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Sound List

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Sound List


02 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.
Kit List
No. Name Explanation
A contemporary cajon kit adjusted with the low range and the attack as layers.
In addition to the tonal changes of the cajon itself, produced by the location of your strike or by muting, the cymbals and
1 Cajon Plus D-BEAM: Loop On
percussion played by the S2–S7 pads provide even more variety for your rhythm performance.
A cajon solo performance is also possible if you use the D-BEAM to play a loop phrase.
The concept for this kit is to create new sounds by combining various sounds.
It consists of various percussion and sound effects. There is a good balance between the basic rhythm sounds and the
2 Perc Mixture Layered Sounds
distinctive sounds.
You can turn on the realtime modify EFFECT to obtain a completely different expressive character.
This kit is distinctive for its tight modified sounds and its effect-processed sounds.
The filter effect will change each time you strike. You can enjoy dynamic tonal changes by pressing the pad further or by
3 Filtered! D-BEAM: Control
playing a roll.
Position your hand above the D-BEAM to vary the synth sound.
This is a high-quality drum kit that reproduces the live acoustics of a recording studio. Its solid and all-around sound is
suitable for a variety of styles.
4 Drums Studio Live Room
The M1 pad (open rimshot on the snare) and S8 pad (the bell of the ride cymbal) will produce different sounds depending on
the force of your strike, so you can enjoy a dynamic performance even when playing with your hands.
This kit allows song-like performances by letting you perform along with several loop phrases.
It is distinctive for its processed voice sounds, and the backing matches the beat of disco or funk.
5 TwentyFunky Disco & Funk
For the S7 and S8 pads, you can set the “Trigger Mode” parameter to “GATE” and produce unusual performances as if you were
using a sampler.
A melodic kit with an Asian flavor.
6 Asian Melody TriggerMode: ALT The didgeridoo on the M1 and M2 pads has “Trigger Mode” set to “ALT,” so you can play a santoor while it is sounding.
If you turn the realtime modify EFFECT on, the knob will vary the filter effect.
This kit lets you enjoy ensemble performance with a variety of African percussion.
Use the M1–M4 pads to play the high and low djembe separately.
7 Twin-Djembe Ensemble
The M5 pad plays the bass tone, and the M1 and M2 pads separately play the center and edge, providing the tonal contrast
that is characteristic of the djembe.
A conga kit that was created to provide the sonic presence of a live performance.
8 Conga II Live Stage The tone will change depending on the dynamics and location of your strike at left/right or from the center to the edge,
allowing you to naturally utilize the performance techniques that are unique to the conga, such as heel/toe, slap, and mute.
This kit provides basic human beat-box sounds with a sense of density, along with unique vocal sounds.
9 Voice Drums Flanger & Phaser
In addition to striking, you can press a pad to enjoy tonal transformations such as rolls or effects.
This kit combines the classic TR-808 and 909 rhythm machines.
The kit takes advantage of sound layers and effects (compressor and saturator) to create a world that’s unique to the
10 808+909 D-BEAM: Loop On
While using the D-BEAM to play a loop phrase, change the vertical position of your hand to control the sound of the phrase.
This kit is centered around standard percussion instruments of the Middle East: the darabuka (M1, M2, M5 pads) and riq (M3
11 Darabuka w/ Riq and M4 pads).
For sounds with a long decay, you can use pitch control via the D-BEAM to change the nuances.
This pleasant-feeling kit has deeply reverberated percussive tones and ambient sounds with a sense of floating.
12 AmbientTribe You can enjoy yet another atmosphere of sound and performance by greatly raising or lowering the realtime modify PITCH or
by raising EFFECT (delay feedback).
This kit lets you enjoy raw-sounding tones and performance techniques that are distinctive of bongos.
High bongos (M1–M3 pads) and low bongos (M4 and M5) pads are placed in such a way that you’ll be able to comfortably
13 Bongo Recording
play bongo patterns on the HandSonic.
Of course heel/toe and slap performance techniques are also supported.
This kit lets you produce dubstep-style beats with powerful kick and snare sounds.
14 FatStep Dubstep Style A bass pattern distinctive of dubstep is assigned to the S1 pad.
If you turn Roll on, you can broaden the range of the phrase by the pressure applied to the pad to change the roll speed.
In this unique kit, the sound will change depending on the time that your fingers and hand remain in contact, and on how
much pressure you apply to the pad.
15 Laserwave... TriggerMode: GATE
Simple yet deep performance gestures are available; for example, you can apply vibrato by varying the pressure applied to
the pad, or use Realtime Modify to vary the pitch drastically.
This kit lets you play a frame drum (M1, M2, and M5 pads) and a bendir (M3 and M4 pads).
16 Frame Drum w/ Bendir In additional to the tonal changes produced by the strike location and muting, pads S2, S3, S6, and S7 let you hear the raw
sounds produced by scraping the drumskin.
Small-diameter drum and cymbal drum kit.
17 Light*Mini Melodic Tom The M3, S4, S5, and M4 pads are assigned to melodic toms, and the S7 pad is assigned to a second hi-hat with tambourine,
allowing a diverse variety of rhythm performance.
A timbales kit, the staple of Latin music.
The cowbell and small-diameter cymbal that are played together are assigned to the D-BEAM and sub-pads, allowing you to
18 Timbales w/ Cowbells control the performance nuances produced by applying pressure with the stick for a closed shot.
You can broaden the range of your performance by combining paila technique on the S2 and S7 pads, and by using hand
techniques on the M5 pad.
A somewhat lo-fi and fat-sounding drum kit for hip-hot and R&B styles.
19 Neo Soul RnB, HipHop Style Layered claps are assigned to the M1, S2, and S7 pads, and you can enjoy a rich variety of performances by combining these.
For even more atmosphere, use the D-BEAM to add a record-noise sound.
A kit distinctive for its scape sound with processed synthesizer and voice.
Backed by the loop phrase of the S1 pad, add pads S2–S4 and the D-BEAM to enjoy a rich ensemble.
20 E-SCAPE Hybrid NewAge
The percussion instrument sounds that perform the rhythm are produced by layering, and deliver a solid sound that’s well
balanced with the backing.
This kit faithfully simulates an instrument called a waterphone, which is also used to produce sound effects for movies.
21 Waterphone Bowed In addition to controlling the pitch modulation and the decay, you can use the realtime modify PITCH and EFFECT to obtain
dynamic tonal changes that go beyond an actual waterphone.

