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Potatoes Paradox - Sherwin Rosen, 1999, University of Chicago

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Potato Paradoxes

Sherwin Rosen
University of Chicago and the Hoover Institution

Price and quantity data prove that Irish potatoes in the 1840s were
not Giffen goods. Intertemporal trade-offs required by the fact that
a sizable fraction of the potato crop is needed for seed crops can
produce unusual market dynamics. The Irish experience is well
described by a normal demand model in which a permanent de-
cline in the productivity of seed potatoes was at first mistaken as
a transitory crop failure. These mistakes provoked ‘‘oversaving’’ of
seed crop in a population in dire circumstances. With the benefit
of hindsight, consumption of seed crop capital was warranted. Er-
roneous expectations of potato productivity by growers delayed
necessary agricultural adjustments and contributed to the catastro-
phe later on.

I. Introduction
Potatoes are very interesting goods. They have been an important
food staple in the world since the eighteenth century, serving as the
main (nonprotein) source of food energy for many people at various
times and places (Salaman 1949; Heiser 1990), yet they also have
been implicated in one of the worst famines in recorded history.
And because of their importance in the diets of many poor people,
potatoes are a leading practical example of an inferior good, if not

I am especially indebted to Cormac Ó Gráda for advice and information on the

famine and for criticism of an initial draft. Mokyr (1983), Ó Gráda (1989, 1993), and
Bourke (1993) are the essential economic sources and analysis of the Irish famine. I
have used all of them extensively, though not always with detailed attribution.
Thanks also go to Gary Becker, D. Gale Johnson, Stanley Engerman, and Robert
Lucas for discussion and comments. I take full responsibility for error and interpreta-

[Journal of Political Economy, 1999, vol. 107, no. 6, pt. 2]

 1999 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-3808/1999/10706S-0018$02.50

potato paradoxes S295
a dreaded Giffen good. But what makes them especially interesting
for economics is the little-known fact that potatoes are capital goods as
well as consumption goods. Intertemporal elements of choice affect
supply decisions. Some economic consequences of this fact are pur-
sued in what follows.
Potatoes are not produced commercially from seed. They are re-
produced vegetatively. A significant portion of the crop is withheld
from final consumption, and potato buds (or ‘‘eyes’’) are replanted
for next year’s crop. Seed crop capital is an important component
of total production in modern conditions, depending on climate,
soil quality, and agricultural technology. In parts of Russia today,
seed potatoes may account for as much as 25 percent of the crop.
In the United States it is 7–9 percent. It probably was on the order
of 15 percent in nineteenth-century Ireland during the famine era
(Bourke 1993).
Adjustments in seed stock inventory affect supply decisions in un-
usual ways that can confuse demand and supply responses in many
situations. Dynamical responses to shocks can lead to bizarre results.
For example, when demand increases, short-term consumption can
fall (Rosen 1987). When the quantity supplied decreases, consump-
tion can increase even if demand is downward-sloping, an effect that
might be wrongly confused with the Giffen paradox.
Near the 150th anniversary of the Great Irish Famine of 1845–47,
it is appropriate to draw out these implications and test them on
available data. Another reason for economists to study that unfortu-
nate episode is that the appearance of the fungus p. infestans on the
Irish potato crop of 1845 virtually duplicates the conceptual experi-
ment needed to analyze dynamic market responses to an unusual
kind of production shock. The pest was unknown prior to that time,
and its arrival proved permanent. Pathologies are interesting to
study when the main causal elements dominate everything else. The
blight was an entirely exogenous shock that overwhelmed all other
factors affecting demand and supply of the major food crop in Ire-
land. Section II sketches an abstract economic model of the potato
market. Later sections interpret some of the Irish data in its light.
The major outlines of the disaster are well described by a model
in which a permanent adverse decline in potato productivity was at
first mistaken for a transitory one. The blight was completely out of
the realm of European agricultural experience in 1845. In the first
year of the famine, anticipation that productivity would return to
normal induced growers to carry over excess seed inventory for
planting the next year. It is clear in hindsight that in the first year
seed stocks should have been eaten instead. Since potatoes were so
important in the diets of rural dwellers and smallholders, gross
S296 journal of political economy
oversaving by people in such dire circumstances had catastrophic
consequences later on. And it delayed substitution to other crops
that could have eased, though hardly eliminated, the suffering.

II. The Model

This section outlines a decentralized market model for goods, like
potatoes, that serve as both consumption and capital. Intertemporal
responses to transitory and permanent shocks are described and
used in subsequent sections to interpret the Irish experience begin-
ning in 1845.

