, 50 Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. Thereafter, said
proceedings which they did when they filed a
parties had 10 years from entry of the 2005 Nullity
Comment/Opposition to the Petition in SP Case No.
Decision to file an independent action for its revival
R-ANG-17-01449-SP 54 together with Lucila and
pursuant to Article 1152 51 of the Civil Code.52 With
raised the argument that Rene's marriage with
that, partition and delivery of the corresponding
Cherry is null and void.
portion of the subject property to the respective
In fact, as correctly pointed out by Justice As stated, Section 1, Rule 73 grants to the
Caguioa in his Concurring Opinion, the Aguas heirs' court first taking cognizance of the settlement of the
successional rights and share in Rene's estate decedent's estate the exclusive jurisdiction to hear
should be properly determined in the Settlement and decide all matters relating to the settlement
Proceeding, which was already pending with Branch and liquidation of the decedent's estate to the
56 upon the filing of the RTC petition, to the exclusion of all other courts of concurrent
exclusion of all other courts of concurrent jurisdiction. The main function of settlement of
jurisdiction. This is pursuant to Section 1, Rule 73 of estate proceedings is to settle and liquidate the
the Rules of Court in relation to the principle of estates of deceased persons. Integral to this process
priority or the rule of exclusive concurrent is the determination of the assets that form part of
jurisdiction. the decedent's estate, the heirs who shall participate
in said estate, and the amount or proportion of these
The rule is that the court which first takes
heirs' respective shares therein. Certainly, Branch
cognizance of an action over which it has jurisdiction
56, which is handling the Settlement Proceeding,
and power to afford complete relief has the exclusive
has primary and exclusive subject matter jurisdiction
right to dispose of the controversy without
over the Aguas heirs' successional rights and share
interference from other courts of concurrent
in Rene's estate where they can collaterally attack
jurisdiction in which similar actions are subsequently
the validity of Rene and Cherry's marriage.
instituted between the same parties seeking similar
remedies and involving the same Relatedly, it may not be amiss to stress that
questions. 55 Such rule is referred to as the principle the Aguas heirs may collaterally attack the validity of
of priority or the rule of exclusive concurrent Rene and Cherry's marriage in the Settlement
jurisdiction. Although comity is sometimes a motive Proceeding since the same is for purposes of
for the courts to abide by the priority principle, it is a succession and not of remarriage.
legal duty of a court to abide by such principle to
In Domingo v. Court of Appeals, 57 the
reduce the possibility of the conflicting exercise of
Court already clarified that a collateral attack against
concurrent jurisdiction, especially to reduce the
a void marriage may be permitted for purposes other
possibility that a case involving the same subject
than remarriage. Same ruling was made in De
matter and the same parties is simultaneously acted
Castro v. Assidao-De Castro, 58 where collateral
on in more than one court. 56
attack was allowed by a spouse to a void marriage in
Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules of an action for support.
Court states:
In De Castro, petitioner Reinel Anthony De
SEC. 1. Where estate of Castro and respondent Annabelle Assidao-De
deceased persons settled. — If the Castro got married in 1995 without a marriage
decedent is an inhabitant of the license, but with affidavit stating that they had been
Philippines at the time of his death, living together as husband and wife for at least five
whether a citizen or an alien, his will years. On June 4, 1998, Annabelle filed a complaint
shall be proved, or letters of for support against Reinel alleging that the latter has
administration granted, and his reneged on his responsibility/obligation to financially
estate settled, in the Court of First support her as his wife and Reinna Tricia as his
Instance in the province in which he child. Reinel Anthony denied that he is married to
resides at the time of his death, and Annabelle, claiming that their marriage is void ab
if he is an inhabitant of a foreign initio since the marriage was facilitated by a fake
country, the Court of First Instance affidavit and that they never lived together as
of any province in which he had husband and wife. The trial court ruled that the
estate. The court first taking marriage between Reinel Anthony and Annabelle is
cognizance of the settlement of not valid because it was solemnized without a
the estate of a decedent, shall marriage license. However, it declared petitioner as
exercise jurisdiction to the the natural father of the child, and, thus, obliged to
exclusion of all other courts. The give her support. On appeal, the CA ruled that since
jurisdiction assumed by a court, so the case is an action for support, it was improper for
far as it depends on the place of the trial court to declare the marriage of Reinel
residence of the decedent, or of the Anthony and Annabelle as null and void in the very
location of his estate, shall not be same case. When the case was elevated to the
contested in a suit or proceeding, Court, it ruled that a void marriage can be the
except in an appeal from that court, subject of a collateral attack in a suit not directly
in the original case, or when the instituted to question the validity of said marriage.
want of jurisdiction appears on the Thus:
record. (Emphasis supplied)

Anent the first issue, the obtained only for
Court holds that the trial court had purpose of
jurisdiction to determine the validity remarriage.
of the marriage between petitioner
Likewise, in Nicdao Cariño
and respondent. The validity of a
v. Yee Cariño, the Court ruled that it
void marriage may be collaterally
is clothed with sufficient authority to
attacked. Thus, in Niñal v. Bayadog,
pass upon the validity of two
we held:
marriages despite the main case
However, being a claim for death benefits.
other than for Reiterating Niñal, we held that the
purposes of Court may pass upon the validity of
remarriage, no a marriage even in a suit not
judicial action is directly instituted to question the
necessary to validity of said marriage, so long
declare a marriage as it is essential to the
an absolute determination of the case.
nullity. For other However, evidence must be
purposes, such as adduced, testimonial or
but not limited to documentary, to prove the existence
determination of of grounds rendering such a
heirship, marriage an absolute
legitimacy or nullity. 59 (Citations omitted;
illegitimacy of a emphases supplied)
child, settlement
Moreover, that the Aguas heirs may
of estate,
collaterally attack the validity of Rene and Cherry's
dissolution of
marriage in the Settlement Proceeding is very clear
property regime,
from the Rationale of the Rules, which states:
or a criminal case
for that matter, the Only an aggrieved or injured
court may pass spouse may file a petition for
upon the validity annulment of voidable marriages or
of marriage even declaration of absolute nullity of void
in a suit not marriages. Such petition cannot be
directly instituted filed by compulsory or intestate heirs
to question the of the spouses or by the State. The
same so long as it Committee is of the belief that they
is essential to the do not have a legal right to file the
determination of petition. Compulsory or intestate
the case. This is heirs have only inchoate rights prior
without prejudice to to the death of their predecessor,
any issue that may and hence can only question the
arise in the case. validity of the marriage of the
When such need spouses upon the death of a
arises, a final spouse in a proceeding for the
judgment of settlement of the estate of the
declaration of nullity deceased spouse filed in the
is necessary even if regular courts. On the other hand,
the purpose is other the concern of the State is to
than to remarry. preserve marriage and not to seek
The clause "on the its dissolution. 60 (Emphasis and
basis of a final underscoring supplied)
judgment declaring
As appropriately observed by Justice
such previous
Caguioa, the Rationale of the Rules draws a
marriage void" in
distinction between a "petition for annulment of
Article 40 of
voidable marriages or declaration of absolute nullity"
the Family
on the one hand, and an action assailing the validity
Code connotes that
of a predecessor's marriage for the purpose of
such final judgment
determining successional rights, on the other. The
need not be
former is a direct action assailing the validity of
marriage that is governed by A.M. No. 02-11-10- determine whether or not they
SC and pertains exclusively to the aggrieved or should be included in the inventory
injured spouse. The latter pertains to a collateral of properties to be administered by
attack against the validity of a predecessor's the administrator. If there is no
marriage brought in a proceeding for the settlement dispute, there poses no problem,
of the latter's estate in accordance with the but if there is, then the parties,
procedure set forth in the Rules of Court. the administrator, and the
opposing parties have to resort to
With regard to Lucila, it is interesting to note
an ordinary action before a court
that Enrico and the Rationale of the Rules only
exercising general jurisdiction for
mentioned compulsory or intestate heirs as the
a final determination of the
ones who could collaterally assail the validity of a
conflicting claims of
marriage in a proceeding for the settlement of the
title. (Emphases supplied)
estate of the deceased spouse filed in the regular
courts in order to protect their successional rights. It must be noted, though, that the
This would mean then that the said remedy or above rule is subject to exceptions, as likewise
recourse under the law is not available to Lucila explained in Agtarap, to wit:
since she is not an heir of Rene, her marriage with
[T]his general rule is subject to
the deceased having been declared null and void
exceptions as justified by
from the very beginning on the ground of
expediency and convenience.
psychological incapacity in the 2005 Nullity Decision.
Lucila is, therefore, considered as a stranger in the First, the probate [or
estate proceedings with no right to succeed as an intestate] court may provisionally
heir of Rene, thus, she has no standing to participate pass upon in an intestate or a
in the Settlement Proceeding. testate proceeding the question
of inclusion in, or exclusion from,
Concomitantly, Lucila's claim cannot be filed
the inventory of a piece of
in the Settlement Proceeding. It is well-settled that a
property without prejudice to the
probate or intestate court cannot adjudicate or
final determination of ownership
determine title to properties claimed to be a part of
in a separate action. Second, if the
the estate and which are claimed to belong to
interested parties are all heirs to the
outside parties. This is clearly elucidated in the case
estate, or the question is one of
of Agtarap v. Agtarap. 61 Thus:
collation or advancement, or the
The general rule is that parties consent to the assumption of
the jurisdiction of the trial court, jurisdiction by the probate court and
either as a probate or an intestate the rights of third parties are not
court, relates only to matters impaired, then the probate court is
having to do with the probate of competent to resolve issues on
the will and/or settlement of the ownership. Verily, its jurisdiction
estate of deceased persons, but extends to matters incidental or
does not extend to the collateral to the settlement and
determination of questions of distribution of the estate, such as
ownership that arise during the the determination of the status of
proceedings. The patent rationale each heir and whether the property
for this rule is that such court in the inventory is conjugal or
merely exercises special and exclusive property of the deceased
limited jurisdiction. As held in spouse. 62 (Emphasis supplied)
several cases, a probate court or
Of the exceptions referred to above, the
one in charge of estate
Court notes that the intestate court in the Settlement
proceedings, whether testate or
Proceeding may provisionally pass upon the
intestate, cannot adjudicate or
question of inclusion in, or exclusion from, the
determine title to properties
inventory of the subject properties in this case. The
claimed to be a part of the estate
same, however, would not give Lucila full and
and which are claimed to belong
complete relief as the said inclusion or exclusion is
to outside parties, not by virtue of
still subject to the final determination of ownership in
any right of inheritance from the
a separate action. How would Lucila amply and
deceased but by title adverse to
finally protect then her right and interest over Sunset
that of the deceased and his
Valley Estate or recover her share in the aforesaid
estate. All that the said court could
co-owned property?
do as regards said properties is to

The Court holds that Lucila, being a stranger ruling, it characterizes the RTC Petition as one
to the Settlement Proceeding, should file a separate falling within the exclusive jurisdiction of Branch 59
civil action for partition before the regular of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Angeles City,
courts against the administrator of Rene's estate. the duly designated Family Court of said station.
