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Petitioners: Second Division

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[G.R. No. L-47986. July 16, 1984.]

AQUILINA P. MARIN and ANTONIO S. MARIN, SR. , petitioners,

vs. JUDGE MIDPANTAO L. ADIL, Branch II, CFI, Iloilo;
DEEDS, General Santos City; MANUEL P. ARMADA and
ARISTON P. ARMADA, now substituted by his heirs ,

[G.R. No. L-49018. July 16, 1984.]


ARMADA, now substituted by his heirs, EVA SALAZAR VDA.
surnamed ARMADA, and Heirs of MARGARITA M. ARMADA
HONORIO, respondents.

M.R. Flores, D. Marin-Flores for petitioners.

Renato D. Munez for private respondents.



— It is evident from the deed of exchange that the intention of the parties
relative to the lots, which are the objects of exchange, cannot be definitely
ascertained. We hold that this circumstance renders the exchange void or
inexistent (Art. 1378, 2nd par. and Art. 1409 [6], Civil Code).
CONTRACT DOES NOT PRESCRIBE. — The instant rescissory action may be
treated as an action to declare void the deed of exchange. The action to
declare the inexistence of a contract does not prescribe (Art. 1420, Civil
The properties covered by the deed should have been specified and
described. A perusal of the deed gives the impression that it involves many
properties. In reality, it refers only to 8,124 square meters of land, which the
Armadas would inherit from their uncle in General Santos City, and to 9,000
square meters representing the proindiviso share of Mrs. Marin in her
parents' estate. As we have seen, Mrs. Marin rendered impossible the
performance of her obligation under the deed. Because of that impossibility,
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the Armadas could rescind extrajudicially the deed of exchange (Art. 1191,
Civil Code; 4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1973 Ed., pp. 171-172). If Mrs. Marin
should sue the Armadas, her action would be barred under the rule of
exceptio non adimpleti contractus (plaintiff is not entitled to sue because he
has not performed his part of the agreement).



