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The Complete Baking Book For Young Chefs: 100+ Sweet and Savory Recipes That You'll Love To Bake, Share and Eat!

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The key takeaways are that the book covers a wide variety of baked goods beyond just cupcakes and that it aims to teach baking to young chefs.

The book covers a variety of baked goods from breakfast items like muffins to breads, cookies, cakes and more advanced items like pies and tarts.

The book is aimed at young chefs ages 8 and up.



“ Perfect crust.”
—Helen , 12
“ The dough

was tricky but
really yummy.”


—Claire , 10
“They tasted delicious. I even licked
the extra frosting.” —Sonia, 9

“ The sprinkles made it look

“ I was really fantastic and good for “ The
excited to valentines.” —Tanner , 10 1/2 buttery
make dough flavor was
from scratch.” awesome .”
—Sophia , 8 —Layla , 10


Want to make your own soft pretzels? Or wow your friends with homemade
empanadas? What about creating a showstopping pie? Maybe some chewy
brownies after school? From breakfast to breads, from cookies to cakes
(yes, even cupcakes!), learn to bake it all here. You can do this, and it’s fun!

AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN has been teaching home cooks to be successful in the kitchen
for twenty-five years. Millions watch our shows on public television, read our magazines and
books, or rely on our websites. Young chefs, it’s your turn! To learn more about America’s Test
Kitchen Kids, visit

The # 1
New York Times Juvenile Nonfiction
Ages 8 and up
$19.99 U.S.

Bestseller! ISBN-13: 978-1-4926-7769-7


9 781492 677697

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Copyright © 2019 by America’s Test Kitchen

Cover and interior design © 2019 by Sourcebooks
Cover design by Sourcebooks
Cover image by Daniel J. van Ackere
Back cover images by America’s Test Kitchen
Interior photography © America’s Test Kitchen
Interior design by Danielle McNaughton
Interior illustrations by Maryn Arreguín and Jordan Kost AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN
Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks Editor in Chief: Molly Birnbaum
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WOZ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Bridget Lancaster

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5 139
Ready, Set, Bake! Chapter 5
Cakes & Cupcakes
Chapter 1 187
Muffins, Quick Breads Chapter 6
& Other Breakfast Treats Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

55 218
Chapter 2 Conversions & Equivalents
Yeast Breads
81 Recipe Stats
Chapter 3
Pizza, Flatbread 223
& Other Savory Baked Goods
Chapter 4
Cookies & Bars

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Treats Taste Better
When You Make
Them Yourself
One of the best things about baked goods is that it’s almost impossible not to share them
with family and friends. And when these treats are shared, they make people feel happy.
So by baking, you’re essentially just making the people you love feel good. Plus, baked
goods taste better when you make them yourself!

Like our first cookbook for kids, The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs, this book is
kid-tested and kid-approved. That means there are thousands of other kids just like you
out there, making these recipes and sharing them with their friends and family, loving the
process and the results. When making this book, we had more than 4,000 kids testing
each and every recipe, sending us feedback (and even coming into our office to cook in
the test kitchen), and letting us know what worked well and what could use improvement.
You’ll see a handful of these recipe testers in the pages of this book. Thank you to every-
one who helped make this book as delicious as possible!

Baking is a science as well as an art, so as you begin baking on your own, don’t be
surprised if you have questions (never hesitate to ask an adult) and you make some
mistakes (we’ve all been there). Mistakes are an important part of the baking and cooking
process. Luckily, they’re often still pretty delicious.

And most important? Have fun with this book. Use it to be creative. And take pride in all
that you’re about to accomplish.

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Ready, Set, Bake!

Understanding the How to Use the

Symbols in This Book Recipes in This Book
To help you find the right recipe for you, Baking (or cooking) from a recipe is actually
this book relies on a system of symbols a three-step process, and the recipes in this
to designate skill level as well as type of book are written to reflect that, with three
cooking required. distinct sections. The key to successful (and
easy) baking is, in our humble opinion, all
about organization. If you prepare all your
ingredients (do the measuring or melting)
and gather all your equipment before you
start baking, then you won’t have to run
around the kitchen looking for that last pan
or realize that you’re out of flour.
1 hat: 2 hats: 3 hats:
beginner intermediate advanced Prepare Ingredients: Start with the
recipe recipe recipe list of ingredients and prepare them
as directed. Measure ingredients, melt
butter, and chop as needed. Wash fruits
and vegetables. You can use small prep
= requires use of knife bowls to keep ingredients organized.

= requires use of microwave Gather Baking Equipment: Once all

your ingredients are ready, put all the
= requires use of stovetop tools you will need to follow the recipe
instructions on the counter.
= requires use of oven
Start Baking!: It’s finally time to mix
= no knives or heat required ingredients together and bake them in
the oven. Any ingredients that need to
be prepped at the last minute will have
instruction within the recipe itself.

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Secret #1: Read Carefully Secret #2: Stay Focused
If you’re learning to bake, you’re probably Baking requires a lot of attention—every
reading a recipe. It will take some time to single ingredient is important to the
understand the language used in baking success of the recipe.
recipes (see Decoding Bakingspeak,
page 8). • Measure VERY carefully (see page 10
for more tips). Even more than in cooking,
• Start with the key stats. How much food the amount of each ingredient in a baking
does the recipe make? How long will it recipe can make a difference. Too much
take? (Some bread recipes can take time (or not enough) yeast or baking powder
over the course of two whole days.) When or baking soda can ruin a recipe.
you’re hungry for breakfast or an after-
noon snack, choose a recipe that takes • Recipes are written with both visual
less than an hour. (“bake until golden brown”) and time
cues (“bake for 22 minutes”). Bakers use
• Make sure you have the right ingredi- all their senses—sight, hearing, touch,
ents and equipment. Make sure you have smell, and taste—in the kitchen.
the right cake pan before you start mixing
your cake batter. Make sure you have • Many recipes contain time ranges, such
yeast before you start making your bread as “bake until golden brown, 22 to 26
dough. minutes.” These ranges account for differ-
ences in various ovens. Set your timer for
• It’s important to follow the recipe the lowest number. If the food isn’t done
for most things in this book. (Baking is yet (see page 15 for tips on testing for
precise, and the ratios of ingredients doneness), you can keep on baking it.
are important!) But, as in our first book,
we have “Make It Your Way” sidebars
throughout the book to help inspire you
to get creative wherever you can, custom-
izing recipes to your taste.

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Secret #3: Practice Safety
Ovens can be dangerous (they’re hot!).
Always ask an adult for help if you’re in

• Use the knife that’s right for you. This

will depend on the size of your hands and
your skill level.

• Hot stovetops and ovens can cause

painful burns. Assume that anything on
the stovetop (including the pan’s handle
and lid) is hot. Everything inside the oven
is definitely hot. Always use oven mitts.

• Wash your hands before cooking. Secret #4: Mistakes

• Wash your hands after touching raw eggs.
Are More Than OK
• Never let foods you eat raw (such as Mistakes are a big part of baking and one
sliced berries) touch foods you will cook of the best ways to learn. Don’t sweat it.
(such as raw eggs). Try to figure out what you would do differ-
ently next time. Maybe you should have
• Don’t ever leave something on the stove set a timer so you would remember to
unattended. Always turn off the stove and check the cookies in the oven. Maybe you
oven when you’re done. should have measured more carefully.

• If your food isn’t perfect, don’t worry. A

misshapen cookie is still delicious. If you
enjoy your “mistakes,” everyone else will
enjoy them too. Remember: You baked!
That’s so cool.

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Whisk: To combine ingredients with a
whisk until uniform or evenly incorpo-
rated. For example, you whisk together
dry ingredients such as flour, sugar, baking
powder, and baking soda.

Stir: To combine ingredients in a bowl

or cooking vessel, often with a rubber
spatula or wooden spoon.

Whip: To combine vigorously with a whisk

or electric mixer, with the goal of adding Knead: To mix and move dough with
air to increase the volume of the ingre- your hands (or a stand mixer) in order to
dients (such as whipping cream or egg develop the gluten structure of the dough.
Rise: When dough rises, yeast creates gas
Beat: To combine vigorously with a whisk, bubbles that cause the dough to expand
fork, or electric mixer, often with the goal and develop flavor.
of adding air to increase the volume of the
ingredients (such as beating butter and Peel: To remove the outer skin, rind, or
sugar together to make cookie dough). layer from food, usually a piece of fruit or
a vegetable. Often done with a vegetable
Scrape: To push ingredients on the peeler.
sides of a bowl, pan, blender jar, or food
processor back into the center—or out of Zest: To remove the flavorful colored
a bowl into a pan. A rubber spatula is the outer peel from a lemon, lime, or orange
best tool for this job. (the colored skin is called the zest). Does
not include the bitter white layer (called
pith) under the zest.

Chop: To cut food with a knife into small

• Cho ed ine = 8- to ¼-inch pieces
• Chopped = ¼- to ½-inch pieces
• Chopped coarse = ½- to ¾-inch pieces
Use a ruler to understand the different

Mince: To cut food with a knife into

8-inch pieces or smaller.

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Flour: Stock all-purpose flour in your Milk & dairy: Milk, cream, half-and-
pantry—it works well in a wide range of half (made with half milk and half cream),
recipes, from cakes to cookies. Sometimes yogurt, and sour cream are common
we call for cake flour (which contains less ingredients. It’s important in baking
structure-building protein), bread flour recipes to use the type of dairy called for
(which contains more), or whole-wheat flour. (don’t substitute low-fat milk for cream).

Vegetable Oil Spray: We often call Vanilla Extract: Vanilla is one of the
for this sprayable oil to coat cake pans world’s most popular flavors. It comes in
and muffin tins and help prevent baked two forms: pure vanilla extract, which is
goods from sticking. Sometimes we call made from the seed pods of vanilla orchid
for “vegetable oil spray with flour,” also vines, and synthetic vanilla, which is made
known as “baking spray,” which is just in a lab. Either will work in our recipes.
what it sounds like—sprayable oil with
added flour. This helps with particularly Chocolate: There are many differ-
sticky batters or batters that need a little ent types of chocolate—bittersweet,
help rising in the pan. semisweet, milk, white. They all have
different percentages of cacao (the
Eggs: Our recipes call for large eggs. It’s darkest chocolate contains the most, and
important in baking recipes to use the white chocolate contains none).
size the recipe calls for.
Cocoa powder (Dutch): This unsweet-
Baking powder & baking soda: ened powder is made from grinding
These leaveners are essential in pancakes, the seeds of a cacao tree. In baking, we
muffins, cakes, cookies, and more. They call for Dutch-processed cocoa powder,
are not interchangeable. which has been processed in a way that
raises the cocoa powder’s pH, and makes
Yeast: Yeast is a single-celled fungi it taste more fully chocolaty and have a
(yes, it’s alive!). It metabolizes sugars and darker color. (See page 159 for more on
creates carbon dioxide, helping bread cocoa powder.)
rise. Yeast can be fresh or dried. We use
dried yeast in this book—either instant or Salt: There are many kinds of salt. Most
rapid-rise. (See page 78 for more on yeast.) of the recipes in this book were tested
with table salt (the kind with fine crystals
Sugar: Granulated white sugar is that you keep in a shaker). You can use
the most commonly used sweetener, larger, chunkier kosher salt or sea salt, but
although some recipes call for confec- you may need a bit more of it.
tioners’ (powdered) sugar or brown sugar
(use either light or dark unless the recipe Butter: Use unsalted butter. Salted
specifies otherwise). When we call for butter is great on toast but can make
“sugar” in our recipes, we are referring to some foods too salty.
granulated white sugar.

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It’s important to measure accurately when baking. There are two ways to measure ingre-
dients: by weight, using a scale, or by volume, using measuring cups and spoons.

Using a Scale

Turn on the scale and place the bowl on Slowly add your ingredient to the bowl
the scale. Then press the “tare” button to until you reach the desired weight. Here
zero out the weight (that means that the we are weighing 5 ounces of all-purpose
weight of the bowl won’t be included). flour (which is equal to 1 cup).

How to Measure Dry

and Liquid Ingredients

Dry ingredients should be measured in dry measuring

cups—small metal or plastic cups with handles. Each set has
cups of varying sizes. Dip the measuring cup into the ingre-
dient and sweep away the excess with the back of a butter

Liquid ingredients should be measured in a liquid measur-

ing cup (a larger clear plastic or glass cup with lines on the
side, a big handle, and a pour spout). Set the measuring cup
level on the counter and bend down to read the bottom of
the concave arc at the liquid’s surface. This is known as the
meniscus line. Note that small amounts of both dry and liquid
ingredients are measured with small measuring spoons.

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How to Measure Ice Water
When ice water is called for in a recipe, it is essential that
the water is very, very cold—but we do not want the ice
to end up in the food! Here is the best way to measure
out ice water:

Fill up a large glass with ice and water. Keep this in the
refrigerator until right before you need to use it—this is
VERY important! Place a fine-mesh strainer over a bowl
or liquid measuring cup. Place the bowl or measuring
cup on a scale (if using) and tare the scale. Then pour
the water through the fine-mesh strainer to measure the
desired amount of water. Discard the ice.

Microwave 101

Most microwaves have a power setting

that lets you cook things at reduced
power levels. It’s important to melt
butter and chocolate at 50 percent of
full power. The controls can vary from
microwave to microwave, but often you
have to set the power level before set-
ting the time. Ask an adult for help.

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Why do we let baked goods cool if they’re still delicious when warm?
We know, we know: no one wants to wait for their delicious treats to cool. But it is impor-
tant in most cases. Breads can deflate, be hard to slice, and taste gummy if they’re still
hot. And you definitely don’t want to try to frost a hot cake, cupcake, or cookie (unless
you’re looking for frosting soup).

What’s the best way to store baked goods?

Have leftovers? It’s important to always let your baked goods cool completely before
storing for later. Then, place them in airtight containers or zipper-lock plastic bags and
keep them on the counter for anywhere from two to four days. Note that baked goods
stored in the refrigerator will get stale faster.

Speaking of… Why does bread get stale?

Excellent question. Bread often gets stale, or dry and crusty, after a couple of days
thanks to something called retrogradation. When bread is baking, the liquid in the dough
hydrates the starch in the flour, causing it to soften and resulting in soft, pliable bread. But
when bread sits out after it’s been baked, the starches start to crystallize, trapping a lot
of that water within that new crystalline structure. There is still liquid there, but it’s hiding,
making the bread feel all dry and crusty. One way to improve stale bread is by toasting it.
The heat releases all that hidden water, reviving your slice of bread.

What is gluten, anyway?

Yes, we talk about gluten all the time. But it’s very important in bread (it’s not just something
people are allergic to). Why? Gluten is a protein. It is created when flour and water mix.
The long strands of protein are kind of like elastic bands for your hair, and they have the
ability to expand. This is particularly important when bread rises, because the network
of gluten proteins can trap air inside the bread dough, helping it grow tall. Kneading
or mixing helps the gluten develop into a strong network that can trap lots of air, which
helps give bread a nice chewy texture.

Why do you flour the counter sometimes but not all the time when working with
Doughs have different textures, depending on what you’re making. Some doughs are
very sticky, and in order to shape them into scones or rolls, you need to sprinkle a little
flour onto the counter and your hands so the dough doesn’t stick to everything. Other
doughs are relatively dry, so there’s no need to add extra flour. Don’t worry, our recipes
will tell you when you need to use a little extra flour.

12 A The Complete Baking Book for Young Chefs

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How to Melt Butter
Butter can be melted in a small saucepan on the stove (use
medium-low heat), but we think the microwave is easier.

1. Cut butter into 1-tablespoon pieces. Place butter in microwave-

safe bowl.

2. Place bowl in microwave and cover bowl with small plate.

Heat butter at 50 percent power (see page 11) until melted, 30
to 60 seconds (longer if melting a lot of butter). Watch butter
and stop microwave as soon as butter has melted. Use oven

mitts to remove bowl from microwave.

How to Soften Butter

When taken straight from the refrigerator, butter is quite firm.
For some baking recipes and many frostings, you need to soften
butter before trying to combine it with other ingredients. This is
just a fancy term for letting the temperature of butter rise from
35 degrees (its refrigerator temperature) to 65 degrees (cool
room temperature). This takes about 1 hour. But here are two
ways to speed things up.

Counter Method: Cut butter into 1-inch pieces (to create more
surface area). Place butter on plate and wait about 30 minutes.
Once butter gives to light pressure (try to push your fingertip
into butter), it’s ready to use.

Microwave Method: Cut butter into 1-inch pieces and place on microwave-safe plate.
Heat in microwave at 50 percent power (see page 11) for 10 seconds. Check butter with
fingertip test. Heat for another 5 to 10 seconds if necessary.

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How to Crack and Separate Eggs
Unless you are hard-cooking eggs, you need to start by cracking them open. In some
recipes, you will need to separate the yolk (the yellow part) and white (the clear part) and
use them differently. Cold eggs are much easier to separate.

1 2 3
1. To crack: Gently hit 2. Pull shell apart into 2 3. To separate yolk and white: Use
side of egg against pieces over bowl. Let your hand to very gently transfer yolk
flat surface of counter yolk and white drop to second bowl.
or cutting board. into bowl. Discard shell.

How to Crack and

Lightly Beat Egg

Sometimes you need an egg wash (a beaten egg) to

brush over dough, which helps with browning and
shine or helps seal dough together.

Gently hit side of egg against flat surface of counter or

cutting board. Pull shell apart into 2 pieces over bowl.
Let yolk and white drop into bowl. Discard shell. Use
fork to beat egg until well combined. Hint: moving
the fork quickly from side to side works better than
moving it in a circle.

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How to Test for Doneness
Clean with a Toothpick
Here’s an easy way to test baked goods (muffins, cupcakes,
cakes, brownies, and more) for doneness. See individual
recipes—in some cases the toothpick should come out clean,
while in other recipes a few crumbs are OK. If you see wet,
sticky batter, keep on baking.

Insert toothpick into center of baked good, then remove it.

Examine toothpick for crumbs and evaluate it against directions
Crumbs in specific recipe to determine if baked good is ready to come
attached out of oven.

How to Make an Aluminum Foil Sling

Lining a baking pan with two pieces of aluminum foil makes it super easy to get baked
brownies, cakes, and even granola bars out of the pan. The pieces of foil should be the
same width as the pan and long enough to hang over the sides.

For an 8-inch square pan, both sheets of foil should measure 8 inches across and roughly
13 inches long.

For a 13-by-9-inch pan, one sheet should measure 13 inches wide and the other 9 inches
wide. Both sheets should be about 18 inches long.

1 2
1.Fold 2 long sheets of aluminum foil 2. Lay sheets of foil in pan so that sheets
to match width of baking pan. Sheets are perpendicular to each other. Let
should be same width for square pans extra foil hang over edges of pan. Push
but different widths for rectangular pans. foil into corners and up sides of pan,
smoothing foil so it rests against pan.

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How to Grease a Baking Pan or Muffin Tin
In most recipes, pans need just a quick coat of
vegetable oil spray and they are ready to go. Try
this trick to keep mess to a minimum.

Hold baking pan or muffin tin over sink. Spray

inside of pan, making sure to get even coverage
on bottom and sides. Don’t worry if some spray
misses the mark. It will wash off next time you
wash dishes.

How to Grate or Shred Cheese

Cheese is often cut into very
small pieces to flavor pizza,
bread, rolls, and more. When
grating or shredding, use a big
piece of cheese so your hand
stays safely away from the
sharp holes.

1. Tograte: Hard cheeses such

as Parmesan can be rubbed
against a rasp grater or the
small holes of a box grater to
make a fluffy pile of cheese.

2.To shred: Semisoft cheeses

such as cheddar or mozzarella

1 2
can be rubbed against the large
holes of a box grater to make
long pieces of cheese.

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How to Chop Fresh Herbs
Fresh herbs need to be washed and dried before they are chopped (or minced).

1 2
1. Use your fingers to remove leaves from stems; discard stems.
2. Gather leaves into small pile. Place one hand on handle of chef’s knife and rest fingers
of your other hand on top of blade. Use rocking motion, pivoting knife as you chop.

How to Zest and Juice Citrus Fruit

The flavorful colored skin from lemons, limes, and oranges (called the zest) is often
removed and used in recipes. If you need zest, it’s best to zest before juicing. After
juicing, use a small spoon to remove any seeds from the bowl of juice.

1 2 3
1. To zest: Rub fruit against rasp grater to remove colored zest. Turn fruit as you rub to
avoid bitter white layer underneath zest.

2. To juice: Cut fruit in half through equator (not through ends).

3. Place 1 half of fruit in citrus juicer. Hold juicer over bowl and squeeze to extract juice.

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The right gear is essential. You can’t bake a layer cake in a loaf pan! Here are the tools you
will use over and over again. We’ve divided items into six categories: knives, bakeware,
kitchen basics, small appliances, prep tools, and baking tools. You will need some specialty
items, such as a springform pan, tart pan, or small ramekins, for select recipes.

Paring knife KNIVES

Chef’s knife
Cutting board

chef’s knife

Bread knife


Rimmed baking sheet Cooling rack 12-cup and 24-cup

muffin tins

8-inch and 9-inch round metal 8½-by-4½-inch 9-inch pie plate

13-by-9-inch metal cake pan metal loaf pan
baking pans

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Prep bowls Oven mitts Dish towels

Parchment paper Aluminum foil Plastic wrap Toothpicks

Blender Stand mixer
Food processor


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Measuring Scale
spoons Liquid
measuring cup


Can opener
Dry measuring

Citrus juicer

Rasp grater

Box grater

Vegetable peeler

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Kid-friendly rolling pin
(see page 203)

Bench scraper

Icing spatula Fine-mesh

(offset) strainer

Spatula Rubber



thermometer For more information about
America’s Test Kitchen Kids, visit

Ready, Set, Bake! B 21

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Chapter 1: Muffins,
Quick Breads & Other
Breakfast Treats
Want to start your day off right?
Or make a quick treat? Look no further.

Spiced Applesauce Muffins ................... 24 Crumb Cake .......................................... 44

Banana and Chocolate Chip Mini Muffin Tin Doughnut Holes ........... 46
Mini Muffins ........................................... 26
Popovers................................................ 48
Whole-Wheat Raspberry Muffins ........... 28
Buttermilk Biscuits ................................. 50
Corn Muffins .......................................... 30
Cherry, Almond, and
Zucchini Bread ....................................... 32 Chocolate Chip Granola ........................ 52

Pumpkin Bread Superpower Granola ......................... 53

with Chocolate Chips ............................ 34

Quick Cheese Bread .............................. 36

Quick Bread and Muffin 101.................. 38

Simple Cream Scones............................ 40

Berry Scones .......................................... 42

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Makes 12 muffins
Total Time: 55 minutes,
plus 25 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
¾ cup (3¾ ounces) all-purpose flour
cup ( ¹∕8 ounces) whole-wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
²∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) sugar
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
8 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
¼ cup (2 ounces) apple cider or apple juice “ It was easy. It was so super delicious
1 large egg that I made it twice.” —Teagan , 12
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Gather Baking Equipment

12-cup muffin tin
3 bowls (1 large, 1 medium, 1 small)
1-tablespoon measuring spoon
Rubber spatula
¼-cup dry measuring cup
Oven mitts
Cooling rack

24 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray 12-cup muffin
tin, including top, with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour, baking soda, and salt.
3.In large bowl, whisk together sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Transfer 2 tablespoons
sugar mixture to small bowl and reserve for sprinkling.

4. Add applesauce, melted butter, cider, egg, and vanilla to remaining sugar mixture in
large bowl and whisk until well combined.

5. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula to gently stir until just combined and no dry
flour is visible. Do not overmix (see page 38).

6. Spray ¼-cup dry measuring cup with vegetable oil spray. Use greased measuring cup
to divide batter evenly among muffin cups (see photos, page 39). Sprinkle reserved sugar
mixture evenly over batter in each muffin cup.

7.Place muffin tin in oven. Bake until muffins are deep golden brown and toothpick
inserted in center of 1 muffin comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 20 to 25 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin tin
on cooling rack and let muffins cool in muffin tin for 15 minutes.

9. Using your fingertips, gently wiggle muffins to loosen from muffin tin (see photo, page 39)
and transfer directly to cooling rack. Let muffins cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.

Muffins That Taste Like Fall

It’s always sad to say goodbye to the warm days of summer. But fall doesn’t just mean
back to school—it also means it’s apple season! In baking, apples are often paired up with
“warm” spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon. These spices aren’t hot to the touch, but
they can impart a sense of warmth because they are very full and aromatic. They are a great
match for autumn produce such as apples, pumpkin, and squash. These muffins, full of
applesauce, apple cider, cinnamon, and nutmeg, are tiny packages of fall flavors. Bonus: the
sugar sprinkled on top gives them a sweet, crunchy crust!

Spiced Applesauce Muffins B 25

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Makes 24 mini muffins
Total Time: 45 minutes,
plus 20 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
¹∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
2 very ripe bananas (skins should be
speckled black)
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
The Many Shades
for how to melt butter)
¼ cup plain yogurt
1 large egg
of Banana
½ teaspoon vanilla extract This recipe calls for very ripe bananas, which are
¹∕3 cup (2 ounces) mini chocolate chips sweeter and moister than underripe ones. To tell
how ripe your banana is, look at the peel: If the
peel looks greenish and feels a little hard, your
Gather Baking Equipment banana is underripe. If it’s bright yellow and a
little bit soft, it’s ripe (perfect for snacking!). And
24-cup mini Rubber spatula
if it has black or brown spots and feels very soft,
muffin tin 1-tablespoon
it’s very ripe (great for baking). If you have too
2 bowls (1 large, measuring spoon
1 medium) Toothpick
many very ripe bananas on hand, don't worry:
Whisk Oven mitts freeze them to cook with later! Peel the bananas,
Large fork or Cooling rack place them in a zipper-lock bag, and put them in
potato masher the freezer. Just thaw them before you bake.

26 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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“ This was very fun . We had learned about
fractions in school, and now we are using math.
And chocolate chips. Yummy! ” —Morgan, 9
Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray 24-cup mini
muffin tin well with vegetable oil spray (make sure to get inside each mini cup!).

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt.

3. Peel bananas and place in large bowl. Use large fork or potato masher to mash bananas
until broken down but still chunky.

4. Add sugar, melted butter, yogurt, egg, and vanilla to bowl with bananas and whisk until

5. Add flour mixture and chocolate chips and use rubber spatula to gently stir until just
combined and no dry flour is visible. Batter should look thick and chunky—do not overmix
(see page 38).

6. Spray 1-tablespoon measuring spoon with vegetable oil spray. Use greased measur-
ing spoon to scoop 1 heaping tablespoon batter into each muffin tin cup (see photos,
page 39).

7. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake until muffins are golden brown and toothpick inserted in
center of 1 muffin comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 13 to 15 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin tin
on cooling rack and let muffins cool in muffin tin for 15 minutes.

9. Using your fingertips, gently wiggle muffins to loosen from muffin tin (see photo, page 39)
and transfer directly to cooling rack. Let muffins cool for at least 5 minutes before serving.

The Best Mini Muffin Pan

Tiny muffins are definitely cuter than large muffins. And do they taste better? Our unoffi-
cial, unscientific vote is yes! (Or maybe that’s just because you can eat more than one in a
sitting?) But to make mini muffins, you need a mini muffin pan. We tested mini muffin pans
in the test kitchen and found that the OXO Good Grips Non-Stick Pro 24-Cup Mini Muffin
Pan ($24.99) was our favorite. It released baked goods with ease (no sticking!), was easy to
move in and out of the oven, and baked all of our muffins evenly. Mini muffins for all!

Banana and Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins B 27

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Makes 12 muffins
Total Time: 55 minutes,
plus 25 minutes cooling time
“ With the raspberries it’s really good.” —Catherine , 11
Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
3 cups (16½ ounces) whole-wheat flour
2½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
4 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
¼ cup vegetable oil
1 cup (7 ounces) sugar plus 2
tablespoons sugar, measured
1¼ cups (10 ounces) buttermilk
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
2 cups (10 ounces) fresh or frozen
raspberries (do not thaw if frozen)

Gather Baking Equipment

12-cup muffin tin
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Rubber spatula
¹∕3-cup dry measuring cup
Oven mitts
Cooling rack

28 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking! Berry, Berry,
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray 12-cup
Quite Contrary
muffin tin, including top, with vegetable Did you know that even though raspber-
oil spray. ries are fruits, they are actually NOT
berries?! Scientifically speaking, berries
2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, are fruits whose seeds and flesh come
baking powder, baking soda, and salt. from just one flower. A single raspberry
is actually made up of lots of tiny round
3. In large bowl, whisk eggs, melted butter, fruits, each with its own seed. Therefore,
oil, and 1 cup sugar until combined. Add
a raspberry is called a composite fruit.
buttermilk and vanilla to sugar mixture and
whisk until well combined. Look at a raspberry up close or under a
magnifying glass, and you can see the
4. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula individual fruits. How cool is that?!
to gently stir until just combined and no
dry flour is visible. Gently stir raspberries
into batter. Do not overmix (see page 38).

5. Spray ¹∕3-cup dry measuring cup with

vegetable oil spray. Use greased measur-
ing cup to divide batter evenly among
muffin cups (see photos, page 39). Sprinkle
remaining 2 tablespoons sugar evenly over

6. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake until muffins

are golden brown and toothpick inserted
in center of 1 muffin comes out clean (see
photo, page 15), 20 to 25 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from

oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin
tin on cooling rack and let muffins cool in
muffin tin for 15 minutes.

8. Using your fingertips, gently wiggle

muffins to loosen from muffin tin (see
photo, page 39) and transfer directly to
cooling rack. Let muffins cool for at least
10 minutes before serving. Individual fruits!

Whole-Wheat Raspberry Muffins B 29

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“ Yum ! Yum ! Yum! Yum !
Delicious, scrumptious !”
—Dakota , 8

Makes 12 muffins
Total Time: 55 minutes,
plus 25 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 12-cup muffin tin
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour 2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
1 cup (5 ounces) fine-ground, whole- Whisk
grain yellow cornmeal Rubber spatula
1½ teaspoons baking powder ¼-cup dry measuring cup
1 teaspoon baking soda Toothpick
½ teaspoon salt Oven mitts
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar Cooling rack
2 large eggs
¾ cup sour cream
8 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
½ cup (4 ounces) whole milk

30 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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So Corny
Cornmeal is one of the most important ingredients made out of corn. It’s used in everything
from tortillas to polenta—and corn muffins! Cornmeal is made by milling dried corn kernels.
The kernels are ground to one of three different sizes—coarse, medium, or fine. (We use
the “fine” size in this recipe.) The type of corn used for cornmeal is called yellow dent corn,
which is different from the sweet type of corn we eat off the cob and also different from
the dried corn we pop and eat at the movies (that one, not surprisingly, is called popcorn).

Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray
12-cup muffin tin, including top, with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, cornmeal, baking powder, baking

soda, and salt.

3. In large bowl, whisk sugar and eggs until well combined, light-colored,
and thick, about 1 minute. Add sour cream, melted butter, and milk and
whisk to combine.

4. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula to gently stir until just combined
and no dry flour is visible. Do not overmix (see page 38).

5.Spray ¼-cup dry measuring cup with vegetable oil spray. Use greased
measuring cup to divide batter evenly among muffin cups (see photos,
page 39).

6. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake until muffins are golden brown and tooth-
pick inserted into center of 1 muffin comes out clean (see photo, page 15),
20 to 25 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
muffin tin on cooling rack and let muffins cool in muffin tin for 15 minutes.

8. Using your fingertips, gently wiggle muffins to loosen from muffin tin (see
photo, page 39) and transfer directly to cooling rack. Let muffins cool for at
least 10 minutes before serving.

