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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Sumeena S1, Muhammed Hassan A K 2, Varsha Vasav3, Amrutha Vishnupriya S4
1,2,3Students,Dept. of CSE, Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
4Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology, Kerala, India
Abstract - All over the world, as per the Motor Vehicles Act  The traffic police will simply scan the QR code on
of the respective countries, it is mandatory that when driving a vehicle and then all documents will display on the
vehicle, he/she must carry the driving license and vehicle application login by unique ID(registration number
related documents (original/Xerox (of)) like (Registration of vehicle) and password.
certificates book, vehicle pollution under control (PUC)
certificate, vehicle insurance policy, tax papers etc).Often we Improving Transparency in system and lots of time
do not have the documentations to carry our documents in should be saved. It can save the amount of time of user and
different situations. As a solution for this, we are proposing a authority. It deals with the creation of an android application
digital platform where he/she can access their documents where all details of the vehicle. The admin (RTO Admin) can
anywhere, anytime digitally. The digital service can avail by handle or control the addition, updating and removing of
scanning a unique quick response code (QR code) in the documents on a cloud server and also they give the Unique
vehicle. QR-Code is a machine-scannable image can be ID (mobile number) and password to the particular user and
instantly read using a smartphone camera. Platform allow also notification alert feature if citizen’s documents expired.
user to get notification when the documents needed to be
renewed and other services like online requesting for renewal Security and privacy are great importance to a cloud
of documents etc. The total service will help in saving server and message authentication. Without security, it is
significant amount of time and resources. The objectives are to difficult to store and securely send the data from the cloud
digitize all documents, ensure authenticity of documents, server to an authorized person. Here AES algorithm is used
eliminate the use of fake documents, to find stolen vehicles, to provide strong security to cloud server and mobile
reduce the work load and time. authentication.

Key Words: QR code, User’s and Traffic Inspector’s Now a day’s population has become a major factor to be
Android Application, RTO Cloud Server considered as a result the number of vehicle’s are growing
by increasing problems of vehicle and license registration,
1. INTRODUCTION insurance and tax validity for RTO administration and
documents verification by traffic inspector. RTO employees
In day to day life there is lots of increment in population. having lot of work burden of making registration, license
Now a day most of the people are using their own vehicles. issue, transfer etc, which requires lot of paper work. As a
Due to this traffic work has been increased. So this work result people can’t get the things done in right time, which is
deals with the creation of a real-life android application, the waste of time and energy. Similarly the vehicle owner
where all the necessary details of a vehicle (i.e., Registration sometimes forgets to carry the license and other vehicle
Certificate, Insurance Policy and vehicle’s Pollution Under related documents at the time of inspection.
Control Certificate) are coordinated and stored by the
database of RTO admin without much effort and it can This paper proposed an approach to solve such
accessed by both the user and vehicle inspector. We can problems that is by storing all the information related to
digitalize all documents which are taken care of without so vehicle and driver at database by RTO administrator and an
much efforts and hard work. In existing process is done android application is provided by both the vehicle inspector
manually it takes lots of time and also many citizens has and user to retrieve vehicle related information and also we
there fake documents. can add a provision to track a stolen vehicle.

“Unique QR Code For Vehicle Verification” is for traffic police This project targets to store the information related
using QR code to avoid to carry the physical documents it to vehicle such as insurance, license, PUC details, insurance
also avoid some security Issues and also reduce following: details, personal details of the applier and registration date.
This application would be installed in Android phones of
 All documents related to vehicle and owner can now traffic police and user. And it will provide input fields to
be access through smart phone. traffic police to enter the vehicle number as well as to scan
the QR code in order to retrieve the information related to
 This contains one application which can be accessed
vehicle and license from database. This application also
by both user and traffic police verifier.
generates fine if the user violate traffic rules and location at

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1132
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