This course of action is not only consistent with the
I concur.
aforesaid jurisprudential pronouncements, but is
likewise in accord with Section 1, Rule 87 of I submit this Concurring Opinion only to
the Rules of Court, which provides that an action to highlight the remedies which may be availed of by
recover real property or an interest therein from the the petitioners herein to enforce the partition of
estate may be commenced against administrator, to property and delivery of presumptive legitimes
wit: ordered in the Petition for Nullity of Marriage filed by
Rene F. Aguas (Rene) against petitioner Lucila
SEC. 1. Actions which may
David (Lucila).
and which may not be brought
against executor or administrator. — For context, a brief restatement of the
No action upon a claim for the relevant facts is in order.
recovery of money or debt or
Lucila married Rene on November 24, 1981
interest thereon shall be
in Mabalacat, Pampanga. They begot five children
commenced against the executor or
namely, petitioners Princess Luren D. Aguas
administrator; but to recover real or
(Princess), Danica Lane D. Aguas (Danica), Sean
personal property, or an interest
Patrick D. Aguas (Patrick), Sean Michael D. Aguas
therein, from the estate, or to
(Michael) and Samantha 1
enforce a lien thereon, and actions
to recover damages for an injury to On December 10, 2003, Rene filed a petition
person or property, real or personal, to declare his marriage with Lucila null and void on
may be commenced against him. the ground of the latter's psychological incapacity.
Rene declared as conjugal property a 500-square
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
meter parcel of land in Sunset Valley, Angeles City
Petition is DENIED. The Petition for Declaration of
covered by TCT No. 045-90811 issued in the name
Nullity of Marriage in Civil Case No. R-ANG-17-
of Rene and Lucila. 2
03316-CV filed before the Regional Trial Court of
Angeles City, Branch 59, and re-raffled to Branch 60 On December 22, 2005, Rene and Lucila's
of the same station, is ORDERED marriage was declared null and void. Hence, the
DISMISSED without prejudice to petitioners Princess handling court ordered the division of the lot covered
Luren D. Aguas, Danica Lane D. Aguas, Sean by TCT No. 045-90811 and the house thereon
Patrick D. Aguas, Sean Michael D. Aguas, and (Sunset Valley Estate), as well as the delivery of the
Samantha D. Aguas in challenging the validity of the presumptive legitimes of their common
marriage of Cherry S. Calilung to the late Rene F. children. 3 Despite this, the presumptive legitimes of
Aguas in a proceeding for the settlement of the the Aguas heirs were not delivered. As well, the
estate of the latter and to petitioner Lucila David in partition of the Sunset Valley Estate had not been
filing a separate action for partition of the Sunset undertaken. 4
Valley Estate against the administrator of Rene's
estate. On October 7, 2006, Rene contracted a
second marriage with respondent Cherry Calilung
No costs. (Cherry). 5
SO ORDERED. On November 17, 2015, Rene died
intestate. 6
Peralta, C.J., Perlas-Bernabe, Gesmundo,
Hernando, Carandang, Inting, Zalameda, M.V. On May 24, 2017, Cherry filed Special
Lopez, Gaerlan and Rosario, JJ., concur. Proceeding Case No. R-ANG-17-01449-SP entitled
"In the Matter of the Petition for Letters of
Leonen, ** J., is on official business.
Administration and Settlement of Intestate Estate of
Caguioa, J., see concurring opinion. Rene F. Aguas, Cherry Calilung-Aguas, Petitioner"
(Settlement Proceeding). The Settlement
Lazaro-Javier, J., pls. see separate opinion.
Proceeding was raffled to RTC Branch 56. 7
Separate Opinions
Lucila and the Aguas heirs (collectively,
CAGUIOA, J., concurring: Petitioners) actively participated in the Settlement
Proceeding. In their Comment/Opposition, they
The ponencia affirms the dismissal of Civil
Case No. R-ANG-17-03316-CV (RTC Petition) on
the ground of lack of subject matter jurisdiction. In so
1. The [Aguas heirs] are the otherwise, the
legitimate children of the late [Rene] subsequent
with [Lucila]. The marriage of [Rene] marriage shall be
and [Lucila] was dissolved by virtue null and
of the Decision of [RTC] Branch 60, void. 8 (Emphasis
dated [December 22, 2005] x x x. supplied)
2. Although the marriage On November 3, 2017, or after the
was dissolved, there was no Settlement Proceeding was filed, Petitioners filed the
liquidation or separation of the RTC Petition, 9 where they prayed that the marriage
properties acquired during their between Rene and Cherry be declared null and void
marriage in accordance with Article pursuant to Article 53 in relation to Article 52 of
102 of the Family Code. the Family Code. 10 The RTC Petition was originally
raffled to RTC Branch 59.
3. Thus, when [Rene]
married [Cherry] on [October 7, In its Order dated November 10, 2017
2006], the properties of [Rene] (Transmittal Order), Branch 59 directed the
acquired during the previous transmittal of the case records to the Office of the
marriage should not [have been] Clerk of Court for purposes of re-raffling. The
included in their property regime relevant portions of the Transmittal Order read:
pursuant to Article 92 of
Considering that the instant
the Family Code x x x.
[RTC] Petition involves a collateral
xxx xxx xxx attack on the validity of marriage of
[Cherry] and [Rene], it does not fall
4. Furthermore, Article 52 of
within the jurisdiction of a family
the Family Code explicitly provides:
Art. 52. The
xxx xxx xxx
judgment of
annulment or of IN LIGHT OF THE
absolute nullity of FOREGOING, the Branch Clerk of
the marriage, the Court is hereby directed to
partition and transmit the record of this case to
distribution of the the Office of the Clerk of Court,
properties of the Regional Trial Court of Angeles
spouses and the City for re-raffle among the courts
delivery of the of general
children's jurisdiction. 11 (Emphasis
presumptive supplied; italics omitted)
legitimes shall be
Pursuant to the Transmittal Order, the RTC
recorded in the
Petition was re-raffled to RTC Branch 60. Days later,
appropriate civil
or on November 24, 2017, Branch 60 issued the
registry and
assailed Order 12 (First assailed Order) dismissing
registries of
the RTC Petition on the ground of "lack of
property; otherwise,
jurisdiction," thus:
the same shall not
affect third persons. It is apparent from the face
of the petition that the same is
5. Failure to comply with the
hinged upon the issue of validity of
requirements of Article 52 will have
marriage emanating from Articles 52
the effect of nullifying a subsequent
and 53 of the Family Code.
marriage pursuant to Article 53 of
Pursuant to Section 5 of Republic
the same Code, to wit:
Act 8369 otherwise known as
Art. 53. Either of the the Family Courts Act of 1997[,] it is
former spouses the Family Court who has
may marry again jurisdiction over this case.
after compliance
Considering that this
with the
court is no longer a Family Court,
requirements of the
this court has no jurisdiction over
the case.
preceding Article;

It is noteworthy to discuss cannot be
the case of Lolita D. Enrico v. Heirs filed by the
of Sps. Eulogio B. Medinaceli and compulsor
Trinidad Catli-Medinaceli y or
represented by Vilma M. Articulo, intestate
where the [Court] opined that A.M. heirs of the
No. 02-11-10-SC covers marriages spouses or
under the Family Code of the by the
Philippines, and is prospective in its State. [Sect
application. The [Court] emphasized ion 2;
that: Section 3,
There is no
ambiguity in
the Rule. Absolute Only an
sententil expositore aggrieved
non indiget. When or injured
the language of the spouse may
law is clear, no file a
explanation of it is petition for
required. Section annulment
2(a) of A.M. No. 02- of voidable
11-10-SC, makes it marriages
the sole right of the or
husband or the wife declaration
to file a petition for of absolute
declaration of nullity of
absolute nullity of void
void marriage. marriages.
The Rationale of the
Rules on Annulment
cannot be
of Voidable
filed by
Marriages and
Declaration of
or intestate
Absolute Nullity of
heirs of the
Void Marriages,
spouses or
Legal Separation
by the
and Provisional
State. The
Orders explicates
on Section 2(a) in
is of the
the following
belief that
manner, viz.:
they do not
1. Only an have a legal
aggrieved right to file
or injured the
spouse may petition. Co
file petitions mpulsory
for or intestate
annulment heirs have
of voidable only
marriages inchoate
and rights prior
declaration to the
of absolute death of
nullity of their
void predecess
marriages.  or, and
Such hence can
petitions only

question it does not
the validity mean that
of the the
marriage compulsor
of the y or
spouses intestate
upon the heirs are
death of a already
spouse in without
a any
proceeding recourse
for the under the
settlement law. They
of the can still
estate of protect
the their
deceased successio
spouse nal right,
filed in the for, as
regular stated in
courts. On the
the other Rationale
hand, the of the
concern of Rules on
the State is Annulment
to preserve of Voidable
marriage Marriages
and not to and
seek its Declaratio
dissolution. n of
Nullity of
have no
cause of
before the
court a
y or
s, all is not
lost for
heirs can
While A.M.
the validity
No. 02-11-
of the
10-SC decl
ares that a
of the
petition for
not in a
of absolute
nullity of
of nullity,
may be
but upon
filed solely
the death
by the
of a
spouse in
or the wife,
proceeding dissolution of conjugal partnership of
for the gains[.]
As stated at the outset, I agree.
of the
estate of Jurisdiction over the subject matter of a case
the is conferred by law and determined by the
deceased allegations in the complaint, as well as by the
spouse character of the reliefs sought. 18
filed in the
Here, the relevant allegations in the RTC
Petition state:
courts. x x
x 4. Lucila and [Rene] entered
into a marital union on [November
In view of the foregoing, the
24, 1981] in Mabalacat, Pampanga.
petition filed by [Petitioners] is
hereby dismissed for lack of xxx xxx xxx
jurisdiction. 13 (Additional emphasis
and underscoring supplied) 5. Out of their marital union,
Lucila and Rene begotten five
However, the Transmittal Order of Branch children — Princess, Danica,
59 and the First assailed Order of Branch 60 were Patrick, Michael and Samantha x x
only received by Petitioners on December 5, 2017. x.
Petitioners thus filed a motion for 6. On [December 10, 2003],
reconsideration praying that the RTC Petition be Rene filed a Petition for Nullity of
referred back to Branch 59, the latter being the Marriage against Lucila before the
designated Family Court of Angeles City. Said [RTC], Branch 60 of Angeles City x
motion was denied by Branch 60 in its assailed x x. In the said Petition for Nullity,
Order 14 dated June 13, 2018 (Second assailed therein Petitioner Rene declared
Order), noting, among others, that "there is already a conjugal properties as follows:
pending intestate proceedings in [Branch 56] x x
x." 15 xxx xxx xxx

Aggrieved, Petitioners seek recourse with 14[.] That the

the Court through this Petition filed under Rule 45 of parties have
the 1997 Rules of Court (the Rules). amassed between
them a parcel of
The ponencia upholds the assailed Orders land located at
of Branch 60 and finds the dismissal of the RTC Sunset [Valley]
Petition proper. According to the ponencia, the Estate, Angeles City
subject matter of the RTC Petition falls within the consisting of five
exclusive jurisdiction of Branch 59, the designated hundred square
Family Court of Angeles City. 16 meters, more or
less. This is aside
This finding rests on Section 5 (d)
from the assets in
of Republic Act No. 8369, 17 otherwise referred to
business consisting
as the Family Courts Act of 1997. Section 5 (d)
mainly of
Section 5. Jurisdiction of inventory in [Rene's]
Family Courts. — The Family Courts pawnshop and
shall have exclusive original RTW sales
jurisdiction to hear and decide the business.
following cases:
It is the desire of
xxx xxx xxx [Rene] that title to
the aforementioned
d) Complaints for annulment
real property be
of marriage, declaration of nullity of
transferred entirely
marriage and those relating to
to their common
marital status and property relations
children while the
of husband and wife or those living
commercial assets
together under different status and
be retained under
agreements, and petitions for
his administration,
given that he still the Office of Registry of Deeds of
provides for their Angeles City where the subject
subsistence and property is located. Thus, no
education; annotation of said Decision on the
Title covering the subject property
xxx xxx xxx
has ever been made.
