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Standards For Parking Design

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City of Santa Barbara

Access & Parking Design Standards

1. Introduction & Purpose

2. Application
3. General Requirements
4. Pedestrian Circulation & Access
5. Surface Parking & Structures
6. Tandem Parking
7. Parking Lifts & Machines
8. Valet Operations
9. Motorcycle Parking
10. Individual Garages
11. Carports
12. Driveways & Vehicle Ramps
13. Bicycle Parking

1. Introduction & Purpose

The purpose of the City of Santa Barbara Access & Parking Design Standards is to provide
for quality, well-functioning site access and vehicle storage. These standards address parking
design, on-site circulation, and the interface of property with the City’s circulation network.
These standards are designed to further the access and parking-related goals, policies, and
direction of the City’s General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Pedestrian Master Plan, Bicycle
Master Plan, Urban Design Guidelines and Vision Zero.
A basic objective of standards is to further the General Plan’s goal to provide equality of
convenience and choice among modes of transportation by promoting safe and attractive
facilities for walking, bicycling, and driving. The General Plan also includes policy direction
to optimize parking resources and facilitate active modes of transportation.
While these standards focus on function, access and parking require extensive land area and
have considerable impacts on the environment that are addressed in other City guidance
City of Santa Barbara

documents. Designers are encouraged to consult the following City documents, which also
provide direction related to site access and design:

• General Plan Circulation Element • Single Family Residence Design Guidelines

• Coastal Land Use Plan • Outdoor Lighting and Streetlight Design
• Zoning Ordinance Standards
• Pedestrian Master Plan • Storm Water Management Program and
• Bicycle Master Plan BMP Guidance Manual
• Urban Design Guidelines • Fire Department Requirements
• Architectural Board of Review Guidelines • Public Works Construction Standard
• El Pueblo Viejo District Guidelines Details
• SFDB General Design Guidelines
2. Application
These standards apply to projects in which changes are proposed to the parking areas and
require design review and/or a building permit. The Zoning Ordinance provides for waivers
and reductions of these standards where warranted.

3. General Requirements
The number of required bicycle and automobile parking spaces for a proposed development
is established in the Zoning Ordinance Parking Regulations. The minimum parking
requirement is intended to provide off street vehicle storage to internalize some parking
demand generated by development. The Parking Regulations provide for flexibility with
reductions in existing on site automobile parking supply to provide for accessibility, improve
circulation safety, provide for bicycle and motorcycle parking, provide space for trash
enclosures, and improve aesthetics. For assistance in determining the number of parking
spaces required for a project and options to substitute existing automobile parking for other
site improvements, please visit the Planning & Zoning Counter at 630 Garden Street, or call

The California Building Code requires accessibility improvements and electric vehicle
charging, depending on the project scope. Accessibility improvements can include the
number, size and location of accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and paths of travel to
building entrances and trash enclosures. For more information about the requirements, please
visit the Building & Safety Counter, or call (805)564-5485.

To ensure all of the standard information is provided on your plans, please refer to the Design
Review Submittal Checklist. Note that field inspections will be made prior to final occupancy
to verify constructed access and parking facilities comply with all City standards.

The minimum stall width and bay width dimensions are based upon a composite vehicle as
established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Access & Parking Design Standards

The City Standard Design Vehicle in the following figure is used to verify maneuvering for
parking configurations that do not conform to the parking layouts in the figures below.


City of Santa Barbara

4. Pedestrian Circulation & Access

On site pedestrian circulation should be designed to be safe and provide reasonably direct,
convenient connections between primary building entrances and the adjacent pedestrian
network. For all development (except Single Unit Residential), plans shall illustrate pedestrian
paths and demonstrate pedestrian circulation and access based on the following, where
feasible. Exceptions to these standards may be approved by the design review authority.
Consult Building & Safety staff to determine what ADA accommodations are required.

A. Paths to Adjacent Sidewalks and Transit. Pedestrian paths shall be provided and
designed to minimize walking distance from the primary entrances of all buildings to
adjacent pedestrian facilities and transit stops.
B. Paths for Properties not Fronting Sidewalk. For buildings and uses on properties
not fronting a public sidewalk, a pedestrian path shall be provided along the main
entrance facades of all buildings consistent with through-block pedestrian pathway
standards provided in the Pedestrian Master Plan.
C. Paths between Uses. Pedestrian paths shall be provided between the primary
entrances to businesses, uses, and/or buildings on the subject property.
D. Paths Connecting Properties. Where appropriate, pedestrian paths should be
provided connecting adjacent properties and access points coordinated between
properties to provide convenient pedestrian links between properties.
E. Security. Pedestrian paths should provide a sense of security by the addition of
lighting consistent with Outdoor Lighting Guidelines.

