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Air Conditioning Compressor Oil: Pag, Pao and Poe Oils

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Oil plays an important role in the air-conditioning system,

no matter whether it's required when the compressor is replaced or for
refilling during the air-conditioning service. Like blood in the human body,
the oil fulfills vital tasks in the air-conditioning system.
The use of high-grade compressor oil is therefore critical for the reliable
and continuous operation of the system. The use of low-quality or even the
wrong oil – just like with the engine – leads to increased wear, premature
compressor failure, and loss of warranty/guarantee.

Using the wrong oil can cause damage. Vehicle and manufacturer-specific information
must therefore be observed accordingly.


Product characteristics Advantages/Effect

➔➔ Fully synthetic, hygroscopic oils based on polyalkylene glycol ➔➔ PAG oils are highly miscible with R134a (PAG oils 46 YF and
➔➔ Used by many vehicle and compressor manufacturers for 100 YF also with R1234yf) and are suitable for lubricating the
air-conditioning systems intended for the refrigerant R134a, air conditioning systems of most passenger and commercial
this oil is available in a variety of viscosities vehicles.
➔➔ New special PAG oils 46 YF and 100 YF, both suitable for ➔➔ The choice of the right viscosity is crucial when using PAG oils
refrigerants R1234yf or 134a (PAG 46, PAG 100, PAG 150). The vehicle manufacturer’s
specifications and approved products should be observed.
Additional details
The disadvantage of PAG oils is that they are hygroscopic, i.e. they
absorb and bind moisture from the ambient air. This is why opened
oil containers must be resealed immediately and the residual oil
only has a limited shelf life. This is particularly important for the
fresh oil containers at the air conditioning service unit.

Now also available

New PAG Oil SP-A2 from SANDEN for special, electrical SANDEN compressors.
Article number 8FX 351 213-141. 02 | 03

Product characteristics Additional details

➔➔ Not hygroscopic: unlike other oils they do not absorb moisture Is PAO Oil 68 compatible with other oils?
from the air ➔➔ PAO Oil 68 doesn't have any harmful effects on fluoroelastomer
➔➔ Can also replace the different PAG oils currently used (observe materials, such as hoses.
usage overview!): You now only need to stockpile one oil ➔➔ Since PAO Oil 68 is compatible with many other lubricants and
instead of three refrigerants, PAO Oil 68 can be used both for refilling and to
➔➔ Has already been successfully used for over 15 years replace the whole system oil capacity. Due to the independent
➔➔ Contributes to an increase in air conditioning performance molecular structure and density, PAO Oil 68 mixes to a certain
➔➔ No adverse effects on components of the air conditioning cycle extent with other oils, but separates from them again when it
(also applies to use in air conditioning service stations / "comes to rest", and does not enter into a longer-term
confirmed by manufacturer using the sealed tube test compliant compound.
with the ASHRAE 97 standard) ➔➔ This guarantees that the necessary viscosity of the oils is
➔➔ This oil is available with (PAO oil 68 Plus UV) or without maintained and there is no change in the overall viscosity (see
(PAO oil 68) an added contrast agent Figs 1 and 2).
➔➔ Using PAO oil 68 and PAO oil 68 Plus UV in compressors from
Behr Hella Service maintains your full warranty entitlement. The clear version of PAO oil 68 (without leak detecting
agent) is also suitable for use with R1234yf and approved
for use in electrical compressors in hybrid vehicles.
PAO Oil 68
➔➔ Only a little oil circulates in the system because it combines
only slightly with the refrigerant
➔➔ As much as possible remains in the compressor – where the
oil is needed
➔➔ The oil film inside the components makes for a better seal and
reduces friction between the moving parts of the compressor
➔➔ Lower operating temperature and wear
➔➔ This increases operational reliability and reduces noise, cycle
times and the compressor’s energy consumption

PAO Oil 68 Plus UV

➔➔ The same positive characteristics as PAO oil 68
➔➔ In addition, it incorporates a highly effective contrast agent for
UV leak detection
➔➔ Low percentage volume concentration of the contrast agent
with the following advantages: preserves the oil’s positive
properties and avoids negative effects on system components
or servicing equipment
➔➔ Suitable for use as the sole oil for filling the entire system, with
no negative effects
How was PAO Oil 68 Plus UV tested? Special features and properties?
➔➔ PAO oil 68 Plus UV has been tested by the manufacturer and by ➔➔ No risk of oil collecting in the evaporator and the associated
independent institutes. For example, its chemical stability was deterioration in cooling performance
established using the “sealed tube test” in compliance with the ➔➔ An oil film in the components improves the seal
ASHRAE 97 standard. This test evaluates the interaction between ➔➔ Reduction of the friction between the components
the refrigerant, the refrigerant oil, the various O-ring materials ➔➔ Reduced energy consumption of the compressor
and the metals that are used in air conditioning systems. ➔➔ Unique combination of highly refined, synthetic oil and special
➔➔ All the tests showed a positive result, confirming that negative performance-enhancing additives
effects on components in the vehicle air-conditioning system ➔➔ Very large operating temperature range (–68 to 315°C)
or the air-conditioning service station can be excluded. PAO oil ➔➔ Low Vol %-concentration of the highly active contrast agent
68 Plus UV can thus be filled directly into a component such as PAO Oil 68 Plus UV, which means protection and reduced wear
a compressor, or introduced into the refrigerant circuit by the of the system components and service units
air-conditioning service station.

