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Biogas Calculator Manual

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Biogas Calculator

Software Manual

Consultant: Senyo Anipa GNCPC 11 /11/2018

BIOGAS CALCULATOR MANUAL .................................................................................................................... 2
Entering Initial Values ............................................................................................................................... 2
Biogas Calculations ................................................................................................................................... 2
Construction Details.................................................................................................................................. 4
Land Excavation Requirement and Material Quantities ........................................................................... 4
Calculated Bill of Quantities ...................................................................................................................... 5
Administration .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Reports .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Sample Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Materials Quantity ................................................................................................................................ 7
Bill of Quantities.................................................................................................................................... 9
Entering Initial Values

Biogas Calculations  HFM Human Faecal Matter Menu

The Calculations Form has four (4) tabs
1. Biogas Calculations
2. Construction Details
3. Land Excavation Requirement
4. Calculate Bill Of Quantities
Biogas Calculations
Two (2) treatments are considered in the calculations

1. Black Water / Primary Treatment

a. Enter the Population
b. Enter the Cistern Size in Litres
c. Enter No. Of Flush per Person per Day
d. This will give us the Total Black water
2. Grey Water / Secondary Treatment
a. Check the Secondary Treatment Checkbox
b. Enter the Water Qty (L/day)
c. This and the Population will give you the Total Grey Water
3. Select the Hydraulic Retention Period to Calculate the Gas Volume
4. The above values will calculate the following

a. Estimated Volum of Digester, m3

b. Total influent in l/day
c. Estimated Gas Generated in litres
d. Equivalent LPG Volume, kg/day
e. Estimated Volume of Gas, m3 /day
5. Biogas Plant Specification

a. Enter No Of Plants needed

b. Enter the desired Design Pressure
c. Enter the % to charge for Workmanship
d. Enter % for Miscellaneous
e. Enter the % allowed Wastage for Concrete, Bricks, Mortar and Wiremesh.
f. Make sure the Concrete Specifications (Mix Ratios) are OK, Click on value to
g. Make sure the Mortar Specifications are OK
6. Click on the Confirm Values to Calculate the Estimated Project Cost
7. Enter the Cost of a 17kg Cylinder to Calculate the Savings / year.
Construction Details

The values in the coloured rows in the above image can be altered on this form to calculate the
Bill of Quantities.
Click Confirm Values for B of Q Button to commit the changed values.

Land Excavation Requirement and Material Quantities

Click the Land Excavation Requirement Tab
Clicking the Button on the Construction Details page calculates the Land Requirement Excavation values.

Changing the values on line the 3, 5, 6 and 9 in the list will calculate the following
1. Actual Calculated Area to Construct Expansion Chamber
2. Actual Calculated Area to Construct Digester
3. Area Between Digester Wall and Expansion Chamber
4. The above three will give us the Total Land Area Required

Material Quantities Calculated

Calculated Bill of Quantities

This tab shows the Calculated Values of the items in the Bills of Quantities.

1. Click on Users to create users

2. Click on Prices to Set prices of Construction Materials


Samples Reports attached.

Sample Reports
Materials Quantity

S/No Digester Part Standard Standard Market Market Unit

Quantity Unit Quantity
A. Casting of Foundation Ring
1 Quantity of cement required to cast 0.93 mᶟ 25.00 Bags
Foundation Ring
2 Quantity of sand required to cast 1.87 mᶟ 101.08 Head Pans
Foundation Ring
3 Quantity of aggregate required to cast 3.73 mᶟ 101.00 Head Pans
Foundation Ring
4 Quantity of Lime required to cast 0 mᶟ 0.00 Bags
Foundation Ring

B. Casting of Digester Base Concrete

1 Quantity of cement required to cast 2.72 mᶟ 74.00 Bags
Digester Base Slab
2 Quantity of sand required to cast 8.17 mᶟ 441.62
Digester Base slab
3 Quantity of aggregate required to cast 16.33 mᶟ 441.00
Digester Base Slab
4 Quantity of Lime required to cast 0 mᶟ 0.00 Bags
Digester Base Slab