A. Technological Structure
Let S t be the size of the seed crop, g the net reproduction rate, Q t
total output, and C t consumption of the good. The production func-
tion is
Q t⫹1 ⫽ (1 ⫹ g)S t , (1)
with g ⬎ 0. Potatoes can be stored for no more that 10 months, so
seed crops withheld from final consumption are all that is available
for producing output in following years. In nineteenth-century Ire-
land, the 15 percent seed/output ratio meant that one seed potato
produced about 1/.15 ⫽ 7.5 potatoes next season, implying g ⫽ 6.5.
In the United States today it is 12–15 to 1, so g is in the 11–14 range.
Total output is used for seed crop and consumption:
Q t ⫽ S t ⫹ C t. (2)

B. Behavioral Relationships
To simplify, assume no intertemporal elements in consumption de-
mand from year to year (but see below on seasonal variations). Then
market demand is C t ⫽ C(p t), where p is the price of the good. Sup-
ply is determined by farmers’ decisions either to sell their crops for
immediate consumption or to hold some of them over the season
for seed, replanting, and selling or planting crop next year. When
labor inputs are ignored,1 the return from selling is the current price
Labor inputs are important for potatoes. Consider eq. (1) as a reduced form in
which other inputs have been optimized out and their factor prices impounded in
g. In reality, productivity g varies with soil fertility on each farm. At the market level,
limited amounts of higher-quality land make g a decreasing function of aggregate
output, so (1) must be interpreted as a local approximation. Because it is so simple,
I choose to model rising supply price as arising from increasing marginal holding
costs rather than from diminishing returns directly, but they are (approximately)
equivalent for local dynamics (see below).
potato paradoxes S297
p t . Withholding a unit of stock and replanting it produces 1 ⫹ g
units next season. They can be sold for expected price p t⫹1 . Let k(S )
be the direct marginal cost of planting and storage, with k ′(S ) ⱖ 0,
and let r be the rate of interest. With G ⫽ (1 ⫹ g)/(1 ⫹ r ), the
marginal return from replanting is Gp t ⫹1 ⫺ k(S ). If the crop is simul-
taneously consumed and replanted for future production, profit
must be equal at both margins, or
p t ⫽ Gp t ⫹1 ⫺ k(S t ). (3)
The crop is renewed if G ⬎ 1. Otherwise, renewal is not economic
and cultivation ceases.
The intertemporal arbitrage condition in (3) is one restriction on
the observed paths of stocks and supply prices. When the demand
curve, production function, and storage-consumption-production
identity are combined, stock-flow dynamics imply another restric-
St⫹1 ⫺ S t ⫽ gS t ⫺ C(p t⫹1). (4)

C. Market Equilibrium
If demand and supply are unchanging, long-run equilibrium values
of p, C, Q, and S are defined by (2)–(4), with p t ⫽ p t⫺1 ⫽ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⫽ p
and S t ⫽ S t⫺1 ⫽ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⫽ S. Equation (3) becomes
p⫽ . (5)
The long-run supply price of the good is the marginal planting and
carrying cost of inventory grossed up by the inverse of the net inter-
nal rate of return from growing the crop. Renewal implies that this
rate of return, G ⫺ 1 ⫽ (g ⫺ r )/(1 ⫹ r ), is positive. When marginal
cost is increasing in S, equation (5) defines a rising curve in the (p,
S ) plane.
At these steady-state values, equation (4) describes the seed inven-
tory required to sustain long-run consumption:
S⫽ . (6)
Equation (6) defines a decreasing curve in the (p, S ) plane if the
good is normal and an increasing or backward-bending curve if it
is Giffen in part of its range (see figs. 1 and 2).
With equation (5), equation (3) can be arranged to read as
p t⫹1 ⫺ p t ⫽ (1 ⫺ G )(p t⫹1 ⫺ p) ⫺ [k(S t) ⫺ k(S)]. (7)
Fig. 1.—Normal transient dynamics

Fig. 2.—Giffen good dynamics

potato paradoxes S299
Since 1 ⫺ G ⬍ 0, the price change p t ⫹1 ⫺ p t is negative for all values
of (p, S ) above the curve defined by (5) and positive for all values
of (p, S ) below it. The phase arrows in figures 1 and 2 point down
above the stable manifold (5) and point up below it.
Similarly, with (6), equation (4) becomes
S t⫹1 ⫺ S t ⫽ g(S t ⫺ S) ⫺ [C(p t ⫹1) ⫺ C(p)]. (8)
The term S t⫹1 ⫺ S t is positive and stock is growing for any pairs (p,
S ) that lie to the right of the curve defined by (6). Stock falls for
(p, S ) pairs that lie to the left of it. The phase arrows point in the
corresponding directions.
The motions defined by (7) and (8) for any initial conditions are
described by familiar saddle-point dynamics in the (p, S ) plane.2
When the boundary condition that the discounted value of expected
future crop is finite is applied, observed trajectories trace the arrows
that converge on the intersection of the p and S curves in figures 1
and 2.
Figure 1 depicts downward-sloping demand. Transitory (one-
period) shocks have important spillover effects on future periods.
For instance, if a temporary one-year crop failure reduces initial
stock below its steady-state level, price jumps initially and thereafter
declines to its long-run value as seed inventories grow back to nor-
mal levels. After the shock hits, larger inventories are needed to sus-
tain long-term consumption under normal conditions. A high initial
price discourages current consumption and encourages the accumu-
lation of seed stock inventory. Prices thereafter naturally fall as pro-
duction and inventory return to their steady-state levels. Recovery is
drawn out in time. Conversely, if a temporary shock increases initial
stock above its long-run equilibrium level, the unexpected bounty
causes price to fall to encourage extra consumption and gradually
drive stocks back down to their normal steady-state levels in subse-
quent years. The speed of the subsequent adjustments varies in pro-
portion to g and r.
Figure 2 depicts a Giffen good, where quantity demanded is in-
creasing in price in the relevant range. Here the p curve in equation
(5) is upward-sloping for low values of p and S because high prices
provoke greater consumption. There are two kinds of equilibria in

