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Knorr Report 63192

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Knorr Noodles

Course Instructor: Yasmeen Tahera

Group members: Ayesha Siraj (64432), Rameeza Khan (63165), Maliha Arif (63948),
Sarim Khan (63192)
Selected Campaign: Knorr Noodles (Tummy full tiffin chat)
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................4

1.1. Background to report............................................................................................4

1.2. Aims of the report.................................................................................................4

4. About Mullen Lowe......................................................................................................4

4.1. Clients...................................................................................................................4

4.2. How Mullen Lowe operates?................................................................................5

5. Typical Framework of Advertising agency..................................................................5

5.1. Agency Management...........................................................................................6

5.2. Account Service....................................................................................................6

5.3. Account Planning..................................................................................................6

5.4. Composition Media Advertising Team.................................................................6

5.5. Creative Services.................................................................................................7

5.6. Production Department Structure.........................................................................7

6. About Knorr Noodles...................................................................................................7

7. Advertising Campaign.................................................................................................8

7.1. Objectives of the campaign..................................................................................8

7.2. Competitive landscape.........................................................................................9

7.3. Strategies...........................................................................................................11

7.4. Advertising research...........................................................................................12

7.5. Identified Customer pain....................................................................................13

8. How clients approach agencies?..............................................................................14

9. Why budgeting is a vital element?............................................................................15

10. References.............................................................................................................16
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This report is being conducted by the course instructor Yasmeen Tahera for Advertising
elective. The assessment revolves around what is the typical organizational framework
of an advertising agency, strategies used by the agency and how Knorr Noodles
campaign has followed the format. This is a combined work of students about the
survey of Mullen lowe group (creator of Knorr Noodles campaign).
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1. Introduction
1.1. Background to report
Competition way back in the first era of advertising in Pakistan (1947-1964) was very
little that only a few number of players existed in the advertising industry and the only
medium used was print ads in the urban areas. However, the introduction of unique
graphic messaging services (television) in the second era (1964-1978) was found to be
more acknowledged by the audience. From the third (1978-1988) and fourth era (1998-
2008) new advertising techniques started to replace the old approaches of advertising
until the sixth era, after that the modern technology completely replaced the old
advertising ideologies in the industry and advertisers started to endorse celebrities and
popular faces into the campaigns (Siddiqui, K. and Siddiqui, A., 2016).

1.2. Aims of the report

1. To assess the organizational framework of agencies
2. To study the strategies used by Knorr’s Campaign in detail
3. To study advertising process

4. About Mullen Lowe

Mullen lowe work on global customer experience agency building brands through digital
experiences. End-to-end CX capabilities including digital content, digital platforms and
CRM. Highly creative media shop offering full-service comms planning, media buying,
global search and performance media with global capabilities. Marketing
communications network focused on brand strategy, communications planning and
through-the-line advertising. Experts in earned influence offering services including
brand and corporate communications, social media, purpose and sustainability
consulting, experiential planning, content development and employee engagement.

4.1. Clients
1.Knorr 2. Descon
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3.Euro 4. Domex
5. Dalda 5. Efu Life
6.Happilac 6. Clear
7. ISL (International Steel Limited) 8. MMS Global
9. Ontex 10. Inovative
11.Sunlight 12. MCB (Bank for Lite)
13.ICI Pakistan Ltd. 14. GFC Fans
15.Karachi Aero Club 16. Surf excel
17.PepsiCo Inc. 18. Lenovo
19.Nestle 20. Ferrero

4.2. How Mullen Lowe operates?

Mullen Lowe Group is a creatively driven integrated marketing communications network
with a strong entrepreneurial heritage and challenger mentality. We are a global
creative boutique of distinctive diverse agencies, rich in local culture with both intimacy
and scale, present in 65 markets. With a hyper bundled operating model, global
specialisms include expertise in brand strategy, and through the line advertising with
Mullen Lowe; customer experience with Mullen Lowe Profero; media and
communications planning and buying with Media hub; brand and corporate PR, social
influence, purpose and sustainability consulting with Mullen Lowe Comms. We are
focused on delivering an Unfair Share of Attention for clients’ brands and are
consistently ranked among the most awarded creative and effective agency networks in
the world. For nine years, Mullen Lowe Group has topped the Effie Index as the most
effective global network in terms of points per dollar revenue, in 2018 was named to the
Ad Age Agency A-List and in 2019 was ranked in the top ten ‘Top Agency Networks for
Creativity’ in the WARC Creative 100.