5. Surface Parking & Structures

Parking structures and surface parking standards are intended to provide safe, efficient
circulation within a parking area and convenient ingress and egress.

A. Minimum Stall Dimensions.

1. The minimum standard stall width for all uses is 8.5’. Wider stalls may be
required when parking bay widths are narrower than standard or vertical
elements are adjacent to stalls.
2. In parking lots containing more than ten spaces, a maximum of 30% of all
required automobile parking may be for compact cars. The minimum compact
stall width is 8’. The compact spaces shall be distributed throughout the
parking lot, rather than concentrated in one area to maximize access and
B. Minimum Bay Dimensions. Figures 2 & 3 provide minimum dimensions for 90
degree and angled parking for single loaded bays and double loaded bays. Parking stall
angles less than 45 degrees are not permitted. Parking stall angles greater than 75
degrees and less than 90 degrees are also not permitted to minimize instances of

Access & Parking Design Standards

automobiles exiting the wrong way. Parking lots with angled parking configuration
shall be designed for one-way circulation.

City of Santa Barbara


Access & Parking Design Standards


City of Santa Barbara

C. Vertical Elements. If there is a vertical element in excess of 6” in height adjacent to

a parking stall, an additional 1' of stall width is required to provide clearance.
D. On Site Loading. An on site loading space shall be required if loading interferes with
short-term or visitor parking. Dimensions of on site loading spaces will be required
based on anticipated vehicles servicing the site.
E. Maneuvering. The Zoning Ordinance requires turnaround movements to be
accomplished in one maneuver. One maneuver is one back up and one forward
F. Vehicle Overhangs. Wheel stops or curbs should be placed to stop a parked vehicle,
protect pedestrian access and adjacent property from parked vehicles, and encourage
parking outside of the drive aisle. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, a portion of vehicle
length can overhang a wheel stop or curb.
1. An overhang is included as part of the total bay width where it is demonstrated
that the Standard Design Vehicle can overhang. For an overhang to be
considered as part of the total bay width, the curb pavement and landscaping
at maturity must be 6” or less in height, where the overhang occurs in a planter.
2. If a wheel stop is installed in a parking space, the distance from the front end
of the space to the nearest point of contact with the wheel stop shall be 3'.
3. Overhangs are prohibited in areas where a parking stall is adjacent to a
pedestrian walkway that would be reduced to less than 4’ wide by the
overhanging vehicle.

6. Tandem Parking
Tandem parking for both residential and nonresidential uses may be approved by the Public
Works Director, provided it conforms to the requirements in the Zoning Ordinance Parking
Regulations for tandem parking.

7. Parking Lifts & Machines

The Circulation Element encourages innovative parking design, including parking lifts.
Parking lifts and parking machines will be reviewed on an individual basis with relevant parking
lot/garage dimensions and the standard design vehicle to ensure adequate maneuverability is

A. Uses. Parking lifts and parking machines are appropriate for residential uses and
nonresidential uses where the duration of vehicle storage is typically for long periods
of time, such as hotel with valet. When parking machines are proposed, staff will
review the project to ensure it is appropriate for the proposed land use as outlined by
the Zoning Ordinance.
B. Stall Height. Parking lifts must maintain stall heights as follows:
1. Minimum 6.5’ clear height for spaces on the ground floor, or from where the
vehicles are accessed

Access & Parking Design Standards

2. Minimum 5’ clear height for remaining levels in which users do not have direct
access to the vehicle
C. Vehicle Accommodation. Parking machines must demonstrate the ability to
accommodate a range of vehicle sizes to ensure viability. Nonresidential projects
utilizing a parking machine, shall provide a minimum of 25% of the required parking
as surface parking. Compact spaces will not be permitted in parking areas provided to
meet this requirement.
D. Compact Spaces. A maximum of 30% of the parking spaces within a parking
machine or parking lift facility may be designated for compact vehicles.
E. Valet. A valet may be required for parking lifts or parking machines serving
nonresidential uses in which the parking facility servers infrequent users, or where the
duration of visit is anticipated to be for a short period of time.
F. Maneuvering. Maneuvering area shall be provided for parking lifts and machines
consistent with garage standards, as appropriate to account for vertical elements of the
G. Loading. A loading area for convenient transfer of goods and passengers shall be
provided for facilities with parking lifts or parking machines serving ten or more
H. Accessible Parking. Consult with Building and Safety staff to determine
requirements for providing ADA accessible parking facilities where a parking machine
is proposed.