7. The subject property is
xxx xxx xxx
covered by [TCT] No. 045-90811 x x
x and was indeed registered in the 10. On [October 7, 2006],
names of Spouses Rene F. Aguas Rene and Cherry entered into a
and Lucila D. Aguas. marital union without the partition
and liquidation of the subject
8. Without receiving any
property, and proper delivery of the
notice from the Court regarding the
prospective legitimes of Princess,
Petition for Nullity, Lucila learned
Danica, Michael, Patrick and
sometime in the year 2007 that a
Samantha, who are children [from]
Decision dated [December 22, 2005]
the first marriage.
has already been rendered by the
RTC granting the said Petition [for xxx xxx xxx
Nullity] filed by Rene. The
11. On [November 17,
dispositive portion of the said
2015], Rene died intestate.
Decision is herein reproduced as
follows: 12. Due to the failure of
Rene and Cherry to comply with the
express provision of the law, the
ORE, the petition is
subsequent marriage contracted by
granted and the
the deceased Rene with Cherry is
marriage between
null and void pursuant to Article 53
petitioner Rene F.
in relation to Article 52 of the Family
Aguas and
Code x x x[.] 19 (Italics and
respondent Lucila
underscoring omitted)
D. Aguas
solemnized on Based on these allegations, Petitioners
November 24, 1981 prayed for the issuance of a judgment: (i) declaring
is hereby declared the marriage between Rene and Cherry null and
null and void. void; and (ii) ordering the Local Civil Registrar of
Angeles City to annotate the fact of nullity on Rene
Their conjugal
and Cherry's Certificate of Marriage and transmit the
property consisting
same to the Philippine Statistics Authority for proper
of a house and lot
registration. 20
located at Sunset
Valley Estate, As astutely observed by the ponencia, the
Angeles City is RTC Petition is a direct action for declaration of
ordered divided nullity of marriage falling under the exclusive
between them jurisdiction of the Family Court, which, in this case, is
providing for the Branch 59. Thus, Branch 60 correctly dismissed the
support and the RTC Petition on the ground of lack of subject matter
delivery of the jurisdiction.
Even assuming, for the sake of argument,
legitime to their
that Branch 60 possessed subject matter jurisdiction
children. Thereafter,
over the RTC Petition, the latter would have still
the conjugal
been subject to dismissal based on A.M. No. 02-11-
partnership of gains
10-SC which sets forth the Rule on Declaration of
is ordered
Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and Annulment of
Voidable Marriages.
xxx xxx xxx"
Section 2 of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC limits the
xxx xxx xxx parties who may file a direct action for declaration of
absolute nullity of void marriages, thus:
9. The Decision above-
mentioned, as well as its Certificate
of Finality, was not registered with
SEC. 2. Petition for exclusively with each other as
declaration of absolute nullity of void husband and wife without the
marriages. — benefit of marriage or under a
void marriage, their wages and
(a) Who may file. — A
salaries shall be owned by them
petition for declaration of absolute
in equal shares and the property
nullity of void marriages may be filed
acquired by both of them through
solely by the husband or the wife.
their work or industry shall be
Clearly, Lucila and the Aguas heirs lack the governed by the rules on co-
legal standing to file the RTC Petition. ownership.
Nevertheless, the dismissal of the RTC In the absence of proof to
Petition does not bar the resolution of the issues the contrary, properties acquired
raised therein in the Settlement Proceeding involving while they lived together shall be
Rene's estate as far as the successional rights of the presumed to have been obtained by
Aguas heirs and Cherry, if any, are concerned, and their joint efforts, work or industry,
in a separate action for partition with respect to and shall be owned by them in equal
Lucila's decreed share in the Sunset Valley Estate. shares. For purposes of this Article,
a party who did not participate in the
I expound. acquisition by the other party of any
Rene and Lucila's marriage was declared property shall be deemed to have
null and void through the December 22, 2005 contributed jointly in the acquisition
Decision 21 (2005 Nullity Decision), the dispositive thereof if the former's efforts
portion of which reads: consisted in the care and
maintenance of the family and of the
WHEREFORE, the petition household.
is granted and the marriage
between petitioner Rene F. Aguas Neither party can encumber
and respondent Lucila D. Aguas or dispose by acts inter vivos of his
solemnized on November 24, 1981 or her share in the property acquired
is hereby declared null and void. during cohabitation and owned in
common, without the consent of the
Their conjugal property other, until after the termination of
consisting of a house and lot located their cohabitation.
at Sunset Valley Estate, Angeles
City is ordered divided between When only one of the
them providing for the support and parties to a void marriage is in good
delivery of the [presumptive] faith, the share of the party in bad
legitime (sic) to their children. faith in the co-ownership shall be
Thereafter, the conjugal partnership forfeited in favor of their common
of gains is ordered dissolved. children. In case of default of or
waiver by any or all of the common
After the finality of this children or their descendants, each
Decision, let a Decree of Declaration vacant share shall belong to the
of Nullity of Marriage be issued in respective surviving descendants. In
this case. the absence of descendants, such
SO ORDERED. 22 share shall belong to the innocent
party. In all cases, the forfeiture
Before delving into the remedies available to shall take place upon termination of
Lucila and the Aguas heirs, I find it necessary to the cohabitation. (Emphasis
stress, for purposes of clarity, that the 2005 Nullity supplied)
Decision erred in characterizing the Sunset Valley
Estate as conjugal property. Pursuant to Article 147 of the Family Code,
properties acquired by the parties during their
To recall, Rene and Lucila's marriage had cohabitation are placed in a special co-ownership.
been declared null and void on the basis of Article
36 of the Family Code. Their union thus falls under Here, Article 147 applies even if Rene and
the scope of Article 147 of the same statute, which Lucila were married before the Family Code took
reads: effect. Such retroactive application had been settled
by the Court in Paterno v. Paterno, 23 thus:
ART. 147. When a man
and a woman who are capacitated There is no quarrel that the
to marry each other, live marriage of the petitioner and the
respondent had long been declared order may be executed on motion
an absolute nullity by reason of their within five (5) years from the date of
psychological incapacity to perform its entry. After the lapse of such
their marital obligations to each time, and before it is barred by the
other. The property relations of statute of limitations, a judgment
parties to a void marriage is may be enforced by action. The
governed either by Article 147 or revived judgment may also be
148 of the Family Code. Since the enforced by motion within five (5)
petitioner and the respondent suffer years from the date of its entry and
no legal impediment and exclusively thereafter by action before it is
lived with each other under a void barred by the statute of limitations.
marriage, their property relation is
Section 6, Rule 39 should be read in
one of co-ownership under Article
conjunction with Articles 1144 and 1152 of the Civil
147 of the Family Code. The said
Code which state:
provision finds application in this
case even if the parties were ART. 1144. The following
married before the Family actions must be brought within ten
Code took effect by express years from the time the right of
provision of the Family Code on action accrues:
its retroactive effect for as long
(1) Upon a written contract;
as it does not prejudice or impair
vested or acquired rights in (2) Upon an obligation
accordance with the Civil Code or created by law;
other laws. Here, no vested rights
will be impaired in the application (3) Upon a judgment.
of the said provision given that xxx xxx xxx
Article 147 of the Family Code is
actually just a remake of Article ART. 1152. The period for
144 of the 1950 Civil prescription of actions to demand
Code. 24 (Emphasis supplied) the fulfillment of obligation declared
by a judgment commences from
Lest there be any confusion, it must be the time the judgment became
clarified that the Sunset Valley Estate is not conjugal final. (Emphasis supplied)
property, but rather, co-owned property, as the
property relations of Rene and Lucila are "governed Based on the foregoing provisions, Rene,
by the rules on co-ownership." 25 Lucila, and the Aguas heirs had five (5) years from
the entry of the 2005 Nullity Decision to move for its
That said, the remedies to enforce the execution before the issuing court. Thereafter, said
liquidation, partition, and delivery of the presumptive parties had ten (10) years from entry of the 2005
legitimes of the common children are the same, Nullity Decision to file an independent action for its
whether the subject properties are community revival. 30
property, 26 conjugal property, 27 or co-owned
property. 28 To be sure, Rene, Lucila, and the Aguas
heirs' right to move for the execution of the 2005
Execution of the 2005 Nullity Decision Nullity Decision is not inchoate. It vested upon
The 2005 Nullity Decision lapsed into finality finality of the 2005 Nullity Decision. Nevertheless, it
on January 6, 2006 in the absence of an should be stressed that even as the final 2005 Nullity
appeal. 29 As a result, the declaration of the Sunset Decision ordered the "division" of the Sunset Valley
Valley Estate as the sole property owned in common Estate between Rene and Lucila and the delivery of
by Rene and Lucila and the sole source of the the Aguas heirs' presumptive legitimes, it
Aguas heirs' presumptive legitimes had become final did not separate, identify, and assign the specific
and executory. portions to which they are entitled. Thus, the
execution of the 2005 Nullity Decision would
Upon finality of the 2005 Nullity Decision, have merely triggered partition, or the process of
Rene, Lucila, or the Aguas heirs could have already "separation, division and assignment of a thing
moved for its execution, either by motion or held in common among those to whom it may
independent action, in accordance with Section belong." 31
6, Rule 39 of the Rules:
Partition is effected when the titles of
SEC. 6. Execution by acquisition or ownership corresponding to specific
motion or by independent action. — portions of the co-owned property are delivered to
A final and executory judgment or the parties to whom such portions are
adjudicated. 32 In cases where the title covers one the procedural rules governing the settlement of
specific portion of the co-owned property which have estate of deceased persons.
been assigned to two or more parties, a separate
I. The successional rights of the Aguas heirs
duplicate certificate may be issued to each of them
must be determined in the
under Section 41 of Presidential Decree No. 1529.
Settlement Proceeding pending with
Accordingly, partition would have been Branch 56
effected by the delivery to Rene and Lucila of titles
The Aguas heirs' right to the delivery of their
corresponding to their specific assigned portions in
presumptive legitimes had been superseded by their
the Sunset Valley Estate. With respect to the Aguas
statutory right to succeed Rene as compulsory heirs.
heirs, partition would have been effected either by
In turn, their successional rights and their respective
delivery of individual titles in their favor covering their
shares in Rene's estate must be determined in the
respective specific assigned portions in the Sunset
proceeding for the settlement of the latter's estate,
Valley Estate, or the delivery of a single title naming
which as stated, is already pending with Branch 56.
them as pro-indiviso co-owners of the specific
portion of the Sunset Valley Estate corresponding to Reference to Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules
their presumptive legitimes. is proper:
However, as things happened, neither Rene SECTION 1. Where estate
nor Petitioners herein moved for the execution of the of deceased persons settled. — If
2005 Nullity Decision. As well, neither Rene nor the decedent is an inhabitant of the
Petitioners attempted to execute the 2005 Nullity Philippines at the time of his death,
Decision by instituting an independent action for its whether a citizen or an alien, his will
revival. Because of this, the partition of the Sunset shall be proved, or letters of
Valley Estate and the delivery of the presumptive administration granted, and his
legitimes of the Aguas heirs did not proceed. Without estate settled, in the Court of First
said partition, the Sunset Valley Estate remained Instance in the province in which he
under a co-ownership among Rene, Lucila, and the resides at the time of his death, and
Aguas heirs, in the following proportions: if he is an inhabitant of a foreign
country, the Court of First Instance
Parties Net Share in Basis of any province in which he had
Sunset Valley estate. The court first taking
Estate cognizance of the settlement of
the estate of a decedent, shall
Rene One-fourth 33 Article 147 of exercise jurisdiction to the
the Family Code, in exclusion of all other courts. The
relation to Article jurisdiction assumed by a court, so
888 of the Civil far as it depends on the place of
Code 34 residence of the decedent, or of the
location of his estate, shall not be
Lucila One-fourth 35 Article 147 of contested in a suit or proceeding,
the Family Code, in except in an appeal from that court,
relation to Article in the original case, or when the
888 of the Civil want of jurisdiction appears on the
Code record. (Emphasis supplied)
Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules can be
Princess, One-tenth 36 eac Article 888 of traced back to Sections 599 to 603 of Act No.
