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JME Volume 7 No.

2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522




Universitas Madako Tolitoli

This research aimed to find out the students’ problems in speaking at
second semester of English Department at Madako University. The data was
collected from 16 students at Second Semester of English Department at Madako
University by using purposive sampling technique. This research design used
qualitative design mixed with quantitative approach. The instrument used to
collect the data was questionnaire and documentation. From the result, the
researcher found some conclusion of students’ problems in speaking. The first
problem of the students in psychological, most students revealed that they have
problem with their self confidence. The students feel shyness while speaking
English. They also feel anxious when they would speak English. And next most of
students fear of mistakes when speaking. There were some students feel lack of
motivation. The second problem of the students in the language, there were three
problems that make most students inactive in speaking English. Most students had
problems in grammar; they did not understand the grammar rules. And then some
students have problems in pronunciation; they did not know the correct
pronunciation of words. And lack vocabulary became their third problem in
speaking; they lacked vocabulary, so they always translated from Indonesia to

Keywords: Speaking problems, qualitative mixed quantitative research.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui masalah siswa dalam berbicara

di semester kedua Departemen Bahasa Inggris di Madako University. Data
dikumpulkan dari 16 mahasiswa di Semester II Jurusan Bahasa Inggris di
Madako University dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Desain
penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan campuran qualitative dan quantitative.
Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah kuesioner dan
dokumentasi. Dari hasil tersebut, peneliti menemukan beberapa kesimpulan dari
masalah siswa dalam berbicara. Masalah pertama siswa dalam psikologis,
sebagian besar siswa mengungkapkan bahwa mereka memiliki masalah dengan
kepercayaan diri mereka. Para siswa merasa malu saat berbicara bahasa Inggris.
Mereka juga merasa cemas ketika mereka akan berbicara bahasa Inggris. Dan
selanjutnya sebagian besar siswa takut akan kesalahan saat berbicara. Ada
beberapa siswa yang merasa kurang motivasi. Masalah kedua siswa dalam
bahasa, ada tiga masalah yang membuat sebagian besar siswa tidak aktif dalam
berbicara bahasa Inggris. Sebagian besar siswa memiliki masalah dalam tata
bahasa; Mereka tidak mengerti aturan tata bahasa. Dan kemudian beberapa
siswa memiliki masalah dalam pengucapan; Mereka tidak tahu pengucapan kata-
kata yang benar. Dan kurangnya kosa kata menjadi masalah ketiga mereka dalam
berbicara; mereka tidak memiliki kosakata, sehingga mereka selalu
diterjemahkan dari Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris.
Keywords: Masalah berbicara, penelitian campuran qualitatitave dan

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

1. Introduction
Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that
concerns producing, receiving and processing information. When someone
speaks, they interact and use language to express their ideas, feelings and
thoughts. As English Education Department mastering speaking is the crucial
thing due to communicate effectively. In order to do so, learners should know
the components of speaking therefore they can speak correctly and fluently.
According to Munir (2018:2) Speaking skill is one of the language skills that
are very essential to support further oral communication especially in English,
but it is the most difficult skill to develop. Speaking is considered difficult to
apply compared to other skills. As a matter of fact, there are many students
who had learn English from Junior High school until senior high school even
university still find it difficult to express their idea in oral form. They can
read or write better, but face some difficulties in speaking either caused by
language problems or non language problems.
In addition, most of the students who learned English for many years,
most of them have difficulties to use the language because of lack of
vocabulary. Moreover, it is not only the lack of vocabulary or grammar, but it
is also from students’ psychology. For Indonesian students, English as a
second language is difficult to learn. Especially English Students at Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Madako University also have
difficulties in learning speaking. Based on the researcher experience, some
students were speaking in front of the class as well as in the learning process
and doing presentation. They were choosing silent or passive and they don’t
have the courage to speak up. As a matter of fact, there are many students
who have learned English for many years, but still have many difficulties in
speaking. Based on the explanation above the researcher carried out the study
entitles “An Anaylsis of Students’ Problems in Speaking at Second Semester
of English Department at Madako University”.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested to explore