5. Typical Framework of Advertising agency

The organizational structure of an advertising agency consists of the same basic
elements, regardless of the size of the company. The customer service team manages
customer relations, the creative team designs the ads, and the media specialists select
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the media to run the ads. The senior management team is responsible for the agency's
commercial and financial operations.

5.1. Agency Management

The senior management team may consist of the CEO and CFO of a small agency. A
larger agency may have a management team of a CEO and CFO, as well as directors in
charge of each business unit. If the agency belongs to a large group of companies, the
board member takes the responsibility of liaising with the holding company's board of
directors. (Chron, 2020)

5.2. Account Service

The Account Services team deals with clients and coordinates the work of the agency's
creative and media teams. In a large agency, you may have three levels of account
management: account manager, account manager and assistant account manager.
Account managers who report to the agency's management oversee the work of the
account managers and take responsibility for the group of accounts. They can also build
close relationships with the agency's key clients. Account managers and assistant
account managers report to account managers and manage the day-to-day operations
of their accounts (Media, n.d.)

5.3. Account Planning

Account planners research the target market's needs and preferences for a product or
service. They use their ideas to devise an advertising strategy and create a briefing for
the creative team working on the ad campaign. In smaller agencies, account planning
may become part of the account manager's responsibility. Larger agencies may assign
an expert to their account management team. (media, n.d.)

5.4. Composition Media Advertising Team

The media department is responsible for planning where and when advertisements will
appear, as well as buying space or time in newspapers, magazines, radio, television,
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digital media, and outdoor media such as billboards and billboards. In smaller agencies,
one person may combine planning and purchasing functions. Larger agencies have a
media department led by a media director who oversees the design and purchasing
teams. The media team may include professionals in print, broadcast or digital media.

5.5. Creative Services

The Creative Services team consists of copywriters and designers, called art directors,
who work together to develop ad concepts. In larger agencies, the creative director
manages teams across multiple accounts. Smaller agencies may appoint only one
creative director to work with freelance writers. As Sanders consulting reports, the move
to virtual and remote teams has resulted in increased trust in freelance creatives.
(chron, n.d.)

5.6. Production Department Structure

A larger advertising organization usually has a production department responsible for
managing advertising campaigns. You set schedules, manage campaign budgets, and
coordinate the creative and media departments. The production team also interacts with
external vendors who work on advertising campaigns, such as printers, photographers
and video production companies. In smaller agencies, account managers or creative
directors take responsibility for project management (Contributor, 2020)

6. About Knorr Noodles

Knorr is a German food and beverage brand. It was founded in 1838 by Carl Heinrich
Theodor Knorr. Knorr headquarters are in Heilbronn, Germany. It has been owned by
the Anglo-Dutch company Unilever since 2000, when Unilever acquired Best Foods,
excluding Japan, where it is made under license by Ajinomoto. It produces dehydrated
soup and meal mixes, bouillon cubes and condiments.

It was known as Royco in Indonesia, Kenya, and the Netherlands, and as Continental in
Australia and New Zealand. Knorr is also produced in India and Pakistan. Products
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previously sold under the Lipton brand are now being absorbed into the Knorr product
line. With annual sales topping €3 billion, Knorr is Unilever's biggest selling brand.
An Israeli company, based in Haifa, Israel Edible Products, produces kosher soups for
Knorr that are sold in Israel and the United States. (knorr, 2018)

7. Advertising Campaign
An advertising campaign can be better described as an advertising approach or strategy
that is critically planned to achieve certain goals by the organization. For instance,
through advertising campaigns firms want to achieve enhanced brand awareness,
better communication and high profits within the market. Marketing your product which
was a difficult task in the old times is done easily through social media platforms and
advanced approach towards advertising (Advertising Campaign, 2021). In case of
specific event advertising demonstrated the behaviors of a consumers and studying
those helps them identify what is valid and what is not because, consumers tend to buy
products that contains a good word of mouth. However, advertising campaigns have
four main functions. For instance, social function, economical function, marketing
function and communicating function (Romat, 1997).

