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Maureen Carroll, Spirits of The Dead

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(OXFORD STUDIES IN ANCIENT DOCUMENTS Thisinmovane ew sees fers niu prec one poli cata xh In comomic hay ofthe cent ws Espoting the ne tcl a ‘rcs moping cpt anderen te oles cova wie an ‘Fuenury ure nding wsrpuons pop and wooden ae Spirits of the Dead Roman Funerary Commemoration in Western Europe MAUREEN CARROLL OXFORD, a Soe eae eens eater al its repel Agee Geeta pee eed ease een ae yeni pr ne In memory of my parents The fof the da is in the memory of he ring. (lero, Philips. 4.10) a Conveying a Message cred he prio the de, Bai oa iyi She ter hr ‘oc Heese eter ihn ono! ow ho and ad synth Show Gat And come nea incrpsion of the end ema A Cd: OPENING AND CLOSING INVOCATIONS From the reign of Angus ccasonally and rm mide of the fist century ‘no much moe consmons the epitaph is pele by an invocation to he ‘piitsofthe den (the Man) writen as Dis Manibus anlar abrvistl 0 Bat ta Gaul and Germany, the introductory D Mt was expanded fom the ‘missecond century toad hf et Momaria (tothe spi ofthe dead and the memory of ad rom the bepaning ofthe third century the tl memory (mewurioe eras) ov the seta (quiet arte) of te ‘Tas become common invocations Se Append, Nos. 25, 7,14 18 $30-2,20),Atomb ating oa 165 Rome hasan inscription node by DMetsomne aterals curt! memoriacge perpetuate sep ityrand perpetual enory)> Avast of expressions usually atthe en of he fitaph is tsd teins what Kid of faterment was made. These elade Sando lis te’ Vc cabator hic suse see Append, No, 8,24) 0 ‘ured hee’ hice pul) or ress her (hc adie The bones of o2 Individual can ie concealed (x inlat)# oe here os hic ext Sma: cM Rare Cn rp it Comming Masege 1 -aestuatd her (ss condi) whereby the bones eas nt he aly ne cently ay normaly wee cremated, and mee therefore el a body cb ‘pc (ope ot orb emt (cps cious detail incied atthe end of ome inscriptions, but, unfore- forthe archaeologist, not on most of then, tbe naming the consls the ea in which he tomb was erected othe bri ste appropiate This zation places the pasing ofthe individual andthe ton of the ina specie temporl context, ch ie the masing in erp public rhtectre ofthe oficial in whose period of os the work lice. Icons are named in funerary insiptions, they appear mos in those texts that conan information on the al, tansction, oF ment of property for burial incduding the purchase or donation of in aumbarie Sextus ais Ala, hone wil ontiing ntact ny aspect of his rial and his tomb in Langs in Gal hae survive the names ofthe magistrates during whose erm of chs elaborate Was bul tobe alae inthe inserpion fk woul app architecture, that these inscriptions were thought ofa records of ining negsintion and contac, the inscribed text pully de thatthe tansicon and excction of plc of burial were done x. The legally binding aspect of sucha transaction precy arin insrption from the Via Onene ouede Rome that peeves om the texto wo documents ane 3 request for + plo of and For constuction ofa omy the other the oil sponte ofthe landowner, clu of Fastna Mater an Faustina Pa, The ets dated on 25 ly when Albinus and Marinus were con Thus, the insrption pre and sa permanent copy of ofa corespondenc airing the rat for burl parpores, and aed othe ferry monuinet al, was Tie alos sees the propagation of insribed tex partculsly om public a influenced by the deste o record permanent and very isly completion and flment ofan obligation ivaving compulsory service benfaction, aswell as bythe dese to advertise one's ies ving supervised or pid forthe consrcton of bung and other pubic Babu ct sora rm atv so NUM tt i et ee a nc a eee bs Conveying a Mesage ‘work Pehaps one cou push he analogy with public buildings ite bit Fisher by repding ferry monsments a el-commisoned honor monuments averting the names, and perhaps displaying the images, of init who never could have ad the wealth stat and of positon {0 commision » public building that bore one name for post (se (Chapter), A sete of datyviewously ule i abo conveyed by funerary {rscripions naming the decssod and the deictor,paricully in those Jnripons that advertise the generosity ofthe dedcator. This applies (0 ‘paps lang that the erection ofthe monument was neither prescribed ina ill nor etal requested, twas done by the ddiator in recognition ‘ofthe mei ofthe