CH 14
CH 14
CH 14
Electromagnetic Waves
14.1. Introduction
Some wave solutions to Maxwell's equations have already been encountered in the Solved Problems ofChapter 13. The present
chapter will extend the treatment of electromagnetic waves. Since most regions of interest are free of charge, it will be
assumed that charge density ρ = 0. Moreover, linear isotropic materials will be assumed, with D = ϵE, B = μH, and J = σE.
∇ × H = (σ + jωϵ)E
∇ × E = −jωμH
∇⋅E = 0
∇⋅H = 0
∇ × (∇ × H) = (σ + jωϵ) (∇ × E)
∇ × (∇ × E) = −jωμ (∇ × H)
∇ × (∇ × A) = ∇(∇ ⋅ A) − ∇2A
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Substitution for the "curl curls" and use of (3) and (4) yields the vector wave equations
The propagation constant γ is that square root of γ2 whose real and imaginary parts are positive:
γ = α + jβ
α = ω (√1 + ( ) − 1)
σ 2
⎷ 2 ωϵ
β = ω (√1 + ( ) + 1)
σ 2
⎷ 2 ωϵ
∂2F 1 ∂2F
∂z2 u2 ∂t2
has solutions of the form F = f(z − ut) and F = g(z + ut), where f and g are arbitrary functions. These represent waves traveling
with speed u in the +z and −z directions, respectively. In Fig. 14-1 the first solution is shown at t = 0 and t = t1 ; the wave has
advanced in the +z direction a distance of ut1 in the time interval t1 . For the particular choices
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Figure 14-1
in which β ≡ ω/u. Of course, the real and imaginary parts are also solutions to the wave equation. One of these solutions,F = C
sin(ωt − βz), is shown in Fig. 14-2 at t = 0 and t = π/2ω. In this interval the wave has advanced in thepositive z direction a
distance d = u(π/2ω) = π/2β. At any fixed t, the waveform repeats itself when x changes by 2π/β; the distance
is called the wavelength. The wavelength and the frequency f ≡ ω/2π enjoy the relation
λf = u or λ = Tu
The vector wave equations of Section 14.2 have solutions similar to those just discussed. Because the unit vectors ax, ay , and
az in Cartesian coordinates have fixed directions, the wave equation forH can be rewritten in the form
Figure 14-2
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14.4. Plane Waves
Of particular interest are solutions (plane waves) that depend on only one spatial coordinate, say z. Then the equation becomes
= γ 2H
which, for an assumed time dependence ejωt , is the vector analog of the one-dimensional scalar wave equation. Solutions are
as above, in terms of the propagation constant γ.
The fixed unit vectors aH and aE are orthogonal and neither field has a component in the direction of propagation. This being the
case, one can rotate the axes to put one of the fields, say E, along the x axis. Then from Maxwell's equation (2) it follows that H
will lie along the ±y axis for propagation in the ±z direction.
Given the field E = E0 e−γzaE (time dependence suppressed), show that E can have no component in the propagation
direction, +az.
From ∇ · E = 0,
E0e−γz(aE ⋅ az) = 0
The plane wave solutions obtained above depend on the properties μ, ϵ, and σ of the medium, because these properties are
involved in the propagation constant γ.
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E is taken to be
E = E0e−γzax
σ + jωϵ
The ratio E/H is characteristic of the medium (it is also frequency-dependent). More specifically for waves E = Exax, H = Hy ay
which propagate in the +z direction, the intrinsic impedance, η, of the medium is defined by
jω μ
σ + jωϵ
√μ/ϵ σ
|η| = , tan 2θ = and 0∘ < θ < 45∘
√1 + ( ωσϵ )2
4 ωϵ
(If the wave propagates in the −z direction, Ex/Hy = −η. In effect, γ is replaced by −γ and the other square root used.)
Inserting the time factor ejωt and writing γ = α + jβ results in the following equations for the fields in a partially conducting
The factor e−αz attenuates the magnitudes of both E and H as they propagate in the +z direction. The expression for α, (5) of
Section 14.2, shows that there will be some attenuation unless the conductivity σ is zero, which would be the case only for
perfect dielectrics or free space. Likewise, the phase difference θ between E(z, t) and H(z, t) vanishes only when σ is zero.