Linearizing k(S ) and C(p) in the neighborhood of the steady state yields a pair
of linear difference equations. In a stable system the associated characteristic equa-
tion has two real roots, whose product is 1 ⫹ r. In the general solution the unstable
root larger than 1 ⫹ r is eliminated by the boundary condition. Its effect is seen
only in the forward-looking part of the particular solution. Notice that in this system,
it makes no difference whether the p manifold is increasing because of rising inven-
tory costs or directly diminishing returns, as asserted above.
S300 journal of political economy
this case. One is stable and the other is unstable. If the Giffen effect
is so strong that the p curve is flatter than the S curve in figure 2,
the phase arrows near that intersection reflect the fact that the asso-
ciated linear system has explosive cycles (complex eigenvalues with
modulus greater than 1 ⫹ r ). The market is Hicksian unstable (and
the implied cycles are inefficient). This node is labeled A in figure
2. The equilibrium is stable only when the rising S curve cuts the p
curve from below (point B in the figure). Here the stable arrows
in the neighborhood of equilibrium slant in the opposite direction
compared to figure 1. If initial inventories are excessive, price must
be driven up to encourage the extra consumption needed to work
them down to steady-state levels. If initial stocks are too small, price
must be driven down to discourage consumption and encourage ac-
cumulation. From such stuff are paradoxes made.

D. Changes in Supply and Demand

Permanent shocks to demand or supply shift both the steady-state loci
in figure 1 or 2 and the initial conditions. The dynamic conse-
quences are tracked by following the stable arrows of the altered
system to the new equilibrium. For example, an unanticipated, but
thereafter permanent, increase in demand shifts the S curve in fig-
ure 1 upward and to the right. If seed stock is too small when the
shock occurs, price initially rises to discourage consumption and en-
courage holding more crop for seed. The high price gradually falls
thereafter to its higher steady-state value as consumption increases.
That the quantity supplied to the consumption market for a normal
good can initially decrease in response to a permanent increase in
demand is not so paradoxical once the capital aspects of the good
are recognized (Rosen 1987).
Another experiment more relevant for the famine is an unantici-
pated but thereafter permanent shock to supply. Suppose that the
productivity factor g falls unexpectedly and remains smaller forever.
Depending on initial conditions, demand elasticities, and other pa-
rameters, a permanent negative supply shock can cause price to actu-
ally fall initially, even if demand is normal. Such an event might be
confused with a Giffen effect, but it is just another odd economic
implication of what can happen when output is both a consumption
good and a capital good.3
Alfred Marshall mentioned grains as possible Giffen goods, not potatoes. Note
that seed stock requirements for grains in the nineteenth century were much larger
than they are today. For example, in the 1840s, seed stocks amounted to about 15
percent of wheat crops, so these same considerations apply to grains. Unusual dy-
potato paradoxes S301

Fig. 3.—The effect of a permanent productivity shock

A decline in g reduces the return to cultivation in equation (5)

and raises the minimum long-run supply price k(S )/(G ⫺ 1). The
p locus shifts up, as in the solid upward-sloping curve in figure 3.
But sustaining any given level of consumption in the long run re-
quires larger seed stock inventories because each seed has lower pro-
ductivity: C(p)/g increases and the S locus shifts to the right (the
solid downward-sloping curve in fig. 3). Both forces guarantee
greater market price in the long run, but the effect on seed inventory
is ambiguous and can go in either direction. Figure 3 is drawn for
downward-sloping demand. If, at the time the shock hits, initial
stock is less than the new steady-state stock, the productivity decline
causes price to rise to limit consumption and encourage accumula-
tion. But if instead these initial stocks exceed the long-run target,
initial price falls to induce capital consumption. Whether target in-
ventories rise or fall depends on the elasticity of demand for the
To see this last point, define η ⫽ (d log C )/(d log p) as the price

