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A Study On Customer Perception Towards Samsung Mobile

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Project Report submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by



Under the supervision of

Asst. Prof. SANDHYA V



MARCH 2021




This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER

project done by VIBIN VARGHESE, Reg. No. CCASBBAR09, under my
guidance and supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and it has not
previously formed the basis for any Degree, Diploma and Associateship or


Co-ordinator Project Guide

I, VIBIN VARGHESE, hereby declare that the project work entitled “A

a record of independent and bonafide project work carried out by me under the
supervision and guidance of SANDHYA V, Asst. Professor-On
contract , Department of Commerce, Christ College, Irinjalakuda.

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge. The report has not been previously submitted for the award of any
Degree, Diploma, Associateship or other similar title of any other university or

Place: Irinjalakuda VIBIN VARGHESE


I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all people
who have helped me with sound advice and able guidance.

Above all, I express my eternal gratitude to the Lord Almighty under whose divine
guidance; I have been able to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my sincere obligation to Rev.Dr. Jolly Andrews, Principal-

in-Charge, Christ College Irinjalakuda for providing various facilities.

I am thankful to Prof. C.L.Baby John, Co-ordinator of Management Studies, for

providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to Prof. Aslam P.S Class teacher for his cordial support, valuable
information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task through
various stages.

I express my sincere gratitude to Sandhya V, Assistant Professor, whose

guidance and support throughout the training period helped me to complete this
work successfully.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculties of the Department for their
interest and cooperation in this regard.

I extend my hearty gratitude to the librarian and other library staffs of my college
for their wholehearted cooperation.

I express my sincere thanks to my friends and family for their support in

completing this report successfully.