Authors’ selected advertising campaign in this case is “Knorr Noodles”. Since the
presentations regarding the advertising campaign has been given in the class, it is
important to quote that the campaign has communicating as well as marketing function
in way a that the campaign is representing mothers who are worried about untouched
lunch boxes and want a manageable delicious meal for their kids.

7.1. Objectives of the campaign

Out of several personal and general objectives of the advertising campaign the three
major goals of producing a campaign is to educate or inform the consumer about your
product, to convince them to buy your product, and to remind them. Generally, such an
advertising campaign is known as informative advertising that raises awareness about
the brand, service, product and represents the concept of the product. In informative
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advertising, the advertisers educate the consumers about the features or benefits of
buying their product (Samarina, 1999).

(Source, Knorrnoodles.facebook).

Mothers are the decision makers for buying their kids their desired products and
companies that offer products for kids have mothers as the primary target. For this
reason, Knorr’s advertising campaign focuses on mothers and communicate with them
through storyline and script where they show concerned mothers thinking of how to
make school meals fun for their kids so they won’t skip it. In the campaign Knorr
provides them a fun solution, which is an easy to cook Noodles supporting local taste
buds through exciting flavors. The major objective of the campaign is to convince the
audience about buying Knorr noodles to make their school lunch fun, exciting and
manageable for the mothers. The slogan used in this campaign is effectively created to
support the objective of it. “Tummy full, Tiffin chat” represents how the noodles have this
magical thing that kids suddenly love to eat their lunch up.

7.2. Competitive landscape

To understand the concept of competitive landscape it is crucial to remember that to
outperform in the market brands set their Unique selling points to create brand
positioning however, the question is whether the competitors are able to imitate those
strategies or USP’s. studying this analysis is known as competitive landscape (Tkaczyk,
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2012). Instant Noodles for its property to be cooked within minutes is popular also it is
economical, and a little decision making is involved (Weihrich, 1993).

On comparing the competitiveness, Knorr Noodles are appealing to consumers for it is

inexpensive and being a common “Home item” it comes under the “Convenient
category”. Moreover, providing the flavors to excite local taste buds and owning a better
distribution strategy Knorr stand at the top and after that Maggi. Knorr Noodles are
easily found in general stores and have better accessibility than other players in the
market. Rivalry in this sector is relatively low for fewer competitors are selling instant
noodles in Pakistan (Weihrich, 1993)

Players in the market Price Target audience

Knorr PKR 30 Kids under the age of 14
and mothers.
Shan Shoop PKR 25 Kids of all ages.
Kolson PKR 45 Every age group.
Maggi PKR 25 Kids, youth, office goers,
working individuals.
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(Anwa, 2020).

7.3. Strategies
The term “Strategy” is a concept that can be perceived in a variety of ways. For
instance, under certain circumstances and management “strategy” might be a different
concept. However, in general strategy is the effective planning that works considering
both resources and policy of the organization (Nickols, 2012). According to the author,
human nature needs proper elaboration of the concept therefore Mintzberg (1987)
established his 5 P’s of strategy “plan, ploy, perspective, position, and pattern”, that are
ways to elaborate and utilize strategy (sahin, 2021) The significance of advertising
strategy can be defined by the fact that it facilitates the organization to better manage its
available resources in order to convey the message to the targeted audience. Moreover,
an advertising strategy facilitates the firms to allocate the advertising budget as well as
determine the revenues gained through the advertising (Juneja, 2015).

Knorr Noodles (Tummy full tiffin chat) campaign has also worked through their devised
advertising strategy in order to collect maximum revenues. The noticeable elements in
the campaign are the script and storyline of the advertisement, the campaign
successfully communicates with the mothers and school going kids with their script.
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(Source, YouTube).

To enhance the communication with the target audience (Mothers and children) the
advertisers have effectively used cartoon characters. For instance, Chatty and cluck
and a cat telling its story of how the kid no more shares his meal with the cat after his
mother brought Knorr noodles home. The use of cartoon characters increases the brand
awareness. As per researchers, Children tend to develop emotional bonds with the
designed figures or cartoons and for this reason “Brand mascots” are utilized to promote
brand awareness amongst young kids. Creating a friendly bond with cartoons on screen
can evoke positive feelings in the viewers which leads to children persuading their
parents to make purchases (BEUC, 2021).