Can PAO Oil 68 be used where there are

humidity problems?
➔➔ PAO-Oil 68 is not hygroscopic, i.e. unlike other oils, it does not
absorb moisture from the ambient air. This means that
humidity-related problems, e.g. icing on components or the
formation of acids, can be combated simply by using PAO Oil
68. The range of possible applications and
the storage stability of PAO Oil 68 are both much greater than
for conventional oils.

PAG and PAO Oil 68 mixed PAG and PAO Oil 68 separated

PAO Oil 68

04 | 05

Product characteristics Advantages/Effect

Electric air conditioning compressors in hybrid vehicles are ➔➔ Can be used on all hybrid vehicles with electrical compressor
powered by an internal electric motor that operates in the high that are filled with POE Oil at the factory.
voltage range. The compressor oil in these compressors comes ➔➔ Bottled in "spotgun" cartridges, which gives it maximum
into contact with the electric motor coil, amongst other things. As protection against moisture (Problem: POE Oil is hygroscopic).
such, it has to satisfy particular requirements:
➔➔ It must not have any adverse effect on the materials used in
the compressor.
➔➔ It must be resistant to electrical short circuits to a certain

The POE Oil offered by Behr Hella Service satisfies these

Additional details
➔➔ Using the spotgun (cartridge press), it can either be filled
directly into the system (with the aid of an adapter hose with
low-pressure connection) or into the oil tank on the air-
conditioning service unit
➔➔ Spotgun cartridge 120 ml
➔➔ Each individual cartridge is sealed in an aluminium sachet
➔➔ The aluminIum bag also contains a smaller bag with desiccant
(drying pellets) to optimally protect the oil against moisture.


Type of oil Application Remark

PAG Oils Different grades of PAG Oil with different flow properties (viscosities) are available for Standard PAG Oils are not
for refrigerant R134a use with refrigerant R134a. suitable for refrigerant R1234yf
As PAG Oils are hygroscopic, cans do not have a long shelf life once opened. or for electrically powered air
conditioning compressors

PAG Oil YF Different PAG oils with different flow properties (viscosities) are still available for use PAG oil YF is suitable for both of
for refrigerant R1234yf with refrigerant R1234yf. the refrigerants R1234yf and
What makes these PAG oils from Behr Hella Service so special, is that they are not only R134a
suitable for use with R1234yf, but can also be used with the refrigerant R134a.
As PAG Oils are hygroscopic, cans do not have a long shelf life once opened.

PAG Oil SP-A2 For use in electrical compressors, e.g. those manufactured by SANDEN,
for refrigerant R1234yf VISTEON and HANON.
and R134a

PAO Oil Can be used as an alternative to the various PAG oils that are offered for R134a (has the PAO oil AA1 clear version
for refrigerant R134a, to advantage of not being hygroscopic, i.e. unlike other oils, it does not absorb moisture (without leak detecting
some extent for from the ambient air). agent) can also be used
refrigerant R1234yf and The 2 different grades of PAO Oil that Behr Hella Service offers (AA1 and AA3) can with the new refrigerant
other refrigerants be used in conjunction with numerous different refrigerants (see product overview). R1234yf and also in
compressors in hybrid

POE Oils Can be used on all hybrid vehicles with electrical compressor that are filled with POE Oil Not suitable for refrigerant
for refrigerant R134a at the factory (some electrically powered compressors for hybrid vehicles are also filled R1234yf
with special PAG Oil at the factory).

06 | 07

compressor types
Can be used for

Can be used for

Can be used for

Viscosity Class
Part number


8FX 351 213-031 PAG Oil ISO 46 240 ml R134a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-041 PAG Oil ISO 150 240 ml R134a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-051 PAG Oil ISO 100 240 ml R134a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-061 PAG oil ISO 46 240 ml R134a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
Spotgun with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
cartridge engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-071 PAG oil ISO 150 240 ml R134a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
Spotgun with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
cartridge engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-081 PAG oil ISO 100 240 ml R134a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
Spotgun with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
cartridge engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-111 POE Oil ISO 46 120 ml R134a Air conditioning systems in Electrically driven
spotgun hybrid vehicles compressors