CHAPTER 3 12– 14


CHAPTER 4 15– 35


CHAPTER 5 36– 37




4.1 Table showing mobile phone user percentage. 15

Table showing number of respondents who are aware of

4.2 16
Samsung brand

4.3 Table showing Samsung mobile user percentage 17

Table showing previous mobile brand used by

4.4 18

4.5 Table showing the reason for giving up previous brand 19

Table showing the factors influencing while purchasing

4.6 20

Table revealing the brand name influence when buying

4.7 21

Table showing the opinion of users whether price an

4.8 22
imperative factor to consider

Table showing comparison of mobile brand with

4.9 23
Samsung mobile

Table showing do they faced any problem because of

4.10 24

Table showing problems faced while using Samsung

4.11 25
Table showing opinion about build quality of Samsung
4.12 26

Table showing the factors that influences users to buy a

4.13 27
Samsung mobile

4.14 Table showing whether samsung offer value for money 28

4.15 Table showing favorite feature in Samsung mobile 29

4.16 Table showing opinion about the battery back up 30

Table showing opinion about the customer service of

4.17 31

Table showing whether user are getting receiving regular

4.18 32
software updates

Table showing the number of users who will suggest

4.19 33
Samsung to friends and relative

4.20 Table showing preference in next purchase 34

Table showing the level of satisfaction/rating towards

4.21 35
Samsung mobile


4.1 Chart showing mobile phone user percentage. 15

Chart showing number of respondents who are aware of

4.2 16
Samsung brand

4.3 Chart showing Samsung mobile user percentage 17

4.4 Chart showing previous mobile brand used by respondents 18

4.5 Chart showing the reason for giving up previous brand 19

Chart showing the factors influencing while purchasing

4.6 20

Chart revealing the brand name influence when buying

4.7 21

Chart showing the opinion of users whether price an

4.8 22
imperative factor to consider

Chart showing comparison of mobile brand with Samsung

4.9 23

Chart showing do they faced any problem because of

4.10 24

Chart showing problems faced while using Samsung

4.11 25

Chart showing opinion about build quality of Samsung

4.12 26

4.13 Chart showing the factors that influences users to buy a 27

Samsung mobile

4.14 Chart showing whether samsung offer value for money 28

4.15 Chart showing favorite feature in Samsung mobile 29

4.16 Chart showing opinion about the battery back up 30

Chart showing opinion about the customer service of

4.17 31

Chart showing whether user are getting receiving regular

4.18 32
software updates

Chart showing the number of users who will suggest

4.19 33
Samsung to friends and relative

4.20 Chart showing preference in next purchase 34

Chart showing the level of satisfaction/rating towards

4.21 35
Samsung mobile
1.0 Introduction

The number of mobile subscribers in India has overgrown in the last four years,
expected to show rapid growth over the following years. Recent years have
seen an explosion in Mobile Brands and their innovations in features,
performance, aesthetics, and price. Mobile companies are springing up to offer
their best.
Samsung has been one of the largest manufacturers in the world. They have
captured the entire market in a short time. Samsung mobiles are now marketing
in several Asian and European countries. The innovative features and build
quality made Samsung a favorite of millions. In the year 2011, Samsung was
the largest vendor of smartphones in India. These phones come in all ranges
and provide good services. It has not only captured the market but made a
special place in the hearts of many users. Other mobile brands could not afford
to ignore this vast and potential total addressable market and are giving tough
competition to Samsung.

1.1 Statement of the problem

In the present scenario, cellular phone companies have heavy competition in

the mobile market. The study covers the buying behaviour of consumers and
the features that make Samsung mobile different from others. Furthermore, this
study also covers their strategies exercised by the company to be the first in

1.2 Scope of the study

The scope of the study is to identify the product features, buying motives, and
behaviours’ of students in the Christ College Irinjalakuda.

1.3Objectives of the study

 To know the consumer opinion towards Samsung mobiles.

 To identify the factors determining the purchasing behaviour of people.
 To identify multiple strategies to enhance the consumer perception towards
Samsung mobiles
1.4Research design

1.4.1 Nature of study

The nature of study states as descriptive.

1.4.2 Nature of data

The study is based on both primary data and secondary.

1.4.3 Source of data

Primary data is collected through a questionnaire. Secondary data is also applied

in the study for a proper understanding of the concepts used in the study.

1.5 Sample design

Considering the time factor and the cost involved in random sampling, Stratified
sampling was used to select the respondents. To have a wider group of
respondents suitable for study, the respondents were chosen based on their
specialization. 20 students were selected from B.COM and 30 students were
selected form BBA.

1.5.1 Nature of population

A questionnaire had been distributed to the students of Christ College Irinjalakuda.

1.5.2 Sample unit

The sample unit is students of Christ College Irinjalakuda.

1.5.3 Methods of sampling
Stratified sampling

1.5.4 Size of sample

Sample size is 55 for convenience.

1.6 Tools of analysis

The following tools are used in the study

 Percentage analysis
 Chart

1.7 Limitation of the study

 One of the important disadvantages of this study is based only on Christ
college the result may not be taken as a universal suggestion
 The customers perception may change in accordance with time
 The increasing number of competitors is also a leading disadvantage which
makes it too hard to speculate Samsung mobiles

1.8 Chapterisation
Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Review of Literature

Chapter 3 - Industry and Company Profile

Chapter 4 - Data analysis and interpretation

Chapter 5 - Finding, suggestion and conclusion

2.1 Conceptional Review
This chapter deals with the review of literature. Review of literature is divided into
two parts, conceptual and empirical. Conceptual literature includes explanation of
various concepts used in the study.

2.1.1Consumer perception
Consumer perception can make or break a brand. Everything that a company does
affects customer perception. Consumer perception refers to the customer's opinion
of a business or product. It summarizes how customers feel about a brand which
includes every direct or indirect experience they've had with your company.

A happy customer is satisfied with the experience that he has with a product or a
service. The customer perception is built around the experience that a customer
has with a product. Measuring consumer perception requires you to gather a
variety of qualitative and quantitative data. Reviews, surveys, and customer
interviews are used to get an accurate view of customer perception.

2.1.2Why Consumer Perception Matters

Consumer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand
differentiator in the future. In other words, we are not far from a world where
customers' perception of both brand and quality of service could take precedence
over conventional competitive advantages like pricing, features, or usability

2.1.3 Ways to Improve Customer Perception

1. Look inward.
One of the biggest obstacles businesses often have to overcome to improve
customer perception is themselves and their approach to customer success. While
it's valuable to have direction, too much process and protocol can get in the way of
fundamental human interactions. To ensure the business is not getting in its way,
take the time to evaluate the existing approach.

