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International Students House Is A Unique Club and Accommodation Centre For British and

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International Students House is a unique club and accommodation centre for British and
overseas students in London. It is located in the heart of London's West End and is close to all
public transport facilities
» comfortable accommodation for up to 450 people in single, twin, 3/4 bedded and multi-bedded
» 44 self-contained flats for married students and families.
» long and short stays welcomed.
Club membership is open to all full-time students, professional trainees, student nurses and au
pairs. Membership costs are kept to an absolute minimum to enable the widest possible access.
You can join for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time. Membership entitles you
to use the various facilities of the House. It has:
* restaurants
* student bars and coffee shop
* study rooms
* clubs and societies
* aerobics and fitness training
* discos, dance, jazz and cinema
* travel and excursions and much more!
The best way to check out all we have on offer is to drop in any Tuesday evening between 7.15
pm and 8.30 pm for Open House in the Club Room. This is an opportunity for you to meet the
staff and other club members, enjoy a free cup of coffee and find out all about what's going on.
You can take advantage of special membership offers. (Useful tip: bring along 3 passport size
photographs if you wish to take out membership.)
Thanks to the support of STA Travel and in association with LCOS (the London Conference on
Overseas Students) International Students House now provides the service of an International
Students Adviser. This new welfare service is open to all students at London's bona-fide
academic institutions. It aims to provide welfare support to help students overcome any personal
or practical difficulties they may be experiencing whilst studying in Britain. One of the key
features of the Advice Service is that the Adviser can be seen during the evenings until about 8
pm, Monday to Thursday.

Unable to get home for Christmas? How about joining in the fun at International Students
House! Check out our special programme of activity taking place over the Christmas period.
Even come and stay - the House will be offering reduced accommodation rates for students
wishing to spend a few days in London over Christmas. We'll also have an exciting New Year's
Eve party so come and join us and ring in the new year in the spirit of internationalism.

Questions 22-29:     Read the article on International Students House and look at the statements below.
In boxes 22-29 on your answer sheet write:
TRUE    if the statement is true
FALSE    if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN    if the information is not given in the passage

The first one has been done for you as an example. Example      Answer
The club is for overseas students only.                          FALSE

22.  The club has long-term dormitory accommodation.

23.  Membership must be renewed monthly.
24.  The club provides subsidised restaurant meals.
25.  The club is open to non-members on Tuesday evenings.
26.  STA Travel help finance the Students Adviser.
27.  The services of the Students Adviser are free to all club members.
28.  You must make an appointment to see the Students Adviser.
29.  There will be a surcharge for accommodation over the Christmas period.

Read the information below and answer Questions 9-14.

We ask you to keep luggage down to one medium-sized suitcase per person, but a small holdall
can also be taken on board the coach.
Seat Allocation
Requests for particular seats can be made on most coach breaks when booking, but since
allocations are made on a first come first served basis, early booking is advisable. When
bookings are made with us you will be offered the best seats that are available on the coach at
that time.
Travel Documents
When you have paid your deposit we will send to you all the necessary documents and labels, so
that you receive them in good time before the coach break departure date. Certain documents, for
example, air or boat tickets, may have to be retained and your driver or courier will then issue
them to you at the relevant point.
Special Diets
If you require a special diet you must inform us at the time of booking with a copy of the diet.
This will be notified to the hotel or hotels on your coach break, but on certain coach breaks the
hotels used are tourist class and whilst offering value for money within the price range, they may
not have the full facilities to cope with special diets. Any extra costs incurred must be paid to the
hotel by yourself before departure from the hotel.
Many of our coach-breaks now include, within the price, accommodation with private facilities,
and this will be indicated on the coach break page. Other coach breaks have a limited number of
rooms with private facilities which, subject to availability, can be reserved and guaranteed at the
time of booking - the supplementary charge shown in the price panel will be added to your
    On any coach break, there are only a limited number of single rooms. When a single room is
available it may be subject to a supplementary charge and this will be shown on the brochure
Some of our hotels arrange additional entertainment which could include music, dancing, film
shows, etc. The nature and frequency of the entertainment presented is at the discretion of the

