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Cypher Fantasy Godforsaken PDF Free

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Designers Monte Cook and Sean K. Reynolds
Additional Designers Bruce R. Cordell and Shanna Germain
Creative Director Monte Cook
Managing Editor Shanna Germain
Editor/Proofreader Ray Vallese
Art Director Bear Weiter
Cover Artist Roberto Pitturru

Hugo Solis

Jacob Atienza, Bethany Berg, Milivoj Ceran, Biagio D’Alessandro, Sarah Dahlinger, Rachel Denton,
Jason Engle, Felipe Escobar, Michele Giorgi, Alexander Gustafson, David Hueso, Baldi Konijn,
Katerina Ladon, Eric Lofgren, Raph Herrera Lomotan, Patrick McEvoy, Federico Musetti,
Mirco Paganessi, Angelo Peluso, Michael Phillippi, Roberto Pitturru, Riccardo Rullo,
Martin de Diego Sádaba, Audre “Charamath” Schutte, Lie Setiawan, Joe Slucher, Lee Smith,
Matt Stawicki, Cyril Terpent, Cory Trego-Erdner, Chris Waller, Cathy Wilkins

© 2020 Monte Cook Games, LLC. CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A.
and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of
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Printed in Canada



Chapter 2: FANTASY PLOTS 18
Chapter 9: CYPHER SHORTS 90
Chapter 10: CREATURES AND NPCs 96
Chapter 11: FANTASY CYPHERS 138








f all the genres, fantasy is almost Or set your game in the modern world, where
unquestionably the oldest. Tales of gods, the players take on the roles of secret espionage
demons, heroes, and magic extend back wizards and wizard-slayers, combatting foreign
much farther than any of them were ever agents who also wield magic. Or develop a
written down. Not surprisingly, then, fantasy is fantasy game where the characters are undead
also probably the most flexible genre. You can pirates deep beneath the sea in the nineteenth
have fantasy set in the distant past, in the far century, struggling over the true treasure of Davy
future, in the present day, on another world, Jones’s Locker.
or even in a different dimension with entirely Whatever your choice, the Cypher System
different physics and cosmology. That’s a lot should be able to help you make it a reality.
of choices (and a lot to cover in one book). To That’s what we set out to do with Godforsaken. If
say that you’re going to play in or run a fantasy your game has magic or the supernatural of any
roleplaying game prompts a lot of additional kind, it’s fantasy, and this book provides rules,
questions. Where will it take place? Is it inspired tools, and insights that hopefully will make
by a particular book or movie? Is it modern day your game better. It may lean toward traditional
or something with dragons and castles (or is it fantasy—elves, dragons, and so on—because
modern day with dragons and castles)? Can I that’s what most people are interested in, but
play an elf? the information in this book extends to any sort
And therein lies the fun, I think. of fantasy you want. And remember, even within
Because you get to decide the time and the bounds of “traditional,” you can always do
place. You get to decide how and why there’s something untraditional. Maybe the dragons
magic, supernatural creatures, strange mystical are the good guys, out to preserve their peaceful
phenomena, or all of them together (and lands from marauding elves. With the Cypher
probably a lot more). You can base it on Tolkien, System, you can make anything happen.
the father of modern fantasy, or you can throw
him out the window and change it all around.
Whatever you choose is the right choice. The
only thing you don’t want to be is boring. With
literally no boundaries other than those you set,
there’s simply no excuse to make fantasy dull.
If you or your friends are tired of goblins and
dwarves, swords and fireballs, don’t use any
of them. Set your fantasy game on an infinitely
long bridge connecting Heaven and Hell, and
have stories about those who travel this bridge.

Part 1



Chapter 2: FANTASY PLOTS 18
Chapter 9: CYPHER SHORTS 90
Chapter 10: CREATURES AND NPCs 96
Chapter 11: FANTASY CYPHERS 138



he first step in running a fantasy you want to assemble pieces of those
game is figuring out what setting favorites into your own world.
you want to use—what you want You might feel a little guilty about taking
the world of your game to be like. This parts of other people’s work and putting
involves asking all the basic questions them into your home game. But don’t. It’s
you need to answer about a setting. Is it not stealing—it’s an homage, and it’s been
on Earth, another world, or something happening in worldbuilding since forever.
in between? Is it the present day, the At the dawn of fantasy roleplaying (in the
past, or the future? Fantasy adds other 1980s), it was common for heroes to quest
questions to that list, such as: are there to find Excalibur, go on heroic adventures
For a home game, any fantasy creatures in it (dragons, orcs, with Sinbad, and try to destroy an evil ring
anything goes. But if
goblins, demons, and so on)? Do regular of invisibility. The fantasy genre is full of
you publish your world,
do some extra work to people know about magic and the fantasy fertile soil, and different stories and settings
update your in-jokes and aspects of your setting, or are their lives cross-pollinate each other all the time. One
homages so they aren’t
plagiarism or a copyright completely mundane? This chapter walks author inspires another to make derivative
or trademark violation. you through ways to quickly put together fiction. Another author opens up their
a fantasy setting that draws on other world as a shared world and other authors
sources, how to craft your own setting write for it. Named characters make cameo
from scratch, and how to mix the two. appearances in famous works, or are
name-dropped as hints that they’re in the
same stories. Riffing on someone else’s work
BORROWING FROM OTHER SOURCES is a natural step toward learning how to create
There are thousands of fantasy novels, something that’s completely yours, just like
television shows, and comic books out people who learn to draw often practice by
there, and more new ones being created studying and tracing other drawings.
every day. Maybe one, two, or a handful If you like a particular fantasy movie,
of them inspired your love of fantasy, and TV show, or comic book, and you want to
make a setting or a one-shot adventure
based on that, do it. If you’re excited
about the source material, your players
Throughout this book, you’ll see will feel it too. If you prefer, you can
page references to various items change names, change the time period,
accompanied by this symbol. These or change the motivation for one of the
are page references to the Cypher major NPCs—it’ll obscure what you’re
System Rulebook, where you can find
referencing and keep your well-read
additional details about that rule,
players from guessing what your source
ability, creature, or concept.
material is. It’s okay if your players think


(or even say) that the world or scenario incredibly popular, with multiple novels,
reminds them of something else. There comics, and videogames set here. It has
are a lot of common tropes in fantasy, a little bit of everything—wild lands for There’s a saying that
there are only two basic
many famous fantasy stories borrow exploration, large cities for intrigue, secret
fiction plots: someone
concepts from more obscure sources, societies, and mysterious evil cults set on goes on a journey, and
and sometimes stories repeat in cycles. world domination—so you can run any a stranger comes to
town. This saying has a
What makes your story unique (even if it’s sort of game you want here. corollary: it’s the same
based on something else) is the personal story, told from two
different perspectives.
touch that you and your players bring to Gods of the Fall: The old gods died
the table. when their home realm fell from the
sky and brought the world into a dark
age. A generation later, a few people
USING A PUBLISHED (including the PCs) have awoken with a
FANTASY GAME SETTING spark of divinity and must fight to enact
Sometimes you don’t want to take pieces prophecies that restore order to the world
of settings and fuse them together— and elevate themselves to be the new
you just want to run a game set in your pantheon of gods.
favorite fantasy world. If that world
exists only as fiction, you’ll have to do Lord of the Rings: Several publishers over
some extra work to fill in details and the past forty years have created RPGs
options, but if that world has already been set in the most famous fantasy world,
published as an RPG setting, that work with the most recent being The One Ring
has mostly been done for you. Likewise, Roleplaying Game.
if you don’t have the time or inclination
to create your own fantasy world, using Numenera: Science fantasy set on the
a published setting gives you everything Earth of one billion years in the future,
you need without all of the legwork. where remnants of ancient technology
Fantasy is probably the most popular and bioengineering are treated as magic
RPG genre, and dozens of fantasy by the pseudo-medieval humans trying to
roleplaying games out there include survive in a weird and dangerous world.
a detailed setting. Using that setting
(whether you use its rule system, the Shadow of the Demon Lord: This game
Cypher System, or something else) is an presents a fantasy world on the brink of
easy way to have a world ready to run a an apocalypse. Amoral PCs balance sanity
game in, and most of them also include and corruption as they complete quests,
adventures that are ready to play. Here are earn their legacy, and perhaps delay the
a few examples of fantasy RPGs that you ascension of the Demon Lord that wants
can use immediately: to consume everything.

7th Sea: A swashbuckling fantasy setting The Strange: A modern setting with
in a world reminiscent of early modern dimension-hopping to parallel worlds
Europe, with real and fictitious secret called recursions that are based on myths,
societies working behind the scenes. legends, and fiction. Characters can jump
from the modern world to Camelot, a
Forgotten Realms: A high-magic fantasy magical land called Ardeyn, the world of
setting that started out as a home Sherlock Holmes, and any other fictional
campaign by its creator and grew to be realm the GM decides to include.


When we discuss fantasy Warhammer Fantasy: An RPG set in a war between two neighboring kingdoms
in your world, we
the grim near-Renaissance world of the over a petty disagreement, replace all the
deliberately don’t use
labels like “high fantasy” Warhammer Fantasy Battles wargame, humans in one country with elves, or kill
and “low fantasy” where Chaos is on the rise, firearms mix off a popular god, and let the PCs deal
because those mean
different things whether with magic, and secret cults and mutants with the consequences of these changes.
you’re talking about undermine civilization.
fiction or roleplaying
games, not everyone
agrees on the definitions, Remember that you can always change CREATING A NEW SETTING
and there’s a lot of elements of a published setting to suit If you’re willing to put in the work, there’s
overlap in various fantasy
genres. These labels are what you want for your fantasy game. nothing quite as satisfying as developing
useful only if they help Not only does this let you put your own your own fantasy setting. This section has
you summarize your
setting for your players. stamp on the world you’re creating, but advice for creating the foundation of your
it makes sure the players can’t predict world and tips for jump-starting other
Chapter 5: Fantasy what awaits them. For example, you could aspects of the design process. Even if
Gaming Inspiration,
wipe out a major city with a plague, start you already have a good idea of what you
page 43
want your world to be about, this can help
you fill in some broad strokes or think up
a unique twist.
Chapter 5 summarizes many fantasy
worlds presented in novels, films, and
TV shows that can give you ideas (or
even easily lifted large chunks) for your
own setting.
One general bit of advice for
worldbuilding: it’s okay to change things,
even tearing it all down and starting from
scratch. If something doesn’t work, or if
you don’t like how it’s turning out, fix it.
If you’ve already been running games in
that world, and the players want to keep
playing the same PCs, let them—it’s a
common staple of fantasy to have radical
changes in a magical world or introduce
portals that take the heroes to an entirely
different world. Discard what doesn’t
work, polish up the parts that do, and
add in something new for variety.


The first thing to think about when
creating your own fantasy setting is how
much magic is in the world. However,
that is a big, broad topic, and the answer
is probably very long and complex. To
simplify things, we’ll split this discussion
into more specific topics.



In a typical fantasy setting where PCs can Magic might be limited to small
be wizards, wield magic swords, and fight changes—heating and cooling, illusions,
dragons, magic is common knowledge. sending messages over long distances,
It’s important to realize that this is making light, healing small injuries,
different than superstitions, psychics, helping plants grow, and so on. Magic
fate, gods answering prayers, and other might be able to make large changes—
beliefs that aren’t necessarily magic. letting people fly, controlling the
Unlike those things, magic is as provably weather, changing a creature’s shape, or
and undeniably real as fire, the earth controlling minds. Even more powerful
under your feet, or the sun in the sky. A magic might be able to do things that we
typical farmer or city-dweller might not consider impossible according to normal
understand how it works, have personally Earth physics—restoring the dead to life
seen any magic performed, or know from just a fingernail, teleporting across
anyone who can do magic, but they know the world, creating force fields, or altering
it is a real thing, just as a person on Earth the flow of time.
knows that England is a real place even if In a world where magic can make large
they’ve never been there. and impossible changes, it is difficult to
If magic isn’t common knowledge, then acquire the skill and knowledge to enact
it is a secret known only to some people. those changes, whether through years of
The general population of the world study, making strange pacts with powerful
believes that magic isn’t real—or they entities of pure knowledge, or going on
believe it is real, but the only “magic” they heroic quests to defeat horrific monsters
have access to is unreliable superstitions, and find remarkable treasures. In other
prayers to gods who never provide clear words, small changes are more likely and
answers, and so on. The number of less difficult than large changes, and large
people who know about real magic could changes are more likely and less difficult
be small or large; a world with a cabal than impossible changes.
of only nine wizards who know about As with the general knowledge of
the existence of magic is a very different magic, the various branches of magic
place than a world where a few thousand might have different power levels. You
wizards secretly live among a million can have a world where healing magic
mundane people. How the secret-keepers can cure disease but not raise the dead,
deal with outsiders learning the secret fire magic can burn down a house but not
is likely to become a story plot for the ignite a volcano, and mental magic can
campaign. change emotions but not read or control
It is possible for different kinds of thoughts.
magic to be more or less secret than
others. For example, the world at large MAGIC AVAILABILITY
might know that demons and gods are Even if magic is well known, that doesn’t
real, but not that there are wizards who mean that everyone has access to it.
can control the weather. A typical peasant Magic could require training, either
may know that healing magic exists, but one-on-one study with a magical mentor,
not that necromancers can turn bodies or attending some sort of wizard college,
into zombies. priestly cloister, or mysterious guild.
Potentially anyone could learn the proper
skills if they study hard enough.


Magic might require some sort of becomes a specialized commodity that

internal criteria, such as being a member nonmagical people can access by using
of a specific family or having a particular other resources. Much like technology
gene. In these situations, it is very difficult in the real world, magic becomes just
In a fantasy game, use or impossible for someone who doesn’t another tool. A typical person on Earth
GM intrusions to make
meet these criteria to learn magic. might not know how a mobile phone
magic unpredictable or
difficult to quantify. Cast Magic might be a gift, such as a works or how to build one, but that
a spell or use a magic blessing from a nature goddess or a pact knowledge isn’t necessary to buy a phone
item just a bit incorrectly,
or under the wrong with a demon. Someone who wants to or make calls with it.
phase of the moon, and learn magic might be able to persuade an
something wild happens.
entity with the power to grant them this MAGIC HISTORY
gift. A current recipient of the gift might Another question to consider: how old
be able to transfer it to another person, or new is magic? That is, at what point
in whole or in part, perhaps diminishing before the current time period of the
their own power in doing so. campaign did it become available?
Magic might be costly, either in terms Magic can be primordial, meaning
of finances or by taking a physical or it has been part of the universe (or
mental toll on those who study and multiverse) since its inception or creation.
practice it. This tends to limit magic to It is likely that ancient magical knowledge
those who have the financial means to and items exist and may have a role in the
learn it, or who are willing to suffer harm present story.
in exchange for its power. Magic can be transitory, rising and
Even with all of the limitations falling over time so that it worked at some
described above, it is likely that magic point in the past, then stopped working


“Science fiction is the improbable made possible, and fantasy is the

impossible made probable.”
~Rod Serling

for a while, and now is back again. Magic If magic is easier to use than science,
might face an upswing (increasing as magic might trivialize technology enough
the story progresses) or downswing that scientific breakthroughs are inferior
(decreasing as the story progresses), compared to their magical equivalent.
and these cycles might be seasonal, There’s little point in inventing an internal
annual, centennial, or longer. Magic combustion engine if a wizard can
from earlier cycles might work normally, enchant a carriage to move by itself, nor is
fail completely, or act erratically if the there much reward in inventing a flintlock
specific rules for magic change with each
Magic can be recent, perhaps because Many adventures take place entirely
of some event that changed the laws within a city. Why not take that idea
of the universe. Magical lore is scarce to the next level and run a city-based
because magic was impossible before, campaign? Whether the PCs are
and magic items might be scarce unless locals or new arrivals, any community
the recent arrival of magic triggered with thousands of people is full of
spontaneous changes in certain objects. opportunities for adventure. Suddenly
Depending on how recently magic the PCs have homes and history, and
became possible, the PCs might be some they can’t avoid the consequences
of the earliest practitioners of it. of their actions by moving on to
the next tiny village. Crime, politics,
MAGIC AND TECHNOLOGY and cosmopolitan issues like social
How long magic has been available can class and species become important
have an interesting role in shaping the factors when the characters don’t
development of technology in the world. spend most of their time miles away
Magic might have no effect on from civilization. Are the PCs heroes,
technology and be treated much like a trying to clean up a slum or oust a
corrupt official? Are they antiheroes
specialized kind of scientific knowledge.
or vigilantes, skirting the edges of the
A wizard might carry a pistol and a wand,
law? Or are they outright criminals,
a nuclear physicist might use a magical
such as members of a thieves’ guild
device to gain insight into subatomic
trying to secure more territory without
particles, and a police detective might
attracting too much attention from
use forensics and spells to find clues for
the authorities? Your hometown
solving crimes. and local news can be fodder for
Magic might oppose technology, city-based adventure ideas, and the
and vice versa. Prominent magic PCs are sure to develop personal
might automatically limit technological connections in their communities—a
development to a specific historical time very different experience for those
period or exclude certain branches of who are used to drifting from village
technological advancement (such as “no to village like tumbleweeds.
gunpowder” or “no electrical devices”).



Some fantasy settings distinguish between different kinds of magic. Eldritch spells
versus mentalist abilities, or divine (having a godly power source) versus arcane
(powered by something other than a deity). The Cypher System doesn’t categorize
magical abilities and items in that way. It’s possible to have two characters with
the same type, focus, and abilities, and one of them could be a divine-powered
Adept, page 24 character while the other uses arcane magic. For example, if there are two Adepts
who have the Bears a Halo of Fire focus, and they’ve both chosen Onslaught and
Bears a Halo of
Fire, page 64 Ward, one of them might be a priestess of the goddess of fire and the other might
be a wizard who has an affinity for fire magic, but all of that is character flavor
Onslaught, page 167
and doesn’t change how the abilities work. Likewise, one character who wields a
Ward, page 196 hammer and throws lightning bolts might be a priest of Thor (a divine spellcaster),
and a similar character might be a warrior-wizard who has an innate talent for
electricity magic—different character flavor, same game mechanics.
The GM may decide that the campaign world has specific roles for different kinds
of magic, and that might affect some character choices. For example, maybe all
illusion magic comes from the god of illusions, and only his priests can use that kind
of power. Maybe only divine magic can heal and only arcane magic can teleport, or
perhaps arcane magic can heal but it is more difficult to use than divine magic (so
a healing ability costs more Pool points or is a higher tier for arcane magic). Maybe
each magic scroll cypher uses a different kind of power depending on what kind of
spellcaster created it, and only a character with the right kind of magic can activate the
scroll. These kinds of campaign world choices can impact what the PCs can learn or
do, so once you decide these issues, talk to the players so they know if there are any
restrictions or special requirements for some character abilities.

pistol if fire wands are more reliable, more conflicts and pacts influence the current
accurate, and don’t require ammunition. state of affairs. Fortunately, history itself
Magical advancement might replace provides an excellent shortcut if you
technological advancement as the norm, want to create your own fantasy game
with magical trains crossing a kingdom or world: take a period of history that you
bound servitor-spirits carrying messages know about, add some fantasy elements
from city to city. In places where magic (especially if you keep magic on the
doesn’t work (such as a magic-dead area low-powered end), and run with it.
created by a disaster), true technology can One way to do this is to assume that the
gain a foothold, which tends to make the fantasy aspects have always been there
conflict between magic and technology a in our history; they’ve just been erased
factor in the campaign story. from modern storytelling or are so old that
truth, myth, and legend are intertwined.
HISTORY PLUS FANTASY Pick a location and historical period
Most of us aren’t historians or experts on you’re interested in, do some reading to
international conflicts, feudalism, or any understand what was happening at that
of a dozen other fields that would make place and time, and add appropriate fantasy
us especially skilled at inventing countries elements. Warring faiths, incursions by
for a fantasy world, filling in their back dangerous monsters, and despotically
history, and figuring out how their old minded wizards become the antagonists


in the story, with the secret or forgotten SETTING PARADIGMS

fantastical aspects underpinning the actual Choosing an overarching paradigm for
historical events. Use the Earth names, or your setting helps smaller details fit into
create your own to add more flavor. place, particularly if you phrase them in
If magic is a recent development, it’s the form of opposing forces, like good
even easier to take a historical setting and vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Here are a few
turn it into a fantasy world. Pick a specific common and not-so-common themes
event in history and use that as the to consider for your campaign, and ways
dividing line between a world of no magic to flip them around to create a new
and a world with magic. How would the perspective.
Hundred Years’ War have gone differently
if England and France had discovered Arcane vs. Divine: Divine magic is natural,
magic at the Battle of Agincourt? What and arcane magic is corrupting. Or divine
if d’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers magic is a blessing of the gods, and
were a paladin, priest, wizard, and arcane magic is a gift of the demons. For
warlock? What if the Tokugawa Shogunate an interesting twist, perhaps practitioners
held power due to mystical alchemy as of both kinds of magic came together
well as diplomacy? a generation ago to defeat a great evil,
Using actual Earth history also lets and now the world is a safer and kinder
you jump forward or backward in time place, with only grognards from the old
as part of your campaign’s narrative. times still bearing a grudge against “rival”
For example, if you run a game set in a spellcasters.
fantasy Musketeers era, you can wrap up
a campaign arc and jump forward a few Classical Greek Elements: Air opposes
decades to the reign of Louis XIV, known earth and fire opposes water. For an
as the Sun King, or even farther to Louis interesting change of pace, push the four
XVI and the French Revolution (perhaps “pure” elements into the background
the PCs are the offspring of earlier heroes and have their mixed offspring create a
or long-lived beings such as elves, or different four-way conflict: ice vs. magma Almost any of your
favorite science fiction
perhaps they were in an enchanted sleep and smoke vs. mud.
or horror stories, books,
until the realm needed them again). and movies can be used
A game set in a fantasy version of the Elves vs. Dwarves: Elves love trees and as the basis for a fantasy
game. Just replace the
American colonies can wrap up at the green things, dwarves love rocks and the technology with magic
end of the American Revolution, jump to underground, and never shall the two and change the setting
to whatever setting you
a fantasy version of the War of 1812 (or agree. This trope and its prejudices are choose. Stephen King’s
cross the ocean to fight or aid Napoleon common in most fantasy RPGs that have Salem’s Lot works well
Bonaparte), and jump again to a fantasy elves and dwarves. To make things more in a fantasy town, and
Frank Herbert’s Dune
version of the American Civil War. interesting, amplify the conflict so that an could easily be a fantasy
Another way of looking at this topic is elven kingdom and a dwarven kingdom world where magic
comes from a rare spice.
to think about how Earthlike your fantasy are openly at war, and all other groups of
setting is. Is it literally a version of Earth elves, dwarves, and their allies are forced
with magic, or an alternate history with to take sides. Alternatively, invert this
magical analogues to Earth countries and concept by having elves and dwarves be
civilizations? Is it a what-if scenario based close allies who have no interest in each
on a point in history? If it’s set in the past, other’s territory, and the other prominent
how will important future events (from species of the world compete for space
Earth’s past) affect the fantasy world? with this powerful alliance.


Five Elements: Adapted from traditional of your position in that debate, there is
Chinese philosophy, this is a system one definite fact about character death: it
where wood, fire, earth, metal, and water penalizes the player, because while their
are phases in a cycle of creation and character is dead, they aren’t able to play.
destruction. A world based on these They have to wait until the character is
concepts could have seasons, years, or revived or they create a new PC.
decades associated with each phase— As you think about whether you
wood means growth and abundance, fire want this sort of magic in your world
Imagine how strange means flowering and increasing energy, and your feelings about PCs making
it would be to have a
earth means leveling and moderation, heroic sacrifices, remember to consider
TV show with so many
character fatalities that metal means harvesting and collecting, whether permanent PC death is part
by the end of the first and water means stillness and retreat. of the story you want the campaign to
season, none of the
principal actors from Creatures, magic, and even the PCs tell, or an obstacle to it. It doesn’t hurt
the first episode are might be tied to these cycles, easing and to talk with the players about it before
on the show anymore.
This happens in fantasy
hindering tasks as different phases gain starting the campaign. When you’ve
RPG campaigns with ascendency. made a decision about the presence or
no resurrection magic. absence of resurrection magic, inform
Shadow vs. Light: Light is positive the players and tell them what their PCs
and good, and darkness is sneaky and would know about death in the campaign
evil. For a change of pace using this world—whether it is always permanent,
duality, perhaps light is represented easily reversible, only for heroic souls,
by a tyrannical sun god who blasts the expensive and debilitating, has some kind
desert realms with his rays, and darkness of attrition, and so on.
is his gentle, protective offspring who
provides safe shelter from his wrath. As a MAPMAKING
third option, perhaps light and darkness Much of the fun of creating a fantasy
are both dangerous extremes, and the world is making a map and filling in
balance represented by dawn and dusk is the empty parts with the bones of story
the source of peace and kindness. ideas that will get fleshed out over the
course of the campaign. Some people
It’s the authors’ IS DEATH PERMANENT? find the initial step of making a map to be
perspective that in a
One big question about designing your intimidating; after all, there are rules for
high-magic game,
coming back from own fantasy setting is whether people where mountains go on a planet, where
the dead is a thing can use magic to revive the dead. Player rivers flow, the best places to found cities,
that heroes do,
although it may not characters engage in risky behavior, and and so on.
be easy, immediate, sometimes a PC dies because of a poor Most of those rules go away if you’re
or quickly forgotten.
die roll. There have been many debates creating a fantasy setting, especially if
about resurrection magic in games, it isn’t limited to Earthlike conditions
See also Death and most of which is based on opinions that shaped the terrain over millions or
Resurrection, page 54
(“It lessens the sacrifice of a character billions of years. Your world may have
who dies to save others” and “It makes been built by a god who slowly went
death a trivial obstacle”) or corner cases mad and put terrain features in strange
The book Your Best (“Some players will throw themselves places, or by a pantheon of warring gods
Game Ever also talks
at tough challenges because they know who claimed and shaped their favorite
about character death,
restoring characters, they can try again if they fail” and “If territories. The world may have had a
making room for grief, you resurrect the previous king, that’s a magical disaster or an invasion from the
and high-lethality games.
threat to the current king”). Regardless realms of chaos that altered the landscape


in strange ways. In other words, it’s okay north-south orientations than they do on
if some aspect of your fantasy world’s Earth. If your heroes are adventuring in One weird almost-Earth
variant in the 1980s
geography doesn’t make sense in terms a country geographically similar to Korea
was taking the Earth
of Earth climate and tectonics—your and they decide to travel to the mainland, map and inverting the
world isn’t Earth and doesn’t have to you can always take a peek at the terrain high and low points,
so that land is water
follow its rules. Your world can be a cube, and settlements of northeastern China and water is land.
a flat plane, a circle, a Möbius strip, a and come up with rumors of what the PCs
ringworld, the inside of a hollow sphere, might find there. For more inspiration,
or anything else. look at a map that’s a few centuries old
Of course, the more Earthlike your and use those borders and names for
world is, the easier it is for your players to ideas so they’re not so obviously drawn
understand it and for you to fill in details from modern Earth sources.
when the PCs literally go in a direction
you didn’t expect. It’s easy to start with ADVISING PLAYERS
part of an Earth map, loosely trace it to ABOUT YOUR SETTING
create your own coastline, and use the Now that you’ve created the foundation
terrain features and major settlement for your setting and added details about
locations. Omit or add a major landform where the campaign will begin, it’s time to
here and there, and your players may tell the players about it so they can start
never realize it’s based on Europe or preparing for the game. This might involve
the United States or Central America or getting in the right mindset for high, low,
southern Asia. To obscure your source or dark fantasy; thinking about what sort
even more, rotate the Earth map 180 of characters they want to create; doing
degrees so the lands have the opposite research beforehand; and so on.


list of allowed foci, what kind of cyphers

CAMPAIGN IDEA: the campaign will have (subtle, manifest,
YOUR CHARACTER IS YOU or both), what kinds of nonhuman
One day, you’re a regular person characters are allowed (if any), and so on.
with a job and a family and a car, and
If any fictional sources inspired the
the next you’re an awkward rogue
look and feel of the world, including a
wielding a magic blade against a
short reading or viewing list can help the
death-priest’s zombie army. This
players understand the setting they’ll be
trope is fairly common in early fantasy
playing in. Be sure to give them time to
stories (it’s basically the plot of the
do this research; otherwise, they’ll make
Narnia novels by C. S. Lewis, the
generic fantasy characters and adapt
Guardians of the Flame novels by
Joel Rosenberg, the Chronicles of them to your world as they encounter
Thomas Covenant books by Stephen specific details during play.
R. Donaldson, the 1980s Dungeons Your setting can be described according
& Dragons cartoon, and a million to four simple categories: the location,
other fantasy stories), and some RPG the time period, the awareness of magic,
campaigns picked up that idea and and belief in the reality of magic.
ran with it.
It’s fun to think about what your Location Examples: Fantasy Europe,
game stats would be if you were a fantasy New York, generic medieval
PC, and one of the main plot ideas fantasy world, Middle-earth.
could be about trying to get back to
your old, safe life in a world without Time Period Examples: Stone Age, Bronze
demons and dragons. Of course, Age, Iron Age, Roman Empire, European
one morbid drawback to this sort Middle Ages, Elizabethan Era, American
of campaign is the possibility that a Colonial Period, American Revolution,
character—based on a player at the American Civil War, Gilded Age, World War
table—gets killed in the fantasy world, I, Roaring ’20s and the Great Depression
but the GM can avoid that by having (Lovecraftian era), World War II, 1950s,
the “dead” character wake up in the 1970s, 1980s, modern day (internet age),
real world, perhaps out of a coma, near future (within thirty years), far future
and maybe have a one-shot solo (a hundred or more years), distant future
adventure to go back to the fantasy
Huge battles and even (one thousand or more years).
wars, like those found in world to help their friends or pull said
The Lord of the Rings, friends back to Earth.
can easily be used in Magic Awareness: Nonexistent, basic
your fantasy game. (most people are familiar with the idea of
Rather than worry about
complex mass battle The simplest way to do this is to go magic and dragons but couldn’t explain
mechanics, treat it all as over the material you’ve created, topic by the difference between an enchanter
a narrative backdrop. The
PCs might get involved
topic, and decide what the characters in and a necromancer), informed (people
in a small part of it, or the setting would know. Not only does know about magic and related elements,
even at the center of this reduce what the players have to learn such as banshees, curses, the evil eye,
it against the enemy’s
champions, but you can to a small, digestible amount, but it also genies, and werewolves, mainly from
just describe anything allows you to avoid spoiling things that myths, folklore, and popular fiction), high
that’s going on beyond
their ability to affect. you plan to reveal to them during the (people can name a few famous spells
campaign. Be sure to include any relevant and monsters as easily as they can name
game information they’ll need to know celebrities or popular songs).
when creating their characters, such as a


Magic Reality: Denied (there is no of your summary. You might say that
believable evidence that magic exists), your game is “Middle-earth just after
suspected (there’s enough indirect evidence The Return of the King, and the people of
that most people believe it exists and is real, Gondor are clearing out pockets of orcs
with guardian angels, fortune-telling, and looking forward to a future of peace
and exorcism being common examples), and prosperity.” Or “The Magicians just
absolute (everyone believes magic is as after season one, and the PCs are recent
real as trees and humans). graduates of the university that teaches
By combining these concepts, you can
give the players (and their characters) a
solid one- or two-sentence foundation
about what to expect in the game. Here
are several examples:
• Fantasy Los Angeles, modern day,
high magic awareness, absolute magic
reality. This is a version of Los Angeles
where orcs, elves, and other fantasy
species live next door to humans, and
magic is real but limited to those with
a special talent for it.
• Fantasy England, modern day, basic
magic awareness, denied or suspected
magic reality. In this setting,
magic-aware wizards, witches, and
magical creatures hide their true
nature from unknowing humans,
essentially living double
lives or in a secret world
where they remain unseen.
• Middle-earth, near the
end of the Second
Age, informed magic
awareness, absolute magic
reality. Sauron has the One
Ring and is warring against the
humans and elves, and people
know magic exists but it is
mainly in the form of items
and creatures rather than
spells that humans can

If your setting is based on or

inspired by existing material, and it
wouldn’t be a spoiler for the players to
know that, you can name-drop it as part




antasy is such a staple of modern relevant character arc to pursue or using
Character arcs, entertainment that everyone is generally one of the background connections for
page 238
familiar with common fantasy plots, their character type), their connection to
Warrior background and players usually can recognize the plot the plot is strong, even if it changes over
connection, page 22 hooks the GM puts in front of them (even the course of the campaign.
if they don’t immediately take action to
connect their characters to the plot). Often Switching It Up: The presence of a fantasy
the motivation for the players depends on or supernatural element gives you many
which of several available plots interests more opportunities to switch around
them the most—treasure, justice, glory, aspects of the plot to create something
and avoiding certain death are the new and interesting that the players won’t
most common motivators. A smart GM be able to predict. Instead of a dragon
plans ahead enough to have the seeds of kidnapping a princess, have an adventure
multiple plots growing at the same time in about a princess who kidnaps a dragon (or
different stages so flighty PCs can change a dragon egg). Instead of an antagonist
what they’re interested in doing without NPC searching for a lost artifact because
stalling the entire campaign. they want to create an army of undead,
have them desperate to find it because
they want to bring their true love back
CREATING A PLOT from the dead. Instead of a warlord forcing
There are three tricks to setting up a game peasants to swear fealty with an ancient
world or campaign that your players want oath because it empowers the tyrant
GMs should try to always to visit over and over again. with magic, have them do it because the
have important events
happen “on stage.” warlord needs to protect them against
Rather than having a The Human Element: Including an an upcoming psionic invasion from the
messenger delivering emotional element that the players and realm of nightmares. Note too that not
the news that the king
has been murdered, their characters can connect to is usually every campaign plot needs to be switched
it’s much more exciting a stronger motivation than greed or glory. around; having a few traditional adventures
if the PCs happen to This doesn’t have to be an overused trope with bandits extorting tolls, assassins
be at court when the
foul deed is done. like “Orcs are attacking and you hate threatening the king, or wererat thieves
orcs because they killed your parents” in the sewers helps make the unusual
or “The evil wizard is killing all firstborn adventures more unique and memorable.
to thwart a prophecy,” but good stories
often come from plucking at a real-world Translating From Other Sources: If you’re
emotional bond like protecting a family short on ideas, look at non-fantasy films
member, locating an heirloom, or righting and television shows you like, select a
an injustice. If you can create a general story you enjoy, and add fantasy elements
overarching plot and give the players to it. Run a game based on Hamlet, but
room to specify their characters’ initial set it in a fantasy village with real ghosts
role in the story (such as by selecting a and plenty of local intrigue. Instead of


starting a campaign with a war about to Mistake: Someone’s deliberate or

break out, borrow the plot of a World War accidental action has brought about
II film and set your campaign in the last suffering and conflict for another. Jealousy,
weeks of a fantasy war. Flip the script of greed, and anger are common motivations
your favorite heist film and put the PCs in that lead to this, and it’s possible that the
the role of protecting a cache of magical PCs are the instigators who now need to
treasures from the greedy hands of clean up their own mess.
master thieves. Published adventures—
particularly for a different game setting or Mystery: An unusual event or creature
system—can be full of surprises that you brings with it change and confusion. The
never would have thought to add to your PCs need to investigate and take action,
campaign. You don’t need to reinvent the either to stop or to assist the change.
wheel; take the work that other people
have done and put your own spin on it. Rebellion: An oppressed group is in
conflict with a powerful one and is trying
to evade persecution or elevate their
SAMPLE FANTASY PLOTS status to something closer to parity. If
The following is a selection of common strong enough, the rebellion may become
or traditional fantasy plots. If you’re in a revolt and try to topple the oppressor.
a hurry to put something together for a These plots are inspired
game, picking up one of these ideas and Rescue: Someone is trapped, being held by The Thirty-Six
prisoner, or otherwise in great need of Dramatic Situations
adding a fantasy aspect is an easy way
(Georges Polti), a
to get the action rolling, whether you’re assistance. The PCs might be the agents descriptive list that
running a one-shot event, a filler episode of that person’s freedom, or their help categorizes dramatic
is needed to maintain the status quo by situations in stories.
for an ongoing campaign, or a key point
in the main story arc. restricting that person’s freedom.

Betrayal: Someone has brought harm to Revenge: Someone has been wronged by
something they should have protected, another party and they need help to make
such as a friend, lover, business, guild, it right. The wronged party might be one
or kingdom. The PCs need to find out the or more NPCs, or the PCs themselves.
truth of the betrayal and decide whether Getting revenge might be in line with the
they want to assist in bringing the law or contrary to it.
perpetrator to justice.
Sacrifice: Something or someone is going
Family Troubles: Blood feuds, undesirable to be sacrificed (willingly or unwillingly)
romances, desperate measures to retain for a greater purpose, such as to mollify
or regain power, and hiding or covering an angry god, forestall a curse, or save
for a black sheep are all fun stories that the harvest. The PCs might try to find a
can go in many directions with a dash of replacement for the sacrifice (who might
fantasy. If a PC is related to the family in be one of their group) or a way to negate
question, even better. the need for one entirely.

Fugitive: Someone is on the run and another Unkind Fate: One or more creatures
is attempting to capture them. The PCs can are suffering through no fault of their
take a role on either side of this conflict, own and could use some help to survive
or they may be forced into becoming or thrive. Natural disasters, plague
the hunter or the hunted. If the PCs get outbreaks, petty gods, war, and bouts of
involved after the fugitive has been caught, it madness often lead to this kind of story.
becomes a story about an abduction.




t’s very common for players who like Assassin/Spy: Explorer and Warrior
fantasy roleplaying games to have a are good type choices for an assassin
particular kind of character they like to character. Appropriate foci are Masters
play. Sean likes playing healers, Tammie Weaponry, Moves Like a Cat, Murders,
likes playing fighters, and Bear and and Works the Back Alleys.
Charles like playing rogues with a little bit
of magic mixed in. This chapter discusses Barbarian: A barbarian character is
many of these common fantasy RPG probably a Warrior or (to focus a little
archetypes and gives suggestions about more on skills than combat) an Explorer.
This section is particularly how to create characters like that in the Good foci to choose from are Lives in the
useful for players who are
Cypher System. Wilderness, Masters Weaponry, Needs No
familiar with RPGs like
D&D and Pathfinder, but In some cases, the ideas here require Weapon, Never Says Die, Performs Feats
are new to the Cypher minor changes to the flavor described in of Strength, and Rages.
System and unsure how
to make their favorite the character options; you should work
kind of character. with your GM to make sure these changes Bard: Bards in fantasy fiction and
are suitable for the campaign. Most of the games are troubadours, minstrels, and
foci in this section appear in the Cypher storytellers, perhaps with a supernatural
System Rulebook; foci with an asterisk (*) element. Bards are usually Explorers or
are found later in this chapter. Some of Speakers. Appropriate foci are Entertains,
these options recommend swapping out Helps Their Friends, Infiltrates, and
a type ability for an ability from one of the Masters Spells.
Flavor, page 34 character flavors such as combat, magic,
or stealth. Cleric or Priest: Academic clerics are
usually Adepts or Speakers, but martial
Alchemist: In the sense that an alchemist clerics are often Warriors (perhaps with
is someone who makes magical items magic flavor). For a typical cleric with
or similar types of things, Adept and a versatile set of abilities, choose the
Explorer are appropriate type choices for Channels Divine Blessings focus. For
academic alchemists. For a general sort of more specific kinds of clerics, see the
alchemist who makes potions of magical following foci:
effects, choose the Masters Spells focus • Cleric (death): Consorts With the Dead,
(instead of spells, you learn potions). Shepherds Spirits
For one who transforms into a powerful • Cleric (knowledge): Learns Quickly, Sees
and dangerous creature, choose Howls Beyond, Would Rather Be Reading
at the Moon. For one who loves throwing • Cleric (life): Defends the Weak,
bombs, choose Bears a Halo of Fire. For a Shepherds the Community, Works
healer, choose Works Miracles. Miracles


• Cleric (light): Blazes With Radiance, Gunslinger: A gunslinger is probably

Channels Divine Blessings a Warrior or Explorer, but some are
• Cleric (storm): Rides the Lightning, Speakers with combat flavor. Appropriate
Thunders foci are Is Licensed to Carry, Masters
• Cleric (trickery): Takes Animal Shape* Weaponry, Sailed Beneath the Jolly Roger,
(also see options for rogues) and Wields an Enchanted Weapon*.
• Cleric (war): Masters Weaponry (also
see options for fighters) Inquisitor: Inquisitors are usually
Explorers, Speakers, or Warriors,
Druid: As a very specific sort of nature depending on whether their inclinations
priest, a druid character is usually an are for having many skills, being good
Adept or Explorer (in either case probably at interacting with people, or combat.
using the magic flavor). A typical druid Appropriate foci are Infiltrates, Metes Out
probably has Channels Divine Blessings Justice, and Operates Undercover.
or Lives in the Wilderness as a focus,
but for more specific options, see the Merchant: An Explorer with a focus
following foci: dealing with social interactions, like
• Druid (animal companion): Controls Entertains or Leads, would make a good
Beasts, Masters the Swarm merchant character, but the more obvious
• Druid (elemental): Abides in Stone, choice would be a Speaker.
Bears a Halo of Fire, Moves Like the
Wind, Rides the Lightning, Wears a
Sheen of Ice
• Druid (nature affinity): Speaks for the
• Druid (transformation): Abides in
Stone, Takes Animal Shape*, Walks the
Wild Woods*

Fighter: Fighters almost always have the

Warrior type, but some are Explorers.
A typical fighter probably has a direct
focus like Masters Weaponry or Wields
an Enchanted Weapon*. For additional
options based on choosing a specific
fighting role, see the following:
• Fighter (guardian): Brandishes an
Exotic Shield, Defends the Gate,
Masters Defense, Never Says Die,
Stands Like a Bastion.
• Fighter (melee): Fights Dirty, Fights
With Panache, Looks For Trouble,
Needs No Weapon, Wields Two
Weapons at Once
• Fighter (ranged): Is Licensed to Carry,
Throws With Deadly Accuracy


Monk or Martial Artist: As masters of Ranger: Rangers mix combat and skills,
unarmed combat, monks are usually and therefore are usually Explorers
Warriors or Explorers (perhaps with a (perhaps with combat flavor) or Warriors
combat flavor). Appropriate foci are (perhaps with skills and knowledge
Fights With Panache, Needs No Weapon, flavor). Appropriate foci for a ranger
Even more than in a and Throws With Deadly Accuracy. are Controls Beasts, Hunts, Lives in the
sci fi setting, fantasy
Wilderness, Slays Monsters, Throws
offers the opportunity
to play anything Paladin/Holy Knight/Paragon: As holy With Deadly Accuracy, and Wields Two
as a character. A warriors who mix martial prowess and Weapons at Once.
magically animated
sword, a talking cat, magic, paladins are usually Warriors
or a lumbering troll or Explorers (in either case, perhaps Rogue or Thief: Most rogue-type characters
could all be PCs in
a fantasy game. Just
modified with the magic flavor). Good are Explorers, but an interaction-focused
figure out rules for their foci for this type of character include rogue could easily be a Speaker (perhaps
descriptor that make Defends the Gate, Defends the Weak, with stealth flavor). Good foci for rogues
the character fun to
play but neither too Metes Out Justice, Slays Monsters, and are Explores Dark Places, Fights Dirty,
over- or underpowered. Wields an Enchanted Weapon*. Hunts, Infiltrates, Is Wanted by the Law,
Moves Like a Cat, Sailed Beneath the Jolly
Roger, and Works the Back Alleys.

Sorcerer: Sorcerers, for our purpose here,

are mages who have inherent magical
abilities (as opposed to wizards, who
study long and hard to get their spells).
Most sorcerers are Adepts, but some are
Explorers or Speakers. The Masters Spells
focus gives a typical sorcerer an effective
set of abilities, and most foci choices
provide a themed set of spells. For
sorcerers of various magical bloodlines,
see the following:
• Sorcerer (angel): Blazes With Radiance,
Channels Divine Blessings, Keeps a
Magic Ally
• Sorcerer (destiny): Descends From
Nobility, Was Foretold
• Sorcerer (dragon): Bears a Halo of Fire,
Rides the Lightning, Wears a Sheen of
• Sorcerer (elemental): Abides in
Stone, Bears a Halo of Fire, Employs
Magnetism, Moves Like the Wind, Rides
the Lightning, Wears a Sheen of Ice
• Sorcerer (fey): Takes Animal Shape*
• Sorcerer (fiend): Bears a Halo of Fire,
Keeps a Magic Ally
• Sorcerer (undead): Consorts With the
Dead, Shepherds Spirits


Trickster or Con Artist: These clever folks Wizard: For the purposes of this list,
are typically Speakers, although they wizards study magical lore at length to
could be Adepts if they are very magical learn the ways of spellcasting (as opposed
(or Explorers if they aren’t magical at all). to sorcerers, warlocks, and so on).
Foci choices include Fights Dirty, Works Wizards are usually Adepts, but a
the Back Alleys, or Entertains. person-oriented wizard might be a
Speaker (perhaps with the magic flavor).
War-wizard: For those unusual characters For a generalist wizard who has a variety
who use a mix of weapon attacks and of spells, choose the Masters Spells
spells, play a Warrior with magic flavor focus. For more specific kinds of wizards,
or an Expert with combat or magic flavor. see the following:
Appropriate foci include Fights With • Wizard (abjurer): Absorbs Energy,
Panache, Masters Weaponry, and Wields Focuses Mind Over Matter, Wears a
an Enchanted Weapon*. Sheen of Ice
• Wizard (conjurer or summoner):
Warlock or Witch: For the purposes of this Controls Beasts, Keeps a Magic Ally
list, warlocks and witches are mages who • Wizard (diviner): Learns Quickly, Sees
gain magical power from pacts they make Beyond, Separates Mind From Body,
with otherworldly entities. Most warlocks Solves Mysteries
are Adepts, but Explorers and Speakers • Wizard (enchanter): Commands
(perhaps with magic flavor) can be Mental Powers, Leads
interesting options. Fun foci for a warlock • Wizard (evoker): Bears a Halo of Fire,
include Dances With Dark Matter, Keeps a Blazes With Radiance, Rides the
Magic Ally, Masters the Swarm, Separates Lightning, Thunders, Wears a Sheen
Mind From Body, and Was Foretold, but of Ice
(depending on the patron and pact) most • Wizard (illusionist): Awakens Dreams,
sorcerer and wizard foci work just as well. Crafts Illusions
• Wizard (necromancer): Consorts With
Wild Mage: Those who use chaotic magic the Dead, Shepherds Spirits
are usually Adepts, but a dabbler might • Wizard (transmuter): Controls Gravity,
be an Explorer or Speaker with the magic Focuses Mind Over Matter, Takes
flavor. The best focus that suits this Animal Shape*
theme is Uses Wild Magic*.


Some prominent fantasy RPGs divide spellcasters into two categories: prepared
spellcasters who have a very specific list of spells they can cast each day (you
might call them “wizards”), and spontaneous spellcasters who are more flexible
about what combinations of spells they use each day (let’s call them “sorcerers”).
Channels Divine
In the Cypher System, this dichotomy doesn’t really exist. Magical characters get Blessings, page 65
their abilities (which might be spells, rituals, or something else) from their type and
Masters Spells, page 72
focus, and they can use these abilities as they see fit as long as they spend the required
Pool points. This technically makes them more like spontaneous casters. If you’d like Speaks for the
to play something more like a prepared-caster wizard with a large selection of abilities Land, page 77
that you narrow down each day, consider a spellcasting-oriented focus like Channels Wizards and the
Divine Blessings, Masters Spells, or Speaks for the Land, and consider augmenting Optional Spellcasting
it with the optional spellcasting rule. Rule, page 260



This section presents new fantasy foci You are a shapeshifter, a being that
that can be used as-is in most fantasy can take the form of an animal. Maybe
campaigns. As these were created you’re a werewolf, selkie, kitsune, swan
specifically for the fantasy genre, each maiden, or similar magical creature that
of them has an expanded description has full control over their transformation
Story behind the with more story details than the foci in and mind in either form. Maybe you’re
focus, page 63
the Cypher System Rulebook (which have descended from a trickster god, gifted
short, broad descriptions suitable for with the power of shapeshifting. Or
other genres). The GM and player should maybe you’re a devotee of nature magic
adjust these details to suit the specific and have learned to mimic the creatures
campaign they’ll be playing. The foci of the wilds.
presented here are as follows: You might wear clothing and jewelry
Takes Animal Shape: A shapechanger that hints at or emphasizes your animal
who can take the form of various animals. side, give no sign of your shapeshifter
If you want to play a Uses Wild Magic: A spellcaster who nature, or wear practical items that are
cursed werewolf who
learns a variety of spells instead of useful for living in the wilderness. Unless
can’t control their
changes and is a danger focusing on just one kind of magic. your magic transforms your clothes as
to everyone nearby, Walks the Wild Woods: An adherent of well, you might favor wearing things that
take the Howls at the
Moon focus instead. nature magic who draws on the power are easy to tear off or remove when you
and strength of trees. change, so they end up looking worn and
Wields an Enchanted Weapon: One ragged after multiple transformations.
Howls at the Moon,
who channels magic through or from a 1 Tier 1: Animal Shape
page 69
weapon to create a unique fighting style. 1 Tier 2: Communication (121)

If you want to play an As with the foci in the Cypher System 1 Tier 2: Soothe the Savage (184)
animal shapechanger
Rulebook, the numbers listed after 1 Tier 3: Bigger Animal Shape or Greater
who keeps their abilities
a secret, take the the abilities for each tier are the page Beast Form (146)
Sheds Their Skin focus numbers where those abilities are 1 Tier 4: Animal Scrying
from We Are All Mad
described. If an ability doesn’t have a 1 Tier 5: Hard to Kill (148)
Here (page 176).
page number listed, it is new to this book 1 Tier 6: Blurring Speed (115) or Lend

Greater Beast Form and is explained at the end of this chapter. Animal Shape
applies to using
GM Intrusions: The character
Animal Shape.
unexpectedly changes form. An NPC is
frightened by or aggressive toward the
shapeshifter. The transformation takes
longer than expected.



You love the unpredictability of magic You feel a kinship for the trees and woods.
and know that if you leave yourself open Some people who channel the power of
to the flows and currents of magic, spells nature focus on protecting animals or
will appear in your head. You don’t know wielding storm magic, but your interest
what magic the universe will send you, is in the swaying dances of branches and
but that’s part of the appeal—every day is the quiet creaking music of old timber.
different and so is your selection of spells. Maybe you have a dryad in your ancestry,
Some spellcasters may dismiss you or you were raised by druids, or you drank
as a dabbler, but your magic is potent from a mystic pool that nourished the
even though much of it is left to chance. World Tree. Resilient sap flows through
Many people give you a wide berth your veins like blood, and you shrug off
because they’ve heard about wild magic injuries as if your flesh were hardwood.
going wrong and harming the caster or You might see yourself as a shepherd of
someone nearby, but to you that’s an trees, moving them out of harm’s way
acceptable risk. and tending their illnesses, or as the hand
You might wear typical wizard or of their vengeance, smiting axe-wielding
priestly garb to remind others that you are intruders and striking primordial fear into
a legitimate practitioner of magic, or you mortal hearts. You speak for the trees,
might dress against convention to show and your voice is loud and defiant.
that you don’t have to follow someone As one who walks the wild woods, you
else’s rules. Your clothing might be a probably wear rough, rugged clothing
mishmash of many styles, representing that is made for practical use rather than
that your magic can be almost anything, the quirks of human fashion. You might
or you might dress a specific way to decorate yourself with things that remind
confuse your opponents (such as a fiery you of your favorite trees or help you hide
theme when you don’t know any fire while observing strangers.
magic). 1 Tier 1: Wilderness Life (199)

1 Tier 1: Magical Repertoire 1 Tier 1: Patient Recovery

1 Tier 1: Cypher Casting 1 Tier 2: Wooden Body

1 Tier 2: Expanded Repertoire 1 Tier 3: Tree Companion or Wilderness

1 Tier 3: Cypher Surge or Faster Wild Awareness (198)

Magic 1 Tier 4: Tree Travel

1 Tier 4: Expanded Repertoire 1 Tier 5: Great Tree

1 Tier 5: Magical Training 1 Tier 6: Dreadwood or Restorative

1 Tier 6: Maximize Cypher or Wild Insight Bloom

GM Intrusions: A spell performs GM Intrusions: A wooden character
erratically or rebounds upon the caster. catches fire. A wild swing from a tree
Something interferes with preparing branch hits or trips an ally. Some trees
spells. Spellcasting attracts the attention have evil hearts and hate all walking
of a powerful creature or potential rival. things.
The cypher spell being cast is replaced
with that of a random cypher.



You have a magical weapon with strange The Cypher System Rulebook has nearly
abilities, and your knowledge of its one hundred character foci to choose
powers has allowed you to create a from, but some of them aren’t particularly
unique style of combat with it. Perhaps suited for a fantasy campaign because
the magic is something within you, and they refer to cars, spaceships, or robots.
you merely channel it through a weapon A focus such as Drives Like a Maniac
you like. Perhaps the weapon is magical is a reasonable choice for a modern or
and semi-sentient, and it chose you to be sci fi game, or even a modern fantasy
its bearer. Perhaps you and the weapon campaign where automobiles and magic
are two halves of the same soul, complete are both available, but it would be out of
only when working together. Regardless, place if used as-is in a typical historical or
there is more to you and it than just pseudo-medieval fantasy setting.
martial skill. For many of those foci, making them
Your attention may be more focused on fantasy-appropriate is as easy as saying
the appearance and battle-readiness of the focus and its powers are magical
your weapon than on what your clothing rather than mutations, cybernetics, or
and armor look like. You probably keep weird science. For example, Abides in
your weapon in a beautiful scabbard, Stone becomes a focus for a half-golem
harness, belt, case, or something similar. or someone descended from earth
You might wear things that match or genies, Bears a Halo of Fire becomes a
complement the design of your weapon, fire wizard, Commands Mental Powers
or display a symbol—a badge, a pin, a becomes a master of enchantment, Wears
tattoo, an amulet, certain colors, or the a Sheen of Ice is a devotee of the goddess
like—that indicates where you learned of winter, and so on. Even if the concept
this power or who gave you the weapon. of a focus (such as gravity) wouldn’t exist
1 Tier 1: Enchanted Weapon in the fantasy world, its effects are easily
1 Tier 1: Innate Power explained as a specialized kind of magic,
1 Tier 1: Charge Weapon so changing its name is enough to make
1 Tier 2: Power Crash it ready for play.
1 Tier 3: Rapid Attack (174) or Throw Some foci that lean heavily on
Enchanted Weapon technology require a little more work to
1 Tier 4: Defending Weapon use in a fantasy game. This section gives
1 Tier 5: Enchanted Movement advice on adapting and reflavoring these
1 Tier 6: Deadly Strike (125) or Spin Attack (185) particularly “unfantastic” foci for a
GM Intrusions: A weapon breaks or is fantasy setting.
dropped. The weapon loses its connection
to you until you use an action to Battles Robots: You battle a dangerous
reestablish the attunement. The weapon’s kind of creature such as demons, golems,
Tech Skills, page 189 energy discharges in an unexpected way. or undead. Abilities like Tech Skills
give training in skills like magical lore
Mechanisms, page 125 or religion instead of computers and
vehicles. Deactivate Mechanisms might
temporarily banish a demon, render a
golem inert, or repel an undead creature.


Builds Robots: You create golems or other Flies Faster Than a Bullet: You have a
animate things out of inanimate materials powerful supernatural creature (such as
(and perhaps you choose a specific kind an angel, deity, or demon) as a recent
of material to work with, such as cloth, ancestor.
leather, metal, stone, or wood). As an
alternative to the Consorts With the Dead Fuses Flesh and Steel: Portions of your
focus, you could create undead, which body have been replaced with magically
makes you a necromancer who is more animated prosthetics, parts from undead
concerned with crafting than talking to creatures, or one or more weirdly
spirits and learning death magic. inhuman demons. Enhanced Body might Enhanced Body,
page 134
require magical powders or distilled souls
Calculates the Incalculable: Instead of to repair damage to your unnatural parts. Interface, page 155
an incredible intellect, you have a gift of Interface gives you insight about magic
prophecy, a helpful spiritual companion that you touch, sniff, or eat.
who whispers knowledge in your ear, or
a magical sense that lets you read and Fuses Mind and Machine: Some or
understand people. Abilities that give all of your brain and nerves have been
training in mathematics instead give augmented or replaced with something
training in magical lore. that isn’t alive in the conventional sense,
such as flesh harvested from a dead god,
Conducts Weird Science: You are an a sentient crystal, or a demon.
alchemist, an inventor, or a hedge
magician, using your knowledge of weird Grows to Towering Heights: You have
and exotic materials to solve problems giantish blood or are descended from
and improve contemporary technology something bigger and more primordial,
like crossbows and lanterns. such as a titan or proto-deity.

Dances With Dark Matter: You manipulate Is Idolized by Millions: Perhaps your fans
shadow and darkness, substances that don’t quite number in the millions, but
in a fantasy world are as real as classical you are well known no matter where you
“elements” like air, earth, fire, and water. go. You might be the bastard offspring
of a king or queen, an accidental hero
Drives Like a Maniac: Instead of a car, who saved a religious figure from
you have a semi-intelligent mount or a assassination, or a mortal child of a In The Marvelous
Land of Oz, the Gump
magical vehicle such as a flying carpet or popular deity. Or maybe you have a
is a cobbled-together
an animated couch with a trophy animal unique magical gift that makes people like creature brought to life
head tied to the front. Instead of skill with you and want to be around you. with a magic powder.
Its body is two sofas, its
driving a vehicle, you are skilled in riding head is a taxidermized
or flying this creature or thing. Is Licensed to Carry: You have an unusual elk, its tail is a broom,
and its wings are palm
weapon, either something mundane (like trees. Sometimes
Exists Partially Out of Phase: You have a repeating crossbow you made or found) fantasy is really weird.
one foot in the land of ghosts or some or something magical (like a legendary
kind of shadow realm. You might be an bow or throwing star). Any focus abilities
exile from that place and able to return relating to firearms instead apply to this
only for brief periods, or an interloper weapon.
from the mortal world who can cross over.


Loves the Void: If the setting doesn’t have Siphons Power: You are a magic-vampire;
magical ships that travel from planet instead of draining mechanical devices
to planet, perhaps you’re a creature of and machines, you draw magic out of
the deep sea or a huge subterranean items and ongoing spells. Eventually
cave where gravity and density are very you’ll learn how to pull raw magical
different from that of the surface world. energy out of creatures, too—and maybe
Instead of a spacesuit, you have a magical certain creatures have a better “taste”
helmet, ring, or suit of armor that lets you than others.
move around in the human world—an
environment that would quickly kill you Talks to Machines: Rather than having
without suitable protection. a connection to machines, you coax
loyalty and affection out of seemingly
Pilots Starcraft: Although this focus is nonsentient magic items, as well as
strongly attached to many sci fi concepts, magical constructs like golems (and
you could play a fantasy character with perhaps even other creatures created or
this focus if the setting has magical sustained by magic, such as undead).
spaceships (or dimension ships). Or
perhaps you have a small, unique magical Wears Power Armor: Instead of armor
vehicle that can sense its environment made of circuits and motors, your armor
and communicate with you over long is magical, a relic of a lost empire or a
distances. Whether this vehicle is gift from a war goddess. Over time, you
something like a boat, a metal lobster, awaken a limited intelligence in it and
a crystalline egg, or a devoted dragon learn how to activate its more unusual
depends on the setting. and powerful abilities.

Scavenges: You come from a place or time Works the System: You have an instinctive
that suffered a world-ruining disaster. or trained understanding of how magical
Whether it was a magical or technological divinations, locks, and secrets work. This
calamity, and whether your home is gives you the ability to pull on the loose
another land, dimension, or timeline threads at the edges of spells and magical
depends on what secrets the GM wants items to find a way through or around
to add to the setting. For example, you them or to tweak what they’re capable of.
Computer might be from thousands of years in the Instead of Computer Programming giving
future when technology has advanced and you training in software and computer
page 121
magic has waned, and were somehow programs, you’re trained in magical
catapulted back in time to the present lore, bypassing magic, deciphering
(which to you is the distant past of myth magic items, and commanding magical
and legend), or perhaps you came from constructs.
a parallel universe where technology, not
magic, is supreme.

Shreds the Walls of the World: Much like

the Exists Partially Out of Phase focus,
you can partially cross over into another
dimension. Your connection to that realm
(and its inhabitants) is fodder for your
personal story of discovery and survival.


NEW ABILITIES and use any abilities that rely on human

The following are new abilities for the foci speech. The hybrid shape is like your
in this book. They are otherwise similar normal form but with animalistic features,
to the abilities in chapter 9 of the Cypher even if that animal is something much Chapter 9: Abilities,
page 95
System Rulebook. smaller than you (such as a bat or rat). In
this hybrid form you can speak, use all of
1 Animal Scrying (4+ Intellect points): your abilities, make attacks like an animal,
If you know the general location of an and perform tasks using hands without
animal that is friendly toward you and being hindered. Anyone who sees you
within 1 mile (1.5 km) of your location, you clearly in this hybrid form would never
can sense through its senses for up to ten mistake you for a mere animal.
minutes. If you are not in animal form or Action to change or revert. “Similar” is a broad
term. Lions are similar
not in a form similar to that animal, you
to tigers and leopards,
must apply a level of Effort to use this 1 Bigger Animal Shape: When you use hawks are similar to
ability. Action to establish. Animal Shape, your animal form grows ravens and swans, dogs
are similar to wolves
to about twice its normal size. Being so and foxes, and so on.
1 Animal Shape (3+ Intellect points): You large, your beast form gains the following
change into an animal as small as a rat or additional bonuses: +1 to Armor, +5 to your Even if your animal shape
has multiple attack types
up to your own size (such as a large dog or Might Pool, and you are trained in using
(such as claws and bite),
small bear) for ten minutes. Each time you your animal form’s natural attacks as heavy you can attack only once
transform, you can take a different animal weapons (if you weren’t already). However, per round unless you have
some other ability that
shape. Your equipment becomes part of your Speed defense tasks are hindered. lets you make additional
the transformation, rendering it unusable While bigger, you also gain an asset to attacks on your turn.
unless it has a passive effect, such as tasks that are easier for a larger creature
armor. In this form your stats remain the to perform, like climbing, intimidating, Animal Shape variant:
If your character concept
same as your normal form, but you can wading rivers, and so on. Enabler.
is that you always take
move and attack according to your animal the same animal form
shape (attacks from most animals this size 1 Charge Weapon (2+ Intellect points): instead of being able to
choose from multiple
are medium weapons, which you can use As part of making an attack with your kinds of animals, double
without penalty). Tasks requiring hands enchanted weapon, you charge it with the duration of the
Animal Shape ability
(such as using door handles or pushing magical power, inflicting 2 additional points (to twenty minutes
buttons) are hindered when in animal of energy damage. If you make more than per use). The GM may
form. You cannot speak but can still use one attack on your turn, you choose allow characters with
this restriction to learn
abilities that don’t rely on human speech. whether to spend the cost for this ability additional animal forms
You gain two minor abilities associated before you make each attack. Enabler. by spending 4 XP as
a long-term benefit.
with the creature you become (see the
Animal Form Minor Abilities table). For 1 Cypher Casting: You can cast any of Animal Form Minor
Abilities table, page 30
example, if you transform into a bat, you your subtle cyphers on another creature
become trained in perception and can fly instead of yourself. You must touch the
up to a long distance each round. If you creature to affect it. Enabler. Long-Term Benefits,
transform into an octopus, you are trained page 239
in stealth and can breathe underwater. 1 Cypher Surge: When you use a subtle
Subtle cyphers,
If you apply a level of Effort when you cypher spell, as part of that action you can page 378
use this ability, you can either become expend one other subtle cypher. Instead
Free level of Effort,
a talking animal or take a hybrid shape. of the second cypher’s normal effect, you page 209
The talking animal shape looks exactly add one free level of Effort to the first
like a normal animal, but you can still talk cypher spell. Enabler.



Use the following as examples or suggestions of what a character gains when in
the shape of an animal. If an animal shape lists two skills, the character chooses
which one they want each time they take that shape.
Animal Skill Training Other Abilities
Ape Climbing Hands
Badger Climbing Scent
Bat Perception Flying
Bear Climbing Scent
Bird Perception Flying
Boar Might defense Scent
Cat Climbing or stealth Small
Constrictor snake Climbing Constrict
Crocodile Stealth or swimming Constrict
Deinonychus Perception Fast
Dolphin Perception or swimming Fast
Fish Stealth or swimming Aquatic
Frog Jumping or stealth Aquatic
Horse Perception Fast
Leopard Climbing or stealth Fast
Lizard Climbing or stealth Small
Octopus Stealth Aquatic
Shark Swimming Aquatic
Turtle Might defense Armor
Venomous snake Climbing Venom
Wolf Perception Scent

Aquatic: The animal either breathes water instead of air or is able to breathe
water in addition to breathing air.
Armor: The animal has a thick hide or shell, granting +1 to Armor.
The GM can mix up the
combinations of skills and
Constrict: The animal can grip its opponent fast after making a melee attack
other abilities for these (usually with a bite or claw), easing attack rolls against that foe on later turns until
animal shapes to create the animal releases the foe.
other Earth animals, or Fast: The animal can move a long distance on its turn instead of a short distance.
create animals in the
campaign setting that Flying: The animal can fly, which (depending on the type of animal) may be up to
don’t exist on Earth. a short or long distance on its turn.
Hands: The animal has paws or hands that are nearly as agile as those of a
human. Unlike with most animal shapes, the animal’s tasks that require hands
are not hindered (although the GM may decide that some tasks requiring human
agility, such as playing a flute, are still hindered).
Scent: The animal has a strong sense of smell, gaining an asset on tracking and
dealing with darkness or blindness.
Small: The animal is considerably smaller than a human, easing its Speed
defense tasks but hindering tasks to move heavy things.
Venom: The animal is poisonous (usually through a bite), inflicting 1 additional
point of damage.