namics caused by decisions about seed inventory do not necessarily imply Giffen
S302 journal of political economy
elasticity of demand and ⑀ as the price elasticity of long-run supply.
Comparative statics on (5) and (6) yield
∂ log p [1 ⫺ (r/g)] ⫹ ⑀
⫽⫺ ⬍0 (9)
∂g ⑀(g ⫺ r )[1 ⫺ (η/⑀)]
∂ log S η ⫹ [1 ⫺ (r/g)]
⫽⫺ . (10)
∂g (g ⫺ r )[1 ⫺ (η/⑀)]
As shown above, market stability requires 1 ⫺ (η/⑀) ⬎ 0.
Equation (9) shows that long-run price always decreases in g. The
sign of (10) is ambiguous. The derivative (∂ log S )/∂g is positive or
negative according to whether the elasticity of demand exceeds or
falls short of 1 ⫺ (r/g). If demand is sufficiently elastic, S falls when
g falls, and steady-state consumption decreases so much that steady-
state inventories decrease in spite of the fact that more seed crop is
required to produce any level of output. When demand is suffi-
ciently inelastic, steady-state seed inventories increase when g falls.
Since consumption does not fall so much, the smaller productivity
of seed requires a larger seed stock to sustain it. In this case, inter-
temporal stock adjustments exacerbate price and consumption
movements. Notice that if demand is sufficiently elastic, the adverse
shock conceivably could cause price to fall and consumption to in-
crease initially. In that case, dumping inventory on the consumption
market smooths the necessary price and consumption adjustments
to the new steady state rather than worsening them.

III. The Famine

Though year-to-year fluctuations in potato output were not uncom-
mon in Ireland, the blight made its first appearance there toward
the end of 1845 (Mokyr 1983). Previous transitory shortfalls in po-
tato output in 1817 and 1825 had been associated with high prices,
hunger, and hard living conditions. But true famine, defined as sig-
nificant excess (age-adjusted) mortality experience, did not occur
prior to 1845 (Ó Gráda 1993). Furthermore, up to that time the
Irish were not so dependent on potatoes. The crop did not account
for such a large share of total food intake.
Innovations in higher-yielding varieties, the relatively benign past
history of crop failure, the remarkable and growing dependence on
potatoes as the major food for one-third or more of the Irish popula-
tion, and the sheer magnitude of the catastrophe itself leave no
doubt that the blight was an entirely unexpected event. It was one
potato paradoxes S303
of the most unfortunate ‘‘natural experiments’’ in modern history.
As difficult as it is to imagine today, on the eve of the famine, per
capita consumption of potatoes is reliably estimated to have aver-
aged 9 pounds (40–50 potatoes) per person per day (Bourke 1993).
Diets were astonishingly concentrated on potatoes, especially in ru-
ral areas. Grain was grown in rural Ireland but was either sent to
towns or exported abroad.
Given the demonstrated capacity of Irish agriculture to deal with
transitory fluctuations in yields in earlier years, surely the lingering,
permanent effect of the blight on the productivity of potato cultiva-
tion in Ireland was the true cause of the Great Famine.4 Much cur-
rent interest in the famine revolves around how government policies
responded to the shock, which will not be discussed here. For analy-
sis of the market behavior that is the focus of this paper, the blight-
induced ‘‘technology shock’’ was the proximate cause of food short-
ages and famine in Ireland. The blight decreased potato productivity
for the next 35 years. Productivity improved only when effective pes-
ticides developed in France for phylloxera and viticulture spread to
other uses throughout the world.
During the famine years, potato output fell by half in the first
year. In the second year, there was no significant decline in planting
relative to previous years, yet output fell by 80 percent (Bourke
1993). Cultivation dropped by major proportions thereafter. The
long-run price of potatoes relative to wheat and oats almost doubled
between pre- and postfamine eras, implying that the blight reduced
permanent (nineteenth-century) productivity by about 50 percent.5
The time series for potato prices at the Waterford market col-
lected by Solar (1989) appear in figure 4.6 Since so much of the
potato crop was self-produced and self-consumed by cottiers and

To put the disaster in proper perspective, the famine killed at least 12 percent
of the population over a three-year period. Another 6–8 percent migrated to other
countries. In terms of the percentage of population affected, the 1845–48 famine
is one of the largest ever recorded. Other famines have killed more people in total
because the affected populations were larger, not the percentage of exposure. For
instance, the 30 million or more people who perished in the Chinese famine of
1958–62 were 5 percent or 6 percent of the population. In comparison to other
disasters in living memory, World War II casualty rates (military and civilian) in all
countries except Yugoslavia were much smaller than 12 percent (Wright 1965).
Pre- and postfamine gross yields per acre in Ireland do not differ much because
acreage on less productive land fell drastically in the latter period. Since aggregate
yields contain these changing composition effects, inferences about productivity
changes directly attributable to the blight are more secure from relative price data
than from aggregate quantity data.
I am indebted to Peter Solar for allowing me to reproduce his data. The figures
shown pertain to the Waterford market. Solar’s prices from the Belfast market and
Ó Gráda’s (1993) time series from the Dublin market are similar to what is shown
in fig. 4a.
S304 journal of political economy

