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A Review To Develop New Correlations For Geotechni

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A Review to Develop new Correlations for Geotechnical

Properties of Organic Soils
Ahmed ElMouchi . Sumi Siddiqua . Dharma Wijewickreme .
Herbert Polinder

Received: 23 August 2019 / Accepted: 5 February 2021 / Published online: 1 March 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG part of Springer Nature 2021

Abstract Organic soils are considered one of the correlations found in the literature depend on relating a
most problematic soils due to their high compressibil- certain parameter with either the organic content or
ity and low shear strength at small strains. Character- water content. However, the organic content and the
izing organic soils based on their simple index water content are related. Hence, the proposed corre-
properties is useful for the preliminary design stages lations presented in this study aim to connect the
of construction projects. There are three main index particular soil parameter with both the water content
properties used for assessing organic soils properties, and the organic content, using the same equation.
namely: the water content, the organic content, and the Unfortunately, there is not much data in the literature
fiber content. Organic soils are distinguished by their about the soil texture or fiber content, and their relation
relatively high water content. The organic content with other parameters. Hence, all the proposed corre-
includes the carbonaceous and combustible compo- lations in this study are not considering the fibre
nents. Whereas the fiber content accounts for the content or the soil fabric.
presence of fibers in organic soils based on their
botanical composition and the degree of decomposi- Keywords Organic soil  Water content  Organic
tion. The data available in literature regarding organic content  Index properties  Compressibility
soils parameters (index, compressibility and shear properties  Correlations
strength) were collected and analyzed in this study to
obtain new correlations between the different organic
soil parameters, and the simple index parameters
(water content and organic content). The available 1 Introduction

Over 1.5 km2 (12%) of the Canadian landscape is

A. ElMouchi  S. Siddiqua (&) covered with Muskeg soils (MacFarlane 1969;
The University of British Columbia, Kelowna, Tarnocai 2006; Xu et al. 2018). Muskeg is a term that
British Columbia, Canada
refers to organic terrain, peatlands, and mires (Farell
1994). The fossilized fragmented organic matter from
D. Wijewickreme past vegetation is called peat (MacFarlane 1969).
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Organic soils are natural soils with a ratio of the liquid
British Columbia, Canada
limit of the dry state over the liquid limit of the natural
H. Polinder state being smaller than 0.75 (as per ASTM D
Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands 2487–17). The open database of Tarnocai et al.


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3316 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

(2005) for estimating the effect of the climate change soils classification as per the Unified Soil Classifica-
on the Canadian peatlands showed that 67% of these tion System (USCS) ASTM D2487-17. However,
peatlands are bogs, 32% are fens, and about 1% are these components are not applicable for the organic
marshes and swamps. Many of the energy pipelines soils classification, as the Atterberg limits cannot be
throughout Canada are buried in Muskeg. Due to the measured in organic soils. In addition, it is not feasible
lack of knowledge to the soil-pipe interaction of the to determine grain size distribution in organic soil for
Muskeg, very conservative design procedures are classification. Texture, mineral content, organic con-
followed according to the PRCI (2009) recommenda- tent, fiber content, degree of humification, and pH are
tions; this, however, increases the cost of the project. the properties that can be used for effectively classi-
Organic soils are distinguished by their high natural fying organic soils (Ajlouni 2000). Von Post (1922),
water content, high initial void ratio, low bulk density, presented a scale to obtain the degree of humification
high initial permeability, high compressibility, and low for organic soils, which ranges between H1 for the.
shear strength at small strains (MacFarlane 1969; un-decomposed peat to H10 for the completely
Dhowain and Edil 1980; Landva 1980; Robinson 2003; decomposed peat. The Von Post determination for the
Cola and Cortellazzo 2005; Mesri and Ajlouni 2007; degree of humification is used and standardized by the
Huat et al. 2011; Kazieman et al. 2011). Hence, organic ASTM D5715-14. MacFarlane (1969) proposed a
soils are considered one of the most problematic soils classification of Canadian peat into seventeen categories
due to their poor engineering properties. Many recent based on fibres and divide them into three major groups
failures have occurred due to construction on organic (Amorphous granular, fine fibrous, and coarse fibrous).
soils, such as slope failures (Long and Jennings 2006; The ASTM D4427-18 proposed the classification of
Boylan et al. 2008; long et al. 2011), embankments peat soils based on five characteristics as follows:
failures, (Den Haan and Feddema 2013) and dikes (i) Fiber Content: fibric, hemic and sapric (ASTM
failures (Benzuijan et al. 2005; O’Kelly 2008). D1997-13) (ii) Ash Content: low, medium and high ash
This paper is divided into four main sections. In the (ASTM D2974-14). The ash content is a direct
first section, a review for the different geotechnical measurement of the organic content, such that the
classifications for organic soils is presented, in addi- organic content equals 100% minus the percentage of
tion to the problems of the available classifications. the ash content (i.e. 25% of ash content indicates 75%
The second section reviews the index properties of organic content). Moreover, the ASTM defined the peat
organic soils, and discusses correlations between soils as soils that have organic content higher than 75%.
index properties (void ratio, specific gravity, bulk (iii) Acidity pH: high acidic, moderate acidic, slightly
density, liquid limit, and acidity) to the two main acidic and basic peat (ASTM D2976-15) (iv) Absor-
parameters (water content and organic content). In the bency: extremely, highly, moderately and slightly
third section, a short review for the compressibility is absorbent (ASTM D2980-17) and (v) Botanical Com-
presented, with more focus on the correlations of the position (if single or two names of the botanical
compression index as a function of the water content, designations should be added to the peat naming, at
organic content, and void ratio. The fourth section, least 75% of the fiber content of this peat should be
illustrates the shear strength properties of organic soils derived from these botanical designations). As per the
and correlations between the shear strength parame- ASTM D1997-13 and ASTM D5715-14, the degree of
ters to the basic index properties (water content and humification is related to the fiber content such that the
organic content) are presented. All proposed correla- fibric peat has a degree of humification from H1 to H3,
tions in this paper are based on data collected from the hemic peat has degree of humification between H4 to
literature and listed in the references section. H7, and the sapric peat has a degree of humification
between H8 to H10. The ASTM classification for peat is
preferred over other classification systems because it
2 Geotechnical Classification of Soils Containing includes different index properties that can distinguish
Organic Matter most of peat soils with respect to the geotechnical
engineering properties. However, the ASTM D4427-18
The particle size distribution, the texture, and the classification does not clearly mention how to deal with
Atterberg limits are the main components for mineral the fabric or texture of the soil mass when calculating the