Corn Muffins B 31

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“ I thought this recipe was fun to make and easy.
I did not like having to squeeze out the zucchini
water, but I still had fun because it was delicious
and my family loved it.” —Celeste , 9
Serves 10
Total Time: 1 hour and 45 minutes,
plus 1¼ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 cup (5½ ounces) whole-wheat flour
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup packed (7 ounces) brown sugar
2 large eggs
¼ cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ pounds zucchini (2 large zucchini)

Gather Baking Equipment

The Squish
8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
of Squash
Whisk In this bread, zucchini tastes sweet and mild thanks
Chef’s knife to its costars cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar,
Cutting board and vanilla. The zucchini actually adds something
Box grater very important to this bread: moisture! (After all,
Dish towel
zucchini is about 95 percent water.) But there’s a
Rubber spatula
thin line between too little and too much moisture.
(No one likes heavy, soggy zucchini bread.) This is
Oven mitts
why we squeeze out the extra water before adding
Cooling rack
the shredded zucchini to the batter.

32 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of 8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, salt, cinnamon,
baking powder, baking soda, and nutmeg.

3. In large bowl, whisk together brown sugar, eggs, oil, and vanilla.
4. Use chef’s knife to trim off ends of zucchini. Shred zucchini on large holes of box grater
and squeeze dry in dish towel (following photos, below). Transfer zucchini to bowl with
brown sugar mixture. Use rubber spatula to stir until combined.

5. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula to gently stir until just combined and no dry
flour is visible. Do not overmix (see page 38).

6. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into greased loaf pan and smooth top.
7. Place loaf pan in oven. Bake until zucchini bread is golden brown and toothpick inserted
in center comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 1 hour and 5 minutes to 1¼ hours.

8. Use oven mitts to remove loaf pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place loaf pan on
cooling rack and let zucchini bread cool in pan for 15 minutes.

9. Use oven mitts to carefully turn loaf pan on its side and remove zucchini bread from
pan. Let zucchini bread cool on cooling rack for at least 1 hour. Transfer to cutting board,
slice, and serve.

Grating Zucchini
1. Place clean dish towel on cutting board, then place
box grater in center of towel. Carefully run zucchini
over large holes of box grater to shred (stop when your
fingers get close to grater and discard zucchini end).

2. Gather ends of towel together, then twist tightly and

squeeze over sink to drain as much liquid as possible.
(You can do this in 2 batches, if it feels easier.)

Zucchini Bread B 33

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“ I liked this recipe because
I liked the whisking.”
—Thomas , 10

“ It reminded me of fall
and Halloween. While I was
cooking, the pumpkin smell was
very mouthwatering! ” —Ella , 11

Serves 10
Total Time: 1 hour and 50 minutes, plus 1¼ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan
1¼ cups (6¼ ounces) all-purpose flour 2 bowls (1 medium, 1 small)
1 teaspoon baking powder Whisk
½ teaspoon baking soda Large saucepan
2 large eggs Rubber spatula
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) milk Toothpick
¾ cup canned unsweetened pumpkin puree Oven mitts
¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon Cooling rack
½ teaspoon salt Cutting board
¹∕8 teaspoon ground nutmeg Chef’s knife
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar
½ cup packed (3½ ounces) light brown sugar
½ cup vegetable oil
¾ cup (4½ ounces) chocolate chips

34 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of 8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and baking soda. In small bowl,
whisk together eggs and milk.

3. In large saucepan, combine pumpkin puree, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg. Cook over
medium heat, stirring constantly with rubber spatula, until mixture just begins to bubble,
4 to 6 minutes.

4. Turn off heat and slide saucepan to cool burner. Add sugar, brown sugar, and oil to
pumpkin mixture and whisk until combined. Let mixture cool for 10 minutes. Whisk again
until mixture is very smooth.

5. Add egg mixture to pumpkin mixture and whisk to combine. Add flour mixture and use
rubber spatula to stir until just combined and no dry flour is visible. Stir chocolate chips
into batter. Do not overmix (see page 38).

6. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into greased loaf pan and smooth top. (Ask an
adult for help because saucepan will be heavy.)

7. Place loaf pan in oven. Bake until toothpick inserted in center of pumpkin bread comes
out clean (see photo, page 15), 50 minutes to 1 hour.

8. Use oven mitts to remove loaf pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place loaf pan on
cooling rack and let pumpkin bread cool in pan for 15 minutes.

9. Use oven mitts to carefully turn loaf pan on its side and remove pumpkin bread from
pan. Let pumpkin bread cool on cooling rack for at least 1 hour. Transfer to cutting board,
slice, and serve.

Evaporation Nation!
Quick breads should be moist but not soggy, so we often need to get rid of extra liquid in the
batter. In our Zucchini Bread (page 32), we squeezed all the excess water out of the shredded
zucchini to avoid a soggy loaf. We can’t squeeze our pumpkin puree (that would be messy!),
but cooking has the same effect. With heat, some of the water in the puree evaporates,
helping keep the finished loaf moist but not soggy. As a bonus, cooking the puree takes away
the raw pumpkin flavor and gives it some earthy caramel flavor. Add a little cinnamon and
nutmeg and this bread smells (and tastes) like autumn. The chocolate chips turn this orange-
and-black loaf into the perfect Halloween (trick-or-) treat!

Pumpkin Bread with Chocolate Chips B 35

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Serves 10
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes,
plus 1¼ hours cooling time “ The cheese bread turned out soft, and there was
cheese in every bite. It was super-duper yummy.
Prepare Ingredients —Ethan , 10
Vegetable oil spray
“ I thought it was very fun to make and it was the
2½ cups (12½ ounces) all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder perfect amount of challenging to make. I thought
½ teaspoon salt it was delicious and amazing.” —Sami , 11
¹∕8 teaspoon pepper (optional)
1 cup extra-sharp cheddar cheese cut
into ¼-inch pieces (4 ounces)
½ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
(1½ ounces) plus ½ cup shredded
Parmesan cheese (1½ ounces),
measured separately (see page 16
for how to shred cheese)
1 cup (8 ounces) whole milk
½ cup sour cream
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)
1 large egg

Gather Baking Equipment

8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Rubber spatula
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

36 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking! Bring
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside
bottom and sides of 8½-by-4½-inch metal
loaf pan with vegetable oil spray.
2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour,
baking powder, salt, and pepper (if using).
Use rubber spatula to stir in cheddar
cheese and ½ cup Parmesan cheese,
breaking up clumps, until cheese is coated
with flour.

In large bowl, whisk milk, sour cream,
melted butter, and egg until well combined.
4. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula We use two kinds of cheese in this
to gently stir until just combined and no quick bread to achieve maximum
dry flour is visible. Batter will be heavy and
cheesiness. Shredded Parmesan adds
thick—do not overmix (see page 38).
a savory cheesy flavor throughout the
5. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into loaf while cubes of cheddar cheese
greased loaf pan and smooth top. Sprinkle create ooey-gooey melted pockets in
remaining ½ cup Parmesan cheese over each and every slice. Topping the loaf
batter. with more shredded Parmesan gives
the loaf a nice-looking and crunchy
6. Place loaf pan in oven. Bake until top of crust. Score!
cheese bread is golden brown and tooth-
pick inserted in center comes out clean
(see photo, page 15), 45 to 55 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove loaf pan from

oven (ask an adult for help). Place loaf pan
When Is It Done?
on cooling rack and let cheese bread cool
in pan for 15 minutes. If, when you’re testing for doneness, the
toothpick comes out with what looks like
8. Use oven mitts to carefully turn loaf pan uncooked batter clinging to it, try again in
on its side and remove cheese bread from a different but still central spot. A tooth-
pan. Let cheese bread cool on cooling pick hitting a pocket of cheese may give
rack for at least 1 hour. Transfer to cutting a false indication.
board, slice, and serve.

Quick Cheese Bread B 37

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QUICK BREAD Quick breads and muffins win the MVP


award for baked goods. That’s because
not only are they delicious, but they are
quick to make (and eat!).


Most traditional bread recipes use yeast, which takes a long time to activate and grow inside
the dough to help the bread rise (think hours and hours!). But “quick breads” are exactly
that: breads that can be prepared and baked quickly. This is largely thanks to the power of
baking powder and baking soda. These two ingredients are called chemical leaveners. When
they’re activated by liquid and either acid or heat during baking, they create carbon dioxide,
a tasteless gas that helps baked goods rise—fast!

What to Do Don’t Overmix

with Leftovers the Batter
Most leftover muffins, biscuits, scones, To keep muffins, scones, and quick
and quick breads can be stored in a breads as light and tender as possible,
zipper-lock bag at room temperature for the key is to not overmix the batter. This
up to three days. When ready to serve, means mixing until just combined and
just refresh them by placing them on the batter is not completely smooth.
a baking sheet and warming them in a Why? The more you mix, the more the
300-degree oven for about 10 minutes. proteins in the flour combine to form
Muffins and biscuits can also be gluten (see page 12 for more on gluten).
frozen for up to one month. To freeze The more gluten, the more structure and
them, place muffins or biscuits in a single the tougher the quick bread. To prevent
layer in a heavy-duty zipper-lock bag. tough and squat breads, keep mixing to
To serve, thaw the muffins or biscuits a minimum!
at room temperature. To serve warm,
heat the thawed muffins or biscuits in a
300-degree oven for about 10 minutes.

38 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Portioning Batter for Muffins

1 2 3
1. Spray measuring cup or measuring spoon needed for portioning in recipe with vegetable
oil spray.

2. Scoop batter with greased measuring cup or spoon and scrape off any extra batter that is
dripping from the bottom or overflowing on top. This ensures that all muffins will be equal in
size and that there will be enough batter to fill all muffin tin cups.

3. Pour batter into muffin tin cup, using a rubber spatula to scrape batter from measuring
cup or spoon if needed.

How to Remove Muffins

from Their T
Use your fingers to gently wiggle the muffins to help
them easily slide out of the muffin tin. If they’re still a
little stuck, use a butter knife to carefully loosen the
muffins from the muffin tin.

Quick Bread and Muffin 101 B 39

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Makes 8 scones
Total Time: 40 minutes,
plus 45 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
2 cups (10 ounces) all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons unsalted butter,
cut into ¼-inch pieces and chilled
1 cup (8 ounces) heavy cream

Gather baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Buttery Goodness
Parchment paper
Food processor They may be called cream scones, but a big part
Large bowl of the magic of these scones comes from the
Rubber spatula butter. Adding little pieces of cold butter to the
Ruler flour mixture (with the help of the food processor)
Bench scraper (or butter knife and spatula) creates little pockets of butter in the dough. When
Oven mitts the scones are baking, the water in that butter
Cooling rack turns into steam. That steam creates little pockets
of air, which help the scones turn out super flaky.
(The cream is not for nothing: It makes the scones
“The scones were very delicious, taste deliciously rich.) We like to serve these
moist, and flaky. ” —Victoria, 12 scones with our favorite jam (and sometimes even
more butter…shh!).

40 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking! Shaping Scones
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 425 degrees. Line rimmed
baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place flour, sugar, baking powder, and

salt in food processor. Lock lid into place.
Turn on processor and process mixture for
3 seconds. Stop food processor.
3. Remove lid and sprinkle chilled butter
over flour mixture. Lock lid back into place. 1. Transfer mixture to clean counter and
Hold down pulse button for 1 second, use your hands to gather and press
then release. Repeat until mixture looks mixture until dough forms and holds
like coarse crumbs, about ten 1-second together, 5 to 10 seconds.
pulses. Remove lid and carefully remove
processor blade (ask an adult for help).

4. Transfer flour-butter mixture to large

bowl. Add cream and use rubber spatula
to stir until just combined and no dry flour
is visible. Do not overmix (see page 38).

5. Transfer mixture to clean counter and

shape dough into 8 scones (following
photos, right). Use bench scraper (or
spatula) to transfer scones to parchment-
lined baking sheet. 2. Use your hands to pat dough into
8-inch circle, about ¾ inch thick.
6. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake until
scones are light brown on top, 10 to 14

7. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet

from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let scones
cool on baking sheet for 15 minutes.

8. Transfer scones directly to cooling rack.

Let cool for 30 minutes before serving.
3.Use bench scraper (or butter knife)
to cut circle into 8 wedges.

Simple Cream Scones B 41

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 41 5/30/19 3:06 PM

Makes 8 scones
Total Time: 50 minutes,
plus 45 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1 cup (5 ounces) frozen mixed berries
1 tablespoon confectioners’ (powdered)
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour,
plus extra for counter
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into
½-inch pieces and chilled
2 tablespoons sugar
1½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup (4 ounces) whole milk
1 large egg yolk (see page 14
for how to separate eggs)

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Hot Take:
Parchment paper
3 bowls (1 large, 2 medium)
Rubber spatula
Use Frozen Fruit!
Food processor One key to flaky, tender scones is the ingredients
Whisk you use, but another is the temperature of those
Ruler ingredients. Using chilled butter—and mixing
Bench scraper (or butter knife and spatula) everything together quickly, before it warms
Oven mitts
up—helps create those perfect flaky layers. Using
Cooling rack
frozen berries helps keep the dough’s temperature
low. It also prevents the bright berry color from
bleeding out of the berries and into the dough.
“They have a lot of flavor
If you don’t like mixed berries, you can use 1 cup
and crunch on the bottom.” (5 ounces) of frozen raspberries, blueberries, or
—Ben , 9 blackberries instead of the mixed berries.

42 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and heat oven to 425 degrees.
Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, combine berries and confectioners’ sugar. Use rubber

spatula to stir to coat berries with confectioners’ sugar. Place bowl in freezer
until needed.

3. Place flour, chilled butter, sugar, baking powder, and salt in food proces-
sor. Lock lid in place. Hold down pulse button for 1 second, then release.
Repeat until butter forms pea-size pieces, six to eight 1-second pulses.

4. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help).
Transfer flour mixture to large bowl. Use rubber spatula to stir in frozen
berries until they are well coated.

5. In second medium bowl, whisk milk and egg yolk until well combined.
Add milk mixture to flour mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until just
combined into shaggy dough. Do not overmix (see page 38).

6. Sprinkle clean counter lightly with extra flour and coat your hands with
flour. Transfer dough to floured counter and shape dough into 8 scones
(following photos, page 41). Use bench scraper (or spatula) to transfer
scones to parchment-lined baking sheet.

7. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake until scones are golden brown on top,
about 14 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place baking sheet on cooling rack and let scones cool on baking sheet for
15 minutes.

9. Transfer scones directly to cooling rack. Let cool for 30 minutes before

Berry Scones B 43

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“It was delicious and crumbled and
melted in my mouth. The flavors
were very good, and in my opinion,
it should be served with fruit and
whipped cream.” —Talia , 10

Serves 16
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes,
plus 1½ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Crumb Topping Aluminum foil
Vegetable oil spray Ruler
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 8-inch square metal baking pan
(see page 13 for how to melt butter) Medium bowl
¹∕3 cup p c (2¹∕3 ounces) dark brown sugar Whisk
¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon Rubber spatula
¹∕3 cup (2¹∕3 ounces) sugar Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle
¹∕8 teaspoon salt attachment or handheld mixer with large bowl)
1¾ cups (7 ounces) cake flour Toothpick
Oven mitts
Cake Cooling rack
¼ teaspoon baking soda Cutting board
1¼ cups (5 ounces) cake flour Fine-mesh strainer
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar Chef’s knife
¼ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into
6 pieces and softened (see page 13
for how to soften butter)
¹∕3 cup (2²∕3 ounces) buttermilk
1 large egg plus 1 large yolk (see page 14
for how to separate eggs)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 to 2 teaspoons confectioners’
(powdered) sugar

44 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Cake Flour = Tender Cakes
Remember: Protein in flour comes together during baking to form networks of gluten, which
give structure to baked goods. More protein = more gluten = more structure. Compared to
other flours, cake flour has the least amount of protein. And because we want a light and
tender cake, we don’t want a lot of structure. That means cake flour to the rescue!

Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Make alumi-
num foil sling for 8-inch square metal baking pan (following photos, page 15). Spray foil
lightly with vegetable oil spray.

2. For the crumb topping: In medium bowl, whisk together melted butter, brown sugar,
c ¹∕3 cup u ¹∕8 teaspoon salt. Add 1¾ cups flour and use rubber spatula
to stir until mixture forms thick, uniform dough. Set aside.

3. For the cake: In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine
baking soda, 1¼ cups flour, ½ cup sugar, and ¼ teaspoon salt. If using a stand mixer, lock
bowl in place and attach paddle to stand mixer. Start mixer on low speed and mix until
combined, about 5 seconds.

4. With mixer running, add softened butter, one piece at a time, and beat on low speed
until mixture resembles coarse sand, about 1 minute. Stop mixer.

5. Add buttermilk, egg, egg yolk, and vanilla. Start mixer on low speed and beat until
combined, about 20 seconds. Increase mixer speed to medium and beat until light and
fluffy, about 2 minutes. Stop mixer and remove bowl from mixer, if using stand mixer.

6. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining flour. Scrape
batter into foil-lined baking pan and smooth top. Use your hands to break crumb topping
dough into pea-size pieces. Sprinkle crumb topping in even layer over batter.

7. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out
clean (see photo, page 15), 35 to 45 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let cake cool in pan for 30 minutes.

9. Use foil to lift cake out of baking pan and transfer to cooling rack. Let cake cool
completely, about 1 hour. Transfer cake to cutting board.

10.Dust cake with confectioners’ sugar (following photos, page 217). Cut cake into
squares and serve.

Crumb Cake B 45

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“The outside is good . They smell
delicious. I want another one—
I’m gonna pop it in my mouth! ”
—Oliver, 10

Makes 24 doughnut holes
Total Time: 50 minutes,
plus 10 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray Gather baking Equipment
¹∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch 24-cup mini muffin tin
1½ teaspoons baking powder 4 bowls (1 large, 2 medium,
½ teaspoon salt 1 small microwave-safe)
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg Whisk
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar Rubber spatula
½ cup (4 ounces) buttermilk 1-tablespoon measuring spoon
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Toothpick
(see page 13 for how to melt butter) Oven mitts
1 large egg plus 1 large yolk (see page 14 Cooling rack
for how to separate eggs) Rimmed baking sheet
Pastry brush
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar

46 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking!
1. For the doughnuts: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 400 degrees.
Spray 24-cup mini muffin tin well with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, cornstarch, baking powder, salt, nutmeg, and
½ cup sugar.

3. In large bowl, whisk buttermilk, 4 tablespoons melted butter, egg, and egg yolk until well

4. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until just combined and no dry flour is
visible. Do not overmix (see page 38).

5. Spray 1-tablespoon measuring spoon with vegetable oil spray. Use greased measuring
spoon to scoop 1 tablespoon batter into each muffin tin cup (see photos, page 39).

6. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake until toothpick inserted in center of 1 doughnut hole
comes out clean (see photo, page 15), about 10 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin tin
on cooling rack and let doughnut holes cool in muffin tin for 10 minutes.

8. For the topping: In small microwave-safe bowl, melt remaining 4 tablespoons butter.
In second medium bowl, use clean rubber spatula to stir together cinnamon and remain-
ing ½ cup sugar.

9. Carefully remove doughnut holes from muffin tin and transfer directly to cooling rack
(ask an adult for help—muffin tin will be hot). Place cooling rack in rimmed baking sheet.
Use pastry brush to paint doughnut holes all over with melted butter (use all of butter).
Then, roll each doughnut hole in cinnamon sugar to coat all over. Serve.

Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes?

Rumor has it that a ship captain in the mid-1800s was the first to create ring-shaped dough-
nuts with holes in the centers. Some say he did it so he could keep them skewered on the
spikes of his ship’s wheel and snack while steering! Whatever the reason, most doughnuts
have holes. And for almost as long as there have been doughnuts, bakers have been turning
the dough removed from the centers into doughnut holes. We wanted to make doughnut
holes…but without the rest of the doughnut. A muffin tin made it easy. And brushing the
doughnut holes with melted butter after baking and then rolling them in cinnamon sugar
while they were still warm gave them a delicious, sweet coating.

Mini Muffin Tin Doughnut Holes B 47

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“I like the outside—it has a crispy
outside and tender inside.”
—Elizabeth , 10

Makes 10 popovers
Total Time: 2 hours and 10 minutes,
plus 10 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather baking Equipment

2 cups (11 ounces) bread flour 3 bowls (1 large, 1 medium, 1 medium microwave-safe)
1 teaspoon salt Whisk
1 teaspoon sugar Oven mitts
3 large eggs Large liquid measuring cup
2 cups (16 ounces) low-fat milk Plastic wrap
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, 12-cup muffin tin
cut into 3 pieces Toothpick
Vegetable oil spray Cooling rack

Start Baking!
1. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, salt, and sugar. In large bowl, whisk eggs until
foamy and light-colored, about 1 minute. Set aside both bowls.

2. In medium microwave-safe bowl, combine milk and butter. Heat in microwave at 50

percent power (see page 11) for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Stop microwave and use clean
whisk to stir mixture. Heat in microwave at 50 percent power until butter is melted, about
1 minute and 30 seconds. Use oven mitts to remove bowl from microwave.

3. Pour milk mixture into bowl with eggs and whisk until well combined.

48 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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4. Add flour mixture and whisk until
smooth and no lumps of flour remain.
Popping Popovers
Transfer batter to large liquid measuring
cup. Cover measuring cup with plastic
wrap and let sit at room temperature for
1 hour.

5. While batter sits, adjust oven rack to

lower-middle position and heat oven to
450 degrees. Spray 12-cup muffin tin,
including top, with vegetable oil spray.

6. After batter has sat for 1 hour, whisk

batter to recombine, then pour into outer
10 muffin tin cups, leaving 2 middle cups
empty (batter will not quite reach tops of

7. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake popovers

for 12 minutes. Without opening oven Use a toothpick to poke a small hole in
door, reduce oven temperature to 300 the top of each popover (ask an adult for
degrees and continue to bake for 20 help). These small holes allow the steam
minutes. that helped pop up the popovers to
escape (and keep them from collapsing
8. Open oven door, use oven mitts to pull and shriveling up when they come out of
out oven rack, and use toothpick to poke
small hole in top of each popover (ask an the oven).
adult for help) (see photo, right). Return
popovers to oven and bake until deep
golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Pop Right Over
9. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from The name says it all—as popover batter
oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin bakes in the oven, it rises in the muffin tin
tin on cooling rack. Use toothpick to poke (or special popover pan) and pops over
each popover again and let cool in muffin the tops of the muffin tin cups. To make
tin for 5 minutes. Using your fingertips, sure they pop, we use bread flour, which
gently wiggle popovers to loosen from has a high protein content. The protein
muffin tin (see photo, page 39) and transfer gives the popovers structure and helps
directly to cooling rack. Serve warm. them rise extra high. We recommend
using King Arthur bread flour, which has
more protein than most other super-
market bread flours. If you can’t find King
Arthur, another bread flour will work, but
your popovers might not be quite as tall.

Popovers B 49

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Makes 12 biscuits
Total Time: 1 hour,
plus 15 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray Gather baking Equipment
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda 9-inch round metal cake pan
1 tablespoon sugar Food processor
1 teaspoon salt Medium bowl
2 cups (10 ounces) all-purpose flour Rubber spatula
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into Rimmed baking sheet
¼-inch pieces and chilled ¼-cup dry measuring cup
1½ cups (12 ounces) buttermilk, chilled Pastry brush
Oven mitts
To Form and Bake Biscuits Cooling rack
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter) “ Maybe the best biscuits ever! ” —Alex , 9

“ I had to read through the directions a few times,

but they turned out really good.” —Jack , 13

Start Baking!
1. For the dough: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 450 degrees.
Spray inside bottom and sides of 9-inch round metal cake pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. Place baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt, and 2 cups flour in food processor. Lock
lid into place. Hold down pulse button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until ingredi-
ents are combined, about six 1-second pulses.

50 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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3. Remove lid and scatter chilled butter pieces evenly over flour mixture. Lock lid back into
place. Pulse until mixture resembles pebbly, coarse cornmeal, eight to ten 1-second pulses.

4. Remove lid and carefully remove food processor blade (ask an adult for help). Transfer
flour mixture to medium bowl. Add buttermilk and use rubber spatula to gently stir until
just combined and no dry flour is visible. Do not overmix (see page 38).

5. To form and bake biscuits: Sprinkle remaining 1 cup flour evenly over rimmed baking
sheet. Spray ¼-cup dry measuring cup with vegetable oil spray. Use greased measur-
ing cup to scoop batter and use rubber spatula to scrape off extra batter. Drop scoops
onto floured baking sheet to make 12 biscuits (use rubber spatula to scrape dough from
measuring cup if needed).

6. Use flour from baking sheet to flour your hands. Working with 1 piece of dough at a
time, flour and shape dough and transfer to greased cake pan (following photos, below).

7. Use pastry brush to paint tops of dough rounds with melted butter.
8. Place cake pan in oven. Bake until biscuits are deep golden brown, about 20 minutes.
9. Use oven mitts to remove cake pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place cake pan
on cooling rack and let biscuits cool in pan for 15 minutes. Turn cake pan upside down
to release biscuits from pan. Turn biscuits right side up and use your hands to pull them
apart. Serve warm.

Shaping Fluffy Biscuits

1 2 3
1. Working with 1 piece 2. Gently pick up dough 3. Place dough ball in
of dough at a time, use piece, shape into rough cake pan so it is touching
your hands to roll piece ball, and shake off excess edge of pan. Repeat with
of dough in flour until flour. remaining dough pieces,
evenly coated. arranging 9 rounds around
edge of pan and 3 rounds
in center.

Buttermilk Biscuits B 51

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Makes 5 cups
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes, “ It’s a great movie night snack! ” —Caroline, 9
plus 45 minutes cooling time
“ It’s crunchy and just the right amount
Prepare Ingredients of sweetness.” —Elise , 11

Vegetable oil spray

¼ cup vegetable oil
3 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons packed light brown
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt
2½ cups (7½ ounces) old-fashioned
rolled oats
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup dried cherries
½ cup (3 ounces) semisweet chocolate

Gather baking Equipment

13-by-9-inch metal baking pan
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Rubber spatula
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Butter knife

52 A Chapter 1: Muffins, Quick Breads & Other Breakfast Treats

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Start Baking!
Make It Your Way
Granola is a naturally gluten-free power
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and breakfast. Feel free to swap in your
heat oven to 325 degrees. Spray inside favorite nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Or
bottom and sides of 13-by-9-inch metal try our Superpower Granola!
baking pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. In large bowl, combine oil, maple syrup, Superpower Granola

brown sugar, vanilla, and salt and use
rubber spatula to stir until well combined. Reduce rolled oats to 1½ cups. Add 1
Stir in oats and almonds until combined. cup quinoa flakes with oats and almonds
in step 2. Use 1 cup dried cranberries
3.Transfer oat mixture to greased baking instead of dried cherries and use ½ cup
pan and use rubber spatula to spread raw sunflower seeds instead of mini
mixture into even layer. Use rubber spatula chocolate chips in step 6.
to press down firmly on oat mixture until
mixture is very flat (see photo, right).

4. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until

lightly browned, 35 to 40 minutes.
Pack Your Granola
5. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan
from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking pan on cooling rack and let granola
cool completely in pan, about 45 minutes.

6. Use butter knife to crack granola into

large pieces. Then, use your hands to
break cooled granola into bite-size pieces.
Transfer granola to medium bowl. Use
rubber spatula to stir in cherries and choco-
late chips. Serve. (Granola can be stored in
airtight container for up to 2 weeks.)

The key to getting big, crunchy bites

is to pack the oat mixture into the pan
before you bake it. Use rubber spatula
to spread mixture into even layer. Use
rubber spatula to press down firmly on
oat mixture until mixture is very flat.

Granola B 53

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ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 54 5/30/19 3:06 PM
Chapter 2:
Yeast Breads
Now you, too, can make bread like you buy in the bakery!
It’s all thanks to the power of yeast.

Easy Whole-Wheat Sandwich Bread................................................................................56

Almost No-Knead Bread .................................................................................................58

Yeast Bread 101 ...............................................................................................................60

Roman-Style Focaccia .....................................................................................................62

Middle Eastern Za’atar Bread ..........................................................................................64

Fluffy Dinner Rolls............................................................................................................68

Cinnamon Rolls................................................................................................................72

Soft Pretzels .....................................................................................................................76

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 55 5/30/19 3:06 PM

Makes 1 loaf
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 30 minutes rising time,
plus 3¼ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients “ It’s pretty simple to make. The crust is just the
right toughness, and the bread tastes delicious!
Vegetable oil spray
1½ cups (8¼ ounces) whole-wheat flour
I definitely want to make this bread again! ” —Aidan , 9
1 cup (5½ ounces) bread flour
2¼ teaspoons instant or rapid-rise yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1¼ cups plus 2 tablespoons (11 ounces)
warm water
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)
1 tablespoon honey
1 large egg, cracked into bowl and
lightly beaten with fork (see page 14)

Gather baking Equipment

8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan
Stand mixer with paddle attachment
4-cup liquid measuring cup
Rubber spatula
Pastry brush
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Butter knife
Cutting board
Bread knife

56 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Start Baking! Bread in
Spray inside bottom and sides of 8½-by-4½-inch
metal loaf pan with vegetable oil spray. a Flash!
2. In bowl of stand mixer, whisk together whole-wheat Most sandwich breads take a
flour, bread flour, yeast, and salt. Lock bowl in place whole day to make! But this recipe
and attach paddle to stand mixer. In 4-cup liquid comes together so fast for a few
measuring cup, whisk warm water, melted butter, and reasons: We use high-protein
honey until honey has dissolved. bread flour to give the loaf good
structure. We add a lot of water so
3. Start mixer on low speed. Slowly pour water mixture the dough can be poured into the
into flour mixture and mix until batter comes together, pan (no kneading). And, we use a
about 1 minute. Increase speed to medium and knead lot of yeast to help the dough rise
dough for 5 minutes. (Dough will look smooth and fast as lightning!
wet, almost like cake batter.) Stop mixer.

4. Spray rubber spatula with vegetable oil spray. Use

greased spatula to transfer batter to greased loaf pan.
Use spatula to push dough into corners of loaf pan
Let It Rise
and spread into even layer. Spray top of dough lightly
with vegetable oil spray. Let dough rise, uncovered,
until dough is about ½ inch above top edge of loaf
in the Pan
pan (see photo, right), 30 minutes to 1 hour.

5. While dough rises, adjust oven rack to middle

position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Just before
baking, use pastry brush to gently paint top of dough
with beaten egg.

6. Place loaf pan in oven. Bake until bread is deep

golden brown, 40 to 45 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove loaf pan from oven (ask an

adult for help). Place loaf pan on cooling rack and let
bread cool in pan for 15 minutes.
Let dough rise, uncovered, until
8. Carefully run butter knife around edges of bread to dough is about ½ inch above top
loosen from loaf pan (ask an adult for help—pan will
edge of loaf pan, 30 minutes to
be hot). Use oven mitts to carefully turn loaf pan on
1 hour. Be careful not to let the
its side and remove bread from pan. Let bread cool
completely on cooling rack, about 3 hours. Transfer dough sit much longer than 1
bread to cutting board, slice (ask an adult for help), hour. It can overproof, which
and serve. means it will collapse in the oven.

Easy Whole-Wheat Sandwich Bread B 57

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Makes 1 loaf
Total Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes,
plus 9½ hours rising time,
plus 3 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
3 cups (15 ounces) all-purpose flour, plus
extra for counter
2 teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon instant or rapid-rise yeast
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons
(9 ounces) room-temperature water
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
Vegetable oil spray
See Ya, Kneading!
Gather baking Equipment Most breads require knead-
ing the dough a long
Day 1 time to develop gluten, a
Large bowl stretchy web of proteins
that gives bread its struc-
Rubber spatula
ture. But gluten can also
Plastic wrap
develop on its own…with
time. After a brief mix (see
Day 2
photo, right), letting our
Parchment paper dough rest overnight (also
Small Dutch oven with lid called autolysis) lets the
Oven mitts flour slowly form networks
Cooling rack of gluten—just a quick
Cutting board knead the next day, and
Bread knife it’s ready to bake.