Kit List

No. Name Explanation

A steel pan kit for melodic percussion.
22 SteelPanBand Pan Orchestra Sounds are layered according to the force of your strike, allowing you to add chords or thickness to your performance.
Using the realtime modify PITCH will instantly vary all pitches, letting you change keys.
An orchestral percussion kit centered on timpani, concert bass drum, and snare.
23 Orchestral Pressure: Mute In addition to these standard instruments, you can use the sub-pads to play small percussion items.
For the bass drum, timpani, and pair cymbals, you can shorten the decay by applying pressure as you strike.
This kit lets you enjoy percussively-processed drum sounds backed by a simple loop phrase.
24 CrushLowe Drums & Loops In addition to striking the S1–S4 pads to vary the loop phrases, you can create unique performances by adjusting the vertical
position of your hand above the D-BEAM to change the pitch.
A Brazilian percussion kit centered on the pandeiro.
To perform the basic rhythm, use heel/toe technique (M2 and M4 pads) to mark the beat, and use the bass tone (M5 pad) and
25 Pandeiro Samba de Roda
slap (M3) to add accents.
For even more versatility, play a roll using the S8 pad, and use the M1 pad to add the surdo.
A kit that reproduces pot-shaped African percussion.
26 Pot Drum You can obtain a realistic performance feel by varying your strike location to change the tone, and by using the M2 and M5
pads and D-BEAM to vary the nuances produced when playing the hole.
A kit that effectively layers tabla and drum sounds, supporting both percussive phrases and drum phrases.
If you connect a kick pad to the TRIG IN jack, you’ll be able to play drum phrases more comfortably.
27 Tabla Jam
The synth sounds on the S3–S6 pads can be played in the background, and are also ideal material for use with realtime
A drum kit suitable for dub, that makes effective use of tape echo.
By turning the realtime modify EFFECT on/off or turning the knob, you can control the tape echo effect and speed while
28 Echonic Dub Tape Echo playing beats.
The hi-hats on the M3 and M4 pads have different pan settings, and will produce unique effects depending on how you play
A sound effect kit that combines melodic percussion with sounds that give the impression of a deep forest.
By making good use of the effects, you can produce the sensation that the sounds of animals are heard from various
29 Deep Forest Adventure directions.
If you turn the realtime modify EFFECT on, raise Feedback, and strike the M5 pad, you’ll obtain an effect like a loop phrase;
you can enjoy playing along with this as background.
This kit takes advantage of HandSonic’s editing functions to create an urban-feeling sound.
30 Urban Mood w/ "HH CTRL" By layering sound effect-like tones with the drums, you can play a variety of sounds inside your beats.
If you connect a hi-hat control pedal to the HH CTRL jack, you’ll be able to control the nuances.

No. Name No. Name No. Name

31 Cajon Recording 56 Hand Pan w/ Tone Plate 81 4-On-Floor
32 Conga w/ Quinto & Tumba 57 Balaphone w/ Gyilli 82 Instant DnB Pressure: Mute
33 Timbalitos w/ Cowbell & Block 58 Tuned Gongs D-BEAM: Mute 83 ANALOG D-BEAM: Loop On
34 Repinique Escola de Samba 59 Melophone D-BEAM, M5: Ctrl 84 Electro ProcessedVintage
35 Folklore South America 60 Luna Mallet Impressionist 85 CombiNation w/ "HH CTRL"
36 Latin Kit Conga & Bongo 61 Harmony Time 86 Solid BEAT
37 Djembe 62 Finger Bells w/ Percussion 87 Space*Trap
38 African Song 63 Perc & Flute 88 Experimental Electronica
39 Tabla Trad Method 64 Siesta Cajon & Marimba 89 Wah Stepping Step Flanger
40 DrumsOfIndia Bhangra 65 OrientalWind Roll-Santoor 90 Crush Beat BitCrush & Phaser
41 Asian Perc 1 East Asia 66 Symphonist ROLL: On 91 Filt & Verb D-BEAM: MFX Ctrl
42 Asian Perc 2 South East Asia 67 Drum Booth 92 Beepy Beats
43 Asian Perc 3 Ryukyu 68 Jazz Club w/ "HH CTRL" 93 Mute Kicker Mute Group
44 China Pad: Pitch Bend 69 Brushes 94 Bass Line D-BEAM: Mute
45 Samul Nori Korean Drums 70 Deep Jazz Roll-Snare/Cym 95 Junk Yard Industrial
46 Island Dance Pan Pacific 71 Pop Drums 96 Sound EFX 1 RAW
47 Drumline ROLL: On 72 Garage Rock w/ "HH CTRL" 97 Sound EFX 2 DIGITAL
48 Ballad Perc Long Reverb 73 Wide*Open Concert Hall 98 Drama Horror | Comedy
49 Metallic Percussion 74 Double Bass w/ "HH CTRL" 99 Noel Happy Holidays
50 Shakers 75 Timbale+Ds Reggae Style 100 Mystronic
51 Cowbells 76 CAJONIC Ring Modulator 101 User Kit
52 Steel Pan D-BEAM: PitchBend 77 Percussive DANCE BEAT : :
53 Marimba ROLL: On 78 RollingAgogo TriggerMode: GATE 200 User Kit
54 Lithophone 1 Pentatonic 79 Deep Space
55 Lithophone 2 C Major Scale 80 Trap-iT! ROLL: On

Inst List
*p : Instruments whose sound varies depending on the location of your strike (M1 and M2 pads only)
*l : Instruments whose sound is sustained if “Trigger Mode” is set to “GATE” or “ALT”
*n : Instruments that also sound at note-off if “Trigger Mode” is set to “GATE”
*h : Instruments whose open/close state can be controlled by a hi-hat control pedal