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3317

different index properties. From a geotechnical point of chemical) of the soils should be incorporated. The
view, the cut off value of organic content that distinguish following physical properties are relevant to the
between peat soils and organic soils is not universally engineering behavior of organic soils: water content,
agreed upon. Figure 1 shows the different cut off values organic content, fiber content, void ratio, bulk density,
between peat and organic soils based on the organic specific gravity, and Atterberg limits (if applicable).
content of the soil mass in different countries (after For chemical properties, acidity is considered the most
Anderjko et al. 1983; Woliski et al. 1988). The relevant chemical property for engineering purposes
figure reveals that there are three major categories: peat, (MacFarlane 1969).
which has high organic content, muck, which has
moderate organic content, and mineral organics, which 3.1 Water Content (wc)
has low organic content. The fixed limits between these
three categories are not unique, as the transition in One of the distinctive properties of organic soils are
behavior between the three categories is rather subtle their high water content (Mesri and Ajlouni 2007). The
(Farrell 1994). According to McVay and Nugyen high water content is attributed to the large voids,
(2004), a tentative standard classification system to formed by the fiber structure, and the high cation
distinguish between these three categories was consid- exchange capacity of organic matter, which increases
ered by the ASTM. The tentative classification is shown the attraction of water molecules (FHWA 2009).
in Table 1. Approximate estimation of the organic content, bulk
density, specific gravity, compressibility and shear
strength parameters can be obtained using available
3 Index Properties of Organic Soils (Physical correlations by measuring the water content. Ajlouni
and Chemical) (2000) concluded that the origin, degree of decompo-
sition, and the chemical composition of organic soils
In order to use organic soils in any engineering are the main factors accounting for their wide range of
application, the different properties (physical and water contents.

Fig. 1 Comparison of Classification Systems Used for Peat and Organic Soils in Various countries. (after Anderjko et al 1983; Woliski
et al. 1988)


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3318 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

Table 1 A tentative Material description Organic content (%) Subheading

classification of soils
containing organic matters Peat [ 75 95–100 Low ash peat
based on organic content as
85–95 Medium ash peat
per (ASTM) (after Mcavy
and Nugyen 2004) 75–85 High ash peat
Muck 25–75 50–75 Peaty Muck
25–50 Silty or Clayey Muck
Organic silt or Clay \ 25 10–25 Highly organic Silt or Clay
1–10 Highly organic Silt or Clay

The lab determination for the water content of the water content, void ratio, and compressibility.
organic soils is similar to mineral soils. A represen- (Abdel Kader 2010).
tative sample of organic soils is dried in the oven at Measuring the organic content (combustible car-
110 C, and the weight of the water expelled from the bonaceous component) requires measuring the ash
wet sample divided by the weight of the dry sample content (incombustible mineral component) in
provides the water content (as per ASTM D2974-14). advance. According to ASTM D2974-14, ash content
Goodman and Lee (1962), MacFarlane and Aleen of an organic soil sample is defined as the percent of
(1964), and Miyakawa (1959) proposed an oven the weight of the remained substance after igniting the
temperature of 85 °C to avoid burning the organic oven-dried samples in a furnace at 440° ± 40 °C with
content within soils. Afterwards, Skempton and Petley respect to the weight of the oven dried sample.
(1970) investigated the effect of drying the organic Afterwards, the organic content is determined by
soil samples using different temperatures, and con- subtracting the ash content percentage from one
cluded that low temperatures retain an amount of hundred percent. The ash content determination of
water within the organic soils particles, whereas at organic soils is also referred to as loss of ignition in
110 °C the loss of organic material was minimized. literature. The loss of ignition method has some
O’Kelly and Sivakumar (2014) concluded that the element of error; as additional minerals may be burned
ASTM D2974-14 suggests the proper method of off during the test (Jackson 1958). The colorimetric
determining the water content. method can be used to eliminate this error (Lechowicz
The amount of water held in fibrous peat is more et al. 1996).
than the amount of water held in amorphous peat.
There are five sources for the water content in organic 3.3 Fiber Content (FC)
soils (Ajlouni 2000): (i) free water in pores between
particles, (ii) free water in pores inside particles, (iii) The fiber content of organic soils is determined in the
double layer (osmotically bond) water around all lab based on ASTM D1997-13. The fiber content is the
surface areas, (iv) adsorbed water covering all the ratio between the mass of fibers, which is retained on
surface areas, and (iv) water within and between the 150 lm (No. 100) sieve, to the weight of the solids
components due to chemical bonds. on the sample. Organic soils are classified according to
their fiber content. High fiber content will result in less
3.2 Ash and Organic Content (OC) decomposition. According to the ASTM D4427-18
classification, organic soils are classified as fibrous
Organic soils, in general, have two major components; peat if the fiber content is higher than 67%, corre-
the organic component, and the mineral component. sponding to a degree of humification between H1 to
The organic component is carbonaceous and com- H3 (less decomposed peat) on the Von Post scale. The
bustible. Whereas the mineral component is incom- amorphous peat is peat with a fiber content less than
bustible and ash forming (MacFarlane 1969). The 67%. Organic soils with a fiber content between 33 and
organic content of organic soils plays an important 67% are defined as hemic, which corresponds to a
role in organic soils classification and their mechanical degree of humification between H4 to H6 (moderately
properties. The higher the organic content, the higher decomposed) on Von Post scale. Fiber content less


