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A Preliminary Investigation Into The Hydrology of The Jackson/Frazier Wetland, Oregon

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A Preliminary Investigation into the Hydrology

of the Jackson/Frazier Wetland, Oregon

Monica Buffkin Drost

Department of Geography
Oregon State University

December, 1985
To Michael Drost,

my husband, technical advisor, and slave driver.


For help in data collection: Sharon Clarke, Bill Ripple,

Michael Drost, Kevin Drost, Charlotte Drost, and Aja.

For advise and information: Charles Rosenfeld, Bob Frenkel,

and Alan Dapp.

For computing services: CH2M Hill Inc. and Mime Computer

Center, OSTJ.

For moral support and encouragement: Alice arid John

Buffkin, Mickey and George Drost, and Michael Drost.

This paper was printed on CH2M Hill's XEROX 2700 Laser


Abstract...... . .1

Introduction...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Background... ...... . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . .3

Data Collection...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .8

Data Analysis. ............. ... ..... .. .. .16

Results...... . . . . . . . . . . ........... . ......... 29

Discussion. . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Conclusion.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Appendix A...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Appendix B...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

Appendix C. ..... . . . . . . ...... 46

Appendix D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ............ 48

References.. ...... . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . .49

Page 1


The Jackson/Frazier Wetland is a small wetland

in Benton County, Oregon. It has one main inf lowing

stream, Jackson/Frazier Creek, and one main

outfiowing stream, a man-made drainage ditch.

Streamflow measurements were collected for both

streams over a four month period of November 1983 to

February 1984. This data was analyzed in

conjunction with precipitation data to formulate

some basic hydrologic relationships of the wetland:

stage/discharge, time/discharge, rainfall/runoff,

and inflow/outflow. These relationships were then

graphically represented in the respective curves:

the rating curve, the hydrograph, the

rainfall/runoff curve, and the inflow/outflow curve.

These relationships were further used to determine

whether the Jackson/Frazier Wetland functioned as a

hydrologic system, with the hydrologic components of

input, storage, and output having direct

relationships to each other. It was found that

there was a direct relationship between the amount

of water entering and leaving the wetland, but a

relationship between rainfall and runoff for this

wetland could not be established.


Traditionally, wetlands have been viewed as

wastelands, only useful to humans after they were

drained and developed. The current scientific trend

is to regard wetlands as highly productive

ecosystems and as complex hydrologic systems. A

great deal of research has been done on the

classification and analysis of the flora and fauna

of wetlands, but the role of hydrology in the

wetland system has been sadly neglected. The

difficulty of gathering wetland hydrologic data has

put a damper on comprehensive research. The

scientific push now is to gather as much hydrologic

data as possible on specific wetlands, for both

scientific and planning needs, in order to draw more

general, comprehensive conclusions.

This paper is a preliminary investigation into

the hydrology of a small freshwater wetland. It

presents hydrologic data collected and analyzed from

the Jackson/Frazier Wetland in Benton County,

Oregon. Background information on hydrology and the

wetland is also briefly presented.

Page 3


Wetlands Definition
Wetlands cannot be neatly classified as either

terrestrial or aquatic environments. There is often

disagreement over the specifics of the definition of

"wetland", but generally there is agreement on the

basic definition: an environment whose single

distinguishing feature is the presence of water in

what would otherwise be a terrestrial environment.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in their

publication Classification of Wetlands...;, defines

wetlands in detail on the basis of vegetation, soil,

and hydrology:1

"Wetlands are transitional between

terrestrial and aquatic systems where the

water table is at or near the surface or

the land is covered by shallow

water...wetlands must have one or more of

the following three attributes: (1) at

least periodically, the land supports

predominantly hydrophytes; (2) the

substrate is predominantly undrained

hydric soil; and (3) the substrate is

nonsoil and is saturated with water or

covered by shallow water at some time of

the year."
Page 4

Other definitions vary from this one only in small

detail. Baker adds that wetlands "...generally are

characterized by an accumulation of organic matter

[peat]...", while Novikov emphasizes the presence of

a single aquifer.2 The Jackson/Frazier Wetland

easily fits the U.S. Fish and Wildlife definition.

This paper will employ that definition throughout

its entirity.

Since wetlands occur in many different

climates, many different names have been used to

describe and distinguish wetlands. Some of the

nomenclature encountered in the literature is as

follows: swamps, marshes, meadows, bogs, f ens,

estuaries, tidal flats, and prairie potholes. The

Jackson/Frazier Wetland is sometimes called a "wet

prairie", but throughout this paper it will be

referred to with the generic term "wetland".3

The Wetland as a Hydrologic System

Wetlands may be viewed as hydrologic systems,

where the amount of water entering the wetland

directly, but not necessarily immediately,

influences the amount of output. The simple

components of this system, input, storage, and

output, are what make wetlands hydrologically

complex. Sources of wetland input are runoff in the

form of overland flow and channelized flow, and

Page 5

precipitation that falls directly onto the wetland.

Storage of water may occur when water is temporarily

held in the soil or vegetation, or temporarily

ponded in the wetland. The amount of time it takes

water to get from a wetland's input to its output

may also be regarded as storage. Wetland output

includes runoff, both overland and channelized flow,

soil seepage, loss to the groundwater, evaporation,

and transpiration.

The key to understanding the hydrology of a

specific wetland is to understand and analyze each

component of the wetland's system and the

relationship of the components to each other. This

paper focuses on the channelized flow and

precipitation into the Jackson/Frazier Wetland, the

amount of time it takes to filter through the

wetland, and the resulting channelized flow out of

the wetland. It is the aim of this paper to show

how the hydrologic components of the Jackson/Frazier

Wetland do, in fact, act as a system and not just a

series of unrelated events.

Study Site Description

The Jackson/Frazier Wetland, also referred to

as the Starker Tract, is located in the Central

Willamette Valley, Oregon. Just north of the

Corvallis city limits, it covers approximately 150

Page 6

acres of land zoned for farm use (Figure i).

The wetland is formed on poorly drained heavy clay

(Bashaw Clay).5 The relative relief is low,

ranging from 209 feet to 235 feet above sea

level.6 The geology of the area consists of

recent (Holocene Period) alluvial and lacustrine

deposits.7 The Jackson/Frazier Wetland supports

at least three major ecosystems: 1) grasslands, 2)

shrublands, and 3) forests.

The Jackson/Frazier Wetland is a part of the

drainage basin of the Jackson and Frazier Creeks,

which drains a small portion of the eastern Coast

Range. Jackson Creek and Frazier Creek converge

just before entering the wetland. The well-defined

stream channel becomes obscure after entering the

wetland and re-emerges at the southeastern corner of

the wetland in the form of a man-made drainage

ditch, also referred to as the Stewart Slough. The

drainage ditch eventually drains into the Willamette

River. The Jackson/Frazier Wetland also supports a

relatively large intermittent pond, which is dry

most of the summer, but may well be over three feet

deep during the winter months.

Jackson / Frazier
Drainage Basin I,)




\\ /

"age ditC'

'I I



SOURCE: U.SG.S. 15 mm. series,

Corvallis & Albany quadrangles

Figure 1.
Page 8


Hydrologic data was collected for the

Jackson/Frazier Wetland for the months of January

through April of 1982 and November of 1983 through

February of 1984. The data was purposely collected

during the winter months, Western Oregon's wettest

time of year. The precipitation data was obtained

from the Climatic Research Institute at Oregon State

University (Figure 2). They maintain a standard

rain gauge at Hyslop Experimental Farm, about five

miles from Jackson/Frazier Wetland, and record the

daily amount of precipitation at 8:00 am.

The runoff data was collected in the field.

Three basic measurements were taken for both the

wetland inflow, Jackson/Frazier Creek, and the

outflow, the drainage ditch: 1) stream

cross-sectional area, 2) stream velocity, and 3)

daily stage readings. All of these measurements

were necessary to ultimately determine the daily

flow rates, also referred to as the daily discharge.