deceased. Ilo appli 0 eserptions stating thatthe ‘monument ws et up by the commenorata ot of hs own funds (des), implying that there had been no lal blgation to dos, but one el ty ound to make this al magnanimous peste [NAMES AND PERSONAL DATA “The noun psig in fnerary insertions is fellowed by the name of the devese. The name was of abvous importance inthe eptaph ut in tome rue cise this suprisingly was aot recorded Talla Phronime, fr {ample had an urn containing er husks rerans inscribed wih ee ‘en ame at comamemaatr, but she di not have his ame writen oi ‘The name ofa ship carpenter ad veteran ofthe twenty-second legion i them on histone Maz but is abbreviated bythe ter cuter a [soe fll ame remain a ster and might have been unknows atthe time to anyone other than hit wife who had the stone made” Interesting Is wifes mame asthe coeerorator ie weiten In full The name of te ulius Alesandet, an Alfican and len of Carthage, wat hse facture who died in Lom (ee Appendix, No.3; Fi 9) Apart fom infomation on such epitaph concerning the many and vied ro of he decease through which we un sgh int the economy details the orgs of individuals fcitate tempts to map poplaion movement oa the empire (ee Chapter 8-9). Other information oa military tombstones ince the unt in which the ‘ered, sometimes lo the century, rma, o contri to which ae Comeying a Meaage he belongs or example, (le) lin) XI Gemtinge, entra) ‘Giana Hebi) Buon Goldie fhe Foutenth Legion Gmina century Quint Hea Bcc, or Al Parrot Arahorum rma Vara {the caaty nit of Parthians and Arabian, squadron of Varig) ** In Naples Poco Ravenna, Mena, anc Ostia the incipions on many ‘ones blonging to solr of the Roma fet tioned at Misenum and Ravenna name the ship which the deceased served, Tiss abrevate, for ‘ample ove siete ptr) Sle (iene San), oI Mercro (fepe Mercury)" The ran ofthe decesed can also form part of the tecorded message, is with some pede that Mama Prisca commemorated ‘er husband, Lucius Nemeris Fl in Tarragona in Spain wih is ofthe Tegions wth which he ad served sa centurion Lai VI Genin, Lago XX ‘er Lei Il Crema, Lago XX Pring and Lego lio) “The majty of tring sds were ins burl and 2 commemorative stone by thir comrades, since they wee not lp able o mary an therfore, could not appoint thee common la wif or egimate hliren born out that union ahi eponsble fortes burial We may assume {htc the sue instructions in hit wil fo he style and content of ‘is memorial with 2 comrade or ate, mos key bis he, or that the memorial as choc by the her who knew the deceased well enough o: rd aces to his records to beable to ave the deta of ogi, age, and length of servic insribed on the stone. No Romans by cil Iw did not ave the ight o take valid wil which would hae made it imposible for ‘lary soles fo leave binding insroctons behind or pe an he ut ‘ne ofthe concesions made asldee without Roman clizenship was hat {hey could draw up wil and appoint an el. Many of the eptphs of Silas end with the abbreviation ex fetameno(acoring 1 the i). Sd almost nas ane (here), whose mame might be given a inthe inscription tobe seponsle for seting up the memorial (heres face tt) (oe Append, No.6). The ht hd the moral obligation to bury the ‘den and ifm nly the bral but ao monument was specie in the wi the ei also was morally bound ofl this ty! 5 Sean Spun ssi UMA 2nd (2 7, IL, 28 gee ng ree Papeete sous cr a Sopra mc lg orm EN in Conmeying« Message bs REGIONALISM IN EPIGRAPHIC FORMULAE eee ee Se me hve sen enn Chapter 3 how the exp Ee oe pee a Bee Serene ee ee Soe ee ee ene SS oe ee Toe eee eee ee ceeereiacnn ee eee ee oe | eae See Boas 7,2 4 7, eeu na: CU eee SC gets rs cv sous dion cx ki alse CERN WTO cafe ernment ENN rs Comeying a Menage ‘he mid ofthe epitaph, afer the namo the decd and before the name ‘ofthe commemortoz Frequent in epitaph fom the province of Bate, tn places uch ay Sevil, At and Cordob, the deceased seer 095 ‘isin sis or pian sel oak afer her own: else ws dutta {oiler own), followed usualy by hess it rae Duis ‘ey rae elawhere i Spain and italy non-existent outside Spun The ‘pete abbreviation PS H'SES TL When this phrase appears nan “pitaphin the Rhoeand then ands outimmeditl as nigh. rs sed ‘he ein Bonn commemorating the sae Euthenia who died therein the Sxond haf ofthe it century a Her place of ng tpically for saves fot piven, bot the ene construction ofthe invocation PIA IN SUIS / HSE TT