Fig. 4.—a, Irish potato prices per hundredweight in the Waterford market.
b, Prices of potatoes at Waterford relative to wheat and oats.

smallholders, annual time series of potato production are not avail-

able: only production shortfalls in the famine years and the long-
term trends in acreage have been carefully documented. Figure 4a
shows that average annual prices per pound in urban markets in-
creased more than threefold during the famine years in comparison
to the prefamine period. At the same time, output and consumption
fell by large proportions (50–80 percent). The price increase was
potato paradoxes S305
sharply concentrated in the period 1846–48. Prices declined to their
postfamine, post–productivity shock, steady-state level fairly soon
thereafter. The same general story is shown in the relative price com-
parisons of potatoes with wheat and oats. The level of prices for
wheat and oats (not shown) also rose during the famine period, but
not by so much. The increase in relative price probably reflects the
effects of substitution in demand, since it is known that wheat and
oat products (as well as dairy and meat products) became more im-
portant in Irish diets after the famine period. Notice also that there
is a downward trend in prices of potatoes before 1845, no doubt
reflecting productivity improvements from the introduction of
higher-yielding varieties that more than offset the effects of dimin-
ishing returns as total output increased prior to 1845.
Applying the model to these data requires auxiliary hypotheses
about producer expectations. These expectations cannot be deter-
mined with great precision, but historical data suggest a reasonably
simple approximation. The actual shock is well described by a single
downward step function in g that occurred without warning in 1845
and continued for the next three decades. However, growers’ per-
ceptions of what was going on were much different from that. Their
grossly inaccurate anticipations had terrible consequences.
The dynamics are well described by a two-stage version of the
model. In the first stage, growers were grossly mistaken in judging
the 1845 shock as transitory rather than as permanent. This interpre-
tation is supported by the observation that planting in 1846 re-
mained at its prefamine level. The second stage is the realization that
potato productivity had in fact fallen permanently after the abysmal
harvest of 1846. The transient dynamics of figures 1 and 2 apply in
the first year or so, and the permanent dynamics in figure 3 apply
If planters regarded 1845 as a temporary aberration and thought
that productivity would return to normal in the following year, the
available data are entirely consistent with figure 1, but not with fig-
ure 2. Given the 50 percent shortfall in output in the 1845 season,
seed crop inventories hardly could have been considered excessive.
Yet the 1846 planting rivaled the size of the 1845 planting. Prices
had to rise to discourage consumption and sustain a constant invest-
ment in seed stock for 1846 out of a much smaller harvest. If, in
normal years, 15 percent of the crop was held over for planting, in
1845, more like 30 percent of output was held back for planting the
following year. This is a remarkably high rate of saving for the future
under such drastic current conditions.
Potatoes in Ireland were inferior goods, but they were not Giffen
goods. A recent paper by Davies (1994) incorporated survival con-
S306 journal of political economy
straints into preferences to rationalize Giffen goods. The idea is that
when a consumer is close to subsistence and specializes food con-
sumption on one item, a reduction in its price frees up income for
other purposes. It liberates the consumer from binding nutritional
constraints and allows less basic, ‘‘higher-level’’ wants to be satisfied.
If prices increase, expenditure on other things must fall to satisfy
the survival constraint. That survival was a serious consideration in
Ireland of the 1840s is not in dispute. But the fact is that the survival
constraint (especially in 1846 and 1847) was not binding. That in the
first year price rose drastically and consumption fell proves without a
shadow of doubt that potatoes were not Giffen.7
Had growers been aware in 1845 that the drop in potato productiv-
ity was permanent, they would have eaten more of their seed crop
that year, prices would not have risen so much, and potato planting
in 1846 would have been much smaller. Growers would have
switched production to other foods. The consequences of the blight
would not have been so dire on both accounts.
An experiment like figure 3 takes over at the realization that the
shock is permanent, sometime after the second disastrous crop fail-
ure of 1846. The blight-induced productivity decline shifted the per-
ceived steady-state curves from the dotted lines to their true values—
the solid lines in the figure. At the aggregate level, steady-state stocks
and consumption decreased dramatically, mostly caused by the ex-
traordinary deaths and emigration to other countries. But at the per
capita level relevant for understanding farmers’ behavior, it is possi-
ble that growers anticipated inelastic demand because these demo-
graphic changes were unforeseen. In that case, even more seed
stocks would have been held back and would have contributed to
the misery of the outer years, as depicted in figure 3. But this last
effect is not identified with the data at hand, because whether grow-
ers considered demand to be elastic or inelastic, production short-
falls would cause price to rise and consumption to fall.
Before I examine other evidence on the elasticity of demand for
potatoes, it is necessary to consider some qualifications and describe
other social aspects of the Irish ‘‘potato culture.’’