8FX 351 213-121 PAG Oil YF ISO 46 240 ml R1234yf; Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
R134a with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 213-131 PAG Oil YF ISO 100 240 ml R1234yf; Air-conditioning systems in vehicles All compressor types
R134a with conventional gasoline or diesel except electrically driven
engines (passenger cars, trucks, compressors
agricultural and construction
compressor types
Can be used for

Can be used for

Can be used for

Viscosity Class
Part number


8FX 351 213-141 PAG Oil ISO 46 250 ml R1234yf; Air-conditioning systems in vehicles Electrical compressors
SP-A2 R134a with hybrid drive or fully electric e.g. manufactured by
vehicles SANDEN,

8FX 351 214-021 PAO AA1 ISO 68 1,000 ml R1234yf; Air-conditioning systems in vehicles
clear version R134a; with conventional gasoline or diesel
R413a; R22; engines (passenger cars, trucks,
R12; R507a; agricultural and construction All compressor types
8FX 351 214-031 PAO AA1 ISO 68 500 ml R500; R502 (including electrically
clear version vehicles)
driven compressors)
Air conditioning systems in
except vane compressors
hybrid vehicles
8FX 351 214-101 PAO AA1 ISO 68 5,000 ml
clear version Air-conditioning systems in
refrigerated trucks

8FX 351 214-201 PAO AA1 ISO 68 500 ml R134a;

PLUS UV R413a; R22; Air-conditioning systems in vehicles
R12; R507a; with conventional gasoline or diesel
R500; R502 engines (passenger cars, trucks,
8FX 351 214-211 PAO AA1 ISO 68 1,000ml agricultural and construction All compressor types
PLUS UV vehicles) except vane compressors
Air-conditioning systems in
8FX 351 214-221 PAO AA1 ISO 68 5,000 ml refrigerated trucks

8FX 351 214-081 PAO AA3 ISO 100 1,000ml R1234yf; Air-conditioning systems in vehicles Especially for vane
clear version R134a; R413a with conventional gasoline or diesel compressors
engines (passenger cars, trucks,
agricultural and construction

8FX 351 214-281 PAO AA3 ISO 100 1,000ml R134a; R413a Air-conditioning systems in vehicles Especially for vane
PLUS UV with conventional gasoline or diesel compressors
engines (passenger cars, trucks,
agricultural and construction

08 | 09

Compressor type

Viscosity Class

Part number


PAG Oil (can) Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a PAG I (ISO 46) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-031

Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a PAG II (ISO 100) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-051

Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a PAG III (ISO 150) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-041

PAG Oil Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a PAG I (ISO 46) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-061
(spotgun systems*
Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a PAG II (ISO 100) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-081

Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a PAG III (ISO 150) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-071

PAG Oil YF Vehicle air conditioning All types** R1234yf, PAG I (ISO 46) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-121
systems* R134a

Vehicle air conditioning All types** R1234yf, PAG II (ISO 100) 240 ml 8FX 351 213-131
systems* R134a

PAG Oil SP-A2 Hybrid vehicles / electric Electric R1234yf; PAG (ISO 46) 250 ml 8FX 351 213-141
vehicles compressors R134a

PAO Oil 68 Vehicle air conditioning All types R1234yf, AA1 (ISO 68) 500 ml 8FX 351 214-031
systems* (except impeller R134a, AA1 (ISO 68) 1.0 l 8FX 351 214-021
type) R413a, AA1 (ISO 68) 5.0 l 8FX 351 214-101

Hybrid vehicles Electric R1234yf,

compressors R134a

Refrigerator trucks Piston R1234yf

(fresh product vehicles) compressors** R134a,

Refrigerator trucks Piston R507a,

(frozen product vehicles) compressors** R502,

Vehicle air conditioning Impeller-type R134a, AA3 (ISO 100) 1.0 l 8FX 351 214-081
systems* compressors** R413a

PAO Oil 68 Plus UV Vehicle air conditioning All types** R134a, AA1 (ISO 68) 500 ml 8FX 351 214-201
systems* (except impeller R413a, AA1 (ISO 68) 1.0 l 8FX 351 214-211
type) R22 AA1 (ISO 68) 5.0 l 8FX 351 214-221

Refrigerator trucks Piston R134a,

(fresh product vehicles) compressors** R507a,

Refrigerator trucks Piston R507a,

(frozen product vehicles) compressors** R502,

Vehicle air conditioning Impeller-type R134a, AA3 (ISO 100) 1,0 l 8FX 351 214-281
systems* compressors** R413a

POE Oils Hybrid vehicles Electric R134a 120 ml 8FX 351 213-111

* Passenger cars, trucks, agricultural and construction machinery

** Except electric compressors

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Sales and further information:

HELLA Asia Singapore Pte Ltd

Regional Headquarters Asia Pacific
Independent Aftermarket
2 International Business Park
#02-12 The Strategy
Singapore 609930
Tel: +65 6854 7300
Fax: +65 6854 7302

© BEHR HELLA SERVICE GmbH, Schwäbisch Hall


Subject to technical and price modifications

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