Lisso spl fr Batic that it can be taken as an indication that either he oer commemorate an co-lave Gemels ame from this repon,mplying formula tht was frig fo Bon. The abbreviations for Ine sins (1S) ad frst ib teres (S TTL) were widely known in the Rhineland so it was nok neceary twit these sections Out in full ower,‘ isi had to be writen out Because the abbreviation PS oul ot have ben understood by any ofthe locals in Bo. ‘Other expressions in funerary texts stand ot foreign inthe Rhineland. Alough the pectcation of lotsa is common in Kalyan southern Gul {he one and only gravestone fom Cologne with these deta records plo twenty et ont by ent wo ft agro Is sigan hata Teast one ofthe owners ofthis tomb, a Marcus Petronius Flas, was an Tala who would have known thi radon of recording the dimensions of the burl plo Likewise the prohibition formela HMHNS (hoc monument Teredem non ssquar, efering tthe ower wish thatthe tomb not be [used on to the ber, ccue regal in laces such 2s Rome, stn, and Portus but aly under lla inflnc, i southem Gat. The prokiition fonmula however, fs eorded only once in bth Cologne and Mainz on he ‘German rote, din both cases ts included in the epitaph of someone fom tay "The freedanan Marcus Umbriis Hilars, an allan fom Aclaum neat ‘Beneventum in southern Ray id nd was buried in Narbonne nthe ist emary Ab His epitaph clues ith geting wo and short exchange with +» Gtk aan Ga 975 306 Onyae ihn im oe: XIE Coming « Mesoge is ee eee ec oo eens eee (Be a ee ance eee eee ee eo ee are a oes ea ooo eee eee eases eames! cee eee eae Sa oe eee eae a alae ee ae ea ere jo elie ene arte See ee ns ere eee ae ae aceasta Bocca! Bye Sea ee ees creed eee ee eee ae cee a ees cL ae a a wee ee 136 Comeying a Mesege around Rome. This sugges hat thre mat have been the reaization on he fut ofthe commissioner of thse pth that Standard abrevaion ch rhs war understandable in North Affi But not t Romans in Rome "To, however formu? snd aking in heart sentiments ferry ex: ‘resions may appet tous their ase by people who let the confines of heir Tiel community and who lng to the Sentiments on and tides towards ‘lth that were prevalent nthe pace feign, suggests tat these expres nha dep and spec meaning that may scape the casa ede. ‘CAREERS AND HONOURS [An important part of the mesiage ofa fonerary epitaph was the isting of rnouts, posts nad cer steps as clear markers of atin society 9 ciey of many soil and pita relaoshis in which the deceased was ible and vo which longing cold be expressed In thi sense ferry Steriptons r elt 1 the honorary and nudatory texts that were put uP ‘on ue bes and buildings in publi laces swe have een exemplified by {he incipons eating to Galas Aprons Raptor in Lyon (see Chapter 2) ‘The apap ofthe abit up to the end ofthe Republi were simple and erly gave ony te bre highlight of caret. They corspond in many eto the ef lagi on plagues that were atached tothe imagines of {eocrat ames in the atom ofthe family Bome and in publi spaces” “The lagu gave the name ofthe pean whose porta it was, followed by the ofa hed snd her hone sich as warps won by tat person Epitaph fom the fst century ad on the other hand, spec those f= ivi below the senator, often ist carers in greater length. Am Informatie npn ofthe iat bal of he seand entry rom bol Sate tunes the public ase cura howorum) of cis Fabricius Caesennis Gatun The epitaph ead Plain ri) Zeus) Roma) / posi) net) Lanai) 7 erie) ao) Pomona) too) Osten fmt Tis a, fom te voting dni of Palas start Roman knight secretary ofthe aed, and a priest of Laureot Tanna eligi fice of the equestrian clas asocited with thecal of ‘eran the Pets athe ancient protectors ofthe comunity and si The eptaph closes withthe statement that Gallas had ed al the posts of GRANT Sipe Ton A oe pnd of Len Lvs sil 7 Comeying a Menage 1 honour inthe Osan colony: Publis Vines Firms rom Acta atthe fot ofthe Taian Alps worked his way up the administrate ladder in is ‘omni inthe second century, holding the canonical ices of qusesor rate sponsible for faunal matter), ail (magutrate expose public works), and, ally, dvi one of wo sen elected maps) th pb gm cy Fin Maia an wo in i Ga same sequence of offices, a career that i ihe in his epitaph in the frst century ab" His bother, Finis ros, who sort the caving of thi nctipton bel these ofc, ins desi wo put hisl nthe eg ade, athe ery end ofthe ition, almost ay an aftershought, thatthe