58 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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“ Making bread is difficult.
“It was good with butter My first attempt was a
and salt sprinkled on top. failure. The yeast didn’t
I like the shape, and the Start Baking! work. I tried again, and the
crust is crunchy and I like it. dough rose perfectly. Very
The recipe was easy, but the easy to follow the recipe,
waiting was hard.” —Major, 8 and the bread was delicious.”
—Claire , 12

1. Day 1: In large bowl, whisk together flour, salt, and yeast. Add water and vinegar. Use
rubber spatula to stir and press until dough comes together and no dry flour is visible, 2
to 3 minutes (see photo, left).

2. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let dough rise until bubbly and doubled in size, at
least 8 hours or up to 18 hours.

3. Day 2: Lay 18-by-12-inch sheet of parchment paper on counter. Spray parchment lightly
with vegetable oil spray. Set aside.

4.Sprinkle clean counter heavily with extra flour and coat your hands with extra flour.
Transfer dough to counter and use your floured hands to knead until smooth (see photos,
page 61), about 1 minute. Move dough to clean portion of counter. Use your hands to
form dough into smooth ball.

5. Transfer ball to center of greased parchment sheet. Use parchment to lower dough into
Dutch oven (let any extra parchment hang over pot edges). Cover pot with lid and let
dough rise until doubled in size, 1½ to 2 hours.

6. Adjust oven rack to middle position. When dough is ready, place covered pot in cold
oven. Set oven to 425 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.

7. Ask an adult to remove pot lid with oven mitts (lid will be VERY hot). Continue to bake
until loaf is deep golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes.

8. Ask an adult to remove pot from oven and to carefully lift parchment and bread out
of pot and transfer to cooling rack (pot will be VERY hot). Let bread cool completely on
cooling rack, about 3 hours. Transfer bread to cutting board, discard parchment, slice (ask
an adult for help), and serve.

Almost No-Knead Bread B 59

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Bread is magical. A simple combination


of flour, water, and yeast (plus or minus
a few things) comes together, with a bit
of kneading and a little time, to create
crusty, craggy, sliceable, toastable,
delicious bread!


Every yeasted bread is different, but almost all yeasted breads follow the same basic steps
to go from raw flour to finished loaves or rolls.


First, combine the dry and Then, develop the gluten Let the yeast do its magic!
wet ingredients. structure (see right) through The yeast creates gas bub-
mixing and kneading, either bles that cause the bread
with your hands or a stand to expand and develop
mixer. flavor.


If needed, form the risen The dough needs time to In the oven, the dough will
dough into shapes such as rise again after it’s been turn into bread! It rises one
rolls or pretzels. shaped. last time in the hot oven
(this is called oven spring)
while it bakes through.

What to Do with Leftover Bread

Cooled bread can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to
2 days. To reheat focaccia and za’atar bread, place bread on baking sheet and refresh in
325-degree oven for 5 minutes.

60 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Water, Water Everywhere!
One of the key ingredients in bread is flour, of course.
But water is just as important! This is because gluten
can’t be created without water. More water = more
gluten = more structure in your bread. (Up to a point—
too much water, and it will just be a soggy loaf!) This
is why many bakers spend a lot of time thinking about
how much water they have in their bread in relation to
how much flour. The calculation of hydration in a bread
is called a baker’s percentage. We won’t calculate any
percentages in this book, but we do think it’s important
to weigh the water in your recipes to make sure you
have exactly the right amount. (See page 10 for more
on measuring and weighing ingredients.)

Kneading and Shaping Dough

into a Smooth Ball

1 2 3
1. Place heel of your hand in center of dough ball and press down and away from you.
2. Fold dough over. Rotate dough and repeat steps 1 & 2 until dough looks smooth, about
1 minute.

3. On clean counter, use your cupped hands to drag dough in small circles to form smooth ball.

Yeast Bread 101 B 61

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 61 5/30/19 3:06 PM

Serves 8
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 2 hours rising
time, plus 15 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
3 cups (15 ounces) all-purpose flour
1½ teaspoons instant or rapid-rise yeast
1½ teaspoons sugar
²∕3 cups (13½ ounces) room-temperature
1½ teaspoons kosher salt
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

To Finish and Bake

Vegetable oil spray
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves
1 teaspoon kosher salt

Gather Baking Equipment

All Doughs Lead to Rome
Stand mixer with paddle attachment Pizza bianca (which means “white pizza” in Italian)
Whisk is a popular snack sold at bakeries in Rome. This
Rubber spatula type of pizza might seem a little strange at first
Large bowl because it isn’t topped with any tomato sauce or
Pastry brush cheese, but trust us, it’s delicious! Traditionally,
Plastic wrap pizza bianca is baked directly on the “floor” (or
13-by-9-inch metal baking pan the stone bottom) of a pizza oven and is lightly
Fork charred, bubbly, and mostly flat. For our version,
Oven mitts we bake the dough in a baking pan, which makes
Cooling rack
it puff up like another Italian specialty, focaccia.
So think of this recipe as a pizza bianca–focaccia
Cutting board
mash-up. Buon appetito!
Bread knife

62 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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“ I thought it was fun and easy
“The recipe was easy to
to make, and I liked watching
follow and very descriptive.
The bread tasted wonderful
Start Baking! the dough rise. I think the
olive oil made it taste better.
and was very soft and
I loved the bread when it was
delicious.” —Brielle , 10
done .” —Teagan , 12
1. For the dough: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk together flour, yeast, and sugar. Lock bowl
in place and attach paddle to stand mixer.

2. Add water to mixer bowl, start mixer on low speed, and mix until no dry flour is visible,
3 to 4 minutes (stop mixer every 1 to 2 minutes and use rubber spatula to scrape down
sides and bottom of bowl). Stop mixer and let dough sit for 10 minutes.

3. Add 1½ teaspoons salt to mixer bowl. Start mixer on low speed and mix until combined,
about 30 seconds. Increase speed to medium-high and knead dough for 8 minutes.
(Dough will look shiny, smooth, and very wet, almost like cake batter.) Stop mixer.

4. Pour 2 tablespoons oil into large bowl. Use pastry brush to evenly coat sides of bowl
with oil. Use rubber spatula to transfer dough to bowl with oil. Use rubber spatula and
your hands to flip dough to evenly coat with oil. Wash your hands. Cover bowl with plastic
wrap. Let dough rise until bubbly and nearly tripled in size, 2 to 2½ hours.

5. To finish and bake: While dough rises, adjust oven rack to middle position and heat
oven to 450 degrees. Spray inside bottom and sides of 13-by-9-inch metal baking pan
with vegetable oil spray. Pour remaining 2 tablespoons oil into baking pan and use pastry
brush to evenly coat pan with oil.

6. When dough is ready, use rubber spatula to transfer dough to greased baking pan. Use
your fingertips to gently pat and stretch dough out to corners of baking pan. (If dough
snaps back when you press it to corners of baking pan, cover it with plastic wrap, let it rest
for 10 minutes, and try again.)

7. Let dough sit for 10 minutes. Use fork to lightly poke surface of dough all over about
20 times (this releases any big bubbles in dough). Sprinkle rosemary and remaining 1
teaspoon salt evenly over dough.

8. Place baking pan in oven and bake until focaccia is golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes.
9. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let focaccia cool in pan for 15 minutes.

10. Use spatula to transfer focaccia to cutting board. Cut into pieces (ask an adult for help)
and serve.

Roman-Style Focaccia B 63

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Serves 10 to 12
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 2 hours rising
time, plus 15 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
2 tablespoons plus 2 tablespoons
extra-virgin olive oil, measured separately
¹∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) ice water (see page 11
for how to measure ice water)
3½ cups (19¼ ounces) bread flour
2½ teaspoons instant or rapid-rise yeast
2½ teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt “ It was interesting to have something
To Finish and Bake
called za’atar bread.” —Jake , 8
¼ cup za’atar spice blend
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil “ The seasoning has a good taste—
a little tiny bit lemony.” —Joel , 10
Gather Baking Equipment
Rimmed baking sheet Cooling rack
Pastry brush Spatula
Liquid measuring cup Cutting board
Food processor Pizza wheel or chef’s knife
Plastic wrap
Small bowl
Oven mitts

64 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Start Baking!

1. For the dough: Spray rimmed baking sheet with vegetable oil spray. Pour 2 table-
spoons oil over baking sheet and use pastry brush to evenly coat baking sheet with oil.

2. In liquid measuring cup, combine ice water and next 2 tablespoons oil.
3. Add flour, yeast, and sugar to food processor and lock lid into place. Hold down pulse
button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until ingredients are combined, about five
1-second pulses.

4. Turn on processor, then slowly pour water mixture through feed tube and process until
dough comes together and no dry flour remains, about 30 seconds.

5. Stop processor. Let dough sit for 10 minutes. Add salt to processor and process for 1 minute.


Zippy Za’atar
Za’atar, a spice blend used frequently in Middle Eastern cuisine, usually consists
of dried wild thyme, ground sumac (a tart, fruity spice), and sesame seeds. Some
versions of za’atar also use dried oregano and salt. This spice blend can be used in a
lot of different ways—sprinkled over meat or fish or mixed with olive oil for dipping
bread. This recipe is inspired by mana’eesh, a round Arabic flatbread covered with
a thick coating of za’atar and olive oil. It makes for a delicious breakfast or snack,
especially when served with Greek yogurt or labneh (a very thick Middle Eastern
yogurt) for dipping.

Middle Eastern Za’atar Bread B 65

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 65 5/30/19 3:06 PM

6. Stop processor, remove lid, and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for
help). Lightly spray clean counter and your hands with vegetable oil spray. Transfer
dough to greased counter and use your hands to knead dough for 30 seconds (see
photos 1 and 2, page 61).

7. Place dough on oiled baking sheet and turn to coat with oil on both sides. Cover
loosely with plastic wrap. Let dough rise until bubbly and nearly tripled in size, 2 to
2½ hours.

8. To finish and bake: While dough rises, adjust oven rack to lower-middle position
and heat oven to 375 degrees. In small bowl, use spoon to stir together za’atar and
remaining ¼ cup oil.

9. When dough is ready, use your hands to gently press down on dough to pop any
large bubbles. Shape and top dough (following photos, right).

10. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake bread until edges are crisp and golden brown,
20 to 25 minutes.

11. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let bread cool in baking sheet for 15 minutes.

Use spatula to loosen edges of bread, then carefully slide bread onto cutting
board. Use pizza wheel or chef’s knife to cut bread into pieces. Serve.

66 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Shaping Za’atar Bread

1 2
1. Use your hands to gently pat and 2.Use your fingertips to dimple entire
stretch dough out to corners of baking surface of dough.
sheet. (If dough snaps back when you
press it to corners of baking sheet,
cover it with plastic wrap, let it rest for
10 minutes, and try again.)

3. Spoon za’atar-oil mixture over dough
and use back of spoon to spread into even
layer all the way to edge of dough.

Middle Eastern Za’atar Bread B 67

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Makes 9 rolls
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes,
plus 2½ hours rising time,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
2½ cups (12½ ounces) all-purpose flour
2¼ teaspoons instant or rapid-rise yeast
1 teaspoon salt
¾ cup (6 ounces) room-temperature
whole milk
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)
2 tablespoons honey
1 large egg yolk (see page 14 for how to
separate eggs)
Vegetable oil spray
1 large egg, cracked into bowl and lightly
beaten with fork (see page 14)

Gather Baking Equipment

Stand mixer with dough hook attachment
Whisk 8-inch square metal baking pan
4-cup liquid measuring cup Pastry brush
2 bowls (1 large, 1 small) Oven mitts
Plastic wrap Cooling rack
Bench scraper (or kitchen shears)

68 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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“My favorite part was “ I loved the recipe because
kneading and shaping the it was my first time baking,
dough. It was like playing Start Baking! so it was a good start for
with slime.” —Morgan, 11 baking . And when I tried it,
it was great.” —Maya , 9

1.In bowl of stand mixer, whisk together flour, yeast, and salt. Lock bowl in
place and attach dough hook to stand mixer.

2. In 4-cup liquid measuring cup, whisk milk, melted butter, honey, and egg
yolk until honey has dissolved, about 20 seconds.

3. Start mixer on low speed and slowly pour in milk mixture. Mix until no dry
flour is visible, about 2 minutes. Increase speed to medium and knead dough
for 8 minutes. Stop mixer.

4. Transfer dough to clean counter and knead dough for 30 seconds, then form
dough into smooth ball (see photos, page 61).

5. Spray large bowl with vegetable oil spray. Place dough in greased bowl and
cover with plastic wrap. Let dough rise until doubled in size, 1½ to 2 hours.

6. Transfer dough to clean counter and use your hands to gently press down on
dough to pop any large bubbles. Pat dough into 6-inch square and use bench
scraper to cut dough into 9 equal squares (following photos, page 70). Form
each piece of dough into tight, smooth ball.


You Say “Ball,” I Say “Boule”

The fancy French word for dough shaped in a ball is boule. Bread makers use the same
technique (see photos, pages 61 and 70) to form a tight ball of dough for a large loaf of
bread and for small individual dough balls such as these fluffy dinner rolls. While it takes two
hands to form a large loaf into a boule, you can make a small one with just one cupped hand.
If you get really good at it, you can even do two balls at once—one in each hand!

Fluffy Dinner Rolls B 69

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 69 5/30/19 3:06 PM

7. Spray inside bottom and sides of 8-inch square metal baking pan with
vegetable oil spray. Arrange dough balls in 3 rows in greased baking pan.
Cover baking pan loosely with plastic. Let dough balls rise until doubled in
size, about 1 hour.

8. While dough rises, adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to
350 degrees.

9. When dough is ready, use pastry brush to paint tops of dough balls with
beaten egg.

10. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until rolls are golden brown, 20 to 25

11. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place baking pan on cooling rack and let rolls cool in pan for 30 minutes. Turn
baking pan upside down to release rolls from pan. Turn rolls right side up
and use your hands to pull them apart. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Shaping Fluffy Dinner Rolls

Use your hands to create cute little dough balls—the perfect size for dinner rolls!

1 2 3
1. Pat dough into 6-inch 2. Working with 1 piece of 3. Use your cupped hand
square. Use bench scraper dough at a time, on clean to drag ball in small circles
to cut square into 3 equal counter, fold corners of until top feels tight. Repeat
strips, then cut each strip dough into center and with remaining pieces of
into 3 equal pieces (you pinch edges together. Flip dough.
should have 9 pieces of dough over.

70 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Fluffy Dinner Rolls B 71

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Makes 8 rolls
Total Time: 1 hour and 35 minutes,
plus 1½ hours rising time,
plus 15 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Dough Stand mixer with dough hook attachment
2¼ cups (11¼ ounces) all-purpose Whisk
flour, plus extra for counter Rubber spatula
3 tablespoons sugar 3 bowls (1 large, 1 medium,
1½ teaspoons instant or rapid-rise 1 small microwave-safe)
yeast Plastic wrap
¾ teaspoon salt 9-inch round metal cake pan
½ cup (4 ounces) room-temperature 9-inch round piece of parchment paper
water (see page 146)
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, Ruler
cut into 4 pieces and softened (see Pastry brush
page 13 for how to soften butter) Bench scraper (or kitchen shears)
1 large egg Oven mitts
Vegetable oil spray Cooling rack
Butter knife
¾ cup packed (5¼ ounces) light
brown sugar
1¼ teaspoons ground cinnamon “ We had to wait so long, but they were
¹∕8 teaspoon salt worth the wait. They tasted delicious.
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Glaze (optional)
I even licked the extra frosting.”
—Sonia , 9

72 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Start Baking!
1. For the dough: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk together flour, sugar, yeast, and salt. Lock
bowl in place and attach dough hook to stand mixer.

2. Add water, 4 tablespoons softened butter, and egg to flour mixture. Start mixer on low
speed and mix until no dry flour remains, about 2 minutes. Increase speed to medium
and knead dough for 8 minutes. Stop mixer.

3. Sprinkle extra flour on clean counter and coat your hands with extra flour. Use rubber
spatula to scrape dough onto floured counter and use your floured hands to knead dough
for 30 seconds (see photos, page 61). Move dough to clean portion of counter and use
your hands to form dough into smooth ball.

4. Spray inside of large bowl with vegetable oil spray. Place dough in greased bowl and
cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rise until doubled in size, 1 to 1½ hours.

5. While dough rises, spray inside bottom and sides of 9-inch round metal cake pan with
vegetable oil spray. Line bottom of cake pan with 9-inch parchment paper round.


Easier Rolling
Traditionally, when making cinnamon rolls,
you slather softened butter and sprinkle
cinnamon sugar all over a big rectangle of
yeasted dough and then roll it up into a long,
tight log. Then, you cut the log into pieces
to get individual rolls. We found that it was
pretty tricky to roll up a giant rectangle of
dough. Instead, we cut individual strips of
buttered and cinnamon-sugared dough and
rolled them up one at a time—so much easier!

Cinnamon Rolls B 73

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 73 5/30/19 3:06 PM

6. For the filling: In medium bowl, use

clean rubber spatula to stir together brown
sugar, cinnamon, and salt.

7.When dough is ready, melt 2 table-

it Up!
spoons butter in small microwave-safe
bowl (see page 13 for how to melt
butter). Transfer dough to clean counter
and shape, fill, and roll up rolls (following
photos, right).
If you want to make your rolls just a
little more special, add a glaze! 8. Use bench scraper (or your hands) to
scoop up any filling left on counter and
To make glaze: In small bowl, whisk sprinkle it evenly over rolls. Spray sheet of
together ½ cup (2 ounces) confec- plastic wrap with vegetable oil spray. Cover
tioners’ (powdered) sugar and 2 cake pan loosely with greased plastic and
teaspoons milk. (Glaze should be thin let rolls rise at room temperature until
enough to drizzle from end of spoon. puffy, 30 to 45 minutes.
Add up to 1 teaspoon additional milk
as needed to adjust consistency.) 9. While rolls rise, adjust oven rack to
middle position and heat oven to 325

10.When rolls are ready, discard plastic

from cake pan. Place cake pan in oven.
Bake until rolls are golden brown, 40 to 45

11.Use oven mitts to remove cake pan

from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
cake pan on cooling rack and let rolls cool
in pan for 15 minutes. Run butter knife
around edge of cake pan to release rolls
from pan. Drizzle with glaze, if using (see
Glaze It Up!, left). Serve warm or at room

Use spoon to drizzle glaze over warm


74 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Shaping Cinnamon Rolls

1 2
1.Pat dough into 16-by-8-inch rectangle 2. Use bench scraper to cut dough into
with long side parallel to counter’s edge. eight 2-inch-wide strips.
Use pastry brush to paint melted butter
evenly over dough. Sprinkle filling evenly
over dough, leaving 1-inch border at top.

3 4
3. Roll each strip away from you into tight 4. Place roll, spiral side up, in parchment
log. paper–lined cake pan. Arrange 7 rolls
around outside of cake pan and place 1
roll in center.

Cinnamon Rolls B 75

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Makes 6 pretzels
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 1 Hour rising time,
plus 10 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
2 cups (11 ounces) bread flour
1 teaspoon instant or rapid-rise yeast
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
¾ cup (6 ounces) room-temperature water
Vegetable oil spray

To Finish and Bake

1 tablespoon baking soda “ Ranch would probably be really good with it! ”
½ cup (4 ounces) water —Zachary, 13
1 teaspoon pretzel salt (or kosher salt)
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
“ Soft , crunchy , salty. 10/10.” —Max , 11

Gather Baking Equipment

Stand mixer with dough hook attachment 2 cooling racks
Whisk Oven mitts
4-cup liquid measuring cup Spoon
2 bowls (1 large, 1 small microwave-safe) Ruler
Plastic wrap Bench scraper (or kitchen shears)
Rimmed baking sheet Pastry brush
Aluminum foil

76 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Start Baking!

1. For the dough: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk together flour, yeast, and 2 teaspoons
kosher salt. Lock bowl into place and attach dough hook to stand mixer.

2. In 4-cup liquid measuring cup, whisk together oil, brown sugar, and ¾ cup water until
brown sugar has dissolved.

3. Start mixer on low speed and slowly pour in water mixture. Mix until no dry flour is
visible, about 2 minutes. Increase speed to medium and knead dough for 8 minutes. Stop

4. Transfer dough to clean counter and use your hands to knead dough for 30 seconds,
then form dough into smooth ball (see photos, page 61).

5. Spray inside of large bowl with vegetable oil spray. Place dough in greased bowl. Cover
bowl with plastic wrap and let dough rise until doubled in size, 1 to 1½ hours.


Boiling Over
One of the weirdest (and coolest) things about
traditional pretzels (and bagels) is that they are
boiled in water before they’re baked. Bakers
drop the shaped breads into a boiling water bath
for just a minute or two to help set the crust on
the outside and make them extra chewy inside.
The water sometimes also has a chemical called
lye in it, which gives the crust a dark brown color
and tangy flavor. Since boiling pretzels at home
can be tricky (and dangerous), we skip that step
and still get a nice brown crust by painting them
all over with baking soda dissolved in water.
These pretzels bake up beautifully—no boiling
water required!

Soft Pretzels B 77

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 77 5/30/19 3:07 PM

The Magic 6. To finish and bake: While dough rises, adjust
oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 425

of Yeast degrees. Line rimmed baking sheet with alumi-

num foil. Set 1 cooling rack in baking sheet and
spray well with vegetable oil spray.

7.Combine baking soda and remaining ½ cup

water in small microwave-safe bowl. Heat in
microwave until water looks clear, 1 to 2 minutes.
Use oven mitts to remove bowl from micro-
wave (be careful—bowl will be hot). Use spoon
to stir mixture until baking soda has completely
dissolved. Set aside to cool.

8. When dough is ready, transfer dough to clean

counter. Gently press and stretch dough into 6-inch
Yeast is a single-celled living organ- square, popping any large bubbles. Use bench
ism. It’s actually a microscopic fungus! scraper to cut dough into 6 equal 1-inch-wide
You buy yeast in small packets at the strips. Cover dough strips loosely with plastic.
grocery store. The yeast is “sleep-
ing.” Mixing the yeast with a liquid 9. Use your hands to stretch and roll 1 piece of
(usually water) wakes up the yeast so dough into 22-inch-long rope (keep remaining
it can turn flour into bread dough. So pieces covered), then shape into pretzel (follow-
how exactly does that work? ing photos, right). Place pretzel on greased
Yeast feeds on the starches in the cooling rack in baking sheet. Repeat with remain-
flour and produces carbon dioxide ing dough strips, spacing pretzels about 2 inches
in the process. Carbon dioxide apart on rack.
causes the dough to rise, much like
blowing air into chewing gum to 10.Use pastry brush to paint tops and sides of
make a bubble. All those tiny holes each pretzel with water–baking soda mixture (coat
inside a loaf of chewy rustic bread? pretzels well for even browning, then discard extra
That’s the handiwork of the yeast. mixture). Sprinkle tops of pretzels with 1 teaspoon
All our bread recipes use instant pretzel salt.
yeast (sometimes labeled rapid-
rise yeast), because it is the most 11. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake until pretzels
reliable option for home bakers. are deep golden brown, 10 to 12 minutes.
Keep yeast in the refrigerator and
check the package dates—old yeast 12.Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from
won’t work. Do not use active dry oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking sheet
yeast in these recipes. on second cooling rack and let pretzels cool on
baking sheet for 10 minutes.

13. While pretzels cool, melt butter (see page 13 for

how to melt butter). Use clean pastry brush to paint
pretzels all over with melted butter. Serve warm.

78 A Chapter 2: Yeast Breads

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Shaping Pretzels
Pretzels may look complicated, but follow these easy steps to create your own! Remember:
even if they’re not perfect, they will be delicious.

2 3
1 2 3
1. Use your hands to stretch 2. Shape rope into U, with 3. Hold ends of ropes and
and roll 1 piece of dough curve at bottom and ends twist twice near top of U.
into 22-inch-long rope. facing away from you.

4 5
4. Fold ends over toward 5. Press ends into bottom
bottom of U. of U, spaced about 1 inch

Soft Pretzels B 79

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter1-2_INTs.indd 79 5/30/19 3:07 PM

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 80 5/30/19 3:07 PM
Chapter 3: Pizza,
Flatbread & Other
Savory Baked Goods
From personal pizzas to beef empanadas,
baking isn’t always about the sweet!

Pizza Dough .....................................................................................................................82

Personal Pizzas ................................................................................................................84

Easy Pizza Sauce ..............................................................................................................87

Tear-and-Share Pepperoni Pizza Rolls..............................................................................88

Buffalo Chicken Lavash Flatbread ...................................................................................92

Corn, Tomato, and Bacon Galette...................................................................................94

Mini Beef and Cheese Empanadas .................................................................................96

Mini Bean and Cheese Empanadas ............................................................................97

Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pão de Queijo) ........................................................................100

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 81 6/27/19 4:52 PM

Makes about 1 pound
Total Time: 30 minutes,
plus 1 Hour rising time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
¾ cup (6 ounces) ice water (see page 11
for how to measure ice water)
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
²∕3 cup ( ¹∕8 ounces) bread flour
It’s a Pizza Dough
1 teaspoon instant or rapid-rise yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Pizza dough needs time to rise. The yeast creates
Gather Baking Equipment little bubbles of carbon dioxide—plus a lot of
flavor. But you don’t have to make your dough
Large bowl and your pizza on the same day. You can let your
Liquid measuring cup dough rise in the refrigerator overnight. The cold
Food processor temperature of the fridge slows down the yeast’s
Plastic wrap activity. The dough will still rise, but it will rise
more slowly.
After putting the dough in the bowl and
covering the bowl in step 6, transfer it to the
refrigerator and let it rise there for up to 24 hours.
When you’re ready to use the dough, you’ll need
to warm it back up to room temperature. You can
either leave the bowl out on the counter for 1
to 2 hours or use our hot water trick: Place the
cold dough in a zipper-lock plastic bag, squeeze
out the extra air, and seal the bag. Place the bag
in a large bowl filled with hot water. Turn and
squeeze the dough a few times until it’s warmed
all the way through, about 15 minutes.

82 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

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Start Baking!

1. Spray inside bottom and sides of large bowl with vegetable oil spray and set
aside. In liquid measuring cup, combine water and oil.

2. Add flour, yeast, and sugar to food processor and lock lid into place. Hold
down pulse button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until ingredients are
combined, about five 1-second pulses.

3. Turn on processor, then slowly pour water mixture through feed tube and
process until dough comes together and no dry flour remains, about 30
seconds. Stop processor. Let dough sit for 10 minutes.

4. Remove processor lid and sprinkle salt over dough. Lock lid back into place.
Turn on processor and process for 1 minute. Stop processor.

5. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help).
Lightly spray counter and your hands with vegetable oil spray. Transfer dough
to greased counter and use your greased hands to knead dough for 30 seconds,
then form dough into smooth ball (see photos, page 61).

6. Place dough in greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let dough rise
until bubbly and doubled in size, 1 to 1½ hours. Use dough to make Personal
Pizzas (page 84) or Tear-and-Share Pepperoni Pizza Rolls (page 88).

Pizza Dough B 83

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 83 5/30/19 3:07 PM

Makes 4 (7-inch) pizzas
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes
(plus time to make pizza dough,
if making)

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 pound pizza dough, room temperature
(see page 82 to make your own, or use
All-purpose flour (for sprinkling on counter)
½ cup pizza sauce (see page 87 to make
your own, or use store-bought)
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
(4 ounces)
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese (½ ounce) “ Loved the quick and easy sauce.
Delicious. Perfect crust. I would add
Gather Baking Equipment a little more sauce.” —Helen , 12
2 rimmed baking sheets
Bench scraper (or kitchen scissors or knife)
“ The dough was tricky but really yummy.
Ruler Sauce was amazing! ” —Claire , 10
Plastic wrap
Rolling pin
1-tablespoon measuring spoon
¼-cup dry measuring cup
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Cutting board
Pizza wheel or chef’s knife

84 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 84 5/30/19 3:07 PM

Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to lowest position and heat oven to 450 degrees. Spray 2 rimmed
baking sheets well with vegetable oil spray.

2. Place room-temperature dough on clean counter. Use bench scraper to divide dough
into 4 equal pieces. Pat each piece of dough into 3½-inch circle.

3. Spray piece of plastic wrap lightly with vegetable oil spray. Cover dough pieces with
greased plastic. Let rise on counter until slightly puffy, about 15 minutes. (This is a good
time to make your sauce!)

4. Sprinkle clean counter lightly with flour. Remove one piece of dough from under plastic
and place on lightly floured counter. Flip dough over to coat with flour. Use rolling pin to
roll into 7-inch circle, rotating dough in between rolls (following photos, below).


Rolling Personal Pizzas

1 2 3
1. Sprinkle clean counter lightly with flour. Remove 1 piece of dough from under plastic and
place on lightly floured counter. Flip dough over to coat with flour. Use rolling pin to roll
dough, starting in center.

2. Rotate dough clockwise in between rolls to create even circle and to make sure dough
does not stick to counter.

3. Continue to roll into 7-inch circle. (If dough snaps back when you roll it out, cover it with
greased plastic and let it rest for 10 minutes, then try again.)

Personal Pizzas B 85

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5. Transfer rolled dough to one greased baking sheet. Repeat rolling with one more piece
of dough and place on same baking sheet.

6. Spoon 1 to 2 tablespoons sauce into center of each pizza and use back of spoon to
spread into even layer, leaving ¼-inch border around edge.

7. Sprinkle each pizza with ¼ cup mozzarella cheese and 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese.
Top with your favorite toppings (see Make It Your Way, right).

8. Place baking sheet in oven and bake pizzas until edges are browned and cheeses are
well browned and bubbling, 10 to 12 minutes.

9. While first 2 pizzas are baking, shape and top 2 more pizzas, repeating steps 4 through
7 with remaining 2 dough balls, sauce, cheeses, and toppings. Place pizzas on second
greased baking sheet.

10. Use oven mitts to remove first baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let pizzas cool for 5 minutes. While first 2 pizzas are
cooling, bake second batch of pizzas until edges are browned and cheeses are well
browned and bubbling, 10 to 12 minutes.

11. Use spatula to loosen edges of cooled pizzas from baking sheets, then carefully trans-
fer to cutting board (baking sheets will be hot). Use pizza wheel or chef’s knife to slice
pizzas and serve.

All About the Crust

There are so many kinds of pizzas in the world. Thick, thin, deep dish, slab, square,
and beyond. Here, we’re creating personal pizzas with crispy crusts. To become
crispy, the crust needs to bake quickly and therefore needs as much heat as possi-
ble. The oven’s heat source is usually on the bottom of the oven, so we try to get the
baking sheet as close to it as possible! That's why we bake 2 pizzas on one baking
sheet at a time.

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Makes 1 cup
Total Time: 15 minutes

Prepare Ingredients Start Baking!

1 (14.5-ounce) can whole peeled 1. Set colander in sink. Pour tomatoes into colander.
tomatoes, opened Shake colander to drain tomatoes well.
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, peeled 2. Transfer drained tomatoes to food processor. Add
½ teaspoon red wine vinegar oil, garlic, vinegar, oregano, salt, and pepper. Lock
½ teaspoon dried oregano lid into place. Turn on processor and process mixture
¼ teaspoon salt until smooth, about 30 seconds. Stop processor.
¹∕8 teaspoon pepper
3. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade
(ask an adult for help). Use rubber spatula to transfer
Gather Cooking Equipment sauce to medium bowl. (Sauce can be covered and
refrigerated for up to 2 days.)
Food processor
Rubber spatula
Medium bowl

Make It Your Way

Add some toppings to your pizza to make it just the way you want it. But keep this in mind: less
is more. Adding too many toppings (especially if they are heavy or wet) will make your pizza
soggy and steamy instead of crunchy and crispy. Scatter a few toppings evenly over the
pizza, making sure you can still see the cheese in between them, and you’ll be good to go.