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3319

than 33% refers to highly decomposed soils (H7 to permeability, and compressibility. Fibrous organic
H10) on Von Post scale, and are defined as sapric soils. soils have a higher void ratio than the amorphous soils
Fiber content affects other organic soil properties due to the fiber structures. MacFarlane (1969) men-
such as: water content, organic content, bulk density, tioned that the void ratio of organic soils ranges
void ratio, permeability, shear strength, and com- between 5 and 15. The void ratio may reach as high as
pressibility. Table 2 shows the effect of different fiber 25 in fibrous soils and as low as 2 in amorphous peat.
contents (as per MacFarlane 1969 classification) on The void ratio is correlated to water content and
other organic soil properties. organic content. There is a linear increasing relation
More organic material in soil results in higher water between the water content and the void ratio, as both
content, leading to less favorable engineering param- the water content and the void ratio are mathemati-
eters. Higher fiber content also results in higher water cally linked in phase diagram calculations (MacFar-
content, but results in more favorable soil properties lane 1969). McVay and Nugyen (2004) reported an
(Den Edil and Wang 2000; Al Adili 2013; ; Haan increasing relation between void ratio and organic
1997). Price et al. (2005) has failed to determine a content for void ratios ranging between 1 and 9.
correlation between bulk density and fiber content, or
degree of humification and fiber content, although the 3.5 Bulk Density (q)
Von Post humification indicates the loss of any
structure in the organic soil (Price et al. 2005; Mesri Organic soils are featured by their low densities
and Ajlouni 2007; O’Kelly and Pichan 2014). This compared to mineral soils. ASTM D4531-15 describes
could be attributed to the method of measuring the the procedures for measuring the bulk and dry
fiber content, without considering the fabric dimen- densities of organic soils using the Paraffin wax
sions of the soil. However, MacFarlane (1969) corre- method. The bulk density of organic soils is close to
lated the bulk density with high fiber content greater the density of water, and any significant increase in the
than 50%, and indicated a decreasing trend for the bulk density would be attributed to the mineral
density with increasing fiber content. Landva and components (MacFarlane 1969).
Pheeney (1980) concluded that knowing the type of Bulk density of organic soils is correlated to both
fibers, like sedge or leave, would be advantageous to the water content and the organic content. The bulk
estimating the soil suitability for engineering pur- density of organics soils equals roughly the water
poses. Correlations based on fiber content, the fabric density for organic soils of water content higher than
of the soil, and associated engineering properties 500%. This could be attributed to the high fiber
should be further investigated. content and organic content at high water content
(MacFarlane 1969; Hobbs 1986 and Bell 2000). The
3.4 Void Ratio (e) bulk density is frequently correlated to the water
content in the literature; however, Den Hann and El
Organic soils are distinct with their high void ratio. Amir (1994) proposed a correlation between the bulk
High void ratio means higher water content,

Table 2 Effect of different fibre contents on organic soils and peaty soils properties (after Macfarlane 1969)
Designated Property
High Moderate Low

Amorphous- Unit Weight Void Ratio Water Content permeability Shear

granular Compressibility Strength
Fine fibrous Water Content Void Ratio Permeability Shear Unit Weight
Compressibility Strength
Coarse fibrous Permeability Shear Strength Water Content Unit Void Ratio Compressibility
(woody) Weight


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3320 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

density and the organic content for high organic Lewis (1965), Casagrande (1966), MacFarlane
contents of Dutch peat. (1969), Olson (1984), and Yamaguchi et al. (1985)
presented some data for the liquid and plastic limits of
3.6 Specific Gravity (Gs) both amorphous and fibrous peat. However, they did
not mention how to deal with fibers and what
The specific gravity of organic soils is smaller than the difficulties were encountered. The undrained shear
specific gravity of mineral soils. Higher organic strength of mineral soil is correlated to the liquid limit.
content leads to smaller specific gravity, as the specific Soil with a water content equal to the liquid limit has
gravity mainly depends on the inorganic component of an undrained shear strength around 2 kPa (ASTM
the organic soils (MacFarlane 1969 and Ajlouni 2000). D4318–17). The correlation between the liquid limit
Specific gravity for organic soils ranges between 1 and and the undrained shear strength for organic soils is
2 (MacFarlane 1969; Lechowicz et al. 1996 and Bell rather questionable (Boylan et al. 2008; O’Kelly
2000). Higher Gs reflects high mineral contamination 2016). The larger fibers are removed from the samples
(FHWA 2009). Specific gravity is measured according (ASTM D4318–17 and BS 1377:1990), but those
to ASTM D854-14 using a water pycnometer, how- fibers influence the strength properties (Long 2005;
ever more accurate results could be achieved using the Boylan et al. 2008; O’Kelly 2015). In addition, liquid
gas (kerosene) pycnometer as per ASTM D5550-14. limits are correlated to the undrained shear strength,
Measuring Gs of organic soils is a fairly difficult which is a function of the interparticle water for
process as it might not be possible to remove all organic and mineral soils (Adon et al. 2012 and
entrapped air or gases inside and between particles O’Kelly 2014). Organic soils have intraparticle water
(Ajlouni 2000). which can amount up to two- thirds of the total water
Organic content is correlated to the specific gravity. content (Landva and Pheeney 1980; O’Kelly and
Cook (1956), Lea and Brawner (1963), Skempton and Zhang 2013).
Petley (1970) and Den Haan (1997) proposed different Since the results of the liquid and plastic limits have
equations for calculating the specific gravity of no significant meaning for classification or correla-
organic soils as a function of the organic content. tions of soils of considerable amount of organic
Landva and La Rochelle (1983) proposed the extreme content, as shown by Ajlouni (2000) and O’Kelly
limits for the specific gravity of organic soils as a (2016), it is recommendable to obtain other correla-
function of the organic content. These limits will be tions based on more suitable tests. Further research
verified in this study. related to the correlation between the measured liquid
limit and the correlated undrained shear strength
3.7 Atterberg Limits should be conducted to identify index properties that
are reliable to be correlated to the undrained shear
Consistency indices, or Atterberg limits, are the limits strength. Such criteria can be related to the presence of
that define the water content limits at which the soil fibers in the soil, as well as the degree of humification.
consistency passes from one state to another (Terzaghi
et al. 1996). Atterberg limits for organic soils are 3.8 Acidity (pH)
determined in lab, using the same procedures that is
generally used for mineral soils, according to ASTM The acidity of organic soils is measured according to
D4318–17 or BS 1377(1990). The liquid limit is also ASTM D2976-15 using either water or calcium
measured using the fall cone penetrometer as per the chloride solution. However, using the calcium chlo-
BS 1377(1990). Determination of both the liquid limit ride solution is preferred over the water because the
and plastic limit for organic soils is a difficult task due pH value is affected by salts dissolved in water.
to the presence of fibers. Hence, for fibrous peat, it is Organic soils are characterized by its acidic behavior
not possible to measure the consistency indices, due to low pH values (less than 7). As per the ASTM
whereas for the amorphous peat, it is possible to classification (ASTM D 4427–18), organic soils are
measure them. (MacFarlane 1969; Hobbs 1986; classified according to their pH value into four groups;
Yamaguchi et al. 1987; Nakayama et al. 1990; Lan (i) high acidic (pH \ 4.5), (ii) moderate acidic
1992). (4.5 \ pH \ 5.5), (iii) slightly acidic (5.5 \ pH \