hotel and therefore not guaranteed and could be withdrawn if there is a lack of demand or
insufficient numbers in the hotel.  
Questions 9-14:
Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.
9.  If you want to sit at the front of the coach -
    A. ask when you get on the coach.
    B. arrive early on the departure date.
    C. book your seat well in advance.
    D. avoid travelling at peak times.
10. Your air tickets -
    A. will be sent to your departure point.
    B. must be collected before leaving.
    C. will be enclosed with other documents.
    D. may be held by your coach driver.
11.  If you need a special diet you should -
    A. inform the hotel when you arrive.
    B. pay extra with the booking.
    C. tell the coach company.
    D. book tourist class.
12.  It may be necessary to pay extra for -
    A. a bathroom.
    B. boat tickets.
    C. additional luggage.
    D. entertainment.
13.  Entertainment is available - 
    A. at all hotels.
    B. if there is the demand.
    C. upon request.
    D. for an additional cost.
14.  With every booking, Classic Tours guarantee you will be able to -
    A. request high-quality meals.
    B. take hand luggage on the coach.
    C. use your own personal bathroom.
    D. see a film if you want to.

Use of University grounds by Vehicular Traffic 


The University grounds are private.

The University authorities only allow authorised members of the University, visitors and drivers
of vehicles servicing the University to enter the grounds.

Members of staff who have paid the requisite fee and display the appropriate permit may bring a
vehicle into the grounds. A University permit does not entitle them to park in Hall car parks,
however, unless authorised by the Warden of the Hall concerned.

Students may not bring vehicles into the grounds during the working day unless they have been
given special permission by the Security Officer and have paid for and are displaying an
appropriate entry permit. Students living in Halls of Residence must obtain permission from the
Warden to keep a motor vehicle at their residence.

Students are reminded that if they park a motor vehicle on University premises without a valid
permit, they will be fined £20.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the text below.
Questions 1-5
Look at the information on the following page about the use of vehicles in the University

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet write -

TRUE     if the statement is true

FALSE     if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN   if the information is not given in the passage
The campus roads are not open to general members of the public
Answer TRUE

1. University employees do not need to pay for their parking permits.

2. Parking in Halls of Residence is handled by the Wardens of the Halls.
3. Having a University permit does not allow staff to park at Halls.
4. Parking permits cost £20 a year.
5. Students living in Hall do not need permission to park in Hall car parks.

  The name of your medicine is Borodine tablets.


FOR? Borodine tablets, like many other medicines, may
Borodine tablets are used to help relieve cause side-effects in some people.
hay fever and conditions due to allergies, If you faint, stop taking Borodine tablets and tell
in particular, skin reactions and a runny your doctor immediately.
nose. In addition, Borodine tablets may cause problems
It is not recommended with your vision, hair loss, depression or confusion,
that Borodine tablets are given to children yellowing of your skin or your eyes.
under 12 years of age or pregnant or If you have these effects whilst
breastfeeding women. taking Borodine tablets tell your doctor
BEFORE YOU immediately.
TAKE Borodine TABLETS Other side-effects are dizziness or headaches, and
In some circumstances, it is very indigestion or stomach ache. However, these effects
important not to take Borodine tablets. If are often mild and usually wear off after a few days'
you ignore these instructions, this treatment. If they last for more than a few days, tell
medicine could affect your heart rhythm. your doctor.
Are you taking oral medicines for fungal

Have you suffered a reaction to medicines

containing Borodine before?
Do you suffer from any liver, kidney or
heart disease?

If the answer to any of these questions

is YES, do not take Borodine tablets
before consulting your doctor.

Questions 6-13
Look at the patient information leaflet below.
Match each of the following sentences with TWO possible endings A-M from the
box below.

Write the appropriate letters A-M in boxes 6-13 on your answer sheet.