about students’ speaking problems and want to know the percentage of
students’ problems in speaking at the second semester of English Department
at Madako. Moreover, the finding of this research is expected to be beneficial
for students, lecturers, and other researcher. The students can solve their
problems in speaking and can improve their speaking English. For the
lecturers, it is expected that the lecturer can make a new strategy to solve the
students’ problems in speaking. This research also can be references for other
researcher if they want to make the similar research.
In other side, there are some previous researches conducted by other
researchers in which they are relevant to this research. The first research
conducted by Aida Fitria (2013), entitled “An Analysis of Students Speaking
Problems at English Education Department, State Institute of Islamic Studies
Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. The researcher found that students problem in
speaking divided into four there are: inhibition, nothing to say, students
participation in speaking are low, and mother tongue used. The second
research conducted by Nanda Aldila Sari (2017), “Students Difficulties in
Speaking Skill at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2016/2017”. The researcher found
some problems in speaking faced by the students, there are inhibition, nothing
to say, uneven participation, and mother tongue used. The last research is An
Analysis on Students Difficulties in Speaking English at Islamic Senior High
School Kotabaru Seberida (2019), by Nurhadiah Fitri. The researcher found
that the difficulties of students in speaking English are categorized into a
strong level The average value of students in Academic and conversational
English skill is 4.05 The average value of obstacles linguistic is 3.66 The
average value of access to speaking opportunities is 3.53 The average value
of the speech process difficulty is 3.29 and the average negative effect value
is 3.13.
On the other hand, this study is different from the previous researches
because in this research, the focus is not only psychological or language
problems but focus on psychological and language problems.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

2. Method of the Research

In conducting the research, qualitative research was chose as the
method. Therefore, in qualitative research, it does not emphasize
generalization, but on meaning (Sugiyono, 2012:15. In this research, the
researcher conducts the research at Madako Univarsity. The sample of the
research is the students at the second semester of English Department at
UMADA class B consists of 16 students in the academic year of 2021. The
sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. The data obtained
from questionnaires and documentation. The technique used to analyze were
percentage and Males and huberman.

3. Findings and Discussion

3.1 Result of Questionnaire
The questionnaire contained two main aspects in speaking
problems. The first aspect related to the psychological and the second is
in terms of language problems.
1. Psychological Problems
The psychological factors such as lack of confidence, lack of
motivation, shyness, fear of mistakes, and anxiety.
1) Lack of Confidence
The test items including statements on lack of confidence in
questionnaires are found in statement number 1, 2, and 3.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

Table 1.1 Result of the analysis of lack of confidence

NO Statement Frequenc Percentage

Yes No Yes No
1 I speak English fluently with 7 9 43,75% 56,25%
my English lecturer
2 I speak English well with my 7 9 43,75% 56,25%
3 I speak English in front of the 5 11 31,25% 68,75%

Based on the table above, for statement number 1, there were 7

students which showed that 43,75% students responded “Yes” and 9
students which showed that 56,25% students responded “No” from the
total 16 students. From this result, the researcher concluded that most of
students still have difficulty to speak English fluently with their English
Next to the item number 2, there were 7 students which showed
that 43,75% students responded “Yes” and 9 students which showed that
56,25% students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this
result, the researcher concluded that most of students still seldom to speak
English well with their classmate.
Then, question of number 3, there were 5 students which showed
that 31,25% students responded “Yes” and 11 students which showed that
68,75% students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this
result, the researcher it can be concluded that more than half students still
lack of confidence to speak English in front of the audiences.
2) Lack of Motivation
The test items including statements on lack of motivation in
questionnaires are found in statement number 4, 5, and 6.
Table 1.2 Result of the analysis of lack of motivation
NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
4 I try to find out how to 14 2 87,5% 12,5%
improve my English accent

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

5 I think I will speak perfect 15 1 93,75 6,25%

English someday
6 I am always motivated when 12 4 75 25
learning English course

According on the table above, for statement number 4, there were

14 students which showed that 87,5% students responded “Yes” and 2
students which showed that 12,5% students responded “No” from the total
16 students. From this finding, it can be concluded that 14 students try to
find out how to improve their English accent.
Furthermore, on the declaration number 5, there were 15 students
which showed that 93,75% students responded “Yes” and 2 students which
showed that 6,25% students responded “No” from the total 16 students.
From this finding, it can be concluded that most of the students think that
they will speak English perfectly.
Meanwhile, for questioner number 6 there were 12 students which
showed that 75% students responded “Yes” and 4 students which showed
that 25% students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this
finding, it can be concluded that mostly students always motivated when
learning English course.
3) Shyness
The test items including statements on lack of shyness in
questionnaires are found in statement number 7, 8, and 9.
Table 1.3 Result of the analysis of shyness
NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
7 I am not afraid of starting a 6 10 37,5% 62,5%
conversation in English
8 I do not feel shy when speak 9 7 56,25% 43,75%
9 I am not afraid of speaking 4 12 25 75%
English in public places

