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Associations of The Sons of People

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Association of the Sons of the People

To those who may desire to affiliate with this Association.

In order that those who wish to join this Association may have a thorough
knowledge of its purposes and of its existing regulations, it is necessary
that these be published, to the end that they may not to-morrow or the day
after repent, and.that they may perform their duties cheerfully.

This Association pursues a very high and great object: the union in ideas
and purpose of the Filipinos, by means of a strong oath, in order that this
union may become the force that shall tear the dense veil which obscures
intelligence, and may find the path of Reason and Light.

One of the first rules here is: true patriotism and genuine mutual aid.

Poor, rich, ignorant, wise: all are equal and are true brethren.

Once in the Association, the member will abandon all disorderly life and
place himself under the orders and rules of the Association.

All acts incompatible with dignity and involving moral turpitude are
repugnant here, hence the antecedents of the applicant will first be
submitted to a searching investigation.

If the applicant merely wishes to know the secrets of the Association, or

joins from personal bravado or in order to become acquainted with the
members and sell them for a mess of pottage, he will not prosper: the
mere attempt at treachery will be frustrated by the many who are watching
him, and he will immediately receive the deserved punishment meted out
to traitors.

Here only acts are demanded and taken into account, hence no one must
join who is not willing to act, however willing he may be to talk.

It is also announced that the duties to be performed by the members are

exceedingly hard, especially if one remembers that their performance can
not be evaded and that there will be no violation, knowingly committed, to
which a rigorous penalty will not be applied.
If the applicant merely desires relief or wishes to lead an easy life, let him
desist, because he will encounter very exacting duties, such as the
protection and defence of the oppressed and the most tenacious effort to
investigate and prosecute all that is evil: for this reason he will lead a life
of hard work and constant worry and distress.

Nobody is unaware of the evils with which are threatened the Filipinos
who thought out things so sacred (and even those that are not), and the
suffering prepared for them by the predominating cruelty, error, and

A matter of public knowledge is also the need of ready money, in our days
the principal factor of general prosperity; for this reason the punctual
payment of the dues is required: one peso as admission fee and twelve
and a half centimos monthly dues. The custodian of the funds will from
time to time render an account to the members, besides the right of each
member to examine and revise the accounts, should he so desire, at any
moment. These funds can be expended only by resolution of the majority.

All this must be considered and thought over well, as it can not be
performed or patiently borne by any person not a true patriot and a real
defender of the Good.

And for a better understanding, read the following:

Rules of the Association of the Sons of the People

The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree
without shade, if not a poisonous weed. -

To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.

It is rational to be charitable and love one's fellow-creature, and to adjust

one's conduct, acts, and words to what is in itself reasonable.

Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in
knowledge, wealth, and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority
by nature.

The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain, the scoundrel, gain to
To the honorable man his word is sacred.

Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered, but not the time lost.

Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the

The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets.

On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and of the children,
and if the guide leads to precipices, those whom he guides will also go

Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful
companion who will share with thee the penalties of life; her weakness will
increase thy interest in her and she will remind thee of the mother who
bore thee and reared thee.

What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and
sisters, that do not unto the wife, children, brothers, and sisters of thy

Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is aquiline
and his color white, nor because he is a priest, a servant of God, nor
because of the high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth
most who is a man of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his
word, is worthy and honest; he who does not oppress, nor consent to
being oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland, though he
be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own.

When these rules of conduct shall be known to all and the longed-for sun
of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy portion of the globe
and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the confederated brethren
of the same race, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues,
and the wellpaid suffering will remain. If he who desires to enter has
informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to perform what
will be his duties, he may fill out the following application for admission."

1. Emilio Jacinto by Epifanio delos Santos, The Philippine Review,
June 1918, Volume 3, Number 6

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