1 Defending Weapon: When using your require you to be holding or wielding this
enchanted weapon, you are trained in weapon. You can be attuned to only one
Speed defense tasks. Enabler. weapon at a time; attuning yourself to If you attune yourself to
a different weapon, come
a second weapon loses the attunement
up with a story reason
1 Dreadwood (6 Intellect points): You to the first one. Action to initiate, ten for why you are able to
manipulate wind, mist, and shadows minutes to complete. Enabler. do that and why you
chose this new weapon.
to embody the primordial fear of
mysterious woods. For the next minute, 1 Expanded Repertoire: The number of
you gain an asset on intimidation tasks. subtle cyphers you can bear at the same
Creatures within short range may become time increases by one. Enabler.
frightened; make a separate Intellect
attack roll for each creature (if you are 1 Faster Wild Magic: If you spend ten
larger than normal from using Great Tree minutes preparing your magic, you can fill
or another source, these rolls are eased). any of your open cypher slots with subtle
Success means that they are frozen in cyphers chosen randomly by the GM
fear, not moving or taking actions for (this time can be part of a ten-minute,
one minute or until they are attacked. one-hour, or ten-hour recovery action if
Some creatures without minds might be you are awake for the entire time). You
immune to this fear. Action. can’t use this ability again until after
you’ve taken a ten-hour recovery action.
1 Enchanted Movement (4+ Intellect You can still use Magical Repertoire to fill
points): You use your enchanted weapon your cypher slots. Action to initiate, ten
to move yourself to any location within a minutes to complete.
long distance that you can see, as long as
there are no obstacles or barriers in your 1 Great Tree: When you use Wooden
way. The exact way this happens depends Body, you may grow to up to 12 feet (4 m)
on your weapon; you might throw your in height. In this larger form, you add 7
magical hammer and be pulled along after points to your Might Pool and +2 to your
it, shoot an arrow from your bow that pulls Might Edge. If you chose to grow, when
you forward like a grapple line, and so Wooden Body ends you subtract 7 points
on. In addition to the normal options for from your Might Pool (if this brings the
using Effort, you can choose to use Effort Pool to 0, subtract the overflow first from
to increase the distance traveled; each your Speed Pool and then, if necessary,
level of Effort used in this way increases from your Intellect Pool).
the range by another 100 feet (30 m). If When you use Wooden Body, whether
you have another ability (such as from or not you choose to grow, instead of
your type) that allows you to cross a long looking like a wooden version of your
distance, the range of that ability and this normal self, you can take on the full
one increases to very long. Action. appearance of a humanoid tree creature
or an actual tree (including growing
1 Enchanted Weapon (1 Intellect point): additional branches, extra foliage, and
You attune yourself to a physical weapon, so on). This does not affect any of your
such as a sword, hammer, or bow. You abilities—in tree shape, you can use type
know exactly where it is if it is within a abilities, other focus abilities, and so on.
short distance of you, and you know its In tree shape, pretending to be a tree and
general direction and distance if farther hiding among normal trees are eased by
away. All of your other focus abilities two steps. Enabler.


1 Innate Power: Choose either your Might 1 Maximize Cypher: Choose one subtle
Pool or your Speed Pool. When spending cypher you bear. Its level becomes the
points to activate your focus abilities, maximum level possible for that cypher.
Meditation aid, you can spend points from this Pool For example, a meditation aid has a level
page 392
instead of your Intellect Pool (in which range of 1d6 + 2, so maximizing that
case you use your Might Edge or Speed cypher changes its level to 8. You can have
Edge instead of your Intellect Edge, as only one maximized subtle cypher at a
appropriate). Enabler. time. You can’t use this ability again until
after you’ve taken a ten-hour recovery
1 Lend Animal Shape (6+ Intellect action. Enabler.
A creature that takes points): You change into an animal, and
animal form with Lend 1 Patient
one willing creature within immediate Recovery: You gain an extra
Animal Shape counts
as an animal for the range also transforms into an animal of ten-minute recovery roll each day. Enabler.
use of Animal Scrying. that type (bear, tiger, wolf, and so on)
for ten minutes, as if they were using 1 Power Crash (3 Intellect points): You
A character might be your Animal Shape ability. For each strike your enchanted weapon against
able to take the shape
level of Effort applied, you can affect the ground (or a similar large surface),
of a creature that is
similar to a common one additional creature. All creatures creating an explosion of energy that affects
animal, such as a unicorn transforming with you must be your size an area up to immediate range from that
instead of a horse or
a basilisk instead of or smaller. A creature can revert to its point. (If your enchanted weapon is a
a lizard, but doing so normal form as an action, but it cannot ranged weapon, you can instead target a
should require applying
at least one level of Effort
then change back into the animal form. point within close range to be the center of
to the change, and the One creature (whether you or someone the explosion.) The blast inflicts 2 points of
character wouldn’t gain else) changing form does not affect any damage to all creatures or objects within
any of the creature’s
magical abilities. other creature affected with this ability. the area (except for you). Because this is
Action. an area attack, adding Effort to increase
your damage works differently than it does
1 Magical Repertoire: The number of for single-target attacks. If you apply a level
subtle cyphers you can bear at the same of Effort to increase the damage, add 2
If a character has time increases by two. If you spend one points of damage for each target, and even
Magical Repertoire, the
hour preparing your magic, you can if you fail your attack roll, all targets in the
GM should give the PC
frequent opportunities fill any of your open cypher slots with area still take 1 point of damage. Action.
to gain new subtle subtle cyphers chosen randomly by the
cyphers, whether from
GM (this hour can be part of a one-hour 1 Restorative Bloom (5 Might points):
preparation or by gaining
them automatically or ten-hour recovery action if you are When Wooden Body or Great Tree is in
as explained in the
Cyphers chapter.
awake for the entire time). As part of this effect, you produce a flower, acorn, fruit,
preparation process, you may discard or similar plant-based edible item. A
any number of subtle cyphers you carry creature that eats this food is nourished
Discovering Subtle to make room for more subtle cyphers. for a full day and restores their Might
Cyphers, page 379
Enabler. Pool, Speed Pool, and Intellect Pool
to their maximum values, as if they
1 Magical Training: You are trained in all were fully rested. Eating a second food
of your spells. As a result, you ease any produced by this ability in a day has no
task involved in the use of your spells. effect. If the food is not eaten within ten
Enabler. minutes, it spoils. Action to produce,
action to eat.


1 Throw Enchanted Weapon: You can skill roll against level 6. If you succeed,
throw your enchanted weapon up to short you gain that subtle cypher (the cypher’s
range as a light ranged weapon. Whether level is 6); if you fail, you get a random
it hits or misses, it immediately flies back subtle cypher. If you aren’t sure what
to your hands, and you can automatically specific subtle cypher you want, you
catch it or allow it to land at your feet. can ask for a broad category such as
Enabler. “healing,” “movement,” or “skill”; this
eases the magical lore task, and if you
1 Tree Companion (5+ Intellect points): succeed, the GM chooses a random
You animate a tree of approximately your cypher that fits that category. You can’t
size or smaller, creating a level 3 creature use this ability again until after you’ve
with 1 Armor. The tree follows your verbal taken a ten-hour recovery action. Enabler.
commands for one hour, after which it
reverts to a normal tree (and roots itself 1 Wooden Body (1+ Might points): You
where it stands). Unless the tree is killed transform your body into living wood for
by damage, you can animate it again ten minutes, which grants you several Your wooden body might
be smooth like a polished
when the ability duration expires, but any benefits. You gain +1 to Armor and you are
board, rough like tree
damage it has carries over to its newly practiced in using your limbs as medium bark, or a mix of both.
animated state. In addition to the normal weapons. You need about one-tenth as
options for using Effort, you can choose much air as a human. Hiding among
to use Effort to affect more trees; each trees or on a tree is eased. However, in
level of Effort used affects one additional your wooden form you move more stiffly
tree. Action. than a creature of flesh, hindering your
Speed defense rolls. Action to change or
1 Tree Travel (4+ Intellect points): You revert.
enter one tree and instantaneously and
safely emerge from another one within
long distance. You don’t need to specify
which tree you’re exiting from (if you
know there are trees in that direction,
you can decide how far to go and you
will step out of a tree in that area). If the
starting tree’s trunk isn’t as large as your
body, you must apply a level of Effort to
enter it. You can choose to use Effort to
increase the distance you travel; one level
of Effort used in this way increases the
range to very long, two levels raise it to
one mile (1.5 km), and each additional
level of Effort beyond that increases it by
an additional mile. Action.

1 Wild Insight: You gain a momentary

perfect understanding of the flow of
magic around you at this moment. When
preparing your magic, choose one specific
subtle cypher and make a magical lore




n a fantasy campaign, magic items Category GP Value
(like cyphers and artifacts) are the best Inexpensive Less than 1 gp
Obviously, the equipment treasure, but mundane equipment can Moderate 1–10 gp
in this chapter works
still play an important role. Weapons, Expensive 100–5o0 gp
best in a traditional
fantasy game, in a armor, and basic equipment like rope, Very expensive 1,000–10,000 gp
quasi-medieval setting. lockpicks, and a lantern might be the
Equipment in a Exorbitant 10,000+ gp
modern-day fantasy key to survival or an amazing discovery.
game would likely This chapter includes a wide selection
be much different.
The Cypher System
of armor, weapons, and miscellaneous STARTING GOLD PIECES
Rulebook is a good adventuring gear that characters can FOR CHARACTERS
resource for such settings. purchase or find as part of the story. If your campaign is using precise
costs for equipment instead of
general price categories, new
PRICE CATEGORIES characters should begin with the
OR PRECISE COSTS following items and money to
Price Categories, The Cypher System Rulebook uses price purchase additional gear.
page 202 categories as an abstract way of defining
equipment prices so players don’t have Warrior Starting Equipment:
The exchange rates for to deal with precise amounts of currency. Appropriate clothing and two
money in this chapter
However, a fantasy game often uses weapons of your choice, plus
are in multiples of 10: 6d6 + 100 gp.
10 copper = 1 silver
precise currency for equipment—starting
10 silver = 1 gold characters have to decide whether it’s
Adept Starting Equipment:
10 gold = 1 platinum worthwhile to spend their last few coins
Appropriate clothing, plus
10 platinum = 1 mithral on a backup weapon or extra lamp oil,
3d6 + 80 gp.
10 mithral = 1 adamantine and treasure hoards include piles of
So 1 adamantine coin is money and gems. Fantasy games are
worth 1,000 gold coins. Explorer Starting Equipment:
often all about questing for gold and
Appropriate clothing and a weapon
fighting magical beasts to get at ancient
of your choice, plus 3d6 + 90 gp.
treasures, so this chapter uses the more
precise method. Equipment is sorted Speaker Starting Equipment:
according to the type of item (weapon, Appropriate clothing and a light
armor, adventuring gear, and so on) and weapon of your choice, plus
priced in copper, silver, and gold pieces. 3d6 + 90 gp.
Players will want to keep track of their
currency. For GMs who prefer the general
categories in the Cypher System Rulebook,
use the following guidelines.


Light Weapons (2 points of damage) Price Notes
Blowgun 5 gp Short range
Blowgun darts (20) 1 sp
Dagger 2 gp Can be thrown up to short range
Hand crossbow 75 gp Short range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Handaxe 5 gp Can be thrown up to short range
Net 1 gp Can be thrown up to short range
Rapier 25 gp
Sickle 1 gp Short range
Sling 1 sp Short range
Sling bullets (20) 5 cp
Throwing dart 5 cp Short range
Unarmed (punch, kick, etc.) —
Whip 2 gp

Medium Weapons (4 points of damage) Price Notes

Battleaxe 10 gp
Bow 30 gp Long range
Arrows (20) 1 gp
Broadsword 15 gp
Club 1 sp
Crank crossbow 250 gp Long range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Light crossbow 25 gp Long range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Flail 10 gp
Hammer 15 gp
Javelin 5 sp Can be thrown up to long range
Mace 10 gp
Pick 10 gp
Polearm 10 gp
Quarterstaff 2 sp
Scimitar 25 gp
Spear 1 gp Can be thrown up to long range
Trident 5 gp

Heavy Weapons (6 points of damage) Price Notes

Greataxe 30 gp
Greatsword 50 gp
Heavy crossbow 50 gp Long range
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp
Heavy mace 15 gp
Maul 10 gp


WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS fire it with one hand. You need two hands
Battleaxe: A wooden pole with a blade to load it. Action to reload.
on one end. Mace: A wooden handle with a heavy
Blowgun: A long hollow tube used to metal head that’s spherical, flanged, or
shoot darts. You can fire it with one hand, knobbed.
but you need two hands to load it. Maul: A larger version of the hammer,
Bow: A bent piece of flexible wood with such as a sledgehammer.
a taut string connected to each end. It Net: A net designed for battle rather
fires arrows. You need two hands to fire it. than fishing. It has metal hooks at each
Broadsword: A long-bladed sword, intersection to help catch your enemy.
longer than a dagger, heavier than a You can throw it with one hand. Action to
rapier, but not as large as a greatsword. refold it so it can be thrown again. If you
Club: A simple bludgeon, such as a hit an opponent with the net, all of their
sturdy tree branch, board, or improvised physical actions are hindered until they
weapon. take an action to remove it.
Crank crossbow: A weapon similar to Pick: A hafted weapon with a sideways
a light crossbow, but it has a magazine metal spike on the end, similar to a
that holds five bolts. You turn a small miner’s tool.
crank to advance to the next bolt (this is Polearm: Various kinds of spears,
not an action). Action to load an empty sometimes with hooks or additional blades
magazine with five bolts, action to reload for special purposes like tripping a foe or
the crossbow with a new magazine. It can pulling an opponent from their mount.
be used as a rapid-fire weapon. Quarterstaff: A wooden pole about 4 to
Dagger: A very short blade for stabbing 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 m) long.
or slicing. Rapier: A light sword with a thin blade
Flail: A handle with a chain on one end used for stabbing and slashing.
and a ball or spiked ball at the end of the Scimitar: A medium-length sword with a
chain. strongly curved blade.
Greataxe: A larger, heavier version Sickle: A one-handed hafted weapon
of the battleaxe, sometimes with two with a sharply curved blade, originally
opposing blades instead of one. used for harvesting crops but adapted for
Greatsword: A two-handed version of use as a weapon.
the broadsword. Sling: A small pouch connected to two
Hammer: A wooden handle with a cords. You put a stone or bullet (metal
heavy metal head, either one-sided (like a slug) in the pouch, hold the end of the
carpenter’s hammer) or two-sided (like a cords, spin it, and let go of one of the
sledgehammer). cords to hurl the projectile. You can fire
Hand crossbow: A smaller and weaker it with one hand. You need two hands to
version of a light crossbow. It fires load it. Action to reload.
crossbow bolts. You can fire it with one Spear: A one-handed pole about 3 to
hand. You need two hands to load it. 5 feet (1 to 1.5 m) long with a stabbing
Handaxe: A light, one-handed axe that’s blade on the end.
good for melee or throwing. Throwing dart: A very short, light spear
Heavy crossbow: A heavier, more powerful meant to be thrown rather than used in
version of a light crossbow. You need two melee.
hands to fire or load it. Action to reload. Trident: A three-pronged spear, often
Heavy mace: A larger, two-handed used for spear fishing.
version of a mace. Unarmed: A typical punch, kick, or other
Javelin: A light spear that’s designed to weaponless attack.
be thrown. Whip: A leather cord with a handle,
Light crossbow: A bow with a handle used more for tricks and inflicting
and mechanism for drawing and holding punishments than for deadly combat.
the string. It fires crossbow bolts. You can



If the GM needs to randomly determine the weapon a creature or treasure trove has,
use the following table.
d100 Weapon 62–63 Javelin
01–06 Battleaxe 64–67 Light crossbow
07 Blowgun 68–71 Mace
08–13 Bow 72–74 Maul
14–20 Broadsword 75 Net It’s more fun if a
21–23 Club 76 Pick character finds an
improved version of a
24 Crank crossbow 77–79 Polearm weapon they like instead
25–31 Dagger 80–81 Quarterstaff of a weapon they’re
not familiar with.
32–34 Flail 82–84 Rapier
35–36 Greataxe 85–87 Scimitar
37–42 Greatsword 88 Sickle
43–48 Hammer 89–91 Sling
49 Hand crossbow 92–96 Spear
50–55 Handaxe 97 Throwing dart
56–59 Heavy crossbow 98–99 Trident
60–61 Heavy mace 00 Whip

Light Armor Armor Speed Effort Additional Cost Price
Heavy cloth 1* 0 3 gp
Hides and furs 1 1 10 gp If the GM prefers the
Leather jerkin 1 1 10 gp simpler method of
not tracking whether
Padded 1* 0 5 gp an attack is bashing,
slashing, or stabbing,
Medium Armor Armor Speed Effort Additional Cost Price heavy cloth and padded
armor should provide
Beastskin 2 2 10 gp no Armor at all.
Breastplate 2 2 400 gp
Brigandine 2 2 200 gp
Chainmail 2 2 75 gp
Dwarven breastplate 2 1 8,000 gp
Elven chainmail 2 0 8,000 gp

Heavy Armor Price Speed Effort Additional Cost Price

Full plate 3 0 1,500 gp
Scale 3 0 50 gp
Shield asset** 10 gp

* Only against piercing and slashing attacks

** Using a shield provides the wearer with an asset on Speed defense tasks


ARMOR DESCRIPTIONS count as this type of armor (only

You can wear only one kind of armor at a exceptionally skilled dwarven smiths
time (wearing more than one only gives know how to make it).
the Armor from the best one and the Elven chainmail: A high-quality suit
Speed Effort cost of the worst one). of chainmail crafted by a skilled elf,
Beastskin: An improved form of hides providing good protection and excellent
and furs, usually crafted from a creature mobility. Elven chainmail is medium
with especially tough skin such as a giant armor (2 Armor) but is no more
lizard or rhinoceros. encumbering than a typical outfit of
Breastplate: A fitted metal plate or set normal clothing (it has no Speed Effort
of plates that protect your torso but not cost). Not all elf-crafted chainmail counts
your arms or legs, giving you greater as this type of armor (only exceptionally
movement than full plate at the cost of skilled elven smiths know how to make it).
some protection. Full plate: A complete suit of fitted
Brigandine: Long strips of metal metal plates that give excellent coverage
attached to a cloth or leather backing. and protection against attacks. The joints
Often called “splint mail.” are protected by small layered plates over
Chainmail: Mail armor made from flexible chain. Sometimes called “plate
hundreds of interlocking metal rings mail.”
or links. Often called “chain” or “chain Heavy cloth: Clothing that’s heavy
armor.” enough to reduce the effect of attacks
Dwarven breastplate: A high-quality against you, such as winter clothing or
breastplate crafted by a skilled dwarf, a fashionable leather outfit. Heavy cloth
providing good protection and great provides 1 Armor against piercing or
mobility. Dwarven breastplate is medium slashing attacks like arrows and swords,
armor (2 Armor) but encumbers the but not bashing attacks like clubs or
wearer as if it were light armor (it has a hammers. Heavy cloth doesn’t have a
Speed Effort cost of 1). Not all Speed Effort cost. It can’t be worn with
dwarf-crafted breastplates other kinds of armor.
Hides and furs: Made from thick or
poorly cured animal skins. It’s heavier and
bulkier than other kinds of leather armor,
but easier to make, especially by
resource-poor crafters.
Leather jerkin: Armor made of
hardened pieces of leather (usually boiled
or treated with chemicals) that mainly
covers your torso. It’s stiffer than leather
used for clothing, but still flexible enough
that you can bend and twist in it. Some
jerkins are reinforced with metal studs
(and may be called “studded leather”),
and brigandine improves upon that
Padded: Cloth armor that is
deliberately designed with
multiple layers to be thick
and protective. This is
sometimes called “quilted
armor” because it is a layer of
padding sewn between two layers
of cloth. Padded armor provides 1


Armor against piercing or slashing attacks mundane equipment like chalk quickly
like arrows and swords, but not bashing becomes trivial whether it’s 1 cp or 1 sp
attacks like clubs or hammers. Padded per unit.
armor doesn’t have a Speed Effort cost. It
can’t be worn with other kinds of armor. Item Price
Scale: Mail armor made from Acid (flask) 25 gp
overlapping scales or plates attached to
Adventuring pack 6 gp
a leather or cloth backing. Often called
“scale mail.” Alchemist fire (flask) 50 gp
Shield: Provides an asset to Speed Alchemist tools 50 gp
defense. Shield sizes vary from a small Backpack 2 gp
buckler to a large kite shield (in the Bag of heavy tools 25 gp
Cypher System, the difference is mainly Bag of light tools 10 gp
flavor, and for game purposes they all Battering ram 10 gp
grant the wearer the same benefit).
Bedroll 1 gp
If the GM needs to randomly determine Caltrops, bag 1 gp
the armor a creature or treasure trove Candle 1 sp
has, use the following table. Climbing kit 25 gp
d100 Armor Crowbar 2 gp
01–04 Heavy cloth Disguise kit 25 gp
05–08 Padded Grappling hook 2 gp
09–14 Hides and furs Healing kit 5 gp
15–21 Leather jerkin Hourglass 25 gp
22–25 Beastskin Ink (flask) 10 gp
26–40 Breastplate Ink pen 2 cp
41–47 Brigandine Iron spikes (10) 1 gp
48–65 Chainmail Ladder (10 ft. / 3 m) 1 sp
66 Dwarven breastplate Lamp 5 sp
67 Elven chainmail Lantern 5 gp
68–75 Full plate Lockpicks 25 gp
76–85 Scale Manacles 2 gp
86–00 Shield Mirror 5 gp
Musical instrument 2–50 gp
Oil (flask) 1 cp
This is a sample of equipment that Pole, wooden 5 cp
adventurers and explorers use. Of course, Pouch or other small 5 sp
many other mundane items exist in the container
world (such as chalk, ladders, and winter Rations (1 day) 5 sp
clothing) and might have applications in Rope (50 ft. / 15 m) 1 gp
a dungeon, ruin, or haunted forest, but Sack 1 cp
it’s within the GM’s purview to decide if
Signal horn 2 gp
such things cost a few copper, silver, or
gold coins, depending on how common Spyglass 1,000 gp
they are in a typical village, town, or city. Tent 2 gp
This is especially true as heroes tend to Torch 1 cp
accumulate money rapidly, so the cost of Waterskin 2 sp


ADVENTURING EQUIPMENT Candle: A candle burns for one hour

Acid: A flask of strong acid. Can be and creates dim light in an immediate
thrown up to short range, inflicting acid area.
damage as a light weapon (ignores Climbing kit: A set of crampons, pitons,
Armor). If poured carefully, it can damage ropes, and tools. Provides an asset on
or destroy a small item or areas made of climbing tasks.
stone or metal. Crowbar: This bent length of metal
Adventuring pack: Includes 50 feet (15 m) grants an asset on tasks to open doors,
of rope, three days’ iron rations, three treasure chests, and similar objects.
spikes, small hammer, a set of warm Disguise kit: Makeup, simple
clothes, boots, and three torches. prosthetics, and a wig or two, suitable
Alchemist fire: A flask of chemicals that for disguises for a theatrical production.
burst into flames upon contact with air. Provides an asset on disguise tasks.
The flames burn out after one round. Can Some parts are reusable, but the kit runs
be thrown up to short range, inflicting fire out after about five uses.
damage as a light weapon (ignores Armor). Healing kit: A collection of bandages,
Alchemist tools: A sturdy wooden case needles, thread, and basic medicines.
with tiny flasks, stirring rods, droppers, Provides an asset on healing tasks. Some
and other materials used in alchemy. It parts are reusable, but the kit runs out
grants an asset for identifying potion after about five uses.
cyphers and similar mysterious liquids. Lamp: A hollow container filled with oil
Bag of heavy tools: Contains a hammer, that slowly burns to provide light (often
six spikes, crowbar, large tongs, chisel, resembling a “genie lamp”). A lamp
and 10 feet (3 m) of strong rope. creates normal light in an immediate area
Bag of light tools: Contains a small and dim light out to the short area beyond
hammer, small tongs, pliers, small pry that. It burns for three to four hours on 1
bar, awl, lockpicks, 10 feet (3 m) of string, pint (.5 L) of oil. If dropped, it might spill
3 feet (1 m) of metal wire, and a handful oil, break, or both.
of nails. Lantern: An improved version of a
Battering ram: This sturdy plank is lamp, with a wick that draws oil and
capped with hard metal. It provides an glass or metal panes to protect it from
asset for breaking down doors. wind. A lantern creates normal light in
Book: A book with information on an immediate area and dim light out to
a particular topic, such as geography, the short area beyond that. It burns for
history, magic, or religion. Provides an three to four hours on 1 pint (.5 L) of oil.
asset on appropriate rolls if the character If dropped, it is less likely to spill than a
reads or skims the book for at least ten lamp.
minutes before attempting the task (this Lockpicks: Also known as thieves’ tools,
assumes the character has already read this set provides everything a skilled
the book and is looking for relevant person needs to pick locks and disarm
information). traps.
Caltrops, bag: A bag of hard things you Manacles: Metal or heavy wooden
scatter on the ground to slow or injure restraints that hold an enemy’s wrists or
anyone walking through an area. One bag ankles in place and are secured with a pin.
covers an immediate area and makes that A common set of manacles is level 5.
area count as difficult terrain. A creature Oil: A pint (.5 L) of lamp oil in a leather
can safely move through it as if it were flask. It burns for three to four hours
difficult terrain (half speed). If a creature in a lantern or lamp. If prepped with a
moves through the area at normal speed, burning wick, it can be thrown, inflicting
they must make a difficulty 2 Speed fire damage as a light weapon (ignores
defense roll or take 2 points of Speed Armor). If poured on a flat surface, it
damage (ignores Armor). makes an immediate area slippery.


A creature can safely move through the eschew displays of wealth and status.
oil slick as if it were difficult terrain (half Specific styles vary by climate and the
speed). If a creature moves through the philosophical tenets of the wearer, but
area at normal speed, they must make a a typical example is a loose shirt, loose
difficulty 3 Speed defense roll or slip on breeches, sandals, a cap, and several
the oil and fall prone. Lighting the oil slick cloth straps that can serve as a belt, scarf,
makes it burn for one or two rounds and or simple adornments.
inflicts 1 point of fire damage (ignores Cold-weather outfit: A heavier set
Armor) on anyone in or moving through of clothing for protection against cold
the area. weather.
Signal horn: This horn can be heard up Entertainer’s costume: Interesting (and
to a mile away. usually colorful) clothing appropriate for
Spyglass: This device grants an asset an entertainer such as an actor, bard,
on perception tasks to see things at long juggler, or acrobat.
range or longer. Explorer’s outfit: A set of sturdy clothing
Tent: This has enough room for two for adventurers and experienced travelers
humans or three smaller people. who want to be prepared for various
Torch: A wooden stick with some kind activities and environments.
of fuel on one end (such as burlap and Fancy outfit: A stylish set of clothes
wax). It burns for one hour, creating according to the local fashions and
normal light in an immediate area and customs. Generally the minimum
dim light in the short area beyond that. A required for meeting with important
torch is fragile and usually breaks if used townsfolk such as a mayor or noble.
to hit something. Higher-status events require outfits that
cost up to four times as much.

Item Price
Artisan’s outfit 2 gp
Ascetic’s outfit 1 gp
Cold-weather outfit 6 gp
Entertainer’s costume 3 gp
Explorer’s outfit 8 gp
Fancy outfit 25 gp
Peasant’s outfit 1 sp
Priestly vestments 5 gp
Traveler’s outfit 2 gp
Wizard’s outfit 5 gp

Specific pieces of clothing vary by climate
and local custom, but usually include a
hat, shirt, belt, pants or skirt, shoes, and
Artisan’s outfit: A suitable outfit for a
person who performs a trade (blacksmith,
cobbler, and so on). Often includes an
apron and a belt for holding tools.
Ascetic’s outfit: A simple outfit
worn by monks and other people who


Peasant’s outfit: Very simple clothing ANIMALS AND GEAR

for free people of low social status. Item Price
Includes a kerchief or cap, shirt or blouse, Draft horse 50 gp
trousers or skirt, and heavy cloth shoes or
Guard dog 25 gp
foot wrappings.
Priestly vestments: Garments Pony 30 gp
appropriate for performing ceremonies Riding horse 75 gp
for a specific religion. A common example Saddle 10 gp
is a hat or headdress, long tunic or dress, Warhorse 300–500 gp
tabard or stole, and shoes, with the outer
pieces marked with appropriate symbols.
Traveler’s outfit: A comfortable set of ANIMALS AND GEAR DESCRIPTIONS
clothes that includes gloves, a protective Draft horse: A strong horse able to carry
Draft horse: level 3
hat, a jacket, and a cloak with a hood. or pull heavy loads.
Wizard’s outfit: Clothing that identifies Guard dog: A dog specially trained
Guard dog: level 3,
attacks and perception the wearer as a practitioner of arcane to guard. Better suited for watching or
as level 4 magic. A typical outfit includes an patrolling an area against thieves and
interesting hat or cap, a robe with intruders than it is for accompanying
Pony: level 2 long sleeves and many pockets, and adventurers into dangerous locations.
Riding horse: level 3; shoes, often adorned with runes or Pony: A smaller type of horse, suitable
moves a long distance representations of magical creatures such for pulling a cart, carrying smaller loads
each round
as dragons. Scholars and sages wear very than a full-sized horse, or serving as a
Warhorse: level 4; similar garments that lack the mystical mount for a smaller-than-human creature
moves a long distance aspects of wizard clothing. such as a dwarf or halfling.
each round Riding horse: A horse trained for riding
and able to carry a typical adult human.
Riding horses tend to panic in combat.
Warhorse: A horse trained to be calm
during the noise and action of combat,
used either as a mount or to pull a vehicle
such as a chariot.


Item Price
Ale, gallon 2 sp
Ale, mug 4 cp
Banquet (one person) 10 gp
Bread, loaf 2 cp
Inn stay (per night)
Good 8 sp
Common 5 sp
Poor 1 sp
Meals (per day)
Good 5 sp
Common 3 sp
Poor 6 cp
Meat (one serving) 3 sp
Wine (bottle) 10 gp
Wine (pitcher) 2 sp




e’re fortunate to live in a time elements from a new (to you) genre to
when there is a large number of your existing game.
high-quality fantasy books, films,
and TV shows to experience and enjoy. High Fantasy: Magic is a common and
Some of these are classic stories about well-known thing, even if practicing
mythical heroic figures, others created it is limited to a small subset of the
or defined fantasy, and some break population. The stories and adventures
expectations or view fantasy from a new often have an epic and world-affecting
perspective. Each of them has stories scope. The setting often has intelligent
to tell and things to teach GMs and fantasy species and cultures like elves,
players about what can be done in dwarves, trolls, and so on. Also known
fantasy gaming. as epic fantasy. Examples include The
There are many different genres of fantasy Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien), The
within the general concept of fantasy Chronicles of Narnia (C. S. Lewis), the
gaming—high fantasy, dark fantasy, urban Discworld series (Terry Pratchett), The
fantasy, and so on. This chapter offers Chronicles of Prydain (Lloyd Alexander),
a simple overview of some of the more The Neverending Story (1984 film), The
prominent fantasy genres and notable Chronicles of Amber (Roger Zelazny), the
examples in that genre. Keep in mind that Ethshar series (Lawrence Watt-Evans),
many popular settings belong in more than The Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan),
one category, and some of these genres are the Earthsea series (Ursula K. Le Guin),
subsets of other fantasy genres. the Shannara series (Terry Brooks), The
If you’re a GM, it’s likely that your Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (Stephen
fantasy game world draws on elements R. Donaldson), the Dragaera/Vlad Taltos
from multiple kinds of fantasy, and that’s series (Steven Brust), Shadow of the Fox
perfectly fine—the combination you (Julie Kagawa), A River of Royal Blood
choose creates something unique with (Amanda Joy), Avatar: The Last Airbender
your personal creative stamp. If you’re a (2005 TV series), and Three Hearts and
player, you probably used an interesting Three Lions (Poul Anderson).
character from fantasy media as the
inspiration for one of your PCs. By looking Low Fantasy: A more subdued
at other fantasy media in the genres you counterpart of high fantasy, with an
know, you can find new perspectives and Earthlike setting (medieval, antiquity, or
keep things interesting. And by learning corresponding to some other historical
about other kinds of fantasy, you unlock time period). Magic exists, but isn’t
entirely new kinds of gaming to explore, necessarily something the heroes wield
either by switching genres or by adding directly or easily. The PCs tend to be


martial-focused (warriors or thieves), called Gothic fantasy or horror fantasy.

the magic they use tends to be in objects Examples include the Sandman comic
(such as weapons or potions), and series (Neil Gaiman), the Dark Tower
wizards and priests with true magic series (Stephen King), The Sword and
are usually mentors, antagonists, or the Sorcerer (Norman Winski), the Elric
monsters. “Sword and sorcery” is part series (Michael Moorcock), the Kane
of this genre. Examples include Conan series (Karl Edward Wagner), Children of
the Barbarian (Robert E. Howard), Red Blood and Bone (Tomi Adeyemi), The Dark
Sonja (Marvel Comics), Fafhrd and the World (Henry Kuttner), and the works of
Gray Mouser/Lankhmar (Fritz Leiber), Gertrude Barrows Bennett.
The Sword of Truth (Terry Goodkind), the
Book of Swords series (Fred Saberhagen), Dying Earth: The setting is in the end
Willow (1988 film), Dragonslayer (1981 times of its existence, either as a planet
film), The Beastmaster (1982 film), Rebel of or an entire dimension, when natural
the Sands (Alwyn Hamilton), A Song of Ice laws begin to fail (which may explain the
and Fire (George R. R. Martin), Spin the existence of magic in the setting, or why
Dawn (Elizabeth Lim), and We Hunt the magic is starting to fail). Magic may exist
Flame (Hafsah Faizal). alongside the remnants of technology.
Common themes are weariness about the
Dark Fantasy: A gloomier setting state of the world, entropy’s effect on the
than high fantasy, usually with darker world, yearning for the better times of the
elements or a sense of horror and past, decadence, fatalism, and the hope
dread. The protagonists may even be of renewal. Examples include The Dying
monsters such as vampires. Sometimes Earth (Jack Vance), the Zothique stories


(Clark Ashton Smith), The Magic Goes eliminating magical threats or using
Away (Larry Niven), and the Lords of Dûs magic as part of their work. Examples
series (Lawrence Watt-Evans). include The Dresden Files (Jim Butcher),
the Harry Potter franchise, The Magicians Contemporary fantasy
is often called “modern
Fairy Tales: Folk narratives, beast (Lev Grossman novels and TV series),
fantasy,” although that
fables, and moral lessons presented Hellboy (comics and films), Buffy the name gets confusing the
as entertainment. Although fairy tales Vampire Slayer (1997 TV series), the Anita more the time period of
the setting falls behind
are their own genre, they share many Blake series (Laurell K. Hamilton), Wicked the present date.
common elements with traditional Fox (Kat Cho), Supernatural (2005 TV
fantasy—magical creatures, spells, series), and Bright (2017 film).
curses, and so on. The goals of a fairy tale
story or RPG often diverge from those of Paranormal Romance: Usually a
a fantasy RPG; for example, it’s typical for historical or modern Earth, with stories
a fantasy campaign to feature the same focusing on characters, romantic love,
characters going on many adventures, and relationships with supernatural
whereas fairy tales often end after just creatures such as vampires, ghosts, or
one, with the heroes living “happily ever shapeshifters. The setting may involve
after.” Examples include Undine (1811 other fantasy elements such as time travel
novella), Jack and the Beanstalk (folklore), or psychic abilities. Examples include
Robin Hood (folklore), Alice in Wonderland Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997 TV series),
(various forms of the story), The Brothers the Twilight saga (Stephenie Meyer),
Grimm (2005 film), and Pan’s Labyrinth and the Anita Blake series (Laurell K.
(2006 film). Hamilton).

Historical Fantasy: Earth in a historical

period, with the addition of magic. This
might be a small change (such as a
medieval Europe where legendary items
are real and a few wizards still practice
ancient magic) or a large one (such
as magic being as common and well
known as technology, or the presence of
actual gods and supernatural beings).
Examples include The Princess Bride (1987
film), the Knights of the Round Table
(folklore), the Sinbad films animated by
Ray Harryhausen, Ladyhawke (1985 film),
Xena: Warrior Princess (1995 TV series),
Clash of the Titans (1981 film), The City
of Brass (S. A. Chakraborty), and Time
Bandits (1981 film).

Contemporary Fantasy: A fantasy version

of Earth set in the time period it was
created. Magic may be a secret or out in
the open. Many contemporary fantasy
sources feature an occult detective, either


Whimsical Fantasy: A more light-hearted martial heroes as the protagonists. Magic

look at the fantasy genre, often aimed at swords, impossible fighting techniques,
a younger audience. Examples include curses, and ghosts are common
These fantasy genre the Discworld series (Terry Pratchett), elements. Technically this is a subset
definitions can overlap
the Mouse Guard franchise, the Harry of historical fantasy, but its popularity
with one another, as
experts disagree on Potter franchise, the MythAdventures and many stories merit its mention
some of the definitions, series (Robert Asprin), Good Omens (Neil as a separate genre. Examples include
and RPGs use different
definitions than novels. Gaiman and Terry Pratchett), The Dark Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000
Crystal (1982 film), and Labyrinth (1986 film), Hero (2002 film), The House of
film). Flying Daggers (2004 film), The Forbidden
Kingdom (2008 film), and many others
Wuxia: Semi-historical adventures in popular in Asia that haven’t received wide
a fantasy historical China, usually with distribution in other parts of the world.


If you’re planning a new campaign or filling in details on your current one, looking
at fantasy art can be a great source of inspiration. The following people are some
of our favorite fantasy artists. Among these talented folks are those who shaped
the early years of fantasy and others who bring incredible creativity and talent for
fantasy drawn from many other fields of interest.
Chris Achilléos Jennell Jaquays
Thomas Baxa Jeffrey Catherine Jones
Denis Beauvais David Lanham
Julie Bell Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
Bruce Brenneise Alan Lee
Gerald Brom Todd Lockwood
Liz Danforth Raven Mimura
Roger Dean Peter Mohrbacher
Jeff Dee Erol Otus
Julie Dillon Keith Parkinson
Tony DiTerlizzi Roberto Pitturru
Vincent Dutrait Randy “rk” Post
Jeff Easley Arthur Rackham
Larry Elmore Wayne Reynolds
Jason Engle Robh Ruppel
Frank Frazetta Cynthia Sheppard
Brian Froud Matt Stawicki
Donato Giancola Boris Vallejo
Rebecca Guay Michael Whelan
Greg and Tim Hildebrandt Patrick Woodroffe
John Howe Kieran Yanner
Naohisa Inoue

It‘s also worth mentioning a couple of great annual art books that feature a wealth
of inspiring fantasy art: Spectrum and Infected by Art.




antasy stories include all manner the ring is the root of the problem). The
of mystical aspects, many of which players also don’t need to know if the GM This chapter is
intended for GMs,
might not be entirely covered by the is using Possession, as that spoils the fact
but gameplay may
Cypher System Rulebook. This chapter that the PCs will end up facing a creature go more smoothly
presents suggestions for how to handle that can possess others. if the GM tells
common magical elements in the game. If a module changes the options that players to read
In many cases, the information here is players or PCs have, the GM should work and understand
how these game
a summary of the most common ways with the players when the game begins.
mechanics work.
these effects work in the game, and the For example, if the GM is using the
group is free to alter the specifics. For Crafting Magic Items module, the players
example, the Possession section of the should know about it at the start of the Possession, page 69
chapter says that a creature inhabiting game so they can decide if they want to Crafting Magic
Items, page 49
a host body usually can’t use its own create a character who likes making magic
magical abilities (it is limited to actions items. Likewise, players should know if
the host could take), but the GM may the world they’re playing in has magic that
want to scrap that limitation for the sake can bring the dead back to life, or how
of creating an interesting encounter, such prophecy magic works.
as a powerful demon that can possess Everything presented in this chapter is
its cultists and still use its full demonic an option, not a requirement. The group
abilities (either at full strength or at a can change or ignore any aspect of these
lower level than when it is manifested in modules for their own campaign.
its own form).
This chapter describes many optional
rules (called “magical rules modules”) ANTIMAGIC
that deal with special events and A world that has magic often has a way
situations in fantasy games, usually as the of suppressing or negating that magic,
result of magic or supernatural power. which might be called “antimagic.” The
Some modules are meant for the GM’s sword meant to kill wizards absorbs and
eyes only—things that happen behind the ignores all magic in the area. The place
scenes, or that are secrets the PCs might where a god was murdered is cursed and
find out over the course of the game. For no magic will ever work there again. The
example, in a game where an angry ghost magical creature creates a cone-shaped
is linked to an old ring, the players don’t area in front of it that no magic (even
need to know beforehand that the GM is its own) can penetrate. Antimagic is a
using the Cursed Items module and the powerful narrative concept for a novel, TV Cursed Items, page 53
ring will keep showing up if they try to show, or film where the author has sole
get rid of it (it also spoils the secret that creative power over the world and all the


characters in it. In an RPG, it introduces go back to playing their character in the

a large number of complex problems, normal way.
partly because of game mechanics issues The Cypher System doesn’t specify
and partly because (unlike characters in whether character abilities are
a novel) the PCs aren’t following a script, nonmagical, magical, or fueled by some
so every unexpected action they take may other nonmagical supernatural source
require the GM to make another ruling (such as psychic powers). This means
about how antimagic affects them. that as soon as the characters encounter
From an overall game perspective, a place where magic doesn’t work, the
antimagic takes away much of what a GM has to make a lot of rulings on the
magical character can do, which means it fly about whether a type or focus ability
takes away the fun of playing that character. works there. A Warrior’s abilities are
Adapting PCs to an For example, a player in a fantasy game probably nonmagical and unaffected, and
underwater, lava, or
chooses the Bears a Halo of Fire focus an Adept’s abilities are probably magical
space environment with
equipment or magic because they want to play someone who and affected, but it’s not clear whether
that lets them survive throws around fire magic. Even if the some Explorer and Speaker abilities are
there is essentially giving
them the tools to play character has other options (such as a magical or not.
“in the normal way.” nonmagical weapon), depriving them of The GM needs to decide whether
their main set of abilities feels more like a things influenced or manipulated by
punishment than a challenge. Magic in a magic are “magic enough” that they stop
fantasy game seems to be the only thing working in an antimagic area. A spell that
that is an on-off switch for huge numbers creates a burst of fire obviously wouldn’t
of character abilities. In character terms, work, but what about a spell that hurls
it’s like an Explorer or a Speaker entering a boulder or causes an earthquake? A
a dungeon and finding out that they can’t magical crossbow with an accuracy spell
use any of their skills, or a Warrior entering wouldn’t work in an antimagic area, but
an arena and discovering that all they’re what if it fired into that area from a place
allowed to do is punch things. For magical with magic? Does a skeleton or zombie
characters, taking away magic is like taking animated by magic revert to a corpse,
away air—it’s something that can happen or does it have an independent undead
in a game (such as in an underwater life force that keeps it animated? What
adventure), it’s something a prepared about a magically animated statue or a
character can deal with, but it’s generally demon summoned by a ritual? An active
not fun and the players try to get past that mind-control spell probably stops, but
obstacle as soon as possible so they can what about a quick magical suggestion to
convince a guard to grant access to the
inner sanctum? If a character is cursed,
are they free of the curse effects while in
the antimagic area, or does it only prevent
them from getting worse?
Another important question is whether
the antimagic is destructive toward
ongoing magic, canceling it entirely
(like an electromagnetic pulse knocking
out electrical devices), or if it merely
suppresses ongoing magic for a while.
Cancellative antimagic means ongoing


magical effects stop or are broken forever, and prep by the GM, and can be
and potions and other items become frustrating for players who made
completely nonmagical. Suppressive magic-using characters in a magical world
antimagic means that when the antimagic under the expectation that they’d be able
ends or the affected magic leaves the to use that magic. The GM should keep Larry Niven’s novella
The Magic Goes
area, it becomes active again. An inert antimagic effects in the campaign limited
Away takes place in a
zombie resumes its shambling, a flying in scope and frequency. world where magic is
spell cast on a character starts working fading, and other stories
in that world have
again, a conjured demon reappears, and a interesting consequences
person hypnotized by a vampire reverts to CRAFTING MAGIC ITEMS for magical creatures
such as werewolves.
being its thrall. Many players love the prospect of being
In the Cypher System, cyphers and able to create magic items for their
artifacts are important aspects of character and other PCs in the group.
a character’s abilities. If antimagic There are some character abilities in the
suppresses these items, suddenly every Cypher System Rulebook that allow crafting
character is struggling to get by without of specialized items, but these mostly
them. Even basic fantasy staples like focus on creating robots or modifying
healing potions don’t work, making existing technological objects. In a fantasy
characters vulnerable to death from RPG, crafting usually means brewing
attrition in their Pools that they can’t cure potions, scribing scrolls, and imbuing
(other than by using recovery rolls). wands, staves, weapons, and armor with
Antimagic effects can present magic. Potions, scrolls, and other one-use
interesting challenges for an encounter, items are cyphers, and longer-lasting
but they require significant forethought items are generally artifacts.


CRAFTING CYPHERS 3. Assess Difficulty. The difficulty of a

Crafting magical cyphers such as potions magic item crafting task is always equal
or scrolls is a slightly more complicated to 1 + the level of the cypher. The crafter
task than climbing or persuading. Once can reduce the assessed difficulty of a
you’ve found the game stats for a cypher crafting task with skill training (such as
you want to make, creating it involves being trained or specialized in brewing
five steps. potions or scribing scrolls), assets,
special abilities provided by their focus or
1. Choose Cypher Level. Creating a type, and so on. Using a formula, recipe,
low-level cypher is easier than creating a or other guideline for a specific cypher
high-level one. The character decides what counts as an asset for this purpose.
level of cypher they’re trying to create, Because this is an activity requiring
which must be in the level range for the special knowledge, it is not possible for a
cypher as listed in the Cypher System character with no skill (or with an inability
Rulebook. Note that some cyphers have in this skill) to do this sort of crafting; the
the same effect no matter what level they character cannot attempt the task at all.
are, so the character could make crafting For example, Jorum the alchemist wants
easier by creating the lowest-level version to create a level 6 healing potion. A level
of that cypher, but the GM is always able 6 potion has an assessed difficulty of 7 (1
to rule that a particular cypher must be + the level of the cypher). Jorum is trained
crafted at a certain level or higher for it to in brewing potions, so the assessed
Stim, page 398 work. In particular, a stim is very strong difficulty is lowered to 6. If they also use
for its level range, and should always be a potion recipe they found in a book of
treated as a level 6 cypher when crafted magic, the assessed difficulty becomes 5.
by a PC.
4. Determine Time to Craft. The amount
2. Determine Materials. Just as crafting of time it takes to craft a magical cypher
an axe requires iron and wood, crafting is determined by the assessed difficulty,
a magical cypher requires strange and so decreasing the assessed difficulty not
exotic materials—powdered gems, ink only means the character is more likely to
from monsters, mysterious herbs, and succeed, but also that they have to spend
so on. The level of the cypher determines less time on crafting it. See the table
how expensive these materials are, below.
according to the following table. For any time in excess of nine hours, the
process is assumed to have stages where
Cypher Level Materials Cost the character is not actively working on it,
1 One inexpensive item just checking on it occasionally to make
2 Two inexpensive items sure everything is going as planned—
If there is a crafter PC in 3 One moderate item allowing the base ingredients of a potion
the group, the GM can
4 Two moderate items to cook for a few hours, stirring to make
include crafting materials
as part of the treasure 5 Three moderate items sure the ingredients don’t congeal,
for an adventure. allowing ink on a scroll to dry, and so on.
6 One expensive item
7 Two expensive items In other words, the character is able to
8 Three expensive items perform other actions in the vicinity of the
9 One very expensive item crafting (such as studying, resting, eating,
10 Two very expensive items and so on), but couldn’t craft on the road
or in the middle of a dungeon.


In our previous potion example, the to craft it) is destroyed in a mishap and
assessed difficulty is 5, so Jorum’s time to must be replaced before crafting can
craft is one day. continue.
For example, Jorum’s potion brewing
Assessed Difficulty Time to Craft (assessed difficulty of 5) is divided into
1 Ten minutes five subtasks, each taking about five
2 One hour hours (twenty-four hours in a day divided
3 Four hours by five subtasks). The first subtask is
4 Nine hours difficulty 1, the second is difficulty 2, the
5 One day third is difficulty 3, and so on. If Jorum
6 Two days fails on the difficulty 3 subtask, they’ve
7 One week lost five hours of work but can try again. If
8 Three weeks they fail a second time, they lose another
9 Two months five hours of work and have to use
10 Six months another expensive item to proceed (as
noted in step 2 of the crafting process, a
level 6 cypher requires an expensive item
5. Complete Subtasks. The crafting as material). When Jorum succeeds at the
character must complete multiple last subtask
subtasks that are steps toward finishing (difficulty 5),
the process. The number of subtasks the potion is
required is equal to the assessed finished.
difficulty of the crafting task
attempted. So a crafting
task assessed as difficulty
5 requires five subtask
The difficulty of each
individual subtask begins at 1
and increases by one step for each
remaining subtask, until the crafter
succeeds on the final, highest-difficulty
subtask. Generally, subtask attempts
occur at equally divided intervals over the
course of the full time required to craft
the item.
If at any point the crafter fails on a
subtask, the item isn’t ruined. Instead,
the character only wasted the time spent
on that subtask, and can spend that
much time again and then try to succeed
at that same subtask. If the crafter fails
twice in a row on the same subtask, the
character can continue crafting, but
in addition to losing another interval
of crafting time, more crafting material
(equal to one of the kind of item needed


A player may ask to apply Effort to each fairly simple, the GM can skip the crafting
subtask. Applying Effort is something they details and just say that after a period of
do in the moment, not over the course of time, the PC creates the artifact.
days or weeks. Generally speaking, Effort For an item that significantly alters
cannot be applied to any crafting task or gameplay—granting the character vast
subtask that exceeds one day. telepathic powers or giving them the
ability to teleport at will—the GM can
CRAFTING ARTIFACTS give the item an assessed difficulty equal
Crafting an artifact is similar to choosing to 3 + the artifact level and require the
a new type or focus ability—the character character to follow the crafting steps for
has many to choose from, they select creating a magical cypher. Crafting this
the one that best fits their intention, and kind of artifact takes up to five times as
thereafter they can use the artifact much many materials and up to twenty times
like they’d use any of their other character as long as crafting a cypher of the same
abilities. The main difference is that most assessed difficulty.
artifacts don’t cost Pool points to activate,
and character abilities don’t have a WHETHER TO CRAFT
depletion stat that eventually removes the OR FIND CYPHERS
Awarding Treasure, item from play. As explained in the Awarding Treasure
page 72
Crafting artifacts is handled as a section, characters should have many
long-term benefit of character opportunities to replace cyphers by
Long-term Benefits, advancement; the character and GM finding them as treasure or receiving
page 239
agree on the artifact to be crafted, and them as rewards for their actions.
the character spends 3 XP. If the item is However, there are a few reasons why PCs


might consider crafting cyphers instead of personal connection with the creative
relying on whatever ones they find. process. As with the other two examples,
it’s good to enable this sort of character
Preparation: The PCs might know they’re option—let the player have fun playing
about to face a specific threat or obstacle the kind of character they want to play.
and want to be sure they have certain
cyphers to deal with it. For example, if they Power: The PCs might find a cypher
know they’ll be facing a demon-scorpion that’s especially useful—and perhaps
cult, they may want to have enough it’s too powerful to let them have
antivenom for everyone in the group. The easy access to it. The GM can limit Antivenom, page 384
GM could let them discover a cache of this somewhat by increasing the level
antivenom before they approach the cult at which it must be crafted, which
hideout or have a friendly temple provide increases the time and material cost
the cyphers, but it’s acceptable for a crafty needed to make it; the GM should
PC to make the items the group needs. explain to the players that the change
is being made to prevent things
Character Theme: A character might from getting too easy for the PCs. The GM could design
an ability that lets a
consider a specific cypher part of their Alternatively, the GM could limit access
character craft smoke
theme and want to keep it on hand. For to the expensive materials required to bomb cyphers, but that’s
example, a ninja character might always make that cypher. Perhaps the rare herb basically a smoke bomb
character ability with
want a supply of gas bombs to confuse is becoming scarce because people extra steps. A better
and distract enemies. The ninja guild have been harvesting too much of it, solution might be to have
the ability allow the PC
might have a stockpile of gas bombs or there’s a seasonal blight, or it’s a to use a level of Effort
they’re willing to trade to PCs for other favorite snack of the warbeasts ridden to create a smoke bomb
cyphers, but a traveling ninja PC isn’t by an orc tribe that has moved into the that can be used by
other characters, perhaps
likely to keep finding gas bombs whenever area. The trick is to reduce access to the with a limited duration
their supply runs out, so it’s reasonable cypher through story elements so the (such as one day).
for the character to learn to make them. crafting player doesn’t feel like they’re
In this situation where repeated use of a being punished.
kind of cypher is almost like a character’s Gas bomb, page 389
type or focus ability, the GM should
Create Deadly
consider designing a character ability that CURSED ITEMS Poison, page 123
duplicates it and allow the character to An unwanted or dangerous object (such
learn that ability. For example, the ninja as a cursed artifact) keeps turning up,
PC can gain the ability to create a burst of no matter how many times the PCs try to
smoke. (Create Deadly Poison is an ability discard or destroy it. In many cases, there
somewhat like this.) might be only one way to rid themselves
of the item (such as by dousing it with
Favorite Skill: Some players just like the holy water or burying it in a graveyard)
idea of playing a character who can craft or only one way to destroy it (such as by
things for themselves and their allies— burning it in a specific temple or stabbing
crafting is their theme. For these players, it with a magical dagger). The item might
finding the cyphers they need isn’t as fun slowly repair itself—and depending on
as knowing that their character crafted the item, it might be more frightening if it
the items. Even if crafting isn’t as fast or shows up fully intact or still bearing some
efficient as finding a cache of potions and of the damage from how the PCs tried to
scrolls, the appeal to the player is their destroy it.


The reappearance usually isn’t Modern science is capable of reviving

because the item literally walked itself to people who, under similar circumstances
wherever the PCs are. In most cases, it fifty years ago, would definitely be dead.
just happens to be where they went or is Drowning, massive blood loss, or a
found in an unexpected but unobtrusive stopped heart are all lethal situations
place like the bottom of a mug of ale or in that nowadays people often recover
In the horror book Stay their coin pouch. If the item is intelligent from. If magic can instantly cure a
Alive! from Monte
(or controlled by a hostile intelligence), disease, neutralize a poison, repair
Cook Games, a similar
section on cursed items it might use NPCs to bring itself back to a sword wound, or summon a dead
is called “Bad Penny.” the characters, and might sacrifice those spirit for a conversation, convincing a
NPCs in dramatic and gory ways to make dead person’s soul to get back in their
sure it ends up in the hands of the PCs. recently vacated body is a quite plausible
For example, if the PCs threw away a magical effect. The question is how to
cursed ring, an accident-prone NPC thief allow for resurrection magic without
wearing the ring might try to rob them in death becoming a farce where PCs take
an alley and fall on their own sword. ridiculous, painful risks because they
Another way to handle a cursed item know there are no lasting consequences
that doesn’t want to be abandoned is to for dying. Here are a few ways to handle
use each attempt as a free GM intrusion the game aspects of resurrection without
(with no XP offered). If a PC throws the trivializing the death of a character.
cursed sword off a bridge into a river, they
Not Quite Dead, get a GM intrusion where they slip and Drawback: Similar to the not quite dead
page 437
fall off after it, and by the time they get to option of sparing a mortally wounded
Weakness, page 33 dry land, the sword is back on their hip. character, perhaps coming back from
If a PC tries to give a cursed necklace to death is an imperfect process, and the
Inability, page 33
an NPC, they get a GM intrusion where PC is left with a serious injury, weakness,
that NPC’s angry lover suddenly arrives, inability, or other limitation. Even
misinterprets the gift as a seduction something as simple as having the newly
attempt, and—cursed necklace in hand— alive character debilitated and down
challenges the PC to a duel. to just a couple of points in each Pool
creates this sort of tension. If the death
happens in the middle of an adventure,
DEATH AND RESURRECTION a quick-fix resurrection gets the PC back
In Steven Brust’s novels In a fantasy world, magic can cure in the game but requires expending other
featuring the assassin
wounds, enable travel to the realms of resources (healing cyphers or abilities,
Vlad Taltos, resurrection
is fairly easy if the brain gods and demons, and create undead out recovery rolls, and so on).
isn’t harmed and the of corpses. All of these abilities are pieces
body isn’t three days
cold—easy enough that of the puzzle that is how to revive a dead Lasting Damage: The character has
criminals sometimes person so they live again, and with that several kinds of lasting damage relating
pay to have someone
assassinated and revived
puzzle comes a lot of baggage about risk, to the injuries that caused their death,
as a warning to show rewards, penalties, and fun. The Cypher each of which is a setback toward being
that they don’t care if the System Rulebook and Your Best Game Ever fully healthy. The revived PC and their
target is alive or dead.
discuss character death, its impact on the allies might want to get right back into the
campaign, and what to do about it, but that action, but being down 5 or 10 Pool points
Lasting Damage, discussion is largely from a genre-neutral for days or weeks is enough to make them
page 436
viewpoint. In a fantasy world, magic wait until their friend is fully healed.
makes the impossible probable.


Permanent Damage: The revived experiences bad luck a little more often
character has some kind of permanent than before, represented by increasing Permanent Damage,
page 436
damage or affliction that won’t heal on its their GM intrusion range by 1 (so the GM
own. This might be a permanent version gets to make a free intrusion when the
of the Pool point costs from lasting player rolls a 1 or a 2). A character who has
damage, or an incurable version of one of died more than once therefore becomes
the drawback options. increasingly unlucky. Depending on the
source of this bad luck, the character
XP Deficit: Depending on how traumatic has different options for overcoming
the character’s death and resurrection it. For example, the ghost might leave For a discussion about
how the presence of
were, they have a deficit of 2 to 4 XP, if exorcised or if the PC resolves its
resurrection magic
representing a shock to their soul that unfinished business. The trickster god affects the campaign
must be dealt with before they move might move on to another character after world, see Is Death
Permanent?, page 14.
on with their new life. Before the PC a while or if the PC performs a service
can choose any one of the four benefits for them. Death might be mollified if the
required to advance to the next tier, they character finds a suitably powerful person
must pay off this deficit. to die in their place.
Note that some players enjoy playing
Unlucky: Maybe a jealous ghost has characters who have survived a terrible
attached itself to the formerly dead PC, ordeal, and how the PC overcomes these
a trickster god is meddling with their challenges and picks up the pieces is
new life, or death itself is annoyed at the an opportunity for intense roleplaying.
character for returning to the world of the Coming back from the dead and
living. Whatever the cause, the character dealing with the physical and mental


consequences is an excellent reason to wizard’s tower might find a prepared ritual

Recover From a Wound choose the Recover From a Wound (or in the basement, untouched for years and
(or Trauma), page 248
Trauma) character arc. ready to be performed. Some rituals require
no preparation at all—they can be started
immediately, just about anywhere.
RITUAL MAGIC The performance time is how long the
PCs in a magical world have ritual takes from start to finish, once the
magical abilities that are relatively preparations (if any) are complete. It may
Accelerated straightforward—the character spends be possible to perform the ritual more
Performance, page 59
the Pool points to activate the ability, the quickly than this typical amount of time.
magical effect happens, and maybe the Preparation time and performance time
player rolls to see if the target is affected. are mostly flavor and can be whatever the
However, fantasy literature, films, and GM thinks is appropriate. Two different
It’s possible that some television shows have many examples rituals with the same goal (such as
preparation steps aren’t
of complex magic that takes minutes banishing a demon) might have different
needed at all or are
unnecessarily specific, or hours to complete, involves multiple preparation and performance times,
and were included in the participants, and is at risk of being delayed, which, if the PCs are in a hurry, may
ritual as a memory aid
or personal preference by disrupted, or otherwise interfered with influence which one they want to do. The
whoever wrote it down. by entities who don’t want the magic to time may be based partly on the ritual’s
Maybe a blue candle is as
good as a white candle,
succeed. For example, a priest might read difficulty; it’s reasonable to expect that
or the detail was meant a long prayer out of a holy book to banish using a ritual to banish a level 6 demon
to specifically exclude a powerful demon, a necromancer might will take longer than using it to banish a
using red candles.
recite a long spell to raise an army of level 3 demon, even if the extra time is
skeletons, or a spiritualist might carefully just from repeating the same phrases.
draw a magic circle around a building to
ward out hostile ghosts. This longer form DIFFICULTY AND SUBTASKS
of magic is called ritual magic, and adding Completing a ritual has an overall
it to a fantasy game creates interesting difficulty level, usually equal to the
encounter opportunities and world flavor, level of the challenge. If the PCs are
showing that magic is a process as well as trying to banish a level 5 demon, the
an outcome. overall difficulty of the ritual is 5. If the
necromancer’s army of skeletons would
TIME be a level 7 horde, the ritual to assemble
Ritual magic has two aspects related to them is difficulty 7. If the most powerful
time: how long it takes to prepare the ghost in the salt maze is level 6, the ritual
Much like hand-waving ritual, and how long it takes to perform it. to make the maze is difficulty 6.
long-distance travel,
The preparation time is how long it Sometimes there isn’t a clear idea of
not all ritual magic
needs rolls or rules. For takes to get ready to perform the ritual. what level the challenge should be—
example, if the PCs This might involve drawing a magic circle, teleporting a group of people to a nearby
know a ritual to restore
their dead friend to life, setting up a pattern of red candles, writing city and raising a person from the dead
and there aren’t any the targeted creature’s name on a specially don’t have an obvious task level. In these
obstacles preventing it
from working, the GM
prepared parchment, and so on. Anything cases, the GM should choose a level for
can just let it happen that takes place before the ritual starts is the ritual based on what would make an
as part of the story part of the preparation and not part of the interesting experience for the players.
narrative instead of
making it a ritual that ritual, and it could happen minutes, hours, Instead of having the success or failure
the PCs have to roll for. or days in advance of the ritual itself. For of this sort of magic come down to
example, PCs exploring an abandoned one roll, ritual magic lets the GM build


tension by requiring the players to make generally impossible to apply sustained

rolls for multiple subtasks. The subtasks Effort on a task or subtask that takes
start at difficulty 1, and the subtask longer than a day.
difficulty increases by 1 each time until For example, the PCs find an ancient
the players make a final roll at the highest magical skull that is a prison for a group
difficulty. A ritual with an overall difficulty of level 6 ghosts. A recent mishap
of 4 has four subtasks, with the first one (perhaps a GM intrusion) cracked the
at difficulty 1, the second at difficulty 2, skull, and within a few hours the ghosts
the third at 3, and the last one at 4. will break free and terrorize and kill all of
Generally, these subtasks occur at the people in a nearby village. The PCs
equally divided intervals over the course have found a decaying tome that explains
of the full time required to complete the how the ghosts were snared long ago in
ritual. For example, if the overall level 4 a maze of white salt and black ash for
ritual takes an hour, each subtask takes a day or so, and doing that again will
about fifteen minutes. The GM is free give a repentant necromancer NPC time
to adjust any of these subtask times, to repair the skull and bind the ghosts
especially if it means increasing the within it. The book says it takes an hour
dramatic tension of the encounter. For to draw the maze, and since the PCs are
example, the GM might decide that the dealing with level 6 ghosts (which means
first three subtasks of an hour-long level six subtasks), each subtask will take ten
4 ritual take twenty minutes each and minutes (60 minutes divided by 6). The
the last subtask takes six rounds, with first subtask’s difficulty is 1, the second’s
the idea being that enemies will appear is 2, and so on, up to the sixth subtask
during that last step and the game will at difficulty 6. If the PCs fail at a subtask,
switch to round-by-round combat as the they’ve wasted ten minutes of time and
PCs try to prevent them from thwarting have to try that subtask again if they want
the ritual. to continue. Once they succeed on the
If at any point the PC fails a subtask, last subtask roll (difficulty 6), the maze is
the ritual isn’t automatically ruined, but finished and the ghosts are hedged in—
it costs time—a failure means the time for a while.
spent on that subtask was wasted, but the
character can spend that much time again LEARNING A RITUAL
and try to succeed at that same subtask. A ritual might require little or no effort to
The GM may decide that later attempts learn, or it could take considerable time Characters can select
“magical rituals” as a
at that subtask are hindered, or that a and effort. For example, a religious litany
skill, becoming trained or
certain number of failures during the to repel a demon for a few moments specialized. As with any
ritual (perhaps equal to half the ritual’s might just be one sentence repeated over skill training, this eases
the ritual subtasks by one
overall level) means the whole thing and over, but to banish a demon back or two steps. The GM
needs to be started again. to Hell might require memorizing the may allow a character
skilled in magical lore to
Skills, assets, and other special abilities exact placement of candles in a circle, a ease some ritual subtasks.
can ease subtasks just like they do with sequence of musical notes, and a speech
any other task (which might make some in the language of angels. Depending on
of the subtasks routine and not require the complexity of the ritual, the GM might Routine tasks, page 8
a roll at all). Characters may apply Effort decide that learning it is a medium- or
Spending Experience
to each subtask. Applying Effort is long-term benefit and a PC must spend 2 Points, page 239
something characters do in the moment, or 4 XP to fully understand and master the
not over long periods of time, so it’s ritual, or their efforts may be hindered.


