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BES Memaris al Feet remember remind et. CT 1OAtruestory Vocabulary plus: Adverb sathxes inglshs Fem the Earth tothe Moon, chapter pl? ‘uIPast perfect: ‘ffrmative, negative, questions ot =| fragile, rave, valuable = Pronunciation: stress> adjectives Peete Sci 12 Describing objects 716-19 Making decisions: fensder, hesitate, make up ry | mind ete Key phrateeTaling about Svengths and weaknesses Spas. ss mingidh Fon teh ethan caper 77 p20 Anonline article Vocabulary plus: Adective fe: fl ane Less | pm Present perfect: [Bingo contnucus | pases with et |ferend ice ena peti fnow seo ne 1722 Personal developme== p38-39 Feelings and emotions: | Sajctves and nouns [seers ‘annoyed, annoying, ee Key phrases Taking about your feclings ‘Unita pas. Storyin English: From the Earth tothe M 8 p49 Discovery and invention | hours ane vets Discovery | dscocen, diseorery, imagine, imagination, ey phrases Ting about | eiceveres and Inventions | Dak p55 Storyin English: From the Forth tothe Me Bue rcctre can ag Vocabulary plus: Compound adjectives p50A presentation Vocabulary plus: Noun sulixes-ion,ity,-ment ioom chapter 957 | p60 poem ‘Vocabulary plus: diomsand reverent obs bout me Kay pases: Comparing pevonaity init 0 7 | pet08 city features: 2 Tenure ocites, music vena, open streets | cr cineme, ete ey phrases Talhing about your neighbourhood prs-19c burglar burglary, hacker, hacking, atc. Key phrases: Comparing opinions apn EnalshsFrom the Forth tothe Sse Exraliseningard speaking pSECurculumenti prOSCulwe 9 proverbs a steiy WENESN From the Fart tothe Moon chapter 6957 [pr two oni texts | Necabulay plus: Comparative | en superative adjectives | p80 Abiog post Vocabulary plus: Negative retin is imi ane [Woon chapier 8 p57 p51Gerunds and p25-29 Money andmareting: | p2DAnirteview palbefaiieandzero |p Shopsandshoppng Brn cn eae: eeey pe Noun oun | arte ever exonge fae | Key phrases: Talking about combinations |Sshareht ro ar fo oon caper BT ELS x a cigoion | plTPssiiiy and | p2Muk, mood andr Eertanty: may, might oul, car, must Tnfinitives| Tparetenve ronours | priQuantiies: 1781 Reported statements: (soy and tel {alm down, turn off, workout, a 1 ps2 tie andthe universe: Grant ple, stare Pronunciation: The letters 2 peBPersonality and xperanees:agjectves, nouns, verbs ‘adventure adventurous, bereft enefidol, eX. pra Buldings ard Brenaeolcey: buy, destroy, renovate, ec ‘omplein, deny, offer, et. Pronuncition: />/ Language point Verb patter Ta Project pb iterature ce acs Sed si nareativetersos: past past continuous, part ‘ld Telling an anecdote Key phrases Tellingan anecdote ? Question age | used to Pout SA blog post Language point: Time connectors ‘ey phrases: Describing an ‘event day [p88 Extra listening and speaking: Taling x Interesting tory 96 Curiculum extra: Anthropology: Museums 104 Culture: andy Weathotstemeapsles M2 Project: An nterww cammany Tense yeas 24 Dificult decisions Key phrases: Talking about decisions Pronunciation: Linking Sse perfect ane past 25 report on an opinion survey key phrases: resenting the rests ofa survey Language point: Expressing contrast, (89 Extra listeing and speaking: Chersins = plan 97 Curriculum extra: Civic anetnic (education, Mera valuee 105 Culture: Music culture Punks Bre rms: il be org |pi4presntabon ontiavoun rset” | Key proses nga Besant lence 3S.An online git guide Key phrases: Deseribing and recommending products Laiguage point: Conjunction: ‘aswel, bot) and, _ pT Project A weed article "pO Extra listening and speaking: Deans wet ‘money p98 Curriculum extre: ‘money IDs Cultoro: uy Nothing Day fstory: Theistoy of 44 Talking about feelings Key phrases: Expressing sympathy and support, vice ond can, could, be able rus ave to ASA poston an advice forum Key phrases: Conversational phrases Language point: Conversational tone p91 Extra etening and speaking: Discussing 98 Curriculum extra: Sconce: the sienceof happiness | p107 Culture: British and American humour LONG Literature: Frankenstein by Mary Snelley p54 Giving opinons “ay phrases ivingopinions: avoiding repetition SBA option essay ey phrases: Becining 3 pot of | Language point: becouse (of). due to 192 Entra lstening and speaking: Doing an Interview ology: Vaccines 100 Curreulum extras 1 Projects survey about inventions 108 Culture: Mers Gne pronouns Ot An interview one thatineative Key phrases: Giving answers Inaninterview 5A formal eter ey phrases: iting formal lester Language point: Unker: | p53 Extra listening and speaking: Talking about 2 family likeness (101 Curtculum extra: Language and iterature: ‘The reals novel 109 Culture: Poetry in tho UK | PTS Project: personality game ast present and | p74 Descriong and comparing | oust orator tet [74 extra tstering and spenkng: Choosing | pronaune pets fey pasensDesotang bullang_ | nue fran ewe pianiyvit’ | Koy prs Desiting and | erremianeet. U2 Curiam exe Coography: Mex ity opateg fs | angunse point repontonsand | 0 Cale Sore Oe Bien ae a a 95 tra ltening and speaking: epering= aches |Keyphmses iingscicusion | problem Key phrases: Apologizing and essay (p103 Curriculum extra: Society: The Code of eleining Language point: References and | Hammurabi pin Culture: sustiee inthe U TE Literatures 4 Midsummer ight: Dream Se Wiliam Shatespeare +0 cee Pane RT Waine five things you do online. 1 Check the meaning of the verbs i ‘internet survey. Then complete it with the words in the box. music requests, celebrities comments links passwords players profiles selfies time Wi DIED complete the dialogue using the correct form of the verbs in blue. Then listen and check. Rob cok It's another picture of Alca Vikander my Facebook, sce a Every time I" new picture of her! Eve Well, sheis very cool. |? heron Twitter Yesterday, she alink to the trailer of that new film she’s in. Itlooks amazing! Rob Yeah —I want to see that, 00. Eve Hey, are you online right now? I'm trying to é to the Wi-Fi but it’s nat working, Rob That's because they® the password here every day. Its Coffeetime200 today. Eve Oh, OK... great. 'm online. Bob We should go now The bus is about to leave! Eve Hangon! I'm just® my profile picture. There —doyou like my latest selfie? Bob | love it. Now come on! Let's get out of here! Rel er! & I'm about to order a coffee. The film is about to start. Internet survey 1 How much time do c1 you spend online each day? 2. How often do you chock your phone to see it you ‘aye any new messages or friend. ? 3 How often do you your social media upload every week? 5 What websites do you normally look at? 8 De ~~ to things which you like? ever post on bl : websites? Bae! 7 Do you follow any . Who do you follow? 8 How often do you play games online? Do you chat to the: ‘other wmscon 9 Doyouusually download and films oF do you steam them? 10 Ate hackers a problem? How often do you rose your. 1 When you mee ends. do you usually go to pices where you can connect to free . hl do you go? a ‘on social media? + TV shows 3 study the key phrases. What other words can we use in place of the words in bold? I never download films. | (don’t) usually play games online. | (don’t) often look at news websites. | (nearly) always go to places with free Wi-Fi | watch films two or three times 2 week / every day. 4 QUSE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the internet survey. Then choose a description from A-C for your partner, AR You don't live much of your life online. ‘What’ life like in the real world? B You scem to have a good balance of real- world and interne! life, : © You're living your life online, Come back to the real world! ee Nea uate dere acuta eal celta See ie EE Leen a Iconnect to the Wi-Fi? b does the film start? ¢ you share photos with? your birthday? © are you reading now? f photo are you uploading? g does she write her biog? h money have you got? | she streaming that music from? Er the words to make questions. *£/ why / working / my phone /? / writing / what / about / you /? Ecounts / got / has / she / how many /? / photo /he / what /is / looking /? ere / the password /1/ get /can /? /which / connect / Wi-Fi network / you / ormally /do/? many / you / follow / people / do /on iStogram /? on't / people / my / why / photos / comment / 1? of eight questions for a general knowledge Use the words in the boxes. How much /many How often ‘hat When Where Who Why eae are can/can't do/ don't does has have is > Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions exercise 3. ‘answers a~c from the intemet survey on 4. Complete them with the time expressions rackets. rt follow celebrities on social dia, but I'm following Daisy dley because she's here in ireland making a (at the moment / usually) reset my password, but I'm beginning to think that it’s a Sod idea. (never / now) ite a blog, ause my sister is but I have problems borrewing my ptop and I can’t find it. (always / every week) EA S Match rules 1-3 with examples from a< in exercise 5. Then complete the rules with present simple and present continuous. 