Preliminary data collection was performed

January through April, 1982. This helped establish

the methodology to be used and obtained some of the

stream velocity measurements and stream

cross-sectional measurements. The rest of the data

was collected from November, 1983, to February,




o 1.25

a 1.00

a 0.50


1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Days of Record (1 Nov 1983-23 Feb 1984)

Fig. (2). Precipitation.

Page 10

Cross-sectional Area
The stream cross-sectional area is defined by

the area that is actually occupied by water, also

known as the stream's "wetted perimeter." Both the

Jackson/Frazier Creek and the drainage ditch

cross-sectional areas were determined by the same


The measurements were made using a stadia rod,

a tape measure, a line level, and string. Depth

readings were taken at regular intervals along a

horizontal, linear base reference. A railroad

bridge spanning Jackson/Frazier Creek was used for

its base reference. Depth readings were taken once

every three feet. String, staked and leveled, was

used as a base reference for the drainage ditch.

Depth readings were taken once every two feet (Table

1). The data was plotted to create graphic

representations of both streams' cross-sections

(Figure 3).

Velocity Readings

Stream velocity measurements were gathered

using a pygmy meter and a timepiece. The pygmy

meter was lowered into the stream at the thalweg to

approximately six-tenths depth of the stream. The

number of clicks emitted by the pygmy meter was

counted and recorded over a sixty minute time frame.

Page 11

Table 1. Cross-sectional data.

Jackson/Frazier Creek (January 31,1982)

Feet Stage Reading
0 2'04"
3 2'08"
6 3'05"
9 3'Ol"
12 3'09"
15 4'OO"
18 4'OO"
21 5'03"
24 5'04"
27 3'09"
30 4'07"
33 5'09"
36 6'04"
39 7'lO"
42 7'lO"
45 9'05"
48 9'lO"
51 9'll"
54 9'04" (measurements taken here)
57 8'09"
60 7'06"
63 6'04"
66 5tlOtT
69 5'09"
72 5t03fl
75 4'OO"
78 3'09"
81 3'09"
84 3'02"
87 2'05"
91 2'04"

Drainage Ditch (November 4, 1983)

Feet Stage Reading
0 3'04"
2 3'll"
6 5'06"
8 5'07"
10 5'08"
12 5'll"
14 5'll"
16 5'lO" (measurements taken here)
18 5'OG"
20 4'Ol"
21 3'05"
Jackson/Frazier Creek
measurement taken here


Drainage Ditch
isurement taken here


Fig. (3). Stream Cross Sections.

Page 13

At times, the velocity of Jackson/Frazier Creek was

so slow that the pygmy meter could not detect water

movement. Whenever this was the case, an estimate

was made using an object which floated over a

premeasured distance for a timed interval. This

"floating object" method was also used to determine

the velocities of the drainage ditch because it was

too shallow and slow moving for the pygmy

meter.8 Values collected by this method were

multiplied by 0.8 to convert surface velocity to

mean velocity of the streams (Table 2).

Daily Stage Readings

Stage, or stream depth, readings were gathered

daily from Jackson/Frazier Creek and the drainage

ditch from November 1, 1983, to February 23, 1984.

Technical difficulties, such as broken stadia rods

and frozen streams, prevented a completely

continuous daily record. However, the data was

continuous enough to gain valuable information.

Date, time of day, and stage reading were recorded

(Appendix A).

For measuring the stage of Jackson/Frazier

Creek, a hand-held stadia rod was lowered from the

railroad bridge. The measurements were taken 60

feet from the north end of the bridge. For the

drainage ditch, a four foot stake, marked in

Page 14

Table 2. Velocity Data.

Jackson/Frazier Creek (January 31 April 6, 1982)

Stage Velocity Adjusted Velocity

Date Reading (ft/sec) (ft/sec X 0.8)
01 Jan 5'08" 0.40 0.32
14 Feb G'09" 0 80 0 64
08 Mar 5'04" 0 25 0 20
09 Mar 5'03" 0.20 0.16
14 Mar 5'03" 0 20 0 16
28 Mar 5'Ol" 0.09 0.07
06 Apr 5'04" 0.20 0.16

Drainage Ditch (January 6 30, 1984)

Stage Velocity Adjusted Velocity

Date Reading (ft/sec) (ft/sec X 0.8)
06 Jan l'll" 0.57 0.46
07 Jan l'lO" 0.37 0.30
08 Jan 1'09" 0.33 0.26
09 Jan l'09" 0.25 0.20
10 Jan 2'03" 1.33 1.07
11 Jan 2'00" 0.77 0.62
12 Jan i'll" 0.50 0.40
13 Jan 1,10" 0.44 0.35
14 Jan l'09" 0.36 0.29
22 Jan l'll" 0.55 0.44
24 Jan 2'02" 1 18 0 94
25 Jan 2'05" 1.33 1.07
26 Jan l'll" 0.64 0.52
27 Jan l'lO" 0.54 0.43
29 Jan 1'09" 0.42 0.34
30 Jan 1'08" 0.44 0.35
Page 15

one-inch increments, was implanted in the stream

bed. It was located 16 feet from the west bank of

the established cross-section. Recording of stage

data was halted when the hand-held stadia rod was


Mapping and Digitizing

Mapping the Jackson/Frazier Wetland and

surrounding areas was necessary to provide basic

locational and areal information. A 1983 aerial

photograph from W.A.0 Corporation of Eugene, Oregon,

was used. Also, the U.S.G.S 7.5 minute series of

topographic maps of Albany and Corvallis served as a

base map. The Jackson/Frazier drainage basin and

wetland areas were digitized to obtain area data.

The drainage basin, including the wetland, was found

to be 4605 acres. The Jackson/Frazier Wetland

was found to be 151 acres.


In order to begin to understand the hydrology

of the Jackson/Frazier Wetland, the field data had

to be analyzed mathematically and graphically. From

the raw data of dates, times, stream stage readings,

precipitation, and snow, a series of mathematical

calculations were performed which eventually yielded

Page 16

daily stream discharges, wetland water input/output

differences, and wetland water storage amounts.

Small BASIC and FORTRAN programs were written to

facilitate these calculations.

A relationship between stream stage and stream

velocity, called a rating curve, was established.

This information was used to calculate daily

discharge values for both streams. In turn, the

discharge values were plotted against time and

precipitation to create hydrographs and

rainfall/runoff curves. Finally, the relationship

between the wetland inflow and the wetland outflow

was examined to help analyze the wetland's water

storage characteristics.

Data Processing

A series of steps were taken in processing the

data. First, daily snow accumulations were

converted to their water equivalents and added to

daily precipitation amounts. Second, the stage

readings were adjusted by interpolation as if they

had all been taken at 8:00 am. This corresponded to

the time that the precipitation readings were taken

at Hyslop Farm. Third, cross-sectional areas were

calculated for each different stage height. Because

the cross-section was defined by the wetted

perimeter of the stream, this area varied with the

stream depths.
Page 17

The Rating Curve

There is a direct relationship between a

stream's stage and a stream's velocity at a given

time and reaches that may be graphically represented

in a rating curve. As the stream level rises, the

velocity increases. This relationship is valuable

because it can be established with relatively little

data collection and used to interpolate, with fair

accuracy, other velocities at different stage

readings. 10

Calculations were required to convert the

number of clicks per second from the pygmy meter to

feet per second. An equation from the

U.S. Geological Survey was used:11

V = 0.951N + 0.15


V = the velocity in feet per second

N = the number of clicks per second

from the pygmy meter

This equation was adapted from the small Price meter

equations of the U.S. Geological Survey by taking

into account that the "bucket wheel (of the pygmy

meted revolves 2.25 times as fast as that of the

small Price current meter" (Appendix B).'2

Rating curves for both Jackson/Frazier Creek and the

drainage ditch were generated (Figures 4 and 5).