This case is about the rescission of a deed of exchange. In a 1963

document, Aquilina P. Marin assigned to the brothers Manuel P. Armada and
Ariston P. Armada her hereditary share in the testate estate of her deceased
mother, Monica Pacificar Vda. de Provido, situated in Janiuay, Iloilo in
exchange for the land of the Armadas located in Cotabato covered by TCT
No. 7252 and other properties in that province.
The exchange would be rescindible when it is definitely ascertained
that the parties have respectively no right to the properties sought to be
exchanged. The exchange did not mean that the parties were definitely
entitled to the properties being exchanged but it was executed "in
anticipation of a declaration of said right". The deed of exchange reads as
into by and between:
AQUILINA P. MARIN, of legal age, Filipino, married, to Antonio S.
Marin, with residence and postal address at Bo. 8, Marbel, Koronadal,
Province of Cotabato, hereinafter designated as MARIN;
— and —
MANUEL P. ARMADA, Filipino, of legal age, single, with
residence and postal address at the Municipality of Janiuay, Province
of Iloilo, Philippines, for him and in behalf of his brother, ARISTON P.
ARMADA, likewise Filipino, of legal age, single, with residence and
postal address at Stockton, California, U.S.A., hereinafter designated
as the ARMADAS;
WHEREAS, AQUILINA P. MARIN, is one of the legitimate children
and compulsory heirs of the deceased MONICA PACIFICAR VDA DE
PROVIDO, who died testate in the Municipality of Janiuay, Province of
Iloilo, Philippines, on June 3, 1960;
WHEREAS, AQUILINA P. MARIN was named as an heir in that
certain LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT executed by the said MONICA
PACIFICAR VDA DE PROVIDO, on October 20, 1959, and duly
acknowledged on the same date, before Sr. MANUEL B. LAURO,
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Notary Public for and in the Province of Iloilo, as per Doc. No. 262,
Page No. 95, Book No. I, Series of 1959, of his Notarial Register, a
photostatic copy of which is hereto attached and made an integral
part of this AGREEMENT as Annex A;
WHEREAS, it is specifically provided in the attached LAST WILL
AQUILINA P. MARIN will share equally with her co-heirs the estate of
the decedent consisting of personal properties and registered and
unregistered lands situated in the Municipality of Janiuay, Province of
Iloilo, Philippines;
WHEREAS, the ARMADAS desire to acquire all the rights,
interests, titles and participations that AQUILINA P. MARIN may have
over the real and personal properties of MONICA PACIFICAR VDA DE
PROVIDO aforementioned because of the proximity of the said
properties to them, being residents of Janiuay, Iloilo, while AQUILINA
P. MARIN is presently residing in Cotabato, Philippines;
WHEREAS, AQUILINA P. MARIN does by these presents hereby
WAIVE and QUITCLAIM all her rights, interests, titles and
participations in all the real and personal properties of her deceased
mother, MONICA PACIFICAR VDA DE PROVIDO, in favor of the
ARMADAS, in exchange for whatever rights, interests, titles and
participations the latter may have or could have in any real or
personal properties situated at Cotabato, Philippines;
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing
premises, and for such other good and valuable considerations, the
parties hereto hereby covenant and stipulate as follows, to wit:
1. That AQUILINA P. MARIN hereby transfers, assigns, cedes,
conveys and quitclaims unto the said ARMADAS, their heirs, successors and
assigns, all her rights, titles, interests and participations in any and all real
and personal properties representing her legitimate share in the estate of
her deceased mother, the late MONICA PACIFICAR VDA DE PROVIDO,
situated at the Municipality of Janiuay, Iloilo;
2. That the ARMADAS by virtue of these presents hereby likewise
cede, transfer, assign, convey and quitclaim in favor of the said AQUILINA P.
MARIN, by way of exchange, all their rights, interests, titles and
participations, that they may have or could have in any and all real and
personal properties situated at the Province of Cotabato, Philippines, more
particularly in that parcel of land formerly covered by TCT No. V-2354 and
now covered by TCT No. 7252 of the Cotabato Registry;
3. That the ARMADAS know for a fact that the properties being
assigned and quitclaimed in their favor by AQUILINA P. MARIN have long
been and continue to be productive and are more valuable than the
properties which they are exchanging under this document;
4. That both parties hereto hereby acknowledge that the exchange
contained herein operates to their individual and mutual benefit and
advantage, for the reason that the property being ceded, transferred,
conveyed and quitclaimed by one party to the other is situated in the place
where either is a resident resulting in better administration of the
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aforementioned properties;
5. That both parties furthermore acknowledge that the exchange
contemplated herein is made in perfect good faith, and not attended by
fraud, mistake, misrepresentation or the like and that they have no further
claim for additional price or consideration against each other, both declaring
that the properties received by way of exchange under this document is
adequate consideration for the properties quitclaimed:
6. That the parties hereto intend this AGREEMENT to be absolute
and irrevocable, except only when it is eventually ascertained and finally
determined that they have respectively no right, interest, title or
participation in any property, real or personal, which they have assigned or
quitclaimed in favor of each other, and in the event of mutual restitution by
reason of the above eventuality, the parties hereto are not liable for any
fruits or benefits which they may have received from the aforementioned
properties during the existence and efficacy of this AGREEMENT and that no
damage could be claimed by one against the other;
7. That it is specifically understood and agreed that the execution of
this document by the parties hereto shall in no way be construed as an
acknowledgment on his or her part that the other is or are entitled in the
properties heretofore quitclaimed but only in anticipation of a declaration of
said right;
8. That the parties hereto shall take possession of and make use of
the properties subject of this DEED OF EXCHANGE AND QUITCLAIM upon the
signing of the same;
9. That the parties hereto hereby agree that the lawful
ownership and possession of each shall be protected by the other
against any and all claims of any person or persons;
10. That to make this AGREEMENT valid, binding and
effective, both parties hereby authorize each other the registration of