Alternatively, the PCs could use a If multiple PCs are actively participating
reference that fully describes all the in the ritual, the GM can allow different
necessary steps of the ritual, such as characters to make each subtask roll.
a runestone, sacred scroll, spellbook,
monograph, or knowledgeable NPC. TIME PRESSURE
Using the reference to guide them To make the situation more interesting,
through the ritual means the PCs will the GM can introduce a time challenge
need to have it on hand when they unrelated to the time needed to perform
perform the ritual (unless a PC has a the ritual. For example, the PCs might
photographic memory or a similar ability). need to finish by a specific time (perhaps
Otherwise, some or all of the ritual a midnight deadline for blocking the
subtasks may be hindered, or the ritual ghosts that are escaping the skull, or
might automatically fail. banishing a demon that’s inflicting
damage to an NPC every round it
TEAM EFFORT possesses them). This gives the PCs
The GM should decide if a given ritual an additional incentive to complete
needs only one person to perform it or is the process as soon as possible, using
something that other PCs can help with. cyphers, assets, Effort, and other abilities
Even if it initially seems like a solo venture to reduce the chance of failure for each
(like reading a spell from a book), the subtask.
ritual might benefit from assistants who
repeat a chant, burn candles, perform SIDE EFFECTS FOR FAILURE
arcane gestures, or hold the acting The GM can add side effects for failed
character upright as the ritual drains rolls or as intrusions. For example, a gap
their strength. In general, giving multiple in the salt maze might allow a small or
PCs something to do is better than powerful ghost to break free, an error in
having everyone wait on the sidelines the banishing spell might painfully enrage
while one character holds the spotlight. the demon and hinder the next subtask,
Having multiple characters participating electrical or magical energy might lash out
GMs should always also means more opportunities for and harm a nearby character, and so on.
keep in mind that when
GM intrusions that can complicate the Some side effects might affect equipment,
a player tries to find
another way to get what encounter. consuming a cypher or forcing an artifact
they want rather than the For example, if there are five PCs to make a depletion roll, or create
one presented to them,
it probably means that performing the ghost-maze ritual, one harmless but obvious cosmetic changes
player doesn’t like that character might read the directions out (such as altering a character’s skin or eye
kind of encounter. If you
have a magic door with a
loud from the book, two more carry color, burning off a character’s hair, and
puzzle on it they have to the containers of salt and ash, and the so on). An interesting choice is letting
solve, but the players are last two use the salt and ash to draw a failure side effect create the seed for a
doing everything they can
to dismantle the door, the lines of the maze—which means later adventure, even if the overall ritual
look for another entrance, any character might make an error that is a success. For example, a weak but
etc., it probably means
they don’t like puzzles. requires an additional task roll to avoid clever demon might escape in the last
botching a step in the ritual and delaying moments before a portal is closed, a PC
its completion. Even something as simple might be cursed with a rotting sickness
as needing PCs to defend the performer as a skeleton army collapses into dust,
from hostile creatures can make an or a splinter of fey magic might make an
otherwise simple ritual exciting and important NPC paranoid or hostile to
dangerous. the PCs.



A ritual might use up quantities of a Some rituals might require the PCs to
limited resource, such as holy water, silver spend points from their Pools on each
powder, human blood, or rare herbs. If subtask, with Might representing blood
the PCs have only enough materials to or vitality, Speed representing energy,
complete the ritual (perhaps with a little and Intellect representing will or sanity.
extra in case they make one mistake), that Other physical or mental tolls could also
forces them to use Effort, XP, and other require points from Pools. Multiple PCs
tricks to be sure they don’t fail too many involved in the ritual could collectively
times and expend all of the reagents. contribute to this cost (and if a ritual
Gathering the materials for the ritual costs many points, spreading out the cost
might be the motivation for one or more in this way may be necessary to prevent
adventures. a participating PC from dying during the
The GM should decide if each reagent ritual). As with other reagents, the GM
is required, important, or helpful. A should decide if these investment costs
required reagent must be included in the are required, important, or helpful.
ritual, or the ritual fails. An important
reagent can be left out (such as if the ACCELERATED PERFORMANCE
PCs weren’t able to locate any of it), but The GM may allow a character to speed
doing so hinders the ritual subtasks by up a ritual, reducing the time required for
one or more steps. A helpful reagent is one or more subtasks. Generally, reducing
completely optional—using it eases the a subtask’s time by half should hinder
ritual by one or more steps, but not using the subtask, and reducing it by half again
it doesn’t hinder the ritual in any way. (reducing the time needed to a quarter
The GM should also decide if a reagent of the normal amount) should hinder the
applies to the entire ritual or just some of subtask by an additional step (two steps
its subtasks. For example, the PCs might total). The minimum amount of time for a
find blessed salt from the tears of a sea subtask is 1 round (unless the subtask is
goddess, which eases subtasks to draw routine, in which case the GM may allow
the ghost maze, or ash from the cremated it to take no time at all).
mortal body of a very powerful ghost,
which eases the last subtask by two steps. OTHER ASSETS
If the PCs have only a limited amount of If a character has an ability that seems
a reagent, and it can be used on different especially appropriate for a ritual, the
subtasks, they’ll need to prioritize which GM can ease one or more subtasks by a
subtask to use it on (perhaps saving step or two. For example, if the PCs are
themselves an early roll by making it a performing an exorcism to drive an angry
routine task, or turning an impossible ghost out of a child’s body, and one PC
difficulty into something they have a has the Command Spirit ability (which Command Spirit,
page 121
chance of rolling on a d20). allows them to give orders to spirits), the
Most reagents should be things that GM probably should ease that character’s Initial Cost, page 212
are consumed by the ritual—ink, herbs, subtask rolls if they’re performing the
strange powders, and so on. Some items, words or gestures of the ritual. This might
particularly reusable or durable ones such require spending Pool points to gain this
as a crystal ball, glass knife, or engraved benefit for the entire ritual, similar to the
silver bowl, might be reusable. initial cost of a taxing task.


EXAMPLE RITUALS the entity can and is likely to do (nothing

The following are examples of common it would ethically oppose). If the ritual is
magical rituals suitable for many fantasy successful, the entity makes its attention
settings. Specific details of a ritual may known, such as by manifesting as a light,
vary depending on what the characters noise, or visible spirit. It may ask for more
are trying to accomplish; for example, a information, for a task or favor in return,
ritual to ask a demon for a favor might or for a service to be named later. The
Beseech only draws the be similar to one used to ask an angel, entity is not compelled to do the favor;
entity’s attention; the
but the exact details are probably very the ritual merely gains its attention and
various Conjure rituals
bring the summoned different. gives the characters the opportunity to
entity bodily to the ritual Everything listed in a ritual is merely a speak their case.
space to talk in person.
suggestion, and the GM should alter, add, Level: The level of the entity
or remove whatever they like to suit their Time: Four hours of preparation, one
campaign. hour of performance
Roles: Chanting, lighting candles,
BESEECH holding gifts/reagents
Call upon a powerful supernatural entity Side Effects: Curse, hallucination,
such as a deity, archangel, demon lord, or prerequisite quest (a challenge or task the
ancient elemental to ask for a favor that characters must perform before the entity
will consider answering)
Reagents: Scroll giving the history of
and important details about the entity,
offerings of gratitude or appeasement
Pool: Might or Intellect
Other Assets: Knowledge or control of
similar entities


Each ritual is described in the
following format.
Level: The overall level of the ritual,
which determines how many subtasks
it has.
Time: The preparation time (if any)
and performance time.
Roles: Things other characters can
do to participate and help.
Side Effects: Negative
consequences for failed rolls or GM
Reagents: Resources that can help
Pool: What kind of Pool points the
ritual costs.
Other Assets: Kinds of abilities that
can help success.


CONJURE THE DEAD probably bears a grudge for the unwanted

Summons the spirit of a dead person or summoning).
creature (commonly called a “ghost”), Level: The level of the demon
which appears in the summoning circle Time: Three hours of preparation, one
prepared for the ritual. The spirit remains hour of performance
there for about a minute, during which Roles: Bloodletting, chanting, lighting
time the summoners can interrogate candles, holding gifts/reagents, tracing
them or persuade them to share the summoning circle
information. The spirit usually wants Side Effects: Aggression, bad smell,
something in return (such as messages curse, equipment damage or theft,
conveyed to the living or unfulfilled possession
tasks completed). If the characters don’t Reagents: Blood; meat; magical inks or
comply, they must magically threaten or paints for a summoning circle; contracts;
compel the spirit to obey. a person to possess; objects representing
Level: The level of the dead spirit anger, destruction, or hatred (according
Time: Three hours of preparation, one to the desired service)
hour of performance Pool: Might or Intellect
Roles: Chanting, holding hands in a Other Assets: Knowledge or control of
circle, manipulating a spirit device similar entities, secret name of the demon
Side Effects: Haunting, possession
Reagents: Mementos of the spirit’s life, CONJURE DEVIL A ghost remembers
much of its life, including
the spirit’s former physical remains, a Summons a devil (an evil supernatural
whether it knows, likes,
person or creature to possess creature from another dimension, plane, or hates the people
Pool: Might or Intellect or realm) to command or convince it to summoning it, and
will act accordingly.
Other Assets: Knowledge or control perform a task. The devil remains there
of similar entities, religious or cultural for about a minute, during which time
connections, secret name of the spirit the summoners must bargain with or Secret names, page 70
command it to perform a deed that takes
CONJURE DEMON no longer than an hour and requires the
Summons a demon (an evil supernatural devil to travel no more than about 50 miles
creature from another dimension, plane, (80 km)—spying, stealing, guarding, and
or realm) to command or convince it to murdering are common tasks. The devil
perform a task. The demon is primitive usually wants something in return (even
and bestial, not a creature of great wits if just an agreement for a later favor);
and charm. The demon remains there otherwise, the characters must threaten it
for about a minute, during which time or have some way to force it to obey. If the
the summoners must bargain with or characters fail to strike a bargain, the devil
command it to perform a deed that takes returns to wherever it came from (and
no longer than an hour and requires it to probably is annoyed at the interruption).
travel no more than about 50 miles (80 Level: The level of the devil
km)—spying, murder, and destruction Time: Three hours of preparation, one
of property are common tasks. Usually hour of performance
the demon has to be threatened or Roles: Bloodletting, chanting, lighting
magically coerced into obeying. If the candles, holding gifts/reagents, tracing
summoners fail to get it to comply, it the summoning circle
makes one attack against them and then Side Effects: Bad smell, curse, infernal
returns to wherever it came from (and mark, possession


Reagents: Blood; magical inks or paints CONSECRATION

for a summoning circle; contracts; a Wards a location against evil influences
person to possess; objects representing and unwanted magic for a year and a
betrayal, deception, or greed (according day. The ritual affects an area up to a very
to the desired service) long distance across. Evil creatures and
Pool: Might or Intellect magical effects of less than the ritual’s
Other Assets: Knowledge or control of level can’t enter the area or use abilities
similar entities, secret name of the devil against it. If the PCs are warded out of
the designated area, they must make
CONJURE ELEMENTAL an Intellect defense roll to enter it (and
Summons a primordial elemental spirit another each minute while within the
of air, earth, fire, or water, which appears area, or retreat) and all their actions
in a physical form. The elemental remains inside or targeted within the area are
for about a minute, during which time hindered by two steps.
Elementals are simple the characters must attempt to bribe, Level: The level of the effects to protect
creatures whose interests
threaten, or bargain with it. An elemental against
and attentions are
focused on themselves is usually summoned to do something Time: One hour of preparation, two
and their element. that takes no longer than an hour and hours of performance
Flattery and playing up
their strengths are the key requires it to travel no more than about Roles: Drawing lines and symbols along
to bargaining with them. 50 miles (80 km)—attack, guard, and the border, chanting, calling out local
scout are common tasks. The elemental features (with candles, runestones, or
typically wants something in return for its other suitable markers)
service, usually a gift or bribe appropriate Side Effects: Lights, sounds, weak spots
to its nature—incense for air, gems for or “back doors” in the barrier
earth, oil for fire, salts for water, and so Reagents: Silver dust, sacred oil, buried
on. If the summoners can’t come to an blessed gemstones
agreement with the elemental, it might Pool: Intellect
make one attack before it leaves. Other Assets: Warding magic, religious
Level: The level of the elemental knowledge
Time: Three hours of preparation, one
hour of performance ENCHANT WEAPON
In a high-magic Roles: Chanting, music, using Enchants a light, medium, or heavy
campaign, a
ceremonial objects, holding gifts/reagents, weapon with magical power, granting an
higher-level version of
the Enchant Weapon tracing the summoning circle asset on attack rolls with the weapon for
ritual might grant a Side Effects: Damage, weakness toward the next day.
second asset on attack
rolls, grant extra one kind of attack Level: 3 or 4
damage, affect multiple Reagents: Gifts (black powder, gems, Time: Thirty minutes of preparation,
weapons at once, or
all of the above.
ice, incense, oil, salt, soil, water, wood), one hour of performance
destroying opposing items or creatures Roles: —
Pool: Might, Speed, or Intellect, Side Effects: Weapon attack hindered,
depending on the kind of elemental higher GM intrusion rate
Other Assets: Elemental power, Reagents: Rare oils, gem dust
knowledge or control of similar entities, Pool: Speed or Intellect
Secret names, page 70 nature magic, secret name of the Other Assets: Battle tactics, weapon
elemental crafting


ENTOMBMENT Level: The level of the most powerful

Imprisons a creature in a vessel (usually a hostile presence to be exorcised
valuable box, clay pot, or other closeable Time: Two hours of preparation, two
container, but it might be a gem, the heart hours of performance
of a tree, or another atypical object) for Roles: Chanting, positive emotions,
as long as the vessel remains closed and presenting holy objects, restraining
undamaged. The ritual forces the creature afflicted individuals, tracing the area with
into the vessel, either in a spiritual form incense
or by shrinking it to a size that will fit Side Effects: Lights, sounds, hideous
within the vessel. physical transformations, injuries,
Level: The level of the creature telekinesis
Time: Sixteen hours of preparation, one Reagents: Bindings, candles, holy water,
hour of performance religious icons and books, scapegoats
Roles: Chanting, carrying or protecting Pool: Intellect
the vessel Other Assets: Warding magic, religious
Side Effects: Bystander imprisoned with knowledge
the target, containment has a flaw, target
Reagents: Vessel, symbolic bindings Sacrifices some of the ritualist’s flesh, Instead of permanently
reducing a character’s
(chains, ropes, shackles, and so on), inflicting Might and Speed damage equal
Pools by 4 points, the
anathema objects to the level of the ritual and permanently GM could allow other
Pool: Intellect reducing the character’s Pools by 4 permanent penalties such
as reducing an Edge stat
Other Assets: Control magic, grappling, points (the character can divide this loss by 1 (to a minimum of
imprisoning magic, wards between Might and Speed as they see 0), gaining an inability
in a useful skill, or
fit). The character experiences painful permanently reducing all
EXORCISM hallucinations that give them insight and points gained through
Drives out unwanted spirits (ghosts, understanding. They immediately learn recovery rolls by 2.

demons, or something else) from an area one type or focus ability available to them
up to a long distance across. Once cast (any ability they could learn by spending 4
out, the spirits cannot return for a year XP as an advancement). Character
and a day (although most of them decide Level: Twice the tier of the ability the advancement,
page 240
to move on long before that time comes). character wishes to learn
Completing the ritual doesn’t prevent Time: One hour of preparation, one Lasting damage
and permanent
other spirits from entering or inhabiting hour of performance damage, page 436
the area, but it is likely that they can sense Roles: Chanting, restraining the subject
that an exorcism happened there, and of the ritual
most choose to avoid such an area so Side Effects: Lasting damage,
they don’t suffer the same fate. permanent damage, scarring
The ritual can also be used to cast Reagents: Silver knife, silver vessel Using an exorcism
ritual on an area is
out spirits from a possessed creature, Pool: See above
mainly for getting rid
preventing those spirits from returning Other Assets: Pain tolerance, surgery of spirits afflicting the
for a year and a day. As with using the area in ways other than
possessing a creature—
ritual to cleanse a location, this doesn’t PURIFICATION throwing objects, causing
prevent other spirits from afflicting the Rids a creature of an ongoing affliction, nightmares, making
noises, and so on.
creature, but later spirits can sense the such as a disease or poison, or any
recent exorcism and prefer to avoid that unwanted magical effect, such as a curse
creature. or charm spell. In some versions of this


ritual, whatever is ailing the creature gets Depending on how they died and the
forced into a nearby specified creature or nature of death in the setting, the creature
object, which is then discarded or safely may or may not remember anything that
destroyed. happened after they died.
Level: The level of the affliction or effect Level: The level of the deceased (at least
to remove tier 6 if a PC)
Time: One hour of preparation, two Time: Five hours of preparation, two
hours of performance hours of performance
Roles: Applying reagents, chanting Roles: Applying reagents, chanting,
Side Effects: Affliction or effect spreads prayers, shielding the corpse from hostile
to another creature, target moves a step entities
down the damage track Side Effects: Creature moves a step
Reagents: Anointing oils, healing herbs, down the damage track, enmity of a
A lesser version of the objects repellent to the source of the death god, lasting damage, scarring,
Resurrection ritual
affliction, magical paint for writing on the sympathetic damage
might bring the creature
back to life, but only target, scapegoat, silver dust Reagents: Deceased’s corpse, healing
to the debilitated or Pool: Might ointment, items of emotional significance
impaired state on the
damage track instead Other Assets: Healing magic, resistance (such as devotion, hope, or regret),
of hale, requiring to the target’s affliction items of importance to the deceased,
further rest or healing.
parchment extolling the deceased’s
RESURRECTION history and deeds, soul-sympathetic items
Damage track, Restores a dead being to life. The creature Pool: Might or Intellect
page 218 is restored to full health and is ready to Other Assets: Close relationship with
act as soon as the ritual is completed. the deceased (such as a connection


or family relation), healing magic, for equipment as well as artifacts. Cyphers

necromancy, spirit knowledge, secret in such a setting are likely all manifest. Secret names, page 70
name of the deceased A hallmark of this kind of setting
is that magic is at least somewhat
SACRIFICIAL RITE commonplace. Magical items are Manifest cyphers,
page 379
A creature is ritually killed and its soul is produced in great enough quantity
placed in an object. The soul object might that some are considered equipment
be a temporary destination so the soul rather than cyphers or artifacts. Magical
can be transported and used elsewhere weapons that fire demon-infused bits of
(such as an offering to a demon or as metal are just firearms with a different
part of a spell), or it might be the final flavor, for example, and allowing them
destination for the soul (such as placing it to be fairly commonplace will strongly Settings that use magical
technology can get hokey
in a sword to create a magic item). influence the setting, but it won’t
if there’s a magical
Level: The level of the creature (at least unbalance the game. If a PC can use their equivalent for everything
tier 6 if a PC) magical “talk-stone” to call their friends we’re used to in the
modern world. Stressing
Time: One hour of preparation, one when they’re in a jam, it’s no different the fantasy flavor is
hour of performance than if the group was playing in a modern the way to keep it from
seeming silly. If
Roles: Chanting, playing instruments, setting where everyone has a cell phone. everyone has “talk-stones”
bearing the soul object, restraining the To craft items of magical technology in to communicate but
creature, slaying the creature a setting where they are commonplace, the items allow users to
pass messages via the
Side Effects: Creature rages or escapes, use the standard rules for crafting regular spirits of the dead, and
damage, dying curse, haunting (nonmagical) items. the flying ships people
travel in use a mystical
Reagents: Bindings, creature to be negative-mass metal
sacrificed, drum, flute, silver knife, soul and engines powered by
object (its level must be at least as high MAGIC PLUS TECHNOLOGY trained psychics, that
has its own unique flavor
as the creature’s level) Some games have both magic and rather than just being
Pool: Might or Intellect technology. An example is Jim Butcher’s technological analogs.

Other Assets: Death spells, instant-kill modern fantasy series The Dresden Files.
abilities, soul manipulation And of course, there’s the flying Ford
Anglia from Harry Potter and the Chamber
of Secrets. (The Harry Potter books use
MAGICAL TECHNOLOGY both magical technology and magic plus
Some fantasy settings use a sort of technology in the same world!)
“magitech,” where magic powers devices Even some far-future science fiction
that would otherwise use technology. For settings might also include magic.
example, the police in such a place might Consider the novel Gideon the Ninth by
have magical devices that allow them to Tamsyn Muir, for example. Or to go a
communicate with each other over long very different way, the 1980s animated TV
distances. People might get from place to show Thundarr the Barbarian.
place via magical trains or ships that fly If you can have a magical sword, why
in the sky. This kind of thing is common not a magical pistol? If you can have
in the Harry Potter novels and movies, for a mystical amulet, why not a mystical
example, where they have a postal system stopwatch? An enchanted smartphone?
of magical owls, animated newspapers, A magically warded starship? Whatever
Modern, page 261
and more. To use this idea, turn to the technology exists in the setting could
Modern or Science Fiction chapters of the be magically enhanced if magic is also Science fiction,
page 270
Cypher System Rulebook and draw ideas present. Such items would almost


certainly be manifest cyphers or artifacts. TECHNOLOGY THAT

Here’s an example cypher: INTERACTS WITH MAGIC
You might have equipment, cyphers, or
TYPES OF CYPHERS FROZEN TIMEPIECE artifacts that are technological but built
Level: 1d6 + 2 to deal with magic. Look no further than
MANIFEST Effect: Creates or transforms into a pocket the proton packs of the Ghostbusters for
watch that seems to be made of ice. an example of this kind of tech. In a world
FANTASTIC Upon activation of the cypher, the with scientists and engineers faced with
user can take normal actions, but the presence of real magic, some of them
everything and everyone around them would develop ways to interact and cope
is frozen in time. The user cannot with it.
affect anything else, but they can move Technological devices that are not
through the world and take actions magical but deal with magic could
that affect themselves or their own include:
belongings (bandage a wound, repair
a broken item, and so on). The effect Magic detector (expensive): This simple
lasts for one round per cypher level. white badge glows purple in the presence
of magic. Once it detects something
And here’s an example artifact: magical, it does not function again.

TRUTH BINOCULARS Mystical hazard suit (very expensive): This

Level: 1d6 + 2 full-body protective suit is cumbersome
Form: Pair of binoculars with a large runic and clumsy, not unlike a hazmat suit.
symbol on them However, all of the wearer’s tasks to resist
Effect: Not only do these make it easy magical effects are eased. If the wearer
to see things far away, but looking takes even 1 point of physical damage, the
through them also allows the viewer suit rips and no longer functions until it is
to see through illusions and see things repaired and resealed.
that are normally invisible, assuming
the effect has a level lower than that of Spellscrambler (very expensive):
the binoculars. Essentially a sonic grenade, this
Depletion: 1–2 in 1d100 (check each use) device produces a variety of strange
electromagnetic signals—some audible
To craft items that are both and very loud, some not—on a number
technological and magical, either you of frequencies. The mental processes
need to make the device first and then needed to cast a spell are impossible
enchant it, or you need to enchant it as it to achieve for one round within a short
is made. Either way, the skills for making distance of the device. Like any grenade, it
the device and for making it magical are can be used only once.
likely very different.


No self-respecting mage is going to let
some mechanical device show them up.
In a world where magic and technology
coexist, wizards will have spells and


effects that protect them from shotgun even though those devices don’t share
blasts as well as sword blades, and much in the way of underlying principles.
radiation as well as fire or frost. Consider, In effect, these disruptive attacks would
for example, these effects as cyphers: basically be antitechnology rather than
antimagic, and you could reference the
FINDING PRYING EYES rules for antimagic and apply them just Antimagic, page 47
Level: 1d6 + 3 the same.
Effect: Magically discovers if anything
is watching or listening to the user
right at that moment, and reveals the MIND CONTROL
source. Electronic surveillance devices, Magic that controls or influences minds
long-range scopes, hidden cameras, is very common in fantasy. Fey creatures,
and magical scrying attempts all trigger vampires, succubi, and many other
this effect. In all these cases, the monsters have the ability to magically
“source” is the nearest representation. seduce or control another being, and
So a hidden microphone is revealed, even beginning magical characters may
but not the location of the listener. have abilities that allow them to convert a
stranger to an ally.
POWER DEVICE From a rules perspective, mind control
Level: 1d6 + 2 is fairly straightforward: one creature
Effect: Magically powers one device decides what actions another creature
that can fit within an area a short takes (perhaps limited in that the
distance across. The device is now controlled creature won’t take actions that
fully powered, charged, or fueled. If harm them or go against their nature,
the cypher is used on an automobile, such as attacking friends). But what’s
for example, the gas tank is full. If happening inside the controlled creature’s
used on a flashlight, the battery is fully head—whether during the effect or
charged. afterward—often isn’t specified. There are
several options for the GM to consider,
SCREEN CONTROL either for all kinds of mind-control magic
Level: 1d6 + 2 or on a case-by-case basis.
Effect: A technological screen (a • Confusion: The controlled creature
television, computer monitor, doesn’t understand why they’re doing
smartphone, or the like) within short things they normally wouldn’t do,
range shows whatever the user wishes but they aren’t aware of any outside
for up to one minute per cypher level. influence on their thoughts and
The display can be pictures, text, or actions. Once the control is over, the
meaningless shapes and colors. creature may admit that they don’t
know why they did those things, or
Because magic works on intuitive come up with an explanation justifying
rather than scientific levels, mages could (to themselves and others) their
have spells that disrupt technology, even reasons for those actions.
though the technology involved might • Dream: The controlled creature
not have any common principles. For is aware of what’s going on but
example, a tech-disrupting spell cast perceives it in a dreamlike state. They
on a fighter jet could cancel the plane’s may believe that they’re in control
computers, machine guns, and engine, of themselves the entire time, or


somewhat aware that they’re not fully actions. Alternatively, the character can
in control (similar to being intoxicated be given a specific command, and until
by drugs or alcohol or disoriented by they comply with that command their
an illness). Afterward, the creature other actions are hindered by one or more
might feel strange about the events steps. If the player is willing to engage
but may not realize that someone else with the parameters of the mind control,
was controlling them. the GM may award them an additional 1
• Trapped: The active thoughts in the XP (or, to approach it from the opposite
controlled creature’s head come from direction, the GM can offer them a
the controller, but the creature still GM intrusion that the mind control is
has a small voice or awareness in the happening, and allow the player to spend
background, like they’re a prisoner in 1 XP to refuse it, or go into XP debt if
their own mind. This horrible situation they want to refuse it but have no XP to
usually means the controlled creature spend).
reverts to normal once the control is
gone, and is probably very upset that
their mind and body autonomy were MYSTICAL MARTIAL ARTS
In popular culture, wuxia violated. If the setting calls for wuxia-style fantasy
is a genre of fiction
martial arts or similar types of action, you
featuring martial-artist
heroes with fantastic Mind control is problematic from a can make a few rule changes to portray
abilities, such as running gameplay standpoint because it means the kinds of things characters in such
across water, balancing
on an outstretched sword, the player loses control of their character stories can accomplish.
or jumping dozens of feet for a while—essentially, they’re no longer • Running and climbing speeds and
from a standing start.
playing the game, just observing it. jumping distances are doubled. For
Furthermore, some players may get upset those trained in running, climbing, or
For more information if mind control makes their PC (often jumping, the speeds and distances are
and guidelines about
seen as an extension of themselves) do tripled instead of doubled. For those
consent in RPGs,
read the free Consent something out of character, whether specialized, they are quintupled. For all
in Gaming PDF at that’s attack a friend, harm themselves, intents and purposes, this means that
or allow themselves to be victimized. everyone can run up a wall or jump
The GM should always be careful when very high in the air, and masters can
A rule for any game: introducing mind control to the campaign practically fly or run across water.
don’t use mind
(whether by PCs or NPCs) and make sure • Everyone knows kung fu. Unless a
control (or anything)
to make a character that the actions a controlled character person is a simple farmer, herder, or
have sex without the takes aren’t something the player merchant, they know how to fight with
player’s permission.
doesn’t consent to. Even something like elaborate and powerful martial arts
using emotion-manipulating magic for styles. This doesn’t change anything
seductive purposes may cross a line that in the game mechanically—no one
a player doesn’t want to cross. gets the ability to use weapons that
One way to present mind control more they wouldn’t normally have under the
safely is to disallow certain actions but rules. But it does change the flavor,
otherwise leave the character in control. suggesting that no PC is entirely
For example, being charmed by a vampire ignorant of weapons or close combat.
might mean the PC can’t attack the • Players are encouraged to come
vampire (or its allies) or run away, but is up with interesting names for their
still able to call for help, heal themselves, martial arts abilities. Instead of using
leave at a normal pace, and take other a Bash attack, perhaps it is “The


Three-Flower Fist,” and instead of The first round in which a character is

Fury, a character uses “The Rage of the possessed, they can act normally. In the
Sevenfold.” It is reasonable for second and all subsequent rounds, the While wuxia and similar
types of stories are fun,
high-tier martial abilities such as Amazing possessing creature can try to control
remember that they are
Effort, Jump Attack, or Finishing Blow the actions of the host, but the character fantasy and don’t portray
to be described with a magical flare— can attempt an Intellect defense roll to real-world cultures any
more accurately than
blazing auras of fire, brilliant cascades resist each suggested action. Successful The Lord of the Rings or
of light, ethereal figures overlaying the resistance means that the character does Conan the Barbarian do.
character, and so on. nothing for one round. When the creature
• Materials and objects are easier to isn’t trying to control the host, the
destroy. For the purpose of attacking character can act as they choose. Usually,
objects, subtract 2 from the level a possessing creature’s actions are Attacking Objects,
of any material (minimum of 0). It limited to controlling its host and leaving page 223
should be relatively simple for any the host (the creature’s own abilities are Optional Rule: Power
character to smash through a plain unavailable to Shifts, page 292
wooden door with little effort, and true it while in
warriors can shatter stones with their someone
blows. else’s
• Wounds heal faster. Everyone gains +1 body).
to all recovery rolls.
• Superhuman abilities exist. Consider
adopting some of the
superhero rules from
the Cypher System
Rulebook, in particular
the power shift optional
rules. These may derive
from almost supernatural
levels of training in various
techniques (such as dianxue)
but probably mostly from neili. Dianxue: The touch of
death—killing by using
precise nonlethal force on
key points of the body.
Some creatures (demons, ghosts, entities Neili: Internal force—
building up and
of living mental energy, and so on) have
cultivating the energy
the ability to possess a living person, known as qi and using it
taking over a character’s body as if it for supernatural effects.

were the creature’s own. The creature

must touch the character to attempt
possession (even if the creature’s touch
normally inflicts damage, the possession
attempt doesn’t inflict damage). The
character must make an Intellect defense
roll or become possessed, whereupon the
creature’s immaterial form disappears
into the character.


While it possesses a character, the SECRET AND TRUE NAMES

creature is immune to most direct attacks Names are power. Even knowing the
(though not so the host; killing the host common name of a knight or wizard
will eject the creature). For example, makes it easier for some kinds of magic
hitting a demon-possessed human with to find them or discover things about
a sword hurts only the human, not the them. But there is a deeper magic of
demon controlling them. Mental attacks names, names written on a creature’s
and special abilities that only affect soul in the ink of its very essence. Some
Possession is like mind possession or the type of possessing call this name a true name, soul name,
control in that it takes
creature usually work normally. For or secret name, and it is never the same
away a player’s ability to
control their character, example, a psychic Onslaught can as the name that they’re known by in the
and that can make damage a possessing demon within its world.
some players very
uncomfortable. See the host, and a spell that drives out a hostile Most creatures don’t know their true
section on mind control mind will force a demon out of its host. name; a barkeep in a large city could go
and consent for more
information (page 67).
In some cases, a special attack might their whole lifetime not knowing it, and
harm both the possessing creature and even a powerful sorcerer might never
the host, and these wounds might persist care to discover it. Some people learn
after the character is no longer possessed. their true name so they can safeguard it
For example, pressing an anti-demon from others, use it to enhance their own
amulet against the skin of a possessed magical practices, or imbue a powerful
person might burn the host and the item with a connection to their soul.
demon within them, and banishing the It is commonly understood that
demon might completely heal the wound knowing a demon’s true name gives a
from the talisman, not affect the wound at person power over that demon; what is
all, or leave behind an interesting scar. not as well known is that this applies to
A possessed character is allowed an any creature. A necromancer wanting to
Intellect defense roll to eject the creature speak to the soul of a long-dead queen
once per day. The defense roll is hindered is more likely to succeed if he can call
by one additional step each day of her by her secret name. Warding a city
possession after the first seven days. An against a rampaging dragon is easier if
ejected, cast-out, or exorcised demon is the spellcaster knows the dragon’s true
powerless for one or more days. One way name. Binding a demon with a magical
to exorcise a demon is to command it out ritual might require its true name to have
in the name of an entity that has power any chance to succeed.
over the demon. This can be attempted Learning a creature’s true name comes
once per day and grants the possessed with a subtle and instinctive awareness
character an additional Intellect defense and understanding of that creature,
roll to eject the demon. including its strengths and weaknesses.
In general, this eases all tasks related
to that creature (including attacks,
defenses, and interactions) by two steps.
In some cases, confronting a creature
with knowledge of its true name might be
enough to convince it to perform a service
without compensation.
A creature doesn’t automatically know
if someone has learned its true name


(although there is magic that can reveal wish, it’s best to give them what they ask
this knowledge), but they can usually for, as much as it is within the power of
figure out that an informed opponent has the creature to do so. If the GM wants to
some kind of advantage against them and twist the wish, do so as a GM intrusion—
deduce that their secret name is involved. that way, the character still gets a reward,
Learning a true name is difficult and and they can either accept the twisted
takes time. A character wanting to wish (which isn’t as good as they had
discover a creature’s true name might hoped) or pay 1 XP to reject the intrusion
choose the Uncover a Secret character arc (which represents them coming up with Uncover a Secret,
page 250
to do so. airtight wording that can’t be twisted).
Second, consider the level of the
creature granting the wish—that’s
WISHES basically the level of the wish, as the
In many ways, wishes are the ultimate creature shouldn’t be able to grant a boon
form of magic—they can literally do more powerful than itself. Therefore, it’s
anything, which makes them an incredible reasonable that a level 6 creature could This section also applies
to other abilities that
treasure or reward for characters. create a level 6 effect. The GM could look
can have multiple effects
However, that open-endedness makes at the creature’s other abilities (or abilities that are up to the GM’s
them a problem for GMs who don’t of other creatures of its level), decide interpretation. Not every
wish is called a wish.
know how to evaluate the limits of a if what the PC is asking for is within its
wish or handle its effects in the game. power, and either grant the requested
Furthermore, many players (particularly wish or adjust the result downward until Wishing for more wishes
doesn’t work because a
“old-school” players) are used to the it’s appropriate for the creature’s power.
creature shouldn’t be able
idea that the wording of a wish must In this way, the GM can offer “little to create something more
be extremely precise or the creature wishes” from weak creatures like fairies, powerful than itself—at
least not without some
granting the wish will twist the intent, like enchanted lobsters, and so on, and still investment of time and
“I wish for a bag of gold” granting them have “big wishes” granted by gods and other resources, like a
character using XP to
ownership of a bag in a faraway dragon’s powerful genies. acquire an artifact.
lair, or “I wish for a priceless diamond Another benchmark for a wish’s
in my hand” physically embedding the power is to compare it to a cypher of
diamond within their hand. Fortunately, the source’s level—if there is a cypher
wishes don’t have to work that way, and that can do what the PC wants, and
the Cypher System has an easy way to that cypher is equal to or less than the
determine what a wish can do. source’s level, it could be a wish. For
First, consider the source of the wish. example, if the PCs use a wish from a
Is it granted by a resentful genie who is level 5 demon to teleport back to their
only doing so because they’re compelled home city 100 miles away, the GM can
by a magic lamp? Or is it a boon from look at the list of cyphers and see that a
a grateful wizard or god who sincerely teleporter (traveler) cypher can transport Teleporter (traveler),
page 398
wants to reward the character for a one character up to 100 miles per cypher
service? An angry, reluctant, or otherwise level, so transporting a group of PCs 100
hostile creature may try to twist a wish, miles is probably within the demon’s
but someone favorably disposed toward power.
the character won’t (unless the PC tries to
take advantage of the situation). Unless
the GM’s intention is to make the players
regret that their characters were offered a




ven if you discount anything having the relative cost of the lower categories
This chapter is to do with magic (which we covered should become trivial to the characters
intended for GMs,
in chapter 6), fantasy still has its over time. One way to structure this
but gameplay may
go more smoothly
own conventions: castles and dungeons, progression is to say an experienced tier
if the GM tells treasures guarded by monsters or terrible 1 character (partway toward becoming
players to read traps, and so on. This chapter provides tier 2) shouldn’t have to save up to get
and understand guidance and mechanics for handling more arrows, candles, torches, or other
how these game
these elements and situations. inexpensive items, but a moderately
mechanics work.
priced item might still feel like a big
purchase. A tier 2 character should have
AWARDING TREASURE enough resources to acquire a backpack,
“Treasure” in a fantasy roleplaying game lantern, or other moderately priced items
usually means two things: mundane whenever they need them, but the cost
wealth (gold, jewels, land, and so on) of an expensive item might be the reason
and magic. Part of the appeal of being an they go adventuring for more gold. A tier 3
explorer or adventurer is the opportunity character should be able to easily replace
to loot chests full of gold and magic an expensive item like a battleaxe or a
items. It’s best to think of gold and magic suit of chainmail, but not a very expensive
as two different kinds of currencies that item. A tier 4 or higher character can
characters have access to. afford very expensive items but might
never own an exorbitant item.
GOLD This is one way of handling gold wealth,
Coins, gems, jewelry, trade goods such as but depending on the campaign world
silk or spices, and all kinds of things that and the role of the PCs, there might be a
are valuable but aren’t magical fall into very different setup. In a setting where the
the category of mundane wealth or “gold.” PCs are heroes with powers beyond those
The Cypher System Rulebook abstracts of normal peasants (and peasants lack
item costs into general categories— the talent to become PCs), by the time the
inexpensive, moderate, expensive, and characters reach tier 2, they may already
so on. Starting characters generally have be wealthy, with only nobles having more
access to only a few inexpensive and coin than they do. In a grim fantasy
moderate items and perhaps one or setting, survival might be more of a
two expensive items. In a typical fantasy long-term struggle, and a tier 4 character
campaign, the characters should become might be only slightly better off than a
wealthier as they advance. starting character.
There are no hard and fast rules for Chapter 4 presents an alternative
this wealth advancement, but in effect method for tracking wealth and


Cyphers are gained with such regularity that the PCs should feel that
they can use them freely. There will always be more, and they’ll have
different benefits.
~Cypher System Rulebook, page 377

equipment costs with specific prices with few or no cyphers, but that goes A GM who wants to keep
things lean might want
instead of categories. Whichever method against the game’s expectation of a high
to make manifest cyphers
the GM uses, the principle is the same: in turnover of cyphers. In other words, rare, but subtle cyphers
a typical fantasy campaign, the effective cyphers shouldn’t be scarce, and PCs common. That way, PCs
still have a good roster of
cost of cheaper items becomes trivial. A should spend most of their time close to cypher abilities, but the
starting character might carefully keep their cypher limit. number of magic items
lying about remains low.
track of their silver and copper coins, but The key to addressing this selling-cyphers
a higher-tier character probably is a big wealth problem is to make it harder
spender, paying a bartender one gold coin to sell or trade cyphers for gold. After
for a one-silver drink and telling them to all, adventurer-focused cyphers aren’t
keep the other nine silver as a tip. usually things that easily fit into the life
or economy of a typical community, and
MANIFEST CYPHERS most small communities don’t have the
Expendable magic items like manifest resources to pay a fair price for them. An
cyphers are a category perpendicular adventurer trying to pay for a meal worth
to the concept of mundane wealth. 1 gold coin with a healing potion might be
Most of them are things useful more able to find an innkeeper willing to accept
to adventurers than to regular people, that as payment, but it’s unlikely that the
so it’s hard to determine a fair sale innkeeper will be able to make change for
price for them—a catholicon potion is it, nor would they try to compensate for Catholicon, page 385
something a city merchant might want, the overpayment with other services. Even
Detonation, page 386
but a detonation runestone probably isn’t. if the innkeeper and the PC agree that a
Furthermore, the expectation is that PCs healing potion is worth 100 gold coins,
will use cyphers often because they’ll the innkeeper probably won’t offer the PC
have many opportunities to get more; if a hundred free meals for it—that’s just
the players can exploit this mechanic by not an acceptable or practical cost for the
selling off most of their cyphers in town, innkeeper to bear.
they’re abusing the rules to make gold. The PCs can have opportunities to
The GM might be tempted to discourage trade their cyphers with NPCs in town, Magic item shops are
a controversial trope
this behavior by reducing how often the whether that’s at a magic item shop, the
in fantasy RPGs that
PCs gain new cyphers, but that goes tower of a mentor wizard, a thieves’ guild, may not be appropriate
against the premise of cyphers in the a temple, other adventurers, or the local for some worlds. Some
people feel it cheapens
game: they should be common enough government. The kinds of cyphers these the mystery and wonder
that the PCs use them freely instead of NPCs can offer may be limited in theme of magic, others feel
it turns magic into
hoarding them. (such as a benevolent church that makes a commodity, and
It bears repeating: characters should healing potions and trades them for some say that large
have many opportunities to gain other useful cyphers) or quantity (such as communities would
have such shops just as
replacement cyphers. Some GMs like to having only one or two cyphers available they have other luxury
keep things lean, with the PCs in their each month). Two cyphers of the same goods stores like jewelers
and horse breeders.
campaign spending long periods of time level are generally considered to be about


the same value, although local biases and ARTIFACTS

NPC interests may affect their willingness Artifacts are the high end of magical
to trade certain items despite or because currency, and in terms of buying and
of a level disparity. For example, a city selling them, they’re like manifest
with a plague outbreak tends to appraise cyphers: not something a typical NPC
a disease-curing potion as more valuable can use, and beyond what a typical NPC
than an amulet that dissolves metal. can afford, but they could be traded for a
All of the above means that cyphers are different artifact of about the same level.
treasure for adventurers and it’s hard to Unlike cyphers, the game doesn’t
come up with a gold equivalent for their assume that PCs have frequent
value. In a pinch, a cypher is probably opportunities to gain new artifacts
worth the equivalent of one or two or replace the ones that deplete. But
expensive or very expensive items. artifacts—magic items—are fun for
It’s worth repeating one more time, players when they’re in the hands of the
just so this is extra clear: characters PCs, and fun for GMs when players use
should have many opportunities to gain them creatively. A good rule of thumb
replacement cyphers. Reducing access to for a typical fantasy campaign is to make
replacement cyphers is like reducing the sure that each PC ends up with their own
number of recovery rolls characters get artifact somewhere in tier 2 or 3, a second
each day. You can play the game that way, artifact by tier 4 or 5, and perhaps a third
but it’s a more difficult play style than one by tier 6. If an artifact depletes, the
what the game is expecting. GM can use that as an opportunity to
place another interesting artifact in the


character’s path, or wait a while before the temptation to destroy it instead of

bringing another one into the game so going around it or finding a gentler way
the player gets over the loss and can fully to proceed, even though these attempts
appreciate having a new artifact. are noisy and take time. The PCs might
The GM should understand that the also encounter traps and other dangers.
selection of artifacts in the Cypher System This section describes several kinds of
Rulebook and chapter 12 of this book common physical features and their game
is just the start—there are many, many stats. Any of these levels can be adjusted
other magical items from myths, legends, up or down by the GM—a wall made from
stories, and other RPGs that could be soft wood can have a lower level than a
written up as artifacts. The GM should typical wall, stone can be reinforced by
also keep in mind that artifacts don’t magic so its level is higher, and so on.
have to be over-the-top impressive items
like a staff that shoots fireballs, a flying WALLS
ship, or demonic armor. Sometimes it’s Walls are generally either constructed
enough for an artifact to grant an asset on (intentionally built by a creature) or
a particular kind of task—attack rolls for a natural (already existing without any work
weapon, Speed defense for armor, a skill by a creature). Anything describing walls
for a ring, and so on. Some characters in this section also applies to ceilings and
prefer quiet utilitarian items over flashy floors.
items. It’s also fair for a character to have Paper wall (level 1): This thin wall
two weak artifacts even though a different only blocks sight. Creatures can attack
PC in the same group has one strong one. through a paper wall as if attacking
Most of the time, it’s not a question of blindly (hindered by four steps), but it’s
what level the item is or how powerful it usually easier to break a hole in the wall
is, but whether the item is suitable for the and attack through the hole. Paper walls
character and the player is happy that they are vulnerable to piercing and slashing
have it. weapons (attacks are eased). A gauzy
In a pinch, an artifact is worth the curtain is equivalent to a paper wall, and a
equivalent of one or two very expensive cloth wall is probably level 2.
items or one exorbitant item, depending Wooden wall (level 4): This is a typical
on what the artifact can do. An artifact wall for an average wooden house. The
that grants an asset to one kind of roll is walls of a decrepit shack or a partition
probably worth about as much as a very within a dungeon might be only level 2 or
expensive item, one that adds +1 Armor 3, but the exterior palisade wall of a fort or
might be worth two expensive items, and a log cabin might be level 5.
a strong defensive or offensive artifact Wooden walls are vulnerable to fire
could be worth about the same as an (attacks with fire are eased) but resistant
exorbitant item. to bashing and piercing weapons (attacks
are hindered).
Stone wall (level 6): Constructed
DUNGEONS, CASTLES, AND KEEPS stone walls are bricks or masonry (fitted
Fantasy characters are often sneaking stones), with or without mortar to hold
or breaking into homes, forts, castles, them in place, or hewn stone (dug into
and dungeons. When they encounter existing natural rock). Natural stone walls
an obstacle such as a door or an are usually unworked stone (like a cave
inconveniently placed wall, there is often wall or cliff face, which tend to be uneven)


but might have areas where creatures and designed to pivot on a center point.
smoothed or modified them to suit their They are common in places like dungeons
needs for a living space. where wood and metal are scarce.
Some constructed stone walls are Stone doors are vulnerable to piercing
reinforced with metal bars on the surface weapons (attacks are eased) but resistant
or built inside, increasing its level to 7. to bashing and slashing weapons (attacks
Stone walls are vulnerable to piercing are hindered).
weapons (attacks are eased) but resistant Iron door (level 6): A solid iron door is
to bashing and slashing weapons (attacks meant to protect something very valuable or
are hindered). vulnerable, such as a vault or a king’s tomb.
Iron wall (level 7): These expensive In a damp environment like a dungeon, they
walls are usually reserved for protecting tend to rust and stick in place.
something important, like a vault. Wooden portcullis (level 3): The gaps
in a portcullis present more defense
DOORS opportunities than a door, such as
Doors are access points for encounters allowing archers to fire at the creatures
and (if trapped or infested with dangerous trapped by it. They’re also useful in
creatures) can be encounters all on closing access to a waterway without
their own. In most cases, trying to break impacting its flow. A wooden portcullis is
through a door involves damaging its relatively fragile and usually isn’t meant to
latch or hinges rather than destroying keep anyone out for long.
the main portion of the door (trying to Iron portcullis (level 6): Much sturdier
destroy the door instead of the latch and than wood, an iron portcullis is meant
hinges is a hindered task). to keep creatures in place as long as
Simple wooden door (level 2): This is a necessary. Often the best way to get past
fragile door meant to close off an interior a portcullis is to lift it instead of breaking
A secret door might be a space for privacy rather than to keep out it, but some are designed to lock in place
simple wooden door with
a determined intruder. Instead of a single to prevent this. A door to a prison cell is
concealed hinges, covered
in plaster and painted to piece of wood, a simple wooden door is essentially a type of iron portcullis.
match its surroundings. usually made of multiple planks nailed
together on a frame or with support struts.
Wooden doors of all strengths are TRAPS
vulnerable to fire (attacks with fire are One common element of fantasy
eased) but resistant to bashing and exploration—particularly for castles
piercing weapons (attacks are hindered). and dungeons—is the danger of traps.
Good wooden door (level 3): This is a Hidden crossbows, trapdoors in the floor
stronger door meant to provide some that open to reveal a spiked pit, exploding
security, such as for a typical house or magical glyphs, and poison needles in
shop. locks are common ways that people (and
Strong wooden door (level 4): This is a monsters) try to make things difficult for
heavy door reinforced with wood or metal invaders and thieves.
to make it difficult to break. An especially
strong wooden door, such as the main TRIGGERING TRAPS
entrance to a fort or castle, is probably Mechanical traps have a triggering
level 5. mechanism—something set up to react
Stone door (level 5): These heavy doors are when an unauthorized creature is in the
usually carved from a solid block of stone area. The most common mechanisms are


Most characters won’t notice traps unless actively looking for them; they don’t
know a trap is in the area until their presence, movement, or action triggers it.
Characters can passively or actively search for traps if they suspect such dangers
are present.
Passive searching for traps means one character (usually in the front of the
group) is carefully checking the area before moving forward. This means the group
moves at about half normal speed, but they get to make a search roll for any traps
the GM has in their path. Allowing characters to passively search in this way means
the players don’t have to keep stating over and over that they’re looking for traps.
The drawback for them is that it takes them more time to get anywhere (which
means time-based special abilities and cyphers will run out sooner).
Active searching is used when the characters worry or suspect that there is a
trap in the area and want to find it. Active searching takes about one round for
each immediate area searched. Rather than having the players make separate rolls Multiple searching rolls
for each immediate area, the GM should have them make one roll for the entire in the same general
area doesn’t add to the
room; if successful, they find the trap, and if they fail, they don’t find it. If there is excitement or tension
a second trap, the GM can have them make another roll after they’ve resolved the of playing—it just
uses up game time.
first trap.
No matter how well built or well concealed a trap is, searching characters should
have a chance to find it. For example, a dungeon might have a sturdy door with an
axe on a hinge on the far side so that when the door is pulled open, the axe swings
through the doorway and hits the character who opened the door. Even though
it’s possible to build such a trap so there’s no obvious evidence of its existence
on the near side of the door, give the character a chance to find it if they’re
searching for traps. It might be a step or two more difficult than normal, but it
should be possible. Perhaps a successful search roll means that instead of finding
a trap mechanism, the PC gets a “sixth sense” or hunch that there’s something
dangerous about the door. If the GM wants a trap to affect the PCs without a roll, In other words, if the
they should use a GM intrusion to spring the undiscovered trap. GM wants a trap that
can’t be found with
searching, it should
be a GM intrusion.
pressure plates (something a character in the intended fashion (such as opening
steps on or presses) and tripwires (an a trapped door), and others combine the
easy-to-miss wire, usually around ankle trigger and trap into one unit (such as a
height). Depending on how the trap false floor that breaks when stepped on to
is constructed, it might activate when dump the intruder into a pit).
the mechanism is triggered (such as by Magical traps have triggers that Even if a trap has
a magical trigger, a
stepping on a trapped floor tile) or when are usually based on proximity—if a
character searching for
the trigger is released (such as by lifting creature enters the area the trap is it should have a chance
the weight off a floor tile after it has been “watching,” it activates. Some magical of finding it. Rather
than finding a physical
stepped on). A devious trapmaker might traps automatically allow safe passage for mechanism, they might
place an interesting heavy object (such as certain kinds of creatures (such as a dark notice a faint rune
scratched or painted on
a treasure chest) on a pressure plate so elf in a trapped temple where dark elves the floor, sense energy
the trap springs when intruders release live), those wearing a specific insignia building in the air, or just
the pressure on the trigger by moving (such as a bloodstone amulet), or those have a hunch that there’s
a threat in the area.
or lightening the object. Some traps are who speak a magic word before they
activated when a creature uses a device approach the trap.


DISABLING, DAMAGING, Instead of disabling a trap, a character

AND BYPASSING TRAPS can try to bypass it so they and their allies
A character can attempt to disable a trap can get past it without triggering it but
so it’s no longer able to activate or harm still leave it as a danger to anyone else
anyone. Normally this task has the same who passes through the area. The task to
difficulty as the trap’s level, but some bypass a trap is hindered by two steps.
traps are rickety and easy to disable, while Failing an attempt to disable, bypass, or
others are carefully crafted and much sabotage a trap means it activates. Usually
harder to disable. the trap’s target is the acting character,
Object Damage Traps are objects and use the object and the trap’s attack is eased because the
Track, page 116
damage track. Characters can attack a character placed themselves in harm’s way.
Attacking Objects, trap with weapons or special abilities to Unless a character has the ability to
page 223 damage or destroy it. Some traps may be manipulate magic, it’s very difficult to
vulnerable to certain attacks or unusual bypass a magical trap (the attempt is
means of sabotage (such as hammering a hindered by two additional steps). Most
piton into a groove where a blade springs explorers find a way to trigger a magical
out). Magical traps can be damaged or trap from a safe distance or disable it
disabled with special abilities. entirely rather than trying to bypass it.


Some GM intrusions are common to many kinds of traps. The GM should feel free
to use any of the following as a GM intrusion for a trap.
Creatures: The trap attracts the notice of nearby hostile creatures who arrive in
a couple of rounds, or said creatures are intentionally part of the trap (a pit trap
drops characters into a room full of snakes, the space behind a deadfall is full of
zombies, and so on).
Delay: The trap does something (perhaps something only the characters hear,
like a grinding gear noise behind the walls), stops for a few rounds, then fully
activates just as the characters assume that it was a dud or false alarm.
Illusion: An important part of the trap is concealed by an illusion, such as an
illusory floor over an open pit trap or the illusion of a statue covering a crossbow
trap. Destroying, disabling, or bypassing the trap requires realizing that an illusion
is present.
Lasting Damage, Lasting Damage: Some aspect of the trap inflicts lasting damage on the attacked
page 436 character, such as disabling a hand, foot, or eye; breaking a bone; or causing a
Noisy: The trap makes a lot of noise. The characters must make a Might defense
roll or be deafened for a few minutes (which might play into a sound-based trap
later). Creatures living in the area recognize the sound and know that it means
intruders are present.
Poison: In addition to its primary effect, the trap includes poison, perhaps on an
arrow, a scything blade, or gas in a spiked pit. If the trap is already poisoned, this
intrusion might increase the difficulty or require an additional defense roll.
Secondary Trap: Another trap activates, either doing the same thing or having a
separate effect that complicates the situation of the first trap (a pit trap starts to fill
with live spiders, an oily surface catches on fire, and so on).
Surprise: The trap was so well hidden that the character didn’t realize it was
there, or it was built so well that it activates despite the character trying to stop it.


UNDERSTANDING THE LISTINGS amount of damage inflicted, even if it’s

The rest of the chapter presents a large the normal amount for a trap of its level.
number of traps with game stats. Every Modifications: Use these numbers
trap is presented by name, followed by when a trap’s information says to use a
a standard template that includes the different target number. For example, a The stats given here are
typical examples of traps;
following categories. If an entry doesn’t level 4 trap might say “defends as level 5,”
the GM can set the level
apply to a particular trap, it is omitted which means PCs attacking it or trying to and damage higher or
from the listing. disable it must roll a target number of 15 lower as needed for a
particular group of PCs.
Level: Like the difficulty of a task, each (for difficulty 5) instead of 12 (for difficulty
trap has a level. You use the level to 4). Typical modifiers are to the trap’s
determine the target number a PC must attacks, defenses, and stealth (how hard Characters can become
trained or specialized
reach to find, evade, or disable the trap. or easy it is to notice the trap).
in the traps skill, which
In each entry, the difficulty number for the GM Intrusion: This entry suggests one applies to all tasks
trap is listed after its level (always three or more ways to use GM intrusions in dealing with traps
(including defending
times the trap’s level). an encounter with the trap. It’s just one against them).
Description: This general description possible idea of many, and the GM is
explains what the trap does, how it encouraged to come up with their own
operates, whether it resets automatically, if uses of the game mechanic.
it has a limited number of uses, and so on.
Damage Inflicted: Generally, when a
trap hits a creature, it inflicts its level in
damage regardless of the form of attack
(arrow, poison, collapsing ceiling, and
so on). The entries always specify the



Blindness: The poison blinds the creature if they fail a defense roll. Typical
durations are one minute, ten minutes, and one hour.
Choking: The poison makes the creature choke and cough if they fail a defense
roll. Typical durations are one minute, ten minutes, and one hour. Severe versions
of choking poison might make a creature start to suffocate.
Damage Track: The poison moves the creature down one step on the damage
track if they fail a defense roll.
Debilitating: The poison hinders all of the creature’s actions by one or two steps
if they fail a defense roll. (Some poisons may affect only certain kinds of actions,
such as Speed defense rolls or Might-based tasks.) Typical durations are ten
minutes, one hour, and ten hours.
Instant Damage: The poison inflicts damage (Might, Speed, or Intellect) one
time if the creature fails a defense roll.
Ongoing Damage: The poison inflicts damage (Might, Speed, or Intellect)
immediately. When a certain amount of time has passed (such as every round
or every minute), it inflicts damage again if the creature fails its defense roll. The
ongoing damage usually ends on its own (such as after five additional rounds of
damage) or after the creature makes a defense roll against it. Usually the ongoing
damage is a much smaller amount than the initial damage, such as 1 point every
Paralysis: The poison prevents the creature from taking any physical actions if
they fail a defense roll (this might leave them standing in place like a statue, or
make them go limp and collapse to the floor). Typical durations are ten minutes,
one hour, and ten hours.
Sleep: The poison knocks the creature unconscious if they fail a defense roll.
Typical durations are ten minutes, one hour, and ten hours. The poison might also
make the creature groggy, hindering all actions for an additional amount of time
equal to how long the unconsciousness would have lasted (for example, knocking
out a creature for an hour and then making them groggy for an hour, even if they’re
awakened early).


ARROW 4 (12) Damage Inflicted: 6 points (ignores

Fires an arrow or crossbow bolt. The Armor)
simplest one-use trap of this kind is GM Intrusion: The fallen wall blocks
an actual crossbow (perhaps hidden access to an exit. The wall debris buries
behind a hole in a wall or door) rigged the character, who is trapped until they
with a tripwire to pull the trigger; a can dig free. Another trap, hazard, or
creature would need to manually reset threat is behind the fallen wall (such as
this trap for it to be a danger again. arrow traps or a room full of zombies)
More complex traps might automatically and can now reach the characters.
reload from a supply of bolts so the trap
can be triggered multiple times, or fire DISINTEGRATION 7 (21)
automatically once triggered until the A magical ray of eerie energy blasts the
ammunition is expended. character, disrupting their physical matter.
A variant of this trap releases a volley Any creature killed by the ray (or any Traps should always be
exciting surprises (GM
of arrows into the targeted area, affecting object destroyed by it) turns to dust.
intrusions work great for
multiple creatures or the same creature Damage Inflicted: 15 points this). They shouldn’t be
more than once. GM Intrusion: In addition to inflicting so frequent that the PCs
feel the need to search
Damage Inflicted: 4 points damage, the ray moves the character one and check everything
Modifications: Defense and stealth as step down the damage track. Part of the they come upon, because
that gets dull quickly.
level 6 (if hidden behind a hole in the wall) ray splits or ricochets off the character
GM Intrusion: The arrow is barbed, and and strikes a second creature, inflicting 10
removing it inflicts 3 points of damage. points of damage.
The arrow is attached to a string, cord, or
wire, with the other end tied to something EXPLOSIVE GLYPH 4 (12)
dangerous like a falling block or an A magical rune activates when touched or
electrical shock. passed over, exploding in an immediate
or short area. Typical glyphs inflict acid,
CRUSHING WALL 6 (18) cold, electricity, or fire damage, but more
A section of a wall falls over onto the unusual versions include ones that inflict
targeted character. This is usually a holy, shadow, thorn, unholy, or stranger
one-use trap (although a similar trap types of magical energy damage.
could be built in its place). A nonmagical variant of this trap sprays
A variant of this trap is a deadfall, a mist of acid, a jet of electrified salt
where something heavy (such as a log, water, or a gout of burning oil.
huge stone block, or cart full of rocks) Damage Inflicted: 4 points of energy
falls from a higher position onto the damage (ignores Armor); all creatures in
character. Sometimes the falling block is the area take 1 point of damage even if
made to exactly fit a trapped corridor so they make their defense roll.
that triggering the trap makes the area Modifications: Stealth as level 5
impassible. GM Intrusion: The glyph marks the
A less lethal variant drops a large character’s face with a symbol indicating
amount of sand or dirt, inflicting 3 points they are a thief. The glyph makes the
of ambient damage (ignores Armor). character run away in fear for one minute.
Another variant releases oil (perhaps The character is cursed, and all of their
burning) or marbles, inflicting 3 points actions are hindered until the curse is
of ambient damage and making the area removed. Difficult terrain,
page 224
difficult terrain.


FLOODING ROOM 4 (12) free but have a glue pot stuck on their
Exits to the room close off and the area hand or foot.
starts to fill with water. Within a few Damage Inflicted: 3 points, plus lasting
minutes, the entire room is flooded and damage
creatures in it begin to drown. Modifications: Stealth as level 4
A variant of this room reduces the air GM Intrusion: The trap has hooks,
pressure (either by pumping it out through holding the character in place and
tiny holes or by retracting the floor or inflicting damage when they try to escape
ceiling). As the air gets thinner, characters if they fail a Speed defense roll. The glue
Fire ant or wasp are hindered by one, two, or three steps attracts a swarm of fire ants or wasps. The
swarm: level 1
before falling unconscious and starting glue is also a slow-acting acid or poison.
A creature that has run to suffocate. (Restoring the air allows the
out of air must make a
characters to awaken, but doesn’t move NET 3 (9)
Might defense roll each
round or move down them back up the damage track.) A net suspended above the character
one step on the damage Damage Inflicted: None until drowning drops and constricts (and perhaps lifts
track; the difficulty
starts at 1 and increases starts the character off the ground). Large net
by 1 each round. Modifications: Defends as level 7 traps can affect multiple creatures at
GM Intrusion: Hostile creatures such as once. This kind of trap usually requires a
Piranha swarm: level 3 piranhas or electric eels are in the water creature to manually reset it.
Electric eel swarm: and attack all creatures. The room fills A variant of this trap is a snare made of
level 3; bite inflicts
with water faster than expected because sturdy cord or wire.
2 points of damage plus
1 point of electricity the floor and/or ceiling are also moving Damage Inflicted: Entanglement
damage (ignores Armor) toward each other. (trapped character cannot move until they
use an action to make a Might or Speed
MANGLER 3 (9) defense roll to break or escape the net)
A small hole in the wall extends sharp Modifications: Attacks as level 5,
blades or weights when a creature reaches defends as level 2
into it, mangling their hand and hindering GM Intrusion: The net is barbed,
all actions requiring that hand by one or inflicting 1 point of damage each round
two steps. that the trapped character tries to move.
A floor variant is a small trapdoor over The net is the nesting place for biting
Insect swarm: level 1 a closed compartment, which mangles insects, which swarm and attack the
the character’s foot when they step on the trapped character and all nearby creatures
trapdoor, reducing their movement speed each round.
by half.
Another variant is a needle trap PIT 4 (12)
An obvious, open pit isn’t attached to a small peephole or spyhole A trapdoor in the floor opens, dropping
a trap, just an obstacle.
in a door or wall. The trap springs when the triggering character into a pit.
the character touches the area around Larger versions of this trap can catch
the hole (even a slight touch with their multiple characters at once. The trap
face as they look is sufficient), inflicting can be reset by moving the trapdoor
Lasting Damage, lasting damage to the character’s eye and back into its closed position. In outdoor
page 436
partially blinding them. areas, this trap is more likely to be a pit
A gentler variant traps the character’s covered in leafy branches (or a tarp) and
limb in glue instead of inflicting damage. camouflaged by soil and other debris.
The character’s extremity might be glued A variant of this trap is a bridge over a
to the hole, or they may be able to pull chasm, river, or other dangerous location


that is rigged to collapse when enough POISON NEEDLE 5 (15)

weight reaches the middle section. A poisoned needle jabs at a character
Damage Inflicted: 1 point of ambient touching the trapped object (usually a
damage per 10 feet fallen (ignores Armor) lock or treasure chest) or is fired from a
GM Intrusion: The trapdoor is slippery mechanism similar to an arrow trap. It
with oil, hindering attempts to catch may have a reservoir of poison that allows
the edge and avoid falling. The trapdoor it to attack several times.
closes after the character falls through, Damage Inflicted: 1 point (plus poison)
trapping them inside in the darkness. The Modifications: Stealth as level 6
walls of the pit are greased, hindering GM Intrusion: The trap releases acid
attempts to climb out by two steps. A into the lock mechanism, making the
dangerous creature is at the bottom of trapped object impossible to unlock.
the pit (or in a room adjacent to it). The The trap releases acid into the container,
pit is filled with poison gas. The trapdoor destroying some of the valuables inside.
detaches and falls into the pit, inflicting The trap releases a puff of poison gas
1 point of ambient damage per 10 feet it instead of a poisoned needle, affecting all
falls. The pit has spikes at the bottom, nearby characters.
inflicting an additional 4 points of
damage to anyone who falls in.


The area slowly fills with poison gas.
Because it takes a minute or more for the
poison to become thick enough to cause
harm, it is likely that the character won’t
realize at first that they’ve sprung a trap.
A variant of this trap fills the room with
flammable gas, which explodes if there is
an open flame (such as from a torch) or
a spark (such as a metal weapon against
metal armor), inflicting fire damage equal
to the trap’s level. A further variant fills the
room with dead air (containing no oxygen),
which slowly extinguishes flames and
suffocates creatures.
Damage Inflicted: As poison
Modifications: Stealth as level 5
GM Intrusion: The character has an
allergic reaction to the gas, which hinders
all their actions for an hour after exposure
because of sneezing, watery eyes, or
itchy skin. The gas makes the character
hallucinate, mistaking their companions
for enemies, until they make an Intellect
defense roll. The gas is flammable.



An iron portcullis drops from the ceiling A large boulder, wheel, or barrel rolls into
to block access to an area or separate the area, crushing anything in its path.
a character from others nearby. If the Depending on the configuration of the
creature dodging the falling portcullis area, the boulder might follow a specific
wants to choose which side of the trap path, ricochet erratically, break open pit
they end up on, the Speed defense roll is traps, or get stuck somewhere.
hindered. Otherwise, it is even chances A variant is a large iron weight on a
what side they end up on. chain that swings from the ceiling. The
A variant of this trap is a solid wall. A weight swings back and forth several
magical variant is a force field. times, giving it multiple chances to
Damage Inflicted: 5 points hit the characters, but decreasing its
GM Intrusion: The portcullis impales damage with each swing until it stops and
the character, trapping them beneath becomes an obstacle.
it until it is lifted or destroyed. The Damage Inflicted: 6 points
portcullis is electrified, inflicting 1 point Modifications: Defends as level 7
of damage each time it is touched or GM Intrusion: The boulder crashes
attacked with flesh or a metal object. A through a door or wall, giving other
second portcullis drops nearby, trapping a dangerous creatures access to the
character in a small area. Murder-holes in character’s location. The boulder blocks
the ceiling allow enemies to make ranged the way out. The boulder carries a
attacks on the trapped character. character along with it for some distance.
The boulder is hollow and full of burning
oil, leaving a fiery trail behind it. The
boulder is hollow and contains undead
skeletons, which jump out as it moves
and attack nearby creatures.