0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Velocity (Feet/Sec)
Fig. (4). Velocity Rating Curve for Jackson/Frazier Creek.



I, 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Velocity (Feet/Sec)
Fig. (5). Velocity Rating Curve for the Drainage Ditch.
Page 20


The quantity of water, or discharge, flowing in

Jackson/Frazier Creek and the drainage ditch was

calculated from the adjusted cross-sectional area

and velocity. The Velocity-Area equation was used:

Q = AV


Q = the discharge, in cubic feet

per second (cfs)

A = the adjusted cross-sectonal area,

in square feet (ft2)

V = the velocity, in feet per second

From the data collected, it was found that

Jackson/Frazier Creek had an average daily winter

discharge of 29 cfs and the drainage ditch had an

average daily winter discharge of 20 cfs.

The Hydrograph

Discharge data from both streams was plotted

against time to create two hydrographs (Figures 6

and 7). A composite hydrograph of the total input

and total output to the Jackson/Frazier Wetland was

generated to illustrate the timing differences

between the input and output (Figure 8).

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Days of Record (1 Nov 1983-23 Feb 1984)

Fig. (6). Hydrograph of Jackson/Frazier Creek.




'--' 100


L.. 80
0 60



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Days of Record (1 Nov 1983-23 Feb 1984)

Fig. (7). Hydrograph of the Drainage Ditch.








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Days of Record (1 Nov 1983-23 Feb 1984)

Fig. 8). Composite Hydrograph of the Jackson/Frazier Wetland.
Page 24

The Rainfall/Runoff Curve

There is a direct relationship between the

amount of precipitation falling in a drainage and

the amount of water that the main stream discharges.

Unfortunately, this is not a simple relationship.

Many other factors, such as size of basin, soil,

vegetation cover, slope steepness, and amount of

evapotranspiration, can influence how directly the

rainfall relates to a specific stream.

Jackson/Frazier Creek drains a relatively small

basin, which decreases the effect of any of the

above influencing factors. The drainage ditch

essentially drains just the Jackson/Frazier Wetland.

For simplicity, the daily rainfall was plotted

against the same day's discharge for each stream.

This may be justified because both drainage basins

are relatively small and have a relatively quick

response time. (Figures 9 and 10).

Inflow/Outf low

The water budget for the the Jackson/Frazier

Wetland was broken into two components: 1) the

input, which consisted of the water flowing into the

wetland from the Jackson/Frazier Creek PLUS the

precipitation falling on the wetland area, and 2)

the output, which consisted of the water flowing out

of the wetland in the drainage ditch. Water losses

within the wetland, such as evapotranspiration and








'-' 100


L.. 80
0 60



I.iIs1 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50

Precipitation (Inches)
Fig. (9). Rainfall/Runoff Correlation for Jackson/Frazier Creek.



'-' 100


L. 80
0 60



t,x,I,1 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50

Precipitation (Inches)
Fig. (10). Rainfall/Runoff Correlation for the Drainage Ditch.
Page 27

seepage, were assumed to be negligble, because these

processes occur very slowly during the winter

months. Overland flow, into or out of the wetland,

was also ignored as it represents relatively small

amounts of runoff and is difficult to measure.

The differences between the wetland's input and

output were calculated. The daily precipitation

amount for the 151 wetland acres was converted from

inches per day to cubic feet per second and then

added to the Jackson/Frazier Creek daily discharge.

This comprised the daily input for Jackson/Frazier

Wetland. The drainage ditch daily discharge was

subtracted from the daily input and the resulting

value was the daily difference between the input and

the output in cfs. A plot was generated to

illustrate the input/output differences for the

study period (Figure 11).


Finally, the cumulative water storage for the

study period was calculated and plotted (Figure 12).

This illustrated the wetland's tendency to store

water over longer periods of time.

Wetland. Jackson/Frazier the of Hydrograph (ii). Fig.
1984) Feb 1983-23 Nov (1 Record of Days
-20 L_
0 '-'
,-' 55

ci.) 50
c 45
;= 40




E 10

- - - - - - - - . I I I J

Days of Record (1 Nov 1983-23 Feb 1984)

Fig. (1 2). Cumulative Storage in the Jackson/Frazier Wetland.
Page 30


In general, the results of gathering and

analyzing data from the Jackson/Frazier Wetland

proved interesting and useful. Graphically

displaying the data was the easiest and most

informative method of analysis. Findings concerning

velocity, discharge, and hydrologic relationships

were gleaned from the analyzed data and graphs.


Basically, the rating curves from

Jackson/Frazier Creek and the drainage ditch fit the

classic text book models. There was a slight

variation in Jackson/Frazier Creek's rating curve,

though. A standard rating curve usually starts from

near zero flow rate and smoothly curves in a concave

manner up to higher flow rates. The drainage

ditch's curve is a good example of this.

Jackson/Frazier Creek's curve, however, was flatter

and had only a slight downward turn at the very

slowest velocities. This can be explained by field

observations and the role that a wetland plays in a

drainage basin.

It was observed that, at very slow flow rates

in the Jackson/Frazier Creek, the water essentially

formed a pooi. One hypothesis might be that the

Page 31

measurements were actually taken in a reach of the

streambed that was slightly depressed relative to

the rest of the stream profile. In conjunction with

that hypothesis, it might be that there is an

obstacle downstream that would have a damming effect

on the stretch just upstream.

The most likely explanation is probably that

the wetland itself acts as a "psuedo-dam." Within

the Jackson/Frazier drainage basin, the wetland

represents an area of very low gradient. The

gradient of the stream drops off drastically as it

enters the relatively flat wetland. This decreases

the energy and velocity of the stream, and

essentially acts as a dam does, backing up the water

like the tailwater in a reservoir.

The discharge results were useful, also. The

hydrographs pointed out two characteristics of the

Jackson/Frazier Wetland: 1) the ability to speed up

or slow down the throughput of water, and 2) the

ability to modify peak and base flow fluctuations.

Both of these characteristics are common to


Often, wetlands are praised for their ability

to mitigate floods and/or peak runoff from intense

storms by "slowing down" the time it takes water to

pass through the wetland.'3 From the composite

Page 32

hydrograph (Figure 8) it was obvious that the

Jackson/Frazier Wetland did a better job of this in

the beginning of the study period than at the end.

The difference in time between when the input

discharge peaks for a given storm and when the

output discharge peaks for the same storm

constitutes the timing factor of the wetland. The

peaks and valleys of the output graph are much more

delayed from the peaks and valleys of the input

graph in the month of November than they are in the

month of February. This illustrates how the timing

factor for the wetland is greater at the beginning

of the rainy season, when the soil is dry, than it

is at the middle and/or end of the rainy season,

when the soil is saturated.

Another characteristic that the discharge data

revealed is the wetlandts ability to modify the peak

and base flow fluctuations. This is easily seen by

comparing the Jackson/Frazier Creek hydrograph

(Figure 6) with the drainage ditch hydrograph

(Figure 7). Jackson/Frazier Creek has greater

relative fluctuations between its storm peaks and

base flow valleys than the drainage ditch. This may

be attributed to the effect of the wetland slowing

down and storing storm runoff, and releasing the

water into the drainage ditch in a more uniform

Page 33

Hydrologic Relationships
Two hydrologic relationships that were studied,

rainfall/runoff and inflow/outf low, did not produce

the expected results.