monument was made 1 tenor his brother Masims, Bit aso the advancement hin 8 fom o two fom saver to fcedom andthe achievements ofa public aca source of pec pie. The funerary iron commemorating Pauls Suturing om Anta, fetorngrandion of exe nd of ose ex ves records that he served in Legio XX Pring and cme a pri ofthe impr cu an als anda duvirinthe sd ‘Nove of thse men ad such a noble lineage o 2 bilan carer a the tic Lacie Manas lancinwtho dd around 20 ne and was bared the fmilys eaten Gaeta on the western coast of southern Ra epaph busting with aoe names, prestigious ils and chee I telus that he was the som (fit) of Luis grandson (eps) of and gat grandson (proneos) of Lacs hate ha ben cons and as ice aed succes genera that he had hel religous pos erat trump over the Rae that hed 3 empleo Saturn bu the spoils that he dst and to eons in ta and that he had the colonies of jon and Augst in Gal. Placa epitaph steses nasty, felling his nae amily miory back hee generations Defoe “The ferry epitaph this recounts an iutriogs eae, a id he pte: kept inte home and alo the ancestor mak parsed 3 funerals eticuousty outlined noble ancestry was» popular device wed on Public by the emperors from Augustus onwards. Caligula for example, fscoved in an inscription in dba athe son (fi) of Germania, pn (neps} af Tiberius, great-grandson (procps} of Augusts, and Geeta ht xn eC 18 Comeying« Mena ea-qreatgrandion (abn) ofthe divine Julius ® The adopted emperors ‘ofthe soo century ab fea ven gets ned for itn an in pli ‘monuments they often conarctd the ineage and procaimed thee ght to {ult dyoutic hee of ther vine imperial predeesors. Incas Auer ‘erat in an 16, for example i aid to be the son of Antoninus Dis, ‘grandson of Hain, get grandson of Tn and re-gent randon of Nereas appears to have been of ite consequence that none of these men ‘war eltd by blood. Far more import was lima, achieved, feces Sarg, by a constructed ancestry ‘Unlike ecborn men, eedinen could not normally hod pablic fics, bt from the time of Augutu they were allowed to hod pst as members of ‘haps of pits fo supeintend the ffl cat of the emperor (ei ‘Anus. Holders ofthis oe were very often tected om wealthy fresimen, their wealth being an important prreusite fora post that required ebstntil financial input (ee Chapter )- This pos equeny ‘aplaye inthe funerary inctipton of eedmen sce Appendix, Now 52 In some cates such feedmen could serve seve Augualis im mare than ne lction. Quintus Capitonis Protas who came fom Rome, but Was buried in yon in the second cen, di x i bath Lyon and Patel. Mares Sei Symphorus ld this postin the cond cern thee ites in Gal yon, Aken and Rien appears however that nt on feedmen ould sere at pits ofthe imperial cl Driaatr has rgd tha inthe “Three Gaul thee high-status pot cold be el bythe rich bors, there wre no sien recente orf indviduas Gd not purse» fll Tocl maptrl careers” The weir Augusta, Quint Scandi Quig. 2 Treveran citizen who ws commemorated in Astin i the fst hal of the second centr, enjoyed «muni eer among the Aedi, lng lhe ‘ces among them (omnis Boor inter sf Kee as ogied ‘onvincngy that Quigo war a fecbor citizen, pos a wealthy merchant. from Trier who, nis new place of esdence in Ast, we gen il ize rights bythe coun of Autun ad who then ed aiou fs there "The posthumous honour bestowed onan india bythe cont ar¢ 2 spc source of pri, and they Bre prominent in fneray eps Comeying« Mesge 9 Ae incription put up in the foram baths in Avenches honouring Gaus Wales Camis in the exly Set century ao mentions «public foetal [fms pubic) and tates of pi the vo ties of tun in Pence {nd Avenches in Switzerland Another honoiicncription in Osa ends the pti une of «Pais Lacs Gara andthe eetion of lcd fate cFhim in the Sst entry ac courtesy ofthe town couse Som fies swe haveseenin Chapter the bri pot was donatedby ore oe town crunci (ex drurinum dace) sad a Sontition ws ae wards he fn the es th Sepia who ws uted ote the Porta Nesvioin Pompei with HS 000 of public money (ig. 8). The same un ses gen bythe town coun in the 7s a> for aril plot outside the same {te and forthe nea ofthe 22-year od age Cas Vesti Prac it other psi forthe tora Thecity of Pope gave plot of land outside the Herclaneum gat or burial and HS 2000 toward th expense of erestng + Inemorl o Thus Teens Flt, and the oa Pompelan mapstate Als TUmbricus Scaurs was granted not only alae of bia and a