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ω 1
u= =
√ (√ 1 + ( ωϵ
σ 2
) + 1)
2π 2π
λ= =
ω√ (√ 1 + ( ωϵ
σ 2
) + 1)
If the propagation velocity is known, λf = u may be used to determine the wavelength λ. The term (σ/ωϵ) 2 has the effect of
reducing both the velocity and the wavelength from what they would be in either free space or perfect dielectrics, where σ = 0.
Observe that the medium is dispersive: waves with different frequencies ω have different velocities u.
α=0 β = ω√μϵ η=√ 0°
Since α = 0, there is no attenuation of the E and H waves. The zero angle on η results in H being in time phase with E at each
fixed location. Assuming E in ax and propagation in az, the field equations may be obtained as the limits of those in Section 14.5
E(z, t) = E0ej(ωt−βz)ax
H(z, t) = 0 ej(ωt−βz)ay
ω 1 2π 2π
u= = λ= =
β √μϵ β ω√μϵ
−7 − 12 10−9
μ = μ0 = 4π × 10 H/m ϵ = ϵ0 = 8.854 × 10 F/m ≈ F/m
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Materials are ordinarily classified as good conductors if σ ≫ ωϵ in the range of practical frequencies. Therefore, the
propagation constant and the intrinsic impedance are
ωμσ ωμ
γ = α + jβ = √πfμσ = η = √ 45°
2 σ
It is seen that for all conductors the E and H waves are attenuated. Numerical examples will show that this is a very rapid
attenuation. α will always be equal to β. At each fixed location H is out of time phase with E by 45° or π/4 rad. Once again
assuming E in ax and propagation in az, the field equations are, from Section 14.5,
E0 − αz j(ωt−βz− π/4)
E(z, t) = E0e− αzej(ωt−βz) ax H(z, t) = e e ay
|η |
2ω 2π 2π
u= = ωδ λ= = = 2πδ
β μσ β √πfμσ
The velocity and wavelength in a conducting medium are written here in terms of theskin depth or depth of penetration,
Assume a field E = 1.0e−αzej(ωt − βz)ax (V/m), with f = ω/2π = 100 MHz, at the surface of a copper conductor,σ = 58 MS/m,
located at z > 0, as shown in Fig. 14-3. Examine the attenuation as the wave propagates into the conductor.
Figure 14-3
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At depth z the magnitude of the field is
δ= = 6.61 μm
Thus, after just 6.61 micrometers the field is attenuated to e−1 = 36.8% of its initial value. At 5δ or 33 micrometers, the
magnitude is 0.67% of its initial value—practically zero.
Figure 14-4
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E0i—may be taken as real. Under the interface conditions about to be derived, one or more of the remaining five may turn out to
be complex.
With normal incidence, E and H are entirely tangential to the interface, and thus are continuous across it. Atz = 0 this implies
Furthermore, the intrinsic impedance in either region is equal to ±Ex/Hy (see Section 14.5).
The five equations above can be combined to produce the following ratios in terms of the intrinsic impedances:
E0r η2 − η1 H0r η1 − η2
= =
E0i η1 + η2 H0i η1 + η2
E0t 2η2 H0t 2η1
= =
E0i η1 + η2 H0i η1 + η2
The intrinsic impedances for various materials were examined earlier. They are repeated here for reference.
conducting medium: 45°
perfect dielectric:
free space: η0 = √ ≈ 120π Ω
Traveling E and H waves in free space (region 1) are normally incident on the interface with a perfect dielectric (region 2) for
which ϵr = 3.0. Compare the magnitudes of the incident, reflected, and transmittedE and H waves at the interface.
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η2 = √
η1 = η0 = 120π Ω = = 217.7 Ω
ϵ √ϵr
E0r η2 − η1 H0r η1 − η2
= = −0.268 = = 0.268
E0i η1 + η2 H0i η1 + η2
E0t 2η2 H0t 2η1
= = 0.732 = = 1.268
E0i η1 + η2 H0i η1 + η2
θi = θr
sin θ i μϵ
=√ 2 2
sin θ t μ1ϵ1
Figure 14-5
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A wave is incident at an angle of 30° from air to Teflon, ϵr = 2.1. Calculate the angle of transmission, and repeat with an
interchange of the regions.
Since μ1 = μ2 ,
sin 30∘ 1
= or θ t = 46.43∘
sin θ t √2.1
Supposing both media of the same permeability, propagation from the optically denser medium (ϵ1 > ϵ2 ) results in θt > θi.
