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Effect and Mechanism of Encapsulation Based Spores On SelfHealing Concrete at Different Curing Ages

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org Research Article

Effect and Mechanism of Encapsulation-Based Spores on Self-

Healing Concrete at Different Curing Ages
Tianwen Zheng, Yilin Su, Xuan Zhang, Hengyi Zhou, and Chunxiang Qian*

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ABSTRACT: It has become an intelligent and environmental protection method to repair concrete cracks based on microbial-
induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP). However, due to the high-alkali environment in concrete, even the microbial
spores with strong alkali resistance find it difficult to survive for a long time, which affects the long-term self-healing effect of concrete
cracks. In this paper, low-alkali sulfo-aluminate cement (SC) was used as a carrier to encapsulate spores, and the effects of the spore
group and microbial group on the basic performances of concrete were studied. Then, the area repair ratio, water permeability, the
repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration, and ultrasonic velocity were used to evaluate the self-healing efficiency of cracks, and the
self-healing effects of two kinds of microbial self-healing agents on concrete cracks with different curing ages were further studied.
Moreover, the growth, enzyme activity, and microbial morphologies of spores with and without encapsulation immersed in the
simulated pore solution of cement-based materials at different times were studied to discuss the protective effect of the carrier on
spores. Compared with the reference group, the results showed that the addition of two microbial self-healing agents would slightly
affect the basic performances of concrete, but both were within the control range of concrete materials. For the early-age cracks, the
two kinds of microbial self-healing agents could achieve a good self-healing effect, but for the later-age cracks, the concrete cracks of
the microbial group could still be repaired well, while the self-healing effect of the spore group was greatly reduced. Moreover, the
white precipitates generated at the crack mouth were all calcite CaCO3. In addition, the self-healing mechanism of different microbial
self-healing agents on concrete cracks was discussed carefully. This study provides a new idea and method for the engineering
application of microbial self-healing concrete.
KEYWORDS: carrier, self-healing efficiency, curing ages, protective, self-healing concrete

1. INTRODUCTION of concrete structures to decrease and shorten their service

Due to the advantages of convenient use, low price, high life.6−8 Therefore, timely and efficient repair of concrete cracks
strength, and good durability, concrete has become the most can not only improve the service life of concrete structures but
widely used building material in the world, which can be used in also save maintenance costs and reduce economic losses.
modern civil engineering construction fields such as housing In recent years, with the development of microbial
engineering, bridge engineering, ports, and so on.1−3 However, mineralization technology and concrete materials, using the
the brittleness, low tensile strength, and large shrinkage microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP)
deformation of concrete materials4,5 lead to the inevitable technology to repair concrete cracks has become a research
production of different types of microcracks on the concrete
surface in the long-term service process, which greatly affects the Received: September 10, 2020
esthetics and functionality of buildings. At the same time, the Accepted: November 4, 2020
appearance of cracks will affect the waterproofing ability, bearing
capacity, and safety of concrete structures. Meanwhile, cracks
will accelerate the corrosion of reinforcement, alkali aggregate
reaction, and carbonation speed, which can cause the durability

© XXXX American Chemical Society

A ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

hotspot at home and abroad. This method mainly uses the studied in a simulated pore solution of cement-based materials.
mineralization of microorganisms to generate calcium carbonate Meanwhile, the experiment of spores without encapsulation was
with good compatibility with cement-based materials, leading to set for comparison. The enzyme activity, bacterial number, and
the cracks being effectively repaired and the self-healing purpose morphology of spores with and without encapsulation under
of concrete cracks being achieved.9−12 At the same time, different soaking times were tested to reflect the protective effect
microbial self-healing technology has the advantages of being of the carrier on spores. Moreover, the two kinds of microbial
environmentally friendly, timely, and efficient and leads to self-healing agents were added into concrete, and the effects of
multiple repairs of cracks, providing a new idea and method for the spore group and microbial group on the workability of
the research of self-healing concrete and the realization of concrete were studied. Then, the self-healing efficiencies of
intelligent civil engineering materials. cracks were characterized by the area repair ratio, water
Gollapudi et al.13 used the principle of microbial mineraliza- permeability, the repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration,
tion and demonstrated the feasibility of microorganisms for self- and ultrasonic velocity. Moreover, the self-healing effects of
healing of concrete cracks. Ramachandran et al.14 adopted the concrete cracks at different curing ages were compared. Finally,
MICP technology for the repair of concrete cracks, and the the self-healing mechanism of concrete cracks with different
results showed that bacteria could induce calcium carbonate kinds of microbial self-healing agents was analyzed and
precipitation to repair cracks. In addition, the strength and discussed in detail.
stiffness of concrete could be restored to a certain extent.
Meanwhile, from the application of MICP technology in the 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
passive repair of concrete cracks to the realization of self-healing 2.1. Microorganism and Culture Medium. A kind of Bacillus
concrete, scholars have done a lot of research studies. However, mucilaginous L3 producing carbonic anhydrase (CA) was used in this
due to the influence of the high-alkali environment in concrete study, which was purchased from the China Center of Industrial
and the increasingly dense pore structure, it is difficult for Culture Collection (CICC).37−40 The bacteria were first cultured in a
liquid medium containing 10.0 g of sucrose, 3.0 g of yeast extract, and
microorganisms to survive in concrete for a long time, which 2.5 g of potassium hydrogen phosphate per liter of distilled water (pH =
significantly affects the self-healing efficiency of concrete cracks 7.0). Then, the culture medium was packed in an Erlenmeyer flask and
in the later stage. Jonkers et al.15 directly added a kind of autoclaved at 121 °C for 25 min. After inoculation, the bacteria were
Alkalophilic bacillus into concrete, and the bacterial viability in incubated in a constant-temperature shaking incubator (HZQ-X160,
concrete was studied. The results showed that the survival Huamei biological instrument, China) at 25 °C and 170 rpm for 96 h.
number of bacterial spores decreased by more than 90% within During the cultivation process, the bacterial growth and changes of pH
one month. He pointed out that the survival time of value in the medium solution were tested every 4 h, and the pH value
microorganisms could be prolonged by carrier technology. was determined by a pH meter (PHS-3C, LEICI, China). Then, 50 mL
Therefore, a variety of materials are used as carriers to of microbial vegetative cells (1% v/v) grown in the stationary phase was
taken to inoculate again in a sterilized 5 L small microbial fermentation
encapsulate microorganisms, such as polyurethane,3,16,17 hydro- tank (MC-JGF-5L, Beijing Mancang Technology Co., Ltd., China)
gel,18−20 microcapsule,21−23 and other organic polymer containing a medium (the ingredients are shown in Table 1) for 64 h. In
materials. Moreover, graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs),3 iron
oxide nanosized particles (IONPs),24 silica gel,17,25 expanded Table 1. Composition of the Culture Medium for B.
clay particles,5,26,27 expanded perlite (EP) particles,28,29 Mucilaginous L3
ceramsite,30 calcium sulfo-aluminate cement,31 recycled aggre-
gate,32 aerated concrete granules,33 lightweight aggregates nutrient substance mass (g) main function
(LWAs),3,34,35 diatomaceous earth (DE),36 and many other sucrose 50.0 carbon sources
inorganic materials are used as carriers. These carriers can yeast extract 15.0 nitrogen sources
protect microorganisms from the complex environment inside potassium hydrogen phosphate 12.5 inorganic salt
the concrete to a certain extent, prolong the survival time of manganese sulfate 0.025 spore-transforming agent
microorganisms, and improve the self-healing efficiency of deionized water 5000 water
concrete cracks in later ages.
However, the above studies only verify that the carrier addition, MnSO4·H2O was added in the culture medium to promote
technology can effectively achieve the self-healing purpose of the transformation of spores.31,41 Then, spray-drying was performed to
concrete cracks, but the self-healing effect of concrete cracks at transform microbial liquid spores into powdery spores; the drying
different curing ages has been rarely studied. In addition, there temperature and peristaltic pump speed were 180 °C and 8 rpm in the
are few studies on the reasons and mechanisms of the different spray-drying process, respectively. Finally, the powdery spores obtained
self-healing effects of concrete cracks by microorganisms with were conserved in a refrigerator at 4 °C.
2.2. Testing the Number of Microbial Vegetative Cells,
and without encapsulation. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out Spores, and Morphology. In the process of microbial culture, the
research on the self-healing effect of cracks at different curing optical density (OD) in the medium solution was measured to reflect
ages. Meanwhile, the enzymatic activity, quantity, and the bacterial growth, where OD600 is the optical density of microbial
morphology changes of microorganisms at different curing vegetative cells at the wavelength of 600 nm. The higher the OD600
ages should be clarified, which can provide a theoretical basis value was, the more cells there were. OD600 was tested by a
and experimental support for the application of microbial self- multifunctional enzyme labeling instrument (Varioskan LUX, Thermo
healing concrete. Fisher). In addition, the cell concentration and the number of powdery
Generally, the microorganism that could induce mineraliza- spores per gram after spray-drying were determined by a flow cytometer
(FACS Calibur, Becton Dickinson). Moreover, the morphologies of
tion to generate calcium carbonate was adopted in this article, microbial spores and vegetative cells were observed by a field emission
and low-alkali sulfo-aluminate cement (SC) was used as the scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM, FEI-Sirion, Holland). The
carrier material. Furthermore, a kind of microbial self-healing specific morphology observation steps were as follows. (1) Washing:
agent containing spores was prepared by the sugar-coated The microbial vegetative cells and spores were washed with deionized
method. The protective effect of the carrier on spores was water three times to remove the inorganic salts and then with 25%