No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name

LATIN 1 49 Timbale M Rim R 97 Cowbell 5 145 Kenkeni Rim
1 Conga L *p 50 Timbale M Hand 98 Cowbell 6 146 Sangban
2 Conga R *p 51 Timbale M Paila 99 Cowbell 7 147 Sangban Rim
3 Conga Inner L 52 Timbale Lo L *p 100 Cowbell 8 148 Doumdoumba
4 Conga Inner R 53 Timbale Lo R *p 101 Cowbell 9 149 Doumdoumba Rim
5 Conga Edge L 54 Timbale L Rim L 102 Cowbell 10 150 Bougarabou Hi
6 Conga Edge R 55 Timbale L Rim R 103 Agogo Hi 151 BougarabouH Slap
7 Conga Bass 56 Timbale L Hand 104 Agogo Lo 152 BougarabouH Bass
8 Conga Slap *p 57 Timbale L Paila 105 Claves 1 153 Bougarabou Mid
9 Conga Slap 1 58 Cajon L *p 106 Claves 2 154 BougarabouM Slap
10 Conga Slap 2 59 Cajon R *p 107 Guiro 1 155 BougarabouM Bass
11 Conga Gliss 60 Cajon Bass L 108 Guiro 1 Hit 156 Bougarabou Lo
12 Conga /Heel L *p 61 Cajon Bass R 109 Guiro 2 157 BougarabouL Slap
13 Conga /Heel R *p 62 Cajon Edge L 110 Guiro 2 Hit 158 BougarabouL Bass
14 Conga /Toe L 63 Cajon Edge R 111 Maracas 1 159 Talking Drum
15 Conga /Toe R 64 Cajon Foot 112 Maracas 2 160 Bendir *p
16 Tumba L *p 65 Cajon Thumb 113 Metal Maracas 1 161 Bendir Edge
17 Tumba R *p 66 Cajon Side L 114 Metal Maracas 2 162 Bendir Scrape
18 Tumba Edge L 67 Cajon Side R 115 Metal Maracas 3 163 Bendir Harm
19 Tumba Edge R 68 Cajon SideEdge L 116 Shaker 1 164 Pot Drum L *p
20 Tumba Bass 69 Cajon SideEdge R 117 Shaker 2 165 Pot Drum R *p
21 Tumba Gliss 70 Cajon Slap 118 Caxixi 1 166 Pot Drum L Edge
22 Bongo Hi L *p 71 Pandeiro *p 119 Caxixi 2 167 Pot Drum R Edge
23 Bongo Hi R *p 72 Pandeiro Thumb 120 Ganza 1 168 Pot Drum Hole S
24 Bongo H Inner L 73 Pandeiro Slap 121 Ganza 2 169 Pot Drum Hole L
25 Bongo H Inner R 74 Pandeiro Heel 122 Ganza 3 170 Pot Drum Bottom
26 Bongo H Edge L 75 Pandeiro Toe 123 String Bean 171 Pot Drum Heel
27 Bongo H Edge R 76 Pandeiro Roll 124 Chafchas 172 Pot Drum Gliss
28 Bongo H Slap 77 Tamborim 125 Cabasa 173 PotDrum /HeelL*p
29 BongoH/Heel L *p 78 Tamborim Mute 126 Afuche 174 PotDrum /HeelR*p
30 BongoH/Heel R *p 79 Repinique *p 127 Quijada 175 Log Drum Hi
31 Bongo H /Toe L 80 Repinique Rim 1 128 Vibra-Slap 176 Log Drum Lo
32 Bongo H /Toe R 81 Repinique Rim 2 129 Cuica 177 Water Drum Hi
33 Bongo Lo L *p 82 Repinique Hand 130 Cuica Press 178 Water Drum Mid
34 Bongo Lo R *p 83 Surdo *p 131 Berimbau *n 179 Water Drum Lo
35 Bongo L Slap 84 Surdo Rim 132 Berimbau Press AFRICAN 2
36 Timbale Hi L *p 85 Surdo Hand 133 Berimbau Bend 180 Afro Claves
37 Timbale Hi R *p 86 Bombo 134 Berimbau Gourd 181 AfroClaves Close
38 TimbaleH Inner L 87 Bombo Rim 135 Rain Stick*l 182 Metal Castanets
39 TimbaleH Inner R 88 Tambour AFRICAN 1 183 MCastanets Close
40 Timbale H Rim L 89 Tambour Rim 136 Djembe Hi *p 184 MCastanetsScrape
41 Timbale H Rim R LATIN 2 137 Djembe Hi Edge 185 Apitua
42 Timbale H Hand 90 Cowbell 1 138 Djembe Hi Bass 186 Apitua Mute
43 Timbale H Paila 91 Cowbell 1 Tip 139 Djembe Lo *p 187 Apitua Scrape
44 Timbale Mid L *p 92 Cowbell 2 140 Djembe Lo Inner 188 Grello
45 Timbale Mid R *p 93 Cowbell 2 Tip 141 Djembe Lo Edge 189 African Bracelet
46 TimbaleM Inner L 94 Cowbell 3 142 Djembe Lo Bass 190 African Jingle
47 TimbaleM Inner R 95 Cowbell 3 Close 143 Djembe Ears 191 Ankle Bells
48 Timbale M Rim L 96 Cowbell 4 144 Kenkeni 192 MoroccanCastanet

