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Intermolecular Forces: Self-Learning Module (SLM) General Chemistry 2 Quarter 3 - Module 1 - AY 2021 - 2022

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Quarter 3 | Module 1 | AY 2021 – 2022

 Identify the different types of intermolecular forces
 Explain the properties of water based on molecular structure and
intermolecular forces
 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-100


 Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids


 Textbook: General Chemistry 2 by Marissa F. Ayson, Rebecca S. De Borja
and Mafel C. Ysrael


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Intermolecular Forces
Matter can exist in three different states; namely, solid, liquid, and gas. The most common of
which is water. It can exist as solid, in the form of ice, liquid I drinking water, and gas as water
vapor. There is an orderly arrangement of the particles in solids which are held in rigid position
although they can vibrate.

The kinetic energy of the particles of liquids overcome their attractive forces and break away
from their neighbors but they can only move in short distances. For this reason, liquids flow. For
gases, the very high kinetic energy overcome the attractive force of the particles causing them
to move away and become independent of each other. Gases were discussed thoroughly in
Module 5.

This module will deal mainly with the properties of liquids and solids which are called the
condensed states of matter. Table 1 summarizes the properties of liquids and solids based on
the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter.

General Chemistry 2 | Module 1



 Held by very strong

forces of attraction  Held together by strong
 Particle are not free to forces of attraction
move  Particles are able to slide
 Particle vibrate about in past one another
fixed positions
Density Very High High
Diffusibility Extremely slow Slow
Compressibility Least compressible Slightly compressible
 Assumes the shape of
Volume and Shape Has fixed volume and shape the container it occupies
 Has fixed volume
Expands slightly when Expands slightly when
Thermal Expansibility
heated heated

Table 1 The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Solids and Liquids

The physical properties of substances like melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure,
evaporation, viscosity, surface tension, and solubility are related to the strength of attractive
forces between molecules. These attractive forces are called Intermolecular Forces.
Intermolecular forces are forces that act between molecules or particles in the solid or liquid
states. Generally, these attractive forces are much weaker than bonding forces. This force is
responsible for why molecules stick together and is explained by the kinetic molecular model.

The properties of solids and liquids are explained by the kinetic molecular model in terms of the
intermolecular forces of attraction and the kinetic energy of individual particles. Intermolecular
forces pull the particles together while kinetic energy keeps the particles at a distance and/or
moving. To better understand how this model explains the behavior of solids and liquids, below
are the characteristics of both phases of matter.

Solids have a definite shape and volume. The particles in a solid are tightly packed
together, thus, solids are almost incompressible. The particles vibrate in a fixed position;
they cannot move around or slide past each other. Solids have high densities and can
expand only slightly when heated.

A liquid has no definite shape but has definite volume. The particles in a liquid are
closed with one another, but not as close as those in solid. The particles are not
arranged in a rigid or orderly manner; they can slide past each other, allowing the liquid
to flow freely and take the shape of the container in which it is placed. Liquids are almost
incompressible, but they tend to expand slightly when heated. They generally have
medium densities.

Intermolecular forces (otherwise known as chemical bonds) are the forces that hold atoms
together within a molecule. There are also attractive forces that draw molecules toward one
another. These forces are weaker than chemical bonds and are known as intermolecular
forces or van der Waals forces. Intermolecular forces include the following:

(1) London Dispersion Forces,

(2) Dipole-dipole Forces,
(3) Ion-dipole Forces, and

General Chemistry 2 | Module 1

(4) Hydrogen Bond.

London Dispersion Forces (Dispersion Forces)

These are forces between essentially nonpolar molecules are the weakest of all intermolecular
forces. "Temporary dipoles" are formed by the shifting of electron clouds within molecules.
These temporary dipoles attract or repel the electron clouds of nearby nonpolar molecules.

The temporary dipoles may exist for only a fraction of a second but a force of attraction also
exist for that fraction of time. The strength of induced dipole forces depends on how easily
electron clouds can be distorted. Large atoms or molecules with many electrons far removed
from the nucleus are more easily distorted.

Induced dipole or dispersion forces are very weak forces of attraction between molecules
because this interaction is the result of the following:

 momentary dipoles occurring due to uneven electron distributions in neighboring

molecules as they approach one another

 the weak residual attraction of the nuclei in one molecule for the electrons in a
neighboring molecule.

The more electrons that are present in the molecule, the stronger the dispersion forces will be.
Dispersion forces are the only type of intermolecular force operating between nonpolar
molecules. For example, dispersion forces operate between hydrogen (H2) molecules, chlorine
(Cl2) molecules, carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules, dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) molecules and
methane (CH4) molecules.

Dipole-Dipole Forces
Polar covalent molecules are sometimes described as "dipoles", meaning that the molecule
has two "poles". One end (pole) of the molecule has a partial positive charge while the other
end has a partial negative charge. The molecules will orientate themselves so that the opposite
charges attract and the principle operates effectively.

Dipole-dipole interactions are stronger intermolecular forces than Dispersion forces. They occur
between molecules that have permanent net dipoles (polar molecules). For example, dipole-
dipole interactions occur between SCl2 molecules, PCl3 molecules and CH3Cl molecules.

Hydrogen Bonding
If the permanent net dipole within the polar molecules results from a covalent bond between a
hydrogen atom and either fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen, the resulting intermolecular force is
referred to as a hydrogen bond. The partial positive charge on one molecule is electrostatically
attracted to the partial negative charge on a neighboring molecule.

The hydrogen bond is really a special case of dipole forces. A hydrogen bond is the attractive
force between the hydrogen attached to an electronegative atom of one molecule and an

General Chemistry 2 | Module 1

electronegative atom of a different molecule. Usually the electronegative atom is oxygen,
nitrogen, or fluorine. To recognize the possibility of hydrogen bonding, examine the Lewis
structure of the molecule. The electronegative atom must have one or more unshared electron
pairs as in the case of oxygen and nitrogen, and has a negative partial charge. The hydrogen,
which has a partial positive charge, tries to find another atom of oxygen or nitrogen with excess
electrons to share and is attracted to the partial negative charge. This forms the basis for the
hydrogen bond.

Ion-Dipole Forces
Ion-dipole forces acts between an ion (either positive or negative and a polar molecule. The
degree of ion-dipole interaction depends on the size and charge of the ion and on the size and
dipole moment of the polar molecule. Cations (positively charged ions) interact more strongly
with dipoles than anions (negatively charged ions) of the same magnitude of charge since they
are smaller. Ion-dipole attraction becomes stronger either as the charge of the ion increases, or
as the magnitude of the dipole moment of the polar molecule increases.


General Chemistry 2 | Module 1

NAME: ______________________________ GRADE & STRAND: ____________

Using the table below, describe the four types of intermolecular interaction by discussing where
they are found, and how they work, and by providing examples.

The ‘present in’ column refers to the molecule/pair of molecules in which the interaction is
found. The ‘mechanism’ column discusses how the interaction works.

INTERACTION (at least 2)

Dispersion Forces


Ion-Dipole Forces

Hydrogen Bonding

Make an advance reading through the Internet about

Properties of Solids & Liquids and Phase Change.

General Chemistry 2 | Module 1

General Chemistry 2 | Module 1

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