1 In general, we use the | with frequency adverbs and expressions like sometimes, usually and every week. 2 We normally use the with time expressions which indicate an action in progress, like now and at the moment 3 We can also use the with always when we talk about a habit or repeated action which annoys us. \aclornchenngsé 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous and present simple. vt (read) Paper Towns by John Green at the moment and | (enjoy) it. 2 My fiend Sal (update) her profile photo quite often but | normally (change) mine once a month. 3. This phone is fast! It usually (download) a film in minutes. 4 What (you / listen) to now? 51 (not /usually /spena) much time reading blogs. 6 Our WiFi really slow because my brothers (always / play] games online. 8 COUSE IT! Workin pairs. Ask and answer ‘questions 1-8. Then think of more questions to find ‘out about people's free time. 1. How often do you go to the cinema? 2 Ate you watching any good TV series? 3. Ate you learning anything interesting at schoo 4 Do you ever go abroad on holiday? 5. How often do you hear English? 6 How often do you help at home? 7 Doyou ever play sports? 8 When do you check your social media? © West technology makes your life easier? Which devices do you use every day? © Starter unit D Misteh eight words from the box with photos 1-8. ‘pp calculator gamesconsole GPS HDTV remotecontiol satellite TV spelichecker translator videocalling VRheadset wearable 103 Listen to a conversation. Which things from exercise 1do the people mention? 3 D/iOF Listen again and write true or false. 1 Zoe's grandmother is watching an old TV, 2 Zoe's grandmother really likes video calling, 3 She thinks that people had mote skills in the past 4 She didr’t use a calculator when she was younger. 5 Zoe knows how to make coffee Work in pairs. Study the words in exercise 1. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Which are necessities and which are luxuries? 2 Which are the three most useful? 3 Which are the three least useful? 4 Which are the most and least expensive? 5 Which do your grandparents use? ch 1-5 with question tags a~ 5. Study the examples and choose the correct options really love golf, in rules 1-4, picture's great, b aren’twe? TV didn't use to have colour pictures. That didn't exist, © don't you? Life used to be more difficult. re very lucky, d do they? Did people use to have more skills? cople don’t think so e isn'tit? Se much now, 1 We use used to + infinitive when wetalk abouta | te true ot false for rules 1-4, habit or state in the past which Is different / the same now. 2 After used to we use the base / continuous form of | suse question tags after a question form. the veg fis the auxiliary verb do in all question tags. 3. The negative form is didn't use to / used to. 4 The question fom is Did + subject + use to / na sentence is affirmative, we use a negative sed tose = tion tag n a sentence Is negative, we use an affirmative Complete the sentences and questions about life in Estion tag ‘the 1960s with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box. (do exist have listen navigate wear write ‘an app for that, isn’t there? swim, can you? Inthe 19605, Use my laptop, did she? 1 we with real maps instead of got that new console, hasn't he? GPs. buying his old console, aren't you? 2 people to music on vinyl our parents watch TY, do they? records, 3 people games consoles. te question tags for sentences 1-5. 4 satelliteTV ve got geography next lesson, e teenagers. i different os fou don't like her new film, ead letters 1e new VR headsets are good, BP Winn u's got a 3D projector, 1ey went to the USA last year, aa nel 5 USE IT! Write questions about your habits when you were younger. Use used to and the words in the box. Then ask and answer your questions ith a partner. eat goto have like play read speak watch school? (Did you use to watch cartoons af Wo, laid. > extra listening and speakin; fb Curriculum extra p96 THINK Think of five things that you have lost erfound in the last ten years. 1 Read the internet posts and check the meaning of the words in blue. Match photos A-F with the people who wrote the posts. Amelie] 028 When | was young, we went tis in abox of od ‘om holiday to Scotland and | photographs in our atic. | cn't my tecdy bear ata hotel rocagnize myselt at frst, and | don’t ememiver this day because the hotel had fifteen teddy | was too young. But! think its a bears in lost property, s0 | had cute photo, 90! got Hannah |_| upset vihen | lost this recent found this wrist ‘watch 'c0s it belonged to my from Gastonbury festival, My dad ‘grandad. Luckily, | ound it took me wien | ves fourteen I eek, beh a cupboard. n amazing experience ~ 1 ‘ever forget seeing Adele sng vet 19 again next sure onward to it Chloe) | go this when holiday in Eouador. I don’t normally k229 souvenirs, but | Jove this one. |oten i that trip They're gone forever now, be re probably wart some mon Doa memory test. Cover the texts and answer the questions. 1 Who performed at the festival Hannah went to? Who took Hannah to the festival? Where did Chloe get her souvenir? What belonged to Dean’s grandad? What did Greg get rid of? How many teddy bears were at the hotel? © DWE choose the correct words in the questionnaire. Then watch or listen. Which questions do you hear? nels a) 1 Doyou keep / belong souvenirs of places that you visit? 2. Do you find it dificult to get rid of /lose things from your past? Have you got any objects which are special for you? 3. Do you spend more time looking back on / finding the past or looking forward to / forgetting the future? 4 Doyou frame photos to recognize / remind ‘you of special events? 5 What can you remember / get back about your last birthday? 6 Ifyoute tidying yourroom and you leave / come across old toys, games or books, do you spend a long time looking at them? Ui iii (04, study the key phrases. Then watch or listen again. Which key phrases don't the speakers use? nding out more information What about you? What did you do? : When wasthat? What's the story behind that? Where was that? Really? Why (not)? ; 5 $> USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer the Questions from the questionnaire. Use the key } phrases to find out more information. \ Finished? JON WR , } Write your own internet post about something you lost or found. What happened? How did you feel? nts ina tex a THINK! Did you ever get lost when you were a child? TD) DS Read and listen to the article. Do you think ‘that Saroo was lucky? Why / Why not? 2 Read the text again. Put events a-i in the correct order. 2 He arrived in Kolkata. He found his village online He got onto atrain to Kolkata 4 He travelled to India from Australie. © Hetravelled to Australia from India. F Afamily adopted him. g He lost his brother. fh He was begging for food. i He got ajob as an engineer. 3 Answer the questions. 1 Why did Saroo get on the train? 2 Who adopted Saroo? 3. What did Saroo recognize on the satellite maps? 4 Who did Saroo finally find in his village? 