monument, FBpre tt, Four crate tombs oni hPa Vero ote hse oP ig Gaus Vern riba, Maan Vee Mati Tl Sept Al wee gente brow and oer honey hy cal Peat yn at arohed 20 mem He > Som fe as Ae 1S 70 Me and Noe 0 Conmeying« Mee but alo HS 2000 towards the funeral well aan gbetian ate in his honour ithe forum." Wedo not know rely wht ets of benfaction the sels and ovr Macus bets Fmus performed to prompt the grant ot 55,00 fom the city of Pompe fr hs publ fuera ar wel eal plot ‘outside the Porta Nol, 30 pounds of incense, HS 00 for perfumes and tw Portrait ss insbilds inagnes pete ome presidents (magi) abd tenn (mini) of the couney dtc.” Thanks to lerpifngeatary nmcpion pel wee bet info about he beneficton of Desimus verti Valens who hd been co-opted to the town counl of Pompei at the age of 8 and promoted to equestrian ‘ak the emperor Claudius His ageat death has ot survived but be may Ise Ber inhi eany teats. The insrpio says hate (and his ther had sponsored gladiator games and» regslar hunt. Forth the ity pe ‘im funeal burl plot on publi land meaty ouside the ct abd ‘aris other honours such as an equestrian sate inthe forum, Further Thonurs inci at leat eno status of him on fot fom the Auge and Inubitants ofthe eoanty dst, ane images of him in shi fom the associations ofthe cushion sles and clapper bates atthe thea ese ‘eehliar) and the sociation ofthe ihabiants ofthe forum rene ‘There sno mention fs sum of money. What makes this posthumous say of honouts particulary interesing is tht the inscription Istng them comes ‘Goma tomb not just ets the ates of Pompe, where one might expect, tt fom the amy tomb ear the fayette nthe modern dit of Sct couple of mils tothe south eat of Pompei. Tht might support Frichers suggestion tat publicly honoured individuals could receive 2 Aonaton ofa bral plot on publ land immediately ouside the town 08 trhich a monument was bul But which didnot nese function #8» tomb because the individuals actualy wer Dusied on thei fay esate” Soch monuments cute the tova gate, acondng to Fracher wll Rae ‘ced av adertisement of fay pst rie and ftre promis xt this rs not always, and it sems upon ose inspectio, na to have bee the {hee pricy withthe Lacret Vana Inthe family tor at Saft ate Seen eee Rene: na et i ras reese Comeyng« Mesage ut {rele commemorating the father, Decms Luce Vales eile n ap 4 (cording toaster source) two ofr sons who died young (ged? and 1), aan adoped son (Desimus Luce Sts Valens). Tere sno olin at Scat marking the Busi st fis uo chy honoured hind son (Dscinms Lucretia Vales), probably because heel es bred some Iohere ast outside the wal of Pompeii atom tht was provided witha ipson outlining hs carer and ditincons, The inscription on the ly enclosure tScafitiin that cast, woul be a‘opy’ or version ofthe alone at Pompei The status ofthe family requis advertising even in the country Honours also could be bestowed on resin a others who di not qualify public administrative post, bat who were wing to poy for titer By ing money tothe publi treasury Honours could ere be bestowed tien ithe a an important ihe who had contributed much community. The highly hanoused son of Deis Larus Valens die shoehad ben amit tothe town council sendy athe age of and the fin ural grounds at Sait caution rats another of ons who had also been nominated tothe town coun Before he ied the ge of 137 Funeraty honours weal granted to chien. The one nl-yn-old boy Marcas Sits Ponto Saufeies Proc, sepaon ric questian from Sorento, for example, wat given bur plot ond {conttion of 5,00 sestertis towards his burial and fuer cos” Two, Spanish boy from the Baetcan wwe of Uno and Asti who ded (Ca were pven a publ funeral ther In ation, their burial plots, stones fora fanerary monument anda sate were lo id for, possibly theirhome communities Measures suchas thes corsespond to Cce proposal before the Seat in in 43 n that Servis Sulcus Rus shoul be pully honoured nour included a tomb tht et qoae onthe Esquiline Ml wel fans tobe conducted with al ceremony, and a bronte ate of Ras the erm, and all ofthis t public expe These honorific statues of fat men and women were omnipresent inthe communis ad they B Seon yn is sy et a 74s 3 44 Te fc i yung nomad ie encoun CRY mee Ne had oa te lee Ce Pre vat aretp en gecesi we nhs SaC emcee 1a Comeying a Mewoge sto in places determined oven bythe owe coun A fonerary epitaph fund on the Va Labia in Rome commemerats