where it is undertaken for inspection. Hence it is completely and registration. It also provides mutual authentication and
service oriented application. confidentiality between the traffic police and users in order
to avoid leakage and corruption of documents. The QR code
Advantages of this application are considerably usage in this application resolves the difficulty in the manual
reduces the corruption in transport department that means registration process of the vehicle and user documents. This
some officers try to bribe more while charging fines. Keep generated QR code is placed in the number plates of the
the license documents safely in database with highly vehicles. The QR code can be scanned using the cameras of
encrypted security algorithms. To offer the drivers to be advanced smart mobile phones. The police officers can check
independent of vehicle related papers. the vehicle details and charge cases on accidents, fines, theft
and traffic rules violations using QR code. In addition, vehicle
In the following figure, one of the newest insurance payments and renewals alert are sent to the
developments is the use of Quick Response codes (QR codes) vehicle owner for notifying them for modifications. The non
to quickly data scanning and readable technique. This permitted vehicles can be blocked in the next check post by
Japanese technique is improving part of barcode it has a sending the alert messages.
combination of standard kind of data such as numeric,
bytes/binary, alphanumeric etc. This Vehicle Verification System objective is to
increase the efficiency in verification of any vehicle and
owner details. In the given system all the information of
vehicles will be maintained by the mobile application system
which can be maintained by the vehicle inspector and the
user can only see the details about their vehicle and raise
Fig-1: QR code any complaints and requested for any modifications. The
Vehicle Verification System will allow a person to find the
2. OBJECTIVES information of any vehicle such as model number, efficiency,
cost, fuel type etc. This will be used by various attributes
It deals with the creation of a real-life android application, such as police, insurance company, service provider,
where all the necessary details of a vehicle are coordinated pollution control board, a user who want to buy a new or
and stored by the user without much effort. Quick Response second-hand vehicle. It will reduce the human burden
Code (QR-Code), a highly effective and fast readable regarding their vehicle’s safety. Unique QR code for vehicle
technology is used for getting various details of a vehicle and verification System is the versatile software solution. The
user. software is designed in a planned way and using various
technologies including various new facilities like using DBMS
It is a known fact and has been established by software for storage of data. The software is programmed in
various studies that, most of the urban people spend at an such a way that it is having a centralized storage of the
average 2.5 hours a day commuting by vehicle. On larger database. Using Vehicle Verification System software, all the
metropolitan cities the commuting time is almost twice than details regarding the particular vehicle and user can be find
the original time required to reach the destination because out within a moment. Can be used by police departments
of unavoidable traffic congestions, disproportionate number also for stolen vehicle catching. It makes the data storage in
of vehicles a road can accommodate and due to rush in peak very easy and versatile.
hours. When the traffic police stops them on the road to
verify the credentials of their vehicle the commuter loses E-copies of your driving license, vehicle registration
more of his precious time. certificates etc kept in a mobile app and treated as valid
documents. If you break a traffic rule, there is no need of
All of the documents are checked by the inspecting physical documents for charging fines.
authority of the traffic police department. Since the whole
process is done manually, it consumes a lot of time and there The objectives are:-
is possibility for malfeasance due to a lack of transparency in
the existing system. It can also save considerable amount of  To digitize all documents and record of the
time, since the software implemented in a device takes little residents and make them available on real time
time in completing a task, compared to the corresponding basis.
manual functioning. The precious amount of time can be  Minimize the use of physical documents and it is so
saved for both user and the authority. It will result in faster hard to carry the original documents at all time.
implementation of a time consuming exercise and also  It reduces the administration overhead of
brings in greater transparency in levying fines. Government departments by minimizing the use of
A user friendly and convenient android application  Ensure genuineness of documents and eliminate the
which provides authorization for the vehicle identification use of fake documents.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1133
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 Enhance the authenticity of the QR code the road or toll booth to show their vehicle and user
 Notify the people to renew the expired documents documents for verification and then continue their journey.
on correct time. This is not only waste of valuable time for the driver and the
 Only the owner and vehicle inspector have the right police who take time in checking the documents and return
to see the documents. them back. Sometimes the driver fails to carry all the
 One of the most user-friendly applications, dealing documents due to some reason and therefore has to put
with a humongous database. up with a fine. Many existing system like Automatic
 It helps the traffic police officers to find quickly Number Plate Recognition System is used only for traffic
stolen vehicles. violations. Smart card is another system that includes
 Police officers cannot charge the existing fines and information like details of vehicles and registration numbers,
bribe more. but does not include the insurance papers. Here, we are
trying to incur penalty for almost all the traffic rule
violations. Hence, a verification of vehicle uniquely is an
important issue to be considered. The traffic authorities
need to find new methods to overcoming this difficulty.
3.1 Background to the study Through this paper we are aiming to provide a system,
which will use for verify vehicle using QR Code and
Many accidents are happened due to infringement of traffic decreases the time required for the existing system. If a
rules, driving the vehicle without proper license, registration driver violates any of the traffic rues, the driver will be
certificates book, vehicle pollution under control (PUC) charged according to the RTO rules.
certificate, vehicle Insurance policy. The authorities
unsupportive of verifying the identity of every driver on a 3.2 Statement of Problem
road such as the driver is a thief or a criminal and whether
the driver should have license or not. Today, computer
The main problem involves people stopping their vehicles on
system has been discovered as a very smart and efficient
the road or toll booth to show their documents for their
instrument, which has played a very significant role in
vehicles and then continue their journey. This is not only
adequate management of information and security. Besides,
waste of valuable time for the driver and the police who take
it has played more roles throughout our country. However,
time in checking the documents and return them back.
computerization has helped in many areas of life and
Sometimes the driver fails to carry the documents due to
especially in vehicle owners, the thought of computerization
some reason and therefore has to put up with a fine. The
has a great important role in order to wipe out the manual
current traffic rule and regulations are not very strongest
data processing system from which many problems have
and the implementation methods are severely flawed. Due to
originated like corruption and misusage.
these, bribery has become rampant. Lack of proper
management of both personnel drivers and assets (the
Due to traffic congestion and increasing number of
vehicles and the goods they carry) is another problem facing
vehicles on road, it is difficult to identify every vehicle
the system.
uniquely at high speed. To monitor the vehicle manually is
very difficult task on road. The aim of this research is to easy
identification and verification of the vehicle. In today’s time 3.3 Aim and Objectives of study
there are so many people breaking traffic rules without any
fear, one of them is jumping red light signals and someone The aim of this proposed project is to design a mobile app for
will stop their vehicle over the zebra line. Sometimes due to vehicle verification system that will generate a QR-code to
this the vehicle meets an accident with another vehicle, verify and identity every vehicle in order to eliminate the
which may cause severe injuries to driver and even death. In problems facing the manual system.
the past few years, traffic accidents & congestions have
increased enormously throughout the world. Also, the The listed objectives below will help in achieving the aim:
current traffic rule regulations are not very strong and the
implementation methods are severely flawed. Due to these, i. Investigate and examine the existing manual method of
bribery has become rampant among police officers. This in verifying and identifying vehicles.
turn leads to increased traffic congestion and road accidents. ii. To provide an easy and simplest form of vehicle
verification since the information and details of the vehicle
Currently, there have different technologies to are stored in this mobile app.
detect traffic congestion and to make congestion iii. Analyze the designed vehicle verification system with the
management more efficient and effective, but these QR code and test its efficiency and effectiveness.
technologies have several drawbacks and limitations, such as iv. Save the significant amount of time.
installation problems, complexity, cost, etc. On a regular
basis, officers observe people have to stop their vehicles on