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Table 2. Oxide Percentages (%) of the Used Cement

chemical compositions CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO K2O P2O5
ordinary Portland cement 56.03 20.72 6.3 2.68 2.31 2.54 0.92
sulfo-aluminate cement 44.12 7.49 35.01 1.25 7.47 1.32 0.2 0.27

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the synthesizing microbial self-healing agent.

Figure 2. Images of the prepared microbial self-healing agent.

ethanol three times to remove the organic substances. (2) Drying: The encapsulation (Figure 3) were immersed in the simulated pore solution
microbial vegetative cells and spores after washing were diluted 1000 of cement-based materials (as shown in Table 3). After soaking for 7,
times with deionized water after sterilization, dropped on a conductive
adhesive, and then placed into a vacuum constant-temperature drying
oven at 60 °C for 24 h before the test.
2.3. Preparation of Microbial Self-Healing Agent. Sulfo-
aluminate cement (SC) has the characteristics of early and high
strength, good water, frost, and corrosion resistance, and long-term
stability. In addition, the alkalinity of sulfo-aluminate cement pore
solution is about 10.0, so low-alkaline SC is used as the protective
material for microbial spores. Table 2 shows the chemical composition
of ordinary Portland cement (P·II 42.5) and sulfo-aluminate cement
(SC). The microbial self-healing agent encapsulated with spores was
prepared by the sugar-coated method. By controlling the rotation speed
of the sugar-coating machine, the deionized water containing the
culture medium (10.0 g/L sucrose, 3.0 g/L yeast extract, and 2.5 g/L
potassium hydrogen phosphate) was continuously sprayed to roll the
powdery spores into microspheres with the size of 1.18−2.36 mm,
which was the first sugar-coating. Moreover, low-alkaline SC was added,
and the second sugar-coating was carried out by spraying deionized
water continuously. Meanwhile, the ratio of water and sulfo-aluminate
cement for the second sugar-coating was controlled at about 0.1 (w/c).
Finally, the core−shell microbial self-healing agent with the particle size
of 3.35−4.0 mm was obtained. The schematic diagram of the Figure 3. Spores and spores with encapsulation immersed in the
preparation is shown in Figure 1. Moreover, the inner core was simulated pore solution of cement-based materials. (a) Spores and (b)
powdery spores, and the outer shell was low-alkaline SC as the spores with encapsulation.
protective material. The microbial self-healing agent prepared is shown
in Figure 2. In addition, the microbial self-healing agent was put into a
standard curing room (RH = 90 ± 5%; T = 20 ± 3 °C) for curing for 3 Table 3. Simulated Pore Solution of Cement-Based Materials
days to ensure that the microbial self-healing agent would not be broken
during the concrete preparation process. substance Ca(OH)2 NaOH KOH K2SO4 pH
2.4. Research on Protective Performance of the Carrier. To
study the protective effect of SC on spores, the spores with and without content (mol/L) 0.002 0.25 0.54 0.003 13.90

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Table 4. Mix Design of Concrete (in Mass)

cement fly ash mineral powder water water reducer sand stone calcium nitrate microbial self-healing
group (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) agent (kg/m3)
reference 261 56 56 164 5.22 776 1072
spores 261 56 56 164 5.22 776 1072 5.0 2.5
microbial 261 56 56 164 5.22 768.5 1072 5.0 7.5

Figure 4. Specific schematic diagram of crack creation and self-healing incubation.