Danica, h (collectively, the Civil Code 190, 37 otherwise referred to as the Code of
Patrick, one-half of Procedure in Civil Actions and Special Proceedings:
Michael and the entire Sunset
Samantha Valley Estate)
599. Jurisdiction. — Courts of First
Instance shall have jurisdiction in all
  matters relating to the settlement of
Succession set in upon Rene's death estates and probate of wills of
deceased persons, the appointment
Here, Rene's death supervened the and removal of guardians and
enforcement of the 2005 Nullity Decision and the trustees, and the powers, duties,
partition of the Sunset Valley Estate. Thus, and rights of guardians and wards,
succession set in and triggered the application of trustees and cestuis que trust. This
the Civil Code provisions governing succession and
jurisdiction shall be called probate court first taking cognizance of the
jurisdiction. settlement of the estates of the
deceased, shall exercise jurisdiction
SECTION 600. Where
to the exclusion of all other courts."
Resident's Estate Settled. — If an
Pursuant to this provision, therefore
inhabitant of the Philippine Islands
all questions concerning the
dies, whether a citizen or alien, his
settlement of the estate of the
will shall be proved, or letters of
deceased Rosina Marguerite
administration granted, and his
Wolfson should be filed before
estate settled, in the Court of First
Branch VIII of the Manila Court of
Instance in the province in which he
First Instance, then presided over by
resided at the time of his death.
former Judge, now Justice of the
SECTION 601. Where Court of Appeals, Manuel
Nonresident's Estate Settled. — If a Barcelona, where Special
person resided out of the Philippine Proceedings No. 63866 for the
Islands at the time of his death, his settlement of the testate estate of
will shall be allowed and recorded, the deceased Rosina Marguerite
and letters testamentary or of Wolfson was filed and is still
administration shall be granted in pending.
the Court of First Instance of any
This Court stated the
province in which he had estate.
rationale of said Section 1
SECTION 602. The Court of Rule 73, thus:
Once Taking, to Retain
"x x x The
Jurisdiction. — When a Court of
reason for this
First Instance in any province has
provision of the law
first taken cognizance of the
is obvious. The
settlement of the estate of a
settlement of the
deceased person, as mentioned
estate of a
in the preceding sections, such
deceased person in
court shall have jurisdiction of
court constitutes but
the disposition and settlement of
one proceeding. For
such estate, to the exclusion of
the successful
all other courts.
administration of
SECTION 603. Jurisdiction, that estate it is
When May be Contested. — The necessary that
jurisdiction assumed by a Court of there should be but
First Instance, for the settlement of one responsible
an estate, so far as it depends on entity, one court,
the place of residence of a person, which should have
or of the location of his estate, shall exclusive control of
not be contested in a suit or every part of such
proceeding, except in an appeal administration. To
from that court, in the original case, entrust it to two or
or when the want of jurisdiction more courts, each
appears on the record. (Emphasis independent of the
supplied) other, would result
in confusion and
These provisions were later consolidated delay."
and adopted as Section 1, Rule 75 of the
1940 Rules of Court and carried over verbatim to the xxx xxx xxx
1964 Rules of Court, and again, to the present
provision of Section
In Macias v. Uy Kim, 38 the Court discussed 602 [now Section
the functions of the settlement court and the 1, Rule 73 of the
rationale behind the well-established rule on the present Rules],
exercise of the settlement court's jurisdiction: giving one court
Under Section 1 of Rule 73, jurisdiction of the
[of the 1964 Rules of Court], "the settlement of the
estate of a either summarily
deceased person or through the
was not inserted in process of
the law for the administration. (Se
benefit of the e Rules 74 to 91,
parties litigant, but inclusive, Rules of
in the public interest Court.) In order to
for the better settle the estate of
administration of a deceased
justice. For that person it is one of
reason the parties the functions of
have no control the probate court
over it." to determine who
the heirs are that
"On the
will receive the net
other hand, and for
assets of the
such effects as may
estate and the
be proper, it should
amount or
be stated herein
proportion of their
that any challenge
to the validity of a
shares. x x x"
will, any objection to
the authentication xxx xxx xxx
thereof, and every
Even in other cases, it is
demand or claim
also a general principle that the
which any heir,
branch of the court of first instance
legatee, or party in
that first acquired jurisdiction over
interest in a testate
the case retains such jurisdiction to
or intestate
the exclusion of all other branches
succession may
of the same court of first instance or
make, must be
judicial district and all other
acted upon and
coordinate courts. x x
decided within the
x 39 (Emphasis and underscoring
same special
proceedings, not in
a separate action, Section 1, Rule 73 thus grants to the court
and the same judge first taking cognizance of the settlement of the
having jurisdiction in decedent's estate the exclusive jurisdiction to hear
the administration of and decide all matters relating to the settlement and
the estate shall take liquidation of the decedent's estate to the exclusion
cognizance of the of all other courts of concurrent jurisdiction. Hence,
question raised, in Cuenco v. Court of Appeals, 40 the Court
inasmuch as when observed:
the day comes he
A fair reading of the Rule —
will be called upon
since it deals with venue and comity
to make distribution
between courts of equal and co-
and adjudication of
ordinate jurisdiction — indicates that
the property to the
the court with whom the petition
interested parties, x
is first filed, must also first take
x x."
cognizance of the settlement of the
This was reiterated estate in order to exercise
in Maningat vs. Castillo, thus: jurisdiction over it to the exclusion of
all other courts.
"x x x The
main function of a Conversely, such court, may
probate court is to upon learning that a petition
settle and for probate of the decedent's last will
liquidate the has been presented in another court
estates of where the decedent obviously had
deceased persons his conjugal domicile and resided

with his surviving widow and their Appeals 46 (Domingo), the Court already clarified
minor children, and that the that a collateral attack against a void marriage may
allegation of the intestate petition be permitted for purposes other than remarriage.
before it stating that the decedent
In Domingo, respondent Delia Soledad
died intestate may be actually false,
Domingo (Delia) filed a petition for "Declaration of
may decline to take cognizance of
Nullity of Marriage and Separation of Property"
the petition and hold the petition
against her husband Roberto Domingo (Roberto).
before it in abeyance, and instead
Delia married Roberto in 1976. Nearly a decade
defer to the second court which has
after, Delia discovered that Roberto was previously
before it the petition for probate of
married to a certain Emerlina dela Paz (Emerlina).
the decedent's alleged last
Delia only came to know of such fact when Emerlina
will. 41 (Italics in the original)
sued her and Roberto for bigamy. Roberto filed a
As stated, the main function of a probate Motion to Dismiss on the ground that Delia's petition
court is to settle and liquidate the estates of stated no cause of action since the marriage
deceased persons. 42 Integral to this process is the between him and Delia is bigamous, and thus,
determination of the assets that form part of the void ab initio.
decedent's estate, the heirs who shall participate in
The lower court denied Roberto's Motion to
said estate, and the amount or proportion of these
Dismiss, stressing that while Delia and Roberto's
heirs' respective shares therein. 43
marriage can be presumed void ab initio, a judicial
Here, the settlement of Rene's estate declaration to this effect is still necessary. The Court
involves two phases. of Appeals affirmed, prompting Roberto to elevate
the case to the Court. The Court granted the petition,
The first phase involves the partition of the
citing the deliberations of the Civil Code and Family
Sunset Valley Estate for the purpose of determining
Law Revision Committees, thus:
the portion thereof which should be included in the
inventory of assets forming part of Rene's estate. The Family Law Revision
Committee and the Civil
To recall, the Sunset Valley Estate is co-
Code Revision Committee which
owned property acquired during the union of Rene
drafted what is now the Family Code
and Lucila. Under Article 147 of the Family Code,
of the Philippines took the position
Rene owned one-half of the Sunset Valley Estate
that parties to a marriage should not
during his lifetime. One-half of Rene's share is
be allowed to assume that their
reserved for the Aguas heirs' presumptive legitimes.
marriage is void even if such be the
Accordingly, following partition, only one-fourth of
fact but must first secure a judicial
the Sunset Valley Estate shall be included in the
declaration of the nullity of their
inventory of assets forming part of Rene's estate.
marriage before they can be allowed
The second phase involves the to marry again. This is borne out by
determination of Rene's net share in the assets the following minutes of the 152nd
acquired during his marriage with Cherry. During this Joint Meeting of the Civil Code and
phase, Branch 56, as settlement court, must pass Family Law Committees where the
upon the validity of Rene and Cherry's marriage present Article 40, then Art. 39, was
collaterally, insofar as it is necessary to determine discussed.
the property regime governing their marriage, and
B. Article
ultimately, Rene's net share in the assets acquired
39. —
during their union. Thereafter, Rene's estate,
consisting of his one-fourth share in the Sunset The
Valley Estate derived from his union with Lucila, his absolute nullity of a
net share in the assets derived from his union with marriage may be
Cherry, and all other assets exclusively acquired by invoked only on the
or pertaining to him, shall be distributed among his basis of a final
heirs in accordance with the provisions of the Civil judgment declaring
Code, with the Aguas heirs' presumptive legitimes the marriage void,
and other gratuitous dispositions by Rene during his except as provided
lifetime being brought to collation pursuant to the in Article 41.
third paragraph of Article 51 44 of the Family
[Justice Eduardo P.