8. Valet Operations
A. Use of Public Facilities. Valet parking, vehicle storage, pickup, drop-off, or vehicle
movements shall not use any street, alley, or City-owned parking facilities, or interfere
with any right-of-way without approval of the Public Works Director. Valet parking
shall not remove or interfere with automobile or bicycle parking required for any use.
B. Recorded Agreement. Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance procedures for Recorded
Agreements, sites requiring valet parking services must ensure a parking attendant will
be on duty at all times that the facility is in use, and provide sufficient staff and facilities
to ensure that automobiles are moved for parking promptly. If, at any time during the
operations of the valet facility is unable to satisfy the parking demand, and queueing
or double-parking occurs, the operation shall be temporarily closed until the demand
can be properly handled.
C. Accessible Parking Facilities. Valet operators are required to keep all accessible
parking spaces and associated access aisles unobstructed and available for parking for
individuals with disabilities at all times.

9. Motorcycle Parking
Motorcycle parking is encouraged where there is extra space in parking lots. The Municipal
Code allows for the conversion of existing automobile parking spaces to motorcycle parking

City of Santa Barbara

in some cases. When automobile parking is converted to motorcycle parking, motorcycle

parking shall meet the following standards.

A. Location. Motorcycle parking shall be located near a main entrance to encourage use
and enhance visibility to minimize theft and vandalism.
B. Dimensions. Each motorcycle parking space must have a minimum delineated area
of 4’ x 8’.
C. Signage. Parking lots that include motorcycle parking spaces shall have signage
indicating motorcycle parking.

10. Individual Garages

Garages must be available for the parking and storage of vehicles at all times. Newly
constructed garages shall be designed to meet the following standards and maneuvering area
illustrated in Figures 4 & 5.

A. Dimensions.
1. One car garage minimum interior clear area 10’ x 20’
2. Two car garage minimum interior clear area 20’ x 20’
3. Garage minimum interior height 6.5’
B. Garage Doors. The minimum garage door widths are 8’ for a one car garage and 16’
for a two car garage. Garage doors will be reviewed to ensure that adequate
maneuvering is provided.
C. Storage and Utilities. Storage and utilities may be located within the interior clear
area of a garage or carport, provided that storage and utilities are located a minimum
of 4’ above the garage or carport floor and do not extend beyond 4’ from the back
wall of the garage or carport.

11. Carports
The Zoning Ordinance defines a carport as a structure, or portion of a structure, accessible to
vehicles, with a solid weatherproof roof that is permanently open on at least two sides, and
used as parking for one or more motor vehicles. Newly constructed carports shall be designed
to meet the following standards and maneuvering area illustrated in Figures 6 & 7.

A. Dimensions.
1. One stall carport minimum interior clear area 8’ x 20’
2. Two stall carport minimum interior clear area 16’ x 20’
3. Carport minimum interior height 6.5’
B. Vertical elements. Vertical elements within 1’ of the minimum clear width may be
no more than 6” high.

Access & Parking Design Standards


City of Santa Barbara


Access & Parking Design Standards


City of Santa Barbara


Access & Parking Design Standards

12. Driveways & Vehicle Ramps

Driveway access to automobile parking areas shall be consistent with the California Fire Code
and the following:

A. Driveway Width.
1. Residential driveways serving residential uses shall be a minimum of 10’ and a
maximum of 16’ in width on-site, unless determined that a wider driveway is
necessary for access to required parking spaces, vehicular maneuvering or Fire
2. Where a parking area contains less than 25 parking spaces, one way driveway
access shall be not less than 10’ for residential and 12’ for nonresidential.
3. Where a parking area contains 25 or more parking spaces, or a projected total
of 25 or more parking spaces, a two-way driveway is required with a minimum
paving surface width of 22’. Exceptions may be made to the minimum width
of a two-way driveway for low volume streets. Two one-way driveways may
be substituted for a two-way driveway.
B. Driveway Aprons. Residential driveway aprons may be between 10’ and 16’ wide.
Commercial driveway aprons may be between 12’ and 30’ wide. Refer to the Public
Works Standard Construction Details for standard driveway apron designs. Driveway
aprons and driveways shall be as narrow as possible with consideration of maneuvering
and circulation safety.
C. Driveway Length.
1. The minimum length of driveway for parking spaces that back to a public street
is 20’.
2. Driveways exceeding 75’ in length require a turnaround area on site.
3. When the distance from the street pavement to the rearmost wall of any
structure on the subject parcel is less than 150’, the maximum driveway grade
shall be 20%. The 150’ is measured along the driveway. When Fire
Department access is required, the slope of the driveway shall not exceed 16%.
D. Vehicle Ramps. A vehicle ramp is a sloping connection between a street level and a
parking level or between two parking levels.
1. For multiple unit dwellings or non-residential uses, all parking plans involving
ramps shall be accompanied by a profile showing the ramp, ramp transitions
and overhead and adjacent wall clearances.
2. The length of a ramp is defined as that portion of the ramp from the beginning
of the transition at one end of the ramp to the end of the transition at the
opposite end thereof.
3. For ramps longer than 65’, the ramp grade shall not exceed 12% with the first
and last 8’ of the ramp not exceeding 6%.