C. Casting of Expansion Chamber

Foundation Ring
1 Quantity of cement required to cast Exp. 0.33 mᶟ 9.00 Bags
Chamber Foundation Ring
2 Quantity of sand required to cast Exp. 0.99 mᶟ 53.51
Chamber Foundation Ring
3 Quantity of aggregate required to cast 1.97 mᶟ 53.00
Exp. Chamber Foundation Ring
4 Quantity of Lime required to cast Exp. 0 mᶟ 0.00 Bags
Chamber Foundation Ring

D. Casting of Expansion Chamber

Base Concrete Slab
1 Quantity of cement required to cast Exp. 0.87 mᶟ 24.00 Bags
Chamber Concrete Slab

2 Quantity of sand required to cast Exp. 2.62 mᶟ 141.62 Headpans

Chamber Concrete Slab
3 Quantity of aggregate required to cast 5.23 mᶟ 141.00 Headpans
Exp. Chamber Concrete Slab
4 Quantity of Lime required to cast Exp. 0 mᶟ 0.00 Bags
Chamber Concrete Slab

E. Constructing Digester Wall

1 Number of bricks needed to construct 7362 Bricks 7,362.00 Bricks
the digester wall
2 Quantity of cement required for 1 mᶟ 27.00 Bags
constructing digester wall

3 Quantity of sand required to lay bricks 3 mᶟ 162.16 Headpans

4 Quantity of Lime required to lay bricks 0 mᶟ 0.00 Bags

5 Quantity of cement required to plaster 3.78 mᶟ 102.00 Bags

the outside of the digester

F. Constructing Expansion Chamber

1 Number of bricks needed to construct 6 Bricks 6.00 Bricks
Expansion Chamber
2 Quantity of Cement required to construct 0.51 mᶟ 14.00 Bags
the Expansion Chamber
3 Quantity of sand required for 1.54 mᶟ 83.24 Headpans
constructing the Expansion Chamber
4 Quantity of Lime required to lay bricks 0 mᶟ 0.00 Bags

G. Plastering of Digester and

Expansion Chamber
1 Quantity of cement required to plaster 2.52 mᶟ 68.00 Bags
the outside of the digester and
Expansion Chamber
2 Quantity of Sand required to plaster the 7.57 mᶟ 409.19 Headpans
outside of the digester and Expansion
3 Quantity of Lime required to plaster the 3.78 mᶟ 102.00 Bags
outside of the digester and Expansion
4 Quantity of Cement required to plaster 2.11 mᶟ 57.00 Bags
the Inside of the digester and Expansion
5 Quantity of Sand required to plaster the 6.32 mᶟ 341.62 Headpans
Inside of the digester and Expansion
6 Quantity of Lime required to plaster the 3.16 mᶟ 85.00 Bags
Inside of the digester and Expansion
1 Quantity of water proof cement required 0 mᶟ 1.00 Bags
to plaster the outside of the digester and
Expansion Chamber
1 Quantity of Water proof Cement required 2.11 mᶟ 57.00 Bags
to plaster the Inside of the digester and
Expansion Chamber

H. Dome Screeding
1 Quantity of Cement required to 2.11 mᶟ 57.00 Bags
plaster/screed the digester's dome
2 Quantity of smooth Sand required to 1.06 mᶟ 29.00 Headpans
plaster/screed the digester's dome
3 Quantity of Lime required to 2.11 mᶟ 57.00 Bags
plaster/screed the digester's dome
1 Quantity of Water Proof Cement 0 mᶟ 1.00 Bags
required to plaster/screed the digester's

Cement bag 50kg,

Lime Bag 1kg

Bill of Quantities

Bill of Quantities for the construction of 1 No. 240 m3 CAMARTEC Biogas Plant


1 Preliminaries
Clearing of site to get it ready for 112.22 m2 0.00 0.00
commencement of work, provision of sheds for
keeping materials and the provision of security
for the site 37.19
Fencing the work area 37.19 112.22 m2 0.00 0.00