Add these toppings BEFORE baking Add these toppings AFTER baking
Pepperoni slices, cooked sausage, Torn fresh basil leaves, a handful of baby
cooked bacon, cooked chicken, arugula or baby spinach, small spoon-
quartered cherry tomatoes, sliced bell fuls of pesto, small spoonfuls of ricotta
peppers, sliced mushrooms, pitted cheese, extra grated Parmesan cheese,
olives, crumbled feta or goat cheese, crushed red pepper flakes.
fresh mozzarella balls.

Easy Pizza Sauce B 87

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“ This recipe was AMAZING ! I can’t tell you in
words how yummy this recipe truly was! All I can
say is that it was just completely AMAZING! ”
—Tammy , 10

Makes 12 rolls
Total Time: 1¾ hours, plus 45 minutes
to 1 hour rising time,
plus 25 minutes cooling time
(plus time to make pizza dough,
if making)

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 pound pizza dough, room temperature
(see page 82 to make your own, or use
24 slices pepperoni
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
(4 ounces) Gather Baking Equipment
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, minced 8-inch round piece of parchment paper (see page 146)
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese (½ ounce) 8-inch round metal cake pan
1 cup pizza sauce, warmed (see page 87 Ruler
to make your own, or use store-bought) Bench scraper (or kitchen shears)
Plastic wrap
1-tablespoon measuring spoon
Small microwave-safe bowl
Pastry brush
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Butter knife

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to lowest position and heat oven to 400 degrees. Place parchment
paper round in bottom of 8-inch round metal cake pan. Spray inside bottom and sides of
pan lightly with vegetable oil spray.

2. Spray clean counter lightly with vegetable oil spray. Transfer room-temperature dough
to greased counter. Gently press and stretch dough into 6-inch square, popping any large
bubbles. Use bench scraper to cut square into 12 equal pieces (see photo, below). Cover
dough pieces with plastic wrap.

3. Remove 1 piece of dough from under plastic (keep remaining pieces covered). Shape,
fill, and form 1 roll with pepperoni and mozzarella cheese (following photos, below).
Flip dough ball over and place in parchment-lined cake pan. Repeat with remaining
dough pieces, pepperoni, and mozzarella cheese.

Shaping Tear-and-Share Pizza Rolls

The slices of pepperoni help seal the cheese inside each roll. You can substitute vegetarian
pepperoni if you prefer, but don’t omit the pepperoni!

1 2 3
1. Gently press and stretch dough into 6-inch square. Use bench scraper to cut square into
4 equal strips. Cut each strip into 3 equal pieces (you’ll have 12 pieces total).

2. Pat 1 piece of dough into 3-inch circle. Place 1 slice pepperoni in center of circle. Top pepper-
oni with heaping 1 tablespoon shredded mozzarella cheese and second slice pepperoni.

3. Fold edges of dough up and over filling and pinch edges well to close. Flip ball over and
place in parchment-lined cake pan.

Tear-and-Share Pepperoni Pizza Rolls B 89

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4.Cover cake pan with plastic and let rise until dough balls are slightly
puffed and touching each other, 45 minutes to 1 hour.

5. Meanwhile, in small microwave-safe bowl, combine oil and garlic. Heat in

microwave until warm and garlic is fragrant, 15 to 30 seconds.

6. Once dough has risen, remove plastic. Use pastry brush to paint tops of
dough balls with garlic oil. Sprinkle evenly with Parmesan cheese.

7. Place cake pan in oven and bake until tops of rolls are well browned, 30
to 35 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove cake pan from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place pan on cooling rack and let rolls cool in pan for 15 minutes.

9. Carefully run butter knife around edge of cake pan to loosen rolls from
pan (pan will be hot). Use oven mitts to carefully turn pan on its side and
remove rolls from pan. Let rolls cool directly on cooling rack for 10 minutes.
(This is a great time to warm up your pizza sauce.) Serve with warm pizza
sauce for dipping.

The Best Snack…Ever?

Pizza is tasty. “Tear-and-share” bread (often called monkey bread) is delicious.
But combining the two? Out of this world. We took the flavors of pizza (melty
mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, pizza dough) and combined them with the struc-
ture of tear-and-share bread (knotty-looking balls of dough that are served warm
and pulled apart with your hands) for the ultimate snack. Just don’t forget the
pizza sauce for dipping!

90 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

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Tear-and-Share Pepperoni Pizza Rolls B 91

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LAVASH “ The hot sauce provided just the right amount

of zing to the chicken.” —John , 10

“ If you double the recipe, don’t double the hot sauce

Serves 2 to 4
(we used Tapatio Picante). It was a little too spicy,
Total Time: 45 minutes
so you could barely taste the cheese.” —Keegan , 9
Prepare Ingredients
1 (12-by-9-inch) lavash bread
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup shredded cooked chicken (from
rotisserie chicken or from leftovers)
2 tablespoons Frank’s hot sauce (or
other not-too-spicy hot sauce)
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)
¾ cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
(3 ounces)
½ cup baby spinach, chopped
Ranch dressing (optional)

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Pastry brush
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Medium bowl
Rubber spatula
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

92 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 425 degrees. Lay lavash
on rimmed baking sheet. Use pastry brush to paint both sides of lavash evenly with oil.

2. Place baking sheet in oven and bake until lavash is light golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes.
3. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack. Let lavash cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes.

4.While lavash is cooling, in medium bowl, combine chicken, hot sauce, and melted
butter. Use rubber spatula to stir until chicken is well coated with sauce.

5. Sprinkle cheese evenly over cooled lavash. Spread chicken mixture evenly over cheese.
Sprinkle with spinach.

6. Use oven mitts to return baking sheet to oven and bake until cheese is melted and
chicken is warmed through, 4 to 6 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack. Let lavash cool slightly on baking sheet, about 2 minutes. Use
spatula to transfer lavash to cutting board (ask an adult for help—baking sheet will be
hot). Cut into pieces and serve with ranch dressing, if using.

What Is Buffalo Sauce?

Invented in the city of Buffalo, New York, in the 1960s, Buffalo sauce is simply a combi-
nation of hot sauce and butter. It was first used to coat deep-fried chicken wings, a
popular late-night restaurant snack. Today you can find all kinds of Buffalo-flavored
items on menus and in stores—wings, pizzas, chips, crackers, and even soda! The key
to Buffalo sauce is the kind of hot sauce you use—it should be slightly thick, vinegary,
and not too hot (Tabasco and sriracha are too spicy). The classic brand used in the
original recipe is Frank’s Red Hot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce, which is tangy, a
bit sweet, and spicy without being overpowering.

Flatbread B 93

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“ That looks like it’s from Taco Bell.
That’s not a bad thing, trust me.” —Jasper, 10

“ Looks beautiful . Really crispy. Flavorful.” —Helen , 12

Serves 6
Total Time: 1½ hours,
plus 15 minutes cooling time
(plus time to make pie dough, if making)

Prepare Ingredients
All-purpose flour (for sprinkling on counter)
1 recipe Pie Dough (see page 194 to make
your own, or use 1 round store-bought)
3 slices bacon
1 cup frozen corn, thawed and patted dry Gather Baking Equipment
1 cup (6 ounces) cherry tomatoes, halved
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese (2 ounces) Rimmed baking sheet
1 garlic clove, peeled and minced Parchment paper
¼ teaspoon salt Rolling pin
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese (½ ounce) Ruler
1 large egg, cracked into bowl and lightly Plastic wrap
beaten with fork (see page 14) Microwave-safe plate
1 scallion, dark green part only, sliced thin Paper towels
Oven mitts
Large bowl
Rubber spatula
Pastry brush
Cooling rack
Large spatula
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

94 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Line rimmed
baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. If using homemade Pie Dough (page 194), sprinkle flour over clean counter. Place
dough on floured counter and sprinkle dough with a little extra flour. Use rolling pin to
roll dough into 12-inch circle, rotating dough and reflouring counter in between rolls (see
photos, page 196). (Store-bought dough is already rolled out.)

3. Use your hands to gently transfer dough to parchment-lined baking sheet. Cover baking
sheet loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate while making filling.

4.Line microwave-safe plate with 2 paper towels and place bacon on top. Top with 2
more paper towels. Cook in microwave until bacon is crispy, 3 to 5 minutes. Use oven
mitts to remove plate from microwave—plate will be hot. Let bacon cool.

5. In large bowl, use rubber spatula to stir together corn, tomatoes, cheddar cheese,
garlic, and salt.

6. Remove baking sheet from refrigerator and discard plastic. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese
evenly over dough, leaving 2-inch border around edge. Use rubber spatula to spread
corn-tomato mixture over Parmesan. Use your hands to crumble cooked bacon over top.

7. Fold 2-inch border of dough up and over edge of filling (see photos, page 203).
Continue folding, overlapping folds of dough every 2 inches, until you get all the way
around galette. Use pastry brush to paint dough with beaten egg.

8. Place baking sheet in oven and bake until dough is golden brown, 45 to 50 minutes.
9. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack. Let galette cool on baking sheet for 15 minutes. Use large spatula
to transfer galette to cutting board. Sprinkle scallion greens over filling. Slice into wedges
and serve warm or at room temperature.

Soggy Crust Saver

A galette is like a pie, except the crust is only on the bottom and the sides, and it’s totally
free-form (no pie plate here!). A good galette has a crust that is nice and crisp. But the filling
can create a problem. Most veggies are filled with water, which can make the crust wet. The
solution? We put a layer of grated Parmesan cheese on the bottom of the galette before
adding the filling. This creates a (delicious!) barrier against any excess water. It’s also import-
ant to bake the galette right after assembling it. Don’t let it sit around and get soggy!

Corn, Tomato, and Bacon Galette B 95

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Makes 10 empanadas
Total Time: 1¾ hours,
plus 15 minutes cooling time (plus time
to make pie dough, if making)

Prepare Ingredients
All-purpose flour (for sprinkling on counter)
1 recipe Pie Dough (see page 194 to make
your own, or use 2 rounds store-bought)
1 teaspoon plus 1 tablespoon extra-virgin
olive oil, measured separately
6 ounces 85-percent lean ground beef
1 shallot, peeled and minced Gather Baking Equipment
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced Rimmed baking sheet
½ teaspoon ground cumin Parchment paper
¼ teaspoon salt Rolling pin
¼ cup (2 ounces) water, plus extra for Ruler
shaping empanadas 3¾-inch round biscuit cutter (or drinking glass with
½ cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese same diameter)
(2 ounces) Plastic wrap
1 tablespoon minced fresh cilantro (see 10-inch nonstick skillet
page 17 for how to mince herbs) Wooden spoon
Medium bowl
1-tablespoon measuring spoon
Pastry brush
Oven mitts
Cooling rack

96 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

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“Like a beef croissant.” “ I like the edges the best .”
—Jasper, 10 Start Baking! —Zachary, 10

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 425 degrees. Line rimmed baking
sheet with parchment paper.

2. If using homemade Pie Dough (page 194), sprinkle flour over clean counter. Place
dough on floured counter and sprinkle dough with a little extra flour. Use rolling pin to
roll dough into 14-inch circle, about ¹∕8 inch thick, rotating dough and reflouring counter in
between rolls (see photos, page 196). (Store-bought dough is already rolled out.)

3. Using 3¾-inch round biscuit cutter, cut out 10 rounds of dough, discarding dough
scraps. Transfer dough rounds to parchment-lined baking sheet. Cover baking sheet
loosely with plastic and refrigerate while making filling.

4. In 10-inch nonstick skillet, heat 1 teaspoon oil over medium heat for 1 minute (oil
should be hot but not smoking). Add beef, shallot, tomato paste, garlic, cumin, and salt.
Cook until beef is no longer pink, about 3 minutes, stirring often with wooden spoon to
break up meat.


Make It Your Way

You can stuff these savory pockets with just about anything! We made a classic ground beef
and cheese filling, but you can also try our vegetarian option with black beans. But don’t
stop there. You can get creative, making empanada fillings out of different kinds of cooked
meats, vegetables, and cheeses. Just be sure to follow our sealing and crimping directions
so the good stuff doesn’t burst out of the dough wrappers.

Mini Bean and Cheese Empanadas

Use 1 cup rinsed black beans instead of ground beef and ½ cup shredded sharp cheddar
cheese instead of Monterey Jack cheese. In step 4, add beans along with shallot and cook
until warmed through, about 3 minutes. In step 5, use back of wooden spoon to mash up
beans in bowl before refrigerating.

Mini Beef and Cheese Empanadas B 97

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5. Carefully pour ¼ cup water into skillet and cook until mixture is thick but not dry, 1 to
2 minutes. Transfer mixture to medium bowl and let cool slightly, then refrigerate mixture
until completely cooled, about 30 minutes.

6. Once filling is chilled, use clean wooden spoon to stir in cheese and cilantro.
7. Remove baking sheet from refrigerator and discard plastic. Use 1-tablespoon measur-
ing spoon to place 1 tablespoon filling in center of each dough round. Shape, seal, and
crimp empanadas (following photos, below).

8. Use pastry brush to paint tops and sides of empanadas with remaining 1 tablespoon
oil. Place baking sheet in oven and bake until empanadas are golden brown, 18 to 22

9. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack and let empanadas cool on baking sheet for at least 15 minutes.

Shaping Empanadas
If using store-bought pie dough in place of our homemade dough for this recipe, you will
need one package (containing two pie rounds) to get 10 empanadas. Reduce the baking
time by 2 minutes.

1 2 3
1. Dip your finger in water and lightly moisten edges of each dough round.
2. Fold dough over filling to create half-moon shape. Use your fingers to press edges
together to seal.

3. Use fork to press sealed edges together to crimp dough.

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Mini Beef and Cheese Empanadas B 99

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“It had a nice texture .
The outside was crisp and the
inside was gooey.” —Gillian , 13

Makes 12 rolls
Total Time: 1 hour, plus 5 minutes
cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 cup (8 ounces) whole milk
1 cup shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese
(4 ounces)
1 cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese
(2 ounces)
The Secret of These
¹∕3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon salt
Stretchy, Chewy Bites
2 cups (8 ounces) tapioca starch
Brazilian cheese bread rolls (pão de queijo) are
small rolls with crunchy exteriors and uniquely
Gather Baking Equipment chewy, stretchy centers. Instead of using flour like
most baked goods, they use a surprise ingredient:
12-cup muffin tin tapioca starch. Tapioca starch (also called tapioca
Blender flour) is made from cassava root (a plant native
Dish towel to South America) that has been ground up into
Rubber spatula a powder. When combined with liquid, tapioca
Oven mitts starch makes a gooey paste that can trap air and
Cooling rack make baked goods rise in the oven. Bonus: it’s
Butter knife naturally gluten-free!

100 A Chapter 3: Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

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Start Baking! Blender Safety
When using the blender to process a
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and batter, make a smoothie, or puree a
heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray 12-cup soup, follow two simple rules:
muffin tin with vegetable oil spray (making
sure to get inside each cup). • Don’t fill the blender jar more than
two-thirds full.
2. Add milk, cheddar cheese, Pecorino • Make sure to hold the lid securely in
cheese, oil, eggs, and salt to blender. place with a folded dish towel.
Add tapioca starch. (Make sure to add
the tapioca starch last, or the mixture
will turn to glue in the blender.) Place lid
on top of blender and hold lid firmly in
place with folded dish towel (see Blender
Safety, right). Process on high speed for 30
seconds. Stop blender.

3. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides

of blender jar. Replace lid and process
on high speed until smooth, about 30
seconds. Pour batter evenly into greased
muffin tin cups, filling each cup about
three-quarters full.

4. Place muffin tin in oven and bake until

rolls are golden and puffed, 25 to 30

5. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from

oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin
tin on cooling rack and let rolls cool in
muffin tin for 5 minutes. Once ingredients are in the blender jar,
place the lid on top and hold it firmly
6. Run butter knife around edges of rolls in place with a folded dish towel. Then
to loosen from muffin tin (ask an adult for turn on the blender, keeping pressure
help—muffin tin will be very hot). Using on the towel so the lid stays in place.
your fingertips, gently wiggle rolls to
remove from muffin tin and transfer directly
to cooling rack. Serve warm.

Brazilian Cheese Bread (PÃo de Queijo) B 101

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ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 102 5/30/19 3:07 PM
Chapter 4:
Cookies & Bars
Cookies and bars can be chewy, crispy, or crunchy,
square or round, tall or short. The good news? All are tasty.

Oatmeal–Chocolate Chip Cookies ................................................................................104

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies ............................................................................................106

Cookie 101 ....................................................................................................................108

Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies .......................................................................................110

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie .......................................................................................112

Jam Thumbprint Cookies ..............................................................................................114

Glazed Sugar Cookies ...................................................................................................116

Soft and Chewy Gingerbread People............................................................................120

Mexican Wedding Cookies ...........................................................................................122

Coconut Macaroons ......................................................................................................124

Chewy Brownies ............................................................................................................126

Chewy Granola Bars with Cranberries and Walnuts ......................................................128

Key Lime Bars ................................................................................................................130

Cheesecake Bars ...........................................................................................................134

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 103 5/30/19 3:07 PM

Makes 12 cookies
Total Time: 40 minutes,
plus 25 minutes cooling time “ It was super chewy (not in a bad way)
and tasted best warm.” —Elena , 12
Prepare Ingredients
½ cup (2½ ounces) all-purpose flour
“ This was a delicious cookie and
½ teaspoon salt I REALLY LOVED IT! ” —Emma , 10
¼ teaspoon baking soda
½ cup packed (3½ ounces) light brown
¼ cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
¹∕8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 large egg
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ cups (4½ ounces) old-fashioned
rolled oats (see right for more
information on oats)
¼ cup (1½ ounces) chocolate chips

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Parchment paper
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Rubber spatula
1-tablespoon measuring spoon
Oven mitts
Cooling rack

104 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Line rimmed baking
sheet with parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, salt, and baking soda.

3. In large bowl, whisk together brown sugar, oil, melted butter, and cinnamon. Add egg
and vanilla and whisk until mixture is smooth.

4. Add flour mixture to sugar mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until fully combined,
about 1 minute. Add oats and chocolate chips and stir until evenly distributed.

5. Use 1-tablespoon measuring spoon to drop dough onto parchment-lined baking sheet
in 12 mounds (about 2 heaping tablespoons each). Leave space between mounds (see
photo, page 108). Wet your hand lightly, then use your damp hand to gently flatten each
mound into 2-inch-wide circle.

6. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cookies until edges are set and lightly browned but
centers are still soft, 8 to 10 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack and let cookies cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes.

8. Use spatula to transfer cookies directly to cooling rack and let cool completely, about
15 minutes. Serve.

Oat’s About Time

Rolled oats (also called old-fashioned or regular oats) are whole oats that have been
steamed and then rolled. If these same oats are rolled very thinly, they are called quick
oats because they cook, well, more quickly. Instant oats are cooked and then dehydrated,
so they don’t need any more cooking, just hot water. Not all brands of rolled oats are the
same—some are denser than others (they weigh more). For these cookies, we had
the best luck using Quaker old-fashioned rolled oats. (We found that cookies made with
Bob’s Red Mill old-fashioned rolled oats spread out a bit more in the oven.) Don’t use
quick, instant, or extra-thick rolled oats in this recipe.

Oatmeal–Chocolate Chip Cookies B 105

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Makes 12 cookies
Total Time: 50 minutes,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
½ cup (2½ ounces) all-purpose flour
¼ cup (¾ ounce) Dutch-processed cocoa
½ teaspoon baking powder
¹∕8 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
What Is a Crinkle Cookie?
¾ cup packed (5¼ ounces) brown sugar These deep, dark, chocolaty cookies are also
1 large egg plus 1 large egg yolk known as “earthquakes” because of all the cracks
(see page 14 for how to separate eggs) that break through their snow-white surfaces
½ teaspoon vanilla extract during baking. The key to creating these crinkly
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate cracks is rolling the formed dough first in granu-
2 tablespoons unsalted butter lated sugar and then in confectioners’ sugar. The
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar granulated sugar helps create that crackly, crusty
¼ cup (1 ounce) confectioners’ (powdered) exterior and keeps the confectioners’ sugar
sugar coating in place so you can see the fissures.

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet Rubber spatula
Parchment paper 2 shallow dishes
3 bowls (1 large, 1 medium, 1-tablespoon measuring spoon
1 small microwave-safe) Cooling rack
Large zipper-lock plastic bag
Rolling pin
Oven mitts

106 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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“The cookie dough and “ They tasted just
cookies tasted soooo good Start Baking! like brownies.”
and chocolaty! ” —Lauren , 12 —Grace Ann, 13

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Line rimmed baking
sheet with parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
In large bowl, whisk brown sugar, egg and egg yolk, and vanilla until combined.

3. Place chocolate in large zipper-lock plastic bag and seal, removing as much air as possi-
ble from bag. Use rolling pin to gently pound chocolate into small pieces (see photo,
page 111).

4. In small microwave-safe bowl, combine pounded chocolate and butter. Heat in micro-
wave at 50 percent power (see page 11) until melted, 1 to 2 minutes. Use oven mitts
to remove bowl from microwave. Use rubber spatula to stir chocolate mixture until well
combined and shiny.

5. Add chocolate mixture to brown sugar mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until
combined. Stir in flour mixture until no dry flour is visible. Let dough sit at room tempera-
ture for 10 minutes.

6. Place sugar in 1 shallow dish and confectioners’ sugar in second shallow dish.
7.Use your hands to roll dough into 12 balls (about 2 tablespoons each). Drop balls
directly into shallow dish with sugar and roll to coat. Transfer dough balls to shallow dish
with confectioners’ sugar and roll to evenly coat.

8. Place dough balls on parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving about 2 inches between
balls (see photo, page 108).

9. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cookies until puffed and cracked and edges have
begun to set but centers are still soft (cookies will look raw in cracks and seem under-
done), about 11 minutes.

10.Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let cookies cool completely on baking sheet, about 30
minutes. Serve.

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies B 107

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There are many different types of cookies, including
two of our favorites: drop cookies and rolled cookies.
We’ve put together tips and tricks to help you make
the tastiest cookies, no matter which kind you bake!

Cookie Basics
Use these three simple tricks to achieve cookie perfection.

Line sheet Stagger rows Cool on sheet

Line a rimmed baking sheet Leave 2 inches between Leave cookies on baking
with parchment paper to dough balls, arranging sheet for at least 10 minutes
prevent sticking. them in staggered rows so they can firm up, then
so they do not spread transfer cookies directly to
into each other. cooling rack.

Storing Cookies and Bars

Cookies Bars
Cookies can be stored in an airtight container Brownies can be stored in an airtight
for up to 2 days. To prevent cookies from container for up to 2 days. Granola Bars can
turning dry and brittle, we recommend be stored in an airtight container for up to 1
storing them in a zipper-lock bag with a half week. Cheesecake Bars and Key Lime Bars
slice of sandwich bread. can be stored in an airtight container in the
refrigerator for up to 2 days.

108 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Drop cookies are American classics. Chocolate, oatmeal, peanut butter—these cookies
typically have a lightly crisp outer edge and a soft, chewy middle. They are some of the
easiest cookies to shape and bake.

Forming Drop Cookies

Many recipes call for simply “dropping” (hence the name) a
measurement of cookie dough onto the baking sheet, usually
with two spoons. For the best cookies, we prefer to roll the
dough between our hands into round balls. This creates cookies
that are all the same shape and that bake evenly. With very soft
doughs or sticky doughs (like our Oatmeal–Chocolate Chip
Cookies, page 104) it’s difficult to roll them between your hands,
so we just drop them straight.

Rolled (or cutout) cookies require a little more work to form than drop cookies. The dough
can become too soft to roll or it can tear, and the thin cookies can overbake. Here are the
keys to achieving great-tasting rolled cookies.

Roll Between Parchment

Rolling the cookie dough between 2 large sheets of parch-
ment paper rather than on the counter minimizes sticking
and makes it easier to transfer the cookies to the baking
sheet; you simply remove the top piece of parchment,
stamp out the cookies, and then transfer them to the
baking sheet with a thin icing spatula instead of trying to
get the cookies off the counter.

Start Rolling at the Center

When rolling out cookie dough, it helps to start at the center of the disk of dough and roll
away from you, spinning the dough a quarter turn after each roll. This helps ensure every
inch of dough is the same thickness. Try to apply even pressure as you roll.

Cookie 101 B 109

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Makes 12 cookies
Total Time: 35 minutes,
plus 25 minutes cooling time
“ I like that it has a lot of nuts and nut flavor.”
—Emery , 9
Prepare Ingredients
¾ cup (3¾ ounces) all-purpose flour “ These cookies were chewy in a nice way.”
½ teaspoon baking soda —Vivien , 11
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ cup dry-roasted peanuts
¾ cup packed (5¼ ounces) dark brown
½ cup (4½ ounces) creamy peanut
1 large egg
2 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
1 tablespoon honey
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Parchment paper
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Large zipper-lock plastic bag
Rolling pin
Rubber spatula
1-tablespoon measuring spoon
Oven mitts
Cooling rack

110 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Start Baking! Creamy, Chewy,
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 350 degrees. Line rimmed
baking sheet with parchment paper.
These cookies are chewy on the inside
2.In medium bowl, whisk together flour, and slightly crisp around the edges,
baking soda, and salt. with big peanut butter flavor through-
out. You probably already know that
3. Place peanuts in large zipper-lock plastic there are many different types of
bag and seal, removing as much air as peanut butter: creamy, crunchy, natural,
possible from bag. Use rolling pin to gently low-salt. Each has a different number
pound peanuts into very small pieces (see and texture of peanuts, and often even
photo, right). different types of oil or other additives,
which means that each kind of peanut
4. In large bowl, use rubber spatula to stir butter gives cookies a different texture.
brown sugar, peanut butter, egg, melted For this recipe, be sure to use tradi-
butter, honey, vanilla, and pounded tional creamy peanut butter for the best
peanuts until combined. chewy peanut butter cookie. Our favor-
ite is Skippy Creamy Peanut Butter.
5. Add flour mixture to brown sugar mixture
and use rubber spatula to stir until soft
dough forms and no dry flour is visible.

6. Use your hands to roll dough into 12

Knife-Free Chopping
balls (about 2 tablespoons each). Place
dough balls on parchment-lined baking
sheet, leaving space between balls
(see photo, page 108). Use your fingers
to gently flatten each dough ball into
2-inch-wide circle.

7. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cookies

until edges are just set, 10 to 12 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking

sheet from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place baking sheet on cooling rack and Place nuts or bar chocolate in zipper-
let cookies cool on baking sheet for 10 lock plastic bag. Seal bag, making
minutes. sure to press out all air. Use rolling pin
to gently pound bag to break nuts or
9. Use spatula to transfer cookies directly chocolate into small pieces.
to cooling rack and let cookies cool
completely, about 15 minutes. Serve.

Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies B 111

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 111 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Serves 12
Total Time: 45 minutes,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)
½ cup packed (3½ ounces) dark brown sugar
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Treat Your Cookie
½ cup (3 ounces) chocolate chips
Like a Cake
Gather Baking Equipment
This cookie is so big, it’s practically a cake! To make
9-inch springform pan sure our giant cookie bakes up perfectly round,
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium) we use a round cake pan—specifically, a spring-
Whisk form pan, which makes it easier to transfer the
Rubber spatula cookie and serve it since you can remove the side
Oven mitts of the pan. If you don’t have a springform pan, you
Cooling rack can use a 9-inch round cake pan instead, but you’ll
Butter knife have to flip the cookie out of the pan just like you
Icing spatula or wide metal spatula would a cake. You can treat this cookie like a cake
Cutting board when serving, too: Slice it into wedges and serve
Chef’s knife it with Whipped Cream (see page 133) or a scoop
of ice cream.

112 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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“It was the hugest cookie
I’ve ever seen! It was huge in “A perfect sweet tooth
Start Baking! healer .” —Charlotte, 11
diameter, it was huge in width,
it was HUGE! ” —Samantha , 11
1.Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees.
Spray inside bottom and sides of 9-inch springform pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt.

3. In large bowl, whisk melted butter, brown sugar, and sugar until well combined.
Add egg and vanilla and whisk until smooth.

4. Add flour mixture to butter mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until just
combined and no dry flour is visible, about 1 minute. Add chocolate chips and
stir until evenly distributed.

5. Use rubber spatula to scrape cookie dough into greased springform pan and
spread dough into even layer covering bottom of pan (see photo, below).

6. Place springform pan in oven and bake until cookie is golden brown and
edges are set, 18 to 22 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove springform pan from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place springform pan on cooling rack and let cookie cool in pan for 30 minutes.

8. Run butter knife around inside edge of springform pan to loosen edges of
cookie from pan. Unlock and remove side of pan. Use icing spatula or wide
metal spatula to loosen bottom of cookie from pan and transfer cookie to cutting
board. Cut cookie into wedges and serve warm.

Making One
Giant Cookie!
To ensure uniformly baked cookie, spread and
press dough into even layer covering bottom
of pan.

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie B 113

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 113 5/30/19 3:08 PM

“ It was fun to roll the cookie
balls with my hands and then
get to press my thumb into
the dough !” —Wesley, 8

“ They were flaky, buttery,

and yummy! ” —Laura , 13

Makes 24 cookies
Total Time: 45 minutes,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

cup p u 2 p ( ²∕3 ounces) Rimmed baking sheet
all-purpose flour Parchment paper
¼ teaspoon salt Medium bowl
¼ teaspoon baking soda Whisk
¹∕8 teaspoon baking powder Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into attachment or handheld mixer and
6 pieces and softened (see page 13 large bowl)
for how to soften butter) Rubber spatula
¹∕3 cup (2¹∕3 ounces) sugar 1-teaspoon measuring spoon
3 tablespoons (1½ ounces) cream cheese, ½-teaspoon measuring spoon
softened Oven mitts
1 large egg yolk (see page 14 for how to Cooling rack
separate eggs)
¾ teaspoon vanilla extract
¹∕3 cup jam (any flavor you want!)

114 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Making Thumbprint Cookies

1 2 3
1. Use your hands to roll 2. Use your thumb to make 3. Use ½-teaspoon measuring
dough into 24 balls (about 2 indentation in center of each spoon to fill each hole with
teaspoons each). dough ball. heaping ½ teaspoon jam.

Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Line rimmed baking
sheet with parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder.
3. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine softened butter
and sugar. If using stand mixer, lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer.
Start mixer on medium-high speed and beat until fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes. Stop mixer and
use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl.

4. Add cream cheese, egg yolk, and vanilla. Start mixer on medium speed and beat until
mixture is just combined, about 30 seconds. Stop mixer.

5. Carefully add flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and beat until combined, about
30 seconds. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

6. Use your hands to roll dough into 24 balls (about 2 teaspoons each) (see photo, above).
Place dough balls on parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving space between balls.

7. Shape and fill each cookie with jam (following photos, above).
8. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cookies until light golden brown, 15 to 18 minutes.
9. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking sheet
on cooling rack and let cookies cool completely on baking sheet, about 30 minutes. Serve.

Jam Thumbprint Cookies B 115

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Makes 12 to 18 cookies (depending on
the size of your cookie cutters)
Total Time: 50 minutes,
plus 1½ hours chilling time,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
¹∕8 teaspoon baking powder
¹∕8 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
1 large egg
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into
8 pieces and chilled (butter should be
“ The best part for me was decorating the
very cold!) cookies, except eating them, of course.”
Spreadable Glaze (page 118) —Christopher, 8

Gather Baking Equipment “ The cookies had a really good crunch to them.”
2 bowls (1 medium, Cookie cutters —Spencer , 10
1 small) Spatula
Whisk Oven mitts
Food processor Cooling rack
Rubber spatula
Parchment paper
Rolling pin
2 rimmed baking sheets

116 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Start Baking!

1. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In small
bowl, whisk together egg and vanilla.

2. Add sugar to food processor and lock lid into place. Turn on processor and process until
sugar is finely ground, about 30 seconds.

3. Stop processor and remove lid. Add chilled butter to processor and lock lid back into
place. Turn on processor and process until smooth, about 30 seconds.

4. Stop processor and remove lid. Add egg mixture and flour mixture and lock lid back
into place. Turn on processor and process until no dry flour is visible and mixture forms
crumbly dough, about 30 seconds.

5. Stop processor, remove lid, and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for
help). Use rubber spatula to transfer dough to center of large sheet of parchment paper
on counter.

6. Use your hands to pat dough into 7-by-9-inch oval. Place second large sheet of parch-
ment on top of dough. Use rolling pin to roll dough into 10-by-14-inch oval (¹∕8 to ¼ inch
thick), rolling dough between parchment (see photo, page 109).


Save All Your Scraps!

After cutting out your cookie shapes in step 9, you can put all the leftover dough
¹∕8- to ¼-inch
thickness, and cut out more shapes. It’s best to do this only one time—if you reroll
this dough more than once, the cookies will turn out tough.

Cookies B 117

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7. Slide dough (still between parchment) onto 1 baking sheet. Place baking sheet in
refrigerator and refrigerate until dough is firm, at least 1½ hours.

8. While dough is chilling, adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven
to 300 degrees. Line second baking sheet with parchment.

9. When dough is ready, remove dough from refrigerator. Gently peel off top sheet
of parchment. Use cookie cutters to cut dough into shapes. Use spatula to transfer
shapes to parchment-lined baking sheet, spaced about ½ inch apart. (If dough
becomes too warm and sticky to transfer shapes easily, return it to refrigerator to
firm up again, about 10 minutes.)

10.Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cookies until beginning to brown around
edges, 18 to 22 minutes.

11. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let cookies cool completely on baking sheet,
about 30 minutes. Decorate as desired (see photos, right). Serve.

Spreadable Glaze
One of our favorite ways to decorate cookies is with a glaze you can spread on with an icing
spatula or back of a spoon. To make glaze: In medium bowl, combine 1¹∕3 cups (5¹∕3 ounces)
confectioners’ (powdered) sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon softened cream cheese,
and 1 to 2 drops food coloring (if desired). Use rubber spatula to stir until very smooth. (See
photo, right, for more on how to spread glaze.)

118 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Glazing and
Decorating Cookies
Glazing your cookies gives you a blank canvas for decorating. Just make sure to let the glaze
dry completely, about 30 minutes, before serving.

1. Use small icing spatula or back of spoon to spread Spreadable Glaze (left) in even
layer on cookie, starting in middle and working your way to edges.

2. While glaze is still wet, sprinkle with sanding sugar, sprinkles, crushed cookies, or

Cookies B 119

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“ Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.”
—Lily , 11

“ Yummy ! The cookies were soft , chewy, and
I-need-more-worthy ! ” —Brendan, 9

Makes 12 cookies
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes,
plus 40 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
½ cup packed (3½ ounces) dark brown sugar
1½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
1½ teaspoons ground ginger
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
¹∕3 cup molasses
1 tablespoon (½ ounce) milk
Gather Baking Equipment
Food processor 3½-inch gingerbread
Cookie Dough
Rubber spatula person cookie
Plastic wrap cutter Transfer dough to clean counter.
Ruler Spatula Knead dough until it forms
Rimmed baking Oven mitts smooth ball, about 20 seconds
sheet Cooling rack (it may stick to counter—
Parchment paper if it does, use rubber spatula to
Rolling pin get all dough off counter).

120 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Start Baking!
1. Add flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, baking soda, and salt to food processor and
lock lid into place. Turn on processor and process until combined, about 10 seconds.

2. Stop processor and remove lid. Add melted butter, molasses, and milk and lock lid back
into place. Turn on processor and process until soft and crumbly dough forms and no
streaks of flour remain, about 20 seconds.

3. Stop processor, remove lid, and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for
help). Use rubber spatula to scrape dough onto clean counter. Knead dough until it
comes together, about 20 seconds (it may stick to counter—if it does, use rubber spatula
to get all dough off counter) (see photo, left).

4. Lay sheet of plastic wrap on counter. Place dough in center of plastic and flatten dough
into 8-inch circle. Wrap dough tightly in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or
up to 24 hours. If dough has been refrigerated for more than 1 hour, be sure to let dough
sit on counter for 15 minutes before rolling out.

5. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Line rimmed baking
sheet with parchment paper.

6. Remove dough from refrigerator and discard plastic. Place dough in center of second
large sheet of parchment. Place third large sheet of parchment on top of dough. Use
rolling pin to roll dough into 11-inch circle (about ¼ inch thick), rolling dough between
parchment (see photo, page 109).

7.Peel off top sheet of parchment. Use cookie cutter to cut dough into gingerbread
people. Use spatula to transfer shapes to parchment-lined baking sheet, spaced about
½ inch apart.

8. Gather dough scraps and place them in center of large piece of parchment, and place
another piece of parchment on top. Repeat rolling and cutting steps with dough scraps
until you have 12 cookies. Discard remaining dough scraps.

9. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake until cookies are slightly puffy and just set around
edges, 9 to 11 minutes.

10. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack and let cookies cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes.

11. Use spatula to transfer cookies directly to cooling rack. Let cookies cool completely,
about 30 minutes. Decorate as desired (see Spreadable Glaze, page 118, and Glazing
and Decorating Cookies, page 119). Serve.

Soft and Chewy Gingerbread People B 121

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 121 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Makes 24 cookies
Total Time: 50 minutes,
plus 20 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1 cup (4 ounces) walnuts or pecans
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter,
cut into 8 pieces and softened
(see page 13 for how to soften butter)
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar
¾ teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup (3 ounces) confectioners’
(powdered) sugar

Gather Baking Equipment A Cookie with

Rimmed baking sheet
Parchment paper
Large zipper-lock plastic bag
Many Names
Rolling pin
Medium bowl Mexican Wedding Cakes, Nut Crescents, Viennese
Whisk Crescents, Butterballs, Russian Tea Cakes,
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle Swedish Tea Cakes, Italian Butter Nuts, Southern
attachment or handheld mixer and Pecan Butterballs, Snowdrops, Viennese Sugar
large bowl) Balls, Sand Tarts, and Snowballs… These are all
Rubber spatula names for the same type of cookie—this one!
1-tablespoon measuring spoon People have been baking them all over the world
Oven mitts for generations. Light, buttery, nutty, and tender,
Cooling rack these cookies are delicious by any name.
Shallow dish

122 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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“ We liked creaming the
“The recipe was very fun
butter and sugar the best—
because we got to put sugar Start Baking!
and making them into balls.”
on it.” —Jayson , 12
—Haley, 10
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Line rimmed baking
sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place walnuts in large zipper-lock plastic bag and seal, removing as much air as possi-
ble from bag. Use rolling pin to gently pound walnuts into very small pieces (see photo,
page 111).

3. In medium bowl, whisk together pounded walnuts, flour, and salt.

4. Add softened butter and sugar to bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld
mixer). If using stand mixer, lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer. Start
mixer on medium-high speed and beat until pale and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes. Stop mixer
and use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl.

5. Add vanilla and flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until combined, about
45 seconds. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using. Use rubber spatula to
scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour.

6. Use your hands to roll dough into 24 balls (about 1 tablespoon each). Place dough balls
on parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving space between balls.

7. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cookies until tops are pale golden and bottoms are
just beginning to brown, about 18 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack and let cookies cool completely on baking sheet, about 20 minutes.

9. Spread confectioners’ sugar in shallow dish. Working with 4 cookies at a time, roll cookies
in confectioners’ sugar to coat (see photo, below). Just before serving, reroll cookies in
confectioners’ sugar a second time.

Coating Your Cookies

To ensure a thorough, even coating of confectioners’ sugar (with
no bald spots), we like to roll the cookies in the sugar two times!
Working with 4 cookies at a time, roll cookies in confectioners’
sugar to coat. Just before serving, reroll cookies in confectioners’

Mexican Wedding Cookies B 123

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 123 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Makes 18 cookies
Total Time: 1 hour,
plus 40 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
½ cup (5½ ounces) cream of coconut
2 large egg whites (see page 14
for how to separate eggs)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt
1½ cups (4½ ounces) unsweetened
shredded coconut
1½ cups (4½ ounces) sweetened
shredded coconut

Gather Baking Equipment Three Types of Coconut

Rimmed baking sheet
Parchment paper Coconut comes in many forms—there’s sweetened
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium) and unsweetened shredded coconut, coconut
Whisk milk, cream of coconut (not to be confused with
Rubber spatula coconut cream!), and coconut water, to name a
1-tablespoon measuring spoon few. To make these cookies as coconutty as possi-
Oven mitts ble, we use three different types of coconut. A
Cooling rack mix of sweetened and unsweetened shredded
Spatula coconut gives them good coconut texture and
flavor (and balances the sweetness—it turns out
there is such a thing as too sweet!). Plus, the cream
“It was simple and fun to make of coconut adds moisture, creaminess, and even
and they were delicious when more coconut flavor. Bonus: with just egg whites
to keep it all together, these cookies are naturally
they were done.” —Macey, 10 gluten-free.

124 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 124 6/27/19 4:57 PM

Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 325 degrees. Line rimmed
baking sheet with parchment paper. Spray
parchment with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk cream of coconut,

egg whites, vanilla, and salt until combined.

3. In large bowl, combine unsweetened and

sweetened shredded coconut, breaking
up clumps with your fingertips. Add cream
of coconut mixture and use rubber spatula
to stir until coconut is evenly moistened.
Refrigerate dough for 15 minutes.

4.Use 1-tablespoon measuring spoon to

scoop, drop, and shape 18 cookies (follow-
ing photos, right). 1. Use 1-tablespoon measuring
spoon to drop dough onto
5. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake until parchment-lined baking sheet
cookies are light golden brown, 18 to 22 in 18 mounds (about 1 heaping
minutes. tablespoon each), leaving space
between mounds.
6. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet
from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let cookies
cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes.

7.Use spatula to transfer cookies directly

to cooling rack and let cool completely,
about 30 minutes. Serve.

2. Using wet fingertips, shape
mounds into pyramids, rewetting
your fingertips as necessary to
prevent sticking.

Coconut Macaroons B 125

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 125 5/30/19 3:08 PM

“ It was soo chocolaty
and delicious! ” —Katya , 10

“ It was good with cookies and

cream ice cream, served warm.”
—Alicia , 10

Makes 16 brownies
Total Time: 55 minutes, plus 1½ hours
cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray Aluminum foil
1 ounce unsweetened chocolate 8-inch square metal baking pan
3 tablespoons Dutch-processed cocoa powder Ruler
¹∕3 cup (2²∕3 ounces) water Large zipper-lock plastic bag
5 tablespoons vegetable oil Rolling pin
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and Large bowl
cooled (see page 13 for how to melt butter) Liquid measuring cup
1¼ cups (8¾ ounces) sugar Oven mitts
1 large egg plus 1 large egg yolk (see page 14 Whisk
for how to separate eggs) Rubber spatula
1 teaspoon vanilla extract Toothpick
cup p u 2 p ( ∕8 ounces) Cooling rack
all-purpose flour Cutting board
½ cup (3 ounces) bittersweet chocolate chips Chef’s knife
½ teaspoon salt

126 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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What Makes a Brownie Chewy?
We love the chewy texture of brownies that come from a boxed mix, and we wanted
to re-create it—without the boxed mix. The solution turned out to need just a little bit
of math. The secret to a boxed-mix brownie’s chewy texture boils down to one thing:
fat—specifically, the ratio of saturated fat (butter) to unsaturated fat (vegetable oil). By
using roughly one-third as much butter as vegetable oil, we got the exact chewy texture
we wanted. No boxed mix needed!

Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to lowest position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Make aluminum
foil sling for 8-inch square metal baking pan (following photos, page 15). Spray foil with
vegetable oil spray.

2. Place chocolate in large zipper-lock plastic bag and seal, removing as much air as possi-
ble from bag. Use rolling pin to gently pound chocolate into small pieces (see photo,
page 111).

3. In large bowl, combine cocoa and pounded chocolate.

4. Heat water in liquid measuring cup in microwave until hot, 1 to 1½ minutes. Use oven
mitts to remove measuring cup from microwave. Pour hot water over cocoa mixture and
carefully whisk until chocolate is melted and smooth.

5. Whisk in oil and melted butter (mixture will look lumpy and separated). Whisk in sugar,
egg and egg yolk, and vanilla until smooth. Add flour, chocolate chips, and salt and use
rubber spatula to stir until combined and no dry flour is visible.

6. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into foil-lined baking pan and smooth top.
7. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out with few
moist crumbs attached (see photo, page 15), 25 to 28 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let brownies cool completely in pan, about 1½ hours.

9. Use foil to carefully lift brownies out of baking pan and place on cutting board. Cut into
squares and serve.

Chewy Brownies B 127

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 127 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Makes 12 bars
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients “ This would be a great snack to have when I get

home from school! ” —Victoria, 13
Vegetable oil spray
¾ cup (3 ounces) walnuts
1¼ cups (3¾ ounces) old-fashioned rolled
oats (see page 105)
½ cup raw sunflower seeds
¼ cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) water
½ cup dried apricots
½ cup packed (3½ ounces) brown sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
¾ cup (¾ ounce) Rice Krispies cereal
½ cup dried cranberries

Gather Baking Equipment

Aluminum foil Oven mitts
8-inch square metal Cooling rack
baking pan Liquid measuring cup
Ruler Large bowl
Food processor Dry measuring cup
Rubber spatula Cutting board
Rimmed baking Chef’s knife

128 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Make aluminum
foil sling for 8-inch square metal baking pan (following photos, page 15). Spray foil with
vegetable oil spray.

2. Add walnuts to food processor and lock lid into place. Hold down pulse button for 1
second, then release. Repeat until walnuts are finely chopped, about ten 1-second pulses.

3. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help). Use rubber
spatula to transfer walnuts to rimmed baking sheet. Add oats and sunflower seeds to
baking sheet and use rubber spatula to spread into even layer.

4. Place baking sheet in oven and bake until oats are lightly browned, about 12 minutes.
5. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack and let cool for 10 minutes. While oat mixture is cooling, reduce
oven temperature to 300 degrees.

6. Combine oil and water in liquid measuring cup. Add apricots, brown sugar, and salt to
food processor and lock lid back into place. Turn on processor and process until apricots
are very finely ground, about 15 seconds.

7.With processor running, pour oil mixture through feed tube and process until paste
forms, about 1 minute. Stop processor.

8. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help). Use
rubber spatula to transfer apricot paste to large bowl. Add cooled oat mixture and
use rubber spatula to stir until oats are well coated with apricot paste. Add cereal and
cranberries and gently stir until evenly combined.

9. Use rubber spatula to scrape mixture into foil-lined baking pan and spread into even
layer. Use bottom of dry measuring cup to press down VERY firmly (especially at edges
and corners) until smooth and flat.

10. Place baking pan in oven and bake until granola is brown at edges, about 25 minutes.
11. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let granola bars cool completely in pan, about 2 hours.

12. Use foil to lift bars out of baking pan and transfer to cutting board. Cut into bars and

Chewy Granola Bars with Cranberries and Walnuts B 129

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 129 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Makes 16 bars
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 4 hours
cooling and chilling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
5 whole graham crackers, broken into
pieces (or ¾ cup store-bought graham
cracker crumbs)
¹∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) all-purpose flour
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar
¹∕8 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)

Filling Gather Baking Equipment

1 (14-ounce) can sweetened
condensed milk Aluminum foil
¼ cup (2 ounces) cream cheese, softened 8-inch square metal baking pan
1 tablespoon grated lime zest plus ½ cup Ruler
juice (zested and squeezed from 4 limes) Food processor
(see page 17 for how to zest and Rubber spatula
juice limes) Dry measuring cup
1 large egg yolk (see page 14 Oven mitts
for how to separate eggs) Cooling rack
Pinch salt Large bowl
½ cup (1½ ounces) sweetened shredded Whisk
coconut, toasted (see page 132), optional Plastic wrap
Whipped Cream (page 133), optional Cutting board
Chef’s knife

130 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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“The lime flavor was very “ My mom even wanted it
strong, and the crust adds a Start Baking! for her birthday dessert! ”
nice little crunch.” —Suriya , 10 —Cadence , 10

1. For the crust: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Make
aluminum foil sling for 8-inch square metal baking pan (following photos, page 15). Spray foil
with vegetable oil spray.

2. Add cracker pieces, flour, sugar, and ¹∕

8 teaspoon salt to food processor and lock lid

into place. Hold down pulse button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until crackers are
broken into small pieces, about five 1-second pulses.

3. Turn on processor and process until crackers are finely ground, about 30 seconds. Stop
processor. Remove lid, add melted butter to processor, and lock lid back into place. Pulse
until butter is combined with crumbs, about ten 1-second pulses.

4. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help). Use rubber
spatula to scrape crumb mixture into foil-lined baking pan.

5. Use your hands to press crumbs into even layer covering bottom of baking pan, then use
bottom of dry measuring cup to press crumbs firmly into pan until very flat (see photo, page 133).

6. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until crust begins to brown at edges, 15 to 20 minutes.
7. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let crust cool for at least 15 minutes. (Do not turn off oven.)


What Are Key Limes, Anyway?

Key limes are smaller, yellower cousins to the bigger,
darker green Persian limes you usually see in the grocery
store. Key limes are more tart, with fragrant, floral juice.
They used to be grown widely in the Florida Keys, and
cooks who lived there invented key lime pie as a way
to use the juice. But to make these Key Lime Bars, you
don’t need key limes—they can be hard to find and are
so small that you’d have to squeeze 20 of them to get
½ cup of juice! Regular Persian limes work just fine, but
whatever you do, don’t use bottled lime juice in this recipe
(fresh juice has much better flavor!).

Key Lime Bars B 131

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 131 5/30/19 3:08 PM

8. For the filling: Meanwhile, in large bowl,
whisk condensed milk, softened cream
cheese, lime zest and juice, egg yolk, and

pinch salt until well combined and smooth.

9. Pour filling evenly over cooled crust. Use

clean rubber spatula to scrape all filling
Toasted coconut is a great addition from bowl. Spread filling into even layer to
to baked goods such as cookies or corners of pan and smooth top.
bars or as a topping for ice cream or
oatmeal. It can sometimes burn when 10. Place baking pan in oven and bake until
you toast it in the oven, so we like to filling is set and no longer jiggles when pan
use the microwave, where you can is shaken gently (ask an adult for help), 15 to
keep a close eye on it as it cooks. 20 minutes.

11. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from

oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let bars cool in pan
for 2 hours. Cover baking pan with plastic
wrap and refrigerate until bars are chilled
and firm, at least 2 hours or up to 2 days.

12. Remove bars from refrigerator and remove

plastic. Use foil to lift bars out of baking
pan and transfer to cutting board. Cut into
squares. Top squares with toasted coconut
or Whipped Cream (if using) and serve.

To make toasted coconut: Spread

½ cup sweetened shredded coconut
into even layer on large plate. Cook in
microwave until golden brown, 3 to 5
minutes, stopping to stir with rubber
spatula every 30 seconds. Use oven
mitts to remove plate from microwave
(careful—plate will be HOT!) and let
cool to room temperature.

132 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Whipped Cream
For great whipped cream, heavy or whipping cream
is a must. And make sure the cream is cold. Use an
electric mixer for fastest results, although you can use
a whisk and whip cream by hand—just be prepared
for a workout! If using a mixer, keep the beaters low
in the bowl to minimize splatters. This recipe makes
about 1 cup. (To make 2 cups, double all ingredients.)

To make Whipped Cream: In large bowl, combine

½ cup cold heavy cream, 1½ teaspoons sugar, and
½ teaspoon vanilla extract. Use electric mixer on
medium-low speed to whip cream for 1 minute.
Increase speed to high and whip until cream is
smooth and thick, about 1 minute. Stop mixer and lift
beaters out of cream. If cream clings to the beaters
and makes soft peaks that stand up on their own,
you’re done. If not, keep beating and check again in
30 seconds. Don’t overwhip cream.

Making a Bar Crust

Use your hands to press crumbs into even
layer covering bottom of baking pan. Then use
bottom of dry measuring cup to press crumbs
firmly into pan to make flat surface.

Key Lime Bars B 133

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Makes 16 bars
Total Time: 1½ hours, plus 6 hours
cooling and chilling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
5 whole graham crackers, broken into
pieces (or ¾ cup store-bought graham
cracker crumbs)
¹∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) all-purpose flour
¹∕8 teaspoon salt
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)

1 pound cream cheese “ It was very fun to make, especially to see
¾ cup (5¼ ounces) sugar the cream cheese get mixed in.” —Aurelia , 11
2 large eggs
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
1 recipe Easy Strawberry Topping “ I loved it! It was gone super fast .” —Zoe , 9
(see page 136), optional

Gather Baking Equipment

Aluminum foil Cooling rack
8-inch square metal baking pan Plastic wrap
Ruler Cutting board
Food processor Chef’s knife
Rubber spatula
Dry measuring cup
Oven mitts

134 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Start Baking!
1. For the crust: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 300 degrees. Make
aluminum foil sling for 8-inch square metal baking pan (following photos, page 15). Spray
foil with vegetable oil spray.

2. Add cracker pieces, flour, salt, and ¼ cup sugar to food processor and lock lid into
place. Hold down pulse button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until crackers are
broken into small pieces, about five 1-second pulses.

3. Turn on processor and process until crackers are finely ground, about 30 seconds. Stop
processor. Remove lid, add melted butter to processor, and lock lid back into place. Pulse
until butter is combined with crumbs, about ten 1-second pulses.

4. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help). Use rubber
spatula to scrape mixture into foil-lined baking pan.

5. Use your hands to press crumbs into even layer covering bottom of baking pan, then
use bottom of dry measuring cup to press crumbs firmly into pan until very flat (see photo,
page 133).

6. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until crust begins to brown at edges, 15 to 20 minutes.
7. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let crust cool for at least 15 minutes. (Do not turn off oven.)


A Piece of Cake
Cheesecake is delicious, but baking a big traditional one can be tricky. You have to
bake a large cheesecake inside another pan filled with water to make sure it bakes
evenly—a fussy and delicate maneuver in the oven. Smaller cheesecake bars are just
as delicious, with a crisp graham cracker crust and a tangy, custardy filling, and are
much easier to make (no water bath required). Plus, they are portable and easy to
share—perfect for bake sales, parties, or any occasion!

Cheesecake Bars B 135

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter3-4_INTs.indd 135 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Easy Strawberry 8. For the cheesecake filling: Add cream
cheese and ¾ cup sugar to clean, dry food
processor and lock lid back into place. Turn

Topping on processor and process until smooth,

about 3 minutes.

Fresh berries are a great topping for 9. With processor running, add eggs and
baked goods such as Cheesecake Bars vanilla through feed tube and process until
(page 134), Pound Cake (page 150), just combined, about 30 seconds. Stop
Olive Oil Cake (page 178), or Individual processor. Remove lid and carefully remove
Flourless Chocolate Cakes (page 184), processor blade (ask an adult for help).
but tossing strawberries with sugar
(called macerating) takes it to the next 10. Pour filling evenly over cooled crust, using
level. The sugar draws out juice from rubber spatula to scrape out all filling from
the berries and turns them a bright food processor bowl.
ruby red.
11. Place baking pan in oven and bake until
To make strawberry topping: Use edges are set and puffed slightly but center
paring knife to hull 2 cups (10 ounces) still jiggles slightly when baking pan is shaken
strawberries (see photo, below). Slice (ask an adult for help), 30 to 35 minutes.
strawberries and place in medium
bowl. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 12. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from
use spoon to stir until combined. Let oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sit until sugar has dissolved and straw- pan on cooling rack and let bars cool in pan
berries are juicy, at least 30 minutes or for 2 hours. Cover baking pan with plastic
up to 2 hours. Spoon over your fav- wrap and refrigerate until bars are chilled
orite baked good or ice cream! and firm, at least 4 hours or up to 2 days.

13. Remove baking pan from refrigerator and

remove plastic. Use foil to lift bars out of
baking pan and transfer to cutting board. Cut
into squares. Top each square with strawberry
topping (if using). Serve.

136 A Chapter 4: Cookies & Bars

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Cheesecake Bars B 137

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ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 138 5/30/19 3:08 PM
Chapter 5:
Cakes & Cupcakes
There are cakes to make for every occasion—
from after-school snacking to sleepover adventuring
and celebrating with family and friends.

Berry Snack Cake ................................. 140 Frosting 101 ........................................ 162

Easy Chocolate Snack Cake ................ 142 Confetti Frosting.................................. 164

Tahini-Banana Snack Cake ................... 144 Chocolate Frosting .............................. 165

Cake Prep 101 ..................................... 146 Nutella Frosting ................................... 166

Gingerbread Snack Cake..................... 148 Cream Cheese Frosting ....................... 167

Pound Cake ......................................... 150 Strawberry Frosting ............................. 168

Yellow Sheet Cake Decorating 101 .................................... 170

with Chocolate Frosting ...................... 152
Cake Pops ........................................... 174
Carrot Sheet Cake
with Cream Cheese Frosting ............... 154 Olive Oil Cake ..................................... 178

Yellow Cupcakes Mini Tea Cakes with Citrus Glaze ........ 180
with Strawberry Frosting ...................... 156
Individual Flourless
Chocolate Cupcakes Chocolate Cakes ................................. 184
with Nutella Frosting ........................... 158

Confetti Layer Cake ............................. 160

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 139 5/30/19 3:08 PM

Serves 12
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes,
plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
1½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into
8 pieces and softened (see page 13
for how to soften butter)
²∕3 cup p c ( ²∕3 ounces) light brown
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¹∕3 cup (2²∕3 ounces) whole milk
¾ cup (3¾ ounces) blueberries
¾ cup (3¾ ounces) raspberries

Gather Baking Equipment

8-inch square metal baking pan
8-inch square piece of parchment paper
Bright and
(see page 146)
Medium bowl
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle
attachment or handheld mixer and This pretty, simple snack cake is perfect for after
large bowl) school (or even for breakfast, if you’re in need
Rubber spatula of a special morning treat). The blueberries and
Toothpick raspberries add bright color and fresh flavor. You
Oven mitts can substitute frozen berries for fresh if you like.
Cooling rack Just thaw them before using!
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

140 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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“Very delicious . The brown
“ I loved the vibrant colors
sugar also added a better
flavor than normal sugar.”
Start Baking! and taste the berries gave!”
—Catherine, 11
—Sylvia , 10

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray
inside bottom and sides of 8-inch square metal baking pan with vegetable oil
spray. Line bottom of baking pan with 8-inch square piece of parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt.

3.In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine
softened butter and sugar. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand
mixer, if using. Start mixer on medium-high speed. Beat until mixture is light
and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes. Stop mixer.

4.Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl. Add eggs and vanilla.
Start mixer on medium speed and beat until combined, about 30 seconds.
Stop mixer.

5. Carefully add half of flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until
combined, about 30 seconds. With mixer running, slowly pour in milk and mix
until combined, about 30 seconds. Stop mixer.

6. Add remaining flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until well
combined, about 30 seconds. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer,
if using.

7. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry
flour (batter will be very thick). Add blueberries and raspberries and use rubber
spatula to gently stir until just combined.

8.Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into parchment-lined baking pan and
smooth top (make sure to spread batter into corners to create even layer).

9. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until cake is golden brown and toothpick
inserted in center comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 30 to 35 minutes.

10. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking pan on cooling rack and let cake cool completely in pan, about 2 hours.

Remove cake from baking pan and discard parchment (following photos,
page 147). Cut cake into pieces and serve.

Berry Snack Cake B 141

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 141 5/30/19 3:08 PM

“ I thought it was the best cake
I ’ve ever had in my life. The
mayo made it so moist it melted
in my mouth! ”—Henry, 9

“ I really liked the cake! I hate

mayonnaise , but I loved this
mayonnaise cake! ”—Carly, 11

Serves 12
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes,
plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 8-inch square metal baking pan
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour 8-inch square piece of parchment
1 cup (7 ounces) sugar paper (see page 146)
½ teaspoon baking soda 2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
¼ teaspoon salt Whisk
½ cup (1½ ounces) Dutch-processed Liquid measuring cup
cocoa powder Oven mitts
¹∕3 cup (2 ounces) chocolate chips Rubber spatula
1 cup (8 ounces) water Toothpick
²∕3 cup mayonnaise Cooling rack
1 large egg Small fine-mesh strainer for dusting
2 teaspoons vanilla extract with sugar
Confectioners’ (powdered) sugar Cutting board
(optional) Chef’s knife

142 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of 8-inch square metal baking pan with vegetable oil spray. Line bottom of
baking pan with 8-inch square piece of parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt. In large bowl,
combine cocoa and chocolate chips.

3. Heat water in liquid measuring cup in microwave until hot and steaming, 1 to 2 minutes.
Use oven mitts to remove measuring cup from microwave. Carefully pour water over
chocolate mixture and whisk until smooth. Let mixture cool for 10 minutes.

4.Add mayonnaise, egg, and vanilla to cooled chocolate mixture and whisk until
combined. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until just combined and no
dry flour remains.

5. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into parchment-lined baking pan and smooth top
(make sure to spread batter into corners to create even layer).

6. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out
clean (see photo, page 15), 34 to 38 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let cake cool completely in pan, about 2 hours.

8. Remove cake from baking pan and discard parchment (following photos, page 147).
Dust cake with confectioners’ sugar (following photos, page 217). Cut cake into pieces
and serve.

Mayonnaise in a Cake?
Using mayonnaise as an ingredient in this recipe seemed strange to us at first, too. But then
we remembered that mayonnaise is mostly made from two common cake ingredients: egg
yolks and oil! (Mayo also contains an acid such as vinegar or lemon juice.) Two-thirds of a
cup of mayonnaise is the trick to making this cake super moist and delicious. And you might
already have this key ingredient in your refrigerator or pantry.

Easy Chocolate Snack Cake B 143

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 143 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Serves 12
Total Time: 1½ hours,
plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 8-inch square metal baking pan
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour 8-inch square piece of parchment paper
½ teaspoon salt (see page 146)
½ teaspoon baking soda 2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
3 very ripe bananas (skins should be speckled black) Whisk
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 4 pieces and Large fork or potato masher
softened (see page 13 for how to soften butter) 1-cup dry measuring cup
1¼ cups (8¾ ounces) sugar Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle
¹∕3 cup tahini attachment or handheld mixer and large bowl)
2 large eggs Rubber spatula
¾ teaspoon vanilla extract Toothpick
¼ cup (2 ounces) whole milk Oven mitts
2 teaspoons sesame seeds Cooling rack
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

Open Sesame
You know peanut butter, but have you tried tahini? While peanut butter is made by grinding
up peanuts, tahini is a paste made by grinding up toasted sesame seeds and is a popular ingre-
dient in Middle Eastern cuisine (think hummus). Just be sure to stir it up before measuring!

144 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 144 5/30/19 3:09 PM

“After it was baked it was “I thought it would taste
very fluffy and yummy! weird because of the tahini
I love bananas, but this was Start Baking! and sesame seeds, but it was
my first time tasting tahini.” heaven and we cannot wait
—Avisha, 9 to make it again.” —Max, 10

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of 8-inch square metal baking pan with vegetable oil spray. Line bottom of
baking pan with 8-inch square piece of parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, salt, and baking soda.

3. Peel bananas and place in large bowl. Use large fork or potato masher to mash bananas
until broken down but still chunky. Measure out 1 cup mashed bananas (discard any extra).

4. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine softened butter,
sugar, and tahini. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer, if using. Start
mixer on medium-high speed. Beat until mixture is light and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes.

5. Add eggs and beat until combined, about 30 seconds. Add mashed bananas and
vanilla and beat until incorporated, about 30 seconds. Stop mixer.

6. Carefully add half of flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until combined,
about 1 minute. With mixer running, slowly pour in milk and mix until combined, about
30 seconds. Stop mixer.

7. Add remaining flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until well combined,
about 1 minute. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

8. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour. Use
rubber spatula to scrape batter into parchment-lined baking pan and smooth top (make
sure to spread batter into corners to create even layer). Sprinkle sesame seeds over top.

9. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until cake is deep golden brown and toothpick inserted
in center comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 40 to 50 minutes.

10. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let cake cool completely in pan, about 2 hours.

11. Remove cake from baking pan and discard parchment (following photos, page 147).
Cut cake into pieces and serve.

Tahini-Banana Snack Cake B 145

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 145 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Cakes come in all shapes and sizes, but most


benefit from the same couple of prep steps.
Follow these tricks to help get your cake out
of the pan, and make sure you store your
leftovers for maximum deliciousness.

How to Line a Cake Pan

with Parchment Paper
To help remove cakes from their pans, we often line the pan with parchment paper before
baking. Otherwise, the cake could stick and break into pieces as you attempt to remove it!

1 2 3
1. Place cake pan on sheet of 2. Cut out parchment with 3. Then place parchment into
parchment paper and trace scissors. greased pan.
around bottom of pan.

146 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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How to Remove Cakes from Pans
Some cakes cool completely in their pans, while others need to be removed while they are
still warm so they can cool on wire cooling racks. Ask an adult for help if the cake is still warm.

1. Run butter knife around edge of

cake to release cake from pan.

2. Place cooling rack on top of cake.

Hold bottom of cake pan with one
hand (use oven mitt if pan is still
hot) and place second hand on top
of cooling rack. Turn over pan so

1 2 cake falls gently onto rack.

3. Carefully peel parchment paper

away from cake and discard. Place
cutting board or serving platter on
top of cake and flip cake right side
up onto cutting board or serving

4. Remove cooling rack.

3 4

How to Store Cakes

Snack Cakes: Cooled cakes can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room tempera-
ture for up to 24 hours.

Sheet Cakes, Layer Cakes, Cupcakes, and Tea Cakes: Cooled, unfrosted cakes can be
wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to 24 hours. Once frosted
(or glazed), cakes can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours; let cakes come to room tempera-
ture before serving.

Pound Cake and Olive Oil Cake: Cooled cakes can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored
at room temperature for up to 3 days.

Cake Prep 101 B 147

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“ We loved the molasses flavor!
The cake was easy to make,
and our entire family loved it! ”
—Alexis , 9

“ I really love how you put the

ingredients in order of use.
It makes making the recipe so
much easier.” —Mackenzie, 11

Serves 12
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes,
plus 1½ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 8-inch square metal baking pan
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour 8-inch square piece of parchment paper
1 tablespoon ground ginger (see page 146)
½ teaspoon baking powder 2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
¼ teaspoon baking soda Whisk
½ teaspoon salt Rubber spatula
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon Toothpick
1 cup packed (7 ounces) light brown sugar Oven mitts
¾ cup (6 ounces) water Cooling rack
½ cup molasses Cutting board
2 large eggs Chef’s knife
¹∕3 cup vegetable oil

148 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!
Work It
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside Usually, when making cakes, it’s impor-
bottom and sides of 8-inch square metal tant to stir the batter very gently (and
baking pan with vegetable oil spray. Line not a lot!). That’s because gluten,
bottom of baking pan with 8-inch square the protein in flour that turns into
piece of parchment paper. a network when mixed with water,
becomes stronger and stronger the
2. In large bowl, whisk together flour, more you stir. Often, a super-strong
ginger, baking powder, baking soda, salt, gluten network means a tough cake.
and cinnamon. And nobody wants that. But this cake is
different. Gingerbread batter is heavy
3.In medium bowl, whisk brown sugar, and wet and needs a strong gluten
water, molasses, eggs, and oil until smooth. network to make sure it doesn’t sink in
the middle while baking. So it’s import-
4. Add half of brown sugar mixture to flour ant to work your arm muscles with this
mixture. Use rubber spatula to stir well recipe, stirring and stirring the batter
until batter is very smooth, about 1 minute. until it’s super smooth!
Add remaining brown sugar mixture and
stir well again until batter is completely
smooth, about 1 minute.

5. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into

parchment-lined baking pan and smooth
top (make sure to spread batter into
corners to create even layer).

6. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until

cake is deep golden brown and toothpick
inserted in center comes out clean (see
photo, page 15), 40 to 45 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan

from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking pan on cooling rack and let cake
cool completely in pan, about 1½ hours.

8. Remove cake from baking pan and

discard parchment (following photos, page
147). Cut cake into pieces and serve.

Gingerbread Snack Cake B 149

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Serves 12
Total Time: 1 hour and 40 minutes, plus 2¼ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray with flour
“ The directions were simple to follow. I really liked
1½ cups (6 ounces) cake flour the crust on top, and it tastes good.”
1 teaspoon baking powder —Emma , 10
½ teaspoon salt
16 tablespoons (2 sticks) unsalted
butter, cut into 8 pieces
1¼ cups (8¾ ounces) sugar
4 large eggs
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract

Gather Baking Equipment

8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan
Large bowl
Liquid measuring cup
Food processor
Rubber spatula
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Butter knife
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

150 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of 8½-by-4½-inch metal loaf pan with vegetable oil spray with flour.

2. In large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt. In liquid measuring cup,
melt butter (see page 13 for how to melt butter).

3. Add sugar, eggs, and vanilla to food processor and lock lid into place. Turn on proces-
sor and process until well combined, about 10 seconds.

4.With processor running, slowly pour hot melted butter through feed tube until
combined, about 30 seconds. Stop processor.

5. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help). Pour butter
mixture into bowl with flour mixture, making sure to scrape all butter mixture into bowl
using rubber spatula.

6. Use rubber spatula to gently stir batter until just combined and no dry flour is visible.
Do not overmix (see page 38). Scrape batter into greased loaf pan.

7. Place loaf pan in oven. Bake until cake is deep golden brown and toothpick inserted in
center comes out with few crumbs attached (see photo, page 15), 55 minutes to 1 hour.

8. Use oven mitts to remove loaf pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place loaf pan on
cooling rack and let cake cool in pan for 15 minutes.

9. Carefully run butter knife around edges of cake to loosen from loaf pan (ask an adult for
help—pan will be hot). Use oven mitts to carefully turn loaf pan on its side and remove
cake from pan. Let cake cool completely on cooling rack, about 2 hours. Transfer cake to
cutting board, cut, and serve.

How Many Pounds Is YOUR Pound Cake?

Why is a pound cake called a pound cake? The earliest versions of this recipe were
made in England in the 1700s and called for 1 pound each of butter, sugar, eggs, and
flour. This made it easy for cooks to remember the recipe, but it also made a VERY
large cake! Over the years, home cooks scaled down the recipe to make a smaller
cake and added some ingredients here and there, including leaveners (such as baking
powder) to make sure the cake would rise.

Pound Cake B 151

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“The cake was just right—not too
hard and not too crumbly, and the
frosting was just right too—not
too sweet.” —Madison, 8

Serves 18
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes,
plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 13-by-9-inch metal baking pan
2¼ cups (9 ounces) cake flour 13-by-9-inch piece of parchment paper
1¼ teaspoons baking powder (see page 146)
¼ teaspoon baking soda Medium bowl
¾ teaspoon salt Whisk
4 large eggs Electric mixer (stand mixer with whisk attachment
1¾ cups (12¼ ounces) sugar or handheld mixer and large bowl)
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, Rubber spatula
melted and cooled (see page 13 Toothpick
for how to melt butter) Oven mitts
5 tablespoons vegetable oil Cooling rack
¾ cup (6 ounces) buttermilk Serving platter or cutting board
2 teaspoons vanilla extract Icing spatula
3 cups Chocolate Frosting (page 165) Chef’s knife

152 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of 13-by-9-inch metal baking pan with vegetable oil spray. Line bottom of
baking pan with 13-by-9-inch piece of parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
3. Add eggs to bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer). Lock bowl into
place and attach whisk attachment to stand mixer, if using. Start mixer on medium speed.
Whip eggs until foamy, 1 to 2 minutes. Stop mixer.

4.Add sugar to eggs and start mixer on medium-high speed. Whip mixture until pale
yellow and fluffy, about 3 minutes.

5. Reduce speed to medium. With mixer running, very slowly pour in melted butter and
oil and mix until fully combined, about 2 minutes. Stop mixer.

6. Carefully add half of flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until just combined,
about 30 seconds. With mixer running, add buttermilk and vanilla and mix until combined,
about 30 seconds. Stop mixer.

7. Add remaining flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until just combined and
no dry flour is visible, about 30 seconds. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if

8. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour. Use
rubber spatula to scrape batter into parchment-lined baking pan and smooth top (make
sure to spread batter into corners to create even layer).

9. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until cake is golden brown and toothpick inserted in
center comes out with few crumbs attached (see photo, page 15), 27 to 30 minutes.

10. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
pan on cooling rack and let cake cool completely in pan, about 2 hours. (This is a good
time to make the frosting!)

11. Remove cake from baking pan and discard parchment (following photos, page 147).
Use icing spatula to spread frosting evenly over top and sides of cooled cake (see photo,
page 163). Cut cake into pieces and serve.

Yellow Sheet Cake with Chocolate Frosting B 153

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“ I think that this recipe was
AMAZING! It was really tasty.
The carrot cake itself was very
flavorful and had great spicing
in it . My family all tasted it
and loved it! ” —Caroline, 11

Serves 18
Total Time: 1½ hours,
plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray 13-by-9-inch metal baking pan
2½ cups (12½ ounces) all-purpose flour 13-by-9-inch piece of parchment paper (see page 146)
1¼ teaspoons ground cinnamon 2 bowls (1 medium, 1 large)
1¼ teaspoons baking powder Whisk
1 teaspoon baking soda Rubber spatula
½ teaspoon salt Toothpick
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg Oven mitts
1½ cups vegetable oil Cooling rack
1½ cups (10½ ounces) sugar Serving platter or cutting board
½ cup packed (3½ ounces) light brown sugar Icing spatula
4 large eggs Chef’s knife
1 pound carrots, peeled and grated
(see photo, right)
3 cups Cream Cheese Frosting
(page 167)

154 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!
Two Ways
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and
heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside to Grate
bottom and sides of 13-by-9-inch metal
baking pan with vegetable oil spray. Line
bottom of baking pan with 13-by-9-inch
piece of parchment paper.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour,

cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda,
salt, and nutmeg.

3. In large bowl, whisk oil, sugar, brown

sugar, and eggs until fully combined, about
1 minute.

4. Add flour mixture to oil mixture and use

rubber spatula to stir until just combined
and no dry flour is visible. Add carrots to
batter and stir until well combined.

5. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into

parchment-lined baking pan and smooth
top (make sure to spread batter into
corners to create even layer).

6. Place baking pan in oven. Bake until

cake is golden brown and toothpick
inserted in center comes out clean (see
photo, page 15), 35 to 40 minutes. There are two ways to grate carrots:
with a box grater or with a food proces-
7. Use oven mitts to remove baking pan sor. If using a box grater, make sure to
from oven (ask an adult for help). Place use the large holes on the grater and
baking pan on cooling rack and let cake stop grating when your fingers get
cool completely in pan, about 2 hours. close to the grater. You can also use the
(This is a good time to make the frosting!) shredding disk of a food processor to
quickly and easily grate the peeled and
8. Remove cake from baking pan and trimmed carrots for this recipe. Be sure
discard parchment (following photos, to ask an adult for help when removing
page 147). Use icing spatula to spread the sharp disk!
frosting evenly over top and sides of
cooled cake (see photo, page 163). Cut
cake into pieces and serve.

Carrot Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting B 155

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Makes 12 cupcakes
Total Time: 1 hour, plus 1¼ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients “ The recipe was so good! I had a soccer game,

so I made an extra batch for my soccer team.
1¾ cups (8¾ ounces) all-purpose flour
1 cup (7 ounces) sugar They loved it! ” —Perrie , 9
1½ teaspoons baking powder
¾ teaspoon salt
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut
into 12 pieces and softened (see
page 13 for how to soften butter)
3 large eggs
¾ cup (6 ounces) milk
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups Strawberry Frosting (page 168)

Gather Baking Equipment

12-cup muffin tin
12 paper cupcake liners
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle
attachment or handheld mixer and
large bowl)
Rubber spatula
¹∕3-cup dry measuring cup
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Small icing spatula or spoon

156 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 12-cup muffin
tin with 12 paper liners.

2. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), whisk together flour,
sugar, baking powder, and salt. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer,
if using.

3. Start mixer on low speed. Add softened butter, 1 piece at a time, and beat until mixture
looks like coarse sand, about 1 minute.

4. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat until combined, about 30 seconds.
5. Add milk and vanilla, increase speed to medium, and beat until light and fluffy, about
2 minutes. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using. Use rubber spatula to
scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour.

6. Use ¹∕3-cup dry measuring cup to divide batter evenly among muffin tin cups (use rubber
spatula to scrape batter from measuring cup, if needed).

7. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake cupcakes until toothpick inserted in center of 1 cupcake
comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 22 to 24 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin tin
on cooling rack and let cupcakes cool in muffin tin for 15 minutes.

9. Remove cupcakes from muffin tin and transfer directly to cooling rack. Let cupcakes
cool completely, about 1 hour. (This is a good time to make the frosting!)

10.Use small icing spatula or spoon to spread 2 to 3 tablespoons frosting over each
cupcake (see photos, page 163). (Note you may have extra frosting. See Extra Frosting?
Store It! sidebar, below, for tips on storage.) Serve.

Extra Frosting? Store It!

Or just eat it with a spoon. (We won’t tell!) But if you do want to store your extra frosting,
it can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. When ready to use, let frosting soften at room
temperature for 1 to 2 hours, then rewhip on medium speed until smooth, 2 to 5 minutes.
Frosting can sit at room temperature for up to 2 hours before using.

Yellow Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting B 157

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Makes 12 cupcakes
Total Time: 1 hour, plus 1¼ hours
cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
¹∕3 cup (1 ounce) Dutch-processed cocoa
¹∕3 cup (2 ounces) chocolate chips
½ cup (4 ounces) water “ I LOVED it! It couldn’t be more delicious.
¾ cup (5¼ ounces) sugar I begged my parents for more! ” —Seth , 10
½ cup sour cream
½ cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
“ The recipe was fun . I thought the sour cream was
1 teaspoon vanilla extract weird and wanted to stop after that. My mom told
3 cups Nutella Frosting (see page 166) me I wouldn’t be able to taste the sour cream.
She was right.” —Brennan , 11
Gather Baking Equipment
12-cup muffin tin Rubber spatula
12 paper cupcake liners ¹∕3-cup dry measuring cup
2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium) Toothpick
Whisk Cooling rack
Liquid measuring cup Small icing spatula or spoon
Oven mitts

158 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Line 12-cup muffin
tin with 12 paper liners.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. In large bowl, combine
cocoa and chocolate chips.

3. Heat water in liquid measuring cup in microwave until hot and steaming, 1 to 2 minutes.
Use oven mitts to remove measuring cup from microwave. Carefully pour water over
chocolate mixture and whisk until smooth.

4. Add sugar, sour cream, oil, eggs, and vanilla to bowl with chocolate mixture and whisk
until combined. Add flour mixture and use rubber spatula to stir until just combined and
no dry flour is visible.

5. Use ¹∕3-cup dry measuring cup to divide batter evenly among muffin tin cups (use rubber
spatula to scrape batter from measuring cup if needed).

6. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake cupcakes until toothpick inserted in center of 1 cupcake
comes out with few crumbs attached (see photo, page 15), 18 to 22 minutes.

7. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven (ask an adult for help). Place muffin tin
on cooling rack and let cupcakes cool in muffin tin for 15 minutes.

8. Remove cupcakes from muffin tin and transfer directly to cooling rack. Let cupcakes
cool completely, about 1 hour. (This is a good time to make the frosting!)

9. Use small icing spatula or spoon to spread 2 to 3 tablespoons frosting over each
cupcake (see photos, page 163). (Note you may have extra frosting. See Extra Frosting?
Store It! sidebar, page 157, for tips on storage.) Serve.

What Is Dutch-Processed Cocoa?

A process called Dutching, which was invented in the nineteenth century by a Dutch chemist
and chocolatier named Coenraad Van Houten, raises cocoa powder’s pH level, which gives
the cocoa a fuller flavor and deeper color. (Scientists use a pH scale to measure how acidic
or basic something is.) Dutch-processed cocoa, sometimes called alkalized or European-
style cocoa, is the best choice for most baked goods. Using a natural (unalkalized) cocoa
powder results in a drier cake.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella Frosting B 159

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“ It’s delicious! It was easy for
me to follow and ended in a
tasty dessert.” —Matthew, 11

Serves 16 to 20
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes,
plus 1 hour cooling time

Prepare Ingredients Gather Baking Equipment

Vegetable oil spray with flour Two 9-inch round metal cake pans
2¼ cups (9 ounces) cake flour Two 9-inch round pieces of parchment paper
1¾ cups (12¼ ounces) sugar (see page 146)
2 teaspoons baking powder Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle attachment
1 teaspoon salt or handheld mixer and large bowl)
1 cup (8 ounces) whole milk Whisk
6 large egg whites 4-cup liquid measuring cup (or medium bowl)
(see page 14 for how to separate eggs) Rubber spatula
2 teaspoons vanilla extract Toothpick
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into Oven mitts
12 pieces and softened (see page 13 Cooling rack
for how to soften butter) Serving platter or cake stand
5 cups Confetti Frosting (see page 164) Icing spatula
¼ cup rainbow sprinkles 1-cup dry measuring cup
Chef’s knife

160 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 160 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside bottom
and sides of each 9-inch round metal cake pan with vegetable oil spray with flour. Line
bottom of each cake pan with 9-inch round piece of parchment paper.

2. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), whisk together flour,
sugar, baking powder, and salt. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer,
if using.

3. In 4-cup liquid measuring cup (or medium bowl), whisk together milk, egg whites, and

4. Start mixer on low speed. Add softened butter, 1 piece at a time, and mix until only
pea-size pieces of butter remain, 1 to 2 minutes.

5. Slowly pour in milk mixture and mix until combined, about 1 minute. Increase speed to
medium-high and beat until mixture is light and fluffy, 1 to 2 minutes. Stop mixer. Remove
bowl from stand mixer, if using.

6. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour. Use
rubber spatula to divide batter evenly between parchment-lined cake pans and smooth
tops (make sure to spread batter out to edges of each pan to create even layer).

7. Place cake pans in oven. Bake until cakes are golden brown and toothpick inserted in
center of each cake comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 22 to 26 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove cake pans from oven (ask an adult for help). Place cake pans
on cooling rack and let cakes cool completely in pans, about 1 hour. (This is a good time
to make the frosting!)

9. Remove cakes from cake pans and discard parchment (see photos, page 147).
10. Assemble and frost cake using icing spatula (following photos, page 162). Use your
hand to gently pat sprinkles around bottom edge of cake (see page 170). Cut cake into
wedges and serve.

Confetti Layer Cake B 161

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 161 5/30/19 3:09 PM

The first step to decorating any cake or
cupcake is to frost it. Remember, when
cupcake is to frost it. Remember, when
frosting cupcakes and cakes, wait until they

frosting cupcakes and cakes, wait until they
are completely cool. If they are warm, the
are completely cool. If they are warm, the
butter in the frosting will melt and make a
butter in the frosting will melt and make a
mess. Check out pages 170 to 171 for more
mess. Check out pages 170 to 171 for more
decorating techniques.
decorating techniques.


An icing spatula, a large spatula with a bend in the blade that’s also called an offset spatula,
is best here, but a butter knife will also work.

1 2
1. Place one cake layer on serving platter or 2. Top with second cake layer and press down
cake stand. Use icing spatula to spread 1 gently to set.
cup frosting over top of cake.

3 4
3. Use icing spatula to spread remaining 4 4.Use icing spatula to gently smooth out
cups frosting over top and sides of cake. bumps around sides of cake and to tidy areas
where frosting on top and side merge. Then
run spatula over top of cake again to smooth
out any remaining bumps.

162 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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A small icing spatula or small spoon works best for frosting cupcakes.

1 2
1. Mound 2 to 3 tablespoons frosting in 2. Use icing spatula to spread frosting to
center of cupcake. edge of cupcake, leaving slight mound of
frosting in center. Keep frosting off paper
liner. Once frosted, cupcakes can be
decorated with sprinkles or other treats
(see decorating tips, page 171).


A large icing spatula is the best tool for frosting sheet cakes.

1 2
1. Mound 2 cups frosting in center of cake. Then use icing spatula to spread frosting evenly to
edges of cake.

2. Use remaining frosting to frost sides of cake. Use icing spatula to gently smooth out
bumps around sides of cake and to tidy areas where frosting on top and side merge. Then
run spatula over top of cake again to smooth out any remaining bumps.

FROSTING 101 B 163

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Makes 3 cups (enough for 12 cupcakes or 1 sheet cake)
Total Time: 20 minutes

Prepare Ingredients
20 tablespoons (2½ sticks) unsalted butter,
cut into 20 pieces and softened (see page 13
for how to soften butter)
2 tablespoons heavy cream To make 5 cups
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
¹∕8 teaspoon salt (enough for a 2-layer cake)
2½ cups (10 ounces) confectioners’ (powdered) sugar Increase butter to 1 pound (4 sticks),
¹∕3 cup rainbow sprinkles increase cream to ¼ cup, increase
vanilla to 1 tablespoon, increase salt
to ¼ teaspoon, increase confection-
Gather Baking Equipment ers’ sugar to 4 cups (16 ounces), and
increase sprinkles to ¾ cup.
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle attachment
or handheld mixer and large bowl)
Rubber spatula

Start Baking!
1. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine softened butter,
cream, vanilla, and salt. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer, if using.

2. Start mixer on medium speed and beat until smooth, about 1 minute. Stop mixer. Use
rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl.

3. Start mixer on low speed. Slowly add sugar, a little bit at a time, and beat until smooth,
about 4 minutes.

4. Increase speed to medium-high and beat until frosting is light and fluffy, about 5 minutes.
Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

5. Add sprinkles to frosting and use rubber spatula to mix until well combined.

164 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Makes 3 cups (enough for 12 cupcakes or 1 sheet cake)
Total Time: 20 minutes

Prepare Ingredients
²∕3 cups (10 ounces) chocolate chips (bittersweet, semisweet,
or milk chocolate)
20 tablespoons (2½ sticks) unsalted butter, cut into 20 pieces
and softened (see page 13 for how to soften butter) To make 5 cups
1 cup (4 ounces) confectioners’ (powdered) sugar
¾ cup (2¼ ounces) Dutch-processed cocoa powder (enough for a 2-layer cake)
Pinch salt Increase chocolate chips to 3
¾ teaspoon vanilla extract cups (18 ounces), increase butter
to 1 pound (4 sticks), increase
confectioners’ sugar to 1¾ cups
Gather Baking Equipment (7 ounces), increase cocoa powder
to 1¼ cups (3¾ ounces), increase
Medium microwave-safe bowl salt to ¹∕8 teaspoon, and increase
Rubber spatula vanilla to 1½ teaspoons. In step
Food processor 1, increase microwaving choco-
late times to 1½ minutes.

Start Baking!
1. Place chocolate chips in medium microwave-safe bowl. Heat in microwave at 50 percent
power (see page 11) for 1 minute. Use rubber spatula to stir chocolate. Return to micro-
wave and heat at 50 percent power until melted and smooth, about 1 minute longer. Let
cool slightly, about 5 minutes.

2. Add softened butter, sugar, cocoa powder, and salt to food processor, and lock lid into
place. Turn on processor and process until smooth, about 30 seconds. Stop processor.

3. Remove lid and use rubber spatula to scrape down sides. Add cooled chocolate and
vanilla and lock lid back into place. Turn on processor and process until smooth, 10 to 15
seconds. Stop processor.

4. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help).

Chocolate Frosting B 165

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 165 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Makes 3 cups (enough for 12 cupcakes or 1 sheet cake)
Total Time: 20 minutes

Prepare Ingredients
16 tablespoons (2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into 16
pieces and softened (see page 13 for how to soften
1 cup Nutella
¼ cup (¾ ounce) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¹∕8 teaspoon salt To make 5 cups
1 cup (4 ounces) confectioners’ (powdered) sugar
(enough for a 2-layer cake)
Increase butter to 24 tablespoons
Gather Baking Equipment (3 sticks), increase Nutella to 12 ∕3 cups,
increase cocoa to 7 tablespoons
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle attachment or (1¼ ounces), increase vanilla to
handheld mixer and large bowl) 2 teaspoons, increase salt to ¼
Rubber spatula teaspoon, and increase confection-
ers’ sugar to 12 ∕3 cups (6 2 ∕3 ounces).

Start Baking!
1. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine softened butter,
Nutella, cocoa, vanilla, and salt. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer,
if using.

2. Start mixer on medium speed and beat until smooth, about 1 minute. Stop mixer. Use
rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl.

3. Start mixer on low speed. Slowly add sugar, a little bit at a time, and beat until smooth,
about 4 minutes.

4.Increase speed to medium-high and beat until frosting is light and fluffy, about 5
minutes. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

166 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 166 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Makes 3 cups (enough for 12 cupcakes or 1 sheet cake)
Total Time: 20 minutes

Prepare Ingredients
12 ounces cream cheese, softened
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 6 pieces and
softened (see page 13 for how to soften butter)
1½ tablespoons sour cream To make 5 cups
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¹∕8 teaspoon salt (enough for a 2-layer cake)
1½ cups (6 ounces) confectioners’ (powdered) sugar Increase cream cheese to 1¼
pounds, increase butter to 12
tablespoons, increase sour cream
Gather Baking Equipment to 2 tablespoons, increase vanilla to
2 teaspoons, increase salt to ¼ tea-
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle attachment or spoon, and increase confectioners’
handheld mixer and large bowl) sugar to 2½ cups (10 ounces).
Rubber spatula

Start Baking!
1. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine softened cream
cheese, softened butter, sour cream, vanilla, and salt. Lock bowl into place and attach
paddle to stand mixer, if using.

2. Start mixer on medium speed and beat until smooth, about 2 minutes. Stop mixer. Use
rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl.

3. Start mixer on low speed. Slowly add sugar, a little bit at a time, and beat until smooth,
about 4 minutes.

4.Increase speed to medium-high and beat until frosting is light and fluffy, about 4
minutes. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

Cream Cheese Frosting B 167

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 167 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Makes 3 cups (enough for 12 cupcakes
or 1 sheet cake)
Total Time: 20 minutes

Prepare Ingredients
1½ cups (¾ ounce) freeze-dried
12 ounces cream cheese, softened
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into
6 pieces and softened (see page 13
for how to soften butter)
1½ tablespoons sour cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¹∕8 teaspoon salt
1½ cups (6 ounces) confectioners’
(powdered) sugar

To make 5 cups
Gather Baking Equipment (enough for a 2-layer cake)
Increase freeze-dried strawberries to 2½ cups
Large zipper-lock plastic bag (1¼ ounces), increase cream cheese to 1¼
Rolling pin pounds, increase butter to 12 tablespoons,
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle increase sour cream to 2 tablespoons, increase
attachment or handheld mixer and vanilla to 2 teaspoons, increase salt to ¼
large bowl) teaspoon, and increase confectioners’ sugar to
Rubber spatula 2½ cups (10 ounces).

168 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!

1. Place strawberries in large zipper-lock plastic bag. Press out as much air
as possible, then seal bag. Use rolling pin to gently pound strawberries into

2. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine
softened cream cheese, softened butter, sour cream, vanilla, salt, and
strawberry powder. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer,
if using.

3. Start mixer on medium speed and beat until smooth, about 2 minutes.
Stop mixer. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl.

4. Start mixer on low speed. Slowly add sugar, a little bit at a time, and beat
until smooth, about 4 minutes.

5. Increase speed to medium-high and beat until frosting is light and fluffy,
about 4 minutes. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

This frosting is a perfect pastel strawberry pink. And it comes from a very special ingre-
dient. Yes, they are strawberries, but not fresh! Freeze-dried strawberries are the key to
this fresh-tasting pink frosting. Freeze-dried strawberries aren’t frozen, they’ve just had
all their water removed. They aren’t heated during this process, so they retain a lot of
their natural fruity flavor. We like to use them in this frosting for exactly that reason—
they taste great and won’t make our frosting soupy! (Freeze-dried strawberries can be
found at well-stocked grocery stores or online.)

Strawberry Frosting B 169

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Here are a few simple ideas for decorating

cupcakes and a sheet cake. Don’t forget
to use your imagination, be creative, and
have FUN!

Once you know how to make a smooth-frosted cake (see page 163), you have a blank canvas
for some super-fun decorations. Here are some of our favorite ways to dress up our cakes.

Adding Texture Bottom Border Coating the Sides

One of the simplest ways to This simple trick is one of the Coating the sides with small
decorate a cake is to give most elegant treatments, adornments— sprinkles,
the frosting some texture. but it also camouflages any toasted coconut, chocolate
You can make wavy lines or a imperfections at the base shavings, crushed candies,
striped pattern by dragging of the cake. Press whole cookies, or nuts—is an easy
a fork (or a cake comb) candies or nuts, one at a way to add visual appeal.
around the cake’s sides or time, around the bottom Take a small amount of the
across the cake’s top. edge of the cake. Instead of ingredient in your hand and
candies or nuts, you can also press it against the sides.
use fruit!

170 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Decorating Cupcakes
There are so many ways to make your cupcakes look awesome—feel free to get wild!
Here are two of our favorites.

Smooth Cupcake

1 2 3
1. Mound 2 to 3 tablespoons 2. Then use spatula to 3. To decorate sides of
frosting in center of cupcake, smooth frosting so it is flush frosted cupcake: place
forming thick layer. Use with edges of cupcake. sprinkles, chopped nuts,
small icing spatula to spread Smooth edge of frost- or crushed candy on small
frosting to edge of cupcake ing so it is straight up and plate. Holding cupcake at
to create flat top. (Keep down. Flatten top again as its base, gently roll outer
frosting off paper liners.) necessary. edge of frosting in topping.

Swirly Cupcake
Use a large open star decorating tip (see page 173) in your pastry bag.

1 2 3
1. Fill pastry bag with 2 2. Starting at outside edge 3. Then stop squeezing bag
different colors of frosting, of cupcake and working and pull bag straight up
one on each side of bag (see toward center, pipe frosting and away from cupcake to
photos, page 172, for more into spiral shape. ensure a neat spiral.
on filling a pastry bag).

Decorating 101 B 171

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How to Fill a Pastry Bag
For special occasions, you may want to go all out and pipe more elaborate decorations on
your cake. But before you get decorating, you’ll want to be comfortable with a pastry bag.
Here are the steps to filling and using one. (For information on buying a pastry bag and tips,
see right.)

2 3

1 2 3
1. Use scissors to cut 2½ 2. Fold top of pastry bag out 3. Insert decorating tip all the
inches off bottom corner of and halfway down. way into the bag so tip is
pastry bag. peeking out of snipped bag

4 5
4. Stand bag upright in drink- 5. Twist top of bag nice and
ing glass (with tip touching tight to push frosting down
bottom of glass). Use rubber toward tip. There should be
spatula to transfer frosting no air between frosting and
to bag. top of bag.

172 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Beginnerˇs Guide to Pastry Bags and Tips
Using piping bags and tips makes piping so much easier. Here is what you will need to start
piping like a professional!