In regard with the table above, for statement number 7, there were
6 students which showed that 37,5% students responded “Yes” and 10
students which showed that 62,5% students responded “No” from the total

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

16 students. From this data, the researcher deduced that 6 students are not
afraid to start a conversation in English.
Based on the item number 8, there were 9 students which showed
that 56,25% students responded “Yes” and 7 students which showed that
43,75% students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this
table, the researcher it can be deduced that 9 students do not feel shy when
speak English.
Furthermore, for declaration number 9, there were 4 students which
showed that 25% students responded “Yes” and 12 students which showed
that 75% students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this
table, the researcher it can be deduced that 4 students are not afraid of
speaking English in public places. But, 12 students still afraid to speak
English in public places.
4) Fear of Mistakes
The test items including statements on fear of mistakes in
questionnaires are found in statement number 10, 11, and 12.
Table 1.4 Result of the analysis of fear of mistakes
NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
10 I am afraid of making 13 3 81,25% 18,75%
mistakes while speaking
11 I am not always afraid of 8 8 50% 50%
forgetting my speech
12 I feel confuse when I miss 13 3 81,25% 18,75%
words while speaking English

Related to the table above, for statement number 10, there were 13
students which showed that 81,25% students responded “Yes” and 3
students which showed that 18,75% students responded “No” from the
total 16 students. From this result, the researcher deduced that almost all
students, their afraid of making mistakes while speaking English.
The result of number 10, there were 8 students which showed that
50% students responded “Yes” and 8 students which showed that 50%
students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this result, the

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

researcher deduced that a half of students are not always afraid of

forgetting their speech.
Next, for item number 10, there were 13 students which showed
that 81,25% students responded “Yes” and 3 students which showed that
18,75% students responded “No” from the total 16 students. From this
result, the researcher deduced that more than half students feel confuse
when their miss words while speaking English.
5) Anxiety
The test items including statements on anxiety in questionnaires
are found in statement number 13, 14, and 15.
Table 1.5 Result of the analysis of anxiety
NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
13 I feel nervous when someone 12 4 75% 25%
is speaking English to me
14 I get nervous when speaking 11 5 68,75% 31,25%
English during lectures
15 I feel sure and relaxed when 6 10 37,5% 62,5%
speaking English

Related to the table above, for statement number 13 there were 12

students which showed that 75% students responded “Yes” and 4 students
which showed that 25% students responded “No” from the total 16
students. From this result, the researcher deduced that more than half
students feel nervous when someone is speaking English to them.
Based on the declaration number 14, there were 11 students which
showed that 68,75% students responded “Yes” and 5 students which
showed that 31,25% students responded “No” from the total 16 students.
From this result, the researcher deduced that most of students get nervous
when their speaking English during lectures.
Meanwhile, for the last item number 15, there were 6 students
which showed that 37,5% students responded “Yes” and 10 students which
showed that 62,5% students responded “No” from the total 16 students.
From this result, the researcher deduced that 6 students feel sure and

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

relaxed when speaking English. And 10 students are not feel sure and
relaxed when speaking English.

2. Language Problems
Language problem was one of the two aspect that was investigated.
This aspect consisted of three indicators such as pronunciation, grammar,
and vocabulary.
1. Pronunciation
The test items including statements on language problems in
questionnaires are found in statement number 1 and 2.
Table 2.1 Result of the analysis of pronunciation
NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
1 I always forget to say a final 10 6 62,5% 37,5%
sound of each word
2 I find it difficult to say a few 15 1 93,75% 6,25%
words correctly

Based on the table above, for item number 1, there were 16

students responds, there were 10 students or 62,5% from the total number
of the students responded “Yes” with the statement. The other 6 students
or 37.5% from the total number of the students responded “No” with the
statement. In this statement more students answer “Yes”, from the result
the researcher concluded that 10 students always forgot to say a final
sound of each word.
Next, for statement number 2, there were 16 students responds,
there were 15 students or 93,75% from the total number of the students
responded “Yes” with the statement. The other only 1 student or 6,25%
from the total number of the students responded “No” with the statement.
In this statement almost all students answer “Yes”, from the result, the
researcher concluded that 15 students still have difficulty saying a few
words correctly.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

