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in Success

Our Management System Framework provides a broad-based set of expectations integrated

into various elements or the boundaries within which company must operate. These elements
outline what are the expectations in areas of management in order to ensure consistent delivery
of improved & cost effective performance.

w w w. sajenergyser vices .com

Company Profile Products
• About us
• Vision
• Mission • Tubular Goods
• Energy and Natural Resources • Well Completion Equipment
• Flow Assurance Chemicals
• Water Treatment Chemicals
• Industrial Chemicals

Services Engineering
• Corrosion Monitoring Equipment
• Wellhead Equipment Services
• Plasma Pulse Technology • Reservoir Engineering
• Welltest and rate transient
• Material Balance and DCA
• Production Engineering and more...

Our Partners Contact us

• CM Tech
• Metito
• Specialty Chemical
• Novas Energy and more...

Company Profile

SAJ Energy Services mission is to build capacity, capability and competencies

through partnerships with world renowned technocrats. Deliver innovative
solutions of subsurface & surface issues by using Industry Software and
Technology that meet international standard.

About us Vision
SAJ Energy Services is Engineering At the very heart of our business lies our
Consultancy and Services Company, Vision – To strategically and systematically
operated by highly experienced evolve ourselves as a sterling partner who is
Professionals worked in South Africa, Middle highly acclaimed for its preeminent service
East, Iraq, UAE and Pakistan. We are and unsurpassed performance in
providing services like Reserves challenging scenarios.
Certification, Transient test analysis, DCA &
MB of producing oil and gas reservoirs,
review and solutions of inactive wells, field
development & reservoir simulation, Mission
production optimization, evaluation of field
assets and Study of Energy Conservation by Our mission is to help our customers achieve
optimizing the operating parameters of their goals by evolving ourselves into
working machines in mature fields, Oilfield industry’s most dependable source for
flow assurance chemicals, Corrosion procurement of reliable materials and
Monitoring Equipment, Drilling Equipment, services.
Wellhead Equipment and import of LPG
from Kazakhstan.

We highly focus on effectively introducing

and sustainably promoting newest yet
ingenious technological products & services
to parts of the Eastern Hemisphere where
they are lesser or not known, thus benefiting
potential customers in overcoming
previously unconquered problems while
catalyzing business growth for technology
owners /manufacturers.

Products Catalogue

We have a strong business development drive, and hence, our product portfolio
and partnership has been growing with time. Our product portfolio includes:

Tubular Goods

API 5CT Casing Tubing Drill Pipes and HWDP API 5L Line Pipes Heavy Wall Thickness
All Grades upto 32% Chrome Assorted Sizes Pipes

Well Completion Equipment

Wellhead and Wellhead Control Cementing and Completion Packers

X-Mas Tree Panels Casing Accessories

Liner Hanger Systems DHSV and SSSV

Products Catalogue

Flow Assurance Chemicals

Oilfield flow assurance chemicals refer to the chemicals, which used in the process of drilling,
completion, oil recovery, water injection and enhanced oil recovery. There are many kinds of oilfield
chemicals and many classification methods. According to the code standard of oilfield chemicals
used in petroleum and natural gas field site, oilfield chemicals can be divided into four categories:
commodity chemicals, drilling chemicals, cementing chemicals, fracturing and acidizing

DeMUX™ Range of DEMULSIFIER / droplet interface where it must counteract

EMULSION BREAKERS the emulsifying agent, It has an attraction
for water droplets with a similar charge and
bring them together (flocculation). It
Usually crude oil/water emulsion is neutralizes the emulsifier and promotes
separated into bulk phases of oil and water, rupture of the droplet interface film, hence
following three steps: allowing coalescence to occur. DeMUX™ is a
complex organic compound with surface
Step 1: Destabilization of the emulsion by active characteristics.
counteracting the stabilizing effect of the
emulsifier. There is a tough film on the
dispersed water droplets, it must be De-Scale range of Scale Inhibitors
weakened and broken. This can be easily
done by an inter-facially active chemical
Demulsifier. Salts in the produced water cause problems
in production and refining processes, when
Step 2: Coalescence. Of the water droplets to the solids precipitate to form scale on
larger droplets facilitating the settling out of heaters, plug exchangers, etc. This scaling
water out of oil.. This can be done through can accelerate the corrosion rate in piping
moderate agitation of the fluid. and equipment. Usually the salt in the crude
oil consists of salt dissolved in small droplets
Step 3: Gravity Separation of the water and of water which are dispersed in the crude.
oil by allowing some quiet period to the fluid. Some times the produced oil can contain
Gravity difference between oil and water crystalline salt also. Scale deposition may
separates the two layers. also happen when pressure on the fluid is
DeMUX™ is widely used to perform the
most important step defined above, that is, SAJ provides highly effective scale inhibitors
to destabilize and to assist in coalescence of which reduce mineral scale formation and
crude oil emulsions. The benefits of DeMUX deposition
™ are that it can be easily applied to the
emulsion, is very reasonably priced and Our technologists use state of the art
minimizes the amount of heat and settling research facilities to develop the products
time required. It counteracts the emulsifying which reduce cost of operation and extend
agent, allowing the dispersed droplets of the equipment life.
emulsion to coalesce into larger drops and
settle out of the matrix.