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3321

7), and (iv) basic peat (pH [ 7). Acidic behavior of compatibility of the proposed 95% confidence interval
peat and organic soil is an important property, as it around the trend line. Equations proposed by Tessier
may lead to corrosion for concrete and steel structures (1966) and Den Haan (1997) are located in the shaded
in contact with organic soils (MacFarlane 1969). In zone of the 95% confidence interval range, however
general, the pH value for organic soils decreases with part of the results of Lea & Brwaner (1963) for water
depth and might be high at the top of the underlying contents higher than 500% is located outside this
layer (Ajlouni 2000). shaded zone.
e ¼ 0:0138  wc þ 1:125 : R2 ¼ 0:9734 ð1Þ
4 Correlations between Index Properties where the value of wc is in percentage (%).
Mcavy and Nugyen (2004) correlated the organic
One of the major characteristics of organic soils, as content and the void ratio by a linear equation. The
previously discussed, is their high water content. Most collected data in this study was used to obtain a
of the index properties of organic soils are correlated correlation between the void ratio and the organic
to the water content in the literature. However, the content. The proposed correlation (Eq. 2), the 95%
organic content of the organic soils is a major confidence interval, and the Mcvay and Nuguen
component in the classification of organic soils, and (2004) equation are presented in Fig. 2b. The fig-
thus, it might affect their properties. Hence, the index ure reveals a good agreement, in terms of the
properties are correlated to the organic content based increasing trend, between the proposed equation and
on the data collected from literature in this study. After McVay and Nugyen (2004) equation.
demonstrating the correlations between different
index properties and the water content and the organic e ¼ 1:6355  e0:0187OC : R2 ¼ 0:7291 ð2Þ
content in separate 2D figures, it is proposed to find a where the value of OC is in percentage (%).
3D surface that correlate a certain index property with The organic content and the water content are the
the water content and the organic content in the same simplest index properties for measurement in organic
plot by one equation. soils. Equations (1) and (2) show that the void ratio is
correlated to the organic and water contents. It might
4.1 Correlations of Void Ratio (e) with Water be useful to obtain one equation that correlates the
Content and Organic Content void ratio with both the water content and the organic
content simultaneously, as presented in Eq. (3) and
In the phase diagram relations, the void ratio and water Fig. 2c.
content are related to each other as a function of the
specific gravity (Gs) and the degree of saturation e ¼ 1:2539  3:255=OC þ 0:01353  wc
(S) such that e = wc*Gs/S. For organic soils, Tessier : R2 ¼ 0:9749
(1966) and Lea and Brawner (1963) proposed a where the value of wc and OC are in percentages (%).
correlation for the void ratio as a function of the water
content without measuring the values of the specific 4.2 Correlations of Bulk Density (q) with Water
gravity or the degree of saturation. Content and Organic Content
Figure 2a depicts the relation between the void
ratio and the water content based on collected data Figure 3a shows the correlation between the bulk
from the literature. In addition, the figure shows the density and the water content. The collected data from
95% confidence interval around the trend line as a literature was used to obtain the trend line of the
shaded area. The 95% confidence interval limits are correlation. Afterwards, a range for the 95% confi-
calculated by adding and subtracting twice the stan- dence interval was obtained based on the trend line
dard deviation to the trend line. The correlation plus and minus twice the standard deviation of the
between the void ratio and the water content is trend line. The shaded area represents a 95% confi-
presented in Eq. 1. Correlations by Tessier (1966), dence interval for the deduced equation.
Lea and Brwaner (1963), and Den Haan (1997) are
presented in the same graph to verify and compare the


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3322 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

Fig. 2 Void Ratio 30

Correlations a Void Ratio a Tessier 1966
e = 0.0138* w c + 1.1256
25 R² = 0.9734
Vs. Water Content Lea & Brwaner 1963
correlation, b Void Ratio
Den Haan 1997

Void Rao e
Vs. Organic Content
Correlation and c Void Ratio 15
Collected Data in This Study
vs. both water content and
organic content 10

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Water Content Wc (%)