a Quins Fabius Theo fra pint merchant whose sho won te Esquina he ate of Fluncia Thi is almost cern the same Lucas Mantis Placa the ‘rlltary commander in chil, publ beeacn. and founder of wo colonies, Tpetione sbove- But Ciero wa a thinking nt ony of ach ding men ‘then hein the wake of ii War in 3 n, propose that the soles who “Tes atin ip defeating Mark Aston shoul be publi honoured with “ommoal tm bearing an nsrption aan immortal monument thei ‘ravery Akhough this monument was ever erected Cssos Dio records that he bt dead were honoured witha public funeral EXPRESSING STATUS, WEALTH, AND ASPIRATIONS ‘Mesages abou stats wealth, nd identity cull be communicated ot only ‘Bsouh the words the epitaph bat li through he pictorial motif cared be funrery monuments Marcus Cas, for example, is portrayed 3 Wighiydesoratedlgionary centurion wearing numerous sedans (pa Teme on his ebest and ter abjsts such as eck ngs ous) that were Grea eward to soldiers dma tari) and tht were Kept bythe men Ager etzement fom the army (Fig 4). The inscription tls ws that be trans centurion bet inate s the pictorial depiction ofthe deceased Tone thar inates what nk he once bed. The gravestone of Quins {nos Futon Maine depicts the deceased in fll uniform, holing an cer 8 ecm tn ae ee a rt Ea Sole 3-8 ‘einige, ein A onc cen cece toh eine eS ee peer Ferra ee ag sane erie: Rane 2 i 3nd 002 Bg EN pele ape {kann in Fm 0 Tn a rm rm rin) we re, Merril of Marcus Cac, cation of Lp XO, who ded nthe Miran Gey 09. Hs body an ot covered, bat an comer aed ih hs sone anen. Riches Lanse, Boas rag ony stand inh sight hand” The naiption doc ot Boch rko wiken deportes setts read ie oo tat he was 8 per anda ter) inthe ary ry Guinn and honours oud eared on grees withoot pra fe vay conplnent th norman inte acrpin, Tse ase Mi ecto preston of Mares Popes Ape fa Roe, whos Beton ny cain pts eno tran ga primar pi of Lap Cron tn cap pect ge XX Vac Th ela el faked by rosa af te Baten par ante eglonary eli tent andy epictons ef patra orc arn ings nd eves on th anda cae ong eh nh ih he hr ap eit ea of Hmerpon one meus yhawata tetas thekeper ft eat hha oor rw ee Keg erty ms SAR 1 HCI. iy on fom Mite decd onthe gravestone ofthe paditrGratsin Vienne Seven rownsand two rose pln rds highlight hi victors and is escapes om death, in the amphithete, hough the epitaph txt ss that he was victorious seen "Wealth sexpresd in the elaborate dining scene, with many saves and servants; on the eat third-centry llr monument ofthe Secunda {fom ig and on many other Feneray banguet ele fom the ist to thie ents ap on the Rhine and Mowdle™ A woman ‘eho cold afford ‘tite of slaves cating to her every whim i depicted on a grave rele Rom Nevmagen th socal ‘Eernponrfeer dating to about 28°" This dye shown sented n= wicker chal attended by four servants who des her Ii, old's ior, and bring refemeats. Many women fom Pannons, Noricum, and Germans Inrioe chow to have themselves depicted on thei funerary monuments inthe native costume pear o thee elon, andthe ‘ne rslendent in Inyered garments eadteses ad conspicoous jewellery tech reveal thelr wealth and ethnic afiition (Rg 50)" “Occupations ae expres bythe depiction of pial nstrument ofthe teae of the deceased of by sone ofthe decent engaged in profesional ‘tvs. Marcus Marais Vero, 2 Teveran based in Lyn and a merchant in wine and pottery vel was gen a gravestone with a tow of wie jos farted inf above the epitaph Caius Vescus Primus, a Selman 208 butcher from Main is commemorated on is stone with an epitaph stating his profession (linia) aad with a carved depiction of bl’ head and butchers tools The poson of the two brothers Pomptanius Sivines fd Pompeu Vicor fom Augsburg i ot stated inthe epitaph, but the ‘epicon on two siden ofthe funerary monument of ern scenes inc that thy probably were wine merchants” The epitaph of Gaus Ves ‘Novel in Mn hi appears Below his ortzit and those of his mothe. freeden, and to fesdmornen, doesnt ell us wht the fly busness buta sll scene atthe boom ofthe stl depicting the display andi of tenes suggests thatthe Vet were tele manufactures or cloak mer ‘hans inthe fst century an Nor is the profeion ofthe couple fos amenemwigceetnmey arenes by 1 Cote 2trCase a. 1995: 26,75 Winer 200: hao. 94,360 Conmeying« Messe Fer 5. Gove io Gono ising woman drs in ante Cali Portas Marcus Ups Ameri and Sronia Ate, recone in the {epaphon thi tomb inthe foe