DeMUX™ has strong attraction to the

oil/water interface, has the ability to migrate
rapidly through the oil phase to reach the
Products Catalogue

Corrosion Control Benefits

Mitigate corrosion in wellbores, flow-lines,
transmission lines, gathering lines, and
We can partner with you to help tailor a pipelines of oil and gas systems to preserve
corrosion inhibitor program that helps to integrity for years;
protect your long and expensive pipelines/ Mitigate pitting corrosion, costly corrosion
equipment against salt water and other failures and down time;
corrosive elements. Our Corrosion control Lower dosage rates require smaller pumps
solutions protect the lifetime and and infrastructure to deliver; and
productivity of your assets by reducing Combination products to minimize CAPEX
equipment failure, maximizing production costs associated with application.
time, and reducing leaks and spills. By
leveraging best-in-class chemistry with
global industry expertise and remote
monitoring, we can build a solution that
minimizes corrosion and helps your pipeline
withstand continuous exposure to corrosive

By combining innovative chemistries,

knowledgeable experts and continuous
monitoring, we ensure the right chemical
treatment program is implemented to solve
your corrosion challenge.

In addition to providing corrosion-protection

products, we will evaluate fluid properties
and field conditions to customize a
corrosion-treatment program specific to
your needs, so your asset can continue to FAG and FAS range of Pour Point
work at peak efficiency year after year. Depressants

One of the main strength of our company is

the large range of Pour Point Depressants
(PPD) for Crudes and Fuel Oils. Our PPDs
cover a wide range of Crude oil and Fuel oils,
as well as, these can be tailored to any
unique requirements.

Our PPDs have gained world recognition of

being effective on very thick or tough fluids,
where products of the competitors prove
not so effective.

We are so confident in our PPDs that we

always love to accept new challenges. Our
PPDs are very cost effective as well, and we
can prove it.

Products Catalogue

De-Wax range for WAX control DeSour™ range of H2S Scavengers

Our specialized chemical solutions prevent Natural gas containing H2S is called Sour
wax deposition forming in Oil and Gas gas, H2S can be in concentrations varying
Sector systems. It also removes the deposits from a trace on up to 30 mol% . H2S causes
which could have been formed prior to severe corrosion to occur when free water is
treatment. present in natural-gas pipelines. When H2S
is burned it forms sulfur dioxide, which is
Crude produced from many wells goes highly toxic and is a very problem on sale
some formation changes due to changes in gas.
temperature and pressure unstable soon
after leaving the formation. This changes in H2S corrodes pipelines, valves and process
conditions may cause build-up of waxes in equipment.
the tubing, pipes and other surface
equipment. SAJ Energy Services fully realizes the
presence of H2S as a very serious and
These deposits may cause many obvious dangerous problem in the oilfield today. Our
problems such as, reduced internal H2S Scavenger product line has been
diameter of the tubes, reduced pump specially designed to treat H2S in Oil and Gas
throughput, malfunction in the vales and Sector fluids.
instruments etc. Downtime costs are

SAJ technologists have critically researched

this phenomenon. Our formulations consist
of solvents and dispersants to remove
already formed deposits, as well as, wax
crystal modifiers / cold flow improvers / pour
point depressants which effect paraffin
molecules to keep them solubilized in the
hydrocarbon phase.

De-Asphalt range of Asphaltene Control

Asphaltenes are complex compounds and

like wax they may deposit on tubing and
other equipment causing the similar
operational problems as stated above.

Our team of technologists has developed

additive manage problems caused by
asphaltene depositions.

Products Catalogue

We are more than just a supplier of chemicals. We have always lived up the
highest standards imposed by the market and often taken the lead to develop
new offerings for our clients, focusing on product efficiency and environmental

Water Treatment Chemicals

Our products are developed, produced and
accredited in line with customer needs. We
are proud to have a full range of membrane
manufacturer approvals necessary to serve
our markets, where full traceability and
quality control of all ingredients are seen as a
minimum requirement. We are committed
towards a continuous improvement for all
business processes. Our goal is to
implement and deliver the same consistent
standards of quality, at all levels of the
company and in all regions.