2. Grammar
The test items including statements on language problems in
questionnaires are found in statement number 5 and 6.
Table 2.2 Result of the analysis of grammar
NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
5 I find it difficult to speak 15 1 93,75% 6,25%
because my grammar of
understanding is limited
6 It is difficult for me to speak 14 2 87,5% 12,5%
in complete sentence

Related to the table above, for item number 5, there were 16

students responds, there were 15 students or 93,75% from the total number
of the students responded “Yes” with the statement. And only 1 student or
6,25% from the total number of the students responded “No” with the
statement. In this item almost all students answer “Yes”, from the result
the researcher concluded that most of the students still have difficulty to
speak because their grammar of understanding is limited.
Furthermore, the result of declaration number 6, there were 16
students responds, there were 14 students or 87,5% from the total number
of the students responded “Yes” with the statement. The other 2 students
or 12,5% from the total number of the students responded “No” with the
statement. From the result, it can be concluded that more than half of the
students still had difficulty for them to speak in complete sentences.
3. Vocabulary
The test items including statements on language problems in
questionnaires are found in statement number 7 and 8.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

Table 2.3 Result of the analysis of vocabulary

NO Statement Frequenc Percentage
Yes No Yes No
7 I find difficult to speak 16 - 100% -
because of my limited
8 I speak slowly because I 10 6 62,5% 37,5%
always translate from
Indonesia to English before I
speak English

Based on the table above, for questionnaire number 7, there were

16 students’ responds, there were 16 students or 100% from the total
number of the students responded “Yes” with the statement. From the
result, the researcher concluded that all of the students still had difficulty
to speak because of their limited vocabulary.
Meanwhile, the result of the last item number 8, there were 16
students responds, there were 10 students or 62,5% from the total number
of the students responded “Yes” with the statement. The other 6 students
or 37,5% from the total number of the students responded “No” with the
statement. From the result, it can be concluded that more than half of
students still speak slowly because they are always translated from
Indonesia to English before they speak English.

The discussion was concerned with the students’ problems in
speaking English. In accordance to the explanation above, it can be
concluded that students’ problems at the second semester of English
department which were triggered by psychological problems and language
1. Psychological Problems
1) Lack of confidence
Based on the finding of lack of confidence, it can be concluded most
of students still have lack of confidence when speaking English with their

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

lecturers, their classmates, and other people, the students self confidence
affects their activeness in class.
The result of this research was in line with the theory from Juhana
(2012), she said lack of confidence usually appears when students realized
that their conversation partners have not understood them or when they do
not understand other speaker.
2) Lack of motivation
In regard with lack of motivation, based on the data the researcher
concluded that almost all students have good motivated in speaking.
Because the result showed that most of students try to improve their
English accent, always motivated when learning English, and also they
believe their will speak perfect English someday.
The result of this research was in line with the theory from Juhana
(2012) about the kinds of psychological problem in speaking. Juhana said
that motivation is an inner energy. From the motivation the students will
enhance their study interest.
3) Shyness
Based on the analysis, the researcher it can be concluded that several
students have problems in shyness. The students are still afraid of starting
a conversation in English. And, sometimes the students said that they feel
shy while speak English. On the other hand, the students have problem in
shyness just because of they have no courage to speak English.
The result of this research was in line with the theory from Juhana
(2012) about the kinds of psychological problem in speaking. Juhana said
that the students felt of shyness makes their mind go blank or that they will
forget what to say.
4) Fear of mistakes
Based on the finding of fear of mistakes, the researcher concluded
almost all students fare of mistakes to speak English. From the result of
questionnaire showed the students said that they still afraid to make
mistakes when speak English. They are also afraid forgetting some words
when speak English. And they are still confused when their miss words
while speaking English.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