IV. Qualifications for Trade

The model assumes that the potato economy in Ireland was closed.
Were potatoes freely traded among countries and had the blight

Earlier, Dougan (1982) analyzed the unusual dynamic implications of Giffen
goods using the static Hicksian stability framework. This analysis is a natural exten-
sion of his.
potato paradoxes S307
been greater in Ireland than elsewhere,8 imports and intertemporal
rearrangements of world consumption across countries could have
made up the Irish shortfall. The blight was not nearly so extensive
in other European countries (though their exposure was much
smaller as well), so the enormous price increase observed in Ireland
implies substantial limitations on the international potato trade.
Since potatoes consist mostly of water, transportation costs per unit
of nutrient value are large compared to more commonly traded
foods such as grain. The high land transport costs of the mid-nine-
teenth century made potato trade relatively unimportant, but not
zero. Irish potatoes had been exported, and even in 1845 some were
sent to the low countries reporting blight. Nonetheless, imports of
potatoes for Irish consumption were trivial.
Trade in seed crop is more interesting economically. Potatoes are
so productive as capital that seed crop requires a much smaller vol-
ume of trade and involves lower costs per unit of value compared
to potatoes for consumption. In fact high-yielding new varieties of-
ten were exported. The Irish potato was known throughout the
world and remains so today. But the key issue is imports. My analysis
plays off the need to abstain from current consumption and retain
seed to produce next year’s crop. Full consumption of seed crops
in any period drives production to immediate extinction in a closed
system. Significant importation of seed crop breaks the sharp con-
straint that links current consumption of seed inventory to smaller
future production. Small amounts of seed potatoes were imported
prior to the blight by some of the larger growers seeking higher-
yielding varieties with better taste. Yet during the famine years, there
is no evidence of significant imports of seed potatoes. The Irish po-
tato economy was essentially closed.
The standard economic arguments for restricted trade and lim-
ited intertemporal substitution revolve around capital market imper-
fections or, in more fashionable terminology, ‘‘liquidity con-
straints.’’ The people who suffered most from the famine were rural
dwellers: smallholders, tenants, and laborers operating largely in a
cashless, subsistence economy. Self-production of food on small
plots of land accounted for a very high proportion of their incomes.
Most potatoes were produced and consumed by families on tiny
plots of land. Prior to the famine, such production sustained a vigor-

The blight was endemic in South America, where the potato originated, but
Europe was blight-free because p. infestans could not survive the long sailing voyage.
The shorter steamship voyage changed all that (McNeill 1976). It is ironic that much
later the blight destroyed the South American crop, and blight-resistant varieties
imported from Europe are grown there today. Nothing is left of the native South
American varieties (Heiser 1990), though strains of the blight are still active.
S308 journal of political economy
ous, rapidly growing population.9 But that system had tragic conse-
Population pressure in rural Ireland caused land prices to rise
earlier in the nineteenth century. And declining food prices after
1825 reduced farm wages and made it desirable for rural folk to
economize further on food. The land economies afforded by the
immense yield per acre of potato cultivation help but do not fully
account for the increasing concentration and specialization of pota-
toes in rural diets immediately prior to the famine. The low income
levels of these people, their self-sufficiency and lack of transferable
wealth, and the huge losses they suffered from declining potato pro-
ductivity all worked to shut down the market for imported seed crop.
And their prior self-sufficiency in food and lack of financial wealth
made it impossible to import much of anything else.

V. The Elasticity of Demand for Potatoes

Quantitative information on potato consumption is very sketchy in
the years surrounding the famine. For a large population, the enor-
mous fraction of total food intake accounted by only one source is
without parallel. Perhaps a reason why so many of the Irish did not
diversify their food consumption lies in the statements immediately
above. Even so, most subsistence societies in which self-production
of food has occurred on small plots of land have not been so mono-
cultural. Beyond that, their food behavior raises important questions
about risk aversion, interproduct substitution, and the nature of
tastes, none of which are addressed here.
Demand is more inelastic the smaller the degree of substitution
with other goods. In addition, the short-run supply of other food
crops in Ireland was inelastic, itself caused by investment delays due
to false expectations about future growing conditions, and perhaps
by long-term land tenure contracts that constrained farm workers
and small holders from quickly assembling larger parcels of land
needed to produce more land-intensive crops for self-consumption.
The large budget share accounted for by potatoes works in the other
direction, but the force of habits and the unexpected character of
the blight surely were more important initially.
The demand for potatoes in Ireland was much more elastic in the
longer term, for more important reasons. Consumption fell along
The introduction of potatoes into Europe in the sixteenth century was hastened
by rumors of aphrodisiac properties (Salaman 1949). There is little doubt that pota-
toes have been instrumental in population growth at many times and places, though
not for this reason. They have extraordinary nutrient value for humans (Heiser
potato paradoxes S309
with production, not only because per capita consumption fell, but
also because the famine reduced the size of the population by so
much. Postfamine average acreage fell to one-fourth of its prefamine
level. Since productivity per quality-constant acre declined by half
and low-quality land was abandoned for potato cultivation, long-run
production declined by at least a factor of four. Price increased by
a factor of two over the long haul, so the implied long-run elasticity
of demand is more than 2.0. However, income also dropped and
potatoes are inferior goods, so perhaps 2.0 is an upper bound on
the long-run price elasticity of aggregate demand.