Socr cemetery (Tom 100), but teracta Tellin the masonry showing scenes of profesional acts suggest ht he Da a doctor and she was 3 midwife” tis worth mentioning here that he Bide propl ook in depicting thir pofsons and the ofits they held lo reece inthe objects that could be baie with them, Thus we find eeton of erraot paint pots with the pigments ln them) buried with Aural yalaters (por) in the scond and thid centuries ao in Pankur. Hedemhcr onthe Mun and in Kasten onthe lower Rhine im Germany and corplt sets of suri instruments buried with doctors nthe Gena Rhineland (Bingen Cologne) and in vari (Werlagen)™ The profesional eee eeree erect Blige sinister rar thet sedi eaten Se wert te 85 Naber 30 17 eh cag TR Ms Comoying a Mewae actives people engage in ding their etme cly were thought to ‘kine anneal part ofthe character and Sent of those individual, tnd the deposition ithe rave of ob lied to profesionssogess the tet that te fol of ones trade othe ardor servi othe tte would enced inthe ater see Chapter 3). “The late Republican and ext impel Sunray reli of men and women cof freed stu ees the eal sanding ofthe deceased trough the use of| ‘bv main motif ves recetved Roman itzasip and cou ell mary ‘nly wha they id ben fe, s0 the depictions, is of feedmen in the {gn mick only Romances could wer, and, second of husbands and ‘wes csping hands (dexrarun ito) as vad mavage partners were ‘ul confirmation ofthe newyacguted legal and vocal sats of thee Individual (Fig. 31% Thi gesture probably ao expressed afetion and Iarmony between the couples Frecborn bys wore the bulla or an amet ‘round ther peck ntl the ont of aulthood at 16,80 the poruayalof sons ‘of od couples a ile boys with this pice of clearly displayed jewelry ‘ated these children a ecbor tens “The ea could and fen dd, compensate for inequalities in i, Take the epitaph of Aehutve Agatho in Glnum, for example’! Due to his ffecdnan sats wold pot ave been able t0 old pole ofc as « ‘agitate, But he certainly made up for i a ther way al of which ae ‘verted inthe lscripio, He wae a evi Angus both Ales aod AP ‘cuatr of society in Aces, cuatro the shipper? gud in Apt and he ‘wars generous beneitor in lansm. That he had slaves of his wn whom he ad reeds ade cea inthe naming ofthe edt, Auta Euychia who setup the monument oer patton. Fn, ven hr ape rotbly can beseen 2 distinction, beaut dept the nus of having once been a ave nd ‘working his way to the top, he survived to be 70 yet ld The stigma of ‘erie stu cll compensated in death bythe chosen meso Ts his nce marginal poston in scey fs overwhelmingly reversed and he i represented in the slecve language of the eiaph a a sucess and Indust ten, "The nse fom poser or fom = very undistingsshed Ucksound can be celdbrated by men and women who acievl some modicum of mcs in i for example, as prestses, chariot races ot phere meg pity nee] on =e pe epee tee Comeying a Mase Ww Tee lc sg hn i of nite rig oh es eee amnesia [oct Poubly on ofthe mont eloguet testimonies ia funerary epigraphy Ao bard work a the route to sixes comes fom Maker in Noth Ac Be brn yor bho yar wes pos, 8 ete propery nr # fs ort Hal wos nd conte wh aly gl 2 I enh et yee ee tng Poem oy eerie rats tno bebe ang Bet Bey tec peat eal bce veme™ us Comeying« esage ope a igh how the agg of the inary ents of he YE. JRE Gals couhed nemo itr bons Soe eof raped Thee inp teenie esearch hae onan, ere ee catenin The orl merino te ‘set omen the pe nd plac fri ut mila nk ie he pra ging psy he dtr hand ned of Seige themmer feel grin th renee Fear ot Licks Pompe fom Vee, fr example wes owned Feith 2 onl was buted y His we Opiate The mio Salute yr fg os alle Bei eds MASP ome sent sem sonal ed or mel elt mei psd he on fhe itr rater ‘ating th peel oton on oy st ofthe nan sh spe ttn Nines td cra in Cb in ote Sale secneen any taf oss nawthe adator. SERRSTAG Seer na comma cemetery al thresh er TAREE nbc insime we bane ude ec othe be ‘eeattec tlre thy weiner ews ete sree burl aa woul hve enh gtr ns of omen “Gites ntcrain whet he don opr of Sais ton ccm gran cho tsa whet Beeston thom ignated olde yh tori nD ‘ibrar Gul ad wot 2 yt to oul SEA Shc petomer wo ugh ennai heen (GRAVE HUMOUR ROMAN STYLE Finally wth al the ween and pictorial pesages abot personales 30 Proviton of bri and bles, was humour ever usd in Roman funerary ‘piapha? Apart fom ply on words, sch ar no i fi non sm, non coo Hop 1 Boge 20 8. ian