Sub Total Preliminaries 0.00

1 Excavation
Excavate pit for digester 5.01 m depth 368.89 mᶟ 11.26 6,823.11
including trench for concrete footing used as
foundation ring. Place excavated material min.
3m away from the edge of pit 0
Excavate pit for expansion chamber 2.11 m 26.35 mᶟ 11.26 2,489.92
depth including trench for concrete footing
used as foundation ring. Place excavated
material min. 3m away from the edge of pit 0
Backfill excavated material, well compacted 280.24 mᶟ 11.26 -1,694.40
around digester walls 0
Backfill excavated material, well compaced -40.08 mᶟ 11.26 2,489.92
around expansion chamber walls 0
Spread and compact surplus excavated 155.08 mᶟ 11.26 8,517.51
material and remove excess from site 0
Sub Total Excavation 18,626.07

2 Casting of Foundation Ring

Cement required to cast concrete 400 mm. 0.93 mᶟ 915.00 850.95
thick footing as foundation ring. 1:2:4 Agg. <
Sand required to cast concrete 400 mm thick 1.87 mᶟ 189.00 353.43
footing as foundation ring. Mixing Ratio is:
1:2:4 Agg. < 38mm
Aggregate required to cast concrete 400 mm 3.73 mᶟ 350.00 1,305.50
thick footing as foundation ring. Mixing Ratio
is: 1:2:4 Agg. < 38mm
Lime required to cast concrete 400 mm thick 0.00 mᶟ 5.00 0.00
footing as foundation ring. Mixing Ratio is:
1:2:4 Agg. < 38mm
Sub Total Casting of Foundation Ring 2,509.88

3 Casting Digester Base

Cement required to cast concrete slab 150 2.72 mᶟ 915.00 2,488.80
mm thick as digester base. Mixing Ratio is:
1:2:4 Agg. < 38mm
Sand required to cast concrete slab 150 mm 8.17 mᶟ 189.00 1,544.13
thick as digester base. Mixing Ratio is: 1:2:4
Agg. < 38mm
Aggregate required to cast concrete slab 150 16.33 mᶟ 350.00 5,715.50
mm thick as digester base. Mixing Ratio is:
1:2:4 Agg. < 38mm
Lime required to cast concrete slab 150 mm 0.00 mᶟ 5.00 0.00
thick as digester base. Mixing Ratio is: 1:2:4
Agg. < 38mm
Sub Total Casting Digester Base 9,748.43

4 Constructing Digester Wall

Quantity of bricks required to construct a 240 7,362.00 Bricks 2.00 14,724.00
m3 digester wall of
80 mm thick.
Cement required to make mortar to construct 1.00 mᶟ 915.00 915.00
digester wall of 80 mm thick. Mixing Ratio for
mortar, (cement: sand: lime:waterproof
cement) is ( 1:3:0 )
Sand required to make mortar to construct 3.00 mᶟ 189.00 567.00
digester wall of 80 mm thick. Mixing Ratio for
mortar, (cement: sand: lime:waterproof
cement) is ( 1:3:0 )
Lime required to make mortar to construct 0.00 mᶟ 5.00 0.00
digester wall of 80 mm thick. Mixing Ratio for
mortar, (cement: sand: lime:waterproof
cement) is ( 1:3:0 )
Sub Total Constructing Digester Wall 16,206.00

5 Constructing Expansion Chamber

Quantity of bricks required to construct a 17 1,260.00 Bricks 2.00 824.00
m2 Expansion Chamber wall of 80 mm thick
Cement required to make mortar to construct 0.51 mᶟ 915.00 466.65
masonry wall of 80 mm thick. Mixing Ratio for
mortar, (cement: sand: lime:waterproof
cement) is ( 1:3:0 )
Sand required to make mortar to construct 1.54 mᶟ 189.00 291.06
digester wall of 80 mm thick. Mixing Ratio for
mortar, (cement: sand: lime:waterproof
cement) is ( 1:3:0 )
Lime required to make mortar to construct 0.00 mᶟ 5.00 0.00
digester wall of 80 mm thick. Mixing Ratio for
mortar, (cement: sand: lime:waterproof
cement) is ( 1:3:0 )
Sub Total Constructing Expansion Chamber Wall 1,581.71