4 VOCABULARY PLUS Find the adverb forms for words 1=8 in the text. 1 dramatic deanaticely 5 amazing 2 desperate 6 final 3 lucky 7 slow 4 happy 8 emotional 5 write sentences using the adverb form of the words in the box. Compare your sentences with a partner. easy graceful romantic sad secret a > USE IT! Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Then share your ideas with another pair. 1. How da you think Saroo felt when he went to Australia? 2. How do you think he felt when he arrived at his home village after so many years? 3 What do you think Sarco said to his mother when he finally met her again? 40 Lost and found When Saroo Brierley was five years old, his life changed dramatically, He and his brother often usec: to beg for food on trains near their home in rural India. One day, while they were waiting for a train ata station, Sarco fell asleep. When he woke up, his brother had gone. “Lopened my eyes and couldn't see my brother; says Saroo, ‘But | saw train in front of me with the door open and for some reason I thought he was on board Saroo panicked and jumped onto the train, just asic was leaving the station, Ashe desperately searched the train, he realized that he had left his brother behind 2 the station. He tried to leave the train, but someone had locked all the doors. Upset and alone, Saroo stayes ‘on the train asit travelled 1,000 miles to Kolkata. Saroo had never been to Kolkata before and he dic know anyone in the city. He spent three difficult and dangerous months in and around Kolkata before hhe luckily found safety in an orphanage. Eventually, an Australian family adopted him and he moved to Tasmania, where he grew up happily. He went to university and then worked as an engineer. But he never forgot his family. I kept in my head the images o# the town | grew up in, the streets | used to wander anc: the faces of my farnily. | treasured those memories: ears looking at maps. He drew a circle 1,000 Kolkata and looked up hundreds of satellite maps, searching for places that he ~a river near his home, a waterfall, and = where he used to play. Amazingly, one day, all of those things in a village called Ganesh o excitement was immense. ally ravelled back to the village, he found Pry. A lot of people had moved to live in s: Saroo was worried. Had his mother moved, ee to some people in the village and when he family names, one man recognized them. ake you to your mother; he said. Saroo Fer for 25 years, but he remembered her ked slowdy and emotionally cowards him. cher again, at last, are Saroo. Write sentences about what ing the past perfect. Study these sentences from the text. Then choose the correct options to complete the rules. ‘Saroo hadn't seen her for 25 remembered her face. ~ The past perfect describes a past action o that took place before / after another past actio or event. We form the past perfect with was / had-+ 2 p participle. We use not or never to make affirmative / negative sentences The word order in questions is: auxiliary verb + subject + infinitive / past participle. Choose the correct words. 1 Jane learned / had learned to read and write before she started / had started school 2 I didn’t have / hadn't had any money because lost / had lost my wallet. 3 After Tom read / had read the email, he turned off / had turned off his computer. 4 We were / had been tired because we played had played football all afternoon. 5. Before they moved / had moved to India, they lived / had lived in China fora year, Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 They (never /be) abroad before they went to Australia. 2 (you / buy) a ticket before you arrived at the station? 3 Iwas sad because she my birthday, 4 (he /leave) the house when you called? 5 We (not / visit) our grandparents fora long time SE IT! Work in pairs. Take turns to say what ‘you think had happened before each situation. 1 Peter apologized to his brother Perhaps they had had an argument 2 Anna didn’t go to the cinema with her fe 3. When Sally met her father at the station sme didn’t recognize him. 4 George was late for school on Tuesaa 5 Ben and Helen were very excited Lostandfound 11 CABULARY AND LISTENING Describing objects tify the genre (context) of a dialogue. GRRE Whaat bind of things do people put i 1 Read the text and match the words in blue their opposites (1-8). fresh—rotton 1 unpopular 2 worthless 3 old-fashioned 4 undamaged 5 rare 6 fragile 7 used 8 useless 06) PRONUNCIATION: Stress in adjectives Listen and repeat. How many syllables are there in each adjective? Copy and complete the table with the adjectives. common damaged fashionable fragile rare tough undamaged unpopular useful valuable \ HOP Listen to the beginning of a podcast, What is it about? a adrama about the discovery of a time capsule bb ashow about how to make a time capsule ¢ adocumentary about different time capsules that have been found Su Identifying the genre (context) When you listen, try to identify the genre (context) and the situation. This will help you understand the details more easily. 4 ©1108 Now listen to the whole podcast. Write true or false and correct the false statements. 1. Workers opened the Boston capsule 2 The historic documents and rare coins were almost undamaged. 3 Auniversity president found the Crypt of Civilization in the 1930s. The opening date for the crypt is soon People put rare objects into the crypt. The contents of the capsule in Smithtown, were disappointing and smelly. 2, USE IT! Think of things which people sell. Write adverts for objects 2nd put them on your classroom wall. fo time capsules? How to... make a time capsule ~~ * Use a metal or tough plastic container Otherwise objects can become damaged. © Think of few objects which are fashionable right now. * You don't need to put brand new objects into your capsule, or your valuable collection of action figures. Common objects show people what norma life was ike '* Don't put in food which can go rotten. + Put some newspaper stories about important events into your capsule. * Put some clips from popular films, TV programmes and songs on a memory stick. * Include a personal message. It will be useful for people toknow who you were Earrings for cale - old-fashioned but cooll €20 Collection of rare football cards for ‘The Boston time ca sale. Will accept offers over €100. 42 Lost and found meu tele) (risa tela ers acre renee} econ cuca ten tules 1-3 with the examples of tenses a-c. en find more examples of these tenses in the ‘on pages 10-11. past continuous Some workers were repairing the bullding. st simple Experts opened the box. st perfect ater had destroyed the documents 2 long time ore they opened it his tense describes a finished action, | This tense describes an action in progress in the | ‘past. | is tense describes an action which was inished when another action happened. again at examples a-cin exercise 1. Answer = questions. hich word is a regular past simple form? ich word is a past participle? ich word is a past form of be? do we form the past continuous? do we form the past perfect? ‘the story and choose the correct verb forms. your answers. e story «ago in Sweden, there was a sailor called ing. He worked on a boat, but because of he didn't meet many people. He sad / wasn’t having a gitlfiiend for a long day he *was feeling / had felt lonely and so he ‘decided / was deciding to write a addressed it 10 ‘Someone beautiful and far he ‘put / was putting the letter into a d he ‘threw / had thrown it in the sea. 4a fisherman in Italy ‘emptied / ing his net when he found the bottle ssage. He "gave / was giving it to his Paolina, and she “started / had started ‘Ake. Three years after Ake *had written / the letter, he finaly travelled to Sicily d/ had married his truc love. 4 Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Include a past simple form and a past perfect form in each sentence. 11 (remember) that! (see) her somewhere before 2 We be} late because we (forget) the tickets. 3 We (not meet) before | (see) her at the party 4 After we (have) breakfast. we (g0) for a walk. 5 She (buy) guitara week before she (start) lessons. 