14, 28, and 56 days, the spores with encapsulation were taken out and concrete. In addition, after a period of time, concrete will experience
crushed to obtain the spores inside the core−shell granules under slump loss, which is the concrete slump loss over time. So a 1 h slump
aseptic conditions. Then, an equal quantity of spores with and without loss over time can also reflect the quality of fresh concrete. The concrete
encapsulation was cultivated in the alkaline environment of cement- mixture slump and 1 h slump loss over time are tested by the Chinese
based materials. The protection effect of the carrier on the spores was national standard GB/T50080-2016 “Standard for test method of
reflected by testing the germination growth of spores, enzyme activity performance on ordinary fresh concrete”.
change, and morphology of the microorganism under different soaking 2.5.3. Concrete Apparent Density. Density refers to the mass of
times. Moreover, the growth of spores was represented by an OD600 matter per unit volume. Generally, the matter is continuous without
value. The enzyme activity change could be tested by a colorimetric gaps. Therefore, density is equal to the ratio between its mass and its
method; for the specific test method, one could refer to previous volume, which is the density of the material. However, for concrete
research,42 which was mainly based on the different catalytic efficiencies materials, pores are generated due to the difference in particle size and
of different enzyme activities. The enzyme activity was indirectly shape of various raw materials. In this case, the density obtained by
reflected by the amount of p-nitrophenol. The more the p-nitrophenol dividing the mass of the pile by the unit volume is not the same as the
that was produced, the greater was the optical density, and the higher density of the material itself, which is called the apparent density. As an
was the carbonic anhydrase activity. Changes in the morphology of important part of the concrete design process, the apparent density of
microorganisms during the growth process were observed by a concrete can be classified according to the different apparent densities.
fluorescent inverted microscope (DS-Fi3, Nikon, Japan). The micro- If the apparent density of concrete is more than or equal to 2800 kg/m3,
scope was equipped with “NIS-Elments D” software connected to a it is heavy concrete; if the apparent density of concrete is between 1950
computer. In addition, the images were taken using phase-field and 2800 kg/m3, it is ordinary concrete; and if the apparent density of
illumination and a 60× inverted objective.
concrete is less than 1950 kg/m3, it is light concrete.43 The test method
2.5. Performance of Concrete. 2.5.1. Preparation of Concrete
Specimens. Concrete specimens with diameter of 100 mm and height to determine the apparent density of a concrete mixture is carried out in
of 50 mm were prepared by mixing cementitious materials, sand, stone, accordance with the Chinese national standard GB/T50080-2016.
tap water, water reducer, calcium source, and microbial self-healing 2.5.4. Setting Time Test. The setting time of concrete can be divided
agents. Meanwhile, concrete specimens with the size of 150 mm × 150 into the initial setting time and the final setting time. The initial setting
mm × 150 mm were prepared to test the compressive strength. The time is the time required from the mixing of cementitious materials and
mixing process of concrete was according to the Chinese standard GB/ aggregates with water until the concrete cement mortar body begins to
T2419-2005, and the mix design is shown in Table 4. After curing for 24 lose plasticity. However, the final setting time starts from the
h in a standard curing room (RH = 90 ± 5%, T = 20 ± 3 °C), specimens cementitious material and aggregate mixing with water until the
were demolded and put back again for further curing. concrete cement mortar completely loses its plasticity and begins to
2.5.2. Concrete Slump Test. The concrete slump mainly refers to the produce strength. The setting time of concrete is greatly significant in
plasticizing performance and pumpability of concrete and reflects the construction. To ensure that the concrete paste has enough time to
flow characteristics of fresh concrete. The workability represented remain flowable during the engineering construction, the initial setting
whether the concrete is easy to operate and construct, including water time should not be too short. At the same time, for the concrete that has
retention, fluidity, and cohesiveness of concrete. It is an important formed the shape of the engineering structure to gain strength as soon
condition to ensure normal construction of concrete, which can be as possible, so that it can bear the load, the final setting time should not
determined by the slump test. The workability of concrete has an be too long. The test method for the setting time of concrete should be
important influence on the strength, compatibility, and durability of in accordance with the Chinese national standard GB/T50080-2016.

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2.5.5. Concrete Compressive Strength. The compressive strength of where A0 is the number of crack area pixel dots before healing and A28 is
concrete, as one of the main indicators to judge the quality of concrete, the number of crack area pixel dots after 28 days of healing time.
is of great significance to the classification of concrete strength grades. 2.7.2. Permeability. The impermeability of concrete refers to the
To test the mechanical properties of concrete and the development amount of water permeated through the specimen per unit time. When
over time, the compressive strength test of concrete with different mix there are cracks in concrete, water can quickly pass through the
designs is conducted. The test ages are 3, 7, 14, and 28 days. The specimens through the cracks. If the cracks are repaired, it will take
concrete compressive strength test is carried out according to the more time for water per unit volume to penetrate through the
Chinese national standard GB/T 50081-2019 “Standard for the test specimens. Therefore, water permeability can be used to characterize
methods of concrete physical and mechanical properties”. In addition, the changes in impermeability before and after repair. The test method
the test equipment is a TYA-2000 electrohydraulic pressure testing for water permeability resistance was based on a previous report.40
machine (Wuxi Xinluda Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd, China). During the test, the concrete specimens were connected to a poly(vinyl
2.6. Crack Creation and Self-Healing Incubation Conditions. chloride) (PVC) pipe with dimension φ 100 mm × 1200 mm, and the
For the cylindrical concrete specimen, to obtain cracks that were close water inside the PVC pipe was maintained at a constant height of 1000
to the real situation, the cylindrical specimen was made by splitting. The mm (Figure 6). Before the test, the joint between the specimen and the
specific creation steps were as follows. (1) The surface of the cylindrical
concrete specimen was cleaned and dried and then two circles of
adhesive tape were wrapped around the specimen to prevent it from
being completely damaged during the splitting process. (2) The
cylindrical concrete specimen wrapped with adhesive tape was placed
under the electrohydraulic pressure testing machine, and the loading
speed was maintained at 0.1−0.2 kN/s. Moreover, the specimen was
observed carefully, and when visible microcracks appeared on the
surface, loading was immediately stopped and the specimen was
removed. Finally, cracks with the width of 0.3−0.5 mm could be
obtained. Then, the concrete specimens with cracks underwent a dry−
wet cycle healing. In each dry−wet cycle, the specimens were placed in
water for 12 h and were then exposed to air for 12 h. In addition, the
healing temperature was maintained at 25 ± 2 °C, and the self-healing
efficiency of specimens was tested after 28 days of healing time. The
specific schematic diagram of crack creation and self-healing incubation
is shown in Figure 4.
2.7. Characterization Methods for Self-Healing Efficiency.
2.7.1. Image Visualization and Quantification. For concrete cracks, it
was the most intuitive method to obtain and analyze the crack images
directly. First of all, a high-power camera (D780, Nikon, Japan) was
used to vertically photograph the images of the specimen before and Figure 6. Schematic diagram of the water permeability test.
after repair. The specific schematic diagram is shown in Figure 5. Then,