2. Strike an emotional chord with customers.
"Our research across hundreds of brands in dozens of categories shows that the
most effective way to maximize customer value is to move beyond mere customer
satisfaction and connect with customers at an emotional level -- tapping into their
fundamental motivations and fulfilling their deep, often unspoken emotional
needs," explains Alan Zorfas and Daniel Leemon.
Building solid bonds and promoting a positive experience must demonstrate a
long-term interest and commitment to the relationship through every touchpoint.
This task requires digging beyond the surface and actively listen to a customer's
needs and goals while also tuning in to the details they are leaving out.
This attention to detail can be achieved by applying sound and communication
expert Julian Treasure's simple listening acronym, RASA:

 Receive
 Appreciate
 Summarize
 Ask

3. Lean on positive language.

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, a leading researcher on the study of positivity, suggests
that positive emotions have the power to open us. In other words, these feelings
allow us to see more -- they change our perspective and our understanding of
People are often hesitant to introduce these types of positive emotions in the
business world, operating under the notion that it is not suitable or minimized.
However, according to University of Haifa Professor Dana Yagil's research,
suppressing employees' interpersonal emotions could lead to a decline in customer

4. Commit to consistency.
When evaluating consistency, it is essential to take a step back and consider its
role in the customer onboarding process.
To tee up a positive customer perception from the start, you'll want to ensure that
the hand-off from sales to support or customer success is fluid and reflective of
how you want folks to view the brand. To achieve this type of pleasant experience,
it's helpful to establish core operating values like respect, integrity, and customer
focus to serve as a framework for all brand interactions.
5. Fill in skill gaps before they become evident.
Modern customer service professional knows how to treat a customer like a human.
They know when to be proactive when to ask clarifying questions, and what to do
when they don't have the answer right away. These are all skills that help to
comprise a positive customer perception.
However, this skillful approach to service and customer relationship building
doesn't come without proper training and a commitment to continuous learning.
Moreover, as the industry standard continues to shift to meet the empowered,
informed customer demands, folks in customer-facing roles need to keep pace.
Both as an individual and larger organization must be aware of the skills and
service areas that need improvement and are willing to invest in software and
training to bridge the skills gap.
6. Break down data silos.
A data silo is a piece of information that's only accessible by one team or
department. This not only slows down internal processes but also creates negative
interactions with customers. Customers want transparency and will get easily
frustrated if they think you're withholding information. For example, airlines are
often criticized for poor customer service. That's because airport security makes it
difficult for employees to share information. When flights get delayed or canceled,
gate attendants aren't allowed to reveal specific details about the problem. While

this data silo keeps passengers safe, customers understand less when their goals
aren't being met.
Data management plays a crucial role in enhancing customer experience. The
correct data management software leads to more personalized interactions and
improved customer perception.
7. Collect customer feedback.
Customer perception cannot be improved without knowing what customers
already think about the company. By collecting customer feedback, you'll know
exactly how they feel about each aspect of the business. Customer feedback can be
collected in a few different ways. The most popular way is using surveys or
questionnaires, or polls. Regardless of what they find, customers will always
appreciate efforts to consider their suggestions.
Additionally, one of the biggest challenges businesses face is getting participants
to submit feedback. Unless the customer has a strong opinion of the brand, they
may not be interested in taking a survey. This leaves feedback only consisting of
either highly-positive or highly-negative reviews. Offering an incentive for
submitting customer feedback should get a more accurate feel for customer
8. Follow up with customers after every interaction.
Following up with customers may seem trivial; however, it's a small investment
that rewards a significant payout. Studies show that leads are nine times more
likely to re-engage with the company if they follow up with them within five
minutes of their interaction. Motivating customers to return to business
strengthens the relationship with them and increases customer loyalty.
Follow-up messages present the opportunity to enhance the customer's experience
or prevent potential churn. For example, after a positive interaction, we can use a
follow-up call to upsell and cross-sell. Since the customer just had a good
experience, they'll be more likely to upgrade or buy another product.

On the flip side, if a customer's experience was negative, can use follow-up to
collect customer feedback. Ask them why their experience was poor and assure
them that business is still the best option for achieving their goals. 11% of
customer churn can be prevented just by making contact after a negative
experience. That means the company will save one out of every ten customers
simply by sending an email or making a phone call.

2.1.4Positive Perception
The bar for customer expectations is expanding. They want to eliminate the
complexity involved in solving their problem, and they want to know when it is
appropriate to balance automation vs. human outreach.

If a company or brand fails to acknowledge this variation, They can expect the
brand perception to take a hit. However, if they get the wheels turning back in the
right direction, emphasizing that perceived experience with the brand will enjoy a
better outcome.