6 When we (arrive) at the station, we Were late and the train (leave) 5 5 complete the questions with the correct verb, forms. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 What you doing at this time yesterday? 2 you do anything interesting last weekend? 3 When you last tothe cinema? 4 you studied much English before you to this school? 5 Who talking to you before you came into this class? & (USE IT! Work in pairs. Invent a ‘cooperative story’ Take turns to say sentences. Listen to your partner and continue their ideas. ‘One day | wae walking in) ‘2 wood with a friend. ‘twas dari and we were feeling abit scared. shed? Think about a film with a happy or surprising ending. Write the story, using past narrative tenses, Look at the photos and read sentences ad. Which three sentences describe the experience of ‘the boy in the photos? Compare your ideas in pairs. 2 | opened the box, and there was a beautiful brand new bike inside. The frst thing | did was to go outside and try out my new bike. We were swimming in the sea when I realized that Id lost my watch. There | was, all dirty and crying, and my brand new bike was damaged © D109 watch or listen to Theo’s anecdote and check your answers to exercise 1. What happened to Theo? © D105 when we tell an anecdote, we need to give details that help the other person understand Gime, place, people and events). Watch or listen gain. Complete 1-4 in the key phrases. experience, Read the Tell me about... topics. Choose one of the topics. Then tell your partner about your experience. Tell me about .. 2 childhood birthday that you clearly remember. a holiday that you remember really well. the first time that you came to this school atime that you got lost. an interesting place or object that you found. B THINK AND PLAN 1 Think about what you're going to say. ‘Make notes about these things: + time + place + people + events ~ background and actions + feelings 2 Decide which key phrases you want to use. C SPEAK Practise your anecdote and then tell it toa friend. Try to memorize your story. D CHECK Record yourself telling your anecdote. Then watch or listen back, What can you improve? SUD I dr Se eet ea eer acd lat are the best and worst experiences you've had on holiday? d Mary’s blog post. Wes this a good, bad or mixed expé Why? 2 great camping holiday in ny last week, but there were ance for bythe time wearivedatthetheme park two hours later, twas terible, We ‘couldn't even walk to the entrance, the biggest adventure, 04 aney ‘2m SouiRaWoS suOIS)Dap a Iact on with itas soonas possible. } lore 0} 194914 NOK 420} Uy “2N\SI>=pU JOU aA/s}>9p J94BIU b I put off doing it until the last possible moment. J ‘a1No,:s1amsue> AASOW MMI do a litte biteach day until its done. piah ‘oyu Burysru 3,ua12 nok sea] 1 ‘yBnovp ‘Guys peg 2 skemje30u ) 5 Your friend sends you a message to invite you toa party SAP ens papur ig e a1NOK next month, “hpuel sssamsue q Aisoyy Idont hk cessayyerstaghtewey ireaizeteartgotor | LyBno\p sudo sno some reason, can always drop out ater. Bunapisuod inoue Appoinb er —" 00} sung o1ul Usns3,uOp b Before | commit ll check my diary and make sure Im available. of ains ayeyy 12216 seq) don't keto rush intoanything uosied anjspap fare aanok 9] 5tu2852) :si8msue e Ansoyy Milsay'thanks for the invite; but won't decide until the day of the fiay party. like to keep my options open. N w Alternative lives Before you read, look a the titleand the pictures This. OAD Ta Seve eee One eee a will help you understand the content of the text. Pre Rac) Look at the title, headings and photos in the article lauren Singer has always con this page. What is different about these people’s __ been interesled in the lifestyles? Why do you think they decided to live this environment. After finishing way? her degree in environmental studies, she made up her D112 Read the article, Match three sentences mind to live a 'zerowaste’ ftom a~e with gaps 1-3 in the text. Then listen lifestyle because she was and check, shocked that people are so a They didn't spend much time online, wasteful. Since then, she b He hasn't bought food for a long time. hasn't used ony ‘disposable’ € More and more people are trainingto become chefs. products... She d They were too involved with their electronic either reuses containers devices and not involved enough in ‘real life. ea bjaeretcs yihcu € She never uses plastic cups, bags or bottles, ‘packaging. She even makes for example. eee her own toothpaste. She has managed fo reduce her Read the text again and answer the questions. Sede ach kere 1. Why did Lauren change her lifestyle? yeors Of her rubbish filed 2 How does Lauren help ether people five without Sly one 50D gram jar! woste? ae 3. What have Mark Boyle and Danie Sueos got ieee in common? 4 How are their lifestyles different? last few years and her blog 5 Why did Blair and his partner choose the 1980s for | ives Useful advice and their experiment? ideas for people who want 6 inwhich year did their experiment finish? to reduce their impact on the ervironment, VOCABULARY PLUS Find words 1-6 in the text. Which suffix do we use when something has a 2 Thanks for the beautiful present. That was very quality? Which suffix indicates that something lacks of you! aquality? 3 Werneed to add more salt to the pasta. It’s really 1 moneyless 4 useful 2 successful 5 homeless 4 This calculatoris old and broken. 'm afraid it's 3 thankful 6 wasteful 5 Jennie isn't scared of anything, she's totally Complete the sentences, Use the words in the box 2nd the suffixes ful or -less. —__. 6 {USE IT! workin pairs. Ask and answer the Se fear harm taste thought use ) questions. WES fends afi: use. This product contains harmtut 1. What do you think of the people in the text? aeemicals. 2. Would you like to try any of their lifestyles? when you're cycling. This road is Why /Why not? 3 Doyyou think that we really need technology and money? Ee Jo is « modern nomad — he's moneyless and 0 he maves around to find food nd shelter: 3s looks after people’s houses for two or threo * usvally he lives in the caves of Uah, in the he was younger he worked as a cook, but he su of society and hosn't used money since 2000. *s happier since he made hit decision. happier or ANE MEL 1) Blair McMillan ond his parner had come to the that their kids were becoming too dependent on n+ Sothey decided to get rid oF odern technology and live as # 86, before all of these isted. For a year they out smortphones, the d modern computers. had old games, ‘ve been living their ‘again. The ‘was successful, but thankful to get their Al Study examples ae. Then answer questions 1-3. a Lauren has been blogging about her lifestyle forthe last few years b Since then, she hasn't used any ‘disposable’ products. ¢ Since the end of that year, they've been living normal lives d He hasn't used money ¢ He hasn't bought fo 1. Which sentences in progress and wi 2 Which word dow 3 Which word dow time when ana asize that an action is inue? periods of time? he point in started? Complete the senitences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect simple or continuous. 1 it/ rain) all day and it isn't us / see} my pen? | can’t The match / finish). tt was 4 1 / see) that film before. 5 / watch) a film but I've paused it for 2 minute. ‘Complete the text with for and since. As an experiment, I'm not using my phone today. haven't looked at it* rine o'clock this morning. 've had the phone? years and I've carried it around everywhere with me . the day | bought it. it feels weird not to have received a text + one whole day. SE IT! Complete the sentences with information about yourself. Use for and since. Then compare your answers with a partner. <= I've been friends with Leura for three years. (A 1 (be) friends with 2 (know) my teacher 3 (have) these shoes... 