Inst List

No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name

193 MoroccanC Close 248 Jang Gu Stick 302 Timpani Mid F 357 Balaphone C4
194 Mega Cowbell 249 Ban Gu 303 Timpani Lo G 358 Balaphone G4
195 MegaCowbell Mute 250 Ban Gu Edge 304 Timpani XLo D 359 Balaphone E5
196 MegaCowbellStomp 251 Tang Gu 305 Concert Bass Dr 360 Balaphone B5
197 Shekere Shake 252 Tang Gu Edge 306 Concert BD Mute 361 Balaphone GlissU
198 Shekere Tap 253 Bajiaogu 307 Concert Snare 362 Balaphone GlissD
199 Shekere Net 254 Bajiaogu Mute 308 March Bass Dr 1 363 Slit Drum F2
200 Shekere Bottom 255 Tsuzumi S 309 March BD 1 Rim 364 Slit Drum A2
201 Shekere Roll 1 256 Tsuzumi L 310 March Bass Dr 2 365 Slit Drum D3
202 Shekere Roll 2 257 Hira Taiko 311 March BD 2 Rim 366 Slit Drum F3
203 Nuts Rattle 258 Hira Taiko Rim 312 Marching Snare 1 367 Slit Drum G3
204 Nuts Rattle Roll *l 259 Nagado Taiko 313 Marching S 1 Rim 368 Gyilli A2
205 Nuts Rattle 2 260 Nagado Taiko Rim 314 MarchingS1 Click 369 Gyilli D3
206 Ankle Beads ASIAN 2 315 Marching Snare 2 370 Gyilli G3
207 Rakatak 261 Elephant Bell Hi 316 Marching S 2 Rim 371 Gyilli C4
ASIAN 1 262 ElephantBell Mid 317 MarchingS2 Click 372 Gyilli G4
208 Tabla Na 263 Elephant Bell Lo 318 Marching Tenor 1 373 Lithophone G4
209 Tabla Te 264 Chimta 1 319 Marching Tenor 2 374 Lithophone C5
210 Tabla Ti 265 Chimta 2 320 Marching Tenor 3 375 Lithophone G5
211 Tabla Tin 266 Ektara 321 Marching Tenor 4 376 Lithophone C6
212 Tabla Tun 267 Devil Chaser 322 Marching Tenor 5 377 Lithophone F6
213 Baya Ga 268 Bell Tree 323 Pair Cymbal 1 378 Khongwong F4
214 Baya Ge 269 Zil 324 Pair Cym 1 Smash 379 Khongwong B4
215 Baya Ge Mute 270 Zil Close 325 Pair Cymbal 2 380 Khongwong E5
216 Baya Ge Slide 271 Finger Cymbal 326 Pair Cym 2 Choke 381 Khongwong B5
217 Baya Gin 272 Rama Cymbal 327 Pair Cym2 Scrape 382 Khongwong E6
218 Baya Ka 273 Crotale 328 Tambourine 1 383 Kalimba F3
219 Dholak Ga 274 Bali Cymbal 329 Tambourine 2 384 Kalimba A3
220 Dholak Ta 275 BaliCymbal Close 330 Tambourine2 Roll *l 385 Kalimba C4
221 Dholak Tun 276 Bali Bells 331 Tambourine Stick 386 Kalimba G#4
222 Dholak Na 277 Chenchen 332 Triangle 1 387 Kalimba D#5
223 Dhol Beater 278 Chenchen Close 333 Triangle 1 Mute 388 Santoor D3
224 Dhol Hand 279 Thai Gong 334 Triangle 2 389 Santoor F#3
225 Dhol Body 280 Tam Tam 335 Triangle 2 Mute 390 Santoor B3
226 Dhol Stick 281 Gong 336 Wood Block Hi 391 Santoor E4
227 Darabuka *p 282 Bend Gong 337 Wood Block Lo 392 Santoor F#4
228 Darabuka Tek 283 Hu Yin Luo 338 Plastic Block Hi 393 Santoor B4
229 Darabuka Snap 284 Nao Bo 339 Plastic Block Lo 394 Santoor E5
230 Darabuka Inner 285 Xiao Bo 340 Mini Block 395 Santoor G5
231 Darabuka Press 286 Chinese Cymbals 341 Castanets 1 396 Santoor B5
232 Dawul 287 ChineseCym Close 342 Castanets1 Close 397 Hand Pan F3
233 Dawul Stick 288 Chinese Bell 343 Castanets 2 398 Hand Pan C4
234 Dawul Buzz 289 Gengari 344 Knocker 399 Hand Pan F4
235 Frame Drum L *p 290 Gengari Mute 345 Cricket 400 Hand Pan A4
236 Frame Drum R *p 291 Korean Block 346 Sleigh Bells 401 Hand Pan A#4
237 FrameDrum L Edge 292 Temple Block Hi 347 Tree Chime 402 Hand Pan C5
238 FrameDrum R Edge 293 Temple Block Lo 348 Pin Chime 403 Hand Pan D5
239 FrameDrum Scrape 294 Hyoshigi MELODIC 404 Hand Pan F5
240 FrameDrum Harm 295 Kagura Suzu 349 Steel Drum D3 405 Tone Plate G5
241 Riq *p 296 Kagura Suzu Roll 350 Steel Drum F3 406 Tone Plate C6
242 Riq Edge 297 Chappa 351 Steel Drum A3 407 Tone Plate F6
243 Riq Mute 298 Chappa Close 352 Steel Drum C4 408 Tone Plate A6
244 Riq Jingle 299 Chappa Scrape 353 Steel Drum E4 409 Tone Plate C7
245 Buk 300 Atarigane 354 Steel Drum C5 410 Vibraphone G3
246 Buk Rim ORCHESTRA 355 Steel Drum F5 411 Vibraphone C4
247 Jang Gu 301 Timpani Hi D 356 Steel Drum A5 412 Vibraphone E4

Inst List

No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name

413 Vibraphone G4 467 Stomped Box 519 BB Kick 572 Whack Snare
414 Vibraphone B4 ELECTRO 520 Bounce Kick 573 Radio Snare
415 Vibraphone D5 468 CR-78 Bongo 521 Gabba K 574 Reverse Snare
416 Vibraphone G5 469 CR-78 Cowbell 522 Voice Kick 1 575 Voice Snare 1
417 Vibraphone C6 470 CR-78 Claves 523 Voice Kick 2 576 Voice Snare 2
418 Vibraphone E6 471 CR-78 Guiro 524 Voice Kick 3 577 Voice CrossStick
419 Marimba D3 472 CR-78 Maracas 525 Analog Kick 1 578 Analog Snare 1
420 Marimba G3 473 CR-78 Tambourine 526 Analog Kick 2 579 Analog Snare 2
421 Marimba C4 474 CR-78 Metal Beat 527 Analog Kick 3 580 CR-78 Snare
422 Marimba E4 475 TR-808 Conga Hi 528 FX Electro Kick 581 TR-808 Snare 1
423 Marimba B4 476 TR-808 Conga Mid 529 CR-78 Kick 582 TR-808 Snare 2
424 Marimba D5 477 TR-808 Conga Lo 530 TR-606 Kick 583 TR-909 Snare
425 Marimba G5 478 TR-808 Cowbell 1 531 TR-808 Kick 1 584 TR-909 S w/ Clap
426 Marimba C6 479 TR-808 Cowbell 2 532 TR-808 Kick 2 585 TR-606 Snare
427 Marimba E6 480 TR-808 Claves 533 TR-808 Kick Long 586 TR-707 Snare
428 Marimba G6 481 TR-808 Maracas 534 TR-909 Kick 1 587 DR-110 Snare
429 Glockenspiel G5 482 TR-707 Cowbell 535 TR-909 Kick 2 588 CR-78 Rim
430 Glockenspiel C6 483 TR-727 Agogo 536 TR-909 Kick 3 589 TR-808 Rim
431 Glockenspiel F6 484 DR-55 Claves 537 DR-110 Kick 590 TR-909 Rim
432 Glockenspiel A6 KICK 1 538 R-8 Kick TOM 1
433 Glockenspiel D7 485 Studio Kick SNARE 1 591 Wood Tom Hi
434 Glockenspiel F7 486 Vintage Kick 539 Wood Snare 592 Wood Tom Mid
435 Tublar Bells C 487 Compact Kick 540 Wood Snare Rim 593 Wood Tom Lo
436 Tublar Bells G 488 Mellow Kick 541 Metal Snare 594 Open Tom Hi
437 Hand Bell C 489 Hard Kick 542 Metal Snare Rim 595 Open Tom Mid
OTHERS 490 Heavy Kick 543 Deep Snare 596 Open Tom Lo
438 Ipu Body 491 Plugged Kick 544 Deep Snare Rim 597 Solid Tom Hi
439 Ipu Slap 492 Close Miked Kick 545 Piccolo Snare 598 Solid Tom Mid
440 Ipu Hole 493 Solid Kick 546 PiccoloSnare Rim 599 Solid Tom Lo
441 Ipu Stomp 494 Floor Tom Kick 547 Solid Snare 600 Brush Tom Hi
442 Coco KICK 2 548 Solid Snare Rim 601 Brush Tom Mid
443 Coco Mute 495 Tight Kick 1 549 Tight Snare 602 Brush Tom Lo
444 Kalaau S 496 Tight Kick 2 550 Tight Snare Rim 603 Roto Tom Hi
445 Kalaau L 497 Tight Kick 3 551 Brush Snare 604 Roto Tom Mid
446 Ili-ili 498 Tight Cut Kick 552 Brush Snare Rim 605 Roto Tom Lo
447 Clapsticks 499 Impact Kick 553 Brush Hit&Stir*l 606 Roto Tom XLo
448 Didgeridoo*l 500 Hybrid Kick 554 Cross Stick 1 607 Tube Tom Hi C
449 Ratchet 501 Tronic Kick 555 Cross Stick 2 608 Tube Tom G
450 Ratchet Notch 502 New Tronic Kick 556 Cross Stick 3 609 Tube Tom E
451 Metal Crasher 503 Knock Kick 557 Cross Stick 4 610 Tube Tom C
452 Vibra Metal 504 Electro Knock K 558 Cross Stick 5 611 Tom Rim Click 1
453 Flex Metal 505 Minimal House K SNARE 2 612 Tom Rim Click 2
454 FlexMetal BendUp 506 Early House Kick 559 OldSchool Snare1 613 Tom Rim Click 3
455 Music Bow 507 BreakBeats Kick1 560 OldSchool Snare2 TOM 2
456 Jew’s Harp 508 BreakBeats Kick2 561 DnB Snare 614 Voice Tom Hi
457 Jew’s Harp Wow 509 DnB Kick 1 562 Dub Step Snare 615 Voice Tom Mid
458 Church Bell 510 DnB Kick 2 563 Disto Slap Snare 616 Voice Tom Lo
459 Waterphone 511 Nu Hip Kick 564 House Low Snare 617 Voice Tom XLo
460 Waterphone Hit 512 Lo-Fi Kick 1 565 Tiny House Snare 618 Analog Tom1 Hi
461 Slide Whistle 513 Lo-Fi Kick 2 566 Hip Snare 619 Analog Tom1 Mid
462 Slide Whistle Up 514 Short Noise Kick 567 Garage Snare 620 Analog Tom1 Lo
463 Whistle 515 Hi Jumper Kick 568 BB Snare 621 Analog Tom2 Hi
464 Duck Call 516 Lo Jumper Kick 569 Box Snare 622 Analog Tom2 Mid
465 Quad Horns 517 Dance Kick 570 Punch Snare 623 Analog Tom2 Lo
466 Fight Gong 518 Dancer Kick 571 Barrel Snare 624 TR-808 Tom Hi