The rainfall/runoff curves for both streams

that used the same day's precipitation versus the

same day's discharge, did not exhibit a strong

correlation. Two other correlations were tried for

the streams with no better success: 1) the previous

day's precipitation versus the present day's

discharge, and 2) the sum of the previous day's and

present day's precipitation versus the present day's

discharge. These other correlations were tried with

the assumption that the previous day's precipitation

also had an effect on the daily discharge for both

streams. Although this may be the general case for

documented streams, it could not be shown

experimentally for the Jackson/Frazier drainage


The inflow/outflow relationship for the

Jackson/Frazier Wetland was not expected to be as

unbalanced as it was found to be. The total water

input turned out to be 56,304.5 cfs more than the

total water output. There are many possible

explanations for this, which will be discussed later

in this paper.
Page 34


Differences in Input and Output

Theoretically, the wetland's water budget

should balance over time, with the input quantity

matching fairly closely the output quantity. During

the study period of November 1983 to February 1984,

the experimental results indicate a net gain of

water in Jackson/Frazier Wetland. If this continued

throughout the year, from year to year, the wetland

would have become a permanent lake years ago. There

are several possible explanations for this apparent

net water gain: 1) there is an unmeasured water

output source, 2) input into the wetland has been

overestimated, and/or 3) the wetland tends to have a

net gain of water during the winter months and a net

loss during the summer months.

An unmeasured output source is a highly likely

explanation. Losses to evaporation, vegetation,

transpiration, and ground seepage, were considered

negligible during these winter months, but may, in

fact, play a more important role in the water

budget. Further studies would be needed to prove or

disprove this assumption. Water may also be

escaping the wetland undetected by smaller stream

channels and overland flow that only fill during

periods of high precipitation. There are no finite

boundaries or shorelines in the average wetland, the

Page 35

Jackson/Frazier Wetland included. Therefore,

well-defined stream channels flowing into and out of

the wetland are not always the rule. It is

fortunate that Jackson/Frazier Wetland has a major

input stream and a major output stream. However,

small stream channels have been observed around the

perimeter of the wetland with and without flowing

water. These small streams were few and probably

represented less than five cubic feet per day.

Overland flow was observed out of the wetland during

periods of high precipitation.

Overestimating the amount of water entering the

wetland would create the effect of a continuous net

gain of water to the wetland. However, this

possibility seems unlikely as both sources of input,

Jackson/Frazier Creek and precipitation, were

carefully gauged. If an incorrect procedure was

used in collecting streamf low data from

Jackson/Frazier Creek, then the same incorrect

procedure was also used in collecting data for the

drainage ditch. This would theoretically result in

a balanced water budget, but incorrect base data.

The possibility of a net water gain in the

winter and a net water loss in the summer is also

strong. A traditional function of wetlands in a

drainage basin is that of a storage device. Like

snow packs in the mountains, winter water has been

stored until spring and summer, and released at a

Page 36

slower rate. During the summer months,

Jackson/Frazier Wetland was observed to have little

or no standing water on it, which would help support
this theory.

The seasonal fluctuation of water in the

Jackson/Frazier Wetland seems the most logical

explanation for the disparity between the winter

input and output, although the most probable

explanation is an unmeasured output source.

Methodology Improvements

As with any field study, there are usually

methods and procedures that could or should have

been improved. With this study of Jackson/Frazier

Wetland, many improvement ideas became apparent

after the data was gathered in the field. Other

improvements could have been made had there been

more time and more money for equipment. Some of the

more noticeable areas in which the data collection

was lacking were: 1) more time to collect stream
data, 2) more technologically advanced equipment,
and 3) supplementary data collected on soil

moisture, transpiration rates, and soil


When dealing with statistical data, usually the

longer period of time the data covers, the better.

This is especially true of metereological and stream

data, as one month, one year, or even one decade,

Page 37

may not be truly representative of the "normal"

conditions. Having only four months of stream data

for Jackson/Frazier Wetland is probably this study's

weakest point. An ideal study would be a continuous

record for at least five years (although this would

probably be impractical for one person). With that

amount of data, it would be easy to determine what

the long term water budget for the wetland. Also,

predictions concerning flood mitigation, water

storage, and the wetland's life span, could made


"High tech" equipment for measuring and

recording data would have made data collection

easier, but probably not all that much more

accurate. It is documented that for small streams,

using a floating object on the surface of the stream

is relatively accurate.15 The cost difference

between a pygmy meter and a twig makes the "floating

object" method more practical. Of course, the ideal

data collection setup would be to have a fixed,

continuous recording stream gage at both

Jackson/Frazier Creek and the drainage ditch. There

would be less chance of missing days of data and it

would be possible to generate storm hydrographs from

hourly data.

Other parameters, such as the soil moisture,

transpiration, and soil permeability, would have

been useful in assessing the overall hydrology of

Page 38

the wetland and its basin. This information would

have been useful in evaluating the rainfall/runoff

correlation. Soil moisture, especially, would have

helped in evaluating the basin's pre-existing

conditions for specific storms and would have made

predicting the runoff from the storm more precisely.

Unfortunately, the equipment needed to measure these

"less obvious" parameters is more expensive than

string and wooden stakes.


From the data collected over the short period

of time, it was obvious that the Jackson/Frazier

Wetland does function as a hydrologic system. The

quantity of water flowing out of the wetland at the

drainage ditch was shown to be directly related to

the quantity of water entering the wetland through

precipitation and Jackson/Frazier Creek, although

the timing was not necessarily immediate. This

exemplifies the storm peak flow modification

properties of wetlands. The net gain of water to

the Jackson/Frazier Wetland during the four study

months illustrates the water storage capacity of the

wetland. Whether this water is released later

during the spring and summer to augment the flow of

the drainage ditch is subject to more research.

Page 39

As a preliminary investigation, this study was

successful in collecting basic sreamflow data and

determining the simple hydrologic relationships that

exist in the Jackson/Frazier Wetland. Further

research into this specific wetland would not only

benefit local scientists and planners, but would

also add to the general database of wetland

Page 40
Appendix A. Collected Data from the Field.


10/31/83 1000 4'08" 0'09"