The result of this research was in line with the theory from Juhana
(2012) about the kinds of psychological problem in speaking. Juhana said
that fear mistakes is influenced by students’ fear of being laughed at by
other students or being criticized by the lecturers.
5) Anxiety
In terms of anxiety, the researcher it can be conclude that most of
students feel anxious when they speak English. From the result of analysis
the students get nervous when someone speak English to them and also get
nervous when speaking during lecturers. And several students not sure and
relaxed when speaking English.
The result of this research was in line with the theory from Juhana
(2012) about the kinds of psychological problem in speaking. Juhana said
anxiety is attitudes that give you a feeling of worry or anxiety about what
to do or say.
The results of this research are different from the results of previous
research. Previous research conduct by Andi Annisaa Hanifah Nursyams
(2018) found the biggest students' psychological problem was lack of
confidence, while the results of this research found the biggest students
psychological problem was fear of mistakes.
2. Language Problems
1) Pronunciation
Based on the data analysis, the researcher found most students said
that pronunciation was one of the problems of their inactivity in speaking
English. They still found it difficult to pronounce the words correctly and
clearly. The difficulty of saying English words can be caused by the rarity
of them training their tongues to pronounce words. The result of this
research finding was in line with the theory from Jill (2008) about the
kinds of language problem in speaking. Jill said that an understanding of
the features of pronunciation helps learners understand when they listen to
the language.

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

2) Grammar
Based on the finding of this item, the researcher it can be concluded
that almost all students also do not active speak English because of
grammar. The students said that they still have difficulty in speaking
because they still do not understand the use of grammar. Usually students
are also afraid of speaking English because of the grammar that always
makes students confuse. The result of this research finding was in line
with the theory from Jill (2008) about the kinds of language problem in
speaking. Jill said that mastering grammar will know how to arrange word
in sentences the correct tenses will be used, how we combine words and
how we change the form of words to change their meaning.
3) Vocabulary

Based on the result of analysis, it can be concluded that most of the

students in second semester class B also have problems with vocabulary.
They still find it difficult to speak English because they lack vocabulary.
They always translated from Indonesia to English before they speak
English. Whereas we know that, Vocabulary is the most important thing
when we want to speak English. The result of this research finding was in
line with the theory from Jill (2008) about the kinds of language problem
in speaking. Jill said that mastering vocabulary will help us to be a good
speakers and listener because we can arrange the sentences when we have
a lot of vocabularies. In the same way the findings that was revealed by
Marzuki and Diyenti (2020) support the statement that most of students
find it difficult in practicing English both in the productive and receptive
skills due to the lack of vocabulary.
The results of this research are different from the results of previous
research. Previous research conduct by Mely Arya Susilawati (2017)
found the biggest students' language problem was vocabulary, while the
results of this research found the biggest students language problem was

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

4. Conclusion
Based on research finding, the researcher concludes that the rsearch
question has been answered. From the finding of psychological problems,
students at the second semester encountered some problems that make them
do not actively in speaking English. Such as fear of mistake, lack of
confidence, shyness, and anxiety. Among that problem fear of mistakes
became the biggest psychological problem. And also the researcher found
some problems in the language such as pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary. Therefore, lack of understanding of grammar was the problem
that most hinders students in speaking English.

5. Suggestion
Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to gives

some suggestion as follows:

1. For lecturer, the lecturers should be always guide the students’ speaking

activity by always giving motivation and habituating the students to often

speak by using English language so students can feel confident when

speaking English. The lecturers also should create a good atmosphere in

the classroom so that students will feel comfortable when they speak


2. For students, the students should improve their speaking skills by

speaking more often or make speaking a habit. When they have become

accustomed to using English in speaking then the students will also not

be afraid anymore in making mistakes. Because they can learn from the

mistakes they make.

3. For other researcher, this research is far from perfect, so for other

researchers it should be prepare well before and during research. Other

researchers can also do research on analyzing problems on other skills or

JME Volume 7 No. 2 Desember 2021
Hlm. 1-17 ISSN 2580-3522

can also continue this research, because researchers also realize that there

are still many problems of students in speaking that researchers have not


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Education Department” Surabaya: Institute of Islamic Studies Sunan
Ampel Surabaya.
Fitri, N. (2019). “An Analysis On Students Difficulties In Speaking English At
Islamic Senior High School Kotabaru Seberida”. Pekanbaru: Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif
Kasim Riau Pekanbaru.

Jill, Charles. (2008). “Introduction to Teaching English”. New York: Oxford

University Press.
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English Class”. Journal of Education and Practice: Vol 3, No 12
VOCABULARY CARD. Jurnal Madako Education, 6(1).
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Nursyams, A. A. H. (2018). “A Study of Students’ Problems in Daily English
Speaking Activity”. Makassar: English Education Department Faculty of
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The Journal of


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