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AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science. 2022. 44(1): 1-10

Journal of Agricultural Science

The Effect of Soil Submersion and Conditioner Materials on Residual

Organophosphate Pesticides in Soil and Shallot Bulbs
Ubad Badrudin1*), Syakiroh Jazilah1) and Budi Prakoso2)
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pekalongan, Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia


Keywords: Soil health decreases and residual pesticides increase due to the
Pesticide Residue application of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides continuously during
Soil Submersion the cultivation of crops. The effect of 12 hours or 24 hours soil
Soil Conditioners submersion and chicken litters or zeolite application before planting on
residual pesticides in soil and bulbs of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.)
Article History: are studied. Samples of soils and bulbs have proceeded after shallot
Received: February 10, 2017 cultivation conducted in Brebes, Indonesia. Then organophosphate
Accepted: August 30, 2021 residues in the samples are analyzed using gas chromatography in
the Laboratory of the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research
*) Corresponding author:
Institute, Bogor. The data are compared to the standard of maximum
residue levels (MRL) of pesticides in agricultural products. Results
show that residual pesticides in treated soils are below the detection
limit of the GC equipment, except malathion is detected with values
ranging from 0.039-0.050 ppm. However, residual organophosphate
pesticides in the bulbs are mainly below the maximum residue levels.
The only exception is chlorpyrifos which has a value above the
maximum residue levels of pesticides (0.076 ppm). Farmers should
be educated in integrated pest management and applying synthetic
pesticides as the last option for controlling pests and diseases.

INTRODUCTION to identify diseases and insect pests (Abang,

Kouamé, Abang, Hanna, & Fotso, 2014). This results
Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) is one of the
in a decrease in soil health and environmental
agricultural commodities grown continuously in The
Regency of Brebes. This regency becomes the quality. The application of a high amount of inputs,
shallot production center in Central Java, Indonesia. particularly inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, in
The average shallot productivity in Indonesia was the cultivation of plants is considered by farmers
9.69 t/ha. It is less than its potential, 11.10 t/ha to guarantee that the plants produce a high yield
(Christoporus, Mustabjad, Hanani, & Syafrial, 2016). and avoid crop failure (Nakatani et al., 2016).
Even it is far below the average shallot productivity Hernández, Chocano, Moreno, & García (2016)
of Thailand, which is 26.56 t/ha (Waryanto, Chozin, state that inorganic fertilizers provide nutrients
Dadang, & Putri, 2014). However, farmers still instantly, improve plant growth and enhance crop
use high or even excessive inputs during shallot production.
cultivation as pesticides are considered essential According to Shedeed, El-Sayed, & Abo Bash
inputs to the production of shallots. (2014) and Natsheh & Mousa (2014) the continuous
During the cultivation of shallots, most farmers and excessive usage of inorganic fertilizers would
use inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. It result in negative impacts on the condition of
is misused since most farmers in tropical countries the soil physically, chemically, and biologically,
have little formal education, and only a few manage reduction of its ability to store water, lack of cation
ISSN: 0126-0537 Accredited First Grade by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia,
Decree No: 30/E/KPT/2018

Cite this as: Badrudin, U., Jazilah, S., & Prakoso, B. (2022). The effect of soil submersion and conditioner materials on
residual organophosphate pesticides in soil and shallot bulbs. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 44(1), 1-10.

Ubad Badrudin Pesticide Residues on Soil and Shallot Bulbs...............................................................................

