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Project RAR Integeration

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AP322 Configuration Design Document

Project_RAR Integration

Table of Contents

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Document History..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Change History .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 RASCI ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Approval Detail ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Other Related Documents ................................................................................................................ 4
3 Configuration Design Overview ................................................................................................................ 4
4 Process Integration Points and Variants .................................................................................................. 5
5 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. 5
6 Configuration Details ................................................................................................................................ 5
6.1 List of Configuration Steps ................................................................................................................ 5
6.1.1 Maintain Result Analysis Key ................................................................................................. 7
6.1.2 Define Cost Element for Result Analysis ................................................................................ 8
6.1.3 Define Result Analysis Version ............................................................................................. 10
6.1.4 Define Valuation Method for Result Analysis: ..................................................................... 13
6.1.5 Define Line IDs...................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.6 Define Assignment for Result Analysis ................................................................................. 17
6.1.7 Define updates for Result Analysis: ..................................................................................... 19
6.1.8 Define Posting Rules for Settlement to Accounting: ........................................................... 21
6.1.9 Define Number Ranges for Settlement Document: ............................................................. 23
6.1.10 Edit Project Planning Profile to inherit Planned revenue from Sales Document: ............... 24
6.1.11 Integrate Project Result Key analysis with RAR engine ....................................................... 27
7 RICEFW Considerations .......................................................................................................................... 30
8 Open issues ............................................................................................................................................. 30
This deliverable documents the rationale for configuring SAP to meet the specific business
requirements and explains the corresponding configuration nodes. The deliverable owner
describes “WHAT” will be configured in this section. The level at which this document needs to be
written can be a client specific decision based on the recommendations. For example, it can be
one per sub process or one per process or a logical grouping of the nodes.
The following settings are required for the “Execute Projects_RAR Integration”:

• Maintain result analysis key

• Define cost elements for result analysis
• Define result analysis Version
• Define valuation methods for result analysis
• Define line Ids
• Define assignments for result analysis
• Define updates for result analysis
• Define posting rules for settlement to financial accounting
• Maintain number ranges to result analysis document
• Edit project planning profile to inherit planned revenue from sales document
• Integrate result analysis key with RAR engine


In this section the deliverable owner lists the different configuration variants and instance
applicability of the solution. Some solutions will apply only to certain legal entities and countries
and deviate from the standard blueprint approach.

Integration Process Variant Configuration Task Name Variant Description

Point #


Additional configuration or master data set up required prior to this configuration rationale to be

Task Configuration Task Name Required Reference Document

1 Define Organization Units and Master data

2 Install BRF +
3 Install RAR Engine 1.3


4.1 List of Configuration Steps

Please include snapshots of configuration where applicable in addition to steps.

Step Menu Path Configuration Task Name T-Code Client


1 Project System > Revenue and Maintain Result Analysis Key OKG1 Yes
Earning > Automatic and Periodic
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Maintain Result Analysis Key

2 Project System > Revenue and Define Cost Elements for FS00 No
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Result Analysis
Allocation >Result Analysis> Edit
Result Analysis Cost Elements

3 Project System > Revenue and Maintain Result Analysis OKG2 Yes
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Version
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Maintain Result Analysis Version

4 Project System > Revenue and Define Valuation Method for OKG3 No
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Result Analysis
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Define Valuation Method for Result

5 Project System > Revenue and Define Line IDs SPRO No

Earning > Automatic and Periodic
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Define Line IDs

6 Project System > Revenue and Define assignments for Result OKG5 No
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Analysis
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Define Assignments for Result

7 Project System > Revenue and Define Updates for Result OKG4 No
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Analysis
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Define Updates for Result Analysis

8 Project System > Revenue and Define Posting Rules for OKG8 No
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Settlement to Accounting
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Define Posting Rules for Settlement
to Accounting

9 Project System > Revenue and Check Number Ranges for OKG6 No
Earning > Automatic and Periodic Settlement Documents
Allocation > Result Analysis > Edit
Result Analysis Keys & Versions >
Check Number Ranges for
Settlement Documents

10 Project System > Costs > Planned Create/Change Planning Profile OPSB Yes
costs > Manual Cost Planning in
WBS > Hierarchical Cost Planning >
Create /Change Planning Profile

11 1. Assign result Key Versions 1. Assign Result Key SM30 Yes

and Currency type to Versions and Currency
Company code and type to Company code
Accounting Principle and accounting
2. Specify RA Key ‘s and RA Principle
Versions which shall 2. Specify RA Key ‘s and
integrate with Revenue RA Versions which
Accounting shall integrate with
Revenue Accounting

