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Guidelines For Developing EHS Plan For Building and Construction Sector

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Guidelines for Developing EHS Plan

for Building and Construction Sector

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Abu Dhabi Emirate Enviro nmen t,
Health and Safety Management System
To all Building and Construction
Consultancy Offices

The Municipality of abu Dhabi City invites all

Consultant Offices operating in the Building & Construction
Sector to observe the following:

• All contractors are obliged to prepare and submit Health,

Safety & Environment (HSE) plans or their projects.

• HSE plans to be approved by the consultant.

• HSE plans have to be added to the requisites of

obtaining permits for starting construction and
infrastructure works.

• This requirement has been put into effect as of


• The guidlines for Developing HSE Plans can be

downloaded from the website

For inquiries please contact us on: or call

the Municipality’s toll-free number.

80022220 -
• Introduction ..................................................................................... 3

1. Project Details ................................................................................ 5

2. Project Brief Description and Project Layout

...................................... 7

3. EHS Management
Requirements ............................................... 8

4. Planning
...................................................................................... 11

5. Implementation and
Operations .................................................. 13

6. Audit and Review

........................................................................ 17
7. Appendices
................................................................................... 19

8. Forms
........................................................................................ 20
9. Checklists
.................................................................................... 34

10. Screen Windows

......................................................................... 54
With reference to The Municipality of Abu Dhabi City policy and the vision
of Department of Municipal Affairs, The Municipality of Abu Dhabi City and
based on Abu Dhabi - EHSMS framework is keen to support and assist
consultants, contractors and developers in building and construction sector
to establish and develop their EHS plans. This would improve the efforts
and measures to maintain high standards of EHS at construction projects
in order to protect people, assets and environment.

This booklet contains the basic elements for developing Environment,

Health and Safety (EHS) plan. The implementation of the EHS plan will
enhance the EHS standards to achieve best levels of environment, health
and safety compliance in construction sites in Abu Dhabi Emirate.
1.0 Project Details
Name of the Project
Name of the Client/Developer
Name of the Consultant
Name of the Principal contractor
3.1 Requirements
Leadership & Commitment
Define how senior management lead by example and demonstrate
commitment through participation & communication with employees
3.2 on EHS issues.

EHS Policy:
• Includes commitment towards continual improvement.
• Contains commitment to comply with applicable
current legislations & other requirements.
3.3 • It should be signed by the top management.

Organization, Roles & Responsibilities:

• Project & EHS organizational chart.

• EHS personnel roles & responsibilities.
• Management of subcontractors and suppliers.
3.4 • Project key personnel & their contacts.


• Regular and periodic meetings.

• EHS alerts and notice boards.
• Rewards, incentives, recognition & discipline.
3.5 Training:
• EHS induction.
• Toolbox talks.
• Special EHS training and awareness.

Site Inspection and Monitoring
Incidents Reporting and Investigation
Site EHS Rules & Instructions
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
EHS Document Control and Recording System
4.1 Risk Management:
Identification of hazards, assessing the risks and specifying control

4.2 Legal and Other Requirements:

EHS laws, regulations, codes of practice, etc.

4.3 Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan

4.4 Site Security Plan and Access Control.
4.5 Permit To Work (PTW)

4.6 Traffic Management Plan

How to manage detours, diversions, road closure and vehicles
movement (refer to Traffic Engineering and Roads Safety
Department procedures and guidelines).
5.0Implementation &
5.1 Occupational Health Arrangements
How to manage the risks by developing and implementing control measures for
the following:

• Noise
• Vibration
• Temperature/ heat stress (refer to Health Authority
Abu Dhabi - HAAD guidelines, and procedures)
• Radiation (ionizing & non-ionizing radiation)
• Lighting & ventilation
• Welfare facilities
• Hazardous substances
• Dust
• Biological agents
• Pest
5.2 Safety Arrangements
How to manage risks by developing and implementing control
measures in place for the following:

• Working at heights
• Scaffolds and ladders
• Cantilevers and platforms
• Formworks and structures
• Roofs
• Lifting equipment, lifting gears & lifting operations
• Excavations and trenches
• Confined spaces
• Tunnels and shafts
• Demolition
• Piling
• Electrical equipment and electrical systems
• Electrical and gas welding
• Gas cutting
• Hazardous materials
• Fire
• Working overwater or adjacent to watercourse
(sea, lake or water channel)
• Vehicles and mobile equipment
• Machinery, mechanical equipment and
mechanical system
• Portable tools (electrical, pneumatic and hand tools)
• Segregation of pedestrians from vehicles and
moving equipment
• Manual handling
• Falling objects
• Slips, trips and falls
• Housekeeping
• Animals and reptiles
• Violence
5.3 Environmental Arrangements
How to manage the environmental aspects and impacts by developing &
implementing control measures for the following:

Waste Management:

Include appropriate control measures for collection,

segregation and disposal for the waste with conformance
of Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center procedures and
• Hazardous waste
• Non-Hazardous waste

Soil, Water-Courses and Groundwater Pollution Protection:

• Containment areas (bunding) for oil, fuel or chemicals

storage tanks
• Washing area for concrete mixing trucks and pumps
• Dripping trays for machinery, equipment and trucks
• Oil spill combating kits or materials

(Refer to Abu Dhabi Environment Agency - EAD

guidelines, standards and codes of practice).