20 McVay and Nugyen , 2004
Collected Data in This Study
15 e = 1.6355 * e 0.0187*OC
Void Rao e

R² = 0.7291


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Organic Content OC (%)

q ¼ 2:2951  w0:123 : R2 ¼ 0:6446 ð4Þ organic content. The same concept of the 95%
confidence interval used in Fig. 3a is used in this
where the value of wc is in percentage (%). The figure as well.
compatibility of the deduced equation and the range
with the equations available in literature have been q ¼ 2:3183  OC0:182 : R2 ¼ 0:8354 ð5Þ
checked by adding Hobbs (1986) data points and
where the value of OC is in percentage (%). The 95%
Moore (1962) equations to the same figure. The results
confidence interval range is compared with the Den
are located in the 95% confidence interval range. The
Hann and ElAmir (1994) equation for Dutch peat, and
figure shows that the bulk density tends to settle
shows a good agreement with the deduced equation at
around 1 gm/cm3 for water contents higher than 500%
high organic content, since the Dutch peat is charac-
(Hobbs 1986 and MacFarlane 1969). Figure 3b pre-
terized by its high organic content. On the other hand,
sents the correlation between bulk density and the
the McVay and Nugyen (2004) equation almost


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3323

Fig. 3 Bulk Density

Correlations a Bulk Density a
Vs. Water Content
correlation, b Bulk Density
Vs. Organic Content
correlation and c Bulk
Density vs. both water
content and organic content

coincides with the proposed equation. The different q ¼ 1:498  0:1135  lnðOCÞ þ 21:6716=wc
correlations reveal that the bulk density tends to be : R2 ¼ 0:8907
close to 1 gm/cm3 at high organic contents (peaty
soils). As long as the bulk density is correlated to the
water content and the organic content for organic soils, where the value of wc and OC are in percentages (%).
then it would be more reasonable to correlate the bulk The bulk density could be calculated with Eqs. 1, 2
density with both the organic content and the water and 3 during the preliminary stages of the project using
content in the same equation or graph, as shown in simple index properties: the water content and the
Fig. 3c and stated in Eq. 6. organic content.


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3324 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

4.3 Correlations of Specific Gravity (Gs) MacFarlane and Rutka (1962) are added to the same
with Water Content and Organic Content figure to verify the 95% concept, and indeed, they are
also located in the shaded area of the 95% confidence
Previous trials to correlate the specific gravity with level. In addition, the figure reveals that the specific
water content were carried out by MacFarlane (1969) gravity tends to be constant around 1.5 at high water
and MacFarlane and Rutka (1962). A correlation contents (higher than 500%), similar to the bulk
between the specific gravity and the water content is density that tends to be constant at the same water
proposed (Eq. 7), based on the collected data from content.
literature. The 95% confidence interval for the
proposed equation is shown as the shaded area in
Fig. 4a. Equations from MacFarlane (1969) and

Fig. 4 Specific Gravity Correlations a Specific Gravity Vs. Water Content correlation, b Specific Gravity Vs. Organic Content
correlation and c Specific Gravity vs. both water content and organic content


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3325

Gs ¼  0:342  lnðwc Þ þ 3:7093 contribution in the organic soils classification. The

ð7Þ correlations can be used in the future, after further
: R2 ¼ 0:7006
research is carried out highlighting a new aspect for
where the value of wc is in percentage (%). The the liquid limit determination and its relation to the
specific gravity of organic soils is correlated to the organic soils properties.
organic content, as demonstrated by various research- Figure 5a shows the proposed correlation between
ers. Figure 4b illustrates the proposed correlation the liquid limit and the water content. Based on
between the specific gravity and the organic content, collected data from literature, the liquid limit is well
based on the data collected from literature in this study correlated to the water content for lower values (less
(Eq. 8). The 95% confidence interval around the trend than 500%). There are not enough data points for
line, the Kazemian et al. (2009) equation, and the higher values (higher than 500%), and there are some
extreme limits of Ladnava (1983) are presented in the points located outside the shaded area of the 95%
same figure. Comparing the collected data from confidence level. The proposed correlation to get the
literature with the extreme limits of Landva and la liquid limit of organic soils, based on the natural water
Rochelle (1983) yields many points outside these content wc, is presented in Eq. (10).
limits. Hence, the 95% confidence interval shaded area
is a more suitable representation for most of the wL ¼ 0:8106  wc þ 100:06 : R2 ¼ 0:6399
collected data. The proposed correlation and the ð10Þ
available correlations, reveal that the specific gravity
where the value of wc is in percentage (%). The
tends to be constant around 1.5 at high organic
correlation between the liquid limit and the organic
contents (for peaty soils).
content is depicted in Fig. 5b and stated in Eq. (11).
Gs ¼  0:422  lnðOCÞ þ 3:3875 The 95% confidence interval around the trend line is
ð8Þ shown as the shaded area in the same graph. For low
: R2 ¼ 0:8046
organic content smaller than 50%, there is a small
where the value of OC is in percentage (%). amount of scatter for the data points collected from the
Equations (7) and (8) reveal that the specific gravity of literature around the proposed trend line. While there
organic soils might be correlated to both the water is a large scatter around the tend line for the high
content and the organic content. Hence, one correla- organic content (higher than 50%), the majority of the
tion that combines both the water content and the data points are still located in the 95% shaded zone.
organic content in the same correlation, along with the
specific gravity, is presented in Fig. 4c and Eq. (9). wL ¼ 84:693 e0:0185 OC : R2 ¼ 0:5658 ð11Þ

Gs ¼ 2:8631  0:99476OC  w 0:035122 where the value of OC is in percentage (%). Despite

ð9Þ the high scattering of collected data for the liquid limit
: R2 ¼ 0:8243
correlation with the water content (Fig. 5a) and
where the value of wc and OC are in percentages (%). organic content (Fig. 5b), there is a good representa-
tion of the data when considering the 3D plot of the
4.4 Correlations of Liquid Limit (wL) with Water liquid limit as a function of the water content and the
Content and Organic Content organic content simultaneously, as shown in Fig. 5c
and stated in Eq. (12).
The liquid limit of organic soils is not considered
critical for classification or physical properties of this WL ¼ 2:5396  1:0053^OC  W^OC:8291
soils. In addition, it is difficult to determine the liquid : R2 ¼ 0:9054
limit of organic soils, due to the presence of fibers. where the value of wc and OC are in percentages (%).
However, there is much data available in literature for
the liquid limit for organic soils. In this study, the
liquid limit is correlated to the water content and
organic content based on the collected data from
literature despite the uncertainty of the liquid limit