exchange capacity (CEC), and disturbance of soil submersion and the use of soil conditioner
aeration. In addition, improper usage of pesticides materials. Before planting, submersion of the
generates environmental pollution and causes cultivated soil could decrease residual pesticides in
pesticide residues in soils and agricultural products the ground (Ogolla et al., 2016). In addition, the soil
(Aktar, Sengupta, & Chowdhury, 2009; Bagali, conditioner materials improve the characteristics of
Patil, Chimmad, Patil, & Patil, 2012). Application the soil physically, chemically, and biologically and
of inorganic fertilizers that are not based on soil reduce the soil degradation resulting from the use of
properties and plant nutrient requirements neither fertilizers and pesticides irrationally (Akbar Basri et
improve soil health nor replace organic matters lost al., 2013; Jemal & Abebe, 2016).
during cultivation (Hernández, Chocano, Moreno, & According to Shahraki, Ganjali, & Javadzadeh
García, 2016). (2017), organic manure is numerous. It improves the
Boulange, Thuyet, Jaikaew, Ishihara, & behaviors of several elements in soils through active
Watanabe (2016) affirm that in fields where crop groups (fulvic and humic acids) that retain the details
rotation is practiced, the residues of pesticides in complex chelate forms. Organic amendments
applied to the previous crop might be taken up by increase soil pH and reduce exchangeable acidity;
the following crop depending on the persistence exchangeable aluminum and exchangeable iron
and uptake characteristics. Pesticides have been altered soil chemical properties in a way that
commonly used in agriculture since the second enhances the availability of phosphorus (Ch’ng,
half of the twentieth century (Pivato et al., 2015). Ahmed, & Ab. Majid, 2014). It increases nutrient
However, the widespread use of pesticides has content in the soil and positively influences soil and
resulted in drifting, leaching, and running off of microorganisms’ physical and chemical properties to
pesticides from target crops to off-target areas, encourage their life (Bonanomi et al., 2020; Lasmini,
adversely impacting the environment (Afari-Sefa, Kusuma, Santoso, & Abadi, 2015). Moreover, Ayeni
Asare-Bediako, Kenyon, & Micah, 2015). (2011) and Yoldas, Ceylan, Mordogan, & Esetlili
In general, farmers sprayed pesticides (2011) stated that organic fertilizers contained plant
intensively during the cultivation of the crops. nutrients and enhanced soil productivity. However,
Badrudin, Suryotomo, & Prakoso (2015) find that Melese, Yli-halla, & Yitaferu (2015) find that manure
Chlorpyrifos residual pesticides in the soils have application in acid soil do not increase plant height,
been detected and in the shallot bulbs are above dry shoot biomass, and P uptake of wheat. Zeolites
the maximum residue levels of pesticides. It is due are excellent carriers, stabilizers, and regulators
to farmers spraying the crops with mixed pesticides of mineral fertilizers. The zeolites enable better
(Triwidodo, 2020) every 2 or 3 days. Pathak, plant growth, improve the efficiency of nitrogen and
Solanki, Renuka, & Kundu (2016) confirm that potassium fertilizers, improve water infiltration and
total concentrations of Organochlorine pesticide retention, crop yield, retain nutrients for long-term
(OCP) residues in vegetables ranged from 0.31 to use by plants. It improves soil quality, reduces loss
109.03 μg/kg (wet weight). All samples have some of nutrients, helps absorb toxic metals from the
contamination of 1 or more OCP residues. Mean soil, and makes them less available for uptake and
concentrations of DDT, HCH, endosulfan, Aldrin, accumulation in crops (Safiul Azam et al., 2013;
and dieldrin over all vegetables are 27.01 ± 2.67, Soltys, Mironyuk, Tatarchuk, & Tsinurchyn, 2020).
23.13 ± 3.92, 9.97 ± 1.83, 1.43 ± 0.79, and 1.06 ± Zeolite has a beneficial effect on the content of
0.37 μg/kg (wet weight), respectively. The maximum total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and phosphorus
OCP residue accumulation is in root vegetables, in the above-ground parts of spring rapeseed
followed by leafy and fruit vegetables. Levels of OCP (Radziemska & Mazur, 2017). Moreover, Rehan
residues are below the recommended maximum et al. (2017) state that catalytic features of zeolites
residue levels set by the European Commission such as microporous structure and the high surface
and Indian government except for classes for area improve plant growth and yield.
dieldrin, making the vegetables unsafe for human The purpose of this study is to determine
consumption. pesticide residues in the soil and shallot bulbs after
Technologies to improve soil health and submerging the soils for 12 hours or 24 hours and
environment quality need to be found. Two of applying chicken litters or zeolite in the ground
the technologies that could be applied are soil before planting.