Air Pollution Protection:

• Dust suppression program

• Air emission (periodic maintenance programs for the
engines of vehicles, trucks, equipment, plants,
machinery, etc.)
6.0 Audit and Review
Contractor shall define the basis under which internal & external EHS
auditing and management reviews will be conducted.
(not required submission to the municipality, just for guidance).

Risk Assessment
(required to be submitted to the municipality attached with the EHS

EHS Performance quarterly Report
(required to be submitted to the municipality on quarterly basis).

Incidents Report
(required to be submitted to the municipality whenever there is a
reportable incident).

EHS Induction Training
(not required submission to the municipality, just for guidance).

Toolbox Talks
(not required submission to the municipality, just for guidance).

NB: All EHS records should be kept on site and shown when requested.
Risk Assessment

General Information

Compa n y Name: Project Name:

Residual Risk
Risk Rating
Potential Control Measure Risk Acceptable
S/N Activity Hazard
Harm/Damage Probability Severit Ratin (Refer to Hierarchy of Control)
H M L Yes No
(P) y (5) g

Date Prepared: Conducted by: Approved by: _

(Signatureover printed Name) {Signatureover printed Name)

Risk Rating Matrix

Major(4) Catastrophic (5)

Rare (1) 4 5
Possible (2)
Likely (3)
Often (4) 8

Frequent/ Almost Certain (5)510

Absolutely Unacceptably High
Extreme Risk Activity should not proceed in current form

Unacceptably High
Activity should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject to detailed HSE assessment

Acceptable but must be managed at ALARP

Activity can operate subject to management and/ or modification

Acceptable without required further action

No action required unless escalation of risk is possible

Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls

Eliminate theAdministrative
hazard. Controls
Provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task and is safer to use. Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard.
Develop policies, procedures practices and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate the risk, Provide training, instruction and supervision about the h
Personal Protective Equipment Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard.

(Refer to AD EHSMS CoP 05 - Risk Management) www,ead,ae

Note: For guidance & it is not limited to its content



General Information

Registration Number: Classification Code:

Name of Entity:

Address of Entity: Telephone Number:

Working Hours Performed

Number of Employees:
this Quarter:

Reporting Period: Q1 (Jan-Mar) Q2 (Apr-Jun) Q3 (Jul-Sep) Q4 (Oct-Dec)

End of the second End of the second End of the second End of the second
Reporting Timeframe:
week in April week in July week in October week in January

Health and Safety Incident Consequence and Severity Summary

(A single incident may be reported in more than one category)
Health and Safety Medical
Near Miss: Dangerous Reportable
Incident Summary: Treatment Case:
Occurrence: Occupational
Illness /
(Total number of each Restricted Reportable Disease:
type of incident First Aid Injury:
Workday Case: Serious Injury:
Reported and
Recorded in the Equipment /
Reporting Period) Property Lost Time Injury: Fatality:

Environment, Health and Safety Performance - Compulsory Reporting to Relevant Authority

Note: Refer to the AD EHSMS Glossary of Terms for definitions of EHS terms.
Number of
KPI 2-01 Number of UAE Nationals in No. of Nationals X 100
Employees in
EHS Department No. of Employees in EHS Dept.
EHS Department
EHS Department
Resources !Zero Divide

Training Level
KPI 2-02
No. of Participants Title / Subject (Management, Supervisory, Duration (Hrs)
Number of EHSMS
Workshops / Seminars
or Similar Training
Organized / Performed
/ Attended

Number of warning notices received:

KPI 2-03

Number of written warning notices received Number of improvement notices received:

from the SRA as a result of non-compliance to
EHSMS requirements
Number of prohibition notices received:

Number of penalties / fines received:

KPI 2-04
Number of enforceable undertakings
Number of fines / penalties / performed:
prosecutions received from the SRA as
a result of non- compliance to EHSMS Total value of all fines / penalties/
requirements enforceable undertakings enforced (AED):
Number of Lost Number of Working
No. of LTI's X 1,000,000
KPI 2-05 Time Injuries in Hours in Reporting
Working Hours
the Reporting Period
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) Period

!Zero Divide

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Number of Work Days Number of Working

No. of Days Lost X 1,000,000
lost due to Injuries in Hours in Reporting
KPI 2-06 Working Hours
the Reporting Period Period

Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (LTISR)

!Zero Divide

Number of Total Number of Working

KPI 2-07 TRC X 1,000,000
Reportable Cases in Hours in Reporting
the Reporting Period Working Hours
Total Reportable Case Frequency (TRCF) Period

