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Code of Conduct For Professional Teachers

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The Code applies to registered teachers at primary and Poor Professional Performance
post-primary levels as well as in the further education A failure by the registered teacher to meet the

sector. The term “pupil/student” denotes learners at standards of competence (whether in knowledge,

primary, post- primary and further education levels. skill or the application of knowledge and skill or

both) that can be reasonably expected of a

Parent registered teacher.

The term “parent” denotes parents and legal guardians. Professional Misconduct
Disgraceful or dishonourable conduct either in

Teacher the course of the registered teacher’s profession

or otherwise than in the course of the registered

The term “teacher” denotes a teacher registered with teacher’s profession if the conduct is of such a

the Teaching Council. serious nature as would bring the profession of

teaching into disrepute.

Standards of Teaching, Knowledge, Complaints relating to registered teachers
Introduction Skill, Competence and Conduct Existing nationally agreed procedures for dealing with difficulties and

complaints at school level will continue to operate. The Council believes that,

in most cases, these will offer the best means for resolving problems as they
The teaching profession has a distinguished record of service in Ireland. This
The role of the teacher is to educate. The following
arise in the day-to-day operation of the education system.
Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers reiterates and makes explicit the
ethical values underpin the standards of teaching,
values and standards that have long been experienced by pupils/students
knowledge, skill, competence and conduct as set out in Complaint concerns any of the following matters in
through their participation in
this Code.
Education. relation to the registered teacher:
Purpose of the Code (a) that he or she has failed to comply with, or has
The Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers applies to all registered contravened, any provision of this Act, the Act of 1998, the
teachers. Its purpose is threefold: THE ROLE OF
THE TEACHER IS Education (Welfare) Act 2000, the Education for Persons
1. It serves as a guiding compass as teachers seek to steer an ethical and TO EDUCATE
with Special Educational Needs Act 2004, the Education and
respectful course through their career in teaching and to uphold the honour

and dignity of the teaching profession. Training Boards Act 2013 or any regulations, rules or orders

2. It may be used by the education community and the wider public to RESPECT made under those Acts;
inform their understanding and expectations of the teaching profession in
(b) that his or her behaviour constitutes professional
3. It has an important legal standing and is used by the Council as a reference CARE INTEGRITY TRUST
point in exercising its investigative and disciplinary functions under Part 5
(c) poor professional performance;

of the Teaching Council Acts, 2001 - 2015, dealing with fitness to teach. (d) that he or she has engaged in conduct contrary to a code

Structure of the Code On behalf of the teaching profession, the

of professional conduct established by the Council under

Having regard to the three purposes set out above, the Code begins by setting section 7(2)(b);
Teaching Council sets out the following standards
out the ethical foundation for the teaching profession. This is encapsulated in (e) that his or her registration is erroneous due to a false or
the values of Respect, Care, Integrity and Trust that are reflected throughout that apply to all registered teachers regardless
fraudulent declaration or misrepresentation;
the Code. These core values of their position. (f) that he or she is medically unfit to teach;
underpin the work of the teacher in the practice of his or her profession.

The Code then sets out the standards which are central to the practice of
(g) that he or she has been convicted in the State of an offence

teaching and expected of registered teachers. The standards identify

1. Professional Values and triable on indictment or convicted outside the State of an
teachers’ professional responsibilities and are framed as statements under six
Relationships offence consisting of acts or omissions that, if done or made
separate headings: values and relationships; integrity; conduct; practice;
in the State, would constitute an offence triable on
professional development; collegiality and collaboration. The standards reflect 2. Professional Integrity
the complexity and variety of teaching and serve to guide

professional judgement and practice.

3. Professional Conduct (h) that he or she has failed to comply with an undertaking

or to take any action specified in a consent given in response

4. Professional Practice
to a request under section 43(6).
5. Professional Development

6. Professional Collegiality and


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