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1134
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.4 Significance of study 4. LITERATURE SURVEY

Many existing systems like Automatic Number Plate [1]. Ms. Ankita V.Ghodke, Prof. Rahul V.Dagade
Recognition System is used for identifying traffic violations. “Electronic Secure Vehicle Verification system
Smart card is another system that includes information like using Advanced Digi-Locker system”( I2CT) 06-08,
details of vehicles and registration numbers, but does not
include the insurance papers.

This project work is significant as it aims to provide The Digital Locker is storage facility avoid to carry
a system, which will use for verify vehicle using QR Code and the physical documents it digitalize the documents. This
decreases the time required for the existing system and also Application Contains two sub Application:- User application
provide notifications related to the vehicle will send to the and vehicle verification application. Improving Transparency
individuals mobile phone. It protects the vehicle and people in system and lots of time should be saved. The proposed
that are been transported on road and create an easy system can save the amount of time of user and police
recognition of every road user using QR-code. It will officer. This RTO digi-locker mechanism aims to eliminate
eliminate the adamant thoughts of traffic offenders because the physical documents work. This work deals with the
they can easily be tracked. When ignored, we will have to creation of an android application where all details of the
embrace the existing manual vehicle verification system vehicle are stored.
which is user intensive, and time consuming for both user One of the newest developments is the use of Quick
and police inspector when there have traffic congestion and Response codes (QR codes) to quickly data scanning and
increasing number of user on road and it is difficult to readable technique by using a smart camera. This Japanese
identify every vehicle uniquely. technique is improving part of barcode it has a combination
of standard kind of data such as numeric, bytes/binary,
alphanumeric etc. This application is used for solving the
3.5 Definitions of terms real-time problem which takes safe custody of the important
documents such as driving license, PUC, insurance, RC book
i. Quick Response Code (QR): The QR code was invented in etc. which verify the vehicle and user electronically, so result
1994 by Denso Wave, is a trademark for a matrix barcode (or is provide much more transparency, authenticity, and reduce
two-dimensional barcode) was first designed for the corruption of fake documents by users and also reduces the
automotive industry in Japan. QR code uses four administration overhead of RTO Admin by minimizing the
standardized encoding modes to efficiently hold data. It has use of paper documents.
black squares arranged in a square grid on a white
background, which can be read by camera and processed
[2]. Mr. Nilesh R. Patil, Prof. Rajesh Dharmik,
using Reed-Solomon error correction until the image can be
appropriately compiled. “Secured Cloud Architecture for Cloud Service
ii. Verification and Validation System: These are Provider”, WCFTR, 2016s
independent procedures that are used together for checking
that a product, service, or system meets requirements and Today’s world is of cloud computing, cloud service
specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose. provider provides different resources and services to the
Validation is the assurance that a product, service, or system user anytime anywhere over the internet. Due to this feature
meets the customer and other identified stakeholder. of cloud, it maintains security over data is complex. Cloud
Verification is the evaluation of whether or not a product or computing security issues are authentication of user, non
system complies with a regulation, requirement, repudiation, authority, confidentiality, privacy, availability,
specification, or imposed condition. access control and checking the integrity of data
iii. Information System: Information system refers to a set
of systems (hardware, software, database, procedures and Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next-
human resources) that supports data intensive applications generation Information Technology (IT) architecture for
and captures data related to an organizations operation for enterprises and various private and public sector. Due to its
example, an airline ticketing systems. huge advantages in the IT history: on-demand self-service,
ubiquitous network access, location independent resource
pooling, rapid resource elasticity, usage-based pricing and
transference of risk. User can access the cloud resources and
services from anywhere anytime by using the internet. Cloud
computing also allows users and organizations to use
application without the necessity to install in their computer.
The secured architecture for cloud service provider for
mapping the different security issues related to
authentication and data stored on cloud. Here we have

