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Test - 2 Single Choice Questions

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TEST – 2

Single Choice Questions :

1. Select the CORRECT order of property mentioned in brackets

(A) Li2CO3 > Na2CO3 > K2CO3 > Rb2CO3 > Cs2CO3 (Thermal Stability)
(B) Be(OH)2 > Mg(OH)2 > Ca(OH)2 > Sr(OH)2 > Ba(OH)2 (Basic Strength)
(C) LiCI > NaCI > KCI > RbCI > CsCI (Melting Point)
(D*) NaHCO3 < KHCO3 < RbHCO3 < CsHCO3 (Solubility)

2. Which of the following compound does not produce green coloured product on thermal
(A) K2Cr2O7 (B) KMnO4
(C) (NH4)2Cr2O7 (*D) NH4NO3

3. Which is incorrect order of thermal stability ?

(A) CaCO3 < Na2CO3 < K2CO3 (*B) CsO2 < RbO2 < KO2
(C) Mg3N2 > Ca3N2 > Sr3N2 > Ba3N2 (D) LiOH < NaOH < KOH < RbOH

4. The incorrect statement is -

(A) Li and Mg show diagonal relationship
(B) The diagonal relationship is due to the similarity the charge/radius ratio
(*C) Sodium hydroxide is manufactured by solvay process.
(D) The oxides of alkaline earth metals are alkaline in nature

5. Select incorrect statement is

(A) O2– ions is stable only in the presence of large cations such as Rb+ and Cs+
(B) Na forms stable peroxide with oxygen
(*C) The oxidation number of oxygen in lithium oxide is –
(D) Lithium react with nitrogen of air to form the nitride (Li3N)

6. The correct representation of 'X' and 'Y' will be -

M + (x + y) NH3  X + Y
(M = Na, K)
(A) X = [M(NH2)x]+ , Y = [e(NH2)y]–
(B) X = [M2(NH3)x]+, Y = [e(NH3)y]–
(C) X = [Mx(NH3)]+, Y = [ey(NH3)]–
(*D) X = [M(NH3)x]+, Y = [e(NH3)y]–

7. LiNO3   X + O2

NaNO3   Y + O2
The incorrect statement regarding these reactions
(A) X is an oxids
(B) Y is a nitrite
(C) X react with water and give hydroxides
(*D) Y react with water and give NH3

8. The incorrect statement is

(A) The mobilities of the alkali metal ions in aqueous solution are Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+
(B) Lithium is the only alkali metal to form a nitride directly by heating with N2 gas.
(C) E° for M2+ (aq) + 2e–  M(s) (where M = Ca, Sr or Ba) is nearly constant.
(*D) BaO and BaSO4 is soluble in water.

9. The correct statement is

(B) Na2CO3 . H2O is known as soda ash
(A) Na2CO3 . H2O is known as soda ash
(*C) Na2CO3 is known as soda ash
(D) NaHCO3 is known as soda ash

10. The incorrect statement is -

(A) Be2+ cation has largest hydration enthalpy among the alkaline earth metals
(B) The second ionisation enthalpies of the alkaline earth metals are smaller than those of
the corresponding alkali metals
(C) Li is most reducing agent among all the metals
(*D) Li does not impart any colour to the flame

11. Statement-1 : Compound of alkaline earth metals are more extensively hydrated than
those of alkali metals.
Statement-2 : The hydration enthalpies of alkaline earth metal ions are larger than those
of alkali metal ions.
(*A) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2 is correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and Statement-2 is NOTcorrect explanation
for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false
(D) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true
12. Crown ethers and cryptands form
(*A) complexes with alkali metals
(B) salts of alkali metals
(C) hydroxides of alkali metals used for inorganic quantitative analysis
(D) organic salts of alkali metals

13. The incorrect statement(s) is/are

(*A) Mg2+ does not form complexes
(B) Be2+ can form complexes due to a very small atomic size
(C) the first ionisation potential of Be is higher than that of Mg
(D) Mg forms an alkaline hydroxide while Be forms amphoteric oxides

14. BeCl2 + LiAIH4 

 X + LiCI + AlCl3
(A) X is LiH (*B) X is BeH2
(C) X is BeCl2 . 2H2O (D) None

15. Suspension of slaked lime in water is known as

(A) lime water (B) quick lime
(*C) milk of lime (D) aqueous solution of slaked lime

16. A chemical A is used for the preparation of washing soda to recover ammonia. When CO2
is bubbled through an aqueous solution of A, the solution turns milky. It is used in white
washing due to disinfectant nature. What is the chemical formula of A ?
(A) Ca (HCO3)2 (B) CaO
(*C) Ca(OH)2 (D) CaCO3