!Zero Divide

KPI 2-08 - 2.09 - 2.10 Number of Pollution Number of Pollution Number of Pollution
Incidents - Minor Incidents - Moderate Incidents - Major
Environmental Incidents - Severity
(Number of Pollution Incidents in Reporting
Spill / Release / Discharge to Land
KPI 2-11
Spill / Release / Discharge to Water, including Groundwater
Environmental Incident - Type Release / Discharge to Atmosphere
(Number of Pollution Incidents in Reporting Unauthorized / Accidental Vegetation Removal or
Period) Harm Accidental Harm to Animal Species
(Including fuel, oil, waste material or other Unauthorized / Accidental Damage to Heritage Site /
polluting substance) Item Other (Provide Details): _ _

Percentage Reduction
or Increase
KPI 2-12 This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter
(Indicate reduction as a
negative figure eg -3.5 %)
Power Consumption
kW h Per kW h Per
Total kW h Total kW h kW h Per Employee
Employee Employee
(Total Kilowatts Hours (kW h) and
kW h per Employee)

KPI 2-13 Percentage Reduction

or Increase
Water Consumption This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter
(Indicate reduction as a
negative figure eg -3.5 %)
Water use (in production
processes, office activities or as
Total m3 m3 Per Employee Total m3 m3 Per Employee m3 Per Employee
drinking water)
(Total cubic meters (m3) and m3
per Employee)
Percentage Reduction
or Increase
KPI 2-14 This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter
(Indicate reduction as a
negative figure eg -3.5 %)
Paper Consumption
Average No. of Pages used per Average No. of Pages used per % Per Employee - Increase
Average number of paper pages Employee Employee or Decrease
used per employee per month

Percentage Reduction
or Increase
KPI 2-15 This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter
(Indicate reduction as a
Fuel Consumption negative figure eg -3.5 %)
Average fuel Average fuel
Average fuel consumption of entity Number of
Number of vehicles consumption of consumption of
vehicles owned % Fleet Fuel Consumption -
owned and /or operated vehicles. owned and/or vehicles
Increase or Decrease
operated by entity (Combined Cycle (Combined Cycle
operated by entity
L/100 klms) L/100 klms)
(Liters per 100 kilometers)

Percentage Reduction
or Increase
KPI 2-16 This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter
(Indicate reduction as a
Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal negative figure eg -3.5 %)

Amount of non-hazardous (solid Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L)
and liquid) waste collected by
Service Providers for disposal.

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Percentage Reduction
KPI 2-17 or Increase
This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter
(Indicate reduction as a
Non-Hazardous Waste Recycling
negative figure eg -3.5 %)

Amount of segregated non- Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L)
hazardous (solid and liquid) waste
collected by Service Providers for
recycling / reuse / further

Percentage Reduction
KPI 2-18 This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter or Increase
(Indicate reduction as a
Hazardous Waste Disposal negative figure eg -3.5 %)

Amount of hazardous (solid and Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L)
liquid) waste collected by Service
Providers for disposal.

Percentage Reduction
KPI 2-19
This Reporting Quarter Previous Reporting Quarter or Increase
(Indicate reduction as a
Hazardous Waste Recycling negative figure eg -3.5 %)

Amount of hazardous (solid and Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L) Solid (kg) Liquid (L)
liquid) waste collected by Service
Providers for recycling / reuse /
further processing.


I declare that all information provided in this document is true, correct and complete.

Signature of the
Contact Person :

Date : / /

Official Use
Remarks :

Relevant Authority Stamp Entered into Database by:



Date: / /

Reviewed by:



Date: / /

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Part A - Incident Notification

To be submitted to the concerned Sector Regulatory Authority within 24 hours for all Reportable Incidents

1. General Information

Name of Entity:

Registration Number: Classification Code:

Address of Entity:

Authorized Contact Person: Email Address:

Telephone Number: Mobile Number:

Report on Behalf of Yes � Entity Name:

Non-Nominated Contractor
Entity: No Contact Person: Contact Number:

2. Reportable Incident Information - Immediately Reportable to SRA - within 24 Hours

Serious Fatal

Reportable Dangerous Occurrence

Health and Safety Incident: (May select more than one)
Reportable Occupational Illness / Disease
Reportable Serious Injury

Environment - Moderate Environment - Major

Spills / Releases / Discharges to Land

Spills / Releases / Discharges to Water, including
/ Discharges to Atmosphere
Vegetation Removal / Harm

Environmental Incident: (May select more than one) Damage to Heritage Site
Harm to Animal Species


3. Recordable Incident Information - Not Required to be Immediately Reported To SRA

For Entity Use Only - data to be submitted as part of EHS Performance Quarterly Report - Form E or
Minor / No Injury / Slight Moderate

Near Miss Lost Time Injury

Health and Safety Incident:

(May select more than one) First Aid Injury Medical Treatment Case

Equipment / Property Damage Restricted Workday Case

Environment - Minor

Spills / Releases /
Spills / Releases / Discharges to Releases / Discharges
Discharges to
Environmental Incident: Water, including Groundwater to Atmosphere
(May select more than one) Vegetation Damage to Heritage
Removal / Harm Harm to Animal Species Site


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4. Incident Details:
Description of Circumstances
leading to the Incident:

Date of Incident: / / Time (24 hr): :

Incident Workplace Address:

Incident Location on Site:

Police Report Number:

(If applicable)

5. Injured Person's Personal Details (If applicable)

Name: Occupation:

Nationality: Date of Birth: / /

Passport Number: Residency Visa Number:

Contact Address:

Contact Phone Number: Gender: Male Female

Part A - Declaration by Entity:

I declare that all information provided in this document is true, correct and complete.