4 (ive) in my house / fat... a (study) English Finished? Write your partner's answers to the questions in exercise 4, Choices 21 ere a al ee aye { can understand the main ideas in three short conversations, THINK! When do you have to decide about your future studies or career? Who helps you to decide? ‘1 Read the leaflet below and match the phrases in blue with definitions 1-8, benefit from get alot out of 1 become accustomed to 2 contact 3 be part of 4 prepare 5 become interested in 6 have the opportunity learn more about someone & meet in order to do something Complete the sentences with the phrases i the box. set into getting ready getting used to. ry e gotthechanceto gottoknow 1 listen to music when tm for school in the morning, 2 Lastyear,| 4 lm instead of taking the bus. 5 How did you era making your mind up Secondary school students in ireland have the option in fourth year to do a Transition Year (TY). This one-year programme helps prepare students for their Leaving Certificate in fifth and sixth years, and for lfe beyond. InTY, students ger the chance to do more varied cultural and social activities while deciding what to study for the next two years. TY coordinators give careers advice and getin couch vith local businesses to organize work experience for students. Most students say that they geta lot out ofthe year. 22 Choices dowork ‘experience in my dad’s company it was great! 31 my friends really well when we went camping together. walking to school, 3 D113) Listen to four students talking to their Transition Year coordinator. Who has had positive experiences so far? 1 Joey 2 Rita 3 Martin and Laura © 113 Study sentences 1-8. Then listen again and write true or false. 1 Joey hasn't really enjoyed Transition Year yet 2 Joey got a lot out of the outdoor activities. 3 Rita has already done two weeks of work experie 4 She benefited from her time with the dentist. 5 She has just decided her fifth year subjects. 6 Martin and Laura still haven't been to India. 7 They've already raised enough money to fly to Indz 8 Both Martin and Laura have decided their fifth year subjects. SUSE IT! Imagine that you are proposing a Transits Year for your school. Read the aims in the TY leaflet. Choose three things that you think are most interesting and important. Explain your choices to a partner. {think teat-bulding actvtig ate important, to get to know each other. karate? Transition Year aims Personal and social skills + Get into something nev like a spore ora hobby. + Get to know people better in team building activities Community action * Get involved wich projects and charities. Become an active and responsible citizen, * Get together with people from the local community. Work and career + Gee used to the world of work — students do work experience ‘wich ovo diferent companies or organizations. * Get ready to choose options for fifth year ~ students tey ‘out different school subjects, ‘examples and the rules. Write ‘perfect or past simple for 6. my subjects a long time ago. decided anything. * alot of confidence when Iwas there, sda lot of confidence this year Co when we talk about when we talk about time periods or when we don't mention a ad. the correct words. match has finished / finished ten minutes ago e | came here, I've got used to / | got used to King. really got into / I really got into hockey in ent months. really got into / | really got into hockey year. ‘en have you finished / did you finish your work rience? you got / Did you get in touch with Amy ile she was here last week? t's wrong with David? He's supposed to be at ol, but | haven't seen / didn’t see him for a ple of days lete the text with the correct form of the verbs in s. Use the present perfect or past simple. r bee, and in (tare) my TY in Sepcember, sce months I? (be) really busy. J. chere are lectures from interesting people (alld 2 forensic scientist? ee cher job. She* (see) som ¢~ and hocrible!~ crimes in her career anc (describe) some of them to us. (nat do) any work experience, to follow a detective or a forensics expert cet Te (not get) the best fn my las science exams, but I think T.ean and I* (decide) to do some saibjects for my Leaving Certificate Copy and complete the table with examples 1-5. Which of the adverbs in blue is always at the end of a sentence? Can you use it in affirmative sentences? 1 Have you done any work experience yet? 2 I haven't decided on my subjects for fifth year yet 3 We-lill haven't got exact dates. 4 Ronan has just finished working at the dentist's, 5 I've alrcady had the chance to do a few interesting things. © Rewrite the sentences with the correct adverb from the options in brackets. 1. Have you taken up running? (still / yet) 2 I haven't started revising for my exams. (yet / ust) 3. Myteacher has given us our results. (just / yet) 4 We haven'ttried out anything new. (stil / already) 5 I've taken part in two different community projects. (already / still) Write six sentences about your life. Include just, yet, still and already. Compare your sentences with a partner. I etl haven't seen the new Star Ware Finished? Imagine you are on a TY. Write a paragraph about things you have already done and things you want to do but haven't done yet. Choices 23 SPEAKING © Difficult decisions {can understand and use connected speech. 7 THINK! Which school subjects are you best at and which do you enjoy most? Are they the same? Liam Hey, Rosa. What are you up to? Rosa Oh, I'm stilltrying to? my last ‘two subjects for fifth year. Liam Seriously? Haven't you done that yet? There's not much time left Rosa_| know |'ve been thinking about it for ages, but I can't make up my mind. Liam OK. What are your? ? Rosa Well, 've just chosen German, but | don't know whether to do business or art. Which do you? is best? Liam It's up toyou, Rosa. They're totally different subjects. Rosa Yes, | know. 'm in two minds. The good thing about artis thet | know | enjoy it, But then business is probably more useful. So I'm sort of leaning towards business. Liam Have you thought of speaking to Mr Bartley 4 © D126 watch orlisten to a second dialogue. about this? He gave me some really good Which of the key phrases do you hear? Rosa $ ! Thanks, Liam 5 © DUE watch or listen again and answer the Liam No problem, questions. 1 Why can't Victoria and Michael go to both festivals? 2 What are the disadvantages of The Electric Picric 1 D114 complete the dialogue with the words and phrases in the box. Then listen and check, What according to Victoria? suggestion does Liam make to Rosa? 3 What's the advantage of going to Longitude with Lily? advice choose good idea options reckon 6 {USE IT! Read tasks A and B. Then prepare ana 2 QB Listen again and practise the diologue. act out one of the dialogues with a partner. Use some of the key phrases. 3 DIT PRONUNCIATION: Linking It’s easier Task to understand people and to speak more fluently if you know how words connect when people are speaking. Listen and repeat the key phrases. feae ess mK this : ‘with aofriend, but your | You want to go toa festival | fend can't decide which to choose + "You can only go 10 one. Try to . : tend decide which one £0 80 syour options? 4 reckon (is best)? : of / considered that ...? about ... is that ... PT eee reece {can present the results of a survey and contrast people’s opinions. Read the survey results and the report and answer the questions. 7 There is one error in the report. What is it? 2 Do you agree or disagree with the majority of people in this survey? ns foung people need a voice in choosing our government! ‘Most teenagers follow the news and know enough about the world I ‘Politics doesn't afect sixteen-year-old “Teenagers haven't had enough experience Tedepends, Everyone is diferent: 'Y report: voting ages £7 about voting ages, we asked people's sixteen Bh to vote in general elections?’ Of the 25 people who ed, 59% said ‘yes’ and 32% said ‘no’. These People 8 opinions. Honever, 8% of people were undecided. Eevour said that its important for young people to = uheveas those against commented that politics ‘young people. Anather comment from the ‘yes’ et teenagers follow the news and know plenty about JP conttest, people who said 'no'think that teenagers enough experience of life, Mast people who were # did not make comments, elthiough one person sald es diforent. € results indicate thet the majority of people think is old enough to vote. dy the key phrases. Which of the phras report? Be esy the results of a survey favour said that inst commented that .. Ewiho said ‘yes’ /'no' think that .. the results indicate that. ople / the majority of people .. jal number of people thought that... {| Do you think that sixteen is old enough to vote in general elections? Why / Why nol 3 Study the expressions in blue in the report. Rewrite sentences 14. Include the words in brackets. 1. Most students con't like exarrs. Many teac think they are useful. (whereas) 2 ike trying out new things. | don't always ik things | try (although) 3 I find maths and science really easy, Subjects Nike literature and English are difficult for me (in contrast) 4 I think exams are important. I think we have too many. (However) 4 SUSE IT! Follow the steps in the writing guide. ATASK Do a class survey about the questions below. | Then write a report about the results. Do we really need school exams every year? Why / Why not? B THINK AND PLAN | 1 Study the class survey results and calculate | the percentages 2 What are some comments from the ‘yes 3 What are some comments from the ‘no! 4 What is the majority opinion? C WRITE Paragraph I: Introduction and statistics Paragraph 2: Explanation of comments Paragraph 3: Summary D CHECK + key phrases + phrases expressing contrast Chokes a REVIEW Vocabulary 1 Match the two parts of the sentences, 1 Whyhasshechanged a into big decisions. 2 Theywantto consider _b before you commit. 3 Youneedtothinktwice ¢ her mind about it? 4 Itsagoodideatokeep putting this off? 5 Iusually avoid rushing all the options first. 6 Howlonghashebeen your options open 2 Complete each sentence with the correct word. 1 Has Ella got tothe new school yet? 2 Remember to get touch when you're in town 3 Andy wants to get with the animal charity. 4 I'm really getting karate, t's brilliant! 5 Ifyou joina club, you'll get know people with similar interests. 6 We're getting for the final exams. 7 Icicn’t get the to speakto irena today, but Ill tell her if | see her tomorrow. Language focus 3 Choose the correct answers. 1 Ive waited / been waiting here for half an hour 2 Ive seen / been seeing that film, but | dict lke it 3 How long have you travelled / been travelling? 4 Ive read / been reading this book three times! 5 Have you met / been meeting Liam before? 6 She's texted / been texting me all week 4 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 He (not email) us since the end of August 2 (you / make) up your mind Which jacket to buy? 3 Whattime (you / arrive) home last night? 4 We (be) friends for a long time 51 (Cownioad) some new songs. Doyou want to hear them? 6 They (rush) into this decision yesterday and now they're sorry about it. 7 When (you / first / get) to know Steven and Isabella? BHe (drop) out of college a few months ago 26 REVIEW = Choices 5 complete the sentences with the words in the bo: ince still yet 1 Peter hasr't told his parents 2 She's really happy. She's she’s passed the exam. 3 It's six oclock, but Jim 4 They've been friends 5 Ive at the cinema 6 We've known Simon years already for just heard thet hasn't come! they were lt seen this film. | saw it last wee ‘more than fi Speaking © Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. considered reckon options towards up Sue Have you decided what you're doing this summer? Dan No. can't make up my mind. Sue What are your! 2 Dan "ve found a job in a café, but | could also wort] at an animal charity. Which do you is best? Sue Well it's* toyou, Dan Theyte totally different options Dan Yes, | know. Im in twos The animal charity is more interesting, but | wor’: get paid. I'm sort of leaning + the café job. Sue Have you* working part-time for both? That way you could earn some money and do something useful Dan That's a good idea! Thanks, Sue Listening 7 QD 1i7 Listen to two students talking about career choices. Write true or false. 1 Sam has made up his mind what to study next year 2 Mary has decides to take a year off between schoo! and university 3 Sam's ded works asa speech therapist ata hospital. 4 Mary is considering becoming a lawyer. 5 Sam has already seen a careers officer. BUSINES Tn 6 Sam decides to look at a list of career options first. by Jules Verne 'BEFORE YOU READ Work in pairs. imagine you want to start a new club school. You need to organize a meeting to tell other students about it. werthe questions. t kind of club is it going to bez is the meeting going to take place? n isit going to start? er 2 * A meeting with the President the members of the Gun Club arrived eusands. They were all very excited, but they #iently. Nobody knew why the president B talk to them ==ting was held in the bigest room at the club. Impey Barbicane was sitting at a long table of the room. He had cold, blue eyes and hair. At his side was the next most important =F the club, old Captain Elphinstone. Elub members from near and far, said Barbicane eu for coming to our club today. I need to talk to something important. For a long time, we've > READING CHECK Work in paits. Cover the text ll your partner the story. Use these words: ‘communication the moon idea meeting nenspaper projectile — WHAT DO YOU THINK? Work in pairs. what you think will happen in the next . Think about Barbicane's idea. Is he going to any help? DRY IN ENGLISH « From the Earth to the Moon Remember! Look out for adverbs of manner like angrily, qui slowly, etc. Thay describe how something happens or isdone. been doing interesting work — we've made new cannons. uns and explosives. But our country doesn't need our work any longer, and some people want to close our club. ‘No! No!’ cried everybody in the room angrily “The members of our club have many wonderful ideas Perhaps we can use these ideas to make something new and exciting,’ said Barbicane. ‘Yesl Yes!" all members cried at once, and they stood up. ‘Thave an exciting idea. Now, look through this window, What can you see?” asked Barbicane “The sky... and the moon,'cried JT. Maston. ‘He's talking about the moon “That's right. Perhaps we can make the moon a part our country! said Batbicane. The moon a part of our country?’ the people began to ask. ‘But how? Barbicane spoke slowly, “The moon is far away, but | have a plan —a plan to begin communication with the moon. “My idea is to make a cannon that will shoot @ big projectile to the moon,’ said Barbicane. ‘Yes! Let's send a projectile!’ cried J. Maston. Avery big one!” Everybody loved the idea. 7. Maston smiled happily and said, ‘t’ like a hundred cannons!” President Barbicane’s plans went at once by telegram to the thousands of Gun Club members in different towns. And the next day, his picture was on the front of 1500 newspapers around the USA #Fom the arin 19 tne Woon, Lermnoes. es afaptaton by nt Hox Coul lustrated by Anareforandes Va CR curriculum extra p98 EB} UU Eee INegR CONTa stay “sr NOLEN aon Cle et eit 25 culture pios epee ree anes THINK! What are the five most expensive ‘things you will spend money on in your life? 1. Read the quiz. Then copy and complete ‘the table with the words in blue. rt UT LE Lg L ee SSS este ekg ates ; 2 Ee Thai coriare'your rowers Creu intheworld? ¢f witha partner. eon Pars Inthe 18% century, pineapples bacame status symbols in Europe because they were exotic, rare and delicious. They only arrived fresh fram South America on the fastest ships and could cos! the equivalent of todey. Sometimes People rented them for a day to put on a table for aparty. Zs In small doses, venom from animals can he people with medical problems. Scorpion eee Oe ecco venom is the most expensive, Its value is approximately ® perlitre, $100 b $10million $100 mil Computer printers can see like a bargain. But what yo save ona printer, you wil spend on ink. Some inks seem like a rip-off when ya calculate the price per litre which can be *. ' a s7i0 Y) b s71,000 € $71 millon | Saffron is a spice which comes froma small flower. It's worth more than gold: 150,000 flowers (approximately two football pitches) only make one kilo of saffron, which can cost approximately 5100 b $1,000 $10,000 3 > Choose the correct words in the consumer survey. 