SLICING BLADE 5 (15) immediately attack the character and

A thin blade slices out from a gap in the perhaps others in the area.
wall, floor, or ceiling. The trap might be Damage Inflicted: As per the swarm of Swarm of snakes:
level 4; bites inflict 6
designed to sweep the entire area (such snakes
points of Speed damage
as the width of a corridor) or leave a tiny GM Intrusion: The snake poison is (ignores Armor)
safe space just beyond the blade’s reach especially potent, moving the character
so a creature who knows of the trap can one step down the damage track if they
get past it. This kind of trap is usually fail a Might defense roll. The snakes
designed to reset automatically after a constrict the character, hindering their
minute or has a lever nearby that allows a actions until the snakes are defeated.
creature to reset it manually.
Damage Inflicted: 5 points SPEAR 4 (12)
Modifications: Attacks as level 6 The trap fires a spear, javelin, or other
GM Intrusion: The blade is a magical large projectile. (In many ways, this is a
weapon with an additional effect, such scaled-up and more dangerous version of
as inflicting 3 points of fire damage. The an arrow trap, and the same suggestions Arrow trap, page 81
blade is rusted and breaks off when it hits for that trap apply to this one.)
the character, inflicting 1 point of damage Damage Inflicted: 6 points
(ignores Armor) each round after the Modifications: Defense and stealth as
initial attack until it is healed. level 5 (if hidden behind a hole in a wall)
GM Intrusion: The impact of the spear
SLIDING STAIR 4 (12) knocks the character prone. The spear is
A stairway or section of stairs barbed, and removing it inflicts 3 points
unexpectedly turns into a ramp. Anyone of damage. The spear is attached to a
who makes a Speed defense roll can string, cord, or wire, with the other end
catch hold near where they were standing; tied to something dangerous like a falling
otherwise, they slide or tumble to the block or an electrical shock.
bottom and take damage. This kind of
trap usually resets after a minute or has a TELEPORTER 6 (18)
manual reset lever at the top or bottom of The trap magically moves the character
the stairs. to another location within about 1,000
Damage Inflicted: 1 point of ambient feet (300 m), typically a prison cell, an
damage per 20 feet slid (ignores Armor) oubliette, or a very deep pit. It’s more
GM Intrusion: The trap releases oil, efficient to kill an intruder than to teleport
hindering attempts to climb the ramp them, so teleportation is usually reserved
or stairs by two steps. Tiny blades for trapping creatures for interrogation.
stick out between the sections of the Damage Inflicted: None
ramp, inflicting an additional 3 points GM Intrusion: The teleport destination
of damage. The trap releases a boulder is above the ground, causing the
to roll down the stairs after the sliding character to fall some distance and take
character, inflicting an additional 3 points damage (1 point of ambient damage
of damage. per 10 feet fallen). The destination is
dangerous, such as a tiny room lined with
SNAKE PIT 4 (12) spikes, a shark tank, or a boulder in a lava Lava, page 217
The trap drops the character into a pit lake.
full of snakes or drops a large number
of snakes on the character. The snakes




he Cypher System Rulebook presents CATFOLK
common fantasy humanoids such You are unmistakably feline. Your people
as dwarves and elves as options for have fur; large, pointed ears; sharp
Species Descriptors, a character’s species. For many fantasy teeth and claws; and even tails. You are
page 258
worlds, there is a plethora of sapient nimble, graceful, and quick. An ancient
Descriptor, page 38 creatures suitable for player characters. and sophisticated culture, your people
Here we present additional options, have their own language, customs, and
which a player can choose for their traditions developed in relative seclusion
character in place of their descriptor. over the centuries. Neither conquerors
nor conquered, the success of your
society has come from the fact that you
have given most others a wide berth. As a


By having dwarf, elf, or other species take the place of a character’s descriptor, it
creates a situation where only human characters have the variability of choosing
a descriptor that suits their personality. The GM might instead allow all human
characters to have two descriptors, and nonhuman characters to have a standard
descriptor in addition to their species descriptor. For example, Shanna might play a
Clever Clumsy (human) Warrior and Bruce might play a Graceful Elf Explorer.
If a human character has two descriptors, one might represent their cultural
heritage and the other their personal inclinations. For example, people from an
isolationist human city may have Guarded as their descriptor, but a specific human
from that city might also be Inquisitive. A human kingdom ruled by benevolent
wizards might have Learned citizens, but an individual from that realm might still
be Foolish (despite their Learned background).
Sometimes contradictory descriptors might weaken or negate each other’s
benefits and drawbacks. If one descriptor gives training in a skill and another gives
an inability in that skill, they cancel each other out and the character doesn’t have
any modifier for that skill at all.
Having two descriptors means that the PCs in that campaign are slightly more
powerful than in games where everyone gets only one descriptor. The difference
is usually only a couple of steps in the character advancement path (comparable
to getting slightly ahead of a character who missed a few sessions and hasn’t
acquired as much XP as the rest of the group) and shouldn’t have much of an
impact on their ability to overcome in-game challenges.


people, you almost never get involved in

wars or similar matters, which has given DESCRIPTOR AS SPECIES
other cultures the idea that you are aloof, If a player wants to play a nearly
unapproachable, or mysterious. As long human species without any exceptional
or unique special abilities, it’s easy for
as they leave you alone, what they think is
a GM to pick an appropriate descriptor
fine with you.
and use it as that species’ descriptor.
You gain the following characteristics:
A greyhound-like species might have
Agile: +4 to your Speed Pool.
the Fast descriptor. A leprechaun-
Skill: You are trained in climbing and
like species might have the Lucky
balance tasks.
descriptor. A stone-skinned humanoid
Bared Claws: Even unarmed, your claws
species might have the Resilient
are light weapons that inflict 4 points of descriptor. A half-elf might have
damage. the Appealing, Exiled, or Graceful
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: descriptor. A half-orc might have the
From the following list of options, choose Brash, Hardy, or Vicious descriptor.
how you became involved in the first
1. You were curious as to what the other
PCs were up to.
2. You needed to get out of town, and
the PCs were going in the same direction
as you.
3. You are interested in making a profit,
and the other PCs seem to have a lead on
doing just that.
4. It seemed like a lark.

You have scales, fangs, claws, and
magic—gifts of the dragons. You might
have been born of dragonfolk
parents, willingly transformed in
a magical ceremony, or chosen by
a dragon to be their agent or
champion. You have a great
destiny before you, but it is your
choice whether to make it your
own or bend to the will of those who
made you what you are. Some people
mistrust or fear you, and others consider
you a prophet or wish to exploit your
power for their own goals.
You gain the following characteristics:
Sturdy: +2 to your Might Pool.
Skill: You are trained in intimidation.


Dragonbreath (3 Might points): You 1. You believe the other PCs can help
breathe out a blast of energy in an you solve a mystery about your heritage.
immediate area. Choose one type of 2. You needed to get out of town, and
energy (arcane, cold, fire, thorn, and so the PCs were going in the same direction
on); the blast inflicts 2 points of damage as you.
of this kind of energy (ignores Armor) to 3. Your creator, master, or mentor told
all creatures or objects within the area. you to help the PCs.
Because this is an area attack, adding 4. You want to make a name for
Effort to increase your damage works yourself, and the other PCs seem
differently than it does for single-target competent and compatible.
attacks. If you apply a level of Effort to
increase the damage, add 2 points of
damage for each target, and even if you GNOME
fail your attack roll, all targets in the area You are curious and love discovering
still take 1 point of damage. Action. ways to turn found things into art, tools,
Draconic Resistance: You gain +2 Armor or weapons. You might be a sculptor,
against the type of energy you create with smith, artist, chef, storyteller, or inventor.
your dragonbreath. Alchemy, magic, and engineering
Scaly: +1 to Armor. fascinate you. Other beings may see you
Inability: You have difficulty relating as a strange mix of a nature-loving elf and
to non-dragons. Tasks to persuade a craft-obsessed dwarf, but you and your
non-dragons are hindered. kind are unique people with a passion for
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: life, exploration, and creation.
From the following list of options, choose You gain the following characteristics:
how you became involved in the first Genius: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
adventure. Skill: You are trained in two skills that
suit your creative nature, such as alchemy,
smithing, poetry, cooking, woodcarving,
or pottery.
Practiced, page 207 Skill: You are practiced in using hammers.
Natural Affinity: You gain one of the
page 121 following abilities: Communication, Eyes
Adjusted, or Minor Illusion.
Eyes Adjusted, page 138
Inability: Your small size makes some
Minor Illusion, physical tasks difficult. Might-based tasks
page 162
are hindered.
Additional Equipment: You have a bag
of light tools or a bag of heavy tools.
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure:
From the following list of options, choose
how you became involved in the first
1. You think an object or material you’ve
been looking for can be found where the
other PCs are going.
2. You were recruited because of your
knowledge on a particular subject.


3. You were bored and it sounded like LIZARDFOLK

the PCs were going to do something You are from a long line of fierce reptilian
interesting. predators. You show your fangs and
4. You owe one of the PCs a favor for a scales proudly. Your people survive
useful gift in the past. and thrive in the wetlands, guarding
their eggs, raising their hatchlings, and
protecting their territory. City-builders
HALFLING may call you a savage and your culture
Three feet tall and proud, you are fond primitive, but there is grace in your
of the comforts of home but itching for hunting, artistry in your crafting, joy
a little adventure now and then. Small in your songs, and reverence in your
and quick, you have a way of getting worship.
along with everyone. You might have You gain the following characteristics:
been raised in a halfling village, a mixed Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
community where humans and the Skill: You are trained in balancing,
small folk work and eat side by side as jumping, and swimming. Lizardfolk native to desert
or jungle environments
friends, or a less welcoming environment Skill: You are trained in hunting and
instead of wetlands may
where your people get things done using tracking. be trained in climbing
deception and criminal activity. You and Skill: You are practiced in using javelins instead of swimming.

humans have a lot in common—you’re and spears.

just more compact and efficient about it. Scaly: +1 to Armor.
You gain the following characteristics: Inability: Your slightly clawed hands
Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool. make fine detail work difficult. You have
Skill: You are trained in pleasant social an inability with picking locks, picking
interactions. pockets, and other manual dexterity tasks
Skill: You are trained in stealth. (but not crafting).
Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense. Additional Equipment: You have a spear If you change the training
in Intellect defense to
Advantage: When you use 1 XP to reroll and a pair of javelins.
Speed defense, you
a d20 for any roll that affects only you, Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: could use the halfling
add 3 to the reroll. From the following list of options, choose descriptor for a classic
fantasy goblin.
Inability: Your small size makes some how you became involved in the first
physical tasks difficult. Might-based tasks adventure.
are hindered. 1. The other PCs were lost in your
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: territory and you were sent to escort them
From the following list of options, choose out.
how you became involved in the first 2. Something has been attacking your
adventure. community and you want to find and
1. You were fleeing someone and destroy it.
literally ran into the other PCs. 3. You were exiled from your community
2. You were invited (or invited yourself) and need to prove your worthiness before
as a good luck charm. you can return to it.
3. You were tricked into going with the 4. You or your priest had a vision of you
other PCs or were brought along despite traveling with the other PCs.
your very reasonable objections.
4. You’re very protective of another PC
and want to make sure they get through
the upcoming challenges.




TAVERN BRAWL Local: This is probably a Searching and

This chapter is The Premise: The characters are just Discovering type of character. The player
intended for GMs looking to get a drink or working their should decide the character’s name, brief
shift at a tavern in a low-magic fantasy personality, and profession. They have
setting when a fight breaks out. But the little in the way of equipment, although
For directions on how to fight serves as a distraction for all sorts of someone whose job involves tools might
run a Cypher Short, as larger goings-on. have them.
well as information on
the types, descriptors,
Waitstaff: This is probably a Searching
and foci, please visit this CHARACTER CREATION and Discovering type of character. The
link and download the Characters can be “adventurers” or just player should decide the character’s name
free Cypher Shorts PDF: normal people—some might even be and brief personality. They have a key to
employees of the tavern. This Cypher the storeroom and intimate knowledge of
Short is assumed to be a low-magic the place and even many of the patrons.
setting, so none of the characters use
No one has any special magic and all are human. Character THE SETUP
equipment that they suggestions include: The characters are all at the Muscled
wouldn’t have in a
tavern. Give each PC
Warrior: This is probably someone with Moose tavern one night. It’s a crowded
two subtle cyphers. the Performing Physical Actions type. The evening, and the stewpot over the fire in
player decides the character’s name, a the hearth is already half empty. Ale and
brief personality, and what weapons they harder drinks flow freely.
Subtle Cyphers,
page 378 favor. They should also decide if they’re The tavern is a simple wooden and
an adventurer or mercenary looking for a stone structure, with a large taproom
Sheriff and her recruited drink between adventurers or a bouncer with a hearth and a bar, a back room that
helpers: level 3; health 12; who works in the tavern. They have their serves as a kitchen with a back entrance,
Armor 1
weapons and probably some light armor. and a locked storeroom. The waitstaff
Entertainer: The Talking type would (and a Warrior who is a bouncer) know
work well for this character. The player that there are weapons and medical
decides the character’s name, brief supplies in the storeroom.
personality, and what sort of entertaining Other facts:
they do (sings, recites epic poems, tells • As it is late at night, the local sheriff
jokes, plays the lute). They have whatever will take at least fifteen minutes to
they need for their performance—and round up help to come in and shut the
perhaps a hidden weapon, because tavern brawl down.
brawls aren’t that uncommon. • When the brawl begins, the front
Thief: This is probably someone with door is magically barred by the mage,
the Sneaking type. The player decides the although the magic has no visible
character’s name, brief personality, and manifestation. Breaking it down is
why they’re in the tavern (perhaps just a difficulty 5 task. The back door is
for a drink, to meet a contact, or to pick not sealed, but it’s not immediately
patrons’ pockets). They have a dagger, obvious to patrons that it exists.
some lockpicks, and a large (empty) bag.


POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS Kitchen/Back Room: This area has various

Before the Brawl: The GM should take the improvised light and medium weapons
time to let the PCs interact with others in (knives, platters, pots and pans).
the tavern. Patrons order food and drinks,
waitstaff serves, and so on. The PCs Storeroom: This locked room contains Storeroom lock: level 3
should have a chance to take notice of the food and drink as well as a crossbow and
prominent NPCs there and possibly even bolts, two spears, a sword, a healing kit Healing kit: provides an
interact with them. with bandages, and some healing herbs. asset to healing tasks

The Instigation: Surreptitiously, the mage The Assassin and the Noble: One patron
Ducien Arkash uses psychic manipulations is actually a minor noble traveling
to cause two burly men to start arguing. incognito. Lord Monberrie will try to stay Lord Monberrie: level 3,
The argument soon leads to fisticuffs, and out of the fight, but there is an assassin disguise as level 4
quickly the bar erupts into chaos. The PCs after him who will use the opportunity to Assassin: level 4,
are free to take part or try to avoid the melee. murder him. Anyone who helps save the stealth as level 5
Soon after the fight breaks out, the PCs noble will be duly rewarded.
may notice other strange things going on, Viniara: level 6; health 30;
as described below. GM INTRUSIONS Armor 1; can attack
two close foes as a
• Fire! Something or someone falls single action (using
The Barbarian: Viniara hails from a savage into the hearth and catches on fire, one as a weapon to
land to the north and is spoiling for a real and the flames spread into the strike the other)
fight. As soon as trouble starts, she gleefully room. The ongoing fire automatically Ongoing fire: level 3
fights anyone who is near—PCs or NPCs. inflicts damage each round to anyone
within immediate range, and if not Ducien Arkash: level 4,
The Crafty Mage: Ducien Arkash is a extinguished by the fifth round, it fast talking and deception
as level 5; dagger with
practitioner of the dark arts. He needs begins to seriously spread. level 4 poison (3 points
a confined area filled with chaos and • The Stray Bottle: During the melee, a of Speed damage); can
violence to work a foul spell. While the bottle comes flying toward a character conjure minor visual
fight rages, he sits in the middle of from somewhere else in the fight. and auditory illusions
the room under a table and chants. If They must make a Speed defense Flying bottle: level 4
he manages to do so for five straight roll or take 2 points of damage and
minutes uninterrupted, he conjures a be knocked prone. Further, they’re Demon: level 6; health 35;
bestial demon that looks like a cross now covered in grain alcohol, and if Armor 3; venom that
inflicts 3 points of
between a man, a bull, and a spider. He there’s already a fire raging, they catch Might damage
and the demon leave the tavern, with the fire (2 points of damage each round
demon protecting the mage from harm. until they use an action to extinguish Brawler bully: level 4
themselves). All tasks are hindered
Bar: Shelves behind the bar hold many while they’re on fire. Iolla: level 2, persuasion
bottles of liquor, and under the bar are • The Injured Patron: An innocent and perception as level 4
many glass and wooden mugs (all light bystander is seriously hurt, lying on Thief: level 3,
weapons). A cash box holds 33 gold pieces, the ground and about to be trampled. stealth and pickpocketing
as level 4
152 silver pieces, and 230 copper pieces. • The Bully: A brawler takes a serious
The tavern keeper, Iolla, is an older dislike to a PC and attacks. Iolla’s dog: level 3;
woman who spends the first part of the • The Pickpocket: A thief tries to steal protects Iolla and
follows her commands
brawl behind the bar, yelling at people to from a PC while they are otherwise
stop fighting, and the second half hiding. occupied, and then flee. Remember, characters
If the Warrior is a bouncer, she orders can choose to make their
attacks nonlethal, so
them to stop the fight. She offers a reward CONCLUSION that reducing an NPC
of 2 gold coins to anyone who will help The whole thing is likely over in ten or to 0 health or moving
keep the brawl from destroying her tavern. fifteen minutes, perhaps when the sheriff another PC three steps
Iolla also has a medium-sized dog that arrives or when everyone is unconscious down the damage track
means unconsciousness
usually stays behind the bar with her. or exhausted. rather than death.


THE THING ON THE PRECIPICE way of equipment, although they have

For directions on how to The Premise: Two necromancers are tools and probably a serviceable light or
run a Cypher Short, as
raising the dead in a cemetery outside of medium weapon, even if it’s a pitchfork,
well as information on
the types, descriptors, town in the hopes of resurrecting their wood axe, or hammer.
and foci, please visit this mother. But they might be conjuring more
link and download the
free Cypher Shorts PDF: than they bargained for as a powerful THE SETUP entity of death seeks access to the land of The dead rise! A pair of twin
the living. necromancers has cast a powerful spell in
The zombies in the cemetery outside of the small town of
this scenario are
not infectious.
CHARACTER CREATION Northbank. The scenario starts at night,
Characters should be residents of a when zombies shuffle into town from
small fantasy town. Most, if not all, the direction of the cemetery. Initially,
should be human. Cypher Short character each PC is alone (or with an NPC who is
suggestions include: significant to them, like a family member
Guard: This is probably someone with they need to protect) when they are the
the Performing Physical Actions type. The victims of sudden but random attacks.
player decides the character’s name, a It is these attacks that draw the PCs
brief personality, and what weapons they together to investigate and deal with this
carry. They have their weapons and wear problem.
medium armor. The priest knows about the holy water
Merchant: The Talking type would work in the temple.
well for this character. The player decides
the character’s name, brief personality, POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS
and what sort of commerce they engage Night: One zombie per PC enters town
in. They have a fair bit of money and and attacks. These initial attacks are
No one starts with any perhaps a small weapon for self-defense. random. Each subsequent night, the
special equipment beyond
Priest: This character should be number of zombies that wander into
what’s listed. Give each
PC two subtle cyphers. portrayed by the Wielding Supernatural town increases by two. By the third night,
Powers type. The player decides the the necromancers start sending zombies
character’s name, a brief personality, and directly to attack the PCs, wherever they
Subtle Cyphers, the name and nature of their religion. are.
page 378
They have a holy symbol and vestments
Rejuvenator, page 395 and a manifest rejuvenator cypher (a Day: The PCs can use the daytime to
potion) in addition to the subtle cyphers rest, recuperate, and investigate. They
Zombie, page 371
that everyone gets. will never find any zombies or the
Thief: This is probably someone with necromancers during the day.
the Sneaking type. The player decides the If the PCs ask around, a few of the
character’s name and a brief personality. townsfolk know the story of Mariene, who
They have three daggers, some lockpicks died years ago. Her strange twin children
and other tools of the trade, and a large were obviously traumatized but then
(empty) bag. disappeared.
Worker: This is probably a Searching
and Discovering type of character. The Looking for Help: Although the town
Constable or other player decides the character’s name, constable is frightened of the undead, he
ally: level 3
brief personality, and profession (farmer, can be persuaded to help those defending
herder, carpenter, or wilderness guide are Northbank. There might be three or four
all good choices). They have little in the other able-bodied adults in town who can


help, but each would need to be found The Entity at the Precipice: At some point,
and convinced individually. Most people at night, the necromancers finish their
are terrified of the walking dead and long rituals, hoping to be reunited with
would rather hide in their houses. their mother, but instead bring forth a
horrible entity of death that waits just The Entity: level 6;
victims touched move
The Cemetery in the Day: Just over a hill outside the living lands. It emerges and
one step down the
outside of town; a river runs along the kills Elias and Novara, and its presence damage track
edge. Searching PCs might find a few puts the entire town in jeopardy.
dug-up graves, black candle stubs, and
strange symbols etched into gravestones. GM INTRUSIONS
I Know Them: The character recognizes
The Cemetery at Night: Eight zombies one of the animated dead. If they fail a
roam the cemetery each night, in two difficulty 4 Intellect defense roll, they
groups. They attack if they see anyone cannot act for one round and suffer 3
alive. points of Intellect damage from shock
and horror.
The Temple: The temple has two level 4
cyphers in the form of holy water. Each Spectral Vision: The veil between worlds
will immediately destroy a zombie of level thins, and the character gets a brief
3 or lower it touches. If there is no PC glimpse into the land of the dead. If they
priest, a kindly aged priest named Olian fail a difficulty 5 Intellect defense roll, Olian: level 3,
knowledge of religious
will give the cyphers to capable defenders. they cannot act for one round and suffer
matters (including the
Olian might also have advice about the 5 points of Intellect damage from shock undead) as level 5
undead and necromantic magic. and horror.

The Necromancers: Beginning on the From Below: A zombie bursts up from

third night, the necromancers can be the ground beneath the character and
found in the cemetery at midnight. They immediately attacks. The character’s
are performing their rituals and spells. Speed defense roll is hindered by two
Elias and Novara are identical twin steps. Elias and Novara: level 4,
necromantic magic and
siblings, gaunt and pale. They seek to
lore as level 5; health 16;
open the door to the land of the dead to Open Grave: The character trips and falls Armor 1 (magical wards);
bring back their mother, but all they are into an open grave. They suffer 1 point of cast spells, including
ones that cause a nearby
doing is stirring the entity that dwells on damage and must use an action climbing target to lose their
the precipice between life and death. Each out. next action or suffer 4
points of chilling cold
has an undead assistant that defends damage. They can also
them, performs manual labor, and will CONCLUSION use an action to turn a
intercept an attack aimed at them as a The conclusion won’t come any sooner corpse (even a destroyed
zombie) into a zombie.
GM intrusion. than the third night because the
If the PCs can convince the necromancers have to be stopped before
necromancers that they can’t bring back the zombie attacks will stop. Once that
their mother, but instead will bring a happens, the town should be safe.
death entity into the world, the twins
might stop their plans.


LOST IN THE DUNGEON as a single action. They can talk, but only
For directions on how to The Premise: Nonhuman dungeon using very basic “squawking” words. They
run a Cypher Short, as
dwellers are lost in an unexplored section can carry any one other PC on their back
well as information on
the types, descriptors, of a huge underground labyrinth. Can they except the ogre.
and foci, please visit this make it to safety?
link and download the
free Cypher Shorts PDF: THE SETUP CHARACTER CREATION The characters are monsters that dwell
Characters should be nonhuman in a dungeon-like labyrinth underground.
If the GM prefers, they subterranean monsters. They can all see They were not necessarily allies, but now
can use any dungeon
well enough in the dark that it shouldn’t they have to work together to survive
map they might have
from another adventure. hinder them. Cypher Short character as an earthquake has just caused their
suggestions include: section to collapse. Rather than being
Ogre: This is probably someone with buried in rubble like many of the dungeon
the Performing Physical Actions type. The denizens, each PC has been dumped
player decides the character’s name, a into a lower level they didn’t even know
brief personality, and what weapons they existed. They can’t return the way they
carry. They have their weapons and wear came because the path is blocked with
medium armor. tons of rock, so they have to find their
Satyr: The Talking type would work well own way.
for this character. The player decides the There is no map for this dungeon;
character’s name and a brief personality. the GM makes up the layout as they go
They have a bow, a sword, and six along. The layout doesn’t matter, and
doses of a level 4 poison that inflicts 4 the PCs should pass through plenty
No one starts with any additional points of damage. of empty rooms and corridors quickly
special equipment beyond
Fae: This character should be portrayed and uneventfully until they reach an
what’s listed. Give each
PC two subtle cyphers. by the Wielding Supernatural Powers encounter. There should be enough dead
type. The player decides the character’s ends and twisting paths so the adventure
name and a brief personality, as well never feels linear, even though the PCs’
as their magical power(s). They have 5 goal is straightforward.
Subtle Cyphers,
page 378 Armor against any magical attack but
suffer 1 additional point of damage from POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS
Manifest Cyphers,
page 379 iron weapons. They also have a random Empty Gallery: This long, wide, pillared
manifest cypher in addition to the subtle hall has many alcoves, each of which
Skeleton, page 353
cyphers everyone gets. holds a small art object. A few are ruined
Goblin: This is probably someone with with age, but at least six are still quite
the Sneaking type. The player decides the valuable.
character’s name and a brief personality.
They have three daggers, a small bow, Crypt: This large room holds many
light armor, some lockpicks, various tools, sarcophagi. Twelve of them contain
Locked door: level 4 and a burlap sack. skeletons that will animate and attack, but
Griffin: This is probably a Searching and only six at a time. The door leading out is
Discovering type of character. The player locked.
should decide the character’s name and There are many objects of value and
brief personality. They have no equipment even a few small casks of coins stored
and can’t use tools (no hands), but they here as grave goods around a simple
can fly, have 1 Armor, and make two shrine.
medium attacks with their claws or beak


Greedy Dwarves: Three dwarven mining manifest cyphers. They also have a map Dwarves, page 135
scouts are exploring, looking for gold. to the surface, which the PCs can use to
They hate goblins and dislike ogres, but get out if they want (and thanks to the
could be reasoned with if the PCs try adventurers, the way is clear of danger).
(particularly if they offer bribes). They
have two manifest cyphers. GM INTRUSIONS
Aftershock: Group intrusion. The ground
Two Pools: A large room holds two pools shakes and parts of the ceiling collapse.
of water. One is normal, but the other is Failed Speed defense rolls (difficulty 4)
magical. Drinking from the magical pool result in 3 points of damage, and one
will either give the drinker a new subtle character struck is trapped, requiring a
cypher or transform them into a goblin difficulty 6 Might task to free them.
(equal chance of either, difficulty 3 Might
defense roll to resist the transformation). Locked Door: If a PC is trying to get
somewhere quickly (perhaps fleeing a
Abandoned Storeroom: This room has foe), the door they need to get through is
nothing particularly valuable, but there locked or the passage is suddenly blocked
are some usable tools, rope, barrels, and by a dropping portcullis. Level 4.
crates, should they be necessary. There Troll, page 129
are also a few rats here, which aren’t a Arrow Trap: Level 4. Inflicts 4 points of
threat but could be a meal for most of damage. The troll is a dangerous
foe for the PCs in this
the PCs.
scenario, and if they try
Pit Trap: Level 4. Drops 20 feet (6 m) to fight it head on, things
Chasm: The earthquake created a chasm down to spikes, inflicting 6 points of could go very poorly.

that now cuts through the passage ahead. damage.

It is 30 feet (9 m) across and 60 feet Elf, page 135
(18 m) deep. Magical Trap: The room or corridor bursts Bard, page 133
with magical fire, inflicting 5 points of Paladin, page 136
Troll: The PCs hear a horrible monster damage to everyone who fails a
rumbling around, clearing rubble that has difficulty 4 Speed defense
collapsed into its lair. Luckily, this troll roll.
is not too hungry, so if they try to flee, it
probably won’t follow. CONCLUSION
The scenario ends when
Shifting Room: The floor of this very large the PCs reach someplace
magical room is made of shifting plates. safe. That might be a
Each time the PCs try to cross it, the new, empty section of the
plates shift, and the characters are back dungeon or the surface,
where they started or pushed into a far where they can hide in the
corner (GM decides). It is a difficulty 5 dark forest, away from the
Intellect task to see the pattern and move gaze of humanity.
to the right places in the right order to get

Adventurers: An elf, a human bard, and a

human paladin explore the dungeon. They
attack ruthlessly and have four random




This chapter is hese creatures and NPCs are provided to help you populate your own fantasy setting.
intended for GMs The most important element of each creature or NPC is its level. You use the
only. level to determine the target number a PC must reach to attack or defend against
the opponent. In each entry, the target number for the creature is listed in parentheses
after its level. The target number is three times the level.
Understanding the
Listings, page 312 A creature’s target number is usually also its health, which is the amount of damage
Chapter 22: it can sustain before it is dead or incapacitated. For easy reference, the entries always
Creatures, page 312 list a creature’s health, even when it’s the normal amount for a creature of its level.
Chapter 23: NPCs, For more detailed information on level, health, combat, and other elements, see the
page 372
Understanding the Listings section in the Cypher System Rulebook.


Level Name 4 Elemental, water 6 Chimera*
1 Goblin* 4 Elf 6 Elemental, thorn
1 Shadow 4 Ghost* 6 Golem*
2 Guard* 4 Ghoul* 6 Hag
2 Morlock 4 Giant snake* 6 Jotunn, fire
2 Orc* 4 Hollow knight 6 Jotunn, frost
2 Skeleton* 4 Minotaur 6 Manticore
2 Wraith 4 Ogre* 6 Puppet tree*
3 Bard 4 Paladin 6 Troll
3 Berserker 4 Shadow elf* 6 Vampire*
3 Crime boss* 4 Thief 6 Wyvern
3 Deinonychus* 4 Werewolf* 7 Corrupt mage
3 Faerie 5 Basilisk 7 Cyclops
3 Giant rat* 5 Cambion 7 Djinni*
3 Giant spider* 5 Demon* 7 Dragon*
3 Halfling 5 Elemental, earth* 7 Evil priest
3 Harpy 5 Fallen angel* 7 Giant*
3 Merfolk 5 Gorgon 7 Hydra
3 Sapient tree 5 Mi-go* 7 Noble knight
3 Thug* 5 Necromancer 7 Sphinx
3 Transitional vampire* 5 Occultist* 7 Statue, animate*
3 Zombie* 5 Prince(ss) of summer* 7 Tyrannosaurus rex*
4 Deep one* 5 Satyr 7 Worm that walks
4 Devil* 5 Soul eater 8 Lich
4 Druid 5 Wendigo* 8 Wizard, mighty*
4 Dwarf 5 Witch* 9 Demigod*
4 Elemental, air 6 Assassin* 9 Demon lord
4 Elemental, fire* 6 Blackguard 10 Kaiju*
* Creature or NPC found in the Cypher System Rulebook



If you need a larger or tougher version of a creature, such as a dire wolf or a giant
crocodile, you can just increase the creature’s level (and all of its modifications) by 1 or
2. For example, if a regular wolf is level 3 with perception as level 4, a dire wolf might
be level 4 with perception as level 5, or it might be level 5 with perception as level 6.
If the creature has a damage or health stat that isn’t the default for its level, take that Alternatively, keep the
proportions of its health
into account at the modified creature’s new level. For example, a level 5 grizzly bear has
the same by dividing the
20 health instead of the usual 15 (5 more health than the default), so a level 6 grizzly bear creature’s health by its
should have 23 health (the default 18 for a level 6 creature plus the extra 5). A level 2 viper old level and multiplying
that number by its new
inflicts 3 points of Speed damage (1 more than the default), so a level 3 viper inflicts 4 level. This would give
points of Speed damage. a level 6 grizzly bear
24 health (its health of
A simple rule of thumb is to double a creature’s size (length, width, and height) for 20, divided by its old
every level it increases. So a rat becomes as big as a cat, a cat becomes as big as a dog, level of 5, multiplied
a dog becomes as large as a human, a human becomes as large as a horse or ogre, by its new level of 6).

and an ogre becomes the size of an elephant or giant.


Bat: level 1
Black bear: level 3, attacks as level 4
Blacksmith: level 2, metalworking as level 4; health 8
Cat: level 1, Speed defense as level 3 due to size and quickness
Catfolk: level 3, balancing and climbing as level 4; damage inflicted 4 points
Centaur: level 4; health 15; moves a long distance each round
Crocodile: level 4; Armor 1; swims a short distance each round
Dire wolf: level 4, attacks and perception as level 5; Armor 1
Dog: level 2, perception as level 3
Dog, guard: level 3, attacks and perception as level 4
Elephant: level 5; health 20; Armor 1
Farmer: level 2, animal handling as level 3; health 8
Gargoyle: level 3; Armor 5; damage inflicted 5 points; flies a short distance each round
Giant ape: level 3, climbing and attacks as level 4
Giant crab: level 6; Armor 4; pincer attack holds prey and automatically inflicts damage
each turn until the target succeeds at a Might or Speed defense task
Giant frog: level 3
Giant octopus: level 5, Might defense and stealth as level 6; health 25; attacks four
times as an action
Giant scorpion: level 4; Armor 2; damage inflicted 4 points plus 4 points of Speed
damage (ignores Armor) on a failed Might defense task
Giant snake: level 4; health 18; Armor 2; damage inflicted 4 points plus 3 points of
Speed damage (ignores Armor) on a failed Might defense task
Gnoll: level 2, Speed defense as level 3 due to shield; health 8; Armor 2
Gorilla: level 2, attacks as level 3; damage inflicted 3 points
Griffon: level 4, perception as level 5; Armor 1; flies a long distance each round
Grizzly bear: level 5; health 20; Armor 1
Hawk: level 2; flies a long distance each round
Hippogryph: level 3, attacks as level 4; flies a long distance each round


Horse: level 3; moves a long distance each round

Leopard: level 4; climbing, jumping, stealth, and attacks as level 5; Armor 1
Lion or tiger: level 5, attacks as level 6; Armor 1
Lizardfolk: level 3; Armor 1
Merchant: level 2, haggling and assessment tasks as level 3
Mummy: level 6; ancient history, ancient religion, climbing, and stealth as level 8;
health 24; Armor 2; damage inflicted 7 points
Nymph: level 3, stealth and positive social interactions as level 6
Pegasus: level 3, Speed defense as level 4; moves or flies a long distance each round
Pterodactyl: level 3; Armor 1; flies a long distance each round
Rat: level 1
Roc: level 6; health 25; Armor 2; flies a long distance each round; attacks twice as an
Shark: level 3, attacks as level 4; health 15; Armor 2
Undead claw: level 1, attacks as level 3, Speed defense as level 3 due to quickness and
size; health 5; Armor 1
Unicorn: level 4; Might defense, perception, and attacks as level 5; health 15; Armor 1;
makes two attacks as its action; once per hour can teleport up to 1 mile; once per
hour can heal a creature for 4 Pool points (or health) and remove poisons up to
level 4
Villager: level 1
Viper: level 2; bite inflicts 3 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor)
Warhorse: level 4; moves a long distance each round
Werebear: level 5, attacks as level 6; Armor 1; damage inflicted 6 points; regenerates 2
health per round (unless recently wounded by silver)
Wererat: level 3, Speed defense and stealth as level 4; regenerates 2 health per round
(unless recently wounded by silver)
Wereshark: level 4, attacks as level 5; health 15; Armor 2; regenerates 2 health per round
(unless recently wounded by silver)
Weretiger: level 5, attacks as level 6; Armor 1; damage inflicted 6 points; regenerates 2
health per round (unless recently wounded by silver)
Wolf: level 3, perception as level 4
Yeti: level 3; attacks, perception, and stealth as level 4; Armor 1


A basilisk is a magical kind of serpent that resembles a cobra, has a series of scales on its
head like a crown, and crawls upright instead of slithering on its belly. It feeds on snakes
and other creatures smaller than itself, relying on its poisonous aura to weaken and kill
its prey. It is known to make an unnerving growl instead of a typical snake hiss. An adult
basilisk is 10 to 18 feet (3 to 5.5 m) long.
Motive: Hunger Weasels are completely
Environment: Forests and plains immune to basilisk
Health: 15 venom. Weasel-like
creatures such as otters,
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
ferrets, and badgers may
Armor: 1 have limited immunity.
Movement: Short
Modifications: Perception and stealth as level 6
Combat: A basilisk bites like a snake, inflicting 5 points of damage and injecting a poison GM intrusion: The
that moves the target one step down the damage track if they fail a Might defense roll. basilisk strikes quickly,
biting the same creature
The basilisk can spit its poison up to short range, inflicting 1 point of damage and twice on its turn.
moving the target one step down the damage track if they fail a Might defense roll.
The basilisk’s venom affects its breath, and on its turn, anything
within immediate range of it must make a Might defense roll
or take 1 point of poison damage. Because of this constant
invisible cloud of poison, a basilisk’s lair is surrounded
by a stinking area of dead vegetation, blasted earth, and
etched stone.
Basilisk venom is so potent that even creatures that are
immune to poison can still be harmed by it, taking 5
points of Speed damage instead of moving down the
damage track. (A creature that is immune to poison and
acid is fully immune to the venom.)
Anyone within short range of a basilisk who meets its gaze and
fails a Might defense roll turns to stone. In combat, when
a character within short distance attacks a basilisk, they
must either avert their gaze to attack safely (which
hinders their attack by two steps) or make a Might
defense roll. On a failed Might defense roll, the
character takes 5 points of ambient damage as
their flesh partly mineralizes; if the character is
killed by this damage, they are turned to stone.
Interaction: Basilisks act like simple animals and
respond threateningly if disturbed or provoked. If
not hungry, a basilisk avoids conflict and hides in
its lair.
Use: A blighted area in a field, briar, or forest
suggests that a basilisk has moved into the area.
Swarms of snakes enter a village, fleeing an
approaching basilisk.
Loot: Basilisk venom is valuable, but it must
be stored in a strong, sealed container or
the bearer will succumb to the poison. Its
blood has alchemical properties relating to
transmuting metals.


Blackguards are evil knights who serve dark entities or their own corrupt agendas. Some
were once honorable knights who fell to temptation and have abandoned their original
principles, but many were raised under evil circumstances and have never known anything
but hatred and conflict.
Motive: Power, domination of others, slaughter
Environment: Almost anywhere, either alone or as part of a cult or evil organization
Health: 30
Fiendish beast: level 4, Damage Inflicted: 7 points
stealth as level 5, Armor: 2 or 3
Might and Intellect
Movement: Short; long when mounted
defense as level 5
Modifications: Perception and Intellect defense as level 7
Combat: Blackguards use high-quality armor and weapons (usually decorated with symbols
Zombie, page 371 depicting death, demons, or evil gods). Many wear heavy armor and prefer weapons
that inflict bleeding wounds, but some take a more subtle approach and act more like
GM intrusions: assassins than knights. A blackguard typically has two or three of the following abilities:
The blackguard’s weapon Fiendish Beast: The blackguard has a companion creature such as a dog, horse, or raven
flares with unholy power, with an eerie, unnatural look (in the case of small animals, the creature may also be an
inflicting an additional
6 points of damage
exceptionally large specimen of its kind). The creature is actually a semi-intelligent fiend
(ignores Armor). in animal shape (and therefore immune to abilities that affect only normal animals)
A slain blackguard that can understand the blackguard’s commands, and may even be able to speak. If the
rises as an undead or is beast is a horse or similar creature, the blackguard might ride it
possessed by a demon as a mount.
and continues to fight. Necromancy: The blackguard uses a ten-minute ritual to
animate a human-sized corpse as a zombie under their
control. The zombie becomes a corpse again after a day.
Poison: The blackguard coats their weapons with a level 6
poison; a foe who fails a Might defense roll moves
one step down the damage track.
Spells: The blackguard knows several spells granted
by an evil entity, typically spells that cause a foe to
flee in fear for one minute, restore 10 health, create
an eerie darkness or fog in long range, or grant +5
Armor against energy and magical attacks for an
Surprise Attack: When the blackguard attacks from
a hidden vantage, with surprise, or before their
opponent has acted in combat, they get an asset on
the attack and inflict +4 points of damage.
Unholy Aura: Defense rolls by foes within immediate
distance of the blackguard are hindered.
Unholy Blessing: The blackguard’s defense rolls are eased.
Interaction: Blackguards enjoy killing righteous paragons of good
and are often cruel for the sake of cruelty itself.
Use: A blackguard has united various groups of bandits into a small
army. An evil wizard sends her blackguard lieutenant to kill the
people interfering with her plans.
Loot: Blackguards usually have treasures equivalent to three or four
expensive items, a few useful manifest cyphers, and an artifact
weapon or armor.


CAMBION 5 (15)
Fine ebony scales cover a cambion’s perfectly athletic figure. Two reddish horns grow from
its brow, and the tips of fangs emerge from between its dusky lips. Its eyes, absent iris and
pupil, are the color of driven snow. Cambions are cursed creatures, born of mortal and
demonic parentage, and are also sometimes called helborn. Most cambions give in to what
everyone expects of them, and embrace evil.
Motive: Defense, conquest, revenge on a world that’s rejected them
Environment: Anywhere, often hiding in plain sight
Health: 25
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Disguise as level 7
Combat: Cambions sometimes wield heavy weapons in combat, especially if they come
across an artifact that can enhance their attacks.
Some cambions develop their natural and magical abilities to become powerful sorcerers,
but most can call up hellish energy merely by willing it at least once per day, as follows.
Finger of Torture: A ruby ray lances out from the cambion’s
finger to strike an enemy prone with torturous pain on
GM intrusion: The
a failed Might defense task. The target automatically character’s cypher
takes 6 points of damage each round until they can explodes when touched
escape the effect with an Intellect task. by cambion demon
Soulfire Blast: An explosion of soul-rending black fire on a failed Speed
defense task.
and crimson fire explodes around up to three
targets standing next to each other within
short range, inflicting 4 points of damage and
stunning the targets so that they lose their
next action on a failed Speed defense task.
Interaction: Cambions are bleak, depressed,
and misunderstood. Most have turned to
evil, but a few can be redeemed.
Use: A great fire is seen burning on the
horizon. The next day, travelers come
across a burned region with a crater
that has destroyed a farmhouse.
At the center of the crater is
an unconscious human with
hornlike growths on its head.
Loot: Powerful cambions sometimes
wield artifacts as weapons.



Some wizards and sorcerers are tempted by dark magic, inevitably damning their souls and
corrupting their flesh as they cut corners and delve into forbidden lore. Their research and
experimentation create new kinds of rampaging monsters and turn people into misshapen
horrors. They sometimes modify their own bodies in order to gain demonic or draconic
powers, or make pacts with such creatures for knowledge and magical ingredients.
Motive: Magical knowledge at all costs
Fleshbeast: level 4, Environment: Almost anywhere, usually with fleshbeast minions
attacks as level 5; Health: 35
health 15; Armor 1
Damage Inflicted: 7 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: All tasks related to knowledge of arcane lore, demons, and altering bodies as
level 8
Combat: Corrupt mages blast opponents with beams of energy that blister, slash, and rot
Demon, page 322 flesh, attacking up to three creatures as an action. Many of them have given themselves
long claws and teeth that they can use to make up to three melee attacks per action.
A corrupt mage knows many spells, such as the following:
GM intrusions: • Armor: Covers a creature with ugly scales, granting them +3 to Armor for an hour.
A desperate or dying • Madness: Wracks the brain of one creature within short range for one hour, reducing
corrupt mage transforms
their own body into
them to a babbling catatonic state in which they can’t recognize friend or foe. If
several new fleshbeasts, disturbed or harmed, the creature is likely to lash out with lethal force at what it
which retain fragments perceives as its tormentors.
of the mage’s intelligence • Organ Request: Extracts a handful of internal organs from an opponent within short
and immediately attack.
range, moving the creature one step down the damage track if it fails a Might defense
The mage’s attack spell
is incredibly painful,
stunning the character • Polymorph: Transforms one foe within short range into a tiny, helpless creature such as
for one round if they fail a cockroach, fish, or snail for one hour.
a Might defense roll. • Summon Demon: Summons a demon to serve the mage for one hour.
• Teleport: Moves the mage up to 100 miles (160 km) away, or
less far if they bring additional creatures with them.
• Twist Flesh: Reshapes the flesh of a creature within close
range, turning it into a hideous monstrosity for one hour.
The transformed creature’s actions are hindered, but its
physical attacks inflict +3 points of damage. The mage’s
control over the creature is limited to indicating which
target it should attack.
A corrupt mage usually has several cyphers useful in combat
and perhaps an artifact as well.
Interaction: Corrupt mages generally can’t be trusted and see
other creatures as things to experiment on and vivisect.
They might negotiate with someone who brings them a rare
specimen or spell. Many are mentally disturbed by their
research and self-alterations and may fluctuate between calm
clarity, obsession, paranoia, and rage.
Use: The strange hybrid monsters emerging from the forest are
said to be the creations of a corrupt mage. A corrupt mage in a
calm state presents themselves as a neutral or benevolent wizard
seeking assistance on a task.
Loot: A corrupt mage has 1d6 cyphers and perhaps a wizardly artifact.


CYCLOPS 7 (21)
Cyclopes resemble massive humans that stand 50 to 60 feet (15 to 18 m) tall and weigh
about 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg). Everything about these giants is exaggerated, from the
thick features of their faces to their oversized hands and lumpy, corpulent bodies. They
clothe themselves in animal skins, scraps of cloth, or canvas stolen during their travels.
A cyclops’s most distinctive feature is the single eye positioned in the center of its forehead.
Cyclopes live on the edges of civilized areas or on remote islands. For all their power and
stature, they aren’t especially brave, and most have a dim idea that puny humans have an
advantage when they have numbers on their side.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Almost anywhere
Health: 32
Damage Inflicted: 8 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short GM intrusions:
Modifications: Attacks targets within immediate range as level 5 due to poor eyesight; The cyclops hits a
character so hard that
Speed defense as level 5 due to size; Intellect defense as level 4 they fly a short distance
Combat: A cyclops can always resort to using its fists in melee, pummeling opponents with away and land prone.
knuckles the size of large hogs. However, most cyclopes carry
A character struck
a tree trunk and use it to sweep enemies from their path. by the cyclops’s fist is
Due to its massive height, a cyclops can make a melee grabbed and stuffed in
attack against creatures within short range. the creature’s sack.
Cyclopes can pry up boulders from the ground and throw
them at targets within long range. A thrown boulder
inflicts 8 points of damage to all targets in an
immediate area.
Killing a cyclops can be dangerous. When killed, it
falls away from the attacker that delivered the
killing blow. Any creature under it when
it falls must make a successful Speed
defense roll or be pinned under its corpse
and take 7 points of damage. Escaping from
under a dead cyclops requires a successful
Might roll.
Interaction: Cyclopes know the language of the
lands they inhabit, but they are notoriously
dim and easily fooled. A cyclops thinks
about its belly first and foremost and
doesn’t pay much attention to what it
stuffs in its mouth.
Use: A cyclops has been rampaging across
the countryside, and warriors sent to
deal with it have been vanquished. PCs
who investigate learn that the cyclops has
been robbed and is trying to find the stolen
Loot: Most cyclopes carry sacks filled with things
they find interesting or plan to eat. Aside from
the rubbish, a typical sack contains 1d100 coins
of the realm and a couple of cyphers.



Demon lords are mighty demons, commanding hundreds of lesser fiends and often ruling
an entire hellscape dimension. No mere brutes, they are smart, wield powerful magic,
make centuries-long plans of conquest against rival demons, and seek to corrupt and
enslave powerful mortals. Some are nearly as powerful as gods and are worshipped as such
by cultists or evil creatures, claiming ownership of a concept like murder, rot, undeath, or
Cambion, page 101 seduction. A few are known to mate with mortals to produce cambion offspring.
Motive: Power, conquest, souls
Demon lords sometimes
use noble or royal titles Environment: Any hell dimension, sometimes called by mortal magic
such as duke/duchess, Health: 100
prince/princess, Damage Inflicted: 12 points
king/queen, and so on. Armor: 5
Many demons have no
gender or can change Movement: Short; long when flying
gender, and use whatever Modifications: History and magical knowledge as level 10
title they prefer. Combat: A demon lord attacks with a bolt of evil energy or fire up to a long distance away,
inflicting 12 points of damage on one target or 9 points of damage on all targets within
short range of the primary target. Targets caught in the area attack who succeed on a
Speed defense roll still suffer 5 points of damage. A demon lord can make melee attacks
on all targets within immediate range as an action.
They can also call on a variety of other magical abilities that mimic the effect of any cypher
of level 5 or lower—usually destructive, painful, and transformative effects.
A demon lord automatically regains 3 points of health per round. They typically have the
following abilities:
• Change Shape: The demon lord can take the form of a human or similar humanoid
as its action, or return to its regular shape. When so changed, its disguise is nearly
impenetrable without special knowledge. As a human, the demon lord is a level 7
Possession, page 69 • Possession: The demon lord can possess a creature and still use its own abilities.
• Summon Demon: Summon a demon or
Wishes, page 71
devil to serve it for one day.
• Wish: The demon lord can grant
Demon, page 322 a mortal a wish (up to level 9)
Devil, page 323 in exchange for an appropriate
payment or service, but the wish
is often twisted or has hidden
GM intrusions: consequences.
The demon lord offers
the character something Interaction: Demon lords are willing to
so tempting (an artifact, bargain with mortals if it leads to
immortality, and so the mortal’s corruption or advances
on) that they lose their
the demon’s agenda in some way. They
next action and must
make an Intellect sometimes respond to flattery or bribes of
defense roll to resist powerful souls or magic items.
trying to bargain for it. Use: A mad cult wants to summon a
The demon lord creates demon lord in order to end the world. A
a portal and retreats mysterious stranger offers aid in exchange
to its own dimension;
the portal remains for a favor to be named later.
open for one round. Loot: A demon lord often has an artifact relating
to some aspect of its nature or interests,
such as a weapon, ring, or armor, as well as
1d6 cyphers.



Air elementals are capricious pieces of air with simple minds. They spontaneously appear
in clouds and high mountains, and often resemble an area of mist or a cloudlike humanoid
Motive: Mischief and destruction
Environment: Anywhere the wind blows
Health: 24
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Long when flying
Modifications: Stealth as level 6
Combat: Air elementals slice foes up to a short distance away with blades of fierce wind, or
use blasts of air to throw small objects. GM intrusion: A
Once every other round, an air elemental can turn into a tornado-like vortex that inflicts violent blast of wind
disarms a character
4 points of damage to all creatures within immediate and sends whatever
range. In this form, the elemental gains +1 to Armor they were holding up to
and an additional +2 to Armor against physical a long distance away
projectile weapons such as arrows and javelins. (depending on the
object’s size and weight).
The elemental reverts to its normal form at the
start of its next turn.
An air elemental can disperse itself over a
short area as an action. In this form it
is invisible, unable to attack, and can’t
be attacked except with area attacks.
The elemental can remain in this form
indefinitely, but must use an action to
return to its normal form.
Air elementals are elusive opponents and hard
to destroy. If an air elemental is reduced to
0 health, there is a 50 percent chance that it
rejuvenates a few rounds later with 6 health. The
elemental then continues to fight or flees to cause
trouble elsewhere.
Interaction: Air elementals see and hear many things,
but they are flighty and what they remember usually
isn’t important or relevant. They can be summoned
with magic but don’t like being controlled, and
there is a 10 percent chance that they free
themselves and strike out on their own.
Use: A safe mountain trail has become hazardous
due to unseasonal winds that threaten to push
travelers off a cliff. An old tree is surrounded
by whispers of conversations that took place
recently and has started hurling sticks and
fruit at anyone who comes too close.



The grisly sign of an active thorn elemental in areas of heavy woods or jungle is the
presence of shriveled bodies dangling from vines, dead of strangulation and poison. Thorn
GM intrusion: A
character within
elementals take form in areas dense with woody growth under threat by hatchet, axe, saw,
short range of a thorn and, sometimes, human-caused climate disruptions.
elemental must make a Motive: Defense of forests
successful Speed defense Environment: Anywhere trees grow
roll or be hauled into
the air by a vine noose Health: 36
around their neck. Damage Inflicted: 6 points
They can try to cut the Armor: 2
woody vine or attempt
Movement: Immediate
a Might task to break
free before they strangle. Combat: Thorn elementals batter foes with thorny, vine-wrapped fists. Targets who suffer
Each round after the damage must make a successful Might defense roll or take 2 points of Speed damage
first in which they fail from a paralytic poison transmitted by a thorn’s prick. Worse, the poison continues
to break the noose, they
move down one step
to inflict 2 points of Speed damage each round until the victim succeeds at a Might
on the damage track. defense roll.
As its action, a thorn elemental can disentangle its form and reassemble a new body
Woody vine: level 4; anywhere within long range where trees and plants grow. A thorn elemental regains 2
Armor 1
points of health each time it travels in this fashion.
Interaction: Thorn elementals communicate through speech, though
they generally disdain talking to creatures of the animal kingdom.
Thorn elementals exist within a hierarchy; those that have a greater
capacity for communication are also usually more powerful.
Summoned thorn elementals have about a 5 percent chance of
breaking the geas and turning on their summoner.
Use: Adventuring characters journey through a forest that is under
threat of destruction by an encroachment of other humanoids.
Thinking the PCs are part of the encroachers, a thorn elemental
attacks them. If communication is opened, it
might break off hostilities and instead ask the
characters to help.
Loot: The bodies of those previously defeated
by thorn elementals dangle from the forest
or jungle canopy with all their former
possessions. One or two might have a
cypher and other tools and treasure.



Water elementals are animate masses of water. When swimming, they are nearly
Fire elemental,
indistinguishable from their surroundings, but when they have to move on dry land, page 326
they usually take the form of a curling wave, amorphous blob, or large puddle. They can
spontaneously appear in locations with pristine salt or fresh water. Earth elemental,
page 327
Motive: Flood, drown, and wash away
Environment: Anywhere there is flowing water
Health: 24
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Short; long if swimming
Modifications: Swimming and aquatic maneuvers as level 6; stealth as level 6 when in
Combat: Water elementals bash opponents with heavy limbs of water or spray jets of water
out to short range. GM intrusion: The force
Instead of a bashing attack, a water elemental can use its action to attempt to envelop, of the elemental’s attack
smother, and crush one opponent, who can resist with a Might knocks over a character,
sweeps them a short
defense roll. If the opponent fails, it takes 4 points of damage distance away, or both.
immediately and every round on the elemental’s turn. Each
following turn, the enveloped character must attempt a new
Might defense roll every round or move one step down the
damage track from drowning as the elemental forces itself
into the creature’s lungs. The creature can free itself with a
Might defense roll. An elemental with an enveloped opponent
can move up to a short distance as its action; a common
tactic is to dive deep, release their opponent to drown normally,
then return to its previous position to fight other opponents.
Any attack that inflicts 6 or more points of cold
damage hinders a water elemental’s
actions on its next turn.
Interaction: Water elementals are
somewhat intelligent but think very
differently from humans, so they
often seem distracted and dull.
They are generally compliant
when summoned with magic,
but there is about a 5 percent
chance that they break free of the
spell and lash out against their
Use: Offerings left at a sacred pond
have gone missing, and the water
itself seems threatening. Garbage or
dead bodies have polluted a water
source, spawning an angry elemental
that attacks everyone until the mess is
cleaned up.


Skeleton, page 353 EVIL PRIEST 7 (21)

Zombie, page 371
Evil priests are worshippers of evil gods, demons, devils, strange malevolent forces from
Demon, page 322
beyond known dimensions, or even death itself. They lead cults, corrupt the innocent with
Giant snake, page 334 lies and twisted ideologies, and enact the will of their patron in the mortal world. The most
insidious ones are able to infiltrate good churches and secular organizations in order to
Giant spider, page 335 tear them down from the inside.
Motive: Domination of others, divine rule
Swarm of bugs: level 3 Environment: Almost anywhere that people live
GM intrusions: Health: 28
The dying evil priest Damage Inflicted: 7 points
utters a curse that Armor: 1
attempts to pull the
Movement: Short
character’s soul into
the afterlife with them, Modifications: Deception, persuasion, and religious lore as level 8
moving them one step Combat: Evil priests make one or two short-range magical attacks as an action, which
down the damage are thematically appropriate to the god or entity they serve, such as blasts of hellfire,
track if they fail an
Intellect defense roll.
grasping shadowy tentacles, or disruptive necromantic energy. They often rely on
zealous minions to protect them from melee opponents.
The evil priest ignores,
avoids, or immediately Priests usually know several spells, such as how to banish or control creatures from other
recovers from an attack dimensions, create an area of darkness, see and hear remote locations, speak with the
that would have killed or dead, mesmerize or paralyze a person, cause blindness, or create a ward against energy
greatly harmed them.
damage. They also have the following magical abilities:
• Curse: The priest curses a foe within short range, hindering all of the foe’s actions by
two steps.
• Heal: The priest heals a touched creature for 10 health or removes an affliction
such as a disease or curse.
• Necromancy: The priest uses a ten-minute ritual to animate up to four
human-sized corpses as skeletons or zombies under their control. The
undead revert to corpses after a day.
• Sacrifice: The priest uses a ten-minute ritual to kill a helpless,
restrained, or unconscious creature of level 4 or higher, using its soul
to grant one ally an asset on all actions and defenses for one day.
• Summon: Once per hour the priest can summon a demon or one
level 3 or 4 creature (such as a giant snake, giant spider, or swarm
of bugs). The summoned creature serves the priest for an hour
before vanishing.
• An evil priest usually has one or two combat-useful manifest cyphers
and often has an artifact appropriate to their religion. Most also wear
armor or have an ongoing defensive spell that grants them Armor.
Interaction: Evil priests tend to be knowledgeable, arrogant, and
condescending toward heroes and members of rival faiths. They might
strike a bargain to save their lives or the life of a valuable minion, or to gain
an advantage later on.
Use: An evil priest is converting frightened peasants into followers, and turning
those who refuse into zombie slaves. A new religious figure in the city is
acting suspiciously, and members of rival faiths have been disappearing or
turning up dead.
Loot: Evil priests usually have mundane treasures equivalent to three or four
expensive items, a few useful manifest cyphers, and an artifact.


FAERIE 3 (9)
Faeries are magic creatures of music, mirth, tricks, and taunts. Some might only perform a A flutter of dozens
of faeries can swarm
silly song or follow people for a while, flitting around and asking questions like an annoying
foes, but those kinds of
young child. Some faeries are crueler and delight in stealing clothing, equipment, or prized tactics aren’t the norm
objects. And a few are downright malicious and, under the guise of a helpful guide or a because faeries in such
pretty light in the distance, lure lost travelers to various dooms. large groups rarely
get along well enough
Motive: Unpredictable to act in concert.
Environment: Alone or in a flutter of three to twelve
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4 points GM intrusion: Another
faerie appears, and
Movement: Immediate; long when flying if the character fails
Modifications: Tasks related to performance and deception as level 5; Speed defense as a Speed defense roll,
level 5 due to size and quickness it flies off with their
weapon or another
Combat: A faerie can hurl damaging magic dust at any target within short range, but
important possession.
sometimes it wields tiny weapons such as bows, spears, or swords.
If a faerie is touched or struck by a melee weapon, more magic dust puffs
away from the faerie and clouds the attacker, who must
make a Speed defense roll or take the same amount of
damage they just dealt to the faerie.
A faerie can see in the dark, but it can also emit bright
light and appear as a glowing humanoid or an
illuminated sphere.
Faeries regenerate 1 point of health per round
while their health is above 0.
Some faeries can attempt to use a song or light
display to charm others within short range.
The target must succeed on an Intellect
defense roll or fall into a suggestible state
for one hour. During this period, the target
can be led by the faerie at their regular
movement rate. The target can be brought
out of the spell early if they take damage or
are heartily slapped and shaken for a round
or two, causing the glamour to fade. A faerie
can use this power once per minute.
Interaction: Faeries are mercurial creatures, but
except for the malicious ones, they can be
negotiated with, especially if offered sweets,
wine, or other gifts. However, faerie attention
spans are limited, so even one that means well
could end up leaving the PCs in the lurch at
just the wrong moment.
Use: The dancing light in the distance, leading
curious PCs deeper and deeper into the dark
woods, is a faerie. And the destination could
be a wicked witch or other unpleasant location.
Loot: The tiny pouches that faeries carry are stuffed
with forest bric-a-brac, but some of those pouches
are ten times larger on the inside and might hold a
handful of shiny coins or a cypher.


A PC turned to stone
GORGON 5 (15)
may be as good as
dead, but certain magic
effects or spells might
Statues littering the grounds outside a ruin are meant to deter savvy robbers and explorers.
return them to life. The statues, ranging in size from birds to warriors astride steeds, all depict creatures
However, if the statue is in states of fright and pain, the final image of death. These pieces are not the work of a
shattered, they cannot fevered mind, but the fates of those who braved a gorgon’s lair.
be revived unless the
statue is repaired first. Gorgons were humans once. After they offended the gods with their vanity, they were
transformed into hideous monsters. A gorgon has the upper body of a human of perfect
GM intrusion: form and physique, but the lower body of a giant serpent, complete with rattling tail. One
A character glimpses
who dares look at a gorgon’s face can see traces of the old beauty beneath a weary veneer,
a gorgon’s eyes, and
a sheen of stone darkened by hatred. Instead of hair, serpents crown a gorgon’s head, snapping and hissing
covers their body for at anyone who draws near. Yet the most terrible aspect of a gorgon is its gaze, which can
one minute, during turn any creature to stone.
which time they gain
+1 to Armor but can’t
Motive: Isolation, defense
move farther than an Environment: Alone, sequestered in the isolated ruins of old cities and castles
immediate distance Health: 12
in one round. Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Movement: Short
Combat: A gorgon has a long-range bow attack. Since creatures that
see the gorgon often turn to stone, it must take down its prey
at long range so it can get fresh meat.
In close combat, a gorgon lashes out with a long
dagger or, rarely, a sword. As part of the action the
gorgon uses to attack, the serpents on its head can
also attack one target within immediate distance. A
target that fails its Speed defense roll takes 2 points
of damage from the bite and must immediately
make a Might defense roll to resist the poison (which
deals 4 additional points of Speed damage that
ignores Armor).
Anyone within short range of a gorgon who meets its gaze
and fails a Might defense roll turns to stone. In combat,
when a character within short distance attacks the gorgon,
they must avert their gaze (which hinders the attack by two
steps) or make a Might defense roll. On a failure, they
take 5 points of ambient damage as their flesh partly
mineralizes. If the character is killed by this damage,
they are turned to stone.
Some gorgons carry a couple of cyphers and perhaps
an artifact that they can use in combat.
Interaction: Bitterness consumes gorgons. They lead
lonely lives, cut off from everyone they have
loved. Negotiating with one would be something
of a feat.
Use: A gorgon’s head retains its power to petrify for
several days after being cut from the creature. The
PCs might brave the gorgon so they can use its
head to defeat an even more powerful foe.
Loot: A gorgon typically has a few cyphers and may
have an artifact as well.


HAG 6 (18)
Hags are evil magical creatures distantly related to the fey. They resemble withered ancient In folklore, hags are
humans with obvious inhuman features—dead eyes, green or purple skin, metal teeth, usually represented as
female, but their kind
webbed fingers, and seaweed-like hair are common traits. They love corrupting pure and probably has other
innocent things, and feast on the dreams and flesh of their victims. genders as well.
Motive: Power, treachery
Environment: Forests, swamps, mountains, and unpleasant natural locations
Health: 25
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Lying, haggling, magical lore, mimicking voices, and Intellect defense as
level 7
Combat: Hags can attack with their iron-hard claws and teeth, but often rely on their magic
abilities in combat.
Hags can breathe water, and usually have three or more of the following abilities:
• Arcane blast: Use magical energy to blast one foe within short range and inflict 6 points
of damage, or divide this energy (and damage) among several foes as the hag sees fit
(each foe makes their own Speed defense roll against this attack).
• Change shape: Transform into a humanoid or common animal, or return to their own form.
• Curse: Curse a creature within long range, hindering all physical actions by two steps.
• Fear: Terrify all creatures within short range who look upon them, causing the creatures
to flee for one minute if they fail an Intellect defense roll.
• Illusion: Create an illusion affecting a small area that includes light, sound, and smell. GM intrusion: A creature
They can use this to disguise themselves as any humanoid creature (such as a human, becomes afraid and
reluctant to oppose
dwarf, or elf). Changing or maintaining the illusion is not an action.
the hag, hindering all
• Invisibility: Turn invisible for ten minutes. When invisible, they are specialized in stealth actions against the hag
and Speed defense tasks. by two steps for one day.
• Murderous glare: Glare at one opponent, causing bloody wounds that inflict 6 points of
damage if the creature is within short range (3 points if within long range).
• Question: Get an answer to a very simple, general question about a creature
or place within 1 mile (1.5 km).
• Scrying eye: View any familiar location within 1 mile as if they were
observing it directly.
• Sleep: Make a creature fall asleep for one minute. Damage or loud noises
will wake the creature.
Three or more allied hags form a coven, which allows them to use each
other’s magical abilities, and usually grants the coven (when
working together) one or two additional abilities.
Interaction: Hags are evil, greedy, hateful, and cruel. They
rarely do things for others unless they benefit in some
way, and they like to trick fools into dangerous tasks that
end up profiting the hag instead of anyone else. If shown
proper respect and bribed or paid, a hag can be a valuable
source of lore.
Use: The smell of cakes lures children to a mysterious
woodland shack. The hag of the swamp is said to kill anyone
who enters their territory without carrying a specific gift.
Loot: In addition to coins and jewels, a hag usually has several scrolls or
potions and may have an artifact.


HARPY 3 (9)
Modern fantasy has A harpy is a hideous, filthy creature with the body of a large vulture and the neck and
blended two different head of an ugly human. Their breath reeks of decay, their wings and talons drip with an
kinds of bird-human
creatures from Greek
unpleasant oil, and their eyes shed acrid tears. They love to torment people and lure them
myths: sirens (which to their deaths.
are alluring and sing Motive: Hungers for flesh, causing anguish
an enthralling song) Environment: Coastline, forest, and mountains
and harpies (which
are disgusting and Health: 9
don’t sing at all). Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Short; long when flying
Modifications: Perception and Speed defense as level 4
Combat: Harpies are fast and strong, capable of carrying off a light adult human. They
attack with their long talons.
Anything a harpy touches becomes fouled with their smelly fluids, and one harpy
energetically flapping their wings is enough to contaminate an immediate area. Their
fluids are repulsive but not directly harmful, and the smell persists even after a casual
washing. Any food touched by harpy filth is inedible to anyone but a harpy. Creatures
with a sensitive sense of smell (such as dogs and wolves) are hindered when within a
short distance of a harpy. It is common for a group of
harpies to attack a campsite or festival, spread their
stink over everything, and fly away with whatever
food they can carry.
A harpy can sing a weird, entrancing song that
hypnotizes whoever hears it. Anyone within
long range who hears the song must make an
Intellect defense roll or stop whatever they are
doing and attempt to approach the harpy. If the
creature comes within an immediate distance
of a singing harpy, they stand there dumbly
even as the harpy attacks them. The creature
can make another attempt to break free each
round on its turn, and taking damage from
anything other than a singing harpy allows them
another attempt to break free. Five or more
harpies can work together on the same song
(treat as a level 5 effect). Harpies are cruel and
have been known to lead an entranced creature
into a pit, off a cliff, or over the railing of a ship.
Interaction: Other than their singing, harpies
do not usually speak with other creatures.
They are more likely to jeer and screech
at people like an angry bird than try to
Use: A flock of harpies torments a village during
GM intrusion: A harpy its harvest festival, ruining the celebration
snatches something a and some of the food set aside for the winter.
character is wearing Sailors speak of a lonely island where an old, blind king starves
or carrying on a failed
because harpies steal or foul any food set out for him.
Speed defense roll. The
harpy throws away or Loot: A harpy nest may have one or two cyphers or other valuables, but the items will smell
flees with the stolen item. disgusting unless carefully washed.