Signature of the
Contact Person :

Date : //

Official Use - Part A

Remarks :

Inspection / Incident Investigation Required by Sector Regulatory Authority

 Yes  No Remarks:

Entered into Database by:

Relevant Authority Stamp
Incident Record Number:



Date: / /

Reviewed by:


Date: / /

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Part B - Incident Investigation

To be completed and submitted to SRA as soon as practicable -
Maximum One Month from Date of Incident - For all Reportable Incidents

1. Injury Details

Abrasions / Bruising Traumatic Amputation Bite / Sting

Burn Concussion Crush / Internal

Cuts/ Laceration / Open

Injury Hearing Loss / Deafness Dislocation
Equipment / Property
Electric Shock Fracture

Foreign Body in Eye Foreign Body under Skin Hernia

Nature of Injury / Illness /
Damage: Musculoskeletal Disorder
Heat Related Illness Infectious Disease
- Chronic / RSI

Nerve / Spinal Cord Occupational Illness / Poisoning / Toxic Effect -

Injury Disease Ingestion

Poisoning / Toxic Effect -

Psychological (Stress) Respiratory Disease

Skin Irritation / Disease Strain / Sprain Other

Animal Bit / Sting Biological Factors Cave-In or Collapse

Chemicals / Substances
Drowning / Submersion Dust / Fumes / Gases
/ Radiation
Extreme Temperature /
Electricity Fall from
Height Fire
Hit by Moving Object /
Manual Handling Mental Stress
Crush / Vehicle

Mechanism of Injury / Illness:

Occupational Violence Penetrating Injury (needle stick, puncture wound)

Repetitive Motion Slip, Trip and Fall Sound and Pressure

Struck by Falling Object Other Unspecified Mechanism:

Incident occurred during work-related travel, including traveling to

Journey Incident - or from work. Refer - AD EHSMS Glossary of Terms.

Animal / Human Confined Space Environmental Conditions

Materials or Chemical
Fixed Machinery / Plant Infectious Agent

Agency / Source of Mobile Plant / Equipment Non-Powered Equipment / Tools / Appliances

Injury / Illness:
Powered Equipment / Road Transport /
Scaffolding or Ladders
Tools / Appliances Vehicles

Sharps / Scalpels /
Trench or Excavations Other
Needles / Etc

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Cervical Spine Ear Eye

Head /
Face (excluding eye) Forehead Mouth
Neck Nose Scalp

Abdomen Back Genitals

Pelvis Spine Thorax

Fingers (other than

Clavicle (Collar Bone) Elbow
Forearm Hand Shoulder

Bodily Thumb Upper Arm Wrist

Ankle Buttocks Foot

Extremity Hip / Groin Knee Lower Leg

Thigh Toes

Arteries Brain Heart

Intestines Kidney Liver
Lungs Spleen Stomach

General Heat Related Occupational Illness Other:

Other Relevant Incident Information:


2. Risk Assessment:
Likelihood of Recurrence:

Severity of Outcome:

Level of Risk:

3. Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence

Actions: By Whom: By When: Date Completed:

4. Actions Complete:


Signed (EHS Manager / Equivalent) :

Feedback to person(s) involved.

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Declaration by Injured Person (If Possible)

I declare that all information provided in this document is true, correct and complete.

Name of Injured Signature of Injured

Person or Person or
Representative: Representative:

Date : //

Part B - Declaration by Entity:

I declare that all information provided in this document is true, correct and complete.

Signature of the
Contact Person :

Date : //

Incident Reporting Progress

 Open  Closed

 Further evidence attached to report (eg. Photos, Drawings, SDS, Copy of Police Report, Detail Investigation Report, etc)

Official Use - Part B

Remarks :

Incident Investigation / Follow-up Required by Sector Regulatory Authority

 Yes  No Remarks:

Relevant Authority Stamp Entered into Database by:



Date: / /

Reviewed by:



Date: / /

Personal information will not be disclosed to other parties without your consent unless required to do so by law.

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Entity EHS Incident Report Form (AD EHSMS Form G) - Guidance Notes
What is this Form used for?
This form has been designed to be used by entities nominated under the Abu Dhabi EHSMS as an
EHS Incident Report Form.
This form has primarily been designed to report certain EHS incidents to the concerned Sector
Regulatory Authority (AD EHSMS Form G Part A - Section 2).
The form can also be used to report and record all EHS incidents within the entity (AD EHSMS Form
G Part A - Section 3) - not all EHS incidents are reportable to concerned Sector Regulatory
Specific EHS incidents may require reporting to other relevant authorities (eg. Police, Ministry of
Labour, EAD, etc).