11/01/83 1030 4'09" O'09"
11/0 2/8 3 1600 4'07" 0'09"
11/03/83 1100 4'09" 0'lO"
11/04/8 3 1400 4'09" 1'08"
11/0 5/8 3 1200 4'09" 1'06"
11/06/83 1300 4'09" 1'08"
11/07/83 1430 4'08" 1'07"
11/08/8 3 1330 4'07" 1'06"
11/0 9/8 3 1200 4'lO" 1'09"
11/10/8 3 1300 4'lO" 1'09"
11/11/8 3 1030 4'll" 1,10"
11/12/83 1430 5'03" 1'lO"
11/13/8 3 1500 5'02" 2'03"
11/14/83 1000 5'03" 2'03"
11 / 15/83 1130 5'OO" i'll"
11/16/8 3 1100 5'07" '2'04"
11/17/8 3 1430 6'00" 2'08"
11/18/83 1330 5'08" 2'09"
11/19/8 3 1100 5'lO" 2'07"
11/2 0/8 3 1400 5'09" 2'08"
11/21/83 1030 5'03" 2'02"
11/2 2/8 3 1430 5'04" 2'Ol"
11/23/83 1330 5'05" 2'02"
11/24/8 3 1030 6'OO" 2'08"
11/25/83 0730 5'09" 2'05"
11/26/83 1230 5'04" 2'03"
11/2 7/8 3 1230 5'03" 2'Ol"
11/28/8 3 1430 4'll" i'll"
11/2 9/8 3 1130 4'll" 1,11"
11/3 0/8 3 1200 5'04" 2'Ol"
12/01/83 1430 5'OO" 1,11"
12/02/8 3 1200 4'll" 1'lO"
12/03 /8 3 1200 4'll" 1'lO"
12/04/8 3 1230 4'lO" 1'09"
12/05/83 1130 5'OG" 2'02"
12/06/83 1100 6'05" 2'09"
12/0 7/8 3 1200 5'lO" 2'04"
12/08/8 3 1400 6'02" 2'll"
12/0 9/8 3 1530 5'lO" 2'OG"
12/10/8 3 1030 5'll" 2'04"
12/11/8 3 1400 5'OG" 2'05"
12/12/8 3 1030 5'04" 2'02"
12/13/8 3 1430 5'lO" 2'OG"
12/14/83 1500 6'07" 2'll"
12/15/8 3 1130 5'09" 2'05"
12 /16/8 3 1400 5'03" 2'03"
12 /17/8 3 1200 5'02" 2'OO"
12 /18/8 3 1300 5'02" 1,11"
12 /19/8 3 1130 5'OO" i'll"
12/20/83 1000 4'll" 1'10"
12 /2 1/8 3 1430 4'll" 1'lO"
12/22/8 3 1430 4'09" 1'09" ICE COVERED
12 /2 3/8 3 1500 4'08" 1'09" FROZEN, ICE COVERED
12/24/83 1000 4'08" 1'09" FROZEN Page 41
12/25/83 1600 4'08" 1'09" FROZEN
12 / 26/83 1100 4'08" i'll"
12/27/83 1200 4'08" 1'lO"
12/2 8/8 3 1100 4'08" 1'lO"
12/2 9/8 3 1630 6'OO" 2'05"
12/3 1/8 3 1300 6'OO" NR
01/01/84 NR NR NR
01/02/84 1330 5'lO" NR
01/03/84 NR NR NR
01/04/84 NR NR NR
01/05/84 NR NR NR
01/06/84 1500 5'Ol" i'll"
0 1/0 7/84 1230 5'OO" 1'lO"
0 1/08/84 1200 4'll" 1'09"
0 1/0 9/84 1530 4'll" 1'09"
0 1/10/84 1600 6'05" 2'03"
0 1/11/84 1500 5'03" 2'OO"
0 1/12/84 1100 5'OO" i'll"
0 1/13/84 1100 5'OO" 1'lO"
01/14/84 1630 4'll" 1'09"
0 1/15/84 1130 4'lO" 1'OB" PARTIALLY FROZEN (DD)
0 1/16/84 1100 4'OB" 1'OB" FROZEN (DD)
0 1/17/84 1600 4'll" 1'08"
0 1/18/84 1030 4'lO" 1'08"
0 1/19/84 1600 4'lO" 1'08" PARTIALLY FROZEN (DD)
0 1/20/84 1200 4'07" 1'08" FROZEN (DD)
0 1/2 1/84 1300 4'll" 1'07"
0 1/2 2/84 1700 5'Ol" i'll"
0 1/2 3/84 1600 5'03" 1'lO"
01/24/84 1630 5'05" 2'02"
0 1/2 5/84 1400 5'OB" 2'05"
0 1/2 6/84 1430 5'03" i'll"
0 1/2 7/84 1600 5'Ol" 1'lO"
0 1/28/84 1400 5'Ol" 1'09"
0 1/2 9/84 1630 5'OO" 1'09"
0 1/3 0/84 1400 4'09" 1'08"
0 1/3 1/84 1400 4'll" 1'OB"
0 2/0 1/84 1400 4'09" 1'OB"
02/02/84 1600 4'08" 1'07"
02/03/84 1030 4'08" 1'07"
0 2/0 4/84 1200 4'09" 1'07"
0 2/0 5/84 0900 4'09" 1'07"
02/06/84 1130 4'07" 1'OG"
0 2/0 7/84 1100 4'07" 1'06"
0 2/08/84 1030 4'OB" 1'06"
0 2/0 9/84 1030 4'07" 1'07"
0 2/10/84 1630 5'04" 2'OO"
0 2/11/84 1030 5'04" i'll"
0 2/12/84 1200 6'09" 2'05"
0 2/13/84 1430 6'lO" NR NO STAKES
0 2/14/84 1600 5'08" NR
,, ,,

0 2/15/84 1600 5'OG" 2'OO"

0 2/16/84 1100 5'07" 2'OO"
0 2/17/84 1530 5'03" 1'09"
0 2/18/84 1200 5'02" 1'09"
02/19/84 1330 5'09" 1'lO"
0 2/2 0/8 4 1330 5'04" 1'09"
0 2/2 1/84 1130 5'04" i'll"
02/22/84 1500 5'03" 1'09" Page 42
02/23/84 1400 NR 1'09" NO POLE
APPENDIX B. Data Base. Page 43


DATE = date of collected data

REC = number of record
TEMP, HI & LO = daily temperature, high and low, in degrees Fahrenheit
JF STAGE = daily stage reading in feet and inches for Jackson/Frazier Creek
DD STAGE = daily stage reading in feet and inches for the drainage ditch
PRCIP = daily precipitation in inches
SNOW = daily snow accumulation in inches
AD JF STAGE = stage reading adjusted to 8 am for Jackson/Frazier Creek in tenths of feet
AD DD STAGE = stage reading adjusted to 8 am for the drainage ditch In tenths of feet
JF XSEC = daily cross-sectional area of Jackson/Frazier Creek In square feet
DD XSEC = daily cross-sectional area of the drainage ditch in square feet
JF VLCTV = daily velocity of Jackson /Frazier Creek in feet per second
OD VLCTV = daily velocity of the drainage ditch in feet per second
JF CFS = daily flow of Jackson/Frazier Creek in cubic feet per second
PRCIP CFS = daily flow equivalent of the precipitaion and snow in cubic feet per second
DD CFS = daily flow of the drainage ditch in cubic feet per second
NET CFS the difference between total wetland input (JF CFS + PRCIP CFS) and Output (DD CFS) in cubic feet per second
STORAGE = cumulative storage of the Jackson/Frazier Wetland in cubic feet per second
Values of -999.99 or -9.999 represent no records and/or calculations available.