Code and Article 908 45 of the Civil Code,
Caguioa (Justice Caguioa)]
remarked that the above provision
At this point, it may not be amiss to stress should include not only void but also
that in the 1993 case of Domingo v. Court of voidable marriages. He then
suggested that the above provision Prof. Baviera remarked that
be modified as follows: the original idea in the provision is to
require first a judicial declaration of
The validity
a void marriage and not annullable
of a marriage may
marriages, with which the other
be invoked only . . .
members concurred. Judge Diy
Justice Reyes (J.B.L. added that annullable marriages are
Reyes), however, proposed that presumed valid until a direct action
they say: is filed to annul it, which the other
members affirmed. Justice Puno
The validity remarked that if this is so, then the
or invalidity of a phrase 'absolute nullity' can stand
marriage may be since it might result in confusion if
invoked only . . . they change the phrase to 'invalidity'
On the other hand, Justice if what they are referring to in the
Puno suggested that they say: provision is the declaration that the
marriage is void.
invalidity of a Prof. Bautista commented
marriage may be that they will be doing away with
invoked only . . . collateral defense as well as
collateral attack. Justice Caguioa
Justice Caguioa explained explained that the idea in the
that his idea is that one cannot provision is that there should be a
determine for himself whether or not final judgment declaring the
his marriage is valid and that a court marriage void and a party should not
action is needed. Justice Puno declare for himself whether or not
accordingly proposed that the the marriage is void, which the other
provision be modified to read: members affirmed. Justice Caguioa
The added that they are, therefore, trying
invalidity of a to avoid a collateral attack on that
marriage may be point. Prof. Bautista stated that there
invoked only on the are actions which are brought on the
basis of a final assumption that the marriage is
judgment annulling valid. He then asked: Are they
the marriage or depriving one of the right to raise the
declaring the defense that he has no liability
marriage void, because the basis of the liability is
except as provided void? Prof. Bautista added that they
in Article 41. cannot say that there will be no
judgment on the validity or invalidity
Justice Caguioa remarked of the marriage because it will be
that in annulment, there is no taken up in the same proceeding. It
question. Justice Puno, however, will not be a unilateral declaration
pointed out that, even if it is a that it is a void marriage. Justice
judgment of annulment, they still Caguioa saw the point of Prof.
have to produce the judgment. Bautista and suggested that they
Justice Caguioa suggested limit the provision to
that they say: remarriage. He then proposed that
Article 39 be reworded as follows:
invalidity of a The
marriage may be absolute nullity of a
invoked only on the marriage for
basis of a final purposes of
judgment declaring remarriage may be
the marriage invalid, invoked only on the
except as provided basis of final
in Article 41. judgment . . .
xxx xxx xxx
Justice Puno suggested that the nullity of a previous marriage,
the above be modified as follows: said subsequent marriage is void ab
absolute nullity of a After further deliberation,
previous marriage Justice Puno suggested that they go
may be invoked for back to the original wording of the
purposes of provision as follows:
establishing the
validity of a
absolute nullity of a
previous marriage
marriage only on
may be invoked for
the basis of a final
purposes of
judgment declaring
remarriage only on
such previous
the basis of a final
marriage void,
judgment declaring
except as provided
such previous
in Article 41.
marriage void,
Justice Puno later modified except as provided
the above as follows: in Article
41. 47 (Emphasis
For the
and italics supplied)
purpose of
establishing the It is worthy to note that the Court laid down
validity of a its ruling in Domingo through Associate Justice
subsequent Flerida Ruth Romero, who was a member of
marriage, the the Family Code and Civil Code Revision
absolute nullity of a Committees.
previous marriage
It is thus clear that in cases where the
may only be
validity of marriage is collaterally attacked for
invoked on the
purposes of succession, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC shall
basis of a final
not apply. This is confirmed no less by the Rationale
judgment declaring
of the Rules on Annulment of Voidable Marriages
such nullity, except
and Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void
as provided in
Marriages, Legal Separation and Provisional Orders
Article 41.
(Rationale of the Rules), which states:
Justice Caguioa commented
Only an aggrieved or injured
that the above provision is too broad
spouse may file a petition for
and will not solve the objection of
annulment of voidable marriages or
Prof. Bautista. He proposed that
declaration of absolute nullity of void
they say:
marriages. Such petition cannot be
For the filed by compulsory or intestate heirs
purpose of entering of the spouses or by the State. The
into a subsequent Committee is of the belief that they
marriage, the do not have a legal right to file the
absolute nullity of a petition. Compulsory or intestate
previous marriage heirs have only inchoate rights
may only be prior to the death of their
invoked on the predecessor, and hence can only
basis of a final question the validity of the
judgment declaring marriage of the spouses upon the
such nullity, except death of a spouse in a proceeding
as provided in for the settlement of the estate of
Article 41. the deceased spouse filed in the
regular courts. On the other hand,
Justice Caguioa explained
the concern of the State is to
that the idea in the above provision
preserve marriage and not to seek
is that if one enters into a
its dissolution. x x x 48 (Emphasis
subsequent marriage without
obtaining a final judgment declaring
The Rationale of the Rules draws a distinction for this rule is that such court
between a "petition for annulment of voidable exercises special and limited
marriages or declaration of absolute nullity" on one jurisdiction.
hand, and an action assailing the validity of a
A well-recognized deviation
predecessor's marriage for the purpose of
to the rule is the principle that an
determining successional rights, on the other. The
intestate or a probate court may
former is a direct action assailing the validity of
hear and pass upon questions of
marriage that is governed by A.M. No. 02-11-10-
ownership when its purpose is to
SC and pertains exclusively to the aggrieved or
determine whether or not a property
injured spouse. The latter pertains to a collateral
should be included in the inventory.
attack against the validity of a predecessor's
In such situations the adjudication is
marriage brought in a proceeding for the settlement
merely incidental and provisional.
of the latter's estate in accordance with the
Thus, in Pastor, Jr. vs. Court of
procedure set forth in the Rules.
Appeals, we held:
II. Lucila may recover her share in the
"x x x As
Sunset Valley Estate through a
a rule, the
separate action for partition
question of
As a stranger to Rene's estate, Lucila does ownership is an
not have standing to participate in the Settlement extraneous matter
Proceeding as heir. Nevertheless, Lucila's right to which the probate
recover her share as co-owner of the Sunset Valley court cannot
Estate subsists. Lucila may thus recover said share resolve with
by filing a separate action for partition of the Sunset finality. Thus, for
Valley Estate against the administrator of Rene's the purpose of
estate consistent with Section 1, Rule 87 of the determining
Rules: whether a certain
property should or
SECTION 1. Actions which
should not be
may and which may not be brought
included in the
against executor or administrator. —
inventory of estate
No action upon a claim for the
properties, the
recovery of money or debt or
probate court may
interest thereon shall be
pass upon the title
commenced against the executor or
thereto, but such
administrator; but actions to
determination is
recover real or personal property,
provisional, not
or an interest therein, from the
conclusive, and is
estate, or to enforce a lien
subject to the final
thereon, and actions to recover
decision in a
damages for an injury to person
separate action to
or property, real or personal, may
be commenced against him.
title." 50 (Emphasis
(Emphasis supplied)
supplied; italics
The filing of separate action under Section omitted)
1, Rule 87 is necessitated by the limited scope of the
It must be stressed, however, that Lucila
trial court's jurisdiction in estate settlement
only owns one-half of the Sunset Valley Estate. In
proceedings. The Court's ruling in Pacioles, Jr. v.
turn, one-half of Lucila's share in the Sunset Valley
Chuatoco-Ching 49 is instructive:
Estate is reserved for the Aguas' heirs' presumptive
The general rule is that the legitimes. This leaves Lucila with the right to recover
jurisdiction of the trial court either as one-fourth of the entire Sunset Valley Estate through
an intestate or a probate court a separate action for partition.
relates only to matters having to do
Based on these premises, I vote
with the settlement of the estate and
to DENY the Petition, and affirm the dismissal of
probate of will of deceased persons
Civil Case No. R-ANG-17-03316-CV.
but does not extend to the
determination of questions of LAZARO-JAVIER, J.:
ownership that arise during the
I concur in the result. I agree for the most
proceedings. The patent rationale
part in the reasons given by the learned Justice
Edgardo L. Delos Santos. It is my respectful mentioned compulsory or intestate
submission though that heirs as the ones who could
the ponencia's pronouncement that "Aguas heirs can collaterally assail the validity of a
collaterally attack the validity of Rene and Cherry's marriage in a proceeding for the
marriage in the proceedings for the settlement of the settlement of the estate of the
estate of Rene," does not bear the weight of ratio deceased spouse filed in the regular
decidendi. courts in order protect their
successional rights. This would
I find this portion of the ponencia to be a
mean then that said remedy or
legal advice and an obiter dictum. To be sure, each
recourse under the law is not
of us is not prohibited from inserting obiter in our
available to Lucila since she is not
respective ponencia — indeed at times obiter is
an heir of Rene, her marriage with
important for stylistic effect and overall impact of
the deceased having been declared
which I am guilty at times or even many a time. As
null and void from the very
well, the Court is unfettered to extend gratuitously
beginning on ground of
legal advice that we deem to be guidance to the
psychological incapacity in the 2005
bench and bar. Besides, it is often necessary to
Nullity Decision. Lucila is, therefore,
point out the obvious because the obvious often gets
considered as a stranger in the
lost midstream of a communicative act.
estate proceedings with no right to
Nonetheless, I would like to impress upon succeed as heir of Rene, thus, she
the parties here this caution. In saying that the has no standing to participate in the
"Aguas heirs can collaterally attack the validity of Settlement Proceeding.
Rene and Cherry's marriage in the proceedings for
Concomitantly, Lucila's
the settlement of the estate of Rene," what we mean
claim cannot be filed in the
is that procedurally this is allowed but it does not
Settlement Proceeding. It is well
mean the challenge will succeed with certainty. I am
settled that a probate or intestate
constrained to add this caution because what is not
court cannot adjudicate or determine
said may actually say a lot either subtextually or
title to properties claimed to be a
part of the estate and which are
Further, petitioners' basis for claiming the claimed to belong to outside parties.
nullity of the marriage of Rene Aguas and Cherry This is clearly elucidated in the case
Calilung is Article 53 of the Family Code which of Agtarap v. Agtarap (Agtarap). . . .
The ponencia stated the general rule.
ARTICLE 53. Either of the
However, as it appears that Lucila and her
former spouses may marry again
co-petitioners have no adverse interests at least for
after complying with the
now, there is no legal obstacle for all of them to
requirements of the immediately
submit the settlement of Lucila's proprietary interests
preceding Article; otherwise, the
to the intestate court. Of course, respondent Cherry
subsequent marriage shall be null
Calilung Aguas would be among the parties in the
and void.
intestate proceedings to respond not only to the
Out of abundance of caution, may I stress status of her marriage with the deceased but also as
that this provision may not be as free-standing as it to her share if any in his estate. In this regard, for the
reads. It must be correlated with Articles 43, 44 and sake of judicial economy and avoiding multiplicity of
50 of the Family Code and our ruling in Diño v. suits, and in practical terms, of saving the estate
Diño. 1 I am not going to aver anything more since from depletion due to legal expenses, it behooves to
the issue might become a live one when or if it remind petitioners and respondent that:
Equally important is
Additionally, may I refer to Rodriguez v. the rule that the determination of
Rodriguez 2 to enlighten further on petitioners' whether or not a particular matter
options at the trial court going forward. should be resolved by the Court of
First Instance in the exercise of its
The ponencia held that Lucila David is a general jurisdiction or of its limited
stranger to the estate of her former spouse since jurisdiction as a special court
their marriage had been declared void ab initio. (probate, land registration, etc.) is in
The ponencia explained: reality not a jurisdictional question. It
With regard to Lucila, it is is in essence a procedural question
interesting to note that Enrico and involving a mode of practice "which
the Rationale of the Rules only may be waived."
Such waiver introduces the
exception to the general rule that
while the probate court exercises
limited jurisdiction, it may settle
questions relating to ownership
when the claimant and all other
parties having legal interest in the
property consent, expressly or
impliedly, to the submission of the
question to the probate court for
Such waiver was evident
from the fact that the respondents
sought for affirmative relief before
the court a quo as they claimed
ownership over the funds in the joint
account of their father to the
exclusion of his co-depositor.