Inst List

No. Name No. Name No. Name No. Name

625 TR-808 Tom Mid 678 TR-808 HH Close CLAP 784 Junk
626 TR-808 Tom Lo 679 TR-909 Hi-Hat *h 731 Clap 1 785 Air Driver
627 TR-909 Tom Hi 680 TR-909 HH Open 732 Clap 2 786 Robo 1
628 TR-909 Tom Mid 681 TR-909 HH Close 733 Claps 787 Robo 2
629 TR-909 Tom Lo CYMBALS 1 734 Torio Clap 788 Clock Tick
HI-HAT 1 682 Light Ride 735 Flamenco Clap 789 Clock Bell
630 Light Hi-Hat *h 683 Light Ride Edge 736 Room Clap 790 Emergency
631 Light HH Open 684 Light Ride Bell 737 Ambience Clap 791 Discovery
632 Light HH Close 685 Dark Ride 738 House Clap 792 Cave
633 Light HH Edge *h 686 Dark Ride Edge 739 Tech House Clap 793 LP Noise 1*l
634 Light HHE Open 687 Dark Ride Bell 740 Minimal Clap 794 LP Noise 2
635 Light HHE Close 688 Brush Ride 741 Hip Clap 795 Blow Attack
636 Light HH Pedal 689 Brush Ride Edge 742 Buzz Clap 796 Tongue Click
637 Dark Hi-Hat *h 690 Sizzle Ride 743 Gate Clap 797 Voice Block
638 Dark HH Open 691 Sizzle Ride Edge 744 Noise Clap 1 798 Voice Beep
639 Dark HH Close 692 Sizzle Ride Bell 745 Noise Clap 2 799 Voice Granuliser
640 Dark HH Edge *h 693 Thin Crash 746 DR-110 Clap 800 Voice Scratch
641 Dark HHE Open 694 Dark Crash 747 TR-808 Clap 801 Percussion Hit 1
642 Dark HHE Close 695 Wild Crash 748 TR-808 Clap Dry 802 Percussion Hit 2
643 Dark HH Pedal 696 Suspended Crash 749 TR-909 Clap 803 Orchestra Hit 1
644 Brush Hi-Hat *h 697 Latin Crash 750 TR-909 Clap Dry 804 Orchestra Hit 2
645 Brush HH Open 698 Brush Crash 751 Finger Snap 1 805 Brass Hit
646 Brush HH Close 699 Splash Cymbal 1 752 Finger Snap 2 806 Philadelphia Hit
647 Brush HH Pedal 700 Splash Cymbal 2 753 Ambient Snap 807 Techno Hit
648 Spoke Hi-Hat *h 701 Splash Cymbal 3 SOUND FX 808 Feedback Wave
649 Spoke HH Open 702 China Cymbal 1 754 Sticks 809 Atmosphere
650 Spoke HH Close 703 China Cymbal 2 755 Dense Click ELEMENTS
651 Spoke HH Pedal 704 Swish Cymbal 756 Pulse 810 Low Frequency 1
HI-HAT 2 705 Trash Cymbal 1 757 High Q 811 Low Frequency 2
652 Club Hi-Hat *h 706 Trash Cymbal 2 758 Dyna Filter 812 Low Frequency 3
653 Club HH Open 707 Stacked Cymbal 759 Random Noise 1 813 Attack 1
654 Club HH Close 708 Accent Cymbal 760 Random Noise 2 814 Attack 2
655 Sharp Hi-Hat *h 709 Chime Cymbal 761 Beep 815 Attack 3
656 Sharp HH Open 710 Cross Cymbal 1 762 Fat Beep 816 Attack 4
657 Sharp HH Close 711 Cross Cymbal 2 763 Disto Beep 817 Ambience Kick 1
658 Hip Hi-Hat *h 712 Mini Cymbal 764 Techno Beef 818 Ambience Kick 2
659 Hip HH Open CYMBALS 2 765 High Saw 819 Ambience Kick 3
660 Hip HH Close 713 Sweep Crash 766 Low Saw 820 Ambience Snare 1
661 House Hi-Hat *h 714 Lo-Fi Crash 767 Space Beep 821 Ambience Snare 2
662 House HH Open 715 Ambient Crash 768 Afro Stomp 822 Ambience Snare 3
663 House HH Close 716 Verby Crash 769 Super Low 823 Ambience Tom 1
664 DnB Hi-Hat *h 717 Gate Crash 770 PCM Press 824 Ambience Tom 2
665 DnB HH Open 718 Trashy Ride 771 Prevision 825 Ambience Tom 3
666 DnB HH Close 719 Phasing Ride 772 Ejector 826 Snare Buzz
667 LowStepHi-Hat *h 720 Cosmo Bell 773 Water Drop 827 Conga Body *p
668 LowStep HH Open 721 Electra Bell 774 Echoic Shot 828 Noise 1
669 LowStep HH Close 722 Reflective Bell 775 Chromatone 829 Noise 2
670 Voice Hi-Hat *h 723 Reverse Crash 776 Super Shot 830 Noise 3
671 Voice HH Open 724 Reverse Ride 777 Stamp 831 Noise 4
672 Voice HH Close 725 Reverse Trash 778 Rusty Iron 832 Noise 5
673 CR-78 Hi-Hat *h 726 Voice Crash 1 779 Digi Cup 833 Noise 6
674 CR-78 HH Open 727 Voice Crash 2 780 Hammer 834 Noise 7
675 CR-78 HH Close 728 Analog Cymbal 781 Abstract Noise 835 White Noise 1 *l
676 TR-808 Hi-Hat *h 729 TR-808 Cymbal 782 Industrial 1 836 White Noise 2 *l
677 TR-808 HH Open 730 TR-606 Cymbal 783 Industrial 2 837 Sine Wave 1kHz*l