this document with the Register of Deeds of Iloilo, and the ARMADAS
likewise grant a similar authority to MARIN.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affirmed their
hands on this 13th day of June, 1963.
(For himself and in behalf
of his brother Ariston P. Armada)
With my marital consent:
(Witness and Notarial Acknowledgment are omitted)
As background, it should be stated that the Armadas and Mrs. Marin
are first cousins. The Armadas in 1963 expected to inherit some lots in
General Santos City from their uncle, Proceso Pacificar , who died in 1954.
Mrs. Marin, who resided in Koronadal, Cotabato, had hereditary rights in the
estates of her parents, the deceased spouses, Francisco Provido and Monica
Pacificar, of Janiuay, Iloilo, who died in 1938 and 1960, respectively. Manuel
P. Armada resided in Janiuay.
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In 1963, when the deed of exchange was executed, the estate of
Proceso Pacificar, in which the Armadas expected to inherit a part, had been
adjudicated to Soledad Provido-Elevencio-nado, a sister of Mrs. Marin and a
first cousin also of the Armadas. Soledad claimed to be the sole heir of
Proceso. So, the Armadas and the other heirs had to sue Soledad.
The protracted litigation ended in a compromise in 1976 when the
Armadas were awarded Lots 906-A-2 and 906-A-3, located in Barrio Lagao,
General Santos City with a total area of 8,124 square meters. Mrs. Marin
never possessed these two lots. They were supposed to be exchange for her
proindiviso share in her parents' estate in Janiuay.
Did Mrs. Marin inherit actually anything from her parents? The answer
i s nothing. She chose to forget the deed. Her conduct showed that she
considered herself not bound by it. Five years after that deed, or on
November 14, 1968, she agreed to convey to her sister, Aurora Provido-
Collado, her interest in two lots in Janiuay in payment of her obligation
amounting to P1,700.
Then, in the extrajudicial partition of her parents' estate on June 25,
1977 (when the instant case for rescission was already pending), her share,
with a total area of 9,010 square meters, was formally adjudicated to Aurora.
It was stated therein that Mrs. Marin "has waived, renounced and
quitclaimed her share" in favor of Aurora. As already stated, that share was
supposed to be exchanged for the two lots in General Santos City which the
Armadas received in 1976 after a pestiferous litigation.
The Armadas filed the instant rescissory action against Mrs. Marin on
December 7, 1976. They overlooked the fact that Ariston P. Armada was not
bound at all by the deed since Manuel, who signed the deed for him, had no
authority to do so. Manuel was not the attorney-in-fact of Ariston (See Art.
1403 [1], Civil Code).
There was no trial. The case was submitted on the pleadings. The sole
issue resolved by the trial court was prescription. It held that the Armadas'
action had not prescribed because their right to rescind accrued only in 1976
when they discovered that Mrs. Marin could not perform her obligation under
the deed since she had assigned her hereditary rights to her sister.
Judge Midpantao L. Adil rescinded the deed of exchange, ordered
restitution of whatever might have been received by Mrs. Marin, released the
Armadas from their obligation under said deed and ordered Mrs. Marin to
pay the Armadas P10,000 as moral and exemplary damages and P3,000 as
attorney's fees. Mrs. Marin appealed to this Court on legal issues (L-49018).
Judge Adil issued an order of execution pending appeal which Mrs.
Marin assailed by certiorari in this Court. The enforcement of the execution
was restrained by this Court (L-47986). The two related cases have been
It is evident from the deed of exchange that the intention of the parties
relative to the lots, which are the objects of the exchange, cannot be
definitely ascertained. We hold that this circumstance renders the exchange
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void or inexistent (Art. 1378, 2nd par. and Art. 1409 [6], Civil Code).
Thus, as already noted, it is provided in paragraph 7 that the deed
should not be construed as an acknowledgment by the Armadas and Mrs.
Marin that they are entitled to the properties involved therein and that it was
executed "in anticipation of a declaration of" their rights to the properties.
Then, it is stipulated in paragraph 8 that the parties should take
possession and make use of the properties involved in the deed.
The two provisions are irreconcilable because paragraph 7
contemplates that the properties are still to be awarded or adjudicated to the
parties whereas paragraph 8 envisages a situation where the parties have
already control and possession thereof.
It should be noted that in paragraph 7 of Mrs. Marin's answer with
affirmative defense she avers therein that her 1968 agreement with her
sister means that she would convey her properties to the latter (Aurora)
when the Armadas should be "adjudged to be without rights or interests to
any properties in General Santos City" (p. 47, Rollo of L-49018). Such a
qualifications is not found in her agreement with her sister.
The instant rescissory action may be treated as an action to declare
void the deed of exchange. The action to declare the inexistence of a
contract does not prescribe (Art. 1410, Civil Code).
The properties covered by the deed should have been specified and
described. A perusal of the deed gives the impression that it involves many
properties. In reality, it refers only to 8,124 square meters of land, which the
Armadas would inherit from their uncle in General Santos City, and to the
9,000 square meters representing the proindiviso share of Mrs. Marin in her
parents' estate. As we have seen, Mrs. Marin rendered impossible the
performance of her obligation under the deed.
Because of that impossibility, the Armadas could rescind extrajudicially
the deed of exchange (Art. 1191 Civil Code; 4 Tolentino, Civil Code, 1973
Ed., pp. 171-172). If Mrs. Marin should sue the Armadas, her action would be
barred under the rule of exceptio non adimpleti contractus (plaintiff is not
entitled to sue because he has not performed his part of the agreement).
As no evidence was presented in this case, we cannot sustain the
award of P10,000 as moral and exemplary damages and P3,000 as
attorney's fees.
WHEREFORE, the trial court's judgment and the order of execution
pending appeal are set aside. The deed of exchange is hereby declared void
and inexistent. The annotation thereof on TCT Nos. 10833 and 10834 should
be cancelled. The Armadas' claim for damages and attorney's fees is denied.
Aquilina Provido-Marin's counterclaim is dismissed. No costs.
Makasiar, Concepcion, Jr., Guerrero, Abad Santos, Escolin and Cuevas,
JJ ., concur.

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