PVC pipe was sealed tightly with epoxy resin to avoid leakage. The
experiment lasted for 5 min, and the quantity of water that passed
through the specimens was measured by an electronic scale (MAX-
C6002, China). The test was conducted twice, before and after 28 days
of healing time. Then, the water permeability could be calculated by
Darcy’s law shown in eq 2
k = Q ·L /A ·Δh (2)
where k is the water permeability (m/s), Q is the amount of water flow
(m3/s), L is the height of specimens (m), A is the area of the section
(m2), and Δh is the head difference (m).In addition, the water
permeability would vary with the crack width. However, for the same
specimen, the crack width was the same, and the relative water
permeability could be better used to express the improvement of the
impermeability performance of the specimen before and after repair.
The relative water permeability could be calculated by the following eq
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the image device. α = k 28/k 0 (3)
where α is the relative water permeability, k0 is the water permeability of
the specimen before healing (m/s), and k28 is the water permeability of
“Image-J” software was used to binarize the crack images. The pixel the specimen after 28 days of healing time. The larger the relative water
value could be determined by analyzing the gray value of the crack area. permeability was, the worse was the self-healing effect of concrete
The threshold segmentation of the crack area was achieved by setting cracks.
the gray threshold to 115 so as to obtain the images before and after 2.7.3. Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT). When the concrete
repair. Finally, the repair area of the crack was selected for pixel cracks are repaired, the material transport will be reduced to a certain
statistics, and the area repair ratio could be calculated according to the extent. Therefore, the rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) can be
proportion of the crack area pixel to the initial crack pixels after 28 days used to characterize the self-healing effect of cracks.7,47 The rapid
of healing time. The calculation equation is as follows:44−46 chloride permeability method was based on electric flux. Under the
A 0 − A 28 action of DC voltage, the chloride ion in the solution could move to the
area repair ratio = × 100% positive direction through the concrete specimen. By measuring the
A0 (1) electricity passing through the concrete specimen within a certain

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Figure 7. Rapid chloride permeability test device: (a) schematic diagram and (b) physical picture.

Figure 8. Schematic diagram of ultrasonic testing crack repair.

period of time, the resistance of the concrete specimen to chloride ion where η is the repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration, Q0 is the
permeability before and after repair could be reflected. The specific test electric flux 2 h before healing (C), and Q28 is the electric flux 2 h after
method should be implemented in accordance with the Chinese 28 days of healing time (C).
national standard GB/T 50082-2009 “Standard for test methods of 2.7.4. Ultrasonic Velocity. Ultrasonics detected the self-healing
long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete”. A concrete effect of concrete cracks, which mainly used the diffraction
electric flux meter (SDL-6, Shanghai Torrent Equipment Co., Ltd., phenomenon of sound waves. When using ultrasonics to carry out
China) was used for the test instrument. The specific schematic the horizontal measurement method, a group of planar transducers
diagram of the rapid chloride permeability test is shown in Figure 7. (transmitting transducer and receiving transducer) was placed on both
Before the test, the concrete specimens should be vacuum-saturated for sides of the crack. When cracks appeared in the concrete specimen, part
24 h, and then the specimens were installed in the test tank, and the of the sound wave emitted by the transmitting transducer was reflected,
tightness between the specimens and the test tank was checked. Then, and the other part of the sound wave could only pass through the crack
3.0% NaCl solution and 0.3 mol/L NaOH solution were sequentially and propagate to the receiving transducer, which increased the
injected into the test tank on both sides of the specimens. Moreover, the propagation distance and caused changes in the transmitting time.
copper mesh in the test tank injected with NaCl solution should be However, when the crack was filled with mineralized products, a
connected with the negative pole of the power supply, and the copper bridging effect was generated on both sides of the crack, and the path of
mesh in the test tank injected with NaOH solution should be connected the diffraction wave received by the receiving transducer would change,
with the positive pole of the power supply. Then, the power supply was which could cause the ultrasonic wave velocity obtained to be different.
switched on, a constant DC voltage of 60 ± 0.1 V was applied, and the It can be seen from Figure 8 that when the concrete crack was filled
initial current reading I0 was recorded. During the test, the current was with mineralized products, the coupling degree of the two crack surfaces
recorded every 15 min for 2 h. According to the curve of the current was different due to the different positions of the mineralized products.
changing with the conduction time, the electric flux of the specimen for Then, during ultrasonic testing, the wave velocity received by the
2 h was calculated (eq 4) and used to evaluate the anti-chloride receiving transducer would be different. Therefore, the self-healing
permeability ability of concrete specimens before and after repair. effect of cracks could be reflected according to the wave velocity. Since
the propagation speed of the sound wave in the solid was larger than
that in the air, when the amount of mineralization was more, the
Q = 900 (I0 + 2I15 + 2I30 + 2I45 + 2It + ... + 2I90 + 2I105 measured wave velocity would be greater, and the self-healing effect of
+ 2I120) (4) cracks along the depth direction would be better.
2.8. Characterization of Precipitates at the Crack Mouth of
where Q is the total electric quantity passing through the specimen (C), Specimens. After 28 days of healing time, the morphologies and
I0 is the initial current (A), and It is the current in time (min) t (A). element compositions of precipitates produced at the crack mouth of
According to eq 5, the repair ratio of the anti-chloride ion penetration of specimens were collected and analyzed by a field emission scanning
concrete specimens before and after repair was calculated. electron microscope (FE-SEM, FEI-Sirion, Holland) equipped with an
energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and the polymorphs of
Q 0 − Q 28 precipitates were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD, D8-Discover,
η= × 100% Germany) using a parabolic filter Cu Kα (λ = 1.54056 Å), employing a
Q0 (5) step size of 0.02°/s with 2θ ranging from 10 to 80°.