Inst List

No. Name
838 Sine Wave C *l
839 Triangle Wave C *l
840 Square Wave C *l
841 Sawtooth Wave1 C *l
842 Sawtooth Wave2 C *l
843 Super Saw C *l
844 Synth Bass 1 C*l
845 Synth Bass 2 C*l
846 Synth Lead C*l
847 Synth Pad C *l
848 Synth Brass C *l
849 Synth Strings C *l
850 Off

Multi-Effect Parameter List
Type List 2: SYNC DELAY
This is a delay whose delay time is specified in terms of a note value
relative to the tempo. You can also synchronize it to the metronome
No. Name No. Name tempo.
0 THRU 13 COMPRESSOR * The maximum delay time is 1300 msec. Tempo or note value
settings may exceed this maximum; in this case, the tempo will no
longer synchronize.
3 TAPE ECHO 16 FILTER+DRIVE Parameter Value Explanation
4 CHORUS 17 AUTO WAH OFF: Synchronizes to the tempo of
the “Tempo” parameter.
ON: Synchronizes to the tempo of
6 PHASER 19 OVERDRIVE the metronome.
7 STEP PHASER 20 DISTORTION Specifies the synchronization tempo
Tempo 20–260
when “Metro Sync” is OFF.
9 STEP FLANGER 22 ISOLATOR (16th note)– Adjusts the time until the left delay
Left Note
(whole note) sound is heard.
(16th note)– Adjusts the time until the right delay
(whole note) sound is heard.
Left Phase NORMAL, INVERSE Phase of the left delay sound
Right Phase NORMAL, INVERSE Phase of the right delay sound
Feedback Selects the way in which delay
Mode sound is fed back into the effect.

Parameter List Feedback* -98–98%

Adjusts the amount of the delay
sound that’s fed back into the effect.
Negative (-) settings invert the
Parameters indicated by “*” can be controlled by the realtime modify phase.
knob. Adjusts the frequency above which
HF Damp sound fed back to the effect is
filtered out (BYPASS: no cut).
0: THRU Amount of boost/cut for the effect
The effect won’t be applied. Low Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s lower range
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
High Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s upper range


D100: 0W–
D0: 100W
Volume balance between the direct
sound (D) and the chorus sound (W)
Repeats the sound. Level 0–127 Output level

Parameter Value Explanation

Adjusts the time until the left delay
Left Time 0–1300msec
sound is heard.

Right Time 0–1300msec

Adjusts the time until the right delay 3: TAPE ECHO
sound is heard.
Simulates a tape-type echo unit of the past.
Left Phase NORMAL, INVERSE Phase of the left delay sound
Right Phase NORMAL, INVERSE Phase of the right delay sound Parameter Value Explanation
Feedback Selects the way in which delay Rate* 0–127 Tape speed
Mode sound is fed back into the effect.
Intensity 0–127 Amount of echo repeat
Adjusts the amount of the delay
sound that’s fed back into the effect. D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
Feedback* -98–98% Balance
Negative (-) settings invert the D0: 100W sound (D) and the chorus sound (W)
phase. Level 0–127 Output Level
Adjusts the frequency above which
HF Damp sound fed back to the effect is
filtered out (BYPASS: no cut).
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
Low Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s lower range
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
High Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s upper range
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
D0: 100W sound (D) and the chorus sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level

Multi-Effect Parameter List

4: CHORUS Parameter Value Explanation

Adds spaciousness and depth to the sound. Mix 0–127 Level of the phase-shifted sound
Level 0–127 Output Level
Parameter Value Explanation
Type of filter
OFF: no filter is used
LPF: cuts the frequency range above
Filter Type OFF, LPF, HPF
the Cutoff Freq
HPF: cuts the frequency range 7: STEP PHASER
below the Cutoff Freq The phaser effect will be varied gradually.
Center frequency when using the
Filter Freq 200–8000Hz filter to cut a specific frequency Parameter Value Explanation
Adjusts the delay time from the Mode Number of stages in the phaser
Pre Delay 0.0–100msec direct sound until the chorus sound
is heard. Adjusts the basic frequency from
Manual 0–127
which the sound will be modulated.
Rate* 0–127 Frequency of modulation
Rate 0–127 Frequency of modulation
Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Phase 0–180deg Spatial spread of the sound
Selects whether the left and right
Amount of boost/cut for the effect phase of the modulation will be the
Low Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s lower range same or the opposite.
Amount of boost/cut for the effect INVERSE: The left and right phase
High Gain -15–+15dB Polarity INVERSE, SYNCHRO will be opposite. When using a mono
sound’s upper range
source, this spreads the sound.
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct SYNCHRO: The left and right phase
D0: 100W sound (D) and the chorus sound (W) will be the same. Select this when
inputting a stereo source.
Level 0–127 Output Level
Resonance 0–127 Amount of feedback
Rate of the step-wise change in the
Step Rate* 0–127
phaser effect
5: SPACE-D Mix 0–127 Level of the phase-shifted sound
It gives no impression of modulation, but produces a transparent Level 0–127 Output Level
chorus effect.