As θi increases, an angle of incidence will be reached that results inθt = 90°. At this critical angle of incidence, instead of a
wave being transmitted into the second medium there will be a wave that propagates along the surface. The critical angle is
given by
θ c = sin− 1 √
The critical angle for a wave propagating from Teflon into free space is
θ c = sin− 1 = 43.64∘
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E0t 2η2 cos θ i
E0i η2 cos θ i + η1 cos θ t
Figure 14-6
Note that for normal incidence, θi = θt = 0° and the expressions reduce to those found in Section 14.9.
Hence, a perpendicularly polarized incident wave suffers either partial or total reflection.
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Figure 14-7
In contrast to perpendicular polarizations, if μ1 = μ2 there will be a particular angle of incidence for which there is no reflected
wave. This Brewster angle is given by
θ B = tan− 1√
The Brewster angle for a parallel-polarized wave traveling from air into glass for which ϵr = 5.0 is
Since η2 = 0,
E0r/E0i = −1 and
−jβz jβz
E(z, t) = ej ωt(E0ie − E0ie )ax = −2jE0i sin βzej ωtax
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Taking the real part,
The standing wave is shown in Fig. 14-8 at time intervals of T/8, where T = 2π/ω is the period. At t = 0, E = 0 everywhere; at t =
1(T/8), the endpoints of the E vectors lie on sine curve 1; at t = 2(T/8), they lie on sine curve 2; and so forth. Sine curves 2 and 6
form an envelope for the oscillations; the amplitude of this envelope is twice the amplitude of the incident wave. Note that
adjacent half-wavelength segments are 180° out of phase with each other.
Figure 14-8
∇ × H = σE + ϵ
E ⋅ (∇ × H) = σE 2 + E ⋅ ϵ
where, as usual, E2 = E · E. The vector identity ∇ · (A × B) = B · (∇ × A) − A · (∇ × B) is employed to change the left side of the
H ⋅ (∇ × E) − ∇ ⋅ (E × H) = σE 2 + E ⋅ ϵ
∂H μ ∂H2
H ⋅ (∇ × E) = H ⋅ (−μ )=−
∂t 2 ∂t
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∂E ϵ ∂E 2
E⋅ϵ =
∂t 2 ∂t
ϵ ∂E2 μ ∂H 2
σE 2 = − − − ∇ ⋅ (E × H)
2 ∂t 2 ∂t
∫ σE 2 dv = − ∫ ( ) dv − ∮ (E × H) ⋅ dS
ϵ ∂E2 μ ∂H 2
v v 2 ∂t 2 ∂t S
where the last term has been converted to an integral over the surface ofv by use of the divergence theorem.
The integral on the left has the units of watts and is the usual ohmic term representing energy dissipated per unit time as heat.
This dissipated energy has its source in the integrals on the right. Because ϵE2 /2 and μH2 /2 are the densities of energy stored
in the electric and magnetic fields, respectively, the volume integral (including the minus sign) gives the decrease in this stored
energy. Consequently, the surface integral (including the minus sign) must be the rate of energy entering the volume from
outside. A change of sign then produces the instantaneous rate of energy leaving the volume:
P(t) = ∮ (E × H) ⋅ dS = ∮ P ⋅ dS
where = E × H is the Poynting vector, the instantaneous rate of energy flow per unit area at a point.
In the cross product that defines the Poynting vector, the fields are supposed to be in real form. If, instead, E and H are
expressed in complex form and have the common time-dependence ejωt , then the time-average of is given by
Pavg = Re (E × H*)
where H* is the complex conjugate of H. This follows the complex power of circuit analysis, S = ½ VI*, of which the power is the
real part, P = ½ Re VI*.
For plane waves, the direction of energy flow is the direction of propagation. Thus, the Poynting vector offers a useful,
coordinate-free way of specifying the direction of propagation, or of determining the directions of the fields if the direction of
propagation is known. This can be particularly valuable where incident, transmitted, and reflected waves are being examined.
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T π
t1 = =
8 4ω
λ π
= ct1 = (3 × 108) = 236 m
8 4(106)
The wave is shown at t = 0 and t = t1 in Fig. 14-9(a). At twice the frequency, the wavelength λ is one-half, and the phase shift
constant β is twice the former value. See Fig. 14-9(b). At t1 the wave has also advanced 236 m, but this distance is nowλ/4.