In this case, the Court notes
that the parties submitted to the
jurisdiction of the intestate court in
settling the issue of the ownership of
the joint account. While respondents
filed a Motion to Dismiss, which
hypothetically admitted all the
allegations in Anita's petition, the
same likewise sought affirmative
relief from the intestate court. Said
affirmative relief is embodied in
respondents' claim of ownership
over the funds in said joint account
to the exclusion of Anita, when in
fact said funds in the joint account
was neither mentioned nor included
in the inventory of the intestate
estate of the late Reynaldo.
Therefore, respondents impliedly
agreed to submit the issue of
ownership before the trial court,
acting as an intestate court, when
they raised an affirmative relief
before it. To reiterate, the exercise
of the trial court of its limited
jurisdiction is not jurisdictional, but
procedural; hence, waivable.
For the same reasons, and also for the
repose of the deceased, I also endorse to the parties
the beauty, clarity and serenity that compromise and
alternative dispute resolution would bring.
||| (David v. Calilung, G.R. No. 241036, [January 26,

10. MA. CONCEPCION ALFEREZ, ET. AL. V. SPS. (2) A parcel of land located at Goma, Digos
CANENCIA, ET. AL., GR 244542, 6/28/21 City with an area of 23.2607 hectares
covered by and bounded in Transfer
[G.R. No. 244542. June 28, 2021.] Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-173-29 of
the Registry of Deeds of Davao del Sur;
MA. CONCEPCION ALFEREZ, (3) Lot-1885-B, Psd-20401-D, containing an
ANTONIO S. ALFEREZ, and area of 240,000 square meters located at
ESPERANZA ALFEREZ Goma, Digos City, covered by and bounded
EVANS, petitioners, vs. SPOUSES in OCT No. P-6028 of the Registry of Deeds
EXEQUIEL and CELESTINA of Davao del Sur;
CANENCIA, NORMA A. ALFORQUE, (4) Parcel of land located along Rizal
and TERESA A. Avenue, Digos City, containing an area of
ALFORQUE, respondents. 901 square meters covered by and
bounded OCT No. P-5586; and
(5) Parcel of land located at Matti, Digos
DECISION City, containing an area of 400 square
meters covered by and bounded in TCT No.
T-5907 of the Registry of Deeds of Davao
del Sur.
J. LOPEZ, J p:
On January 16, 1981, the CFI issued Letters
This resolves a petition for review of Administration 7 in favor of Ma. Concepcion,
on certiorari 1 filed by petitioners Ma. Concepcion appointing her as administratrix of the Estate of
Alferez (Ma. Concepcion), Antonio Alferez (Antonio), Federico.
and Esperanza Alferez Evans (Esperanza) assailing
the June 29, 2018 Decision 2 and January 16, 2019 On January 15, 1982, Teodora and
Resolution 3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA- Petitioners executed an Extrajudicial Settlement with
G.R. CV No. 04491-MIN, which declared the May Donation 8 with the following relevant provisions:
17, 2016 Judgment 4 of the Regional Trial Court 1. Teodora, is the absolute owner of one-
(RTC), Branch 19, Davao del Sur, in Civil Case No. half of the parcels of land, particularly
4805 void for lack of jurisdiction. covered by OCT No. P-6029-1518; OCT No.
The Antecedents 6028; and TCT No. T-173-29, being her
conjugal share in the conjugal partnership
Federico J. Alferez (Federico) died on with Federico;
September 23, 1980 without leaving any will. He was
survived by his spouse, Teodora, and their children, 2. Teodora, Antonio, and Esperanza waives
namely: Ma. Concepcion, Antonio, and Esperanza their inheritance share, participation and
(petitioners). interest in Lot No. 1885-C, Psd-20401-D,
covered by OCT No. P-6029-1518 in favor
Petitioners allege that since the late of Ma. Concepcion;
Federico left several bank debts, Ma. Concepcion,
as Federico's daughter and compulsory heir, filed a 3. Teodora, Ma. Concepcion, and
Petition for Issuance of Letters of Administration for Esperanza waives their respective
the Intestate Estate of Federico Alferez 5 on October inheritance share, participation, and interest
25, 1980, which was docketed as Special in the parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-
Proceedings No. 437, in the Court of First Instance 173-29 in favor of Antonio; and
(CFI), Branch 5, Davao Del Sur. 4. Teodora, Antonio, and Ma. Concepcion
In the intestate proceedings, the Estate of waives their respective inheritance share,
the late Federico consists of one-half of all the real participation, and interest in Lot No. 1885-B,
and personal properties of his conjugal partnership Psd-20401-D covered by OCT No. P-
with his surviving spouse, Teodora, to wit: 6 6028 in favor of Esperanza.
(1) Lot 1885-C, Psd-20401-D containing an By reason of the outstanding debts incurred
area of 240,000 square meters located at by the late Federico, part of his estate needed to be
Goma, Digos City covered by and bounded sold to settle the same. Necessarily, Ma.
in Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. P- Concepcion, as administratrix, was constrained to
6029-1518 of the Registry of Deeds of file an Urgent Motion to Allow Administratrix to Sell
Davao del Sur; Properties 9 dated April 24, 1985, in the same
proceedings. In support of the motion, Ma.
Concepcion alleged the willingness of the other heirs
to sell their respective shares. Particularly, belonging to Teodora would be drafted upon
Esperanza executed a Special Power of Attorney respondents Canencia's payment for the sale of
(SPA) in 1984, authorizing Ma. Concepcion to Federico's portion.
negotiate a sale of the property covered by OCT No.
When the last yearly installment for the
P-6028. 10 Likewise, on March 28, 1985, Antonio
portion belonging to Federico was settled by
also executed an SPA capacitating Ma. Concepcion
respondents Canencia in 1990, Ma. Concepcion
to sell the lot covered by TCT No. T-173-29. 11
reminded respondents Canencia of their agreement
In an Order 12 dated August 29, 1985, Ma. regarding the purchase of the conjugal share of
Concepcion was authorized to sell the properties Teodora. To her astonishment, respondents
located in Digos, Davao del Sur, and covered by the Canencia instead showed her the supposed
following titles: (1) TCT No. T-173-29 adjudicated to temporary Deed, telling her that they had already
Antonio; (2) OCT No. P-6029-1518 adjudicated to paid for the entire estate of Federico and Teodora.
Ma. Concepcion; and (3) OCT No. P- At that moment, it was evident on the part of Ma.
6028 adjudicated to Esperanza. Concepcion that from the beginning, during the
negotiations for the sale of Federico's share, that
To finally settle Federico's outstanding
respondents had acted in bad faith, and at the same
debts, Ma. Concepcion, in behalf of the estate,
time, had taken advantage of her financial difficulties
executed a Deed of Sale with Assumption of
and earnestness in the transaction due to their
Mortgage 13 (Deed) dated October 8, 1985 with
desire in settling Federico's indebtedness.
Spouses Exequiel and Celestina Canencia
(respondents Canencia), Norma A. Alforque and In frustration, Ma. Concepcion had no other
Teresa A. Alforque (respondents) covering the recourse but to refer the matter to the Lupong
properties adjudicated to petitioners for a Tagapamayapa of San Jose, Digos City. As the
consideration of Three Hundred Thousand parties failed to reach a settlement, a certificate to
Pesos (P300,000.00). file action was issued by the Lupon. As a
consequence, a case was filed before the RTC,
Petitioners, later filed an action for
Branch 20, in 1995, which was dismissed without
Annulment and/or Declaration of Nullity of Deed of
prejudice on May 31, 2007 for lack of jurisdiction, as
Sale with Assumption of Mortgage, Recovery of
the value of the property was not alleged in the
Possession, Damages, and Attorney's
complaint. Hence, the action was timely refiled on
Fees. 14 Petitioners assert that during negotiations
August 26, 2007 in RTC, Branch 19. 15
with respondents, they were clear that the land
forming part of Federico and Teodora's estate, which Respondents Canencia present their own
was about 71 hectares, was not entirely for sale; version of the facts. 16
what they intended to sell was only the half of
Respondents Canencia allege that they first
Federico. While respondents expressed their interest
met Ma. Concepcion sometime in 1985. She
to buy the remaining half of the farm pertaining to
approached respondents Canencia offering the sale
the conjugal share of Teodora, Ma. Concepcion
of three (3) parcels of land owned by her parents in
explained that the primary reason for the sale of the
Goma, Digos, Davao del Sur. Initially, respondents
estate was for the payment of bank debts; in fact,
Canencia rejected her offer, as they did not have the
she herself planned to till the other half of the farm
resources to buy the said parcels of land. However,
using her share of the money from the sale.
Ma. Concepcion was persistent and practically
During the execution of the Deed, Ma. begged them to buy the land, as she needed the
Concepcion was surprised to see that the entire money to settle her father's debts with Philippine
property was included in the sale. Despite her National Bank (PNB) and Bank of Philippine Islands
protests, she was reassured that the Deed was a (BPI). She also intimated that such lands were
temporary document to serve only as a security for subject to foreclosure as the lands were mortgaged
the amount to be advanced by respondents with the banks.
Canencia and that a subsequent Deed would be
After much convincing, respondents
prepared once the sale was consummated. To
Canencia decided to help Ma. Concepcion by
protect their interest as heirs, Ma. Concepcion
agreeing to buy the lands she was offering to sell.
requested that the Deed of Sale remain unnotarized.
Anent payment terms, it was agreed that Ma.
However, her request went unheeded as
Concepcion would receive Five Hundred Thousand
respondents went ahead and notarized the Deed.
Pesos (P500,000.00) in cash, which respondents
Left without any security, Ma. Concepcion Canencia would pay by installments and in addition,
endeavored to have respondents Canencia sign a they would also assume the mortgage debt of the
Memorandum of Agreement to express their earlier estate with the banks amounting to more or
agreed terms. The Memorandum included a less Three Hundred Thousand
provision that the terms for the sale of the portion Pesos (P300,000.00).

Being in agreement, the parties reduced the capacitate Ma. Concepcion to sell their respective
same in writing by executing a Deed of Sale with portions, Ma. Concepcion was thus authorized to
Assumption of Mortgage dated October 8,·1985. The sign the Deed and enter into a sale with
contract was signed by Ma. Concepcion as vendor, respondents.
and respondents as vendees. At the request of Ma.
By signing the Deed which bears no
Concepcion, the contract reflected a different
infirmity, petitioners are barred from questioning the
amount of consideration at Three Hundred
validity and the bounds of the same.
Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00), as she wanted to
save some money for herself and her Aggrieved, petitioners appealed to the CA.
siblings. 17 The true amount of the compensation
The Ruling of the CA
was thereafter reflected in a Memorandum of
Agreement 18 between the parties. On June 29, 2018, the CA issued a
Decision 21 which declared void the Judgment of the
After fully paying the consideration of the
RTC for lack of jurisdiction. The dispositive portion
sale on July 27, 1990, respondents requested
petitioner to facilitate the transfer of titles to them. To
their surprise, Ma. Concepcion refused to accede to WHEREFORE, premises
their request. Instead, she filed an action before the considered, the assailed 17 May
RTC for Annulment of Deed of Sale and Recovery of 2016 Decision of the Regional Trial
Possession. Court, Branch 19, Digos City, Davao
del Sur in Civil Case No. 4805 is
The Ruling of the RTC
hereby declared VOID for lack of
On May 17, 2016, the RTC rendered a jurisdiction. The Complaint in Civil
Judgment 19 in favor of respondents. Case No. 4805 is DISMISSED
The fallo reads: without prejudice.
premises considered, judgment is
In finding the assailed RTC Judgment to be
hereby rendered declaring the Deed
suffering from jurisdictional infirmity, the CA cites
of Sale with Assumption of
Rule 73, Section 1 of the Rules of Court, which
Mortgage executed by and between
provides that "the court first taking cognizance of the
the [petitioner] Maria Concepcion
settlement of the estate of a decedent shall exercise
Alferez and the [respondents]
jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts."