Wilton disposable
16-inch pastry bag

Large open star tip Large closed star tip

Piping Like a Professional!

You can use your imagination when applying piping to your cakes. But for inspiration, here
is one of our favorite classic decorations.


1 2
1. Use large closed star tip and hold the bag perpendicular to surface of cake. Slowly squeeze
to pipe out frosting while directing tip in tight circular motion.

2. Then stop piping and pull bag straight up and away from cake.

Decorating 101 B 173

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Makes 24 cake pops
Total Time: 1½ hours,
plus 2¼ hours cooling and Chilling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour
²∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
(see page 13 for how to soften butter) “ It looked store-bought and pretty because they
¹∕3 cup sour cream
1 large egg plus 1 large yolk (see page 14
turned out so well. The sprinkles made it look
for how to separate eggs) fantastic and good for valentines.” —Tanner, 10 1/2
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
“ The recipe took a really long time to make, but
To Finish Cake Pops
3 tablespoons (1½ ounces) milk when we tried them we realized they were well
2 cups (12 ounces) chocolate chips worth the effort. They were moist and flavorful
or white chocolate chips on the inside, slightly crunchy on the outside.”
Sprinkles or sanding sugar
—Evan , 13

Gather Baking Equipment

8-inch round metal cake pan Oven mitts
8-inch round piece of parchment paper Cooling rack
(see page 146) 1-tablespoon measuring spoon
Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle Large plate
attachment or handheld mixer and Plastic wrap
large bowl) 2-cup liquid measuring cup
Whisk 24 lollipop sticks
Rubber spatula Floral foam block (or parchment paper–lined
Toothpick baking sheet)

174 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!
1. For the cake: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray
inside bottom and sides of 8-inch round metal cake pan with vegetable oil spray. Line
bottom of cake pan with 8-inch round piece of parchment paper.

2. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), whisk together flour,
sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add softened butter, sour cream, egg and egg yolk, and
vanilla. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer, if using.

3.Start mixer on medium speed and mix until batter is smooth, 1 to 2 minutes. Stop
mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

4. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour.
Scrape batter into parchment-lined cake pan with rubber spatula and smooth top (make
sure to spread batter out to edges of pan to create even layer).

5. Place cake pan in oven. Bake until cake is light golden and toothpick inserted in center
comes out clean (see photo, page 15), 25 to 30 minutes.

6. Use oven mitts to remove cake pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place cake pan on
cooling rack and let cake cool completely in pan, about 1 hour.

7.Remove cake from cake pan and discard parchment (following photos, page 147).
(Cooled cake can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to
24 hours.)


Cake Pops in a Hurry!

If you need to save on time, one option is to use store-bought plain pound cake as
a base for the cake pops instead of baking your own cake. Measure out 15 ounces
of cake and break into 1-inch pieces (about 7 cups of 1-inch pieces), and start the
recipe at step 8.

Cake Pops B 175

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8. For the cake pops: In clean, dry bowl of stand mixer (or clean, dry large bowl if using
handheld mixer), break cooled cake into rough 1-inch pieces. Add milk to bowl. Lock
bowl into place and attach paddle to stand mixer, if using.

9. Start mixer on medium-low speed. Mix until cake has broken into fine crumbs and
begins to clump together, 2 to 4 minutes. Stop mixer. (Mixture should feel like cookie
dough when pinched together. If mixture is still crumbly, add 1 more tablespoon milk and
mix until dough comes together.)

10. Use 1-tablespoon measuring spoon to scoop 1 tablespoon dough (dough should be
packed into spoon). Roll dough into ball and place on large plate. Repeat with remaining
dough to make 24 dough balls. Cover with plastic wrap. Place plate in freezer and freeze
until firm, 45 minutes to 1 hour.

11. Place chocolate chips in 2-cup liquid measuring cup. Heat in microwave at 50 percent
power (see page 11) for 1 minute. Use rubber spatula to stir chocolate. Return to micro-
wave and heat at 50 percent power until melted and smooth, about 1 minute longer.

12. Working with 1 chilled cake ball at a time, insert lollipop stick, dip into melted choco-
late, and transfer to floral foam block before decorating with sprinkles or sanding sugar
(following photos, right). (Stir and rewarm chocolate in microwave as needed to keep it
fluid. If cake balls become too soft, refreeze them until firm.)

13. Let cake pops sit at room temperature until coating is set, about 30 minutes. Serve.
(Cake pops can be kept at room temperature for up to 4 hours or refrigerated for up to 3
days; bring to room temperature before serving.)

MA k E I T Y o u R W A Y

The decorating options for cake pops are endless! You can add drops of food coloring
to turn melted white chocolate chips into different-colored coatings and mix and match
sprinkles or sanding sugar in fun combinations. You can also crush up cookies, nuts, or
candy and dip the coated cake pops in them as a topping. Let your imagination run wild!

176 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Assembling and Decorating Cake Pops
You will need a floral foam block (available at craft stores and online) to stand the cake pops
upright while the coating sets. If you are unable to find one, that’s okay! You can set the
dipped cake pops down on a parchment paper–lined baking sheet with the stick pointing
upward (note that this will give the tops a flat appearance).

1 2 3
1. Insert lollipop stick into 2. Dip entire cake ball into 3. Lift cake ball out of choco-
cake ball, stopping at center. melted chocolate. Turn until late (do not turn upright) and
completely coated (tipping gently shake from side to
measuring cup to side as side to allow extra coating to
needed). drip off, about 15 seconds.

4 5 6
4. Turn cake pop upright and 5. Insert stick into foam 6. Sprinkle with your favorite
gently twist back and forth block (or stand upside down sprinkles or sanding sugar.
to even out coating. on parchment paper–lined (Make sure to work quickly!
baking sheet). The sprinkles will only stick
to the cake pops when the
chocolate is still melted.)

Cake Pops B 177

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Serves 12
Total Time: 1 hour and 25 minutes,
plus 2¼ hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1¾ cups (8¾ ounces) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¾ teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
¼ teaspoon grated lemon zest
(see page 17 for how to zest citrus)
1¼ cups (8¾ ounces) plus 2 tablespoons
sugar, measured separately
¾ cup extra-virgin olive oil
¾ cup (6 ounces) milk
All About Olive Oil
Just about anything you bake will contain fat in
Gather Baking Equipment some form—usually butter or vegetable oil. Fat
gives baked goods flavor and a tender texture.
9-inch springform pan Another kind of fat is olive oil, which is simply the
Medium bowl juice that’s pressed out of fresh olives. It’s been
Whisk used in cooking for thousands of years, especially in
Electric mixer (stand mixer with whisk Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Greece, and
attachment or handheld mixer and Spain, where olives love to grow. Unlike butter and
large bowl) vegetable oil, which have mild flavors, olive oil has
Rubber spatula a strong flavor all its own—many people describe it
Toothpick as peppery and grassy. Because of this, you usually
Oven mitts see olive oil only in recipes for savory foods. But
Cooling rack you can bake with it, too! In this recipe, olive oil
Spatula gives the cake a unique (and tasty) flavor and helps
Cutting board it bake up extra moist and tender. Make sure to use
Chef’s knife a good-quality extra-virgin olive oil in this cake.

178 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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“ The recipe we made was
“Light, sweet, and delicious.”
amazing ! It was dense and had
—Vienne , 9 Start Baking!
a slight hint of rhubarb taste.”
—Carson , 12
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray inside
bottom and sides of 9-inch springform pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt.

3. Add eggs to bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer). Lock
bowl into place and attach whisk attachment to stand mixer, if using. Start mixer
on medium speed. Whip until eggs are foamy, 1 to 2 minutes. Stop mixer.

4. Add lemon zest and 1¼ cups sugar to eggs and start mixer on high speed. Whip
until mixture is pale yellow and fluffy, about 3 minutes.

5. Reduce speed to medium. With mixer running, slowly pour in oil and mix until
fully combined, about 1 minute. Stop mixer.

6. Carefully add half of flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until combined,
about 1 minute. With mixer running, pour in milk and mix until combined, about 30
seconds. Stop mixer.

7.Add remaining flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until well
combined, about 1 minute. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand mixer, if using.

8. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl and stir in any remaining dry
flour. Use rubber spatula to scrape batter into greased springform pan. Sprinkle
top with remaining 2 tablespoons sugar.

9. Place springform pan in oven. Bake until cake is deep golden brown and tooth-
pick inserted in center comes out with few crumbs attached (see page 15), 40 to
45 minutes.

10. Use oven mitts to remove springform pan from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place springform pan on cooling rack and let cake cool in pan for 15 minutes.

11. Remove side of springform pan (ask an adult for help—pan will be hot). Let
cake cool completely on rack, about 2 hours. Slide spatula underneath cake to
loosen from pan bottom, then transfer cake to cutting board. Cut into wedges
and serve.

Olive Oil Cake B 179

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Makes 12 tea cakes
Total Time: 50 minutes,
plus 50 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
Gather Baking Equipment
For the Pans
2 tablespoons sugar 3 bowls (2 small, 1 large)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and Small spoon
cooled (see page 13 for how to melt butter) Pastry brush
12-cup muffin tin
Cakes Whisk
1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour Electric mixer (stand mixer with paddle
½ teaspoon salt attachment or handheld mixer and large bowl)
½ teaspoon baking powder Rubber spatula
¼ teaspoon baking soda Large spoon
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, Toothpick
cut into 6 pieces and softened, Oven mitts
(see page 13 for how to soften butter) Cooling rack
²∕3 cup ( ²∕3 ounces) sugar
2 large eggs
“ The cakes were moist and tasty, and the glaze
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup (2 ounces) buttermilk was a perfect sour balance to the sweet cake.
(I used lemon.) ” —Grace , 13
1 cup (4 ounces) confectioners’ (powdered)
“ The tea cakes were super, super delicious. The
¼ teaspoon grated lemon, lime, or orange recipe was on the more complex side. Loved
zest plus 2 to 3 tablespoons juice, measured the sweetness with the little bit of tang. Took
separately (zested and squeezed from 2
lemons, 2 limes, or 1 orange) (see page 17
to a dinner party and they were a big hit!”
for how to zest citrus) —Clare , 12

180 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Start Baking!
1. For the pans: Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees.
In small bowl, use spoon to stir together 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons melted
butter. Use pastry brush to thoroughly paint inside of each cup of 12-cup muffin tin with
butter-sugar mixture (see photo, below).

2. For the cakes: In large bowl, whisk together flour, salt, baking powder, and baking

3. In bowl of stand mixer (or large bowl if using handheld mixer), combine 6 tablespoons
softened butter and remaining ²∕3 cup sugar. Lock bowl into place and attach paddle to
stand mixer, if using.

4.Start mixer on medium-high speed and beat until mixture is pale and fluffy, 3 to 4
minutes. Stop mixer.

5. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of bowl. Add eggs and vanilla. Start mixer on
medium speed and beat until combined, about 30 seconds. Stop mixer.

6. Carefully add half of flour mixture. Start mixer on low speed and mix until combined,
about 30 seconds. With mixer running, pour in buttermilk and mix until combined, about
30 seconds. Stop mixer.


Coating the Cups

Use pastry brush to thoroughly paint inside
of each cup of 12-cup muffin tin with melted
butter-sugar mixture.

Mini Tea Cakes with Citrus Glaze B 181

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 181 5/30/19 3:09 PM

What Is a 7. Add remaining flour mixture. Start mixer on low
speed and mix until well combined, about 30
seconds. Stop mixer. Remove bowl from stand

Tea Cake? mixer, if using.

8. Use rubber spatula to scrape down sides of

bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour. Use large
The British define a tea cake as spoon to divide batter evenly among muffin tin
any light, yeast-raised sweet cups (use rubber spatula to scrape batter from
bun with dried fruit. The Scots spoon if needed) and smooth tops.
say a tea cake is a chocolate-
covered, marshmallow- filled 9. Place muffin tin in oven. Bake until cakes are light
cookie. American southerners golden brown and toothpick inserted in center
will tell you that a tea cake is of 1 cake comes out clean (see photo, page 15),
more like a biscuit or a cookie. about 15 minutes.
At America’s Test Kitchen Kids,
we think a tea cake is any baked 10. Use oven mitts to remove muffin tin from oven
good you serve with your tea. (ask an adult for help). Place muffin tin on cooling
This extra-light mini cake with rack and let cool for 10 minutes.
citrus glaze is the perfect
addition to any tea party. 11. Use oven mitts to invert muffin tin over cooling
rack (ask an adult for help—muffin tin will be
hot) and gently tap muffin tin cups to help cakes
release. Let cakes cool completely on rack, bottom
side up, about 30 minutes.

12.For the glaze: In second small bowl, whisk

together confectioners’ sugar, zest, and 2 table-
spoons juice. Whisk in additional juice as needed
until glaze is thick but pourable.

13.Use clean spoon to spoon glaze over top of

each cooled cake, letting some drip down sides.
(For easy cleanup, you can place sheet of parch-
ment paper or paper towels under cooling rack
with cakes before glazing.) Let glaze set for 10
minutes before serving.

182 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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Mini Tea Cakes with Citrus Glaze B 183

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 183 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Makes 6 individual cakes
Total Time: 55 minutes,
plus 2½ hours cooling and chilling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
1 cup (6 ounces) chocolate chips
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 4 pieces
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar
1½ teaspoons cornstarch
3 large eggs
¼ cup (2 ounces) water
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt No Flour Needed
Gather Baking Equipment for a FUDGY Cake!
6 (4-ounce) ramekins
Rimmed baking sheet Flourless chocolate cakes are rich, fudgy, and
2 bowls (1 large microwave-safe, 1 medium) intensely chocolaty. Instead of using flour or
Rubber spatula leaveners for structure, like most other cakes do,
Whisk these special cakes rely on a combination of eggs
Large liquid measuring cup and cornstarch. As the cakes bake, the eggs puff
Oven mitts up in the oven, giving them lift. The cornstarch
Cooling rack creates a kind of glue to keep the texture smooth.
Plastic wrap Bonus: these cakes are naturally gluten-free!

184 A Chapter 5: Cakes & Cupcakes

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“ This cake is creamy , rich, and has a nice flavor.
It is easy and fun to make, and I can make it by myself.
It is also gluten-free , so I can make it for people who
can’t have wheat.” —Chloe , 10
Start Baking!
1.Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 275 degrees. Spray inside
bottoms and sides of six 4-ounce ramekins with vegetable oil spray. Place ramekins on
rimmed baking sheet.

2. In large microwave-safe bowl, combine chocolate chips and butter. Heat in micro-
wave at 50 percent power (see page 11) for 2 minutes. Stop microwave and stir mixture
with rubber spatula to combine. Return to microwave and heat at 50 percent power
until melted, about 2 minutes.

3. Using oven mitts, remove bowl from microwave. Use rubber spatula to stir until well
combined and shiny, about 30 seconds. Let chocolate mixture cool for 5 minutes.

4.In medium bowl, whisk sugar and cornstarch until combined. Add eggs, water,
vanilla, and salt and whisk until combined.

5. Add sugar mixture to cooled chocolate mixture and whisk until smooth. Use rubber
spatula to transfer batter to large liquid measuring cup (make sure to scrape out all the

6. Pour batter evenly into greased ramekins (ramekins will be about three-quarters of
the way full).

7. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake cakes until edges are set but centers still look wet,
20 to 24 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to gently shake baking sheet (ask an adult for help). If centers of
cakes look very liquidy and jiggle a lot, bake cakes for 1 to 2 more minutes. When
centers of cakes jiggle slightly, remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help).
Place baking sheet on cooling rack and let cakes cool on baking sheet for 30 minutes.

9. Cover each ramekin with plastic wrap and use fork to poke small holes in top of
plastic. Refrigerate until cakes are cold and firm, at least 1½ hours. (Cakes can be
refrigerated for up to 2 days.)

10.Remove cakes from refrigerator and let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes
before serving. Add toppings to cakes, if desired (such as Whipped Cream, page 133,
berries, or dust with confectioners’ sugar, page 217). Serve.

Cakes B 185

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ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 186 5/30/19 3:09 PM
Chapter 6:
Fruit Desserts,
Pies & Tarts
Crispy, fruity, biscuity, flaky, creamy.
These desserts are just as impressive as they are delicious.

Apple Crisp ...................................................................................................................188

Blueberry Cobbler .........................................................................................................190

S’mores Banana Boats ...................................................................................................192

Pie Dough......................................................................................................................194

How to Use Pie Dough 101 ...........................................................................................196

Free-Form Summer Fruit Tart ........................................................................................200

Pumpkin Pie ...................................................................................................................204

Lemon–Olive Oil Tart.....................................................................................................206

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Pie ................................................................................210

Ruffled Milk Pie ..............................................................................................................212

Raspberry Clafouti .........................................................................................................216

ATK_KidsBaking_Chapter5-6_INTs.indd 187 5/30/19 3:09 PM

Serves 8
Total Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
²∕3 cup ( ¹∕3 ounces) all-purpose flour
½ cup (1½ ounces) old-fashioned
rolled oats (see page 105)
¼ cup packed (1¾ ounces)
light brown sugar
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
5 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) sugar
2 teaspoons cornstarch
¹∕8 teaspoon salt
2 pounds Golden Delicious apples, peeled,
cored, and cut into 1-inch pieces

Gather Baking Equipment

2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Rubber spatula
So. Many. Apples.
8-inch square baking dish Did you know that more than 6,000 varieties of
Oven mitts apples are grown in North America?! They come
Cooling rack in different colors (red, yellow, green) and textures
(some are sweet and soft, others are tart and
crisp). When it comes to baking, we often like
“It was so delicious . The mix of to use Golden Delicious apples (as we do in this
apples and crumbles tasted like recipe) because they are sweet and keep their
shape during baking (they don’t turn into apple-
the BEST FOOD EVER! ” sauce!). But you can use any sweet, crisp apple for
—Emma , 10 this recipe, such as Honeycrisp or Braeburn.

188 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In medium bowl, use rubber spatula to stir together flour, oats, brown sugar, and cinna-
mon. Drizzle melted butter over oat mixture and toss with fork or your fingers until mixture
comes together (see photo, below).

3. In large bowl, use rubber spatula to stir together sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Add apples
to bowl with cornstarch mixture and toss to coat.

4. Use rubber spatula to scrape apple mixture into 8-inch square baking dish. Crumble oat
topping into pea-size clumps and sprinkle oat topping evenly over apple mixture.

5. Place baking dish in oven. Bake until filling is bubbling around edges and topping is
golden brown, about 40 minutes.

6. Use oven mitts to remove baking dish from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
dish on cooling rack and let apple crisp cool on rack for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Making a Crisp Topping

1 2
1. Toss oat mixture with fork or your fingers 2. Crumble oat topping into pea-size clumps
until mixture comes together. and sprinkle evenly over apple mixture.

Apple Crisp B 189

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“ I liked how fun it was to scoop the biscuits
and drop them on the blueberries. They were

BLUEBERRY really yummy!” —Peter , 11

Serves 8
Total Time: 1½ hours,
plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1½ teaspoons grated lemon zest plus 1
tablespoon juice, zested and squeezed
from 1 lemon, measured separately
Pinch salt
¾ cup (5¼ ounces) sugar
6 cups (30 ounces) blueberries

Biscuit Topping
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
1½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
¾ cup (6 ounces) buttermilk
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
(see page 13 for how to melt butter)
Vegetable oil spray The Secret to
Gather Baking Equipment Our Cobbler
Rimmed baking sheet Fork
Parchment paper Oven mitts We bake the berry filling before topping the
2 large bowls Cooling rack cobbler with the biscuit dough. Then we bake it
Rubber spatula ¼-cup dry again to get our fluffy, flaky biscuits. This works
8-inch square baking measuring cup so well because if the berry filling is hot when
dish Toothpick the biscuit dough is put on top, it helps cook the
Whisk biscuits from the bottom while the heat from the
Liquid measuring cup oven cooks the top.

190 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!
1. For the filling: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Line
rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In large bowl, use rubber spatula to stir together cornstarch, lemon zest, pinch salt, and
¾ cup sugar. Add blueberries and lemon juice and gently toss to coat.

3. Use rubber spatula to scrape mixture into 8-inch square baking dish. Place baking dish
on parchment-lined baking sheet. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake until filling is hot and
starting to bubble around edges, about 25 minutes.

4. For the biscuit topping: While filling bakes, in second large bowl, whisk together flour,
baking powder, baking soda, ½ teaspoon salt, and remaining 1 tablespoon sugar. In liquid
measuring cup, use fork to stir buttermilk and melted butter until butter forms small clumps.

5. When filling is ready, use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for
help). Place baking sheet on cooling rack. Increase oven temperature to 475 degrees and
let filling cool for 10 minutes.

6. Add buttermilk mixture to bowl with flour mixture. Use clean rubber spatula to stir until
just combined.

7. Spray inside of ¼-cup dry measuring cup with vegetable oil spray. Use greased measur-
ing cup to scoop batter and use rubber spatula to scrape off extra batter. Drop scoops of
dough evenly onto warm berry filling to make 9 biscuits (see photo, below).

8. Use oven mitts to return baking dish (still on baking sheet) to oven. Bake until biscuits
are golden brown and toothpick inserted in center of 1 biscuit comes out clean (see
photo, page 15), 12 to 14 minutes.

9. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack. Let cobbler cool for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Adding the Biscuit Topping

Spray inside of ¼-cup dry measuring cup with vegetable
oil spray. Use greased measuring cup to scoop batter
and use rubber spatula to scrape off extra batter. Drop
scoops of dough evenly onto warm berry filling to make
9 biscuits.

Blueberry Cobbler B 191

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“ It reminded me of camping with a fun new twist.”
—Autumn , 11

Serves 4
Total Time: 40 minutes,
plus 10 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
4 ripe bananas
½ cup (3 ounces) milk chocolate chips
¾ cup mini marshmallows
2 graham crackers, broken into small pieces

Gather Baking Equipment

Paring knife
Aluminum foil
8-inch square baking dish
Baked Bananas?!
Oven mitts
Cooling rack The inspiration for this easy, crowd-pleasing
dessert came from cooking over campfires! As
Girl and Boy Scouts, we used to open bananas,
add chocolate and marshmallows, wrap them
completely in foil, and throw them into a fire to
cook. Those S’mores Banana Boats were a little
messier and not quite as pretty as ours today, but
they were just as delicious. These bananas are
roasted until they’re just soft and scoopable, the
chocolate is melted, and the marshmallows are
toasty. The graham cracker crumbs give them a
nice little crunch!

192 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Using tip of paring knife, slice bananas open lengthwise (the long way), open bananas, and
wrap in foil (following photos, below).

3. Sprinkle chocolate chips evenly inside bananas, then sprinkle marshmallows on top of
chocolate chips. Transfer assembled banana boats to 8-inch square baking dish.

4. Place baking dish in oven. Bake until marshmallows are golden brown and chocolate
chips have melted, 12 to 15 minutes.

5. Use oven mitts to remove baking dish from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
dish on cooling rack and let bananas cool for 10 minutes. Sprinkle bananas with graham
cracker pieces. Serve.

Assembling Banana Boats

1 2 3
1. Using tip of paring knife, slice bananas open from tip to tip, leaving peels on and making
sure not to slice all the way through bananas.

2. Gently push end of each banana down and toward center to open up banana into canoe shape.
3. Place four 8-by-12-inch rectangles of aluminum foil on counter. Wrap each banana peel in
foil by folding up sides of foil and pinching ends together to create canoe shape.

S’mores Banana Boats B 193

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Makes one 9-inch single crust
Total Time: 15 minutes,
plus 2 hours chilling time

Prepare Ingredients
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into
12 pieces and chilled
6 tablespoons (3 ounces) ice water (see
page 11 for how to measure ice water)

Gather Baking Equipment

Food processor
Plastic wrap
Rubber spatula

Gather Additional Equipment for

Shaping and Baking Pie Shell
Rolling pin
9-inch pie plate
Kitchen shears
Plastic wrap
Aluminum foil
Pie weights (or dried beans, raw rice, or sugar)
Baking sheet
2 cooling racks

194 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!
1. Place flour, sugar, and salt in food processor. Lock lid into place. Turn on processor and
process mixture for 3 seconds. Stop processor.

2. Remove lid and sprinkle chilled butter pieces over flour mixture. Lock lid back into
place. Hold down pulse button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until mixture looks like
coarse crumbs, about eight 1-second pulses.

3. Remove lid and pour ice water over mixture. Lock lid back into place. Turn on processor
and process until little balls of butter form and almost no dry flour remains, about 10 seconds.
Stop processor.

4. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help), and form and
shape dough into 6-inch disk (following photos, below).

5. Refrigerate disk of dough for at least 2 hours or up to 2 days before using, unless making
Pumpkin Pie. (If making Pumpkin Pie [page 204], immediately roll out dough, fit into pie
plate, and blind-bake, following photos, pages 196, 197, and 198.)

Making Pie Dough

1 2 3 4
1. Remove lid and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for help).
2. Lay long piece of plastic wrap on clean counter. Use rubber spatula to transfer dough to
center of plastic. Gather edges of plastic together to form bundle of dough.

3. Keeping dough crumbs inside plastic, press dough crumbs together to form ball.
4. Flatten plastic-covered ball into 6-inch circle, smoothing out any cracked edges.

Pie Dough B 195

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HOW TO USE One of the best things about pie is the crust.
You can make your own (page 194) or buy it


from the store. Follow these steps to get your
flaky, buttery goodness looking ready for pie!

Rolling Homemade Pie Dough

1 2
1. Sprinkle flour over clean counter. Unwrap 2. Turn dough a quarter turn and continue to
pie dough and discard plastic wrap. Place roll out to 12-inch circle (or as big as speci-
dough on floured counter and sprinkle fied in recipe), rotating dough and reflour-
dough with a little extra flour. Use rolling ing counter in between rolls.
pin to roll dough out from center.

Yes, You Can Use Store-Bought

While homemade pie dough will always have the best texture and flavor, store-bought
dough can still be very good! And it works for almost every pie-dough-related recipe in this
book (all except our Free-Form Summer Fruit Tart, page 200). Our favorite store-bought
dough, Pillsbury Refrigerated Pie Crusts ($3.99 for 2 crusts), is simple to unfurl, fits in
our pie plates without extra rolling, and bakes up golden and flaky. Though we still prefer
homemade, when we don’t have the time, we’ll be reaching for Pillsbury.

196 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Shaping a Pie Shell

1 2 3
1. Place rolling pin on bottom 2. Use one hand to gently 3. Use kitchen shears to trim
edge of dough, then loosely lift edge of dough and use edge of pie dough to about
roll pie dough around rolling your other hand to gently ½ inch beyond edge of pie
pin. Hold rolling pin over 9-inch press middle of dough into plate.
pie plate and gently unroll bottom of pie plate. Repeat
dough, letting extra dough all the way around dough
hang over edges of plate. until dough is pressed into
bottom and against sides of
pie plate.

4 5 6
4.Use your fingers to fold 5. Use your fingers and knuck- 6. Use fork to prick bottom
extra dough under itself les to crimp edges of dough. and sides of shaped pie shell
onto rim of pie plate. all over, about 40 times. Wrap
dough-lined pie plate loosely
in plastic wrap. Refrigerate
until dough is very firm, at
least 2 hours or up to 2 days.

How to Use Pie Dough 101 B 197

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Blind-Baking Pie Crust
Sometimes pie fillings don’t need any baking (see Pumpkin Pie, page 204), but the pie crust
still does. Baking a pie crust without any filling is what the experts call blind-baking. You will
need 1 recipe Pie Dough (page 194), rolled out (page 196), shaped into a pie shell (page 197),
and chilled—or 1 round store-bought dough, shaped into a pie shell and chilled.

1. Adjust oven rack to lowest position and heat oven

to 375 degrees. Remove pie shell from refrigerator
and discard plastic wrap. Cover pie shell with large
sheet of aluminum foil and gently press foil against
bottom and sides of dough, keeping edges covered.
Fill foil-lined pie shell with pie weights (or dried beans,
raw rice, or sugar).

2. Line rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place
cooling rack in baking sheet. Place pie shell on baking
sheet, place in oven, and bake for 45 minutes. Use
oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask
an adult for help) and place on second cooling rack.
(Move slowly so pie plate doesn’t slide!) Ask an adult
to remove foil and pie weights (pie weights will be
VERY hot). Crust will be pale golden brown.

3. Return baking sheet to oven and continue to bake
until edges of pie crust are golden brown, 20 to 25
minutes. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from
oven (ask an adult for help), place on second cooling
rack, and let pie shell cool completely, about 1 hour.

198 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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How to Use Pie Dough 101 B 199

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Serves 8
Total Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes, plus 30 minutes cooling time
(plus time to make pie dough)
“ I was really excited to make dough from scratch.
Prepare Ingredients It was kind of hard for me to slice the fruit at first,
1 recipe Pie Dough (see page 194) but then I got better.” —Sophia, 8
Vegetable oil spray
1 teaspoon cornstarch
¼ cup (1¾ ounces) plus 1 tablespoon
sugar, measured separately
1 pound peaches, pitted and cut into
½-inch wedges (see photos, right)
1 cup (5 ounces) blackberries
All-purpose flour (for sprinkling
on counter)
1 tablespoon (½ ounce) water

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Parchment paper
Large bowl
Rubber spatula
Rolling pin
Pastry brush
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Large spatula
Cutting board
Chef’s knife

200 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Line rimmed
baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly spray with vegetable oil spray.

2. In large bowl, whisk cornstarch and ¼ cup sugar until well combined. Add peaches and
blackberries. Use rubber spatula to gently stir until fruit is coated with sugar mixture.

3. Sprinkle a little flour over clean counter. Place dough on floured counter and sprinkle
dough with a little extra flour. Use rolling pin to roll dough into 12-inch circle, rotating
dough and reflouring counter in between rolls (see photos, page 196).

4. Use your hands to gently transfer dough to parchment-lined baking sheet. Use rubber
spatula to scrape fruit mixture into center of dough. Spread into even layer, leaving 2-inch
border around edges.


Pitting and Slicing Peaches

1 2 3
1. Cut small slice off bottom of 2. Slice around pit to remove 3. Cut large pieces into wedges
peach to create flat surface. 4 large pieces. Discard pit. that are roughly ½ inch thick.

Free-Form Summer Fruit Tart B 201

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5. Fold 2-inch border of dough up and over edge of filling (see photos, right). Continue
folding, overlapping folds of dough every 2 inches, until you get all the way around tart.

6. Use pastry brush to lightly paint dough with water. Sprinkle dough and fruit with remain-
ing 1 tablespoon sugar.

7. Place baking sheet in oven and bake until dough is golden brown and fruit is bubbling,
45 to 50 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack. Let tart cool on baking sheet for 30 minutes.

9. Use large spatula to transfer tart to cutting board (ask an adult for help). Slice into
wedges and serve warm or at room temperature.

Make It Your Way

This tart is a great way to show off ripe summer fruit—and you don’t have to stick to peaches
and blackberries. You can use whatever combo of stone fruit (any fruit with a pit) and berries
you can find at the grocery store or farmers’ market. Swap the peaches for plums, nectar-
ines, or apricots and the blackberries for blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries. If you
can’t find fresh stone fruit, you can also use 14 ounces of frozen sliced peaches, thawed and
patted dry with paper towels. Try out a few different combinations to find your favorite!

Because ripe fruit is so juicy, we don’t recommend using store-bought pie dough for this
recipe, as it’s too thin and delicate to hold the filling.

202 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Shaping a Free-Form Tart (or Galette)

1 2 3
1. Fold 2-inch border of dough 2. Continue folding, overlap- 3. Use pastry brush to lightly
up and over edge of filling. ping folds of dough every 2 paint dough with water (or
inches. beaten egg).

