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16.the Role of Metacognition in Learning and Achievement

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The Role of Metacognition in Learning

and Achievement
Aug 10, 2016
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Excerpted from "Four-Dimensional Education: The Competencies
Learners Need to Succeed," by Charles Fadel, Bernie Trilling and Maya
Bialik. The following is from the section, "Metacognition—Reflecting on
Learning Goals, Strategies, and Results."

Metacognition, simply put, is the process of thinking about thinking. It

is important in every aspect of school and life, since it involves self-
reflection on one’s current position, future goals, potential actions and
strategies, and results. At its core, it is a basic survival strategy, and has
been shown to be present even in rats.

Perhaps the most important reason for developing metacognition is that

it can improve the application of knowledge, skills, and character
qualities in realms beyond the immediate context in which they were
learned. This can result in the transfer of competencies across disciplines
—important for students preparing for real-life situations where clear-
cut divisions of disciplines fall away and one must select competencies
from the entire gamut of their experience to effectively apply them to the
challenges at hand. Even within academic settings, it is valuable—and
often necessary—to apply principles and methods across disciplinary

Transfer can also be necessary within a discipline, such as when a

particular idea or skill was learned with one example, but students must
know how to apply it to another task to complete their homework
or exams, or to a different context. Transfer is the ultimate goal of all
education, as students are expected to internalize what they learn in
school and apply it to life.
To illustrate the value of metacognition and how it actually plays a role in
learning, we can consider an example from mathematics, where it has
been shown that metacognition plays a central role in learning and
achievement. Specifically, when novice students were compared to
seasoned mathematicians, the students selected a seemingly useful
strategy and continued to apply it without checking to see if the strategy
of choice was actually working well. Thus, a significant amount of
time was wasted in fruitless pursuits. The more experienced
mathematicians on the other hand, exercised metacognition, monitoring
their approach all along the way to see if it was actually leading to a
solution or merely to a dead end. Being aware of how one is engaging
with the process of learning influences how the student interprets the
task at hand, and what strategies are selected and employed in service
of achieving learning goals. It can help optimize the problem-solving
experience at a very high level, and is thus applicable across a large range
of contexts. These metacognitive strategies are powerful tools for
any discipline, inter-discipline or for learning in general.
Of course, with such an abstract learning
goal, it is important for educators to be precise with how they teach it.
Traditional methods for improving students’ learning strategies often
focus on prescribed procedures (note-taking, self-testing, scheduling,
etc.) and typically result in initial motivation and some short-term
improvement, but ultimately a reversion to old habits happens. While
these tactics may work in the short term (e.g., to cram for an exam), once
the context changes, successful transfer of these methods is less likely to
occur. More strategic methods that focus on metacognition for deeper
learning— such as developing a growth mindset (discussed later), setting
and monitoring one’s learning goals, and growing one’s capacity to
persist despite difficulties—have been shown to result in more
permanent learning gains.

It is important to note that since metacognition involves higher-level

thinking overseeing lower-level thoughts, there is actually a range of
mental processes that fall under its definition. Effects of metacognitive
training vary based on what kind of lower-level thoughts are being
overseen, and how they are being overseen. Research has identified three
levels of reporting on metacognitive processes:

1. Verbalization of knowledge that is already in a verbal state (such as

recalling what happened in a story).
2. Verbalization of nonverbal knowledge (such as recalling how one
solved a Rubik’s Cube).

3. Verbalization of explanations of verbal or nonverbal knowledge (such

as explaining how one makes use of the rhetorical structures of a story as
one reads).

Only this third level of metacognitive process has been linked to

improved results in problem solving.

Metacognition can be developed in students in the context of their

current goals and can enhance their learning of competencies as well as
transfer of learning, no matter their starting achievement level. In fact, it
may be most useful for lower-achieving students, as the higher-achieving
students are already employing strategies that have proven successful for
them. For learning disabled and low - achieving students, metacognitive
training has been shown to improve behavior more effectively
than traditional attention-control training.

Students who have higher levels of self-efficacy (more confidence in their

ability to achieve their goals) are more likely to engage in metacognition
and, in turn, are more likely to perform at higher levels. This strongly
indicates a positive feedback loop for high-achieving students—they are
more successful by using metacognitive strategies, which increases their
confidence and in turn leads them to continue to increase their
performance. Metacognition is an integral part of this virtuous learning
cycle, and one that is amenable to further improvement through

Charles Fadel  is founder of the Center for Curriculum Redesign, Bernie

Trilling is founder of 21st Century Learning Advisors and Maya
Bialik is researcher at CCR. 


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