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1135
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

proposed OTP for authentication of user, hashing for They survey on various security algorithms like DES,
checking the integrity of data and for maintaining 3DES, RC4 and AES in detail. It finally discuss about the
confidentiality of data we used encryption. Our cloud Modified AES algorithm. DES and Triple DES not provide
architecture is more efficient because it uses efficient extra security and making use of double and triple
hashing algorithm which maps the pre-image attack and encryption and very slow when implemented on software.
collision attack. DES has large amount of data size and short key length limits
its uses. RC4 suffers from weak keys problems. After
The cloud computing uses different services and analyzing all the above algorithms the most popular
resource’s like SAAS, PAAS, IAAS etc. So there are lots of symmetric algorithm is AES which is most flexible, and have
issues in cloud security that are privacy access control, best encryption performance, secure, faster and better.
authentication of the user, confidentiality, and integrity of
data. These researchers were surveying on which [4]. Mr. Niteen Surv, Mrs. Jayshree Katti,
architecture is most suitable and secure for our proposed “Framework for Client Side AES Encryption
system which is going to map some cloud security issues that Technique in Cloud Computing”, IEEE(IACC), 2015,
are confidentiality, privacy access control, authentication of
pp .525-528.
the user, the integrity of data.
Cloud computing is defined as the use of various
[3]. N Karale, Kalyani Pendke, Prashant Dahiwale, computing services from the Internet. To individual users
“The Survey of Various Techniques & Algorithms and businesses to use software and hardware that are
for SMS Security Shraddha”, IEEE (ICIIECS’15), managed by third parties at remote locations and also and
2014. this is done by cloud computing. The cloud computing uses
cloud (Internet) that will provide the way to deliver the
Message authentication is an important security services whenever and wherever the user of the cloud will
tool. But, without some security enhancement mechanism or need.
algorithms, it is difficult to send data in secure manner to
recipient. Most popular shortest and easiest textual form of Cloud computing system is divided into 2 sections:
communication is short message service (SMS). The first section is known as front-end and another section is
Cryptography is the one of the computer security that the back-end. They are connected to each other by using
converts information from its normal form into an network which is called as the Internet. The front-end
unreadable format by using Encryption and Decryption contains the computer of client (or computer network) and
algorithms. To ensure the security of the texts, many the system application is required to retrieve the cloud
encryption algorithms are available. computing data. At the back-end of the system there are the
several computer systems, several server nodes and data
This paper was focus on message security, storage systems that developed the cloud of the computing
authenticity and to secure the text data while transmitting in service. The central server’s task is to administrating the
the network. The data which is to be transmitted from system, monitoring trace and client demands to ensure
sender to receiver in the network must be encrypted using that everything runs very correctly or not. They follow a
the encrypted algorithm like DES. Symmetric key algorithms different set of rules called as a protocol and use a special
reduce the problem of computational overhead of keys and type of software which is called as middleware. The
to the calculation of algorithm and improves the Middleware allows the network computers to collaborate
performance of encryption. This paper was able to provide with one user to another.
more efficient authentication mechanisms for textual data
The AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is the new
Security and privacy is a great importance to a cloud best encryption algorithm to replace DES. It is a symmetric-
server and message authentication. Without security, it is key block cipher algorithm. The AES algorithm has 3 keys for
difficult to store and securely send the data from the cloud fixed 128-bit block ciphers text i.e. 128 bits, 192 bits and 256
server to an authorized person. In cryptography technique bits. The size of key is unlimited, where the key size is
use symmetric and asymmetric key algorithm which reduce maximum of 256 bits. AES encryption technique is fastest,
the problem of cloud security. flexible and highly secured and can be supported by various
The main goal of security mechanism is to provide
message privacy that guarantees provision of confidentiality, Cloud computing has so many issues in the network
integrity and non repetition of data. The main feature of world. In previous paper [3], show the different algorithms
network security is to provide efficient authentication for which provide security, but in comparison AES algorithm
data by using cryptographic techniques. There are some which gives the more powerful and more secure for storing
important terms are used to secure private information. the data on a cloud server. In cryptography, AES is the latest
algorithm which the fastest speed to encrypt the number of
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1136
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