Testing Rolling Pins for Kids

We wanted to find a good rolling pin that kids found comfortable (not too big or heavy)! We
purchased six rolling pins in various styles and materials. Two were designed specifically for
kids; the rest were marketed for adults but were light and small. Our kid testers gravitated
toward two models that had comfortable handles, rolled smoothly over dough, and had
either a long rolling surface or a wide circumference. The Mrs. Anderson’s Beechwood
Rolling Pin ($19.99) ultimately came out on top. It had a slightly longer rolling surface and
was significantly heavier (though still lighter than our adult
favorite), so kids could roll out dough quickly
and easily. With this rolling pin, you too can
be a confident pie-dough roller at home!

Free-Form Summer Fruit Tart B 203

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Serves 10
Total Time: 40 minutes,
plus 4 hours chilling time
(plus time to make and Bake pie shell)

Prepare Ingredients
1 recipe Pie Dough (see page 194 to make
your own, or use 1 round store-bought),
rolled, shaped, blind-baked, and cooled
(see page 198)
1 cup (8 ounces) heavy cream
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1 (15-ounce) can unsweetened pumpkin
puree, opened
¾ cup (5¼ ounces) sugar
¼ cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
Vegetable oil spray
“ The pumpkin flavor really shined.”
Gather Baking Equipment —Suriya , 10

2 bowls (1 large microwave-safe,

1 medium microwave-safe)
Oven mitts
Rubber spatula
Plastic wrap
Chef’s knife

204 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!
Easy as
1.In medium microwave-safe bowl, whisk
cream and gelatin until all gelatin looks
wet (mixture will be slightly lumpy). Let
Pumpkin Pie
mixture sit for 5 minutes.
Most pumpkin pies—like the ones on
2. Heat gelatin mixture in microwave for your Thanksgiving table every year—
1 minute. Use oven mitts to remove bowl have fillings that contain pumpkin puree,
from microwave and whisk until smooth cream, sugar, spices, and eggs. Because
and syrupy. Set aside. of the eggs, which make the filling nice
and thick, these pies need to be baked,
3. In large microwave-safe bowl, whisk often for a long time. In our pumpkin pie,
pumpkin, sugar, maple syrup, salt, cinna- however, we don’t use eggs. Instead, we
mon, nutmeg, and ginger until combined. use gelatin—the same ingredient that is
Heat pumpkin mixture in microwave until in Jell-O!
steaming, about 2 minutes. And instead of baking our pie, after
heating up the gelatin and the pumpkin
4.Use oven mitts to remove bowl from in the microwave, we chill it. (Well, we still
microwave. Add gelatin mixture to pumpkin bake the crust—called blind-baking [see
mixture and carefully whisk until well page 198]—but we chill the baked crust
combined (ask an adult for help—bowl will and its nonbaked filling.)
be HOT). What?! This is because gelatin is a
kind of protein. It’s made up of long, thin
5. Use rubber spatula to scrape filling into molecules. When gelatin is mixed with
cooled pie crust. Gently shake pie so filling a hot liquid, its molecules are loose and
spreads evenly to edges. Let pie cool for flexible and they move around a lot—the
10 minutes. liquid stays liquid. But when the tempera-
ture gets colder, the gelatin molecules
6. Lightly spray sheet of plastic wrap with slow down and start to get tangled,
vegetable oil spray. Gently press greased kind of like earbuds when they’re in your
plastic onto filling. Refrigerate pie for at pocket. Eventually, they get so tangled
least 4 hours or up to 2 days. Slice pie into that they trap the liquid inside. The liquid
wedges and serve. can’t move around or flow: it becomes a
solid—in this case, a smooth, sliceable,
solid pumpkin pie filling!

Pumpkin Pie B 205

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Serves 10
Total Time: 1½ hours, plus 2 hours cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1½ cups (7½ ounces) all-purpose flour
5 tablespoons (2¼ ounces) sugar
“ The texture was smooth with crunch of crust
½ teaspoon salt in every bite.” —Jacob , 12
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) water
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup (7 ounces) sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon salt
3 large eggs plus 3 large yolks
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest plus
½ cup juice, zested and squeezed
from 3 lemons
¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil

Gather Baking Equipment

2 bowls (1 large, 1 medium)
Rubber spatula
9-inch round tart pan with removable
Rimmed baking sheet
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Medium saucepan
Instant-read thermometer
Fine-mesh strainer
Chef’s knife

206 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!
1. For the crust: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. In
medium bowl, whisk together 1½ cups flour, 5 tablespoons sugar, and ½ teaspoon salt.
Add water and ½ cup oil and use rubber spatula to stir until uniform dough forms and no
dry flour is visible.

2. Shape dough into 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom (following photos, below).
3. Place tart pan on rimmed baking sheet and place baking sheet in oven. Bake until crust
is golden brown and firm to touch, 30 to 35 minutes.

4. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack.


No Rolling This Dough

1 2 3
1. Crumble three-quarters 2. Crumble remaining one- 3. Press dough across bottom
of dough over bottom of quarter of dough evenly of pan until even and smooth.
tart pan and press to even around edge of pan and
thickness. press into sides.

Lemon–Olive Oil Tart B 207

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5. For the filling: In medium saucepan, whisk together remaining 1 cup sugar, 2 table-
spoons flour, and ¼ teaspoon salt. Add eggs and egg yolks and whisk until no streaks of
eggs remain. Add lemon zest and juice and whisk until combined.

6. Place saucepan over medium-low heat and cook until mixture registers 160 degrees on
instant-read thermometer, 5 to 8 minutes (following photos, below). Turn off heat, slowly
whisk in oil, then strain mixture through fine-mesh strainer set over large bowl. Pour
strained lemon mixture into warm tart crust.

7. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake tart until filling is set and barely jiggles when tart pan
is shaken (ask an adult for help), 8 to 12 minutes.

8. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet from oven (ask an adult for help). Place baking
sheet on cooling rack and let tart cool completely in tart pan, at least 2 hours.

9. Remove outer metal ring of tart pan (see photo, right). Slice tart into wedges and

Making Lemon Filling

1 2 3
1. Place saucepan over 2. Turn off heat and slide 3. Set fine-mesh strainer
medium-low heat. Cook, whisk- saucepan to cool burner. over large bowl. Pour lemon
ing constantly and making Slowly pour in oil and whisk mixture through strainer,
sure to scrape corners of until combined. pressing on mixture with
saucepan, until mixture thick- clean rubber spatula (ask an
ens slightly and registers 160 adult for help if saucepan is
degrees, 5 to 8 minutes. heavy!).

208 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Removing the Sides
of a Tart Pan
To remove outer metal ring of pan, place
one hand under bottom of cooled tart
pan and lift up off cooling rack. As you lift
up, outer metal ring will drop down onto
your arm.

Lemon–Olive Oil Tart B 209

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Serves 12
Total Time: 50 minutes, plus 30 minutes
cooling time, plus 3 hours chilling time

Prepare Ingredients
Vegetable oil spray
16 Oreo cookies, broken into large pieces
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted (see
page 13 for how to melt butter)

2 pints cookies and cream ice cream
8 Oreo cookies, broken into large pieces
2 cups Whipped Cream (page 133)

“ I liked it because it was fun to

Gather Baking Equipment mash the cookies and put them
into the pie pan and then into
9-inch pie plate
Food processor the ice cream.” —Jack , 8
Rubber spatula
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Large bowl
Large spoon
Plastic wrap
Chef’s knife

210 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!

1. For the crust: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Spray
9-inch pie plate with vegetable oil spray.

2. Add 16 Oreo cookies (broken into large pieces) to food processor and lock lid into
place. Hold down pulse button for 1 second, then release. Repeat until cookies are
coarsely ground, about fifteen 1-second pulses.

3. Turn on processor and process until crumbs are uniformly fine, about 15 seconds. Stop
processor and remove lid. Add melted butter to processor and lock lid back into place.
Turn on processor and process until mixture resembles wet sand, about 15 seconds.

4.Stop processor, remove lid, and carefully remove processor blade (ask an adult for
help). Use rubber spatula to scrape mixture into greased pie plate. Use your hands to
press crumbs into even layer covering bottom and sides of pie plate.

5. Place pie plate in oven and bake for 15 minutes.

6. Use oven mitts to remove pie plate from oven (ask an adult for help). Place pie plate on
cooling rack and let crust cool completely, about 30 minutes.

7.For the filling: Remove ice cream from freezer and let soften on counter for 10 to
15 minutes. In large bowl, combine softened ice cream and remaining 8 Oreo cookies
(broken into large pieces). Use back of large spoon to mash until well combined.

8. Use rubber spatula to transfer ice cream mixture to cooled crust and smooth top. Cover
pie with plastic wrap and freeze until filling is completely frozen, at least 3 hours or up to
1 week.

9. Slice pie into wedges. Dollop each piece of pie with Whipped Cream (if using). Serve.

Make It Your Way

Once you master the basics of ice cream pies, you can really go wild creating your own flavor
variations. Lots of other cookies can be substituted for the Oreo cookies, such as animal
crackers or peanut butter sandwich cookies. Plus, you can use any flavor of ice cream you
want—vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip. You can also add toppings such as sprinkles,
Reese’s Pieces candy, or M&M’s candies. The possibilities are endless. Get creative and
have fun mixing and matching!

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Pie B 211

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Serves 8
Total Time: 1¼ hours, plus 30 minutes cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
10 to 12 (14-by-9-inch) phyllo sheets,
thawed in refrigerator overnight or “ I felt like I was making art.” —Beatrix, 10
on counter for 4 to 5 hours (do not
use microwave)
6 tablespoons unsalted butter,
melted and cooled (see page 13
for how to melt butter)
1½ cups (12 ounces) whole milk
3 large eggs
½ cup (3½ ounces) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
1 to 2 teaspoons confectioners’
(powdered) sugar, for dusting

Gather Baking Equipment

Rimmed baking sheet
Plastic wrap
Clean dish towel
Pastry brush
9-inch round metal cake pan
2 bowls (1 medium, 1 small)
Oven mitts
Cooling rack
Fine-mesh strainer
Chef’s knife

212 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking!

1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Place
phyllo sheets on rimmed baking sheet. Cover with large sheet of plastic
wrap. Sprinkle clean dish towel with water until just damp. Place damp
towel on top of plastic.

2. Use pastry brush to paint inside of 9-inch round metal cake pan lightly
with a little bit of melted butter.

3.Remove 1 phyllo sheet from stack (keeping remaining sheets covered)

and place on clean counter with long side facing you.


Hello, Phyllo
Phyllo (“FEE-low”) is a paper-thin dough made from flour, water, and a little bit of oil. It’s
rolled out into sheets that look like tissue paper and is found in the frozen section of the
grocery store. Phyllo is a popular ingredient in Greek cooking, and the layers of dough,
brushed with butter or oil, make crackly, flaky crusts for dishes such as baklava (a pastry
made with nuts and honey) or spanakopita (a spinach-and-cheese pie). Phyllo is also used in
this Ruffled Milk Pie (also called galaktoboureko, a Greek custard pie that’s often served at
Easter), where the edges of the sheets make a pretty ruffled pattern! When working with
frozen phyllo, don’t thaw the phyllo in the microwave; let it sit in the refrigerator overnight
or on the counter for 4 to 5 hours before using it.

Ruffled Milk Pie B 213

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4. Use pastry brush to paint phyllo with melted butter, then shape into ruffled spiral
(following photos, right). Continue to brush each phyllo sheet with butter, scrunch
into strip, and add to cake pan until pan is full.

5. Place cake pan in oven and bake until phyllo is golden brown, 30 to 35 minutes.
(This recipe was developed using a light-colored cake pan. If using a dark-colored
cake pan, reduce baking time to 20 to 25 minutes.)

6. While phyllo bakes, in medium bowl, whisk milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon,
and salt until well combined.

7. When phyllo is ready, use oven mitts to remove cake pan from oven (ask an adult
for help). Place cake pan on cooling rack. Pour milk mixture evenly over phyllo in
cake pan.

8. Use oven mitts to return cake pan to oven and bake until filling is set and no
longer jiggles when pan is gently shaken (ask an adult for help), 20 to 24 minutes.

9. Use oven mitts to remove cake pan from oven (ask an adult for help). Place cake
pan on cooling rack and let pie cool on rack for 30 minutes.

10. Dust pie with confectioners’ sugar (following photos, page 217). Slice pie into
wedges and serve warm.

214 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Making Ruffled Milk Pie

1 2
1. Use pastry brush to paint phyllo lightly 2. Use your hands to push short sides of
with melted butter. (Don’t worry if the phyllo sheet toward one another, scrunch-
phyllo breaks or tears—it’s OK!) ing into loose accordion-shaped strip.

3 4
3. Starting at one end, roll strip into spiral shape. 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 and continue to
Place in center of greased cake pan. Note that place phyllo strips in cake pan until pan is
you will only spiral first phyllo. Following phyllo filled with large spiral shape.
strips will go around first spiral.

Ruffled Milk Pie B 215

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Serves 8
Total Time: 35 minutes, plus 30 minutes
cooling time

Prepare Ingredients
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened
(see page 13 for how to soften butter)
2 large eggs
¹∕3 cup (2¹∕3 ounces) sugar
1¼ teaspoons vanilla extract
¹∕8 teaspoon salt
¼ cup (1¼ ounces) all-purpose flour
½ cup (4 ounces) heavy cream
¹∕3 cup (2²∕3 ounces) whole milk
1½ cups (7½ ounces) raspberries
1 to 2 teaspoons confectioners’ (powdered)
sugar, for dusting Where Pancakes
Gather Baking Equipment Meet Custard
9-inch pie plate This custardy dessert comes from France, where
Rimmed baking sheet the verb clafir means “to fill.” In other words,
2 bowls (1 large, 1 small) clafouti is a dessert filled with fruit. The batter
Whisk is made from eggs, cream, and flour. Because a
Oven mitts clafouti is basically a combination of a custard
Cooling rack and a pancake, it’s important for it not to have
Fine-mesh strainer too much flour (it would be too pancake-y) or too
Chef’s knife many eggs or too much cream (too custardy). Ours
strikes a nice balance between the two, especially
when studded with fruit. Clafoutis are traditionally
“My sister was licking the plate made with cherries; we chose raspberries because
clean it was so good!” —Avery , 10 they’re easy to find year-round, but you can exper-
iment with whatever seasonal fruit you find!

216 A Chapter 6: Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

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Start Baking! Dusting
1. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle
position and heat oven to 425 degrees.
Use your fingers to grease 9-inch pie plate
with softened butter. Place pie plate on
rimmed baking sheet.
Sugar on
2. In large bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, vanilla,
and salt until smooth and pale, about 1
minute. Add flour and whisk until smooth,
about 30 seconds.

3.Add cream and milk and whisk until


4. Pour batter into greased pie plate.

Sprinkle raspberries evenly over top.

5. Place baking sheet in oven. Bake clafouti

until it puffs above edges of pie plate and
turns golden brown (edges will be dark
brown), 16 to 20 minutes.
1. Set fine-mesh strainer over small bowl.
6. Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet Add confectioners’ sugar to strainer.
from oven (ask an adult for help). Place
baking sheet on cooling rack and let
clafouti cool for 30 minutes.

7. Dust clafouti with confectioners’ sugar

(following photos, right). Slice into wedges
and serve.

2. Use fine-mesh strainer to dust confec-
tioners’ sugar evenly over baked good,
gently tapping sides of strainer to
release sugar.

Raspberry Clafouti B 217

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The recipes in this book were developed using standard U.S. measures. The charts below
offer equivalents for U.S. and metric measures. All conversions are approximate and have
been rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.

volume conversions weight conversions

U.S. Metric Ounces Grams

1 teaspoon 5 milliliters ½ 14

2 teaspoons 10 milliliters ¾ 21

1 tablespoon 15 milliliters 1 28

2 tablespoons 30 milliliters 2 57

¼ cup 59 milliliters 3 85
∕ 3 cup 79 milliliters 4 113

½ cup 118 milliliters 5 142

¾ cup 177 milliliters 6 170

1 cup 237 milliliters 8 227

2 cups (1 pint) 473 milliliters 10 283

4 cups (1 quart) 0.946 liter 12 340

4 quarts (1 gallon) 3.8 liters 16 (1 pound) 454

Oven Temperatures converting temperatures from

an instant-read thermometer
Fahrenheit Celsius Gas Mark

225 105 ¼ We include doneness temperatures in

250 120 ½ some recipes in this book. We recommend
275 135 1 an instant-read thermometer for the job.
300 150 2
To convert Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius:
325 165 3
Subtract 32 degrees from the Fahrenheit
350 180 4 reading, then divide the result by 1.8.
375 190 5

400 200 6 Example

“Roast chicken until thighs register 175˚F
425 220 7
450 230 8

475 245 9 To Convert

175˚F – 32 = 143˚
143˚ ÷ 1.8 = 79.44˚C, rounded down to

218 A The Complete Baking book for Young Chefs

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Conversions & Equivalents B 219

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Fat Saturated Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Total Added Protein
Per Serving Calories (g) Fat (g) (mg) (g) (g) Sugar (g) Sugar (g) (g)

Muffins, quick breads & Other Breakfast Treats

iced lesauce u ns er u n 190 8 5 200 28 1 14 11 3

anana and Chocolate Chi ini u ns er u n 90 3 1.5 55 14 0 7 5 1

hole heat Ras err u ns er u n 320 11 3.5 380 51 6 21 19 7

Corn u ns er u n 240 11 6 270 31 1 9 8 5

Zucchini Bread serves 10 240 7 1 420 41 2 23 21 5

Pumpkin Bread with Chocolate Chips serves 10 310 16 3.5 240 41 1 29 28 4

Quick Cheese Bread serves 10 260 13 8 540 23 0 2 0 12

Simple Cream Scones per scone 280 18 11 320 27 0 6 5 4

Berry Scones per scone 190 9 6 240 23 1 6 4 3

Crumb Cake serves 16 250 10 6 85 36 1 15 15 3

ini u n in oughnut oles 90 4 2.5 85 12 0 7 6 1
Popovers 190 5 3 280 26 1 3 0 8

Buttermilk Biscuits per biscuit 150 6 3.5 390 20 0 3 1 4

Cherry, Almond, Chocolate Chip Granola per ½ cup 310 15 3 65 41 4 18 11 6

Yeast Breads
per ¾-inch
Easy Whole-Wheat Sandwich Bread
140 2.5 1.5 200 25 3 1 1 5

Almost No-Knead Bread serves 10 150 0 0 470 31 0 0 0 4

Roman-Style Focaccia serves 8 220 7 1 350 33 0 1 1 5

Middle Eastern Za’atar Bread serves 12 220 9 1.5 390 27 1 1 1 5

Fluffy Dinner Rolls per roll 200 7 4 280 29 0 5 4 5

Cinnamon Rolls per roll 300 9 5 270 49 0 25 25 4

Soft Pretzels per pretzel 270 8 3.5 560 41 1 2 2 7

220 A The Complete Baking book for Young Chefs

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Fat Saturated Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Total Added Protein
Per Serving Calories (g) Fat (g) (mg) (g) (g) Sugar (g) Sugar (g) (g)

Pizza, Flatbread & Other Savory Baked Goods

Personal Pizzas per pizza 380 14 6 1130 45 2 3 1 17

per 2
Easy Pizza Sauce 25 2 0 150 2 0 1 0 0

Tear-and-Share Pepperoni Pizza Rolls per roll 170 8 3 490 16 1 1 0 7

Buffalo Chicken Lavash Flatbread serves 4 250 14 6 430 11 0 1 0 18

Corn, Tomato, and Bacon Galette serves 8 370 25 14 410 26 0 3 2 9

Mini Beef and Cheese Empanadas 280 19 11 240 18 0 2 1 7

Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pão de Queijo) per roll 200 12 4.5 340 18 0 1 0 5

Cookies & Bars

at eal–Chocolate Chi Cookies per cookie 180 9 2.5 130 23 2 11 11 3

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies per cookie 160 5 3 90 26 1 20 20 2

Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies per cookie 190 9 2.5 160 23 1 16 15 4

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie serves 12 200 10 6 85 25 0 16 16 2

Jam Thumbprint Cookies per cookie 80 3.5 2 45 11 0 6 3 1

Glazed Sugar Cookies per cookie 90 5 3 50 8 0 1 1 1

Soft and Chewy Gingerbread People per cookie 160 6 3.5 80 27 0 16 16 2

Mexican Wedding Cookies per cookie 100 6 2.5 50 10 0 6 6 1

Coconut Macaroons per cookie 110 8 7 65 9 1 7 3 1

Chewy Brownies 190 9 3 80 26 1 19 19 2
Chewy Granola Bars with Cranberries per bar 240 12 1 65 32 3 21 9 4
and Walnuts

Key Lime Bars per bar 150 6 4 80 20 0 17 3 3

Cheesecake Bars per bar 200 12 8 140 17 0 14 13 3

Cakes & Cupcakes

Berry Snack Cake serves 12 190 8 5 170 25 1 14 12 3

Easy Chocolate Snack Cake serves 12 250 11 3 190 34 0 19 19 3

Tahini-Banana Snack Cake serves 12 260 8 3 160 43 1 25 21 5

Recipe Stats B 221

ATK_KidsBaking_Front-BackMatter_INTs.indd 221 5/30/19 3:04 PM

Fat Saturated Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Total Added Protein
Per Serving Calories (g) Fat (g) (mg) (g) (g) Sugar (g) Sugar (g) (g)

Cakes & Cupcakes

Gingerbread Snack Cake serves 12 230 7 0.5 160 39 0 26 26 3

Pound Cake serves 12 290 16 10 160 32 0 21 21 3

Yellow Sheet Cake with Chocolate Frosting serves 18 460 28 16 190 50 0 35 26 5

Carrot Sheet Cake serves 18 480 30 8 280 49 1 34 33 5

with Cream Cheese Frosting
Yellow Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting 400 23 14 310 42 0 29 27 5
Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella Frosting 430 28 11 135 42 0 31 22 4

Confetti Layer Cake serves 20 500 27 16 210 62 0 49 41 3

per 2
Confetti Frosting 150 9 6 15 15 0 15 12 0
per 2
Chocolate Frosting 170 13 8 10 14 0 11 5 1
per 2
Nutella Frosting 150 11 6 15 12 0 12 5 1
per 2
Cream Cheese Frosting 110 7 5 65 9 0 8 7 1
per 2
Strawberry Frosting 110 7 5 60 9 0 8 7 1
Cake Pops 140 8 4.5 60 17 0 13 6 2
cake pop

Olive Oil Cake serves 12 310 16 2.5 210 39 0 24 23 4

Mini Tea Cakes with Citrus Glaze 210 8 5 160 32 0 23 23 2
mini cake

Individual Flourless Chocolate Cakes per cake 370 26 15 135 36 2 32 32 4

Fruit Desserts, Pies & Tarts

Apple Crisp serves 8 230 8 4.5 40 41 3 25 13 2

Blueberry Cobbler serves 8 300 9 5 350 54 3 32 20 4

S’mores Banana Boats per banana 250 7 4.5 30 51 3 32 6 3

Free-Form Summer Fruit Tart serves 8 310 17 11 150 36 2 15 9 4

Pumpkin Pie serves 10 380 22 14 360 41 0 24 21 4

e on– li e il art serves 10 360 20 3.5 200 41 0 27 26 5

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Pie serves 10 300 15 7 160 39 0 27 0 3

Ru ed ilk ie serves 8 250 13 7 230 28 0 15 13 5

Raspberry Clafouti serves 8 150 8 5 65 15 1 11 9 3

222 A The Complete Baking book for Young Chefs

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A Yellow Cupcakes with Strawberry Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella
le Cris , 188–189 Frosting, 15 –157 Frosting, 158–159
a lesauce u ins, 24–25 Yellow Sheet Cake with Chocolate frosting and decorating, 163, 171
Frosting, 152–153 Yellow Cupcakes with Strawberry
B Carrot Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting, 15 –157
aking asics, –7, 15–1 Frosting, 154–155
FAQs, 12 carrots, grating, 155 D
easuring ingredients, 1 –11 cheese bread decorating, cakes and cupcakes,
oven safety, 7 Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pão de Queijo), 17 –173
terms, 8 1 –1 1 dinner rolls, 8–71
Banana and Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins, uick Cheese read, 3 –37 doneness, testing for, 15
2 –27 cheese, grating or shredding, 16 doughnut holes, 4 –47
anana oats, 192–193 Cheesecake ars, 134–137 dusting confectioners’ sugar on desserts,
anana snack cake, 144–145 chicken la ash lat read, 92–93 217
bars chocolate cakes, lourless, 184–185 Dutch-processed cocoa, 159
Cheesecake ars, 134–137 chocolate chi cookie, giant, 112–113
Chewy Granola Bars with Cranberries chocolate chi ini u ins, 2 –27 E
and alnuts, 128–129 Chocolate Chi – at eal Cookies, 1 4–1 5 eggs, cracking and separating, 14
e i e ars, 13 –133 Chocolate Crinkle Cookies, 1 –1 7 e anadas, 9 –99
storing, 108 Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella Frosting, equivalents, 218
bean and cheese empanadas, 97 158–159
ee and cheese e anadas, 9 –99 Chocolate Frosting, 165 F
err nack Cake, 14 –141 chocolate snack cake, 142–143 lat read, chicken la ash, 92–93
iscuits, 5 –51 chopping, knife-free, 111 lourless chocolate cakes, 184–185
blender safety, 101 Cinna on Rolls, 72–75 ocaccia, 2– 3
lue err Co ler, 19 –191 cla outi, 21 –217 frosting
Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pão de Queijo), co ler, 19 –191 Chocolate Frosting, 165
1 –1 1 cocoa powder, 159 Confetti Frosting, 164
breads. See quick breads; yeast breads coconut Cream Cheese Frosting, 167
rownies, 12 –127 Coconut acaroons, 124–125 Nutella Frosting, 166
Buffalo sauce, 93 e i e ars, 13 –133 storing, 157
butter, melting and softening, 13 toasting, 132 traw err Frosting, 1 8–1 9
Confetti Frosting, 164 ti s techni ues, 1 2–1 3
C Con etti a er Cake, 1 –1 1 ruit tart, 2 –2 3
cakes. See also frosting conversions, 218
err nack Cake, 14 –141 cookies G
cake flour, 45 Chew eanut utter Cookies, 11 –111 galette, 94–95
Cake o s, 174–177 Chocolate Crinkle Cookies, 1 –1 7 ginger read eo le, 12 –121
Carrot Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Coconut acaroons, 124–125 inger read nack Cake, 148–149
Frosting, 154–155 iant Chocolate Chi Cookie, 112–113 gluten, 12, 61
Chocolate Cupcakes with Nutella la ed ugar Cookies, 11 –119 granola
Frosting, 158–159 glazing and decorating, 118, 119 Cherry, Almond, and Chocolate Chip
Con etti a er Cake, 1 –1 1 a hu rint Cookies, 114–115 ranola, 52–53
Cru Cake, 44–45 e ican edding Cookies, 122–123 Chewy Granola Bars with Cranberries
decorating, 17 –173 at eal–Chocolate Chi Cookies, and alnuts, 128–129
as Chocolate nack Cake, 142–143 1 4–1 5 Superpower Granola, 53
inger read nack Cake, 148–149 Soft and Chewy Gingerbread People, tips for, 53
Individual Flourless Chocolate Cakes, 12 –121
184–185 ti s techni ues, 1 8–1 9 H
Mini Tea Cakes with Citrus Glaze, Corn u ins, 3 –31 herbs, chopping, 17
18 –183 Corn, o ato, and acon alette, 94–95
li e il Cake, 178–179 Cream Cheese Frosting, 167 I
ound Cake, 15 –151 cris , 188–189 ice crea ie, 21 –211
ahini anana nack Cake, 144–145 Cru Cake, 44–45 ice water, measuring, 11
ti s techni ues, 14 –147 cupcakes. See also frosting ingredients, 9

Index B 223

ATK_KidsBaking_Front-BackMatter_INTs.indd 223 5/30/19 3:04 PM

J Q Yellow Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting,
juicing citrus fruit, 17 quick breads 15 –157
Pumpkin Bread with Chocolate Chips, Yellow Sheet Cake with Chocolate Frosting,
K 34–35 152–153
e i e ars, 13 –133 uick Cheese read, 3 –37
kitchen tools, 18–21, 2 3 tips/techniques, 35, 38 Z
ucchini read, 32–33 a atar read, 4– 7
L zesting citrus fruit, 17
e on– li e il art, 2 –2 9 R ucchini read, 32–33
Ras err Cla outi, 21 –217 zucchini, grating, 33
M ras err u ins, 28–29
acaroons, 124–125 recipes, reading, 6
e ican edding Cookies, 122–123 rolling pins, 111, 203
microwave power levels, 11 rolls
mini muffin pans, 27 Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pão de Queijo),
muffins 1 –1 1
Banana and Chocolate Chip Mini Cinna on Rolls, 72–75
u ins, 2 –27 Flu inner Rolls, 8–71
Corn u ins, 3 –31 Tear-and-Share Pepperoni Pizza Rolls,
iced lesauce u ins, 24–25 88–91
ti s techni ues, 38–39 Ru led ilk ie, 212–215
hole heat Ras err u ins, 28–29
N safety tips, 7, 101
no knead read, 58–59 sandwich read, 5 –57
Nutella Frosting, 166 scones
err cones, 42–43
O Crea cones, 4 –41
at eal–Chocolate Chi Cookies, 1 4–1 5 shaping, 41
li e il Cake, 178–179 ores anana oats, 192–193
oven safety, 7 traw err Frosting, 1 8–1 9
strawberry topping, 136
P sugar cookies, 11 –119
Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread),
1 –1 1 T
eaches, 2 –2 3 ahini anana nack Cake, 144–145
pitting and slicing, 201 tarts
eanut utter cookies, 11 –111 Free For u er Fruit art, 2 –2 3
phyllo, 213 e on– li e il art, 2 –2 9
Ru led ilk ie, 212–215 tea cakes with citrus gla e, 18 –183
ie ough, 194–195 thu rint cookies, 114–115
ti s techni ues, 19 –199 tools, 18–21, 2 3
pies toothpick test, 15
Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Pie,
21 –211 W
u kin ie, 2 4–2 5 Whipped Cream, 133
Ru led ilk ie, 212–215
i a ough, 82–83 Y
i a rolls, 88–91 yeast, 78
Pizza Sauce, 87 yeast breads
pizza toppings, 87 l ost o nead read, 58–59
i as, ersonal, 84–8 Cinna on Rolls, 72–75
o o ers, 48–49 Easy Whole-Wheat Sandwich Bread,
ound Cake, 15 –151 5 –57
re ste s, 13–17 Flu inner Rolls, 8–71
ret els, 7 –79 iddle astern a atar read, 4– 7
Pumpkin Bread with Chocolate Chips, Ro an t le Focaccia, 2– 3
34–35 o t ret els, 7 –79
u kin ie, 2 4–2 5 ti s techni ues, – 1

224 A The Complete Baking book for Young Chefs

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“ Perfect crust.”
—Helen, 12
“ The dough

was tricky but
really yummy.”


—Claire , 10
“They tasted delicious. I even licked
the extra frosting.” —Sonia, 9

“ The sprinkles made it look

“ I was really fantastic and good for “ The
excited to valentines.” —Tanner , 10 1/2 buttery
make dough flavor was
from scratch.” awesome .”
—Sophia , 8 —Layla , 10


Want to make your own soft pretzels? Or wow your friends with homemade
empanadas? What about creating a showstopping pie? Maybe some chewy
brownies after school? From breakfast to breads, from cookies to cakes
(yes, even cupcakes!), learn to bake it all here. You can do this, and it’s fun!

AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN has been teaching home cooks to be successful in the kitchen
for twenty-five years. Millions watch our shows on public television, read our magazines and
books, or rely on our websites. Young chefs, it’s your turn! To learn more about America’s Test
Kitchen Kids, visit

The # 1
New York Times

ATKKidsCompleteBakingBook_CVR.indd 1 8/28/19 9:04 AM

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