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3326 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

Fig. 5 Liquid Limit

Correlations a Liquid Limit a
Vs. Water Content
correlation, b Liquid Limit
Vs. Organic Content
correlation and c Liquid
Limit vs. both water content
and organic content

5 Compressibility of Organic Soils argued that the organic soils exhibit tertiary consol-
idation after the secondary consolidation (Candler and
Organic soils are distinguished by their high com- Chartres 1988; Fox 1992; Kazemian et al. 2009).
pressibility, and they exhibit high volume changes However, this amount of compression can be
under loading (MacFarlane 1969; Kogure 1999; neglected because it generally takes place after the
O’Kelly 2015; Dehghanbanadaki 2017). Organics design life of structures (Dhowian and Edil 1980;
soils undergo large and rapid short term primary Hansbo 1991; Fox and Edil 1994). The different
consolidation (until the complete dissipation of the compressibility indices of organic soils, such as,
pore water pressure) and continuous long term compression index Cc, recompression index Cr,
secondary consolidation due to the particle compres- swelling index Cs, coefficient of consolidation Cv,
sions and the plastic yielding of the solids (Adams preconsolidation pressure Pc, and a secondary com-
1965; Macfralne 1969; Samson and La Rochelle 1972; pression index Ca, are discussed in the following
Kogure et al. 1993; Fox 2003; Govar 2007; O’Kelly paragraph.
2009; Long and Boylan 2015). Some researchers


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3327

5.1 Recompression index (Cr), Compression between the compression index Cc and the natural
Index (Cc) and Swelling Indices (Cs) water content wc, based on the data collected from
literature. The correlation is stated in Eq. 13. The
The recompression index Cr represents the soil trend shows an increase in the compression index Cc,
behavior under loading until the preconsolidation while the water content wc increases. This could be
pressure is achieved, which is the highest pressure the explained by the increasing compression due to the
soil has been subjected to throughout its history. Many large amount of pore water pressure dissipation at high
of the consolidation tests for organic soils do not show water contents. Figure 6a shows the 95% confidence
the recompression component in the e-log P’ curve interval concept which is shaded by the blue area. The
due to the small values of the preconsolidation area covers most of the data collected from literature.
pressure P’c and the sample disturbance (Barden The 95% confidence interval concept is verified using
1969; Berry 1983). However, the reported values for the previous correlations of MacFarlane (1969) and
the Cr/Cc ratio for organic soils range between 0.1 and Kogura and Ohira (1977). MacFarlane (1969) pre-
0.3, and this range is close to the range for clayey soils sented the boundaries of the compression index Cc and
(Ajlouni 2000; Abdel Kader 2010). water content relation. However, some of the data
The compression index Cc shows the soil deforma- points collected from more recent literature are located
tion behavior under increased applied loads to simu- outside MacFarlane (1969) boundaries, but they are
late new loads that the soil is expected to be exposed located in the shaded area of the proposed 95%
to. The compression index of organic soils is relatively confidence level.
high compared to the clayey soils, such that the Cc
Cc ¼ 0:0083  wc : R2 ¼ 0:906 ð13Þ
ranges between 0.5 and 18 for organics soils compared
to 0.2–0.8 for clay. (Lefebvre et al. 1984; Yamaguchi where the value of wc is in percentage (%). It is not
et al. 1985; Abdel Kader 2010; Ajlouni 2000). The common to correlate the compression index Cc with
relatively high Cc for organic soils is attributed to the the organic content OC, rather, it is usually correlated
high initial void ratio and water content. Cc is not with the water content directly. In this study, the
constant for organic soils and is dependent on the compression index Cc is correlated to the organic
applied consolidation pressure. Cc increases sharply in content OC as shown in Fig. 6b in order to check the
the normal consolidation range and then decreases effect of the organic content on the compression index.
after twice the preconsolidation pressure while The figure shows an increasing trend for the compres-
increasing the applied consolidation pressure (Yam- sion index Cc while increasing the organic content as
aguchi et al. 1985; Kogura et al. 1986; Mesri et al. the organic components are compressible. The corre-
1997; Santagata et al. 2008). lation is stated in Eq. (14).
The compression index Cc is correlated to the liquid
limit of clayey soils (Terzaghi and Peck 1967). It is Cc ¼ 0:0798  OC  1:0704 : R2 ¼ 0:5423
difficult to determine the liquid limit of organic soils ð14Þ
because of the presence of fibers, as well as the amount
where the value of OC is in percentage (%).
of intraparticle water, which may lead to incorrect
Figures (6a) and (7b) show that the compression
results. However, there are some correlations avail-
index is a function of both the water content wc and the
able in the literature for the compression index Cc as a
organic content OC. Figure 6c presents the proposed
function of the liquid limit wL (Hobbs 1986; Farrel
3D graph that shows the compression index Cc as a
et al. 1994; Al-Raziqi et al. 2003). Most of the
function of the water content wc and organic content
correlations available to determine the compression
Cc. The correlation is stated in Eq. (15) with a least
index Cc for organic soils are related to the natural
square error R2 value around 0.9.
water content and the initial void ratio. (MacFarlane
1969; Kogura and Ohira 1977). The correlation that Cc ¼ 0:5669  0:023  OC þ 0:0097  wc
combines the compression index and all other related ð15Þ
: R2 ¼ 0:8939
parameters such as water content wc, void ratio e, and
organic OC might be useful, and is presented in this where the value of wc and OC are in percentages (%).
study. Figure 6a presents the proposed correlation


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3328 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

Fig. 6 Compression Index

Cc Correlations a
a Compression index Cc Vs.
Water Content correlation,
b Compression index Cc Vs.
Organic Content correlation
and c Compression index Cc
vs. both water content and
organic content

Organic soils are distinguished by their high initial correlation and the 95% confidence level. The fig-
void ratio which can lead to a large deformation when ure shows a good agreement between the proposed
the soil is subjected to external loads. The compres- correlation with the 95% confidence level and the two
sion index is correlated to the void ratio as shown in boundaries of MacFarlane (1969).
Fig. 7 based on the data collected from literature. The
Cc ¼ 0:6318  e  1:0405 : R2 ¼ 0:9065
95% confidence interval is presented in the same graph
as a shaded area. The proposed correlation between ð16Þ
the compression index Cc and the void ratio e is where the value of e is represented as a ratio.
presented in Eq. (16). The previous correlation of Equations (13) to (16) show that the compression
MacFarlane (1969) between Cc and e is presented in index Cc is related to the water content wc, organic
Fig. 7 to determine the applicability of the proposed content OC, and void ratio e.