In haunted castles and among the armies mustered by those with power over life and
death, sometimes walk hollow knights. These animated suits of armor move just like living
people, and many who encounter these dread revenants mistake them for living foes only
to realize in horror that there’s nothing inside except for the memory of the warrior that
once donned the suit. Skeletal steed: level 4
Brought into being by binding the spirit of a dead warrior to its panoply, hollow knights
behave in much the same way they did in life—disciplined, loyal, and battle ready. Clad Five mounted hollow
head to toe in full plate armor, with battered shields strapped to their arms and rusty knights can line up in
formation and charge
swords gripped in lobster gauntlets, the knights stand ready to face any foe, heedless of the one target, making a
danger, driven to serve the necromancer that made them. single attack roll as one
Hollow knights might ride on the backs of skeletal steeds and wield lances. level 6 creature,
inflicting 9 points of
Motive: Obedience to its master
Environment: Anywhere
Health: 12 The armor of hollow
Damage Inflicted: 5 points knights is sometimes
painted with the
Armor: 3 insignia and heraldry of
Movement: Short; long while mounted on a skeletal steed whomever they serve.
Modifications: Resists fear and intimidation as level 10
Combat: A hollow knight usually fights with a sword GM intrusion: When
a hollow knight is
or mace. destroyed, a gauntlet flies
When mounted on a steed, a hollow knight up, grabs a character,
charges its enemies whenever possible. As and won’t let go. A
difficulty 7 Might task is
an action, its steed moves a short
required to pry it loose.
distance, and the hollow knight can
make a single attack at any point
during this movement. When
attacking in this way, the knight
inflicts 7 points of damage.
A hollow knight is fearless and
fights until destroyed or
ordered to pull back. The magic
animating its armor is slow to
fade, so armor components
may continue to twitch and jerk
even after the knight has fallen.
Usually, when defeated, the suit
of armor falls apart, and wisps of
grey smoke curl up from the remains.
Interaction: Hollow knights cannot speak. They
obey any orders given to them by their
Use: The necromancer or other magician that
binds the spirit to the armor also imbues
the armor with specific commands—tasks
the knight must carry out until destroyed. Some
knights may stand guard at citadels or mansions,
keeping a vigil until their armor finally falls apart.
Others are more active and may function as the
core of a dark wizard’s army.


HYDRA 7 (21)
Sometimes newly This mythological reptile has five writhing serpent heads, each of which constantly exhales
encountered hydras have
a venomous plume. Well over 20 feet (6 m) long from the tip of its longest head to its
seven or more heads
instead of “just” five. thrashing tail, the toxic beast’s most discomfiting feature is its magical ability to sprout new
heads when it’s wounded.
In a game using power Some hydras dwell on land, others in water. Most seem to have been set as guardians of
shifts, GMs could
provide the same
important places by higher powers, which is probably why they’re so difficult to kill.
advantage to hydras. Motive: Hungers for flesh, defend a location
Environment: Swamps, coasts, and forests
Health: 24
Power shifts, page 292 Damage Inflicted: 7 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short when walking or swimming
GM intrusion: The Modifications: Perception as level 8 due to its many heads; Speed defense as level 5 due to
character reacts poorly size
to the poison in the air Combat: Even approaching a hydra is dangerous; the air around it is poisoned by its
or a bite and goes into
helpless convulsions for
venomous breath. Each round a creature is within immediate range of a hydra, they
one round if they fail a must succeed on a Might defense task or take 1 point of Speed damage (ignores
Might defense task. Armor).
All five of a hydra’s heads can simultaneously
bite foes in immediate range. If three or more
heads coordinate their attack, the heads
make one attack as a single level 9 creature
dealing 9 points of damage. A target bitten by
the venomous hydra must also succeed on
a Might defense task or take an additional 2
points of Speed damage (ignores Armor).
Whenever the hydra takes 4 or more points of
damage from a single attack, a healing pulse
surges through the creature a round later. The
pulse returns the health just subtracted due to
the attack and triggers the immediate growth
of two additional heads that sprout from the
creature. (The same thing happens if one of
the creature’s snakelike heads is decapitated.)
The new heads are just as effective as the
original ones in a fight. Fire, electrical, and
other extreme energy attacks do not trigger
the healing pulse and head genesis.
Interaction: A hydra is a cunning predator, but not
intelligent. It can’t bargain or negotiate.
Use: The PCs investigate an ancient ruin hoping
to find artifacts of the gods. A hydra saw them
enter and trails them through the crumbling
structure at a considerable distance, waiting
for them to take a rest or become otherwise
distracted before attacking.
Loot: Hydras sometimes collect cyphers and
artifacts in their lair, or failing that, they guard
something of value.



Jotunns are a type of giant—large, somewhat intelligent, bad-tempered, and cultured in In Old Norse, the plural
their own way, but generally hostile to humans and other “little folk.” Jotunns range from 9 of jötunn is jötnar, but
the English language likes
to 20 feet (3 to 6 m) tall, are strong, have long hair, and wear armor and use weapons like to pummel loan-words
humans do. Some are hideous, some are attractive by human standards, and some have and their plural forms.
multiple heads. They live in caves, lodges, or large castles. There are two main types of
Multiheaded jotunn:
jotunns: fire and frost.
Perception as level 7


Fire jotunns are often called fire giants. Their skin is coal-grey or black; their hair is red or
gold and may be metal or actual flames. They prefer hot mountainous climates (particularly
volcanoes), wear plate armor, and use greatswords that glow with the natural heat of their
Motive: Destruction, hungers for flesh, honor
Environment: Hot mountains, volcanic areas, supernatural fires
Health: 30
Damage Inflicted: 6 points plus 3 points from fire
Armor: 3 (immune to fire)
Movement: Short
Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to size; breaks and throws objects as level 8
Combat: A fire jotunn uses weapons appropriate to its size (which would be two-handed
for a human but can be wielded one-handed by the giant), inflicting 6 points of damage
plus another 3 points of ambient fire damage conducted from the jotunn’s body.
Jotunns throw boulders up to very long range, inflicting 6 points of
damage plus 3 points of fire damage.
A jotunn can inflict 1 point of fire damage with a touch, and
anyone touching it without protection against fire takes
damage as if the jotunn had touched them. A slain fire
GM intrusion: The
jotunn and its equipment are too hot to safely touch jotunn’s attack inflicts
for several minutes. a serious burn, making
Fire jotunns are immune to fire damage, but take a limb useless for an
hour or until healed.
additional damage from cold (equal to the
attack’s normal damage, up to a maximum of 5
additional points of cold damage).
Fire jotunn leaders sometimes have magical
powers, usually related to earth and fire.
Interaction: Fire jotunns tend to be hostile, but
they may agree to a nonlethal challenge to
allow visitors to pass through their land or join
them for a feast.
Use: A fire jotunn decides to cause trouble for
intruders in its territory. A clan of jotunns wages
war against a fortified village or town, hurling
boulders, starting fires, and stealing livestock.
Loot: Jotunns like fine things, and their homes
usually have utensils, plates, weapons,
and trophies made of precious
metals and decorated with gems.
They may have cyphers, and a
leader may carry an artifact.



Frost jotunns are often called frost giants or ice giants. Their skin is pale white, pink, or
blue, and their hair is usually white, pale blond, or actual ice. They prefer cold mountains
and tundra, wear chainmail and furs, and use metal axes that channel powerful cold from
their bodies.
Motive: Destruction, hungers for flesh, honor
Environment: Cold mountains and plains
Health: 30
Damage Inflicted: 6 points plus 3 points from cold
Armor: 2 (immune to cold)
Movement: Short; long when skiing
Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to size; breaks and throws objects as level 8
Combat: A frost jotunn uses weapons appropriate to its size (which would be two-handed
for a human but can be wielded one-handed by the giant), inflicting 6 points of damage
GM intrusion: The
jotunn’s attack numbs
plus another 3 points of ambient cold damage conducted from the jotunn’s body.
one of the character’s Jotunns throw boulders or chunks of ice up to very long range, inflicting 6
limbs, hindering all points of damage plus 3 points of cold damage.
actions with it by two A jotunn can inflict 1 point of cold damage with a touch, and anyone
steps until it is healed.
touching it without protection against cold takes damage as
if the jotunn had touched them. A slain frost jotunn and its
equipment are too cold to safely touch for several minutes.
Frost jotunns are immune to cold damage, but take
additional damage from fire (equal to the attack’s
normal damage, up to a maximum of 5 additional
points of fire damage).
Frost jotunn leaders sometimes have magical powers,
usually related to illusions and weather.
Interaction: Frost jotunns tend to be hostile, but if in a
generous mood, they may allow visitors to dine with
them or rest in their halls. Once they grant someone
hospitality, they are loath to break it unless they are
attacked, robbed, or tricked.
Use: A frost jotunn throws a boulder just to be
threatening. A clever jotunn offers to share a
story in exchange for food and conversation.
A clan of jotunns uses the cover of a
storm to raid a village.
Loot: Jotunns like fine things, and
their homes usually have
utensils, plates, weapons, and
trophies made of precious
materials and decorated with
gems. They may have cyphers, and a
leader may carry an artifact.


LICH 8 (24)
A lich is a powerful wizard or priest who has used their knowledge of necromancy to bind
their soul in a magical object called a phylactery, making them immortal and undead
unless their soul object is found and destroyed. Having corrupted its own life energy in an Wraith, page 131
obscene ritual, a lich can pursue its other magical goals, usually the acquisition of more
wealth, magic, and power. A newly made lich may look like a recent corpse, but maintaining
its physical vessel becomes less of a priority as the centuries pass, so over time they tend Skeleton, page 353
to look withered or even skeletal. Liches often work with or command other undead, such
Vampire, page 362
as wraiths, skeletons, vampires, and zombies.
Motive: Magic, immortality, power Zombie, page 371
Environment: Wherever they can remain hidden and work undisturbed
Health: 45 GM intrusions:
Damage Inflicted: 8 points The lich casts a spell in
addition to taking other
Armor: 1
actions on its turn.
Movement: Short
The lich uses a cypher,
Modifications: Intellect defense and magical lore as level 10 spell, or other ability
Combat: A lich can shoot blasts of necromantic energy that to nullify an attack
inflict 8 points of damage on a target and 4 points on that otherwise would
any creature within immediate range of the target. have affected it.
A lich knows many spells, such as the following:
• Animate guards: Animate ten corpses as skeletons
or zombies, which obey the lich for one hour before
turning back into corpses.
• Armor: Gain +5 Armor for one hour.
• Death: Inflict 8 points of damage on a creature within short
range; if the creature fails a Might defense roll, it also moves
two steps down the damage track.
• Fly: For one hour, move through the air as effortlessly as walking.
• Paralyze: One target within short range is held motionless for two
rounds, unable to take any physical actions.
• Polymorph: Transform a creature within short range into a harmless
creature like a fish or frog for one minute.
• Scrying eye: View any familiar location within 1 mile (1.5 km) as if the
lich was observing it directly.
• Teleport: Move instantly up to 1 mile.
A lich also likely carries several cyphers useful in combat.
Liches are undead, and therefore immune to anything that affects only
living creatures, such as disease and poison.
Unless its well-hidden phylactery is destroyed, a lich that is killed reforms
a new body near its phylactery over the next week or so, returning
at full health and with all of its abilities and memories.
Interaction: Liches hate being interrupted and have more
important things to do than answer questions from mortal
weaklings. A lich may be convinced to teach a character a
spell, especially if given a spell, cypher, or artifact in trade.
Use: A lich is planning a ritual to raise an army of skeletons
or zombies to attack the kingdom. A lich has made a pact
with a demon to unleash a plague in exchange for obscure
magical knowledge.
Loot: A lich has 1d6 cyphers and usually an artifact.


Classical manticores A manticore is a fearsome predator that resembles a maned red lion with a human head
were not described as and a scorpion’s tail. The head is bearded and has three rows of teeth in the upper and
having wings. Modern
interpretations often give lower jaws, like a shark. The scorpion tail is covered in multiple barbs, and the creature
them wings (perhaps can flick its tail to hurl these barbs at its prey. Manticores eat all of their prey, including
due to crossbreeding the bones, clothing, and equipment, leaving nothing but a bloodstain as evidence of their
with chimeras) but say
they are poor fliers.
Flying manticores have Motive: Hungers for flesh (especially human flesh)
Movement: Long; Environment: Mountains and plains
short when flying. Health: 22
Damage Inflicted: 8 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Long
Modifications: Ranged attacks as level 5
Combat: Manticores attack with their powerful bite, seeking to incapacitate or kill one
opponent quickly so they can eat. Some are content to attack and consume a single
target, but a large, hungry manticore prefers to wait until two or three creatures are
nearby before attacking. A manticore has powerful legs and can leap up to a short
distance in any direction, and often surprises its prey by leaping from concealment.
The GM can combine
multiple barb attacks Instead of biting, a manticore can use its poisonous scorpion-like tail to strike one creature
against the same creature in melee with a cluster of barbs, inflicting 4 points of damage (plus 4 additional points
into one attack, inflicting of Speed damage if the target fails a Might defense roll). With a flick of its tail, it can
damage equal to the
hurl up to four barbs up to a short distance away, striking one or more creatures in an
number of barbs plus
additional Speed damage immediate area. Each barb inflicts 1 point of damage, and the target must succeed on a
from poison equal to Might defense roll or take 1 additional point of Speed damage.
the number of barbs. Interaction: Manticores can make trumpet-like noises that resemble speech, but this seems
to be a trick to lure prey. Most of them are not intelligent enough to know how to speak
human languages.
Use: Weird musical noises resembling speech are heard from the nearby hills. People
GM intrusion: The have been disappearing in fields and on the road, with only bloodstains on the ground
manticore attacks with
its bite, then spins around suggesting that they were harmed.
to lash its opponent Loot: A manticore’s stomach might contain a piece of treasure or a cypher from a recent
with its barbed tail. meal, and its lair may have one or two small objects it was unable to digest.


Merfolk are intelligent creatures with humanlike bodies from the waist up and scaly fish The merfolk as described
here come from western
bodies from the waist down. They are able to breathe air or water but prefer the sea for its European folklore;
beauty and their better mobility. Merfolk have great underwater cities ruled by a king or other cultures have
queen, but most land-walking species interact only with the common or soldier merfolk their own stories about
fish-humans with
who visit the ocean surface and coastlines. Merfolk societies are much like those of surface
different configurations
humans; their inability to use fire limits them in some ways (such as blacksmithing), but (such as shark-humans,
they have compensated for this with water magic and other skills. scaly torsos, split
Merfolk skin ranges from all human colors to green, blue, tails, and so on).
and grey. Some have small fins on their heads and elbows or
Some people use
webs between their fingers. They dress for comfort and wear
the term “merman,”
jewelry made of shells, coral, pearls, polished gemstones, “mermaid,” or
and metals they can salvage or trade for. Most of them “merperson” for one
are content to be hunters or cultivators of kelp and other creature and “mermen,”
“mermaids,” or “merfolk”
aquatic plants, but some are curious about land-walkers for multiples of them.
(and their sunken ships) or fiercely territorial about
protecting their waters against outsiders.
Motive: Defense, entertainment
Environment: Oceans, seas, and coasts
Health: 9
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Immediate; short when swimming
Modifications: Perception as level 4 while in water
Combat: Merfolk use spears, tridents, daggers, and other
stabbing weapons that are effective underwater. They
may create traps using nets to confine or direct foes
into an ambush. A few lucky or clever ones have
acquired or adapted light crossbows designed to fire
underwater up to a short distance away.
About once every ten minutes, a merperson can swim a
short distance as their action and still make a melee
attack, or swim up to a long distance as their action.
About one in ten merfolk have the magical ability to
harden water until it is as strong and durable as wood,
Trained large fish:
taking about an hour to make a spear or similar tool level 2, attacks as
that lasts for several days. Some noble merfolk can create level 3; swims a long
short-range bolts of electricity as an action and make limited distance each round
alterations to the weather (stilling, increasing, or dispersing
wind and clouds in a very long area) by concentrating for several GM intrusions:
minutes. The merfolk’s weapon
Interaction: Merfolk react according to their role in merfolk society—farmer, rancher, guard, injects poison, inflicting
5 points of Speed damage
explorer, noble, and so on. Some merfolk are more aggressive or hostile and dislike the if the character fails a
presence of land-walkers in their territory. Most merfolk are amiable to conversation Might defense task.
and trade with people who treat them with fairness and respect. Another merperson or an
Use: Merfolk are often seen sunning themselves on a small island off the coast. Merfolk allied aquatic creature
warriors accompanied by trained large fish have been harassing boats and ships that arrives and joins the fight
against the character.
stray too far from the shallows and shores.
Loot: In addition to several small pieces of jewelry, a group of merfolk might have a manifest
cypher. A noble or royal merperson usually has a cypher and might have an artifact.


Mastercraft weapon,
page 154
Minotaurs are aggressive bull-humanoids who enjoy human flesh. Some legends say the
GM intrusions: first minotaur was the result of a curse from a god, and others suggest it was created by a
A minotaur smashes
demon, but the truth is lost to antiquity. Minotaurs care little about history or their origin,
a nearby wall, causing
part of the ceiling to preferring to hunt for meat and spar with each other for dominance and trophies.
collapse on one or more Minotaurs live in small tribes of up to a dozen adults. Solitary minotaurs are exiles, last
characters, inflicting survivors of their tribe, or younger individuals claiming their own territory.
6 points of damage
and trapping them
Motive: Hungers for flesh
until they can escape Environment: Caves, plains, and labyrinths
from the rubble. Health: 19
A minotaur grabs a Damage Inflicted: 6 points
character, who can resist Armor: 1
with a Might or Speed Movement: Short
defense roll; if they fail,
the minotaur takes them Modifications: Hunting and tracking as level 5
up to a short distance Combat: Minotaurs attack with their horns or use large weapons. A minotaur can charge up
away and disappears to a short distance and then make an attack, which inflicts an additional 3
(behind an obstacle,
points of damage.
into a maze, or in some
other hiding spot). Minotaurs are interested in mazes and mazelike spaces and like
to wander within them, memorizing the paths and finding
good places to stage ambushes. They leave out piles of
equipment and useless treasures from previous victims
to lure people into the maze and give the minotaur time to
corner their prey.
Sometimes one minotaur in a tribe develops simple magic
powers and is able to create illusions of smoke or mist
in an area a short distance across, turn invisible for
a few moments, or enchant weapons to inflict
bleeding wounds.
Interaction: Minotaurs can speak, usually in their
own language or another crude humanoid
language. However, they typically choose
not to speak to weaker creatures (such as
Use: A wandering gang of minotaurs has
been stealing livestock from a local village
and is ready to start hunting humans. A
minotaur gladiator escaped from a secret
underground arena and is stalking prey in
the city. Something lurks in a corn maze,
leaving nothing but bones and bloodstains.
Loot: Minotaurs don’t have much use for coins
but keep a few small trophies, such as ivory dice,
gems, or simple jewelry. The most powerful minotaur in
the tribe may have a cypher or even a mastercraft weapon.


Morlocks are degenerate, blind cannibal humanoids that avoid light. They have prominent Morlocks may be
teeth, piglike eyes, loose skin, and stooped postures. They avoid bright daylight and prefer descended from humans
or near-human creatures,
to hunt and forage when it is dark out (or at least under the twilight-like canopy of a heavy twisted and ruined by
forest). Morlocks eat any sort of meat, even carrion and their own dead. inbreeding and mutation.
Morlocks build piles of stones to mark their territory. On nights of the new moon, they
create unnerving music by playing simple drums made out of skulls and logs. They lack the
foresight to store food for lean times, so they range farther from home in winter and times
of famine. They are sometimes enslaved by more powerful creatures such as ogres or a
Motive: Hungers for flesh, defense
Environment: Caves, forests, hills, and underground
Health: 6
Damage Inflicted: 2 points GM intrusion: An
Movement: Short; short when climbing unnoticed morlock drags
away an unconscious
Modifications: Stealth and tracking as level 4 character or animal
Combat: Morlocks fight with their nails and teeth, but sometimes they use simple weapons to be eaten once
like clubs, stone knives, spears, and javelins if they have observed other humanoids they’re out of sight.
doing so. Some tribes dig simple pit traps and chase prey into them.
Morlocks dislike strong light but are not harmed by it. Their hearing and sense of
smell is strong enough that they can “see” in dim or very dim light as if
it were normal light. They can track scents as well as a
trained dog.
Interaction: Morlocks have a simple language of hoots,
howls, and growls that communicate basic concepts
like food, fire, danger, and cold. If enslaved by
a more powerful creature, some of them can
manage to learn a few words in that creature’s
Use: Town elders warn that the drums and
near-human howls on dark nights are
signs of morlocks who’ll steal away foolish
children. Stacked piles of stones are found
in the forest, each surrounded by bare
humanoid footprints.
Loot: Morlocks don’t value what they can’t eat, but
their lair may have a cypher or two from a recent


The ability to influence, command, and call up the dead is an impressive power, given how
many more people are dead than living. Since the only thing separating a living person
from a dead one is a well-aimed knife or death spell, the number of dead always rises.
Motive: Magical power, mastery over death
Environment: In places where dead are interred, usually with some number of undead
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Speed defense as level 6 due to shroud of undead protective spirits
Combat: Necromancers can blast a foe within long range with the cold of the grave or
flesh-decaying magic.
A necromancer can cast a death spell on a foe within short range once every minute; the
victim must succeed on a Might defense roll or move down one step on the damage
track. This ability could be an innate power or come from an artifact.
A necromancer who isn’t already accompanied by undead spirits or shambling,
spirit-inhabited corpses under their
Spirit: level 3; command can call up a spirit as an
flesh-decaying touch action. A necromancer can command
inflicts 3 points
of damage
up to five spirits (or newly allied
undead, as described below) at a time.
A necromancer can attempt to take
command of a spirit or undead
creature within short range. They
automatically succeed against an
unaligned undead target of level 4 or
less. If a targeted spirit is already allied
with or in service to a PC, the PC
must succeed on an Intellect defense
roll or lose control of the spirit to the
necromancer’s will for one minute.
Necromancers who
figure out the trick of Interaction: Necromancers are feared for
commanding hundreds their nonchalant attitudes toward life,
or thousands of undead especially the life of normal people
use that ability, almost
(such as peasants and city folk). They
without fail, to build
undead armies for will negotiate but usually don’t have the
campaigns of conquest. capacity to care about another person’s
well-being; they’re sociopathic.
GM intrusion: A bony
hand erupts from the
Use: A character has died, and their allies
ground at the character’s must find a necromancer to help
feet. On a failed Speed retrieve their spirit. Of course, the
defense roll, they are held necromancer wants something in return
in place until they can
succeed on a Might task for this aid—perhaps an artifact pilfered
to escape. Each round the from whatever underworld or hell the dead
character fails to escape, character is imprisoned within.
the hand squeezes them
Loot: Necromancers have one or two
for 3 points of damage.
expensive items, a cypher, and possibly
an artifact.



Whether noble or ignoble, some knights achieve an amazing mastery over weapons,
combat, and courtly graces, eclipsing lesser warriors and champions. The quests of some
noble knights can lead them far across the land into strange new territories where they
encounter and defeat various magical creatures.
Motive: Accomplish noble (or ignoble) deeds
Environment: Almost anywhere, often alone, sometimes with followers
Health: 50
Damage Inflicted: 10 points
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: All tasks related to heraldic lore and chivalry as
level 8; Speed defense as level 8 while holding shield
Combat: Noble knights are armed with massive weapons they
can wield in one hand, which means they can also hold
a shield. They are skilled with melee weapons (such as
a battleaxe, broadsword, or mace) and inflict lethal
damage on a hit.
Noble knights can also rely on a magic artifact or two
to aid them, and possibly a noble steed. The artifact
might be the very weapon a knight wields in combat Noble steed: level 5;
moves a long distance
and could grant them one or more of the following each round
additional abilities:
Legendary Strength. The noble knight can call upon
the artifact to grant them great strength or
fortitude to accomplish a particular physical
task (such as breaking down a door, lifting
a boulder, or knocking down pillars
holding up a structure), which they
attempt as if they were level 10.
Regeneration. The noble knight
regenerates 2 points of health per
round while the weapon is drawn.
Resistance. The noble knight is
immune to effects that would
influence their mind, charm them, or
put them to sleep.
Interaction: Flowery language and impeccable
manners show a knight’s noble background. Those
who negotiate with one in good faith are likely to GM intrusion: The
come away with something of value. However, character damaged by
sometimes a noble knight is corrupt and betrays a noble knight’s attack
must succeed on a
trusts. Might defense roll or be
Use: A noble knight has decided that they must knocked off a mount,
guard a bridge against any who would cross it. a bridge, or a cliff, or, if
Loot: Noble knights carry weapons, heavy armor, nothing suffices, they are
knocked to the ground
and perhaps a cypher or even an artifact. and out of immediate
range of the knight.



Guardians of the wood, sapient trees stand eternally vigilant, often on the outskirts of their
grove or forest to keep out those who might seek to do them—or other, ordinary trees—
harm. They look like normal trees until they reveal their true nature, with limb-like branches
and faces in the bark of their trunk. They don’t always move, but with effort, they can uproot
themselves and walk about. However, they usually do so only when no one is looking. The
GM intrusion: The origin and temperament of sapient trees varies; they might be haunted trees possessed by
tree grabs the character spirits, trees animated by magic spells, or ancient mythical beings. Some are peaceful and
and holds them fast, noble, but others are downright wicked and cruel.
shaking them. They
Motive: Defense
take 4 points of damage
each round and can do Environment: Found in groves or copses of five to twenty
nothing but attempt Health: 16
to escape (the task is Damage Inflicted: 4 points
hindered by two steps
because of the shaking).
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Initiative as level 4; Speed defense
as level 2 due to size
Combat: When a sapient tree attacks, it
often does so with surprise because
it looks like a normal tree at first. If a
character about to be attacked fails
an Intellect defense roll, they do not
perceive the attack in time, and the tree’s
attack is eased.
If a tree strikes in combat with one of its
branch-arms, it can choose to grab the foe
(rather than inflict damage) and toss them an
immediate distance away, inflicting 2 points
of ambient damage if they hit the ground or
another solid object. If they are tossed at
another creature, that second creature must
make a successful Speed defense roll or also
take this damage.
Sometimes, a sapient tree that bears fruit will
hurl its fruit up to short range, inflicting 4
points of damage.
Interaction: Sapient trees are generally
unfriendly and indignant toward animal
life. They are fearful and assume that
any creature not native to their forest
is a threat. They are likely to attack first
rather than speak, although they can speak
eloquently, if sometimes slowly.
Use: These trees populate magic forests. They can
be used to surprise characters with an attack
from an unexpected direction.


SATYR 5 (15)
These muscular humanoids sport long curved horns and furry, hooved legs. They are
self-centered, greedy, and sybaritic creatures, dedicated to food, drink, and other pleasures.
They rob and steal from others as it pleases them, often relying on tricks and lies, or
alluring music they play on pipes.
Motive: Play tricks, gather treasure, fulfill desires
Environment: Woodlands, hills, and plains
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Tasks related to persuasion and deception as level 7; resists mental attacks
as level 7
Combat: Satyrs usually carry spears that they can use in melee and against foes within
short range. They can also create magical effects by playing their pipes as an action,
which can either bolster allies or harm enemies:
Dance of the Leaping Stag: Foes
within short range who
fail an Intellect defense
task lose their next turn to
dancing and leaping. Attacks GM intrusion: A
made against affected targets mental effect makes
are eased. the character view the
Feral Overture: An ally within short satyr as a good friend
for up to one minute
range is infused with magic, unless they succeed at an
and one attack it makes on its Intellect defense task.
next turn is eased; if it hits, it inflicts
+3 damage.
Tune of the Clouded Mind: A foe within short
range who fails an Intellect defense task spends
its next turn attacking one of its allies.
Interaction: Satyrs are inveterate mercenaries. They gladly
work for strong drink and other treasures, and they
ally with almost any creature capable of meeting their
price. A satyr is always willing to start negotiations,
but is prone to lying and exaggeration. Offering
excessive libation, food, and other
rewards is the only way to ensure
that a satyr remains honest, and
then for only a short period.
Use: Strange piping music in the forest
lures away young people from a nearby
community. Community elders say a
charismatic cult leader has set up in the
woods and clouds the minds of all who
come near.
Loot: A satyr is likely to carry one or
two cyphers.


SHADOW 1 (3)
Shadows are semi-intelligent patches of darkness roughly in the shape of a humanoid
creature’s silhouette. They creep along walls, floors, and ceilings, blending in with actual
shadows, peeling themselves free only when they’re ready to clutch at a victim with their
cold claws.
Motive: Hunger for life energy
Environment: Anywhere that shadows can occur
Health: 3
Damage Inflicted: 2 points
GM intrusion: The
shadow attaches itself to Armor: 1
a character and begins Movement: Short
to take over as their Modifications: Stealth as level 3
shadow, automatically Combat: Shadows attack with their claws, which feel like a cold breeze and drain 2 points of
inflicting damage
every round until the Might from their target with each hit. They can barely interact with physical objects, and
character uses an action even something as simple as moving a pebble an immediate distance or knocking over
to tear it off of them. a candle takes intense concentration.
A group of five shadows can act as a swarm, focusing on one target to make one attack as a
single level 3 creature, inflicting 4 points of damage.
In an area of complete darkness with no illumination at all, shadows are
effectively powerless—they cannot attack and all their actions
are hindered. If suddenly deprived of light, they slink about
menacingly for a few minutes but lose interest if it seems
like their prey won’t be bringing back the light.
Shadows are flat rather than insubstantial, but attacks
that harm phased, ghostly, or similar creatures are
fully effective against them. They can easily pass
through narrow spaces such as the gap under a
door or between the bars of a cell, but cannot
move through solid objects.
Interaction: Shadows never speak, but they can
make rustling noises like a gently moving
curtain. If controlled or prevented from
attacking, they can communicate with
simple pantomimes and seem to
understand some pieces of language.
Use: The flickering shadows from a campfire
bend strangely and begin to creep toward
a nearby character. A person appears to
have two shadows just before they feel icy
coldness slide along their flesh.



A soul eater is the animate head of a powerful wizard who shuffled off this mortal coil to
become an undead creature without ethics, feelings, or a sense of morality.
Also called dread skulls, these creatures maintain their existence by occasionally
absorbing the spirit or mind of living victims. An absorbed “soul” is burned away, which is If a dread skull consumes
multiple spirits
why dread skulls are wreathed in flame; it’s the by-product of the creature’s previous meal. during the same time
Motive: Hungers for souls frame, it regenerates
Environment: Usually at the center of tombs multiple points of
Health: 15 health per round.
Damage Inflicted: 5 points GM intrusion: The
Armor: 1 character who uses a
Movement: Long when flying cypher against the dread
skull must make an
Modifications: Resists mental attacks and deception as level 7; Speed defense as level 7 due
Intellect defense roll.
to size and quickness; knowledge of arcane methodologies and rituals as level 8 On a failed roll, the
Combat: A soul eater has a library of magic abilities it can draw upon, including long-range cypher begins to burn
attacks of fire or cold against all targets within immediate range of each other, the ability with flame, dealing the
character 5 points of
to read the mind of a victim within short range on a failed Intellect defense roll, and the damage and destroying
ability to cloak itself in the illusion of a normal human for up to an hour at a time. the cypher in the process.
In addition, a dread skull can draw out a victim’s consciousness and absorb it in a blaze
of supernatural fire. To do so, the creature must bite a target, which
inflicts 5 points of damage; the target must then succeed on
an Intellect defense roll or take an additional 5 points
of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). If a dread
skull drains a character’s Intellect Pool to 0
through repeated bites, the character’s
soul is sucked into the skull, and the
body falls limp. Once absorbed into
the skull, a victim’s essence is trapped
and slowly consumed over the next
twenty-four hours. During this period,
the skull regenerates 1 point of health
per round.
If a dread skull isn’t destroyed within
twenty-four hours of eating a
soul, the victim’s essence is fully
consumed. If the soul eater is
defeated and its skull is shattered
before then, all unconsumed souls are
returned to their bodies.
Interaction: Dread skulls are slightly insane
but hellishly smart, which means that
sometimes they will negotiate to get what
they want.
Use: Soul eaters remember a little bit of the
knowledge of every creature’s essence they
consume. The PCs need to learn the command
word of an artifact they’ve found, but the only one who
knew it was consumed by a dread skull.
Loot: Sometimes dread skulls keep treasures as trophies of past victories,
consisting of 1d6 cyphers and maybe an artifact.


SPHINX 7 (21)
A sphinx is a magical creature with a large lionlike body, feathered wings, and a head that
is like that of a human or some kind of animal (typically a hawk or ram). Wise and fierce,
sphinxes have a connection to the divine and are often found guarding temples or persons
of great interest to the gods (although whether they serve good or evil depends on the
individual sphinx). No matter what their head looks like, a sphinx can devour creatures as
easily and quickly as a lion.
Motive: Defense, riddles
Environment: Deserts, plains, and mountains
Health: 25
Damage Inflicted: 7 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Short; long when flying
Modifications: Intellect defense and magical lore as level 8
Combat: A sphinx attacks with its lion claws, making two swipes as its action.
A sphinx also has the following magical abilities:
• Curse: Curse a creature within long range, hindering all their physical actions by two steps
until some other magic lifts the curse.
• Heal: Restore 10 health to an NPC, or allow a PC to
use their next action to make a recovery roll
that does not count toward their normal
allotment. Can be used three times per day.
• Riddle: A creature within long range must
make an Intellect defense roll to answer
a difficult riddle; failure means the
creature stands confused for one
minute even if they are attacked.
• Spellbreaker: End an ongoing magical
effect within short range, such as
a curse or protective spell. If there
are multiple effects, the sphinx
chooses which one to end. It can
target an immediate area instead of a
specific effect (such as an area where it
suspects an invisible enemy is hiding).
• Teleport: Instantaneously move a very long
distance. Can be used once per day.
Interaction: Sphinxes are very intelligent and speak
several languages (including at least one ancient
or obscure language). If their demands are met
(such as by answering a riddle or performing
a service), they can be quite talkative, if
Use: A sphinx guards the main road into the city,
killing anyone who fails to answer its riddle. A
GM intrusion: The
sphinx approaches, offering secret lore if the
sphinx leaps onto its characters can direct it to a suitable mate or
opponent, attacking an abandoned temple it can restore and guard.
with all four claws Loot: A sphinx usually has one or two cyphers and
as its action.
perhaps a small artifact it can wear and use.


TROLL 6 (18)
A troll is a hideous humanoid standing at least 10 feet (3 m) tall that hunts more by smell
than by sight. They are dangerous but not particularly intelligent. Always ravenous, trolls eat
anything, and rarely take the time to cook a meal. Usually, they distend their mouths and
throats and swallow subdued prey whole.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Nearly anywhere, hunting alone or in pairs
Health: 30
Damage Inflicted: 7 points Spawned troll: level 4,
Might defense as level 5;
Armor: 1
health 15; Armor 1; claws
Movement: Long inflict 5 points of damage;
Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to size; Might defense as level 7; sees through grabbed victim suffers
deception as level 4 5 points of damage each
round held by troll
Combat: The troll attacks with its claws. If it hits, it grabs a foe tightly, then squeezes and
bites until the victim is dead or it releases that victim to attack another creature. Each GM intrusion: The
round that a held creature does not escape, they take 10 points of damage. struck troll divides into
Trolls regain 3 points of health per round. If a troll suffers a particularly egregious wound two separate trolls
that immediately
(10 or more points of damage in one round), rather than regain attack the character
health in that round (and instead of taking any other in the same action.
action), the troll divides into two level 4 trolls that are
3 feet (1 m) tall. Spawned trolls that survive the
battle and have access to food grow into
full-power trolls within a few weeks.
Interaction: Trolls speak their own simple
language, but a few know a little bit
of a local human language. Most
prefer to attack and eat other
creatures, but might be
bargained with after a
successful show of force.
Use: Trolls may be chance
encounters in the
wilderness for unlucky
travelers. Sometimes
captured trolls are used by
slavers, armies, and powerful
wizards as guards and warriors.


The individual grubs WORM THAT WALKS 7 (21)

could be an immature
form of some
as-yet unnamed (or This sodden, leather-wrapped humanoid smells of the sea. It moves effortlessly through the
unrecognized) creature. air, levitating above the ground while its damp wrappings writhe and squirm as if infested
A worm that walks
with thousands of worms—because they are.
sometimes refers to Each worm that walks is a mass of psionic grubs squirming through a slush of salty ooze.
itself as a “collective.” Individually the grubs are harmless vermin, but together they’re a sentient entity, a single
psionic mind formed of thousands of tiny, maggot-like pupae.
GM intrusion: A
character struck by the The tightly wound leather straps covering a worm that walks are just as important for
worm that walks notices hiding its true nature as for adhesion. Despite being fully encased, the worm that walks
that they weren’t able senses its environment with a hard-to-fool sixth sense.
to shake off all the grubs
Motive: Domination of other creatures, hunger
that spilled out. If they
fail a Speed defense Environment: Almost anywhere
roll, a grub dives into Health: 30
their flesh and travels Damage Inflicted: 7 points
through their body, its
route visible beneath
Armor: 1
their skin. The character Movement: Immediate; short when flying
is distracted (all tasks Modifications: Perception as level 8; Speed defense as level 5 due to slow nature
hindered) until the grub Combat: A worm that walks can strike a single target in immediate range with a
dies one minute later or
is otherwise extracted. leather-wrapped “fist” as its action. When it hits and deals damage, several grubs spill
out and attach to the victim (getting under most armor unless it’s hermetically sealed
or behind a force field), who must make a Might defense roll to shake them
loose. On a failure, the grubs begin to feed, and the target takes 5 points of
damage (ignores Armor).
If a victim is killed while in immediate range of a worm that walks, the
worms automatically engulf the body through a wide opening in their
wrappings. The grubs go into a feeding frenzy, reducing the remains
to nothing within minutes. During the frenzy, the worm that walks
regenerates 2 points of health per round. A victim’s equipment
is retained for later study.
A worm that walks can also emit a psychic burst that can
target up to three creatures in short range as its action.
On a failed Intellect defense roll, a victim suffers 4
points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) and is
unable to take actions on their subsequent turn. If the
victim is attacked while so stunned, their defenses are
hindered by two steps.
Interaction: A worm that walks can communicate telepathically
with characters within short range. It negotiates only with
those strong enough to harm it; otherwise, it tries to eat
whoever it runs across. Even if the worm that walks
makes a deal, it eventually reneges if it senses any
advantage for doing so.
Use: A worm that walks has been active in a small rural
community for weeks, apparently in preparation for
something it calls “the Great Hatching.” If that
refers to the hatching of more psychic grubs, it
could spell trouble for a much larger region.
Loot: A worm that walks might have one or two
cyphers, though during combat it will use
any devices that could help it in the fight.


WRAITH 2 (6)
When a spirit of a dead creature fails to find its way to the afterworld, escapes the same, or
is summoned forth by a necromancer, it may become a wraith: a bodiless spirit of rage and
loss. A wraith appears as a shadowy or misty figure that can resemble the humanoid figure
it once was, though wraiths tend to swarm together, making it difficult to distinguish them
from each other.
Wraiths are often mindless, consumed by their condition. But on occasion, a wraith not
too far gone still remembers its life and may respond to questions or seek to locate its
loved ones or enemies. A wraith may even attempt to finish a task it started in life. But in
time, even the strongest-willed spirit’s mind erodes without physical substance to renew it,
and it becomes an almost mindless monster of destruction.
GM intrusion: The
Motive: Destruction
wraith screams out,
Environment: Almost anywhere, singly or in groups of six to ten summoning 1d6
Health: 6 more wraiths from
Damage Inflicted: 3 points the afterworld.
Armor: 1
Movement: Short while flying
Modifications: Stealth as level 5
Combat: A wraith attacks with its touch, which rots
flesh and drains life.
A wraith can become fully insubstantial. After it
does so, the creature can’t change state again
until its next turn. While insubstantial, it can’t
affect or be affected by anything (except for
weapons and attacks that specifically affect
undead or phased creatures), and it can pass
through solid matter without hindrance,
but even simple magical wards can keep
it at bay. While partly insubstantial (its
normal state), a wraith can affect and be
affected by others normally.
A group of five wraiths can act as a swarm,
focusing on one target to make one
attack roll as a single level 4 creature
dealing 5 points of damage.
Interaction: Most wraiths moan and scream
in rage. The rare few that retain reason can
speak in a sepulchral voice, and they may even
negotiate. Any alliance with a wraith is usually
short-lived, since the creature eventually forgets
itself and descends fully into rage and the desire to
spread destruction.
Use: The PCs are attacked while attending a burial,
or they happen to pass close to or camp near a
graveyard. Another swarm of wraiths appears in
a location where an earlier group was destroyed
(indicating a necromancer is summoning them).


WYVERN 6 (18)
Sometimes mad wizards Wyverns are aggressive lesser cousins of dragons. Their bodies are about the size of a
attempt (with limited heavy horse but their wingspan makes them seem much larger. Lacking a dragon’s fiery
success) to mix wyverns
with dragons to produce
breath or other magical abilities, wyverns rely on their strong flight and deadly stinger to
smarter flying mounts or catch and kill their prey, typically humanoids or large animals. Wyverns have four limbs—
awaken a latent potential two legs used for clumsy walking and two arm-wings used for flight and balance.
for breathing fire. Motive: Hungers for flesh
GM intrusions: Environment: Mountains, hills, and plains where large prey is plentiful
As part of its attack, the Health: 35
wyvern grabs hold of Damage Inflicted: 5 points
the character and flies a
short distance away. The Armor: 1
character can escape with Movement: Short; long when flying
a Might or Speed defense Modifications: Perception as level 7; Speed defense as level 5 due to size
roll (which probably
Combat: Wyverns prefer to attack from the air, moving up to a short distance and making
means they fall to the
ground and land prone). three attacks (bite, venomous stinger, claws) as their action. If a wyvern has to fight on
The wyvern uses a wing
the ground, it can attack only with its bite and stinger on its turn.
or its tail to slam a The stinger injects poison, dealing an additional 5 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor)
character so they are if the opponent fails a Might defense roll. Because
thrown a short distance the wyvern hunts primarily out of hunger, it usually
away and land prone.
focuses its attacks on one creature, weakening
the prey so the wyvern can carry it away and
eat in peace.
Interaction: Wyverns lack the intelligence
of true dragons. They are relatively
smart animals (on par with large
reptiles such as crocodiles) but
can be distracted by easy prey.
Allowing one to catch a pig,
pony, or riding horse can
give characters enough
time to get safely away.
Use: Hungry wyverns are
known to swoop in and
carry off livestock and
travelers near a particular
road or field. A gang of
crafty bandits has managed
to train a couple of wyverns
as mounts and use them as flying
cavalry for their troops on the ground.
Loot: Wyverns do not collect treasure, but
their nest might have a few cyphers from
previous victims. If carefully extracted, an
intact venom gland from a dead wyvern
can be used to poison one weapon (if sold,
it is the equivalent of an expensive item).


BARD 3 (9)
A bard uses the power of words and music to create magic that inspires and influences
others. A typical bard plays a musical instrument and weaves song-spells that rival the
magic of wizards and priests, but some use their voices, creating fascinating tales and
dramatic speeches.
Motive: Entertainment, interaction, and novel experiences
Health: 10
Damage Inflicted: 3 points
Movement: Short
GM intrusion: The
Modifications: Music, oration, persuasion, stealth, and Speed defense as level 4
bard creates a burst
Combat: Bards prefer weapons that rely on speed and agility, like daggers, rapiers, and of discordant sound,
small bows. Every other round, a bard can create a blast stunning the character for
of pure sound that inflicts 3 points of damage (ignores one round and deafening
them for a minute.
Armor) to one target within short range.
A bard knows several spells, such as adding +1 to
recovery rolls of nearby creatures, making an
indifferent creature friendly (or a hostile one
indifferent) for a few minutes, deafening one
opponent for hours, easing a physical task by
two steps, turning invisible for a minute, or
negating sound for a minute.
Interaction: Bards are personable and easy to
talk to, but they have a sharp wit and a
sharper tongue when it comes to critics
and tyrants. A bard would rather escape
from a dangerous situation than fight to the
Use: A bard ally often has useful information about the
current situation, drawn from songs and folk tales.
In a pinch, they can make do as a scout or spy,
especially in an urban setting. An unfriendly bard
mocks the characters and turns the will of a crowd
against them.
Loot: In addition to a musical instrument and a nice
outfit for performing, bards usually have currency
equivalent to a moderately priced item and one
or two cyphers.


A berserker is a fierce warrior who can fly into a rage, greatly increasing their strength and
hardiness. Many of them choose an animal such as a bear, wolf, or boar as their spiritual
kin, wearing the skin of that animal and fighting like wild beasts.
Motive: Glory in battle
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Armor: 1 (or 3 when berserk)
Movement: Short
Modifications: Climbing, jumping, running, and Speed defense as level 4
Combat: Berserkers prefer large, heavy weapons such as axes, hammers, and greatswords,
but they may use bows if they can’t easily get close to their foes.
A berserker can enter a state of rage as part of their action. When raging, they gain +1 to
Armor (including against fire), their melee attacks inflict an additional 2 points of damage,
and their attacks, Might defense, and actions relying on strength (such as climbing and
GM intrusion: A
jumping) are eased by two steps. However, their Speed defense is hindered. A raging
berserker makes a
second attack as part berserker fights only with melee weapons and won’t retreat from battle.
of their action, either Interaction: Berserkers are the elites of some warrior cultures and enjoy physical
on the character or competitions such as wrestling, throwing heavy items, and feasting. They dislike weak
on another foe within
immediate range.
and cowardly folk, and do not tolerate insults to their strength or honor.
Use: A group of warriors is led by a mighty berserker looking for a challenging fight. A
group of berserkers enters town and picks fights with the local toughs.
Loot: In addition to their weapons and light armor, a berserker has one or two moderately
priced items. The leader of a group might have a cypher that enhances strength or

DRUID 4 (12)
A druid is a servant of a nature deity or the entirety of nature itself. Some have specific
interests such as animals, plants, or storms, with greater powers relating to that devotion.
Druids are leaders and advisors in some cultures, society-hating hermits in others.
Motive: Protecting nature
Health: 12
Black bear: level 3, Damage Inflicted: 4 points
attacks as level 4 Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Hawk: level 2; flies a long
distance each round Modifications: Nature lore, perception, and stealth as level 5
Combat: Druids use simple weapons crafted out of natural materials, such as spears,
Viper: level 2; bite slings, and bows, as well as ritual tools such as daggers and sickles.
inflicts 3 points of Speed
damage (ignores Armor) A druid knows several spells, such as a short-range attack that uses electricity or fire,
healing a touched creature for 4 health, calming and befriending animals, traveling
Wolf: level 3, quickly, controlling the weather within long range, transforming into an animal or plant,
perception as level 4 and manipulating the natural elements.
Faerie, page 109 A druid often has a loyal animal companion, such as a black bear, hawk, viper, or wolf.
Sapient tree, page 124 Interaction: Druids are cautious when dealing with city folk, and they act quickly to stop the
Satyr, page 125 reckless use of fire or exploitation of the wilds. They are generally on good terms with
GM intrusion: The
local animals and magical creatures of nature (faeries, sapient trees, satyrs, and so on).
druid casts a spell (such Use: A hermit druid comes to the aid of injured or lost characters in the wildlands. A druid
as healing or a bolt of has been attacking loggers and hunters who stray too far from civilization.
lightning) and makes Loot: In addition to weapons, light armor, and some moderately priced ritual items, a druid
a weapon attack in
the same action. might have a couple of cyphers or perhaps an artifact.


DWARF 4 (12)
A typical dwarf found outside of their homeland is an explorer, warrior, and tradesperson
of some skill. Dwarves travel to find work as mercenaries, sell the goods they create, or
find unusual materials to use in their crafting.
Motive: Defense, loyalty, honor
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Short
Modifications: Crafting (metal or stone), Intellect defense, and Might defense as level 5
Combat: Dwarves traditionally use weapons like axes, hammers, and crossbows. They’re
used to working together to defend their halls; three or more dwarves attacking the
same target act as a level 6 creature that inflicts 8 points of damage.
Dwarf leaders are usually officers or priests.
Interaction: Dwarves are proud and hardworking, but they tend to be stubborn, gruff, and Dwarf officer: level 5;
health 16; damage
unforgiving of offenses to them or their clan. It takes time to gain their trust, but they
inflicted 7 points
respect a fair deal, a hard bargain, a sharp axe, and a sturdy hammer.
Use: A stoic old dwarf is looking to go on one more quest before retiring. A clan of dwarves Dwarf priest: level 5;
seeks a trade agreement with a human city leader—or redress for an old insult. health 16; can heal one
creature for 10 points
Loot: In addition to their weapons and light or medium armor, a dwarf probably has several or all within immediate
moderately priced items (such as tools or exploration gear) and perhaps a cypher or range for 5 points
GM intrusion: The
dwarf retaliates for a
ELF 4 (12) wound with an attack
of their own that inflicts
An elf has a very long lifespan and tends to learn and abandon many skills and interests, the same damage that
was done to them.
including combat and magic. Elves are likely to wander in pursuit of something new and
interesting, such as finding the tallest tree in the forest, the most beautiful sunset, or the
perfect love song.
Motive: Curiosity
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Perception, Speed defense, and any two noncombat skills as level 5
Combat: Elves usually fight with short or medium blades and delicate but deadly bows.
Because of their subtle skill and fast reactions, their first attack in any combat inflicts
an additional 2 points of damage.
A typical elf might know a few minor spells, such as heating or chilling food, creating a bit
of moonlight, and cleaning or repairing clothing.
Interaction: Elves appreciate beauty, grace, and skill, and they don’t respond well to
crudeness or bluster, especially from people decades or centuries younger than
themselves. They are subtle in their insults but do have a sense of humor.
Use: A group of young elves arrives in a city, wanting to see firsthand how the
GM intrusion: The elf
short-lived humans do things. An elf is said to have lived in the forest for a thousand
uses a combat maneuver
years, listening to the secrets whispered by the trees. they learned long ago,
Loot: In addition to their weapons and light armor, an elf carries a few moderately priced easing their attack by
(but extremely well-made) curios and mementos, and usually a cypher. three steps and inflicting
+1 point of damage.


A halfling is fond of the comforts of home, but adventures and exploration are the fodder
of great stories told over tea or dinner, or in a fireside chat. Quick, resourceful, and easy
to get along with, halflings fit right in with brave big folk as scouts, burglars, and loyal
Motive: Defense, comfort
Health: 9
Damage Inflicted: 3 points
Armor: 0 or 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Intellect defense, pleasant social interactions, and stealth as level 4
A master thief or assassin
halfling uses the stats Combat: Halflings are remarkably skilled with knives, clubs, slings, and small bows. They
for an assassin. prefer not to fight larger creatures head on; instead they stay at range, plan ambushes
to quickly overwhelm opponents, or team up with a larger ally so they can attack a foe’s
back and legs.
Assassin, page 373 Interaction: Halflings enjoy the company of larger folks as long as they aren’t mocked for
their size. They’re brave and determined when they need to be, though some might
complain about wanting to go home.
GM intrusion: The
halfling ducks between Use: A young halfling wants to have some adventures before settling down. The local
or around the character’s thieves’ guild is said to employ halflings as lookouts and cutpurses, sometimes
legs, immediately making disguised as human children.
a melee attack and
Loot: In addition to their weapons (and perhaps some light armor) and food, a halfling
hindering the character’s
next attack against might have an interesting cypher or two. Most carry several useful moderately priced
them by two steps. items, or an expensive item such as an heirloom snuff box or a nice bag of tools.

PALADIN 4 (12)
Paladins are heroes who swear a holy oath to vanquish evil. Their power and righteousness
are a gift and a heavy burden, and most of them expect to die in battle against an evil foe.
Motive: Protecting the innocent, destroying evil
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 2 or 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Attacks and Might defense as level 5
Combat: Paladins like flashy weapons and shiny armor, which help them show their
devotion to the ideals of goodness and draw the attention of evil foes. Many choose a
two-handed weapon, but some prefer using a shield in their off hand (defense-oriented
paladins like these inflict only 4 points of damage with their attacks but gain an asset on
Speed defense).
Blessed by the powers of good, paladins can draw on innate holy magic for several
purposes, such as detecting the presence of supernatural evil (demons, evil dragons,
undead, and so on), restoring 4 health to themselves or a touched creature, smiting an
evil foe to inflict an additional 4 points of damage, or breaking free of mind control.
Interaction: Paladins have big personalities and strongly believe in their purpose and goals.
They have no tolerance for evil acts and are unwilling to look the other way when their
GM intrusion: The allies want to bend the rules or take advantage of a “grey area.” However, they are not
paladin channels holy fools and won’t throw away their lives for nothing.
power into an attack, Use: A paladin lays claim to a foe the characters are seeking or have captured. An old
inflicting +2 points of
paladin is looking for one last villain to smite.
damage and healing
themselves for 4 points of Loot: In addition to their weapons and armor, paladins might have one or two cyphers. More
health at the same time. experienced ones might be lucky enough to have an artifact (usually a weapon or armor).


THIEF 4 (12)
A thief takes things that don’t belong to them—preferably with their victim remaining
unaware of the crime until the thief is safely away. Burglars and pickpockets are the most
common sort, but ambitious thieves are known to plan elaborate heists to steal priceless
items from prominent targets.
Motive: Greed, curiosity, risk
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Short
Modifications: Balancing, climbing, perception, pickpocketing, and stealth as level 5
Combat: Thieves prefer small concealable weapons—knives, batons, and so on—so they
can quickly make themselves look like an innocent bystander. Their goal is to escape,
not kill, so they often rely on tricks like caltrops, spilled oil, and smoke pellets to distract
or delay foes and give themselves an opportunity to get away. They aren’t above using
poison, typically a sleep poison that knocks out a foe for ten minutes on a failed Might
defense task.
Interaction: Thieves run a broad range of personalities—nervous, arrogant, quietly GM intrusion: The
thief somehow evades
confident, sarcastic, and more. They like to know the risks and rewards of what they’ll an attack from the
be doing, and they don’t like surprises. character and follows
Use: A cocky thief steals an item from a character and returns it to prove their skills are up up with a packet of
itching powder in the
to the task. A gang of pickpockets targets a character’s jewelry or cyphers.
character’s face, blinding
Loot: Thieves usually carry light tools, a few small weapons, miscellaneous equipment for them until they use an
creating a distraction, and a cypher they plan to use or sell. action to clear their eyes.




agic items are a staple of fantasy
stories and games. Whether the MIXING SUBTLE AND
hero is drinking a potion that heals MANIFEST CYPHERS
a wound, reading a spell from a scroll to There’s no reason why a fantasy
gain protection from a monster, or using campaign can’t use manifest cyphers
a mysterious powder to vex an enemy, and subtle cyphers. In this setup,
these one-use items have a very different manifest cyphers are the tangible
role than more permanent items like objects found in treasure hoards,
armor, weapons, and boots. In the Cypher and subtle cyphers represent good
System, these magic items are, of course, fortune, the blessings of the gods,
cyphers. and other coincidences that benefit
The Cypher System Rulebook assumes the characters. This also creates an
Subtle Cyphers, that subtle cyphers are the default, opportunity for having two different
page 378 but in a fantasy game the assumption “tiers” of cyphers—perhaps fantastic
Manifest Cyphers, is usually the opposite—cyphers are effects come only from manifest
page 379 physical objects (manifest cyphers) with cyphers, and normal effects are
magical powers, which the heroes find mainly due to subtle cyphers, creating
as treasure, gifts, or rewards for their an interesting situation where the PCs
adventures and exploits. This immediately can be heroic and perform amazing
creates a different gameplay dynamic than feats, and magic items are what let
a game that uses only subtle cyphers. really strange things happen. In a
First, it means that the PCs can exchange low-magic game, the GM might even
cyphers with each other, allowing them decide that each character can carry
better optimizations of their abilities and only one manifest cypher at a time,
counteracting their weaknesses. Second, and all of their other cyphers must be
it means their cyphers can be stolen from subtle cyphers.
them, forcing them to adapt to a situation
without their extra magical tricks. Third,
Normal and Fantastic it probably means that fantastic cyphers CYPHER FORMS
Effects, page 380 become the norm because magic easily What form a manifest cypher takes—
allows for fantastic effects. Fourth, the such as a potion or scroll—doesn’t
manifest cyphers are an easy and visible affect its abilities at all. A potion that
way to reward or entice the PCs (a eases the user’s next task by three steps
treasure chest full of gems and potions is is functionally identical to a magical
an obvious draw, whereas subtle cyphers scroll that does the same thing. The only
don’t have quite the same visual appeal). difference is the look and feel (campaign
flavor) in the story. Here are some
examples of forms cyphers can take in a
fantasy setting.


Potion. Generally a liquid that the user must magic within it—a flying charm might
drink. This form includes other terms for the look like a feather, a protective charm
container bottle (flask, vial, phial, philter), as might look like a shield, and so on.
well as different consistencies of the liquid
itself (oil, salve, ointment). In a broader Powder. Fine particles, typically scattered
sense, this category could just as easily be over an area, sprinkled on a creature, or
a magical food instead of a beverage, such carefully poured in a line or circle. The
as an enchanted apple, a seed from an powder might be held in a bottle, small
underworld pomegranate, or cursed candy. sealed tube, pouch, or folded envelope.
This category includes dust, sand, and
Scroll. Magical writing on a flexible surface, other similar materials.
which must be read (usually out loud)
to activate its power. This form includes Crystal. A physical object storing magical
paper, parchment (writing material made power within it rather than having magical
from untanned animal skins), vellum writing scribed upon it (like a runeplate).
(fine-quality parchment), papyrus, leather, The magic might incorporate some aspect
and large leaves. A particularly large scroll of the crystal’s shape (such as a knife)
might have several cyphers’ worth of or its transparency (such as a lens). This
magic written upon it; in this case, using category includes other hard materials
one cypher doesn’t affect the others on the such as stones, bricks, and glass.
scroll, but all unused cyphers on the scroll
count individually toward a character’s Book with words of power. Similar
cypher limit. to a scroll, except the book has other
pages, which might describe magical or
Runeplate. Magical writing carved into a mundane subjects. Some of the pages
flat surface rather than painted or drawn might be additional cyphers, usable
onto it. The objects are usually metal, clay, individually like those on a large scroll.
or wood and can include non-flat carvings
such as bones, teeth, or sticks. The GM can use these different cypher
forms as hooks for game rules. Perhaps
Tattoo. Similar to scrolls, except the crystals are the only cyphers with fire
magical writing is on the user’s flesh rather magic because the flame glyph tends to
than a separate object. This category ignite other enchanting materials. Some
includes painted symbols, branding, and scrolls and books might be usable only
scarification in addition to actual tattoos. by characters who have magical training
The writing might persist after the magic is (perhaps limited to Adepts and other
used, or it might fade away. A tattoo cypher characters who choose magical training
found as treasure might be a vial of magical as one of their type abilities). PCs who
ink and a needle or brush, or a tattoo on studied under a famous alchemist might
a slain creature that can be transferred to get more out of the Augment Cypher Augment Cypher,
someone else by concentration and touch. ability when using potions, but not when page 111

using other cyphers. (The GM should

Charm. A small device, sometimes let players know about these changes
attached to a necklace or bracelet. and options ahead of time so they don’t
Multiple charm cyphers might be accidentally choose something that hurts
attached to the same object (and still their character concept.)
count as multiple cyphers) and could be Players can use cypher forms as hooks
removed and reattached as needed, or for roleplaying. A barbarian PC might refuse
given to another character. The shape to use magical scrolls as an objection to
of the charm sometimes represents the “wizard magic” or because the character


is illiterate. A PC who learns how to craft CYPHERS AND SETTING PARADIGMS

Setting Paradigms, cyphers might style themselves as a scribe The Setting Paradigms section of this
page 13
and only make beautiful calligraphic book talks about defining important
scrolls, or as an alchemist and only make aspects of the campaign setting, such as
flavorful potions. A PC from a prestigious whether magic is divided into divine and
wizard academy might consider books and arcane, or if practitioners of fire magic
scrolls from a less-exclusive institution to oppose practitioners of water magic.
be inferior. A practitioner of earth magic These choices may affect cyphers as
might prefer magical crystals to water-based well—a prayer of healing on a scroll may
potions. (Players should present these work only for a member of the faith that
ideas to the GM to make sure they don’t created it, a healing potion made by elves
contradict campaign lore.) might be only half as effective on humans,
To randomly determine a manifest dwarves may get a bonus on using metal
cypher’s form, roll on the following table. or stone items, and so on.
If the GM decides these paradigms
d100 Cypher Form
apply to cyphers, they should give the
01–02 Bone runeplate
list of available cyphers a once-over just
03–04 Book page
to flag any potential consequences. In
05–07 Bottle of powder
general, it’s easier during play if few of
08–09 Brand these changes pop up in the middle of a
10–12 Brick session, and the GM may decide to
13–15 Carved bone hand-wave whether a specific cypher
16–18 Carved stick works differently than expected.
19–20 Carved tooth
21–23 Chalky potion
27–29 Chunky potion The cyphers in the Cypher System
30–33 Clay runeplate Rulebook aren’t written or named with
34–37 Crystal a particular setting in mind, which
38–39 Elaborate scar means that some of their names don’t
40–42 Envelope of powder quite fit for some genres. For example,
43–44 Fuming potion a traditional medieval fantasy setting
45–47 Glass
probably wouldn’t have a cypher called a
Chemical factory, chemical factory, and probably wouldn’t
page 385
48–50 Leaf
even call it a cypher at all. This is easily
51–54 Leather scroll
fixed by renaming that item to a “flask
55–57 Metal runeplate
of arcane tears,” a “potion of magical
58–60 Oily potion
sorrows,” or (in a more whimsical setting)
61–62 Paper scroll an “alchemical onion.” In the same way
63–66 Papyrus scroll that the physical form of the cypher
67–71 Parchment scroll doesn’t matter, the name of the cypher
72–74 Pouch of powder doesn’t matter, and the GM should feel
75–76 Skin drawing free to rename all cyphers to suit the
77–80 Stone genre, mood, and lore of the campaign
81–82 Tattoo (perhaps by photocopying the random
83–85 Thick potion cypher table pages from the rulebook and
86–88 Tube of powder writing in campaign-appropriate names).
89–92 Vellum scroll
93–96 Watery potion
97–00 Wood runeplate



AS CYPHERS Level: 1d6 + 3
Some cyphers work similarly to Effect: The user gains Armor against acid MANIFEST
character abilities. For example, the damage equal to the cypher’s level for
walking corpse cypher is similar to one hour. FANTASTIC
the Necromancy ability. The GM can
adapt other abilities as cyphers, but ANIMAL CONTROL
should consider two constraints when Level: 1d6 + 2 Necromancy, page 165
doing so. First, limit them to low-tier Effect: To activate the cypher, the user
abilities to prevent the cyphers from must succeed on an Intellect attack
overshadowing character abilities. against a beast whose level does not
Second, avoid abilities that the PCs exceed the cypher’s level. If successful,
already know so players don’t regret the beast immediately becomes
choosing an ability that they thought calm. The beast awaits the user’s “Beast” in this sense
was uncommon and interesting. If commands and carries out all orders refers to creatures of
part of the campaign story requires animal-level intelligence
to the best of its ability. The target and may include
duplicating an existing PC ability as a
remains so enslaved for a number unintelligent magical
cypher, the GM should make sure the creatures like basilisks,
of hours equal to the cypher’s level
character ability is more versatile or pegasi, and so on.
more powerful, or otherwise has an minus the target’s level. (If the result
advantage compared to the cypher. is 0, the target is enslaved for only one
The protagonists of the story should minute.) The beast could attack or
be the PCs, not their equipment. defend, a dog could follow a scent or
retrieve an object, a badger could dig a
hole, and so on.
EXAMPLE FANTASY CYPHERS The cypher doesn’t give the user any
All of the cyphers in this chapter are special ability to understand the target
manifest and fantastic cyphers. or perceive through its senses. For
example, the user can command an
FANTASY CYPHERS TABLE eagle to fly above a group of enemies,
01–05 Acid resistance but the eagle can’t describe what it
06–11 Animal control sees and the user can’t look through
12–18 Beast shape its eyes.
19–27 Cold resistance
28–34 Demon ward BEAST SHAPE
35–39 Dragon ward
Level: 1d6
Effect: The user transforms into a specific Depending on the
40–44 Electricity resistance cypher, the user might
kind of animal, such as a bear, hawk,
45–48 Elemental conjuration still be able to speak in
horse, or wolf (the kind of animal is a humanoid language,
49–57 Fire resistance
determined by the cypher’s creator). talk in a “language” of
58–61 Giant size animal noises that other
The user gains the animal’s type of
62–65 Instant boat transformed people can
movement (swimming for a fish, flying understand perfectly,
66–68 Instant tower for a bird, and so on) and two assets speak with animals
69–72 Lycanthrope ward on tasks to pretend to be that animal. of the same kind, or
73–76 Penultimate key none of the above.
The user also gains an asset on one
77–82 Poison resistance skill appropriate to their animal form
83–86 Restorative aura (or two skills for cypher level 5 and
87–89 Thought listening higher). See the Animal Form Minor Animal Form Minor
90–93 Tiny size Abilities table. Abilities table, page 30

94–98 Undead ward The magic shrinks or enlarges the user to

99–00 Walking corpse a size more suitable for their animal


form, but generally can’t make them DRAGON WARD

more than about 50 percent smaller Level: 1d6
or larger, so the user might become Effect: For one hour, the user gains Armor
an unusually large bird or a small equal to the cypher’s level against
bear. This doesn’t affect the animal’s damage from dragons, wyverns, and
abilities. The user can still use all of similar magical reptilian creatures.
their abilities that don’t rely specifically
on their normal form. For example, ELECTRICITY RESISTANCE
an Adept in wolf form can’t wield a Level: 1d6 + 3
dagger because wolves don’t have Effect: The user gains Armor against
hands, but could still use a healing electricity damage equal to the
power or mind blast ability. cypher’s level for one hour.
After about an hour, the user returns to
Earth elemental, their normal form. ELEMENTAL CONJURATION
page 327 Level: 1d6
Fire elemental,
COLD RESISTANCE Effect: Summons an elemental creature
page 326 Level: 1d6 + 3 (air, earth, fire, or water) that can
Effect: The user gains Armor against cold understand the verbal commands
Air elemental, page 105 damage equal to the cypher’s level for of the user. Once the elemental is
one hour. summoned, commanding it is not an
Water elemental,
page 107 action. It can make attacks or perform
DEMON WARD actions as ordered to the best of its
Level: 1d6 abilities, but it cannot speak.
In a typical fantasy Effect: For one hour, the user gains Armor The elemental never goes farther than
campaign, a demon is equal to the cypher’s level against long range away from the user. The
a supernatural being
from another dimension damage from demons, devils, and elemental is not particularly intelligent
or plane of existence. similar malevolent creatures. or capable of initiating action. It
responds if attacked, but otherwise
does only as commanded.
The elemental remains for one hour per
cypher level or until its physical form
is destroyed, after which it vanishes
back to its native realm.