2.2 Empirical Literature
Review of related literature is one of the first steps in the research process. It consists of a
summary of research findings carried on the same directly and indirectly related topics.
This review provides insight to the researchers regarding what is already known and what
remains to be tested regarding research.

Therefore, this chapter aims to review the literature on mobile phone-related work. In
other words, the studies have been undertaken by various researchers in India and abroad
concerning mobile phone purchase preferences..

 Dr. Dawar Sunny (2019) Samsung brand is considered the most preferred brand
in the Rajasthan than Videocon. The results have shown that Samsung consumers
appear to be brand loyal, willing to pay a premium price and have a great
community sense than Videocon consumers. The data was collected using the
consumer survey method. The usable questionnaires were collected from 275

 Mr. Bankapur Bangarappa and Dr. Shiralashetti A.S (2017) Customers

preferred brand image, features, battery backup, and resale value with an expected
price. Today, every company is facing tough competition in the world. Customer
satisfaction is the most critical event in management, and companies are trying to
identify the needs, wants, and demands of the customers.

 Joel Billieux (2017) despite its clear advantage, cellular phone use has been
associated with harmful or potentially disturbing behaviors; the mobile phone's
problematic use is considered an inability to regulate one's mobile use.

 Gupta Ridhi and Priyanka (2016) Social media like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have become an essential part of our lives. The number of users on
social media is increasing day by day. With the help of social media, it is possible
to communicate with customers effectively. It provides a platform to interact with

consumers. With the help of such interaction, it is possible to identify the needs
and wants of consumers. From various studies, it is found that consumers can
make decisions related to purchase and help to formulate marketing strategies.
Due to the importance of social media, marketers advertise their products through
social networking sites. Social media is also having a positive impact on the
buying behavior of a consumer. Due to its importance in the present scenario, it is
essential to study its effects on consumers' buying behavior regarding Samsung

 Kannusamy K and Karthika S (2015) Customer's satisfaction is a growing

concern among Indian businesses. The consumer with higher education,
information, and awareness demands better value for money. Retaining current
customers and winning future customers is becoming an increasingly challenging
task for Indian marketers. Today, the customers are considered a king, and their
buying behavior has become the focal point of the business world's attention.
Globalized companies face stiff competition and have to develop products and
strategies to develop products and strategies to attract customers.

 Mrs. Jagadhambal A and Mrs. Karpagambigai K (2015) Business always

starts and closes with customers and hence the customers must be treated like the
King of the market. All the business enhancements, profit, status, image of the
organization depends on customers. Hence all organizations need to meet all the
customers' expectations and identify that they are satisfied customers.

 Subramanyam and Venkateswarlu (2012) income, advertising, and education

level in a family determine factors of owning a phone set. The study was
conducted on factors influencing mobile phone buyers' buyer behavior in India's
Kadapa district. The researchers study the various type of marketing strategies
play in the consumer buying process.

 Mack and Sharpies (2009) showed that availability is the most crucial
determinant of mobile choice. Other attributes, particularly features, aesthetics,
and cost, have implications for mobile brand choice.

 Liu (2002) in a recent paper, analyzed and found that the choice of the mobile
phone is characterized by two distinct attitudes towards brands: attitudes towards
the mobile phone brand and attitude towards the network. Customer's choice of
mobile phone brand is mainly affected by new features more than size. This trend
of choosing is definitely towards phones with a better capacity larger screens.

 Lee and feich (2001) argue that customer satisfaction contributes positively to
customer retention. Lee and feich (2001) found that switching cost plays a vital
role in explaining the link. Switching costs further linked with quality. The mobile
company's focus on quality will increase customer satisfaction.



3.1 Industry Profile
The Indian mobile industry is the fastest-growing globally, and India continues to
add more mobile connections every month than any other country in the world.
The telecom boom in the country provides excellent opportunities to handset
manufacturers. India is currently facing the onslaught of cheap sub-standard
Chinese phones, which occupy 25% of the market.

India is the world's second-largest telecom market, after China. In India, handsets
are categorized as high, medium, low. The medium cost segment is likely to be the
fastest-growing segment in terms of volume; affordability of feature-rich handsets
is also expected to be a key enabler of handset adoption.