831101 001 57 48 1030 04 09 00 00 .230 .000 -9.99 -9.99 -999.99 -999.99 -9.999 -9.999 -999.99 1.46 -999.99 -999.99 .0
831102 002 60 52 1600 04 07 00 00 .070 .000 4.63 -9.99 118.93 -999.99 .004 -9.999 .44 .44 -999.99 -999.99 .0
831103 003 61 54 1100 04 09 00 00 .410 .000 4.72 -9.99 122.82 -999.99 .015 -9.999 1.90 2.60 -999.99 -999.99 .0
831104 004 62 45 1400 04 08 01 08 .450 .000 4.69 -9.99 121.52 -999.99 .011 -9.999 1.32 2.86 -999.99 -999.99 .0
831105 005 59 38 1200 04 09 01 06 .001 .000 4.73 1.53 123.25 20.15 .017 .193 2.11 .01 3.89 -1.77 -152.6
831106 006 53 42 1300 04 09 01 08 .350 .000 4.75 1.63 124.12 21.84 .021 .248 2.57 2.22 5.43 -.64 -207.6
831107 007 55 41 1430 04 08 01 07 .210 .000 4.69 1.60 121.52 21.33 .011 .231 1.32 1.33 4.92 -2.27 -403.7
831108 008 54 32 1330 04 07 01 06 .030 .000 4.60 1.52 117.64 19.98 .001 .188 .17 .19 3.75 -3.40 -697.1
831109 009 46 34 1200 04 10 01 09 .390 .000 4.79 1.71 125.87 23.23 .029 .301 3.59 2.47 6.99 -.93 -777.3
831110 010 59 45 1300 04 10 01 09 .050 .000 4.83 1.75 127.63 23.93 .037 .330 4.74 .32 7.90 -2.84 -1022.9
831111 011 58 46 1030 04 11 01 10 .500 .000 4.91 1.82 131.18 25.17 .056 .386 7.40 3.17 9.72 .85 -949.8
831112 012 57 44 1430 05 03 01 10 190 .000 5.17 1.83 142.97 25.35 .130 .395 18.63 1.21 10.01 9.83 -100.8
831113 013 54 42 1500 05 02 02 03 .880 .000 5.19 2.13 143.89 30.82 .136 .725 19.63 5.58 22.33 2.88 148 .4
831114 014 50 43 1000 05 03 02 03 .560 .000 5.24 2.25 146.21 33.10 .152 .902 22.21 3.55 29.86 -4.09 -205.3
831115 015 55 44 1130 05 00 01 11 1 50 .000 5.03 1.96 136.57 27.68 .089 .519 12.14 .95 14.38 -1.29 -316.9
831116 016 58 48 1100 05 07 02 04 .550 .000 5.51 2.28 159.16 33.67 .238 .951 37.95 3.49 32.03 9.41 496.5
831117 017 54 45 1430 06 00 02 08 .720 .000 5.90 2.59 196.00 39.79 .367 1.584 71.94 4.57 63.03 13.48 1661.4
831118 018 50 43 1330 05 08 02 09 1 . 1 20 .000 5.75 2.73 185.30 42.59 .317 1.955 58.81 7.11 83.27 -17.36 161 .3
831119 019 52 43 1100 05 10 02 07 .400 .000 5.81 2.61 189.56 40.19 .337 1.633 63.92 2.54 65.65 .81 231 .3
831120 020 53 38 1400 05 09 02 08 .700 .000 5.77 2.65 186.71 40.99 .324 1.736 60.49 4.44 71.15 -6.23 -306.6
831121 021 45 38 1030 05 03 02 02 .020 .000 5.31 2.23 149.49 32.71 .174 .870 26.01 .13 28.47 -2.34 -508.7
831122 022 49 39 1430 05 04 02 01 .010 .000 5.31 2.10 149.49 30.26 .174 .685 26.01 .06 20.72 5.36 -45.9
831123 023 44 40 1330 05 05 02 02 .360 .000 5.40 2.15 153.76 31.20 .203 .752 31.18 2.28 23.47 10.00 817.8
831124 024 57 43 1030 06 00 02 08 .830 .000 5.93 2.61 198.17 40.19 .377 1.633 74.71 5.27 65.65 14.33 2055.7
831125 025 50 38 0730 05 09 02 05 .260 .000 5.74 2.41 184.59 36.20 .314 1.187 57.97 1.65 42.99 16.63 3492.6
831126 026 48 38 1230 05 04 02 03 .220 .000 5.40 2.28 153.76 33.67 .203 .951 31.18 1.40 32.03 .55 3540.1
831127 027 50 41 1230 05 03 02 01 .010 .000 5.27 2.11 147.61 30.45 .161 .698 23.81 .06 21.25 2.63 3767.6
831128 028 53 44 1430 04 11 01 11 .030 .000 5.00 1.96 135.21 27.68 .080 .519 10.87 .19 14.38 -3.32 3481.1
831129 029 53 34 1130 04 11 01 11 .030 .000 4.92 1.92 131.62 26.96 .059 .478 7.76 .19 12.90 -4.95 3053.4
831130 030 45 34 1200 05 04 02 01 .200 .000 5.27 2.06 147.61 29.52 .161 .634 23.81 1.27 18.71 6.37 3603.9
831201 031 39 33 1430 05 00 01 11 .300 .000 5.08 1.96 138.84 27.68 .103 .519 14.34 1.90 14.38 1.87 3765.4
831202 032 42 35 1200 04 11 01 10 .010 .000 4.93 1.85 132.07 25.70 .062 .412 8.13 .06 10.60 -2.41 3557.3
831203 033 50
38 1200 04 11 01 10 .050 .000 4.92 1.83 131.62 25.35 .059 .395 7.76 .32 10.01 -1.93 3390.3
831204 034 44
31 1230 04 10 01 09 .050 .000 4.85 1.77 128.51 24.28 .042 .345 5.36 .32 8.39 -2.71 3156.2
831205 035 45
34 1130 05 06 02 02 .580 .000 5.40 2.10 153.76 30.26 .203 .685 31.18 3.68 20.72 14.14 4378.2
831206 036 48
36 1100 06 05 02 09 .720 .000 6.30 2.68 226.56 41.59 .500 1.816 113.30 4.57 75.52 42.34 8036.7
831207 037 43
39 1200 05 10 02 04 .140 .000 5.93 2.40 198.17 36.01 .377 1.168 74.71 .89 42.05 33.54 10934.8
831208 038 48
39 1400 06 02 02 11 .750 .000 6.09 2.78 210.08 43.59 .430 2.102 90.37 4.76 91.64 3.48 11235.9
831209 039 51 41 1530 05 10 02 06 .160 .000 5.93 2.62 198.17 40.39 .377 1.659 74.71 1.02 66.99 8.73 11990.4
831210 040 52 41 1030 05 11 02 04 .380 .000 5.91 2.36 196.73 35.22 .370 1.092 72.86 2.41 38.46 36.81 15171.2
831211 041 52 39 1400 05 06 02 05 .430 .000 5.59 2.40 174.12 36.01 .265 1.168 46.08 2.73 42.05 6.75 15754.6
831212 042 46 33 1030 05 04 02 02 .010 .000 5.35 2.20 151.37 32.14 .187 .825 28.26 .06 26.50 1.83 15912.3
831213 043 48 43 1430 05 10 02 06 .450 .000 5.72 2.42 183.18 36.40 .307 1.207 56.32 2.86 43.94 15.23 17227.9
831214 044 52 46 1500 06 07 02 11 .550 .000 6.37 2.80 232.19 43.99 .523 2.164 121.53 3.49 95.18 29.84 19806.0
831215 045 48 38 1130 05 09 02 05 .320 .000 5.89 2.50 195.28 37.99 .364 1.375 71.03 2.03 52.24 20.82 21605.0
831216 046 47 35 1400 05 03 02 03 .000 .000 5.36 2.29 151.85 33.86 .190 .968 28.84 .00 32.78 -3.94 21264.8
831217 047 39 31 1200 05 02 02 00 .001 .000 5.18 2.05 143.43 29.33 .133 .622 19.13 .01 18.23 .90 21342.6
831218 048 40 32 1300 05 02 01 11 .000 .000 5.17 1.93 142.97 27.14 .130 .488 18.63 .00 13.26 5.37 21806.9
831219 049 38 33 1130 05 00 01 11 .001 .000 5.03 1.92 136.57 26.96 .089 .478 12.14 .01 12.90 -.75 21741.7
831220 050 42 28 1000 04 11 01 10 .040 .001 4.92 1.84 131.62 25.53 .059 .403 7.76 .25 10.30 -2.29 21543.9
831221 051 30 16 1430 04 11 01 10 .010 1.200 4.92 1.83 131.62 25.35 .059 .395 7.76 .83 10.01 -1.43 21420.7
831222 052 23 15 1430 04 09 01 09 .000 .000 4.80 1.77 126.31 24.28 .031 .345 3.87 .00 8.39 -4.52 21029.9
831223 053 21 11 1500 04 08 01 09 .001 .001 4.69 1.75 121.52 23.93 .011 .330 1.32 .01 7.90 -6.57 20461.8
831224 054 25 11 1000 04 08 01 09 .010 2.000 4.67 1.75 120.65 23.93 .008 .330 .98 1.33 7.90 -5.59 19979.2
831225 055 27 15 1600 04 08 01 09 .040 1.500 4.67 1.75 120.65 23.93 .008 .330 .98 1.21 7.90 -5.71 19485.6
831226 056 33 24 1100 04 08 01 11 .220 .001 4.67 1.89 120.65 26.42 .008 .449 .98 1.40 11.87 -9.49 18665.7
831227 057 38 26 1200 04 08 01 10 .190 .000 4.67 1.85 120.65 25.70 .008 .412 .98 1.21 1060 -8.41 17939.2
831228 058 35 26 1100 04 08 01 10 .000 .000 4.67 1.83 120.65 25.35 .008 .395 .98 .00 10.01 -9.03 17159.4
831229 059 33 29 1630 06 00 02 05 .380 .000 5.62 2.25 176.20 33.10 .274 .902 48.36 2.41 29.86 20.91 18966.4