Level: 1d6 + 3
Effect: The user gains Armor against fire
damage equal to the cypher’s level for
one hour.



Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 3
Effect: The user grows to about one and a Effect: Creates a simple, squat stone
half times their normal size. While at tower with a door, three arrow slits,
this larger size, they add 4 points to and a ceiling hatch leading to the roof.
their Might Pool and +2 to their Might The tower is 10 feet (3 m) square and
Edge, but their Speed defense rolls are 12 feet (4 m) tall. If the cypher level
hindered. is 7 or higher, the tower also has a
They return to their normal size after a second story (with four arrow slits),
minute. When the effect ends, their increasing its total height to 20 feet
Might Edge returns to normal, they (6 m). If there isn’t sufficient room for
lose the penalty to Speed defense, the tower to reach its full size, it fills
and they subtract 4 points from their the available space, but its appearance
Might Pool (if this brings the Pool and growth does not apply any force
to 0, they subtract the overflow first or pressure against the confining
from their Speed Pool and then, if surfaces.
necessary, from their Intellect Pool). The tower is permanent and immobile
If the user is an NPC, the cypher increases once created.
their health by 4, eases their
Might-based tasks, and hinders their LYCANTHROPE WARD
Speed defense. When the effect ends, Level: 1d6
Lycanthrope: Formally,
they lose 4 health and all of the other Effect: For one hour, the user gains Armor
a human who can
advantages and penalties from the equal to the cypher’s level against transform into a wolf.
cypher. damage from werewolves and other Informally, a human
who can transform into
an animal, such as a
INSTANT BOAT bear, rat, tiger, or wolf.
Level: 1d6 + 2 PENULTIMATE KEY
Effect: Creates or transforms into a small Level: 1d6 + 2
sailboat that can carry up to eight Effect: Locks or unlocks any one door, Legends speak of the
people. The user or other characters portal, chest, or other lockable item Ultimate Key, which
can open any lock, even
must row, steer, and sail the boat as of the cypher’s level or lower. The those sealed by a god.
normal. At cypher level 5 and higher, targeted item must have a keyhole for
the boat grants an asset on all tasks the cypher to work.
relating to its movement, and at
cypher level 7 and higher, the boat POISON RESISTANCE
can move a short distance each round Level: 1d6 + 3
under its own power. The boat lasts Effect: The user gains Armor against
for a day, after which it vanishes. poison damage equal to the cypher’s
level for one hour.



Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6
Effect: Creates an immediate area filled Effect: The user shrinks to about
with aromatic smoke, reassuring one-tenth their normal size. While at
sounds, gentle light, or other pleasing this smaller size, they add 4 points to
sensations that last for one hour. their Speed Pool and +2 to their Speed
Creatures who rest within the area Edge, but all of their Might actions are
gain +2 on their recovery rolls (or +4 hindered by two steps.
for cypher level 5 and higher). NPCs They return to their normal size after a
instead recover 2 health if they spend minute. When the effect ends, their
at least ten minutes within the area (or Speed Edge returns to normal, they
4 health for cypher level 5 and higher). lose the penalty to Might actions,
For a creature to gain this benefit, and they subtract 4 points from their
its entire rest must occur while the Speed Pool (if this brings the Pool
cypher is active. to 0, they subtract the overflow first
from their Intellect Pool and then, if
THOUGHT LISTENING necessary, from their Might Pool).
Level: 1d6 + 1 If the user is an NPC, the cypher eases
Effect: The user can read the surface their Speed-based tasks and hinders
thoughts of a creature within short their Might-based tasks. When
range that they can see, even if the the effect ends, they lose all of the
target doesn’t want them to. Once the advantages and penalties from the
user has established contact, they can cypher.
read the target’s thoughts for up to
one minute per cypher level. UNDEAD WARD
Level: 1d6
Effect: For one hour, the user gains Armor
equal to the cypher’s level against
damage from skeletons, zombies,
ghosts, vampires, and other undead

Level: 1d6
Effect: Animates a corpse as a level
1 (or level 2 for cypher level 5 and
higher) undead skeleton or zombie,
depending on the condition of the
body. The corpse can be no larger
than a typical human. The animated
corpse has none of the intelligence,
memories, or special abilities that
it had in life. The creature follows
the user’s verbal commands for one
hour, after which it becomes an inert
corpse. Unless the creature is killed
by damage, the user can reanimate it
again when its time expires, but any
damage it had when it became inert
applies to its newly reanimated state.




f cyphers are the expendable magic that Under these circumstances, creating
is ever-present in fantasy, artifacts are new artifacts is beyond the capabilities Artifacts, page 204
the more durable magic items that can of player characters, and the only way for
be used over and over again—swords, PCs to acquire them is by discovering
armor, tomes of weird magic, cloaks of them as treasure or receiving them as In a game where artifacts
are common, the GM
invisibility, and so on. Unlike cyphers, a reward for services rendered. The might want to limit
there is no limit to how many artifacts a campaign world might have only a each PC to a number
character can bear; an entire campaign few artifacts (such as twelve legendary of artifacts equal to
their cypher limit. This
might stem from an ongoing quest to swords, or seven items made from the discourages hoarding and
collect all of the legendary items carried body of a slain demigod), or they might prevents the “Christmas
by a famous hero. be common enough that every town has tree” effect where PCs
rely more on their items
In many fantasy settings, artifacts a retired adventurer who has at least one than their own abilities.
are powerful items from an earlier age, famous artifact to their name.
created and gifted to mortals by the gods
In the Dragaera novels
or mythic wizards, or from inheriting the by Stephen Brust,
power of a previous legendary bearer. EXAMPLE FANTASY ARTIFACTS beings called the Serioli
The rest of this chapter is examples of created large numbers
of soul-eating weapons
artifacts suitable for a fantasy game. The in order to make warfare
ARTIFACT RULES artifacts are divided into two tables—one so terrible that nobody
Artifacts are more powerful than would ever start a
for minor items (artifacts that don’t have
common equipment or cyphers. war. It didn’t work.
particularly flashy or world-affecting
Each artifact has a level and a
abilities) and one for major items Equipment, page 34
rate of power depletion. When an
(artifacts that do). A GM running a Cyphers, page 138
artifact is used or activated, the player
campaign where magic is subtle, weak, or
rolls the designated die (1d6, 1d10,
1d20, or 1d100). If the die shows the otherwise limited can use the minor items
depletion number(s), the item works, table, and a GM of a campaign where
but that is its last use. A depletion some magic can do powerful or even
entry of “—” means that the artifact impossible things can roll on either table.
never depletes, and an entry of
“automatic” means that it can be
used only once.
Depowered artifacts can sometimes
be recharged using the repair rules, Repair rules, page 227
depending on the item’s nature. Other
special abilities can also repower an
expended item, but probably for only
one use. Powerful magical creatures
might be able to recharge artifacts, at
least temporarily.



01–02 Adamantine rope 01–03 Angelic ward*
03–06 Alchemist bag 04 Book of all spells
07–09 Armored cloth 05 Cloak of Balakar
10–15 Belt of strength 06–07 Crown of eyes
16–18 Bounding boots 08 Death’s scythe
19–21 Cat’s eye spectacles 09–10 Demonflesh
22–24 Cloak of elfkind 11 Demonic rune blade
25–26 Cloak of finery 12–15 Dragontongue weapon
27–28 Coil of endless rope 16–18 Dragontooth soldiers
29–33 Crown of the mind 19–20 Explorer’s gloves
34 Crystal ball 21–23 Falcon cloak
35–37 Deflecting shield 24–25 Flying carpet
38–40 Elfblade 26–27 Ghostly armor
41–43 Enchanted armor 28–30 Guardian idol
44–49 Exploding arrow 31–33 Hand of glory
50–55 Gloves of agility 34–36 Horn of thunder
56–58 Gruelmaker 37–39 Instant ladder
59–60 Helm of water breathing 40–43 Lightning hammer
61–66 Mastercraft armor 44–47 Necromantic wand
Other common forms 67–72 Mastercraft weapon 48–50 Ring of dragon’s flight*
for flight-granting
artifacts are cloaks, 73–75 Mindshield helmet 51–53 Ring of fall flourishing
boots, and belts. 76–77 Pack of storage 54–56 Ring of invisibility
78–79 Poisoner’s touch 57 Ring of wishes
80–85 Protection amulet 58–60 Smooth-stepping boots
Other magic wands
could shoot blasts of 86–87 Shield of two skies 61–62 Soul-stealing knife
ice, shadow, 88–92 Skill ring 63–65 Spellbook of elemental summoning
lightning, acid, or
other damage-inflicting 93 Soulflaying weapon* 66 Spellbook of the amber mage*
substances. 94–96 Sovereign key 67–69 Staff of black iron
97–98 Tunneling gauntlets 70–74 Staff of healing
99 Vorpal sword 75–77 Staff of the prophet
Fantasy Artifacts,
page 257 00 Whisperer in the ether 78–79 Storm shack
80–83 Trap runestone
84–88 Wand of firebolts*
89–93 Wand of spider’s webbing
94–97 Witch’s broom
98–00 Roll twice on the Minor Fantasy
Artifacts table
* Artifact found in the Fantasy Artifacts
section of the Cypher System Rulebook



Level: 1d6 + 4 Level: 1d6 + 2
Form: A 50-foot (15 m) length of black rope Form: Weighty tome filled with pages of
Effect: This length of rope has the spell runes
flexibility of ordinary rope but a Effect: This mysterious spellbook is said
hardness greater than steel. It is to contain knowledge of hundreds
impervious to damage (including of spells—perhaps even all spells.
attempts to cut it) from anything less Each set of facing pages includes
than the artifact’s level. the magical runes for one spell and
Depletion: — a description of the spell and how to
use it.
ALCHEMIST BAG When a character first opens the book,
Level: 1d6 the GM randomly determines what
Form: Embroidered velvet bag type of spell is shown by rolling on
Effect: This bag can contain up to one the following table, then rolling on the
cypher per artifact level, as long as each indicated table in the Cypher System
is no larger than a typical potion bottle Rulebook:
or scroll case. These cyphers do not d6 Cypher Type
count against a character’s cypher limit. 1–2 Roll on the Manifest Cypher table Manifest Cypher
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each time a table, page 382
3–5 Roll on the Fantastic Cypher table
cypher is added to the bag)
6 Roll on the Subtle Cypher table Fantastic Cypher
table, page 382
Level: 1d6 The bearer can cast the spell on the Subtle Cypher
Form: Suit of typical clothing (robe, dress, page as if it were a cypher with a level table, page 383
jerkin and breeches, and so on) equal to the book’s level. This doesn’t
Effect: This clothing is soft and flexible, as remove the spell from the page (it can
expected, except when it is struck or be cast again and again), but it does
crushed with force, at which point it require a depletion roll.
hardens, providing +1 to Armor. It then As part of another action, the bearer can
immediately returns to its normal state turn the page to find a new spell,
(which is in no way encumbering). but only forward, never backward. It
This clothing cannot be worn with armor is said that turning to the last page
of any kind. makes the book vanish and appear
Depletion: — somewhere else in the world.
The artifact always remembers the last
BELT OF STRENGTH page it was turned to. Opening the
Level: 1d6 book always presents that page.
Form: Thick leather belt with a metal Attempting to copy, remove, or
buckle and rivets destroy a page only makes the book
Effect: The belt enhances the strength turn to a later page on its own.
and endurance of the wearer. This Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (Check each time
increases the wearer’s maximum the book is used or the bearer turns
Might Pool by 5 (or by 7 if the artifact a page. The chance of depletion
is level 6 or higher). increases by 1 each time it is used
If the wearer removes the belt, any excess [1 in 1d100, 2 in 1d100, 3 in 1d100,
Might points above their normal and so on]. Instead of depleting, the
maximum Might Pool are lost; if they book might turn to a later page, or
wear the belt again, the points do not disappear and reappear somewhere
automatically return (they must be else in the world.)
restored with recovery rolls, healing
magic, or similar effects).
Depletion: —



Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1
Form: Sturdy but flexible boots Form: Multilayered cloak of glittering
Effect: The boots assist the wearer’s every material
step to make jumping and running Effect: This cloak is woven of beautiful
easier. The boots are an asset for fibers and set with dazzling gems. It
jumping and running (easing one of automatically fits itself to its wearer
these skills by two steps if the artifact in the most flattering way. When
is level 6 or higher). activated, it enhances the wearer’s
Depletion: — appearance, voice, tone, and even
their grammar, granting an asset to all
CAT’S EYE SPECTACLES interaction tasks for the next minute.
Level: 1d6 Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Form: Pair of dark crystalline spectacles in
a dull wooden frame COIL OF ENDLESS ROPE
Effect: Outside, the wearer can see at Level: 1d6
night as if it were daylight. Inside, the Form: Coil of rope
wearer can see in pitch darkness up Effect: The coil of rope can be let out at
to short range (or to long range if the a rate of 50 feet (15 m) per round;
artifact is level 5 or higher). however, no end to the rope can
Depletion: — be found no matter how long the
user uncoils it. The rope retains its
CLOAK OF BALAKAR incredible length until recoiled or
Level: 1d6 + 3 until it becomes depleted. If cut, any
Form: Blue cloak with elaborate designs length beyond the coil’s initial 50 feet
suggesting blowing wind crumbles into powder after a round or
Effect: The wearer can calm winds of the two.
artifact’s level or lower in a radius Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each use that
of 1 mile (1.5 km). Up to once a day, extends it beyond 50 feet)
the wearer can create a destructive
windstorm up to that size, lasting one CROWN OF EYES
minute; this storm’s level is equal to Level: 1d6
half the artifact’s level. Form: Metallic circlet set with several
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (on depletion, cloak crystal spheres
disappears and reappears somewhere Effect: It takes one round to activate the
else in the world) crown. When activated, the crystal
spheres separate from the crown and
CLOAK OF ELFKIND fly around the wearer at immediate
Level: 1d6 + 2 range for an hour. The wearer can see
Form: Thin greyish-green cloak with a anything the crystal spheres can see.
cowl and clasp This allows the wearer to peek around
Effect: When activated (by drawing the hood corners without being exposed to
over the wearer’s head), the cloak takes danger. This gives the wearer an asset
on the colors and textures of everything in initiative and all perception tasks.
around the wearer for ten minutes (or one Depletion: 1 in 1d100
hour if the artifact is level 8 or higher).
This eases hiding and sneaking tasks
by two steps. While the cloak is activated,
the wearer can also see in the dark.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100



Level: 1d6 More than 1 mile Hindered
Form: Crown, circlet, headband, diadem, More than 10 miles Hindered
or amulet
More than 100 miles Hindered
Effect: The crown augments the mind and
thoughts of the wearer. This increases
the wearer’s maximum Intellect Pool These modifiers are cumulative, so trying
by 5 (or by 7 if the artifact is level 6 or to view a level 4 target who the user
higher). knows only by name (+1 step), is
If the wearer removes the crown, any unwilling (+1 step), and is 20 miles
excess Intellect points above their away (+2 steps) is a difficulty 8 task.
normal maximum Intellect Pool are The crystal shows the creature or area for
lost; if they wear the crown again, the one minute before the image becomes An unwilling creature’s
points do not automatically return muddled and the artifact must be defenses against magic
and Intellect attacks
(they must be restored with recovery activated again. should hinder scrying
rolls, healing magic, or similar In addition to the normal options for attempts just as they
effects). using Effort, the user can choose to would against a directly
harmful mental spell.
Depletion: — apply a level of Effort to open two-way
communication with the viewed area.
CRYSTAL BALL All creatures in the area can sense the
Level: 1d6 + 3 user’s presence and hear their voice,
Form: Melon-sized crystalline or glass and the creatures can speak to and be
orb, with or without a support stand heard by the user.
Effect: This allows the user to scry (view) Depletion: 1 in 1d20
remote locations and creatures. The
user must make a difficulty 2 Intellect DEATH’S SCYTHE
task to activate the crystal ball, then Level: 1d6 + 4
use an action trying to make it show Form: Double-handed scythe
a person or location they know. The Effect: This scythe functions as a heavy
user must succeed at an Intellect weapon. In addition, it instantly kills
task against the level of the target; level 1 or level 2 creatures it hits. In
otherwise, the crystal shows only addition to the normal options for
indistinct or misleading images. The using Effort, the user can choose to
task roll is modified by how familiar use a level of Effort to affect a
the target is to the user, how available higher-level target; each level of Effort
they are to be viewed, and how far applied increases the level of creature
away they are. that can be instantly killed by the
scythe. Thus, to instantly kill a level 5
Familiarity target (three levels above the normal
limit), the wielder must apply three
Only have name or Hindered
description levels of Effort.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per killing
Target has been visited Eased
effect; upon depletion, a manifestation Death manifestation:
Target is well known to Eased of Death appears to reclaim its blade) level 7
the user

Target is willing Eased
Target is unwilling Hindered



Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 4
Form: Ornate metal or wooden shield Form: Sword inscribed with demonic runes
Effect: When a small physical projectile Effect: This longsword functions as a
such as an arrow, a sling stone, or a medium weapon, but it is actually a
thrown knife comes within 4 inches powerful demon transformed into the
(10 cm) of the wearer, the shield shape of a sword. The demon cannot
moves to intercept or deflect it, even speak directly to the wielder, but it can
if the wearer is not aware of the make its desires known by emitting
attack. The wearer’s Speed defense bass rumbles and dirgelike melodies,
against the attack is eased (or eased and by pulling in the direction of its
by two steps if the artifact is level 6 or desire.
higher). If the projectile still hits the The sword eases all attacks made with it
wearer, the shield gives +1 to Armor by one step, and it inflicts 4 additional
against the attack. points of damage (for a total of 8
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 points).
If the wielder kills a creature with the
DEMONFLESH sword, the sword eats the creature’s
Level: 1d6 + 1 spirit and transfers some of its energy
Form: Ball of black leather with vein-like to the wielder, adding 5 points to their
red streaks Might Pool and increasing their Might
Effect: When activated, the ball liquefies Edge by 1. This lasts for an hour and
and coats the body of the user for one allows the wielder to exceed their
hour, appearing to be a form-fitting normal Might Pool and Might Edge
To randomly leather suit veined with pathways of stats.
determine what kind of dully glowing blood. If the wielder misses with an attack, the
dragontongue weapon is
found, see Chapter 4: As an action, the wearer can become blade sometimes hits an ally of the
Medieval Fantasy invisible. While invisible, they are wielder instead (this always happens
Equipment, page 34. specialized in stealth and Speed on an attack roll of 1).
defense tasks. This effect ends if they Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (check each time a
do something to reveal their presence killed creature’s life force is absorbed;
or position—attacking, casting a spell, if depleted, the sword’s magical
using an ability, moving a large object, abilities can be recharged if it kills an
and so on. If this occurs, they “innocent” creature)
can regain the remaining
invisibility effect by taking DRAGONTONGUE WEAPON
an action to focus on Level: 1d6 + 2
hiding their position. Form: Weapon that roars with red flame
The wearer can inflict 3 points when activated, trailing a stream of
of damage with a touch by releasing black smoke
a dark crackle of demonic power. This Effect: This weapon functions as a normal
attack ignores most Armor, but Armor weapon of its type. If the wielder uses
made to ward against evil or demonic it to attack a foe, upon a successful hit,
attacks should work against it. the wielder decides whether to activate
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 the flame. Upon activation, the weapon
lashes the target with fire, inflicting
additional points of damage equal to
the artifact level. The effect lasts for
one minute after each activation.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100


DRAGONTOOTH SOLDIERS such as heat or cold damage (but not

Level: 1d6 + 1 Intellect damage).
Form: Burlap bag containing a handful of Depletion: —
large reptilian teeth
Effect: If a tooth is drawn from the EXPLODING ARROW
bag and cast upon the earth, a Level: 1d6
dragontooth warrior appears, ready to Form: Arrow with runes carved on the Dragontooth warrior:
fight for the user for up to ten minutes shaft and head level equal to the artifact
level, Speed defense as
before going their own way. The user Effect: The arrow explodes when it strikes artifact level + 1 due to
can draw several teeth at once from something, inflicting its level in shield; Armor 1; spear
the bag, but each tooth drawn requires damage to all within immediate range. attack (melee or short
range) inflicts damage
a separate depletion roll. Roll d100 to determine the type of and impedes movement
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 damage. of victim to immediate
range for one round
01–20 Acid
ELFBLADE 21–40 Electricity One advantage of an
Level: 1d6 + 3 41–60 Cold exploding arrow over a
Form: Medium sword detonation cypher is that
61–90 Fire the arrow doesn’t count
Effect: This sword can be used as a toward your cypher limit.
91–00 Necromantic (harms only flesh)
normal medium sword that deals 2
additional points of damage (for a Depletion: Automatic An exploding arrow
can instead be a
total of 6 points). crossbow bolt, sling
The short sword can cut through any EXPLORER’S GLOVES stone, or other thrown
material of its level or lower with ease, Level: 1d6 weapon or projectile.
owing to its exceptional sharpness. Form: Thick but flexible-fingered leather
The blade sheds a blue light as bright gloves
as a candle to warn when goblins, Effect: The wearer can cling to or climb
orcs, trolls, or similar creatures are any surface for up to one hour. Even
within 300 feet (90 m). level 10 climbing tasks become routine
Depletion: — while the gloves are activated, but
taking any other action while climbing
ENCHANTED ARMOR requires a new activation.
Level: 1d6 + 3 Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Form: Full suit of light, medium, or heavy To randomly determine
armor FALCON CLOAK what kind of enchanted
armor is found, see
Effect: This armor is carefully crafted and Level: 1d6 Chapter 4:
reinforced with magic to be stronger Form: Cloak made of feathers Medieval Fantasy
and more protective than typical Effect: For ten hours, the wearer becomes Equipment, page 34.
armor. It is armor according to its a falcon whose level is equal to the
type (light, medium, or heavy), but it artifact level. The falcon can fly a long
grants an additional +1 Armor (or +2 if distance each round, or up to 60 Most magic items that
the artifact is level 7 or higher) beyond miles (97 km) per hour when traveling turn a character into a
different creature make
what it would normally provide. For overland. it difficult to use any of
example, chainmail is medium armor Depletion: 1 in 1d100 the character’s special
(2 Armor), so enchanted chainmail abilities (other than
skills) in that form.
provides a total of 3 Armor (for artifact
level 6 or lower) or 4 Armor (for
artifact level 7 or higher).
The additional Armor provided by the
magic also applies to damage that
often isn’t reduced by typical armor,



Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6
Form: Silken rug with repeating designs Form: Supple leather or cloth gloves
bordered with a pattern that suggests Effect: The gloves enhance the dexterity
scudding clouds and reflexes of the wearer. This
Effect: The carpet flies a long distance each increases the wearer’s maximum
round, carrying up to five passengers. Speed Pool by 5 (or by 7 if the artifact
It flies for up to ten hours per is level 6 or higher).
activation. When traveling overland, the If the wearer removes the gloves, any
artifact can achieve a flying speed of 60 excess Speed points above their normal
miles (97 km) per hour. maximum Speed Pool are lost; if they
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 wear the gloves again, the points do
not automatically return (they must be
GHOSTLY ARMOR restored with recovery rolls, healing
Level: 1d6 + 3 magic, or similar effects).
Form: Full suit of light, medium, or heavy Depletion: —
Effect: This armor is carefully crafted and GRUELMAKER
To randomly determine reinforced with magic to be stronger Level: 1d6
what kind of ghostly and more protective than typical Form: Clay bowl stamped with symbols of
armor is found, see
Chapter 4: armor. It is armor according to its fish and birds
Medieval Fantasy type (light, medium, or heavy), but it Effect: The bowl fills itself to the brim
Equipment, page 34. grants an additional +1 Armor beyond with a bland-tasting tan porridge that
what it would normally provide. For provides enough nutrition for one
example, chainmail is medium armor person for one day (or two people if
(2 Armor), so ghostly chainmail the artifact is level 5 or higher).
provides 3 Armor. Depletion: 1 in 1d10
When activated, the armor randomly
makes the wearer ghostly and GUARDIAN IDOL
immaterial for ten Level: 1d6 + 3
minutes (or for one Form: Demonic idol on top of a thin metal
hour if the artifact is leg that is 1 foot (30 cm) tall
level 9 or higher), which Effect: It takes two rounds to balance this
hinders attacks on the artifact on its metal leg, and then it
wearer by two steps requires an action to activate. When
without hindering activated, the idol stares at the activating
any of the character’s character and nearby creatures for five
abilities. Special rounds, memorizing their faces and
multidimensional shapes. After that, if anything the idol
weapons or attacks (such doesn’t recognize (and is larger than
as abilities meant to a mouse) comes within long range, it
harm ghosts) ignore this spits a small ball of fire at the target. The
defense. fire inflicts damage equal to the artifact
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (for the level. The idol can attack up to ten
ghostly defense ability, times per round, but it never attacks the
but after depletion, same target more than once per round.
the suit still functions It remains on watch for twenty-four
as normal armor and hours or until it has made one hundred
provides its full attacks, whichever comes first.
Armor value) Depletion: Automatic



Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6
Form: Dried humanoid hand with Form: Small lightweight metal rod with A creature unfamiliar
candle-tip fingers gem buttons with the buttons on
an instant ladder
Effect: A hand of glory has several potential Effect: When activated, the rod extends needs to spend several
uses, including the following. In all cases, and produces rungs so that it can be rounds figuring out
the candles making up the hand must used as a ladder up to 28 feet (9 m) the proper sequence to
expand or collapse it.
be lit and burning to produce an effect. long. The ladder can be transformed
Insensibility: A target within short range back into its rod form from either end.
is held motionless and unable to take Depletion: 1 in 1d100
actions as long as the lit hand remains
within range (or until the target is LIGHTNING HAMMER
attacked or otherwise snapped out of Level: 1d6 + 2
the trance). Form: Massive silver hammer that
Invisibility: User is invisible for up to one crackles with electricity
minute while holding the hand. While Effect: This hammer functions as a
invisible, the user is specialized in normal heavy weapon. However, if
stealth and Speed defense tasks. the wielder uses an action to activate
Thief ’s Passage: A locked or barred door it, the weapon radiates electricity
or a container whose level is less than for one round. If used to attack on
or equal to the hand’s level becomes the next round, the hammer inflicts
unlocked when touched by the hand. an additional 10 points of electricity
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 damage. The user can choose to
strike the ground instead, sending
HELM OF WATER BREATHING shockwaves of electricity outward that
Level: 1d6 deal 5 points of damage to everyone
Form: Green metal helm with a scaly or within short range.
fishy motif Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (still usable as a
Effect: The wearer’s head is enveloped in normal heavy weapon after depletion)
a tight bubble of air that constantly
renews itself, allowing them to
breathe underwater indefinitely, speak
normally, and so on.
Depletion: 1–2 in 1d100 (check each day)

Level: 1d6 + 4
Form: Large signal horn banded with
metal and carved with runes
Effect: This massive instrument can barely be
held or carried by a single person. When
activated, it emits a 50-foot (15 m) wide
cone of pure sonic force out to long
range. Any creature in that area is knocked
prone and stunned for one round, losing
its action. Unfixed items the size of a
human or smaller are toppled and/or
moved at least 5 feet (1.5 m). Larger
objects might also be toppled.
Depletion: 1 in 1d10



Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 1
Form: Armor of exceptional quality Form: Leather backpack or haversack with
Effect: This armor grants its wearer an multiple pockets
asset for Speed defense rolls. Effect: This pack’s mouth can be loosened
Depletion: — to open as wide as 6 feet (2 m) in
diameter. It is larger on the inside than
Depending on the game MASTERCRAFT WEAPON on the outside, and can carry up to
world, mastercraft armor Level: 1d6 500 pounds (226 kg) or 10 cubic feet
and weapons might be
magical, mundanely Form: Weapon of exceptional quality (.3 cubic m). The pack weighs about
crafted with exceptional Effect: This weapon grants its wielder an one-tenth as much as it is holding.
quality, or both. asset for attack rolls made with it. Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each time
To randomly determine Depletion: — something is added to the pack; on
what kind of mastercraft depletion, all objects are expelled from
armor or weapon is MINDSHIELD HELMET the pack)
found, see Chapter 4:
Medieval Fantasy
Level: 1d6 + 2
Equipment, page 34. Form: Lightweight cloth, leather, or metal POISONER’S TOUCH
helmet Level: 1d6 + 1
Effect: The wearer gains 3 Armor that Form: Very thin transparent glove with
protects against Intellect damage only. faint markings
Further, attempts to affect the wearer’s Effect: When the wearer activates the
mind are hindered (or hindered by two glove (which might require speaking
steps if the artifact is level 7 or higher). a command word or tracing a specific
Depletion: — pattern on its surface), it secretes a
small amount of poison. The next
NECROMANTIC WAND creature the wearer touches with the
Level: 1d6 + 4 glove takes Speed damage equal to the
Form: Bone wand carved with runes artifact level (ignores Armor) and must
Effect: This wand emits a faint short-range make a new Might defense roll each
beam of sickly violet light that affects round or suffer the damage again until
only organic creatures and materials. either they succeed at the defense roll or
Living targets hit by the beam move five rounds pass, whichever comes first.
one step down the damage track. Depletion: 1 in 1d10
Nonliving organic targets are likely
This device is a rapid-fire weapon and Level: 1d6
Spray, page 185 thus can be used with the Spray or Arc Form: Stylized amulet worn on a chain
Spray abilities that some characters Effect: The amulet reduces one type of
Arc Spray, page 110
have, but each “round of ammo” used damage by an amount equal to the
or each additional target selected artifact level. Roll a d20 to determine
requires an additional depletion roll. the kind of damage the amulet
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 protects against.
1–4 Acid
5–8 Cold
9–12 Electricity
13–16 Fire
17–20 Poison

Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (check each time the

amulet reduces damage)



Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6
Form: Gold band inscribed with feather Form: Ring carved with sigils appropriate
wreath to its granted skill
Effect: The wearer of the ring can fall any Effect: This ring grants its wearer
distance safely, landing easily and knowledge of a specific skill, such
upright. as climbing, jumping, history, or
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 persuasion. This grants the wearer
training in that skill (or in two skills if
RING OF INVISIBILITY the artifact is level 5 or higher).
Level: 1d6 Depletion: —
Form: Gold band inscribed with
characters that are revealed only if ring SMOOTH-STEPPING BOOTS
is heated Level: 1d6 + 1
Effect: The wearer of the ring becomes Form: Pair of boots
invisible for one minute. While Effect: When the boots are activated, for
invisible, the wearer is specialized in the next hour the wearer can move
stealth and Speed defense tasks. The across rough or difficult terrain at
effect ends if they attack or spend normal speed, walk up walls, and
points from a Pool for any reason. even walk across liquids. In areas of
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 low or no gravity, the wearer can walk
along hard surfaces (even vertically
RING OF WISHES or upside down) as if under normal
Level: 1d6 + 4 gravity.
Form: Plain gold band Depletion: 1 in 1d100
Effect: The user makes a wish, and it is Wishes, page 71
granted, within limits. The level of the SOUL-STEALING KNIFE
effect granted is no greater than the Level: 1d6
level of the artifact, as determined by Form: Night-black blade in which distant
the GM, who can modify the effect stars are sometimes visible
accordingly. (The larger the wish, the Effect: This knife functions as a normal
more likely the GM will limit its effect.) light weapon. However, if the wielder
Depletion: 1–3 in 1d6 wishes, on a successful attack, it
inflicts additional damage (ignores
SHIELD OF TWO SKIES Armor) equal to the artifact’s level.
Level: 1d6 + 2 If damage from the dagger reduces
Form: Small hexagonal amulet a target to 0 health, the target’s soul
Effect: Upon activation, the amulet is drawn into the blade. The soul
creates a faint glow around the wearer remains trapped there for up to three
that provides +2 to Armor against days, after which time it is consumed.
heat and cold (or +3 for artifact level (Alternatively, the wielder can release
6 and higher). The effect lasts for ten the soul to whatever its fate would
minutes. otherwise be.)
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 As a separate activation, the wielder can
ask three questions of a creature
whose soul is trapped in the blade and
not yet consumed. After answering the
third question, the soul is consumed.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each



Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Form: Slender golden key Form: Staff of black iron set with an
Effect: When touched to a lock or the eye-shaped crystal headpiece
surface of a sealed object (such as a Effect: The wielder can use an action to
chest, envelope, or urn), the key briefly gain one of the following effects.
glows and attempts to open the target. Influence: The wielder makes a mental
Sealed objects fall open like peeled attack on a creature within immediate
fruits if their level is equal to or less range by providing a suggestion. An
than the artifact level, and locks open affected target follows any suggestion
easily if their level is equal to or less during its next turn that doesn’t cause
than the artifact level. direct harm to itself or its allies.
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 Lightning: The wielder discharges a bolt
of lightning that attacks all targets
SPELLBOOK OF along a straight line out to long range,
ELEMENTAL SUMMONING inflicting damage equal to the artifact
Level: 1d6 + 1 level.
Form: Weighty tome filled with pages of Shield: For one hour, the wielder gains
spell runes the protective effect of using a normal
Effect: When the user incants from the shield (an asset on their Speed
spellbook and succeeds at a level defense rolls). This effect is invisible
3 Intellect task, they can summon and doesn’t require them to hold a
Earth elemental, an elemental of one specific kind shield; merely touching the staff is
page 327 described in the book (earth, fire, sufficient.
Fire elemental, thorn, or some other type). The The staff can have more than one effect
page 326 elemental appears and does the ongoing at a time (such as using the
summoner’s bidding for up to one shield ability and blasting someone
Air elemental, page 105 hour, unless it somehow breaks the with lightning), but each requires a
Thorn elemental,
geas created by the book. separate activation and depletion roll.
page 106 Depletion: 1–3 in 1d20 Depletion: 1 in 1d100

Water elemental,
page 107
Level: 1d6 + 4
Form: Wooden staff capped with a golden
Effect: The staff emits a short-range beam
of silvery light that affects only living
creatures. A living creature hit by
the beam moves up one step on the
damage track.
A target that is not down on the damage
track can immediately make a free
recovery roll (or, for NPCs, regain a
number of points of health equal to
three times their level).
Depletion: 1 in 1d10



Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6
Form: Short wooden staff Form: Pouch with chalk, sealing wax, and
Effect: The staff has three abilities, each of an engraved runestone
which requires an action to activate. Effect: A simple cypher (such as a potion
Sea Passage. Creates a dry route or scroll) can be modified with this
through a body of water. The route is set of implements to turn it into a
approximately 20 feet (6 m) wide, up to trap. First, the cypher is attached to a
1,000 feet (300 m) deep, and as long surface with the sealing wax, then the
as the body of water is wide. The path user must make a difficulty 4 Intellect
remains open for up to four hours, or task to draw the runestone symbols
the wielder can collapse it as an action. around the edge of the cypher with
Snake Form. Staff transforms into a the chalk and place the runestone in
venomous snake whose level is equal the correct position. When the trap
to the artifact level. The snake has is triggered, the cypher is activated,
a bite attack that inflicts 6 points of so people often use straightforward
damage, plus 3 additional points of cyphers such as an explosive spell
Speed damage (ignores Armor) for scroll, a poisonous potion, and so on.
three rounds on a failed Might defense The trigger can react to a specified
roll. The snake obeys the wielder’s movement within 3 feet (1 m)—a door
verbal commands, but it can’t do opening, a creature or object moving
anything a regular snake couldn’t do. past the runestone, and so on. The
Water From Stone. Produces higher the level of the artifact, the
approximately 10 gallons (38 liters) of more sophisticated the trigger. For
pure water within immediate range, as example, a level 4 artifact’s trigger
if from a natural spring in the ground. might be based on a creature’s size
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 or weight, a level 5 artifact can trigger
based on a specific type of creature,
STORM SHACK and a level 6 artifact can trigger based
Level: 1d6 + 3 on recognizing an individual creature.
Form: Miniature model of a simple Depletion: Automatic
wooden shack
Effect: Activating the artifact transforms TUNNELING GAUNTLETS
it over the next few rounds into a Level: 1d6 + 1
simple wooden shack that is 10 feet Form: Oversized pair of metallic gauntlets
by 10 feet (3 m by 3 m) with a thin with broad nails
door. Everything inside the area of the Effect: When activated, for one hour
full-size shack is protected from most the gauntlets let the wearer burrow
forms of inclement weather for one up to an immediate distance each
hour (or ten hours for artifact level 6 round. They can burrow through most
and higher). Leaving or entering the soils and even some stone, but only
shack before the duration is up makes through material whose level is lower
it harmlessly collapse upon itself than the artifact level. Burrowing
unless the character succeeds on a leaves behind a tunnel with a diameter
Speed roll against the artifact’s level. of 5 feet (1.5 m) that remains stable for
If collapsed early or the duration runs several hours. After that, the tunnel is
out, the shack collapses into sticks, subject to collapse.
dust, and the miniature model, which Depletion: 1 in 1d20
can be taken and reused.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100


VORPAL SWORD day. Sometimes, this translates into an

Level: 1d6 + 3 asset on one of the user’s actions. For
Form: Long sword that sometimes example, the intelligence can suggest
whispers and snickers aloud the right phrase to make friends with
Effect: The vorpal sword cuts through any a shopkeeper to get a good deal, the
material of a level lower than its own. right tools to use while trying to break
It is a medium weapon that ignores open a door, or the right place to put
Armor of a level lower than its own. a shield to deflect an incoming attack.
On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, Sometimes the information is more
Minor effect, page 211 the suggested minor or major effect broad, such as the right road to take
is decapitation if the artifact is higher to reach the next town or why a group
Major effect, page 212
level than the foe (use this only if the of monsters is attacking the caravan
foe has a head; otherwise, choose a the bearer is guarding.
different effect). The whisperer’s willingness and ability
Depletion: 1–2 in 1d100 (check each to converse varies considerably.
decapitation and specific attempt to Sometimes it is quite chatty and
cut through solid material) offers advice. Other times, it must
be convinced, cajoled, or tricked into
WAND OF SPIDER’S WEBBING giving information. And sometimes, it
Level: 1d6 + 1 is entirely absent for reasons it will not
Form: White oak wand explain. The whisperer’s knowledge
Effect: This wand produces a long-range base is broad but not omniscient. It
stream of grey spider’s webbing that cannot see the future, but it can often
entangles a target and holds it stuck predict outcomes based on logic.
to nearby surfaces. Entangled victims Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each day)
can’t move or take actions that require
movement. Targets whose level is WITCH’S BROOM
higher than the wand’s level can Level: 1d6 + 2
usually break free within one or two Form: A 6-foot (2 m) long wooden broom
rounds. The entangling web is highly Effect: As a vehicle, the broom can be
flammable, and if ignited it burns ridden a long distance each round. On
away over the course of one round, extended trips, it can move up to 100
but the intense heat inflicts damage miles (160 km) per hour.
equal to the artifact level on whatever The bearer can call upon the broom to
was caught within it. grant them a powerful hallucinogenic
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 state that lasts for four hours, during
which time all tasks are hindered. After
WHISPERER IN THE ETHER the hallucinations end, the bearer’s
Level: 1d6 + 1 Intellect tasks are eased for the next
Form: Small crystal ten minutes.
Effect: The bearer of this crystal can Depletion: 1 in 1d20
telepathically communicate with
an immortal being whose location
is unknown (probably another
dimension or a godly or infernal
realm). The user can converse with
the intelligence on an ongoing basis,
but in general, the whisperer can
share a useful bit of information,
insight, or advice about once every

Part 2






he Godforsaken setting is about case, appearances are not deceiving. It
brave souls venturing out of the truly is peaceful and pleasant, thanks to
safety and comfort of their homes the gods called the Sacrante.
into places as removed from all they hold The power of the gods is present in
dear as could be imagined. The players all aspects of life. It is, in many ways, a
take on the roles of these explorers. divine utopia. While life is not free from
They’re brave, but they don’t do what they toil—farmers still till fields and tend
do to save the world. Their world is in flocks, merchants still transport and sell
no danger. They do it for the reason the goods, workers still build and repair, and
proverbial mountain climber climbs the so on—it is virtually free from poverty,
mountain: because it’s there. disease, and war.
The wealth and fame are nice too, though. The people of Bontherre all speak
At the heart of the setting lies Bontherre, Bontheche.
a place most people simply call the
Pronunciations Blessed Land. A pantheon of gods called
Bontherre: Bon-THAYR
the Sacrante watch over Bontherre and its THE SACRANTE
people very closely. Bontherre could almost Five gods comprise the Sacrante. They are
Bontheche: be considered a paradise, as the power of sometimes referred to as a family, though
divinity nurtures, protects, and provides. if that is literally true, no one knows.
Sacrante: Sac-RON-tay But there are lands beyond where the power Although divine, each god has a physical
Coerve: Cor-VAY
of the gods cannot reach. These places body and appears human, but their
are the Godforsaken Lands, dangerous inexplicable majesty cannot be mistaken.
Flevame: Flev-AM-ay and strange, and only the bravest and Almost always accompanied by a retinue of
most capable souls from Bontherre dare carefully selected mortal attendants, they
venture there. However, those regions sometimes dwell together in the city of
hold wealth and magic not found in the Coerve and sometimes apart in individual
Blessed Land, and those who do go and palaces scattered across the land.
come back are both admired and idolized. This means that the mortal inhabitants
of Coerve can see the gods walking among
them. Or, at least, they can see a god and
A GREEN AND PLEASANT LAND their retinue moving as a procession through
Green hills covered in grazing cows and the streets from a distance. Still, that kind
sheep. Fields of golden grain blowing in of proximity creates a bond between a
the breeze. Lush forests and strong trees worshipper and the subject of their worship.
and plentiful wildlife. Towns and cities of The Sacrante are not distant, removed
clean streets and welcoming structures. entities whose attentiveness (and maybe
This is Bontherre. And in Bontherre’s even existence) can be at times in doubt.


The people of Coerve—and truly, of all ANIANA, THE PROVIDER

Bontherre—can see that their gods truly exist Aniana is mother to the world. She feeds
and maintain awareness of all that transpires. the hungry, watches over the sick and the
And this care and attention is rewarded weak, and aids those in need. Farmers
with adoration and utterly faithful love her for each bountiful harvest.
worship. Temples are always crowded with Doctors and healers call upon her power
worshippers, singing praises and giving when treating the injured and ill. She
thanks. The people of Bontherre have protects the world from both plague
not allowed complacency, ingratitude, or and famine. Plants, food, medicine, and
entitlement to take hold. They do not take comforts of all kind belong to Aniana.
the Sacrante for granted.
BIELOSH, THE PROTECTOR Vanemerre, reportedly, is all-knowing, at
The archetypal barrel-chested father least in regard to all things Bontherre. She
figure, Bielosh guards Bontherre and its knows where everything and everyone is,
people from threat. He prevents war and and she sees what the future will bring. All Predatory animals such
as bears, wolves, birds
calamity, warding them off with divine paths through time and space are known
of prey, and the like
sword and shield. Legend has it that in to her. She masters knowledge, roads, still exist in Bontherre,
the earliest of days, predatory creatures books, and maps. but they are essentially
no threat to humans
preyed unduly upon the weak, making unless the humans do
the wilderness unsafe for humans, but EVIRAIMON, THE SPARK something extremely
unwise—much like
Bielosh slew hordes of hideous monsters Eviraimon appears to be an eternal child, in the real world.
and horrific dragons until none remained. although he is experienced and wise. And
Combat, feats of strength, and worked obviously, very old. He gives the spark of
metal all fall within Bielosh’s domain. life and the blessing of movement. Every


living thing owes this god their existence, goods to even the tops of the tallest
and he watches over birds as they fly, structures, making Coerve a city of tall,
rivers as they run, and children as they glistening towers.
Maefe Regre: level 7; play. He also holds fire and lightning The city leader is the regent, Maefe
within his purview. Regre, a mortal directly appointed by the
persuasion, and public
speaking as level 9 gods. She has a reputation for fairness and
RIAMANNE, THE CREATOR compassion. Under her direct command
Pronunciations Riamanne created and continues to create assemble the Bronze Ranks, the guardians
Bielosh: Bee-AY-lohsh
everything that exists. Living beings may and peacekeepers of the city. Crimes are
Aniana: An-ee-AN-ah thank Eviraimon for their life, but they have dealt with swiftly, but justly.
Riamanne to thank for their physical body.
Van-uh-ME-ayr This god created every rock, every blade LORIAN
of grass, every storm, and every creature Home of the Sacrante School, the Blessed
in the land. Builders and craftspeople Land’s greatest university, Lorian is a city
adore Riamanne, and they are seen as the of fifty thousand residents, and most of
Riamanne: overseer of order, wisdom, and skill. them are scholars. It is a city of columned
streets, libraries, and grand monuments
to past historical figures.
Bontherre is a land mainly of rolling green Niralle, also known as the Sparkling City,
hills. Snowcapped mountains run along is famous for its buildings and towers of
the northern border, and another range stained glass designed to glisten in both
bars the east. The rocky, warm southern sunlight and moonlight. Through power
coastline provides access to a glistening granted by the Sacrante, craftspeople
sea and its distant islands. create magical glass and lights of all
For the most part, the weather is temperate kinds. Merchants in the city sell glowing
and essentially always (supernaturally) mild. glass objects that never dim, glittering
Farmers sow crops of wheat, corn, and and flickering like a torch, for only 50 gp.
Korak-Mar, page 196 beans. Orchards of apple and pear trees Travelers to Korak-Mar might find such
grow in the east, and everywhere herders lights very useful indeed.
keep flocks of sheep and cattle.
COERVE Setvesous is a town located atop a plateau
The central city of Bontherre is Coerve, with sheer sides. The only way into or out of
a metropolis of more than one million the city is by using trained flying creatures
Skywhale: level 5, Speed people. Citizens enjoy plentiful food, called skywhales, which bear gondolas both
defense as level 4, Might
warmth, indoor plumbing, lit streets, above and below their bodies. Skywhales
defense as level 6;
health 50; Armor 1 and more conveniences, all provided look just like their oceanic counterparts, but
by the power of the Sacrante. The gods they swim through the air. Unlike whales in
themselves dwell in Coerve, at least the sea, skywhales are blind; to navigate,
some of the time. The Sacrante Palace, they create invisible pathways of sound by
sometimes just called the Golden Palace, singing whalesongs that guide them from
lies at the center of the city, and it is—by place to place.
far—the largest structure in Coerve. Ten thousand people call this high city
Clever mechanisms of divine inspiration home, and the skywhale traffic above
enable devices that carry people and always bustles. High above the city, in


the middle of the air, lies the gate to the invaders. Life in the Blessed Land is safe,
Firmament. It can most easily be reached peaceful, and comfortable. Life expectancy The Firmament,
page 186
by skywhale, although other flying magic for most people is well into their eighties or
might work if one knows where to go. nineties. The people of Bontherre barely
understand the concepts for things like food
THE SULIDDE MOUNTAINS shortages, cancer, or natural disasters, let
These snowcapped peaks mark the alone apostasy or insurrection. Pronunciations
northern boundary of Bontherre. Panthers, Those latter two ideas are probably
Lorian: Lo-ree-AN
bears, elk, moose, foxes, and hares all worth a bit more consideration. In a world
thrive in these mountains, along with many where the gods are right there, visible in Niralle: Nee-RALL

other animals. It is probably the most their grandeur, performing miracles every Setvesous: Set-VES-ows
dangerous region in the Blessed Land, day—or empowering their priesthood to
Sulidde: Soo-LEED
but the gods watch over and protect their do likewise—disbelief isn’t just rare, it’s
people even there. The Sacrante maintain idiocy. Very rarely, a person will renounce Launde: LAWN-day
a hidden citadel within the mountains, the gods and refuse to give them worship,
but no mortal knows where it lies. but most people want to show their
The grandest of the mountains, Mount gratitude and fidelity to the beings that
Launde, holds the portal to Korak-Mar make their lives so good. People who
deep within its lava-filled heart. It was don’t want the Sacrante in their lives
discovered by miners exploring the probably head to one of the Godforsaken
mountain’s vast subterranean caverns. Lands—Flevame, most likely—and those Flevame, page 174
who remain in Bontherre are generally
treated by society with condescending
INFLUENCE OF THE GODS (AND patience, as though they are quite mad.
RELIGION) ON SOCIETY Similarly, almost no one opposes
The priesthood of the Sacrante run or even questions the government or
hospitals, schools, libraries, and various the rulers of the land, because they
other institutions for the public good. are literally gods. Their wisdom and The priesthood of the
Sacrante and the people
This means that most people can read understanding far exceed that of mortals,
of Bontherre don’t object
and write, are familiar with typical and their ability to act on their insight and to sorcerers and others
healthcare and hygiene assumptions, knowledge is overwhelming. who wish to practice
personal magic. They
and know basic math, history, and logic. The only people who find do, however, consider it
That puts the people of Bontherre a step dissatisfaction with the abundant mostly a waste of time.
In the Blessed Land,
or two ahead of the folk of, say, Medieval happiness and contentment of Bontherre personal magic pales in
Europe in the real world. The priests also are those who long for adventure and comparison to magic
wield power channeled from the gods excitement. These adventurers are rare, wielded by the priests,
or to the creations of
directly, healing the sick, protecting the and there is no place in the Blessed Land the gods (let alone the
endangered, and repairing the broken. where they can find what they seek. They gods themselves). In
the Godforsaken Lands,
Even those not in the priesthood have often wield skills and abilities beyond it’s the only magic
access to powerful magical items created those of their fellow citizens, but have no that works, but most
people in Bontherre
by the gods that allow the performance of cause to use them.
don’t care about that.
all manner of miracles. Such individuals head into the
Perhaps far more importantly, the gods Godforsaken Lands—places that exist
prevent any sort of catastrophe from apart from the gods and outside their
coming to their land. No dangerous storms, purview. The Sacrante cannot go or see
no swarms of crop-devouring insects, there. The priesthood is powerless in such
no plagues, and no incursions by foreign places. Even the magical items created by


“The gods cannot save us here!”

~a frequent rallying cry of adventurers from Bontherre in the
Godforsaken Lands. It’s meant to be encouraging and empowering,
rather than a cry for help. It is their way of saying, “We succeed or fail
on our own! We make our own destiny!”

the gods are little more than useless junk The doors are different, of course. The
when taken to the Godforsaken Lands. one to Flevame is a river bank, and merely
So adventurers learn to fend for crossing the river means crossing into
themselves. They learn to fight, to survive, the next world. But there is little feeling
and to cope with harsh, godless realities. of transition, and you can see from one
Some even learn personal magic that side of the river, standing in one world,
allows them to perform their own (minor) and look to the other side, which lies
miracles without the power of the gods in another. Conversely, the door to the
to back them up. Those who return with Firmament is invisible, and the transition
trophies, treasures, or grand stories are through it is abrupt and takes a few
hailed as daredevil celebrities (but not seconds, during which time the traveler
really “heroes”). Fans follow their exploits appears encased in whitish-blue light. The
and choose their favorites. Some people door to Korak-Mar is visible but opaque,
even make wagers on the success or failure and the transition takes almost a full
of expeditions into the Godforsaken Lands. minute, during which time the traveler
floats in utter darkness.
Regardless of which door is used, travel
THE DOORS TO THE always completes. In other words, you
GODFORSAKEN LANDS cannot step halfway through a door. Once
There are holes in the world. These holes any part of a creature or object is put
The gods do not speak of lead to other places. Despite what the through the door, the entire creature or
the doorways. Perhaps
tut-tutting priests might say, these other object is transported to the other side. If
like the lands beyond,
they are outside of the places are not hells, although the gods that’s not possible (an object tied to a tree
gods’ sight and influence. hold no sway there, and dangers are with a rope, for example), the doorway does
frequent and terrifying at times. They are not function, and nothing passes through it.
other worlds, severed from Bontherre but
just as real, and populated by beings just THE RIVER OF SOULS
as real as well. AND AUDELLU BRIDGE
Currently, the people of the Blessed A traveler who wants to go to Flevame
Land know of three doorways to other can cross the River of Souls anywhere,
lands. One is extremely accessible (and but the most common way is to use the
not really a door, but an entire bank Audellu Bridge. The river stretches 90 feet
of a river), and two are exceedingly (27 m) across on average, but at Audellu
inaccessible. There is no reason to believe Bridge it is half again that wide. The
that there aren’t more such doorways— impressive stone bridge is well guarded,
which would mean more Godforsaken and a small keep houses the guards on
Lands, each with their own strange the Bontherre side.
atmospheres and unique magic. The road from the bridge leads to
Vothe, page 175 Vothe, the City of the Disaffected.


THE TUNNEL IN THE SKY very rare, and rescue or healing is never
To travel to the realm called the Firmament, far away, thanks to the priesthood and
one must use a skywhale craft or some other those armed with divine artifacts.
means of flight, because the passage is This chapter doesn’t provide a lot of detail
more than 300 feet (90 m) in the air, almost about Bontherre because it assumes that
directly above the town of Setvesous. the characters won’t have many (or really,
The other side of the gate offers solid any) adventures there. Instead, Bontherre is
ground, and in fact the safety of Castle the safe, settled land that the PCs can return Castle Turion, page 186
Turion. to in order to rest, recuperate, sell their
treasures, and tell their tales.
THE DOORWAY BENEATH Beyond what is presented here, make
THE MOUNTAIN whatever medieval fantasy assumptions
Deep within the twisting caverns at you need to make. People ride horses.
the heart of Mount Launde, greatest of They keep flocks of sheep. Blacksmiths
the Sulidde Mountains, lies a glowing work iron. Typical houses are wood or
doorway seemingly made of dripping stone with thatched roofs. People hunt
magma. Despite the apparent danger, game with bows or snares.
passage through this gate is safe, and Magic from the Godforsaken Lands,
brings one to the dark and dangerous unless described otherwise, holds its own
Godforsaken Land of Korak-Mar. power. It works even if taken from its world Korak-Mar, page 196
of origin. Conversely, magic from Bontherre
does not function in the Godforsaken
RUNNING GAMES IN BONTHERRE Lands. Since the Godforsaken Lands will
Bontherre is safe. It is also dull, at least be the setting for most if not all of your
if you’re an adventurer. Even in the adventures, don’t worry if the PCs wield
wilderness, the gods’ influence keeps all sorts of magic blessed by their gods.
people relatively protected. That’s not to It won’t help them where it matters (to
say that no one ever runs afoul of a bear them). They’ll have to rely on their own
or gets caught in an avalanche, but it’s skills, abilities, wits, and magic.




layers take on the roles of adventurers SORCERERS
who have the wherewithal and the Sorcerers command what can be referred
skills to travel into the Godforsaken to as “independent magic.” That is to
Lands. Such individuals are a rare breed. say, they do not draw upon the power
Most people in the Blessed Land have of the Sacrante to cast spells or wield
no interest in leaving Bontherre, ever. In supernatural talents.
fact, adventurers need to get dispensation Players who wish to create Sorcerers
Adept, page 24 from the priesthood to go into the use the Adept type.
Godforsaken Lands. (Plenty “forget” this It would be wrong to imagine Sorcerers
rule, and in truth the priests don’t really as traditional fantasy wizards, as they
care, as long as adventurers seem capable are rarely frail, bookish, or wizened.
and remain few in number.) Far more often, they are hardy, capable
Adventurers in this sense are not individuals physically as well as mentally.
conquerors. They don’t seek to colonize Some players will want to add the skills
Flavor, page 34 or subjugate the Godforsaken Lands. and knowledge flavor or even the combat
Instead, they typically try to get in, flavor to their character to reflect this.
accomplish a task, and get out, back to Sorcery in Bontherre has always been
the safety and comforts of Bontherre. considered an odd pursuit. Why bother
The Godforsaken Lands are learning how to use magic by manipulating
inhospitable, particularly to the folk of the small amount of power within yourself
Bontherre, as well as dangerous and when it’s so much easier to draw upon the
difficult. However, each of the discovered power of the gods? Sorcery has far greater
lands offers materials of great use and limits and requires far more skill and
great value in the Blessed Land, and they practice than what the Sacrante priests do.
cannot be found anywhere else. Few have the talent and the wherewithal
to truly master the craft, particularly since
the rewards are not really obvious until
ADVENTURERS one goes to the Godforsaken Lands, where
Adventurers traveling into the a priest would have no power, but the
Godforsaken Lands take on four basic Sorcerer’s spells still work.
roles, each mapping to one of the four Sorcerers typically learn their spells and
basic character types. Those roles are knowledge from a mentor one on one, for
Sorcerer, Warder, Scout, and Emissary, there are no real schools for sorcery, and
and they are typically descriptive of the priesthood would quietly discourage
individual talents and training. A Sorcerer attempts to create one in Bontherre.
probably has a very different background Some Sorcerers focus on one type of
than a Scout, for example. magic, becoming combat Sorcerers or


healers or something else, but most prefer watched over directly by a pantheon of divine
to master a wide variety of spells for the beings who essentially eliminate all threats.
wide variety of situations that present Warders typically seek the excitement
themselves in the Godforsaken Lands. of the Godforsaken Lands, and perhaps
more importantly the challenges found in
WARDERS those regions. There’s little way to truly
Stout, stalwart, and armed to the teeth, test one’s mettle in Bontherre, so people
Warders focus on the dangers of the who want to see what they’re made
Godforsaken Lands. of head out on an expedition into the
A player wishing to play a Warder uses Godforsaken Lands as quickly as they can.
the Warrior character type with the skills Many, of course, are never heard from Warrior, page 20
and knowledge flavor. Alternatively, some again, but those who come back bring
Warders might have the magic flavor tales of wonders and glory.
instead, but they would be very Warders often gain their initial training
out-of-the-ordinary individuals, using in a formal setting, like the military or
magic to power their skill at arms. law enforcement, but most follow up by
Far from being simple brutes or thugs, training with an experienced Warder who
Warders have to know how to survive can warn them about the conditions in
in harsh environments and operate in the Godforsaken Lands and the dangers
suboptimal conditions. While Bontherre has there. Such a mentor can also tell them
soldiers and guards, the only individuals where in the Blessed Land to get the best
from those ranks who become Warders are gear and weapons (most weapons in
likely those dissatisfied with the boredom Bontherre that aren’t used for hunting are
that comes from guarding a kingdom that is little more than decorative).


SCOUTS wilderness of Bontherre, developing the

Scouts are self-sufficient, hardy, and crafty skills that would later serve them so well.
individuals who use stealth, lore, and Most Scouts, then, are self-taught.
keen senses to blaze a trail in the wilds of A few Scouts come from different
the Godforsaken Lands. Players interested origins in which they learned to use their
Explorer, page 27 in playing a Scout should use the Explorer stealth to get ahead through criminal
type. Flavoring the character with stealth actions. Making a long-term living this
would certainly be a typical choice, but it way in Bontherre is difficult, as most
is not required. criminals are soon apprehended. Far
Scouts often come from the ranks of easier, then, to take what skills a thief or
the outcasts and introverts in the Blessed burglar might pick up in their early life
Land who just never seemed to fit in. and head to lands where the authorities
For them, the safety and gentleness and law are not quite so absolute (not
of Bontherre grated a bit, rather than to mention backed up by the gods
comforted. They probably could never themselves). A few such people have
get truly comfortable in the clean cities even earned pardons in the Blessed
and the fairly rigid structure of society. Land by accomplishing great deeds in
Longing to be free spirits and to embrace the Godforsaken Lands that benefitted
their autonomy to make their own path, Bontherre in some fashion.
they headed to the Godforsaken Lands.
Even before journeying to those EMISSARIES
Speaker, page 30 dangerous other worlds, a Scout probably The fact that intelligent species dwell
spent a great in the Godforsaken Lands means that
amount of someone needs to be able to speak and
time in the interact on behalf of the folk of Bontherre.
Emissaries negotiate with the people
of the Godforsaken Lands, conduct
trade, and learn about their societies
and cultures. Some of them wield such
command over interaction and influence
that their abilities take on a magic all
their own.
Players wishing to be an
Emissary should use the
Speaker character type. As
with Sorcerers, they may
wish to flavor their type with
skills and knowledge or even
combat so as to portray
their preparedness for the
rigors they face.


Emissaries often possess a scholarly Prepare for a variety of scenarios. Bring

outlook. Many take copious notes on rope. Bring cold-weather gear. Bring Starting characters in
this setting are always
what they encounter in the Godforsaken something that can be sealed airtight.
human and have no
Lands, usually focusing on the intelligent And so on. species-based descriptor.
species and cultures. Their drive to brave Later, perhaps, a player
might take on the role
the dangers of the lands can come from Bring extra supplies. You might find a of a moord or forlorren
their curiosity and need to discover and source for food, ammunition, and other from one of the other
lands, but this should
learn. consumables you need, but then again, happen only after the
Bontherre has no official diplomatic you might not. PCs have interacted with
corps because the Sacrante recognize no that species extensively,
and their alien nature
other lands on a formal level. However, Consider establishing a base camp. You has worn off a bit.
the priest-run schools promote the study might find civilized areas where you can
of skills that are important to emissaries, rent a room for the night, but it’s unlikely. Moord, page 197
and some priests intentionally encourage A base camp allows you to have a store Forlorren, page 187
students to accompany expeditions into of supplies that you can return to as
the Godforsaken Lands and bring back needed, and have shelter when you need
detailed accounts of what they find. They it, without carrying everything with you all
also hope that a well-trained Emissary the time and finding new secure locations
will represent Bontherre effectively, and each night.
perhaps even establish formal relations
with the species they find there. These ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT
priests, however, operate quietly, as Additional equipment
for the Godforsaken
official doctrine does not encourage such Item Price setting, page 169
endeavors. Acid-resistant tarp 15 gp
Bellerite (1 pound) 100 gp
Bellerite case 2,000 gp
STARTING OFF Camouflaged tarp 2 gp
Very likely, the GM will start the first Firmament elixir 75 gp
session in Bontherre, where the PCs will Insect repellent 15 gp
meet, plan, and equip for an expedition Korak-Mar curative 75 gp
into one of the Godforsaken Lands. They Liquid mirror (1 ounce) 100 gp
might have a specific mission that will Liquid mirror artisan tools 500 gp
take them through a particular doorway, Liquid mirror cooler 50 gp
or they might be left to choose where to
Rotting smear 10 gp
explore on their own.
Spirit goggles 500 gp
Spirit thread 1,000 gp
Strong seasonings 2 gp
Players who are new to the setting can
Sunblock cream 6 gp
use the following tips to help their
Thread tools 1,000 gp
characters get off on the right foot.

Research. Each of the Godforsaken Lands Acid-resistant tarp: The burning rains
has its own dangers and challenges. Try to on Korak-Mar can be hard on tents, gear,
figure out all you can about a place before and, of course, flesh. Something covered
you go there. Ask other adventurers, or completely by this tarp will be fine for a
read a book. while, but after more than twenty hours of
rain, even the tarp begins to disintegrate.