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3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ammonia in the metabolism process,49 which could dissolve in
3.1. Preparation of Microbial Spores. Figure 9 shows the the medium and form OH−. In addition, HCO3− and CO32−
bacterial growth curve and the changes in the pH value in the could be generated in the medium under the catalytic effect of
carbonic anhydrase (CA). Thus, it eventually caused the rise of
the pH value in the medium.
To obtain alkali-resistant microbial spores, 50 mL of microbial
vegetative cells with the concentration of 109 cells/mL measured
by a flow cytometer in the stationary phase was also inoculated
in a 5 L small-scale microbial fermentation tank. After
incubation for 64 h, the microbial liquid spores were spray-
dried; at the same time, the peristaltic pump speed was
maintained at 8 rpm and the drying temperature was 180 °C. In
addition, the liquid spores should be swayed every once in a
while to avoid the phenomenon of uneven spraying. The spray-
drying process lasted for 8 h, and microbial powdery spores
could be obtained. The specific flowchart of the powdery spore
preparation is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 11 shows the optical microscope (OM) and SEM
images of the microbial vegetative cells and powdery spores. It
Figure 9. Bacterial growth curve and pH changes in the cultivation could be seen that the microbial vegetative cells were short rod-
process. shaped, with a length of about 2.0−3.0 μm, while the spores were
spherical with the size of about 0.5 μm. The number of powdery
spores per gram was measured by a flow cytometer. After
medium solution during the microbial culture process. It could dilution by 1000 times, thiazole orange and propidium iodide
be seen that bacteria were in a lag phase within 0−12 h; bacteria were used as coloring agents. Finally, the number of microbial
grew slowly and the growth curve was flat and stable. After 12 h, powdery spores was calculated as 1.0 × 1010 CFU/g.
bacteria proliferated rapidly, the number of bacterial vegetative 3.2. Concrete Performance. 3.2.1. Slump Test. The results
cells increased in geometric progression, and bacteria had of slump and 1 h slump loss over time of different kinds of fresh
entered into the logarithmic phase. When the incubation time concrete are shown in Figure 12. It could be seen that the slump
was increased to 44 h, the optical density (OD600) in the culture and 1 h slump loss over time of different concretes were,
medium changed slowly, indicating that the bacteria had entered respectively, 140−170 and 20−35 mm, which meets the basic
into a stationary phase. In this phase, the bacterial reproduction design requirements of concrete, indicating that the workability
rate decreased and the relative number of dead bacteria began to of the spore group and microbial group fulfilled the require-
increase. Meanwhile, the number of newly added bacteria and ments. However, compared with the reference group, the slumps
dead bacteria reached a dynamic balance. After 76 h, due to the
of the spore group and microbial group increased. However, the
consumption of nutrients and the accumulation of harmful
1 h slump loss over time of the spore group was slightly lower
metabolites, the number of bacteria proliferation decreased,
while the number of dead bacteria increased significantly, and than that of the reference group, and the 1 h slump loss over time
the bacteria entered the decline phase. In addition, in the process of the microbial group increased slightly. It could be attributed
of bacterial growth, the pH value in the medium solution to the fact that the powdery spores had a slight air-entraining
decreased first and then increased, and the lowest pH value effect, which increased the fluidity and workability of concrete
could reach 4.8 at 40 h. The reason might be because the bacteria and then increased the slump while decreasing the 1 h slump loss
would produce CO2 in the metabolism process and then dissolve over time of fresh concrete. For the microbial group, the
in the culture medium. Moreover, the carbonic anhydrase (CA) addition of a microbial self-healing agent to replace part of the
produced by the bacteria would accelerate the hydration of CO2 fine aggregate might increase the sand ratio of concrete, and the
and then form HCO3− in the solution.48 Therefore, in the early specific surface area of the fine aggregate also increased, which
process of bacterial reproduction, the pH value in the medium could increase the friction between the particles, and then
showed weak acidity, resulting in the decline of the pH value. decreased the fluidity and workability of concrete. Finally, the
Moreover, bacteria could decompose yeast extract to produce slump and 1 h slump loss over time would be increased.

Figure 10. Flowchart of powdery spore preparation.

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Figure 11. OM and SEM micrographs of B. mucilaginous L3. (a) Vegetative cells, (b) spores.

Figure 12. Concrete slump test. (a) Slump and (b) 1 h slump loss over time.

3.2.2. Apparent Density of Fresh Concrete. Figure 13 shows

the apparent density of different kinds of fresh concrete. It could
be seen that the apparent density decreased slightly with the
addition of microbial self-healing agents. However, the apparent
density of the spore group was the lowest, which might be due to
the air-entraining effect of spores. Compared with the reference
group, the apparent density was lower; the reason could be
attributed to the fact that the specific gravity of the microbial
self-healing agent (2.40 g/cm3) was lower than that of the fine
aggregate (2.70 g/cm3).
3.2.3. Setting Time. The setting times of different kinds of
fresh concrete are shown in Figure 14. It can be seen that
compared with the reference group, the initial setting time and
final setting time of the spore group and the microbial group
were reduced. While the setting time of the microbial group was
the smallest, the initial setting time and final setting time were
235 and 490 min, respectively. After adding different kinds of Figure 13. Concrete apparent density measured.
microbial self-healing agents, the main reason for the reduction
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compressive strength of concrete was slightly lower than that of

the reference group, which was consistent with the refer-
ences.44,53 The reasons could be because the early strength of
the carrier was higher, and then with the increase of curing age,
the grain strength of the microbial self-healing agent was
insufficient to meet the development of the later-age strength of
concrete, finally causing the decrease of the later-age
compressive strength of concrete.
3.3. Self-Healing Efficiency of Concrete Cracks.
3.3.1. Area Repair Ratio. Figure 16 shows the images of
concrete cracks with the width of 0.3−0.5 mm at different curing
ages (7, 14, 28, and 56 days) before and after 28 days of healing
time. It could be seen that the cracks of the reference group were
not repaired after 28 days of healing time, and only a small
amount of white precipitates was filled in the cracks, which
might be caused by the carbonation reaction of CO2 in the crack
zone. In addition, the area repair ratio of cracks at different
Figure 14. Concrete setting time. curing ages was less than 10% (Figure 17). However, for the
spore group, with the increase of curing age, the self-healing
of setting time might be the early strength effect of calcium effect of cracks gradually decreased, and the production of white
nitrate, which could accelerate cement hydration. Compared precipitates at the crack mouth also gradually decreased, which
with the microbial group, the spores without encapsulation was consistent with the research of Jonkers.15 The main reason
belonged to organic substances, which would have adverse might be that the spores without encapsulation were affected by
effects on the setting time of concrete. Therefore, the setting the high-alkali environment of concrete and the increasingly
time of concrete would be reduced to a certain extent after the dense pore structure of concrete, and with the increase of curing
spores were encapsulated with sulfo-aluminate cement. age, the spores would be dead. Moreover, the longer the curing
However, the setting time of the spore group and microbial age was, the lower the survival rate of spores would be.
group conformed to the relevant provisions, which would not Therefore, for the early-age cracks (7, 14 days), spores could
affect the performance and application of concrete. survive and induce the formation of mineralized products to
3.2.4. Compressive Strength. Figure 15 shows the repair the cracks, and the area repair ratio could be as high as
compressive strength of different kinds of concrete at different 93%. However, for the later-age cracks (28, 56 days), spores
gradually died, so the self-healing effect of cracks was greatly
reduced, and the area repair ratio was reduced to less than 30%.
For the microbial group, the cracks were well repaired with the
increase of curing age, and a large number of white precipitates
were generated into the cracks. The area repair ratio of cracks at
all curing ages was as high as 90%. In particular, because the
cracks were created by the splitting method, the width of all
cracks could not be guaranteed to be the same, but the width of
all cracks was 0.3−0.5 mm, and the self-healing effect of the
crack had little relationship with the specific crack pattern, which
was strongly influenced by microorganisms. Thus, the results
showed that using low-alkaline sulfo-aluminate cement to
encapsulate spores could well protect spores, prolong the
survival time of spores in concrete, and improve the self-healing
effect of cracks in the later age.
3.3.2. Water Permeability. The water permeability of
concrete specimens before and after 28 days of healing time
calculated according to Darcy’s law is shown in Table 5. It could
Figure 15. Concrete compressive strength at different curing ages. be seen that after 28 days of healing time, the water permeability
of specimens had been reduced to a certain extent. However, the
water permeability of the reference group at different curing
curing ages. Compared with the reference group, it could be seen times had decreased less, and the relative water permeability
that the compressive strength of the spore group at different could reach more than 75%. The main reason could be
curing ages was improved, which was consistent with the attributed to the secondary hydration of unhydrated cement
previous reports.44,50−52 This might be due to the fact that particles.46,54 For the spore group, the water permeability of the
calcium nitrate had the effect of early strength, and microbial concrete specimen with the early-age cracks repaired decreased
spores could be filled in the pores of concrete to improve the by about 2 orders of magnitude. However, with the increase of
compactness of the concrete matrix, which caused the curing age, the self-healing effect of cracks decreased greatly, and
improvement of compressive strength. However, for the the relative water permeability increased significantly, which
microbial group, the early-age compressive strength of concrete indicated that the self-healing effect of cracks was seriously
was slightly higher than that of the reference group (3, 7 days), reduced, and the results were consistent with that of the area
but with the increase of curing age (14, 28 days), the later-age repair ratio (Figure 17). The main reason should be assigned to
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Figure 16. Images of cracks with different curing ages after 28 days of healing time. (a) Reference, (b) spores, and (c) microbial.