What Incidents need to be reported to the concerned Sector Regulatory Authority?

AD EHSMS Reportable Incidents include:
 Fatality;
 Reportable Serious Injury;
 Reportable Dangerous Occurrence;
 Reportable Occupational Illness / Disease; and
 Major or Moderate Pollution Incident (EAD reporting may be required).

Reporting Timeframes (Reportable Incidents)

The concerned Sector Regulatory Authority must be officially notified within 24 hours of an incident
occurring at a workplace which results in a reportable incident using Part A of this Form.
Incident investigation and report must be complete and submitted to the concerned Sector Regulatory
Authority within one month of the incident date using Part B of this Form.

Definitions - Full definitions of terms used in this document refer to the AD EHSMS RF - Glossary of Terms.
Occupational Illness or Injury:
Any of the work-related diseases listed in (Schedule No. 1 of Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 and EHS RI
Mechanism 03 - EHS Performance and Incident Reporting Schedule C) or any other injury sustained by a
worker during and by reason of carrying out his duties. An injury may be considered as an occupational injury
if it occurs at work or arises from a work practice or the conditions in a workplace.

Occupational Injuries include the recurrence, aggravation or exacerbation of previous work-related injuries. For
example, if an employee has previously had a work-related knee injury and the injury happens again because of
work, the new injury may have to be reported.

Fatality is a death resulting from an injury or illness, regardless of the time intervening between injury and death.

Reportable Dangerous Occurrences - Schedule A of AD EHS RI - Mechanism 3.0

For detail definitions of the following incidents refer to Schedule A of AD EHS RI - Mechanism 3.0
 Explosion or Fire;
 Collapse of Equipment;
 Machinery Damage;
 Collapse of Building / Structure or Excavation;
 Overhead Electric Lines;
 Malfunction of Radiation Generating Equipment;
 Escape of Flammable Substances / Hazardous Substances; and
 Fall from Heights


Serious Injuries that require Immediate Notification - Schedule B of AD EHS RI - Mechanism 3.0
An incident requiring reporting is classified as:
 the employee requiring medical treatment within 48 hours of exposure to a substance;
 an employee requiring immediate treatment as an in-patient in a hospital; and
 an employee requiring immediate medical treatment for:
 the loss of a distinct part or organ of the injured person's body, including the amputation of any part
of an employee's body;
 loss of consciousness and/or requiring resuscitation;
 a serious head injury;
 a serious eye injury, including loss of sight (temporary or permanent);
 the separation of skin from any underlying tissue (such as scalping or de-gloving);
 electric shock;
 a spinal injury;
 dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine;
 the loss of bodily function; and
 serious laceration.

Lost Time Injury

Lost Time Injury (LTI) is a work-related injury or illness that results an individual is unable to work on a
subsequent scheduled work day or shift.
Example: An employee is injured on the job on Tuesday. He was scheduled to work on Wednesday and
Thursday on regular time and Saturday on overtime. He was instructed to stay off work until Sunday, and did
so. This is a lost time injury. The employee missed three scheduled days of work (Wednesday Thursday, and
Saturday) and all three days are counted as lost workdays for this case.

Occupational Illness
Any work-related abnormal condition or disorder, other than an injury, which is mainly caused by exposure to
environmental factors associated with the employment.
It includes acute and chronic illness or diseases that may be caused by repetitive motion, inhalation, absorption,
ingestion or direct contact.
Whether a case involves a work-related injury or an Occupational Illness is determined by the nature of the
original event or exposure that caused the case, not by the resulting condition of the affected employee.
An injury results from a single event and cases resulting from anything other than a single event are
considered Occupational Illness.

Pollution Incident
An incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is likely to be a leak spill or
other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to
occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on

Major Pollution Incident

Substances or materials have escaped the site causing significant pollution of adjoining areas which will require
containment, clean up and/or remediation involving other agencies and/or additional resources not available to
local site management. Irreversible or long term environmental impacts have occurred or are likely to occur to
the environment and/or there is a significant health risk to workers and/or the community. Significant, long-term
remediation and regulatory intervention will be required.

Moderate Pollution Incident

Substances or materials have escaped the site causing pollution of adjoining areas which may require
containment, clean up and/or remediation involving other agencies and/or additional resources not available
to local site management. Moderate reversible environmental impact has occurred or is likely to occur to the
environment and/or there is a moderate health risk to workers and/or the community. Moderate, medium-
term remediation and regulatory intervention may be required.

EHS Induction Training
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Inductee’s Name: Induction Date:

Topics to discuss
S/N Description YES NO Remarks

١ Project Description

٢ Company EHS Policy


٤ Introduction of Key Personnel

٥ Site Layout and welfare Facilities (rest area, toilet, etc.)

Site Rules (e.g. drug & alcohol & smoking policy, different signage, no horse playing,
٦ wearing PPEs, avoid wearing Jewelries, etc.)