Example                                                                              Answer
Borodine table should not be given to ......                         A and M
Questions 6 and 7
Borodine tablets might be used to treat......

Questions 8 and 9
You must ask your doctor before taking Borodine tablets if you are already being
treated for ......

Questions 10 and 11
 You do not need to consult your doctor immediately if Borodine tablets give
you ......

Questions 12 and 13
You must consult your doctor at once if you find Borodine tablets cause......
Possible Endings
A.  children under 12 years of age.
B.  a headache.
C.  an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.
D.  symptoms similar to a cold.
E.  a change in your skin colour.
F.  anything treated by a prescription medicine.
G.  a kidney complaint.
H.  a whitening of the eyes.
I.  sore or broken skin.
J.  a fungal infection.
K.  a feeling of sadness.
L.  shortness of breath.
M.  a woman expecting a child.


As a full-time student at West Thames When students are weary from study and
College you will have your own Personal want the chance to relax and enjoy
Mentor who will see you each week to guide themselves with friends, they can participate
you through your studies, and discuss any in a number of recreational activities.
problems which may arise. We take a Depending on demand, we offer a range of
cooperative sporting activities including football,
approach to the assessment of your badminton, basketball, table tennis,
work and encourage you to contribute to volleyball, weight training and aerobics. For
discussion. the non-sporting students we offer a
debating society, video club, hair and beauty
B sessions, as well as a range of creative
This service provides specialist assistance and activities. Suggestions for activities from
courses for those who need help to improve students are always welcome.
their writing, oral and numeracy skills for the
successful completion of their college course. F
Help with basic skills is also available. This confidential service is available if you
have practical or personal difficulties during
C your course of study, whether of a financial
This service is available to anyone who is or
undecided as to which course to follow. It is personal nature. Our Student Advisors can
very much a service for the individual, help you directly or put you in touch with
whatever your age, helping you to select the someone else who can give you the help you
best option to suit your circumstances. The need.
service includes educational advice,
guidance and support, including a facility for G
accrediting your previous experience - the The College Nurses are there for general
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL). The medical advice and for treatment of illness or
Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday injury. All visits are confidential. First aid
9.00 am to 5.00 pm. All interviews are boxes and fully-trained First Aiders are also
confidential and conducted in a relaxed and on hand at various locations around the
friendly atmosphere. Evening appointments college.
are available on request. H
D West London employers have a permanent
The College Bookshop stocks a wide range of base in the centre of college, with access to a
books, covering aspects of all courses, database of more than 24,000 jobs available
together with a good selection of stationery. locally and in Central London. They will also
It also supplies stamps, phone cards, blank help you with job applications and interview
videos and computer disks. The shop is open techniques.
at times specified In the Student Handbook in
the mornings, afternoons and evenings.

West Thames College's Services for Students 
Each paragraph A-H describes a different service provided by the college.
From the list below (i-xi) choose the most suitable summaries for paragraphs A,
C and E-H.
Write the appropriate number (i-xi) in boxes 21-26 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more summaries than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
i.  A shop for the books and stationery needed to study
ii.  Counseling and welfare willing to listen, offer advice or arrange a referral
iii.  An Examinations Office arranging exams and issuing certificates
iv.  A Registrar's Office handling all fee payments and related enquiries
v.  A Medical service offering on-site assistance with health-related problems
vi.  A tutorial system for regular one-to-one guidance, support and feedback
vii.  Careers Advice helping students into employment
viii.  An admissions Service providing assistance in choosing and applying for
higher education courses
ix.  A Student Union representing students on college committees
x. Clubs and societies for students' free-time
xi. A Learning Support Service supporting students in studying, presenting
information and handling numbers.
21. Paragraph  A

Example              Answer                           
Paragraph B           xi                               

22. Paragraph C

Example              Answer                           
Paragraph D            i

23.  Paragraph  E
24.  Paragraph  F                                             
25.  Paragraph  G
26.  Paragraph  H


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