documents and it is advanced algorithm DES which has lots capacity, there has been an explosion of mobile apps
of capacity to secretly storing the data. AES algorithm is (application software and services that can be installed on
symmetric block cipher algorithm and also it use for storing the mobile devices) that benefit and entertain the public.
and retrieving the data using secret key for providing One of the newest developments is the use of QR Code to
security to various platform. quickly facilitate the storage for relatively large amounts of
data in a compact fashion. A Quick Response code (QR code)
[5]. Lokesh S. Khedekar Prajakta S. Kale, “Strength is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) that is
of QR code over design and implementation of much faster than traditional barcodes. It is also known as a
verification system”, IEEE(ICCSP), 2016, pp .2190- mobile barcode since it can be scanned and read by a QR-
Code reader, software that is installed on a mobile phone.
Survey on QR code can be used on smart mobile phone
because it has more capacity to hold data and also it may
It is related with new proposed algorithm for possible to carry the QR-code image in portable devices
authentication system for any organization. Authentication is using DES algorithm.
process in which the credential provided are compared to
those on a file in a database of authorized user. Information Digital government is universally gaining acceptance
on local operating system or within authentication server, if from the public becomes more technologically advanced. It is
the credential match the process is completed and the user is critical for the government to develop new technology for
generated authorization for access. minimizing expenditure and maximizing utility of services to
the taxpayers and users. While administrative services have
One of the newest developments is the use of Quick been easily shifted to the digital world, there are still many
Response codes (QR codes) to quickly data scanning and important citizen-based services that have not yet been
readable technique. Survey on this paper shows the strength effectively migrated. They integrate QR code systems and
of QR code which eliminates the weakness of password. The corresponding smart phone applications into existing
main strength of QR code has lots of capacity to hold large government services with the goal of providing a new level
amount of data in secured format. of interactivity for the public QR codes are used in marketing
promotions such as discount coupons, advertisements and
Large amount of data store in the inventory means supply chain management areas far beyond their original
QR code image have mare capacity to hold data. It may imagined use cases which were tracking automobile parts in
possible to carry the QR code image in any portable device. the auto manufacturing industry. QR code provides a cheap,
QR code image is corrupt or hammer may possible by using easy, and secure method to transmit information to
error correction algorithm to correct it. individuals who have the ability to read the code.
Currently many authentication systems are
available but which have strength and weakness. There is [7]. Wengang Hou, “A Fast Image Encryption
growing interest in using QR Code. A new method is Scheme Based on AES”, Yong Zhang, Xueqian Li”s,
proposed here which is more relevant and provides IEEE(2nd ICIVC), 2017, pp .624-628.
strengths of data in the authentication system.
A fast image cryptographic system based on AES is
[6]. David Lorenzia, Jaideep Vaidya, Soon Chun, verified in this paper. The plain image is divided into blocks
Basit Shafiq, Vijayalakshmi Atluri a, “Enhancing the of plain text of size 128 bits. The first plane text is
permutated by an initial vector(IV). Then, AES in cipher
government service experience through QR codes
block chaining(CBC) mode is used to encrypt each plain text
on mobile platforms”, Elsevier(Journal), 2014, pp in sequentially. The initial vector and cipher text are
.6-16. transmitted to the decryption party through the public
information channel. The decryption party uses the secret
Cell phones and smart phones continue to advance key and initial vector to decrypt the cipher image to obtain
at a rapid rate increasing in computational power and the original image. Simulation results show that this image
number of sensors available to the user (GPS radio, camera, cryptosystem is both secure and high speed
gyroscope, compass, etc.). Most cell phone capabilities do not
necessarily depend on the use of a network connection of The key of AES is also the key of image
some kind (cellular, 3G etc.), for example, the camera, cryptosystem. AES is secure by far, so the tested image
gyroscope, and compass are placed within the smart phone cryptosystem is secure. And simulation results show that the
and do not require external networks to perform their image cryptosystem based on AES are faster than some
functions and activities. GPS is the notable exception, which image cryptosystems based on chaotic systems. Thus, the
must receive a signal from the GPS satellite network in order tested system can be used as the comparison basement of
to function properly. Given these mobile sensors increase newly proposed image cryptosystems. Those image
computing power of a smart phone, and increased power cryptosystems whose encryption/decryption speed is slower