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3329

Fig. 7 Correlation between

compression index Cc and
Void Ratio e

Equation (17) states the proposed correlation hand, organic soils are distinguished by their high
between the compression index Cc and the three initial void ratio and permeability. Hence, the primary
parameters wc, OC, and e based on the collected data consolidation is rapid and may require only a few
from literature. The calculated least square error R2 for weeks or months to complete. The rapid primary
the equation is 0.99. consolidation of organic soils due to the decrease of
permeability while increasing the applied consolida-
Cc ¼ 0:01958  OC þ 0:0057063  wc
tion pressure is the main reason for the variable
þ 0:268193  e þ 0:27316 ð17Þ
coefficient of consolidation Cv (Lea and Brawner
: R2 ¼ 0:99
1963; Berry and Vickers 1975; Hansbo 1991; Mesri
where the value of wc and OC are in percentages (%) 1997). However, the log time method proposed by
whereas the value of e is a ratio. Casagrande and Fadum (1940) and the square root
The swelling (rebound) index Cs of organic soils is time method presented by Taylor (1942) is generally
determined in unloading stages by adding unloading/ used to determine Cv. Sanatagata et al. (2008)
reloading cycle in the consolidation test. There is not presented the variation of the coefficient of consoli-
much data in the literature for the swelling index Cs. dation Cv with changing the applied stress level for
The swelling index Cs is related to both the organic soft clay, muck peaty soils, and fibrous peaty soils, and
content and the preconsolidation pressures, such that confirmed the change of Cv with stress level for
high organic content and high preconsolidation pres- organic soils and the stability of Cv with stress level for
sure leads to a high swelling index and vise versa clayey soils. Moreover, the decrease in Cv while
(Lefebvre et al. 1984; Yamaguchi et al. 1985). The Cs/ increasing the stress level is greatly marked in soils
Cc for organic soils is reported between 0.1 and 0.3, with high organic content (Farrell et al. 1994). Oikawa
which is the same as clayey soils (Hobbs 1986; and Igarashi (1997), proposed an equation to calculate
Ajlouni 2000). the Cv directly without conducting the consolidation
test based on the initial water content and the applied
5.2 Coefficient of Consolidation (Cv) consolidation pressure.

According to Terzaghi et al. (1996), the coefficient of 5.3 Preconsolidation Pressure (Pc)
consolidation of clayey soils is almost constant while
increasing the applied consolidation pressure, as the Organic soils are generally characterized by their low
primary consolidation of clayey soils may take years preconsolidation pressure values due to the small unit
or even decades to complete. The long period required weight of organic soils, and their location close the
for the primary consolidation is due to the small ground surface. The main source of preconsolidation
hydraulic conductivity of clayey soils. On the other pressure for organic soil is the structure of the


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3330 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

composing planet. Other natural activities, such as Lechowicz 1994; Edil and Wang 2000). For amor-
drainage, age, and decomposition, may increase or phous organic soils, they exhibit low shear strength
decrease the Pc (Hobbs 1986; Ajlouni 2000). Based on properties from the apparent cohesion of the inorganic
the quality of the consolidation test to avoid disturbing component. Whereas, for the fibrous peat, they gain
the sample, the preconsolidation pressure is deter- strength from the friction resistance due to the fiber
mined using the same method as for the clayey soils. interaction such that the fibers act as reinforcement to
However, in many consolidation tests carried out on the soil sample. However, for the fibrous peat in the
organic soils, the point of maximum curvature in the loose state, the fibers do not interact together, and the
e-log p curve was not marked, and the determination corresponding shear strength is small like the amor-
of the preconsolidation pressure was difficult (Mesri phous peat (Arman 1969; Amaryan 1973; Landva
et al. 1997). The preconsolidation pressure of organic et al. 1983; Kazemian et al. 2012).
soils is correlated to the void ratio e (Ajlouni 2000; The main three shear strength parameters for
Kogure and Ohira 1977). The general trend shows a organic soils are the undrained cohesion cu, the
linear decrease of the preconsolidation pressure with effective cohesion c’, and the effective angle of
an increase in the void ratio. internal friction u’. The undrained cohesion cu is
better determined in the field by the full-flow
5.4 Secondary Compression Index (Ca) penetrometer test, the field vane test, and the cone
penetration test. Field vane tests are preferred over the
The primary consolidation of organic soils is rapid, cone penetration test by many researchers (MacFar-
large, and always occurs in the early stages of lane 1969; Landva and La Rochelle 1983; Huang
construction (Mesri et al. 1997; MacFarlane 1969). 1982; Ajlouni 2000). However, recent research prefers
Hence, the estimation of settlement due to the the full-flow penetrometer test as it does not disturb the
secondary consolidation of organic soil deposits is soil mass to the same extent as the field vane test and
important, as it occurs during the design life of the the cone penetration test (Boyaln 2011). The
structure (Ajlouni 2000). For mineral soils, Ca is undrained shear strength of organic soils is generally
generally related to Cc by the (Ca/Cc) concept. The small and is correlated to the effective overburden
same concept (Ca/Cc) is presented for organic soils pressure on site, or to the preconsolidation pressure
(Samson and La Rochelle 1972; Lefebvre, 1984; such that the cu/r’o ranges between 0.36 and 0.68
Jorgenson 1987; Mesri and Ajlouni 2007). The typical (Abdel Kader 2010). The effective strength parame-
range of Ca/Cc for mineral clayey soils is 0.02 ± 0.01 ters c0 and /’’ are determined using the lab tests such as
(Mesri 1997; Abdel Kader 2010). Whereas for organic the triaxial test and the direct shear test, which are the
soils the Ca/Cc range is 0.05 ± 0.01 (Mesri and two common lab tests for the shear strength determi-
Ajlouni 2007). The value of Ca of organic soils nation of organic soils. It is important to choose the
increases by increasing the applied consolidation appropriate test for determining the shear strength
pressure (Lea and Brawner 1963; Adam 1965; Barden parameters of organic soils based on the application.
1969). For most applications, such as for road embankments,
bearing capacity and dykes, the triaxial compression
test is the most reasonable test as it simulates the same
6 Shear Strength of Organic Soils conditions of these applications. Whereas for the slope
stability analysis, the direct shear test should be
The suitability of soil mass upon which an engineering adopted, as the failure plan is forced to be horizontal to
project should be rested on requires the determination simulate the horizontal part of the slope stability slip
of both the compressibility and the shear strength surface. O’Kelly (2017) presented a detailed review
properties. Organic soils are distinguished by their for the shear strength of fibrous peat and the recom-
high compressibility and low shear strength proper- mendations for the measurements and interpretations
ties. Both the compressibility and shear strength of shear strength properties.
properties are improved when those soils are subjected There are several trials to correlate the water
to a load, and the soil is consolidated (Lea and content and the organic content with the shear strength
Brawner 1963; Samson and la Rochelle 1972; parameters; however, as long as the fiber content and