Figure 14-9
14.2. In free space, E(z, t) = 10 3 sin(ωt − βz)ay (V/m). Obtain H(z, t).
Examination of the phase, ωt − βz, shows that the direction of propagation is +z. Since E × H must also be in the +z
direction, H must have the direction −ax. Consequently,
Ey 103
= η0 = 120π Ω or Hx = − sin (ωt − βz) (A/m)
−Hx 120π
H(z,t) = − sin (ωt − βz)ax (A/m)
14.3. For the wave of Problem 14.2 determine the propagation constant γ, given that the frequency is f = 95.5 MHz.
Note that this result shows that the attenuation factor is α = 0 and the phase-shift constant is β = 2.0 rad/m.
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Table 14-1
ωt E x = 10 sin ωt E y = cos ωt E = E xa x + E ya y
0 0 10 10a y
π 10 10 ax + ay
4 10 ( )
√2 √2 √2
π 10 0 10a x
3π 10 −10 ax − ay
10 ( )
4 √2 √2 √2
π 0 −10 10(−a y)
As shown in Fig. 14-10, E(x, t) is circularly polarized. In addition, the wave travels in the −az direction.
Figure 14-10
14.5. An H field travels in the −az direction in free space with a phase-shift constant of 30.0 rad/m and an amplitude of
(1/3π) A/m. If the field has the direction −ay when t = 0 and z = 0, write suitable expressions for E and H. Determine the
frequency and wavelength.
In a medium of conductivity σ, the intrinsic impedance η, which relates E and H, would be complex, and so the phase of E and
H would have to be written in complex form. In free space this restriction is unnecessary. Using cosines,
H(z, t) = − cos (ωt + βz) ay
= −η0 = −120π Ω or Ex = +40 cos (ωt + βz) (V/m)
E( , ) = 40 cos ( + )a (V/m)
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E(z,t) = 40 cos (ωt + βz)ax (V/m)
Since β = 30 rad/m,
2π π c 3 × 108 45
λ= = m or f= = = × 108 Hz
β 15 λ π/15 π
14.6. Determine the propagation constant γ for a material having μr = 1, ϵr = 8, and σ = 0.25 pS/m, if the wave frequency is
1.6 MHz.
In this case,
σ 0.25 × 10− 12
= ≈ 10−9 ≈ 0
ωϵ 2π(1.6 × 106)(8)(10−9 /36π)
so that
α ≈ 0 β ≈ ω√μϵ = 2πf = 9.48 × 10− 2 rad/m
and γ = α + jβ ≈ j9.48 × 10−2 m−1. The material behaves like a perfect dielectric at the given frequency. Conductivity of the
order of 1 pS/m indicates that the material is more like an insulator than a conductor.
14.7. Determine the conversion factor between the neper and the decibel.
Consider a plane wave traveling in the +z direction whose amplitude decays according to
E = E0e− αz
From Section 14.13, the power carried by the wave is proportional to E2 , so that
P = P0e− 2αz
Then, by definition of the decibel, the power drop over the distancez is 10 log10(P0 /P) dB. But
P0 10 P 20
10 log10 = ln 0 = (αz) = 8.686 (αz)
P 2.3026 P 2.3026
1 Np = 8.686 dB
14.8. At what frequencies may the earth be considered a perfect dielectric, if σ = 5 × 10−3 S/m, μr = 1, and ϵr = 8? Can α be
assumed zero at these frequencies?
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σ 1
ωϵ 100
ω 100σ
f= ≥ = 1.13 GHz
2π 2πϵ
α = ω (√ 1 + ( ) − 1)
σ 2
⎷ 2 ωϵ
μϵ 1 σ 2
[ ( ) ] = √ = √ r (120π) = 0.333 Np/m
σ μ σ μ
≈ ω√
2 2 ωϵ 2 ϵ 2 ϵr
Thus, no matter how high the frequency, α will be about 0.333 Np/m, or almost 3 db/m (see Problem 14.7); α cannot be
assumed zero.
14.9. Find the skin depth δ at a frequency of 1.6 MHz in aluminum, whereσ = 38.2 MS/m and μr = 1. Also find γ and the
wave velocity u.
δ= = 6.44 × 10−5 m = 64.4 μm
Because α = β = δ−1,
u= = ωδ = 647 (m/s)
14.10. A perpendicularly polarized wave propagates from region 1 (ϵr1 = 8.5, μr1 = 1, σ1 = 0) to region 2, free space, with an
angle of incidence of 15°. Given
E0i = 1.0 μV/m, find:
H0r, and
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η0 120
η1 = = = 129 Ω and η2 = η0 = 120π Ω
√ϵr1 √8.5
sin 15° ϵ
=√ or θ t = 48.99°
sin θ t 8.5ϵ0
H0i = E0i/η1 = 7.75 n A/m,
H0r, = 4.83 nA/m, and
H0t = 4.31 nA/m.