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1137
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

than the AES based scheme in the same computer need to be and resources from wastage which are at present spent on
improved. this task. In view of the security risks, exposing personal
details of users and vehicles, greater protection has also been
5. PROPOSED SYSTEM given for securing the data by using QR-codes. This system is
completely digital and paperless, uses QR code, faster and
efficient, simplified and centralized approach. It automatically
fetches necessary details from database when it needed for
further activities. Manual verification of authenticating the
credentials of a vehicle is a tedious process. The application is
faster and efficient because it uses QR-code for holding large
amount of datum.
In this system, a unique QR code will be pasted on each
vehicle. This QR code can be scan by both user and vehicle
inspector by using an android application. After scanning, all
the details related to vehicle and owner are displayed on the
screen which includes registration certificate details, fines,
vehicle insurance policy, pollution under control certificate,
personal details etc. All details are uploaded to the server by
Fig -2: Proposed system issuer, which can be easily access at any time at anywhere
without any distraction. This will reduce the use of fake
The above fig 2 shows newly programmed software doesn’t documents.
require any manual work or going to the concerning office, This application will help to know the details of fine and
instead it will reduce the work level for getting the data amount to be paid. At the time of inspection, if any fines are
related to any particular vehicle. Even the vehicle's owner charged, the vehicle inspector must be need to update in the
does not need to fill any form for getting the data. This application and also the previous fines charged can be known
software based vehicle identification system reduces the load by entering the vehicle number. Vehicle inspector cannot
and makes the way easy for storing all the relevant details charge the existing fines and bribe more due to digitalization.
regarding vehicles at a particular server and access it in one Owner will get notified with location when the vehicles
click whenever needed. undertaken for an inspection, which will help the police
officers to find stolen vehicles quickly.
Proposed system mainly consists of two modules:-
• User:- Provide vehicle and personal information to RTO 7.1 Data Flow Diagram
administrator (name, address, license no., mobile no., vehicle
number, insurance certificate etc.) and get QR code.
• Traffic police:- Scan the QR code and retrieve vehicle and
user information. He can charge fines from the user if he
violates any traffic rules.

“Unique QR code for vehicle verification” consisting of an
android application, where all the necessary details of a Fig -3: Architecture of system
vehicle are coordinated and stored by the vehicle inspector.
The above fig 3 shows the architecture of unique QR code of
By using QR-Code, getting various details of a vehicle and
vehicle verification system consist of following components:
user, and enter them into this application. QR-Code is a two-
dimensional bar code which developed from the basics of Vehicle inspector: Scan the QR code and retrieve vehicle and
one-dimensional or uni directional bar code. QR code has user information.
features like small printout size, high capacity, dirt and
damage resistant, readable from any direction in 360 degree. RTO admin: Admin stores all the information related to
The user needs to do is to scan the QR-code properly into the vehicle and user.
application and the necessary details of a vehicle that are User: Provide vehicle and personal information to RTO
needed are automatically fetched by the application, thereby administrator
saving considerable amount of time and resources.
7.1.1 User
The vehicle inspector needs to do is to scan a unique QR-
Code into the mobile application. The application allows the The user first needs to download the vehicle verification
faster recognition of the availability, or the lack of availability, android application on his/her smart phone. After
of the important documents pertaining to that particular downloading the application, user will be entering Unique ID
vehicle and user. It helps in saving significant amount of time (Mobile number) and Password (Registration number of

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1138
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