Spouses Exequiel and Celestina
Canencia, Norma A. Alforque, and Here, when Federico died intestate on
Teresa A. Alforque, VALID. The September 23, 1980, he left behind several bank
propriety of a subsequent CARP- debts. As a result, his heirs, herein petitioners,
coverage of the parcels of land instituted intestate proceedings before the CPI,
subject of the Deed of Sale with Branch 5 of Davao del Sur. Undoubtedly, CPI,
Assumption of Mortgage is beyond Branch 5, being the court to first take cognizance of
the province of this Court. the settlement of the intestate estate of the late
Federico, acquired jurisdiction over the properties to
No award of damages or
the exclusion of all other courts. RTC, Branch 19, in
costs to either party.
issuing the assailed Judgment, encroached on the
SO ORDERED. 20 jurisdiction of the CPI, Branch 5; to hold otherwise
would be to divide the jurisdiction of the appropriate
Ruling in favor of respondents, the RTC
forum in the resolution of incidents arising in a case
found that the Deed of Sale with Assumption of
before it.
Mortgage possesses all the elements of a valid
contract. While petitioners assert that the properties On July 24, 2018, petitioners filed a Motion
subject of the Deed are part of the estate of Federico for Reconsideration, which was thereafter denied in
and Teodora, the Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate a Resolution 23 dated January 16, 2019.
with Donation proves otherwise. The said Settlement
Petitioners, claiming that the CA decision
clearly states in no uncertain terms the act of
was adverse to them, considering that no
donation by Teodora to her children of all her
reconveyance was decreed, filed the instant petition.
conjugal shares in the parcels of land which are to
become the subject properties in the Deed. As the Hence, this petition.
properties were now the exclusive properties of Ma.
Concepcion, Antonio, and Esperanza, they were free The Issue Before the Court
to convey and dispose of the same. Given that
Antonio and Esperanza had executed an SPA to

Petitioners essentially anchor their prayer for case. 27 In order for the court or an adjudicative
the reversal of the CA Decision and Resolution on a body to have authority to dispose of the case on the
sole argument: merits, it must acquire, among others, jurisdiction
over the subject matter. 28
ERRED, DEPARTING FROM THE USUAL In Padlan v. Dinglasan, the Court held:
Basic as a hornbook principle is that
jurisdiction over the subject matter
of a case is conferred by law and
determined by the allegations in the
complaint which comprise a concise
statement of the ultimate facts
constituting the plaintiff's cause of
action. The nature of an action, as
well as which court or body has
In the main, petitioners argue that the CA jurisdiction over it, is determined
should have decided on the merits of the case based on the allegations contained
instead of dismissing the appeal on jurisdictional in the complaint of the plaintiff,
grounds. Moreover, they "insist that the Deed of Sale irrespective of whether or not the
with Assumption of Mortgage should be annulled as plaintiff is entitled to recover upon all
it is not reflective of their intent to limit the sale only or some of the claims asserted
to the portion of the properties belonging to therein. 29
Jurisdiction is a matter of substantive law
The Court's Ruling because it is conferred only by law, as distinguished
from venue, which is a purely procedural matter. The
After a careful perusal of the arguments
conferring law may be the Constitution, or the statute
presented and the evidence submitted, the Court
organizing the court or tribunal, or the special or
finds partial merit in the petition.
general statute defining the jurisdiction of an existing
First, on the issue of jurisdiction. court or tribunal, but it must be in force at the time of
the commencement of the action. 30
Petitioners assert that the dismissal on
jurisdictional grounds is without legal basis. While it When the settlement proceedings were
may be true that the Deed pertains to the Estate of instituted in 1980, R.A. No. 296 31 was in effect. The
Federico, the greater issue in this present case is law provides for the jurisdiction of Courts of First
the reconveyance of the conjugal properties of Instance (CFIs), now Regional Trial Courts. More
Teodora, which were not included in the Deed and specifically, Section 44 thereof confers original
not within the jurisdiction of the intestate court, as jurisdiction to the CFIs in all matters of probate, to
the proceedings therein only dealt with properties wit:
forming part of the estate of Federico.
Section 44 as last updated by R.A.
In their Comment, 25 the respondents 3828 (1963) Original jurisdiction. —
counter that the CA properly ruled on the
Courts of First Instance shall have
jurisdictional issue. Particularly, when the Deed was
original jurisdiction:
executed, the entire estate including the conjugal
share was still under administration and the intestate a. In all civil actions in which the
proceedings had not yet been terminated. Moreover, subject of the litigation is not
there was even no approved plan of partition yet at capable of pecuniary estimation;
the time. Thus, regardless of the contention of the
b. In all civil actions which involve
petitioners, the entire parcels of lands subject of the
the title to or possession of real
sale were under the jurisdiction of the intestate court.
property, or any interest therein, or
We rule for the petitioners. the legality of any tax, impost or
assessment, except actions of
In law, nothing is as elementary as the
forcible entry into and detainer of
concept of jurisdiction, for the same is the foundation
lands or buildings, original
upon which the courts exercise their power of
jurisdiction of which is conferred by
adjudication, and without which, no rights or
this Act upon justice of the peace
obligation could emanate from any decision or
courts and municipal courts;
resolution. 26
c. In all cases in which the demand,
Jurisdiction is defined as the power and
exclusive of interest, or value of the
authority of a court to hear, try, and decide a
property in controversy, amounts to and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. Section 1
more than ten thousand pesos; provides:
d. In all actions in admiralty and Section 1. Section 19 of Batas
maritime jurisdiction, irrespective of Pambansa Blg. 129, otherwise
the value of the property in known as the "Judiciary
controversy or the amount of the Reorganization Act of 1980," is
demand; hereby amended to read as follows:
e. In all matters of probate, both "Sec. 19. Jurisdiction in civil cases.
of testate and intestate estates, — Regional Trial Courts shall
appointment of guardians, exercise exclusive original
trustees and receivers, and in all jurisdiction.
actions for annulment of
"(1) In all civil actions in which the
marriage, and in all such special
subject of the litigation is incapable
cases and proceedings as are not
of pecuniary estimation;
otherwise provided for;
"(2) In all civil actions which involve
f. In all criminal cases in which the
the title to, or possession of, real
penalty provided by law is
property, or any interest therein,
imprisonment for more than six
where the assessed value of the
months, or a fine of more than two
property involved exceeds Twenty
hundred pesos;
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or, for
g. Over all crimes and offenses civil actions in Metro Manila, where
committed on the high seas or such value exceeds Fifty thousand
beyond the jurisdiction of any pesos (P50,000.00) except actions
country, or within any of the for forcible entry into and unlawful
navigable waters of the Philippines, detainer of lands or buildings,
on board a ship or water craft of any original jurisdiction over which is
kind registered or licensed in the conferred upon the Metropolitan
Philippines in accordance with the Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts,
laws thereof. The jurisdiction herein and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts;
conferred may be exercised by the
"(3) In all actions in admiralty and
Court of First Instance in any
maritime jurisdiction where the
province into which the ship or water
demand or claim exceeds One
craft upon which the crime or
hundred thousand pesos
offense was committed shall come
(P100,000.00) or, in Metro Manila,
after the commission thereof:
where such demand or claim
Provided, That the court first lawfully
exceeds Two hundred thousand
taking cognizance thereof shall have
pesos (P200,000.00);
jurisdiction of the same to the
exclusion of all other courts in the "(4) In all matters of probate, both
Philippines; and testate and intestate, where the
gross value of the estate exceeds
h. Said courts and their judges, or
One hundred thousand pesos
any of them, shall have the power to
(P100,000.00) or, in probate
issue writs of
matters in Metro Manila, where
injunction, mandamus, certiorari,
such gross value exceeds Two
prohibition, quo
Hundred thousand pesos
warranto and habeas corpus in their
respective provinces and districts, in
the manner provided in the Rules of "(5) In all actions involving the
Court. (Emphasis Ours) contract of marriage and marital
It must be stressed that the recent law
conferring jurisdiction to the RTC, R.A. No. "(6) In all cases not within the
7691, 32 did not divest matters of probate, both exclusive jurisdiction of any court,
testate or intestate, from its original jurisdiction; it tribunal, person or body exercising
merely added a jurisdictional amount to delineate jurisdiction of any court, tribunal,
estates whose gross value may come within the person or body exercising judicial or
ambit of the Regional Trial Courts or alternatively, quasi-judicial functions;
the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts,
"(7) In all civil actions and special the Philippines at the time of his
proceedings falling within the death, whether a citizen or an
exclusive original jurisdiction of a alien, shall be in the court of first
Juvenile and Domestic Relations instance in the province in which
Court and of the Court of Agrarian he resided at the time of his
Relations as now provided by law; death, and if he is an inhabitant of
and a foreign country, the court of
first instance of any province in
"(8) In all other cases in which the
which he had estate. (Emphasis
demand, exclusive of interest,
and underscoring Ours)
damages of whatever kind,
attorney's fees, litigation expenses, Similarly, in Malig, et al. v.
and costs or the value of the Bush, 36 defendant sought to dismiss the settlement
property in controversy exceeds proceedings on jurisdictional grounds, citing Section
One hundred thousand pesos 1, Rule 75, now Section 1, Rule 73. The Court, in
(P100,000.00) or, in such other clarifying that the aforementioned rule pertains to
cases in Metro Manila, where the venue, enunciated:
demand exclusive of the
x x x the foregoing rule
abovementioned items exceeds Two
[Section 1, Rule 75] fixes jurisdiction
Hundred thousand pesos
for purposes of the special
proceeding for the settlement of the
The law is clear: an action for probate, both estate of a deceased person, "so far
testate and intestate, as in this case, is cognizable as it depends on the place of
by the CFI, now the RTC. By concluding that the residence of the decedent, or of the
RTC, Branch 19, Davao del Sur lacks jurisdiction location of his estate." The matter
pursuant to Section 1 of Rule 73, 33 the CA has really concerns venue, as the
apparently confused jurisdiction with venue, which caption of Rule cited indicates,
pertains to the place or geographical location where and in order to preclude different
a case is filed. 34 courts which may properly
assume jurisdiction from doing
In Uriarte v. CFI of Negros Occidental, et
so, the Rule specifies that "the
al., 35 the Court in probate proceedings has made
court first taking cognizance of
the distinction between jurisdiction, lodged with the
the settlement of the estate of a
CFIs, or RTCs, and venue, which shall be vested in
decedent, shall exercise
the court of the province where he resided at the
jurisdiction to the exclusion of all
time of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a
other courts." 37 (Emphasis Ours)
foreign country, the court of any province in which he
had estate. The Court was explicit in pointing out Ireffragably, it was erroneous for the CA to
that Section 1, Rule 73, as invoked in this case, dismiss outright the assailed May 17, 2016
regulates venue, rather than jurisdiction, viz.: Judgment of the RTC and declare the same void for
lack of jurisdiction under Section 1, Rule 73. In
Under the Judiciary Act of
effect, the issuance of the Judgment by the RTC,
1948 [Section 44, paragraph (e)],
Branch 19, instead of the CFI, Branch 5, involves a
Courts of First Instance have
mere issue on the venue of the action and not the
original exclusive jurisdiction over
jurisdiction of the court, as misapprehended by the
"all matters of probate," that is, over
special proceedings for the
settlement of the estate of deceased Analogously the Court is not unaware of the
persons — whether they died recourse available to parties in cases of improper
testate or intestate. While their venue vis-à-vis lack of jurisdiction. Well-settled is the
jurisdiction over such subject principle that objections to jurisdiction cannot be
matter is beyond question, the waived and may be brought at any stage of the
matter of venue, or the particular proceedings, even on appeal. When a case is filed
Court of First Instance where the with a court which has no jurisdiction over the action,
special proceeding should be the court shall motu proprio dismiss the case. On the
commenced, is regulated by other hand, a party's objections to venue must be
former Rule 75, Section 1 of brought at the earliest opportunity in a motion to
the Rules of Court, now Section 1, dismiss or in the answer; otherwise, the objection
Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of shall be deemed waived. When the venue of a civil
Court, which provides that the action is improperly laid, the court cannot motu
estate of a decedent inhabitant of proprio dismiss the case. Wrong venue is merely a
procedural infirmity, not a jurisdictional jurisdiction in light of Section 1, Rule 73, as the
impediment. 38 same pertains to matters of venue and not
jurisdiction. Correlatively, the issue at bench being
Records in this case bear out that
one of ownership, CPI, Branch V, as a probate court,
respondents did not even object to the allegedly
has no jurisdiction to decide on the same.