the fact that the survival rate of spores decreased with the 3.3.3. Repair Ratio of Anti-Chloride Ion Penetration. The
increase of curing age, resulting in the poor self-healing effect of rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT) measures the amount
cracks in the later age. However, for the microbial group, the of electric flux passing through the specimen before and after
curing age had little effect on water permeability, and the relative repair per unit time, which represents the resistance ability of
concrete to chloride ion erosion. Figure 18 shows the current
water permeability was less than 5%. This might be because the
changes of concrete cracks with different curing ages before and
surface of cracks was filled with white precipitates (Figure 16), after 28 days of healing time in the process of electric flux
which effectively blocked the pore structure of the cracks. Thus, measurement. It can be seen that the current increased
the impermeability of the specimens after repair could be greatly significantly when the cracks were generated and the current
improved. decreased to a certain extent after the cracks were repaired. For
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3.3.4. Ultrasonic Velocity. The better the self-healing effect of

concrete cracks is, the higher the ultrasonic velocity will be.
Therefore, the ultrasonic detection method can indirectly reflect
the self-healing efficiency of concrete cracks. Figure 20 shows
the results of the ultrasonic velocity of concrete cracks with
different curing ages before and after 28 days of healing time. It
could be seen that the ultrasonic velocity of the reference group
before and after 28 days of healing time had little change, and the
ultrasonic velocity of cracks after repair was slightly higher than
that of cracks before repair, which might be the secondary
hydration of unhydrated cement particles. For the spore group,
the ultrasonic velocity of early-age cracks after repair was much
higher than that of cracks before repair, and then with the
increase of curing age, the ultrasonic velocity of specimens after
repair gradually decreased. In addition, when the curing age was
56 days, the ultrasonic velocity after repair was only 1.3 km/s,
which was far lower than the ultrasonic velocity of early-age
cracks after repair. However, for the microbial group, because
the surfaces of cracks at different curing ages were well repaired,
the ultrasonic velocity of the specimens at different curing ages
Figure 17. Area repair ratio of concrete cracks at different curing ages
after 28 days of healing time. after repair had been significantly improved, which could reach
more than 2.7 km/s. These results showed that the spores with
Table 5. Water Permeability of Specimens at Different encapsulation could also produce healing products to repair
Curing Ages after 28 Days of Healing Time concrete cracks at different curing ages, which was consistent
with the results of the area repair ratio, water permeability, and
water water the repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration.
cracking permeability permeability relative water
age before healing after healing permeability 3.4. Morphology and Component of Precipitates at
group (days) (m/s) (m/s) (%) the Crack Mouth. Figure 21 shows the SEM micrographs of
reference 7 1.28 × 10−4 9.93 × 10−5 77.6 white precipitates at the crack mouth of different concrete
14 1.03 × 10−4 8.26 × 10−5 80.2 specimens with different curing ages. For the reference group, it
28 1.16 × 10−4 9.23 × 10−5 79.6 could be seen that the white precipitates generated at the crack
56 9.84 × 10−5 8.09 × 10−5 82.2 mouth at different curing ages were composed of some irregular
spores 7 1.32 × 10−4 2.21 × 10−6 1.67 massive particles, and they were relatively dispersed. For the
14 9.51 × 10−5 4.83 × 10−6 5.08 spore group, the white precipitates at the crack mouth of early-
28 9.37 × 10−5 2.19 × 10−5 23.4 age cracks (7 and 14 days) were irregular large particles formed
56 1.31 × 10−4 8.69 × 10−5 71.8 by the close accumulation of small flake and spherical particles.
microbial 7 1.37 × 10−4 1.05 × 10−6 0.77 However, with the increase of curing age, the white precipitates
14 1.18 × 10−4 9.77 × 10−7 0.83 at the crack mouth were mainly composed of particles with an
28 1.52 × 10−4 2.32 × 10−6 1.53 uneven particle size and relatively dispersed, which were similar
56 1.40 × 10−4 5.92 × 10−6 4.23 to those of the reference group. For the microbial group, the
white precipitates generated at the crack mouth of concrete at
the reference group, the current decreased slightly after 28 days any curing age were irregular and massive particles formed by
of healing time, and the changes were not obvious. The repair agglomeration of some flake or spherical particles, and the
ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration was less than 5% (Figure accumulation degree was dense. The reason for the different
19). However, for the spore group, when the curing age was 7 morphologies of the white precipitates at the crack mouth was
and 14 days, the repair ratios of anti-chloride ion penetration because some organic substances generated during the
were 45.7 and 37.1%, respectively. Moreover, with the increase metabolism process of bacteria adhered the mineralized product
of curing age, the current value increased again, and the repair particles together, and then the densely agglomerated large
ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration decreased to less than 5%. particles could be formed.55−57 In addition, since most spores
The results showed that for the early-age cracks (7 and 14 days), died in the later-age cracks of the spore group (28 and 56 days),
the repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration could reach more the mineralization reaction could not produce mineralized
products. Therefore, the morphology of white precipitates
than 37%. However, for the later-age cracks, the self-healing
produced at the crack mouth was similar to that of the reference
effect of cracks was very poor, and the repair ratio of anti-
group. The XRD spectra of white precipitates generated at the
chloride ion penetration of the spore group differed little from crack mouth are shown in Figure 22. It could be seen that the
that of the reference group. Moreover, for the microbial group, precipitates of different kinds of concrete at different curing ages
whether it was early-age cracks or later-age cracks, the current were calcite CaCO3. Compared with the standard PDF #05-
decreased significantly after 28 days of healing time, and the 0586 card, the diffraction angle of 2θ = 29.40° mainly
repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration was more than 44%. corresponded to the (104) crystal plane of calcite. The intensity
In general, using carrier technology to encapsulate spores could of other impurity diffraction peaks was negligible except for the
improve the repair ratio of anti-chloride ion penetration at calcite diffraction peaks, demonstrating that the purity of
different curing ages. precipitates was high. In addition, the diffraction peaks were
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Figure 18. Current of concrete specimens before and after 28 days of healing time in the electric flux test. (a) Reference, (b) spores, and (c) microbial.

