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Lecture Note Formal Methods in Software Engineering - Lecture 1 (Download Tai Tailieutuoi - Com)

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Formal Methods in Software Engineering

1.1 Introduction and Overview

The goal of this lecture series is to provide training in formal thinking to students
of applied informatics. Students should learn to analyze and solve problems us-
ing formal methods. The class will expose students to a wide set of problems
and show ways of solving them. Formal methods, as they are used in theoretical
computer science, constitute an essential part of a computer science education,
not only for those who target an academic or research career, but also for practi-
tioners. Although the main goal of theoretical computer science, and the use of
formal methods, is to gain insights, it turns out that many of the methods have
direct practical applications. We will make an attempt to always illustrate the
theoretical ideas with concrete examples and case studies – which is sometimes
easier and sometimes a bit harder.
Because the curriculum is toward applied informatics, we only provide an
overview of the field – on each of the chapters, we could have an entire course
itself (e.g. on complexity, on logic, on automata and languages, etc.). Thus, it is
not possible to always dig very deeply into the subject matter, but we do hope that
this is sufficient to appreciate the issues involved and their implications.
We will cover the classical topics – formal languages, automata theory, etc. –
but we have added a number of subjects that reflect our background in artificial
intelligence, artificial life, and complex systems. They all require clear, formal
thinking, and provide an additional valuable set of tools. For example, we have
included sections on cellular automata, L-systems, and fractals which we feel,
every computer scientist should know about. We also bring in the relatively

topic of network theory, which represents an extension of classical graph theory.

Moreover, in the classical approach to artificial intelligence, the relation between
computational models and theory of intelligence is often discussed; we will
devote some final considerations to this question.
Theoretical computer science is built on the idea of computation as formal-
ized by Alan Turing. While this idea of abstracting from the physical substrate
and only considering the level of computation is extremely powerful – and has
fundamentally changed society and our daily lives – it does have its limitations.
This is why we also incorporated short chapters on morphological computation
and on quantum computing, again concepts a computer science student should
know about.
This script is only a short summary of contents treated in the lectures. Not all
the material covered in class is covered here even though it may be relevant for
the final examination. For certain topic areas, the students are referred to the
pertinent literature for more detail.
Computer science – theoretical or applied – cannot be taught only theoreti-
cally, but active participation is extremely important. Consequently, we have in-
cluded four substantial problem sheets that have the purpose to provide you with
a deeper understanding of the ideas introduced. We do hope that the students will
find them instructive and fun to do.
In terms of prerequisite, we expect the students to be familiar with the ideas
taught during the course “Formal Methods, Part 1” which includes the following
areas: information theory, Boolean algebra, predicate calculus, program verifica-
tion, algorithmic complexity, trees, graphs, and relations. Some of these topics
will be taken up again and deepened theoretically and through applications.

1.2 Acknowledgment
Rolf Pfeifer and his teaching assistants are grateful to Norbert Fuchs for gener-
ously providing materials and patiently answering our questions.

1.3 Outline of the Script

The topics which we will cover during the lecture – and thus the chapters of the
present script – are structured and related to each other as follows (see Figure
1.1): We will start with the theory of formal languages, which is about

Formal Languages

Automata Theory



Graphs &

Morphological Quantum
Computation Computation

Figure 1.1: Overview of the topics that will be covered during the lecture.

the various structures found is virtually any text-based communication between

any combination of humans and computers. We will not only learn the terminol-
ogy, but also explore the various complexity levels found in formal languages.

The second topic, automata theory, is very closely related to formal lan-
guages: it deals with the various kinds of abstract machines capable of recogniz-
ing formal languages. In fact, the two topics of formal languages and automata
theory constitute together the very basis of computation. Yet, this first part of the
lecture is not only about theoretical computer science. We will also encounter
various applications, many of which are found in the most modern software and

We will explore different extensions of automata theory. The theory of

Markov processes belongs to the probabilistic follows-up of automata theory,
and has many applications, such as in text or speech recognition. Logic is also an
ex- tension of formal languages concerned with the question of how sentences in
a formal language (such as mathematical theorems) can be logically derived from
one another. We will also discuss how such a formalisms may allow computers to
derive or proof theorems for us.

Another interesting extension of automata theory is the study of cellular au-

tomata – which are nothing else than many simple automata put on a grid next to
each other. We will see that such systems have very surprising, even spectacular
properties. In fact, we will see that cellular automata belong to a larger class of
systems called complex systems.

An example of complex systems on which we will focus are graphs and net-
works. In this chapter, we will learn different techniques that enables us to deal
with and characterize such kind of systems. We will also discuss some interesting
effects found in different kind of static or growing networks.

Finally, we will conclude our journey through theoretical and applied com-
puter science with two particular topics – morphological and quantum
computa- tion – which should provide insights on alternatives to the classical
and prevalent theory of Turing computation.

1.4 Suggested Readings

Formal Languages and Automata Theory

• Hopcroft, J. E., Motwani, R., and Ullman, J. D. (2001). Introduction to

Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison Wesley, second

• Sudkamp, T. A. (2006). Languages and Machines: An introduction to the

Theory of Computer Science. Addison Wesley, third edition.

Logic and Models of Computation

• Papadimitriou, C. H. (1995). Computational Complexity. Addison Wesley.

• Rechenberg, P. and Pomberger, G. (2006). Informatik Handbuch. Hanser,

fourth edition.

Fractals and Chaos

• Flake, G. W. (1998). The Computational Beauty of Nature – Computer

Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation. MIT

Graphs and Networks

• Buchanan, M. (2002). Nexus: Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Sci- ence of
Networks. Norton Publishing. (Popular science)

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