17. The compounds formed upon cambustion of Na-metal in excess dry air is/are
(*A) Na2O2 (B) Na2O
(C) NaO2 (D) NaOH

18. Which oxide is most basic ?

(A) P2O5 (*B) MnO
(C) CrO3 (D) Mn2O7

19. In which of the following silicates, only two corners per tetrahedron are shared :
(i) Pyrosilicate (ii) Cyclic silicate
(iii) Double chain silicate (iv) Single chain silicate
(v) 3 D silicate (vi) Sheet silicate
(A) (i), (ii) and (v) (B) (iv) and (vi) only
(C) (i) and (vi) only (D*) (ii) and (iv) only
20. In which of the following structure, the number of shared O-atom per tetrahedron is two
and half.
(A) Pyroxene chain silicate
(*B) Amphibole chain silicate
(C) Cyclic silicate
(D) Sheet silicate

21. The correct codeor stability of oxidation states for Sn and Pb is

[I] Pb2+ > Pb4+, Sn2+ > Sn4+ [II] Pb2+ < Pb4+, Sn2+ < Sn4+
[III] Pb2+ > Pb4+, Sn2+ < Sn4+ [IV] Pb2+ < Pb4+, Sn2+ > Sn4+
[V] Sn2+ < Pb2+, Sn4+ > Pb4+ [VI] Sn2+ < Pb2+, Sn4+ < Pb4+
(A) [V] & [VI] (B) [I], [Ill], [V] & [VI]
(*C) [Ill] & [V] (D) [II] & [IV]

22. The compound is having shortest S – O bond length is

(A) SO3F– (B) SO42–
(C*) SOF4 (D) SOCl2

23. The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb increases in the sequence
(A) GeX2 < SIX < SnX2 < PbX2 (B) SiX2 < GeX2 < PbX2 < SnX2
(C*) SiX2 < GeX2 < SnX2 < PbX2 (D) PbX2 < SnX2 < GeX2 < SiX2

24. Polarization of an anion is distortion of its electron cloud by an adjacent placed cation.
Which of the following statement is correct.
(A) Minimum polarization is brought about by a cation of low radius.
(B) A large cation is likely to bring about a large degree of polarization.
(*C) Maximum polarization is brought about by a cation of high charge
(D) A small anion is likely to undergoes large degree of polarization

25. Which of the following salt does not give NO2 gas on heating ?
(A) Pb(NO3)2 (B) Zn(NO3)2
(C) AgNO3 (*D) KNO3

26. Which of the following compound can not be thermally decomposed even at high
(A) CsHCO3 (*B) Rb2CO3
(C) Li2CO3 (D) (NH4)2CO3
27. Correct code for following thermal decomposition reaction(s) evolving gas having equal
number of  and  bonds is

(I) BeCO3   (II) ZnSO4 
T  800 C

300 C 
(III) FeSO4   (IV) (NH4)2Cr2O7  
(A) I, II (B) I, Ill, IV
(*C) I, II, III (D) All

28. Choose the correct code for the following statements.

I. The –ve value of H for the dissolution of ionic compound is enough to predict the
compound is soluble in water at any temperature.
II. For the alkali metals carbonate, solubility order decreases down the group.
III. For the alkali metals ozonide, the thermal stability order increases down the group.
IV. For the alkaline earth metals nitride, the thermal stability order increases down the
(A) T T F F (B) T F F T
(*C) T F T F (D) F T T F

29. Which of the following species is/are not possible.

(I) Br3– (II) ClI3
(III) F3– (IV) TlI3
Select the correct code
(A) II & IV (B) Ill only
(*C) II & III (D) I & IV

30. Statement-1 : PbI4 doesn't exist and converts into PbI2 and I2 spontaneously at room
temperature but PbCl4 needs heating to convert into PbCl2 and Cl2.
Statement-2 : Pb2+ is more stable than Pb4+ due to inert pair effect.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for
(*B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation
for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Comprehension (31 to 33)
According to inert pair effect the lower oxidation state becomes more stable on descending
the group. The effect is commonly ascribed to the stability of an electron configuration with
entirely filled subshells in the inert pair effect, a metal loses all the p electrons in its outer
most subshell, leaving a filled s2 subshell, the pair of s-electrons seems relatively "inert"
and is less easily removed.