4.1.1 Maintain Result Analysis Key

The business needs to specify if WIP or earned revenue of customer oriented projects to be calculated
and updated to P&L and BS periodically based on POC method in compliance with UGAP/IFRS reporting
requirements. In this step, it is possible to maintain Result Analysis Key which contain the control
parameter of calculating WIP/Earned revenue of customer oriented projects on POC basis, RA Key could
be an Alpha/Numeric or combination of both value.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Maintain Result
Analysis Key

IMG Transaction OKG1

Dependency Client Dependent

Related Tables
Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Maintain Result Analysis Keys

Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

RA key RAR_13 Key that defines the valuation of the order

during period-end closing

Text Results Analysis (RAR_ Project system) This is a brief description of the RA key

4.1.2 Define Cost Element for Result Analysis

This is a mostly technical decision where we maintain and use secondary cost element category 31 for
Result key analysis. This step is required as we need to update costs/revenues to required category of
WIP/Reserves/Secondary costs/revenues by using Result Analysis cost elements


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation
>Result Analysis> Edit Result Analysis Cost Elements

IMG Transaction FS00

Dependency Client Dependent

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:
Step 1: Define Cost element for Result analysis

Step 1 Configuration Data:

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

Secondary cost 9310900 Required to integrate G/L with Project system

CElem Category 31 Used to store results analysis data from

order/project results analysis on the
4.1.3 Define Result Analysis Version
Result Analysis Version has the control parameters of the result analysis. This is mostly a technical decision
but business needs to specify the objectives of result analysis whether they should follow the valuated
sales order stock method or non-valuated stock method. In this step, we will use the standard SAP
delivered Result Analysis version “0” with updated control parameters for result analysis.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Maintain Result
Analysis Version

IMG Transaction OKG2

Dependency Client Dependent

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Maintain Result analysis version

Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational

unit in Controlling

RA Version 0 Indicates the procedure by which results

analysis is performed or work in process

Text Plan/Act - Version for RAR This text uniquely defines the results
analysis version or the results analysis key.
Step 2: Settings in result analysis version

Step 2: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

Version relevant to Mark the check box Indicator that shows whether the results analysis
settlement version is relevant to settlement.

Transfer the financial Mark the check box This indicator means that results analysis data
accounting saved under this results analysis version can be
passed to Financial Accounting when you settle.

Assignment/RA key Mark the check box This indicator means that results analysis
data saved under this results analysis version
can be passed to Financial Accounting when
you settle.

Update plan values Mark the check box If this indicator is selected, the planned costs
of valuation and the planned revenues of
valuation used in results analysis are

4.1.4 Define Valuation Method for Result Analysis:

There are different methods where by Result Analysis data can be of type capitalized cost or revenue
more than billing, reserves for unrealized costs, reserve for loses, reserve for cost of sales. This is mostly
a technical step where we will follow the standard SAP delivered Valuation method “3” based on POC link
or Controlling Area- Result Analysis Version and Result Analysis Key.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Define Valuation
Method for Result Analysis

IMG Transaction OKG3

Dependency Client Dependent

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Define Valuation method for result analysis

Step 1: Configuration data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

RA Version 0 Indicates the procedure by which results analysis is performed or work in

process calculated

RA Key RAR_13 Key that defines the valuation of the order during period-end closing.

Expert Check box Expert Mode is active when settings have been made in the valuation method
that do not correspond to those of Simplified Customizing.

Step 2: Settings for valuation method for result analysis

Step 2: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in

RA Key RAR_13 Key that defines the valuation of the order during period-end

Result analysis method 03 The results analysis method determines how the following
results analysis data are calculated in the period-end closing
process of the Product Cost by Sales Order component:

Result Analysis with REL For a WBS element status must be set manually by releasing
status the WBS element

Cancel TECO TECO status is used for the cancellation of reserves and
inventory/Reserves with inventories

Plan Value of Object and Select the radio This indictor controls whether the planned costs on which
Dependent Objects button results analysis is based are calculated using the cost estimate
of the object plus the cost estimates of the dependent objects.

Valuation at Totals Level Select the radio Valuation at total level is selected to calculate the results
button analysis data as a total for each sales order item.