City of Santa Barbara

4. For ramps 65’ in length or less, the ramp grade shall not exceed 16% with the
first and last 10’ of the ramp not exceeding 8%.
5. The slopes of all parking areas shall not exceed 5%, excluding ramps.
6. When an ADA accessible route across a vehicle ramp is required the maximum
slope is regulated by the California Building Code. Please consult Building &
Safety staff for more information.
E. Vertical Curves. Minimum vertical curve lengths provide for gradual transitions
between a street/sidewalk and driveway and between a driveway and parking area.
1. If the slope of the driveway is 0 - 10%, a 5’ minimum length vertical curve is
2. If the slope of the driveway is 10 - 16%, a 10’ minimum length vertical curve
is required.
3. When the slope of a driveway is rising to meet the sidewalk or garage level, 5’
of the driveway shall be the same slope as the sidewalk or garage level.
F. Driveway Locations. Driveways in a residential or low traffic volume areas shall not
be located closer than 25’ from an intersection. Circulation safety and right of way
impacts will also be considered with a new driveway location or change of use. The
locations of opposing driveways will also be considered for the potential for hazardous
interlocking left-turn movements.
G. Gates. All driveway gates, and arc of the gate swing shall be setback a minimum of
20’ from the front lot line for any use to minimize sidewalk blockage and interference
with traffic flow. A driveway gate for nonresidential uses may be located closer than
20’ to a front lot line if the gate remains open during business hours and adequate
visibility is provided. Remotely actuated gates located less than 20’ from a front lot
line will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Fire Department access may be required.
H. Visibility. Please refer to the Zoning Ordinance for fence, wall, and hedge height
restrictions for adequate visibility near driveways and property lines.
I. Driveway Materials. All required off-street automobile parking areas and driveways
within 100’ of the property line shall be fully hard-surfaced with materials having
equivalent service and durability as 2” thick asphaltic concrete, at minimum. Permeable
paving solutions are encouraged.
J. Ribbon Driveways. Ribbon driveways and permeable paving are encouraged in order
to minimize impermeable surfaces. The “ribbon” portion of the driveway must be
fully hard surfaced, while material between the ribbons shall not be loose material that
can be carried into the public right-of-way by an exiting vehicle.
K. Driveway Throat. Parking lots with 20 or more stalls are required to provide a 20’
deep driveway throat. A 20’ deep driveway throat may also be required for smaller
lots where the vehicular traffic conditions so warrant (e.g. high volume or high speed
streets). The driveway throat is measured from the front property line or edge of

Access & Parking Design Standards

public right of way to the first parking space. The throat is designed to prevent vehicles
from obstructing traffic on the street or pedestrians on the sidewalk.

13. Bicycle Parking

Providing safe, well-designed, and high quality bicycle parking makes bicycling a more
attractive and convenient option. Bicycle parking facilities are separated into two categories,
short-term and long-term, based on the level of security desired in relation to parking duration.

Refer to the Zoning Ordinance for the minimum amount of short-term and long-term bicycle
parking required for each use classification. The Zoning Ordinance also allows for some
substitution of bicycle parking for automobile parking. Personal lockers, showers and
changing areas in the workplace also support bicycle commuters and may be required with
discretionary land use decisions.

The following table describes the general differences between long-term and short-term
bicycle parking.


Long-term Short-term

Fixtures Lockers, Racks in Secured Area Simple racks

Weather Sheltered Unsheltered


Security Individual lockers, Access-controlled Passive surveillance

bicycle room or enclosure (visible from street or by user)

Land uses Residential, Workplace, Transit Restaurant, Retail, Commercial,


Long-term bicycle parking consists of a variety of fixture types and site plan layouts and may
include racks, rooms, and lockers located in a variety of settings, both indoors and outdoors.
Because long-term parking areas often are located in low pedestrian use areas, site design focus
is on ensuring the safety of users while maintaining exclusive access to these areas.