vehicle) on the application login page. User can only view the application which he/she will use for the purpose of
documents that are in the database and also he/she can add authenticating the credentials of the vehicle in a fast and
any complaints and requests in the application. Fig 4 show secure manner. The authority’s application will only be
the internal layout, when user button is click. provided to those designated, chosen officers.
When a person buys a new vehicle it is mandatory to get When verifier authority wants to verify the documents of
the vehicle registered with the RTO of the respective region. citizens he/ she first enter on the application and scan QR
In the normal case, RTO authorities would seek for the basic code of user on his/ her mobile phone, then RTO cloud server
information of the user against whose name the vehicle is to access QR code image from traffic police verifier mobile
be registered. It will also contain all the details of the vehicle phone and provide the vehicle documents such as insurance
such as type of vehicle, color of the vehicle, its engine policy papers, PUC papers, RC book details, license, personal
number, chase number etc. Then a registration number for details etc in details of particular citizens. Below Fig 6 shows
the vehicle will be provided after the registration fee is paid. the internal layout, when click on vehicle inspector button.
We can see different buttons and the vehicle inspector can
The next thing the user needs to do is to complete the
change or modify the details of the individuals. The main
formalities for obtaining the insurance policy document and
advantage of this module is that it helps to generate the fine
vehicle’s PUC certificate. For this, the user would approach
and amount to be paid.
the insurance department and the PUC department
respectively and furnishing his/her unique ID and password, 7.1.3 RTO Admin
RC-Book and other basic information. From the insurance
One of the main parts in the proposed system is RTO
department the user would receive the hard-copy of the
Admin whose scan all documents of the user and stored on
Insurance Policy document after remitting the premium
RTO cloud server in encrypted form and gives the one
amount. The admin after verifying the credentials will update
specific password to vehicle inspectors.
the application, with the details regarding the insurance
policy which can be accessed by both user and vehicle The role of the admin does not end once the application is
inspector from his/her application. created and distributed to the users; rather the maintenance
of the database in itself is a greater responsibility than
Similarly, if the vehicle’s pollution is under permissible
creating it. The administrator will be chosen by the
limit, the PUC department would provide the user with a PUC
Government or the police department and will be entrusted
certificate for the vehicle after he/she remits the total
with the duty of verifying, updating and maintaining the
payable amount. Once the credentials of the PUC certificate
android application. The administrator must also coordinate
are verified by the admin, those details would be updated
various documents pertaining to all the vehicles received
onto the android application having that particular vehicle
from all departments.
registered. Then both user and vehicle inspector can access
that information from his mobile application itself. Now the The role of the admin starts when a user downloads
user has confirmed with all the mandatory requirements of application and registered, unique ID is provided by the
the vehicle to be legally running on the road. If the user owns admin to all the users who get registered with the application.
multiple vehicles, he/she can perform the same processes After that when a new vehicle gets registered with that
mentioned in above, to obtain the relevant documents and unique ID the admin stores those details into the centralized
get it updated onto his/her android application. database, also those relevant details regarding the vehicle are
displayed by the admin on the user’s application. Only the
When click on user button we can login by using user id
admin has the right to add new users into the application,
and password. Then we can see different buttons related to
remove any user upon receiving a request for the same, and
the vehicle information. When click on scan QR code button,
also for blocking/unblocking a user or any particular vehicle
then scan the QR code using a smart phone camera and
of a user.
shows the information related to the vehicle. The user can
choose any of the buttons. The user can only see the details The admin plays a more important role in maintaining the
and raise any complaints and requested to any modification humongous database of the various departments, the user
about the details. application as well as the authority application. The
maintenance is always performed in concurrence with
7.1.2 Vehicle Inspector
satisfying the requests for modification, removal and addition
The respective vehicle inspector has all authority to verify of new details as per the user’s and the police department’s
the various vehicle documents. In existing system when requests. Usually, the notification will start getting displayed
traffic police want to verify the documents of citizens there is 15 days prior to the time of expiry of the particular document
some user carries the fake documents. But in this system, of a vehicle like insurance, tax, PUC certificate etc.
remove this drawback and gives more transparency about
user vehicle documents and increase securely access the 7.2 Algorithm
documents, save the amount of time of user and traffic police. Flow of process:-
The inspecting authority is selected by the police Input: To store the user and vehicle related documents on
department since it is obvious that in the existing system it is RTO cloud server using AES algorithm.
the police who inspect the vehicles. Each of the designated
inspecting authorities will be provided with this android
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1139
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Step1: The algorithm will have two parts user, and traffic 7.3 Flowchart
police inspector.
Step 2: RTO Admin Officer // RTO cloud server
Input: All Document scan And store on the server using
Parallel AES algorithms
Output: Give’s one unique ID and password to user and also
another unique ID and password for police officer.
a. Register.
b. Upload / modify/ delete all documents in encrypted
Step 3: User’s / Citizen’s application
Input: register, Login.
Output: Display the documents to user
a. User Request.
b. Register.
c. Login.
d. View documents.
e. Notification to user if documents expired or fine is
charged and location.
Step 4: Documents verifier /Traffic police verifier.
Fig -4: Flowchart of system
Input: Login, Scan the QR code of User
In fig 4 show the flowchart of unique QR code for vehicle
Output: View and modify documents.
verification system. A flowchart is defined as a diagrammatic
a. Verify the details at the time of inspection. representation of an algorithm, a step-by-step approach to
solving a specified task.
b. Upload fine details when traffic rules are violated.
Flowcharts are used for analyzing, designing, documenting or
c. Enter RC details if the user is not yet registered. managing a process or programming various fields.
Step 5: The location at where the vehicle is undertaken for The circle represents the connector, the square represents
inspection will automatically store in the database and it will the process, the diamond shape represents the decision and
notify the user and police officer with the previous location the arrow mark represents the flow of process.
also, so this will help for finding stolen vehicles easily by
officers 7.4 UML Sequence Diagram
Step 6: Final output give fast and quick documents viewing Fig 5 shows the UML sequence diagram of unique QR code
using QR code with parallel AES algorithm. for vehicle verification system. UML is a unified modeling
language in the field of software engineering which aims to
set standard ways to visualize the design of a system to make
easier to person who is not have basic knowledge of
programs. UML guides the developer to create multiple types
of diagrams such as interaction, structural and behavioral
diagrams(class diagrams, object diagrams etc) where the
vehicle inspector and user will be able to login their account
using user id and password.
After login user can see the vehicle related information
such as registration certificate book, vehicle pollution under
control (PUC) certificate, vehicle Insurance policy, nearest
RTO etc. And only the user can see the details of the vehicle
and doesn’t change any modification. The user rise any
complaints related to the information. Also the will happened
when vehicle inspector login. The vehicle inspector can
change the details of the vehicle. The above diagram helps to