Ubad Badrudin Pesticide Residues on Soil and Shallot Bulbs...............................................................................

MATERIALS AND METHODS to another glass container through Wittman filters.

Next step, 25 ml of filtrate was transferred to a
Research Location
glass flask. The filtrates were dried using a vacuum
A field experiment was conducted in the
rotary evaporated at 40oC. Drying was continued by
District of Wanasari, The Regency of Brebes, from
flowing Nitrogen Gas. The residue was resolvent by
May to August 2016.
adding 5 ml iso octane: toluene (90:10, v/v). 1 to 2
Experimental Design µl of the solution was injected into GC.
The soil was submerged for 12 hours or 24
Data Analysis
hours before planting. In addition, 20,000 kg/ha
The pesticide residue data were compared
chicken litters or 15,000 kg/ha zeolite was applied
to the maximum residue levels of pesticides in
before planting. Shallots were grown without
agricultural products following the Joint Decree of
pesticide application on the treated soils for 55 days.
the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture and Minister
The preventive measures for controlling pests and
of Health, No. 881/Menkes/SKB/VIII/1996;711/Kpts/
diseases were done using light traps, glue traps,
TP.270/8/1996. The data were also correlated to the
and sex pheromones. Inorganic fertilizer applied
data of pesticide residue in soils and bulbs taken
was 150 kg/ha Urea, 400 kg/ha ZA, 200 kg/ha SP-
from farmer farms in this area and analyzed the
36, and 20 kg/ha KCl. Samples of soils and bulbs
previous year.
were taken from treated soils after harvesting the
shallots. The bulbs were sun-dried for 3 days or 7
Soil samples were taken from 5 points in one Pesticide Residues in the Treated Soils
experimental unit. Then the soil samples from the The result showed that the organophosphate
same treatment were put in one plastic bag. One residues in the treated soils were below the limit
kg of bulbs from the same treatment was randomly of detection (LoD) of the GC equipment. However,
taken and put in a plastic bag. Samples of soils and the Malathion active ingredient values ranged from
bulbs were stored in boxes filled with frozen gel 0.039 ppm to 0.050 ppm (Table 1). All the values
boxes to keep the temperature low while storing were below the standart (on average 0.136 ppm
and transporting the samples from the location to and the highest 0.235 ppm) found from previous
the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research research (Table 2) (Badrudin & Suryotomo, 2015).
Institute laboratory in Bogor. Organophosphate The Chlorpyrifos residue in the treated soil was
pesticide residues in the samples of soils and bulbs of below the limit of detection of the GC equipment. In
shallots were analyzed using Gas Chromatography. contrast, the value of the chlorpyrifos in farmer soils
The samples were processed and analyzed was on average 0.194 ppm, and the highest value
based on Indonesian Agricultural Environment was 0.743 ppm (Table 2). Joko, Anggoro, Sunoko, &
Research Institute working Instruction Methods Rachmawati (2017) mention that residual malathion
2009 numbers and as follows: pesticide taken from the soil where farmers cultivated
50 g of soil sample was put in a glass stoppered shallot in the same area in 2016 was 0.1490 ppm.
Erlenmeyer, then 100 ml of acetone was added. In addition, Nining, Nazli, Mas’ud, Machfud, & Sobir
After shaking for 30 minutes, the solution was (2019) report that residual chlorpyrifos pesticide
transferred to another glass container through a in the soil at Wanasari district is 0.278 ppm. This
Gooch filter covered by elite 545. The process of indicated that submerging the soil and applying soil
adding acetone, shaking, and filtering was repeated conditioner materials before planting could reduce
twice. An evaporator dried the filtrate. Then, 8 ml of the soil’s pesticide residues. Suwardi (2009) states
n-hexane was added to the residue to resolve the that submerging soils and using soil conditioner
residue. Then 1 to 2 µl of the solution was injected materials generated the binding and leaching of the
into GC. Fifteen grams of sliced bulb sample pesticide residues previously attached or bound to
was put in a glass blender then 30 ml of acetone soil particles.
was added. After blending for 30 seconds, 30 ml Alen, Zulhidayati, & Suharti (2015) write that
dichloromethane dan 30 ml petroleum ether 40–60oC submerging the soil before planting and watering soil
were added. Blending was continued for another while cultivating the crops could dissolve pesticide
30 seconds. The mixed solution was transferred residues. Pesticide residues could be hydrolyzed