31. The incorrect order of stability of ions will be :

(A) Tl3+ < In3+ (*B) Pb4+ > Sn4+
(C) As+5 > As+3 (D) Bi+3 > Sb+3 > As3+

32. Which of the following element does not follow phenomenon of Inert-Pair effect
(*A) Sn (B) Pb
(C) Tl (D) Bi

33. The incorrect statement will be :

(A) PbCl2 is relatively more stable than PbCI4
(B) Bi+5 is strong oxidizing agent than Sb+5
(*C) Tl+1 is strong reducing agent than In+1
(D) SnCI4 is relatively more stable than SnCl2

Comprehension (Q.34 to Q.37)

 W   X   Y 

H2 O CO2 CO2
Ca + O2  (lim ited)  H2O excess

34. The compound X is

(A) CaO (*B) Slaked lime
(C) mil of lime (D) lime water

35. The incorrect statement is

(A) Y is almost insoluble in water
(B) Z is soluble in water
(C) Formation of 'X' known as slaking of lime
(*D) Y is Ca(HCO3)2

(A) CaO SO3 CaCl2 Ca(HSO4)2
(B) CaO SO2 CaCl2 CaSO4
(*C) CaO CO2 CaCl2 CaSO4
(D) Ca(OH)2 CO2 CaCl2 Ca(HSO4)2

37. The compound 'Y' is

(A) Ca(HCO3)2 (B) CaCO3
(C) CaSO4 (D) Ca(HSO4)2

One or more than one correct :

38. Which of the following properties is having correct order.

(A) CaSO3 < SrSO3 < BaSO3 ; solubility order
(*B) CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3 ; solubility order
(*C) LiI < LiBr < LiCI < LiF ; m.p. order
(*D) KF > KCI > KBr > KI ; Thermal stability

39. Select correct statement(s).

(*A) Water solubility of Be(NO3)2 > Ba(NO3)2 but reverse order is true fr their thermal stability
(*B) Thermal stability of BF3 > BCI3 but reverse order is true for their melting point.
(*C) Water solubility of LiClO4 > NaClO4 but reverse order is true for their thermal stability.
(D) Ionisation energy of N-atom > O-atom, but reverse order is true for ionisation energy
of corresponding molecules

40. Which of following statement is correct ?

(*A) AgCI is less soluble than AgF in water
(*B) Na2SO4 is more soluble than BaSO4 in water
(C) BeS2O3 is less soluble than BaS2O3 in water
(*D) CaCrO4 is more soluble than BaCrO4 in water
41. Choose the correct order for the given property.
(A) NaX > KX > RbX > CsX > LiX ; (X = F, CI, Br) : Melting point order
(*B) CsCIO4 > RbCIO4 > KCIO4 > NaCIO4 > LiClO4 : Thermal stability order
(C) BeF2 > MgF2 > CaF2 > SrF2 > BaF2 : Solubility order
(D) MgO > BeO > CaO > SrO > BaO : Covalent charecter order

42. The correct statement(s) is

(*A) CaSO4 H O is "plaster of paris"
2 2
(*B) Formation of Na2CO3 is done by "Solvay process".
(*C) CaSO4. 2H2O is 'Gypsum"

(D) CaSO4 H O is "plaster of paris".
2 2

43. The correct statement(s) is/are.

(*A) The alkaline earth metal hydroxides are less basic then corresponding alkali metal
(*B) Basic character of hydroxides increase with increasing atomic number of s-block
metal cations.
(*C) Except for beryllium halides, all other halides of alkaline earth metals are ionic in nature.
(D) Beryllium hydroxide is known as milk of magnesia.

44. The correct statement is/are

(*A) BeCl2 is a covalent compound
(*B) BeCl2 is an electron deficient molecule
(*C) BeCl2 can form dimer
(D) the hybrid state of Be in BeCl2 is sp2

45. Which of the following substance(s) is/are used in laboratory for drying purposes?
(*A) anhydrous P2O5 (B) graphite
(*C) anhydrous CaCl2 (D) Na3PO4

46. Which of the following statements are false?

(A) BeCl2 can exist as linear molecule in the vapour state but it is polymeric in the solid state
(B) Calcium hydride is called hydrolith.
(*C) Carbides of both Be and Ca react with water to form acetylene
(*D) Oxides of both Be and Ca are amphoteric.
47. Na2SO4 is water soluble but BaSO4 is insoluble because
(*A) the hydration energy of Na2SO4 is higher than that of its lattice energy
(B) the hydration energy of Na2SO4 is less than that of its lattice energy
(*C) the hydration energy of BaSO4 is less than that of its lattice energy
(D) the hydration energy of BaSO4 is higher than that of its lattice energy

48. Several sodium compounds find use in industries. Which of the following compounds are
used for textile industry ?
(*A) Na2CO3 (B) NaHCO3
(*C) NaOH (D) NaCI

49. When Zeolite, which is hydrated sodium aluminium silicate is treated with hard water, the
sodium ions are exchanged with which of the following ion(s) ?
(A) H+ ions (*B) Mg2+ ions
(*C) Ca2+ ions (D) SO42– ions

50. Choose the correct statements from the following.

(*A) Beryllium is not readily attacked by acids because of the presence of an oxide film on
the surface of the metal.
(*B) Beryllium sulphate is readily soluble in water as the greater hydration enthalpy of Be2+
overcomes the lattice enthalpy factor.
(C) Beryllium exhibits coordination number more than four in coordination compound.
(D) Beryllium oxide is purely acidic in nature.