1 What do you spend / promote most money on? 2 Are you saving / renting for anything at the You probably thought that fresh air moment? was free, but it can bea juxury for 3 Which shops or products are good value / cost people in some parts of the world. A and which are rip-off / seller? Canadian compary sells cans of ai from fie Rocky Mornvans toc ran ai 4 What luxury brand / price would you buy if you Chinese cities, where pollution isa big Se problem. Large cans cost * 5 What products / consumers are popular with 2 $20 b $200 «$2000 ‘your age group at the moment? 6 Which companies have the best marketing and advertisements / businesses? 4 >) 148 Watch or listen to three people talking 5 about their spending habits. Answer the questions. 1 What is Sam saving for? 2 What is Tegan’s one luxury? 3 Where does Daniel buy his games? 5 (© O1i8 Watch or listen again and complete the ae run fe butthe perfume ina $100 bottle probably only costs erpaid actor Leonardo Finished? . Complete the key phrases so that they are true for ‘Yu. Compare your answers witha partner. HINK! Which bloggers and celebrities have got mast online followers? Why? 19 Read and listen to the text. Decide if you think a-d are true or false, Explain your answers. The person asking the questions a... knows something about this topic. b ...isn't interested in making money online. The person answering the questions w= thinks it’s easy to become an influencer. thinks that influencers can be effective Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What products does Harper mention? 2 How do companies decide how much to pay influencers? 3 How much do influencers pay for the products which they promote? Say two things which influencers must do to be successful Give two reasons why marketing companies want to reach teenagers. Complete the noun + noun combinations. Find the missing words on pages 28-31. How do you say them in your language? 1 football (page 28) 2 scorpion (page 28) 3 computer (page 28) 4 beauty (page 30) 5 luxury (page 29) 6 internet (page 30) 7 fashion (page 30) 8 music (page 31) Choose the noun from a~c which does not make a compound noun with words 1= 1 hiphop a feet 2 shop assistant b window ¢ paper 3 head ache child phones b artist. a b c a b « 4 football a win b match ¢ shirt a b © a b « concert 5 maths man teacher ¢ exam 6 film star industry ¢ TV $ USE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Do you follow any online bloggers, comedians or tutorials? Which ones? 2 Do you think that marketing influences you? Why /Why not? aa (et eemenreon tit tel who set thé trends An interview with marketing specialist Harper Ta Who or what are influencers? Erm ... people who have influence ‘on others, obviously. @ Young people who are stars on social media have thousands, sometimes millions, of followers. They're like internet celebrities, so companies ay them to advertise products. ‘A famous example from the UK is Zoella ~ she has six million subscribers to her beauty channel Really? How does thot work? OK. Imagine I'm a fashion blogger or a popular gamer or someone who makes really funny videos. Market companies see that I'm really popular, so they give product. | recommend the product and my follow: think, ’Hey, that must be cool cos Harper likes it. going to buy it’ The marketing company pays me, 2 everyone is happy. 30 What's it worth? more examples. promoter sends a song to an internet star dances to the song. The music company & for every view or like’ which that video gets. retailer gives lots of their products to, and hopes they'll wear or just mention their Influencers never pay for clothes or make- boards or games. Marketing companies are stuff at them all the time. got this blog and nobody's throwing me! Ineed a minimum of 400,000 followers. Esn't happen overnight, but when you are |, you can earn big money. Some vloggers Earning when they were still at school! Online Is MASSIVE. Companies want to reach young because they spend a LOT and they stick brands that they like, ve got my millions of followers, ake millions of pounds right? Sure SINCERE. Your followers won't trust s they believe that you genuinely like the E= that you promote. anks, Harper. I'm going to find some ers. See you online. kt ‘Match rules 1-7 with examples a-g. 2 Afamous example from is Zoella b They stick with the brands that they like © Amusic company sends a song to an internet star who maybe dances to the s d Thisis air from the Rocky € Let's meet in London on Saturd f influencers never pay for clothes or g Some vioggers were stil at school! We use the definite article (the) 1. when we talk about a specific thing or specific things. 2_ when we've mentioned something before 3 with the names of geographical features (rivers, mountain ranges, seas, oceans) 4 with countries which are plural nouns or whose name includes kingdom, states, or republic. We don't use an article 5 when we talk about things in general 6 with the names of sports, most countries, cit languages, years and days of the week 7 when we talk about institutions hospital, university Rewrite the sentences. Include a definite article if necessary. Explain your answers. 1 Idon'tthink money is important in life 2 Canyou give me... money that you owe me? 3 Idon'toften watch... videos online, but (video) you showed me was realy funny. Ivisited myauntin._ hospitalon My sister loves Chinese food Im goingto...... bank on Smith Street for some cash, Nike playing... baskatball in 8 Is that blogger from Canada? oun USA or from Work i pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 What's your favourite day? 2. What types of music do you like? 3 Canyou name any mountain ranges or rivers in English? 4 Which is the best football team in your country? 5 What sports or games do you play? 6 What's your favourite food? Finished? Write three more questions like those in exercise 3. Ask and answer in pairs What's it worth? Sunday, playground. 31 ‘Do you like shopping? Why / Why not? Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Which of the words in blue are nouns? ONS PRO Listen. In which words do you hear the letter r? t= Se tena which words isi silent? Listen again and repeat special offers tryon window shopping 1 You can return or ‘a product if you've barcode order perfect receipt } got the receipt. \ specialoffers store tour tro When there are = aa products are cheaper than usual. Shops normally big or heavy items. ‘When your clothes are the right size, they ‘you perfectly A changing room is a place where you can SEE ata ve © 121 Listen again and complete the When you're syou're outside notes in A- . shops looking at the products in the windows. atthe checkout, a shop assistant. the s Write five sentences bar codes on products to find out their prices. to describe your perfect shop. ‘Shops must always show prices on Then compare your sentences with shelves. a partner. Choose the best ideas. tt delivers the things you order on the same day. © 121 study the diagram of the future of shopping, Then listen. In what order do you hear about topics A-F? ital changing room Scanners measure you, The screen meses Regan cate cat There won't be human shop ie fo change the pee nna eee So | ed HN TH YH if A ty Wh iy mE To Wi HH Hy HH Ah aay (on iene Cece Per Tecate Cree mca See ee log REE asta MEMES pcre Cause ia pals Ceo (5) Gee et What's it worth? day soon you'll be walking down this street. re going to buy a coat. pping will be different in the future if train leaves in ten minutes. {re cooking for friends tonight. ‘the future forms from exercise 1 with rules 1! ii) this form when we plan or intend todo hing in the future, but there isn’t an exact time yet. this form when we have organized something eis an exact date or time. this form for things which have a fixed ble. this when we make a prediction about, sure. this form when we talk about an action which in progress sometime in the future. will when we make a spontaneous decision in we offer or promise things to people. ‘the correct words to complete the dialogue. in your answers. Bye, Mum, See you later.""’m meeting / Til meet Grace for lunch at 200 pm. Where *will you have / are you having lunch? At Richy’s café. Why? Oh, because I'm*leaving / going to leave for ‘my dentist's appointment in half an hour. can drive you to town if you want. Ah no, it's OK, thanks, Mum, 'm sure “you'll leave / you're leaving late, as always. Hmm, Have you got any plans for the afternoon? ‘Ave you "going to buy / buying anything? Maybe ‘we'll go / wee going window shopping. Why not meet us later? If you're in town around 6.00 pm, "we'll be having / ‘we have a pizza in the place near the cinema, OK, great. Right. 