an, ne op 2808 Ww (95) LE ym Ca ci eo pe Comeying 0 Mage we (Qwis ott ws [am not, dn car) instance oft are rather rae! There {s somthing amusing, however, aboot the warding of the epitaph forthe fiecrmin Marcus Vig Euryrce and hs wife Aisin on thet tomb of the scond half ofthe frst century nc ext the Porta Maggiore in Rome. ‘he orb sunigue, with he top aloft bling having ows of indica opening iter imitating bead ovens or commis staph states that Ine wasa baker who was conrad to suply bread forthe ate and it ends wth‘ s apparent This Gal zemark rn obvious fetes t the eng fee rnning around beep ofthe tomb whch depicts the proesof making read Ia very grat det. Asis cpap, presamaby writen by her hue and, ses that the remains of her body ‘ae inthis read base’ cis frp rlquie quad sperant sunt ho paar). Aga, hs sa reference {othe frofeuion of urynces but lng ether the tomb or the urn in which ‘Alisa’ eins weed to rest bread base is ather ecentic, Dry humour iseidet in an epitaph eommemorsing burns, the eer ‘manage of troupe of mine aor fom Siscltht, in obvious reeence thewcal performances, reads: ‘ve did many tines. but never ike 2 nsruction othe gave dger ae writen athe end ofan epitaph ofthe redwornan Cauda gee onthe Vi Appi ia Rome: aso, pre Hie Ba cub (Graves, go ety She’ esting er). The ial ines ofthe itp hot Publ Vinesis Femus fom Aaa ‘spea inthe fist person nan ng vein As longa ved Ire to gt (ears) money, nd 1 never losing. Death has intervened Now m rev ofboth The 52-year Tiras Claudius Secunds in Rome made various things responsible for dese ‘Baths, wine, nd women bring Me decline, Yet wht fe bat 6 vine, and women” (banca vina Ven" Marts sharp wit Is led in his pigram describing wife who a busied seven husbands who had thei gnvestones inscribed with ‘Choe didi (Choe fey yin reference to er having “done inher husband rather than Inthe epithe made 8 On heh Nd 9-3. Clea phn ont cums Ro) Ds TSEC at wi an ame in a LAN Pee eS 150 Coneing a Mesae | grimestooe fom Aca in southern tay and now in Pr sry cnt hems charming dors cont onthe aly ef TELE commemorated? The sone was commissioned by Lis Cal Geriatr fr himsel and Fania vouptan whe he walle. The ret Se Feds san na noded Gale clsk with hs mae both of them ‘eetiga oman whos adding by geting with ber band™* Tension ‘plane the sane: computa! Has ini pon pment Covet al IB SC SReE Ron mo le alr me a fac doi fn-kepr and 2 ‘The epitaph records a comers between fr me Travel ad canbe broken down os fll ‘nnn a-hspes et se Tcsetns You hea sear f wie and ra at one Food ‘raves: Aged. Toscan Agia ih se ‘eaves: Tat ped too oon: And hay for he ule 90 ‘eave: hil wi beh nd of et ‘ObviousyErticus and Vlupas were the owners ofa host. They must Freee aecusomed wo seting up with customers rican to pay for what thy had consumed, hough in this case the traveller doesnot question the caret the fod. win, and the comparatively expensive gi, bt on those forthe mule kp sr ALK esa, On i te ee Rn Figg 7:3 6 Causes of Death {Foran of Dep ad Chis eran a fora of Len edit earn ro mh ol a th uh of Mar (Panera nro om Rone CVT. 671.5658) SENTIMENTS ON DEATH ‘uted many richand famous Romans to de can be learnt by randomly ling through Romaa itera sours, Heres jst one example Veginist rs considered by Plinythe Younger toe‘ ane of our rates and mon ished citizens" He was rehearsing an ares othe emperor Newa whens manuscript el ou of his ands. Ashe bento pick wp, he slipped nthe ose hor, el and bole his i, an rom thi aecient he never cover Searching the torical source to gain sgh int he cass and tances of deth of thowe who were not weal and dtingited, Ihower, would be gel ues. Fueraryssrptions, bss they were sone by al cases of sce, apart fom the very poo ar therefore ‘of immeasurable value in reveling what many people ded of and what Sentiments were expressed st their demise even if the inscriptions tend No highlight unusual deaths or cteumstances that surviving relates fl uaely wort ling ‘A numberof Roman funerary epitaph thr name the caus of death or ‘hey allade wo one » more general and somtimes poets, wy. Theater ‘ategor ay refer to dither! and untimely and couch the demise ofthe ommemorted individual in tems of having ben vii of ate. Sar Bentnant are exresed in Roman iterate Phatreh wrote that ntimely eth isan ei, and Pliny the Ede cons that ia a gi of natre 1 ig 2

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