4.1.5 Define Line IDs

Line IDs structure the Result Analysis data per the requirement of financial accounting. (WIP/Unrealized
cost/Surplus/Reserves/Revenue). Business should confirm the correct category to which the Result
Analysis data to be grouped. In this step, we will follow with the SAP delivered standard values. “From a
RAR perspective SAP has delivered an additional Line ID “RAD” which also must be assigned to our
Controlling Area.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Define Line IDs

IMG Transaction SPRO

Dependency N/A

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Define Line IDs
Step 1: Configuration data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

Line ID RAD Line ID is used for grouping the cost elements or revenue elements for
the object per origin.

Name RAR RAD 1.3 Key that defines the valuation of the order during period-end closing.

4.1.6 Define Assignment for Result Analysis

The costs captured or revenue accrued under corresponding cost element categories should be assigned
to the Line IDs which we created in previous step. Business will provide the list of cost elements (P&L
accounts) which will assign to Line IDs. In this step, we will assign the Cost Elements for Costs and
Revenues provided by business to our combination of Controlling Area-Result Key Version and Result Key
category. System give the capability to mask to cost elements if it is plenty. RAR specific Requirement
category “RAD” also has the specific assignment.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Define Assignments
for Result Analysis

IMG Transaction OKG5

Dependency N/A

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:
Step 1: Define Assignments for results analysis

Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

RA version 0 Indicates the procedure by which results analysis is performed or work in

process calculated.

RA key RAR_13 Key that defines the valuation of the order during period-end closing.

Masked cost 0004110004 Indicates which cost elements or revenue elements are included in results
elements analysis or WIP calculation.

Masked ++++ This specifies which origin groups are included in results analysis or WIP
Material origin calculation.

Debit/Credit + This indicates whether the costs that are written under the cost element
indicator entered are credits or debits for results analysis and WIP calculation.

Variable/fixed + Indicates whether the costs for results analysis and WIP calculation that are
indicator written under the cost element you entered are: Variable cost, Fixed cost etc.

Accounting ++ Criterion per which costs and revenues can be differentiated within the
indicator framework of service processing.
Valid from This period controls when the apportionment of costs on the object into
period: Period costs that must be capitalized and costs that cannot be capitalized becomes
and fiscal year valid.

Line ID RAD Specifies the Line IDs whose costs must be capitalized.

4.1.7 Define updates for Result Analysis:

The Line IDs which groups the costs or revenues under the correct category should be assigned with cost
elements to capture the values and to be updated to P&L or BS items during the result analysis. Business
will provide us the list of cost and revenue Elements under various Result Analysis Categories.In this step,
we will assign the cost elements for costs and revenues provided by business under each category to our
combination of Controlling Area-Result Key- Result Key Version and result category. RAR specific
Requirement category “RAD” also has the specific update.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Define Updates for
Result Analysis

IMG Transaction OKG4

Dependency N/A

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Define Updates for Result Analysis
Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

RA version 0 Indicates the procedure by which results analysis is performed or work in

process calculated.

RA key RAR_13 Key that defines the valuation of the order during period-end closing.

Line ID COP, COS, RAD, Groups the cost elements or revenue elements for the object per origin.

Category K, R, E, K Identifies the cost elements that are grouped into line IDs for the calculation
of work in process and results analysis.

Cost element 9310100,9310500, In results analysis, the capitalized costs can be shown under this cost
for capitalized element.
costs 9310200,9310600,
4.1.8 Define Posting Rules for Settlement to Accounting:
The results calculated during Result Key Analysis per the corresponding Result Category to be updated to
BS and P&L during the periodic settlement of the Project. Business will provide the list of BS Current
Asset/Lability and P&L Revenue GL accounts which are to be periodically updated. In this step, we will
assign BS Current Asset/Lability and P&L Revenue GL accounts which are to be periodically updated during
the periodic settlement to our combination of Controlling Are- Company Code- Result Key Version- Result
Key category. Here RAR specific Result Category VLRV is specifically assigned the corresponding BS and
P&L GL accounts for the update of result originating from RK cost element.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Define Posting Rules
for Settlement to Accounting

IMG Transaction OKG8

Dependency N/A

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Define posting rules for settlement to accounting

Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

Company code 4001 The company code is an organizational unit within financial accounting.

RA version 0 Indicates the procedure by which results analysis is performed or work in

process calculated.

RA category WIPR, POCI, Key that indicates the origin of the results analysis data.