'm going— my bus *will leave / leaves in ‘two minutes. Bye! Complete the sentences using the correct form of will, be going to or the future continuous. vt (not buy) that. I've decided that it doesn't suit me. 2 It’s holiday time! At six o'clock tomorrow we (sitting) on the plane. 3 | promise that | (pay) you when I've got some money. 4 Ask the shop assistant. He (help) you. 5 We've got great plans. Our company. (cell) fresh air 6 The football match starts at midnight. | Gleep) already. > USE IT! Work in pairs. Study at the information in the leaflet and prepare answers for 111. Then tell the class your plans and predictions. 1. When are you going? 2 How are you going to get there? 3 What time dotthe shops open and close there? 4 What kind of things are you going to buy? 5 Doyou think that you'll enjoy the experience? 6 What will be the best and worst things about the trip? 7 What will you be doing just before / after? Congratulations! Dee ee uw This means that you and two friends have Got trienty minutes’ FREE shopping In your favourite shopping centre. Each of you will have one trolley which you can fil Finished? Imagine you are going shopping. Write a paragraph about your plans and predictions using as many different future forms as you can. What's it worth? 33 (© 122 watch or listen to Joelle presenting a ‘new’ product. What features from a-j does she say that a book has? a light and portable b electronic © versatile d tough e fragile f convenient g luxury brand h easy to share i good value j_ special offer Study the key phrases. Which phrases introduce new points? (© 122 watch or listen again and complete 1-7 the key phrases, D123 When we want to keep a listener's attention, it's a good idea to vary the speed and emphasis of what we'te saying. Listen and repeat phrases 1-5. Which words does the speaker make longer? 1 think you're really going to like it. 2 Ican carryit easily with one hand 3 Some other products, in contrast, are a bit more fragile 4 You can use them anywhere. 5 Now that’s what I call good value! Su eng Engaging the audience When you give a presentation, look at the audience and not at your notes. Make eye contact and remember to smile! 5 (USE IT! Follow the steps in the speaking guide. = ——t 34° What's it worth? Falke to talk to you about Let me start by showingyou? First ofall it's? Asyoucansee,? Another advantage is that * It’s also worth mentioning that Finally, one big advantage of * Ithink you'll agree that’ Satur ATASK Choose a product and prepare a presentation to tell people about its features and advantages. B THINK AND PLAN 1 Think of three of four positive features of the product. 2 Are there any similar products? Why is this better? 3. Decide which key phrases you can use in your presentation 4 Think about what you're going to say, and make notes C SPEAK Practise speaking from your notes once or twice. Then take tums to do your presentations. D CHECK Did you vary your speed and emphasis when you were talking? TEU eet eee gear at was the last present you bought for someone? you buy it and how did you choose it? eee Cen emy tips for this month. salle? You Too the box? eau de toilette Greg's Gift Guide and answer the questions. ich products is Greg going to buy? ich product is too expensive for him? ich friends and relatives does he mention? the key phrases with words from the text. Bitty , you'll love this. _ though. ge point: Conjunctions: as well as; and; not only ... but also the conjunctions in blue in Greg's Gift Guide. write sentences with the prompts in 1~4 using of the different conjunctions. product is both versatile and useful. (versatile, useful) (tough, light) (children, adults) = (00ys, girs) (healthy delicious) ill appeal to the perfect gift for snacks, VR Horror House ‘anew virtual realty game ani IWyoute a horror fa appeal to both boys and girls. this. isnot recommended for your appreciate 2 sgrendma, though! present This smells great - really fresh You walk around a reali These slippers are no and original Its not ie some haunted house, coking for pieces perfumes which are a bit heavy. of a puzzle and avoiding nasty surprises. Its VERY scary. (UP 2Y 9 amt i) Bigfoot slippers youtllove | think aswel as abit volt designs too, Imbupngtnstornysse: —Itinkidlbeaht turtmnct Im goingtoge hee batiy ll and ake some occasionally gong o buy Ifo! anyone, imum and my : for mye Becae leat afer “hey 4 SSE IT! Follow the steps in the writing guide. ATASK Write a gift guide for three products. Use the suggestions in the box or your awn ideas, book clothing computer game jewellery perfume sports equipment B THINK AND PLAN 1 Look at the products and think of adjectives to describe each one. 2 Think about who it is for and if you would buy it C WRITE 1 What's it called? The name of the product 2 What's in the box? The type of product 3 Who's it for? Who would like the product? 4 Tell me more A description of the product 5 The verdict Are you going to buy it? Who for? D CHECK + key phrases, + conjunctions What's itwerth? 35 rl Feelings VOCABULARY * Feelings and emotions I can ask and answer questions about feelings. THINK! What kind of mood are you in today? ‘Why? What things change your mood? ‘1 Read the Emotions test and match the adjectives in blue with nouns 1-12. 1 surprise = 5 annoyance 2 disgust 6 anger B stress. 7 embarrassment 4 worry 8 fear (x2) 9 boredom 10 sympathy 11 excitement 12 relaxation Remember! Some adjectives have two possible endings: sed = how you feel “ing = describes the thing, person, or situation [feitbored. Thelin was boring. Do the Emotions test. Then check your answers with the key. How many did you get right? © D725 choose the correct words to complete the questions. Then watch or listen. Which questions do the people discuss? When did you last fee! embarrassed / embarrassing” What kind of situations are stressed / stressful for you? What activities do you find most relaxed / relaxing? What are you frightened / frightening of? What is your most annoyed / annoying habit? © DH study the hey phrases. Then watch or listen again, What answers are given to the questions ‘in exercise 3? Bey Talking about your feelings get quite / 50 .. when Imnotthat bothered by There's nothing .. about. st makes me feel really .. when .. What I find most is 5 CDUSE IT! Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 3. Use the key phrases. cf para istening and speaking fo cursicaum extra p39 MT OOS Cf Thisisa photo of a woman who is afraid. The emotion on her face is fear. When psychologists showed a picture like this to ‘a group of adults and a group of teenagers, 100% of the adults correctly identified the emotion. However, only 50% of teenagers recognized that the emotion was fear. Some thought that it was surprise, others thought that it was anger. The results of many studies seem to show that in our teenage years, we are not always good at recognizing emotions. Finished? Think of alternative adjectives to describe the emotions in the photos.

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