The Indian mobile handset market has gotten even more crowded and fragmented
in the lower and mid–market segment due to new players' entry offering
innovative models at attractive prices to lure buyers. There is a massive demand
for low-cost handsets of the total handsets' sales. The majority of the volume is
where one will find most Indian and Chinese manufacturing playing. Low-cost
devise will grab 60% of the market over the next 3 – 4 years. One can get a
headset cheaply with features like a good memory, touch screen, cameras, more
extended battery like, etc. The majority of the Indian manufacturers are in the low
price band, which is why the market is looking quite competitive. However, if they
move up the price band, then they face competition from global players. When the
low-end segment customer goes for repeat purchases, they go for low-cost mobile
phones with extra features. Many of them are willing to pay higher prices for the
new features, and vendors are taking advantage of the customer's psychology by a
assessing these factors..

3.2 Company profile


The Samsung Group (Korean: 삼 성 ) is a South Korean multinational

conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous

affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the
largest South Korean chaebol (business conglomerate).

Lee Byung-Chul founded Samsung in 1938 as a trading company. Over the next
three decades, the group diversified into food processing, textiles, insurance,
securities, and retail. Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s.
Following Lee's death in 1987, Samsung was separated into five business groups.
Samsung Mobile Division is one of five divisions within Samsung Electronics,
belonging to the Samsung Group, and consists of the Mobile Communications
Division, Telecommunication Systems Division, Computer Division, MP3
Business Team, Mobile Solution Centre, and Telecommunication R&D Centre.
Telecommunication Business produces a full spectrum of products from mobiles
and other mobile devices such as MP3 players and laptop computers to
telecommunication network infrastructure. Headquarters is located in Suwon,
South Korea.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor,

telecommunication, digital media, and digital convergence technologies.
Employing approximately 222,000 people in 205 offices across 71 countries, the
company operates two separate organizations to coordinate its nine independent
business units: Digital Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display,
Mobile Communications, Tele-communication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT
Solutions, Digital Imaging; and Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System
LSI, and LCD. Recognized for its industry-leading performance across various

economic, environmental, and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the
world’s most sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones
Sustainability Index. In 2007 Samsung Mobile Division Business reported over
40% growth and became the second-largest mobile device manufacturer in the
world. Samsung introduced its first mobile phone to India in 2004. In 2008,
Samsung Electronics' Telecommunication Business declared its new business
strategy focusing on consumer and marketing. Samsung mobile phones are
divided into six major categories – Style, Infotainment, Multimedia, Connected,
Essential, and Business

Table 4.1 showing mobile phone user percentage.
Respondents No of respondents Percentage of respondents

Yes 50 91

No 5 9

Total 55 100

(Source: Primary data)

The above figure revels that about 91% of the respondents in christ college have
mobile phone and the remaining 9% don’t have a phone.

Figure 4.1 showing mobile phone user percentage.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.2 Showing number of respondents who are aware of Samsung
Respondents No of Respondents Percentage of respondents

Yes 50 100

No 0 0

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

The above figure and table shows the 100% of the respondents are aware of
Samsung brand.

Figure 4.2 Showing number of respondents who are aware of Samsung


(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.3 Showing Samsung mobile user percentage
Respondents No of respondents Percentage of

Yes 43 86

No 7 14

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

From the above figure and table, Around 86% the responders are using or have
used Samsung mobile. Only 14% people have not used a Samsung mobile.

Figure 4.3 Showing Samsung mobile user percentage

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.4 showing previous mobile brand used by respondents

Brand No of respondents % of respondents

Apple 6 12
Realme 14 28

Xiaomi 18 36
Other 12 24
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary data)
The above Figure and Table shows the percentage of users who have used mobile
of other brand. 36% have used xiaomi devices, 28% have used realme and 12%
have used Apple and the remaning 24% or users have used mobile of some other

Figure 4.4 showing previous mobile brand used by respondents

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.5 showing the reason for giving up previous brand
Respondents No of respondents % of respondents

Smart Upgrade 28 56

Not Getting Updates 6 12

Crashing or Freezing Issue 14 28

Other 2 4

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

56% gave up previous brand to upgrade their device, 28% were facing freezing
and crashing issue 12% were using outdated device and were not getting any
updates 4% had other reason for giving up their devices

Figure 4.5 showing the reason for giving up previous brand

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.6 showing the factors influencing while purchasing mobile

Factors No of respondents % of respondents

Brand Name 12 24
Service 15 30
Design 9 18
Specifications 14 28
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary data)
From the above table Brand name and after sale service are the main factors that
influence in the purchasing mobile

Figure 4.6 showing the factors influencing while purchasing mobile

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.7 Showing revealing the brand name influence when buying

Respondents No of respondents % of respondents

Agree 38 76

Disagree 12 24

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

The above table and figure reveals that brand name has influence on about 76% of
buyers and remaining 24% of respondents are not influenced by brand name.