A. Derived Demand for Potatoes as Feed

Human consumption was the main source of demand for potatoes,
but not the only one. Bourke (1993) estimates that one-third of the
crop was eaten by livestock (mainly swine) in the prefamine period.
Average daily intake per pig was slightly larger than per capita hu-
man consumption. A substantial amount of aggregate pig produc-
tion was carried out among the same smallholders who constituted
much of the potato culture. They converted self-production of pota-
toes into a cash crop by feeding some of them to pigs.10 Landlords
did not share the gross proceeds in this business, and the 100 per-
cent marginal return to tenants clearly encouraged pig production
(e.g., like ‘‘private plots’’ in the old Soviet collective agriculture).
Pigs also serve as both consumption and capital goods (Rosen,
Murphy, and Scheinkman 1994). The elasticity of derived demand
for potatoes fed to animals tends to be larger than for human con-
sumption because there are additional possibilities for intertempo-
ral adjustments of animal stocks. When feed is dear, breeding stock
is sold off or directly consumed. Crop is released for human con-
sumption, though substitution is limited because animals eat lower-
quality varieties. Animal stocks are replaced later: fewer females are
slaughtered, and more are bred when feed is more plentiful and
costs are smaller. Prior to the great famine, pig stocks commonly
were observed to fall in years of a shortage of potato crop. Pig pro-
duction served a kind of buffer inventory function for marginal farm-
ers and tenants. It was a natural way to organize production to ac-
commodate year-to-year fluctuations in potato output.
Systematic time series on pig stocks are unavailable, but it is known

It often has been noted that pigs were part of the rural family, as it were, an
observation that still applies in rural areas of many poor countries today. If in the
United States pigs are ‘‘corn with legs,’’ in Ireland of that time pigs were potatoes
with legs. Longfield (1834, pp. 249–56) presents a lucid early analysis.
S310 journal of political economy
that the Irish stock was 55 percent smaller in 1847 than at the agricul-
tural census of 1841. Though data for the years in between are miss-
ing, it seems probable that these adjustments tempered some of the
human distress caused by crop failure. Spotty export records indi-
cate that pig and cattle shipments were unusually high in 1847 com-
pared to 1835, the closest earlier year for which records are available.
Notice that the principle of comparative advantage applies to the
rationality of exporting animals for cash rather than eating them:
the proceeds could be used to purchase cheaper substitutes, such
as Indian corn, which was imported into Ireland during the famine,
but hardly in sufficient quantity to avoid starvation.11 It is probable
that large numbers of pigs also were directly consumed. Of course
these buffers and substitution possibilities are greater for transitory
shocks than for permanent ones. They would have been more im-
portant in 1845–46 than later, but the data are not available to tell.
Schultz (1938) estimated the elasticity of demand of potatoes for
human consumption as ⫺.65 in the United States during 1875–95.
Potato budget shares for the average 1840 Irish consumer would
have been much larger than for the average 1875 American con-
sumer, tending to raise the elasticity. Fewer available food substitutes
tend to lower it. No direct estimates of the demand elasticity of pota-
toes for animal feed are available from any source. The stock of pigs
in Ireland probably fell by more than 50 percent during the period
when the price of potatoes doubled. Use of substitute feeds would
have reduced demand for potato feed by more than 50 percent, so
a lower bound for the arc elasticity of feed demand is in the ⫺1/3 to
⫺1/2 range. Since alternative feeds were in such limited supply, it is
implausible that feed demand was much more elastic than this.