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1140
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

demonstrate how the login page works. The user or vehicle  Minimize the use of physical documents.
inspector will not be able to access this page without
 It reduces the administration overhead of
verifying their identity.
government departments by minimizing the use
of papers.
 Ensure authenticity of documents and there
eliminate the use of fake documents.
 Notify the people to renew the expired
documents on correct time.
 It helps the traffic police officers to find quickly
stolen vehicles.
 Police officers cannot charge bribes and more
than the existing fines.
Road accidents in India take more lives than natural
disasters and diseases and these figures are on the rise, with
the aim of addressing this problem, we are suggesting some
methods like electronic monitoring etc. Electronic monitoring
has a provision that the government to ensure proper
electronic surveillance on natural and state highways and
urban roads.
The tracking technology of most people we familiar with
the global positioning system, or GPS, satellite technology
Fig -5: UML Sequence diagram of system owned by the U.S government and operated by the air force
but now a commercial part of our everyday lives. GPS is used
Benefits are the following: for the purposes ranging from locating lost pets to planning
 Registered individuals can access their digital road trips. We can use a live vehicle tracking which helps to
documents anytime, anywhere and can raise find the stolen vehicle and also with the help of this live
complaints and requests if they needed to upload. location tracking we control the traffic and avoiding of traffic
blocks are possible by tracking the live location of vehicles
 The service is free, safe, secure and user-friendly. and if we use the GPS in every vehicle, then it is easy to
navigate, because every navigation system maintains a log of
 Best initiative to make paper-free government, last few places the driver routed. This is a handy feature if
saving environment. you want to return to the same place but can’t remember
 Documents issues by governance departments can how you got these. So if we set a GPS tracking in every
be directly pushed by the department into mobile vehicle, we can make the whole motor vehicle department a
app, hence reducing administrative overheads. smart. Also GPS technology ensures drivers safety by
checking driving behavior. A constant tracking keeps theses
 Self-uploaded documents can be authenticated. away from over speeding and brash driving, so with the help
 To sign up for this app, all you need is a laptop/pc or of GPS technology, you can identify drivers who exhibits good
a smart phone with an internet connection. driving skills and can offer rewards or incentives accordingly.

 The Cost of Providing the Service: Digi docs will The application can be enhanced with the concept of
gradually bring down the cost of providing the number plate recognition through image/camera. This paper
service by the government. It will reduce the can enhance the application by linking it to the Aadhar Card
government’s staffing requirement & other database in order to retrieve more details of the
operational costs thus will bring the government license/vehicle owner.
expenditure in control. 10. CONCLUSIONS
 User can access documents at anytime anywhere. No
need to carry physical documents. Unique QR code for vehicle verification system is
used for solving the real-time problem which takes safe
8. EXPECTED OUTCOME custody of the important documents such as Driving License,
The unique QR code for vehicle verification system solves PUC, Insurance, RC Book etc. which verify the vehicle
these issues: documents digitally, so result in much more transparency,
authenticity, and also reduce corruption of fake documents
 To digitize all vehicles related documents.
and also reduces the administration overhead of RTO Admin

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1141
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

by minimizing the use of papers. This application will notify

the owner with location when his/her vehicle is undertaken
for an inspection which helps the vehicle inspectors to find
the stolen vehicles quickly. Vehicle inspectors cannot charge
existing fines and bribes more because this application
includes all the types of fines and amount to be paid. Owner
will get notified at the correct time when the papers are
expired, also at the time of app updation and if any fines are

Considering the positive aspects of the QR Code, the

proposed method is brought into actual practice will
definitely prove to be a boon. The proposed project analyses
the vehicle document tracking based on QR code. By using
our system the driver will goes through the verification
process through a reliable and efficient manner by a traffic
inspector. QR code is being widely used for implanting
messages such that people can easily use their Smartphone's
to capture the QR code and gain relevant data from OR code
reader. User can get QR code from the RTO administration.


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