Short-term bicycle parking usually consists of simple bicycle racks located on site near the
front of the building or destination. Site planning is focused on convenience, utility and to
improve security for the basic bicycle rack. Design review approval for these exterior parking
devices may be required. Samples of long-term and short-term bicycle parking are provided in
Figures 8 & 9.

All bicycle parking facilities will be reviewed based on the following standards and design

City of Santa Barbara

A. Bicycle Parking Plans. Bicycle parking plans shall include bicycle parking locations,
long-term and short-term parking designations, parking rack/device type, bicycle
parking layout with dimensions, enclosure details (where necessary), lighting (where
necessary), and signage (where necessary).
B. Dimensions.
1. Each standard surface bicycle parking space shall be a minimum of 2’ x 6’
2. To increase visibility to pedestrians, short-term bicycle racks should have a
minimum height of 32” or be identified by visible markers.
C. Location & Visibility. Bicycle parking shall be at least as convenient as automobile
parking. Short-term bicycle parking should be visible and as close as possible to the
main entrance or doorway of the destination and in general proximity to bike and
pedestrian paths. Separate curb cuts for bicycle access to/from the street to a site are
discouraged but may be considered where appropriate. Bicycle parking facilities shall
not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation.
D. Parking Rack/Device Requirements. Bicycle racks or parking devices shall:
1. Support a bicycle in at least two places, preventing it from falling over.
2. Be securely anchored to the ground.
3. Resist cutting, rusting, bending, or deformation.
4. Be designed to prevent scratching of bicycles.
E. Weather Protection. Long-term bicycle parking areas shall be protected from
weather and covered with a canopy or roof, either freestanding or attached to an
existing building.
F. Damage Prevention. Bike parking facilities within automobile parking areas shall be
separated by a physical barrier to protect bicycles from damage by cars, such as curbs,
wheel stops, bollards or other similar features.
G. Locking Device. Bicycle racks or parking devices must accommodate common
secure personal locking devices, including U-locks.
H. Lighting. Bicycle parking expected to be used at night must be illuminated.
I. Signage. Where short-term bicycle parking areas are not clearly visible to
approaching bicyclists, signs of at least 12” square shall direct them to the facility. Signs
shall give the name, phone number and location of the person in charge of the facility,
where applicable. Where long-term bicycle parking is provided by restricted access,
signs shall state that the enclosure must be kept locked at all times.
J. Minimize Obstructions.
1. A minimum of 3’ must be provided between each side of a bicycle rack and a
vertical obstruction, such as a wall.

Access & Parking Design Standards

2. A bike rack must be a minimum of 32” from either a vehicle overhang or a

curb where the door of a parked vehicle would open.
3. When designing a bicycle parking facility, consider providing access from
multiple sides to ensure all parking spaces can be used.
K. Maneuvering. A minimum 5’ aisle or space shall be provided for bicycles to enter
and leave the facility. In an enclosed space where bicycles are parked perpendicular to
a wall, the aisle shall have a width of at least 7’ to the front or rear of a bicycle parked
in the facility. Maneuvering space should allow for simultaneous users, provide for
entry and exit of the facility and accommodate rack operations and lifting of bicycles
where necessary.
L. Stairwells. Access to bicycle parking that requires the user to use stairways is
discouraged. If the access must require use of stairs, such as access to the site itself or
to a unit, grooves along the side of the stairs or a bike rail are recommended.
M. Non-standard Bicycles. There is often a relationship between a land-use and an
expected bicycle type (i.e., cargo bikes or trailers at grocery stores or child trailers at
schools). Nonstandard bicycle types such as recumbent bikes, folding bikes, cargo
bikes, as well as traditional bikes equipped with child carriers, trailers, and/or baskets,
which are common on utility bicycles, should be considered in bike parking design.
N. Group Bicycle Parking. Consider providing group short-term bicycle parking in
active commercial or recreational areas where individual rack element is inadequate to
meet short-term bicycle parking demands. Depending on use, demand and location,
group bicycle parking may be located on private property or within the sidewalk
corridor or in the street with approval from the Transportation Planning & Parking
O. Vertical Racks. Vertical racks are bike racks that require a bicycle to be lifted and
hung on a wall. A maximum of 30% of required bicycle parking may be provided in
vertical racks.
P. Stacked Racks. Where stacked parking is proposed, lifting assistance mechanisms
shall be provided to accommodate more users.

City of Santa Barbara


Access & Parking Design Standards



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