3.5. Protection Effect of Carrier on Spores. To study the

difference in the self-healing effects of the spore group and
microbial group on concrete cracks at different curing ages, the
spores with and without encapsulation soaked in the simulated
pore solution of cement-based materials (Figure 3) were
cultivated for 120 h under an alkali environment (pH =
11.0).46,58 Then, the growth of spores in the stationary phase (72
h) and the changes of enzyme activity under different soaking
times were tested to reflect the protection of the carrier on the
spores. In addition, the morphological changes of spore
germination and growth during the 120 h culture period were
studied.59 Figure 23 shows the growth and enzyme activity of
spores with and without encapsulation immersed in the
simulated pore solution of cement-based materials for different
times after culturing for 72 h. It could be seen that for the spores
without encapsulation, with the soaking time increased, the
growth of spores and enzyme activity would decrease. When the
soaking time reached 28 and 56 days, the spores hardly
germinated and grew, and there was no enzyme activity,
indicating that almost all spores died, which was consistent with
the study of Jonkers.15 However, for the spores with
Figure 19. Repair ratio of anti-chloride ion permeation for concrete
cracks at different curing ages after 28 days of healing time. encapsulation, the microbial growth and enzyme activity were
better when the immersion time was increased. The OD600 value
and the enzyme activity value of different immersion times did
not change much. The reason could be attributed to the
sharp, which indicated that the precipitates had good protective effect of the carrier, which prevented the spores from
crystallinity. being affected by the high-alkali environment and the
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Figure 20. Ultrasonic velocity of concrete cracks at different curing ages before and after 28 days of healing time. (a) Reference, (b) spores, and (c)

continuously dense pore structure in concrete. Therefore, the spores”. The results showed that spores with encapsulation
spores could grow well and have a high enzyme activity. still had the potential activity; when the suitable growth
Figure 24 shows the evolution of microbial morphologies in conditions were met, these dormant spores could still germinate
the process of spore growth after the spores with and without and grow into vegetative cells. However, when the nutrients in
encapsulation were soaked in the simulated pore solution of the culture medium were consumed, the microbial vegetative
cement-based materials for 7 and 28 days. It could be seen that cells again transformed into spores with potential activity, which
when the spores without encapsulation were soaked in the showed that adding a certain amount of nutrients in concrete not
simulated pore solution of cement-based materials for 7 days, only could increase the germination and growth of spores but
with the increase of culture time (Figure 24a), the spores also could improve the self-healing effect of concrete
gradually germinated and grew. After 24 h, most of the spores cracks.46,61−64 However, the addition of nutrients could affect
grew into microbial vegetative cells; when the culture time the mechanical properties of concrete to a certain extent.65
reached 48 h, all of the spores were transformed into vegetative Therefore, adding a certain amount of nutrients in the
cells. However, due to the consumption of nutrients, with the preparation process of the microbial self-healing agent could
culture time increasing to 96 h, some vegetative cells were be considered, which still needs to be further studied.
transformed into spores, and when the culture time reached 120 3.6. Self-Healing Mechanism of Concrete Cracks.
h, all of the vegetative cells were again transformed into spores.60 Microbial self-healing concrete is to add the required microbial
Meanwhile, when the spores were soaked for 28 days, it could be self-healing agent into the concrete during the mixing process,
seen from Figure 24b that with the increase of culture time, the and then the self-healing purpose of concrete cracks through the
spores failed to germinate into vegetative cells, indicating that mineralization of microorganisms. In this study, the microbial
the spores had died and lost the ability to revive. However, for self-healing agents could be divided into unloaded spores and
the spores encapsulated with sulfo-aluminate cement, whether calcium sources and loaded spores and calcium sources. When
immersed in the simulated cement-based material pore solution cracks occurred, for the early-age cracks (7 and 14 days) of the
for 7 or 28 days, spores germinated into vegetative cells and grew spore group, water and air entered the crack, which could reduce
well. With the increase of culture time, the spores underwent the the pH value of the crack zone.46,58 Meanwhile, the spores into
microbial evolution process of “spores−vegetative cells− the concrete would germinate and grow into vegetative cells. In
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Figure 21. SEM micrographs of precipitates at the crack mouth of specimens at different curing ages after 28 days of healing time. (a−d) is the curing
age of the reference group at 7, 14, 28, and 56 days, respectively. (e−h) is the curing age of the spore group at 7, 14, 28, and 56 days, respectively. (i−l) is
the curing age of the microbial group at 7, 14, 28, and 56 days, respectively.