٧ Environment & Waste Disposal

٠١ Work permits

١١ Risk Assessment / Risk Register

٢١ Accident Reporting

Other Relevant Topics for Discussion (if applicable)

١ Management of Change (new process, equipment & machinery, procedures, etc.)

٢ Relevant & applicable laws, regulations

Signature & Remarks

Employee’s Signature: Remarks:

Conducted by :

Job Title : Remarks:

Signature :

32 Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Tool Box Talk

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Date: Location:

A. Specific job to be carried out:

B. Topics Discussed: 1.
3. 4.

C. Name and Signature of workers attended

Name Signature Name Signature

Conducted By:

Job Title : Signature :

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Inspection Checklists
The inspection checklists include the

• Confined Spaces
• Traffic Management
• Electrical Installation
• Environment
• Excavations
• Fire & Emergency
• Hazardous Substances
• Housekeeping
• Ladders
• Lifting Equipment & Gears
• Machinery
• Portable Tools
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Scaffolds
• Site General
• Vehicles & Mobile Equipment
• Welding & Gas Cutting
• Welfare Facilities
• Working Platforms & Cantilevers

Confined Spaces
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and proposed
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective action plan)
Hazards identified, risk evaluated, assessed &
communicated before commencement of work.
Permit To Work implemented & posted in place.
Mechanical and / or electrical isolation of the confined
space done.
Adequate ventilation to ensure a sufficient supply of air
Cleaning & purging to remove all hazardous (flammable
& or toxic) gases & fumes performed.
Testing of oxygen concentration conducted to
acceptable standard level.
Detecting of flammable & or toxic gases conducted to
ensure their absence or below minimum levels.
Provision of emergency retrieval system (full body
harness, tripod and hoist)
Availability of the backup personnel or rescue
Use of non spark tools / devices (intrinsically safe tools
or devices).
Sufficient lighting is available.
Proper PPE & SCBA (Self Contained Breathing
Apparatus) is used.
Suitable access / egress provided.
Area or surrounding isolated with barriers & or cones
and suitable signage in place (where applicable).

Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /
Distribution and Acknowledgment:
Project Manager
Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Traffic Management
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Evaluation Remarks

Item (insert your observation,and
(insert proposed
your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposed action plan) action plan)
Advance warning signs boards.
Roadwork signs boards.
Guide signs boards.
Digital or LED* signs boards.
Arrows signs boards.
Tubular flexible posts (bollards).
Painted pavement markings.
Raised pavement markings.
Water filled plastic barriers.
Concrete barriers.
Longitudinal crashworthy barriers
Warning lights (flashing lights & beacons).
Street lighting.
Temporary traffic lights.
Rumble strips
Crash cushion (shock absorber)
Buffer zones
Pedestrian walkways.
Construction lane access / egress
Glare screens
Turning radius and lane width.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer
HSE Engineer/Manager

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Electrical Installation
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Evaluation Remarks

Item (insert your
(insert yourobservation,and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective action
proposed plan) action plan)
Electrical hazards identified and all associated risks have
been assessed.
Permit To Work (PTW) is used & available on site for
electrical work.
All electrical installations commissioning and repairing
carried out by competent electricians.
All electrical installation and appliances comply with the
relevant international standards.
All external electrical installations are weather proof .
All electrical installations provided with Earth Leakage
Circuit Breakers (ELCB).

All distribution boards are locked and signed.

Cables/wires running across the site are in good

condition, properly protected & checked regularly.
Cables are free of joints, & only industrial sockets used
for extending cables.
No naked wires inserted into electrical sockets, & only
earthed & fused plugs to be used.
Sockets are not overloaded.
Level of lighting suitable for the task.
Tag out / lock out system implemented .

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer
HSE Engineer/Manager

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your
(insert yourobservation,and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective action
proposed plan) action plan)
Waste is segregated & collected at designated
appropriate areas (hazardous from non-hazardous) &
adequate waste containers/skips provided.
Waste is removed /disposed regularly & according to the
Abu Dhabi Waste Center guidelines.
Proper oil/chemicals leakage & spill control in places
(tanks bunding, dripping trays, oil spill response
Allocation of designated area for washing concrete
mixers & pumps.
Proper collection & disposal of waste water & sewage
Proper management of noise generated from the project,
by installing noise enclosure measures (e.g. silencers, &
work scheduling).
Dust and/or fumes control measures have been
Regular maintenance for mobile equipment, vehicles &

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/
HSE Engineer/Manager

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert(insert
your observation,and proposed
your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposed action plan)
corrective action plan)


Suitable access / egress provided.

Falling protection system installed properly (i.e. barriers,

stop blocker, toe boards, cones and warning tapes…
Appropriate supporting system / method (shoring,
buttering, or stepping)
Spoil heaps stable and kept in safe distance from
the edge of trenches
Oxygen tested and gases levels within acceptable level
(for excavation with depth more than ٢٫١ meter).
Emergency preparedness plan developed,
communicated and implemented
Proper signage & warning lights (warning signs, tapes,
… etc) and instructions (i.e. PTW, emergency notice
..etc) displayed.

permissions obtained & displayed visibly.

Excavators are in good working condition

Proper training and awareness delivered to all involved

employees (i.e. toolbox talk & specialized training).