51. Which of the following statement is correct ?

(*A) Oxidizing power order : SiCI4 < SnCI4 < PbCI4
(*B) Ionic character order : CsBr > RbBr > KBr > NaBr > LiBr
(*C) The ionic character of lead (II) halides decreases with increase in atomic no. of halogen
(D) The oxidation state of Tl in TlI3 is +3.

52. Which of the following hydrids are ionic

(*A) CaH2 (*B) BaH2
(*C) SrH2 (D) BeH2

53. Which of the statement is true for C3O2 molecule

(A) Two -bonds (terminal) are lying in the same plane
(B*) Alternate -bonds are lying in the same plane
(C*) The ratio of  bonds is 1 : 1
(D) The total number of lone pairs in the molecule is 2.
54. Choose the option(s) regarding correct order of acidic nature :
(A*) MgO < ZnO < P2O5 < SO3 (B) MgO < ZnO < SO3 < P2O5
(C*) Li2O < NO < CO2 < SO2 (D) Li2O < BeO < CO2 < NO

55. Which of the respective orders are correct ?

(A) NH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3 : Thermal stability order
(B) Liquid hydrogen < liquid helium : boiling point order
(*C) BeCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3 : Kp value order during their thermal dissociation
in closed container
(D) O2 > KO2 > K2O2 : Magnetic moment order

Match the Column :

56. Column-I Column-II

(A) All group salts are water soluble (P) MNO3 (M+ = Li+, Na+, Rb+, Cs+)
(B) All group salts are water insoluble (Q) MHCO3 (M+ = Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+)
(C) Water solublity decreases down the group (R) M2CO3 (M+ = Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+)
(D) Water solubility increases down the group (S) M(OH)2 (M2+ = Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+,
Sr2+, Ba2+)
(T) MCO3 (M2+ = Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+,
Sr2+, Ba2+)
Ans. A - P, R ; B - T ; C - P, T ; D - Q, R, S

57. Column I Column II

(A) BaF2 < SrF2 < CaF2 < MgF2 < BeF2 (P) Lattice energy
(B) LiBr < NaBr < KBr < RbBr < CsBr (Q) Solubility in water
(C) Be(OH)2 < Mg(OH)2 < Ca(OH)2 < Sr(OH)2 < Ba(OH)2 (R) Thermal stability
(D) BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < SrCO3 < BaCO3 (S) % ionic character
Ans. A - P ; B - D ; C - Q, R, S ; D - R, S

58. Column I Column II

(A) Dithionous acid (P) S-O-S bond is notpresent
(B) Thiosulphuric acid (Q) All S atom in the molecule has oxidation
state +3
(C) Caro's acid (R) Acidic strength of-OH groups present in the
molecule is different
(D) Pyrosulphurous acid (S) at least one S atom has oxidation state
+5 in molecule
Ans. A - P, Q ; B - P ; C - P, R ; D - P, R, S
Subjective :

59. In IF6– and TeF5– , sum of axial d-orbitals which are used in hybridisation in both species
Ans. 4

60. Maximum No. of equal P – O bonds in P2O74– ion is

Ans. 6

61. There are some species given below.

(i) O2+ (ii) CO (iii) B2
(iv) O2– (v) NO+ (vi) He2+
(vii) C2++ (viii) ON– (ix) N2–
Total number of species which have their fractional bond order.
Ans. 4

62. Consider the following compounds

(1) H3CF (2) H2CF2 (3) CH4 (4) C3H4

(5) H3CCF3 (6) CH3 CH2 (7) C2H4

and calculate value of Y  X, (Where X is the total number of compounds which have
H – Ĉ – H bond angles equal to 109°28' and Y is the total number of compounds which
have H – Ĉ – H bond angles greater than 109°28' and less than 120°)
Ans. 6

63. In compound PCIxF5–x , possible values of x are 0 to 5, then calculate value of x1 + x2 + x3

(where x1, x2 and x3 ........ are possible values of x, with zero dipole moment for given
Ans. 8

64. Consider following four compounds

(i) CxPy (ii) CxOy + 1
(iii) Cx + 2 Oy + 1 and (iv) Cx + 11 Oy+8s,
If "x = y = 1", then calculate the value of |p – q| where p and q are total number of sp2 and sp
hybridized carbon atoms respectively in given four compounds.
Ans. 7

65. Number of hybrid orbital of C atoms which have 33% s character in C(CN)4
Ans. 0

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