14.11. Calculate the intrinsic impedance η, the propagation constant γ, and the wave velocity u at a frequency f = 100 MHz
for a conducting medium in which σ = 58 MS/m and μr = 1
45° = 3.69 × 10−3 45° Ω − 1
α = β = 1.51 × 105 δ = = 6.61 μm u = ωδ = 4.15 × 103 m/s
14.12. A plane wave traveling in the +z direction in free space (z < 0) is normally incident at z = 0 on a conductor (z > 0) for
which σ = 61.7 MS/m, μr = 1. The free-space E wave has a frequency f = 1.5 MHz and an amplitude of 1.0 V/m; at the
interface it is given by
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α = β = √πfσ = √π(1.5 × 106)(4π × 10−7)(61.7 × 106) = 1.91 × 104
45° = 4.38 × 10− 4ej π/4
14.13. In free space, E(z, t) = 50 cos (ωt − βz)ax (V/m). Find the average power crossing a circular area of radius 2.5 m in
the plane z = const.
In complex form,
5 j(ωt − βz)
H= e ay (A/m)
1 1 2
Pavg = Re (E × H*) = (50) ( ) az W/m2
2 2 12π
1 5
Pavg = (50) ( ) π (2.5)2 = 65.1 W
2 12π
14.14 A voltage source, v, is connected to a pure resistor R by a length of coaxial cable, as shown in Fig. 14-11(a). Show
that use of the Poynting vector in the dielectric leads to the same instantaneous power in the resistor as methods of
circuit analysis.
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Figure 14-11
v i
E= ar and H= aϕ
r ln (b/a) 2πr
where a and b are the radii of the inner and outer conductors, as shown inFig. 14-11 (b). Then
This is the instantaneous power density. The total instantaneous power over the cross section of the dielectric is
2π b vi
P (t) = ∫ ∫ az ⋅ r dr dϕ az = vi
0 a 2πr2 ln (b/a)
which is also the circuit-theory result for the instantaneous power loss in the resistor.
14.15. Determine the amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted E and H fields at the interface shown in Fig. 14-12, if
E0i = 1.5 × 10−3 V/m in region 1, in which ϵr1 = 8.5, μr1 = 1, and σ1 = 0. Region 2 is free space. Assume normal incidence.
η1 = √ = 129 Ω η2 = 120π Ω = 377 Ω
η2 − η1 i
E0r = E = 7.35 × 10− 4 V/m
η2 + η1 0
E0t = E i = 2.24 × 10−3 V/m
η2 + η1 0
H0i = = 1.16 × 10−5 A/m
η1 − η2 i
H0r = H = −5.69 × 10−6 A/m
η1 + η2 0
H0t = H i = 5.91 × 10−6 A/m
η1 + η2 0
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Figure 14-12
14.16. The amplitude of Ei in free space (region 1) at the interface with region 2 is 1.0 V/m. If
H0r = −1.41 × 10−3 A/m, ϵr2 = 18.5, and σ2 = 0, find μr2.
1234 = √ or μr2 = 198.4
E0t 2η2
= or E0t = 5.07 × 10− 2 V/m
E0i η1 + η2
γ = √jωμ(σ + jωϵ)
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= 24.36 46.53° m− 1
Then, from
z = 0.234 m.
14.18. A traveling E field in free space, of amplitude 100 V/m, strikes a sheet of silver of thickness 5 μm, as shown in Fig.
14-13. Assuming σ = 61.7 MS/m and a frequency f = 200 MHz, find the amplitudes |E2 |, |E3 |, and |E4 |.
Figure 14-13
Thus, in addition to attenuation there is phase shift as the wave travels through the conductor. Since |E3 | and |E4 | represent
maximum values of the sinusoidally varying wave, this phase shift is not involved.
5 −6)
|E3| = |E2|e− αz = (2.68 × 10−3)e−(2.21× 10 )(5× 10 = 8.88 × 10− 4 V/m
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E4 2(377)
= whence |E4| ≈ 1.78 × 10−3 V/m
E3 377 + 5.06 × 10−3 45°
in free space, sketch the wave at t = 0 and at time t1 when it has traveled λ/4 along the z axis. Find t1 , β, and λ.