• Cooling Tower Boiler Feed Water

Treatment Chemicals

• Cleaning Flushing and Passivating Agents • Odor Controllers

• Wide range of oxidizing and non-oxidizing • Chlorine Dioxide

Biocides & Biodispersants

• Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors Industrial Chemicals

• Volatile and Non-volatile Oxygen • Triethylene Glycol (TEG)
• Diethylene Glycol (DEG)
• Alkalinity builders
• Monoethylene Glycol (MEG)
• Defoamers and Sludge Conditioners
• Poly Glycol
• Full Line of Reverse Osmosis Chemicals
• Mixed Isomer based Xylene
• Industrial Specialty Water Treatment
Chemicals • Ammonium Sulfate

• Waste Water Treatment Chemicals • Bitumen 60/70, 80/100 and 85/100

• Dry Anionic and Cationic Polymers

Products Catalogue

Land Rig Packages

(500–3500 HP)
• Conventional Mechanical Drilling Rigs
• Electric Drilling Rigs (SCR, VFD)
• Intelligent Drilling Rigs
• Fast Moving/ Truck Mounted Rigs
• Seismic Shot-Hole Man Portable Rigs
• Walking Rigs

Tubular Handling & Drill Floor

• Air Winches
• Spider Elevators
• Manual Elevators
• Elevator Links
• Manual and Powered Tongs
• Drill Pipe and Drill Collar Slips
• Casing Slips
• Hinged Casing Spiders
• Tubing Spiders
• Safety Clamps
• Stabbing Valve
• Kelly Spinner (Hydraulic, Pneumatic)
• Drill Pipe Spinner
• Hydraulic Power Packs
• Hydraulic Make-Up and Break-Out Units
• Torque Control Systems

Corrosion Monitoring Equipment

Our goal is to get you back up and running to maximum efficiency as quickly as
possible, so that you are able to realize measurable improvements immediately.

Corrosion Monitoring is one of the basic Rohrback Cosasco, UK & Cormon, USA
functions of instrumentation required for without compromising on quality to our
safe and smooth industrial operation. In valuable and highly satisfied clients OGDCL,
oilfield system, corrosion monitoring SNGPL, PPL, POL in Pakistan. We also
determines the rate and mechanism of provide all kinds of assistance from system
internal corrosion in the system through the selection to monitoring and corrosion
use of physical system and chemical analysis.
analysis. The selection of monitoring is of
paramount importance as corrosion factors SAJ Energy Services provides the services
to be considered are often related to the for:
geometry of system and components.
• Corrosion monitoring and corrosion
We are providing cost effective highest related technologies
quality Corrosion Monitoring Equipment in
Pakistan from one of the reputable • Installation of metallic inserts for erosion
manufacturer, SAJ Energy Services Pakistan. protection
Our equipment is completely
interchangeable with Rohrback Cosasco, UK
• Material evaluation against corrosion and
& Cormon, USA and any other manufacturer
in corrosion monitoring
and no modification is required for
installation hence no additional expense is
required to install our equipment. We
provide corrosion monitoring equipment at
much lower cost than our counterparts like

Wellhead Equipment

We’re committed to providing superior wellhead products and services that meet
or exceed the industry standards for quality, reliability, and value, ensuring client
satisfaction and safety.

Our experienced wellhead service

engineers, who are capable to provide
following services relating to wellheads:

• Inspection of X-mass tree and wellhead

• Wellhead and X-mas tree installation

Services for all types of equipment

• Maintenance of X-mas tree and wellheads

Plasma Pulse Technology

PPT is a special kind of stimulation technique where oil production enhancement

occurs without formation damage and use of chemical agents.

It is based on Scientific research in the areas of Geology, Petro-Physics, blasting theory, acoustic,
wave theory and resonance technique. It is set apart from Conventional Stimulation and fracturing
methods. It will enhance the permeability without damaging the cement behind casing because
maximum pressure of plasma plus at well is 40 MPA (4355 Psi) while the cement strength is usually
50 to 6o MPA ( 7255 Psi to 8710 Psi). The technology is an environmental friendly. This can be applied
in vertical, deviated and horizontal wells with the proper conveyance techniques.