VI. The Elasticity Threshold in Ireland

Though the actual data suggest a long-run elasticity of around ⫺2,
much of that is made up of huge changes in the size of the consum-
ing population. Given the cottage industry nature of production, a
family’s perceived per capita demand elasticity might be more rele-
vant for market dynamics in figures 1 and 3. Equation (10) shows
that demand has to be more inelastic than 1 ⫺ (r/g) for perceived
target seed stocks in figure 3 to actually increase when g falls. In the
preblight period, g was 6.5; in the postblight period, it was closer to
Much has been made of the exports of grain and other foods from Ireland to
England during the period (Sen 1981). But note that the principle of comparative
advantage applies. With substantial adjustment costs, it would pay to maintain pro-
duction of high-quality items for export and import lower-priced, lower-quality food-
stuffs for personal consumption. On this important point, see Ó Gráda (1995).
potato paradoxes S311
3.0. An estimate of the rate of interest is needed to calculate the
threshold value for η.
I proceed by an indirect route. Begin with the fact that interest
rates in rural areas of poor, undeveloped countries are high: 30 per-
cent real rates are not unusual. Ó Gráda (1995) calculates that the
standard of living in prefamine Ireland was approximately the same
as that of Egypt today, so the effective interest rate for subsistence
farmers there must have been large.
Mokyr (1983) describes an active loan market in prefamine rural
Ireland. Since potatoes store for 10 months, the two summer months
between the end of the storage period and the initial new harvest
were hard and hungry, year in and year out. No systematic data on
interest rates and defaults are available. However, Ó Gráda (1993)
documents large seasonal variations in potato prices. An estimate of
the interest rate can be backed out of seasonal price numbers using
elementary inventory theory.
At harvest, potatoes were stored in large holes dug below the frost
line and covered to protect them from vermin, seepage, and mois-
ture. Direct costs of storage (labor and the like) were small and are
ignored. If a farmer willingly held potatoes for 10 months, the usual
arbitrage condition requires that the relative prices at months t and
t ⫹ τ satisfy p t ⫽ [(1 ⫺ δ)/(1 ⫹ rτ )]p t⫹τ , where rτ is the τ-month
interest rate and δ is the τ-month depreciation rate. Seasonal peak
prices often were twice as high as harvest prices. In that case,
p t⫹τ /p t ⫽ (1 ⫹ rτ )/(1 ⫺ δ) ⬇ 2. Potatoes store rather well if kept in
a cool, dry place, but there is shrinkage due to moisture and pests.
Depreciation of stored potatoes under modern conditions is about
15 percent. Given the great dependence on potatoes, it is hard to
imagine that the depreciation rate was larger than 30 percent in
Ireland of the 1840s. In that case the formula implies an interest
rate of about 30 percent. If δ was smaller than 30 percent, r must
have been larger; if direct costs of storage were significant, r would
be smaller. Finally, there is a fair bit of year-to-year variation in the
size of seasonal patterns, which adds even more noise to the estimate
of r.
When 0.3 ⱕ r ⱕ .5, the threshold value 1 ⫺ (r/g) is estimated to
be at least .95 before the famine and .9 or more after the famine.
Notice that this threshold value is not very sensitive to the interest
rate because g is so large. Since the threshold value is near unity, it
is possible that the (ex ante) elasticity of demand for potatoes per
family in 1840s Ireland was below the critical threshold value and
that excess savings of seed stock inventories played some role in the
latter part of the famine as well as in the first year. However, given
a high discount rate, these kinds of forward-looking adjustments
S312 journal of political economy
could not have been very large. The initial error in mistaking a per-
manent decline in productivity for a temporary one was far more

VII. Conclusion
As horrific as it was, the main production aspects of the Irish famine
can be analyzed in fairly conventional economic terms. Adapting a
familiar dynamic model does a tolerable job of explaining the main
time-series data on the consumption and production of potatoes.
This application is possible because potato technology is so simple
and because the event that precipitated it is so transparent in hind-
sight. Most empirical dynamic economic models require greater
elaboration and detailed technical assumptions about unobserved
exogenous disturbances. Issues of that kind do not arise here be-
cause the timing of the blight’s arrival is precise and its conse-
quences eclipse everything else.
The most drastic consequences of the blight were caused by tragic
miscalculation that a permanent shock was transitory, as previously
emphasized by Mokyr (1983) and Ó Gráda (1993). This delayed re-
organizations of agricultural production to more productive crops.
These faulty perceptions perhaps are understandable, if not ‘‘ratio-
nal,’’ given the information that was available to people in those
days. Potatoes had supported a large and growing population for
many years with relatively little risk. Decisive scientific identification
of blight as the true cause of the productivity decline came only years
after its first occurrence. The huge effects of agricultural science on
agricultural productivity in general occurred almost a century later.
The new point added by this analysis is that the mistake provoked
oversaving by a population in dire circumstances, certainly in the
first year and possibly in later ones as well. The famine may have
been prolonged by a perceived need to conserve seed stocks even
after its permanent nature was recognized. However, the high dis-
count rates in the affected population, made even higher by sickness
and starvation, suggest a limited role there. Instead, potato cultiva-
tion was scaled way back.
The adverse consequences of the potato blight were heightened
by the extraordinary importance of potatoes in the self-production
and consumption of food among large rural Irish families. It caused
the equivalent of a sudden 50 percent or more increase in the price
of food for at least one-third of the population. That translates to
a massive 25–30 percent unexpected decline in their standard of
living. An event of that scale would cause misery even in a rich popu-
potato paradoxes S313
Since the Giffen paradox is not useful for understanding the Irish
experience, is it asking too much for future writers of elementary
texts to find another example? Fictions have no place in the teaching
of economics. If any paradox remains for understanding the eco-
nomics of the famine, it is how human fertility decisions, population
pressures, and the social and economic system of Ireland at that time
encouraged such large families, such specialized personal food pro-
duction, and such shockingly undiversified diets. Perhaps this is a
case in which economic analysis is limited by not being able to ac-
count for tastes.

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