Bellerite: This blue-black metal is found exposed to very, very low temperatures. It
only in Korak-Mar. It cannot be damaged is used to make fantastical works of art,
or manipulated by magic of any kind, but but it cannot be transported in liquid form
neither can it be enchanted. Usually found back to Bontherre—only in solid form.
with many impurities such that the ore Liquid mirror artisan tools: This case
must be refined before it can be used. of various magically treated tools allows
Bellerite case: This metal box is 18 someone to shape and manipulate liquid
inches long, 12 inches wide, and 6 inches mirror. This does not count against a
deep (46 cm by 30 cm by 15 cm). It has a character’s cypher limit.
Bellerite lock: level 6 bellerite lock. Neither box nor lock can be Liquid mirror cooler: This magical
affected by magic. cylinder can be filled with liquid mirror and
Short trips to the Camouflaged tarp: When PCs leave their keep it cool for up to twenty-four hours for
Firmament and
base camp behind for short trips, they’ll transport. It can be used only once, and it
Korak-Mar without the
proper elixir or curative want to hide their supplies. counts against a character’s cypher limit.
are possible, if potentially Firmament elixir: This flask of red Rotting smear: If this stinking salve is
unpleasant. Starting
adventurers might not liquid can ease or prevent suffering from added to a disguise kit, it is possible to
be able to afford the the illness that seems to come from fool even the undead into believing that
cures before they leave
the Blessed Land.
breathing Firmament air. Anyone who the disguised character is one of them.
drinks it has the most recent damage they Spirit goggles: These magically
suffered from the affliction cured, and enhanced goggles allow an adventurer
they will not be subject to further damage looking for spirit threads in Flevame to
for one week. This minor magical elixir see them. The goggles also ease any task
is produced in the Blessed Land, but its to find a spirit of any kind.
power is independent of the Sacrante. It Spirit thread: Invisible, intangible thread
does not count as a cypher. that can be worked into magic items
Insect repellent (Firmament): Certain to make them more powerful. Can be
biting insects in the Firmament carry manipulated only by thread tools.
Something designed to disease, but this balm keeps them away Strong seasonings: Even when
cope with a difficulty
from one’s skin. This is a week’s supply. one finds something edible in the
in one Godforsaken
Land, such as the Insect repellent (Korak-Mar): There Godforsaken Lands, the taste is usually
various insect repellents are a variety of biting, stinging insects quite unpleasant. Large doses of herbs
or cures, will not help
with the difficulties in Korak-Mar that can give adventurers from home help. This is enough for a
in another land. painful welts and irritating bumps. This week or more.
foul-smelling liquid drives them away. Sunblock cream: While sunburn
This is a week’s supply. certainly happens in the Blessed Land,
Korak-Mar curative: The land of adventurers have found that exposure
Korak-Mar itself seems hostile to to the Firmament’s brighter sun, not to
Bontherre life, but this curative can help. mention its second sun, causes sunburn
Anyone who drinks it has the most recent almost twice as fast. Smearing this thick
damage they suffered from the affliction cream on the skin provides protection.
cured, and they will not be subject to This is a week’s supply.
further damage for one week. This minor Thread tools: This is a large pack of
magical elixir is produced in the Blessed strange, magically treated tools that allow
Land, but its power is independent of the someone to “harvest” spirit threads in
Sacrante. It does not count as a cypher. Flevame once they are located. The pack
Liquid mirror: A metal found only in the does not count against a character’s
Firmament, and only in liquid form unless cypher limit.




ost, or more likely all, of the Each of the Godforsaken Lands is Although the people of
Bontherre do not have
adventures in this setting will take different—in some ways, very different—
the context to grasp this
place not in Bontherre, but in the from the others. However, all have the concept, each of the
Godforsaken Lands beyond it. These following in common: Godforsaken Lands is
actually on a different
realms can be reached only by magic, but • No magic from the Sacrante functions planet. This explains
the mystical pathways to them are at least in the Godforsaken Lands. the difference in the
sun, the moon(s), the
somewhat accessible (particularly to the • Further, no magic originating stars, and of course the
land of Flevame). in Bontherre extends into the environments and other
The general populace of Bontherre Godforsaken Lands, meaning no conditions. The gods
of Bontherre are truly
considers the Godforsaken Lands to divine sight or divination used gods and wield powerful
be literally hellish places, cursed by evil from the Blessed Land can see into magic, but they don’t
have the ability to extend
magic and teeming with demons and dark them, no magical travel from the their divine might into
spirits. Adventurers (and others who are Blessed Land is possible, and no other solar systems—or
perhaps other galaxies.
more learned than the typical person) communication with Bontherre is
However, this doesn’t
know that in fact the Godforsaken Lands possible except by physical delivery of mean that Godforsaken
are far more nuanced. Yes, it is true that messages. This is true even of magic is a science fiction setting.
Travel to and from the
the power and even the vision of the independent of the gods. Godforsaken Lands is
gods do not extend there, and it is true • New kinds of magic, completely done via magic, and
each world presented
that predators in those lands would not different types of plants and animals, is a magical one. After
hesitate to hunt and kill explorers, but and even different sorts of weather are all, the characters in
a traditional fantasy
that does not make these places accursed found there.
world like Middle-earth
hells. The Sacrante provide for the people • The sun and the night sky are both or Narnia contend
of the Blessed Land and ensure their different—different from those of with things like gravity,
air, and weather, and
freedom from things such as predators Bontherre, and different from those of that does not make
and disease, so it is easy to understand the other Godforsaken Lands. those places any less
fantastical. The same
why the folk of Bontherre would find • Predators are common. is true here. The only
anywhere else to be terrifying. • Nonhuman intelligent species dwell difference is that the
Adventurers, of course, just find such within each land. Godforsaken setting
involves four (or perhaps
things invigorating and challenging. They • Disease and debilitating conditions more) worlds with
do not want to dwell forever within the are common. different gravity, air,
weather, and so on.
safe bosom of the gods. They want to • Much is still unknown.
make their own way, test their own mettle,
and prove their own worth. Moreover,
there are treasures and materials found
in each of the Godforsaken Lands that are
worth a great deal to people in Bontherre.

17 1

RUNNING ADVENTURES IN to fend for themselves. Getting out of

THE GODFORSAKEN LANDS Bontherre is very likely the best thing that
Godforsaken Lands One of the main themes of a Godforsaken could happen to them.
GM intrusions:
campaign is the dichotomy between the Remember, they’re Godforsaken lands,
Scorpion in the PC’s safety and comfort of Bontherre and the not people-forsaken lands. The people
boot in the morning dangers and difficulties (and rewards) of of Bontherre mistakenly think of them
Sudden sinkhole the Godforsaken Lands. It is the clash of as evil, hellish places, but they’re just
beneath their feet civilization versus wilderness. Of course, different environments, outside the
Vent in the ground
just like in the real world, one person’s sphere of the gods. Yes, it’s difficult for
with noxious fumes “wilderness” might be someone else’s people from Bontherre to survive and
“civilization.” It’s not the intention here flourish there, but “difficult” is what true
Unexpected heat or cold
to promote colonialist attitudes. The PCs adventurers want.
Some kind of insects aren’t going to conquer, proselytize, or
or worms crawl into
armor or helmet civilize anyone. It’s more about surviving NEVER MAKE IT EASY
in (literally) alien environments. Life in the Godforsaken Lands should be
Supplies filled with bugs
Godforsaken campaigns are also, challenging for natives of Bontherre. To
Strange, debilitating rash however, about the triumph of capable portray this, always make things difficult
that lasts for a day or two individuals over hardship. People who and frequently unpleasant.
remain in the Blessed Land are well cared If there’s a location the PCs want
for by the Sacrante, but that means most to reach, put it at the top of a sheer,
of their problems are solved for them. crumbling cliff or the bottom of a dark
They don’t experience a lot of adversity, ravine. If there’s a person they need to
but neither do they face challenges. Some speak with, that person lives in the middle
people thrive when challenged and want of a village gripped with plague. If there


are supplies the PCs need, they’re on the them to organize their next expedition
other side of an area filled with prowling soon after they catch their breath.
This doesn’t mean that adventures in USE THEIR UNIQUE MATERIALS
these places should be a frustrating slog. Each of the Godforsaken Lands has a
You can use the challenges as flavor. You substance that is unique and valuable.
don’t have to slow things down with extra Flevame has spirit threads, the
die rolls or meaningless encounters to Firmament has liquid mirror, and
portray how difficult it is to pass through Korak-Mar has bellerite. All of these
the Wilderness of Krym in Flevame, for materials are rare, but they should feature in
example. Just give a few sentences of at least some, if not many, of the adventures
visceral description about how every step or locations in these lands. While not every
is a mud-caked effort, with all manner of locale in Korak-Mar will involve a bellerite
foul things squirming around the PCs’ vein, for example, a map to a bellerite
boots, and with biting, buzzing insects mine would be precious treasure.
plaguing their every moment, even These unique substances should be
getting in their mouths and noses as valuable enough to be the impetus for
they breathe. an expedition, but rare enough that
The Godforsaken Lands, then, have finding the material and getting it back
ample opportunities for GM intrusions. to Bontherre should be difficult. And the
Again, not to be irritating to the players inhabitants of the Godforsaken Lands Weakening, page 174
or to slow down gameplay, but to add value the materials themselves, and thus Red hammer, page 186
exciting moments of danger to what may be competitors for the resources. Korak-Mar, page 196
might be, in a more hospitable land, a
simple bit of travel or a relatively easy


Each Godforsaken Land has a peculiar
danger. Flevame has the weakening. The
Firmament has thin air that makes it
hard to breathe, as well as the affliction
called red hammer. Korak-Mar has
debilitating energies, as well as acid rain,
biting insects, and more. (Korak-Mar, in
particular, is a nasty place to visit, even by
the standards of the other Godforsaken
Lands.) It’s easy to forget to make the
PCs attempt tasks to resist these ongoing
effects, but they play an important role
in cementing the inhospitable and alien
natures of these places.
Even the bravest or hardiest of
adventurers should be relieved to get back
home to Bontherre. Of course, the call
to excitement and adventure might drive




levame was the first of the DIFFERENCES IN FLEVAME
Godforsaken Lands to be explored by Adventurers crossing the river into
folk from Bontherre. No one in the Flevame will experience a number of
Blessed Land can remember a time when notable changes, aside from those true of
Flevame was unknown. As long as people every Godforsaken Land.
have visited the River of Souls, they have ✦
known of Flevame. The sun appears slightly smaller in
The River of Souls marks the northwest Flevame, and its light is slightly more
boundary of Bontherre, because to cross pale. The night sky bears no moon.
it is to pass into the realm of Flevame. Because of the nature of the broad,
This, however, is more than just a simple visible “doorway” to this land, however,
“Flevame” is a river crossing. Flevame is a very different it’s sometimes possible to stand near the
Bontherrian name.
land from Bontherre and obeys very River of Souls and see two suns, one on
No native of Flevame
calls it that, but their different rules. However, the ease of entry each side, or to see Bontherre’s moon
names for it vary from into this Godforsaken Land fools many from the banks of the Flevame side of
culture to culture.
people into taking the trip casually. Such the river.
travelers typically turn back rather quickly. ✦
Long ago in Bontherre, Flevame was Flevame air seems colder. Some explorers
Although it feels like believed to be the land of the dead. This even say it “tastes” different, although not
Flevame weakens
is not the case. It is, however, a land everyone seems to notice this, and the
visitors, the truth is that
its gravity is somewhat of many spiritual entities, as well as difference is slight.
greater. Unlike with ghosts (and undead). Spirits inhabit and ✦
the difficulties in the
Firmament and represent natural features, like the forests, Perhaps most significantly, adventurers
Korak-Mar, there is no the rivers, the mountains, and so on. from Bontherre experience what they call
easy elixir or curative for
this issue other than a
These are called shoum. the “weakening” in Flevame. They grow
cypher or other effect that The idea that Flevame is the land of tired more quickly, they cannot carry the
restores Might normally. the dead is ironic to some, who believe heavy burdens they are accustomed to,
instead that the people of Bontherre and they generally feel slightly unwell.
originated in Flevame, long ago migrating Bontherre PCs find that any Might-related
across the river and discovering the task costs 1 additional Might point.
Sacrante. Upon finding a far more ✦
hospitable place to live, they set down Adventurers typically come to Flevame
roots in the “blessed land” and never for spirit threads. These are strands
returned. of invisible, ethereal matter that, if cut
and woven, can be incorporated into an
existing magical artifact (or cypher) to
increase its level by 2. Obviously, spirit


threads are difficult to find and even more

difficult to obtain and work with, but
adventurers have developed thread tools Thread tools: see
Additional Equipment,
and methods to do so.
page 169

Unlike the other Godforsaken Lands,
Flevame and Bontherre have a fair
amount of “bleed.” Animals and plants
from one world long ago began coming If it’s true that the people
of Bontherre originated in
into the other, passing over or across the
Flevame, that migration
river as easily as explorers do. This is far across the river must
more true of Bontherrian influence on have happened a very,
very long time ago.
Flevame than the other way around—so For one thing, it would
much so that the Flevame banks of the mean that the migrants
to Bontherre eventually
River of Souls look fairly similar to their grew ill-accustomed to
Bontherre counterpart. the force that creates
✦ the “weakening” in
Flevame. (Some have
Appearances can be deceiving, however. theorized that there
Bontherrian plants are smaller and is no weakening in
Flevame, but rather
sturdier in Flevame, and Bontherrian a “strengthening” in
animals that spend a great deal of time Bontherre. Perhaps,
but the end result is
(or all their time) in Flevame are likewise
the same.) Further, no
stouter, lower to the ground, and records of this migration
generally stronger. can be found in the
Blessed Land. Rather,
✦ there are many stories
Watchtowers run along the southern and from the distant past
involving the first
eastern banks of the river to ensure that Bontherre explorations
no inhabitants of Flevame cross the river into Flevame. Most of
these involve ghosts and
into Bontherre.
the living dead hordes
of the necromancer
Crumellia Encomium.


Ask anyone in Vothe and they’ll tell you
the tale: once, there were two sorcerers,
twin siblings, and each built a tower in
which to live and practice their art. These
two towers stood many miles apart,
but as time passed, the link between
the siblings created a link between the
towers, and over the course of many
years, the towers drew closer and closer
together. Eventually, they stood next to
each other and remain so today. When the
sorcerers died, other people moved into
the towers and built onto the structures
so that they grew and grew. Many more
years passed, and the towers developed


into a sort of vertical city, hundreds of hardship. Flevame is the easiest place to
feet tall. However, the distinct nature reach if one wants to escape the bosom
None of the disaffected of the towers remains, so the city exists of the gods, and Vothe grew as more
in Vothe have
in two halves, still resembling two very and more of the disaffected arrived over
acclimatized entirely to
the weakening. Some tall towers, but each made of hundreds the years, looking for a new place to call
who have lived there of different buildings, extensions, and home.
the longest, however,
have grown resistant additions. Three bridges at different levels
to it (as they believe connect the two massive, hodgepodge PC s IN VOTHE
it’s some detrimental
effect, not realizing that
conglomerate structures. Travelers from Bontherre can find
it’s stronger gravity). The two halves of the city are named information, supplies, and lodging in
for the sorcerers, so one is called Nenne Vothe. The city isn’t welcoming, per se,
and the other Nanne. Nenne is mostly a but the people there won’t ask a lot of
number of markets (typically on balconies questions or automatically challenge
extending out of the rim of the structure), outsiders.
eateries, and other businesses. Nanne is Vothe is a center for the spirit thread
primarily the residential section. About trade, although trade in such a rare and
five thousand people live in the odd city. expensive commodity is quiet. Still, some
The reason for Vothe’s strange but of the most skilled thread hunters use
steady growth lies with the fact that some Vothe as their home base, and a few
people in Bontherre don’t want to live in magical artisans and craftspeople live
a world that’s nurtured, protected, and there to make use of the threads.
overseen by a group of immortal beings. Many criminals from Bontherre come
They want to live free and under their own to Vothe to hide from the authorities. This
rules, even if it means living in greater makes it a dangerous city with a large


number of cutthroats and murderers.

Worse, they are paranoid cutthroats and HARVESTING AND WORKING
murderers, wary that anyone coming
A harvested spirit thread is worth
from the Blessed Land might be there to
500 gp. They can be found anywhere
apprehend them.
in Flevame, seemingly stretching
Everyone in Vothe speaks Bontheche,
from one random point to another.
so the PCs shouldn’t have great difficulty
Normally invisible, if they can be
with communication.
found, they appear to be ghostly
threads about the width of a human
ADVENTURES IN VOTHE hair, usually 12 to 15 feet (3.5 to 4.5 m)
The Graveyard Suitor: Thanks to the long.
actions of the necromancer Crumellia Special thread tools allow the Thread tools, page 170
Encomium, the dead from Vothe’s thread to be cut, wound, and stored.
graveyard routinely rise, despite the They also enable a crafter of magic
best efforts of local mages and others to weave the thread into a magical
to prevent it. Recently, a deceased man artifact or cypher, which increases
named Corve rose from his grave, but the level by 2 without otherwise
rather than join Crumellia’s hordes, making the item more time-intensive,
he lingered, eventually slipping into expensive, or difficult to fashion.
the shadows of Vothe. Skulking there, Characters equipped with spirit Spirit goggles, page 170
he began breaking into the home of a goggles or other means to see
woman, Zabyn. Corve was obsessed with invisible objects can potentially find
Zabyn in life, and that obsession has the threads anywhere in Flevame, but
continued into death. Corve doesn’t seek they are rare (to say the least), and
to harm her, but his entreaties of love one must venture far from Vothe to
seem menacing and ghastly now that he’s find any uncut, unharvested threads.
dead. Zabyn needs the help of someone
who can either destroy her undead
harasser or convince (or force) him to murderer from the city of Niralle who Niralle, page 162
leave her alone. apparently is highly skilled in making
and using poisons. She’s hiding out in
The Needy Merchant: A merchant named Vothe, trying to raise enough money to
Endre Vavion would like to set up a hire a sorcerer to magically change her
regular trading route between Vothe and appearance.
Bontherre. The authorities in Bontherre
don’t condone open trade with the
Godforsaken Lands, so it would need CRUMELLIA ENCOMIUM
to be done stealthily, at least at first. To One of the reasons that people likely
accomplish this, Endre and whomever he believed Flevame to be the realm of the
hires to help would need to establish the dead is that some of the first beings
easiest route, make an accurate map, and explorers encountered were the undead
rid the area around the route of bandits, creatures that serve Crumellia Encomium,
dangerous beasts, and other challenges. an undying necromancer of great power.
Long ago, she ruled over the entirety of
The Wanted Criminal: The authorities in the lands immediately across the River of
Bontherre have placed a bounty of 1,000 Souls. Years of incursions of strong and
gp on the head of Fabrinne Coloste, a skilled intruders from Bontherre have


For Crumellia, use driven back her hordes of ancient dead. creation. Certainly she is mighty, but it’s
the demigod stats on
The necromancer hates adventurers also certain that she is no true god, at
page 321 of the Cypher
System Rulebook, with from the Blessed Land. least not in the sense of the gods of the
the following changes: Although it’s possible that she uses Blessed Land.
• Raises the dead
(transformed into her own powers over life and death to Still, for an evil, tyrannical wizard,
undead) with a touch. endure for as long as she has, it’s very Crumellia is uncharacteristically
• Causes all the dead likely that Crumellia Encomium is not content. She loves raising the dead and
within 10 miles
to rise over the
human, or in fact even mortal. In fact, experimenting with necromantic spells and
course of a week. a few people might claim—perhaps potions. She does not desire more power
• Communicates whispered in a tavern in Vothe after too or more land, and she has all the subjects
telepathically with many drinks—that she is related to the she could ever want (and if she doesn’t,
any undead creature
within 100 miles. Sacrante somehow. Perhaps she is some she can just make more). She would be
• Transforms an undead form of progeny, distant relation, or failed no real threat except for one thing.
creature with a touch The necromancer hates adventurers
into a higher-level type
of undead over the
from the Blessed Land.
course of a week. What Crumellia seeks more than
anything is a way to slay all the so-called
adventurers that come to Flevame, and to
keep more from ever crossing the River of
Souls. She tolerates the people of Vothe
as long as they keep to their strange,
towering city, except in that they aid and
abet the adventurers that come and
destroy her creations, loot her castles,
and drive back her hordes. If her spies
reveal that a certain merchant or barkeep
• Possesses the Orb of lends too much assistance to adventurers
Death’s Denial, which in Vothe, she sends in her assassins. And
returns its owner to
life (or unlife) one her assassins are vampires.
week after being slain. She would rather strike at her enemies
This artifact is level 10
and has a depletion
directly. However, she has learned that
of 1–3 on 1d6. should she attempt straightforward
• Has dozens of magical battle with her assembled hordes, she
manifest cyphers at will see success for a time, but eventually
her disposal to grant
to loyal servants, such actions only draw more powerful
and probably carries adventurers to her land. So to achieve
five or six herself.
her ends, she puts her devious mind to
work. She turns some of the castles
in the wilderness into deathtraps. She
plans ambushes by the dead hidden
half-buried in the wilds (because if there
is anything her troops have in abundance,
it is patience). She lures adventurers with
valuable treasures that also carry curses
or plagues. Crumellia has the time to play
a very slow game. Neither she nor her
servants are prisoners of time.


THE WILDERNESS OF KRYM attack any living creatures they come

A blasted heath, occasionally punctuated upon. Sometimes, however, those in
by copses of shriveled, grey trees, the Crumellia’s realm might be seen by a
Wilderness of Krym is exceedingly dry ghost that won’t attack immediately
and perpetually withered. Also known but instead will report its findings to a
as the Funereal Fields, it is a vast moor vampire or perhaps even the necromancer
forever in the process of dying. Other herself.
than the occasional carrion birds or biting As one approaches Crumellia’s palace,
insects, no living creature resides in this the numbers of the undead grow and
wilderness. their presence becomes ubiquitous.
The undead dwell in dark castles
of cold stone here and there in Krym. Skeletons: Skeletal creatures, given a Skeleton, page 353
Usually, a vampire rules from each castle, semblance of life by Crumellia’s dark
commanding a variety of undead soldiers magic, comprise the vast majority of the
and servants. Each vampire, in turn, undead hordes. They serve as both guards
answers to the necromancer. and infantry. Some wield weapons—
As one proceeds northward, the heath usually bows or swords—while others
becomes a bog. Poisonous serpents, strike with bony hands and claws. In Crumellia can even force
her skeletal servitors to
bloodthirsty leeches, and scuttling truth, these beings are more automaton
scream when in battle,
creatures dwell within this stinking than anything else, following orders but despite the fact that they
swamp, but again, it is mostly lifeless. The not truly intelligent. have no vocal cords.

bog is filled with the remains of ancient Many of these skeletons appear to
dead, ensuring that Crumellia never have been human once, but plenty of
goes without raw materials for her dread them were clearly animals, nonhuman
sorcery. Paths of stone and bone wend humanoids, or beasts that are difficult to
through the bog, allowing those who recognize. Those that fall into this latter
know the routes to pass quickly through category appear to be random collections
the region and easily travel to and from of bones assembled into the forms of
the castles within. Newcomers are likely no creatures that ever lived. Multiarmed
to slowly slog through the morass. bears with three toothy skulls, serpents
Rising out of the bog like a monolith, with the skulls of lions, and horses with
Crumellia’s palace is a snarl of grey angles human spinal columns for legs. Some
and jutting iron extremities. Its many seem more like works of macabre art
towers spew forth smoke both dark and than efficient servants. Still, no matter
green, the by-products of her foul magical what form they take, they are composed
practices. The necromancer almost never of the remains of creatures that once
leaves her sanctum, instead spending her lived, which means Crumellia can coax
nights brewing more undead servitors servitude from them. (Her magic can
for her hordes, consorting with her inner make bones, skulls, and dead flesh move
circle of vampires, and listening to the and act however she wishes.)
whispered gossip of her ghostly spies.
Ghouls: Shock troops and elite soldiers, Ghouls in Flevame are
THE UNDEAD HORDES Crumellia’s ghouls are undead humans different from those
in the Cypher System
Crumellia’s living dead servants can be seething with her dark sorcery. They get Rulebook. For Flevame
encountered almost anywhere in the their name from their love of devouring ghoul stats, use the
abomination stats on
Wilderness of Krym. These wandering their slain foes, but they don’t actually page 315 of the Cypher
bands—usually skeletons or ghouls— need to eat to sustain themselves. Much System Rulebook.


smarter than skeletons, ghouls hunt in

packs when their mistress looses them VAMPIRE SWORD (ARTIFACT)
from the pits in which they dwell, savagely Level: 1d6 + 4
attacking almost anything that lives Form: Black and red bladed
(unless given orders to do otherwise).
Effect: Vampire swords function
These creatures bear no resemblance to
as normal greatswords (heavy
the people they were in life, physically or
weapons) until they have been
successfully used to draw blood.
From that point onward, for the
Ghost, page 331 Ghosts: Crumellia’s spies are the
rest of the combat, they moan
ephemeral spirits of the dead. Torn free
and hiss hungrily, with ravenous
from the memories and personalities of mouths all along the blade. A
the people they were in life, these sinister blooded vampire sword inflicts
spirits eagerly serve the necromancer and +3 damage and heals a vampire
delight in learning information valuable wielder for 1 point of health each
enough to whisper in her ear. round (other wielders are not
Grave behemoth: level 7, Grave behemoths: Perhaps some Depletion: —
Speed defense as level 6
of the most terrifying and powerful
due to size; health 40;
Armor 2; living creatures of Crumellia’s servants, the grave
within close range behemoths are towering giants 12 or 13 THE COMERELK AND THE SHALISS
must succeed at a
Might defense roll or feet (3.5 to 4 m) tall with thick, muscular Shaggy humanoids with long limbs and
move down one step bodies on which the head has been almost beak-like snouts, shaliss are
on the damage track
replaced by a gravestone. In addition to unsophisticated but quite intelligent.
being juggernauts of destruction, they Their prodigious hair can be varying
literally drain the life from the living shades of brown, black, or even
beings around them in a vile process whitish-blue. These arboreal folk fashion
called “the lure of the grave.” Grave crude tools and shelters, but only to
behemoths stink of decay and fresh dirt. meet their modest needs. They have little
interest in progress.
Vampire, page 362 Vampires: Vampires serve Crumellia as The shaliss dwell within what they call
commanders of her hordes. Their ability the Comerelk, which translates more or
to fool the living into thinking they too less to “the quiet wood.” The Comerelk
are alive also makes them excellent couldn’t be more different than the
assassins. Unlike the other members of Wilderness of Krym. This lush rainforest
the necromancer’s hordes, vampires are teems with life, both flora and fauna.
entirely autonomous. Some have even Shaliss are herbivorous, but have learned
turned against their creator, or fled into to protect themselves from the many
the wilds to make their own way rather creatures in the wood that are not.
than serve. Perhaps because of this, While the shaliss excel at brachiating
Crumellia rewards her most powerful through the trees, non-natives passing
and loyal vampires with potent magical through the Comerelk very likely must
artifacts—usually swords. do it on the ground, and at half normal
speed due to the thick growth of vines,
underbrush, and other plants, not to
mention the tiny streams and pools
hidden by that vegetation throughout.


Shaliss speak their own language, Hederar: Goblin-like humanoids, Hederar: level 2;
Armor 1; one random
which involves a great many gestures hederar are small of size and selfish of
magical ability
as well as sounds. A few have learned spirit. These hideous creatures fashion
to speak halting Bontheche so they can clothing from furs and skins, weapons of
interact with visitors. They take it as a sign sharpened wood or stone, and various
of respect and goodwill if visitors speak crude tools. They eat flesh and greedily
a little of the shaliss tongue (even if it is lust after shiny treasures of any kind. The Comerelk does not
generate more spirit
done through magic). They live in small, wandering bands
threads than anywhere
A shaliss takes great offense if their and sometimes capture and force other else in the land, but it
land is referred to as “Godforsaken.” creatures, like wolves or hyenas, to very likely has a greater
occurrence of
They worship Shava, the Sun, and Imass, serve them. Hederar have their own as-yet-undiscovered
the Moon. These gods are very different crude language, but a few can speak threads than Krym
and certainly anywhere
than those of the Sacrante. They are not and understand a handful of words of near Vothe.
present and do not overtly interfere. Bontheche or the shaliss tongue.
Adventurers from the Blessed Land The peculiar thing about hederar is that
might find it hard to believe that they each has a single innate magical ability.
are real, because belief and faith have While most are innocuous, like producing
no real foundation in their own worship. a small flame or having a supernatural
It doesn’t take faith to know that the sense of balance, some hederar can
Sacrante are real and take an interest in conjure violent storms or teleport
the activities of their worshippers. hundreds of miles. And there seems to be
no way to tell how powerful a hederar is
The Comerelk teems with life. Birds nest Some useful abilities of individual
in the trees, and small mammals scurry hederar include:
along the ground as well as the branches. • Leaping a short distance
Although nothing in the woods exactly • Inflicting 5 points of electrical damage
resembles the animals of the Blessed by touch
Land, some come close enough to still use • Freezing liquid within short range
terms like “squirrels,” “frogs,” “raccoons,” • Deflecting attacks (hindering attacks
or even “wolves” to describe them. made on them by three steps)
The woods also harbor inhabitants such • X-ray vision
as the following. • Ability to take two actions each round
• Negating sound within short range
Hass: The predatory hass resemble • Levitation Hass: level 6; health 25;
Armor 1; bite inflicts
10-foot (3 m) pythons with two heads. • Mind control
6 Speed damage and
The bite of a hass has a strange effect • Immunity to fire causes swollen growths
on victims: they rapidly increase in body • Telepathy
mass. This increase is random and
almost certainly detrimental, and it could Less dramatic (and less overtly useful)
manifest as bulbous, egg-like growths of abilities include:
fat tissue all over their body, a massive • Conjuring a small amount of water
swelling of their torso, or an extraneous • Levitating small objects
and useless limb. This extra mass makes • Producing a small light like a candle
the victim clumsier and slower (6 points flame
of Speed damage). It also makes them • Having slightly better than normal
into a more substantial meal for the hass. hearing


Voroon: level 5; Armor 1 • Repairing torn clothing or armor Voroon: These are forest spirits given
• Causing an object in short range to physical form by inhabiting piles of fallen
vibrate leaves, pine needles, sticks, bark, and
• Producing a distinctive foul odor other decaying vegetation. “Voroon” is
the name they use for themselves when
Lavrenos: level 4; Lavrenos: Quadrupeds with literal iron they attempt to speak. Forming anything
Armor 6; inflicts
hides, lavrenos are testy herbivores with approaching vocal cords out of old leaves
5 damage with horns
long, defensive horns and tails bristling and sticks is difficult, so the voroon
with spikes. don’t try often. They are related to the
shoum, but the two types of spirits do
Rastikar: level 3, Speed Rastikar: Rastikar are magical birds with not coexist well. The voroon can be more
defense as level 5; song
enchanting songs. The song of a rastikar contemptuous of material creatures that
entrances all within
short range that fail an makes those who hear it fall into a calm, enter their domain.
Intellect defense roll, almost blissful stupor. Not surprisingly,
and victims can take no
action unless attacked predators like to wait near (but not too THE SOUTHERN WASTES
or vigorously shaken near) where a rastikar is singing, so that South of the forest lies a land filled with
when the bird is done or flies off, they crumbling ruins and abandoned cities.
Some of the creatures in can easily reach the stupefied animals The people who built and inhabited these
the Southern Wastes were
or people. Just as surely, this means that structures are long gone, but many of their
created or summoned
by magic long ago. most animals and even other birds flee ghosts remain. Whomever these people
The GM should feel immediately at the sight of a rastikar. were, they wielded magic with skill. Many
free to populate the
ruins with whatever of the structures are quite magical in
creatures seem fitting. The Spider Collective: The spiders of nature, some involving extradimensional
the forest possess a singular mind. Not spaces, magical wards (still functioning),
Spider collective truly spiders at all, each is an extension and portals to other locales.
(massive form): level 7;
of a single creature that happens to look These haunted ruins hold treasures both
attack carries a venom
that inflicts 7 points like (and weave webs like) a spider. This magical and mundane, left behind by the
of Speed damage; distinction is relatively meaningless to former residents. Adventurers willing and
can disassemble into
thousands of normal most people, except if a character is able to deal with ghosts, lingering magical
spiders or return to the able to communicate (through magic, defenses, and monstrous creatures that
massive form as a single
action, as needed
probably) with a spider in the Comerelk, have taken up residence in the Southern
it—or perhaps they—proves to be quite Wastes can find great rewards.
intelligent. The spiders act in perfect
Ghost, page 331 concert, directed by the single mind as PC s IN THE COMERELK
easily as a creature moves its own limbs. Characters seeking adventure in the
Thus, the spiders can form bridges across Comerelk have come to the right place.
streams for others to cross, weave webs Explorers in these woods will almost
with beautiful patterns and artwork, and certainly have to come to terms with the
more. If the Collective wishes, it can take a shaliss, and they’ll find that well-treated
few thousand (or more) spiders and have and well-compensated younger shaliss
them form a huge spider-shaped mass make for excellent guides and even
that can act as a single enormous spider. scouts, porters, or bodyguards.

It seems quite likely that the ranks of Crumellia’s unliving hordes are
comprised of the long-dead folk of the Southern Wastes.


Moving through the verdant woodlands The Kidnapped Traveler: An explorer

is not easy, but most humans cannot keep named Trusis, operating out of Vothe,
to the branches and canopy the way the disappeared in the Comerelk. Soon after,
shaliss can. Explorers should be wary of a crude message written on an animal
the dangers that lurk on the forest floor, skin was delivered to the town by a
often hidden by the thick vegetation. hederar with the ability to teleport. It read:
“Find big split rok neer 2 burn out trees
ADVENTURES IN THE COMERELK and pul with yello fish. Bring big guld.
Treasure Berries: A black berry called the Get Trusis bak. No guld is dead Trusis.
cultrivori grows almost year-round in the Come quik. No feed Trusis.” Trusis’s
woods on vines that wrap around the husband seeks his return, but needs the
bases of trees. Very rarely, a cultrivori, as it help of people able to make the trek to Magical creatures like
rastikar or voroon are
ripens, instead transforms into a dark red the Comerelk, find the vague location
drawn to spirit threads
crystal. The good news is that the shaliss (probably with the help of the shaliss), instinctually and often
consider these crystals sacred, and they’ll and deal with the hederar kidnappers one make their lairs near
them. Of course, no
gladly trade one for food, supplies, or way or another. This is an ambitious plot beings in Flevame have a
information (if brought back to human for the hederar, but this band’s leader is greater affinity with the
threads than the shoum.
lands, it would be worth 100 gp). The bad smarter than average.
news is that the cultrivori are also prized
by the serpentine hass. It is difficult to Divine Divination: On the southern end
find a crystal cultrivori without a hass of the forest, a strange ruined temple sits
guardian. atop a hill where no trees or plants grow.
This stone structure bears an enormous
carving of the face of an unknown ancient


god. Those who have approached it say threads’ power and their (seemingly)
that the face will speak to those who bring random appearance. Shoum lore allows
it offerings, and will even foretell the them to use the threads in ways that
future. Rumors say that there are magical mortals never have, and perhaps never
artifacts of great power within the ruin or will. They greatly resent, however, when
in the burial catacombs beneath it. non-shoum cut or harvest threads, and
they get enraged at the thought of cut
threads being taken from their land (such
THE SHOUM as into Bontherre).
The ancient, immortal spirits known
as shoum might be the original native THE EPHEMERAL CITY
inhabitants of Flevame. Each individual A city floats in the clouds, its substance
is intrinsically linked to a natural element as ethereal as the shoum that dwell there.
of the land, whether it be a tree, a stone, When visitors approach, if the shoum
a body of water, or something similar. wish it, the city lowers to the ground to
As ethereal creatures tied to physical give the newcomers access, should they
aspects of the world, shoum possess a provide the spirits with a good reason to
Tree shoum spirit: dual nature. Although spirits, they can let them in. This often involves a series
level 4; can animate
manipulate their associated matter to of riddles or similar challenges. Those
a tree within short
range so it attacks as affect the physical world. Thus, a stone who somehow enter without permission
a level 3 creature shoum spirit can move or throw rocks, cannot touch anything and eventually fall
King Yysh III: level 8, while a river shoum spirit can control the to the solid ground below.
resisting flattery as level 6;
flow of water. The city’s twisting towers and silvery
can travel up to 1 mile
(1.5 km) as an action; Tree shoum are the most common domes are beautiful, and as many as ten
controls wind within of their kind, and appear to be small thousand shoum dwell within its walls.
very long range such
that it can knock over humanoid creatures of bark and leaves. King Yysh III, a wind shoum spirit, rules
any unsecured person Stone shoum are very large but are the city and maintains a vast court of
or object the size of a
human or smaller
usually invisible unless they cause a stone similar shoum within his palace. Although
to form a humanlike face to interact with the wind shoum preside over the
Stone shoum spirit: others. They can also take the form of a Ephemeral City, all shoum are welcome
level 5; can take the
giant humanoid made of moving stone. there.
physical form of a stony
giant with Armor 5; can River shoum appear as shimmering, In the workshops and markets, some of
move or hurl rocks up lithe humanoids made of water with the rarest and oddest magical objects can
to 20 pounds (9 kg) as
if through telekinesis ever-flowing hair. They are never far from be found. Likewise, the rare visitor might
a stream or river. learn some of the most interesting lore,
River shoum spirit: level 5; Wind shoum are the most intelligent magical spells, and secrets among its
can control the flow
and most powerful of the spirits. libraries and sages.
and movement of water
(including making it defy Although shoum society is not set up
gravity) within very long this way, if there were shoum nobility, it
range; can instantly turn
would be the wind shoum. They are nearly A RIDDLE TO ENTER THE
water to ice or steam
invisible humanoids that either stand
Always I hunger, but never thirst. Your
Wind shoum spirit: level 6; perfectly still or move with incredible
can travel up to 1 mile arrows won’t slay me, but your breath
(1.5 km) as an action; is my curse.
controls wind within long All shoum speak Bontheche as well as
Answer: A candle flame
range such that it can many other languages.
knock over any unsecured
person or object the size Shoum can see and manipulate spirit
of a human or smaller threads easily. They understand the


As one might expect, the city is filled Thread Secrets: Within the Ephemeral
with trees, running rivers, and mounds City lies the Library of Whispers, where,
of natural stone that integrate seamlessly it’s said, one can find books and scrolls
with the structures and streets. detailing some of the shoum secrets
having to do with spirit threads. Even one
PC s AMONG THE SHOUM such tome would be worth 5,000 gp or
The shoum look upon humans and other more to sorcerers or priests in Bontherre.
physical, mortal creatures with suspicion Getting there and getting out with such
and fear. If such a creature can be trusted, a treasure is far more difficult than one
it is their burden to prove it. The shoum might think, however, as the shoum not
hate the necromancer and her undead only guard it closely but have also rigged
hordes. Striking a meaningful blow deadly magical traps and alarms using
Chapter 9: Abilities,
against her would be an excellent way to spirit threads. page 95
get in their good graces.
Ghosts are an exception to their hatred.
Unlike physical undead, ghosts of dead
mortals often gain a sympathetic ear
among the shoum. They do not consider
such spirits equals, but rather wretches to
be pitied and granted succor.
A terrible way to make a positive
impression on the shoum would be to
discuss harvesting spirit threads or even
brandish the tools for doing so.
Because the shoum are ancient and
immortal, they know lore and secrets that
no one else possesses. Visitors who gain
their favor can learn from them. After
a month among the shoum, a PC can
spend 2 XP and gain any low-tier ability
as a magical skill they can henceforth
use. The shoum typically require some
kind of payment in exchange, often in
the form of a magical cypher or artifact
(of at least level 5) or a task performed
at their behest.


Trapped in the Shadows: A shoum wind
spirit has somehow become trapped in
the shadows in the Wilderness of Krym,
in a place no shoum rescue parties have
successfully reached. King Yysh III seeks
physical mortal allies who will brave the
undead hordes to find the trapped shoum
and figure out a means to free them.




f it weren’t for powerful divinatory ✦
magic, provided of course by the gods, Days are much longer and nights
the gate to the Firmament would never shorter—about twenty hours of daylight
“The Firmament” is a have been discovered. To travel to the and six hours of darkness, and even in the
Bontherrian name. No
Firmament, one must use a skywhale night, the red sun lingers longer into the
native of the land calls
it that. The forlorren craft, because the passage is more than evening and rises earlier in the morning.
just call it “the land” 300 feet (90 m) in the air, almost directly ✦
or “the homeland.”
above the town of Setvesous. Likewise, the Firmament has six moons,
The Firmament appears to be a wide although all are smaller than Bontherre’s
expanse of rocky hills with frequent cold nighttime guardian. They are never all
streams cutting across the landscape, visible at the same time.
bringing life in the form of broad-leafed ✦
trees and swaying tall grasses as well as The air in the Firmament is dry and thin.
blue-green lichen. With long days marked People from Bontherre find it difficult
by two suns and night skies with multiple to catch their breath after exertion, and
moons, this realm knows little true over time they begin to grow ill from
darkness. But as one adventurer’s maxim the air itself. Every day, upon waking, an
states, “Don’t equate light with safety.” adventurer who fails a Might defense roll
Many days see a brief rain shower, and (difficulty 5) suffers 1 point of damage
Firmament elixir, mornings typically carry a particularly to either Might or Speed (determine
page 170
heavy dewfall from the night before. randomly). Clever adventurers have
Red hammer: level 5 discovered a cure for this sickness.
disease. Every day, an
infected individual must

succeed at a Might DIFFERENCES IN THE FIRMAMENT Some of the biting, flying insects that
defense roll or their Speed Adventurers entering the Firmament swarm the hills of the Firmament carry a
Edge decreases by 1. A
negative Speed Edge in will experience a number of notable terrible disease that adventurers call the
this case is the amount of changes aside from those true of every red hammer. It turns the flesh red and
Speed that must be used
to perform Speed-based
Godforsaken Land. slowly eats at one’s nerves, eventually
actions even if no Effort ✦ making even the simplest physical
is used. Simply picking Two suns shine in the sky. One is similar activities difficult or impossible.
up a small object and
carrying it across the to the sun they are used to—perhaps a
room has a Speed cost bit brighter—but the other is very small
of 2 if your Speed Edge
is –2. Three successful and red. Every hundred years or so, the CASTLE TURION
days of resisting the red sun grows slowly larger until it is the Passing into the Firmament, very likely on a
effects allows the victim
same size as its companion, bathing the skywhale or similar flying craft, adventurers
to shake off the illness.
land in a reddish hue. After a year or so, it emerge in the vast courtyard of a castle built
Skywhale, page 162 shrinks again to its small size. from brown and white stone. Although a


The castle was built a decade earlier

LIQUID MIRROR by a legendary adventurer named Turion. Turion: level 7, attacks
Throughout the Firmament, in With the help of a trio of sorcerers, he with a sword as level 8;
deep, rocky crevasses or silent health 50; Armor 2;
created this place so that those following wears a magical
subterranean grottos, one can find a breastplate that gives
in his footsteps would have a safe refuge
substance called liquid mirror. As its him 5 points of Armor
from which to explore the Firmament. against fire and cold, and
name suggests, this liquid is highly
Turion is an old man now and imbues his attacks with
reflective. It has the properties of +2 damage from either
has chosen to live out his days in fire or cold (his choice)
liquid metal except that it is cool to
the Firmament. He tries to greet all
the touch. In fact, it can be rendered
those who pass through the portal,
into a solid only in extreme cold. The
accompanied by a small but capable Turion christened this
material is quite rare and usually land “the Firmament”
found in small quantities, such as a retinue of paid servants and guards. He
after ancient legends
pool of 1 to 3 ounces. asks for news of Bontherre and inquires about a realm in the
about the adventurers’ plans in the sky. He believed that
Artisans prize liquid mirror, for those legends referred
with magically enhanced tools they Firmament. Turion can tell travelers the to this place, but
can shape it into flowing, moving basics of the land, and he recommends whether that’s true or
not is debatable. They
sculptures or add it to an existing that if they go to Ettatomain, they should might just be legends.
work of art in another medium to give drop his name with Valla Chataberer.
it movement and a unique, glistening, He says that doing so will assure their
ever-changing nature. Even an ounce excellent treatment in that holding (this is
of the material is worth 100 gold not the case, but he believes it to be).
pieces to them. Turion doesn’t attempt to exact a toll
However, liquid mirror cannot be on those passing into his castle, but if
brought through the doorway back adventurers want anything (a safe place
into Bontherre in liquid form—it boils to stay the night, a meal, equipment, and
away in the transition. Adventurers so on) he will expect something in return.
have designed liquid mirror coolers to This might be money, or it might be a Liquid mirror
transport it. favor. cooler, page 170

Turion has a magical flying craft that

skywhale can fly in the Firmament, they looks like an enormous falcon made of
are exceedingly reluctant to do so, eager to wood. It functions only in Bontherre,
return as quickly as possible to Bontherre. but if he (or his servants) need to return
It’s likely that other means of magical flight there, he has the means. Mostly, though,
in the Blessed Land won’t function in the he and his people attempt to get what
Firmament, as they’re probably powered they need from the forlorren.
by the Sacrante. Devices and craft of this
nature rest inert on the ground in the
courtyard, but as soon as they pass back THE HILLS OF THE FORLORREN
(or in some cases are carried or pushed) With brilliant golden skin and billowing,
through the portal, they fly once again as silvery hair, the forlorren are a people one Typical forlorren: level 3,
Intellect defense
they appear in the skies above Bontherre. does not mistake for any another. Though
and all manner of
crafting as level 4

With the help of a trio of sorcerers, the legendary Turion created this
place so that those following in his footsteps would have a safe refuge
from which to explore the Firmament.


they stand only about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, powers are so innate and subtle that they
most of these humanoid folk are muscular don’t even realize they are using such
and broad-shouldered. When a forlorren abilities. They don’t use spells or similar
moves, their limbs and joints make a kinds of magical praxis. The way they
cracking sound like crinkling paper. understand it, when they create a flying
It’s not the intention of The forlorren watch over their domain machine or a floating tower, it works
this text to imply that
from towers that float well above the because they fashioned it in a particular
the forlorren use science
and engineering that ground, held aloft by magic that they call way, not because it’s imbued with magic.
seems like magic to “engineering” (though they don’t explain A flying machine made some other way or
others. Rather, just the
opposite. What they what they mean). in some other shape would never get off
refer to as engineering Forlorren dwell in small holdings the ground.
is actually magic. They
simply think of magic in
that exist both above and below the The forlorren worship no gods, but they
a very scientific fashion. surface, built into the sides of their hills. deeply respect and revere both sky and
Talk of spells, rituals, These communities often prominently earth, and think of them as sacred. Their
and the like sounds like
nonsense to them. incorporate a river, pond, waterfall or art depicts this, but they do not personify
other water feature. or anthropomorphize the concepts. And
Few forlorren holdings The people command powerful magic, they certainly have no temples or priests.
have proper names.
but they don’t consider it supernatural. Instead, most forlorren are engineers,
The residents just call
it “home” or “the They believe that with the right training builders, crafters, artisans, miners,
holding.” Ettatomain and practice, anyone can do it (they are soldiers, farmers, or herders. They are a
is the exception.
mistaken) and that it’s just harnessing practical folk, although they appreciate
the natural laws of their world (perhaps the aesthetics of both sight and sound.
true, but probably not as literally as they The forlorren have their own languages,
believe). This means that their magical but a few speak a little Bontheche. They


Some players may wish to play a forlorren character. This shouldn’t happen
until after the players have finished at least one adventure in the Firmament
and encountered the forlorren more than once. Thus, the forlorren character is
probably a recent addition to the group, recruited in the Firmament. As with most
nonhuman species, the forlorren aspect should be portrayed through a descriptor.

You are a forlorren. Standing around 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, your skin glistens like gold
and your long hair is silver. You’re likely muscular and broad-shouldered. When
you move, your limbs and joints make a cracking sound like crinkling paper. Other
beings you encounter might find you a curiosity, but their ways are as strange to
you as you are to them.
You gain the following characteristics.
Sturdy: +2 to your Might Pool.
Skill: You are trained in all crafting tasks and in Intellect defense.
Engineering: With a cost of 100 gp per level in tools and materials, given a full
day, you can craft a cypher with any effect you are aware of, up to level 3.
Inability: You have difficulty relating to magic as it is thought of by other peoples
(spells and such). Tasks to understand or use such magic are hindered.
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the following list of options, choose
how you became involved in the first adventure.
1. The other PCs rescued you from danger, and you feel beholden to them.
2. The other PCs offered to teach you about the other lands that exist beyond
your own.
3. The other PCs seemed hopeless and doomed in your land without your help.
4. You are an outcast from your holding and had to leave anyway.

value gold and silver just like humans do with so-called ironbows. Similar to Ironbows are heavy
weapons with a range
and gladly accept coins from Bontherre. crossbows in appearance, these feats of
of 1,000 feet (300 m),
They have their own coins as well. They “engineering” can sight distant targets but it requires a full
prize liquid mirror for its decorative and accurately launch powerful arrows action to load them,
and another to trigger.
qualities, and it is frequently found in at them.
their art and jewelry. Like all forlorren holdings, however,
fully half of the town lies underground,
ETTATOMAIN within and beneath the hills. Almost every
Those passing into the Firmament structure extends down into the earth as
from Bontherre are very likely to first much as (or more than) it exists above
encounter the forlorren in a holding called the surface. These are not mere cellars or
Ettatomain, which is larger than most. basements, but functioning parts of the
The forlorren there are at least somewhat town, connected by broad subterranean
accustomed to humans. passages just as they are connected by
On approach, it might appear a small streets above. Forlorren “engineering” Forlorren soldier: level 3,
Intellect defense and
town nestled in the hills, built on both enables lighting, heating, circulation, and
all manner of crafting
sides of a river with a tiered waterfall. Two elevators to make these underground as level 4; Armor 2;
floating towers watch over Ettatomain, areas not just habitable, but pleasant. armed with a sword
and a heavy ironbow
each equipped with soldiers armed with very long range


Valla Chataberer: level 6, Valla Chataberer serves as the leader Azure birds: As their name suggests,
organization and
of Ettatomain and its two thousand or azure birds are difficult to spot, for they
leadership as level 7
so citizens. She is a serious-minded, are the same color as the clear sky. Their
Azure bird: level 1, Speed older female with a severe temper. She feathers are valued for their almost
defense as level 4,
wields a long, scepter-like walking stick mirrorlike reflectiveness, but the real prize
perception as level 3;
supernatural ability as a symbol of her office, decorated with is one captured alive, for they screech
to sense danger that delicate liquid mirror embellishments in times of otherwise unseen danger—
no one else senses
(it’s worth at least 500 gp). Valla does anything from the presence of a disease
not speak Bontheche, but her assistant, to thieves breaking into the house.
Kiater, does and can serve as a translator.
Esecran: level 8, Speed About a third of the people of Ettatomain Esecran: Multilimbed monstrosities
defense as level 7;
have picked up a little of the language of as big as elephants, these terrifying
health 65; can attack
every foe in close range Bontherre visitors. creatures eat anything and everything.
with a different limb When they’re not eating, they spend their
OTHER INHABITANTS OF THE HILLS time just destroying things. The forlorren
The forlorren realm is filled with buzzing believe esecran to be demons from some
insects, birds, and grazing flocks of other world (neither the Firmament nor
various animals—bovine, sheep, and Bontherre). If they discover an esecran,
goats, some wild and some domesticated. they attempt to raise a band of capable
Adventurers from Bontherre might think warriors to destroy it or at least drive it
these beasts look a little different from well away from any holdings as quickly as
what they’re used to back home, but a possible.
goat here is close enough to a goat in
Bontherre to use the same term.


Jotunn: Ten to 12 feet (3 to 3.5 m) tall, ADVENTURES IN THE Jotunn: use fire jotunn
these giant humanoids usually keep to HILLS OF THE FORLORREN stats, page 115. There
are no frost jotunn
themselves but may dwell in small bands The Missing Hunters: Some forlorren in the Firmament. A
of six to ten. They sometimes tend to lorria hunters have gone missing, and few jotunn have two
heads with two distinct
enormous red cattle. The forlorren give the people of their holding offer a reward personalities, using
them a wide berth when possible, and for their return. The hunters fell afoul of perception as level 7.
surprisingly, most of the time the giants a basilisk and have been turned to stone. Jotunn’s giant cattle:
level 6, Speed defense
do not bother their holdings. Should the PCs learn this and return with
as level 4; health 25
the information, they’re asked to bring the
Lorria: These six-legged deer navigate the petrified victims back home because the Basilisk, page 99
rockiest, most uneven terrain in the hills forlorren can brew a remedy for that. The
with ease. forlorren will throw in some of the remedy Lorria: level 3, climbing
as level 6, Speed
for the PCs along with the reward.
defense as level 4
Vork: Also called vork-wolves, these
large canines have two heads, each with The Club of Gore: A secret society Vork: level 4, perception
and stealth as level 5;
powerful jaws. They can attack a single among the forlorren appreciates dark
make two attacks as
foe twice or two foes at the same time. entertainments of bloody fights and a single action, each
gruesome displays of violence. They pit inflicting 4 damage

Yammers: A silly name disguises the forlorren against yammers and vorks, Yammer: level 3,
Speed defense as level
danger posed by these hornet-like insects. forlorren against forlorren, and more.
4; victims struck by
As long as a person’s arm, yammers have Forlorren are disappearing (kidnapped mandibles (3 damage)
grasping mandibles and massive stingers, by the society) and those who remain are then attacked by
the stinger (5 damage)
so that they first bite and latch on, and are getting worried. If anyone finds and each round until they
then sting a victim repeatedly. Yammers confronts the club, its leaders attempt to break free or are dead
produce a keening drone when agitated. bribe, coerce, or otherwise entice their
way out of trouble before resorting to
PC s IN THE HILLS violence to defend themselves.
Player characters in the Firmament will Tunnel Mongers: A pack of tunneling
very likely come to Ettatomain first. This morlocks has broken into the Morlock, page 121
allows them to meet the forlorren, the subterranean portion of a forlorren
primary inhabitants of the land. Just as holding. The forlorren have built
with humans and other species, some barricades to hold them at bay but need
forlorren will turn out to be allies, and help to drive them off. Once the morlocks
others enemies. are slain or routed, their own tunnels
Beyond Ettatomain, most forlorren reveal a series of caves and chambers
holdings are isolated and self-sufficient. that hold interesting secrets, including a
What goes on in one is nothing but rumor source of liquid mirror.
or distant news in another, if they know
about it at all. Each holding the PCs visit
should be distinct. Some are fearful of THE WILDS OF THE WEST
outsiders, while others are welcoming. Beyond the Hills of the Forlorren lies a
One holding has a law against alcohol, wilderness untamed and unexplored. The
while another is built entirely around a climate is temperate, although powerful
brewery. A third doesn’t even know the electrical storms are not uncommon.
stuff exists.


AUTARCH’S LAKE opaque and hides a large interior, the

Allafreda: level 7, magical A wide body of fresh water fashioned by entrance of which is near the base. The
creature crafting as
a massive volcanic crater, with an island central core of the building is the very
level 9, Intellect defense
as level 8; change shape at the center, Autarch’s Lake is both deep heart of the rosebud.
to anything up to half or and cold. Small villages of fisherfolk lie This structure, the Rose, is the demesne
twice her size (can give
herself up to 40 health on the shores, populated by forlorren, as of Allafreda and Niamos, an enigmatic duo
and 3 Armor as well well as odd, silent avian humanoids some of great magical power. It also serves as
as natural weapons
to attack with, like
call dasce. Fish fill the lake, and large a temple to their patron, Emmeranal, an
teeth and claws) predatory amphibians dwell in the depths, equally mysterious deity whom they claim
surfacing only every few days. dwells within the clouds above this land.
Niamos: level 6, magical Allafreda often appears human, but she
creature crafting as level 9,
Might and Speed defense
THE DREAMING MOUNTAINS is not. She can change her shape as she
as level 8; health 30; At the farthest reaches of the wilds lay wishes, but she has no connection to the
Armor 2; targets struck seemingly impenetrable mountains. mirrormen. Niamos retains a single form,
in melee must make
a Might defense roll Some natives of the region believe that of a tall man with a bestial face and
or contract a wasting the peaks to be sleeping gods. True or a golden horn. They sometimes act as
disease that immediately
moves them one step
not, they are inhabited by all manner though they are a romantic couple, but
down the damage track of creatures, but the most notable are other times refer to each other as sibling.
dreamlike apparitions that seem more Perhaps both are true.
Dasce: level 3, ghost than beast. Allafreda’s demeanor changes as
swimming and fishing
And woe to those mortals who sleep easily as her shape. She adores you one
as level 5; speak only
in sign language amid the mountains, for within them moment and is bored of you the next.
slumber brings lucid dreams of distant Niamos’s temper is as short as his
Predatory amphibians: worlds and alien beings in cyclopean patience, and it’s not out of the ordinary
level 5, swimming
cities. The longer one experiences such a for him to be pushed to sudden, violent
as level 7, perception
as level 3; health 20; dream, the harder it is to awaken. Some outbursts.
Armor 2; foes bitten are dreamers eventually disappear altogether, Within the Rose, the two spend much of
dragged underwater
and may drown presumably dwelling henceforth in regions their time building unique new creatures
beyond even the Godforsaken Lands. using alchemy and magic. These crafted
Mirrormen, page 194 The Dreaming Mountains are a good creatures come in all shapes and sizes, and
source of liquid mirror. have a rudimentary intellect. Many are then
Dreamlike apparition: dressed in uniforms to serve as butlers,
level 6; immune to
physical damage; cannot
THE ROSE cooks, maids, or guards. Some simply roam
affect the physical world, Hidden within a narrow valley, a strange the Rose and its environs freely. The
but communicates structure rises from the ground. It gains well-appointed interior of the structure
telepathically and lashes
out with 6 points of its name from its shape and color. Made is filled with abstract liquid mirror
Intellect damage if hostile of red glass (or something that looks sculptures, both intricate and delicate.
very much like it), it has the appearance The forlorren know of Allafreda and
Typical crafted of a rosebud on its side, about a third Niamos, but stay away. They tell tales
creature: level 3;
of it buried in the ground. Upon close of the duo’s strange creations and
Armor 1; some can fly;
some have +1 level in inspection, one finds that the glass is dangerous demeanors.
stealth, perception,
attacks, or defense
And woe to those mortals who sleep amid the mountains, for within
them slumber brings lucid dreams of distant worlds and alien beings in
cyclopean cities.



Although many creatures are native to Krao Passage: The PCs seek to travel
this region, some of the more prominent farther west, but the only route they know
include the following. of through the Dreaming Mountains
holds a krao mound. While it might be
Devilworms: Six-foot-long millipedes with possible to simply sneak through their Devilworm: level 4,
climbing as level 7; Armor
bright red carapaces, devilworms emit territory, smart adventurers might find a
4; bite carries venom
poisonous vapors all around them when way to appease the creatures and perhaps that inflicts 4 Speed
they wish through spiracles all along their even turn them into allies. Those who fail, damage; spiracles emit
gas affecting all close
body. Their bite is also venomous. however, will likely end up a sacrifice to targets, robbing them
the ancestors, or a quick meal. of their next action
Krao: These reptilian humanoids use
special scents to control 8-foot (2.5 m) Temple in the Deeps: Within the waters of Krao: level 3, riding
and handling insects as
long ant-like insects as mounts and Autarch’s Lake, legends say, one can find an
level 5, perception as
guardians. Krao dwell in tunnel-ridden ancient submerged temple built by unknown level 4; Armor 2; usually
mounds of hardened earth created hands. This temple, according to the same wield spears or axes

for them by 1-foot (30 cm) long insect legends, contains an inner sanctum where
builders they also master. Krao hunt and the dead can be restored to life. But first it Krao mount: level 4,
climbing as level 5;
gather their own food, and guard the land must be found, and the depths of the cold,
Armor 2
around their home mound with a vicious dark lake must be survived.
territoriality. They prefer to eat mammals Krao builder: level 1,
climbing as level 3;
of any kind, and they conduct bloody Wandering Merchant: A male human
Armor 1
rituals to appease their apparently always- roams the wilderness in a brightly painted
hungry ancestral ghosts. wagon, pulled by a pair of blue horses. He
sells a variety of magical potions, charms,
and other things. This mysterious,
unknown man speaks the language of
seemingly every being in the Firmament,


and while he is welcome everywhere, dog, each bearing a mostly featureless

no one seems to fully trust him. Where face. They always immediately recognize
does he get his wares, and why is he so one of their kind no matter what their
interested in selling them? And is it true appearance. They can be found anywhere
that he knows secret paths through the in the Firmament.
wilds that no one else knows?
Adventurers from Bontherre might come
THE MIRRORMEN to a forlorren holding and find that some
“Mirrormen” is a misnomer in every or all of the people there have been
way. First of all, these creatures have replaced by mirrormen. Of course, this
no gender. Second, they do not reflect is not obvious, particularly to outsiders.
appearances—they steal them. Still, If the community has not been entirely
this is the name given to them by the replaced, it will likely be experiencing
forlorren, and it’s understandable why. dissent and conflict, as people are either
They infiltrate communities one individual angry at the sudden laziness and lethargy
at a time, murder a carefully chosen of their fellow citizens or paranoid or
victim, and take on their appearance in an suspicious that a mirrorman infiltration
act of perfect duplication. They even steal is happening. The mirrormen are smart
their memories. This theft leaves nothing enough to deflect some of this by making
but a pile of dust behind. accusations themselves, directed at
Mirrorman: level 5, The mirrormen are likely the greatest legitimate forlorren. (Communities in
disguise as level 10,
threat the forlorren face. The insidious chaos are also easier for new mirrormen
stealth and deception
as level 7; Armor 1; if creatures seek to take over entire to infiltrate because people tend to
attacking with surprise, holdings. Should this happen, the village isolate and thus are more easily murdered
they inflict 10 damage
with their initial strike; or town gradually falls into decay and and replaced.)
steal the appearance disarray, for the mirrormen have little A mirrorman will not hesitate to try to
and memories of
a slain victim
drive or initiative. Inherently lazy, they murder and replace a human adventurer.
don’t repair or replace damaged things Should this terrible event occur, once
and certainly don’t craft or build anything. back in Bontherre, the mirrorman may
Once all the food and other supplies of a try to call its brethren to this new land to
completely replicated holding have been conquer. (This endeavor is doomed to fail,
exhausted, the mirrormen abandon it. thanks to the Sacrante, but that doesn’t
Mirrormen must kill to steal the mean it’s not a problem for a while.)
appearance and memories of a victim.
While in the form of one person, a THE MIRROR CURSE
mirrorman can kill another and take Strangely, it’s possible for a non-mirrorman
their appearance. In fact, if they murder in the Firmament to suddenly take on
someone, they automatically steal the the primary trait of one of those beings.
victim’s appearance and memories—it In other words, sometimes a person
is not something they can prevent. who kills another takes on the victim’s
They are reluctant to do this (because it appearance and memories.
Mirror curse: level 7 denies another of their kind an identity to This mirror curse potentially befalls
assume), but they will resort to this tactic anyone who “unmasks” a disguised
to avoid discovery. mirrorman for what they truly are. The
In their natural form, mirrormen look effect happens gradually, over the course
like pale pink worms the size of a large of a few days, after the cursed subject


first slays another being. They gain the Horrific alone but soul-chilling in
victim’s memories slowly, bit by bit. Their groups, the fact that a roving pack might
appearance changes gradually, but steadily. include one fungus inhabiting the corpse
In the case of this curse, however, the of a forlorren, another an elk, and a third a
murderer takes on the victim’s nature dog somehow makes it even worse. Fungal
as well. A heroic knight who slays an dancers’ abilities in combat are clumsy and
immoral bandit slowly becomes a liar, a their reflexes are slow, but they produce
cheat, and a cutthroat thief. A sorcerer spores that cloud the mind and perception
who slays a ravenous beast becomes of living creatures they strike.
savage and voracious—perhaps even to The forlorren cremate their dead to
their fellows. avoid fungal infestation, but that doesn’t Mirrormen and fungal
dancers do not have
help against already-mobile corpses that
regions of their own. They
LIQUID MIRROR come at dusk to steal individuals for can be found anywhere
The mirrormen literally worship liquid their horrific rituals. Forlorren guards are in the Firmament.

mirror. To them, every bit of it is part of always particularly vigilant at sunset due
a vast deity, a sacred object or being they to these ghastly raids.
are not worthy to touch—but neither is
anyone else. Damaging liquid mirror is
the greatest sin imaginable, and creating
art with it is considered damaging it.


When creatures die in the Firmament,
their corpses are sometimes infested
with fungal spores that produce fruiting
bodies over a few days. By the time much
of the flesh has rotted (or been eaten)
off, these fungal growths connect the
bones and remaining flesh like muscular
tissue, animating the corpse. The fungus
possesses a rudimentary intelligence and
uses its new body to carry out the will of
its god, Uruthuscamosh the Debased.
Dwelling deep beneath the surface,
Uruthuscamosh continually spreads its
spores and seeps further and further into
the heart of the world, befouling it.
The fungal dancers get their name Fungal dancer: level 4,
stealth as level 5, Might
because one of the primary actions they
and Intellect defense as
take is to gather in the dark of night level 6, Speed defense as
and perform obscene ritual dances. level 3; regenerate
1 health per round unless
Sometimes, in advance of one of these burned; victim struck in
loathsome rites, they capture a creature combat suffers
+3 Intellect damage and
to sacrifice and immediately infest. The loses their next action
sacrifice is usually something the size of a unless they succeed at
deer, a wolf, or a person. a Might defense roll





orak-Mar is not a Bontherre name, ✦
but the name given to the land by The pale white sun gives off far less
the moord, the dominant inhabitants light than the sun of Bontherre. Even
of the realm. This is a dimly lit place of stranger, it does not move across the sky.
Korak-Mar is tidally cold winds and bare, black rock. The Korak-Mar has no night, just a sickly dim
locked, as it closely
air here burns the inside of one’s nose twilight lasting an eternity.
orbits its white dwarf
star. Radiation from and throat. The rain is worse. The entire ✦
this star causes some land seems to vibrate with sickness, and After spending what a Bontherre resident
of the sickness that
visitors experience. although none of the native creatures would consider two days (about
seem affected, the flesh of a visitor grows forty-eight hours) in Korak-Mar, characters
raw, their eyes ache, and even their bones must make a Might defense roll (difficulty
seem to weaken. 4) each morning. Those who fail suffer
Korak-Mar is cold, and visitors will feel 1 point of Might damage and 1 point of
the need to wear winter clothing. A wise Speed damage, and subtract 1 from their
adventurer brings something resistant to recovery rolls. Fortunately, adventurers
Korak-Mar curative, the acidic rains that fall all too frequently, have found a curative that acts as a
page 170
and probably an even greater amount remedy for this.
of food and water. Much of this land’s ✦
offerings are poisonous to those from the The acid rains in Korak-Mar burn the
Blessed Land. flesh of non-natives and eat away at soft
Winds may howl across bare wastes materials brought from other lands,
of dark stone, but there is life here. such as cloth and leather. Anyone caught
What’s more, the people of Korak-Mar, unprotected in a rainstorm suffers 1 point
the moord, are a wise and ancient folk. of damage. Over the course of a week or
But their nature is one that’s hard for a perhaps two, an unprotected item of cloth
human to fully understand. It’s possible to or leather will become pitted and useless.
Acid-resistant tarp, forge bonds and agreements with them, Shelter helps, as do acid-resistant tarps.
page 169
but they are no strangers to treachery. ✦
The black flies and red lancers of
Korak-Mar don’t necessarily carry disease,
DIFFERENCES IN KORAK-MAR but their constant biting is painful.
Adventurers exploring Korak-Mar Non-native victims subtract 1 from their
will encounter a number of notable recovery rolls (minimum result 1) other
Insect repellent, page 170 changes aside from those true of every than the one-round recovery roll. Insect
Godforsaken Land. repellent formulated for these creatures
negates this effect.



AND BARE EARTH Korak-Mar, despite its bleakness, hosts a
The landscape of Korak-Mar can be summed variety of creatures. Chief among them is
up with one word: black. The plants of the dominant species, who call themselves
the land are black rather than green, and the moord. Moord could be mistaken for
much of the rock is black and volcanic. hairless humans with vinous flesh. Their
Korak-Mar is very geologically unstable, eyes are all white, with no pupil. Most
with volcanos erupting and vents blasting stand 6 to 7 feet (around 2 m) tall, and
boiling water and rock. It is dark and a typical moord would be considered
bleak to visitors from Bontherre, and would muscular compared to a human.
still be so even if the sun were brighter. They dress regally, perhaps even
The inhabitants of Korak-Mar have flamboyantly. Their structures are similarly
long since adapted to the dim light and complex and highly decorative, with a
the dark colors. A predator here can particular style that a human might call
distinguish prey that has a sable hide “curvy, but with occasional sharp points.”
standing in a patch of tall black grass in Moord communicate intuitively. That
front of a jagged ebony boulder in the is to say, if they want to be understood
shadows, and probably see which way the by someone, they instinctively know how
creature’s dark eyes are looking. to do so. To adventurers, it may seem
Adventurers from the Blessed Land that moord are all fluent in Bontheche,
will have to learn quickly that despite this but this is not the case. They just make
being a twilight land of shadow, hiding the right sounds to make themselves
here is as hard as it is back home— understood. The moord do have a unique
perhaps harder. language, but it is used only for writing.