The resonance vibrations created in the formation make it possible to clean existing filtration
channels and to create new one at a distance of 1500 meters from the point of initiation of plasma
plus action. It also allows local problems such as poor well drainage to be resolved such as paraffin,
asphaltenes, scales and other materials are clean away. The resultant benefits of the actions are as

• To improve Oil Recovery

• To energies the well at development stage

• To increase the water injection wells injection capacity

• Re-distribute the well’s intake/injection capacity profile

• To restore the production wells yield or production capacity after the drop in the hydraulic
fracturing impact

Consultancy Services
Reservoir Engineering and Production Egineering

We help companies understand the interconnected, dynamic forces that shape

the world’s energy markets through our expertise in Chemicals, and energy
dependent industries.

Our experts and analytical tools enable Our services include:

clients to continuously improve their
strategy and operations across the entire
energy value chain. We ready to assist Well Testing & Rate Transient
customers in oil and gas.
As an integral part of our reservoir
engineering and production engineering
consulting work & services that are sold, Production Engineering
supported and provides practical and
advanced solutions for reservoir engineering
and production optimization projects. Material Balance and DCA
We offers strength of expertise in the
interdisciplinary cooperation between our
team of reservoir engineers, petrophysicists,
Reservoir Engineering &
production engineers, simulation engineers,
and computer specialists, can provide both
short-term and long-term consulting
services to provide answers, analysis, and
interpretation of drilling and operations
Integrated Asset
results. Management
Our integrated reservoir and production
engineering suite allows organizations to
quickly determine how subsurface behavior
will affect production and how surface
infrastructure plans will affect reserves.
Designed by engineers, the software is
practical and easy to use.

Our Partners

Why partner with us?

SAJ Energy Services mission is to build capacity, capability and competencies through partnerships
with world renowned technocrats. Deliver innovative solutions of subsurface & surface issues by
using Industry Technology that meets international standard. To provide services which meet
quality and safety of global oil and gas community.

Our Partners

Yangzhou Chengde Steel Pipe

Our Team

He leads the production engineering team

responsible for integrated production
modeling and system optimization. The
models includes the reservoir tanks, all the
wells, the surface gathering system to
optimize the production and the water or
gas injection system simultaneously. In
models, production history matched,
optimized production, ran production
forecast for the depletion strategy,
economic evaluation and the producing life
of the field.

He is author of three papers. These were

presented in Annual Technical Conferences
Abdul Sattar (ATCs) of PAPG/SPE Pakistan and published
Production and Well-Operations in respective proceedings.
Mr. Abdul Sattar holds the bachelor’s degree
in Petroleum Engineering with 20 years of
diverse experience in oil and gas industry.
He worked as Manager Operations &
Petroleum Engineering in major oil and gas
exploration and production companies in
Pakistan. His major area of expertise are; well
planning and completion, wellhead &
completion design, Artificial lift selection
(Gas lift, Jet pump, PCP, ESP, Rod Pump),
Rig/Rigless intervention design, , production
optimization, well operations, well
economics evaluation & field development
plans. He worked with multidisciplinary
team consisting of Reservoir engineers,
Petro-physicists, Geologists, Drilling Azfar Mahmood
engineers, Operation engineers and Production and Well-Operations
Procurement officers for fields Engineer
Mr. Azfar Mahmood holds Bachelor’s degree
He also holds extensive experience in in Petroleum Engineering, is a dynamic
designing and supervision of rig and rigless Petroleum Engineer with proven track
operations including well head & X-mas tree record of 30 years of experience in Oil & Gas
installation, well testing, completion running Upstream Operating (local, Multi-national
operations, slickline, e-line, coiled tubing, and International) Companies. He is
acid stimulation, perforations, production experienced in managing, planning &
logging, water shutoffs, downhole plug execution of drilling, completion, workover &
setting, pressure/gradient surveys & fishing intervention operations and
etc. He also worked as a rig site supervisor implementation of HSE practices in Oil &
for various workover operations to test and Gas for onshore fields. In Middle East with
complete the wells. Eni Iraq BV he worked as workover &

Our Team

completion superintendent and managed companies; and further supported erection

6-8 rigs operation for more than three years & commissioning of surface facilities
continuously. infrastructure.