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer
HSE Engineer/Manager

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Fire & Emergency
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your
(insert yourobservation,and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective action plan) action plan)
proposed corrective
Fire risk assessment of the project is carried out & the
control measures implemented.

Good housekeeping practices & daily removal of waste.

designated area allocated.

Permit To Work (PTW) procedure for hot works.

Evacuation plan developed & distributed. Emergency

Adequate means of escape allocated & unobstructed.

site maintained & inspected regularly.

tested regularly.
Emergency signage & assembly points are in places &
communicated to all parties.

Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer
HSE Engineer/Manager

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Hazardous Substances
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your
(insert yourobservation,and
observation, proposed
and proposed
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective action
corrective actionplan)
Properly stored, ventilated, isolated, & suitable signs
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available, and
communicated to concerned personnel.

Emergency escape & breathing apparatus available,

tested and in good condition
Appropriate PPE is provided to the worker and it is worn
during the work.
Hazardous substances containers/drums have eligible
labeling & protected from leakage or spillage.
Empty hazardous substances containers, drums &
receptacles should be properly maintained & controlled.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposedaction plan) action plan)
Clear and safe access to work area.

Proper materials stacking and any loose materials have

been properly secured.

Construction waste and debris collected in designated

Adequate rubbish containers and rubbish removed daily.

Old timber de-nailed & all steel bars capped.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your
(insert yourobservation,and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective action plan) action plan)
proposed corrective
Properly manufactured (no handmade wooden ladders).

All ladders are in good condition & suitable for the task.

Positioned at suitable working angle at ٥٧ o to horizontal.

Secured top & bottom, and extended ١ meter above the

platform level.
Intermediate landing place provided for ladders rise
more than ٩ meters.

Extendable ladders are properly secured (i.e. extension

Rungs clear of grease, oil or other slippery substances.

glass ladders can be used instead).

protection cage
Ladders should be checked before use & regularly

Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Lifting Equipment and Gears
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposedaction plan) action plan)
Cranes & slings certified by 3 party, inspected &

maintained regularly & records maintained.

Lifting plan / procedure prepared & communicated.

All lifting equipments & gears are inspected & certified by

3rd party.
Operator & rigger are competent (third party trained). The
driver & operator are licensed.
Slings, wires, ropes, chains, belts, hooks, shackles are in
good condition, appropriate for job & inspected regularly &
records maintained.
Load charts known & considered before any lifting begins.
Load indicators,
Load indicators, alarm
safety devises
are operational.
devices are operational.
Ground condition checked & required corrective actions

Outriggers are operational & sole plate provided.

Lifting operation area barricaded & suitable sign boards are

in place.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A proposed corrective action plan)
Machine maintained in good working order regularly and
records kept on site.
Machine operated according to the manufacturer

Competent operators trained and certified.

Good overall condition and regular maintenance.

All suitable guard provided

All electrical installations are protected and free of

damages (circuit breakers, plugs, wires).

Protection against weather condition.

Emergency stop button and other safety devices are

operational and clearly marked.
Safety signs and manufacturer instructions clearly
displayed and properly followed.
Suitable PPE provided and properly used

Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Portable Tools
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A proposed corrective action plan)
Electrical Tools:

Power cables present no hazard or obstruction &

connections are appropriate, earthed & fused.

User competent & authorized.

Guard is fitted, adjusted & tool in good condition.

Emergency stop is available & operational.

Manufacturer instruction is available & followed.

All hoses, couplings & fittings of correct rating.

Pneumatic Tools:

Hoses, couplings & fittings inspected & maintained

Tools secured to the hose by positive means to prevent
Air supply lines protected from damage, maintained &
inspected regularly.

Safety device is provided for air hose with large diameter.

Manufacturer instruction is available & followed.

Manual (unpowered) Tools:

Tool checked & inspected before use.

Home-made tool is not used & tool fits the job.

Suitable PPE provided for all above types of tools.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A proposed corrective action plan)
PPE policy and signage displayed.
Minimum PPE (i.e. helmet, safety boots, hi-visibility vest,
& safety glasses) provided to all employees & records
PPE checkpoint on the entrance.

PPE comply with the relevant international standards &

clearly marked (i.e. CE or EN mark).

Users trained on using, maintenance, and storage of PPE.

Additional PPE have been provided as appropriate for
those who are executing critical activities (e.g. full body
harness for working at height, full face mask, & respiratory
apparatus, etc…).
PPE correctly selected based on the task risk assessment.

Regularly inspected, cleaned and maintained and/or re-

placed as deemed necessary.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A proposed corrective action plan)
All scaffolds erected, inspected, altered & dismantled by
competent team.

Clear and visible signage and scaff-tag

Access ladder provided and properly secured

Sound scaffolding materials free of damage

Platforms are properly made of planks, free of damage,
tied & no gaps between planks/timbers.

All platform blanks tied down properly

Proper falling protection provided (guard rail/hand rail, mid
rail, toe board, mesh/bricks guard & safety net).
Scaffolding properly secured ties, and all braces properly

Sole/base plate or timber provided.