The moord are both savage and abandon, hunt wild game with ferocity
serene, contradictions on two legs. Their and bloodlust, eat voraciously, and
Korak-Mar has no temperament depends on the elaborate engage in vigorous sex. They call these
moons. The “moons” are
movements of Korak-Mar’s multitudinous periods “feasts,” but the name does not
actually asteroids or other
bits of stellar debris that tiny moons. The complex series of adequately convey the chaos.
are in orbit around the celestial objects wields a mystical effect It would be wrong—foolish, even—to
sun, but which frequently
pass close enough to the on the species. It’s impossible for a think that a calm moord is automatically
planet to be thought of non-moord to predict these effects, but kind or benevolent. It would also be
as tiny moons. To people
from Bontherre, they
the moord can look at the moons and wrong to think that a moord during a
might seem more like tell when they will bring upon a change. feast must be immoral or amoral. The
bright, moving stars, Moord are mostly serene—about ten changes do not alter the overall ethics of
unless they pass in front
of the sun (which some times more often than they are savage. the individual, only the chosen actions
do, but not all), at which Thus, 90 to 95 percent of the time, and responses to stimuli. For example,
point it’s clear that
they are dark objects. the moord live calm lives of subdued a moord that doesn’t condone murder
contemplation and careful, considered won’t turn into a murderer during a feast,
action. They sleep fairly often and and a moord woodworker won’t destroy
meditate at other times. They do not his work. In other words, a feasting
eat, mate, or hunt. They do, however, moord becomes more fierce, uninhibited,
craft objects, produce art, write books and barbaric, but they don’t go insane.
(moord libraries are both numerous and Overall, if one must generalize, humans
extensive), and engage in other creative or from Bontherre find the moord to be cold
constructive activities. and distant—sometimes calculating and
The other 5 to 10 percent of the time, brooding—most of the time, and violent
moord engage in revels of reckless and ruthless during a feast. Neither state


can be safely trusted. Those in the know moving through conventional space.
caution travelers to Korak-Mar to be wary However, it does allow one to move
of the moord in any case. But there are undetected and untouchable.
exceptions, of course. Some visitors have
found trustworthy and even benevolent BORUUD AND GOB’S MARKET
individuals. Boruud is the walled capital city of the
The moord fear that an influx of moord, and thus—in their estimation—
explorers and adventurers from Bontherre the capital city of Korak-Mar. There are
will lead to an invasion. This isn’t going to many city-states and regions of moord,
happen, but the moord—particularly the each maintaining as much independence
moord in charge—are suspicious at best, from Boruud as possible, but ultimately
and paranoid at worst. all bending a knee to its size, wealth, and
Moord craftspeople are skilled workers power.
with stone and metal. They make items a Boruud boasts a population of more
human might find strangely shaped, and than three hundred thousand. Its streets
their aesthetic is one of smooth surfaces present a winding mazework of narrow
with little adornment. The rare metal paths and many thousands of small
known as bellerite is often incorporated structures packed together, and in some Bellerite, page 170
into important or valuable items just to cases atop one another in a sort of “roof
display wealth. Occasionally, it’s used to level” of the city. Despite being higher, Almost any creature’s
stats and appearance
produce a complete item, like a storage these upper structures represent the
can be used for a moord
case or perhaps a door (if one is very lower-income individuals and families. summoning, but in every
wealthy) that is entirely immune to Black volcanic rock composes the case they should seem
alien and otherworldly.
magical effects. 30-foot (9 m) tall walls that surround the
And the moord are no strangers to city. Angular, almost blade-like towers The difficulties and
harshness of Korak-Mar
magic. Moord sorcerers summon strange punctuate the length of the walls, making
are often neither difficult
beings from . . . who knows where? Boruud seem more like a vast, imposing nor harsh to the moord.
These entities perform services for the fortress than a city. To them, it’s just home,
and their people have
sorcerer and then return whence they The moord in Boruud don’t have a long since adapted to
came. Moord also use spells that would military. Every adult moord is assumed to the environment.
be generally recognizable to human be able to take up arms at the direction of
sorcerers, although often with a strange their rulers, should the need arise. King King Gramal: level 5,
persuasion and
visual element involving a deep display of Gramal rules Boruud from a subterranean
intimidation as level 6
colors like red, black, and silver. palace below the city.
Adventurers from Bontherre very
TUNNELS THROUGH NOTHING quickly come to know Gob’s Market,
Some moord possess the strange probably the most welcoming place they’ll
ability to tunnel through space, creating find in Korak-Mar. This is a small but
invisible passages that allow them to active marketplace that lies just inside
travel through places without being seen, the walls of the city. It caters to outsiders
heard, or touched. The moord term for to Korak-Mar (most, but not all, of whom
such people is “beyarak,” which simply come from the Blessed Land).
translates to “tunnelers.” Gob’s Market offers food edible to
Beyarak take about an hour to create humans, the so-called Korak-Mar curative,
roughly 500 feet (150 m) of a tunnel. and various useful items and equipment,
While using a tunnel may look like a all for prices somewhere between half again
form of teleportation, it is no faster than and double what the characters are used


to paying in Bontherre. Near the market

This cloak is an example of an artifact
are hostels and other services catering to
produced in Feden-Bel.
Korak-Mar holds hidden humans—again, at inflated prices.
gateways to other worlds,
There is also a clandestine aspect to CLOAK OF FEDEN-BEL
just like the doorway
to Bontherre. All those the market, where sorcerers and others Level: 1d6 + 3
that are known are are willing to trade in cyphers and spells.
watched and guarded. Form: Hooded cloak in a dark color
However, selling magic or other information marked with a small silver emblem
deemed “proprietary” by the moord rulers of Feden-Bel
is illegal, so it must be done slyly. Effect: This item functions only
in areas of dim light or many
FEDEN-BEL shadows. When activated (by
The fortress of Feden-Bel is home to a drawing the hood over the wearer’s
Master Kann: level 10; variety of moord ruled by Master Kann. head), the wearer disappears and
Armor 10 (his so-called reappears in another shadow
Kann is a master of the darkening way,
darkening cloak); all
attacks against him a martial arts style that he teaches to an within 1 mile (1.5 km).
in dim light (which is elite few disciples. Depletion: 1 in 1d10
basically everywhere, all
the time, in this land) are Master Kann is tall and thin, with four
hindered by three steps fingers on his right hand. He is aloof and
and all attacks made by
him are eased by three
harsh, but fair. He believes in swift justice to their land, interested in perhaps
steps; can attack up to and is not quick to trust those he does forming an alliance to gain enough wealth
four foes in melee as a not know. and power to challenge Boruud.
single action; can move
from any shadow in the To those not interested in martial arts,
land to any other shadow, Feden-Bel is a sanctuary for visitors RAGELITH
instantly (not an action)
looking for succor from the hostile Queen Seppar rules the city-state of
Darkening way city-states of the moord. Kann maintains Ragelith, located within the caldera of an
disciples: level 6; Armor 3
that his fortress and the surrounding extinct volcano. The only entrance to the
(lesser darkening cloaks);
all attacks against them lands are truly independent, and says city is through a series of well-guarded
in dim light (which is that he can back up this claim by sending underground passageways.
basically everywhere, all
the time, in this land) a few darkening way assassins into the Within the caldera, the weather is
are hindered by two steps bedchamber of any ruler while they sleep. surprisingly mild, and the ground is fertile.
and all attacks made by
them are eased by two
Clearly, enough people believe him, for no Visitors from the Blessed Land would find
steps; can attack two one challenges him. it quite pleasant, at least in comparison to
foes in melee as a single Feden-Bel is also infamous for its the outside world. However, humans are
action; can move from
any shadow in the land production of poisons as well as cyphers not welcome, and the queen’s soldiers are
to any other shadow, and artifacts dealing with darkness. These known for their ruthlessness. The queen
instantly, as an action
all bear the emblem of Feden-Bel, a silver is, to put it mildly, a cruel tyrant whose life
hand with only four fingers. Because of has been extended over and over again by
Queen Seppar: level 9, this, it’s safe to assume that many of magic. Her people put up with her strict
perception as level 10;
the inhabitants of the large fortress are rule because the city itself is quite safe,
touch drains 4 points
from all Pools (ignores craftspeople and sorcerers. prosperous, and healthy.
Armor) and adds those
points to her own health;
has many magical MORRAN THE FUNEREAL SEA
artifacts and cyphers Morran is a large city significant perhaps Dark, choppy waters make the salty
Queen’s soldiers: only in that it does not prohibit Funereal Sea dangerous to travel upon.
level 4; Armor 3
non-moord or prevent any kind of trade Ice floes drift down from the north (which
with them. Morran’s rulers, a council of stretches as miles of drift ice before
elders, seek to learn more about outsiders becoming a solid ice sheet that no one has


ever crossed), causing hazards to ships dwell in hidden fortresses and lonely
that often cannot see them until too late. towers amid the hills of red stones.
Massive whales of dark blue or black flesh
seem to rule the sea, although the waters OTHER INHABITANTS OF THE
teem with a variety and abundance of life LANDS OF THE MOORD
like nowhere else in Korak-Mar. The moord Aarak: These beetle-like insects range Aarak: level 2; Armor 2;
five or more can attack
that live along the coast consider the whales from the size of a large dog to that of
as one level 4 creature,
to be intelligent and almost godlike. They a small horse. Aarak are dangerous inflicting 5 damage
call them “the nobles of the sea.” predators that sometimes hunt in small
The moord that live near the sea are packs, eating anything organic they
typically fisherfolk, dwelling in small come upon. Strangely, some moord have
villages and towns in sheltered coves. domesticated these creatures to use not
They do not hunt the whales, but they do only as guards but also as pack animals
go after violet-colored seals for food as or to pull carts (usually in teams of two or
well as their skins. four).

THE CRUMBLING SPIRES Cold slime: Always seeking warmth, Cold slime: level 4,
Speed defense as level 2,
Moord legends say that a range of this patch of animate, semi-intelligent
stealth as level 6;
nigh-impossible mountains, stretching slime attacks any living creature it finds. immune to physical
up to the dark heavens like red sword Ironically, its weakness is fire, which is too damage other than fire

blades, once dominated their horizon. If much of a good thing. Most cold slimes
true, all that remains of these tall spires are 6 feet (2 m) or more in diameter.
is a vast region of tumbled red boulders
and jagged cliffs. Storms are frequent in Kakavya: Short, brutish, and pale white, Kakavya: level 3, stealth
as level 5; Armor 1;
this area, with electrical strikes blasting these humanoids typically wear hooded
+1 damage when
away at the crimson stones as if to punish cloaks of black or brown covering armor attacking from stealth
them for some past crime. made of hides and furs. Small bands
A peculiar black vine covered in thorns, of them haunt lonely valleys and other Although the rainwater in
Korak-Mar is dangerous
called deathsgrip by some, grows thick places ripe for an ambush. The moord
to drink, canny
in this land. It seems to do its part by consider them to be a nuisance at best, adventurers can find
slowly crushing the red stones within and bandits and thieves at worst. small pools and streams
that come from natural
its embrace over months and years. springs and supply fresh
Somehow, it has no roots, taking what it Shadows: Creatures of living darkness, water for drinking.
needs from the air and the caustic rains. these spirits haunt the entire land of
Local moord have learned ways to cook Korak-Mar. Shadows, page 126
and even make wine from deathsgrip, but
it is unpalatable to most humans. Wyverns: Screeching so shrilly that they Wyverns, page 132
Small moord villages can be found can be heard over the winds upon which
throughout this rocky expanse, populated they ride, wyverns hunt throughout
by those tending flocks of particularly moord land. They are often referred to
hardy mountain goats. Elsewhere, as dragonraptors by the inhabitants of
individuals of power desiring solitude Korak-Mar.

Storms are frequent in this area, with electrical strikes blasting away at
the crimson stones as if to punish them for some past crime.


PC s AMONG THE MOORD PCs who manage to ingratiate

Even by the standards of the Godforsaken themselves with the moord will find
Lands, Korak-Mar is harsh and difficult. these restrictions lifted for them, as an
Likewise, the moord present a strange exception. But this likely requires a show
challenge. Adventurers from the Blessed of trustworthiness and capability, and
Land will find it hard to be trusted, and only applies to the local moord, not to
likewise probably will find it hard to trust everyone in the land.
the moord. Most places have laws either PC sorcerers may find new spells and
forbidding or restricting non-moord trade applications of magic that they had never
or access to goods and information. heard of, as well as intriguing and unique
cyphers and artifacts. Getting one’s hands
on these things might be another matter.

Some players may wish to play a moord character. This shouldn’t happen
until after the players have finished at least one adventure in Korak-Mar and
encountered the moord more than once. Thus, the moord character is probably
a recent addition to the group, recruited in Korak-Mar. As with most nonhuman
species, the moord aspect should be portrayed through a descriptor.

You are a moord. Standing at least 6 feet (2 m) tall, your skin is the color of red
wine, and you have no hair. You’re likely muscular and fit, at least compared to the
average human. Other beings you encounter might find you a curiosity, but their
ways are as strange to you as you are to them.
You gain the following characteristics.
Resilient and Clever: +2 to your Might Pool and Intellect Pool.
Used to Harsh Conditions: Your Might defense tasks are eased, and you have 3
points of Armor against cold.
Calm: If you are in Korak-Mar and the moons dictate it (about 90 to 95 percent of
the time), you gain a +1 bonus to your Intellect Edge.
Feast: If you are in Korak-Mar and the moons dictate it (about 5 to 10 percent
of the time), you become violent, voracious, and destructive. You are still mostly
in control of yourself, but at any point, the GM may use intrusions (with no XP
reward) to suggest appropriate actions. You can still spend XP to refuse such
Distrust: You have difficulty trusting others and getting them to trust you. All
interaction actions are hindered.
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the following list of options, choose
how you became involved in the first adventure.
1. The other PCs rescued you from danger, and you feel beholden to them.
2. The other PCs offered to teach you about the magic of their land.
3. The other PCs seemed on their way to some great treasure or reward.
4. You are an outlaw with no home among your kind.

In lands other than Korak-Mar, moord gain neither the Calm advantage nor the
Feast requirement.


ADVENTURES IN THE are the stumps of 87 of these colossal

LANDS OF THE MOORD trees, each of which had been made into
The Stolen Crown: The kakavya have a fortress by some intelligent folk that
trained a wyvern and use it to help them burrowed, burned, and cut into them.
make raids against the moord (and This region is often referred to as the 87
anyone else). The moord ignored this Dead Keeps, but sometimes it’s called the
until recently, when the wyvern literally Forest of Rotting Castles.
snatched the crown from the head of King The crafters of the Rotting Castles may The two Dead Keeps
only a mile apart are
Gramal of Boruud. The king has offered a not be around anymore, but the fortresses
known as the Sisters,
reward of 5,000 gp to anyone who returns are almost all occupied today. From and, as long as anyone
his crown—even non-moord. petty, independent warlords to strange can remember, the
inhabitants of one have
creatures of all types, the castles house a hated those of the other.
The Bellerite Mine: An abandoned mine variety of inhabitants, but still hold many The field between the
keeps has been the site
is now occupied by dangerous beasts, ancient secrets and treasures from the of many bloody battles.
but also by a secretive group of moord days of their creation.
convinced that there are untapped veins Although it is called the “Forest” of
of bellerite somewhere in the mine. Rotting Castles, nothing could be further
They’ve trapped certain portions to from the truth. The keeps lie instead on
prevent anyone from claim-jumping. what is now an empty expanse with little
A rival mining group is willing to pay but black scrub vegetation and upturned
handsomely for adventurers who will rocks from the geological instability of
brave the mine and find the ore (if it the region. Most of the Dead Keeps are
exists) before the other moord do. Bonus far enough from each other that the other
pay if the adventurers also clear the mine castles are little more than specks on the
of dangers. horizon, if that. Some, however, are close
together, the two nearest being only a
Helping a Fellow Traveler: A human mile apart.
adventurer named Nevenne seeks to learn The open black plain the castles occupy
from Master Kann in Feden-Bel, and is presents its own difficulties, showcasing Storm: level 3; each
minute, non-natives
willing to pay others from Bontherre to just how dangerous Korak-Mar can
without shelter
help find and reach the fortress—and, be. Storms of lightning and acidic rain must make a Might
more importantly, convince Kann to allow roll across the steppes. Sometimes, defense roll or suffer
1 point of damage
them access. Doing so will likely involve the rain falls as sleet or hail due to the
a test given by the moord master, such as temperatures. Exploding gas vent:
level 4. Endangers a small
bringing him two living cold slimes. The black scrub brush of the region
to a large area, inflicting
hides an insidious hazard: explosive 3 points of heat damage
sulfuric gas vents just beneath the and 3 points of crushing

THE FOREST OF ROTTING CASTLES ground. Despite the cold temperatures,

damage. Two different
Speed defense rolls to
Deeper into Korak-Mar, past the lands Korak-Mar has an active—perhaps avoid. Can be used as a
GM intrusion, although if
of the moord, lie the remains of an overactive—geothermal system beneath it is a planned encounter,
ancient civilization and perhaps an even the surface, and when pockets of gas add a GM intrusion at
more ancient feature of the world. Long come into contact with magma or the end in which a Speed
defense roll is required to
ago, impossibly tall trees grew to the are caught under high pressure from avoid falling into the hole
sky. Although no one alive ever saw one moving subsurface plates, the results created. Those who fall in
take another 2 points
of these trees, they must have been a are explosions. Sometimes, these occur of damage and are
thousand feet or more in height and entirely below the ground or in the far trapped until they
pull themselves out.
hundreds of feet across. All that remains distance, so that adventurers merely


Manticore, page 118 hear a distant rumbling boom, and do—one bat can flutter in place or stand
Trawb: level 3, perhaps feel a strong vibration under perched on a high object (even upside
Speed defense and
their feet. Other times, the ground down) and emit a strange pale red light
stealth as level 5
literally explodes nearby, sending steam, from its wings. This energy fills the area,
Typical trawb trap poisonous gas, superheated liquids, and anyone bathed in the light who is
(weighted net): victim
liquid rock, or solid stones (both small attacked by another bat can literally have
must succeed at a
difficulty 4 Might or and surprisingly big) into the air. Often, one of their bones ripped from their body.
Speed task to get free and an explosion involves two, three, or more Essentially, within this red glow, a charnel
can take no other action
of these discharges. As if that weren’t bad bat claw or bite passes through flesh
Trawb sorcerer: level 4, enough, they sometimes continue as a and muscle as though it did not exist,
Speed defense and stealth
spurting fountain of boiling liquid, steam, grasping a bone and pulling it free. The
as level 6; can become
invisible in dim light as and poisonous gas, or they cause the bat then flies away with its prize to suck
an action; can cause surrounding ground that didn’t explode out the marrow. Charnel bats are a dark
nearby objects to bind a
foe (like the trap, above) upward to collapse down into the empty charcoal color with streaks of blood red.
space just created.
Aevae: level 1, can Manticores: Insane leftovers from the
combine with another
similar-sized specimen
INHABITANTS OF THE ROTTING days when the Rotting Castles weren’t
to form a level 3 aevae CASTLES AND THEIR ENVIRONS rotting, these ravenous beasts attack for
Each of the Dead Keeps is different from the sheer love of violence and destruction.
Aevae: level 3, Speed the rest. Spectres of ancient inhabitants
defense as level 1; health 15;
claim some, and others still have wards Trawbs: Gangly but only about 3 to 4
can combine with
another similar-sized and traps left from long ago, but most feet (about 1 m) tall, trawbs are
specimen to form serve as the homes of modern residents greenish-grey-skinned humanoids with
a level 5 aevae
(though some remain uninhabited). bulbous eyes and tufts of dark red hair.
Aevae: level 5, These residents might include moord, They prefer to keep to the shadows and
Speed defense as
but the following are a small sampling have a predilection for long knives. They
level 2; health 35
of other creatures explorers might get what they want by stealing and killing,
Vintaak: level 6; encounter. and have never willingly participated in
health 20; Armor 4
a fair fight. They like traps, particularly
Charnel bat: level 4; Aevae: Appearing to be undulating those that bind a foe so a trawb can carve
Armor 1; can use an
masses of green and white gelatinous them up at their leisure. A few trawbs
action to emit a light
that allows other charnel goo, aevae range in size from 2 to 10 learn a little magic as well and become
bats to extract bones; feet (60 cm to 3 m) across. The smallest sorcerers, casting spells that aid in stealth
bone extraction attack
succeeds if victim fails a are little more than nuisances, but the or disabling victims.
Speed defense roll largest are quite deadly. And strangely, the
(4 points of damage)
and a Might defense roll.
small ones can combine to make a larger Vintaak: Metal and stone and yet alive,
A victim with a bone one. Aevae can harden their fluid forms vintaak are strange creatures. The fact that
extracted moves down temporarily to create strangling tendrils they often dwell within ancient fortresses
one step on the damage
track (only magical that they use to kill and consume prey, of wood makes them all the stranger.
healing will restore adding the biomass to their own. Vintaak resemble stylized statues of
this) and, if it is a limb
bone, loses use of the humanlike figures, with intricate patterns
limb. Losing the skull or Charnel bats: With a wingspan of 5 feet etched into every surface, adorned with
spine results in death.
(1.5 m), these large flying mammals jewels and precious metals in aesthetically
See the adventure would already be frightening bat-like pleasing ways. However, they are not
“Within the Monstrous”
monstrosities. But what makes them statues, and they insist that they were
(page 217) for more
inhabitants of this truly terrifying is that when they hunt not crafted or created, but born naturally
region of Korak-Mar. in packs—which they almost always from the earth. Vintaak feed on flesh, even


though they are not flesh themselves. To survive, a moord blackguard likely
They have their own language, their own needs a potent mystical weapon or other
societal structure (to an extent), and magical resource. Some practice their
their own superstitions, beliefs, and code own kind of sorcery, with spells and
of ethics. But theirs is a rudimentary powers involving blood, strength, and
intellect, and everything about them other various types of body modification. Typical moord
blackguard: level 7,
than their appearance is crude. They It’s not uncommon to encounter a
attacks and defense as
believe strongly in personal honor, and moord blackguard that has taken up level 8 (probably due to
that might makes right. residence in one of the Rotting Castles. magic); health 30;
Armor 4; very likely has
These castles are likely well defended with an extra ability such
MOORD BLACKGUARDS traps and guards of various kinds. as bat-like wings to
fly, pyrokinesis at long
When a moord commits very serious range, or an eye that
crimes, they are typically exiled into the can detach and operate
wilderness. Most such individuals die PCs AND THE ROTTING CASTLES independently as a spy

alone. The most powerful or capable, These abandoned “structures” draw

however, find allies amid the Rotting adventurers because they hold ancient
Castles (or possess such skill and secrets and treasures. Exploring a
strength that they don’t need them). Dead Keep is a dangerous undertaking.
Collectively, people refer to them as Adventurers should be prepared for
blackguards, although more often than defenders, traps, and navigating the
not, these exiles don’t congregate. mazelike interiors.
Instead, one blackguard will master a The region in which the Forest of
group of vintaak or trawbs, or partner Rotting Castles lies teems with dangerous
with a beast like a manticore or a wyvern. life—an overabundance of predators,


often preying upon each other. Creatures ADVENTURES IN

need to be hardy and strong to survive THE ROTTING CASTLES
the environment. This means that should The Lord of War: A moord sorcerer known
adventurers enter one of the castles and only as the Ungraved summons terrible
clear out the inhabitants, new creatures otherworldly beasts of every size and
will soon come along to replace the fallen. description, stocking the Dead Keep she
has claimed as her own. She plans to
launch her army of conjured creatures
into the lands of the moord in a full-on
invasion. Rumors say that the Ungraved’s
command of magic is so great that she
conjured herself back from death. Many
moord worry about her growing might,
and seek spies willing to learn what they
can about her, her creatures, and her
plans. Even better if they can put a stop to
those plans.

Ransom: A moord blackguard named

Allal has kidnapped the son of a wealthy
moord woman. He dwells in one of the
Rotting Castles. Allal demands a ransom,
and the mother wants someone to deliver
it for her and bring back her son. Of
course, what she really wants is Allal’s
head on a pike and for the ransom money
to be returned to her. She’ll pay the
adventurers either way, but more eagerly
for the latter outcome.

The Blood Bath: Legends speak of a

magical pool of ancient blood in one of
the Rotting Castles. Anyone who can find
this pool and bathe in it is granted great
unholy power. This might not be enticing
for the PCs (but who knows?), but it very
likely could be to their greatest rival or
adversary, so they must reach it before
their nemesis, perhaps to destroy it.

Part 3






his adventure begins in the land of After returning to Flevame, the
Flevame and then takes a surprising characters must get past the ghostly
turn leading to the Firmament. It spirits trying to intercept them before they
involves a mysterious being called the reach the Soulsmith. If they make it to
Soulsmith, who might be somehow related him successfully, they gain the treasures
to the necromancer Crumellia Encomium. they seek.
“Secret of the Soulsmith” could be
an adventure for starting characters,
with a fairly basic initial impetus to get BACKGROUND
them on their first trip out of the Blessed Within Flevame, south of the Wilderness
Land. However, it could be inserted more of Krym, lies the small but significant
organically into an ongoing game with domain of the Soulsmith. In the past, he
the PCs already in Flevame for reasons of has referred to Crumellia as a sibling, a
their own (such as simple exploration). cousin, and a foe, so their relationship (if
any) is unclear.
This apparently immortal being
SYNOPSIS typically keeps to himself, dwelling in
The PCs travel to Flevame to find a being a strange sort of floating structure. He
called the Soulsmith, hoping to gain literally creates new souls, which he then
access to some of the treasures he has infuses into creatures and sometimes
crafted. Reaching him requires dealing even objects he crafts. His arts have
with the undead in the region, particularly allowed him to create a trio of powerful
those under the command of a vampire “weapons” that can be of great use
watching the Soulsmith for his master, against the undead.
Crumellia Encomium. After the PCs Word of these three objects has
navigate the strange mazelike structure reached Bontherre, and the thought of
the Soulsmith calls home, he agrees to such treasures is very enticing to human
give them what they want if they run an adventurers . . .
errand for him to the Firmament.
Once in the Firmament, the PCs must
find a woman named Ianthe and gather SETUP
what she owes to the Soulsmith. However, The PCs gather in Bontherre and prepare
a mirrorman has infiltrated her nomadic for an expedition into Flevame. One or
band with its own plans for the situation. more of them has heard rumors of the
Worse, the vampire’s ensorcelled servants Soulsmith and the powerful treasures he
strike at an opportune moment (for them, creates. While they don’t have a precise
not the PCs). idea of where to find him, they know that


Vothe is a decent place to get information FLEVAME Vothe, page 175

about that land. The characters pass into Flevame
however they choose, with no difficulties.
ALTERNATE SETUP Vothe is a relatively short distance away
The PCs travel to Flevame for purposes from the River of Souls.
of their own: exploration, adventure,
or some other goal. Once there, they GETTING INFORMATION IN VOTHE
encounter a patrol of the living dead Within Vothe, PCs asking around about
servants of Crumellia Encomium. These the Soulsmith can find a middle-aged
horrors carry a message from a vampire woman, short of stature but large in
named Kalypsan to another named personality, named Oega. She can give Oega: level 3, knowledge
of all kinds as level 4
Vandrare, regarding a secret bane of the them directions to the home of the
undead in the hands of a being called Soulsmith, with the requisite warnings
the Soulsmith. Such a secret would be that journeying there will take them Wilderness of
Krym, page 179
invaluable in the fight against the undead through the Wilderness of Krym, haunted
hordes in Flevame. by the living dead. All that Oega asks
The undead patrol consists of: in return is that they bring her three
• Four skeletons, three with spears and skulls taken from the undead the PCs Skeletons, page 353
one with a banner showing a red bat will undoubtedly encounter. She dabbles
Adhesion cypher,
on a field of black (this is the banner in brewing potions and she needs the page 384
of Kalypsan, one of the necromancer’s ground skulls for her work. She trusts the
vampire generals) characters, but if they don’t fulfill their Ghouls in Flevame are
different from those
• Three ghouls, one carrying a leather bargain, she’s not out too much (though
in the Cypher System
tube that holds the message and an delinquent PCs will get an earful if they Rulebook. For Flevame
adhesion cypher in the form of a scroll encounter her again later). ghoul stats, use the
abomination stats on
page 315 of the Cypher
The message in the scroll tube is VANDRARE System Rulebook.
written on a piece of preserved human From Vothe, the PCs head into the
flesh. The text of the message is: Wilderness of Krym and (unknowingly) In the wilderness, the
GM could have the
enter the domain of Vandrare. He is a
PCs spot a much larger
vampire who presides over the region
undead force or perhaps
that the PCs must cross to reach the a grave behemoth (or
both!) in the distance,
The Soulsmith has apparently but there should be
created a weapon that will
As they pass through the wilderness, plenty of opportunities
to hide or avoid them
be a bane to the mistress’s they should have at least one, if not if the characters take
hordes. See if you can learn two, encounters with roaming dead. wise precautions. See
page 180 for more about
the nature of this weapon, An appropriate encounter would be as
grave behemoths.
and I will do the same. described above, with four skeletons and
Together, we can present this two ghouls. Another option is a dozen Beginning PCs probably
should not confront
news to Crumellia Encomium. skeletons armed with pikes as if marching
Vandrare directly, if they
She will be pleased with our to war. Remember that not all of the want to live. But they are
initiative and intelligence, I am necromancer’s animate skeletons are free to do as they wish.

certain. human. Vandrare: Use the

stats for a vampire on
page 362 of the Cypher
Kalypsan System Rulebook. He
also has a Vampire
Sword, page 180.


FUGITIVES that the vampire is focused on him and

When the PCs see a pile of gigantic probably has spies watching his home.
bones—the remains of creatures they The siblings can be convinced to
cannot even venture to identify—they also accompany the PCs, or they can go off
spot two figures creeping among them. on their own. Obviously, aid in the form
The figures probably look like undead, as of food, weapons, and so forth would be
they’re little more than skin and bones greatly appreciated, but they have no way
draped in rags. But they’re alive. to repay such kindness.
Narr: level 3; health 6 Narr is tall. He would be large and
(normally 15)
imposing if he wasn’t starving. His
Nieva: level 2, sister Nieva is gaunt in her ragged THE SOULSMITH’S FLOATING MAZE
stealth as level 3
dress. Neither is armed, although Narr Vandrare’s two ghost spies watch the
carries a heavy stick like a club. These Soulsmith’s home fairly closely from
two hide from the undead. They were the outside. To get past them without
GM intrusion: A group taken prisoner by Vandrare’s forces weeks being seen, the PCs would need to pass
of four ghouls that
earlier, but they managed to escape and with great stealth (difficulty 4). If the
has been hunting the
fugitives catches up now they’re on their way back to Vothe, characters are seen, the ghosts don’t
with them while they their home. attack, but one flits quickly off to its
speak with the PCs.
They’re both fearful and in shock master to report while the other remains
from the horrors they’ve witnessed. A to observe the intruders. It follows them if
Ghost, page 331 well-spoken PC might earn their trust, they leave.
particularly if they’re offered food and From the outside, the floating maze
first aid. If so, Narr can give them basic looks like dozens of stone towers
information about Vandrare, the lord of magically hovering 20 to 60 feet (6 to
this stretch of the Funereal Fields, and 18 m) in the air, each ranging from 40
tips on how to hide from the undead to 60 feet (12 to 18 m) tall. Each tower
here. (If the PCs get this information, is connected to one to four other
their actions to hide from undead towers via enclosed stone
are eased for the rest of this passageways, each about
adventure.) The only thing 10 feet (3 m) across
Narr and Nieva know on the outside.
about the Soulsmith is Windows are


rare, and the stonework appears old and they find a window, but looking out only
ornate. confirms that they’re not where they
thought they were in the vast structure.
THE ENTRANCE Most of the towers have multiple levels,
One tower rests on the ground and bears and the connections to other towers are
a heavy wooden door with a lock (level 4). often not on the same level. Sometimes
No amount of knocking garners any doors leading into one area or another Don’t forget about the
differences in Flevame,
result. If the PCs want in, they’ll have to will be locked.
in particular the
let themselves in somehow. The PCs won’t find the Soulsmith until weakening. See page 174.
The interior of the entry tower leads they reach the Vault of Souls. Before that,
off to three other towers via passages of as the characters wander, they may come
different lengths, each requiring a short set upon any of the following rooms, areas,
of stairs to reach them. The entry tower is or objects of interest:
open and empty except for strange floating
spheres of different colors that disappear Storeroom (level 3 lock): This room
if touched (these are merely ornamental). contains a variety of foodstuffs, supplies,
tools, and other useful but mundane gear.
The interior of the floating maze is Storeroom (level 5 lock): This room
large and confusing. Adventurers might contains five random cyphers.
attempt to create a map, but there’s
something uncanny about the place— Library: A huge collection of informative
mapping or other means to orient and valuable books (each worth 1 to 10
themselves eventually fail. Occasionally, gp) on a variety of topics.


Gameroom: The floor of this entire Soul-imbued construct (mass of metal):

chamber is a game board covered in This construct is made of dozens of
hexagons 3 feet (1 m) across. Carved stone metal rods and utensils, all held together
Mass of metal: level 3 and wood pieces of different shapes, each by a powerful central magnet. The mass
about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, rest in some of of metal will in no way interact with
the hexes. Although this room seems like intruders.
a strangely standard magic trap (in certain
circles), it is nothing more than it appears. Soul-imbued object (candelabra):
Federis: level 4; can take Although he has no mobility, Federis is
no physical actions
Junk: Debris and trash fill this room, well mannered and well spoken. If the
although a careful search (difficulty 3) PCs treat him kindly and they have not
turns up a jeweled ring worth 100 gp and obviously stolen anything, he can tell
a key to the laboratory. them that the Soulsmith is in the Vault of
Statue: level 2; can take Souls and give them a general idea of how
no physical actions
Laboratory (level 5 lock): Filled with a to get there.
Spirit threads, page 170 variety of strange magical implements,
Thread tools, page 170 this lab is where the Soulsmith creates Soul-imbued object (singing statue): This
souls, using spirit threads. As such, there statue is always singing, but if anyone
Soul injector: level 4 is a spirit thread stored here currently, as pays her a compliment, she’ll sing helpful
artifact; can put a soul
well as thread tools. The room also has a directions through the maze.
stored in a vial (found in
the Vault of Souls) into magical device called a soul injector that
a construct or object. can infuse a crafted soul into a creature or THE VAULT OF SOULS
Depletion 1 in 1d10.
object. (There are no souls here—they are Eventually, the characters reach a large
all in the Vault of Souls.) tower where the Soulsmith is at work. The
Soulsmith: Use the
door hangs open. The Soulsmith keeps
demigod stats on page
321 of the Cypher System INHABITANTS his manufactured souls in glass vials
Rulebook, with the As the adventurers explore, they might suspended in the air in this otherwise
following changes:
encounter some of the Soulsmith’s empty chamber. Any of the vials fit into
• Can turn spirit
threads into living creations. He has crafted souls and the injector found in the laboratory.
souls through a infused them into things. Some are No matter what the PCs have done in
laborious process
mostly inanimate objects, while others the maze, the Soulsmith appears neither
• Can teleport himself
and/or up to ten
are constructs that can move. Some of his surprised nor cross at their intrusion.
others up to 1 creations include the following. He stands nearly 8 feet (2 m) tall, with
mile (1.5 km) a lanky, almost awkward build. His grey
• Cannot be harmed by Soul-imbued construct (taxidermized hair and goatee and his balding head
anything with a soul
(any living creature) bear): The bear, Geoffrey, moves stiffly make him appear old, but in truth he is
• Can cause any being but is very strong and extremely grumpy. immortal and ageless. A red and yellow
with a soul to be It yells at intruders and tells them to robe drapes over his angular frame.
unable to act
get out, offering no help. It won’t attack “You’re in my home, seeking aid,
unless attacked first. wealth, information—it doesn’t matter.
Geoffrey: level 5, I have no reason to help you, or even
Speed defense as
Soul-imbued construct (wooden toy to allow your transgressions to go
level 4; Armor 2
soldier): Corporal Nix stands only 12 unpunished.”
inches (30 cm) high, but he is sneaky and If the PCs attack him, without even a
Corporal Nix: level 4, fierce. He tries to set up a trap or ambush gesture he teleports them all back outside
Speed defense and
for any intruders he comes upon and will the maze. Persuading him to listen, help,
stealth as level 6; Armor 1
fight to defend his home. or give them the rumored items seems


difficult, but in truth, it’s all a ruse. He CASTLE TURION

wanted them to come because he has The PCs need to find their own way
a task for them. And what’s more, he through Bontherre and into the
wants the weapons to be available for use Firmament, passing into Castle Turion. Castle Turion, page 186
against the necromancer’s hordes, for she The lord of the castle meets them and
recently offended him. asks for news from the Blessed Land.
Eventually, the Soulsmith “hesitantly” Turion knows Ianthe and how to find
agrees to give the PCs the items they her, if asked. He can give directions
seek if they agree to help him first. to the general location of her camp in
He cannot leave Flevame but needs the Hills of the Forlorren. But he gives
something in another land. Specifically, this information only in exchange for
he needs the characters to travel to something particularly useful, like a
the Firmament. A woman there named manifest cypher.
Ianthe has a soul that she borrowed
from him, and he wants it back. He says
that she knows someone will be coming
for it and, if asked, assures the PCs
that it is not her soul, but one he
created and placed in a vial such
as those hovering in the room. The
Soulsmith doesn’t know where she
is, only that she travels with a nomadic
camp and is friendly with the native
forlorren there.
Once the deal is struck, he promises
to give the PCs what they want when
they return with the soul vial and then
teleports them out of the maze.


The trip out of Flevame should be mostly
uneventful. If desired, there can be a group
GM intrusion with more undead, but it
should be random happenstance. Vandrare
doesn’t send anyone to intercept the PCs.
He wants to know where the visitors to the
Soulsmith go next.
If the PCs stop in Vothe on their way
back, and if they helped the fugitives and
sent them on their way, Narr and Nieva
are there, having arrived in the city shortly
before. The siblings offer a place to stay
in their home and a meal to any PCs
who gave them aid. Anytime the PCs
return to Vothe, they have a place to
stay, Narr assures them.



GM intrusion: A pack If Turion didn’t tell them where to go, A day’s travel through the Forlorren Hills
of three vork-wolves
the PCs need to find Ianthe via different eventually brings the PCs to a small
attacks the PCs while
they travel through the means. This might include using some nomadic camp with five wagons arranged
hills. See page 191. power of their own, but another option is in a circle. The wagons are pulled by
Ettatomain, page 189 to travel to Ettatomain and inquire there. beasts called beppin that look like very
The Soulsmith mentioned the forlorren, shaggy cattle with three horns.
Don’t forget about so the characters should have a general The nomads are a mixture of humans
the differences in the
idea of where to start looking and asking. and forlorren. They wander the hills from
Firmament, in particular
the thin air and the Fortunately for them, Ianthe is fairly well holding to holding, trading crafts and
disease known as red known among the forlorren as a human services for supplies. They’re initially very
hammer. See page 186.
“wise woman” who professes to know suspicious of strangers.
Camp nomads: level 3 much about magic and similar things. Ianthe is a large woman with long
or use forlorren
While the forlorren scoff at magic, they grey hair bundled behind her head. If
stats (page 187)
recognize that Ianthe has great skill as she learns that the PCs were sent by the
Ianthe: level 5; magical a healer and plenty of knowledge about Soulsmith, she looks sad, but welcomes
lore, knowledge of
many more tangible things. She’s always them and offers them a meal beside the
creatures and plants,
and healing as level 7; all been a good ally. camp’s large fire.
interactions as level 6

Berrak and Jedd: level 4, Agents of Vandrare pursue the PCs. Assuming they were observed leaving the
Might and Speed defense
as level 5 due to shields; Soulsmith’s home, that’s all the vampire needed to know to realize that he wanted
health 20; Armor 2 to learn who they are and what they are up to, and probably stop them to win favor
from the necromancer.
Darra: level 4, stealth as But Vandrare couldn’t send undead all the way to the Blessed Land. The power of
level 6, Speed defense as
the Sacrante would likely prevent them from getting very far, even if disguised. So
level 5; Armor 1; inflicts
+3 damage if attacking he brought forth four prisoners that he had already taken—other adventurers from
with surprise; magic Bontherre—and ensorcelled them to be his mental slaves. The agents are:
amulet (a level 4 artifact)
allows her to teleport
• Berrak and Jedd (Warriors): Berrak is rotund and Jedd a bit short, but both
a short distance as are capable warriors wearing chainmail armor. Berrak uses a crossbow and a
an action (depletion sword. Jedd has a bow and an axe. Both wield large shields in melee combat.
of 1 in 1d20)
Jedd carries a pouch with the group’s joint funds, 344 gp.
Itume: level 4, Intellect • Darra (Scout): Darra is cold and calculating. Her bald head is covered in
defense and magical lore intricate tattoos. She has a long curved blade (a medium weapon) and wears a
as level 5; Armor 1 leather coat over dark clothing. Her magical amulet allows her to disappear and
(a magical ward);
can hurl bolts of fire reappear behind someone to make a surprise attack.
up to very long range • Itume (Sorcerer): Itume is a large man with a boisterous voice. Burn scars cover
that inflict 4 points of
damage; can cause up
his face and the left side of his neck, and his left arm has been replaced by a
to three targets within fully functional magical prosthetic made of wood. He has a variety of spells and
short range to lose their carries two scroll cyphers (enduring shield and inferno wall) as well as a level 5
next action due to a
mental stun effect rejuvenator (Intellect) potion.

These agents will follow the PCs discreetly all the way into the Firmament and
Enduring shield,
wait for an opportune time to attack. Their goal is to quickly overwhelm their
page 388
quarry, so they might try to sneak up on the PCs while some or all sleep. They
Inferno wall, page 390 want information for their master and will kill the PCs only if necessary. Unless the
Rejuvenator, page 395
magical compulsion (level 6) is lifted, they fight (unwillingly) to the death.


She concedes that she did borrow a Ianthe and the other members of the
soul crafted by the Soulsmith. She was camp never suspected Narij and don’t
hoping to use magic to copy its essence understand why he’s acting this way. She
and use its power to save her dying son. does have a bottle of liquid mirror in one
The effort failed. She will produce the of the wagons, but is reluctant to part
vial from one of the wagons to give to with it. The PCs can attempt to defuse
the PCs. the situation, but “Narij” won’t listen to
reason. Eventually, Ianthe realizes that
SURPRISE! Narij is not her campmate at all. She tells
Unfortunately, a mirrorman has infiltrated everyone the shocking news of his true Mirrorman, page 194
the camp, having stolen the appearance nature, and the PCs still need to get the
of Narij, who tends the beppin. Mirror vial away from him somehow. If they fail,
Narij leaps out and snatches the vial Ianthe ends up giving the mirrorman
before the PCs can take it. He yells that what he wants, and he tosses the vial on
he’ll destroy it if Ianthe doesn’t give him the ground and runs away.
the liquid mirror he knows she possesses. If the vial is destroyed at any point Liquid mirror, page 187
(Normally, a mirrorman infiltrates a during this encounter, Ianthe can only
community to begin the process of express regret, and she offers to write a
eliminating and replacing everyone. letter of apology for the PCs to give to the
However, this one worked its way into the Soulsmith. With nothing but the letter,
camp to try to get the liquid mirror that it it will take some real convincing (and
sensed there.) perhaps another task) for the PCs to get
the promised reward from him.


The PCs can leave the Firmament and
return to Flevame on their own schedule.
Trips through the Godforsaken Lands are
always difficult, but insert new encounters
only as feels right for the story and the
pacing of the adventure.
Before the adventurers reach the
Soulsmith’s home, however, Vandrare
orders his two ghost spies to attack them Ghost, page 331
directly. The vampire stays back, afraid
to make his own presence known to the


If the PCs manage to get back into the
Soulsmith’s maze, they’re greeted by a
crafted soul-imbued construct in the form
of a woman made of iron named Beatrix. Beatrix: level 5; Armor 4
She leads them directly to her creator.
With the soul vial in hand, the PCs can
exchange it for their payment: the magical


items the Soulsmith has crafted. Each The Golden Spear: This long spear has a
is a level 5 artifact that does not deplete. golden head that is stronger than steel.
These three objects are: All attacks made against undead with this
medium weapon are eased and inflict 4
The Ivory Shield: This steel shield has additional points of damage.
an intricate inlay of ivory in abstract,
pleasing patterns. In addition to using it
as a normal shield, the wielder can ease WRAPPING UP
any one defense roll made by them or an If the PCs obtained the artifacts, they can
ally within immediate range against an go on their way and do as they please.
undead foe. Only one defense roll can be The Soulsmith doesn’t overtly encourage
eased in a given round, but doing this is them to attack the necromancer’s horde,
not an action. but clearly that’s what the items are
for. The characters may wish to return
The Spirit Boots: Shiny and tall leather to Bontherre first. There should be
boots, these objects resize to fit time to celebrate and brag about their
whomever puts them on. Ghosts and accomplishments.
other spirits of level 5 and below cannot Three level 5 artifacts are worth 15 XP to
see or hear the wearer. If one of these divide among the PCs. In addition, each
spirits somehow learns of the wearer’s PC should earn 2 XP for accomplishing all
presence, actions the wearer takes to the tasks required of them. Consider an
defend against them are eased by two additional 1 XP reward if they saved Narr
steps. Stealth actions against such and Nieva.
opponents automatically succeed.




his adventure takes place in the land well known in Bontherre, but as the
of Korak-Mar, beyond the realm of months passed, people thought of her
the moord and in one of the so-called and referenced her name less and less.
Rotting Castles. Most now believe her to be dead.
“Within the Monstrous” is almost This is not the case. Instead, she has
certainly not appropriate for beginning taken one of the Rotting Castles as her
player characters. Those of tier 3 or own, setting herself up there as the
perhaps tier 4 would be better suited, and Traveler Queen. Which would be fine,
even the most powerful PCs might find a except that she left Bontherre without her
challenge here. daughter. Contrarre Coure believes that
her mother is alive, and she’s willing to
pay well to find her. At least, that’s what
SYNOPSIS she tells people. In truth, she’s in league
The characters are recruited by the with a moord knight named Alon who
daughter of an infamous adventurer seeks Devonne to avenge the death of
thought to be lost (probably dead) in his brother and recover some of what she
Korak-Mar. What she doesn’t tell them is stole from his family before she took over
that she hates her mother and is in league her castle.
with a moord named Alon to find and
eventually murder her.
The PCs travel to Korak-Mar and into SETUP
the Forest of Rotting Castles looking for The PCs are contacted by Contrarre
the so-called Traveler Queen, who lives Coure while in Bontherre. She is a sturdy
within one of the ancient structures there. woman with a narrow face and a wild
After proving themselves in a trial by typhoon of hair. After introductions and
combat, they likely learn that they’ve been some praise for the PCs, she explains:
brought unwittingly into a conflict based “Most people believe that my mother,
on old grudges. They’ll have to decide the great adventurer Devonne Coure, is
who to side with, or to side with no one dead. It’s true that she disappeared in the
at all. Godforsaken Lands and has not returned
in almost two years, but I refuse to believe
that she might be dead. She was too great
BACKGROUND a warrior—too clever and too skilled—to
Almost two years ago, the infamous meet her end in such a way. No, I won’t
adventurer Devonne Coure disappeared believe it until I have proof.”
in Korak-Mar. Tales of her infamous Contrarre then explains that in the land
exploits in the Godforsaken Lands were of Korak-Mar, there is a moord named


Contrarre Coure: level 7, Alon who might have a lead on where If Devonne is alive, Contrarre wants
Intellect defense as level 8;
Armor 10 against her mother might be found. She has the PCs to convey the message that her
any magical attack; communicated with him and convinced daughter loves her and never lost faith
has many spells and
magical items that allow him to help through various bribes. She in her, and would like her to return to
her to negate attacks wants the PCs to find Devonne. If her Bontherre. If they can’t get her to come
preemptively, launch icy
bolts that inflict mother is dead, Contrarre wants proof, as back with them, hopefully the PCs can at
7 damage up to very long
range, emit waves of cold well as any details about her final fate they least bring back the good news that she
that inflict 4 Speed can provide. The return of her mother’s lives.
damage (ignores
Armor) to all within remains would be even better. Contrarre readies a payment of 500
short range, and more.
She can also heal up to
gold pieces for the adventurers, with a
8 points of health for promise of five times that much (or more)
herself or another as an
action. Carries at least if they return with valuable information.
three useful cyphers. This initial payment, she hopes, will cover
expenses to get to Korak-Mar and back. If
the PCs have never been there before, she
can supply them with a map and written
instructions to reach the gate that she
procured. Under no circumstances will
she accompany them, as she is terrified of
the Godforsaken Lands.


Contrarre’s necklace: Contrarre is a powerful sorcerer and
level 6 artifact; gives
despises her mother. She is in league with
the wearer 3 points of
Armor against any attack Alon, who is paying her for information
from a magical source, about Devonne’s whereabouts.
including those that
normally ignore Armor; While she was still an adventurer,
depletion of 1 in 1d20 Devonne killed Alon’s brother Norval,
and stole a great deal of family funds and
treasure from him. Alon wants revenge.
He suspects that the mysterious figure
known as the Traveler Queen in the Forest
of Rotting Castles is actually Devonne,
but he can’t confirm that on his own. If
it is Devonne, she would recognize him.
So he wants someone else to investigate,
and Contrarre sends the PCs to do
his scouting for him. Once Devonne’s
location is confirmed, he and Contrarre
will move in to get their revenge.


differences in Korak-Mar,
With their advance payment, the PCs The trip across Korak-Mar is very likely
in particular the Might
should have no problem equipping challenging and hazardous. and Speed damage and
themselves and finding the doorway to acidic rain. See page 196.

Korak-Mar if they’ve never been there ON THE WAY Forest of Rotting

Castles, page 203
before. Before the PCs reach the Forest of
Rotting Castles, they might have any
MEETING WITH ALON of the following encounters. (Some Alon: level 8; attacks,
Speed defense, and
The prearranged meeting spot with of these might be GM intrusions, as
Might defense as level 9;
Alon is in the city of Boruud, near a food circumstances dictate.) health 45; Armor 4 (if
vendor in Gob’s Market. Alon is well wearing his armor);
inflicts 10 damage with
dressed and has a sword at his side, but Insects: A swarm of ten aarak suddenly his sword on one foe
otherwise is a nondescript moord male. attack the PCs from all directions. or 6 damage on up to
three separate foes as an
(As a knight, Alon normally wears armor action; carries at least
and some kind of crest or badge that Travelers: A band of five moord travelers, three useful cyphers
shows his station, but he doesn’t want suspicious of non-moord, react poorly to Alon’s sword: level 5
artifact; medium weapon
the PCs to know who he is.) any attempts at interaction.
with a depletion of —;
Alon says that he has spoken with attacks with it are eased
Contrarre and is sympathetic to her need Living Shadows: Four shadows stalk the and it adds +2 to damage

for closure. He notes that he himself lost PCs for a while, then attack while the
his brother out in the wilds beyond the characters rest or are separated. Gob’s Market, page 199
city (which is true—Devonne killed him). Aarak, page 201
He says that he has heard that Contrarre’s Hazardous Terrain: The PCs make their Moord travelers: level 4;
health 20; Armor 2
famous mother was taken captive by a way down a crumbling cliff. Anyone who
mysterious figure in the Forest of Rotting fails a difficulty 4 climbing action will slide Shadows, page 126
Castles called the Traveler Queen. “Find and fall, suffering 3 points of damage.
the queen and you might find Devonne
He suggests that if the PCs find her, The so-called forest is nothing of the
perhaps they should simply speak with sort, but rather an open expanse with
her and see what they can learn through almost mesa-like black tree trunks. As
conversation. Or speak with others in the the PCs explore, they might have any
castle first to learn more about the queen. of the following encounters. (Some
He doesn’t know which of the castles the of these might be GM intrusions, as
Traveler Queen inhabits (which is also circumstances dictate.)
Alon wishes them the best and hopes Dragonraptors: The PCs spot two huge
for their success. He would be very winged creatures high in the sky. A
interested to learn what they discover, he hunting pair of wyverns is circling above Wyvern, page 132
says, but communicating their findings and sizing them up for a meal. Eventually,
to Contrarre is more important. He will in unless they successfully hide or do
no circumstances go with them, claiming something dramatic to scare them off, the GM intrusion: A level
3 pickpocket tries to
that he fears leaving the safety of the city, wyverns swoop to attack.
steal from the character
as he is just a scholar. (These are both while in the market.
lies. He’s an accomplished swordsman The Cold, Cold Ground: The ground beneath
and doesn’t even live in the city, but in a the PCs shakes and rumbles, suddenly
castle a few miles away.) exploding as if a bomb was detonated. This


Explosive gas vent, is an explosive gas vent. Careful PCs might There are three entrances spaced around
page 203
sense the explosion beforehand—allow the base near ground level, reached by a
Human and moord players who state that they’re being cautious short flight of stairs. Each is blocked by
guards: level 3; Armor 2
to attempt a difficulty 4 Intellect task to four human or moord guards or by one
Vintaak, page 204 sense trouble in time. vintaak. A well-spoken group of impressive
Kethera: level 4; Might visitors might be granted an audience.
defense, Speed defense
Kethera Hunting Party: The PCs come Some other cover story might also get
(due to shield), and
strength-related tasks upon a group of five individuals of a the PCs inside. Fighting their way in is an
(including physical species unknown to them. These kethera option as well, but they can expect to have
attacks) as level 5;
health 16; Armor 2; are four-armed centaur-like beings who many more encounters with larger and
two hammer attacks wear armor of bone and wood. They are larger groups of guards until the queen
inflict 5 damage each
and stun a foe who fails bullies and won’t hesitate to look at the herself investigates the disturbance.
a Might defense roll, PCs as food, but if the PCs try to talk their The interior of the castle is a labyrinth
causing them to lose
their next action, or one way out, the kethera can be persuaded of tunnels and chambers carved out
attack at very long range to listen. If the PCs start to form a good of the ancient wood, now hardened
(a thrown hammer)
inflicts 4 damage
rapport with the kethera, they can be a like stone. Oil lamps provide the only
source of information about the illumination, so it’s always dim and dank.
It’s possible that the so-called Traveler Queen. They know Throughout the castle, there are many
PCs could learn the true
where her castle is, but they won’t go more guards and servants, most fully
identity of the queen
without confronting her there because they fear her and her loyal to their queen. Those who aren’t
by interrogating servants creature, the Nrugan. loyal are terrified of her, so the net result
or guards, by talking to
Anais earlier, or perhaps is basically the same.
through some magical Anais the Servant: A moord named
means. If so, they might
choose to return to Anais, somewhat slighter and more THE THRONE ROOM
Contrarre at that point. weasel-faced than most of his kind, If the PCs are brought before the queen,
If they do, she’ll thank
them and pay them. makes his way across the region alone. or if they somehow lie or sneak or fight
Afterward, the PCs don’t He’s distracted because he is talking to their way in, they likely encounter her in
have to remain involved
if they don’t want to be.
himself, but what he says is nonsense her throne room at the heart of the keep.
(moord communicate empathically, and The massive round chamber, inlaid
Anais: level 4, stealth he’s only trying to talk to himself). Anais with bellerite, has a ceiling 50 feet (15 m)
and deception as
serves the Traveler Queen and is headed high. At the far end is her throne, but in
level 5; Armor 1
to her castle. He’s a bit odd, perhaps even the center of the room is a dark circular
Bellerite, page 170 deranged, and quite cowardly. It’s difficult pit 30 feet (9 m) across. This pit drops
The Traveler Queen: to get him to betray her (due to his fear down to the mostly dark, unexplored
level 9; health 50;
of her), but he might be the best way to reaches beneath the castle, 80 feet (24
Armor 5. While within
her castle, she can find her castle. He also knows that her m) below. The subterranean realm holds
attack every foe she can real name is Devonne Coure, but getting many ancient wonders and magical
see within long range,
controlling the structure that out of him is even more difficult than treasures and secrets. One such wonder
to create limbs to grasp, getting him to show the PCs the way. transformed Devonne Coure into the
spikes or pits beneath
their feet, and so on, Traveler Queen.
inflicting 9 points of
damage; as an action,
of health. While not The castle looks no different than the Though once she was human, the magic
within her castle, she
makes one attack per
other Dead Keeps, except that it’s clearly deep below the castle transformed the
action with a greatsword inhabited. Small, meager gardens are explorer Devonne Coure body and mind
that inflicts 12 points tended near the entrances, although the so that she would remain there and
of damage, and she
cannot heal herself. produce is not edible by humans. protect it. The Traveler Queen stands


15 feet (5 m) tall, appearing to be a THE NRUGAN

normal-sized, regal woman with what The Nrugan stands almost 15 feet (5 m) The Nrugan: level 8,
attacks as level 10, Speed
must be extremely long legs hidden by tall. Ostensibly humanoid, its entire upper
defense as level 6;
a long gown made of dark, hardened torso is composed of muscular arms, health 45; can attack all
wood. Her flesh, likewise, appears to and its head is nothing but an ephemeral, foes within immediate
range, inflicting
be wooden. It’s as if she is somehow tooth-filled maw hidden within the vortex 10 damage to each;
fused metaphysically with the tree that of moving and flexing limbs. This creature regenerates 1 health per
round. If slain (even if
makes up the keep. Despite her wooden was created by sorcerers in Alon’s family, disintegrated), returns to
appearance, she can move freely and and it is the primary possession that the life within a few hours.
easily. queen stole from him. Only anointing the
slain beast with water
She doesn’t trust visitors and doesn’t The queen’s not worried that the from a specific mystical
want to hear what the PCs have to say Nrugan is in any danger. The PCs may be spring hidden deep in the
Korak-Mar wastelands
unless they earn her trust. Unfortunately, able to defeat it, but they almost certainly prevents this resurrection.
that involves a trial by combat. She states can’t slay or destroy it.
that if the characters can defeat her The Nrugan attacks the PCs silently, GM intrusion: Big deep
pit in the middle of the
creature, the Nrugan, in combat, she will but with enthusiasm. It has absolutely no
throne room where the
listen to them. Attempting to talk to her fear. The queen will not get involved in fight takes place. You
before facing the Nrugan only angers her. the fight, although if anyone attacks her— don’t really need this
suggestion, do you?
Human handlers bring the Nrugan into well, they get what they deserve. You know what to do.
the chamber as the queen watches from If the PCs don’t win the fight, they’re
her throne. Any other guards or servants probably dead. However, if they ask for
present flee when it enters. mercy, they’ll be imprisoned, with all
their belongings confiscated. Victorious
PCs can speak with the queen. This is
probably when some truths are revealed.


The Traveler Queen is happy to admit returns to her. If they’d rather, she could
that she was once Devonne Coure, and give a character jewels worth 3,000 gp
that now she is “one with this fortress.” instead.
She intends to raise an army of loyal
followers and eventually take over some Side With Alon and Contrarre: The PCs
of the other castles. Again, she has no could somehow ditch the Nrugan on the
reason not to proclaim these goals. way back to Boruud, and return to Alon
Any mention of her daughter Contrarre and/or Contrarre as originally agreed.
makes her angry and once again Contrarre rewards them with their
suspicious. She knows that her daughter promised payment. Most likely, she drops
hates her. Mention of Alon is worse, for the deception that she’s doing it for any
she knows that he is looking for her, sort of good or loving reason. In fact,
If the PCs are very lucky and interference from him before she seeing as the PCs are so capable, she’ll
or very powerful, it’s
has assembled her armies could be offer further, greater payment if they help
conceivable that they
can confront the queen problematic. If the PCs say they were sent her and Alon get to the Traveler Queen’s
with force—when they by either of these two, the queen tells castle and destroy her.
meet her or during the
trial by combat—and them they’ve been duped and have put
defeat her. If so, her her in danger. She commands them to go Just Leave: They’ll have to lose the
servants flee, but the
Nrugan eventually seeks
back and slay both Alon and Contrarre, Nrugan somehow, but then they could
revenge. Contrarre and promising (sincerely) to reward the just be on their way. Of course, they get
Alon will realize that characters for doing so. no reward from either party, and they
they got way more for
their money than they “And I’ll send the Nrugan with you,” likely gain a little enmity from both.
asked for and count it she adds. “I’m certain it would delight in
as a huge success!
helping to slay its former moord master.”
She won’t take no for an answer. WRAPPING UP
GM intrusion: The If the PCs ultimately aid the Traveler
queen, Contrarre, and
Alon are all powerful
THE BIG DECISION Queen, she will remain an ally, albeit
enough that if there’s The PCs now find themselves in the an unnerving one. If they aid Alon and
some ability they need middle of a conflict that has nothing to Contrarre, the two reward the PCs but
to be a more formidable
foe, they have it. do with them. They probably have three won’t think of them as anything other
choices. than mercenaries for hire. If they aid
neither, none of those concerned will
Side With the Queen: The PCs could do react well should they encounter the
as the Traveler Queen commands and PCs again.
mount an assault against Alon in his In any event, the PCs should earn 4 XP
fortress-like ancestral home near Boruud. for the whole endeavor, whichever way
If they do, Contrarre is there as well, as they go.
she and Alon make plans to confront her
mother if and when the PCs find her. The
moord has many guards and servants,
although the Nrugan is a powerful ally.
It could, for example, take on all the
guards while the PCs confront Alon and
The queen has magic and money at her
disposal. As a reward, she might grant an
artifact to each victorious character who


aarak 201 evil priest 108 minotaur 120
adventuring equipment 39 Eviraimon, the Spark 161 mirror curse 194
aevae 204 Exorcism (ritual) 63 mirrormen 194
Aniana, the Provider 161 faerie 109 moord 197
Animal Form Minor Abilities table 30 fantasy art inspiration 46 Moord (descriptor) 202
animals and gear 42 fantasy artifacts 145 moord blackguard 205
antimagic 47 fantasy character options 20 morlock 121
armor 37 fantasy cyphers 138 Morran 200
Audellu Bridge 164 fantasy gaming inspiration 43 mystical martial arts 68
Autarch’s Lake 192 fantasy plots 18 necromancer 122
awarding treasure 72 fantasy rules modules 72 new abilities 29
azure birds 190 fantasy species 86 Niralle 162
bard (NPC) 133 Feden-Bel 200 noble knight 123
basilisk 99 Firmament, the 186 paladin (NPC) 136
berserker (NPC) 134 Flesh for Knowledge (ritual) 63 possession 69
Beseech (ritual) 60 Flevame 174 prices 34
Bielosh, the Protector 161 foci 26 Purification (ritual) 63
blackguard 100 food and lodging 42 Ragelith 200
Bontherre 160 Forest of Rotting Castles, the 203 rastikar 182
Boruud 199 forlorren 187 Resurrection (ritual) 64
cambion 101 Forlorren (descriptor) 189 Riamanne, the Creator 162
Castle Turion 186 Funereal Sea, the 200 ritual magic 56
catfolk (species) 86 fungal dancers 195 River of Souls, the 164
characters in Godforsaken 166 genres 33 Rose, the 192
charnel bats 204 gnome (species) 88 Sacrificial Rite (ritual) 65
clothing 41 Gob’s Market 199 sapient tree 124
Coerve 162 Godforsaken Lands, the 171 satyr 125
cold slime 201 gorgon 110 Scouts (type) 168
Comerelk 180 hag 111 secret and true names 70
common trap poisons 80 halfling (NPC) 136 setting paradigms 13
Conjure the Dead (ritual) 61 halfling (species) 89 Setvesous 162
Conjure Demon (ritual) 61 harpy 112 shadow 126
Conjure Devil (ritual) 61 hass 181 shaliss 180
Conjure Elemental (ritual) 62 hederar 181 shoum 184
Consecration (ritual) 62 Hills of the Forlorren, the 187 Sorcerers (type) 166
corrupt mage 102 history plus fantasy 12 soul eater 127
crafting artifacts 52 hollow knight 113 Southern Wastes, the 182
crafting cyphers 50 hydra 114 sphinx 128
crafting magic items 49 jotunn 115 Spider Collective, the 182
Crumbling Spires, the 201 jotunn, fire 115 Sulidde Mountains, the 163
Crumellia Encomium 177 jotunn, frost 116 Takes Animal Shape (focus) 24
cursed items 53 kakavya 201 thief (NPC) 137
cyclops 103 kethera 220 traps 76
cypher forms 138 Korak-Mar 196 trawb 204
Cypher Shorts 90 krao 193 troll 129
dasce 192 lavrenos 182 Tunnel in the Sky, the 165
death and resurrection 54 learning a ritual 57 Uses Wild Magic (focus) 25
demon lord 104 lich 117 Vandrare 209
descriptor as species 87 liquid mirror 187 Vanemerre, the Guide 161
devilworm 193 lizardfolk (species) 89 vintaak 204
doors to the Godforsaken Lands, the 164 lorria 191 vork 191
Doorway Beneath the Mountain 165 Lorian 162 voroon 182
dragonfolk (species) 87 mapmaking 14 Vothe, City of the Disaffected 175
Dreaming Mountains, the 192 magic and technology 11 Walks the Wild Woods (focus) 25
druid (NPC) 134 magic availability 9 Warders (type) 167
dungeons, castles, and keeps 75 magic history 10 weapons 35
dwarf (NPC) 135 magic plus technology 65 Wields an Enchanted Weapon (focus) 26
elemental, air 105 magic power level 9 Wilderness of Krym 179
elemental, thorn 106 magic, different kinds of 12 Wilds of the West, the 191
elemental, water 107 magic, knowledge of 9 wishes 71
elf (NPC) 135 magic, role of 8 worm that walks 130
Emissaries (type) 168 magical rules modules 47 wraith 131
Enchant Weapon (ritual) 62 magical technology 65 wyvern 132
Entombment (ritual) 63 Major Fantasy Artifacts table 146 yammer 191
Ephemeral City, the 184 manticore 118
equipment 34 merfolk 119
esecran 190 mind control 67
Ettatomain 189 Minor Fantasy Artifacts table 146

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