831230 060 36 31 1430 07 00 00 00 1.100 .000 6.70 -9.99 259.25 -999.99 .633 -9.999 164.20 6.98 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
831231 061 46 34 1300 06 00 00 00 .460 .000 6.22 -9.99 220.18 -999.99 .473 -9.999 104.24 2.92 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
840101 062 50 33 0000 00 00 00 00 .020 .000 -9.99 -9.99 -999.99 -999.99 -9.999 -9.999 -999.99 .13 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
840102 063 41 33 1330 05 10 00 00 .080 .000 5.85 -9.99 192.41 -999.99 .350 -9.999 67.43 .51 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
840103 064 51 39 0000 00 00 00 00 .520 .000 -9.99 -9.99 -999.99 -999.99 -9.999 -9.999 -999.99 3.30 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
840104 065 60 47 0000 00 00 00 00 010 .000 -9.99 -9.99 -999.99 -999.99 -9.999 -9.999 -999.99 .06 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
840105 066 63 47 0000 00 00 00 00 .000 .000 -9.99 -9.99 -999.99 -999.99 -9.999 -9.999 -999.99 .00 -999.99 -999.99 18966.4
840106 067 54 48 1500 05 01 01 11 .000 .000 5.14 1.94 141.59 27.32 .121 .499 17.16 .00 13.62 3.54 19272.0
840107 068 51 43 1230 05 00 01 10 .001 .000 5.02 1.85 136.12 25.70 .086 .412 11.71 .01 10.60 1.12 19368.7
840108 069 53 36 1200 04 11 01 09 .010 .000 4.93 1.76 132.07 24.11 .062 .338 8.13 .06 8.14 .05 19372.6
840109 070 49 38 1530 04 11 01 09 .001 .000 4.92 1.75 131.62 23.93 .059 .330 7.76 .01 7.90 -.14 19360.8
840110 071 45 40 1600 06 05 02 03 .380 .000 5.93 2.09 198.17 30.07 .377 .672 74.71 2.41 20.20 56.93 24279.1
840111 072 48 40 1500 05 03 02 00 .690 .000 5.61 2.08 175.50 29.89 .271 .659 47.60 4.38 19.69 32.28 27068.0
840112 073 50 40 1100 05 00 01 11 .000 .000 5.04 1.93 137.02 27.14 .092 .488 12.57 .00 13.26 -.69 27008.6
840113 074 43 33 1100 05 00 01 10 .000 .000 5.00 1.84 135.21 25.53 .080 .403 10.87 .00 10.30 .57 27058.1
840114 075 47 31 1630 04 11 01 09 .000 .000 4.94 1.77 132.52 24.28 .064 .345 8.50 .00 8.39 .11 27067.8
840115 076 43 28 1130 04 10 01 08 .000 .000 4.85 1.68 128.51 22.71 .042 .280 5.36 .00 6.37 -1.01 26980.8
840116 077 40 21 1100 04 08 01 08 .000 .000 4.69 1.67 121.52 22.53 .011 .274 1.32 .00 6.17 -4.85 26561.8
840117 078 39 21 1600 04 11 01 08 .000 .000 4.85 1.67 128.51 22.53 .042 .274 5.36 .00 6.17 -.81 26492.1
840118 079 40 23 1030 04 10 01 08 .000 .000 4.84 1.67 128.07 22.53 .039 .274 5.05 .00 6.17 -1.12 26395.2
840119 080 36 23 1600 04 10 01 08 .010 .001 4.83 1.67 127.63 22.53 .037 .274 4.74 .06 6.17 -1.36 26277.3
840120 081 40 23 1200 04 07 01 08 .000 .000 4.63 1.67 118.93 22.53 .004 .274 .44 .00 6.17 -5.72 25782.8
840121 082 34 24 1300 04 11 01 07 .260 .001 4.85 1.60 128.51 21.33 .042 .231 5.36 1.65 4.92 2.09 25963.4
840122 083 49 32 1700 05 01 01 11 .470 .000 5.03 1.81 136.57 24.99 .089 .378 12.14 2.98 9.44 5.68 26453.9
840123 084 52 43 1600 05 03 01 10 .040 .000 5.19 1.86 143.89 25.88 .136 .421 19.63 .25 10.90 8.98 27229.9
840124 085 52 42 1630 05 05 02 02 .220 .000 5.36 2.05 151.85 29.33 .190 .622 28.84 1.40 18.23 12.00 28266.9
840125 086 58 49 1400 05 08 02 05 .520 .000 5.60 2.35 174.81 35.03 .268 1.074 46.83 3.30 37.61 12.53 29349.3
840126 087 52 36 1430 05 03 01 11 .010 .000 5.36 2.05 151.85 29.33 .190 .622 28.84 .06 18.23 10.67 30271.2
840127 088 48 34 1600 05 01 01 10 .000 .000 5.14 1.86 141.59 25.88 .121 .421 17.16 .00 10.90 6.26 30811.6
840128 089 55 35 1400 05 01 01 09 .000 .000 5.08 1.77 138.84 24.28 .103 .345 14.34 .00 8.39 5.96 31326.3
840129 090 53 36 1630 05 00 01 09 .020 .000 5.03 1.75 136.57 23.93 .089 .330 12.14 .13 7.90 4.36 31703.2
840130 091 56 40 1400 04 09 01 08 .000 .000 4.82 1.69 127.19 22.88 .035 .287 4.44 .00 6.57 -2.13 31519.3
840131 092 57 29 1400 04 11 01 08 .000 .000 4.88 1.67 129.84 22.53 .049 .274 6.35 .00 6.17 .18 31534.7
840201 093 50 29 1400 04 09 01 08 .000 .000 4.79 1.67 125.87 22.53 .029 .274 3.59 .00 6.17 -2.58 31311.9
840202 094 51 29 1600 04 08 01 07 .000 .000 4.69 1.61 121.52 21.50 .011 .237 1.32 .00 5.08 -3.77 30986.5
840203 095 52 30 1030 04 08 01 07 .000 .000 4.67 1.58 120.65 20.99 .008 .219 .98 .00 4.60 -3.62 30673.5
840204 096 52 28 1200 04 09 01 07 .000 .000 4.74 1.58 123.69 20.99 .019 .219 2.34 .00 4.60 -2.27 30477.7
840205 097 60 29 0900 04 09 01 07 .000 .000 4.75 1.58 124.12 20.99 .021 .219 2.57 .00 4.60 -2.03 30301.9
840206 098 55 31 1130 04 07 01 06 .030 .000 4.61 1.51 118.07 19.81 .002 .183 .25 .19 3.63 -3.19 30026.6
840207 099 62 35 1100 04 07 01 06 .000 .000 4.58 1.50 116.78 19.65 .000 .178 .05 .00 3.50 -3.45 29728.5
840208 100 49 39 1030 04 08 01 06 .040 .000 4.66 1.50 120.22 19.65 .007 .178 .83 .25 3.50 -2.42 29519.6
840209 101 61 42 1030 04 07 01 07 .110 .000 4.59 1.57 117.21 20.82 .001 .214 .10 .70 4.45 -3.65 29204.2
840210 102 47 37 1630 05 04 02 00 .760 .000 5.12 1.88 140.67 26.24 .115 .440 16.20 4.82 11.54 9.49 30023.7
840211 103 48 39 1030 05 04 01 11 .290 .000 5.33 1.93 150.43 27.14 .180 .488 27.13 1.84 13.26 15.71 31381.4
840212 104 52 42 1200 06 09 02 05 .330 .000 6.53 2.34 245.20 34.83 .577 1.055 141.41 2.09 36.76 106.74 40603.8
840213 105 55 46 1430 06 10 00 00 2.220 .000 6.81 -9.99 268.51 -999.99 .670 -9.999 179.90 14.08 -999.99 -999.99 40603.8
840214 106 50 35 1600 05 08 00 00 .160 .000 6.03 -9.99 205.55 -999.99 .410 -9.999 84.32 1.02 -999.99 -999.99 40603.8
840215 107 47 37 1600 05 06 02 00 .120 .000 5.56 2.04 161.67 29.15 .255 .610 41.19 .76 17.77 24.18 42693.3
840216 108 53 38 1100 05 07 02 00 .590 .000 5.57 2.00 162.18 28.41 .258 .563 41.85 3.74 16.00 29.60 45250.4
840217 109 49 30 1530 05 03 01 09 .000 .000 5.34 1.82 150.90 25.17 .184 .386 27.69 .00 9.72 17.97 46803.3
840218 110 52 31 1200 05 02 01 09 .100 .000 5.18 1.75 143.43 23.93 .133 .330 19.13 .63 7.90 11.86 47828.2
840219 111 55 41 1330 05 09 01 10 .001 .000 5.62 1.82 176.20 25.17 .274 .386 48.36 .01 9.72 38.65 51167.5
840220 112 53 43 1330 05 04 01 09 .260 .000 5.43 1.77 155.22 24.28 .212 .345 32.98 1.65 8.39 26.24 53434.5
840221 113 53 39 1130 05 04 01 11 .450 .000 5.33 1.89 150.43 26.42 .180 .449 27.13 2.86 11.87 18.12 54999.8
840222 114 50 32 1500 05 03 01 09 .030 .000 5.27 1.79 147.61 24.64 .161 .361 23.81 .19 8.90 15.10 56304.5
840223 115 45 35 1400 00 00 01 09 .050 .000 -9.99 1.75 -999.99 23.93 -9.999 .330 -999.99 .32 7.90 -999.99 56304.5
Page 46