Ubad Badrudin Pesticide Residues on Soil and Shallot Bulbs...............................................................................

under the amount of available water and pesticide nature of zeolite played a vital role in thermal
concentration. Moreover, Motoki, Iwafune, Seike, cracking reactions by adsorbing selective larger
Otani, & Akiyama (2015) stated that some pesticides hydrocarbon chain molecules and other impurities to
absorbed into soil particles could be eluted into produce improved quality liquid soil. The catalyst’s
soil water. El-Saeid & Selim (2016) noted that the surface area and pore volume could be increased
reduction of pesticide residues was influenced significantly by chemical treatment such as acid
by several factors, including the mechanical and leaching or thermal activation to enhance further
physical treatments such as washing activities with its catalytic functions (Sriningsih et al., 2014).
water that might result in the removal of pesticide The amendments were necessary to optimize soil
residues due to the dissolution. The soil conditioner productivity (Kavitha & Sujatha, 2015).
materials improved the health and quality of the soils
The soil amendment such as soil conditioner
in terms of their physical, chemical, and biological
could be organic matter and zeolite. Organic
fertilizers could improve soil physical properties,
According to Pérez-Lucas, Vela, Escudero,
water holding capacity, and organic carbon content.
Navarro, & Navarro (2017), the addition of organic
In addition, it supplied good quality of nutrients
wastes significantly increased the sorption of the
(Ayeni & Adetunji, 2010; Lasmini, Kusuma,
studied pesticides. The addition of organic fertilizers
Santoso, & Abadi, 2015). Natural zeolites were
improved soil structure and enhanced the activities
alumina-silicates complex structured minerals
of helpful soil organisms (Seran, Srikrishnah, &
containing several earth metals such as Na, Ca, K,
Ahamed, 2010). Furthermore, Minardi, Haniati, &
Mg, and Fe (Nizami et al., 2016; Rabai, Ahmed, &
Nastiti (2020) stated that adding zeolite had the
Kasim, 2012), as adsorbents and ion exchangers,
best improvement on soil chemical properties,
remove heavy metals (Latosińska, 2016). As a soil
soil organic matter, and pH. Zeolite improved the
amendment, zeolite had beneficial effects on the
soil chemical adsorption power and decreased the
growth and yield of crops (Safiul Azam et al., 2013;
groundwater contamination risk. The microporous
Theofanoudis, Petropoulos, & Antoniadis, 2015).

Table 1. The analysis results of the pesticide residues with the type of organophosphate in the soil

Organophosphate (ppm)
PITI - - - - - - 0.047 - - - - - - -
PIT2 - - - - - - 0.039 - - - - - - -
P2TI - - - - - - 0.044 - - - - - - -
P2T2 - - - - - - 0.050 - - - - - - -
Remarks: Dia: Diazinon, Fen: Fenitrothion, Met: Metidation, Mal: Malathion, Chl: Chlorpyrifos, Par: Paration, Pro:
Profenofos, MRL: Maximum Residual Limit, P1: soil submersion for 12 hours, P2: soil submersion for 24 hours, T1: soil
conditioner of chicken manure, T2: soil conditioner of zeolite, -: not detected

Table 2. The analysis results of the pesticide residues with the type of organophosphate in the soil and bulb
of farmer in Brebes district in 2015
Organophosphate (ppm)
Diazinon Malathion Chlorphyrifos Profenofos
Soil 0.011 0.136 0.194 0.056
Bulbs 0.042 0.027 0.055 -
Remarks: Source: Badrudin & Suryotomo (2015)

Ubad Badrudin Pesticide Residues on Soil and Shallot Bulbs...............................................................................