7.4. Advertising research

Advertising research aids the agencies to evaluate the efficiency of advertisements.
Marketers sometimes conduct the advertising research before creating the
advertisement to decide which segment they should pursue (Baksh, 2015).
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(Source, Ppt).

Knorr conducts it marketing research by interviewing mothers in schools. The

organization asks several questions to make sure how their product is fulfilling the
motherly concerns. Schools are their main target.

7.5. Identified Customer pain

Potential clients' pain concerns can be reframed into business possibilities if they are
reframed correctly. Your company's leads and prospects do, in fact, have problems.
Prospects do not become customers unless they choose to pay for your solution (Team,
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(Source, YouTube).

On being interviewed mothers claimed that their kids get bored with the same kind of
lunch and they want a healthy as well as innovative solution for the kids. Knorr noodles
identified the customer pain effectively and introduced exciting flavored noodles that are
easy to cook and nutritious.

8. How clients approach agencies?

For a successful advertising campaign, the choice of a right advertising agency is a
matter of prime importance. The choice of a wrong agency can prove to be very costly.
The selection of an agency needs a logical approach. The suitability, agency
infrastructure, imaginativeness and image of the agency, its management and rates are
the basic factors Which are considered during the selection of an agency. The following
are considered when approaching an advertising agency: (Naveed, 2014)
 The experience of an agency
 Agency size and location
 Product conflicts
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 Financial position of an agency

 Special skills of an agency
 Current clients
 The process of payment
 Client turnover

To the advertising agency client’s trust is the fundamental element. They create
advertisements that are critical, exciting and emotionally relatable to the audience.
Ultimately the profits earned through the strategies and the successful projects through
create awareness of their agency and clients approach them.

9. Why budgeting is a vital element?

An advertising budget is an amount set aside by a company planned for the promotion
of its goods and services. Promotional activities include conducting a market survey,
getting advertisement creatives made and printed, promotion by way of print media,
digital media and social media, running ad campaigns etc.

The company intends to attract the audiences towards their brand name by way of
advertisement. Advertisement helps a company to reach out to larger audiences and
introduce them to the company’s products and services. Because of this, the sales
increase, which enables the company to earn more profits. It is important that before
setting the advertising budget, the company’s objective is understood. (TARVER, 2021)
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Advertising Campaign. (2021, 4). Retrieved from
Anwa, H. (2020). KNORR INSTANT NOODLES. Retrieved from
Baksh. (2015, 8). Advertising Research. Retrieved from
BEUC. (2021).
Chron. (2020, 11 23). The Organizational Structure of an Ad Agency. Retrieved from
chron. (n.d.). Organizational Structure of an Ad Agency. Retrieved from
Contributor, C. (2020, 11 23). The Organizational Structure of an Ad Agency. Retrieved
from Chron:
Juneja, P. (2015). Marketing Strategy - Meaning and Its Importance. Retrieved from
knorr. (2018, 7 21). Retrieved from
media, g. (n.d.). The Typical Structure of an Advertising Agency. Retrieved from
Media, G. (n.d.). The Typical Structure of an Advertising Agency. Retrieved from
Naveed, F. (2014, 7 24). Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency. Retrieved from
Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency:
Nickols, F. (2012). Definitions & Meanings.
Romat. (1997). Advertising in the marketing system. Kharkiv.
sahin. (2021).
Samarina. (1999). Advertising in Business.
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TARVER, E. (2021, 8 24). Advertising Budget. Retrieved from
Team, O. (2021, 5 19). How to find pain points with data. Retrieved from
Tkaczyk, K. v. (2012). A Managerial Perspective. Retrieved from
Weihrich. (1993).
Weihrich. (1993). Daimler-Benz′ S move towards.

2020, 11 23). The Organizational Structure of an Ad Agency. Retrieved from Chron:
knorr. (2018, 7 21). Retrieved from
media, g. (n.d.). The Typical Structure of an Advertising Agency. Retrieved from
Media, G. (n.d.). The Typical Structure of an Advertising Agency. Retrieved from
Naveed, F. (2014, 7 24). Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency. Retrieved from
Criteria for Selection of an Advertising Agency:
TARVER, E. (2021, 8 24). Advertising Budget. Retrieved from
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