Cost element 9310200 Items in a chart of accounts that are relevant to cost, are referred to as cost
elements. They are used for entering all costs within the entire cost
accounting system.
Profit and loss 7900920 This indicates the number of the G/L account to which the calculated work
G/L in process or the calculated results analysis data is posted in Financial
Balance Sheet 1140602 This indicates the number of G/L account to which the work in process or
G/L the calculated results analysis data is posted in Financial Accounting

4.1.9 Define Number Ranges for Settlement Document:

This is a technical decision to have number ranges for the documents created during the settlement.
configuration design and rationale. In this step, document number ranges are maintained for settlement
documents in out Controlling Area.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Revenue and Earning > Automatic and Periodic Allocation >
Result Analysis > Edit Result Analysis Keys & Versions > Check Number Ranges
for Settlement Documents

IMG Transaction OKG6

Dependency N/A

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Define number ranges for settlement document
Ensure the below objects have number ranges assigned to it

Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

Controlling K0A0, K0AP, K0A0 - It is used for actual settlement of cost within controlling
Number range RKP9 K0AP - It is used for Plan settlement of cost within controlling
RKP9 - It is used for Plan. Act-dep. Settlement of costs within controlling

4.1.10 Edit Project Planning Profile to inherit Planned revenue from Sales Document:
This is a technical decision. We are using the standard project Planning Profile "000001” with the
automatic update of revenue from Sales order. Configuration Design and Rationale.In this step,
we will update the Project Planning Profile to inherit the Sales Order line item to be inherited as
planned revenue for the WBS.


SAP Module Project System

Customizing Path Project System > Costs > Planned costs > Manual Cost Planning in WBS >
Hierarchical Cost Planning > Create /Change Planning Profile

IMG Transaction OPSB

Dependency Client dependant

Related Tables

Customizing Pre-requisites

Change Request(s) Id.

Configuration Steps and Parameters:

Step 1: Create/Change Planning profile
Configuration Steps and Parameters:
Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

Prim. CElem. INT-2 A cost element group is an organizational unit, used to summarize cost
grp elements of the same type.

Revenue INT-5 A cost element group is an organizational unit, used to summarize cost
CElement grp. elements of the same type.

Costing variant PS01 To determines how a cost estimate is performed and valuated.

Exchange Rate M: Average rate Key representing a type of exchange rate in the system.

Annual Values Mark the check Indicator which controls whether it is possible to plan/budget annual
box values.

Time frame 3 Indicates that budgeting and planning can be done for the past 3 years
allowed in the from the start year.

Future time 5 Indicates that budgeting and planning can be done for a maximum for 5
frame allowed years from the start year

4.1.11 Integrate Project Result Key analysis with RAR engine

This is a technical decision. The results calculated in the Project Result Analysis should be converted into
POB in RAR engine for further processing. In this step, we will integrate Project Result Key Analysis with
RAR engine. We are using Standard transaction- SM30 and Standard View V_TKKA_RR_AC and
V_TKKA_RR_ME for this integration.
Step IMG Configuration Task T-Code Client Dependent

1 Assign result Key Versions and Currency Assign Result Key SM30 Yes
type to Company code and Accounting Versions and
Principle Currency type to
Company code and
accounting Principle

2. Specify RA Key ‘s and RA Versions which Specify RA Key ‘s and SM30 Yes
shall integrate with Revenue Accounting RA Versions which
shall integrate with
Revenue Accounting

Step 1 : Assign result Key Versions and Currency type to Company code and Accounting Principle

Enter SM30 in SAP Easy Access menu

And maintain the views: V_TKKA_RR_AC & V_TKKA_RR_ME
Step 1: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

Co Cd 4001 The company code is an organizational unit within financial accounting.

RA 0 Indicates the procedure by which results analysis is performed or work

in process calculated.

Accounting IFRS The accounting principle is the designation for the legal regulations per
principle which financial statements are drawn up and rendered.

Currency type Group currency Currency type for controlling area

for controlling

Step 2: Specify RA Key ‘s and RA Versions which shall integrate with Revenue Accounting
Step 2: Configuration Data

Field Name Field Value Reason for Setting

COAr 6000 The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling

Co Cd 4001 The company code is an organizational unit within financial accounting.

RA version 0 Indicates the procedure by which results analysis is performed or work

in process calculated.

RA key RAR_13 The accounting principle is the designation for the legal regulations per
which financial statements are drawn up and rendered.

RA/RR POC-Based Determines how result analysis key integrates with RAR
Integration integration

RICEFW Number Description

1 Additional configuration or master data set up required prior to this configuration rationale
to be started.

Issue Description Owner Status

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