Pesticide Residues in Bulbs Andrade et al. (2015) reported that leaching was
Laboratory analysis of the residues of more effective on water-soluble pesticides. Residual
organophosphate pesticides in shallot bulbs diflubenzuron was the lowest since it was more
indicated that most pesticide residue values were soluble in the water than the other pesticides.
still below the maximum residue limits of pesticides The application of chicken manure possibly
(Table 3). Badrudin, Suryotomo, & Prakoso (2015) reduced environmental pollution (Ali et al., 2018).
find that pesticide residues, especially active The farm manure treatments lowered DDT residues
ingredients from the organophosphate chlorpyrifos, than that of samples without fertilizer. The addition of
in bulbs of shallots are above the maximum residue corn straw and farm manure increased soil organic
limits. The value of pesticide residues below the matter content and decreased the soil pH, retard the
maximum residue limits might result from synthetic degradation of DDT in the soil (Wang et al., 2006).
pesticides not applied during shallot cultivation. Previous researchers found that 50-100 ton manure
During the cultivation of shallot, only preventive per ha reduced Atrazine, HO-Atrazine, Propachlor,
measures were used against the potential presence and HOpropachlor (Doyle, Kaufman, & Burt, 1978).
of pests and diseases of the shallot crops, namely De Smedt, Ferrer, Leus, & Spanoghe (2015)
light traps, material feeder (sex pheromones), reported that zeolite had a high affinity to pesticides
and glue traps. Furthermore, the emerging pests and acted as an absorbent of residual pesticide
were controlled mechanically by taking the pests in wastewater treatment. Meanwhile, Pucarevic,
manually. Stojic, & Kuzmanovski (2017) said zeolite is alumina
Submersion of soil will leach some soil silicates with very high adsorption capacity and
content. Satpathy, Tyagi, & Gupta (2012) say that good catalytical characteristics with good chemical
leaching could reduce residual pesticides such as and thermal stability.
malathion, fenitrothion, and chlorpyrifos. In addition,

Table 3. The analysis results of the pesticide residues with the type of organophosphate in the shallot bulbs

Organophosphate (ppm)
B1PITI 0.084 0.5 0.034 0.05 0.029 0.2 0.242 0.5 0.033 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 0.013 0.05*
B1PIT2 0.054 0.5 <0.0100 0.05 0.010 0.2 0.084 0.5 0.020 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 <0.0101 0.05*
B1P2TI 0.091 0.5 0.017 0.05 0.065 0.2 0.159 0.5 0.018 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 <0.0101 0.05*
B1P2T2 0.061 0.5 0.015 0.05 0.012 0.2 0.123 0.5 0.020 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 0.01 0.05*
B2PITI 0.043 0.5 0.013 0.05 0.015 0.2 0.137 0.5 0.028 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 0.011 0.05*
B2PIT2 0.101 0.5 0.014 0.05 0.059 0.2 0.114 0.5 0.034 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 0.019 0.05*
B2P2TI 0.072 0.5 0.011 0.05 0.017 0.2 0.099 0.5 0.023 0.05 <0.0101 0.7 <0.0101 0.05*
B2P2T2 0.104 0.5 0.013 0.05 0.024 0.2 0.233 0.5 0.076 0.05 0.012 0.7 0.017 0.05*
Remarks: Dia: Diazinon, Fen: Fenitrothion, Met: Metidation, Mal: Malathion, Chl: Chlorpyrifos, Par: Paration, Pro:
Profenofos, MRL: Maximum Residual Limit, B1: drying of tubers for 3 days, B2: drying of tubers for 7 days, P1:
submersion of soil for 12 hours, P2: submersion of soil for 24 hours, T1: soil conditioner of chicken manure, T2: soil
conditioner of zeolit, *: the Japan Food Chemical Research Foundation

Ubad Badrudin Pesticide Residues on Soil and Shallot Bulbs...............................................................................

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the treated soils only malathion was detected and 7
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 7(3), 1161–1170.
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of Research, Technology and Higher Education), pada tanaman hortikultura (Studi kasus di Desa
which funded the research project. Cihanjuang Rahayu Kecamatan Parongpong
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