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3331

the texture of fibers are not presented in the correla- small value of the undrained shear strength is the main
tions, these correlations should only be used as reason for the lateral spreading failure mechanism for
guidance in the preliminary design stage of the project. embankments (Ajlouni 2000).

6.1 Undrained Cohesion cu 6.2 Effective Cohesion c0

The undrained cohesion of organic soils is better to Organic soils are distinguished by their small cohesion
determine by in-situ testing. MacFarlane 1969 corre- values. The triaxial compression and the direct shear
lated the measured undrained cohesion cu using the test are the two most commonly used lab tests for
field vane testing with the water content. There are no determining the effective shear strength parameters.
earlier trials which correlated the undrained cohesion The Consolidated Undrained CU test is the most
cu with the organic content. The data available in the suitable test for the organic soils. The organic soils
literature for measuring undrained cohesion and the behavior starts as drained behavior at very small
organic content are not adequate for a good correla- stresses due to the high initial void ratio and perme-
tions, as the available data only covers the high ability, but while the load increases, the behavior
organic content. rapidly transfers to the undrained behavior when the
Figure 8 shows the effect of the water content and soil consolidates (Dhowian and Edil 1980; Edil et al.
the high organic content on the undrained cohesion of 1991, 1994). In this section, the correlations between
the organic soil. The figure demonstrates a decreasing the effective cohesion c0 , the water content, and the
trend for the undrained cohesion while increasing the organic content are presented.
water content. The same trend is observed by many The effect of both the water content and the organic
researchers (Wyld 1965; MacFarlane 1969; O’Kelly content on the effective cohesion of organic soils,
2017). In contrast, the undrained cohesion increases based on the data available in the literature, is
while increasing the organic content. The deduced presented in Fig. 9. There is not much data in the
correlations shown on the figure exhibit high scatter literature for the effective cohesion at small organic
and a small least square error value. The figure reveals content. The effective cohesion generally decreases
that the undrained shear strength parameter of the while the water content increases, as the water
organic soils is small and ranges between 2 and surrounds the particles and decreases the particle
15 kPa, which is much smaller than the undrained cohesion. Based on the available data for the effective
cohesion of the soft clay (20 kPa to 40 kPa). This cohesion at the high organic content, Fig. 9 shows that

Fig. 8 Effect of water

content and the organic
content on the undrained
shear strength of the organic


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3332 Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336

Fig. 9 Effect of water

content and the organic
content on the effective
cohesion of the organic soils

the effective cohesion is increasing while the organic 6.3 Effective angle of shearing resistance /
content increases. Figure 9 shows that, the effective
cohesion of organic soil is generally decreasing as The two main shear strength parameters are the
more water is added, and increases as more organic effective cohesion c0 and the effective angle of
matters are added. The presence of fibres in the shearing resistance u’. The main source of the induced
organic soils would affect both the undrained cohesion /’ in organic soils is the fiber interactions among each
and the effective cohesion. Hence, the fibre content other, or with minerals, and that explains why the /’ is
and the fibre texture would greatly affect the cohesion small at small strains. There are many trials to
(undrained or effective). correlate the effective angle of shearing resistance /’
with water content, but the range is very wide. Landva
(1980) stated that there is no reliable empirical
relationship that has been developed yet for organic
soils shear strength. A trend lines for the effect of the

Fig. 10 Effect of water

content and the organic
content on the effective
angle of shearing resistance
of the organic soils


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Geotech Geol Eng (2021) 39:3315–3336 3333

water content and the organic content on the effective the shear strength parameters as a function of water or
angle of internal friction are presented in Fig. 10, organic contents without considering the presence of
based on the available data from the literature. The fibres and their textures. However, the undrained shear
figure reveals that the effective angle of shearing strength parameter Cu and the effective cohesion c’
resistance increases while both the water content and show a decreasing trend while the water content
the organic content increases. This could be attributed increases. Generally, organic soils’ cohesion is small
to the high fibre content at high water content. The data and ranges between 2 and 14 kPa for both the drained
available in the literature are not enough to establish a and undrained conditions.
correlation between the water content and the effective
angle of shearing resistance, or for the organic content Acknowledgements This work was supported by an NSERC
CRD (Grant # 11R77115) to Drs. Dharma Wijewickreme and
and the effective angle of shearing resistance.
Sumi Siddiqua. The authors would like to thank TransCanada
and ConeTec for providing funding, samples and/or in-kind
support for this research.
7 Conclusions

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