Overhead protection provided.

Mobile scaffold provides with guard rails, toe board, full &
proper platform, access ladder & wheels locked.
Personal protective equipments provided and properly
used (full body harness connected to fixed anchor or
life line)

Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Site General
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A proposed corrective action plan)
Availability of the site safety sign board.

Proper site security and appropriate fencing (e.g. closed

metallic boards, hoarding).

Site visitors induction training procedure.

Sufficient site offices and car parking.

Adequate safety signage / notice boards.

Availability of the HSE HSE
EHS documents & records(e.g. EHS
manual, HSE
EHS plan, risk assessment, work permit, inci-
dents reports, induction & toolbox talk records, inspection
records, & training records, etc…)

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

HSE Engineer /
EHS Engineer/Manager

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Vehicles and Mobile Equipment
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Remarks
Item (insert your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A proposed corrective action plan)
Vehicles & mobile equipment are licensed by concerned
authority .

Driver/operator is licensed and competent.

Engine in good operational condition.

No visible leaks

Windows & mirrors are clean & obstruction free.

Seat is in good condition and seat belt functioning


Lights / indicators / wipers / horns properly operational

Tyres free of damage and fully inflated

Reversing alarm & beacons working properly

Periodical inspection & maintenance & record kept

Provided with fire extinguisher and first aid box, and in

good condition

Provided with the noise silencer/enclosure.

Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Welding and Gas Cutting
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Evaluation Remarks

Item (insert(insert
your observation,and proposed
your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposed action plan)
corrective action plan)
Hazard identification & risk assessment conducted, & required
control measures have been implemented.
Valid & approved permit to work available all time & displayed in
visible location.
Working area properly contained & warning signs displayed.
All flammable / combustible materials have been removed from
the working area or properly protected from spark.
All possible health effects (acute and chronic) have been identified
and proper control measures implemented.
Sufficient ventilation has been provided.

Task is carried out by competent person (s).

Adequate / sufficient fire fighting equipment are available in
the working area during & after the work.
Suitable PPE provided and used all the time.
Electrical Arc Welding:
Welding leads and returns cables have the same length,
properly installed & protected, & free of damage.
Electrical cables are in good condition, free of damage, &
properly protected.
Industrial plugs & sockets provided.

Electrode holders are fully insulated & free of damage.

Earth connection bolted or clamped to ensure a good
electrical contact.
Welding machine frame effectively grounded.

Gas Welding and Cutting:

Different gas cylinders are clearly identified and marked.

Different types of Gas cylinders have been separated, properly
stored, and not exposed to direct sun.
Proper training on handling gas cylinders for all users (this will
include clothing, moving cylinders, hazards and precaution
Cylinder attachments (regulators, hoses, non-return valves, flashback arres-
tors, blowpipes) are maintained in good working order and free of

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Welfare Facilities
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Evaluation Remarks

Item (insert your observation,and
(insert proposed
your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposed action plan) action plan)
Adequate ablutions / toilets / washing facilities.

Appropriate clean & cool rest area with clean & cold
drinking water.

Food storage facility.

Changing rooms with facility for keeping protective

clothing used at work (locker).

Prayer area clearly identified & kept clean all the time

Safe access & egress to and from the facility

Welfare facilities are in clean good hygienic condition.

Designated smoking area with proper fire fighting


Approved By:
Position Name Date Signature
EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

Working Platforms and Cantilevers
General Information

Company Name: Project Name:

Conducted By: Date:
Poor: Absence of major control measures (high risk), work to be stopped and risk assessment to be reviewed
immediately. Fair: Some minor controls are missing (medium risk), additional control measures to be
Good: All required controls are in place (low risk), only monitoring is required.


Evaluation Evaluation Remarks

Item (insert(insert
your observation,and proposed
your observation, and
Good Fair Poor N/A corrective
proposed action plan)
corrective action plan)
Platform is properly designed (the minimum dimension
are in accordance with the safety standards) and
suitable for the purpose.

Platform free of damage and in good condition.

All platform planks tied down properly with no gaps

between planks.
Proper falling protection provided (handrail, mid-rail, toe
board, boy harness, lifeline & safety net).

Load capacity identified and clearly marked.

Platforms are not used to carry another platform.

Adequate bracing / outriggers installed (Mobile Elevated

Working Platforms MEWP).
3rd party inspection. Regular maintenance & adherence
to the manufacturer’s manual (MEWP & cradles).
Cantilever provided with guard rail, mid rail, toe board, &
mesh / bricks guard.
Cantilever should not be overloaded
(apply only tested load).
Cantilever must be inspected whenever installed,
altered, or shifted by competent person.

Proper PPE should be provided.

Approved By:

Position Name Date Signature

EHS Engineer/Manager
HSE Engineer /

Distribution and Acknowledgment:

Project Manager

Project Engineer

Note: For guidance and it is not limited to its content

The following screen windows illustrate the steps on how to
upload the EHS plan into the Building Permits Electronic
System (CDP).


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