6 Plastering of Digester and

Expansion Chamber Walls
Quantity of Cement required to plaster the 2.52 mᶟ 915.00 2,305.80
outside of the digester and Expansion
Chamber Walls 0
Quantity of Sand required to plaster the 7.57 mᶟ 189.00 1,430.73
outside of the digester and Expansion
Chamber Walls 0
Quantity of Lime required to plaster the 3.78 mᶟ 5.00 18.90
outside of the digester and Expansion
Chamber Walls 0
Quantity of Cement required to plaster the 2.11 mᶟ 915.00 1,930.65
inside of the digester and Expansion Chamber
Walls 0
Quantity of Sand required to plaster the inside 6.32 mᶟ 189.00 1,194.48
of the digester and Expansion Chamber Walls
Quantity of Lime required to plaster the inside 3.16 mᶟ 5.00 15.80
of the digester and Expansion Chamber Walls
Quantity of Water proof Cement required to 2.11 mᶟ 1.00 2.11
plaster the inside of the digester and
Expansion Chamber Walls 0
Quantity of Water proof Cement required to 0.00 mᶟ 1.00 0.00
plaster the outside of the digester and
Expansion Chamber Walls 0
Sub Total Plastering of Digester and Expansion Chamber Walls 6,898.47

7 Digester Dome & Expansion

Chamber Screeding
Quantity of cement required to plaster/ screed 2.11 mᶟ 915.00 1,930.65
the digester's dome (gas holding surface) and
the Expansion chamber 0
Quantity of smooth sand required to plaster/ 1.06 mᶟ 189.00 200.34
screed the digester's dome (gas holding
surface) and the expansion chamber 0
Quantity of Lime required to plaster/screed the 2.11 mᶟ 5.00 10.55
digester's dome and expansion chamber 0
Quantity of Water proof cement required to 0.00 mᶟ 1.00 0.00
plaster/ screed the digester's dome (gas
holding surface) and the Expansion chamber 0
Sub Total Digester Dome & Expansion Chamber Screeding 2,141.54

8 Reinforcements (Mild Steel and

Quantity of chicken wire mesh required to 170.74 m2 7.00 1,195.18
attach to the external surface of the digester
wall 0
Quantity of chicken wire mesh required to be 29.26 m2 7.00 204.82
placed on the Foundation Ring of the digester
Quantity of chicken wire mesh required to 42.00 m2 7.00 121.45
attach to the external surface of the Expansion
chamber wall 0
Sub Total Reinforcements (Mild Steel and Wiremesh) 1,521.45

9 Starting the Plant

Inoculation of the 240 CAMARTEC Biogas 1.00 Item 800.00 800.00
Sub Total Starting the Plant 800.00


1 Excavation cost 790.47 m3 11.26 15,672.02

2 Total Number of Cement Bags required 11.90 m3 915.00 10,888.50

3 Quantity of Sand Required 29.53 m3 189.00 5,581.17

4 Quantity of Aggregates Required 20.06 m3 350.00 7,021.00

5 Quantity of Lime Required 9.05 m3 5.00 45.25

6 Quantity of bricks Required 8,622.00 m3 2.00 17,244.00

7 Quantity of Wire Mesh Required 242.00 m2 7.00 1,521.45

8 Preliminaries 224.44 m3 0.00 0.00

Sub Total 57,973.39

9 Starting the Plant 1.00 800.00 800.00

10 Workmanship 0.35 57,973.39 20,290.69

11 Miscellaneous 0.30 57,973.39 17,392.02

12 Number Of Disgester units to be constructed 1.00 Unit/s 1.00 0.00

13 Total Number of Waterproof Cement required 2.11 m3 1.00 2.11

Sub Total 38,484.81

Total Cost of Constructing 1 No. 240 m3 CAMARTEC Biogas Plant 96,458.20
Biogas Plant

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