Under the action of CA, CO32− continued to be generated in the

crack zone; meanwhile, in the presence of Ca2+, white CaCO3
precipitates with good compatibility with the concrete matrix
formed at the crack mouth, which were filled in the cracks and
achieved the self-healing purpose of concrete cracks.
For the spores with encapsulation, when concrete cracks at
different curing ages were generated, the spherical microbial self-
healing agent would break and then release the spores. Due to
the better protection effect of the carrier on the spores, the
spores in the dormant state would germinate, grow, and
reproduce in the crack zone, and then CA could be produced in
the metabolism process, so as to reverse the mineralization
reaction to repair concrete cracks, which was similar to the above
mineralization mechanism.
Whether it was the spore group or the microbial group, in the
self-healing process of concrete cracks, the pH value of the
solution in the crack zone would gradually rise with the increase
Figure 22. XRD spectra of precipitates at the crack mouth of specimens of crack depth.69 The deeper the crack was, the higher the pH
after 28 days of healing time. value of solution in the crack zone would be, which was
unfavorable for the germination and growth of spores.
addition, during the rapid reproduction of vegetative cells, an Meanwhile, when cracks were formed, the spores would
extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) could be produced, germinate and grow into vegetative cells on the surface solution
which could greatly improve the hydration reaction of CO2 in of the crack zone, and Ca2+ in the concrete matrix would
air, and the hydration reaction rate constant was about 107 times continue to diffuse to the crack zone,38,39 which provided a
than that of nature,66−68 so as to realize the rapid dissolution of necessary condition for the formation of CaCO3. Furthermore,
CO2 in the concrete crack zone. the vegetative cells could act as nucleation sites and promote the
Due to the large amount of OH− existing in the concrete crack formation of CaCO3 precipitates. With the increase of healing
zone, CO2 could be converted into HCO3− and CO32− under time, the crack surface was fully filled with CaCO3, and it was
the catalysis of CA, which provided a necessary condition for the difficult for water and air to enter the crack zone. Meanwhile, the
formation of calcium carbonate. In addition, there was abundant depletion of air in the smaller crack widths did not facilitate the
Ca2+ in the concrete crack zone, and the microbial vegetative respiration of active spores and CaCO3 precipitates were not
cells were negatively charged, which could attract positively conducive to generate. Thus, the healing process of concrete
charged Ca2+ to accumulate on their surfaces, and provided cracks was from the crack surface to the inside, and the deeper
nucleation sites for the deposition of mineralization products. the crack was, the less CaCO3 precipitates were generated.
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Figure 23. Growth and enzyme activities of microorganisms immersed in the simulated pore solution of cement-based materials for different times. (a)
Spores and (b) spores with encapsulation.

Figure 24. Optical microscope images of spores without and with encapsulation immersed in the simulated pore solution of cement-based materials at
different incubation times. (a) Spores immersed for 7 days, (b) spores immersed for 28 days, (c) spores with encapsulation immersed for 7 days, (d)
and spores with encapsulation immersed for 28 days.

The self-healing schematic diagram of concrete cracks is (3) Since the microbial vegetative cells were negatively
shown in Figure 25, and the specific steps of mineralization charged, positively charged Ca2+ would be accumulated
product deposition are as follows.42,70,71 on their surfaces
(1) Under the catalysis of CA produced by the micro- Cell + Ca 2 + ↔ Cell − Ca 2 + (8)
organism, the hydration reaction of CO2 was greatly
improved, and a great amount of H+ and HCO3− could be (4) The microbial vegetative cells acted as nucleation sites to
produced in the crack zone solution: promote the deposition of mineralized products:
⎯ H+ + HCO3−
CO2 (aq) + H 2O ⎯→ (6) CO32 − + Cell − Ca 2 + → Cell − CaCO3↓ (9)

(2) In the alkali solution of the concrete crack zone, HCO3− 4. CONCLUSIONS
reacted with OH− to form CO32− and H2O: To explore the survival time of spores with and without
encapsulation in concrete and the self-healing effect of concrete
HCO3− + OH− ↔ CO3− + H 2O (7) cracks at different curing ages, low-alkaline sulfo-aluminate
cement was used as the carrier material, and a kind of microbial
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Figure 25. Self-healing schematic diagram of concrete cracks. (a) Spore group and (b) microbial group.

self-healing agent encapsulated with spores was prepared by the microorganisms and increase the self-healing effect of
sugar-coated method. The growth, enzyme activity, and concrete cracks.
microbial morphologies of spores with and without encapsula-
(4) The white precipitates generated at the crack mouth were
tion immersed in the simulated pore solution of cement-based
mainly calcite CaCO3. In addition, the mechanism of
materials at different times were studied to characterize the
protection effect of the carrier on spores. In addition, the spores concrete cracks with different microbial self-healing
with and without encapsulation were applied to the concrete, agents was discussed carefully.
and the effects of microbial self-healing agents on the basic
properties of concrete and the self-healing efficiency of cracks
were also studied. Moreover, the mechanism of different self-
Corresponding Author
healing effects was discussed in detail, which provided the
Chunxiang Qian − School of Materials Science and Engineering,
experimental support and theoretical basis for the engineering
Research Center of Green Building & Construction Materials,
application of microbial self-healing concrete. The results are as
and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Construction Materials,
Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211189, P. R. China;
(1) Compared with the reference group, the slump and; Email: cxqian@
compressive strength of the spore group slightly
increased, while the 1 h slump loss over time, apparent
density, and setting time slightly reduced. For the Authors
microbial group, the slump and 1 h slump loss over Tianwen Zheng − School of Materials Science and Engineering,
time slightly increased, while the apparent density and Research Center of Green Building & Construction Materials,
setting time decreased slightly. The early-age compressive and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Construction Materials,
strength of concrete (3 and 7 days) was higher, but the Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211189, P. R. China
later-age compressive strength decreased to a certain Yilin Su − School of Materials Science and Engineering, Research
extent. Center of Green Building & Construction Materials, and
(2) When the spores without encapsulation were added in the Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Construction Materials, Southeast
concrete, the early-age concrete cracks (7 and 14 days) University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211189, P. R. China
were repaired well, but for the later-age cracks, the self- Xuan Zhang − School of Materials Science and Engineering,
healing effect was greatly reduced. When the spores were Research Center of Green Building & Construction Materials,
encapsulated with sulfo-aluminate cement, the cracks and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Construction Materials,
with different curing ages were all well repaired. The Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211189, P. R. China
results showed that the two kinds of microbial self-healing Hengyi Zhou − School of Materials Science and Engineering,
agents could be used for the early-age concrete cracks, but Research Center of Green Building & Construction Materials,
for the later-age cracks, the carrier was needed to and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Construction Materials,
encapsulate the spores, which ensured the self-healing Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 211189, P. R. China
effect of concrete cracks. Complete contact information is available at:
(3) After soaking in the simulated pore solution of cement-
based materials for 28 days, the spores without
encapsulation almost died, while the spores with Notes
encapsulation could still germinate and grow into The authors declare no competing financial interest.
vegetative cells in the alkali environment. However,
when the nutrients were consumed, the vegetative cells
would turn into dormant spores, which indicated that
This research was supported by the National Nature Science
adding nutrients could prolong the survival time of Foundation of China (Grant No. 51738003).
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