He is skilled to solve problems innovatively

by applying new technology & intelligent
approach in operations. In Pakistan he
involved in the field’s development at
various fields with different operator
companies; and further supported erection
& commissioning of surface facilities

Sharven Kumar
Reservoir and Simulation Engineer
He holds a Bachelor degree in Petroleum
Engineering from METU (Turkey). He is
dynamic Petroleum reservoir simulation/
management professional with more than
30 years of diverse experience in oil and gas
industry who had worked in Pakistan, Libya,
Mirza Daud South Africa and UAE. Experienced and
Production and Well-Operations skilled to lead multidisciplinary team
Engineer consisting of reservoir engineers,
petro-physicists, geologists, drilling
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Petroleum & engineers and operation engineers. He has
Gas Engineering from University of the expertise in Well-test analysis (Pressure
Engineering & Technology, Pakistan. He has and Rate transient) of vertical/ slanted and
worked on comparison of viscoelastic horizontal well in sandstone and highly
surfactants and other fracturing fluids complex fractured lime-stones reservoirs
efficiency for Tight Gas Reservoir in his final and interpreted at least more than 400
year project. Currently he is working as pressure transients using Star, Weltest-100,
Junior Production engineer. His main Weltest-200, Interprest-2, Fekete,
responsibilities include study of well history, Pan-system and Sapphire.
data management and production
In his professional career he involved in
optimization of different components
reservoir management and reservoir
starting from wellbore to gathering system.
simulation of Clastic and highly fractured
Lime-Stone, built static and simulation
He is skilled to solve problems innovatively
models in OGDCL & Orient Petroleum,
by applying new technology & intelligent
Pakistan, Veba Oil Operations, Libya, Sasol
approach in operations. In Pakistan he
Petroleum International, South Africa and
involved in the field’s development at
various fields with different operator
Our Team

ADCO, UAE. Prior to dynamic modeling he OGDCL with 25 years of experience of E&P
has QC/ QA, initialized and validated all of Sector
the model and subsequently history
matched and ran different predictions The key areas of interest of Mr. Arshad
scenarios for field development that Majeed are Reservoir Monitoring, Reservoir
includes, number of producers/ injector and Management, Well testing, Reservoir
depletion strategy. In problematic cases Characterization, Reserves Evaluation and
where history match was a challenge, he Reservoir Simulation. He has been visiting
performed Streamline Simulation for the instructor to OGTI during his service period
determination of flow paths for fluid with OGDCL and delivered courses.
moment and pressure distribution. During
prediction scenarios simulated Mr. Arshad Majeed is author of seven papers.
Water-flooding, miscible/ immiscible lean These were presented in Annual Technical
Gas injection, CO2 injection and WAG Conferences (ATCs) of PAPG/SPE Pakistan
injection. In WAG injection different WAG and published in respective proceedings.
schemes were formed by adjusting the
WAG parameters, i.e. WAG ratio, WAG
injection rate. These scenarios were ran to
simulate the impacts of water flooding, lean
gas injection and WAG parameters on the
recovery of hydrocarbons for a limestone
reservoir in order to evaluate the feasibility of
different types of gas in WAG injections, gas
injection and water flooding schemes.

Muhammad Khalid
Reservoir and Simulation Engineer
Mr. Muhammad Khalid holds Bachelor
degree in Petroleum Engineering and
worked as reservoir engineer, with over 17
years of experience in the upstream
exploration & production sector. During
most of his career he has been involved in
Arshad Majeed the development of major oil/gas fields of
Reservoir and Simulation Engineer Pakistan using reservoir simulation models.
He has marvelous expertise in well testing,
Mr. Arshad Majeed holds Master degree in planning, reservoir simulations of clastic and
Geology from University of the Punjab, highly fractures limestone reservoirs field,
Lahore, Pakistan and MPhil. (Petroleum development, economics and management
Engineering) degree from Heriot-watt of conventional and unconventional
University, Edinburgh, U.K. He worked as a reservoirs. He performed well test analysis
Manager (Reservoir Management) in
Our Team

that includes build up, fall off, draw down,

interference and deliverability tests of more
than 350 wells. Planned and designed flow
after flow test of oil reservoirs on frequent
basis for the estimation of productivity index
to investigate the rate of depletion with time.
Categorized the inactive wells after the
thorough study of production behavior and
recommended the optimum solution to
revive the well production. He also worked
as a Project Manager for exploration blocks.

Anees Rana
Junior Reservoir Engineer
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Petroleum &
Gas Engineering from University of
Engineering & Technology, Pakistan. He has
worked on Sensitivity analysis of end point
saturations and effect of relative
permeability models on history match using
reservoir simulation software (ECLIPSE) and
presented his work in SPE Annual Technical
Conference 2018 held in Islamabad,
Pakistan. Currently working as a Junior
Reservoir Engineer, his main responsibilities
include data management for reservoir
simulation, reserves estimation and well

Contact us

+92 51 835 9901

+92 333 5191379

+92 51 835 9902

Apartment # 201, Street # 73,

Al-Safa Height-2, F-11/1, Islamabad,

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