Parameter Value Explanation

Adjusts the delay time from the
Pre Delay 0.0–100msec direct sound until the chorus sound
is heard.
It produces a metallic resonance that rises and falls like a jet airplane
Rate* 0–127 Frequency of modulation
taking off or landing.
Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Phase 0–180deg Spatial spread of the sound Parameter Value Explanation
Amount of boost/cut for the effect Adjusts the delay time from when
Low Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s lower range Pre Delay 0.0–100msec the direct sound begins until the
flanger sound is heard.
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
High Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s upper range Rate* 0–127 Frequency of modulation
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
D0: 100W sound (D) and the chorus sound (W)
Phase 0–180deg Spatial spread of the sound
Level 0–127 Output Level
Adjusts the proportion of the flanger
sound that is fed back into the
Feedback -98–98% effect.
Negative (-) settings will invert the
6: PHASER phase.
A phase-shifted sound is added to the original sound and modulated. Low Gain -15–+15dB
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
sound’s lower range
Parameter Value Explanation Amount of boost/cut for the effect
High Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s upper range
Mode Number of stages in the phaser D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
12-STAGE Balance
D0: 100W sound (D) and the flanger sound (W)
Adjusts the basic frequency from
Manual 0–127 Level 0–127 Output Level
which the sound will be modulated.
Rate* 0–127 Frequency of modulation
Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Selects whether the left and right
phase of the modulation will be the
same or the opposite.
INVERSE: The left and right phase
Polarity INVERSE, SYNCHRO will be opposite. When using a mono
source, this spreads the sound.
SYNCHRO: The left and right phase
will be the same. Select this when
inputting a stereo source.
Resonance 0–127 Amount of feedback

Multi-Effect Parameter List

9: STEP FLANGER Parameter Value Explanation

This is a flanger in which the flanger pitch changes in steps. BYPASS,
Frequency of the filter that cuts the
Pre HPF low-frequency content of the input
sound (BYPASS: no cut)
Parameter Value Explanation
Frequency of the filter that boosts/
Adjusts the delay time from when
Pre EQ Freq 200–8000Hz cuts a specific frequency region of
Pre Delay 0.0–100msec the direct sound begins until the
the input sound
flanger sound is heard.
Amount of boost/cut produced by
Rate* 0–127 Frequency of modulation
Pre EQ Gain -15–+15dB the filter at the specified frequency
Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation region of the input sound
Phase 0–180deg Spatial spread of the sound Frequency at which the high-
HF Damp frequency content of the resonant
Adjusts the proportion of the flanger BYPASS
sound will be cut (BYPASS: no cut)
sound that is fed back into the
Feedback -98–98% effect. Frequency at which the low-
Negative (-) settings will invert the LF Damp frequency content of the resonant
phase. sound will be cut (BYPASS: no cut)
Step Rate 0–127 Rate (period) of pitch change Low Gain -15–+15dB Amount of low-range boost/cut
Amount of boost/cut for the effect Mid Freq 200–8000Hz Frequency of the low-range EQ
Low Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s lower range
Mid Gain -15–+15dB Amount of midrange boost/cut
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
High Gain -15–+15dB High Gain -15–+15dB Amount of high-range boost/cut
sound’s upper range
Reverb Level 0–127 Output Level
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
D0: 100W sound (D) and the flanger sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output Level
Adjusts the tonal character.
Parameter Value Explanation
Adds reverberation to the sound, simulating an acoustic space.
Low Freq 200, 400Hz Frequency of the low range
Parameter Value Explanation Low Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the low range
Type of reverb Mid 1 Freq 200–8000Hz Frequency of the middle range 1
ROOM1: Mid 1 Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the middle range 1
dense reverb with short decay
Width of the middle range 1
ROOM2: Mid 1 Q 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0 Set a higher value for Q to narrow
Type sparse reverb with short decay the range to be affected.
Mid 2 Freq 200–8000Hz Frequency of the middle range 2
reverb with greater late reverberation
STAGE2: Mid 2 Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the middle range 2
reverb with strong early reflections Width of the middle range 2
Adjusts the delay time from the direct Mid 2 Q 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0 Set a higher value for Q to narrow
Pre Delay 0.0–100msec the range to be affected.
sound until the reverb sound is heard.
Rev Time 0–127 Time length of reverberation High Freq 2000, 4000, 8000Hz Frequency of the high range

Adjusts the frequency above which High Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the high range
the reverberant sound will be cut. Level 0–127 Output Level
200–8000Hz, As the frequency is set lower, more
HF Damp
BYPASS of the high frequencies will be cut,
resulting in a softer and more muted
reverberance (BYPASS: no cut).
Amount of boost/cut for the effect
Low Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s lower range 13: COMPRESSOR
Amount of boost/cut for the effect Smoothing out fluctuations in volume.
High Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s upper range
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct Parameter Value Explanation
D0: 100W sound (D) and the flanger sound (W) Adjusts the volume at which
Threshold -48 –0dB
Level 0–127 Output Level compression begins.
Make Up 0–+24dB Adjusts the output gain.
2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 8: 1,
Ratio Compression ratio
100: 1
11: LONG REVERB Sets the time from when the input
This is a very rich sounding reverb. Attack 0–100 exceeds the Threshold until the
volume starts being compressed.
Parameter Value Explanation Adjusts the time after the signal
Depth* 0–127 Depth of the effect volume falls below the Threshold
Release 0–99
Level until compression is no longer
Reverb Time 0–127 Time length of reverberation applied.
Character 0–5 Type of reverb Low Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the low frequency range
Frequency of the filter that cuts the High Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the high frequency range
Pre LPF high-frequency content of the input
sound (BYPASS: no cut).