wrongful venue of the complaint filed by petitioners;
in fact, respondents actively participated in the case, Second, we rule on the issue of whether the
having taken part in the mediation proceedings and Deed of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage is valid
trial, proffering both testimonial and documentary only insofar as the one-half share of the estate of
evidence for the consideration of the RTC. Federico is concerned.
Consequently, in failing to raise their objections to it
It is petitioners' contention that the Deed, as
either in a motion to dismiss or in an answer,
the primary document that governs the transaction
coupled with having sought favorable judgment from
between the parties, and taken together with the
the court, respondents themselves have evinced an
documents and exhibits submitted by respondents
acceptance on the venue of the action. Without an
Canencia, is plain that the party to and seller in the
explicit rejection of the venue, the Court thus finds
transaction of sale is the Estate of Federico Alferez.
no error in the RTC's action of issuing the assailed
The parties to the contract, as specified in the Deed,
May 17, 2016 Judgment. In Dacoycoy v.
completely and unambiguously names the Estate of
Intermediate Appellate Court, 39 the Court has
Federico Alferez, represented by its administratrix,
expounded that venue, though technically wrong,
Ma. Concepcion, as the first party thereto. Moreover,
may be held acceptable to the parties absent any
the Letters of Administration dated January 16,
objection from the defendants.
1981, authorizing Ma. Concepcion as administratrix
Parenthetically, it is indubitable that the CFI, did not extend to the conjugal share of Teodora. As
Branch 5, sitting as a probate court, is a tribunal of such, there cannot be any doubt that the subject of
limited jurisdiction. It acts on matters pertaining to the sale is only the property which was owned by the
the estate, but never on the rights to property arising Estate of Federico.
from the contract. 40 In Aranas v. Mercado, et
In contrast, respondents aver that the pieces
al., 41 the Court has expounded that the jurisdiction
of evidence identified and offered by the parties, and
of the trial court as an intestate court is special and
admitted by the RTC, all demonstrate without doubt
limited. It cannot adjudicate title to properties
that petitioners sold the subject three (3) parcels of
claimed to be part of the estate but are claimed to
lands to the respondents and that the said sale is
belong to third parties by title adverse to that of the
valid. Respondents insist that the provisions of the
decedent and the estate. All that the trial court can
Deed did not even remotely suggest that petitioners
do regarding said properties is to determine whether
were only selling half of the parcels of land thereof;
or not they should be included in the inventory of
in fact, there were no doubtful provisions therein that
properties to be administered by the administrator.
could have indicated a different intention on the part
This rule is not without certain qualifications or
of the petitioners. Thus, petitioners should be bound
exceptions: if the interested parties are all heirs, or
by the terms and conditions of the Deed and should
the question is one of collation or advancement, or
not be allowed to escape the obligatory force of their
the parties consent to the assumption of jurisdiction
contractual commitment by contending that the Deed
by the probate court and the rights of third parties
failed to correctly embody their true intention.
are not impaired, then the probate court is
competent to decide the question of ownership. 42 We rule for the respondents.
The Court finds that the case does not fall It is basic that a contract is the law between
under any such exceptions. Obviously, respondents, the parties. Obligations arising from contracts have
as interested parties and purchasers of the lands, the force of law between the contracting parties and
are not heirs of the late Federico. Further, the point should be complied with in good faith. Unless the
in issue is glaringly not one of collation or stipulations in a contract are contrary to law, morals,
advancement; rather, the question sought to be good customs, public order or public policy, the
resolved by the RTC, Branch 19, is one involving same are binding as between the parties. 43 Being
ownership. Sans any applicable exceptions in this the law between the parties, courts have no choice
case, CFI, Branch 5 is devoid of any jurisdiction to but to enforce such contracts. Simply put, courts
decide on such issue. Thus, with all the more reason cannot stipulate for the parties or amend the latter's
should the Court lend credence to the Judgment of agreement, for to do so would be to alter the real
the RTC, Branch 19, as questions pertaining to intention of the contracting parties when the contrary
ownership and titles to property should be ventilated function of courts is to give force and effect to the
appropriately in a separate action. intention of the parties. 44
In fine, the CA erroneously dismissed the A cursory examination of the Deed
May 17, 2016 Judgment on the ground of lack of affirmingly shows that petitioners, without
qualification, sold, transferred, and conveyed to and obligations. It is the best evidence of the
respondents the parcels of land, without any mention intention of the parties. Thus, when the terms of an
of their alleged intention to only offer half of the said agreement have been reduced to writing, it is
property, with the other half belonging to Teodora, to considered as containing all the terms agreed upon
wit: and there can be no evidence of such terms other
than the contents of the written agreement between
That for and on
the parties and their successors in interest. 46
consideration of the sum of PESOS:
THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND Section 9, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of
PESOS ONLY (P300,000.00), Court is on point:
Philippine Currency, to the FIRST
SEC 9. Evidence of written
PARTY [petitioners] in hand paid by
agreements. — When the terms of
jointly and severally by the other
an agreement have been reduced in
parties hereto, the FIRST PARTY
writing, it is considered as
does by these presents hereby
containing all the terms agreed upon
and there can be, between the
in a manner absolute and
parties and their successors in
irrevocable, the above-described
interest, no evidence of such terms
three (3) parcels of land with all the
other than the contents of the written
improvements found thereon, unto
the following persons:
However, a party may
present evidence to modify, explain,
or add to the terms of the written
agreement if he puts in issue in his
That parcel of land
covered by
ORIGINAL (a) An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake,
CERTIFICATE OF or imperfection in the written
TITLE P-6029-1518; agreement;
2. TO NORMA A. ALFORQUE (b) The failure of the written
(THIRD PARTY) — agreement to express the true intent
That parcel of land and agreement of the parties
covered by thereto;
(c) The validity of the written
agreement; or
TITLE P-6028;
(d) The existence of other terms
agreed to by the parties or their
successors in interest after the
execution of the written agreement.
That parcel of land
covered by The "parol evidence rule" described above
TRANSFER forbids any addition to or contradiction of the terms
CERTIFICATE OF of a written instrument by testimony or other
TITLE T-(173)-29 evidence purporting to show that, at or before the
execution of the parties' written agreement, other or
or their assigns, free from any liens
different terms were agreed upon by the parties,
and encumbrances x x x. 45
varying the purport of the written contract. When an
The provisions thereof are categorical and agreement has been reduced to writing, the parties
admits of no other interpretation; the sale, transfer, cannot be permitted to adduce evidence to prove
and conveyance of the parcels of land covered by alleged practices, which to all purposes would alter
the aforementioned titles appear absolute, there the terms of the written agreement. Whatever is not
being no reservation of ownership of half of the lots found in the writing is understood to have been
therein described, nor a stipulation making mention waived and abandoned. 47
of Teodora' specific share of the said properties. As
None of the above-cited exceptions finds
mandated by Article 1370 of the Civil Code, if the
application to the instant case, more particularly, the
terms of the contract are clear and leave no doubt,
alleged failure of the contract to express the true
the literal meaning of its stipulations shall control.
intent and agreement of the parties. By reason of the
The Deed, as the agreement between the parties, is
glaring lack of evidence, the Court cannot subscribe
the formal expression of the parties' rights, duties,
to petitioner's contention that respondents had acted The Judgment dated May 17, 2016 rendered
in bad faith and had taken advantage of their by the Regional Trial Court in Civil Case No. 4805
financial difficulties to settle Federico's is REINSTATED. The Deed of Sale with Assumption
indebtedness. The Court cannot anchor its of Mortgage executed by and between Maria
conclusions on mere allegations, without more, that Concepcion Alferez and the Spouses Exequiel and
the subject Deed was only a temporary document to Celestina Canencia, Norma A. Alforque, and Teresa
serve only as a security and that Ma. Concepcion A. Alforque is VALID.
requested that it remain unnotarized to protect her
interest; neither did petitioners proffer the alleged
Memorandum of Agreement, which includes a ||| (Alferez v. Spouses Canencia, G.R. No. 244542,
provision that the terms of sale of the portion [June 28, 2021])
belonging to Teodora would be drafted upon
respondents Canencia's payment for the sale of
Federico's portion.
Finally, neither can petitioners find succor in
their defense that Ma. Concepcion's authority as
administratrix does not extend to the exclusive
properties of Teodora. Records prove that when
petitioners entered into the Deed with respondents,
they were the absolute owners of the subject parcels
of land. Hence, their right to sell the properties flows
from their right as owners thereof and not from their
right as heirs and as administratrix of Federico.
It is undisputed that the Deed, executed on
October 8, 1985, disposing certain parcels of land
through sale, was preceded by an Extrajudicial
Settlement with Donation dated January 15, 1982,
whereby Teodora, as owner of one-half of the
parcels of land covered by OCT No. P-6029-1518,
OCT No. P-6028, and TCT No. T-173-29, had
bequeathed and waived her rights to the same in
behalf of petitioners Ma. Concepcion, Esperanza,
and Antonio, respectively. As owners, petitioners
had every right to dispose of the lands through sale,
without any limitation or
restriction. 48 Demonstrative of their intention to sell
their respective shares, both Esperanza and Antonio
executed separate SPAs authorizing Ma.
Concepcion to enter into a contract of sale in their
All facts considered, the Court is inclined to
sustain that Ma. Concepcion, in her interest as
owner of the land covered by OCT No. P-6029-1518,
and having been capacitated to sell the lands
covered by OCT No. P-6028, and TCT No. T-173-29
by virtue of a SPA, validly entered in a contract of
sale with respondents; verily, absent any proof,
petitioners cannot now belatedly insist that the Deed
failed to reflect their true intention.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
June 29, 2018 Decision and January 16, 2019
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
No. 04491-MIN, which found that the Regional Trial
Court, Branch 19, Digos City, Davao del Sur has no
jurisdiction over Civil Case No. 4805


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