Figure 4.7 Showing revealing the brand name influence when buying

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.8 showing the opinion of users whether price an imperative
factor to consider

Respondents No of respondents % of respondents

Yes 44 88

No 6 12

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

88% of the users responded that price is an important factor to consider when
buying mobile. The remaining 12% responded no

Figure 4.8 showing the opinion of users whether price an imperative

factor to consider

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.9 showing comparison of mobile brand with Samsung mobile
Factor No of respondents % of respondents

Fast processor 18 36

Better battery backup 12 24

Good camera 15 30

None of these 5 10

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


From the above data we can see that 30% and 36% users prefer Samsung because
of its good camera and fast processor respectively

Figure 4.9 showing comparison of mobile brand with Samsung mobile

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.10showing do they faced any problem because of Samsung
Responds No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 22 44

No 28 56

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


The above figure and table reveals that 44%of users have faced some problems
while using Samsung mobile

Figure 4.10 showing do they faced any problem because of Samsung

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.11 showing problems faced while using Samsung Mobile

Factors No. of respondents % of respondents

Heating issue 18 36

Poor camera 8 16

Insufficient storage 14 28

Others 10 20

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


From the above figure we can understand that, heating is the major problem faced
by Samsung mobile users and insufficient storage is the second most common
problem faced by the respondents when using Samsung mobiles.

Figure 4.11 showing problems faced while using Samsung Mobile

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.12 showing opinion about build quality of Samsung mobile
Opinion No. of respondents % of respondents

Best 10 20

Good 18 36

Average 15 30

Bad 7 14

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


From the above figure and table we can see that most users said the build quality
of Samsung mobile is good and average.

Figure 4.12 showing opinion about build quality of Samsung mobile

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.13 showing the factors that influences users to buy a
Samsung mobile

Factors No. of respondents % of respondents

Processor 18 36

Camera 23 46

Storage 5 10

Other 4 8

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


From the above figure and table we can see that camera and processor is a factor
which attracts 46% and 36% of respondents and 10% of the respondents are
attracted by storage space

Figure 4.13 showing the factors that influences users to buy a

Samsung mobile

Source: Primary data)

Table 4.14 showing whether samsung offer value for money

Responds No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 42 84

No 8 16

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


The above Table and Figure shows that Samsung mobile offer value for money

Figure 4.14showing whether samsung offer value for money

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.15 showing favorite feature in Samsung mobile

Factors No. of respondents % of respondents

Processor 13 26

Camera 27 54

Storage 10 20

Others 0 0

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


The above table and figure shows the camera is the favourite feature of most

of the respondents in Samsung mobile

Figure 4.15 showing favorite feature in Samsung mobile

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.16 showing opinion about the battery back up

Replies No. of respondents % of respondents

Good 30 60

Average 17 34

Bad 3 9

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


From the about table, we can say that battery backup provided by the Samsung
mobile is good

Figure 4.16 showing opinion about the battery back up

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.17 showing opinion about the customer service of Samsung

Result No. of respondents % of respondents

Good 30 60

Average 15 30

Bad 5 10

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


The table and figure reveals that service provided by Samsung mobile is good as
responded by 60% the remaining 30% responded average.

Figure 4.17 showing opinion about the customer service of Samsung

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.18 showing whether user are getting receiving regular software
Respondents No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 35 70

No 15 30

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

From the table we can see proper updates and security patches are given to 70% of

Figure 4.18 showing whether user are getting receiving regular software

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.19 showing the number of users who will suggest Samsung to
friends and relative

Responds No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 37 74

No 13 26

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

The above table and figure shows that 74% of users will suggest Samsung to their
friends and family

Figure 4.19 showing the number of users who will suggest Samsung to
friends and relative

(Source: Primary data)

Table4.20 showing preference in next purchase

Response No. of respondents % of respondents

Yes 36 72

No 14 28

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)

From the table we can see that 72% of users are ready to buy Samsung mobile in
their next purchase

Figure 4.20 showing preference in next purchase

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.21showing the level of satisfaction/rating towards Samsung
Response No. of respondents % of respondents

Highly Satisfied 13 26

Satisfied 23 46

Neutral 10 20

Dissatisfied 4 6

Total 50 100

(Source: Primary data)