Multi-Effect Parameter List


Producing a rougher tonal character and boosting the loudness. This Produces a wah effect (a cyclic shift in frequency emphasis).
also cuts the low-frequency region of the input audio.
Parameter Value Explanation
Parameter Value Explanation Adjusts the basic frequency at which
Manual* 0–127
Amount of distortion of the the effect is applied.
Sat Drive 0–127
saturator Adjusts the amount of the wah
Sat Level 0–127 Output volume of the saturator effect that will occur in the range of
Peak 0–127 the center frequency.
Comp Level 0–127 Output volume of the compressor Set a higher value for Peak to narrow
High Gain -12–+6dB Amount of high-range boost/cut the range to be affected.
Volume at which the saturator Adjusts the sensitivity with which
Sens 0–127
Sat&Comp Mix 0–127 sound and compressor sound are the filter is controlled.
mixed with the original sound Mod Rate 0–127 Frequency of modulation
Level 0–127 Output level Mod Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Proportion by which the phase of
the wah effect’s modulation will be
Mod Phase 0–180deg
offset between the left and right
15: FILTER Balance
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
This is a filter with an extremely sharp slope. The cutoff frequency can D0: 100W sound (D) and the effect sound (W)
be varied cyclically. Level 0–127 Output level

Parameter Value Explanation

Filter type
Frequency range that will pass
through each filter
LPF: Frequencies below the cutoff
LPF, BPF, HPF, This is an effect that intentionally degrades the sound quality for
Type BPF: Frequencies in the region of
NOTCH creative purposes.
the cutoff
HPF: Frequencies above the cutoff
NOTCH: Frequencies other than the Parameter Value Explanation
region of the cutoff
Selects the type of filter applied to
Cutoff frequency of the filter PreFlt Type TYPE 1–3 the sound before it passes through
Cutoff* 0–127 Increasing this value will raise the the Lo-Fi effect.
cutoff frequency.
Degrades the sound quality. The
Filter resonance level Increasing this Lo-Fi Type TYPE 1–9 sound quality grows poorer as this
Resonance 0–127 value will emphasize the region near value is increased.
the cutoff frequency.
Type of filter after it passes through
Mod Sw OFF, ON On/off switch for modulation the Lo-Fi effect
Mod Rate 0–127 Rate of modulation OFF: no filter is used
PostFlt Type OFF, LPF, HPF LPF: cuts the frequency range above
Mod Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation the Cutoff
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct HPF: cuts the frequency range
Balance below the Cutoff
D0: 100W sound (D) and the effect sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level PostFlt Cutoff 200–8000Hz Basic frequency of the Post Filter
Low Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the high range
Level 0–127 Output level

Cuts the high-frequency range, and adds distortion.

Parameter Value Explanation 19: OVERDRIVE

Cutoff frequency of the filter Mildly distorts the sound.
Cutoff* 0–127 Increasing this value will raise the
cutoff frequency.
Parameter Value Explanation
Filter resonance level
Resonance 0–127 Frequency of the filter that cuts the
Increasing this value will emphasize
low-frequency content of the input
the region near the cutoff frequency. Pre HPF BYPASS, 16–1000Hz
Drive 0–127 Amount of distortion (BYPASS: no cut)
Level 0–127 Output level Drive 0–127 Amount of distortion
Tone 0–127 Tone quality of distorted sound
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
D0: 100W sound (D) and the effect sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level

Multi-Effect Parameter List

20: DISTORTION Parameter Value Explanation

Intensely distorts the sound. Pitch* -64–+63
Raise or lower the ring modulation
Parameter Value Explanation Rate at which step changes are
Rate 0–127
Frequency of the filter that cuts the
low-frequency content of the input Speed at which the modulation
Pre HPF BYPASS, 16–1000Hz Attack 0–127
sound frequency changes between steps
(BYPASS: no cut)
Low Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the low range
Drive 0–127 Amount of distortion
High Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the high range
Tone Sw OFF, ON Switches Tone on/off
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct
Tone 0–127 Tone quality of distorted sound D0: 100W sound (D) and the effect sound (W)
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct Level 0–127 Output level
D0: 100W sound (D) and the effect sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level


Shifts the pitch of the original sound.
Produces an extreme lo-fi effect. Parameter Value Explanation
Adjusts the pitch of Pitch Shift 1 in
Pitch1 Coarse -24–12
Parameter Value Explanation semitone steps.
Sample Rate 0–127 Adjusts the sample rate. Adjusts the pitch of Pitch Shift 2 in
Pitch2 Coarse -24–12
semitone steps.
Bit Rate 0–20 Adjusts the bit depth.
Adjusts the delay time from the
Filter* 0–127 Adjusts the filter depth.
Delay Time 0–1300msec direct sound until the Pitch Shift
D100: 0W– Volume balance between the direct sound is heard.
D0: 100W sound (D) and the effect sound (W)
Adjusts the proportion of the pitch
Level 0–127 Output level shifted sound that is fed back into
-98–98% the effect.
Negative (-) settings will invert the
Stereo location of the Pitch Shift 1
Pitch1 Pan L64–63R
22: ISOLATOR sound
Stereo location of the Pitch Shift 2
Creating unique effects by cutting the volume of specific frequency Pitch2 Pan L64–63R
Pitch1 Level 0–127 Volume of the Pitch Shift 1 sound

Parameter Value Explanation Pitch2 Level 0–127 Volume of the Pitch Shift 2 sound

These boost and cut each of the Low Amount of boost/cut for the effect
Low Gain -15–+15dB
frequency ranges. sound’s lower range
Boost/Cut Low -64–+63 At -64, the sound becomes Amount of boost/cut for the effect
inaudible. 0 is equivalent to the High Gain -15–+15dB
sound’s upper range
input level of the sound.
Volume balance between the direct
These boost and cut each of the D100: 0W–
Balance sound (D) and the pitch shifted
Middle frequency ranges. D0: 100W
sound (W)
Boost/Cut Mid -64–+63 At -64, the sound becomes
inaudible. 0 is equivalent to the Level 0–127 Output Level
input level of the sound.
These boost and cut each of the
High frequency ranges.
Boost/Cut High -64–+63 At -64, the sound becomes
inaudible. 0 is equivalent to the
input level of the sound.
Cyclically modulates the stereo location of the sound.
0–127 Depth of boost/cut
Parameter Value Explanation
Level 0–127 Output level
Mod Wave Type of pan change
Rate* 0–127 Frequency of the change
Depth 0–127 Depth to which the effect is applied
23: RING MOD Low Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the low range
A ring modulator that varies the modulated frequency in a stepwise High Gain -15–+15dB Gain of the high range
Level 0–127 Output Level

Parameter Value Explanation

RING MOD: Applies amplitude
RING MOD, ENV modulation to the input signal
OSC ENV OSC: Outputs oscillation
corresponding to the input signal

Ambience Parameter List
Type List
No. Name Explanation
1 BOOTH Recording booth
2 STUDIO Recording studio
3 BASEMENT Underground room with numerous reflections
4 JAZZ CLUB Small club
5 ROCK CLUB Large club
6 BALLROOM Dance hall
7 CONCERT HALL Large concert hall
8 EXPO HALL Broad space
9 GATE Reverberation is cut off sharply
10 SPIRAL Spiral-like reverberation

Parameter List

Parameter Value Explanation

Character of the ambience
Character 1–7
Size Size of the room
Wall Type Material of the walls
Shape 0–100 Width of the room
Level 0–100 Overall amount of ambience


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