Appendix C. Time Adjustment Program for Stage Readings.

(Written in BASIC for an IBM PC.)

This program standardizes stream stage readings to 8:00 am.

PRINT "This program standardizes stream stage readings to 8:00 am."

Inputs the stage height reading from the day before and
converts it to feet and tenths of feet.

INPUT "Enter the first day's stage height reading (FT,IN):";S2,S3

IF S3>=12 THEN 100 ELSE 130
PRINT "The 'INCHES' entry is greater than 12. Please reenter."
Inputs the time of the stage reading of the day before
in military time and converts it to hours and tenths of

INPUT "Enter the time of the first stage reading (in military time):"TO
IF T0>=2400 THEN 220 ELSE 240
PRINT "The 'TIME' entry is greater than 2400. Please reenter."
GOTO 200
X4=X3* 100
IF X4>=60 THEN 280 ELSE 300
PRINT "Invalid entry. Please reenter."
GOTO 200
Inputs the stage height reading from the day after and
converts it to feet and tenths of feet.

INPUT "Enter the second day's stage height reading (FT,IN):"S4,S5

IF S5>=12 THEN 380 ELSE 410
PRINT "The 'INCHES' entry is greater than 12. Please reenter."
GOTO 360
Inputs the time of the stage reading of the day after
in military time and converts it to hours and tenths of

INPUT "Enter the time of the second stage reading (in military time):";Tl
IF Tl>=2400 THEN 500 ELSE 520
PRINT "The 'TIME' entry is greater than 2400. Please reenter."
GOTO 480
Y2=T1*0 .01
IF Y4>=60 THEN 560 ELSE 580
PRINT "Invalid entry. Please reenter."
GOTO 480
Interpolates the stage height reading for 8:00 am on the
day after using a ratio and reconverts the feet and
tenths of feet back to feet and inches.

B=S0_(S0S1)*( (24-T0)+8)/( (24-T0)T1)

IF B3=12 THEN Bl=B1+1
IF B3=12 THEN B3=0
Prints the output and asks for more input.

PRINT "The depth at 8:00 am was";B1"feet and";B3"inches."

INPUT "Do you want to enter more data (Y or N):"Q$
IF Q$="Y" GOTO 30
Page 48

Appendix D. Cross-sectional Area Program for Varying Stream Stages.

(Written in BASIC for an IBM PC.)
This program is for the drainage ditch. The program for
Jackson/Frazier Creek is similar except for the DATA

00010 PRINT "This program calculates the cross-sectional area of"

00020 PRINT "the Drainage Ditch based on its stage height."
00030 PRINT
00040 PRINT
00050 PRINT
00060 PRINT
00070 PRINT
00080 PRINT
00090 DIM D(i0)
00100 DATA 3.33,3.92,4.75,5.50,5.58,5.67,5.92,5.92,5.83,5.50,4.08
00110 N=i0
00120 W=2
00130 FOR 1=0 TO N
00140 READ D(I)
00150 NEXT I
00160 INPUT "Enter the stage height reading (FT,IN):";Sl,S2
00170 S=S2/12+Sl
00180 Dl=D(8)-S
00190 A=0
00200 FOR 1=0 TO N-i
00210 IF D(I)>D(I+1) GOTO 250
00220 D2=D(I+1)
00230 D3=D(I)
00240 GOTO 270
00250 D2=D(I)
00260 D3=D(I+1)
00270 IF D1>=D2 GOTO 320
00280 IF D1<=D3 GOTO 310
00290 A=A.5*W*((D2_D1)/(D2_D3))*(D2_Dl)
00300 GOTO 320
00310 A=AW*(D3_Dl)+. 5*W*(D2_.D3)
00320 NEXT I
00330 PRINT
00340 PRINT "The cross-sectional area is";A"square feet."
00350 PRINT
00360 A=(l2*2.54/100)A2*A
00370 PRINT "The cross-sectional area is";A"square meters."
00380 PRINT
00390 PRINT
00410 INPUT "Do you want to enter more data (Y or N)";Q$
00420 IF Q$="Y" GOTO 30
00430 END
Page 49


1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Classification of

Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United

States. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department

of the Interior, (Washington,D.C.: U.S. Government

Printing Office, 1979), p. 3.

2 John A. Baker, Wetland and Water Supply . U.S.

Geological Survey Circular 431, (Washington, D.C.:

U.S.G.S., 1960), p. 1.

S.S. Novikov, "Methods Employed in the Investigation

of Swamps with Fixed Stations and Mobile Surveys,"

Hydrology of Marsh Ridden Areas: Proceedings of the

Minsk Symposium, June, 1972 . (UNESCO Press and The

International Association of Hydrological Sciences,

1975), p. 292.

3 Baker and Cornelius, "Summary Recommendations for

Action on Willow Creek and the Starker Tract:

Heritage Assessment." personal communication.

4 Baker and Cornelius.

5 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation

Service, Soil Survey of Benton County Area, Oregon,

p. 14.
Page 50

6 Dapp, Alan, Relief map of Jackson/Frazier Wetland.

personal communication.

7 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation

Service. p. 14.

8 Thomas Dunne and Luna B. Leopold, Water in

Enviromental Planning . (San Francisco:

W.H. Freeman Co., 1978), p. 56.

9 Ray K. Linsley and Joseph P. Franzini, Water

Resources Engineering . (New York: McGraw-Hill

Book Co., 1979), p. 21.

Dunne and Leopold, p. 655.

10 Dunne and Leopold, p. 595.

11 George F. Smoot and Charles E. Novak, "Calibration

and Maintenance of Vertical-Axis Type Current

Meters," Techniques of Water-Resources

Investigations of the U.S.G.S. , Book 8, Chapter

32. p. 6.

12 Smoot and Novak, p. 12.

Page 51

13 Virginia Carter, M.S. Bedinger, Richard P. Novitzki,

and W.O. Wilen, "Water Resources and Wetlands,"

Wetland Function and Values: The State of our

Understanding . American Water Resources

Association, November, 1978. p. 348.

14 Linsley and Franzini. p. 46.

15 Dunne and Leopold, p. 655.

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