The above table reveals that 46% percentage of users are satisfied with samsung
mobiles. 20% had a neutral opinion

Figure 4.21 showing the level of satisfaction/rating towards Samsung


(Source: Primary data)

5.1 Findings
 Almost 96% of the respondents have a mobile phone.

 100% of respondents are aware of the Samsung brand

 The majority of users have or are using Samsung mobile

 The majority of users used Xiaomi device as their previous mobile

 Uses buy a new device to upgrade their old device or after facing cashing and
freezing issue

 Brand name and after-sale service are the main factors that influence the
purchasing mobile

 The brand name influences about 76% of buyers

 The majority of the users responded that price is an essential factor to consider
when buying mobile

 Users prefer Samsung because of its good camera and fast processor

 44%of users have faced some problems while using Samsung mobile

 Heating is the major problem faced by Samsung mobile users

 The majority of users said the build quality of Samsung mobile is good and

 The camera and processor is a factor that attracts more users to Samsung mobile.
the camera is the favorite feature of user in Samsung mobile

 Samsung mobile offer value for money and good battery backup

 Service provided by Samsung mobile is good

 Proper updates and security patches are given to 70% of users

 74% of users will suggest Samsung to their friends and family

 72% of users prefer Samsung in next purchase

 Most of the users are satisfies with Samsung mobiles

5.2 Suggestions

 The company can focus on providing powerful processor and improving

camera quality as they are the user's favourite and attractive feature of
Samsung mobile

 Steps must be taken to resolve the heating and lagging issue which many
users face

 Since 44% of users have faced some problems while using Samsung mobile,
the company must take a survey and try to fix these problems through

 The company can improve their after sale service for their mid-range device

5.3 Conclusion

This study concludes that most people prefer using Samsung mobile because it
provides features like a good camera, better battery backup, powerful processor At
a budget-friendly rate. Overall, the customers have a very positive experience
regarding the usage of Samsung mobiles. And are willing to buy Samsung mobile
in next purchase


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We are conducting a study on the consumer perception towards Samsung mobiles among students
of Christ College, Irinjalakuda. If you could sacrifice some of your valuable time to fill in the
questionnaire, it would help in the completion of our study
1. Name:
2. Class:
3. Age:
4. Gender:
5. Are you using a mobile phone?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
6. Are you aware of the Samsung brand?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
7. Are you using a Samsung Mobile Phone?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
8. which other brands have you used?
⎕ Apple ⎕ Realme ⎕ Xiaomi ⎕ Other
9. what made you give up the previous brand?
⎕ Smart Upgrade ⎕ Not Getting Updates Anymore ⎕ Crashing or Freezing Issue ⎕ other
10.What are the factors influencing while purchasing mobile?
⎕ Brand Name ⎕ Service ⎕Design ⎕Specifications
11. brand name is an Important factor when making a buying decision?
⎕ Agree ⎕ Disagree
12. Is Price an imperative factor to consider?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
13. By comparing your previous brand with Samsung, in what all features Samsung outshines?
⎕ Faster processor ⎕ Better battery backup ⎕ Good camera ⎕ None of these
14. While using Samsung mobile do you faced any problems?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
15. What are the problems faced while using Samsung mobile?
⎕ Heating issue ⎕ Poor camera ⎕ insufficient storage ⎕ others
16. What is your opinion about the build quality of Samsung mobile?
⎕ Best ⎕ Good ⎕ Average ⎕ Bad
17. Motivational factors to buy a Samsung mobile?
⎕ Processor ⎕ Camera ⎕ Storage ⎕ Others
18. Does Samsung mobile phones offer value for money?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
19. Which is your favorite feature in Samsung mobile?
⎕ Processor ⎕ Camera ⎕ Storage ⎕ others
20. How do you feel about the battery backup?
⎕ Best ⎕ Average ⎕ Bad
21. What is your opinion about the customer service of Samsung?
⎕ Good ⎕ Average ⎕ Bad
22. Are you receiving regular software updates and security patches?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
23. Will you prescribe/recommend Samsung brand phones to others?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No ⎕ Maybe
24. Do you prefer Samsung in your next purchase?
⎕ Yes ⎕ No
25. Level of Satisfaction/Rating towards the Samsung Brand?
⎕ Highly Satisfied ⎕ Satisfied ⎕ Neutral ⎕ Dissatisfied

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