H(z, t) = 1.0ej(1.5× 10 t+βz)ax (A/m)
Sketch the wave as a function of z at t = 0 and t = t1 = 0.838 μs. What fraction of a wavelength is traveled between these two
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at t = 0, z = 3λ/4.
14.24. Determine γ at 500 kHz for a medium in whichμr = 1, ϵr = 15, σ = 0. At what velocity will an electromagnetic wave
travel in this medium?
14.25. An electromagnetic wave in free space has a wavelength of 0.20 m. When this same wave enters a perfect
dielectric, the wavelength changes to 0.09 m. Assuming that μr = 1, determine ϵr and the wave velocity in the dielectric.
14.26. An electromagnetic wave in free space has a phase-shift constant of 0.524 rad/m. The same wave has a phase-
shift constant of 1.81 rad/m upon entering a perfect dielectric. Assuming that μr = 1, find ϵr and the velocity of propagation.
14.27. Find the propagation constant at 400 MHz for a medium in whichϵr = 16, μr = 4.5, and σ = 0.6 S/m. Find the ratio of
the velocity u to the free-space velocity c.
14.28. In a partially conducting medium, ϵr = 18.5, μr = 800, and σ = 1 S/m. Find α, β, η, and the velocity u, for a frequency
of 109 Hz. Determine H(z, t), given
14.29. For silver, σ = 3.0 MS/m. At what frequency will the depth of penetrationδ be 1 mm?
14.30. At a certain frequency in copper (σ = 58.0 MS/m) the phase-shift constant is 3.71 × 105 rad/m. Determine the
14.31. The amplitude of E just inside a liquid is 10.0 V/m and the constants areμr = 1, ϵr = 20, and σ = 0.50 S/m. Determine
the amplitude of E at a distance of 10 cm inside the medium for frequencies of (a) 5 MHz, (b) 50 MHz, and (c) 500 MHz.
14.32. In free space, E(z, t) = 1.0 sin (ωt − βz)ax (V/m). Show that the average power crossing a circular disk of radius 15.5
m in a z = const. plane is 1 W.
100 0.265
E= sin θ cos (ωt − βr)a0 (V/m) H= sin θ cos (ωt − βr) aϕ (A/m)
r r
represents the electromagnetic field at large distances r from a certain dipole antenna in free space. Find the average power
crossing the hemispherical shell r = 1 km, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2.
14.34. In free space, E(z, t) = 150 sin (ωt − βz)ax (V/m). Find the total power passing through a rectangular area, of sides
30 mm and 15 mm, in the z = 0 plane.
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14.36. A free space-conductor interface has
H0i = 1.0 A/m on the free-space side. The frequency is 31.8 MHz and the conductor constants areϵr = μr = 1 and σ = 1.26
MS/m. Determine
H0r and
H0t and the depth of penetration of Ht.
14.37. A traveling H field in free space, of amplitude 1.0 A/m and frequency 200 MHz, strikes a sheet of silver of thickness
5 μm with σ = 61.7 MS/m, as shown in Fig. 14-14. Find
H0t just beyond the sheet.
Figure 14-14
14.38. A traveling E field in free space, of amplitude 100 V/m, strikes a perfect dielectric, as shown in Fig. 14-15.
Figure 14-15
14.39. A traveling E field in free space strikes a partially conducting medium, as shown in Fig. 14-16. Given a frequency of
500 MHz and
E0i = 100 V/m, determine
E0t and
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Figure 14-16
14.40. A wave propagates from a dielectric medium to the interface with free space. If the angle of incidence is the critical
angle of 20°, find the relative permittivity.
14.42. A parallel-polarized wave propagates from air into a dielectric at a Brewster's angle of 75°. Find ϵr.
Figure 14-17
E0 = 50V/m, ( 304 ) rad/m, 15π m
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14.22. ⅓. See Fig. 14.18.
Figure 14-18
14.27. 99.58
60.34° m−1, 0.097
14.28. 1130 Np/m, 2790 rad/m, 2100
22.1° Ω, 2.25 × 106 m/s, 2.38 × 10−2e−αz cos(ωt − 0.386 − βz) (− ax) (A/m)
14.29. 84.4 kHz
14.30. 601 MHz
14.33. 55.5 W
14.34. 13.4 mW
14.38. 59.7 V/m
14.40. 8.55
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14.42. 13.93
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